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Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for First & Second Quarters,1986
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1986
From: Capstick R
To: Murley T
FVY-86-79, NUDOCS 8801260087
Download: ML20148E685 (24)



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i Vermont Yankee Effluent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Report First and Second Quarters 1986 i

Caseous Ef fluents - Summation of All Releases 4

Unit Quarter Quarter. Est. Total 1 2 Error. %

A. Fission and Activation Cases

1. Total release Ci <7.78E+02 <7.86E+02 1.00E+02 .
2. Average release rate for period uCi/see <9.89E+01 <1.00E+02 ,
3. Percent of Tech. Spec. limit (1)(4) % <2.80E+00 <2.90E+00 [

B. Iodines

1. Total Iodine-131 Ci <2.18E-04 2.54E-05 t5.00E+01
2. Average release rate for period uCi/see <2.78E-05 3.23E-06
3. Percent of Tech. Spec, limit (2)(4) % 9.71E-03 1.12E-02 C. Particulates
1. Particulates with T-1/2 > 8 days Cl 1.11E-03 9.54E-04 t5.00E+01
2. Average release rate for period uCi/sec 1.41E-04 1.21E-04
3. Percent of Tech. Spec. limit  % (3) (3) ,
4. Cross alpha radioactivity Ci <7.64E-07 <1.75E-06 D. Tritium
1. Total release Ci 4.28E-01 3.20E-01 t5.00E+01
2. Average release ra*.e for period uti/sec 5.45E-02 4.07E-02
3. Percent of Tech. Spec. limit  % (3) (3) s (1) Technical Specification 3.8.F.1.a for gamma air dose. Percent values for Technical Specification 3.8.F.1.a for beta air dose are approximately the same.

(2) Technical Specification 3.8.C.1 for dose from 1-131, 1-133, Tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form.


) (3) Per Technical Specification 3.8.G 1, dose contribution from Tritium and  !

particulates are included with 1-131 above in part B. ,

1 (4) The first and second quarter percent of Technical Specification limits are L

based on conservative plant quarterly dose determinations.

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Vermont Yankee Effluent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Report First and Second Quarters._1986 Caseous Effluents - Elevated Release Continuous Mode Batch Mode (l)

Nuclides Released Unit Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 1 2 1 2

1. Fission Cases Krypton-85 Ci (2) (2)

Krypton-85m Ci (10) (10)

Krypton-87 Ci (11) (11)

Krypton-88 Ci (12) (12)

Xenon-133 Ci <7.78E+02 <7.86E+02 Ienon-135 Ci (13) (13) '

Ienon-135m Ci (3) (3)

Xenon-138 C1 (14) (14)

Cl Unidentified Ci Total for period Ci <7.78E+02 <7.86E+02

2. Iodines Iodine-131 C1 (4) 2.54E-05 Iodine-133 C1 (15) (15)

Iodine-135 Ci (16) (16)

, Total for period C1 (4) 2.54E-05

3. Particulates Strontium-89 Ci (5) (5)

Strontium-90 C1 (6) (6)

Cesium-134 Ci (7) (7)

Cesium-137 C1 (8) 5.66E-05

, Barium-Lanthanum-140 Ci (9) (9)

_ Manganese-54 C1 1.18E-05 3.75E-05 Cobalt-60 Ci 6.56E-04 6.95E-04 Zine-65 Ci 4.41E-04 1.65E-04

~ Unidentified Ci (1) There were no batch mode gaseous releases for this reporting period. *

(2) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability $ 6.97E-07 uCi/cc. j (3) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit. of detectability 5 2. 54E-07 uCi/ce . l (4) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability i 1.15E-15 uCi/cc.

(5) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability 14.39E- 15 uCi/cc.

(6) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability s 5.35E-16 uCi/cc.

(7) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability 1 1. 42E- 13 uCi/cc .

4 (8) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability 5 1. 80E- 13 uCi/cc .

(9) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability 1 5.19E-13 uCi/cc.

(10) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability 5 1.63E-07 uCi/cc.

(11) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability 1 6.07E-07 uCi/cc. i (12) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability 1 5.09E-07 uCL/cc.  ;

(13) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability 1 2.81E-07 uCi/cc.

(14) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability 1 2.47E-06 uCi/cc.

(15) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of det ectability 5 2.48E-12 uCi/cc .

(16) Not detected in the off-gas mix. Limit of detectability < 2.03E-11 uCi/cc.


_ m TABLE IC Vet,nont Yankee l

' Effluent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Report First and Second Quarters. 1986 Caseous Effluents - Ground Level Releases .

There were no routine measured ground level _ continuous or batch mode gaseous releases during the first or second quarters of 1986.





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Vermont Yankee Effluent and_ Waste Disposal Semiannual Report ,

First and Second Quarters. 1986 C Caseous Effluents - Nonroutine Releases .

t There were no noncoutine or accidental gaseous releases during the first or second a quarters of 1986.


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TABLE 2d Vermont Yankee Effluent and Waste Disposal Semlannual Report First and Second Quarters. 1986

-i Liquid Effluents - Nonroutine Releases  ;

There were no liquid releases during the first or second quarters of 1986, t

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, a TABLE 2B  !

a Verinont Yankee Effluent and kaste Disposal Semiannual Report First and Second Quarters. 1986 a,

Liquid Effluents - Montoutine Releases a.

s There were no noncoutine or accidental releases during the first or second quarters-of 1986.

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s TABLE 3 Vermont Yankee Effluent and Weste Disposal Semiannual Report a First and Second Quarters, 1986 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments A. Solid Waste Shipped Off-Site for Burial or Disposal (Not Irradiated Fuel)

Unit 6-Month Est. Total Period Error, %

1. Type of Waste
a. Spent resins, filter sludges, evaporator m3 2.93E+01 bottoms, etc. Ci 1.78E+02 17.50E+01 i
b. Dry compressible waste, contaminated m3 2.26E+02 equipment, etc. C1 1.06E+01 17.50E+01
c. Irradiated components, control rods, m3 etc. C1
2. Estimate of Major Nuclide Composition (By Type of Waste)
a. Zine-65  % 4.75E+01 b. Cesium-137  % 3.79E+01 Cobalt-60  % 2.55E+01 Cobalt-60  % 3.48E+01 Cesium-137  % 1.56E+01 Zine-65  % 1.29E+01 Manganese-54  % 8.93E+00 Manganese-54  % 4.67E+00 1

[ Cobalt-58  % 7.10E-01 Cesium-134  % 2.87E+00


Nickel-63  % 4.20E-01 Plutonium-241  % 2.61E+00 Cesium-134  % 3.90E-01 Cobalt-58  % 1.64E+00

% Hydrogen-3  % 9.70E-01 ,


% Zirconium-95  % 7.30E-01



[  %  %

3. Solid Waste Disposition Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination 15 Truck Barnwell, SC B. Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Disposition): None C. Supplemental information
1) Class of solid waste containers shipped: 8A (unstable), 7B j
2) Types of containers t:ced: 6 Type A, 1 Type B, and 8 LSA
3) Solidification agent or absorbent: None L

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APPENDIX A EFFLUENT'aND WASTE DISPOSAL SEMIANNUAL REPORT Supplemental Information First and Second Quarters, 1986 Facility: Vermont-Yankee Nuclear Power Station Licensee: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation 1A. Technical Specification Limits - Dose and Dose Rate Technical Spec 4ficalion and Cater,ory Limit

a. Noble Gases 3.8.E.1 Total body dose rate 500 mrom/yr 3.8.E.1 Skin dose rate -3000 mrem /yr 3.8.F.1 Gamma air dose 5 mrad in a quarter 3.8.F.1 Gamma air doce  :.0 mrad in a year 3.8.F.1 Beta air dose 10 mead in a quarter 3.8.F.1 Beta air dose 20 mead in a year
b. Iodine-1?1 Iodine-133. Tritium and Radionuclides i'i Particulate Form With Half-Lives Greater Than 8 Days 3.8.E.1 Organ dose rate 1500 meem/yr 3.8.G.1 Organ dose 7.5 meem in a quarter 3.8.G.1 Organ done 15 meem in a year
c. Liquids 3.8.B.1 Total body dose 1.5 mrom in a quarter 3.8.B.1 Total body dose 3 mrem in a year 3.8.B.1 Organ dose 5 mrem in a quarter 3.8.B.1 Organ dose 10 mrem in a year A-1 w



.s 2A. ' Technical Specification Limit's - Concentration Technical Specification and Category Limit

a. Noble ~ Gases No MFC limits
b. Iodine-131. Iodine-133. Tritium and Radionuclides in Particulate Form With Half-Lives Greater Than 8 Days: No MPC limits
c. Liquids 3.8.A.1 Total fraction of MPC excluding noble gases (10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2): $1.0 3.8.A.1 Total noble gas concentration: $2E-04 uCL/cc
3. Average Energy Provided below are the average energy (E) of the radionuclide mixture in releases of fission and activation gases, if applicable.
a. Average gamma energy: 3rd Quarter 3.00E-03 MeV/ dis 4th Quarter 3.00E-03 HeV/ dis
b. Average beta energy: Not Applicable 4 Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity Provided below are the methods used to measure or approximate the total radioactivity in ef fluents and the methods used to determine radionuclide composition.




a. Fission and Activation Gases Daily samples are drawn at the discharge of the air ejector.

Isotopic breakdown of the releases are determined from these samples. A logarithmic chart of the stack gar monitor is read daily to determine the gross release rate. At the very low release rates normally encountered during operation with the augmented of f-gas systen the error of release rates may be approximately 1100 percent.

b. Iodines Continuous isokinetic samples are drawn from the plant stack through a particulate filter and charcoal cartridge. The filters and cartridge are removed weekly (if releases are less than 4 percent of the Tech Spec limit), or daily (if they are greater than 4 percent of the limit), and are analyzed for radiolodine 131, 132, 133, 134, and 135. The lodines found on the filter are added.

to those on the charcoal cartridge. The error involved in these steps may be approximately 150 percent.

c. Particulates The particulate filters } ascribed in b. above are also counted for particulate radioactivity. The error involved in this sample is also approximately 150 percent.
d. Liquid Effluents Radioactive liquid effluents released from the facility are continuously monitored. Measurements are also made on a representative sample of each batch of radioactive liquid effluents released. For each batch, station records are retained of the total activity (mci) released, concentration (uci/ml) of gross l


4 radioactivity, volume (litsrs), and approximate total quantity of

. water (liters) used to dilute the liquid effluent prior to release to the Connecticut River.

Each batch of radioactive liquid effluent released is analyzed for gross gamma and gamma isotopic radioactivity. A monthly proportional composite sample, comprising an aliquot of each batch released during a month, is also analyzed for tritium, SR-89, SR-90, gross beta and gross alpha radioactivity, in addition to gamma spectroscopy.

There were no liquid releases during the reporting period.

5. Batch Releases
a. Liquid There were no routine liquid batch releases during the reporting period,
b. Gaseous There wete no routine gaseous batch releases during the reporting period.
6. Abnormal Releases
a. Liquid There were no nonroutine liquid releases during the reporting period.
b. Gaseous There were no nonroutine gaseous releases during the reporting period.


e APPENDIX B LIQUID HOLDUP TANKS Rcquirement': Technical Specification 3.8.D.1 limits the quantity of radioactive material contained in any outside tank. With the quantity of radioactive raterial in any outside tank exceeding' the limits of Technical Specificallon 3.8.D.1, a description of the events leading to this condition is required in the next Semiannual Effluent Release Report per Technical Specification 6.7.C.1.

Response: The limits of Technical Specification 3.8.D.1 were not exceeded during this reporting period.



-Requirement: Radioactive liquid ef fluent monitoring instrumentation channels are required to be operable in accordance with Technical Specification Table 3.9.1. If an inoperable radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrument is not returned to operable status prior to a release pursuant to Note 4 of Table 3.9.1, an explanation in the next Semiannual Ef fluent Release Report of the reason (s) for delay in correcting the inoperability are tequired per Technical Specification 6.7.C.1.

. Response: Since the requirements of Technical Specification Table 3.9.1 governing the operability of radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation were met for this reporting period, no response is required.

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. l APPENDIX D RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION Requirement: Radioactive gaseous ef fluent monitoring instrumentation channels are required to be operable in accordance with Technical Specification Table 3.9.2. If inoperable gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation is not returned to operable status -

within 30 days pursuant to Note 5 of Table 3.9.2, an explanation in the next Semiannual Effluent Release Report of the reason (s) for the delay in correcting the inoperability is required per Technical Specification 6.7.C.1.

Response: Since the requirements of Technical Specification Table 3.9.2 governing the operability of radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation were met for this reporting period, no response is required.


APPENDIX E RADIOLOGICAL ErlVIROtJMEtiTAL Hot 31TORING l'ROGRAM Requirement: The radiological environmental monitoring program is conducted in accordance with Technical Specification 3.9.C. With milk - longer available from one or more of the sample locations required by Technical Specification Table 3.9.3, Technical Specification 6.7.C.1 requires the following to be included in the next Semiannual Effluent Release Report:


(1) identify the cause(s) or the sample (s) no longer being available, (2) identify the new location (s) for obtaining available replacement camples and (3) include revised ODCM figure (s) and table (s) reflecting the new location (s).

Response: As part of the Environmental Monitoring Program, milk sampling locations TM-ll (Miller Farm, 0.8 km, WNW) and TM-13 (Newton Farm, 5.1 km, SSE) were replaced with TM-14 (Brown Farm, 2.1 km , SSW) and Tm-15 (Coombs Farm, 4.7 km, NW),

based on a dosimetric analysis done pursuant to Technical Specification 3.9.D.2 (Land Use Census). Milk sampling location TM-12 (Whitsker Farm, 2.6 km, S) was also replaced during the reporting period with location TM-13 (Newton Farm, 5.1 km, SSE) when TM-12 went out of business.

The choice of TM-13 as a replacement was based on the dosimetric ranking of available locations done as part of the Land Use Census.

None of the above changes will reduce the accuracy or reliability of dose calculations or setpoint determinations. Proposed ODCM tables and maps reflecting the above radiological environmental monitoring program changes are included in Appendix 11.


e Milk sampling location TM-ll ( Mille r . Fa rm', ' O . 8 km, WNW) and air' sampling location AP/CF-15-(Tyler liill Rd., 3.2Pm, WNW) were also added to the ODCM -

as non-Technical Specification stations. . Samples


are collected'there routinely in order to provide additional information to the program.-

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e APPENDIX F-LAND USE CENSUS Requirement: A land use census is conducted in accordance with Technical Specification 3.9.D. With a land use census identifying a location (s) which yields at least a 20 percent greater dose or' dose commitment than the values currently being calculated in-Technical Specification 4.8.G.I. Technical Specification 6.7.C.1 requires the identification of the new location (s) in the next Semiannual Effluent Release Report.

Response: No locations were identified by the 1985 land use census that would yield at least a 20 percent greater dose or dose commitment than the values currently being calculated pursuant to Technical Specification 4.8.G.I.


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APPENDIX G PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM Requirement: . Technical Specification 6.12.A.1 requires that licensee initiated changes to the Process Control Program (PCP) be submitted to the Commission in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which.the change (s).

was made. ,

Response: There was no licenseo initiated change (s) to the Process Control Program during this reporting period.


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e APPENDlX 11 0FF-SITE 000E CALCULATION MANUAL Requirement: Technical Specification 6.13.A.1 requirca that licensee initiated chant,cs to LP3 Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCH) be submitted to the Commission in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the chant,c(s) was made effective.

Response: Changes were made to the radiological environmental monitoring program as described in Appendix E. Proposed revisions to the tables and maps of Section 4 of the ODCM are included in this appendix. None of the changes will reduce the accuracy or reliability of dose calculations or setpoint determinations.

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4 Table 4.1 Radiolooical Environmental Monitorino Stations

  • Distance From Exposure Pathway Sample Location the Plant Direction From and/or Sample and Desionated Code ** Stack (km) the Plant
1. AIRBORNE (Radioiodine and Particulate)

AP/CF-11 River Station 1.9 SSE .

No. 3.3 AP/CF-12 N. Hinsdale, NH 3.6 NNW AP/CF-13 Hinsdale Substation 3.1 E AP/CF-14 Northfield, MA 11.3 SSE l *1AP/CF-15 Tyler Hill Rd. 3.2 WNW AP/CF-21 Spofford Lake 16.1 NNE

a. Surface WR-11 River Station 1.9 Downriver No. 3.3 WR-21 Rt. 9 Bridge 12.8 Upriver
b. Ground WG-11 Plant Well -- On-site WG-12 Vernon Nursing Well 2.0 SSE WG-21 Brattleboro CC 12.1 NNW
c. Sediment SE-11 Shorline Downriver 0.8 On-site From SE-12 North Storm *** 0.15 On-site Shorline Drain Outfall
3. INGESTION I a. Milk *1 TM-11 Miller Farm 0.8 WNW g TM-14 Brown Farm 2.6 S TM-13 Newton Farm 5.1 SSE TM-15 Coomos Farm- 4.5 NW l

TM-21 Moore Farm 15.9 N

b. Mixed TG-11 River Station 1.9 SSE Grasses No.3.3 TG-12 N. Hinsdale, NH 3.6 NNE TG-13 Hinsdale Substation 3.1 E Northfield, MA 11.3 SSE TG-14 l *1 TG-15 Tyler Hill Rd. 3.2 WNW TG-2) Spofford Lake 15.1 NNE
c. Silage *1TC-11 Miller Farm 0.8 WNW Tc-14 Brown Farm 2.6 S l

TC-13 Newton Farm 5.1 SSE I TC-15 Coombs Farm 4.5 NW TC-21 Moore Farm 15.9 N

d. Fish FH-11 Vernon Pond -- On-site .

FH-21 Rt. 9 Bridge 12.8 Upriver

  • 1 Non-Tech Spec Station Proposed 4-2

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  • e APPENDIX I RADIOACTIVE LIQUID, CASEOUS, AND SOLID WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS Requirement: Technical Specification 6.14.A' requires that licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid, gaseous, and solid)1be reported to the Commission in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the evaluation was reviewed by the Plant Operation Review Committee.

Response: There were no licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid, gaseous, and solid) during this reporting period.


VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION RD 5. Box 169, Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 05301 ,,hy7, y August 29, 1986 ENGINEERING OFFICE 1671 WORCESTER ROAD pyy gg_79 FRAMINGHAM. M ASSACHUSETTS 01701

  • TEL EPHONE 617472-8100 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 Attention: Dr. Thomas E. Murley Regional Administrator


(a) License No. DPR-28 (Docket No. 50-271) ,


Vermont Yankee Semiannual Ef fluent Release Report

Dear Sir:

Enclosed herewith please find two copies of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation Semiannual Effluent Release Report. This report covers the period beginning January 1,1986 and ending June 30, 1986, and is submitted in accordance with our Technical Specifications 6.7.c.1.

We trust that the enclosed information is satisfactory; however, should you have any questions, please contact us.



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R. W. Capstick Licensing Engineer RWC/bil Enclosures cc: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk

