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Operations Rept 48,for 1995
Person / Time
Site: National Bureau of Standards Reactor
Issue date: 12/31/1995
From: Rowe J
NUDOCS 9604030186
Download: ML20101K990 (14)


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, , Gartnersburg, Maryland 120899-0001 k %/ - (301) 975-6210 l FAX (301) 975-9427 i

March 28, 1996 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Docket #50-184 Gentlemen:

Transmitted herewith is Operations Report No.48 for the NBSR. The report covers the period January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995.


  • &<rt' J. Michael Rowe ,

Chief, Reactor Radiation Division Enclosure cc: Project Scientist U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Project Manager Non-Power Reactor Directorate U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


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030013 9604030186 951231 4 e

PDR ADOCK 0500 'l) i R l


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N ATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY REACTOR I (NBSR) l Docket #50-184 l Facility Ucense No. TR-5 l Operations Report i I

--#4 8-- l January 1,1995- December 31,1995 This report contains a summary of activities connected with the operations of the NBSR. It is submitted in fulfillment of section 7.8(3) of the NBSR Technical Specifica- I tions and covers the period from January 1,1995 to December 31,1995.

Section numbers in the report (such as 7.8(3)(a)) correspond to those used in the Technical Specifications.  ;

l March 28,1996 y wA J chael Rowe Chief, Reactor Radiation Division

l' Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7.8(3)(a) Summary of Plant Operations 7.8(3)(b) Unscheduled Shutdowns 7.8(3)(c) Tabulation of Major items of Plant Maintenance l l 7.8(3)(d) Tabulation of Major Changes in the Facility and Procedures, and the Test and l Experiments, Carried Out Without Prior Approval by the NRC Pursuant to 10 ,

l CFR 50.69 l l

7.8(3)(e) Summary of Radioactive Material Released and Results of Environmental Surveys Performed l 7.8(3)(f) Summary of Significant Exposures Received by Facility Personnel and Visitors I

i mammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm=================mzm=============

19 9 5 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

[ Docket #50-184]

Page 2 7.8(3)(a) Summary of Plant Operations The reactor was shutdown for most of the year for major upgrade and installation of the new liquid hydrogen cold source. The reactor was retarted on September 25,1995 follow- l Ing extensive preoperation testing of all systems and the liquid hydrogen cold source.

Reactor power was gradually increased with fu,1 power of 20 MW achieved on October 5, 1995. For the balance of the year, the reactor was critical for 1725 hours0.02 days <br />0.479 hours <br />0.00285 weeks <br />6.563625e-4 months <br /> and the energy pro-duced was 32804 MWH.

l Operationally, the new cold source functioned flawlessly, and met or exceeded all pre-dictions. Highlights of significant reactor work are listed below, some of which took place the I previous year but are included here for completeness.

l Complets redesign and installation of significant portions of the primary cooling system.  ;

Installation of three new main and two auxiliary plate-type heat exchangers. l Complete redesign and installation of significant portions of the secondary cooling sys-tem including new water filtration components.

Complete redesign and installation of significant portions of auxiliary cooling systems.

Design and installation of new process instrumentation for primary, secondary and auxil-lary cooling systems and for the cold source.

Upgrade of portions of the reactor control room.

Reconfiguration of primary lonaxchangers.

Overhaul, redesign and rebuilding of the refueling plug including design of new helium seals.

Replacement and recalibration of control rods.

Extensive inspection of reactor internals.

Replacement of the entire reactor heavy water and repackaging of the old tritiated water.

Design and installation of custom shielding throughout the process room that resulted in significant reduction in radiation levels.

Disposal of large quantities of low level waste including the old heat exchangers, piping, valves, resins and aluminum cutting frorn icol elements. I Major items of maintenance includir:g refurbishing the confinement building, cooling tower, air supply system, CO2 supply system, helium system, emergency and backup electrical supplies; replacement of all valve diaphragms and sealing of thermal shield 1995 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

[ Docket #50-184]

Page 3 cooling coils.

Extensive rewrite of operating procedures and development of comprehensive reactor testing programs.

Extensive training of operations personnel on the new system and associated proce-dures.

In general, upgraded systems and components, functioned well and in most cases were su-perior to the ones replaced.

7.8(3)(b) Unscheduled Shutdowns

1. There were (3) scrams due to commercial power interruptions. The reactor was returned to power.
2. There was (1) major scram due to radio being keyed near RM 4-1 (Stack Monitor). The reactor was returned to power.
3. There was (1) reactor rundown with subsequent shutdown due to loss of suction of the D2O storage tank pump giving thermal column low flow rundown. D2O storage tank 1 1

level instrument malfunctioned indicating sufficient D20. Heavy water was added and I the reactor was returned to power. Later that day the reactor was shutdown and the D20 l storage tank level instrument (LIA-3) was replaced, calibrated, and returned to service.

7.8(3)(c) Tabulation of Major items of Plant Maintenance Note: Several of these items are covered by an Engineering Change Notice (ECN). l

1. Completed repairs to and installed refueling plug and associated components. I
2. Installed lower outer plug with new stainless steel flex hoses.
3. Completed changing valve diaphragms of all diaphragm valves with the exception of the experimental demin system IX resin drain valve- resin was not changed.
4. Assembled and tested all primary and secondary piping involved in system modifica- ,


5. Changed out primary system D20.
6. Reinstalled all four shim arm drive mechanisms.
7. Modified leak detection system for current piping configuration.
8. Replaced fuel element drop out chute extension.
9. Installed coupling guards on all four main D2O pumps.

19 9 5 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

[ Docket #50-184]

l Page 4 l


10. Replaced primary purification system pre-filters four times and the after filters twice.
11. Removed recombiner condenser from system.
12. Replaced recombiner granules using 14# of alumina palladium pellets. j
13. Replaced regulatig rod drive "B" with "A".  !
14. Replaced helium gas holder diaphragm
15. Replaced CO2 gas holder diaphragm and lubricated guide shaft.
16. Completed installing custom shielding around #1 & #2 IX columns, and pre-filter and after-filter.
17. Installed vent line for DWV-290 back to emergency cooling tank.
18. Completed ECN-402 on #4 main D2O pump. (Installed "O" ring between shaft sleeve l and shaft to stop leakage).
19. Installed primary purification pre and after filter dp gauges.
20. Installed additional hose clamp on each of four fingers of outlet distribution tree of #3 and #4 IX columns.
21. Removed RT-3 rabbit tube irradiation facility.


22. Installed, after inspecting, reactor inlet strainer.
23. Added resin and deuterized #1 and #2 IX columns. l
24. Replaced strip heater in helium sweep system.
25. Installed butterfly valve (DWV-19) in place of reactor vessel outlet strainer.
26. Replaced 40# air regulator at reducing station #7 in process room
27. Replaced lower shutter box on BT-8.
28. Installed vent line on D2O purge tank between drain valve and helium return valve.
29. Replaced seal o-rings and quad rings on DWV-4 operator.
30. Replaced DWV-22 with new variable pneumatic valve and removed DWV-184 (up-stream isolation) from system.
31. Installed DWV-134 (reactor pump up isolation valve) in D2O system.
32. Rebuilt Shrader air valve for FTV-1 positive lock.
33. Installed flow control valve to cryogenic facility (DWV-23).
34. Continued thermal shield tube sealing as necessary.
35. Loaded resin into #1 & #2 thermal shield IX columns.
36. Dis-assembled, cleaned and re-assembled thermal shield heat exchanger (HE-6).
37. Installed bypass line with valve (TSV-15) around primary (thermal shield side) of ther-mal shield heat exchanger.
38. Completed installation of custom shielding around both thermal shield IX columns and 19 9 5 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5) I

[ Docket #50-184]

l Page 5 the pre and after filter housings. ,

39. Insulated exterior and installed pad heaters on the thermal shield storage tank.
40. Completed instalation of custom shielding around both storage pool IX columns and the  !

pre and after filter housings.

41. Removed operators from SPV-1 & 2 (storage pool pump discharge valves are not auto-matic).
42. Replaced resin of storage pool IX column.
43. Cleaned screens on fingers of inlet distribution tree of storage pool IX column. I
44. Changed pre-filters three times and after filters once of storage pool purification system.
45. Reworked storage pool external filtering system.
46. Replaced refueling canallight with new one. )
47. Bored (4) 6" holes between the two suction sumps at secondary inlet headers.
48. Replaced suction, discharge, and check valves on all 6 secondary main pumps.
49. Replaced inlet and outlet isolation valves of SCV-1 & 2 with new butterfly valves.
50. Replaced reset relay in #2, #3, #5, and #6 secondary pump controllers.
51. Installed motor operated valve (SCV-50) at inlet header to HE-1 A & B.
52. Rebuilt secondary shutdown pump using new impeller, mechanical seal and casing o -ring.
53. Overhauled and aligned #2 secondary pump.
54. Replaced air operator diaphragms of SCV-1,2, & 3.
55. Replaced coupling hardware of #6 secondary pump.
56. Installed soft starts on all 6 secondary pumps.
57. Performed alignment of all 6 secondary pumps.
58. Refurbished and adjusted SCV-1.
59. Disassembled and cleaned secondary system 456 strainer twice.
60. Disassembled and inspected secondary system 123 strainer. l
61. Replaced packing of secondary system 456 strainer.


62. Switched from Calgon control of secondary water chemistry to Betz Water Management Group.
63. Replaced secondary blowdown float type flowmeter with a digital / flow totalizing type.
64. Replaced cooling tower fill support channels and angles as needed.
65. Backwashed water softener and regenerated demin station IX twice.
66. Replaced refrigeration unit on CO2 bulk tank.
67. Refurbished truck door sill plates.

19 9 5 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

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Page 6 1

68. Painted interior of both air receivers on B-2 level with Extend.
69. Installed new air compressor and air drier to supplement plant air.
70. Relocated plant air "Porostone" filter to downstream of PAV-1 where air comes into building 235. Also added an automatic blowdown soleniod for excess moisture removal.
71. Replaced 4 cells in the station battery.
72. Replaced battery banks of both emergency diesel generators.
73. Installed new diesel fuel day tank at floor level for emergency diesel generators.
74. Drained, flushed, and refilled botii emergency diesel generator cooling systems.
75. Repaired momentary DC Ground Alarm.
76. Replaced Failed +10 Volt Nuclear Power Supply.
77. Repaired Reactor Delta-T Recorder.-
78. Checked Calibration of PIA-3 & -4 Channels.
79. Repaired Area Radiation Recorder, RR-1.
80. Repaired No.1 Sump Pump & 1K Tank Automatic Pump-over Failures.
81. Repaired Area Radiation Monitor Channel.
82. Repaired Wind Speed Recorder.
83. Corrected CO2 System Annunciator Wiring Error.


84. Corrected No.1 Sump Hi Level Alarm.
85. Replaced Failed D2O Storage Tank Level Channel LIA-3 Transmitter.
86. Repaired Storage Pool Area Monitor.
87. Repaired 1K Waste Tank Recorder.
88. Troubleshot Erratic Emergency Tank Level Indication.
89. Replaced K-103C Scram Relay Following Failure of No. 2 Clutch Power to De-ener-gize.
90. Rewired Grounded DWV-6 Limit Switch.
91. Replaced Failed K-103C Scram Relay.
92. Repaired Experimental Demin. Valve Controller. l
93. Repaired Failed DWV-5 Valve Controller.
94. Repaired Failed He Gas Holder Level Controller.


95. Rewired Intermediate Range Period Recorder.
96. Repaired HE-1 A & -1B Primary Flow Recorder.
97. Repaired NC-4 Log N Channel Following Erratic Indication.
98. Repaired RM3-1 Channel.  !
99. Repaired HE-1 A & -1B Secondary Flow Indication.

19 9 5 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

(Docket #50-184]

. l Page 7 100. Replaced +10 Volt Nuclear Pc ar Supply.

101. Repaired Failed NC-1 Perlot . nplifier.

102. Repaired Cold Source D2O Outlet Temperature Channel.

103. Corrected HE-1 A Secondary Outlet Temperature Channel TI-13 Wiring Error.

104. Freed Stuck NC-6 Detector.

105. Repaired BTUR Recorder. 1 106. Corrected Period Bypass Alarm Wiring Error.

107. Corrected HE-1 A & -1B and Secondary Header TemperaMes Wiring Errors.

108. Repaired RM3-1 Channel.

109. Repaired BTUR Recorder.

110. Repaired NC-5 Automatic Control Channel.

111. Corrected Annunciator AN4-43 Clutch Power Off Wiring Error.

112. Repaired RM3-1 Channel.

113. Repaired RM3-3 Channel.

114. Repaired Reactor inlet Temperature Controller TRCA-3.

115. Recalibrated Storage Tank Level Channel LIA-3.

116. Repaired NC-3 Indication. t i

117. The following instrument calibration surveillance tests were performed: j Channel Title i BTUR-1 Reactor Thermal Power Recorder FR-1 Reactor Vessel Outlet Flow Recorder FRC-3 Outer Plenum Flow Recorder I FRC-4 Inner Plenum Flow Recorder FIA-6 D2O IX Flow Indicator FCA-7 Thermal Column Flow Indicator Control FIA-12 Secondary Cooling Water Flow Indicator l

FIA-15 Thermal Shield Coolant Flow Indicator i FlA-16 Thermal Shield IX Flow Indicator FIA-17 Secondary Auxiliary Cooling Flow Indicator  :

F1-18 D2O Injection Flow F1-30 Helium Compressor Secondary Flow FIA-40 Reactor Outiet Flow Indicator Alarm SS-K103 Relay Scram Safety System LRC-1 Reactor Vessel Level Recorder 19 9 5 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

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l Page 8 LIA-3 D2O Storage Tank Level LIA-4 Thermal Column Tank Indicator Alarm LIA-7 Experimental Demineralized H2O Level LIA-8 Thermal Shield Storage Tank Level LIC-9 Cooling Tower Level Indicator & Control LIA-18 Storage Pool Level Indication & Alarm LCA-19 Storage Pool Pump Pit Level Control LIA-40 Reactor Vessel Level Indicator NC-1 Sourc24 hours)

c. O.l. 6.1 Fueling and Defueling Procedures  ;
2. Cold Source Related Protective Actions I
a. A.P. 4.25 Cold Source Hydrogen Pressure High (30 psia)
b. A.P. 4.26 Cold Source D2O Cooling Flow Low (5 gpm)
c. A.P. 6.2 Rundown
d. All procedures associated with the previous Cold Source facility were deleted.
3. Rabbit Tube Operation
a. A.P.1.42 Rabbit Tip D2O Cooling Low Flow--heavy water to RT-1,2,4
b. A.P. 2.13 C001 High Radiation--receiver alarms
4. New Heat Exchangers
a. O.l. 3.2A Filling of Secondary Side of HE-1 A and HE-1B
b. O.l. 3.2C Backflush of Secondary Side of Heat Exchangers
c. A.P. 2.17 Secondary Coolant Activity High--action levels changed
5. All scram setpoints for 20 MW operation.

The following facility changes were completed this year; ECN-407 Installed Period recorder system on NC-3 & NC-4 channels. This is not con-nected to the safety system and provides information only. It meets all the requirements of 19 9 5 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

[ Docket #50-184]

Page 11 10CFR50.59 and therefore, does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

ECN-408 Installed D2O cooling to the new Hydrogen Cold Source with system isolation valves and instrumentation in the Process Room. This change meets all requirement of the previous system and therefore, does not involve an unreviewed sataty question.

ECN-409 Tube-and-shell heat exchangers HE-1 A, HE-1B, HE-2 and HE-7 were '

replaced with plate-type heat exchangers. This involved major changes in the plant Primary and Secondary cooling system piping and instrumentation. This major modification meets or j exceeds all the specifications and requirements of the previous system and therefore, does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

ECN-411 Shutters for the Cryogenic Facility were replaced with a much more elaborate system of shutters. This was nessitated by the installation of the Hydrogen Cold Source in place of the previous D2O Cold Source. These shutters serve the same purpose as the origi-nal shutters and therefore, does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

ECN-413 A liquid hydrogen cold source was installed in the Cryogenic Facility in place of the D2O cold source. This modification has received detailed safety analysis (NBSR-14) and a summary was submitted to the NRC for approval. This analysis has shown that it will not re-duce the margin of safety as defined in the basis of any technical specifications nor does any accident or malfunction have any effect on the reactor and therefore, does not involve an un-reviewed safety question.

ECN-418 Seven of the ten fuel transfer arms on the refueling plug were modified to pre-vent the possibility of lifting a fuel element improperly which could res11t in the element drop-ping from a pickup tool. While the refueling plug was out of the reactor for repair this possibili-ty was discovered by a hands-on analysis and the solution was worked out. The modification does not involve an unreviewed safety question and is highly beneficial.

ECN-420 The day-tank for fuel for the emergency power diesel generators was located at ceiling level above the generators. It has been replaced with a UL-approved tank mounted at floor level between the two diesel engines. It replaces a tank that served the same function and therefore, does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

i 1995 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

[ Docket #50-184]

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l ECN-423 RT-4 rabbit tube was cooled with the H2O Experimental Cooling System. RT-1 and RT-2 were cooled by the D2O Experimental Cooling System. This modification put all three rabbit tips on the D2O system. It has no effect on safety systems or engineered safety features and therefore, does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

ECN-425 All components of the refueling plug were disassemble decontaminated to the extent possible, refurbished or replaced with identical (or pre-approved) replacement parts, reassembled with new seals and replaced. The intent was to take this opportunity to extend the operational life of the refueling plug for 30 years. Extensive post-replacement testing in-dicated the entire system functions as designed. All fuel element positions have been suc-cessfully loaded and the helium leak rates are of acceptable levels. Detailed procedures, video tapes, and photographs are available for review.

, Modifications made during this repair has been reviewed by the SEC members on in-spection of the Reactor Top area and a demonstration of the refueling plug. This ECN in- j volves no unreviewed safety items.

7.8(3)(e) Summary of Radioactive Material Released and Results of Environmental Surveys Performed.

The gaseous waste released was 209 curies of tritium,267 curies of Argon-410.14 curies of Cl-38, and 0.017 curies of Br-82. There were 1.3 curies of tritium and 0.13 millicuries of other beta-gamma emitters released into the sanitary sewer. l Environmental samples of the streams, vegetation, and/or soil, and air showed no signif- )

icant changes.

7.8(3)(f) Summary of Significant Exposures Received by Facility Personnel and Visitors.

1. None to visitors.


2. Dosimetry results for this reporting period indicated that no facility personnel received l significant exposures.

19 9 5 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

[ Docket #50-184]