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Third Supplemental Response to State of Il Second Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/1984
From: Hall D
Shared Package
ML20099D240 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8411200292
Download: ML20099D292 (67)



IIU CC:li;Ls WiDQ 5w ?..%l*





COOPERATIVE, INC. ) Docket No. 50-461 OL


(Operating License for Clinton )

Power Station, Unit 1) )

NOTICE TO: Hugh K. Clark, Esq., Chairman P.O. Box 127A Kennedyville, Maryland 21645 Dr. George A. Ferguson School of Engineering


  • - Howard University 2300 Sixth Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20059 Dr. Oscar H. Paris Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 ,

Executive Legal Director United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Allen Samelson Assistant Attorney General Environmental Control Division Southern Region 500 South Second Etreet Springfield, Illinois 62706 Jean Foy 511 West Nevada .

Urbana, Illinois 61801 8411200292 841115 PDR ADOCK 05000461 0 PDR L

1 Prairie Alliance

$ Box 2424 Station A Champaign, Illinois 61820 Fred Christianson U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Clinton Power Station R.R.3, Box 228 Clinton, Illinois 61727 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have today filed with the Secretary of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission the attached THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE OF ILLINOIS POWER TO THE STATE OF ILLINOIS' SECOND SET OF INTERROGATORIES TO APPLICANTS. A copy of this document is attached hereto and hereby served upon you.


$ CX 0 One of the Attorneys for Applicants Sheldon A. Zabel Charles D. Fox IV Sara L. Johnson SCHIFF HARDIN & WAITE 7200 Sears Tower 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago,' Illinois 60606 (312) 876-1000 Jack R. Newman George L. Edgar NEWMAN & HOLTZINGER, P.C.

Suite 1000 1615 L Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 955-6600 l (~)

k- Dated November 15, 1984

  1. + '


. S'$ ~ ll0' i ]g IN THE MATTER OFL ')- ,m





' POWER COOPERATIVE, INC. '). Docket ~No. 50-461.OL~

) '

-(Operating License for. )-

-,Clinton Power Station, )-

iUnit'1)- ,)


Pursuant to Section 2.740(e) of. the Rules of Prac-tice of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Illinois Power l Company ("IP") , on behalf of itself, Soyland Power Coopera-tive, Inc., and Western Illinois Power Cooperative, Inc.,

i the Applicants for an operating license for Unit 1 of the  !

l Clinton Power Station, hereby further supplements for-the-period October 1, 1983 through September 30, 1984, with re-spect to those interrogatories on Contention II, its RESPONSE l


! INTERROGATORIES TO APPLICANTS dated December 15, 1981 (the



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g dated ~ March 23, 1984 (the . "Second Supplemental Response") ', - q i

' l as'followss' ,


[ General Interrogatory No. 12 : Identify.all' persons


who have assisted-in any way in1the'-preparation of.

each answer to each interrogatory below and describe' f the substance of each person's assistance.]

ANSWER: All'information for this Third Supplemental Response

. was prepared:under?the supervision and direction of W.-Connell, Illinois Power Manager--Quality Assurance.

[. [ General Interrogatory No. 2: Identify'all docu--


. ments that were relied provide an answer-to each interrogatory below, and' describe the sub-

, stance'of each document'so used.] ,

ANSWER: Relevant documents have been made' available to the h( )

4 State of Illinois on' December 6-8, 1983, Februe.ry 9-10,1 1984; and March 19, 1984 covering the period November. 15, 1981-l through December 8, 1983. . Relevant documents not previously-1 i available for inspection are available for inspection at the

[ Clinton Power Station..

[ General Interrogatory No. 3: Identify all persons whom'IPC plans to call to testify as to each con-tention, and state the qualifications of each person so identified.]  :

ANSWERt Illinois Power presently plans to provide its list i of witnesses on contention II on November 15, 1984 in a separate ,

filing. 1 1

m e J

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V N' [ General ~ Interrogatory No'. 4:. Describe for each

interrogatory any additional research or work, if l any, that-IP plans to do that will affect *the ,


- ANSWERS l Illinois' Power is continuously engaged in monitoring .

information-that say affect the design, construction or opera-tion of 'the Clinton Power Station'.


Unless'otherwise noted,


or unless new information indicates the need for.further investigation, Illinois Power does not plan to conductifurtheri-n research which may affect.the answers relative to a particular .

._ interrogatory.-


[5. Identify-the persons:who were,-but are no longer, employed on the11nspection' staff.of Baldwin~ Associates' (BA) Department of Quality Control .(QC) . - For each person'so. identified

'O a. *s auficatans f- the ,esition

[ b. his the position i .

j c. the time period'of his employment in the position; and i e, the reason for termination of employment.]


1 ANSWER: See~ Exhibit A 1

[5.d. the substance of any complaints made by him -

l to IP, BA, or NRC about QA/QC program;]

l ANSWER: See answer to Interrogatory No. 24.

L i [6. State how many persons are now employed on t the QC inspection staff.]

l-h ,

i. U

1 1

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_l L f J.'


! ANSWER:' One hundred sixty five individuals are presently.

. employed on the Baldwin' Associates'QC? inspection staff.- -

[6.a. - State how many of'that-number are under - 1 Lgoing-training-to meet-the= requirements for the-position. .DescribeLwhatitrain-l ing they are. receiving.] :l ANSWER: . Fifty indiUiduals~'are: undergoing tra'ining. ; Theses

individuals ~are beingl trained for advanced certifications.

The general training' description for~QC-personnel isias.fol-i-


CLASSROOM TRAINING All Quality Control personnel during training are i

required ~to attend specific-training sessions; conducted by Training Instructors _from each discipline or site training

- O personnel as defined by the Training Coordinator and Senior; Discipline Engineer.- Included in these training: sessions are instructions to reference the latest revisions'to all i

I applicable documents. An outline lof'each training session is presented to all new employees forLguidance during the i

! training period. Classroom training varies for each employee 4

according to the area for which the new employee is being

. trained.

The~ training sessions are arranged to supplement i

on-the-job training the new employee will r,eceive (i) in the field and (ii) with required reading of procedures, codes i l

and standards. A classroom attendance record is kept on

!O -.-


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  • Leach employee to document: total man-hours in trmining. A-personnel . package; of records- for each ' employee :to_ be certi-1 fled is established and. maintained;throughout the duration -

of his or her employment.

ON-THE-JOB TRAINING s Bach employee during:theLtraining period must ac-cumulate a minimumLnumber;of hours. performing tests, exami- .

' nations, and. inspections. This on-the-job training is show that each. employee meets minimum requirements forl actual firsthand experience performing quality func-tions.

l j ~ ~} Training. schedules are developed on a week-to-week basis to judge' progress and determine evaluation of perform-ance during the training-period. To coincide with the on-the-job training, there are required. reading lists.. - The reading of materials from these generic and specific reading E lists helps to guide employees during their training and to l develop proficiency in their particular areas.

i i [7. State how many persons are now employed in the BA QC Department.]

ANSWER: One hundred ninety-one individuals are presently.

J j

employed in the Baldwin Associates QC' Department. l I


[7.a. State how many of the number are undergoing

, training to meet the requirements for the.

position. Describe the positions for which

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. !they are receiving training.and=the type:of AL etrainingLinvolved.- '


' ANSWER: See, answer to Interrogatory No. 6.a.: .

[8.: Identify:those_ persons who were, but are no

. longer,. employed on the inspection staff of.

BA's piping' department. .For'each person:so- '

identified statesi ,

a .
his qualifications'for the position;

'b. his performance-in:the position;

c. the time period of his employment in~the position; and

{ e.: the reason for termination of employment.]

ANSWER: Baldwin Associates Piping department does not have an inspection staff.. Inspection activities are performed by~

. Baldwin Associates Quality Control-employees responsible for 1:-( ) mechanical inspection. See Exhibit B 'for former Baldwin

! Associates-Quality Control personnel responsible for piping / mechanical inspections.

l [8.d. the substance of any complaints he made j to IP, BA or NRC about the QA/QC program;]

i ANSWER: 'See answer to Interrogatory No. 24. .

1 l

l [9. Identify those persons who are now employed j on the inspection staff of BA's Piping Depart-  ;

j ment. For:each person so identified state: '

a. his duties and responsibilities; e


l his qualifications for the position]

i .

i f

l .

l L


'l A--

b- c g;- ANSWER: _ Baldwin Associates' Piping Department does not have-9- an inspection staff. . Inspection activities relating to piping are performed by Baldwin Associates' Quality control employees:

responsible'for mechanical-inspections.- Seel Exhibit C:for i

information requested with-respect to present Baldwin As-sociates'10uality control employees responsible for mechanical


[9.c. the substance'of any complaints he had

.made to IP, BA or NRC'about the QA/QC program.]

ANSWER: See~Answeruto Interrogatory No. 24.-

[10. . Identify each person who is now employed in l

the BA small bore ~ design group. For each person so identified states .


'. a. his duties and responsibilitest and

b. his qualifications for the position)

ANSWER: See Exhibit D

[10.c. the substance of any complaints he has made to IP, BA or NRC about the QA/QC
program.] ,

ANSWER: See Answer to Interrogatory No. 24.


[11. Describe the current QA system for the documen-i tation of procurement and specification re-



! a. Describe the changes, if any, that IP ,

has made in this system since the issu- l ance of IE Inspection Report 50-461/81- j g 05.] l l

1 L



. x,. . . m


4 _

.n i w N -ANSWER:j The answer .to Interrogatory No.11 in the Second a Supplemental' Response is still valid.

[ll.b. Identify all.those' persons;who are'respon - '

sible for the changes, ifiany,.that:IP has made in this system.]

No changes were made to thisisystenfsince the-Second


Supplemental Response.


[11.c Identify all-those' persons who'are respon-sible for the management, operation and

. implementation of.this system.). o I ANSWERS: The persons responsible-are J.D. Geihr, Illinois Power Manager-- uclear Station Engineering Department (NSED) i' until February, 1984; B. Victor,. Illinois Power Manager--

{} NSED, since February, 1984; L. Osborne, Baldwin Associates Manager of Quality and Technical Services; W. Connell, Illi- '

i .

[ nois Power Manager--Quality Assurance; L. Moore, . Baldwin Associates Resident Engineer until August, 1984; and S. Lyons, ,


} Baldwin Associates Superintendent of. Engineering since August,  !

4 1984.

I  !

! [12. Describe the current system of using travelers i to detail installation and inspection require-

! ments.

! a. Describe the changes, if any, that IP  :

. has made in this system since the issuance


of IE Inspection Report 50-461/81-05.]

i 4

ANSWER: The answer to Interrogatory No. 12.a in the Second

! Supplemental Response is still valid.


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'[12.b.- Identify all those persons'who.are respon-sible-for--the changes,.if any,~that IP

-has system.]-

. ANSWER ~ No' changes were madeito.this system-lsinceEthe Second Supplemental Response.

[12.c. . Identify all.those persons who are raspon-sible for the management, operation, and.

implementation.of-this system.]

ANSWER: The persons responsible are D.P. Hall / Illinois Power Vice President; W. Connell, Illinois Power Manager--

Quality Assurance; J.H. MacKinnon, Illinois Power Project Manager until March,.1984; R.E. Daniels, Illinois Power-Project Manager since March,1984; W. Harrington, Baldwin Associates Project Manager until January,1984; A. King, j

{} Baldwin Associates Project Manager since January, 1984; and L.W. Osborne, Baldwin Associates Manager of Quality and

  • i Technical Services.

4 3

[13. State the basis'for IP's conclusion that the i requirement that vendors acquire written au-i thorization from IP, prior to shipment, to j substitute a certificate'of compliance for i missing documentation, is unrealistic.)

ANSWER: The answer to Interrogatory No. 13 in the First

{ Supplemental Response is still valid.

I  !

t i [14. Describe the QA system of document account-  ;

) ability and control that IP believes assures- l i compliance with requirements for issuance of  :

j materials and equipment for installation or i use at CPS-1.

-($) l 1




s f


ANSWER:' The answer-to InterrogatoryiNo. 14 in the First~-


.;still valid.'

< .[15. State,what IP believes is'the purpose'of, Pro--

> 'cedures BA 2.20 and BA' 2.3 and describe what:

t.  : procedures IP uses to meet 'this ~ purpose.]

ANSWER: The answer'to Interrogatory No.1 15 in the First:

- Supplemental Response is still valid.


[16. Describe the system IP is using to inspect:

safety-related pipe hangers.]-

t ANSWER: The. system used to inspect safety-related pipe hangers is described in BAP 3.2.5, Rev. 6D.

[16.a. . Describe the changes, if~any, that IP hasmadeinthissIstemsincetheissu-

!O e '= 1 == so-451e=1-as i l ANSWER The system used 'to inspect safety-related pipe hangers is described in BAP 3.2.5, Rev. 6D.- The following changes have been made to the system since the Second Supplemental l Responses f 1. The requirements of QCI 300 were incorporated into BAP 3.2.5 and QCI 300 was deleted.

2. A requirement was added for QC to verify trans-l for of material identification markings prior to any cutting operations or subdivision of i material.

l O 4 5

4 N



3. Technical Services' inspection requirements I

.for supports with more than one primary attachment were clarified. --

4. Phase III inspection' checklists were added l

-for Hydraulic Snubbers, Restraint Hangers, Riser _ Clamp Hangers, U-Bolt Rangers, Sliding Type Supports, and Multi-Direction Clamp Hangers.

.5.. An attachment was added to provide inspection instructions and acceptance criteria for Strut /

Snubber Clearance verification by QC.


6. Instructions and acceptance criteria were added for QC inspection of site th:eaded rod


used in pipe supports.

7. Dimensional tolerances for box type supports
were clarified.
8. When supplemental travelers or Nonconformance Reports are required to perform rework or j fabrication on previously accepted hangers, i

the inspection may now be documented on an Inspection Report. Phase II or Phase III inspection checklists are not required for this activity.


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-[16.b.- State'the average maximum; time span ; '

'between-hanger installation.and.QC in ' 1 spection.] ,)

-1 ANSWER: The answer to Interrogatory 16;b in'the'Second -i Supplemental Response.'is still valid. .

w ., x ?l2 4 -

[16.c. 4 8 tate' whether. this2 system rsquires' docu-- y mentation of:who instslied the hanger.


4 components and when l'nstallation was '


~ ANSWER: -The answer to Interrogatory.16. { n t,he First Su


i plemental Response is still valid.

?- ,,a . ._,-

[16.d. Identify all those peEisoris who were responsible for'the

-thatIPhasmadein9.anges,ifany, t.Is ANSWER: The person resp,//onsible islL. Osb,rne, o Balditin Asso-- l

] ciates Manager of Quality arid Technical Services..

i [16.e. 'I'd entify all those persons who are W & - .

j responsible for,the management, opera ,

tion, and implementation'of.this syste.e.]

. *; 7 ,,

The; persons responsible arte W.(, Gerstner,illlinois '

, - ~ r ,,,

Power Executive Vice President; D.P. Ball, 1[11nois, Power  ;

1 Y

{ Vice President; W. Connell, Illinois Power Managar--Quality j .Jr /

Assurance; and L. Osborne,.531dwin Associates Man 4Ver of 4-i


! Quality and 76chnical Services. - -

[ f

! [17. Describe IP's system to ensure that welders i ar's f ami-liar w'ith welding procedures and para- ,

j metets.' .

, j i

. se N O .

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'n ,

. A_) a. Describe the: changes, if any,1 that1IP- )

has made in this system since~the issu-

-ance of IE Inspection ~ Report 50-461/81--


b. Identify all those~ persons who'were re-sponsible for changes, if any, that IP l made in-this system. .

Identify all those persons who are'respon- .J c.

sible for' management, operation, and implementation of this system.]-

ANSWER: The answer'to Interrogatory Nob 1*r in.the Second Supplemental Response is still valid.

[18. Describe the record and document control syse tem that IP uses to correlate IP audit findings to the necessary. corrective actions.


Describe the changes, if any, that IP has made in this system since the issu-

.O ance of IE Inspection Report 50-461/81-05.]

ANSWER: The method used to correlate corrective actions to audit findings is the attachment (to the audit finding form) of a written response submitted by the audited organization which documents the corrective action taken. Furthermore, the Audit Team Leader's evaluation of corrective action and

the verification of corrective action is documented on the audit finding form. Upon completion of these actions, a formal close-out of the audit finding is performed by a Lead


Auditor, and then the finding is forwarded to the Supervisor--

Audits for review and concurrence signature.


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(18.b.. IdentifyLall'those persons,who.are respon-

i. - sible forithe' changes,xif any, that IP.


.has.nade in:this{ system.;

y < -

c. LIdentifyLsliithusetpersons who are-respon-

'sible forlthe management, operation and .

implementation of this system.]

ANSWER: ' The persons responsibleEare W.LConnell, IllinoisJ e

' Power-Manager--QualityAssurance,-R.E.1 Campbell, Illinois >

Power Director--Quality' Systems and' Audits, and C.F. Pegg,- -

Illinois Power. Supervisor--Audits.

' [19. Describe the system that IP uses to. control' the. time.taken-between the completion and QA/QC inspection'of: work.

a. Describe the changes, if any,-that:IP has made :Ln this system since 'the issu -

ance of_IE Inspection Report 50-461/81-

, 0 5 ~. ]

ANSWER: The answer'to Interrogatory-No. 19.a..-in the Second- ~

Supplemental Response ~is still valid. -

[19.b. ~ Identify all those persons who are responsible for the changes, if any, ,


.that IP has made in this system, i c. ' Identify all those persons ~who are responsible for_the management, opera- .

tion, and implementation of~this system.]

ANSWER:- The persons responsible are D.P. Hall, Illinois Power Vice President; W. Connell, Illinois Power Manager--

Quality Assurance; J.H. MacKinnon, Illinois Power Project-Manager until March, 1984; H.E. Daniels, Illinois Power

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'h. Project Manager since March,~1984; and;L .Osborne, Baldwin-Associates'Manag'er.of Q'uality-and Technical Services.:

[22. Identifys.all S&L,zBA,.or GE' documents,.known to.IP, specifically calling into question the 4  : judgment, experience, capability;or commitment =

-- to quality'of.IP regarding the construction or proposed operation'~of CPS-1.]

ANSWER '- To the best of Illinois Power's knowledge, none since th'e Second: Supplemental Response.

[23. State whether IP has'any knowledge.of any.IP, 1BA,~or S&L. employee resigning.his-position or otherwise being terminated on account of dis-agreement-or. dissatisfaction.with the quality.

of' construction or engineering work, or man- _

agement decisions or policies the construction or proposed operation of CPS -l and, if so, identify documents or otherwise-

.O- ero ta a

  • 11 re t i=9 to ==r ==ca acc=r-rences.]

ANSWER: Illinois Power, in order to protect the confidentiality of employees, will produce documents relevant to-this inter-rogatory, in the same manner as'information is produced with respect to the Quality Report System, described in the Answer to Interrogatory No. 24, upon the State of Illinois signing an appropriate protective order.


[24. State whether IP'has any knowledge of any IP, ,

BA or S&L employee lodging a complaint with IP concerning disagreement or dissatisfaction

', with the quality of construction or engineer-

! ing work, or decisions or policies relating

' to the construction or proposed operation of CPS-1, which complaint did not result in the I resignation or termination of that employee, j O -1s- l l


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and,.iflso,. identify. documents or otherwise' Ih)?

. ' . provide details pertaining to;any such occur-rences.]

_ ANSWER: . There are four=nethods'by1which Illinois Power may-

- have the information-requested ~

1. 'As.of FebruaryL24, 1982, as described-in-the answer to_ Interrogatory.No. 24 of the'First Supplemental.

Response,.a Quality Report System was instituted at Clinton Power Station..'In accordance with the agreement with the State of Illinois of June 25,

~1982, and the Agreed Protective Order dated August 3, 1982, Illinois Power'will produce documents relating. ,

to Quality Reports in a-separate filing.

2. . Since the Second Supplemental Response,' Illinois I Power has instituted a quality concern. telephone hotline. All messages. received are investigated by the Illinois Power-Manager - Quality Assurance and the results are reported to the, Illinois Power-
Vice President Nuclear.
3. Since the.Second Supplemental Response, the Safe-team Project has been established ~to provide oppor-'

i tunitites for-all onsite personnel to report nuclear safety or oth'er- construction-related concerns - to

. IP management. These opportunities are:

a. Periodically, interviews are scheduled with n

l QA, QC, and other employees involved in the O - , . - .em, e,-,,-r -w. ....,,------,-----e. -~~er, e- e-,--e--- e.-r---%,-,e---..-- --e v en.,,-.e.+,- - -e w w -en

1 . _ . , . . . ,- . . .



n A()/ - -inspection or testing of safety-related systems /at the'Clinton-Power..Stationiin which

. employees may express.any concerns.

b. . .An' opportunity for'an'-interview'is provided to elicit any. concerns any. exiting-employee-

-may have.

c.' One-on-one interviews with each terminated IP -

.QA~and BA Q&TSl employee are held priorfto the

, employee's_ departure.-

d. fAny onsite employee with:a: concern.canLarrangel for an ' interview-at any time.
e. _Safeteam Concern Report forms are available.

at' numerous: locations throught the-plant.

4 These forms may be-used by~employeesLtondescribe' 4'

concerns in writing. They also list Illinois and nation-wide toll-free telephonefnumbers-which may be.used to report concerns.

The Safeteam: program is voluntary and the identity of participating individuals is protected. Each concern is, investigated and-the_results of the investigation are reported to the employee raising  ;

the concern and to IP management;_and

4. In the day to day course of construction, individ-l uals may have complained to supervisors concern- H 1


oc - - - - -

4. - . -1
-jx l


" .ing theLconstruction or proposed operation';of the'

-1 Clinton' Power Station.

Illinois Power, inforder to protect the confidenti--

ality offthe persons making complaints and preserve the ef- ,

.fectiveness-of the systems, will produce documents-relating- ,

to the quality. concern-telephone hotline, the Safeteam Pro-e

. ject,=and the individual complaints, if any,.inithe'same

= manner as'informationlis produced with respect to the-Quality:

- Report System,.upon the; State signing'an-appropriate Protec--

.tive Agreement.


O By:

ED.P. Hall 3.

Vice President Sheldon A. Zabel ,

, Charles D. Fox IV Sara L. Johnson

< SCHIFF HARDIN E WAITE 7200 Sears Tower 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 876-1000 Jack Newman George L. Edgar NEWMAN & HOLTZINGER, P.C. i Suite 1000 1615 L Street, N.W.-

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 955-6600 .

Dated: November 15, 1984 18- l

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- D. P. Hall, being~ duly sworn, deposesland says that he'-is Vice Presidentiof Illinois Power Company, one of '

the Applicants in this- proceedings that he has : read, . or ~has - i


knowledge' of,.the foregoing Third Supplemental. Answers of Illinois Power Company to the State of Illinois' Second Set' of: Interrogatories'to Applicant; Land that the same are true' and correct-to the best~of his. knowledge, information, and.


D.P'. Hall 10 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Nd, day of

%+nliu , 1984.


b! n $ + n,J Notary Public My commission expires: O(nd'qo f /986 i.


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..................................=4 .....=.... 4............=............... =...;.......................

a n a Richard Acevedo l II l P/M Inspector n- 15 Months 2490 San Pasqual n g g- 12-15-82-to 3-18-83 ,i Paradena, Ca. a n .n- Transferred-to Turnover.

n a a Il a a a a n

  • n a n ,

il n n n a'

. n n a a a n ,

a n a

n 11 -a n ..

n a a a n n n n n a n n-a n n' Jossph Amadon n II n P/M n 19' Months 1102 h. Washington  !.  !  ! 6-14-82 to 1-18-84 8 Transferred to Turnover L roy, Illinois l l n n a

Craig E. Anderson  ! III l QC-Manager :n- 13 Months 2303 B. Melrose l l l '7-1-82 to.8-3-83 Champaign, Illinois j j l Transferred to QA Mgr.

n n n Bill Armstrong l II l P/M Inspector. l 22 Moniths 1312 W. Mt. Gilead Rd. l l l 9-7-82 to 7-11-84 Decatur, Illinois a n a a

Transfer to QE a a a n n.

n a a a n. n n n a n a a a a a n a a R.ndy Beeker  ! II l Vendor Surveillance Engineer n 59 Months

j. 5-4-76 to 4-24 -

802 Tyler l l n Monticello, Illinois a n

-n a n a a n D:nnis Bell l II l C/S l 11 Months R.R. 5, Box 385 l l l 6-28-78 to 2-25-83 Dunnello, Fla. n n a u n n.

n n n II C/S n 21 Months Eric Bergameyer l ln 8-16-76 to 9-2 P.O Box 306 -a n Clinton, Illinois 'ln l

a n ll l ll ll n

n n If R n

f_1 -

=,= ,==. m ...........................,............ ........

u a u-


....................................l... ........;.................................;.......................:

u a a a u . m Carald Bitner u II u Hydro & T/O Coord. m 7 Months. .

- Town & Country Motel  !  !. l 8-17-82 to 2-25-83! ...


Clinton, Illinois l l g Transferred to T/O :

u a a Chris Blenstraub l . II .  ! P/M Inspector-  ! 12 Months- '

2313 Anchor Drive j u g. 2-25 -

Bloomington, Illinois- a 'u u .

u a u

. u n. m ,

Sharon Bodine l II. l Electrical. Inspector .l 33 Months -

, 1406 #2.Grandview Dr. E l l lu 5-11-81 to 1-18-84 Champaign,~I111nois a a ~ Transfer,to Turnover u u a a n. m David Boehm u y g Electrical Inspector lu- '19 Months 211 Third St. u a 1-4-82 to'7-5-83' Lincoln Illinois l l la.

u- u-u a '

u a u u u a .u a u , a m a u 1

u a n. -

a u a John Brimm  ! I.  ! Itaterial Control Inspector-  ! 4' months 158 Lori Lynn l l l-Dtcatur, Illinois j .l :j.

m u u.

n a a a II u. Electrical Inspector u '8' Months-lu l ln, l'7-81 to 8-11-81' a

g .g- g.

m u- .n. .

a a u

, a u a u .m- a

.m -a u

u a a a a a a u u.

Bobby C. Brown l 'I. ., j P/M Inspector; j' 3 Months , . '

217 Sorrento Drive a m

a a

u, u

. 6-15-81 to 9--11-81 Terre Haute, Indiana a u u a a :n a n .

u C. Bennette Brown u III- u. QC Manager u 34 Months:

P.O. Box 306  !  !- a ~L7-9-75 to.9-11-81l Clinton, Illinois l u.

l u.

l' n:


-, !, -l - .~ )!~

(s% !



im..=..m===t_.=========.==================== mp-==a4_===========================g=========== == m.== 1 n n n l


....== =..m===.m======...m=== ===.===t=.======== =;===============...==..m=====..=-=4.===---==---=..........

n a a Paul E. Bryant l II l C/S Inspector j 12 Months


P.O. Box 48 l l l 8-16-82 to 8-12-83 .-l Clinton, Illinois n a a Rehired: ','

a a n a a n Robart Buck u III a C/S n-3220 Vining Drive  !  !  ! 7-74 to'?

Decutur, Illinois l la l n a u a a -

Scott Buck n II n Electrical n 18 Months- #

3 R.R. #1, Box 27 l l l 6-17-81 to 8-13-82 McLean, Illinois j j j u a a Bruce Buffie  ! II l P/M Inspector  !

u u a a a n.

a j j Transfer to Q&TS n a n Michael D. Bunch l II l P/M Inspector l 19 Months 445 W. Roberts a n n 7-31-80 to 2-9-82 Mt. Zion, Illinois  !  !  !

n a a a n n Kenwood Bush g II e P/M -l 15 MonthsL R.R. #1, Box 418D n a a 1-5-83 to 4-11-84.

Monticello, Illinois l l l a a a Michael Byers  ! II  ! Vendor Surveil.ance  ! 69 Months R.R. #2, Box 212, Ridgeview Acres l l l 4-5-77 to 2-23-82 n a a Clinton, Illinois n a a n a a Richard Campbell l II l Electrical Inspector j. 39 Months 1109 E. Van Buren u I n S/M n-Clinton, Illinois  !  !  !' 1-26-81 to 4-11-84 a

u n a a a Ronald Campbell l III j Sr. P/M Engireer .j .18 Months R.R. 2, Deerhaven Drive a a n 8-18-80 to 2-23-82 Bloomington, Illinois l l .!

n a a a a a Rs.ndy Callison a I a C/S. n 15 Months R.R. #2 l .! n 7-23-76 to 10-31-77 Farmer City, Illinois l l l n u n l l -l-a a a H u n

- -. .. -- . - ~

  • g *

.........._.'......................,==...........y...._...........................,............. m' e a FULL NAME AND-



,t ADDRESS- l n g.

.................................. 4.......... 4.........=..................... 4....................... g-p a u u n n -a Jo: ph Cabato u. II a Material Control- u 23'Monthst . f 4030 Buckinham Drive l l j- : 8-2-76 to ;7-5-78 n, ;b.. ~

cstur, Illinois j j j '. ,

u a s-Jack Cherry l Not Cert [ Material Control Receiving.  ! 4 Monthst ,


  1. 1 Hillshire Ct. le la 1-19-83 to.4-22-83'- es Decatur, Illinois s n u .u.

a u 'n- ,

o u a n-a u n. ,  : . e-a a a a n .m a a a a a u

. u -

a a u Electrical N- (10 Months Charles Clark II N 13 7th Drive u  ! '!#~ 9-30-81 to 7--30 '


Decatur, Illinois l l 'n' a u Michael Connelly n II  ! Storage /Ma'intenance J  ! ~

Box #11, R.R. #1 la l .j) n Wsynesville, Ill, g a u ..

, 'n' R.J.'Connelly l II- l 'C/S- -l 52 Months 215 W. South j j .ji .8-20-79 to 1-4-84E Clinton, Illinois j u. -l; Transferred'to. TOPS' a u . m j.


Gstry Conner l II l Vendor Surveillance' 7 Months ,

2 Striegel Ct. n- u .a- 4-5-77?to 10-31-77


Normal, Illinois  ! l l u n n' -

i N N- a Michael Cook n II u P/M- a .62 Months 143 Wisconsin Dr.  ! '!  ! 6--28-78 to 8-12-82 Clinton, Illinois l l- .l.a-u u William L.-Cook  ! u Electrical- .!

906 E. Johnson l l :l +

.l Clinton, Illinois l -l a n' m.

Tyrone Cooper l II j. P/M. Inspector'-- ~j. '7 Months ..

4 621 S. Wise l l- :l 10-31-83 to 4-20-84 Decatur, Illinois a .u. s a n .a a


g g .. g .

f- .n .,.n p.



.......=.= 0.....................,...=....=,...A...........................,............s.........

a , ,




n a a David Cordy  ! II l Electrical Engineer  ! 21 Months 907 Westbrook Drive  !  !  ! 5-4-80 to 9-15-81 ,I n

Mahomet, Illinois a n u -..

n a a N N Fredrick E. Creamer l II l P/M Inspector l 43 Months P.O. Box 871 a a a 7 to 2-13-81 ~.

Clinton, Illinois a  ! u n a N N N '

Myles Denny B II [j/p l- 18 Months ',,

l 5-15-78 to 1-21-81 603 E. Washington St. n a a Clinton, Illinois l l l-e a a u a a W;rren Dixon u II a P/M n 17 Months Highway 54 l l l 10-5-81 to 3-29-83 Clinton, Illinois j j j s a a

a a R n R .

n a u N O N N N N a N N a n. n Richard Emerson ln II l P/M j 17 Months 3244 Blueoird Dr. n n- 3-11-81 to 8-12-82 Decatur, Illinois  !  !  !

a n a a u a Michael Evans n II u P/M B 29 Months 1515 E. Washington  !  !  ! 6-15-77 to-12-31-80 Clinton, Illinois j j l u a n Re:ndy Evans  !  !  ! 54 Months 4308 E. Alta Visa l l l 6-15-77 to'12-31-80 ,

a Phoenix, Arizona a a a

e a a a a Michael Fiorentini l II l Electrical j' 10 Months 1714 Hoover Drive a a a 4_19-82 to 2-28-83 Normal, Illinois a  !  !.

e n a a N N Lawrence Fletcher l II. j P/M j 3 Months 5569 Piazza Ln a a a 11-21-83 to 3-9-84 Cley, New York l l l u n a a a u

-n n u a a a a u .n

7b t _t L

' J -

I~ - ' -

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( ) (y!

m....==========..== .....==. ...=.. =....

p.........r.-=..=...====..=..=.=..===.========.=.7 n n a FULL NAME AND l LEVEL  ! CERTIFIED  ! TOTAL BA EMPLOYMENT ADDRESS j l l 2==......==..=....=.....=...======.4======.==..g..=....==...=.........==....=.=.=;..=....=..............

n a n Ronald Halverson n II n P/M  ! 35 Months 605 S. Center l l -l 627-78 to 5-22-81 ,i Clinton, Illinois n a n- ,

a a a n n n Kinneth Hammer l II l Electrical l 19 Months 721 N. Mulberry, Apt. #A u a n 2-17-82 to 7-25-84 '_.

Clinton, Illinois  !  ! n Transferred to QE a n n n a n-NA Not Certed la 1 Month .',

James llall l l 6-1-81 to 7-2-81 414 Woodward St. n a Fermer City, Illinois  !  !  !

n a n n n n iloward H. Ilanson n I n Electrical n- 4 Months Town & Country Motel  !  !  ! 4-25-84 to 8-27-84 Clinton, Illinois l l lu n a Michael liarper  ! I l Electrical l 12 Months l l 8-17-81 to 7-26-82 1728 E. North St. l n a Clinton, Illinois a u a a n n a liarold J. Ilarris l III l Sr. Electrical Engineer j 13 Months R.R. 3, Box 60 m n a 3-23-81 to 4-19-82 n n a Champaign, Illinois n u a n u n 11 11 n Scott llaugh n II n Electrical n 22 Months 307 W. Julian  !  !  ! 9-13-82 to 7-25-84 Clinton, Illinois l l .lu Transferred to QE a n Robert Helton  ! I  ! Electrical  ! ..-

8 Months Apt. #1, Park Motel l l l 22-80 to 5-27-81 Clinton, Illinois j j j u a n Ben llendricks l II l Vendoc Surveillance l 43 Months l 7-10-78 to 2-23-82 1307 W. Rick l l a Urbana, Illinoia g g n a n 4 Months IGvin Herbert l II l Electrical l 11-28-83 to 4-13-84 n n n 1222 S. Honshaw n u n a

Bloomington, Illinois a u a

a n n u il n n n ll n u n n a

{f 4

,. j


, Q:


i , ,

.......... b ==r---------r--="------------------------v------------'-------.



FULL NAME AND. l  ! .. u

' ADDRESS. j j. . jj


u u 1 4,................. _


James Heyen j. I l Electrical- j. 5' Months.

4542' Adams Dr. n



lu ' 5-26-80 ' ts . 9--16-80 L ^ ; 'T.y Decetur," Illinois l .a.

a n .

u a 'u- '

Jack Hilding u III u , -n: 1:Monthi

% Air Force ROTC, U Of I Annory l l  ! -

j j_ '. 5-22-78 to 6-23-78

~ '

J Champaign, Illinois j.


n a ,

~ Joe Hindman l II l 'P/M Coordinator  ! .24 Months M'#

Box 322, 109 S. East Clinton, Illinois u


'l' n

' j!

n-10_19-77 to11--9-81 :

u u :d u .a .


, James Hindson l E l- Electrical- ,jf J5' Months.

Town & Country Motel a n' u' 12-5-83 to14-17-84 ~

{ .Clinton, Illinois  !  !; ~l/ - ~

u a us u a .

. . _ .m George F. Hines a N/A :u' Not Certed Staff Engr. TPRG 5 Months -

RR Box 44, Rt. #10 l  !. l~ 1-3-84'to G-29-84=

Dalend, Illinois j j j. ,,

' a n. u a 'u a' John Hinthorn u I a Electrical .m' - 6 Months -

1919 E. Clay _l' l Limited ~ u l-26-81 to . 7--3 D2catur, Illinois a' N: u.

u .m u N N- N s George S. Hoke, Jr. l .II l Electrical .!' i3fMonths 708 Albert hill Road l l 2

l 10-78 toL10-3-781 Sastminister, Md. n a a u u a u .x u.

Randy Hoke l I j.' P/M: ^l. 28 Months' ~

18 E. Julia a p m

- 6L20-79:to 11-3'-81:

Clinton, Illinois 'l l, lll u s u .n.

n -

u a John Hook u I u C/S u. :16' Month' 40 S. Catherine l- l Concrete /Rebar- 5: 5-16-77 to'9-21-78:

l LaGrange, Illinois j j 'l. ,

a u- n-s N u .. N' ,.

n p .g.

. 'N N. "N -

u 'N NH u, n. m u .n- , n:

i a u . -n--

i n u u-M N. * 'N

-u: N in: -

i .a ul .u. ,.


, ;/K y--

) ( i .

.n........ v ..===.==========... , =g___w.s=.====.....=...=.==..=..=.=g...=======..


...................................=i=....==.....e....... .=..........=.=....=.....;.......................

u n a Frcd Householder  ! l C/S  ! 6 Months l

307 W. Clark, Apt. 302 a

II l l a

1-5-76 to 1-30-81.- ,j Champaign, Illinois n a l u n n i

i ll R N 11 H H

- u N ' ll

  • N a n ,

il H N 11 8 n il N H H H n ",

il n u

H .

D N n n a u a u H H H n n n n u n Terry Jennings u I a E N ~5 Months P.O. Box 122 l l .l 5-28-81 to'10-27-81 Nicntic, Illinois j u l

u u a John Johnson l l l *-

1222 Searle Dr. l II ln C/S lu 31 Months Clinton, Illinois a H n 8-23-78 to 2-27-81 R

n u u 1.erry Johnson lu I l E l 28 Months . .

u a 5-9-88 to 9-21-79 60 W. Hickory Pt. Road Decetur, Illinois  ! l l 0 R R 18 H q .

Peter Johnson n II u P/M a .10 Months l 2391 Wheeless Road  !  !  ! 11-29-83 to 8-27-84 i Augusta, Ca. l l l u u u William Johnson n II u Electrical.  ! '

10 Months P.O. Box 306 l l n 3-21-83 to 1-3-84 u u a Clinton, Illinois a u u  ;

R H n John Paul Jones l II l Vendor Surveillance  ! 45 Months R.R. #1 lu l la 5-24-76 to 2-13-81 P.linton, Illinois u n-n n a u u Don Kabuss u I l Electrical l 8 Months Box 58, R.R. #1 a 'n n 9-9-81 to 4-16-82 Danvers, Illinois l l l u n n

  • 1 pv ...............------- j~g r-----==---= r--- - -=------------------------ r------------

u a u.

U --------i



u u N.


u u

.N N u -

u u u A.O. Kennedy u III N QC Manager. N '12 Months:

1305.Searle Drice Normal, Illinois l

u l

u .

l' n

8-24-83:to 8-14-84: .j n u -- N u . u u Clement Kamphaus 'l ti/A l Not Cert'd  ! .-


.1 Day ' "

1003 Weaver Drive j j 1-26-81. -

Urbana, Illinoia u a us u a u a a u. -


u .a Michael Kilgore a I N a- Electrical' u- .. Job Shop u a u.

R u a u a u

, a n. 4 <

N N u Woodrow Kist u 'II u C/S- u: ~8' Months '

'l R.R. 1 l l- !7.-1-82 to ' 2-25-83 : 4 Cisco, Illinois j j .l- ,

u .u u. '



I u_

l Daniel Kanakaras  ! II Staff Engineer- 7. Mo'nths 304 S. Evergreen l- l N. :8-16-82.tol2-25-83; Bloomington, Illinois a N.

u N

-un '.

m u- u Robert Knapp u II .lu Electrical lL.


28 Colonial Dr. #2 m m u a N

.Clinton, Illinois u u u

, u u a.

1 e n . m- .

Alan Koca II 'P/M- l 27 Months J l -l -u 8-3-77'to 11-5-79 ,



R.R. 1 Country Lane Ct. u- u Clinton, Illinois ll .l- l N u n.

m u h

Richard Kramer u II u Receiving u :17 Months!

2664 Burgener. Drive .l l _-l 11-17-77 to'1-27-78 ,

Dscatur, Illinois j j. .lN

- a u .. '

u a u

, a u 'as m u u- ,

4 u u n'


x l

n' u. t ~

u a u u:

l' u 'u. ,

! u u , n.

u u .u-a a u~'

u u .a a a a '

j 'u a a me n. ?u a u n:

u u. u.

m u u

_ _ _ - - - _ --

  • O

,n p .

.......... ... ...=..==...=....m==....m... m.m=..u..... ........


..........................=....=... 5=..= =.=....g.=...=...=

n a


a G.rald Lane l II l Electrical  ! 14 Months 247 N. Wood l l l 11-2-78 to 1-14-81

  • n n n.

n a a William Langley la II l Electrical l P.O. Box 306 a u .

Clinton, Illinois l l  !.

n n a n

a a *, '

Glenn Lapsley n II n C/S 8 -9 Months ',

2501 N. East 96th  !  !  ! 10-8-76 to 7-22-77 Steurt, Fla, j #

l n n a Clif ford Libby, Jr. m III  ! Material Constrol n 26. Months.

Folly Pond Road l l l 10-26-76 to.4-13-79 Beverly, Mass. l l la n a John Linehan l III l QC Manager l n a a a a n a n' s a a a a a a Robnrt Lcrd (Robbie) Receiving la 31 Months ln II l n 6-28-78 to 5-8-81 76 S. East St.

Clinton, Illinois  !  !  !

n n n-a a n ..

Linda Lord n II a Documentation Coordinator n' .48 Months n a a 300 S. Walnut u a n 1-2-80 to 1-2-84 a n n a '

e a n Wrpslla, Illinois s a a

Thomas LaBaw  ! N/A  ! No Cert

! 1' Month.

268 N. Ash l l l '3-10-81 to 4-27-81 Maroa, Illinois j g u.  ;

a a a Calvin Lunny l II l P/M l 30 Months 2503 Springfield j j j 10 76 to 4-13-79 a a n Champaign, Illinois a a e a a n P/M l 10 Months Allan Lynch l I ln n. 8-13-80 to 6-12-81 112 S. Jackson n Clinton, Illinois n II  !  ! Rehire: 2-1-84 to present-n a '

a n a n 11 m n

-y __,;

T 2; n gn;


.......... Q.......................,............,...p...........................,............

, u v . , s -... ,;



" 8 ' ' 'E "

ADDRESS u a a:> - <-

...................................=;=...........;................................a.....................G-u a u- ,


N N 5 -

D:vid Laurendine a N/A a Not Certed- a: <2 Months. '

121'Imperail Drive l 'l i, '11-13-78.t'o 4-27.-81

<<[k y ,

a ;a, -

New Orleans, La. u u-

-- V s

u a ,

e a u-Ricky Ledbetter l N/A l .Not Certed; .l. (ILDay^.

2912 Trent St.

l l l :. c 4 80 f - ~ ' 'e .-

Winstom Salem, N.C. a n - u a a s' >

' a u u -a . _. .

Sam May u II N P/M . -

llL :24' Months..

. _ 1.55 "e" 2- 81 to 3-4' 83 f2 Mayfern a a - -

Forsythe, Illinois l l <

'j ;

a a zu,~ ,

y ,

u n u _ ~

Michael Makowsky- n I-g P/M g; 2 Job.Shopi -

~ ',

n .n a-a n a u u , Js: .


.i a u m L.-

l Rafael Mari, Jr.  ! .II Electrical n 16 Months; '

106 Pennsylvania Drive l('12-22-82to4-20-84:


l -la :n' Deestur, Illinois a a u - .a a a e.

m u s _

a -u m: '

a a .m <

a a m :-

a u a u - .un; ,' _.

a y u. 2 Richard Matthews # II'

.l- LP/M -l) 114fMonths; 1002 W. Carl Drive a a, .u. 11-8--82 ' to 1-2-84 : ~

Mahomet, Illinois  !  !

"!' E

~ '

s u u -u ;s .

a 'p. - y; .; g .

Divid McCorkle a I u Electrical-' e: 6' Months 2545 Twin Oaks Ct. #149 l l} ,  ?![ '11-21-83to4-17-84)- ~

Decatur, Illinois -l l s ,l s m ar Timothy McGuire l- I Electrical --l )


Mt. Vernon, Illinois j j

  • u a- '

-a: '


  • a a m-Steve McHood l I l S/M


ji;~L12 Month'sf '. f 158 E. Prarie a u
- n a.

' 5-11-83 to 5 84 - .+

.Arg nta, Illinois n

a u

a: ,e r m n .a- '

.m. '

j. .l. ^ 13 -


.. 1m -


M 'N g. _

i j

_ d

7 m

.......... c.........=....==...... , ........, . ....____.==.===..=.........,.....=...... M ........


...................................=5.=.._-- ....;.....=..................=........;.....=.................

a n a Pc;ter J. McKenna  ! II  ! P/M  ! 30 Months -

1706 E. Washington , l l 5-8-78 to 11-21 ,

'I a a Clinton, Illinois a e

a a a a a ~

a a a u a a

  • a a n .

n n a a a e a a a a a u ,

Martin Merritt l II l P/M l 25 Months ', ,

Box 390, R.R. #2 m a a 4-5-77 to 3-20-78 Clinton, Illinois l l l.

a n a a a a D:le Meyer a 11 a Electrical u 9 Months se R.R. #2, Box 228 l l n 10-24-83 to 6-29-84 St. Genevieve, Missouri j l n

a e a John Monical  ! I l S/M  ! 17 Months 304 W. Cedar l l la 4-12-82 to 8-27-84 Leroy, Illinois a n a n n a n a C:orge Montgomery l II l S/M l 9 Months 1709 E. Washington l I a E/M j 5-18-81 to 1-4-82 Clinton, Illinois a a a a n n a n a Thomas Moran j II a P/M j 21 Months 42 Hodgson Avenue a a n 1-23-76 to 11-77 Pittsburg, Pa.  ! l l n a a a a a Timothy Morrow n II a P/M n 46 Months R.R. 4  !  ! n 2-27-77 to 11-18-70 Mahomet, Illinois j j j u a a Vicki Morrow  ! I a Documentation Coordinator.  ! 96 Months 108 S. Ilenderson  !  !  ! 6-1-76 to 1-12-84 K nny, Illinois l l l n n a a

William Neeley l II l Welding Coordinator 12 Months 1052 W. Main j u l 9-18-78 to 8-31-79 Dec:tur, Illinois e a a a a a a a a j u l, i-


. ,m

(~ 3 <

t \

.......... _ ..=.......=.......=..=.===-===.....=p.=.i_==..=.....=............= =.g....=....... ........




n a


n a a n Melvin Murray n II n Vendor Surveillance ' n 12 Months 108 Cinger Creek Ct. l l l j 2-23 .I Bloomington, Illinois j j ,

n a i Andrew Nielsen l II l C/S 28 Months .

21 Willowdale j j j 2-16-81 to 2-23-82 -

St. Joseph, Illinois a n a n a a a a n ',

Malcolm Norton l II l C/S l ~6 Months .

605B N.'Dianne Lane a a a 5-18-81 to 11-9-81 Mahomet, Illinois l l l n n a a n a William J. O'Brien u III a P/M a 7 Months WYE Motel  !  !  ! 8-18-80 to 3-17-81 Clinton, Illinois j j j u a a Ivan Padget  ! II  ! Cal Lab l 12 Months.

Lot 19, Wilderness Est. Salisburg l l l 4-15-81 to 3-26-82.

Pleasant Plains, Ill a a a a a a a a a Donald Patterson l 1 l C/S .l 27 Months R.R. #1 a j j 9-15-76 to 12-15-78 Clinton, Illinois a a a a a a a a a Richard Paulcheck j III l QC Manager j 29 Months 3239 Field Ct. n a a 4-20-84 to 8-30-76 Decetur, Illinois  !  ! l u n a a n a a a a a a n-a a a a a a a a a a a a Michael Pinca l I  ! Electrical l 24 Months l 9-17-77 to 9-7-79 15 N. Quincy l l a Clinton, Illinois a n a n a

a a a n n n 6 N N n n a a a a a n. a n n n l l -15 . l n a a

  1. n n a

=,____.. ............=...= = =..=.g............ ........

..........m_...=......=..........==7.= y..



n a


n a a n Mark J. Porter a I n Electrical n 2 Months 63 Country Club Road Urb na, Illinois

- n a

a n

8-24-81 to 10-16-81

.I n a n a a n J.M. Powers l III l Materials Control l 15 Months '

409 Washington St. l l l 8-30-76 to 12-15-77 -

Shre.veport, La. n a a a a a a a n ,

Victor Pozzerle a II l P/M j 6 Months ',,

7535 Dixie Drive a a a 1-5-83 to 6-3-83 Houston, Texas l l l n a a a a a Larry Prather a I a Electrical n' 20 Months 424 W. Prairie Avenue, Apt. 6 l l l 6-11-79 to 1-7-81 Decatur, Illinois l l l n a a Coleman Price, Sr.  ! II  ! Vendor Surveillance  ! 20 Months 520 N. Maple l n j 6-12-80 to 2-23-82 Clinton, Illinois j j j u a a Thomas Quagliano l I l Electrical l 17 Months 907 N. Westbrook j j j 1-5-81 to 5-12-82 Mahomet, Illinois a a a a a a e a a William Ragan l II j Materials Control Receiving l 6 Months 1977 Queen Mary Ct. n n n 9-19-83 to 2-27-84 Decrtur, Illinois  ! n  !

a n a a a a Art Rahm a II a P/M a 13 Months 51 Gateway Drive a  !  ! 2-8-82 to 1-5-83 Mt. Zion, Illinois l l l n n n Rsy Rasor  ! I  ! Materials Control  ! 32 Months 505 E. Main St. l l l 12-9-81 to 8-27 Clinton, Illinois j u a a a a I.<:rry Ratliff l II l Electrical l 10 Months 304 W. Walnut l 11-9-81 to 8-13-82 l l a Ch: tham, Illinois n a a

a a a a a a n a a a a a a a




..y... - ....=........._=...........,............ ........



a n u Kevin Reeves l II l Cal Lab u 123 Months ..

140 Magnolia Drive, P.O. Bx. 127 l l l 4-5-78 to 10-22-80 '

i' '

For:ythe, Illinois n a u .

n a a a a n H2rry C. Reiling l II l Cal Lab l 31 Months 1617 E. Washington, Box 373 n a a 7-23-75 to 2-24-78 1 Clinton, Illinois  !  !  !

n n a u a n ',

n Michael Reynolds a I n P/M #

1376 W. Marietta a  ! Transferred to Site Training l 83 to.

Dec:tur, Illinois l la l u a a a a Larry Richardson u III a Cal Lab a 31 Months 1705 S. Country Club Rd l l  !. 7-23-85 to 2-24-78 Urbrna, Illinois j j #

n a N Donald Richter l III l Sr. Electrical Engr. l 48 Months- -

2329 Arrowhead j j -l 12-1-80-to 1-3-84 n a Springfield, Illinois a a n a

a n n Job Shop.

Thomas Ricks l II l l n a a a a a a n a N n a N' n a Roy J. Roberts 22 Months l II la C/S. ln 10-13-76 to 1-3-78 452 B. Granada St. n Ft. Pierce, Fla. l l l n n a n

Lee Schaffert a

n II a

a C/S n 3-8-76 to 3-25-81 R.#1, Box 21 l l j. Rehire Sidney, Illinois j j Training Coordinator' l 7-11-81 e a n Total:

a a n a n N u R a a a n a N N 11 R 11 R m u n il n a il N n N n n n  !  !

n a n 18 Il h n a n

p {] ,

=== L ;=======================,=============g-==% ===========================g============ ==


==============================h--- =----- =h=====----- =========----=========$=================

a a n

Wsiter Shanks l II l C/A  ! 2 Months RT 3, Box 674 g n a 3-2-81 to 5-7-81

  • n a u n a a C ry Sharar l I l Materials Control ln 19 Month '

8905 Marquis St. n n 4-4-72 to 11-28-78 -

Clinton, Md. l l l n a a a n a

n William Shinneman n II n Electrical 18 Months .; . .; ' ,

335 Illinois, Box 38 l l l 1-23-80 to 6-24-81 Deland, Illinois n l l n a a Mark Siewart  ! II Engineer  ! 15 Days '

How rd Johnson, Box 605 l l l 8-13-84 to 8-27.-84 a a a Urbana, Illinois a n


a ,

a n a j

l l '7 Months


B.J. Filverstone II P/M 2421 El Washington l l l '

5-9-1,0,to 12-12-80 '

Clinton, Illinois n n

s n n

a n


- s .-


n u a 4 John Skelley , g I a Materials Control l 12 lionths)tf 2610 E. Main a a n 11-15-80,to 10-21-81 Decatur, Illinois  ! l l , ; ,

l n n a e a n n

  • Edward Skoog x , a II s a C/SC $ n 18 Months -

203 E. Union a '

l l ,

.l 4-12-78 to 11-1-79 8 8 , {T;'


.s,- Illinois a a r


s a n

,< n 11

\atJ1 (

Warren Sobolewski, n II n -Vendor Surveilk.c.^e U ,

0 4-20-77 to 2-22-79 -

'5 209 E. Jefferson 3 l l l

,j , Rehires: 9-10-79 to #

Clinton, Illinoic ( n a \ n ,,*2-23-82 3

= s,. e, su a


t n ,

n n -)-

Kurt Sommer N*g '

  • II l C/S , l. 24 Months :s * -- [ ~

Rt. 1 's 1 'l l 4-4-77 to $27-79 g W:palla, Illinois a n n

-s- n n .. A; a f n n ,, t< a Cl:nroy Spandow  :;5 l/* 310-3-83 Monfhs II ,, P/M l l%

r P.O. Box 306 m ,9 gf , n G ,191284,,

'Clidtoh,Illinoi)* ,  !  ! \'/ /

9  !

,a 4ransferrell to T/0 .

u a ., f n n n n n a n a n.

H u n

% ]

,a ,m  ; .,m...==.m....mmmm......==.=.===.a.m.m. .== . un..=m.m==...=.=...=...m..a ...m.....m.. ;



n a n J:ffrey Sprague  ! II l Materials Control  !

308 S. Center l l Transferred to QA Procurement l 1-18-78 to I Clinton, Illinois n a n n

n a n a a Chtrles Staffield l II l C/S l 58 Months ~

806 Holiday Park n a a 5-10-76 to 3-12-82 .

Champaign, Illinois n  ! j u a a a a n

Ted Stama a II n C/S a- 12 Months

7377 Red Arrow Hwy.  ! n V/S. -! 3-16-81 to'3-12-82 Stevensiville, Michigan l l Training Coordinator l u a a Douglas Stephens a II  ! Vendor Surveillance .! 19 Months 310 W. Main l l l- 10-8-79 to 6-1-81 Princeville, Illinois j j j u a n William Stokes  ! III l Senior P/M Senior -l 40 Months 204 E. South QC Asst. Mgr. l l l Mow: aqua, Illinois j j Transferred to Construction j u a a Mark Stone j Il j. P/M l 58 Months P.O. Box 127 m u - n' 2-28-79 to 1-12-84 Forsythe, Illinois Trans. to T/0 e n a a a a Robert Storms a II n Electrical u 8 Months R.R. #1, Kirby Road l l l 1-9-84 to 8-27-84 Lawrenceburg, Kansas j j j u a a Robert Stout  ! II l Electrical l 24 Months 830 Green Road l l lu l-26-81 to 11-83 Madison, Indiana a a n a a a a n

  1. 8 a Rob:rt Strade a II a PT n 16 Months' 412 N. Monroe n a a Clinton, Illinois j j Craft g. 3-3-80 to 6-9-81 a a a a a a Robart Sturgill n I a Electrical n 18 Months P.O. Box 268  !  ! .l 10-1-81 to 4-20-83 n n n Clinton, Illinois a n 'n n n a a a a l l

.._..=.g.== b .'..........................,............; 3 ..... , " a s . . . . . . . . . .Ll .' . . . . . . . . . = . . . . . . . . . . 7. .



e ADDRESS- a u. ,a i......=...........................=4......=.....;.=...............................;........................

Gecrge F. Sulwer, Jr. ~ (Sonny) - I Materials Control Receiving"  ; 7.MonthsJ ~

-f " .. . .

e ;u a 12-10-80'to 4-22-83T*, . ._

483 M 34th'St.

u -u :n -4~

Decatur, Illinois u u -a - *'

N u n.

u u -u '


u II

u. C/S- u 44' Months
Gary Sutton l l 'l...P.3-8-76 to 11-6-79l, -

.P.O. Box 192

Maroa, Illinois  !  ! 'n lL ~

u a

Martin Tellez u

a- III a

u a

u .'. -6' Days.

-P.O. Box 306  !  !  !' 10-18-74 to 10-22-74:

'Clinton, I-linois j' .la .l a u ., .

! I l Electrical ij. 12-Months- . .. . . ,

Fred Thompson 6-17-80 to 8-8-801

-395 Loma Drive  ! .!

.l; Forsythe, Illinois -l l l

.II Electrical -

-Kevin Thompson ,

a u u u .m: a u u -d u u-; - .-

u u u a

,j III C/S Sr. Engineer-pegnisThreatt lu [ :72 MonthsL Dewitt, Illinois  !  ! ** "" -

l; ~4-4-77 to'3-9'-83 L

! u .m u.

n ?e u

! III .! P/M l: s59 Months-

-Timoth'y Walker '9-29-76 to 8-15-80.

2313 Anchor Drive  ! .m. ?ls -

Bloomington, Illinois l j -l:

II  : Documentation: Coordinator ~ '108 Months D2 bra Walters-i

.P.O.. Box 31 ll j; Transferred to T/0 .

n' 9-29-75'to"1-84 4 Waldon, Illinois

,u l .j' u

} a II - Electrical .m ; '5 Months. ..

!- Harold Washington '!'

m~ .m l(

lll 1-5-d1 to.6-2-81

- P.O. Box 193 a u . u .-

Ashford, Ala- a u .m<

.x N u s I Electrical ~j!' l6. Months. <


! .! ' j 2-18-81 to 7-3 R.R. #2 .


'Clinton,. Illinois  !-


'! u


.a ln~ , . l ..


. H.  ;

N ,M- .N

. _ _ - . ._.L

i [' - 7.1, '

e i;

Q Q:........ ..................,............


7 '[ ' .

.n a u.


ADDRESS- -l l .


u a u. -

Brian Weaver  !' II -! P/M- .m- 72 Months: , - ..

.416 Adams j j- QE~: ' j.

. 5-31-77 to' 7-25 -847 .j '

LClinton,-Illinois a, u

' s, - .. .-

, u u . u-Richard Whitehead l II l- Electrical l lE .24 Months' "

501 N.- Crant j u

.l' 2-2-81.tol1-11-83~~ ..

Clinton, Illinois u a .m a a a r

a u a j . Electrical ;j.

Steven Wilber I

'l .5 Months; __ .

Y,, '

q 215 N. Adams, P.O.. Box 561 m u u ' '

l; Carro Gordo,-Illinois l l m:

u- u

  • u a a J.C. Wilson g III -g Asst QC Manager j.  ;.7 Months 800 Jackson u u a: '6-19 -81; to' 2-3-82 Monticello, Illinois Ll l }l

-- u i n u ,

Clark Wilson lu III la Electrical.' l ;yog'.3gg -


u .a . .a a a a u u a

a n' , a^

l Timothy Wilson l II j' Cal Lab  ! .19 Monthsi

2421 E. Washington j j _

j '11-16-81 to 6-17-83 -

Bloomington, Illinois -u a =n a

t a u a

' u u n- . . .

Clarence Winfrey u II u .C/S a -71 Months-2311 Calen #42  ! u  ! ' 4-7-81. ..

Champaign, Illinois l l -

ll u.

u u John Wollrab  ! II ~ ~u -SW .! 29 Montihs/

I 39 Country Club l l >

l 8-9-78 to 1-9-81

, Bloomington, Illinois 'lp l l.

u 1

u Ilene Leach Wong- l LII . l'. Documentation ~ Coordinator - l 250 Months ll :l' 14 78 to16-4-82.

2 Pepperridge Ct. ] u u is

'Decatur, Illinois :n:

n- < s -

cu 'n ,


j' C/S- ' 6' Months Donald Wootten ll. I l- *

's '4-27.-81 to.10-30-81

- 4927 Roja Drive n .m -

.u- n

-u Ocsanside, Ca. n a n' u -u '- u --

n g a



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-N 'N N - ,



N N - N - .

N ' w====.==="T"""""*"""""""""""""""""A N N N.

N N N' e

. Sam Wright p/M.

II ' g .. .4-Months:

'g g , .<-

517 Centennial N -N N- 5-23-83 ~ to J.9-13--83 -

Monticello,-Illinois- '! N l .:4-N .N' , -N _

N .N -N Charles Zalewski N II. N- C/S ' N' .17 Months- -. .:c P.O. Box 173. :l j' ll - H

-Tolono, Illinois -

, l-N l'


- N-ll ,.

N- N' Merle Zumwalt-N N II .N. C/S -N .3 Months '

~ a'! ^

j - . 5- 16-79 -~ to ~ 8--17--79 I


'l l 702 W.. Virginia N- N=

j Normal,-Illinois N N -R . N-N -N s .N N N .

E' N N -N N9 ~;

N N '

' N N N N N p i N N .,' .N.

N N '

N. * '

N N ~N.

N N N '

N N N '

.N N N: ~ic l

-N N ~N: ,

N N H N N -N. , .


.R N. '.

N' N N N j.

N N- N. ' j'.

N, .r N N N N N-2 N N N N N~ N

.N N N' N N ;N?

N N ;a-N N s N

N N N N N' N' N .R .NJ N N '- -N N N N ..

'. N :N N -

-N' 4/

N N N- N N N .N N-N. N- N

N .N -H

  • R 'N N-
'N ~ N- N

'N N- .N N N N.

1 N .N- N:

. N N ~N N N -N '4'
N' N 1N-1 N- N- N~ -

4 <

b N- N j g g - .N

, N .N N 2 ' It - N _N..


+ > Mr; .


-; L;c_

.a L' ~ "



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1 Third Supplemental _Responsejof. Illinois!Powerjto the:.:Statelof-Illinois SecondiSetfof Interrogatories.1to Applicants.


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O 4


.r a

O-l I


,- m o r .

N l

FULL NAME AND LEVEL CERTIFIED TOTAL BA EMPLOYMENT-l ADDRESS Richard Acevedo II P/M Inspector 15 Months 2490 San Pasqual. 12-15-82 to 3-18-83 P= adena, California Linda Adkins II Not Certified 1 Month 3713 Northhaven Ct. 7-23-84 to 8-27-84 Decrtur, Illinois Ma s Jos ph Amadon II P/M Inspector 6-14-82 to 1-18-84 1102 E. Washington (Transferred to T/0)

Leroy, Illinois Bill Armstrong II P/M Inspector 22 Months 1312 W. Mt. Gilead Road (Transferred to QE) 9-7-82 to 7-11-84 Decctur, Illinois Chris Blenstraub II P/M 12 Months 2313 Anchor Drive 8-17-82 to 2-25-83 Bloomington, Illinois Sheron Bodine II Electrical gogit!o1-18-84 1406 #2 Grandview Dr. E Champaign, Illinois Bobby G. Brown I P/M Inspector 3 Months.

217 Sorrento Drive 6-15-81 to 9-11-81 Terre llaute, Indiana Bruce Buffle II P/M Inspector 19 Months 3294 Robin Drive 7-31-80 to 2-9-82 Decetur, Ilinois Michael Bunch II P/M Inspector 19 Months 445 W. Roberts 7-31-80 to 2-9 Mt. Zion, Illinois Kenwood Bush II P/M Inspector 15 Months R.R. #1, Box 418D l-5-83 to 4-11-84 Monticello, Ill. .

4 - _ .


i h FULL NAME AND LEVEL CERTIFIED TOTAL BA EMPLOYMENT ADDRESS Ronald Campbell III Sr. P/M Engineer 18 Months R.R. #2, Deerhaven Ditve 8-18-80-to 2-23-82 Bloomington, Illinois Michael Cook II P/M Inspector 62 Months 143 Wisconsin 6-28-78 to 8-12-82 Clinton, Illinois Tyrone Cooper II P/M Inspector: 7 Months' 621 S. Wise 10-31-83 to 4-20-84 Decatur, Illinois ,

Fredrick Creamer II P/M Inspector 43 Months P.O. Box 871 i 7-11-77 to 2-13-81 Clinton, Illinois Warren Dixon II P/M Inspector- 17 Months liwy 54 10-5-81 to 3-29-83 Clinton, Illinois Richard Emerson II P/M Inspector 17 Months 3244 Bluebird Drive 3-11-81 to 8-12-82 D catur, Illinois Michael Evans II P/M Inspector 29 Months 1515 E. Washington 6-15-77 to 12-31-80.

Clinton, Illinois Lawrence Fletcher II P/M Inspector 3 Months-5519 Piazza Lane 3-9-83 Clcy,New York '

g FULL NAME AND LEVEL CERTIFIED TOTAL BA EMPLOYNEN1 ADDRESS Morgan Cassman, Jr. II P/M Inspector 6 Months R.R. #2, Box 437 1-5-81 to 6-16-83 Clinton, Illinois Mark Ceyer II P/M Inspector 7 Months 502 Jolier Rd. 2-13-83 to 8-31-84 New Lenox, Illinois John Colden II P/M Inspector 13 Months 521 W. William St.

9-28-81 to 10-26-82 Monticello, Illinois James Croblewski I P/M Inspection 1 Month 157 E. Picadilly Sq, 2-13-81 to 3-30-84.

Cinninnati, Ohio Juseph Guynn II P/M Inspector 6 Months

' 3-3-81 to 9-8-81 P.O. Box 46 Cisco, Illinois Ronald llalverson II P/M Inspector 35 Months 605 S. Center 6-27-78 to 5-22-81 Clinton, Illinois P/M Inspector 24 Months Joe llindman II Box 322, 109 S. East 10-19-77 to 1-9-81 Clinton, Illinois P/M Inspector 28 Months Randy lloke I 6-20-79 to 11-3-81 18 E. Julia Clinton, Illinois II P/M Inspector 10 Months-Peter Johnson 11-29-83 to 8-27-84 2391 Wheeless Road Augusta, Ca. .

h 'h FULL NAME AND LEVEL CERTIFIED TOTAL BA.EMPLOYMEtsT' ADDRESS Alcn Koca II P/M Inspector 27 Months R.R. 1, Country Lane Ct. 8-3-77 to 11-5-79 Clinton, Illinois Calvin Lunny II P/M Inspector 30 Months 2503 Springfield 10-20-76 to-4-13-79 Champaign, Illinois Allan Lynch I P/M 10 Months 112 S. Jackson II P/M 8-13-80 to 6-12-81' Clinton, Illinois Rehire: 2-1-84'to Present Sam May II P/M 24 Months

  1. 2 Mayfern 3-2-81 to 3-4-83 Forsythe, Illinois Y

P/M '14 Months Richard Matthews II 11-8-82 to 1-2-84 1002 W. Carl Drive

-Mahomet, Illinois Peter McKenna II P/M 30 Months 1706 E. Washington 8-78 to'11-21-80 Clint.on, Illinois Martin Merritt II P/M Inspector 25 Months Box 390, R.R. #2 4-5-77 to 3-20-78 Clinton, Illinois Thomas Moran II P/M Inspector . 21 Months 42 Ilodgen Avenue 1-23-76 to.11-77 Pittsburg, Pa.

II P/M Inspector 46 Months Tio Morrow R. R. 4 2-27-77 to 11-17-80 Mahomet, Illinois O O n_. ,


. WYE Motel . 8-18-80 to'3-17-811 Clinton, Illinois Victor Pozzerle II- P/M Inspector 6 Months 7535 Dixie Dr. 1-5-83 to'6-3-83

, . Houston, Texas Art Rahm II P/M Inspector 13 Months _

51 Gateway Drove 8-82 to 1-5-83.

Mt. Zion, Illinois B.J. Silverstone II P/M Inspector - 7 Months' .

2421 E. Washington 5-9-80 to'~12-12-80'-

Clinton, Illinois Glenroy Spandow II P/M Inspector 3 Months. ,

P.O. Box 306 10-3-83 to'l-1-84.

Clinton, Illinois Mark Stone II P/M Inspector' 47. Months-

2-28-79 to 1-2-84, P.O. Box 127 Forsythe, Illinois Timothy Walker III P/M 59 Months.

2313 Anchor Drive 9-29-76'to 8-15-80 Bloomington, Illinoi:

Brian Weaver II P/M Inspector. ~96 Months 416 Adams (Transferred to QE) 5-31-77 to'7-25-84 Clinton, Illinois S:n Wright II P/M- 4 Months ..

5-23-83 to 9-13-83 4

517 Centennial Monticello, Illinois 9 h 1

_5_ e 4

g I *

% 1

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- 4 4
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' Third Supplemental.' Response of: Illinois-PowerTto the State:of' '

. Illinois':Second.~ Set'ofiInterrogatories;to Applicants.



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.......==. g ...==.. .=_=....=====7========...=g=== ,=.m=_======..==_==..======;====.====.. ,.........


================  :=============g:====---====h===============_=====:s===========hr.===============an

n a a a a a III P/M Sr. Supervisor a Larry Clark u e 1219 E. Washington l l n Bloomington, Illinois j j j ,

a a n P.K. Adams l l P/M Inspector n R.R. #6, Box 188 la l l n

Decctur, Illinois II E e

a a n n a Secn M. Adamson la I l P/M Inspector l a

303 E. Chestnut a Howeague, Illinois l l la n a n n a P/M Inspector a P.A. Anderson a II e 904 S. 9th  !  !  !

Shmlbyville, Illinois a g g a a a Larry Becker  ! II >! P/M Inspector u n

702 S. Lynn l le a Champaign, Illinois a a a a a a a M. Becraft l II l P/M Inspector l a

R & R Motel e a Clinton, Illinois  !  !  !

n a a a a a 11 P/M Supervisor n Rogsr Bush n m 25 Carlson  ! u a u

Decctur, Illinois l a

la a G. Camp n Il  ! P/M Assistant Supervisor a 1604 Ravina Park l l la e a Decctur, Illinois a a n n a n William Cornthwaite l 1 l P/M Inspector l R.R. #8, Box 327B j j g n

Decctur, Illinois n a n a a a u 's J.W. (Woody) Cubmber II P/M Field Supervisor g-l l a R.R., Box 49 m n Assumption, Illinois  !  !  !

n a a

!a  ! -i-  :

n a



........... ,..................... 7==..........g... ,.......................... ........... ,........



a e a a a a E.J. Frey '

s I a P/M Inspector a 219 S. Center l s ,i s

Clitton,11Llinois la l ..

s a Kevis Frey  : II l P/M Assistant Supervisor a


R.R. II, West Cide Pk. Lt. #23 la la l a

Clinton, Illinois a a a a a u ,

George Cettel l II la P/M Inspector j ,

a 603 C. Madison a Clixton, Illinois  !  !

a s

a a

a e a s

Antonio J. Iturtado j II e P/M Inspector a

721 O. P1um a a Fcrmer City, Illinois l s a

e a u ,a a

  • William Jarred u II e P/M Inspector a P.O. Box 396 , l Forcythe, Illinois a j j u a a l

J. Karl II P/M Assistant Supervisor 345 Melrcse Ct. la l la Decctur, Illinois e a e a a a a D.F. Kerwood le II la P/M Inspector j a

-#13 Illini a a a Decrtur, Illinois a e a a a a a a a s a P/M Inspector n J.J. Longstreet II a a e l23 N. Oakerest a a a n

Decatur, Illinois la la .

a a e a Allan Lynch a II a P/M Supervisor s-21342 E. Main s  !  !

Clinton, Illinois a g g a a a Dennis McCay l II l P/M Inspector l 8

201 S. 29th l l Decctur, Illinois l l a

~l n

s l l l /

........... e ........ .............,=..._ _.....,... e ._ _ ..........=...........,.......... 4 ........


e a

.......=......=............ h =......................

a F.A. Richard  ! II a P/M Inspector  !

3561 Plover Drive l 8 l l Decctur Illinois 8 s N .,'

s a a B B B C.L. Smith l II P/M Inspector  !

1835 Van Buren Drive j j 8 a

Madison Indiana a a a a a e a n ',

J. Swearingen j II .l P/M Inspector lu 604 Rajon u a Creana, Illinois a  ! u a

a a R N B

N P/M Supervisor a W. Tcylor E II u a a a

745 Fawn Ct. s a Mt. Zion. Illinois l l la u a a 'a a D.D. Thaden a II n P/M Assistant Supervisor u 700 W. Webster  !  ! l Clixton, Illinois j s g a

a a ~

M.K. Urbanawiz  ! II a P/M Inspector  !

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a a a Champaign, Illinois a e a a a a a e P/M Inspector e T.L. Wylder II a a a a

R.R. #1, Box 40B e a Wapella, Illinois , la ,

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. < NAME/ ADDRESS:: 'J.'C.~Levinsky-1031S.;Williamsburg Dr. *

Bloomington,7 -IL J 61701:


-2 Drafting'-Superv{sorJ _

DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: ,. Responsible forftheJSUperYisionjof y -

1 ;all personnel,-l time..-production.andi Lpreparation'of-piping,1 . . - .

instrumentation, electricalcandl *.

misc.fdrawingslfor' construction.

= QUALIFICATIONS:- 31' years'experienc.eLin design an'df - -

' drafting of; piping and related ,

systems. : Includes l8 yearsi nu' ele'ar- -

c related-designcand' construction.; ,

5-years post high school ~ education-in mech.-engineering, math and; HVAC.- --

G.R.. Smith-



-303 Union St. r Bloomington,_IL'61701-


POSITION:' Drafting Administrative' Assistant DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: -Assistant: Supervisor Responsible to replace supervisor in his absence. Responsible for  ;

organization,1. timekeeping, progress and production reporting,: senior ,

coordinator supervises clerical ,



l t

QUALIFICATIONS: :11 years: experience in construction

piping engineering, design and drafting.' 9-years nuclear-construction related. AssociateL degree - Mech. Engineering


O u



'NAME/ ADDRESS:- A.L.' Baker

'40T Woodlawn Rd.

Lincoln, IL 62656

'i> POSITION:, Coordinator -~PipingLDrafting

~ DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible for production of piping drawings and misc.' drawings..

Supervises checkers and draftsmen.


QUALIFICATIONS: '6'y~ ears _at Clinton Site. - B.A. in  ;

Graphic Arts.

NAME/ ADDRESS- R. Jackson 503 S. Clinton Street Clinton, ILD 61727-POSITION: Coordinator - Instrumentation Drafting DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES ': ' Responsible for production of Instrumentation tubing isometric and-misc. instrument detail-drawings. Supervises checkers and draftsmen..

QUALIFICATIONS: 3 years 6 months nuclear-related experience at CPS.

B.S.Jin Architecture.-

NAME/ ADDRESS: R.L.-Pike 1502 Greenridge Dr.

Urbana, IL '61801 I POSITION: Coordinator - Instrumentation Hanger Drafting DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible for the production and checking of instrumentation tubing

, hanger drawings and misc. drawings -

. Supervises draftsmen.

-QUALIFICATIONS: 11 years drafting experience 3 years nuclear related at Clinton

.q Site.

(> 1 year - Tech School.


-s ,

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5 NAME/ADDRESSi, - T.A JAndreopoulos 233 Freeport'Dr.


4 TPOSITION: Checker 1InstrumentationEDrafting

. DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: 1 Responsible'for; checking of instrumentation tubing isometric

- and misc. instrumentLdetail'

> drawing.

-QUALIFICATIONS:. 21 years construction' piping fengineering years nuclear-

. related,.6 years' fossil, 2 years at CPS. 2 years; college.

-NAME/ ADDRESS: J._ Porter-934.N. West Jacks ~onville,'IL'-62650 -

'q POSITION: Draftsman - Piping Drafting


DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepares.and revises piping isometric ~and' misc. related-drawings.per design drawings'and.

as-built information prepares I

traveler addendum sketches for field engineers. -

, QUALIFICATIONS: 7 years drafting experience: 3 years at CPS Assoc. Degree ~-

Applied Science / Drafting" Tech.-


S. Hostetler i P.O. Box 306
Clinton, IL 61727-i l POSITION
Draftsman - Piping Drafting-DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepares and revisesipiping isometric'and misc. related


drawings per design drawings and as-build information.

QUALIFICATIONS: 3 years nuclear experience. 1 year

. college.


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'NAME/ ADDRESS:- .'R.JPicchiette:

P.O.; Box 1412-Bloomington, IL- 61701-POSITION: cDraftsmanL ' Instrumentation-Drafting-DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: PreparesL-end revises

-instrumentation tubing isometric and misc.~ instrument detail

~ drawings- per desi gn drawings and as-built information.

QUALIFICATIONS: -6 years. drafting'experiencei 41 years at CPS 2 years college 2 years Tech School.

NAME/ ADDRESS: .T. Saffaripour 300 Shelbourne Dr. 158 '

- Normal, IL 61761 POSITION: Draftsman - Instrumentation Drafting DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepares and revises instrumentation tubing isometric and misc. instrument detail' drawings per design and as-built- 1 information.

QUALIFICATIONS: 18 years drafting experience. 3 years at CPS. Assoc. Degree -

Civil /Struct.. Engineering .3 year Tech School.



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~1401 Chadwick-Dr.

Normal, IL 61761 POSITION: Jr..DraftsmanlInstrumentation Drafting 1 DUTIES /RESPONSIBILITIESt- ~ Assists Instrumentation draft'ing coordinator with' record.and-info-keeping performs' misc.

drafting duties.

. QUALIFICATIONS:: 1 year 2. months at CPS.. 2 year college - Mech. Technology, NAME/ ADDRESS: S. Randolph 3868 Camelot Dr. Apt. flH Decatur, IL 62526 POSITION: Draftsman - Instrumentation Hanger Drafting

() DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepares and revises detail dwgs.

of instrumentation tubing supports and mics. related details per design drawing and as-built info.

QUALIFICATIONS: 6 years drafting experience 2 years nuclear experience 1 years college.

NAME/ ADDRESS: L. Pierce R.R. 12 Box 175 Clinton, IL 61727 POSITION: Technical Assistant-Drafting Department (Piping Instrumentation-Groups)

DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible to maintain drawing files and logs pertaining to and instrumentation drawings. piping QUALIFICATIONS: 3 years at CPS. 2 year degree Legal and Executive Secretarial College.

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.NAME/ ADDRESS: 'P.D. Bessler

  1. 7 Willedrob Rd.' Apt. lA

,, Bloomington, IL: 61701 POSITION: "Jr. Draftsman Drafting Department'

,' DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible to maintain drawing files and logs pertaining to piping

'and instrumentation drawings and:

- misc. drafting.

QUALIFICATIONS: 1 year 5' CPS NAME/ ADDRESS: Ed Brent P.O.. Box 306 Clinton, IL 61727 POSITION: Checker - Instrumentation Drafting-DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES . Responsible for checking ~of ,

instrumentation tubing isometric and misc. instrument detail drawings.

QUALIFICATIONS: 24 years total experience 14 years nuclear related power piping - design, layout, detailing

- checking pipe and instrumentation isometric drawings. Higher National Cert. Mechanical Engineering - England (Equiv. to Assoc. Degree - USA)  :

4 l


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, 4,J CanTIFICATs oF SzavICz- ,

I hereby certify that an original and:two. con-formed ~ copies of the. foregoing document were served upon: -

the following:

~ secretary of the: Commission' .

United States' Nuclear Regulatory Commission

' Washington, D.C. 20555- .

--Attention: Docketing and_ Service; Branch' and that one copy of the foregoing document was served'upon each of the following: ,

.Mugh R. Clark, Esq., Chairman P.O. Box 127A Rennedyville, Maryland 21645 Dr. George A. Ferguson

. School of Engineering Howard University .

. 2300 Sixth Street,.N.W.

Washington, D.C. .

Dr. Oscar M. Paris Atomic Safety and Licensing Board f U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Executive Legal Director United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Allen Samelson '

Assistant Attorney General Environmental Control Division Southern Region ,

500 South Second Street Springfield,' Illinois 62706 Jean Foy , ,

511"W. Nevada Urbana, Illinois 61800 t l(

i  :

1 s

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' 1

' ' i

. .- l J

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Prairie Alliance' Box 2424 4 Station AL .

- Champaign,1 1111nois:61820' LFred'Christianson U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission..

'RR 3, Box 228 Clinton,; Illinois 61727 Atomic Safety and' Licensing Board' Panel-U. S. Nuclear Regulatory. Commission

' Washington, D.C. 20555 .


Atomic Safety and Licensing' Appeal Board Panel.

U. S. Nuclear

  • Regulatory Commission '
Washington, D.C. 20555' '

!. in each case by deposit in'the United States Mail, postage -1 l: prepaid on November 15, 1984.

4 VO j

CluL oa ca one of the Attorne ys fof-e Applicants' l Sheldon A. Zabel t

! Charles D. Fox IV Sara L. Johnson SCHIFF HARDIN & WAITE

< 7200 Sears Tower '

t 233 South Wacker Drive

! Chicago, Illinois 60606 i

- (312) 876-1000 I  :

i Jack R. Newman l George L. Edgar  ;


Suite 1000 '

i 1615 L Street, N.W.

! Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 955-6600 l

L 1

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