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Annual Operating Rept for Jul 1981-June 1982
Person / Time
Site: University of Utah
Issue date: 08/13/1982
Shared Package
ML20063N324 List:
NUDOCS 8209200208
Download: ML20063N326 (4)


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The University of Utah TRIGA Reactor Annual Operating Report July 1, 1981 to June 30, 1982 A. NARRATIVE

1. Operating Experience The reactor was critical 53.96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> and produced 2408.81 KWH of power. The TRIGA was used for laboratory teaching, systems tests, power measurements, and sample irradiations.
2. Changes in Facility Design, etc.

New aluminum tanks were added to each side of the hexagonal cort.

The tanks added a 15cm thick layer of heavy water around the outside of the core and provided new thermal neutron irradiation facilities to include sample rotation and dry tubes. The heavy water tank addi-


tion was reviewed by the Reactor Safety Committee and approved prior to installation. The total reactivity worth of all six heavy water tanks has been detennined to be less than $0.30.

A new Esterline-Angus MS-412C dual channel recorded was installed to replace the Varian G-ll linear recorder and connected to the log channel. Linear and log amplifiers interface the power channels and recorder. The recorder addition was reviewed and approved by the Reactor Safety Committee prior to installation.

3. Surveillance Tests
a. Control Rod Worth Core Configuration #10 24 February 1981 Safety $1.60 Shim $1.40 Reg $0.36 Excess Reactivity $1.01 Shut Down Margin $0.75 Core Configuration #10 19 August 1982 j Safety $1.59 Shim $1.40 Reg $0.37 Excess Reactivity $1.04 Shut Down Margin $0.73 Core Configuration #11 21 January 1982 Safety $1.60 Shim $1.60 Reg $0.51 Excess Reactivity $0.62 Shut Down Margin $1.49 8209200208 820813 PDR ADOCK 05000407 R ppg


  • Core Configuration #11 10 February 1982 Safety $1.63 Shim $1.59 Reg $0.51 Excess Reactivity $0.64 Shut Down Margin $1.46 Core Configuration #12 08 April 1982 Safety $2.00 Shim $1.63 Reg $0.47 Excess Reactivity $0.87 Shut Down Margin $1.23 Core Configuration #13 03 May 1982 Safety $1.77 Shim $1.52 Reg $0.49 Excess Reactivity $1.41 Shut Down Margin $0.60 Core Configuration #14 17 June 1982 Safety $1.72 Shim $1.61 Reg $0.46 Excess Reactivity $1.38 Shut Down Margin $0.69
b. Control Rod Inspection The biennial control rod checks were performed January 14, 1982.

The rods were removed from the tank and showed no visable deteriora-tion or damage. Drop times were all less than .5 seconds measured 8/18/81, 1/21/82, 2/10/82, 4/8/82, 5/3/82, and 6/17/82.

c. Reactor Power Level Calorimetric power calibrations were performed 28 August 1981 at 57 KW, 27 January 1982 at 33 KW, and 16 April 1982 at 5 KW.

Neutronic power calibration was performed 23 February 1982 at 33 KW.

d. Fuel Inspection and Temperature Calibration All fuel in the TRIGA tank was inspected 13 January 1982 to 14 January 1982. Fuel in the storage pit was inspected 21 January 1982. No signs of deterioration or damage were visible. The fuel temperature circuit was calibrated to less than 5 C error over the range 0 C to 500 C on 20 August 1981 and 4 February 1982.

B. Energy Output The reactor was critical for 53.96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> and produced 2408.81 KWH of energy. The total hours operated since initial criticality is 568.69 hours7.986111e-4 days <br />0.0192 hours <br />1.140873e-4 weeks <br />2.62545e-5 months <br /> and the total energy produced is 19413.00 KWH.

C. Inadvertant Scrams Number ]Dgy; Cause 3 Linear Operator trainee not switching linear range correctly. Action: instructed good switching technique.

1 Hi-log loose cable. Action: reconnected cable D. Major Maintenance

-The fuel temperature circuit gain control was replaced with a new component.on 19 February 1982. The temperature circuit was calibrated and appears to be more stable during calibration.

A 5110 ohm resistor was added 15 April 1982 to the high calibrate resistor of the linear power channel to shift the range of the calibra-tion control.

A new linear and log recorder was installed 28 April 1982 with new linear and log amplifiers as an interface to the recorder.

A new recirculator pump was installed along with new polyethylene tubing in the demineralizing system. The demineralizer, filters, and valves were retained in the new system.

E. Changes Pursuant to 50-59 The Varian G-ll recorder remaining on the linear channel was re-placed by an Esterline- Angus recorder. The instrumentation was reviewed by the Reactor Safety Committee which found no violation of technical specifications or change in the Safety Analysis Report. Another amplifier was added to the log channel and the signal was fed into a second re-cording channel. The circuits were checked and were found to have no impact on the linear or log scram systems. The new recorder was isolated from the scram system by an interfacing linear amplifier.

Aluminum tanks containing heavy water were installed around the core.

Installation of the tanks were reviewed by the Reactor Safety Committee which found no violation of the technical specifications or change of the Safety Analysis Report. A procedure for installation was drafted and approved by each member of the Reactor Safety Committee. The total re-activity worth of all installed tanks was found to be $0.30.

New procedures currently in use at UNEL and approved by.the Reactor Safety Committee:

l Procedure to Change Central Irradiator Approach to Critical Procedure i Checkout, Critical Approach, and Termination Checklist i

F. hadioactive Effluents

1. Liquid Waste- none
2. Gaseous Waste - Negligible The TRIGA was run for 2408.81 KWH at powers to 80 KW.

- At this level, Ar-41 production is negligible. Our stack monitor will detect 33% of 10 CFR20 Table I for Ar-41 and we have seen nothing in the monitor.

3. Solid Waste - None G. Radiation Exposures One staff member received 125 mrem radiation exposure distributed fairly equally throughout the year. For comparison, the control dosi-meter received a dose of 91 mrem. No other staff member received over 100 mrem /yr and no visitor received a measurable dose. Monthly surveys have identified no contamination.

H. Environmental Survey.

Environmental surveys have been taken continuously since construc-tion of the reactor and the lastest reports in September 1981 have identified no measurable increase in radiation. The Environmental Pro-tection Agency installed an air monitoring station outside the reactor building during the past year. The system monitors tritium in moisture, noble gases, gamma radiation, and dust radiation. Information from this station has indicated no unusual changes in radiation.

Prepared by .b

~ ' Senior Reacto ngineer Approved by J/
