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Amend 2 to License 24-17152-01 for Envirodyne Engineers
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/23/1979
Shared Package
ML20132C631 List:
FOIA-96-314 24-17152-01, 24-17152-1, NUDOCS 9702070279
Download: ML20134F105 (3)


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age 1 of >


. MATERIALS LICFNSF. .k smendment No. 02 Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and '

'ntle 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 30, 31, 32,33,34,35,36,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and I representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the reguimilons of the applicable Part(s); and to import such byproduct and source material. This license shall be A-me d to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, reguia-tions and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commi.,sion now or hereafter in effect and ny conditions specified below.

Licensee In accord ce with application dated

1. Envirodyne Fngineers
3. License rumber 24-17152-01 is amended in its entirety to read as follows:
2. 12161 I.ackland Road St. Louis, Missouri 63141
4. Expiration date Feptemoer 30, 1931 5.
6. Byproduct, source, and/or 7. Chemical %ohhea7f., , 8. Maximum amount that licensee special nuclear material for @

s i\ M may possess at any one time (Qn p.

under this license A. Mictel-63 d Souf A. No single source to Psckcrd Mc d 14 1 A exceed !$ millicuries Detector C ell i l

a M. Nickel-63 83 . Foil Source (Tracor *'odel T. . No single source to 113n27-3200 !atector Cell) exceed 15 millicuries C. Nickel-63 C. Foil Source (Varian Instre- C. No single source to ment Company '4odel 01-001208- exceed 10 tillicuries 00 f*tector cell)

9. Authorized use A.. B., and C. To he used in gas chromatographs for saamle analysis.


10. Licensed anterial shall be used oniv at the licensee's address stated in Iter 2 above.

9702070279 970204 PDR FOIA NEITZEL96-314 PDR

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a ronu Nac 2744 3. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIC Page 2 of _ Pages; MATERIAIS LICENSE Supplementary Sheet License Number 24-17152 a Docket or Reference No.

Continued Fros Page 1 Amendmert No. 02 COTDITIO!4S

11. The licensee shall comply with the provisions of Title 19 Chapter 1, Code of  ;

Federal Regulations, Part 19, "Motices, instructions and Peports to Werkers; '

Inspections" and Part 20, " Standards for Protection Against Radiation."


, 12. Licensed material shall be used by. or under the supervisien of D. C. Vennedy, l F. T. Manroer, or C. A. Maru,mr.

13. A. Each chromatograph detector containing !!ickel 63 shall be tested f or leawace l sadfor contamination at intervals not to exceed eix months. In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a test has been made uitbin six months prior to the transfer, a detector received from another person shall be put lato use until tested.

3 The test shall be capable of deteccine the pret ence of 0.005 microcurie of radioactive material on the rest saucle. The test sample shall be taken irm.

the surf aces of the device in whieb the foil is ,munted or stored c:a whieb o;e l

nicht expect contamination to accumulate. Pecordc of leai test results .P.c t 1 be kept in units of microcuries and asintained for inspection by the Cmaiss b+.

C. If the test reveels the presence of 0.0l 5 microcurie or ocre of renovable contacination, the licensee shall immediately withdrav the foil fron une and shall cause it to he decontaminated and repai red or to be disposed of in accordance with Consiasion rerJ1stions. A report shall be filed within J dayJ of the test with the Regional Of fice of Inspection sad Enforcement, U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Comriasion, 799 Aoosevelt Sond, Clen Filyn, Illinoin 60137, i I

describing the equipment involved, the test results, and the corrective nction taken.

C. Tests for leakage and/or contamination shall be performed by the licensee or by other persons specifically authorized by the Coe-ission or an Agreerent State to perform such services. _

l 14 In lieu of using the conventional radiation caution colors (msgenta or purple on  ;

yellow background) as provided in Section 20.293(a)(1), Title 10, Code of Federal  ;

Perulations, Part 20, the licensee is hereby authorized to label detector cells  !

and cell baths, containing licensed material and used in gan chronatography devices, with conspicuocsiv etched or stamped radiation caution symbola without a color requirement.

15 Detector cella containing licensed naterial shall not bc opened by the licensee.



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rbanse suc. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIC Page 3 of i Pages N 70 0- MATERIALS LICENSE Supplementary Sheet License Number 24-17152-:1  ;

Docket or Reference No. ,

Continued From l' age 2 Amendment 'lo. U2 CONDITIOR ,

1 16 v aintenance, reptir, cleaning, replaceaent and dispoeni of teils contained in l

i detector cells shs11 he perf ormed only 57 y the device manuf acturer or other persons specifically authorized tv the Coc::nission or an e:recrent State to perfore such i services.


17. Except as otherwise specified in this license, "hc licensee shall have availe'. ale and follow the ipstructions contained in the tunuf acturer's instruction p.anival for ]

the chromatography device.

10. The licensee shall conduct a physical inventory every 6 months to account for all sealed sources received anci poonessed unler the licensa. The records of tbc inventories chall he esintained for two years from the date of the inventory f<>r insnection by the Cormission, and shall include the avantities end Linds of hyproduct waterial, location of sealad sources, and the date of tlc inventore.

l') . f.s ec o t as rpecifically provided otherwise by this 1.ic ens e , rbe licensen 9 411 possess and use licensed noterial described in I tets I.: . 7, and d at this lic e n m.-

iri .icccrdarce with statemente, representations, and nrocedures contai<ied in apolication dated January 1, 1979.

For the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SidG3I 3h* 1 l eB 2co 197g agen 'i""*,I"'*"

u. o t F#8"#  ;

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Date by I Dwesion of Fuel Cycle and l Material Safety l

@ )7 g Washington, D.C. 20555 i
