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Control of Hotwork
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/20/1995
From: Connor T, Curry E
Shared Package
ML20107K074 List:
6575-ADM-4500.4, NUDOCS 9604250408
Download: ML20107K080 (18)


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SAXTON NUCLEAR 8"'"""*""**"*"' "'"**

PoNcy and Procedure Manusi 6575-ADM-4500.40 noe m No.

Control of Hotwork 0

- ;tenope  ;;
_ _ omae m onee This procedure applies to aN Saxton Personnel 0675 04/24/95 This document is wthin QA plan scope X Yes No
Safety Reviews Required X Yes No Ust of Effective Pages fagg Beylalon fagt Revision Eggt Revision Eggg Revision 1.0 0 2.0 0 3.0 0 4.0 0 50 0 8.0 0 7.0 0 El-1 0 E1-2 0 I



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.- w Saxt n Nudear Expednwntal Corpostion SAXTON NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual 6575-ADM-4500.40 j

1 DH RnWon No.

Control of Hotwork . O 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To provide requirements necessary to assure safe welding, cutting, grinding, brazing and soldering hotwork.

1.2 To proceduralize those actions necessary to prevent fire, loss damage, or injuries during performance of various hotwork actMties. ,

1.3 To provide a permit system to positively control all welding, cutting, brazing, grinding, soldering and open flame work in all plant areas.

1.4 This procedure provides for permitting salamanders, propane or other types of (combustion) besters.

2.0 APPUCABluTY/ SCOPE This procedure applies to all welding, cutting, grinding, soldering, and/or open flame work operations conducted at SNEC (Saxton Nudear Experimental Corporation).

3.0 DEFINmONS l 3.1 Permanent Hotwork Area: An area reviewed and approved by the General Manager /SNEC (or

. designee) (Interfaces with Fire Protection Engineer) for performing hotwork within 30' of a plant structure.

3.2 R.S.O.: Radiation Safety Officer 4.0 PR'OCEDURE 1

4.1 Special tools, materials, instructions and qualifications required.

4.1.1 Approved welding, cutting, grinding, soldering, and portable heating equipment.

4.1.2 Noncombustible welding curtains, drapes, and covers as applicable, property installed so as ,

to totally surround the work area.

4.1.3 Appropriate portable fire extinguishers.

4.1.4 Welding, cutting, grinding and soldering Supervisor Gob foreman) and weldir g, cutting.

grinding and soldering personnel trained in the safe operation of cutting and welding I equipment, hazardous plant conditions, and appropriate emergency procedures.

4.1,.5 Personal protective clothing (example: leathers) as necessary to protect personnel from heet, flames, sparks or slag.


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Sexton Nudear Experimental Corporadon gT0g gggg' Policy and Procedure Manual 6575 ADM-4500,40 no. RevWon No.- l l

! Control of Hotwork 0 1

i ,

J 4.2 Umits and Premainns i .

4.2.1 Where pr.+.haa, au combustibles within a 40 foot radius horizontally shall be relocated

from the work site. Where relocation is impracticable, combustibles shen be protected with flame proofed covers or otherwies shielded with metal fire-resistant guards or curtains j Edges of owers at the floor shaN be tight to prevent sparks from going under them. This precaution is also important at overlaps where several covers are used to protect a large pNo.

j 4

l 4.2.2 Openings in wous and floors within a 40 foot radius horizontaBy of the site should be j covered to prevent the passage of sparks or hot slag to adjacent areas.


l 4.2.3 When performing hatwork on components (pipes, condult, trays, supports, etc.) which

! penetrate non-fire rated semis such as building construction joints (selemic gape) or air seals, i consideration shen be given to removing the combustible seal material around the

[ penetrating item. This is necessary since the metallic component may conduct enougn hebt to ignite the seal material. This consideration shen be made based on the distance from the i

hotwork to the seal and the type of hotwork to be performed. Hemp, caulk (auct seal) fire

! retardant lumber, Arm-A-Piex, and styrofoam are examples of combustible seal matwini

. which may be encountwed.

4.2.4 Appropriate portable fire extinguishws shen be provided at the immediate job site. size,

, type, and number of extinguishers should be obtained to suit the hazard in any indMdual

job area, but shen include a minimum of one 20 lb. ABC dry chemical unit, and shen be in

' addition to the normal compliment of extinguishers installed in the area. These extinguishers are to be retumed to storege location upon completion of the job.

CAUTION l Do not cut any component that may contain or may have contained flammable or combusoble materials, induding liquids (which are normeNy safe) without first evaluating and resoMng any potential f explosion or fire hazard Ergr'r,g and other support is aveNeble to evaluate and diapaaslan this rtok prior to work to ensure the operation

! may be performed safety, i

' 4.2.5 All confined areas, hoNow spaces, cavities, drums, or other containers shen be ventNeted, purged, and tested for the abeenos of flammable vapors and/or hazardous atmospheres prior to the start of work.

4.2.6 All job sites shot be examined to be free of Aammable vapor sources within or adjacent to

. the job arms.

! 4.2.7 Fire protection and suppression equipment installed in the job area shen be vertiled to be in service. ,

'4.2.8 ' All Itzed corphmethian, machinery, equipment, and Cable In trays subl0ct to possible ignition or damage by sparks or slag shen be protected by appropriate noncombustible guards or

. covas. ,


! 3.0 usu O


SAXYON lilUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Monumi 6875-ADM-4500.40 nos Revleton No.

j< Control of Hotwork 0 l


4.2.9 Weidin0, cutting and grinding jobs should be performed in the permanent hotwork areas

when pramical.

4.2.10 A permit system shall be utstzed for eH welding, cutting, grinding, and open flame work in or adjacent to, any RWP or radioactive material storage area.

i 4.2.11 A permit system may alco apply in areas beyond the plant where fire is ilkely and/or could j cause serious conesquence. Determination as to the applicabNity of the permit system in j these areas shall be made by the General Manager /SNEC (or designee), in coNaboration

with the Fire Protection Engineer, , l


l 4.2.12 The permit system shen require that au welding, cutting, and grinding job sites receive j irupar*iari and approval by 5--y--" supervloory personnel prior to the start of work per l l Step )

4.2.13 A permit system is not required for welding, cutting, and grinding in permanent hotwork i areas.

l 4.2.14 The permit system shed apply to temporary welding fabrication areas within plant buNdings J which are utNized for reposted welding, cutting, and grinding jobs. Permits issued for i welding, cutting. and grinding in these areas shen be limited to 1 week duration and new l

} .

. permits must be secured each week.

j 4.2.15 No second person need be assigned as a fire watch for soldering jobs which only involve i the use of soldering irons or guns. The person doing the work serves as the fire watch and l la responalbie for performing the foNow-up inspection of the area. This follow-up inspection j may be made immediately after the work, therefore the 30 minute follow-up inspecting does not apply. No apare fire extinguisher is required to support theos low hazard soldering jobs j


and the portions of the permit which do not apply are to be marked as not applicable Any )

l open flame ocidering work shen be performed in fun compilence with the permit system. l

' 4.2.16 An individual shen be designated to perform as Yire Wateff at each job ste. This individual shen be in addition to the welder or cutter performing the job and shall be is-t2-; -W in  ;

i the use of fire protection equipment aveNeble in the job area and famNimr with plant  !

i emergency communications and procedures. He/she shen be responoble or being alert for  :

hazards during the job, using fire extinguishing equipment, and maldng emergency
natsications as noosesary. He/she shen Inspect the job area for fire hazards immediately ,

i foNowing completion of welding, cutting or grinding operations. The Yire Watch" shen ,

j remain at the job site for an additional 30 minutes after completion of work to perform a i fogoww Ir=f=*m for fire hazards. He/she shqN notNy the welding. cutting, and grinding ]

supe,vieer of any unueuel or uneefe conditions. Additional ftre watches should be stationed  !
due to unuousi circumstances or inablity to estisfy other requirements in this procedure, i e.g., protection of Soor openings, I 1

4.2.17 The person assigned as the fire watch is responalbie to obtain an =--C portable fire j

extinguleher. This extinguisher shed be currently Ir= par
  • art and shen be retumed to the l t storage location following use by the fire watch. If the spare extinguleher has been  !

. pressurtzed, expelled, or both, the Site Superintendent shen be notNied to service the l extinguleher. The Site Superintendent and the General Manager /SNEC, shen be notined



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8"" " ""d'" Expwknental Corp > radon SAXTON NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual 6575-ADM4500.40 m .

Control of Hotwork 0 immediately if any fire extinguisher is used to extinguish any fire, regardless of the size or severty.

4.2.18 For jobs in a radiologically controlled area, the fire watch should adhere to the ALARA requirements identified in the work package as they pertain to the 30 minute follow-up inspection.

4.2.1g The permit shall be valid for the duration of a particular job. PermRs are valid for one week in temporary welding fabrication areas.

NOTE The Fire Protection Engineer shan determine the she acceptabuky for establishment of temporary welding fabrication areas.

4.2.20 For work evolutions that produce Ittle or no spark / slag, the Job Supervisor shall contact the Fire Protection Engineer who wIl determine the required area protection. This wil be documented in the 'Special Precautions To Be Taken* section of the permit.

4.2.21 The She Superintendent (or designee) shall review and approve all welding, cutting, and grinding permits prior to starting each job. Permt approval shall be dependent upon lack of conflict wth operations in the proposed job area, and lack of conillet wth modifications or temporary processes in progress in the job area.

4.3 Procedure 4.3.1 The Supervisor in charge of the work or his designee shall provide the information required on the top portion of Page 1 (l.a.: Date, plant location, work to be done, fire watch, and person performing welding or cutting). .

4.3.2 The SLW in charge of the work shall ensure that the job site has been physicaHy inspected prior to the start of work. If work shaR be performed in an RWP or radioactive material area, the SNEC R.S.O. (or designee) shall review the permit prior to start of job site inspection. . The person assigned by the Supervisor to inspect the area; initials and signs the rear of the permit. The person retums the permk to the Supervisor in charge of the work. The Supervisor shaN physically survey the area where the work la to be performed.

The Supervisor shall verify that the actions required to satisfy the items on the rear of the permit have been completed. The Supervisor shaB sign on the front of the permit. The signature states that the, area was inspected and'necessary precautions were taken.

5.0 mm O o


, .. .. Number Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation SAXT0g NUgg Policy and Procedure Manual 6575-ADM-4500.40

' nue Rowmon No.

Control of Hotwork 0 4.3.3 The Site Superintendent (or designee) shall review and approve the welding and cutting permit prior to starting each job. Permit approval shall be dependent upon lack of con 64ct' l' with operations in the proposed job area and lack of conNict with modlRcations or temporary processes in progrees in the job area.

. 4.3.4 ' The permit form shall be displayed at the job site.

4.3.5 The fire watch shall remain posted in the work area during all hotwork actMties.

4.3.6 At the conclusion of hotwork actMties (including breaks, lunch and and of shift), the fire watch shaN be posted in the work area for a 30 minute period.

l 4.3.7 The fire watch shaN retum the permit to the supervisor in charge of the work when the permit expires or work is complete.

4.3.8 The Supervisor shal forward the permit to the Site Superintendent for fling.

4.3.9 The General Yr+ =, (or Site Superintendent) shen retain completed perrrdt forms for l i review by the next inspecting insurance carrier representative and then destroy them foNowing his review. )


j 5.1 As identined in Section 4.0. i


i f 6.1 NFPA 50 - Bulk Oxygen Systems at Consumer Sites 6.2 NFPA 51 - Oxygen - Fuel Gas Syetems for Welding, Cutting and Allied Processes 1

6.3 NFPA 518 - Fire Prevention in the use of Cutting and Weiding Processes

! l

6.4 NFPA 58 LPG - Storage and Handling 6.5 NFPA 241 - BuNding Construction Demolition 6.6 ANSI Z49.1 - Safety in Weiding and Cutting,1973 6.7 29 CFR 1910.252 - Welding, Cutting, and Brazing 6.8 Procedure 6675-ADM-4600.20, " Radiation Work Permits *
6.9 Corporate Procedure 1000-ADM 1100.00, "Non-Radiological Respiratory Protection' 6.10 'GPU Nudear Safety and Health Manual 4


7.1 Exhibit 1 - Weiding, Cutting, Grinding, and Open Flame Permit l

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SAXTON NUCLiiAR Policy and Procedure Monumi 0675-ADM-4500.40

' noe m no.

Control of Hotwork .

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j 8.1 - None


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Saxt n Nuclew Egwinwntal'Cagxxadon

- SAXTUN NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual 6575J@M-4500.40

' RwWon No.

ns. ,

Control of Hotwork 0 4

EXHISIT1 (Typions)

Welding, Cutting, Ortnding, and Open Plame Permit ,

(Work is not permitted unless this form is fuled in and attached to welding equipment by person who is performing j the welding or cutting This permit must be reviewed and signed by your supervloor prior to work) 1 DATE (of work):

PLANT OR BUILDING Floor, Dept., Area or i rn*m l WORK TO BE DONE:






SNEC R.S.O.(or Designee) Date N in RWP Ares prior to start of job inspection ,

items 1,2, and 3 of the required precautions listed on the reverse side have been completed.

I The location where work is to be done has been examined by me, the necessary precautions taken and pwL 'mi

, is granted for this work.



Supervloor Title APPROVAL Site Superintendent (or Designee)


. FOLLOW 4lP INSPECTIONS At completion of hot work actMtles (including breaks, lunch, and and of shift) firewatch has been posted in the work area for a 30 minute period. Inspection of area was completed and no fire conditions were noted. Fire extinguisher has been retumed to stotage location after' completion of work.

SIGNED Ytrewatch' Retum this permit after work is completed to job supervisor. Supervisor initials and forwards permit to the Site Superintendent .



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Pol 6cy and Procedure Manual 5575 ADM-4500.40 nee Aswoon No.

j Control of Hotwork 0 EXHISIT 1 (Cont'd)

Danser Provent Fires


, Initial each item.

! 1. The location where the work is to be done has been personaNy examined.


- a. Spriniders, where provided, are in commiselon and will not be taken out of servios unti this

! work has been completed.

l b. There is no flammable lint, dust, vapors and liquide or unpurged tanks or equipmert previously containing such materials in the area.

c. '6his work wW be confined to the area of equipment specined in the permit.

I 2. The following safeguards have been provided.

a.- Floors and surroundings have been swept clean. Clean of combustible materled.

b. Ample portable extinguishing equipment, hand hoes, extingu!shers, water paus, etc., have boon provided.

I c. .All removable combustibles have been located 40 feet from the operation and the remainder j.

protected with flameproof curtains, metal guards or llameproofed covers (not ordinary tarpauline).

d. All floor and well openings within a 40 feet radius of the operations have been covered

. tighey.

) e. Responsible personnel hdve been assigned to watch for dangerous sparks in the area, as

. well as in Soors above and below.

i f. Communications are avalable between the welding / cutting operation and the Control Point.

3. Flame or spark-producing equipment to be used has boon inspected and found Iri good repair.

l 4. Arrangements have been made for a posted firewatch of the ares, including floors above and below

as required, during any lunch or rest period and for at least one half hour after work has been

! completed.

Vertned By 9

N o 4

i l E12 ==

Attachment 3

, Environmental Repon for the Construction of the Decommissioning Suppon Facilities 5 Pages 1




i INTRODUCTION The purpose of this environmental report is to discuss the environmental


impact of the construction of the Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation (SNEC) decommissioning support facilitiet (DSF). This report is intended to  !

satisfy Item No. 5. of the USNRC Request for Additional Information, dated March 25, 1996. It is understood that Item No. 5. specifically requests SNEC 4

. to address the environmental impact of DSF construction only. Item No. 5.

states that the environmental impact related to the use and operation of the DSF after construction should be included in the Environmental Report of the SNEC Decommissioning Plan.


The DSF will consist of three interconnected pre-engineered metal buildings which will be directly connected to the SNEC facility Containment Vessel. The buildings will be constructed at grade on concrete slabs and will be serviced with' electricity. There is no water service, wastewater drainage (sanitary or industrial), or air emission sources other than normal building heating and

- ventilation exhaust included in the design of the three buildings. Stormwater from' roof drains and building area runoff will be directed to the existing i

yard drainage system or to a French drain system to be constructed as part of the DSF construction project. Although the DSF buildings will be constructed  :

to meet industry standards for permanent structures, the DSF buildings are classified as temporary structures and are planned to be dismantled upon 8

completion of SNEC facility decommissioning activities. The DSF building

. construction and associated SNEC facility site work will be accomplished in accordance with a GPU Nuclear engineering specification (reference no.1).

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES - ENVIRONNENTAL INPACT Buildina Permits and Certificates of Occupancy The SNEC facility is located in Liberty Township, Bedford County. The building contractor will be responsible for securing the required Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy from Liberty Township and the

Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry (PAD 0LI). The building design and construction will meet the applicable local and state building codes for the type of construction, building location, designated building uses and anticipated personnel occupancy. PAD 0LI requirements will be invoked for the DSF project because of the potential for the buildings to be occupied by four or more individuals during the workday. The DSF buildings are classified as

. temporary structures and are planned to be dismantled upon completion of SNEC facility decommissioning activities. Building demolition would be accomplished in accordance with applicable codes and standards.


PAGE 2. OF 4 -


The DSF buildings will be constructed in an area at the Saxton site which is above the 100 year floodplain. The three buildings will be located at site elevations between 812 feet and 813 feet (reference no.1). In the 1972 Saxton Decommissioning Plan and Safety Analysis Report (reference no. 2), the maximum observed flood elevation at the Saxton site was reported at 809.5 feet. This maximum observed flood elevation was recorded in March 1936 and corresponded to a river flow of about 80,000 cubic feet per second (cfs). As stated in the 1972 Saxton Decommissioning Plan, the Army Corps of Engineers assigned a 225 year flood frequency to the 80,000 cfs flow at the Saxton site (reference no. 2). In March 1996, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provided data to SNEC that confirmed the observed high flows for the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River at Saxton, PA. occurred in March 1936 (reference no. 3).

In an effort to update the 100 year floodplain information for the Saxton site

the USGS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Army Corps of Engineers were contacted in March 1996. The closest USGS river flow gage for the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River is located about 1.5 miles upstream from the Saxton site and is of limited use for direct determination of the 100 year flood frequency river elevation at the Saxton site. Both FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers indicated that later Saxton site data were not available beyond what was referenced in the 1972 Saxton Decommissioning Plan.

Based upon the available floodplain information, SNEC concludes that the DSF buildings will be constructed above the 100 year floodplain as the 225 year flood elevation is below the planned DSF building elevation. Therefore, the building construction is not subject to PADEP Bureau of Dams and Waterways Management or Army Corps of Engineers permitting.

J Given the short duration of the construction period (approximately three months) and the predicted flood frequency at the Saxton site, the likelihood of a flood occurring during the construction period is extremely unlikely.

The Raystown dam and reservoir operated by the Army Corps of Engineers located downstream of the SNEC facility site provide additional flood control for the facility. However, should a flood event occur during construction activities, sufficient notice of imminent flooding would be available for the building contractor to implement steps to minimize impact on the public and the environment. For example, loose construction materials as well as equipment containing hazardous substances could be relocated to high ground.

Stormwater Manaaement Stormwater runoff from the construction area will be directed to the existing site stormwater collection and drainage system. Site stormwater is retained onsite and there is no stormwater point source discharge to local surface waters. Site stormwater intermittently ponds onsite and percolates into local soils and groundwater. The USEPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program covers stormwater discharges from certain types of construction activities (reference no. 4). However, the USEPA NPDES permit program regulations as administered by the PADEP exempt construction activities that result in the disturbance of less than five acres and are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale (reference no. 4).


PAGE 3 0F 4 SAXTON DSF CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT The SNEC facility site covers approximately 1.148 acres (reference no. 2) and the combined area covered by the DSF building footprint and the associated site road work and grading will cover about one acre (reference no. 1). Since the affected area is less than five acres the USEPA stormwater permitting program related to construction activities is not applicable. During earthmoving activities associated with DSF building construction soil erosion from stormwater runoff will be controlled in accordance with applicable PADEP and Soil Conservation District reqeirements. The following section of this  ;

report discusses the soil erosion control plan for the SNEC facility site. '

Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control The SNEC facility site has a relatively flat topography ar.d is not prone to accelerated stormwater runoff and soil erosion. SNEC fadlity site soil erosion and sedimentation will be minimized during DSF construction activities by implementation of the SNEC Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (reference no. 5). This plan is based upon the PADEP Erosion Control regulations (reference no. 6). The plan requires the use of temporary control measures such as fabric filter fencing, mulching and straw bales during earthmoving activities and permanent site stabilization upon completion of earthmoving activities. The PADEP does not require an erosion control permit for DSF construction activities because less than 25 acres of land will be disturbed. ,

1 Air Quality - Fucitive Emissions l The PADEP requires persons involved in construction activities to take reasonable actions to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne 1 (reference no. 7). Reasonable actions include the use of water to minimize airborne dust from the construction area and the prompt removal of earth or other materials from paved roads in the construction area. Because there will be a limited amount of earthmoving activities and transporting of dirt and other construction materials associated with DSF construction, fugitive emissions are anticipated to be minimal. The building contractor will be required to implement dust control methods to prevent visible airborne dust from crossing the GPU System owned property boundaries which surround the SNEC facility site. Onsite dust control will be implemented by the building contractor if needed to assure a suitable work environment for contractor and other onsite SNEC personnel.

Waste Manaaement The building construction activities will generate typical construction wastes such as wood, metals, bricks, block, and roofing materials. These wastes are classified as construction / demolition waste under the PADEP Municipal Waste Management regulations (reference no. 8). Construction / demolition wastes generated from the DSF project will be managed, transported and disposed of in accordance with the PADEP's municipal waste regulations. Empty hazardous ,

material containers generated from construction altivities will also be i managed and disposed of as municipal waste. l

- . - - .- - - - . = - - . . _ . - . . . - . . .

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The generation of other wastes that are not classified as construction /

demolition waste will be minimal. The building contractor will be required to

. minimize the generation of wastes such as paints, solvents, and cleaning liquids that may be used on the project. For example, open containers that contain usable product will be retained by the contractor for use on other

_ projects if applicable. SNEC recognizes that some liquid wastes or other '

solid wastes may be generated which cannot be properly managed as municipal 3

waste. In this case the waste will be managed and disposed of in accordance with the PADEP Residual Waste Maragement regulations (reference no. 9) or the PADEP Hazardous Waste Manaor .o regulations (reference no.10) as appropriate. Also, inadve tent spills of hazardous substances will be cleaned-up and the impacted area will be remediated as necessary. Spill '

i residues will be properly disposed of and regulatory agencies will be notified

] if threshold spill rcperting quantities are exceeded.

j Other Environmental Features - Historical and Endanaered Species

! The SNEC facility site is located on property which has been associated with j industrial activity since the 1920's. The SNEC facility site is located adjacent to property owned by the Pennsylvania Electric Company, a subsidiary

] of General Public Utilities Corporation, which was the site of the Saxton j Steam Electric Generating Station (SSEGS). The coal-fired SSEGS was operated from 1923 to 1974 and was demolished during the period 1975 to 1977. The area of the SNEC facility site where the DSF buildings will be constructed was

! - previously occupied by the SNEC facility Control and Auxiliary Building. The Control and Auxiliary Building was a support facility for the SNEC power plant which was constructed from 1960 to 1962. The Control and Auxiliary Building was demolished with other SNEC facilities in 1992.

l There are no known historical or archaeological areas of interest located at

, the SNEC facility site or the adjacent Pennsylvania Electric Company property

(reference no. 11). There have been no historical or archaeological areas

! identified during earth disturbances associated with construction and

demolition of the SNEC facility and the SSEGS. Also, there are no known endangered or threatened plant or animal species on the SNEC facility site or the adjacent Pennsylvania Electric Company property (reference no.11).

! ENVIRONNENTAL INPACT - SUNNARY SNEC does not anticipate any significant environmental impact related to the DSF construction project. The building contractor and SNEC personnel will comply with the applicable environmental regulations and good work practices during construction activities. The building contractor will be responsible for securing all required regulatory permits and approvals for the '

construction project. Building construction and occupancy permits will be secured from both Liberty Township and PAD 0LI. Because of the relatively small size of the project and the determination that the building construction is outside of the 100 year floodplain, there are no other environmental permits identified for this project.

y , -


1) Specification for Three IntercoD Rcted Pre-Enaineered Buildinas to Support Decommissionina of Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation Facility, Specification No. S1-SP-510000-001, Revision 0, GPU Nuclear Corporation Engineering Specification, March 1996.


2) Saxton Decommissionina Plan and Safety Analysis Report, Saxton Nuclear _ i Experimental Corporation, April 1972. l
3) Annual Peak Flow Freauency Analysis for Ravstown Branch of Juniata River at Saxton. Pa. 1889 - 1994, U. S. Geological Survey, March 1996.
4) USEPA Administered Permit Proarams: The National Pollutant Discharae Elimination System, Title 40 Federal Code of Regulations, Chapter 122,

- USEPA, July 1993.

, -5) jiNEC Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, SNEC Procedure No.

6575-PLN-4542.02, Rev. O, Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation, l November 1994.

6) Erosion Control, Title 25 PA Code of Regulations, Chapter 102, PADEP, May 1995.
7) Standards for Contaminants - Fuaitive Emissions, Title 25 PA Code of Regulations, Chapters 123.1 and 123.2, PADEP, May 1995.
8) Municipal Waste, Title 25 PA Code of Regulations, Article VIII, PADEP, February 1996.
9) Residual Waste Manaaement, Title 25 PA Code of Regulations, Article IX, PADEP, May 1993.
10) Hazardous Waste Manaaement, Title 25 PA Code of Regulations, Article VII, February 1996.
11) Decommissionina Environmental Report for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corocration Facility, GPU Nuclocr Corporation, April 1996.

i Attachment 4 Revised Proposed Technical Specification Page la i

1 Replace page la pmvided with the submittal dated Febmary 2,1996 with the following revised mplacement page.

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> 1 Actions considered to be permitted by this provision would be limited to  ;

' asbestos removal, removal of defunct plant electrical services and associated  ;

components, installation of decommissioning support systems (compressed air, electrical power, heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and construction of -

decommissioning support facilities. Any action which results in alteration of the Containment Vessel, removal of major radioactive components or results in .

dismantling components is prohibited. j f

I s


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