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App M to NUREG/CR-3301, Limerick Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1984
Shared Package
ML20107L947 List:
FOIA-84-329, RTR-NUREG-CR-3301 NUREG-CR-3301, NUDOCS 8503010123
Download: ML20107L968 (62)


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= s avs.g n A; c B503010123 841024 PDR FOIA .

SHOLLYB4-329 PDR M-1 .

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TABLES M-0.0 Incex of ASEP events for Limerick Generating Station. . . .. . . . . . M-4 M-1.0 Limerick Generation Station ASEP event definitions . .. ....... M-30 i

f M-2.1 SETS input, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence gT UV . .. . M-64 M-2.2 Unavailability, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence TcUV ... . M-67 M-2.3 Cut set ranking, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence T uV g ... M-67 M-2.4 Event importance, Limerick Generating Station, Secuence TguV .. ..... . ..... . .... ... . .... ... . . . M-58 M-3.1 SETS input, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence T g uX .. . .. M-59 M-3.2 Unavailability, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence T.UX c

.... M-86 M-3.3 Cut set ranking, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence TE ... M-36 M-3.4 Event importance, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence T g uX ... ............................ .. .. ....... .. M-37 M-a.1 SETS input, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence TFCUY *****' M-39 1

M-4.2 Unavailability, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence T-QUV r

... M-119 M-4.3 Cut set ranking, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence T QUV .. ...................... .......... .......... M-119 F

M-4.4 Event importance, Limerick Generating Station, Sequence T p 0VV ............................. .................. M-120 M-5.1 SETS input, Limerick Generating Station, Sequences 7fuX, ,

TguX, T gGUX, and T QUX ... ...... .. ...................... M-122 T

M-5.2 Unavailaoility, Limerick Generating Station, Sequences T-QUX, T.UX, T3 0UX, and T.QUX ... . ................. M-138 r i i M-5.3 Cut set ranking, Limerick Generating Station, Sequences T p 0UX, T;UX, T g GUX, and T M-138 T OUX .....

M-5.? Event importance, Limerick Generating Station, Sequences Tp 0UX, Tg uX, TgGUX, and TT CUX ******** '** ' ***' M-139 C~" E M i

_ . _ _ _ _ " _M - 1 1 M-3 i

mo n s n,

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,m- i - a m.v.-

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-vent No.

ACCSIAPF ........... . ..... .. . ................. . . . . . . . . M-53 ACCS t. PG .. .... . . ......... ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e. '

ACCS1APH .... ... . ..... ............. .. . . . . . . . . . M-51 ACCSIAPL .. .... . .. . . ...... ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . M-54 ACCS1APR .. ......... . . . ... ..... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-53 ACCS1APS ... ...... . .... ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-52 ACCSICPI . ....... .. .. .... .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-53

.ww) , C P.u.

AL ..... ....... . ......... . . .... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N_34 ACCSICPN .... ......... . ... ........ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-51 ACCSICPO ........................... .......... . ........ . . . . . . . . . M-53 ACCSICPV ................. .... ... ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-53 5

ACCSICPW ........................... ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-52 ACCS2SPJ ...... .............. . ...... ......................... .... M-52 ACCS2SPK .. .. ............ ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-51 ACCS2ePT- .......... ......... .. .. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M_23 ACCS2SPU .......... . . ...................... ............... ....... M-52

.v. 3 3 ACCS20PP . .......... ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ACCS20P0 .. ............ ........... ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-52 ACCS20PX ... . .... ..... . . .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-53 ACCS20PY .. . .. ..... .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-52 ACCCIAAV ....... ..... ........................ ..... . ............. . M-31 ACOCISAW .... .... .. .. .. . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-31 A,wrC9AAi w ....... ...... . ............ ............... . . . . . . . . u._30 i

y TSJ C "

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(Q JJI{ 3 N L

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M.a;g -

TABLE M-0.0. (continuec)

ASE? Page event ,lo .

ACDC98AU . . . ..... . . . ... .. . . . ...... . M-31 ACOG11JA . . . . .. ............ . . ... . .... ...... . M-40 -

ACCG12JC . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . M-40 AC,G13a,- u s.-40 u c . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . ... .

ACOG14JG . . . .. .. . . ...... . . .. .... .. .... M-41 ACESWAFB .. . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . ... .. M-60 A C = ,n..,

cru . . . ......... . . . . .... .. ... ... .... .. 'v._ :0 i ACESWCFD ..... . ... .. ...... . . . . ..... ... ... .... M-60 i ACESWOFE .. .. .. . . . . . . ... . . ... .. . ...... . M-60 l ACHCCLOS .. . . .... ... ........ ............. .... . .. ........ M-48 l

l ACHCDPOE ........... .. . .... . .................... .. .... .. .. M-49 1 l

l ACHCLSOL ... ........... ... . . .... . . .. ... ..... ............. M-46 ACHCLSCM .... ..... ... . . ......... . . ... ....... . .... .......... M-46 ACHC0500 .... . .... .. ............ ............... .. ....... ... ... M-49 ACuCP50A

...................................................u.4g _

ACHCPSCB ... ... ..... ....... ............. ..... . .. . ......... M-48 ACHCPSCC . . .................. . . ............ . ....... ....... M-48 ACHCPSCO . .. . ....... ..... . .. .... ... ...... ..... ..... . . M-48 ACHCPSCG ............. . .. . . . . ...... . .. . ... .. M-48 AC'.".CP R.CH . ........ ..... .... . . .... .. . . .. . ... ... .. . '4-48

.. .... . .v. - 4 8 a' Cu. .C.3 50 I . . ......... . ...... .. .... .... . ..

ACHCPSCJ ........... . . . . . . ....... ...... .. ..... . M-48

.u.- 4 0 m'CH.CPSOK .. . .. . ..... .. . . . . ... . .... ... ....

v 4d-L.__a_,

. 32,'

,m n _u.

m -R : t--

wu- y = yW .I e -w= =m. a .c' w wu = -

M-5 l



-- e msw===t** f AME./lb a-c% .n m.

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  • TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASE? Page tvent No.

ACHCTSOF . .............. . . .. . ....... ..... .. ....... .. M-49 AC'.d.CTSG1 . ... .... . . . . . .. ..... ..... .. . ... ..... .... .M-48 n u AC"PloN.N . . ........ . . . ............... . ...... ........... .M-48 ACHP1DNP .. . ... . ....... ........... .. .. . .. . .. ... M-48 ACHP1.c'NR .. . .....

. . .. ... . . . .... . . . .. .. ............ . . .M. - 48 ACHP1HNT ..... ...... ... . . .......... ... . . ... . ...... M-48 ACHP.. CN0 ...... .. ..... ... .... ... .. .. . ...... .. ... M-46 ACHP2CNQ ...... ...... ... . . ....... ........ .............. ..... M-46 ACHP2.rNS . .. ... .... .... .. ... ... .. . .... .................. M-46 ACHP2 GNU .............. ..... . .. ... ... .......... .. ............. M-46 s

ACRC2AMK ..................... . .................. ................. M-58 ,

o AC.T sbu.L

.. .................. ... ...................... ......... .. N03 n A C k C.('Lc,M ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ........ ........ ...... ..... .... ... N *v*

ACRC2.o.,N ................... .... ............... .................... i v. :.3 A C n C C S LP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 4 6 , C. 3 ACRCCSLQ ......................... . .... ......... ....... ........... .M-46, -o~3 ACRCCSL'i ....... .... ...... ......................................... ,9-46, -57 AC,TCC1L3

................................... .......................... .. c.aw_ 7 ACRCCTLU ............ .......... ......................... ........... M-56 ACRCICKO ................. .. .............. ............. ............ M-60 ACRCAC..I

.K ........... ....... ......... ... ......................... M:.9 eCRC t P,.0 ............... ........... ..... .... ............ .... ... .

.v. .-

o ACRCIRKY ................................................ .. .. ....... M-53

, -- e

-n - .a gf; A J

  • 7 t

I g n o n1 _=d 1

+4 4 I




- sm m8~. w - a >

pF-Nih 7 TABLE M-0.0. (continuec)

ASEP Page Event No.

ACRCISKZ .. . ..... . . .. .... .. . . ... ... .. .. .... . M-58 ACRCITKW . ...... .. . ... ..... .. ... .. .. .... .. .. M-57 ACRCITLN . .... . . .. . . .. ..... ......... . . .. . .... . M-57 ACRCITLO ...... .. . .. . . . . . ... . .. . . M-56 ACRCIVKX .. . . .. . ... ....... ....... .. . . ........... . M-58 ACRCPSLA . . . . ... .. . .. . ... .... . ..... . .... ........ M-59 ACRCPSLS . . . .... .. .. . ... . . .. .... ... . ...... M-59 ACRCESLe - ....

.... . . . . .. .................. . . . . . . . . . . . .v. . .: 9 ACRCPSLO .... . . ... ... . .... ............ ... .. .... ...'M-59

.L n eLR-Krle . ..... .. ... . ....... .................................v..:e .

ACRCRPLF . ......... ....... ..... .. ................................. M-59 ALRCRElcJ u-3o.


ACRCRPLH ................ ........................... ... ............. M-59 ACRCRWLK ..... ........ ... ................ ...... ............... M-59 l

ACRCRWLL . ...... ................................. ................... M-53


A C R C R W LM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... M-53 j ACRRCAKA .............. . ................ ........... .... . ..... . M-55 l

l ACRRCAKS .... . ........ ........... .......... ........... ......... M-56 ACRRCAKE . ......... ............. ....... ........... ...... . . M-49 ACRRCSKF ...... ...... .... ....... ............ ..... .. . .. ... .. M-56 ACRRCSKG ...... ..... . ................... ... . ....... . . ... M-56 I

u. :.0 ACRRCc.KJ . .. ...

AosTRAns ..... . ... .... ............. ............ ... .......... M-63 DQ/@_wh E'+

, ~ vn M .

l, NA 33L5m.ED353 M-7 l

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in <f J ' MtfMu_ ri- u ,

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  • TABLE M-0.0. (con.inued)

ASEP Page tvent No.

CMCGALO1 . . . .......... ................... ...................... .. M-34 CMHRSDMA ............. .............. .. .... ........... . ......... M-45 CMHRSCMH ............................. . . ........ ... ............. M-49 ENADCMCG . ........ ............................. ....... ......... M-33, -34 EN C I C M RA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 3 5 , - 3 6 ENCSCMPG . . . .

................................... ..................... M-52, -53 ENCSCMPH ....... .... . . . . . ............. . .... .. ..................... M-51, -52 ENESPCFY ........ ..... . . . . . .................... .................... M-62

.NHPCONV ...... . ........................... ......................... .M-48, -4.3,

-54 c N H. Pve. La d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M . 4 6

..........................................................v.40, .ev C NkCr waLie. r . . . . .

Jr ENRCIRKY .............................. ............................... M-58 ENRCISXZ .............................................................. M-58 e,lR.

. CIT.K,4 .................... . ....................................... M-57 ENRCITLO .............................................................. M-56 ENRCIVKX.............................................................M-58 ENRCPSLI .............................................................. M-57

N w RCR P li.'l . . . . ............................... ......................... M.57

......................................... .v. 6 3 e_SA05vMi . . . . . .............. .

ESAOSX10 ...................... ....................................... M-63 ESCI1ARZ .............................................................. M-36 v7

......................................................... i..s'0

  • * *8

.3 'L l' *i M *V . . . . .

.E ___a " A -

w s V I'I usan M-8

N d'4N N,eb i % 7 l diw3 ' ti dud. ; rw a '

TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASEP Page tvent No.

ESCI2SRX .... . . ... .............. .... .. . . . .... ..... M-36 E3CI.9TRT . . .....



. . .. ... . . . . . . . . .. ............ . ... .M.-39, -40

.4-37, -38


ESCSACPZ . . .. .. . . ........ . . .. .... .. ........... . . M-51 03C3LIWA . . ..... ....... . . . . .. ... .. ... . .. ....... ... M*34, "..O3 ESCSRFCA . ... .. .. . .. .... .. . ... . .. ............ ...... . M-54, -55 e_3 g1yany ... ... .... .... .............. ... .....................u.43 o M ^


".*Ul/ Auk . . . . ... ........................................i..CV E301VECM .... . . ..... ..... ....... ........ ..... ............ ... M-50 M

w3"02A'W'A.............................................................i.43 t

a g

.Je a w/a A u Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v.

U s. . .: v l .e3e2i/30i/

V ........ .......... ...... .. ............................ ... .v._c.0 C" 3'03AWI.: .. ............... . . . . . . . ..................................u.-43 C3U3YMHG ............................ ............ ..... ....... ...... .y_:0 . .

e 03iLe.H0

.3 ... .. .....................................................u...0 E504AW I ......................... .................................... M-43

  • 04VAH.O

.3 ......................... .............. ..................... iu .0 t

l l c.3Ody:.H.l .. ...... .......... . . .... ........... . ... ..... .M ~

. 0

5: .u._-e

. 3'4AcX ......... .......... . . . . ............ ............ .. ... l 0 3C3.#ml WCC ... ....... ................. ............... .............. .y"O.3 y*..

03:3n. ..,C 7O. . ........... .............. ....... . .... . ...............D1 r _--


J ,

TABLE M-0.0. ( ontinued)

ASEP Page Event No.

ESE5WOFA ................................ ....... .... ................ M-61 ESHCCTOY ..... .. .................................... ............... h-45 E5HPCINX ........................ ... ................................. M-45 E5HPCINY ... . .. . ............. ..................................... M 45 ESHPCINZ ......... ......... ............ ............................. M-16 ESIAXXAL .............................................................. M-31 ESRCACMN ......... .................................................... M-57 ESRCCTLR.............................................................M-46,-57 ESRCICKN .............................................................. M-57 ESRCICXU .............................................................. M-57


ESRCICMM .............................................................. M-46 ESRC5PLZ'.............................................. ............... M-57 ESRMCXO4 .............................................................. M-32 ESRRCAKB .............................................................. M-56 ESRRCAKH .............................................................. M-50 ESRRCSKC .............................................................. M-50 ESRRCSKG .............................................................. M-56 EXCIXXRE .............................................................. M-38 HMCSRACH .............................................................. M-54 HMCSR80J ...................................................... ....... M-55 HMCSRCCM .............................................................. M-54 M-10

TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASEP Page tvent No.

HMCSRDQI ... ...................... ............. .... .... ........... M-55 HMHCRCPA ... ...................... ................ .................. M-50

f. HMIRIASY . .... ... . .............................................. M-38 HMIRICSU ...... ......................... . ......... .............. M-38 HMIR2SSW ....... .. .... .......................... ................. M-38 HMIR20SS .......... ...... ..... ...................................... M-38 HMNP01IV ... ......................... . .............................. M-44 HMNP02!W .,............... .......... ............ .................... M-44 HMNP03IX ..................... ........................................ M-44 HMNPO41Y .............................................................. M-44 H M P I AAA P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 3 1 t HMPIA8A0 ......................... ............................ ....... M-31 HPCILCST .............................................................. M-50 HPCILSP ................................................... ........... M-54 HPCINO2 ............................................................... M-48 i HPCINO3 ............................................................... M-48 I

HPCIN04 ........................... ...... ............................ M-48 HPRC1 ................................................ .............. . M-60 H54401JI ................................. .................... . ..... M-41 H S 4 4 0 2 w'J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M - 4 1 HS440.1JK ........... .................................................. u-41 .

H S 4 4 0 4J L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 4 1

- 4-we4n

..J SAC ....... ................................ ..... . .. . . . . . . .v. . J 1

.f M-il

) ,

[I M .

TABLE M-0.0. (continued) it A# -


, even No.

HSADCSSA ...................... ....................................... M-30 HSA0GCAF .............................................................. M-33 .

HSAORAAD .............................................................. M-31 l HSAORBAZ .... ......................................................... M-31 HSAOS10H .............................................................. M-33 HSAOS201 .............................................................. M-33 H S A 0 5 3 0J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 3 4 HSA0540K .............................................................. M-34 HSADS50L .............................................................. M-34 HSCIIARI .............................................................. M-35 ,

! HSCI1ARJ .............................................................. M-35 '

4 HSCIIARK .............................................................. M-38 HSCI1ARP .............................................................. M-37 .

HSCI1ARQ .............................................................. M-37 HSCI1ARR .............................................................. M-37

, HSCI1ASZ .............................................................. M-38 I

HSCI1CRW .............................................................. M-35 HSCI1CSV .............................................................. M-38 4

HSCIITRV .............................................................. M-36 HSCI2BRF .............................................................. M-35 HSCI2BRG .............................................................. M-35 HSCI23RH....................:.........................................M-38 4 HSCI2SRL .............................................................. M-37 M-12

TASLS M-0.0. (con.inuec) h(

ASS? Page event No.

HSCI2SRM ... . ... .................. ..... ........... ....... ... M-37 HSCI2SRN ......... ..... ....... . . . ... ......... ... ........... . M-37 HSCI2SSX . .... . . .... ...... ... ..... .. . ... ....... . .... M-38 HSCI20RU . . ........... . ....... . ..... ................. . ... M-35 HSCI20SI . ........... ........... ................ ...... ...... . . M-38 HSCI2TRT . ....... ....... .... ................. . .... . . .. M-36 HSCIHASC ............ .... ............ .... .......... . .... ........ M-38 HSCIHSSB ....... ........ .. ... .. .... ......... . .......... M-38 HSCIPARA .. ........................ .. . ...... .......... ..... M-35 HSCIPASF . ...... .............. . ....... ................... ........ M-39 HSCIPSRS ........................ ............. . ..................... M-35 HSCIPBSI .................... ......................... ..... . ..... M-39 HSCIPCRC ....... ... . ..... ............................ ........... M-35 HSCIPCSL ......... ..................... . .... ........ .. ...... M-39 HSCIPORD ... .. ........ ...................... ....................... M-36 HSCIP050 .... .................... . ................................ M-40 HSCS1ACN .............. .. ...... ................. . . ............... M-54 HSCSICCM ................ ....... .................................... M-54 HSCS1XOY ....... ................... ...... ............... .......... M-52 HSCS1XQZ .................... ..... ..... .......... . . ... ....... M-51 HSCS280J .......................... ............ ....... ....... ..... M-55 HSCSICQI ......... ........................ ........ .... ........... M-55 HSCS2XC4 . .. ....... .............................. . .. .. .... M-52 M-13 8 .


TABLE M-0.0. (continued) .

ASE? Page Event No.

HSCS2XQX ............ .. . ................... . .... . ............... M-51 HSCSPAQP .. .............. . ........................ ............. .. M-51 HSCSPAQQ .... ..................................................... ... M-51 HSCSPAQR .................................... ..... .... ......... ... M-54 HSCSP203 ....... .... .................. .. ................... ....... M-51 HSCSPEQC .... ....................................................... . M :1 HSLSe.,,

0 ..... .................. .... .. .................. ........ M .as HSCSPCQT .............................................................. M-51 HSCSPCQU .......................................... ................... M-51 HSCSPCQV .............................................................. M-54 HSCSP00F .............................................................. M-51 <

HSCSPCQG .............................................................. M-51 HSCSPCQH ................................... .......................... M-55 HSCST100 .............................................................. M-54 HSCST100 .............................................................. M-54 HSCST20A ............................................. ................ M-55 HSCST80A .................. ........................................... M-55 HSCSTBQO .............................................................. M-54 HSCSTCOS ................. ............................................ M-54 HSCSTCQE .............................................................. M-55 HSC'dAAEQ ... ................................................ ......... M-60 HSC'4ABER .............................................................. M-60 I


TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

Page  !


-vent No. 1 HSCWBADV ... ......... ....... .... ............ . . .. ........ . M-60 HSCWBBCW ..... ... ... .. .. ................... .. ..... . . M-60 .

HSCWCA0X .... . ... ..... ........ .. . ........ . . .. ....... M-60 HSCWC30Y .... ...... ........ .. . ......... ... ........ M-60 HS013EAY . .. . ..... ... ..... . .............. . ............... M-33 HS013HAA ............ ..... .. ... ............................. .. . . M-33 HS013KAX ..... ..... .. . ......... ....... ...... . .......... M-34 HS013MAB ..... .. ........ ......... .......... ... . .. .......... M-34 HS013 SAC .. . ....... ...... ...... . .... .... ....... ............ M-34 HS01AWHY ..................... .......... .......... ........ ........ M-43 HSDINWHZ ............... .. .......................................... M-42 .

H S 01 S GJ a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 41 H S 01 S GJ F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 41 H S D I SWH X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 4 2 , - 4 3 HS01VAGO ... .................. ... ................................. M-50 HSO1VAGR . .... ......... ................. ................. ...... M-41 HS01VAGT . ... .......... ... .. ...................................... M-49 HS01VEGN . .. ......... .. ....... . .............................. M-50 HS01V8G0 . .. .. .. ... . . .... . ............. ................ M-42 HSDIVEGU . .. ........ ............................ ......... ..... M-49 HS01V2HC .......... . ........... .......... ....... ................ M-49 HS01VXGS .................. .... ....... ..... .. ...... ... .... .. M-40




TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASEP Page n

event No.

HSO2AWIC ................................ . ........... ............... M-43 HSD2NWIO ......................... .................................... M-42 HSO2SGJD ................................. ......... .................. M-41 H S 0 2 5W I B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 4 2 , - 4 3 HSO2VAGZ ...... ................. ................. .............. ... M-50 HS02VAHA ...................... .. ............... .................... M-42 HSO2VAHT ...... ........................................ .............. M-49 HS02VBGW ....... ...... ............................................... M-50 HS02VBGX ............... .............................................. M-42 HS02VXHB .............. ......................... ..................... M-41 .

HSO3AWIG..............................................................M-43 y H S 0 3 NW I H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 4 2 HS035GJF ....... ..................................................... M-41 HS035WIF ................................................. ............ M-42, -43 HS03VAHH ................................................. ............ M-50 HS03VAHI .............................................................. M-42 HS03VAHU .............................................................. M-49 HS03VBHE .............................................................. M-50 HS03VBHF ..... ....................... ............ . ................. M-42 HS03VBHK ......... ............................... .................... M-49 H S 0 3 V X HJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 4 1 M-16 J

. t . $ 'I TABLE M-0.0. (:cntinuec)

ASEP Page tvent J, o .

HSO4NWIL ...... .. .. . ......... ......... .. . ... . M-43 HSC45WIJ .. .. .. ... .......... ... ..... . ... . . M-43 HSO4VAHP .... ... ... .. . .. .. .... . ... . ..... . . M-50 HSD4VAHQ ..... ...... . .... . . . .. . ... ... .. . ... . M-42 HSO4VAHV . ... .. ... ... .......... . .. . .. . .. .. . M-49 HSO4VSHM . .... . . . ........ ... ..... . ... . ... . M-50 HSO4VEHN .. .. .... . .......... ... ..... . . .... .... M-42 HSCAV8HS . .. . .... ..... ... .... .... . ..... ... .... ... M-49 HSO4VXHR . .. . ... . ........ .... . ...... ...................i.-41 V HSCSGAEM ... ........ . . . ....... . ............. . .. ... ... M-30 HSCSGEBN .... .. ... ... ................. ..... ....... . ......... M-30 ,

HSCBV2CL ... . .......... ......................... ..... .......... M-34 HSCSV3CM .... ............ ... ..... . . .............................. M-34 HSCSV4CN ...... ...... ........ .... ........... ............ ... . M-34 HSCSV5CO .................................... ................ ........ M-34 HSCSVICK .............. ...... .......... ............................ M-33 HSCC11JN ................. .... .................. ............ .... .. M-44 l


.. . ....... .............. ...... . ......... ...... .. .. ... ..M-44 HSDC13JO .... .. .. . . ......... .... ... .. ... ......... . M-44 H. SOC 1AJR ... ......... .... ..... . ...... ....................v.-44 HSOCIAAV .............. . . ................ ..... ..... . . .... .... M-31 V "a


  • L"C

..J t.. o A'M . . ..... . ...... .. .. . . ..... ........ . J i e M-17

TABLE M-0.0. (:::n-inued)


vent No.

HSOCIESH ............ ........ ........ ........... .................. M-30 HSOC1HBI .. ............ ..... ........ .. ....................... .. M-30 HSOC1KBJ . ..... .. . ..... ... ............... . .......... ... .. . M-30 H.e 0C 1.v.aK . . . .

. ... ....... .. .. ........ ......... ... . ... .... M-30 HSDCISBL .......................... ...... ........... ......... .. . M-30 HSCC21JM ... ............................... . . ..................... M-44 HSOC2'u'O ... ..........

. ... .. ..... .. ... . . .. ............... . .u. - 4

  • HSOC4 ESC ... . ....... .... .... ....... ........ ..................... M-30 HSOC4HBO .......................... ...................... ............ M-30 HSOC4KBE ..................... ............... ................ ....... M-30 HSDC4MSF ........ ..................................... ............... M-30 <

HSOC4SSG .............................................................. M-30 HSCC9AAT ................ . .. ............. ...... ............ ..... M-30 HSOC9BAU ... ...... .................... .............................. M-31 HSOCDIGK ........... .......................... ..................... M-45 HSDCD1JU ......... .'.............. .................................... M-41 HSOCO2GL . ............................................................ M-45

u. . S u' C O 2 J V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,M - 4 1
u. .t 0 C D .' G I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M i - 4 5 H S O C O 3J S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 4 1 H.COCD'u"J .............................................................. .M-45 HSOC"v4JT ... ............. .......................................... .M-41 HSOG11IN . .... ............................. . ... ...... ........... M-43 M-18

TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASEP Page event No.

HSOG11JA ................. .......................................... . M- 0 HSCG12IP ..................................... ..... .... ............. M-44 -

HSOG12JC .... ....... ................................................ M-40 HSCG13IR .................. .................. ........................ M-44 HSCG13JE ........................ ..................................... M-40 HSCG14IT ....... ...................................................... M-44 H S C G 14J G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 41 HSOGCABY .............................................................. M-33 HSOGCSBB ...................... ....................................... M-33 HSCGCSBZ .............................................................. M-33 HSCH31CF .............................................................. M-33 <

HSOH32CG .............................................................. M-33 .

HSOH33CH .......................... ................................... M-33 HSOH34CI .............................................................. M-33 HSOH3SCJ ............................. ................................ M-33 HSOP11CA .............................................................. M-33 HSDP12C3 .............................................................. M-33 HSDP13CC .............................................................. M-33 HSDP14C0 .............................................................. M-33 HS051ADA .............................................................. M-32 HSOS1BCP .............................................................. M-32 H S 0 5 2 A O C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........................M-32 u.e

. aV aaeS -4 wb 3 .............................................................. N .u6



+- e w -c.- ~ + - - . - - _ , _ , , , , _ , ,__ -

4 TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASE? Page Event No.

HS053A00...........................................................M-32 HSOS3BCU .......'............ ............. ......................... . M-32 HS054ADE ......... . ....... ........................................ M-32 HS0548CU .............. ............................. ...... ........ M-32 HSDS5ADE ...... ........................ .............................. M-32 HSDS5BCY ..................... ...... ....... ......................... M-32 HSCWAWIK ....................... .. .. . ........................ .... M-43 H S E S AA FH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . .. . ..... M-60 HSESA3FI ......... .................................................... M-60 HSca.AC-er .............................................................. M-61 H S E S E A FJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 6 0 (

HSESBBFK .............................................................. M-60 HSESBC0Z ............................................................. M-61 HSca.e 0Fu .............................................................. M-c.i HSESCAFL .............................................................. M-60 HSESCBFM .............................................................. M-60 HSESCTFZ ........... .................. ............................ .. M-62 HSEICTGA .............................................................. M-63 H S E S P A P[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 6 2 HSESP9FW .............................................................. M-62 HSESPCFX .............................................................. M-63 HSESWAES ....................'.......................................... M-61 M-20

t j'

TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASEP Page cvent No.

HSESWAET ... ....... ................................. ............ ... M-61 H S E SWA FN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ..... ................. M-60 .


.......... .. ........... .. . . .................... ....... M*03 HSESWAFU . . . . ................... ....................... . .......... M-62 HSESWAGB ............. ............................................... M-60 HSESW8EV...........................................................M-61 H scan

--, .S.0 r . .. . ............. ...... ................................ M-o.D H S ESWS FR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... M-63 HSESWBFT . . . ......................................................... M-62 HSESWBGC ......... ................. .................................. M-60 HSESWCEV ....................................... ............ ......... M-61 4 HSESWCFP ................ ............................................. M-60 HSESWCFS .............................................................. M-62 HSESWCGD .............................................................. M-60 H S E S W D EW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 6 1 HSHCCP0Q ............................................ . ............... M-46 HSHCCSMX .................................. ........................... M-47 HSHCCT0Z ............................................................. M-46 HSHCCTNF .................... .......................... . ... ........ M-47 HSHCCING . ............................ ................... . ........ M-47 HSHCFWND .............................................................. M-45 H.tH.e.SPOV ..................................................... ........ M-45 M-21

D BLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASEP Page tvent No.

HSHCSPCW ... .. ..... ......................... . ....... .... ... .. M-45 HSHPCIMX ... ................ . . ..... . ......... ........... .... M-47 HSHPCIND .. .......... .. ..... .. .. . .... ...................... M-45 HSHPCINE .. . ....... . .. ....... .. ..... ..........'... .. M-45 HSHPCINH .... ... ... ............... ...... ... ..... ............ M-47 HSHPCIOX .... ........ .... .................. . . ..... .......... M-46 H S H P C LMY . . . . . . . . . . ... ............. ...................... ......... M-47 HSHPCLMZ .. .................. .. ..................... ........... M-48 HSHPCPNC ...................... ....................................... M-47 HSHPCPNM ................................ ............... ............. M-47 HSHPCTNA .............................................................. M-47 HSHPCTNI ................................................ ............. M-45 HSHPCTNJ ........... ... . ... ....................................... M-47 HSHPCINK .............................. ............................... M-47 HSHPCTNL .............................................................. M-47 HSHPLPNE .................. ........................................... M-45, -51 HSI1AIRV ................................ ............................. M-36 HSI1AIRZ . .. . ... ................................................... M-36 HSI1A2RV . ........ .......... ........................................ M-36, -37 HSI1A2RZ .............................................................. M-36 -37 HSI132RX .. ........... ............................................... M-37 H5I1CTRZ ... .......................................................... M-36 c1231RT ............... ................................ .... ........ v._.s6 M-22

u -

TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASEP Page Even: No.

HSI231RX ......... .............. .... ........ .... .................. M-36 HSI232RI ...... ........ .. .......... ..... ...... ....... .......... M-36 HSI2B2RT ....... . . ....... .............. ... . .. ..... .. ... M-37 HSI2B2RX .................... .. . ... ...... .. . ... .. .......... M-36 HSI20TRX .......... ...................... ......... ... ........... M-36 HSIAABAQ .............. . ............... ..... . ... . ......... M-31 HSIACAAH ..... ....... ........... .... . . ... . .... .. . ....... M-30 HSIACSAG ............ ............. .. ... ............ ........... .. M-30 HSICSAAS ... ........... .... . ... ......... .. .... .. ............. M-31 HSIGCAAS ...... ........... . . ... .............. .............. . ... M-30 HSIGCBAR ................... .. . .. ............. ...... . . .... .. M-30, -31 <

HSIGSAAJ ...................... ...... ....... ..... ...... . ....... M-30 HSIGSBAI ........................... ............. .................... M-30 HSIHXASA ............................................ ............... M-37 HSIHXBRY .................................. ... ........... .......... M-37 HSILIASY ............ .. .... ......................................... M-38 HSILICSU .................... ... ...................... ............. M-38 H S I L2 B S'd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... .......... ............... M-38 HSIL20SS ... .. ...'. . .... .. . .. ...... ...... .. .............. M-38 HSINCABS ............ ............ .... ... ............. ......... ... M-30 a

H Ste Nen waanr, .. ................. HSINVABQ . ..... ..... . ...... ...... . ......... ....... . ....... M-33 l

uereunen nJ ea8 e QQn ...... . ..... . ... .. .... ........ ..... .. i

...... .. u J.,

i M-23 i

TABLE M-0.0. (continued) b8M .

ASEP Page Event No.

HSIP1ASE .... .... .. .... ......................................... M-37 H S I P 1B S: t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ..... M-37 HSIP1CSK . ....... ...... ..... .... ............ .... ... . ... ... M-37 HSIP10SN . ........................ ......... ........... .... ....... .1-37 HSIP2ASD .......... ............................................... .. M 37 HSIP2BSG ....... ............. .. .......... ....... ......... .. ... M-37 HSIP2CSJ .. . ......................... . .......... ............... M-37 HSIP20SM .. ......... ....... .. .. ............ .......... ... M-37 HSIT6ASR ......... . . ...... ..... ... .................. ..... ..... M-39 HSIT6BSQ ..................................... ...................... M-39, -40 HSIT7 ASP .................. ........................................... M-39, -40 HSIT7BSP ................... .......................................... M-39, -40 HSITGASR .............................. ............................... M-39, -40 H5NGRABU ....................................................... ...... M-31 H5NGRBBV ................................................. .... ...... M-31 HSNGSABW ....................................... .............. ....... M-31

( HSNGSBBX ..................................................... ........ M-31 1

j H S P I AMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... ....... M-31 l HSPIABAM .......... ......................................... .... ... M-31 HSPP15CE ................................. ............ .......... ... M-33 HSRCCSLY . ............................................................ M-57 HSRCIPKR ......................... ................................... M-59 M-24 l


ies : .- . . continuec I

ASEP Page tvent No.

HSRCIPKS ........... ....... ................... ..... . ....... . .... M-59 H Snu n -

s - t r.u.L ....... ............................... ..... .. ... . ..... M-32n HSRCIPMF ........ ...... .......... .. .... ... .... . ... ......... M-56 HSRCITKP .... .............. ... ...... ..... ..... ... ... ........ M-59

--- e h3KL*T.vA I ......... .. .. ................. ................ ........... M :.2 HSRCITv..o . ...... ...... .......... ... . ..... ............. ........ M-39 HSRCII.v.0 .. .. .. . ............... ...............................v..:o .

HSRCIIME .. ......... .. . ............. ... ..................... M :.6 HSRCITMQ .......... .... ........ ............. ........... ......... M-56 HSRCITMR , ............................................................ M-56 HSRCITMS ..................................... ....................... M-60 4 HSRCITMT .... ...... ... ....... ..................................... M-57 HS*rfeMV nw a ............ ................... ............................ M.:o .n HSRCLWMU ............ ..... .. .............. . ........ . .. ........ M-51 H S R C S P LV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 5 6 NSRee-.o

%4YLM ..................... ..... ..

............ ................ n . u. : o-HSa- KLD E L X .... .. ...............................................i..:/ u.

HSR.eSTEM. ............................ .. .............................. M ka6 HS a~ ~i .- ................... ...... ... . .. . ... . ...............

HSRESTE0 .............................. ................... ..... . ... M-37 HSRESTEP ....................................... .... ................ M-37 HS R E SW EA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... ..................... .. .... M-37 HSRESWE3 ................................ .......... .... ... ........ M-37 M-25



TABLE M-0.0. (c::ntinued)

ASEP Page tvent No.

HSRESWEC .............. ........ ... . .. .. ... . .......... . . M-37 HSRESWED .. ........... ... ... .... ...... ...... . ... ...... M-37 .

HSRESWEF ... ....... . ......... .. ............. .. .. .. .... .... M-37 HSRESWEI .. ... . ...... .. . .. ... . .......... . .. . .. ....... M-37 HSRESWEJ ........ ........... ............ .... ................. .. M-37 HSRESWEK ... .. ...... .......... ............. .... . .. ........ . M-38 HSRESWEL ... . .. .. ...... . ... ... . . .... .. .. . M-37 HSRESXEG ...... ... .. ............... ....... ....... ... ....... .... M-35 HSRESXEH .................... .. .... ...... ......................... M-34 HSRHCIMD ...... ................. ........ ...... ..................... M-47 HSRHCIME ............................... ........ ......... ........ M-53 HSRHCTLY .......................................... ........ .......... M-46, -54,

-55, -57 HSRRCAKI ..... ................. ...................................... M-50 HSRRCAKK . . ... ... . ..... ........ ......................... .... M-49 HSRRCSK0 ........ .. ......... ........ .......................... . M-50 HSRRCSKL ..... ....................................................... M-49 HSRRCXKM ............... ...... . ...... . ................ ......... M-50 HSRSPXPE ..................... ........................................ M-54 HSSW1A0T ................... ....................... ................ M-53 HSSW180R ..................... ......... ..... ......... . ........... M-53 HSSW2ACV .............. .................. . . ........................ M-63 H S SW 2 8 0 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 6 3 s


TABLE M-0.0. (continued)

ASEP Page event d, o .

i.0SPCMAK ........ ... .......... ........ ................... ........ M-30, -62,

. -63 PHHPCINV ..................... ............................... .... .. M-48 PHHPCINB ... . ..... ...... ....... .... .. .. ............... M-49 PHHPCTNI . .... . ........ ..... ....... ...... .. .... .......... M-45 PHHPCTNL .......... .................. ......... ......... ............ M-47 PHRSPXPD .... ... . ... . ..................... ........ . ........... M-54 RCCG11IO ... . .................... .. .... .. ...... ................ M-43 RCCG12IO ........... .............. .... ... ..... ... ............... M-43 RCOG13IS ...... . .............. .. .................. ............... M-43 RCCG14IV . .. .......... . . ..... ....... ............................ M-43 1

RCOGA103 ......................... ................. ... .............. M-56 .

RCCGA207 .................... .......... .............. ............... M-56 RCCGA297 ...................................... ....................... M-56 RCOGA309 ... .......................................................... M-56 RCOGA399 ..... ........................................... ............ M-56 RCICJ01 . ..... ....... ..... ..................... ................... M-59 RCLOSPIZ ..... .... ...... .. ...................... .................. M-44 RCOSP102 .............. .. .. ........................................ M-58 RCOSP206 ... ....... ............................ .. .............. M-53 RCoeP .. 03 .............................. ..................... ....... iv. . o.1 TMA0510M ...... ..... ............... ................... ............. M-33 TMA052DN ........ . ..... ................ . .... ................. M-33 TMA05300 ............ ..... ................ ....... ......... .. ..... v-33 M-27

P4 4 ma . ..


i M-0.0. continued ASEP Page tvent No.

T MA 0 5 4 0 P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M - 3 3 TMADS500 ..... ................... . ............. .................. M-33

! TMCIIATO ..... .. ........ .. .... ... .. . .... ... .. ... ... ... M-34 I Tv.CIle.TS ..

. . .. ...... ...... .. . ..... . ...... .. ...... . ..... M .15 M 3,4 f

1 i

TMC<t.9aTC . . .... .....

TMCI2DTOA ... . . .. ................. . .... .... . . . . .... . M-36 TMCS1XQL ... ....... .... . .. ....... ..... . . ............. M-55 TMCS2XOK . ........ .. .. .. .......... . . . .. . . .. . . M-55 TMCGSOIM .. . ........ ... . ......... ..... . .... .. .. ....... M-41 TMEP11G4 ... ...... ............. ...... ........ .......... . ..... M-44 TME31.2GG ........... ....... ....................... ...... ..

....... .M-44. 4 TMEP13GF ........ ...... ............... ........... .......... ....... M-45 TMEPldG-..........................................................u.-4c l TMESPC FY . . . . . . . .. .... .. . .. .................... ............ M-62 TMHPCIMW .................. .............. .. ..... . ............ .. M-49 l

TMRCICMG .. ...... ... ... .............. .................. ....... M-58 l

1 UNDSGABO . ..... ... ....... .... ......... ......... ............ .... M-30 UNDEGBBP .... ... . ....... ........... ........ .... ...... . . M-30 UNOG1BCQ .. ... .. . .... . ..... ..... .... . . ........ M-32 l

l UNDG2BCT . .. . ..... ............. . .... ....... ... ... . ...... M-32 UNCG3BCV ... .. .. ..... .. . .... ... . ...... . .. ....... . . M-32 I

UNCG4BCV . .. . ... ....'.. .. ..... . ... .. . ... .... . M-32 l

l UNCGaBCX .. .. .. .. . . .. ... .. . . .. . . ... M-32 M-23

TABLE M-0.0. (centinuec)

Pace ASEE -

ven: Nc.

UNDG5BCZ . . , . .... .... .... .... . .. . .. .. . . . M-32

... .. . M-48 .

UNHC25PB . . . . . . . . .

UNHC35PC . ... . . .. ... ... . M-as M-60 UNHEIX05 . .. . . . .. .. .

. .... . M-60 UNLPCX11 ... . . .... ... . ...

. .. M-50 UNLPCX12 . . .. .

. M-50 UNLPCX13 . . . .. . .

. M-59 UNRCITKO . . . .

.. .... . M-57 UNRCITMT .. . ..

UNRESWEE . .. . .... .. .. .. . .. , .. . . .. . M-38 i


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  • 1 e e ' ea s * ' t-J'e.aac*?? ists'
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'. La c 1.e u g 4 0f.i. At gata .

ausp uv12Ay . Fet tse af ecossu e r regi..sur Avv2pt glosas peci vet.e *at t e tesec A4tl2A7;. f at lse a' seier c's .also  !*.. trei;

  • W L 5" A&3112 =:. ACS sacs. gas suocir uma.a* 'ae le te !*au a J a*Ja Failure of AC5 sacs.s gas sweely. Trata 5 (L.aclettat A0612: anc gates v 5C4 Gap AAv5217!. f ailure of e-sssse row' star AST12SCP!, f at ture of solmets, valve 1125. C #*

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LCSPCW ECP. less of of*st te so ,

A~M F ailure e* testnsmyt pas systes 4 (*r 45 gas s.,es tyi n$1L"3As Ape:&ay:. testnamnet ps systan 8. Itae avsta-o. *at 1 alet testrueurt att Traia 5 also M11:58AI Act12M. f attere of testnamnet gas systar I c:miressor LOPoma LCP . less of effstta omer AC # 1A E M51 ACME AOf tADbl. f atlire of plant instnammet atr esme-vsse a (for ACS pr smacis

.,* 9 !E0.: n1DC514 AC.9! Bas:. f atlire of a1ast iestrweept a1e enum-esaar 5 (fee AC5 gas sussiy)

A*vt223p: 911pC88T ACitZ231, f atture of ACS gas sassly creeca vales 1122 AC la1 X W11mCA&5 ACT141N. f attere of 4C5 ps sismoly cneer valve 11A1 ACY2 sC>; MSDCMIC ACT240 AC1 pas smee;y checz valve IC2al *atis ts closa ACT24aan; n53tamBC ACT2an3p , ACS ps sweety cae: , sin IC2a*

  • ails ta close ACT26 tant d13 Cunt AC72ar.:p! AOS pas sueely cnocs ealve 1024 f atis ta close EY2a O I nS a 4astr acT2asca:, ACS gas smooly cneo valve IC2a* f ails ta close ACT2asant nECa$4a ACT2a5X ACS 9as sueely eneo vain 10241 fat 1s to clese acT21Lan: M SDC't> acT3101. ACS ps sweely choCs valg 11311 *stls 13 clese ACT3 t=> ; n53Cint: ACT3!O! 481 pas sueely cseca valve 1131p f atis is c!sse t

C 31L3m MS3'its; ACT3ttan . ACs pas sueoly csiso relee 11311 fai s to close ACT31 0 : d53C1mEE ACT310I. A05 pas sapely como valve 11 Jim

  • ails to close i

ACT3153n: us:r.lia;. ACT3121. aas pas supoly coecs valve 11311 fetis to closa AAsuQall Failure of PG time 8 cseect valves (ACS pas sespply) usa 3C3aA A6MI. coacs salve 10ZX fatts to close AC7D&2H1, c>ecs ufu ICZ2E fails to Clese A*C2 Cartatmoet tsalarter valve (29J1 f ails to closee (f ails pas suesty.

wene 4. ta 4CS salve)

"144T A/AJSA. f alse tselstier signal c!ases vaive CIAA? a!Y25ari;; . $se tetter va t.e *at ts elesec. SC 3' i i .,, U 4

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- .$U :.rt pa.a. actitty itA *45E8 ;aa.a**ar ..

  • pat

? yipaa e= t t ? s e t a a s t ua

.  ?.e=t . ea t ae 8'1 'at Nee of DG 'Ine a caso valves ! A05 gas supef y) wsAZAAt AC722nLMI. cnect valve '023n f at ts to close AC722'ent, c'eo valve 1 22n '411se to close ACYZ253ml cneca valve tc:21 falls to close M082 Ontainsnnt isolation valve (298) *stls classe (falls gas supoly, neacee 4. to ACS valve) 4 AC%3444 UAJSt. false tsotation stpal Closes pSOC98AU ASU:99tCI. Isolation valve falls closee, aD FC APGSA f at bre of 405 normal ges susely. Trata 4 (Portton .atcri is c:nmunn ita ooer evets) 45K AA 8u Wh3AGF!. ADS normal gas sasely, neaser A rust.s e JGSA Failure of AD5 aormal gas sueely. Tratn A t!-clueing events AC.'s ape c:mmna event WP*GAGFI) 45K.*48w A3'.5CAOCI. f at furt of soleacto valve 15c4, aresC AvvF;A0WI, glooe/cnocs valve *atts closed APG33 Fat *ure of AC5 'irmal gas susoly. !*sie 5 (83rt*on enten is common eith ocer events)

.4 5mr.1884, Mh35:Fl. ACS normal gas sueoly, nesser $ ruptures WG33 Fat t are of A01 ae-mal gas sueely. Train 5 (Exclucing evets ACM ace commun event W'id81FI) 45AG5882 A3V5C60Cl. f ailure of taleneta valve 150 4. no #C ArvP3sant, glooe/cneo valves fait c!csee d!A) Failure of stant inst: met air systas, frate A (for ACS gas sueely)

(Porttom exclueing tne W iA2 AaC gate)

!$tAuAL Anv0CIC21 oom ats f ails to esen valve (cosumn netwee een trains) nre t AAM AnI283ni, glene valves 109aa ano 1095A p5 AAaAC Avv:03DW1. glooe/cDecx valve f at ture (cmmma netween notn trates) m31'5AA5 M'!1ACFt. test-ment ;as systam 11ae A ruotse. falls plant tastr-ment atr frata A also d 5P LAAAm 45v2&A3Pt. solenete valve falls to oosp. 1C 3C AP!51 Pf ant inst-mont ate unavailacle. Train 8 (for Aos gas supply)

(Portior esclucing tPe MIAZ AmC gate) 15IA1AAL 3efineo uname PtA event V'.Al av A8AC An!2$3mt, glooe valves 109a4 ape 10958 fat f closed M5;AABAC Def?see snee- 8tA evert WIA!

= 51raCSAA M'I580F! testrmeet gas systam t. Itae -voture, f atis slant testrsmeat atr. Tratn 8. also MP!A8AM ASV2850P!. solenoid valve fails to seen. NC-SC we#1A3FI =$ADRAAC W*e1A0Fl. potat gas A neaar rutaurg (for A05)

A799350FI 45AOR&A2 WPe38DFl. potat gas I neeenr egetart (for 401)

JTA2 Cetatreet 1selation varve f atts closee (f alls point gas A. AD5 gas swooly)

AC%! AAV AFai!M. f alse isolation stPal closes salve

  • $ZIAAV 154fIA4 !, isciattoa valve f alls c'eset A7
  • 52 hn t a t mie= t f so le t t ca valve *ai's :'oseo I f etis actat gas 1. AO: gas

~ l y!

A0Z ' EA. AFA.!'t. #alse 'sola 'se signal c' eses val.e

=' * ,- G r;; 's - l a " or s alve 'st is 'csee .

i I# . ,


d b U & ._

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- as g*

(;y;* g ec , )

  • g IA&.{ m . {

A SIP t.e t asp uas ai t acil' tf sta " wooaeate!,e'a at+or u s,aatae'i't, *etai

  • r.  ?  !. t AA (SMC104 A40, f ails
  • e c' acm1 n80b 20l0 *0am goe ting ocwipe-t ec .no #

one sto- f at i n to esta: t 'sm a aa tv a l v aat t i st' or satr *oe to es a rooms in tes twc to foe 9eur enege A3b1A81 AOS value #1 solerate A f atts MS*11A04 A5V 1 AAMi, solenci c & f at t s ACA10C=1, local st eal f ailuee f ot's f at tura)

Un0G1 C AA3111>!, C5 gas supoly cartarastec A!V I AU ACS valve el solenote 8 esvattacle M3:51EP ACA10th:, local sipal f atire (mire f ailurel A3VIKOT1, soleota 8 falls URKs1EO Oefinec unge PRA event A!VIABI ASVZA81 ACS valve f2 solenote A f ails M 50SZAX ASVZACTI, solencic A fatts ACA20ADw;. local steal failure (w1*e f ailure)

U G M* 4A52113h!,105 gas s6o:17 conternatec ASVIA&2 C5 valve #2 soleacia 5 unavailatie MS KK5 ACA2083hl, local st r al fail we (otre failure)

A3Y2K'lTI. sciencie 8 f ails UNOLZ K* Defined unee- 8tA event ASYZAll ASV3A81 ADS valve f3 salanete A fails M MS3A00 ASUAAL'T!, solenice A fetis EA3GA%!, local sipal fature (stre *at ture)

UADUICV AAi.3110hl, C3 gas susoly capitarinatee A5V3AL3 ADI valve f 3 solencie 8 unavailante M5053BC; ACA3083hI, local stral fat ture (ei-e f ailure)

ASV3K TI, solencte 8 fatis ua0&3s:V Defineo unae stA event ASV3A81 ASVaA81 405 valve 94 selecte A f ails d 505 ACE ASV%aMI, selecig A f at1s a-m%l, local sipal f ailure (v1*e f atlurtl UME40C2 AA5411WI, A05 gas sasoly cytaminatec i

A3V4A&3 ACS valve M solenote l usewa11acle M50548C1; ACAA000h!, local stral fatture (stre fetise) {

ASV4ECVI, soleacte 8 fetis Uter,40CV tefinee enoe- 744 event ASV4A41 A3VSA81 A85 valve r5 solencie A fails d3CSKADE ASV5AACT1, selects A falls

' ACA50ADt!, local s* pal 'failse (stee f ailure)

Un3ruK* AAsill3hl, gas swooly coatastnateo AD5du C1 valve et scleacte I a5:5330' ACA!:E361, l'oc al si g a l f a t ive i.t re

  • a t l ee :

ASV5aCP1,she-:tc!*atis D,3 -. y 8 Y

v. s '


'.nyd s;; 0,<*.,: f.,. su ,,,..;,pt t .


,35 Wd b t * '8B E8

  • w-2:

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  • 1
  • AA.! e. :2* t .ee g

]', y i u e 'O . . .:n 2 . 22 9

  • A SI) Eveat g;> .ea,ptaattet/

ses . e. ar'tr u st r.... . v. t w . -tit w a at's- -

AS 5;A~e: a5:P s A3: AD5CA nl *at af salencie valve 150.A. GTO ; A;5 srstei AS.!Clant *1;vil8A AD50cmI, *at t re . of selects valve 15C8, 410 (45 s ys tas)

AX: **:5 7:> A05 valve el unavet taale owe to Tp given tast WC is act co,a far saiatenance A*t: imA;;;;n C5 valve #2 eravat tante eue to *p given tnat =PC: see AC5 valve #:

we not .navailasle ese to TM ASN * *05300 AOS valve #3 devallasle sue to TM give that MPCI and AQ3 valves el and e2 are met unava11aste ese ta TM AXa T m :5AOP C5 valve +4 amavaitaale e.e to TP given tsat dPC: and A05 valves #1, 92 are el are act anavattaale ese to "LM AM3 T w 5530 45 valve e5 wMavattante swa to *p given tsat =>C: aos ACS valves el. 92, #3 ene fa are act unavallaole owe to TV AvvG11:N! 95;P t :CA AvyGliOwl, enect valve f alls (fails 45 seint gas swooly)

AvvG;20WI 45:P'2CS AvvG12N, peo salve f ails (f atis A 5 potat gas supoly) anG t:0w! $5.y '30- Avv;;3N eso salve fatts (falls A05 point gas swooly)

AviGIA0wl a507'4;D AvvGia:NI, c. ecs valve fat 1s (fatis 105 aoint gas s. coly;

.VVG;i N a5;*:5;I AvvG;5N, eneo salve f ails (fails ACS reint gas s.oelyl avvaJIN -5}JICT Avin21:NI, gises/cecz valves fall (fails neacee gas sueoly to A05 Il avvC2:N!

  • 5.);2 * . AvV11.M3s!, glene/cneo valves f all (f ails Meeeer gas sueoly t4 A05 2)

AVYM130W! a5>IJCH AvYM133s!, gIone/cecx vaIves f all (f a1is heseer gas sueely to ACS 3)

Avv 643 1 g53 340: avyn34aw!, glose/creo valves f ail (f atis heaeer gas semoly to 425 A)

AvvM353w: 85>35C.3 Avvh153st, gione/ coo valves fail (f ails hencee gas smaly ta ACS 5) a AvvadA3d! a53G 588 AVYMADW!, glete/cheo valves fail Closed (for AQ$ gas sueely)

Avv=a 83,1 45AcGcAt AyVN80WI, globa/cect valve fatl closes (for A05 gas susoly)

AvvPIA3d! M53E*.A57 AvvP'.A0ml, glema/cmoca valves fatt closas, f ails A05 setet gas sueely.

Trsin A an8:33=1 45%;3C avvPI53W:, glete/cnoa valves f atti closee, f atis A35 patat gas susely, ra1n i f Av1 Ac5 valve I f atis to ese if availmfe (Portton exclustng tae ASV1A8 AaC gata ans evet Avl 8)

I i

cVDC:CG ased111:1!, oserate omr ouring asintanance, atsasIes valve 45A 513v AAvIPv P pilot valve f atis ac.aator AAv100 PI, ascsantcal valve fat tw s AV I A. ACS valve !!! Itne or occaustatar rusturs a5:13EAY AALIC33FI, aw.mlator avyture j

ape AJtDFI, valve 13E Itne rustwo Avl 81 Gas sueoly to ACS valve #1 solenotes. Sloczed 45;fv!CE AIT18t00!, nemsel glene valve fails tiosed AO36L71, cnect valve f ails closas, C.FC l AV2 ACS valve #2 f atts to ose if avatlete Poetton esclueing tpe A5r2A8 Aec gate me evet w23) l t v 3CM. Mteec ence- stA evet Avl

=90120! AA v 8v:P,:1:st valve datls (actaats )

AAv00:P ! , sec a*1 ca t ,a've faifu-e


42A 405 .a ive :1- t

  • e s accen ' ats- -ve t. e I
  • C ' .*M aE I!!!/ '. s i .sr. 410* ".*t4-e og
g. ,



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  • A 52 3 ! ea t

,,e av a i t ac i l i t j see

  • a:Is .* a.v'ar:<tw *r s t
  • .e- ,e-t  % e-*e t D e'a*at n= -

AS.5A".,a ; a5:naac ADNa;ni, 'at 6es of solenets salve 50A, 630 M;5 systel an!:53n! as;vvaga ADS; Ca!, of solenets valve 15C8, S IC M 5 systes)

DC: N5::> 405 valve el usavattele owe ta TM given tnat W: is w t so.e far sain ten anc e o*MC: imA ' :e C5 valve *2 ueavatlete eue to ip give uat =PC: aco 205 valve el are not Javailaole sue to 79 SS N * *:5300 A35 valve #3 devatlasie sue to TM give Oat nPCI and A35 valves el enc #2 are not unavallele sue to 79 AMa TM 5AOP A05 valve de usavat1mle cue to *p given Dat dV. and 105 valves el 92 ama el are not unavallasle &#4 to *p ADC3  ? * :5500 ACS valve +5 unavailaste sue to ip give that W.: ase ACS valves et, 92, #3 anc ta are not unevat tasie owe to Tp AvvGit:N! 9571tCA AvvG11:N1, enect valve r atis (fatis A05 setnt gas sueely)

Avv4:2:N! a5:P'Z S AvvG12:NI, eneo valve f atis (f ails A05 setnt gas supely)

Aiv&!!:NI *53P'30: Avv3:2:Ni, coo valve fat 1s (f atis 405 metnt gas sueely)

AviGiA0w; a57 'aC3 AvvGla:NI, crecs salve fat ts (fatts ACS astat gas sacoly; avv4 W 4 as/e:5;I avvGi5:NI. cneo valve f atts (fails ACS sotat gas saaely)

Avv4:M -5>3:07 AVYM1:NI. glaae/cnecx valves fall (f ails seacee gas susoly to A05 !)

AVv42:N: 45).22:a' AvvM32:N!, gtone/cneo e41 es f at1 (fa1is neeer gas suae1y *.o A05 2)

Avv c20w! n5>33CH Avvu3:ht, glase/enecx valves f ati (f at ts neeeer gas susely to 405 3)

A vvGa3,! a5>34 : Avvn340ht, glose/cnoca valves fall (falls neeser gas sesely to A05 4)

AvvC53h: MS>35CJ Avvh150wl, gione/eneo valves fall (f alls neneer gas susely to AC5 5) e Avv'ua3d! n53G 588 Avvh4A3st, glase/cnoca valves fait closed (for A35 gas tussly)

AYvaa8Dh! <bOGCAT AvYna80WI, glete/cMo valve fail cicsos (Per ACS ges sueoly)

AvvfZAJWI d50GCA8V AvvP Ackl, gleme/cnocs valves fati closes, f at1s 405 astat gas susely.

Train A arvP:3Dh1 453r454; AvvP153WI, gISD4/cmeC1 valves f ails closed, f atis AOS peint gas theBly,

  • rain 5 Av1 ACS valve 1 f atis to open if avat tele (Partton esclusteg tse ASV1A8 Aa0 gate and evet Avis)

! E%AOC:(IG Aml111".II, seratar er*or auring mainteance, et smies valve

{ 45A0513 AAvlPv0P!, siist valve f at ts actaatar uvio0,I, encaniai vaive fasiure l

A v %. ACS valve 131 line er acceulater rvetare as:!3EAY AM.1037 , ace:malator rupture APea.310FI, valve 13E If ne rupture 4:141 Gas sueely to ACS valve il solenetas, slected i M50tv!:t uf18CDQ:, ampuel glese valve fails closed ACT36CFI, cnoca valve fetis closes. 08C l

Av2 A05 valve #2 f alls te ase if evetlan te (Poet'on escluetng t>e A5YZA4 ame gate ape event w23) j I

i l 'lA DC.'OG M irec s ceee 9 AA evet AV I G052:I uv2ev3P:, atlet valve f at ts (actastar)

AAv;;;;P!, mee.aatcal valve fatture A t I A., 405 ,a:,, :33 ttee sa accam.l ator -J c * +e

-:: > u bs *

A0:7 : a::sn ' a ts % c e ,

Jea :7 . .al.e '> ibe %8t re {j j *j* *g

  • v.33

.v q

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  • A SI.8 i v ee t ss; 1Cs

. a.s: 'sn'l*ts F,pae

  • 3pN$a e* t / ( s 3 ; 4* a t ' 0 8 J"#wa45i*8t' ***83

? 9.g a425: Gas s.csty to A;5 valve #2 to;eac'es. stocaea

  • 5:3v20; uvl8MC1. wual glace valve 'at ts c?oseo ACV36,a0Ql. csect valve falls closec. 1C 8C f Av3 A05 valve #3 f ails to open 't avas taof e

, Portion escl otng tne ASY3Al AAC gate es event Av35) g5413 ; AAv3Pvapt. at tot valve fatis !achatar)

AAV3000Pl. ,ec.wical valve fatlure siAOC.W 3efineo oncer MA evait Av1 A CA. 105 valve 13K line or accumalator nature a5012KAI AAQQ30FL, accumulator etacture AP'0371. valve 13K ltne wrure 17351 Gas sucoly to ACS valve #3 soleacida. Blocaec v 5:4130.= uviSKDCI manual glooe valve f atit closee

  • C'!;5dDPI cseca v a lve f ai t s :1 see, eC-#

ava a:5 velve +4 f alls is avat tante 1

8 7tton ancl.oing tse ADaA8 AAC gata ano event Ava8)

! %3C.E 3efineo upoor 88tA event AT1 asA 543t AavoY3PI 311ot valve f alls (act4atar)

AAV4007!. mecnanical valve fat ture AvaA ACS valve !3m Itne er accasmalatar rveture M5013Ms 8 AAiaC30FI. accumulator ruotare 980471. valve 13M line evocure Awa&1 Gas swooly to Aa5 valve M selencies. bloctee a50svaca AIYt870GI. eenual glee valve f alls classe ACV'8 CDP!. csect valve fa11s closec. E KC A ll A05 valve ei f ails is evatimofe (Port'on asclueing the A515Al ANO gate we event av58) 14ACC % *efinee m ee 8tA evet All nM0153. Mv5Pv7!. =t iot valve fatis (acuate)

AAV5CC 7 ! mecsanical failure av5AL A05 valve 135 line or accumulatar evoture

=$;131AC AALSC371, accatator ucture W'0571. valve 135 Itne ruotare Affit Gas swooly stoczee to A05 valve #5 soleotes 45CD'JCO U118533!. sam at glane valve f at ts closee ACYMSDPt. caecx valve fails closes. MC-FC OV 0%=LC1 C.9F. common soon eiesel fatture 34T X :1AT: *AT. LpC: memo train A unavatf aof e sue ta maintenance given taat L C5 locos I ano 2 ano all etesels are not in saintenance Oi! M : 5?: 3ET LPC: oume *eatn I uavailac;e a,e to maintenance even :nat '. C*


  • rains 4 are C. .*C5 oocs 1 es 1. anc all atesels are act l' sain tea apc e
2;;*r t of
:cisng to ee mts:ve saives IE!*)

1; D E- >ai U 53P ! , act:- :oe- stee h *: e

  • i y v e Ne , 9C :

M :* E m:::e :oe- s t ec h : e* * ' y v e b e . < #:

4 .,  ! 5 M . } ,#.



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. J 6g JJ.m>. ,(2: _. g

- * ' age!.rt

  • **f'6C'; *r

. SU 127 moe eat t e'a st'sa 'f a a s ' ' at ' ' ' t ? 've e.. .

3C2:19s: te* N e s' sa-af sons cresisve valves iEL) e5AE11E* 2 34871 estar oeratae outer *1 valve, eC 3C 3psv3aA7: esta operatee m. tar *1y valve, su: 7C

C *T 1C7 3CT. JC
sueo Trata C unavat tacle eue to estatoaaaca given met JC3 locos ! anc 2. and all stesels are *ot in mainteaanca Daa2 01senarge valves to JCI injection toes 1. sumo Train A. Pati closes (Eac!.etag evoat DCaaGA) -

n g!!Aa! 01461AJOI. eiseary valve f ails :lesee. E0JC 3C7s:A7 eiscrarge caecz valve st ca closee

'ser17A71, discnarge e f atis closes. eC it nE 1AAJ lroCIAnFI, pipe occas to cisenar9e itne of tone 1. aus ir:1n A 3042 Disc =rge valves to t.fC! tnjection teos 2 puso irain 5. 'ait closes (Excluaing evet EMa4081 n Z:: SRI 2i64aic . sincrarge valve 'at t s closes. 88.v-#C 3CYa1871, eiscsarge eso valve ste classe sit-,*C 388f17571. siscsar9e 80v f atIs elesee nK :SRG - yeC 9di, stpe vance occ:rs in discsar9e line of 1000 2. ame irsin S 33C 31 csarge valves ts 'JC: injeetton, toes 1 puso train C. 'ati cicrsee (EscLetag event DC&a0C) m K 102. FeC2QWI pipe asetas to eiscar9e flee of Trata C

  • llIntK301 disenarge valve 'sils closes, SLO TC 3 pert!C7!. eiserge act fatis closee MCJC 3CVaIC7 ! etso arge check v4Ive stact c!esee

%Xl2 01scaarge valves te LPCI injection, toes 2. enem Tratn 0, f ail closee (Esclustag event EXa'GO) n E*23R:: 3P*:23dt. stee -estre te sisear9e Itne of swo ? rain G

Zv650001, eisenarge valve fatis classe. 8LeeTC l

' *Jer17*J7' eiscarge 6 f ails c!esee. C-FC 3CYal:EP!. siscar9e esca salve stasca closee 30IUA Failee of eif ferential ressure perwissive, f alls t>C* pum frain A, tooo 1 it::MA lK'91902!, etscalibration of pressse cnarinels (cnannel 54) gg!paa.A yti3Ae41. f aitse of ressure sesoe 58A 3BIi&AiNI. f at bre of pressure relay logic l

JCIPl Fatire of gif'erenttal press.sre perwissive, f ails LPC: pues frau 8.

loco Z ,

EE:Ca4 softnee unser ERA event DCIUA nK:7986 7458Dnst, fatture of sressee sesor 148 3RE!assw!, failee of prEsure relay logic J:;U* F aikes of atf*e-ential pressure servissive, f ails puo train C.

loos 1 i T .'! 9J Oe'iaec ance*.78A eve 9t 3CIUa

= %:73C 0P8530's:. f a Are s' peessers seasc* 54C i

8!!a: ei. *a? bre c' peess#e 'ela' Ictic

" ?b 2 y ",Y

' ).%.' Y &

3 h. u .1ac.

a 1


f1 ' p D' l 's ^

, g s

i ,

  • W 9.b. !04*t' ave'. . s

. $Z, [ . va t

.* a. a t ' ac 111 ( p

  • P ta AE7 .a.a. av +er. -a r r., r. e Iv -e ..t e.;i.,4:.o.

30!FT 3

'si %re of st **e-e ti si

  • es :eav s siv a , *s t is mas ** a t n .
ocs 2 (

!T;;,W 3eff nee sneer 8tA eve =t 00!Tf a 1E;P3A: 3P'54:W I. fatture of pressure sersor 540 38f 54>w1. f atise of pressure relay toqic 307 i T*237:A 307. LPCI suas frain 3 ,cavat tacle eve to mainteance give mat JC; psee Trains a es C.1.FC1 loops 1 and I. ase all stesels are not ta mainteance 0FWa Fallas of 'JCI alte mate satn (tarougn sue fratn a) for aume Train C (tselusing events ORIZA. MPa%3. EAca40A)

EE iT1T :Du:3C21. f ative of meerstar to reatty valves wE!**2v 3CY31A0ml. June stscnar9e enso valve f alls to prevent flow ai!!kiti J8v8:A3F1. O crossover valve f ails closee (F142A). eCJC

  • 111A2rv sma3A301. O f at ts closee (F3C3A) go #C YUt f atise of JC: altermata satn (tarougn one Train al *or nume Trase C (Esc'wetag evets "iA123. YP's60. ' Ata48)

LEI 2*3T >uC33CII. *at ture of oseratar to realte valves

  • SC;Z*2T ' 3CY3160e!. :mme etscnar9e enecx valve rat is ta orevent fio.
  • 1125127 lM8213PI. Moe crossover valve f alls classe gF1821). T.FC Mil 232t! 3m038001. e 'a11s classe (FOC38) aso #C 7pC f ailure of 'JC: altarmate patn (tprove puse Trata Cl for mame Train A (Esclusteg evets y*0 we EAcaMC)

!E :AA2 DuGZAC11. fative of ooeratar to manually *ealtyi valves M111A18Y Oeffnee uneer 'tA evet 3FWa M111AltZ 3m10A001. O F010A f at ts soe. 4C #0 n111A2RI 3ma743:!. * 'Oa74 f atis closee. WC wi!!C22 3CY31:3el. ;mme 41 scar 9e een valve fat ts to revet flo=

3 FWD Fatise of LPCI alters;ste satn (tJmsur pume Train 01 for pume Tratitl1 (Esclustng everts y*O ane EACa&OC) 25C:2tu 3Muu21311. f at ture of ooerstar to senwally really valves M1I251tf Definee eeer 'tA evet OFJG 45:281R1 3m:00001. O F0108 fatls open. 4C #0

  1. 11252U 3sra700:!. O FDA7 fatis closec. a0 #C t a$I2W 3CY3130n! oume etscnar9e creo valve fatts to prevent f!ow CFCal 4alves to cooling tone unit I fatis (ET=)

MCT31 (Portions asclueing 3C20$W event)

M53ES*D 3er11a400, cooltag w O butterfly valve, m0 #C 3m11tyt. me.or operator tutter#1y valve.1CJC 3m11371. enter sea ata- wtter#1y valve, aC.7*

3FOTA2 valves to cool nq to-se ett 2 Falls (ESW)

JFC32 (portters escNatng 3CRGtM3)

=5AI CE9 Om21a430 cooling tome

  • O htta-fly valve. 2 8; 3mI1171. act:r noe-stee htterdif va lve.1CJ:
  • 3P! metsr soe atec s tte ely valve. T.;;

m.% a' N N M.35

' - o 3 = t

,* i i sa a e

?24,1 Q., . ha t a ,gg r ,


_} , . . > ,\

a$E3 l .e* t

.'ess. sty sta GP e.e*'as<' *.:n;


. t.o=* :r- v e- t t- e a ' -- .

pr u Failure of *1o. t. mugn 9 .70' aeat eseanger a i
  • 1:n1A$A >201 Ant:. nest peange- A glegges 1:tA2Av Wtnee seee 8u evert yua m311A22: Defined .ncer su event yu:

yWas Fallure of flow urewgn JC ieat sacanger 8 41315Af SICI M :. mest o c yger 01.g90s

  • 1IIS:RT Oef tase unsee 80 event VA#l 41: B2A2 Definee unser 80 event VA70
Pt::as !: *1:P I A2 3F.01amt!. single strainee ;A sloosse/f at'ure (LPCI swetten from 9)

Ir.::.An( as;72A33 YL:2AnEI, single straine- 2.4 stoaage/f ailure (OC: section

  • rom 9 )

Dr.:t M a5;71 tin Or.3 MI. single strainer la clocate/f attre (OC: section fm 9) cc. ,:>t: m1:P215 Gr.C2M . singte st stner 25 slocata/f atture (LPCI section Peam 91 y.ct M : 1:7 'C2 ;FLalut!. single seatne- C stooage/f at tare (LPC: sve.tos eras 9 5

  • r.02 M : g!'P20$,,; YL2MI . s t aq l e s tr a t ae* 20 S t oa age / d a t :are (LPCI swett an
  • am 9 )

113t M : =$;7t:sn DFL3 f M: . s t ag ie s tra taea to stocage/f at ture (: PCI suction from 9)

Or.02 M I 45:7205M 3FJ,2M: stagle straiae 23 olocata/f all re (LPC: suction Pms 9)

Cp atta Flo. etvertee f-u LPC: puso ? rata A ta esston pesi (9) 95C*tAAA Oper24A00!. O.1CJO Oper27A00! valve to 9 sarar messer, aCJO Op e184 F1ou e1estee **sm LPCI pusso irain 3 to sweoress1as seeI (9)

M K 25Aa 3per2a goct . O , aC JO 3per273001 valve to 9 saray heaer, sCJO 3actC2:1; IK:11RI :DsU1G2DI! fatise ta messetty sees discarge valves (lose 2. sums Trais 5 ene 3) se esse star f at t s to -e aH p passe f rat e A aree er 8 f or injection via tPe -ectreulattan lose (LPC.)

JI;"! Fattre of discarte valves fram cooling tmer #1 (ESW) 95MSTE0 Opsell2tP estar ossestee tuttarfly valve. EJC OperttAy!. motor operated Sutter#1y valve. CJC h *2 Fallet of sisearye valves frase cooltog to e #2 (Efe) n9E S"U oper212:P!, satse operatee tutte *17 valve. 4tJ Oper2140PI. entor seerstet tuttarfly valve. CJC Geer 005% 491747 Car 00500 . f atIse of entar oseeates careecting sIwtce gate 30J I *Jur03ACCI = 91!45 :PvC3A2CI. Ern stutte gate 3A ta ett sit *stis, so iC Oper031lDC: 95MI4D OperC3800!. (Td slutca gata 3B ta ett sit f at ts, so TC IpsrCXXI n5M!dA OsM13CJCI. ESW sfutes gata 3C to att sit fetis, atWC


l OperC30tCI

  • SE Td: 2perC30tI21. ESe sie1ce gata 33 to ett stt f a11s. !sDJC guerilAmi! ME*1AAC Cuer16A001. LPC: 0 to lese it, eCJO Der 1640CI 1E*:5Ap 3per!640CI 9C: 'er to teos et,1CJC lper2iAJC:
  • E
  • i AAf :sst21AOCI. L7C O te looc #1,1CJO


  • E :252% Mv2 f B3CI. >
  • c in 'ocs 82. ic G M 3:.A:C: 89t:4: "Pr."A:C! . !!. metae coe stet h tte *1r vaeve. O F:

W :Sx; ~ 5E.'4. M 2 5% : . II. ic t:r :pe s tee u tte * : r . a : .e G 8:

II. v a stes h tte dir va've, s T*

' 0,wv:2 x; N ':E!4;No^M '~

17'* *Y } "io V ,. r e e

,l[va yr/'p I i e e. .o 48 5*h

DD ".

a i


7 a s.1 s . :xt .x. )g ,

j gl K 150 !. ea t ravaaostr

, see .st s , a rv e ' ' ar ' ' ' t v *) tai v re r,e  ! worac e t i s ' aa s t sa 3::a: .su :.a m u :x:. esa MtF 00eratH htis#11 v alve. 9M! f

ma44x: *E:vE lWva4AZI (Is estar operates htterfly valve fat ts c?osee. 90 3C l par assoc: .E:rtia 3pva480CI. ET. astae see stee htterf tp valve Pat ts c' eses. 40 30 37 Loss Of JCI Pues A anatliartes (LaCluetag evets lh'adGA ano diaA) g m1R 'a 3T KAg,(;1A f at turg of SW A rues Cseltag feutsment ns:L'AIT 3 lum 31A. loss of tuarication for sums A
Pwis Loss of JCI am I avaittartes thclueing events DCaAC8 ans aid) amIR2th LAK.Liit, f at ters of :> sus _ room caeltag eeutament a1!JSL LK018. loss of Idrication for pume a y*C1 Fat tare of JCI aums frain C te prestee eeeewate ,ees (betuetag events TsC10) aE!! 5V DCV3107!. pas C coo valve f at ts, stucs closee 7 C2:3h . sume C f at t s to s tat or run
7aC10 Loss of LPC: oss C austitries (Esclueing cents DCa40C me draal
  • ala t:3;. LIUC.L;;. fatture af sume room cueltag esu mmet 95*i G LK 1C. loss of 1.iericatten for ame C
pael Fatture of JC wmo Train 3 to prevtes eseosata neaa (Eastusing events 3P210) 9E 2
5! OCY3137! m 3 poca valve fatts, stucs closee 79230wl. ;mann O f atls to stat er rus
7410 Less of 'JC aums 3 amatitaries (bclucing evets DCae00 w4 wShs) aP!42:15 ENCLL10. fatlurg of suas O room cas1Iog eentzumt at 2015 UKC1. less of luerication fr we 0
  1. acA2 Fstlure of JC: une ' rate A te provtes seeewate =eae (Eac1.ctag events 7% IIA) nE*1A3Z DCT31A&!. pume A cnocs valve fetis, stmo closee PaCZA0h! pume A f ails to start er rum
7aC52 8atlure of tscg puse ?, ta 3 to provise seseeate nese (tactueiag events 7%

= E:2 tS2 OCv1147!. puse 4 checs valve falls, stuca closee 7C250W1. pume 8 f ails to stat or rum vista . aft!.LZ 71L3f. tray pene .eter level tesofficient (!!=)

  • 111A Fat'urg of f1om to eter Es vessel sta recirculattoa foes (food I.

Jesus frain A. LPCI)

(E*nAt Defines .neer PGA ev e t 343102 5 !

ME 1AaK Dr160Acc!. annual valve. it.MC 3CV5 Car! air serates esecs valve f at ts, sucs :leses W1A71. O . MC *

R.1:3 Fattore of e. te arte- la vessel via 'ecriculatt ae lese (loop 2.


  • sia 5. J::)

It:: stl :ee e pee. su e,e.t W::*z: . EM ,

  • E ::!P* 216CtJ::, u a.s va've, e. > F:

/ j' l

Ie . I '. . .. e

7.t;t> ; a * ,ce- s te: :-es 4 ve 'as. St.ta nec P% p a m m s pare .

x!ay: e . t .e : We .w


. ,a. - Af a le d ap

-- = -

  • As ! e. a t a 5U !.or t age .e p astaciitt, ses *stai
  • ? , e. t _'..-t  ! wart ' set a at*
  • a.a*'av t.
5* A es.f fic* e t 't a= 'm ') stes'av to JC; see a (East.eteg e,et 69 ans ue
!*A2 Am: gatet f

gE:Pa 57 3P'01aadt, stee rustse in suction itse 304A0QI. suction e. 4)JC OUA4 JC: alternata sau 4: f at ture to provtoo fle= to pac !

(tactustag event ;ITA)

(W::09 MtAatt, f atlure to eenwally inttista me spentng of tse crossover valves w s:**.ALI 3serC4A7! crossover MDv < #C 11:!6 LE 3 Par 06&DPt. crestover 2. TJC J5*AC JC: alta .te satn 4: fatt se ta proutee flo= to suas C (Esclustag c ent)

EE CT9 3efines uneer Pu evet CSTAS as: m ia Oefeneo .neer 7 0 c ent OS*As a5MA9 arv67A7!. cmsever manual valve (067A). 4.CJC l UA: LPCI altamate patn 4: fatture ta provise f1om ta pues 3 15C:09 3efinee see 8u event 25TAS a!!**L9

  • OIv679lFl. crossover manual valve (3678) %*JC g5!*SA33 Definee unger 7u eget 357As 2573 Insuffittet f'on free 9 stratner to JCI swo 8 (tsclustag event LP ape tre CST 52 AaC gata) nE;Pt5; QPe019f t, stee cuatre in suction Itne Lgoastc!. suct*en ser, nWC 3:TIA JCI alter sta sets 8: fatles ta re, tee fle= to se A (bctustag event 05T8)

(E 09 3efines swer PtA cet 057A4 n5 ms2 Wiaes under tu event CSTAR n!!!&&E Gefinee w pu cet 05 At 35*3C JC1 alternate patn I: f alles ta prostee flow to swe C (E: *9 M ' nee uneer 7 0 event 35?A4 n!!?682 3ef*nes unsee f u evet 0$?at n$ 77 ASP 3efined unser su evet CS*AC 05 12 LPCI attomate satn I: f ailure ta restes fle= to puso 3 (Eactuates evet 0378)

!!C:C*P Winet .ancee 80 event 35*A4 g5 ?642 Oefteet . ecee eu event 05 A3 g5 T719 Wenee sesor su evet :STAD 25?C Insuff tetet flee from 9 stratner to JC: pus C itaclustag evets LP and me 05 J Ano ,ete) nK;'CSL 7P01091, pipe rupture to suctten line

' WC321. section e, 90 #C 35t'A JC: sitemate sats C: fatture te previce ftte :s pues A stac tuc'as evoet !TC)

(E:C 7 :e<'ne .reeeju net 35*al at *649 Oef

  • an aroe- 8'A eveat Jf*4 8 e% s ,

A at:7a9 e " ee ,at e, s es e,,. g :" AC V_ ,;j .  ; ,

i M.39 *We .i

...== .

T =,- ,

L ni, 4

-l a

au ..  ::s t ,.?

a ds i. ort>ao,:it, eu aEr .a e. a ' ' ar i ' ' t . ' te

  • f . ea t "ect f e c' t s t'sa

!.e t

3 J: atte- ate sata * *a' !i,v e is sec e'ce f io. ta sec I ( ag eveat 05** )

( E!:*9 3efines see- 8tA evoat 35'A4 a5;T845C 3ef tave seee ou evoat ;5'A8 M5:UA9 Ce'iaes m eer itA event 35?AC 3573 LPC: alten ate sets C: f at ture to orevise flee ta see 3 (betustag event 35%)

(E C*P 3efiaee unser PtA event 35TAE M5:U49 Defines unes* 80 evet STAC n 5;T719 3eftaea .noea stA event *57A3 35 0 Ins.f f t et e t fim f*w P straine to LPC: siam 3 (tact.atag event LP and sne 35 32 Aac gate) n5C:7C50 9901>Fl. stee auetse ta suction itne 6 6 1 sucttoa 47v. 90 FC

5~.A LPC
altamata satn 3: f at t ere to prov t se flo= to sus A
tactastng event 05 m

( E;;*P 3efinee soee 8tA evet 35TA3 M 51".L52 , se** nee neer eta cent 35*Al a 5:UISP 3efinee meer 8tA e= et :5 TAC 0508 LPC: altem ate satn 3: f attre to provise flow ta see B (Esc!. stag event 053)

I SCIC*9 Cef tnee wneer 8tA evert 25TA4 M5175&50 Def t aec uneer eta event 35 TAB n5 Int 9 3efinee neer 7tA evet 35 tac 357 % LPC: altam ate sets D: failure to prestee flee ta pise C l Lac 1es1ag e= e t 35T3)

EE;U9 Def tnes unes* pu cert "5The n5I*719 w taee neer eta event *.5 TAC d51Ut2 3efines unee- Pu cet *3*AD Da;5 aselvtE', Da;5. local eleercal fatise of weatt tatten system (f atts ventilatton system a ane 5 for room isoting for 3E 11)

DA2 pensa f se SE 11 s e,a+1 ate (Escl.etag event L3EA) l ACx it;A t!4tix. f ai:ure to cae autamette transfe for 3s 11 start l a5DE11;A t"AETM. Snart la peer cote f*ss gevrator (C507M. ctetut t tress er ,*stis 10 30 (AC32 po.e free 3G 12 weavatles:s (E.actuetag event (364)

AC3b122 (ShC12M. fatlee te mese seamatic transfe for 3E 12 start 95aE f 2X CO/407M. Snort in pour car e from geeratse

L;3a073bt, streutt areasse fa 1s 40 #3 i'

ti4:2 F-as SE 13 e avattaste (tact.etag event E3r4)

AC%1 ;t E N f 33ul . 'a v l se *.a eas e e .ama ti c tr ae f or 8:e % l3 start

  • 1%1;;t (".A?C7N. sacet 'a spe* es-le *ese seae'ator 1: 5,=.i . i. e., s t.. a. or . ,s. . ,:

._ N,

,,. D  %'. 3 I5 a '.U . l

y ,



a s.t e . u::.n ..e ,

l ,J 113 ,

1 . ,

,eet p a,atianitity
  • *tA 28 3ev

!..=e n.vareit w a-ataea ..... i a etift.

leC 2 e os 3r. 14 es,ailaole (taelectag event I M AC GIG (!WlaDut. fativre to asse automatic tresfer 'or % 14 start

  • 10G: G (*AaC7:h!. anart to so=ec from ;eae*ater 1:18Cf3WI. cirntt creaser f atis. I DCa404 '.oss of 440 f ac sus.157 31stston I (Lactedtag event LACA) i M5440lJ! EITIC23h!, voltage transfrwr fat ture (13114h!. adC Tec mus or switogear unevatlante (C35uS3WI. aus transformer areaser f at ture 1C F0 GCadC8 Loss of ado vac hs. DS 31ststen !!

(Esclueing evet EAC31 p 544C?.;J LI*2023w!. voltage transformer fat tor.

ICM353wt Dus transfo use greaser fatiare.1C 30

!!51243h!, a4c vac mus or swit:rpa* anavet tante LMa40C L:ss of 440 vec ses. EPs 3fviston !!!

(tactustag event DC:)

R 54401.E EIT3C33W!. ,eItage transforner f aiise E037053WI. tus transformer oceasee f ailes.1C #3 ELS JaCh!, adC Tec sus sr tuttagear wavaitante DCW3 Loss of ado Tec tus. D$ 31stston IV d 5a404J:. DTa023W! voltage transferuse f at lee

!:MC5>!. bus transforner treasor fatlure. OK0

!!51440WI. 444 Vec bus or switcoger enevatlale M M IM M. all stenals fail to stat euring tast, slant Detag sputasen 15E1 *13271Mt (1821. local electrical *at ture of ventilarten syste (faits ventt tatten systes A and 5 for acas cooling for 3E 12) 115011>! n$c1 E s (5531tzt, a tvec sus or suitager for 93 01ststeps ! (CE 11) unevatlaste 1 15:123ht es2ED tts:123WI. a Evac bus or s.ttoyer for D5 01ststans !! (3E 121 unevat laele

!!$31331 ns:1 E F (15:133ht, a riac sus or s ttopar for D1 Otetstes !!! (DE 13) unavatlamie I

t11:1a>! as 3EF (15014361 a aTac bus or :=ttagear eo r D131eistons !? (DE Ia) l e svatlaste l 11321Ah! a12:1JU tl521ADht. f at ture of 25C/125 fee sus (D$ 31ststen Il 1152182 1 m$0C 2.*V (1:254CWI . f atture of 250/125 voc hs (D5 Civtstoa !!)

(1525C3h! 450C:3J5 (8525C3W!. fatlee of 125 vec sus (D3 Otetsten !!!)

1852530W1 n$aC34;T (152500Wt, f attre of 125 vec aus (D1 Otviste IV)

I *3in M$a3VIMJ E:k!. local electrical f at ters o s ventilation system (f an ts ventilatten systas A ans 8 for room caeltog for os 13)

I'845 41Davtna 108US. local electrical f at twre af eenttistion system (f at is veettlation systes A ape i for *oas coollag for .% fa; E3cA21 rat ture of eeaust we ttlat'or a sauce

  • system A (ass 1'es te atos escling f or X 11) a C14Aa2 a:P '0C GP ! . e tn aes t samoea :'os ec (3P W ei. earaus t :asrae 'se oos . e t* ' a t
  • or *at's t: 'e m :*

w .,

m **i a > . . .

l 8 ss s ral

\ --. - - _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - __ - _. _ _ _ ___ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

MM ,p'  %* f

  • iL! o- 4- ' .n sV ,' ,y d sp~ _ '_

f I

A SP I . ea t e s. a i t ec t ' ' t .,

au . ;;7

. a.a.'e 'ity *ns-t .r: .r: i n e t f . ' a a t a ea

[00A22 Fat' re o' e e eattist'or tamoe* 1 *a:c H et ta poo .

pe lias 'ar % 4

= E ti tG O2307!, canoee closee ,

O!00 net. aanee 'or ason veatilatica f ails ta funct'on Z3CR2: r ative of avaast vent *1ation sammee system A (acoltes to oom cooltag for Dr 12) 452?>A 010!W!. epaust sanser stuca closee E3Pf01m! essmat samese for com ventilation fat 1s to Nnction (3C82: 8at f ru e of seamst sett14tton camper 8 (aoolies to -oom cooling for X 12)

-E2VIGI O2013P!. emaust samer closed O20lnl. anaust samper 'or room voitilation fetis to f netton ER21 F411#e of tueust ventilation camper s stan A f aoolies ta room CDoling for Y.131 4 503VM: O'C271, :amos- stucs closed 17 tC2ms! . sanoea for coen ventilatte fatis ta fection 133c2 r atture of azaaust vet 114 tion camper 8 (apolies to room cochng 3r X 13)

= S;318MF . O2027!. esaust sausse classe O202*NI eMautt damper for Poem ventilation fat Is to function I41C21 Falles of apaust ventilation damer syltam a (aoeltes to room cooling for 3G la) gSLavAMQ EPICJP[. epaust gameer stuc2 closed r710JWI epaust sameer for roam ventilattom fatis to Naction (30C22 Failure of eznaust vet 11stion damser B (asoltet ta reen cooling for 3G 14) nSDav be t72037!, aanaust samer c!esed O203NI. tueust sameer for room ventt1atte fatts to functton

( 3GC !A Fatture of tPe weal th f ase fe 3G 11 (EscIusing tse transfer fesa me ED f ault trse) aEIMI Failure of tne 9 talet or outlet valve for tne (E tooo to 3611 J8v32A3:1. f ailae of me SW stscnarge valve, no sc ear 31A00! fatise of tse SW talet valve. 40 FC a Z121 Ef0k30! Fa1%re of maesal valve 1009 l

CIC 8 f ail.m , of tre ni (SW teos for 3G T2 j

itseluding tse t*mesfee *-on tse (L 'aul t t* eel l

l 952hl: Fatture of tre 9 inlet or outlet valve 'oe tBe !!W foco la X Y2 I

d=df}&t331, f atise of tPo SW discharge valve. % SC

'J8f33833! fat ture of me SW tutet valve. E sc M S25Wil 'KYOSaOQI. fatise of earual valve 10058 23C; 'at ture of tre west (SW lose for 3G 13 (Encluding tse transfe 'rse tpe 13W f ault tree)

  • S;3r=Im F a t t ure of tr e h t ale t ce wtlet vatte for toe (SW foes 1: 3G 13 ea r:20 % I *atlee ed me b discrarga valve.10 #C s'v 3 0% f a i ?.re o f tre L t a iet v a l ee . 07*
  • E;;.:t .titi I I, *attre o' mae.a! valve !3C5

) . .

"r ] v.*[

4 h

% ,% 0 848 4 3 -


i ,,

' A R.! * -  ! set" *c.

,] ,,j }l , as ,

4E8 b ee t Le e. a i t an i a t ,

ou eE)

': a s. a ' ' a e " e v

  • tsi
  • .e t b e-- * :.eea ea e S e ' ar a t aea

( ,*4!: F of t=e aormal tr. 'seo *** DG t a (laclosing tne transf er from me !Se f ault trsei 5w. ,4o,. of we 5. intet or outies vaive f., we tsa te s. x 14 (

es9343M. f at tare of tae SW siscarge valve. %JC

.m 1300CI. Fatts r e of me SW inlet valve. 5 JC mSDa kIJ 4v050:C1, f at tee of manual valve 10050 EXCIA Failse of tae alternate ESW 1ese for OE II (tactueing tse trusfer from tse [F. f ault tree)

ES:la*h *NA sperator f atis to anse trarsfer 4531Am Fa:Ture of tne b intet se outlet valve for tDe !SW !s OG 11

  1. 3aA7!. f ailwre of SW stsparge valve. TJC 28r32AWI f of SW inlet valve.1CJC 4501;M Oefined peer 8tA event EDGC?A i:r4:5 Fa11c e of se altan ata (fa tocs 'or 3G !!

(Esci.cing me transfer from De [L *ault : eel

!".0 A.!A *L8. soeratar Falls to asse trarsfee

~5:2A.IC Fat;ure of tre L intet or outlet valve for me E5m to OE 12 m3:53PI f atlure of W sisearge valve. TJC m3!87! 'stise of 2 inlet safve. TJC 45:2 LIS 3efines unser 80 event E3EC;8 1%~2: Fative of tre alternate E5h toes fe CE !3 o (factucing the t. ansfer free me 12 f anit tree)

(5:1Aw!E JNC. oeeratar f atis to name tresfer n$t3AW1E Fatice of t>e SW inlet or outfet valve for me Eb to CE 13 m34071 f atise of SW tisenaryn valve. TJC M13C7!. f at ture of SW f niet valve. TJC 4503GIF Definec ansee stA e,et EDEC C E3EC:3 Fat ture of tre alternate Ein fase for M 14 (taelveig De transfer from tse (9 f ault tree)

( Su.II *u:. soeratse *si t s to maa e tr ans fee a53haett Failee of tse D inlet or out!st valve for tne E3h to OE la m123rf. f at:wre of SW siscsa 9e valve. T 7C m310pt. f at lure of SW 191st valve 1CJC a53a5WI; *ef tase see- 8tA evet (DECt3 (51D a 4:X;1!0 Fatise to -coate 3G 11 given f at iaet or maintoaaeca

( %tEP8 4C%12:3 Fatture to recate 3G 12 ftven f ailee or metatmance aCXt3!5 Failse ta *eeste :E 13 gives e tise s or metatanance EDEADC 40%14tu r aiture to eve 41r DE 14 give f atlas er matatesmes

!;E:1 DE 11 heromare fatt r es w!DElita  !~Z:1

. Db . geas-ator 'atture N .1 .t;. x 11 in teorsoe- w e

!;MC%. f a.i.*e of % !! ta sta

  • arc run ('-on Acceact s a s' Pu tut! -

.A ;%

4 .. \

. ,.-? , 2 v.43 i 6.a I a1

% % .h .%7 * ,

tg i 4 .

Y N 1.g e


  • on t' auet. q m. ,.
  • 1k,,! e.; i 1 > e }. J .

a ! *J ! v e* *


'8 s.A A$[# # yor eat i s c l ea st

  • w .aa.s*'a* Q *:ta1
f. eat


(%:2  % ;2 a a**= ar e 'a t

  • e es a 5%12:8  !*4:12N. grerator f atture W12ll11. 3 12 ta toursor esse EDIZ30 failure of as 12 to start we re (from Aseests 4 of pea test)

EX13 DE f3 nare.are fattures 45%1314 EGE lim. geerator f atture Enco13:. :. OE 131m tmoreoer onee

!:133C fait re of as 13 to start es run (f%s Apocasts A of MA tastl 1%;4 36 14 nars.are f ai f urts 4 EE14tT E~ :d 14,M. generatar f at ture EM;C16C11. X le to teergeer amee E314CJtc. f ail ro of DE 14 to start ape run (from acoests A of pea taatl IJ31 . ss of c rie et acus t. 91 31 s t s t en I . t oes 1 (Esc 1#ng cert 'Xaa3) a5% i1JA !;A2.A1 M posee canIe from 44C f ac C to earger erosen E K31M . carge- mas at l an t e E.032 Less of erge circutt. D1 Dietston I. lose 2 (Esc!ucing event E.E&aGA) n53C:1d> ECA1.A2M. somer caele fra 440 Tec C to ener9er tremen CSC:42 M e arger s avallanie it.C31 Loss of cnage cimit. US Otvision II. teos I iEsclueing eget EAC6404) 150C12.lP E3ISTM, some cable feen 440 sec C to enar9er trosep IK*1tN. carge- unavailasle

.02 Loss of erge c*rcutt. 95 21ststoa !!. Yose !

(Esclueing evert EAC&aos) wSZ:200 E3:E:M. pose camle from 440 f ac C to enarger tremen EE"3 M. cnarger eevat taale EC Loss of carge circuit. D1 Division III. loos i t!ac1.,stng evet EAC&act) 413C ;3,X, E3CIN somer camle *rse 4a0 vec C to enarge- nesten CE=1M. caryr maiallante IL 3 Loss of carge circutt. D5 3tvision !v. teos 1 (Esclucing evet EAC4400)

M SOC 14JA E~A01M. power enole fra 440 dec C to erger arcaen ESC 3 1 M . ca r 9er e ewatlasle 109a apetPC11T (CPA. tess of offstte poser sources. D101riston !

CCP S wouP32:n 1071. ! ass of offsite asser sow cas. D1 atviston !!

ECSPC awC:1  !*PC oss of of*stte somer sourtes. D$ Division !!!

(070 asseP M:Y 1:20. less of offsite nous- sou-tes. D$ 3tetsion tv I:5;I: A0.07:: !:"JI;. f at f are to -ecove- of's'ta pose givea its toss 5 * *J 1 ; ,a

v. % 1
  • 4- m a t ea anc e 1 . i s !".e

T aa.I m- 1. (O r t'} ,

..,..t eu a:Is ,r a . a s ' as ' t i t ,

' . e- t fet  !:mer**-t/fse'taat + . ut. *etet (1254 I ns u f f i c' er t po.e- f rom E7 5 09 = 's i se I s a t ta*

  • es P a t : s lr 11 )

a5%:1&K EBCIA. esttery carge level 'asufficient 15YLAIMul. Datte y set una,atlaole

!!258 Inssf*1cient so or fne U5 01:1 sten II natteeses (faits JE 12) n5x::2EL EK 5. nattery merge level insufficiet EttillMut, setta y set unavailaele 111K !ssufficient gemer from E75 Diviste !!! tattaries (f ails DE 13) asDCC3GI EE :C. 64ttery enerve level insufftetant

!J71Clwul, sattr y set anavettacle 1125: Insufficiet poser free 175 Division !? Detteries (fatis DE 14) n5DCDa&J EK D. nattary cnarge level insufficient ERT101 mil. nattary set unevetlasle 127 **P1264 E2M. DE 12 in maintmance, given that DE 11 is not ir matatmance Lim TM713&F C3m. DE 13 in maintenanca, given taat DE 11 ane 12 are wt in esintenance tan T471441 (4p. OE la tn anintmance, given taat DE 11.12 ame 13 are met in matatanance h8Cfh C w tSDra *8CTh. too #C: and EC:t out, tz betag snutainen MC3 Insufficiet flom to la vessel mrougn care saray (MPC: ane 7.3)

M9et:E noor0067!, eCI sisorge isolation O. ICJC m3f'J E LP0a9FI, failure sue to pipe rweture b LIvC7tOQI. Care spray annual snutoff valve. WC L*V10BOPl. AC Care s8 ray line eisserye valve f ails, stuC2 cletee LCT06@t. A0 care su'ay line eiscnarge valve f atis, stuct clases MCIT *atture ta #C: tartime staan emnenst ta suoressten pool nSHPC*n! edLCOCl#I. fat 1re of eepture risa M2v0210QI. steam eismarge manual valve lectee osen-f ails closee W'00D(I. pipe electoge tenittts staae fles

  1. e300s(I. eanaust spar 9er fatlure alects flow weerQ72DGI. stas sisorge pot, nGJC
    • eecTn! MT21, instest11ty in WCI steam emnaust 1tne causes air taasst pressure nFilam(I 454 5Pob WUCOMEI. unC* SP stratar #1 clagens nF' 20GE: GetPOV MFL20GCI. #C: SP strainer f2 cloppee nFV :nsufficient flow to La vessel tnroup feoe atar loop (*CI)

N5KTwo FPP10AWI. f ailure sue ta pis* tvetare FMr11ADDI. FW tselatim IWF IOJC FCT10 @ !. cpect valve falls, stuca closes FCY7sA71. AC testasle cnock valve fails, stuct closec M5rfC:#C *esv1C5 7 !. MnC: sisparye isolation 'Or. EJC

=>UD6901: 15HC.70' 4=UO6H2!. f at ture of one-ets to initiata ransfee give* C5" line/

valve f at (*C:)

nau530:30 i:;#CIAI mu500:10. manual actuation f atis (first ees tart of ** :i e40CO : ild::p .e=u600:1 . ma% 41 ect.attoe f ails (tnitial start of d!.


  • M 45 N p, p 3'



se a l g , - - t

j' i.-

' . ' 'N g 4 f '

  • L L.! e . . . (;o, gin,,ej I '

-. h ,, f e 2 aLI7 i eat s a. s t '. as t 11 t r

.ru Ast?

O w eat'! n'aast'oe '=a.aar"ty 'et 1 4 Nt  ! ea t .

aaN70CC1: !sre ::q: =es70c".t! WC; not *es et 'o- ooratica (initial start o' *::

l 4 mTA F at ture of CS* los l ev e l i ne t c a ti on ae s ' o gi c . p- e* ec ts t- ars

  • e *-am C3* to SP . #C:1 (tsc'watag event n!aTA1)

AcaCCSLT ma1641=u'!. f at ture of relay logic for C:7 to,el 9petcation (c:sumar It na st u 4010 )

inAC*SLT %I561*11. etscatteration of lam level tesors in CST (comsmin itse altB CIC)

M!NT2 Faitre to p ovies eenval transfr erm CIT to SP (WCI)

(Esclueing event MIN'A) t SACC%.R '#8UCT9::11. humer er-or. fsilure to transfer in saff*cient time (common lina eitn at;;)

n5 4*P00 M3h001:b!. manual transfer settch fails wtml Fa11re of C3T lines one valves (MnCI) n$rC*.TCI spe"41MFI. 919e svC10CCI aanual isolation valve on suction Itne from CIT. a.0 FC cv0040n!. C3" sautef* valve, no #C aCYC190PI cpea valve fetis, stuo closee

=5RMCRT Fatire of C3* O *: ( ACIC/WC:/LPCS) f *124*CI CSI siscnarge O. eMC Der 1Z5DCI. CST etscrrge O. MMC MIN 2 Failure of sueeression asel to provtee fles (HPC!!

(f aclueing events LSP me M143)

MSWCICI le8P041:PI, SP tsalation O utbC Mm0420CI. SP isolation O. C #C MCY0453P! meo valve fatis. stuca closee WP'003(I. Ptee resture la section Itee to pues

%IV25 Fatire of level channel n (WCI)

AOF29mc PetES2MI. f ailure of level I relay logic (ESZ>=*, f at ture of level I sensor a LIY2* Fatire of level enarmel C (*CI)

ACh72C*} wile 3231. 'atlure of level C relay logic MLE323W1. f atire of level C sesor aLIV2F Fat tre e' level enormel F (*CI)

ActP2Te5 MAE9ZTW1. f ailee o' level F relay log *c (ES2Tww1. f ailure of level F sesor MLIY25 Fatire af level caannel 6 (ft:)

ACHP2ENU MREf2EHdl failure of level 5 relay log'c (ES2EHW1. f at tre of leve". E sesor MLIT9200II Deer.*JW ML1192001!. siscal1Deatten of level emewels (*C: initt att en )

ML161 M I AC2CCSLO EE61FWI. fatture of CST los level ine1 cation, a6418 (*CI anc I!CIC aLisinr.[ ACaCC5LP nListFWWI. f atture of CST los level incicatter, a641F (MPC: arc RC:-

AE320::I! ISRC**.9 %Eff021. siscalibration of level cmanaels (MPC: ame aCIC) aL!)3nr.I aC4L50m 4Ll3>u! f alse sipal 'ncicates er s vessei a = ate- level (t-*es aFC;). h6538 152r..; A c $at c,gg3r..:. *a ise st 7a1 acicates m gr as . esse: . ate- :e e' t- M WC;), Wilt W - .*. 6



.  ? .

,17 3 k' *

. 'a s.,! m. :  !"artaaved A


(] . Leam d i' ..M.., 1 ,

ASEP !veat

! U-a.a'taai11ty j esA 428 '# a . a ae.t. Tetat 8.-t  : e et/Ene'tast'or

%E l F atiu*e of M*0! luce system af ter s tst n 5#C.7 neerC35%I. Isolatie valve (n) f atis, sOJC

.ver0590P!.1 solation valve (80r) f stis. EJC e

MCV0a471 caen valve f ails closes MCv0$77!. c>ect valve falls closee

' ns(100WI. Tube oil coele neat esoseger loans wov 112! =9tMC:sc necrC111CI. @CI ser tast itse valve fetis. LCJO nasv0C40C: 45HC.- eG peer 00$00I. CST =aypass isolatten valve. EJO (nPCI) neer:110C! p KC*W mfcv1100 . CST Dysass isolatten valve. EJO (WC )

nc; lesufficient coolst to 12 vessel (WCI)

(Excluding n071 Aac getal 45hPC:let nCY0057!. MPCI discorge valve fetis, stucs closes near007:CI.

  • C: eismarge isolatten scr. fuGJC nPe100MF1. s1pe rusture tn cae1 ant #1senarge 11ne nC*C Insufficiet coolant to reec*.or vessel fras WC; u $rCSM LC1100FO care siray (C3) line eiscarge edeo salve f ails /stuo closee (f ails WC;)

LCvo6ACPD. care spray (C3) Itne etscaarge eneo salve f ails /stuc2 closes (f alls WCI)

M MIM FC110A FD. c>ecs valve fails, stucs closee FC77aAFO. A0 tastaele caecs salve f ails, stuct closee MCTOOSPD. peuCI discarge checs valve f ails, stucs closes test 105FD. WCI discner9e isolatten valve (per). EJC nMv006FQ. WCI etsorge isolatie valve (MOV). IEJC fe Failure of WCI peso ta press.e aseewata heed (E.acturing event W MI)

MS#CPw WMX)13r!. failure ta previse aeschata flaw tnrump imme (WCI) auring steseguent stFt3 vsta nPC: tastne. less of function (Escleting evet rL:E)

A SMPC'ha neer112PC tureine stae valve normally closes, f ails closes Mfer11170, twtine centrol valve f ails eCWC237C. twaine f ails to stst

  • =CC 1:hC nS#C'eC WP0011be, f atise ta provise seewata flow tn-sup soms (FCI)

% Pal F ailure o* WC :mses setive force cur *ng s.eseguent starts (Eactueing events **18. #MIA aos NEE)

MS#C*ML WPM 2FI. pipe ruotare in stase piping for tystne Pio#CTIL WTR, trestet stees f1om euring statas leses to tselati n sipal mPu tA Insufficiet stese sensely to MCI tarttee 45HPC Int leer 002 CI. steam semoly Itse isolatten O. sCJC n#er213tCI. steam sueely Itne isolation 'Or. ECJC neer0C121. stese nuesty line isolatten pot. EJC

    • =18 *C: tuestne less of *.cct on D '

iEac tueing evet a.m '


] ,

,if 4 '"

.s, Cm - nz:, t . me s.e s t, v a i.e ne-J .c u. ethee .

E e kes IOe sIa e (b$ h M t*7

  • N e n t:P : . s.,-n . w e-s : .a1.. *atts -

s e s - .a nP.I)C2N . t pe 'a t I s tc s t a* t ant r#

y ,- ,, a .; . - - -'- - -

I' a .j ng '[ 4 %' f.ea t

-- a .. a w t.,

eu w .

  • cts'
r. , t , ,, e " w oon etq .s'arar or ..or'u-
  • t _.
  • =3000u a5mP M #C003*:. ec so=e ec pumm 'stis to p evloe sta*t'as tuoe *or **!
  • PtL52 F of air e-*= ell pres sure tacitation. **Ci iritt atioa .

itac1. stag eiert at*U aae ar*I. } ,,,

(sed;;ev WR1100.I:. s9scallaratte of presses csanaels -


  • ==#C:sv *t. evet ooes act cause nty ry . ell ress,re. Foe same eveats tats evet ass a .alue af 1.0 es foe otne*s it =as a vai.e of 0.L This event as ass.mee to neve a valve of 1.0 for tne secuences analytte 37 A5D aft 18 Fa11ere of canta1fust ressee commel 8 (MPC!rJC5/LPC:)

i AOeP1Bam MEDepu!. fetise of pressure 8 relay logic weseeswl. fatture of r esse e 8 sensee dPt10 Fatise of contatempt pressre ceannel 3 (*CI/LPC5/LPC )

ACMP10mP MtD4 >w!, fat ture of .1ressure 0 relay logic w t943eWI. failure of ressure 0 sanser nPt1F Failee of conta1=ent areesse cmannel F (WC!rJC1/LPCI)

ACMP1 Fat WDeA*wl failse of ressure 0 relay 1.1gic I

W494TWI failure of pressure O sensor nPtin f a11p, of contat.want pressure caonel N (MPCI/LPC5/LPCI)

ACMP 1mWT ntDea51, f atlere of pressure M relay logic

@p94.#wl. f ailee of pressse M seter nPtS5 Des! AOiC750C *t51DeWI. f alse sipal insicatas nir smaust greeste (*CI) 6558 artSS3es! AOeC750s wt5538WI. f alse sipet inetcates sip annarst ressee (WCI) 5550 4

neitS5N! AOeC750C MPt55NI f alse sipal inetcates hip ennaust pressure (WCI) 4517 et190est AOeC7504 W415se4W:. false sipal ineicates nie emnesst pressure (WCI) 455m 6

nPt5498WI AceC75aJ etsspeWI. f alse sipal. las pressas. 5548 (Divistan 1. WCI)

  • tSteeft ACMC753: WAS4384 false sipal las pressure, a6588 (Divisten 2. WCI) f nPt5anef: AOECP501 *tSFWI. false sipal. Ier pressure, e5F (Stetsten 1. WC:)

wt5eces! ACMC750G *t5eesel, f alse sipal los prissee. 559 (Dietston 2. WCI) l mPan!3 sed! AOic753 atS53piC f alse sipal insicatas les ressee en we suctism.1653 l

(MPCI) att66G8WI AOst 05 mat 660Mw1 f aitse of cetrol logic to autametically ocuate transfer of *CI fm CST to SP MR$1 d*C:!C2 Mit51. f a11ere of *CI cring first restart givet snat the initial start was soccasstel Mt.52 RPC iC3 Mts2. f ailee of #CI suring secame restart give tnat tne first restart uns ser.assfwl MR5ZA UsseC25Pt M45ZA. f a11ers of *CI suring socisme aestart (rinaattity is estimatae cases on PtA event 451A) l l MRS3 PC:ma ntS3, f ailee of *C: swing mirt restart give tsat tM secone restart mes suc:essfst nt33A W94C35PC IGt53A. f atture of *C: evring secame restart (presas111ty is estimetse bases en PGA erst MR$1A)

MSPs f alse signal indicating hip steam line space tsoperatwe (WCl) 40eC 50m WTEC32su!. f alse sipal ineicates hip tagrature, sanser 4030 MTTC3peedl f alse tipal indicates tip tamerstre sensa GOD l cI:3senc, f alse sipal ineicatas air tame stre. sanser ea3m eTI*.35Mr!. f alse steal inetcates mir tasse atsee, seasr 6035

=TIU7wul, f alse sipal tne1 cates nty tame sture. seso ECD

..=-.:...r pi g s-s.. m x,s se-,, wy mm. 4. ,a;1 arae a T . art, 6e e i

=*t::n .:. *sise ste a: wicates air tamoe-stes. seso E3s

A t e.;. uit <;

,, ( ; p y j _ y L -

. w . . .n m, ,..2,ni, e . . . . %. . , , ,  :.:

. . v. i., w.-e f .v i a. . e+

ny: feine ,e.: soeery nne nip s e, one - a. s rai _

4:< n n,.5cw:. f ais, t i pai , stutes esp s. w::

W .cwr. <aise sir. instuto nie s w :

W isr w i <aise iip ei i,ei n tes < p s . w es aristwt. f aise sipai instutes nie s. we: .

<PE False sipal inetcates nip treine sinaust pressee (W *)

ACMC753t WRS6FWI. falea tyal tnetcates nip aressse, n6567

  • tS6 tow!. f alse tipal inetcates mir pressure. 4568 d 578 !argency area cooler (WCI) nip temperature, f alse sipal ActC*SOF MTI32341. f also steal tneicates Mtp tese sture a6C23 ptTID298bl. f alas ipal 1me1 cates ntp temoerature adC2B M5'=10D4WI ADC;300 Mis 102WI. f also stpal insicatas WC tureine overssees MTieBC"N WC unevat tele ese to maintenece or WCI es aCI: out (reactor estag smassamm)

C'e*RSDpet Defines sneer PRA event necTH peePC* Pee WCI in aatsteence nTal: P sePC*ns nTRID. Insteet11ty in turetae annaasst causes *C: to tris sc.A Failes of ICit om esse caeling ett A (Esclueing events LLA. FTIA. ene CUDOA) ntanearr ESD16AWI fatire of solenois valve A. a0 #C KW20A3:1. f at1re of mammal evtlet valve 102CA. e0 TC

  1. CIA #C. heet escassgee A piogs er ciegs LFA00Amd!. fa11re of f as A EAY16AWI. failure of fan 1 starlets salve MV1064, ut.FC C.5 Faitre of E : s e room cecling I>tt 8 f t.sclesteg evets IA3. FTIE ame CLWOOS) s d 5AAC gt , K216tedI. fative of salmeis valve 8. MMC LMY200G;! fative of aanmal outlet valve IC20s, n0 #C nEISPC, neat escmanger 8 slwys or cle,s

'EFA00EWI f ailes of f an 8 UT1698W1. f ailure of fe toterleca valve wv1068. eC F:

grellipw! n glv4GT gFulltml. less of function of ventilation syste A (asoltes ta room caeltag for DE 11)

. CFB *2WI M502 TANT EFutt2MW:. less of function of ventilation syste A (esettes to eeen caeltog for E 12)

LFel13psw! M5:3v4MU ETu113ew!. less of function of ventilation systes A (asolles to room cueling for DG 13) stallant n5Davapev tral 14saft. less of functism of ventilation syste A (ass 11es to room coeltog for E 14)

EFR20them! M5DIV50 CFIE200WI. less of fection of vettistion system B (aselles to ream cooling for DG ll)

EFn201esu! SDITDC LFnFQ1esti, less of tweeties of ventilation syste I (assiles to room caeling for 0612)

EFUC2WI 4:::3v pst (11E2CZw!. less of fecties of vent 11stie system I (esettes to reos caeltag fr 3613) s F C03n.1 a L*,s v lH1 ETC03p=I. 'ess of f,anction of sect 11atte systes 3 f aselles to *1 pes cacitag 'er JE 1a)

En50CA3dC .;240At{ (pk*CA.*hC, eengg1/gute get tga a8311s ;8ll; *ece toolin()

M = /. $

  • 4 gd c. ; ( C om t' %ec ) '


. ,.e ,

,ea.a.las9;*ty a ta a 5IP n.s' %s&~

?.e* tvet 9 me e= t 'i e r ' a= at' ee .

_ 'se<*,

0 50c4 x .Cta: w us.xt;.c. mae.a t/ a6ta s.ste B f ads tat;; non cae neg; anautia IElvG7 uA tti A. one- s ty f ai t s te s tet .e t t i s t' or i rs t en . ; a c e es .:

esos coo h ng f o, x 11)

L*n tf18 (Elv Em DWtafil. spe' star faits to start weattletion system 8 lasslies to room cooling 'or QG 11) I untv U ts;;iaGY puvD*2A, one-star f alls u start venstlette system A (ass Des te eoon cool t e g *or DG 12 )

KnuvDT2 B ( 224tGY puvDT28. opeester fails ta stat ventilation systas 8 lapoltas to room cooling for QG 12)

LMJVENUA (5:2VAseG UUYtNDA. ose-star fatis te start settletion system A (ass 11es to room cooltng for QG 13)

EMUvD738 ES !vtMD uVVDUB. one star fatts to start vet 11stian systm 8 (soolf es to room caeling 'or DG 13)


!$DavANC OUVENT&A. ooeratar f ails ta start vent 114 tion system a (ascites *e ruam caeltag for lE 14) puvtAtal ESDav Dei.

DUVDT44 oeeratar f ails to stat ventilation syste I (asettes to room cooling for *E 14) au15A;1.** ESREMM mu15A310. oeeratar f ails to isoista E:C was room coolf es ett A LMI;155 108 (SRE!AC ciu158:10. ooeratar f ails to tseista E!C pas -oom cooltag ust 3 ELJLAd ElC puso rose cooling est a f alls sus tc leasage

  • SkaCAt! uv54 MCI. 'stise of erain valve 1056A. unit A EJC ul00Ar#!. f atlas eue to heat ucnanger (unit A) leenage Ov5?AMCI. f at ture of vent valve 1067A. unit A. CJC LLJ)CSC RCIC pism room cacItag ett 8 fails eue to leasege M5kE3t: mv56>C1. *a11ure of erain valve 10568, mit 5 aCJD O

LM10CDFI. f atist aus to meet espegea (unit Il feenage Ufv57DeC . f atise of vent valve 10678. unit B. aCJC (bc.>sN1 meC207a tec>sPC . f atise of sans room cooling eeutsmart (tn sistne for

  • CI room cooling was not eustifiec ey tu neA, the value evatustee f or RCIC room cooling eas uses as a commenent input to tse 'fCI
  • hit tree tAsCLE;; Fa1ture of stc;C pues come cen11mg eeu1onet (walse f ailures anicp

' f ail nota unit A anc 8)

(E.scluding the C'S Ass gatal n SEE:D RMYll,0C1, f a1ture of eenwal 1nlet va1ie 1019. a0 IC l

Ofv121DCI. f at tre of manual outlet valve !C21. sMC Evtr'iA MSD11Asc EvtJT1A. f ailure of ventilation systm A auto start (accites te room caeling for 3G 11)

(TEN 18 d5C1V 0Ga CYtNT18. f atire of ventitation system 8 uta strt (aselies ta anos cooling for 3G 11)

(T D*2A P S:ZVa&2 EvtNT2A. *at ture of vet 11stian system A auto start (astlies to com caeltag for DG 12)

(TEW*2B n5Dfv8Gm KYtKT28. f ailee of vet 11stien system 8 auta stst (asoites to room cooling for CE 12) 1TDDA n 5:3V Asse KYtsT3A. f at ture of ventilatiam systan A auta stat (ass 11es is anos eseltog for E 13)

KVENUB 1503Y ht KYtKT)$. f ailurt of ventilatten system i uta start (speltes to roen caeling for (E 13]


l titaru o A. Evtsru, f aive f ventiiatie syste A us, st. . (as.nes te com cooling for 3G la)

I i avt ras ov sr- avtzten. <am e of vett:sttee syst= 5 wie sta*t ass o es ta - =

cooling fo' % la )



.!U =8*. l'* *7 'ess ** es e' ** P4esste s tt'agt ta*t : *8 : 30 . Jl.

j l .

r-n d, ..M d a1 e

' A a.1 61. i ts t' .ec i

.e j

- = w aw I ,

f aE8 [ve t tu 22 s eava'tasitity

f. e  ! .rt w *e-t>tre*a* stat- ga. a caodity
  • eta' C1 Fa 'ure is oisearte eats * **cm n Pti loos 1 s pues tratas A ans ;) sc
  • e a c'.a-(bc'.cing eve-ts DC&4GA anc L 10:3) a Z1110 L.1YC?ADCI. s1 sparge line manual 1seletion valve locaec one. FC JMMAreF1. eisearpe line rustes in looo 1 L:106 API. siscnarge line cnect val.e fa11s. stuca closee usrC4A3:1. siscnarse line isolatten O. no.sC LMr15ADC1. fles stortes to P via test line O. aC.FO L22 Failire te disc >ar9e sets from LPC$ lese 2 (pine trains 8 ans :) te reaCtSr (Lac!using events DC44C6 and L2C:1) m snPJ4E Defines meer HA evet MC5
  • SC22C2 Uer0483;1 siscarge line isolatim vatee (MDr). nG #C LMr1580C1 fles elvertes to P via test itse O. C.#0 LTLIAlnEl ME7A00 LFLIAtME!. failes of strainer #1 for LPC3 anos A. straine a;ocas flo.

LP.1AD(I ng paOP LFL1A2MEI. f atise of strainer #2 for LPC3 pume A strainer alocas fle=

t?.10 DEI

  • CV. :: LFi1C1ME;. failse of strainer #1 for JC3 oume C. strainer elects flow J.1C2MEI m3CSPCOT LTL10:NE!. f ailes of strainer #2 for 'JC3 pume C. stratner elocas flow LFi251st! nK3P90C LFL25D*II. fattee of strainer il for LPC3 zume 3. strateer elocas flo.

LP 252MC > $CP SC B LfL282*E!. *ailure of strataar f2 for LPCS pume 8. strainer elocas

> fle=

LFL2c t,tEl MSCP3)G LTL2:1ME!. fa11ere of streiner #1 fa LPCS oume 0, streine eloca:


LFLZfEME! MS:7DCF t1L2ll2ME!. failure of strainer f2 for LPC3 m D. strainer niocas rio.

L.41113; ESCACPI UtU111II, fail ee to aanmally initista LPC3

.L:d Loss of AC:: I m casitag wate-954Cidt: 4.5Y0183C!. PCY IF018 fails esen, e M C PDvC15DCI PCT IF015 fails closec MMC APP 001Xl. 2* sate line pluTgs APn00171. 2* wote line leess/rweture i LLDA Failure of le=e1 cnass=e1691A. looo 1. LPC$ pine A (Laclueing event L%13A)

AC:31AP= LL191Anw . fat tee of level sesor LtI91AeW1. failse of level relay logic E ESCvm LMU51102!. siscalibration of level cnannels LLIVB Failure of le,e) cnannel 6918. loos 2. LPC5 sume I (Esclueing evet EDC1253)

AC'll2 Pt LLI91MI. f ailure of level sesor LADIMI. f ailure of level relay logic f Minee snee- PU evet Laf1A

'Jf: f silu re

  • 1e.e t c*annel 4910. loce 1. t.70: nume :

(Esci ct as e.rt [:C15C) 20:31pm .'.19': .:. fae V e e' *e,e1

S  ! ""

> ate : .:

e so e. s< 1e..: :a. m f

  • i

,T, &f 14C L* '9 * :e' ae< sce 8 0 e.e t .i N ._j Na .I w.E'

!AL; s ' ar t .,,c g a $U !.e= t eu a28 ses.a'i m 'itf .

.,t e* * :=ucen e t t ie ' aa e t ea . e.eae** t, tetet

. L ir " *st bee cf levet e r el H10. toc 2. J" pec :

Es c 'e t a g e v t illC '.'2 50 ) -

AC L2DPC ii19 :>s . f at 'u-o of level s enser LAU!>WI. f atire of level 'elay logic E T SCvm Definee poe* eu e-art .LDA L.D L Failure of level crerael ll1E. tece 1, LP;3 pume A *

(Escluctag evert EDC1Z5A)

AC*$1A75 LLU IEMdl. failure of level sensar LAU1Dfwl. f ailure of level relay logic i mCs> Definee #eer ou event LLEva LLIYF Failee of level camunel 691F.1eoc 2. LPC3 pues 8 (Esclueing ev e t EK 125A)

AC* 2 M LLU1FWI f ailure of level senser LK91FWI. failure of level relay logic E C504Pw Defines uneer PtA event LLEVA LLLYG Failure of level cnmme! $91G. Teos 1. LPC$ pas C (Esclueing event EDC125C)

AC510P1s L.131 Gent, f atles of level sensar

.Jt01=Mwl. f at tee of level relay logic IC509* De*inee unes* *tA eveet LL. ETA LLIYM f ativre of level ensemel 6g1M lese 2. LPC1 wee :

(E2clussag event E.DC125D)

ACC2:FT LLUlle=WI. fat ture of level sertar

+ Utt.91MI. f atise of level relay logic E CL*VM Definee unee PGA event LL[YA I

Lwo0EDP: M5C312cf Ver0053PI f allet of LPC5 lose 1 siscnarve line tseleties valve 005 l L*wC37'J0! MSC =IGb verC37D0!. f at1wre LPC3 lose 2 of siscParte time tselatte valve 337 l i7tIA tallee of u low ressure peewtssive esennel 690A. less 1. LPCI p no A l

(Escluctag eveat EZ125A) l l C 31APG L7890*WI. f at ture of pressee senser 1

LRI90VWI. failure of pressure relay logic E Cr..v. s LMuS12:21. siscatturation of pressse sensors L7tE3 Fa11re of in low pressse pe-wissive cmarmel 6908,1oe0 2. LPC$

om B (Exclusing event EK1Z5D)

C2 F.; Vt9CMI. f at ture of ressse sesar 1

l LAE9CMI. f ailure of pressere relay logic EICSOfG De*1mos mesa PRA event LFED LP1EC Failure of u lo= pressure eerwissive c>ennel 690C, lese 1. LPC3 pume C (Esclastag evert EK'25C)

ACC51CPn Lpe900sWI. failure of pressure senser LK90CHwl. f aitse of r-essure aulay logic \

E CSD96 Definec poe- Pu evet L7#EA

, w. M y


%. - ar ,

^y/ /' ,,,

, .a

  • ALI E ; . i:ortie r; g ,n , j ,,

e 2P l, es t eu a1D w a.ati ac ' S t r

( . e. t f . e- t O cmecaea t f a c 'sa a t ' ee vaa.e*'ae*t. *efa' LPen Fat ? re of ts ?o. e* pe wasst.e caawel 690C, loco 2. 7:3 ~

>Js 3 ,

stactucing evoat !Z121:1 AC1278 LPt90}ul, f ailpe of press #e sersy Lt19C>u!. f aitre of pressse 'elay logic

(<$DeG Definee soe ptA evet LPLD LPRIZ Failse of ta teu pressse seewissive cnannel 690E, lose 1. LPC3 pm A tEsc1. sing event (E125A)

A C31 APE LPt90EMW1. f ailse of pressure sersor UtD0bWI f atise e* sressure relay logic ENCSDPG Def* nee unoer PLA event LPRLA LPeEF Fa11re of Ra los presses seressive cnanael 49tF. less 2. LPC3 puse 3 (Laclucing event E21258) 4:2FT L9990AWI f at ture of ressure sentar LADOAmt, f ailure of ressure relay logic EESOrG Defineo mose PRA evet LPRD LPetEE F ailure of as 1c= pressae peressive cnanael 6906, lose 1. LPC3 pimp C (Escli.cing event EZ125C)

AC051C7v LPt90G=I. f at ture of pressse sesor LADOGNI. f at tre of presses relay logic EE.30*G De*ined unee* Pu evet LPtLA LPep Fai1re of Ra los presswe perwts:1,e enanne169et. laso 2. LPC3 nne 0 (E2cluotag e wet EK 125D)

AC 32 CPI LPetsmosmI. f attere of pressure senser LADoom . f atture of presswo relay logic ECLD96 Definee unee- *u e,et LPetD LPt:A Fatise of rywell mir reasse earmel 694A. laos 1. LPC$

peso A (Esclustog met EZ'254)

AC $1APF LPt944WI. f ailse of pressure seasar UtD'Adv1. f a11re of pressure relay logic IstPCauv Definee unos- pata event MPett32 LPt!E Fatise of eryuell nip pressure caannel 694E. leap 1. LPC.$

pe :

(Escl eing event EDC125C)

AC 51C?u LPit94041, f ailure of pressure sesar UtD4eNI. f ai'se of presses relay logic feePCDur Defines meer PAA event WES2 LPt!C Fatture of e yue11 nie pressee cannel 6940, less 1. LPC5 pese C (Esclueing evert EDC12$C)

AC31 CPI LPe9aorWI f aitse e' pressure sesor UtD40*1. f at les of pressu-o -elay tog *c l**C3mv 3r*1aec soe- pu evoet etic s-u


! TAA.1 m-;  :*oet*avec. [7' ,

A sle l e er t asp 'p a, a t i aa i li tf eu aee"e,

  • eta.

e,e t e , e- t ':mmeer ea t

  • t n ' a s e
  • sa

. ;;e:1 F et tu r e of e-w11 ** gr pes sure caanael IN . l oc a 1. L'C avec a itselucing eve =t (DC'25A)

ACC11 api L7it$atnut, f at ture of resses senso*

ULEMEPw!, f at ture of pressse relay logic (wdC:srv Defines unes *tA event ett32 L7 MPC;;P Loss of wate' supply e-em suser es s i on poo l ( P ) ( f or **C ; an s E l*

systems, frius the 'tA *C' f ault tree. saeet 8)

L$P Less of water from suseression pool (for LPC3 anc *,7CI systems) 9 9 71PE Ut1000f t, suppawsstui peat wate* unavallaste sue to rust-re PmtPIPC UK2000ht, swooression sent =atar snavailaele owe to nige tamperates (LPC; and C1 pees not van Itatted)

L Pa !naseewate neee from LPCS suo A, loop 1 (Lactueing events EAC A40s ame DCA) naCsaACn KarCLCSD, f ailure of puma rame cooling eeutone's for see I n Z31AOR LPPQ1 AMFI, pm 31ptag *ust:res L2Y20A331. pumo discriege valve tecnoc coon. FC IftCIAF1, ;mann 21senarge seca ealve stuct c1oset LP*CIAms!, pas A f ails to start and rw L;PC Inaceouste neae from LPC5 siams C, looo 1 (emcluetng everts EAC*aaQC was LAC")

mT2COM KRPC *5C, f411trt of puse egna esoIing esg1cuani for ows C nE11CDR LP*CICMF!, aume pietog rweses

- LZv20C301, piano etsensge manual valve loczec ossa, FC D

LCVC3C7!, om etsmarge caect valve stuca closes LP41CDWI, pues C f ails ta start ape run LIE 1 Insufficient f1om

  • rem 9 to LPC5 pas A suction (Lactusing events LP ame LISA11) eEP408 Ver01A3:1, suction ser, uGJC LPPZIA41, suctter Itae sise auptse LISA2 Insufficient flow fram CD ts LPC$ pas A swetton II*E 0A LeL9C2*.II, f at ture ta eenmally open CST valves in time

. E E32FGA LNU$22:II, f aites ta -velemisa CST in time to supoort L'03 operation nZUEC UvaZADPI. CD cisea 9e valve 00:A f etis, CJ" (falls CD sourte CD puis A) a E.T.00 LIvo9AF:, CS* ciscar9e ..:ve 0094 f ails. U #C (valve is comen 1:

see ,A anc pues C C3* section)

  • MMC? ? Defined unser PRA evert N!al LIE 1 :nsufficient flo= from SP to LPCS pume C suction n ESPCUT UWOIC:CI, suction gr, Ee#C LPe21CHFl. suction llee pipe rweture LI$C2 Insufficiert flow
  • rom CIT to LPC$ pas C suciton (EETCA Definee weer 7tA eve t L1542

! E $tFCA Defines weee- PGA event L15A2

  • E UCC $ UYC2C7!, CC* s'senarpe valve Om% *r er te pume *) j d .NE 6
  • EC*icc Cefia,e ,ree- eu eve =t L15A2 3 4

.ac.. - aec ,noe- ,o eve., ,i.i v. 54

i ,, , r: }\ ,

g .


?AB.! s ' . ' et**.eci # a r ;i _ o.

. 14 i

. s)L.m .. t 428 t e sa:

.r a. a '. ac , n :y

.eu asle "etsi t w ea t 'f . e ' ea s t

  • ee . a a. a * ' at ' !
  • t .

t . ,- t f.e-t

.17 X: 23. L'i. J:: tace 1 (punc a are C1 unevat 'ac t e e.e to matatearce g* vea tnat W: see all etesels a*e act t a mai nan anc e LZPl Inaceouato naae ' ens LP:5 zume 8. locs 2 (tactuatng e sats EAC: u;8 ene EM 3) n < 5a h; tarCL:54. f at ture of pas aean coettag eeutament for see l nEL Br4 LPeC1 W 1. pw e etstag ruotares LIY2CetCI. swo siscnarte manual valve lecses esen. FC f

JYCJBCP! anos etsparya check valve stucs closee I LPPC1 BOW 1. ses 8 falls to start es ew

.2PD Inaaeonate neae Paum LPC5 peo 3. lees 2 (Lac 1.etag events EAC:440C es EAC:)

n<: MCI titPCLCSD. faitse of pass reum coelleg eeutsamnt for puse 3 ME:2:XI! 17*01:MP!. same pising rustres L2Y200001. om sisoarge sammal valve teczee soon. FC l

l LCYCJ00P!, peo siscnerge cpecs velve stasca closee l

LPC130W1. puse 0 f a11s to stat ans aw

! Inse**1cient fle *-gm P to LPCS pume I suctie L2111 (Escluetag evets LSP es L15811) l i

MK P 9C LMCIBQQ1. suction 80r. nG 3C l

l LPP21W!. suction line pipe ruetare l

L2532 !asuffictoit flee from CST to LPC5 pee B suction l

EE5W Definee unser PGA pet L1542 E EIRF*we Definee unoer PtA evet L1%2 nE :750A L272MPI. CST eiscnarys valve 0023 f alls. NLC 3C (f ails CS* searce to paa B)

MESW LIV 098"P!. CST eisenarpe valve 00H fat 1s C TC (valve is w t=

mams e ane peo O CS* section) t P 5W.? Cefines unev eta evet MI AI L25:! Insufficient fle= from $P ts LPCI imme D suction (Eacteeing events LP ans L25C11) l *KSPDOM LM010GI. suction scr. aMC LPP21tMr! suction line pipe ruoture

' 2:2 Insufficteat fis.

  • rum CST to LPCI puse O suctio EE C-*J Definee unee- Pu evert L11A2 ggsart4 Defines unse- Pu evet L13A2
  • E SUE MDtP!. CST sisc3arge valve 0020 f atis. E 3C (fasts CST source to pump 3) 9 K:~204 sef taec unee- PtA event L2542 n5AMC"LY Definee unser PGA reest 4!al L21 iCIZ23 L27. LPC5 lose 2 (pisos I ane 0) unavailante sue to maintances pren tnat LPC5 leep 1. set!, ans all stesels are not in estatsaanca

( mA!AA Fat ture of autamet*c inttiation action of unit A. a:!: pisms come cacitag A 3~An LTE21MWC, f aitse af seaser A ci: ..,amee,-amte.; . ,

E I mj 3 j tt 2 % T., 'atis e o' icgae a V-5$


, .  ! ' g

?A8 I

  • 1
  • oe t ' 4- g a:Z 8 ! . e* :

l as; saavai ' aM ' ' t? -

a 22  ;* e. e ' 'se * * ' v ~te'

.y.  ?.v- T weve e=t 'eno;e st'e=

u::t F at'ce c' a.t.watic initiatter act'on of wa't 3. 40: :mac coas , _

coc Wg a:1 E arf c*121>=C. f ailure of sensor 8 cri2'DiC. f at tue s of treessitte* 8 tt:21>aC. fatture of logic 8


v= A.a Failure ed aanval f attiation of C pune rees cooling vntt a a*2V are gyg)GADeC. f ailure of annunciatar &

ESAEM8 EM.$1A310. operatar f ails to manually initiate pues room cooItag en tt A or 4 in:Al Failure of aanval inttiation of E!C owns room cooling unit 4 ACAE3K4 thCCAD@. f a11wrs of annunciator B ESAE acs emJS1A:20 operatar f alls to mani. ally tattista psmo room cooling unit 8 or A I A DCie=1 ACE TJ AA00%1. f at ture of auto transfr logic EIC tri:'7JCI M SE:*C RCYC17DCI coo valve 1017 stuca closes or plugges (E; )

10't:14:C: MSA :TBC RCY018:CI. cneo valve 1018 stact closas or et,9,sc (E; )

47/064= M SE !** CYO643::. cheo salve IF064 stuct closed or alweges K;;l a v ,atz: dSE *w CY001001, cheo salve IF001 stuca closes or sluggse (E! )

2.DE 1 E:Ea10J EDEt, asp-cocove y of siesel peaerators vicin 1/2 nour 40E2 t:DEQ07 20E2. tne f ailure of Stetston I ans !!! DE anc toetr aan-*ecove 7 witnin tuo e for f 1 or EIC ream caoisag puser swooltes (given the f at ture of normal and altamata room rooling)

RDE2.A E3GA2g7 R3G2A. f at ture ta repair 3E sitnin two hours, given etesel f at1w-e at g

the 1/2 nour time potat and tne f ailure of normal ans alts*mata coan caeling 143 2:3EAJo9 ADE3. Failure of Dietsten I ane !!! DE ano trete non-*ecove y. .totn four neurs, yteen soccessfel teolemmntatten of altaraata roam cooling 20414 RC:EA.lgg ADE3A. failure to recover tne DE witnin four gurs, ytre stesel failure at tne 1/2 hou* time potat ene tne seccassfui teclammatation of altarwate ream cacitag 4F.!00 C: n5A05P' . s afi100(:. svartssion pool stratner me. I cloggee (E 0)

AFi200Pli M 5E SP'.V RFL200(!. swearessten peel strainee no. 2 clogges (EIC)

RF-QP Loss of f*a, from st! oume to reactor vessel

([ Ac1using De EFT 71 AstC pate)

M 5E

  • P'F FCV748tFI. containert isoletton enect valve st.c closes FCVIC83'I. containment isolation crea valve stuct closec ACYO1471, enea valve in eisenar9e 11ne of E! stuct closee FMr118tX;!, tneoero cartairmant iseIat1on eaIve, aM:

tier 01371.1solattun valve in ettenerge line of E::. at 3f.

Rusrct;:CI. We ta sisc>arye Itne of EIC. mD 8C APo001sf!. pipe riseture in eisenarye Itne of E10 2/** C*: fetis ewe to f tise tweine trip (Cze1.atng tne AFTTI (R pata ane the AFT *2 AaC gata)

AC20:P'. 0 Art 006WI. sensor for los asas suction crosses of E!: ftves *aise steal rum AC A * *k: RC ' ts*etne tris eue to ever10eed A!.0C:=vi, ove-spece tacsomete* gives f alse s'ra.

I Ik i 30 13C-o;. tra s %e te *a t t ee mec? ar t ca l ov e-s peec I48:'*.. 3. r..' e sta;*;*stior of t e*. sat t** 3 s ea s ces . . a . l ev e .

t tats..*

', .. p C P t.e -

q ..

s e.a ' ac '

stA 15te .

j, _ ;; ..h * 't)

  • e e-.e-- 9 n ' e= s w Lw o . s ' e v o . '- s'
t. e . 7.e.*

tr**1 aC ; n'9- e sssee :*aa% ): 39=es *also s'g a'

. 8 3 :**in e Mt$ 54 **m : . * ' r turt %e e n* t saws s e e e n aw e ' t ' = es datte s'ra!

4 e se s p +: . n, r tv-: 'ae es* eve t e-m ve c,anae ' g ** es f a l s o s ' r aI l e wtost2: isa:A:s aeos:3!. f ative ta namally initiate RCC start a ctsagt: Isa t.- J spoo DCII, see-star f atis to tearsfe- ac t from :5* in time a wc?ce! (5 37.; t >Lc70:II. fatture to manually treesfe- ACIC from ::T to 17 a*12tSI iSR: 3m ast20CIO. ose ate *stis te eset act turstne stes valve for restars teso0g! :sa;;3'.: aW600Ct! eserster f atts to esset RC: turetne stas salve apt,h! .w 3 m.J R*70001!. eiscalibratten of ICC reacter tem pressure caers*els y

s m*0131 ;oa: Psi: nW701:11. miscatteestion of eCC tursine enaust arosaure esmaels a!!TT - Fatture see to excessive esasst restriction (bc?using tse TF1 OR getal


d5R O*MT RCVOC100!. glase stes eneca to tereine enemst 1tne. LO TC f TILS a1sesege to turstae asnarst Ilne amoe0001, not in tureine ennesst 1tne. no #C

. W C*wT amt1, instantitty in steen enneust Itne causes nie emneust ressure t!NTA ,. Failure of CS* 1evel 1smication (bcluding t!KTl Aec grte)

- 40m : LT anE641>edi, f ailwe of :57 ineicatten te.e1 relay logic (ec ans aCI:)

i18 :1T RLI641:21. essen11eestfee tem level CIT sensors (MPC ene ICC A!al Failure of CIT limes one valves (ICC)

Sa C2' movC1:20!. a.C. pate valve in 57 ef sorte 11ae, oc

' LIVODgD0!. aanmal gate in eue suction Itse. LO FC

!D  ?

ROYO11DPT, cpecs valve C3T discerTe line staaet closee p

(78009W*, pfge rwtre in CST diseerye 1tne

/ 66R MC.? Definse unser 8tA event 8f!st tina FaiIvre of suegresas9en see1 use17 sone te fer 8CC

. (Esclueing evet L17 anc tse A!N! ANC pate)

,tsa 5P.2 Aper 2gtCI. no gate valve ta sesoressten past disenerge Itne. E #C k ACTU3CDFI, cmocs valve sumeressen snel etsoarys stucs closee IPPC31WI. pies aseture in sworession seet siscnarge Itue l  :

' 1M 031071. T gate valve in sworession peal disemarge Itne. 4C.#C RIVC1 False cles.rresteen (RC steen area siy)tesse stvre9 s1 ael casses tentation valve sipe sucoly l

4 3Cnis RT!63AWI. steen 31pe area nir tasse-eturi sensee a6C3a gives f alse j

stpe t 8"I530W1. stoas sise area n1e tamerature oeser asc3J gi,es f aise stanal 5

arts 3 cwt. stem stee eres nip teamereture sesor e6C3C gives f alse stral 2Tt&3maail, stem pise area nty tausersture senser WC J gives f alse' steel t*tiXW1. stem p'pe area ntp temereture sesor e60X gives f alse I

8' Pol , , , , ,, ,,_ ,, ,


ITII3TWI steeB Sipe area it@ f estarre senser e633* gives 'aise steel e6C2% gt es f alse f s*If s,. 34,4I steen esse a ee nty tesee-atre so sea l


t u. .:.- N M v 4 % a :e ,e4s so. :r. r,e, .aise 3 *I!)f ats; . s'  : e *f% enue ,

s0P E7 $ t ves

  • a l se sigaai a*II), *In ! . sie as 8 9 pe a-s e # 'g* t ASDe* 4tve s e* se' 4039 g'.es 'sise

A.d . . . ,:.... - 3 , g

~ m.

4;Wiuk<.Y a n .. ,.,,

  • e=scaeat'fie' east'e*  ;'ae*tv *:ta i..- f.e-- .

av: t es **t . s e COII m*stattt'at'ea c3 one of tea tea W e

( coat 9 %ec !

t!vC2 f site see: meat *oon veatt'atica ate talet one outlet n'y at stral causes isolation valve closure (ACC:

a3 Cyt! **I6?A*:. eewtammet vos etilation air talet are outlet ate ai pfves f alse sig al t'I61BMs!. sestament ceas ventilation air talet are outist 9i r af gives f also stral fatCVU 2 4 801011 miscalitratton of one of tue c>annels t!Y:3 Falso assagency area cooler htyn tauseesture stral causes isolation valve closwee (DCC)

AO CtKT RTU2AMC. assagency area cooler hign tamma*ature sensor e6 CIA gives false st r as aTI62CW1.C emmeguic'y aree cesIy aign temeratre semser atC2C g1vos falso steal tutCREY titJeC2:1!. siscalttration of one of pm cPannels t!vC4 False staan Itae ate aP o' tastnampt fine Pena steal causes isolation valve closure (RCC A3 *:51: Apt $7a*! steam Itae ate at senser IO57A gives f alse sitaal or tast-umet line treat tots 7:*I. staan Itae air as sanser a057C gives 'aise steal oc f pstr amoat 11ne treaa (W CSC R4sC3::11. stscalibration e+ one of two cpamels 9 RLEYZA Failure of level 2 cnanael 697A A 3 =Apet ad17A*I, f ailure of seeser taf97A*!, failure of *elay legtC g

ALIYZA1 Failure of level 2. cAacael 49tA (RCC)

A 3 C#4, Ed f2A *l. failure of sePsor et192A *I. fatives of relay logic tLEYZE Failm of level Z cerael 6f7E (tCC)-

A3 Clu! RLil7t *I. *stlure of so-ser RAf f7tWI. f ailure of relay legte aLIY2E1 FaiTere of leve12 cmanae16921 (tCC) a3 =!g: EL192Ew!, 'stles of seaser tRE921 W1. fa11ere of relay logic RLI2aA *: a 3 TA.P tLE2aA *I. *eactee ntgr watee level samsar gives 'also stral (RCC) 4.[2 aces: a3 M ELI: aced reactee n9 p .ete- leve1 sensee gives false s1gaa1 (a C C) aL161S*1 A O :"'lLO EL161t*!. f ailure of CST tevel toticane uM18 (BJ:C)

RL151Fel a 3 C:"ll. P RLI61Fe!. f ailure of CST level imettater ag1F (tC::1 EL Jet RCC Iune systee f atis usa:Ulm EMros4OCI wtroad. WC #C R Mroct:F1. tune cooling neat exenangee leeAs ELP001M. snaft ertve luce aume f at1s _ - ,

ILf0C1XI. lune filtee plugs /leets

==re::cC: o -:: < t=c:x: . = = : e v io e ,s i.e t/ . . L ' l N #3J b teay1 ms:: x teavl, 3C: was.stlamle ewe is matetemance gt.e. t=st =*C is act ta asentea ce sca- a::,:r ;  ::e', .or..ree. .y of c f

  • p t e sewe .it* *
  • t /: **



a r: D C', 8.';t a : M , *e'. c ef* y e* C ** s ' t a 0e*** w t *J 18 2 P'

%% ww w -

s y* g

  • a s.! p.t . (Ceat a.wel ,, a .
. m J. . > $

A SZ 8 !.ma t

'RA A$[3 Vm ev a ' i ac t i t t y

. 1. ,-t tovee-et tt er's et +ea y.e.a**ae*ty

  • cts:

eCp3 e 5P3:4 SCF3. nea -wco e y e e*f s t ta pe=e* et tr'a a "  ;

RC*O Insuf*1ctet ceolant

  • rem RCIC etscaarp our'as avstart 15308C FCY748CPO. cantat= ment tsalatica enect val e stucs close1 FCV13CPC contatment tsalatten cw valve stect tiesee RCYC110PC chocs valve fails, stuct clesse tsetC130PC 1 solation valve in siscmary Itne of ICC. aCJC R M01A RCC turtles less of Wien (Esclusteg 73T es AM geta)

=Sa C*t P eT*JtD07:34 tureine f a11s to start Ipur0sgest steen lies valve. eC #C 4 P'C0134 4A C 84R RPIOC1the f 411ere of aCC puus to stert R Pt 5Wed! AO CP5LD RMS$Mett, RCC tartine ennemst pressere so ser a055A does f alse sipal (hip) iPt!$ CWI A3CPSLC RPE6$Qefl. ICC turetne sahaust prissure seser RD$$C givos f aise sipal (htp) 2P455E M A GCPSLS tPt!5EW1. RCC turtine annaust pressure sensor act5E gives f alse steel (hip)

Ept$ %ph{ AO CPSLA Spq$ M WI, R C C tur9tme am aust petssWrT sW'Ser M05% { twas f alse sipal (niel R9tf &A8ei! A33PLM RPERAWI reeCtar les pressW"t senser W$4A gives f also stpal (3C C)

RPtsacett a 33.P.s tPtssott! roec*.or les pressure senser mosa: ,ives f alse s1 pal (RC C)

EPtSE *! A338'J EP458EWI. roectar tan pressure sesor 5058E gives f also sipal


(IC CI 2 P458E *1 A 3 3PLE EP45EW1. rsector tem pressure sensar n0586 gives f alse steal (RC C) i R$IC A 3 CICri R510. f atters of manual actmetien to tattista RCC t$ldOC1w! a3 CC*L5 23hEIOlm1, menal trasesfer switzm f ailure (ACC R$rA $wI A GCindL2 25hea5WI pe wissive men stans sasely valve roa$ is fully esen (RCC'.

ATUP Less of fle 'N tCC twe9ae-artvon mme l (Escluding the RTDP1 3 gata)

W52 C Piet tPitt1:Di!. f a1 lure of pump RP8001WI, piping rwture in inne ciscsae9e er suction 4T371 Failuce of the tCC t:.r e1ne (Esclueing everets BIEFT. 4,TA, and the ETDPIA 3 gata) v52 0;*4 0300C130!. f allers of turstne emeest rustars disa tiVOCZ:Ril, f sitere of the ture1ao to start ene mn R TOPIA Less of stems suosiy ts RCC turttae M5B C*me War 11ECI twsine governing valve GJC SpW11215!. tertim trte terettle valve, WJC 19ef0s5CP!. 4.0. glose valve in steen Ilme to twstas. EJC trotERW1. piping in staan Itae to teretne awtures E.400NE!. R.C. gata valve to steam line to turtine, uD #C trsv0C*Dc! p.C. gate valve in steam Itme to twettne. CJC a'2 :C .na C t* :p stas t i t t y t a R C C turt ime e p aust c aus es t*

  • s 8*i' **;*.*01 a d TCII . oc+ a te
  • a t i s te t as e m s ? c: t- n e' a:* e.e E er is seC;tssful 0* tts *nfttal tunnec. ev't.?tt 'e 8 0 0 *." r x-ss f

.g2 m : , s t *ame -

.= . .e.

Os c a. a ' ' a: ' ':7 ai!*

  • ew-e* -e.ear< uty *s

_s.e- c.e-t t w a-at'e-

  • v ? A
    st " 30 *TV', e C:
  • tet **e st:s .a lve t*' esee U ** g* p-es s u*e ' a:ect
  • o- s ys t em


de C' V. *st V e of dC: aw 2C:* systes tvsac to celeslate E 'e* the

'get seawem a ealy)

U #9a Deessee t*;ect?ca systass an *!!C5 .. fail ee af =PC saa t*:C systmas ('oe ?tis sogn.anca or17) v 4P (CC3 f atture of

- '. fit.*C211 'v. *aitsee ef 405 eue to naromers 'amita or the 'atice of LPC5 anc LPC As to var *ous 'wasens givea tnat orsite e- offstta somme is me: vroe ettMa f/2 me.

T LP ECC5, failu's of r

J s >C212 v. *attre of 405 swe to na-o.are f aults :- tw *atle e of LPC5 ame LPCI sue ta va**ows *seseas strea that **C: or aCC .as inttially vetassfui ame tmat off:tta same- or me e1eseis art not rec:rve-se witaie & Mr.

T LP (CC3, failure of us *CII 3 v. f atters of 405 ewe ta marones f amits er tw *stives of LPC5 ame LPC: a,e to ear *ous avesaas g5 e- t>e dC: anc eC;C fatted tattially ama of*s1ta se=r is act roca,e-ee vie 1a 1/2 me.

WI v ac:me ocees er f a1

  • se , e C
  • eva aust a i ga ress.-s en start (Esc lustag *.no "VE51 ans tne CYt2 uC gates 1 Ca C*sl5 4.=vC3DOCI . CV C3*. 40 8 C EPMCSSOCI, Ev 34. agJC dv041*P! =!5:"maAEC uv0410P! G lITs) a1soarge valve 041 'tils, aCJC

=avC408: 4 3 3CY dvCaCP*. 3 (ES=1 siscarie valve 042 f ails. 4CJC

& W70433 f Slim unv0433!. EIe -eten tlect ,alve 042, uCJO droaCP 4GEDs dvC440Pt. 3 (ED) sisoarge valve 044 f atis, aCJC W TC7 tap: g r.anse gyg71 CPI, C5W stsoaryn valve C71 f ails, nCJC d vC*2:P 4GCA I WTC7DP!, EIm siscar,e valve C72 fails, sCJC d v.'33r! 4ESCAr'. WWC 331. ED sture eleca valo C73, n0JC d vC'a0P: 40440v WWC7acP! (SW siscsar9e valve 07a fetis, eCJC d v12'3n: N. dv121Det!. E2 retra elocs ulve 121 a0JC uv12Du! CE.LAAF

  • uv12331. Ers retra stoct watee 122. CJC 4f1213! 4EI4871 dvt250s:, tr.
  • stem stoca valve 121. 30JC dati250s: 4:55AFJ WV125381. E5h -etura stoc2 valve 128. n0JC wtvJC*Dm: CII.Ama WCY3C731. caecx valve 1007 f atice !Ts flo= stvoetse to spray ,ame WCv0tTu dreamtC wCyoogDu!, chect ,a1ee 1001 *a1in-e. Efe ?1o= sivertee te sorsy sene WCYC11Da (N 'JCVC11DE . fativre of csect valve 1011 (CJm)

JCVC123n CEIWC WCYCIDn! f ailva e of csecs vain 1012 (trd)

C7062:ss! 4EDCF P WCTOE2 31 fatture of csect valve 1062 (ESd)

WCvo690m! W5ESeCEC WCvo690R:..!I= c wen vain 1069 f attee, flee etve-tas to saray sans 4 5WP W acITdFt WE3hM5A, f a11. e of seta strt c:srtre) aas togte. [3W puso a dr.rse.52 actT M C 43hM58. f aites s' auto stri eset el and logic. E3h same i 4 5#a5C A E5WCr: wtswa54. f atics c' aute start cort-el ame togic. ET= Pas

  • t reta:: ac.rst A ssoas:. fatt ee tf nuts sta ryt el eat tog $t 15. sw= C


5 ' #. r; \

  • A8J L1 fCe t**vec. i A5ie toeat s ava11aci11ty sta A5t e

(, ont f . pa t (anteavat/I ttienst'em Vaevssa' 't?

  • C ta1

~ ti. looe a 'ad s te p ev ice .ete* t.%e system

' Es c i c a a g toe A anc =A t .mC gates )

(C5 al5 sF8ll1A WI. pise austgas eIv1060CI. 3 isafatten valve 1006 fails. 4 #C GV1C7tCI, 3 cw valve 10C7

  • ails, st cz closee .

WDes (5W toes 5 f ails to previse =atar throup systems (pertion eut inclueing the is ane W51 Ane gates) 4E53 1 W8C18#1. pipe ewture c110eDCI 31selation valve 1000 fa11s. n0JC WCY1090P!. 3 isolatten chect valve 1000 fails, stuca closee EscC EId lose C f atts ta artreies estar througn system (t2 clueing the we ene wC1 Aac gatasi M5ESBOZ Defines for ptA evert 1GER aseve ela (Id pun a fails ta sueely matar (Esclueing evMs CMP 1 ame W5TA) 45E5A7F **a4AWI. pump piping rustures CEI AC WCVC1AOPI, pas discNrge cfiscs vain f ails, stuca closet upm64 Mail, pume fails to start and run MVC2ADQI. pume etsorge valve fa11s. a0 3C W L44AE I. p m suc.1em pluggee 61C E5W sim C f ails ta semoly meter (Escluding event.s QMW1 ane WPSTC) xsESAct wines unser ptA evert GA SEpocE!: iH:Vol:DPI. pump discharge checs valve f ails, stuc2 closed wrotecadI. pm f ails to start ane rum 4YC2:301, pasms tiseerye valve fails, a0 3C

  1. ia4CEI. pise suctie plug 58e M3 15W pume 8 fails ta swely sate-

. (Eac!using events DMW2 ame WSTS)

MSE180FG #paSW1. pismo piping rwtures CEI=BEV WCY010 CPI. see etsorge checs valoe fails, stucs closed wpasaDwt, piso f ails to stact and non WIYCts00I. peo etsesarve ,alg fsiis. E 3C WrtaS (I. pump section plugges iOC [I sism 0 f ails ta sueely .etse (tactueing events DMw2 ene WSTO) wSEDcCW WCVC100PI. sume disserge cnect valve fails, stuct closes weiseDIDII, pume fails ta stat and run svotDOCI. pume discar9e valve f ails. SJC

  1. La# TI. pee secties plugges H5Esacrs Def tame mes- PtA event at W4AdP=1A ESEI.AE2 etApo'9 ope-star f ails to start (3W puso a given euta start fatture wMAd*=54 EStr st? est, one-ste f ails te start E5W pas I givea auta start failure W4W'*5*  !!!I,"C v4N=5*, ooe-ste f ails to sta- Eid punc C givea agte staet fatture w 4N*"$ [Sti.u s w o w;; :s>e- s t:- f a t t i
  • staat IIs pae : e vea aute sta-* *atture bbl 4


, )[

  • 1M e.'

! Co at * %ee ' ..

< , 'I _<  ! ,

a:t a t. ort

.ma st?aatttty su ast >

wa s.a i t ar *

  • t t .
  • eta' f . v-e  !. at D =ocaea t ri n ' aa a r sa

.mC-  : =s.** t c

  • ea t o= * *w coe t t ag to.e-i to (f. p.sms v5 E3."T dC', cocitag to=e* fatis a vC52DCI. coolta, tose* isolation valve fails. C #C dpC Staneer 13b s ee C fails or is e nevailante (E.sclectag t>e dPet on pata)

It3P7T wm:!EP one-star f alls ta start stansey owo

  • MSP7T uutist, stammy om usavattante sue ta entstenance ween 13W lose A f etis to seltver water, haremare f ailures 4ts m WTyc10DCI, toes isolation valve fsOs, n0 sC WCYC110PI. toes esecx valve fatis, stuck closed eCYC29CPt. loso etscsar9e enect valve f atis, stuct classe uv121DCI. lose etspar9e tselation valve f ails, e-#C mav122DCI, less disenar9e isolation valve f aits, e0 #C l

WPe121f!, stee awture WaC8 E5s f oeo 4 f ails ta seltvee ats. haromare f ailures 4EIAN Wy013DC , lose tsalation valve f ails. EJC WCYC12DP!, lose coect valve f ails, stuca anon day 125DC1. looo sisenar9e valve f ails. 2 FC WAv1250CI 1ess etaper9e valve f atis, uGJC WPe125 f!. stee rusture wanCC ESW lose C f ails to eeltver watea, harosare fa11eres h GIW75 WITC10 4!. lose tsolation valve fa91s. a0J C WCVO6:41, less c>ect valve f etis, stuct closes vCYC35 @!, less eisemarye chect vaive fa11s, stuca closed aAvoa32:. leso otsca-9e tsolattoa valve f atis. 40-*C uvC73cI, tw atsenaryo isolattoa valve fetis. n0JC uP8C23f!. pipe rveture aP% Fa11Wre of eserattaf [SW Pe p A G1MV WIVaAA3*,I. Jutte*#1y suction valve f ails. C IC wms50AM. pm unevatteele owe ta f attere


wCya5AOP!, cispar9e esect valve f atis, stucx closed ay40AlCI, d1soe 9e tutta #1y valve f a1is. ND 8C W#850AIFI. pieing rupture

'.057 CW (*,57, f atlure to provtoe electric pe=er eve to the loss of af'stte po=e' WP4 Fativre of eserating [3W pues B H5Z.388FW WIV6a3DCI. butte fly sect 1on ,alve f a11s NOJC 4Pe508M, pues una,ai1asIe owe to f atf ore WCYa5L",P1, stscParge emoct valve f ails, stuct Closed CVa0tDCI 81scherpe WitMy valve f a91s. 80 #C a

e885C54I gtstag asture ,.

J 1 e#' Pet enee* N eerteM

  • 1

. $8 M

! edb ,I .

  • -62
  • /

TAa.! C (Cart *nueet .

a5t e

'su A5t* uve a.ta inty

?  !.et tomec e trC o sta u. .e % .'at.

esas Stasey fra see tog C f a11: to parvice asse.ata was

. 4 tsp 73 ava43c;. bette fly swetten valve f ails, so 3C up'40:Ds!. staneey see f ails to start me een iC141:lP!. sisoseye c'ect valve f atis, stucs closes ava03C1 sisear9e tutter*1y valve f ails, e0 3C up8500f1. sise eineture

  • LD5Pcw Defines wee' 8tA event up'en ItShC '.a C5W sises*1e valves in heeeer 14 fait ML5W1ACT WCt65ACM. discnarge cnoct valve f atis, stacs closes user 15A001, siaearge tutteefly valve f ails. EDJC v5hC1s L5h sise arge valves in heeser 18 fail M15kisat isw'580CI. sisearpe tutterfly valve f ails. ES #C wCV65acP!. stsorge pect valve fails, stuct closee v5 DEA tfm sisenarps valves in meesee 2A fail MET 2ADU wCVMACP* siser9e pect valve fails, stuc2 closec towilADCI. sisearpe tuttsefly valve f atis. ESJC trSalts tSW s1se arge ,alves to heeee* 28 f411 M55W2905 198t1130C1. siserge DM1y valve f ails. ED #C WCyp40P!. siscer9e c>ect valve fatis, stucs ties a nma 45tSd4FC nm4A.15W lose A temm for esintetsuca ime estresFt tme. [5W 1ess I soon for maintesco (f ails laae C. ales) d T002.'C! M5tscTt.a nav002D0!. fat 1ere of E3W to sisemarge bacz to coeltog tesee. Dut*.e** 1 valve fatts. IO #C I Tteely aD5 actuaties I (5Ac9tna ACSTPERY. suserviser everreles ese star to avets AD5 405m0C seersting procseurn enclose aC50ptR1, eserster s'rtractes erring critical smase of accieet 1050P!1t:. semester tesy trytag to restare ny pressee injectten systaes ta eseestion A0!"RMrs A05'RMts, transiet results in less of the1 cation sf the need fF 1 [1AC$310 f a11ere of the swe* star to manually actuate 485 (ese ta calculata t,I f or Tg'JVseewece only)
a. "he aedes caseinstion of *.hese tu events 1eees to a tas event Gescribed as me f ailet ts' a atls '

Unit B.

t. he aa$os camminatten of these two events loses to a tse reset eescribes es tpe f ailure to 1selste leaa in Unit B. f ails Unit 1
c. he omavailantlity of this event (RT1620st1) given in tme stA f anit tree is 7.M-4. This .es assmee to be a tywesaical grPo* bases en D e folloutne facts * (a) evert RTT62A)a I has an spevat)mility of 7.M.$. Ihts eget is me see as ETI62 Dest escent taat it is in a stff eret trata. (t) the too event eneva11ae111ty of OR tota alvQ is the same as that for 41C72. RICII het tuo steiler gegets eeC2 59th an eReTailastItty of I.M*I.

ls --

,e =i r1 7 V

/ a ' A .; y L n...<

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