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Groundwater Resources (Gw) RAI GW-1 WF3 Groundwater Monitoring Program_Five-Year Review
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Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/07/2017
Entergy Operations
To: Keegan E
Division of License Renewal
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ML17018A143 List:
Download: ML17037D055 (307)



WATERFORD-3 GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIVE-YEAR REVIEW Prepared for Entergy Operations - Waterford-3 River Road 17265 Killona, LA 70057 Prepared by FTN Associates, Ltd. 124 West Sunbridge, Suite 3 Fayetteville, AR 72703 FTN Project No. R06045-0031-002 June 3, 2014



...............................................................................................................1 2.0 HYDROGEOLOGIC SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL .......................................................2 2.1  Shallow Groundwater Occurrence ...........................................................................3 2.1.1  Shallow Groundwater in Native Deposits....................................................3 2.1.2  Shallow Groundwater in Backfill Material ..................................................4 2.2  Shallow Groundwater Flow .....................................................................................4 3.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING NETWORK ..............................................................4 3.1  Monitoring Well Installations during Reporting Period ..........................................5 3.1.1  MW-06, MW-07, MW-08, and MW-09 ......................................................5 3.1.2  MW-10 and MW-11 ....................................................................................5 3.1.3  MW-12 .........................................................................................................5 3.2  Drainage Ditches and Groundwater Monitoring......................................................6 4.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM ACTIVITIES ........................................6 4.1  Monitoring Installation Inspection and Maintenance ..............................................7 4.2  Water Level Measurements .....................................................................................7 4.3  Potentiometric Surface Mapping .............................................................................8 4.4  Groundwater Sampling ............................................................................................8 5.0 DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................................8 5.1  Shallow Groundwater Flow .....................................................................................9 5.2  Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations..........................................................................9 5.3  Field Parameter Data..............................................................................................10 5.4  Laboratory Analysis Results ..................................................................................10 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................11 7.0 


AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................12


..................................................................................................................12 i

June 3, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Boring Logs and Well Construction Diagrams APPENDIX B: Well Registration Forms APPENDIX C: Groundwater Level Data Sheet APPENDIX D: Potentiometric Surface Maps APPENDIX E: Field Documentation ii

June 3, 2014 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Groundwater Monitoring Network Installation Details Table 2 Tasks over Time 2007-2013 Table 3 Water Level Elevations 2007-2013 Table 4 Field Parameter Data 2007-2013 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Entergy Waterford-3, Monitoring Well Network Figure 2 Entergy Waterford-3, Cross Section A-A Figure 3 Hydrographs: Monitoring Wells adjacent to Mississippi River Compared to Basemat Wells and Mississippi River Figure 4 Hydrographs: Perimeter Monitoring Wells Compared to Basemat Wells and Mississippi River Figure 5 Potentiometric Surface Map without Groundwater Divide Figure 6 Potentiometric Surface Map with Groundwater Divide iii

June 3, 2014


In 2007 the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) published its Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative (GPI) - Final Guidance Document (NEI 07-07), which describes actions to improve responses to and management of inadvertent radiological releases to groundwater and how best to communicate release information to stakeholders. Implementation of NEI 07-07 at all Entergy Nuclear, Inc. (Entergy) facilities is required by fleet procedure EN-CY-111-R5, Radiological Groundwater Monitoring Program. An initial hydrogeologic assessment of the Entergy Waterford-3 (WF3) plant in Killona, Louisiana, was conducted in support of the pending NEI GPI program in 2006 by GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA) and Enercon Services, Inc. (Enercon) on behalf of Entergy Operations, Inc. (GZA and Enercon 2007). WF3 began implementation of NEI 07-07 objectives in July 2007 by installing three groundwater monitoring wells (MW-03, MW-04, and MW-05), collecting quarterly groundwater samples from those wells, and recording water level elevations for potentiometric surface mapping from five monitoring installations (the previously mentioned monitoring wells plus pre-existing basemat wells BW-01 and BW-02). Monitoring well installation and data collection were performed by FTN Associates, Ltd. (FTN). Initial NEI GPI activities and data through 2008 are presented in the initial self-assessment report of the GPI program (NEI 07-07 Objective 3.1.a) completed by GZA (2009). Upon completion of the initial self-assessment, FTN began working with WF3 to develop and implement a site-specific Groundwater Monitoring Plan (GWMP) (FTN 2010) designed to satisfy objectives of NEI 07-07. WF3s GWMP is a dynamic document that describes the hydrogeologic site conceptual model (SCM), the groundwater monitoring network, and groundwater monitoring and investigation activities. This document is a 5-year hydrogeologic review of the site for 2009-2013, as required by NEI 07-07 (Objective 3.1.b). Additionally, this document is intended to satisfy EN-CY-111-R5 5.15[6], which is a periodic review of site hydrogeologic studies, also required every 5 years, or more frequently under certain circumstances. The purpose of this review is to summarize activities conducted at WF3 by FTN in support of NEI 07-07 and EN-CY-111-R5 1

June 3, 2014 during the reporting period, describe the current understanding of the groundwater system at the site, and make recommendations for continued improvement of the GWMP. Section 2.0 of this report is review of the site conceptual model. Section 3.0 is an overview of the plants current groundwater monitoring network. Section 4.0 is an overview of groundwater monitoring program activities. Section 5.0 is a discussion of noted findings during the reporting period. Section 6.0 provides recommendations for program improvements. Section 7.0 summarizes the report and presents concluding remarks. Section 8.0 is a list of selected references. When appropriate, applicable EN-CY-111-R5 or NEI 07-07 objectives are included in the text for reference. Tables, figures, and appendices are included after Section 8.0. 2.0 HYDROGEOLOGIC SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL The SCM is a qualitative interpretation of the groundwater system at the site that incorporates information about the sites geology, groundwater, infrastructure, and operations that influence the groundwater system. The SCM is based upon information presented in Sec. 2.4.13 of the WF3 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), the initial self-assessment of the WF3 NEI GPI program (GZA 2009), the GWMP (FTN 2010), and all information included in subsequent sections of this report. This section documents the current understanding of the hydrogeologic SCM for the shallow groundwater system beneath WF3. Shallow groundwater system is the primary focus with respect to the SCM because shallow groundwater is the most susceptible to contamination from structures, systems, and components (SSC). Although deeper aquifers of local and regional extent exist beneath the site, these units are separated from shallow groundwater by thick sequences of relatively impermeable silts and clays which make impacts to deeper aquifers from inadvertent radiological releases unlikely. Therefore, these deeper water bearing units are not described in further detail in this report. For a detailed review of the geology and groundwater at the site, refer to WF3 FSAR Sec. 2.4.13. 2

June 3, 2014 2.1 Shallow Groundwater Occurrence Shallow groundwater is present across the Mississippi River deltaic plain in isolated coarse-grained Holocene point-bar deposits, distributary-channel deposits, and near-surface sands (WF3 FSAR Sec. Subsurface investigations at WF3 prior to site construction concluded that shallow groundwater on site is discontinuous and not hydraulically connected to the Mississippi River (WF3 FSAR Sec. and; however, data from groundwater monitoring wells installed as part of the NEI GPI indicate that a continuous shallow groundwater unit is present beneath the site and that it is hydraulically connected to the Mississippi River. Shallow groundwater occurs at the site within two types of materials with different confining conditions: plant backfill sands where shallow groundwater occurs under unconfined conditions and surrounding native deposits where shallow groundwater occurs under confined conditions. The two types of materials are hydraulically connected, and together they are considered a single hydrogeologic unit. Further discussion supporting the hydraulic connection between these three water bodies is included in Section 5.2 of this report. 2.1.1 Shallow Groundwater in Native Deposits Outside the area of the power block excavation, shallow groundwater occurs in native sand and gravel deposits that contain some organic debris (shells or wood fragments and peat). This unit is present at elevations between -10.35 ft and -24.78 ft (NGVD29) and ranges in thickness from 1.25 ft to at least 10 ft. This shallow groundwater unit is overlain by a sequence of low permeability silts and clays creating a confined condition. The sand and gravel deposits are continuous across the site and were observed in all logs for NEI GPI monitoring well installations, except for MW-03 where no sample was recovered from the corresponding interval, and reviewed logs for borings advanced during pre-construction investigations. At MW-12, drilling was terminated at 40 ft below ground surface (bgs), and the bottom of the sand and gravel unit was not encountered, suggesting this unit probably exceeds 10 ft in thickness. 3

June 3, 2014 2.1.2 Shallow Groundwater in Backfill Material In the area excavated for construction of the power block, native deposits (including the saturated sand and gravels previously described) were removed to an elevation of -40 ft (NGVD29). Engineered sand was then used to backfill the excavation to a site grade elevation of approximately 17 ft (NGVD29) during plant construction. Shallow groundwater in plant backfill occurs under unconfined conditions and is characterized by relatively high water level elevations that are generally stable over time, which are likely due to direct recharge from the ground surface by precipitation. 2.2 Shallow Groundwater Flow Historically, shallow groundwater flow at WF3 has been described as flowing generally south-southwest away from the Mississippi River, except during low river stages when a transient groundwater divide is created (WF3 FSAR Sec. Water level data collected as part of NEI GPI groundwater monitoring activities indicate two general groundwater flow scenarios. In the first scenario, the elevation of the Mississippi River is higher than on-site groundwater potentiometric elevations, and hydraulic gradients direct flow across the site away from the river. In the second scenario, the highest water level elevations form a groundwater mound typically coincident with northern portions of the plant foundation excavation. This groundwater mound creates a divide where hydraulic gradients direct a portion of groundwater flow away from the mound toward the Mississippi River. 3.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING NETWORK The WF3 groundwater monitoring installation network is designed to provide timely detection of radiological contamination of groundwater and map groundwater flow beneath the site. The WF3 network currently consists of ten monitoring wells and two basemat wells (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[2](f)). Three monitoring wells (MW-03, MW-04, and MW-05) and basemat wells (BW-01 and BW-02) were installed prior to the reporting period. Monitoring wells are used to collect water levels and groundwater samples while basemat wells are only used for 4

June 3, 2014 water level data. Figure 1 shows locations of the monitoring installations, and Table 1 contains construction details for the monitoring well network. 3.1 Monitoring Well Installations during Reporting Period During the reporting period, FTN installed seven monitoring wells in support of the GWMP. Boring logs and well construction diagrams for these wells are included in Appendix A, and well registration forms are included in Appendix B. 3.1.1 MW-06, MW-07, MW-08, and MW-09 In October 2010, four monitoring wells (MW-06, MW-07, MW-08, and MW-09) were installed north, east, and northwest of the plant to expand groundwater flow direction mapping data points, provide water quality data, and provide perimeter detection monitoring locations for shallow groundwater (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](a, c), NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.a). No separate monitoring well installation report for this group of wells was drafted. 3.1.2 MW-10 and MW-11 In November 2012, two monitoring wells (MW-10 and MW-11) were installed in the native shallow groundwater system hydraulically downgradient from the Original Steam Generator Storage Facility (FTN 2013). These wells were installed in order to detect any inadvertent release of radiological material to groundwater from this SSC (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](a, b, c), NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b). 3.1.3 MW-12 In December 2013, one monitoring well (MW-12) was installed in the native shallow groundwater system hydraulically downgradient from the Condensate Storage Tank (FTN 2014). This well was installed in order to detect any inadvertent release of radiological material to groundwater from this SSC (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](a, b, c), NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b). 5

June 3, 2014 3.2 Drainage Ditches and Groundwater Monitoring Drainage ditches at the site that satisfy the following conditions could be used for groundwater detection monitoring of radiological contamination: The drainage ditch must be hydraulically connected to shallow groundwater. The ditch must be located within excavation backfill sand where shallow groundwater occurs under unconfined conditions that create a relatively elevated water table surface that may be intercepted by ditches. As shown in Figure 2, shallow groundwater in native deposits occurs under confined conditions that restrict groundwater to deeper intervals below drainage ditches. The water level elevation in the ditch must be lower than the surrounding groundwater elevation. In order for the groundwater to enter the ditch, a hydraulic gradient from groundwater to the ditch must be present. If the water level in the ditch is higher than the surrounding groundwater, the ditch will function as a recharge source, and water from the ditch will discharge into the groundwater system. The ditch must be hydraulically downgradient from the contamination. In order to detect groundwater contamination, the ditch must be located along the groundwater flow path away from the source of contamination. Groundwater contamination must be very shallow. Water table elevations are typically slightly higher than ditch invert elevations. In order for a ditch to intercept groundwater contamination, the contamination must be near the water table surface. If the contamination occurs at depth, it may flow beneath the ditch without being detected. 4.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Groundwater monitoring activities at WF3 typically include recording water level measurements to map groundwater flow direction and collecting groundwater samples for laboratory analysis. Groundwater sampling events are conducted on a quarterly basis in order to document seasonal variations. Table 2 summarizes groundwater monitoring activities for the NEI 07-07 program. 6

June 3, 2014 4.1 Monitoring Installation Inspection and Maintenance A visual inspection of each monitoring installation is performed prior to recording water levels or collecting groundwater samples in order to ensure the installation will yield accurate information (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[2]). In order to document inspections and deficiencies, FTN created the Groundwater Level Data Sheet for use during sampling events (Appendix C). This sheet is included in the quarterly groundwater sampling field documentation that is submitted to the site and periodically updated in the GWMP (FTN 2010). For the period of record, the following deficiencies were documented and should be addressed: Inadequate painting of above-grade installations. Bollards or well protective covers that require safety yellow paint are located at MW-03, MW-04, MW-05, and MW-06. The safety yellow is meant to make the wells more visible to operators of vehicles and machinery which helps prevent damage resulting from accidental collision. Erosion around well installations. Soil erosion has caused washout around bollards or under well pads at wells MW-04, MW-05, and MW-08. The washout makes the well pads susceptible to cracking, heaving, and separation from well (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[2](a)(1)). Washout around the bollards could potentially render the bollards ineffective as protective barriers. 4.2 Water Level Measurements Static water level measurements are recorded from monitoring and basemat wells in order to determine hydraulic gradients that control groundwater flow directions (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](c)). For monitoring wells, water levels are collected prior to beginning groundwater sampling activities in the shortest time frame possible to avoid potential effects on hydraulic gradients caused by sampling and temporal variations in groundwater flow. For basemat wells, water level elevations are measured and reported by site personnel and do not always coincide precisely with quarterly groundwater monitoring events. Since 2007, groundwater elevations ranged from 4.15 ft (NGVD29) in MW-05 on June 21, 2011, to 14.93 ft (NGVD29) in MW-08 on June 3, 2013. Table 3 summarizes water level data, and Figure 3 and Figure 4 contain hydrographs for the 2007-2013 period. Due to a limited data set (one observation for the period of record) a hydrograph for MW-12 is not provided. 7

June 3, 2014 4.3 Potentiometric Surface Mapping Potentiometric surface maps showing groundwater elevations and groundwater flow directions were constructed using water level elevation measurements collected during each quarterly groundwater sampling event during the reporting period. Potentiometric surface maps for the reporting period are presented in Appendix D. Potentiometric surface maps compiled prior to this reporting period are included in the GWMP (FTN 2010). 4.4 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples are collected from monitoring wells and analyzed for selected radionuclides in order to detect potential impacts to groundwater from inadvertent leaks or spills. Samples are collected on at least a quarterly basis or more frequently if requested by site personnel (Table 2). Groundwater sampling activities conform to specifications in EN-CY-109-R4, Sampling and Analysis of Ground Water Monitoring Wells, (EN-CY-111-R5 5.8[1]) and are subject to quality assurance/quality control program discussed in the GWMP (FTN 2010). Groundwater samples are collected using low-flow purging and sampling techniques conducted in accordance with EPA guidelines as described in FTN SOPs included in the WF3 GWMP (FTN 2010). Wells are purged prior to sampling, and field stabilization parameters are recorded at selected time intervals for each well to determine when groundwater representative of the formation is being withdrawn. Once field parameters have met stabilization criteria, samples are collected for tritium and gamma emitting isotopes listed in EN-CY-111-R5 .4. A summary of field parameter data since 2007 is included in Table 4, and field documentation of groundwater monitoring activities for the reporting period is included in Appendix E. 5.0 DISCUSSION The following discussions are based on data collected during quarterly groundwater sampling events through the end of the reporting period. 8

June 3, 2014 5.1 Shallow Groundwater Flow Of the 20 sets of water level measurements used to construct potentiometric surface maps for the site during the reporting period, the water level elevation of the river was higher than groundwater elevations in monitoring wells and flow was away from the river for eight sets of measurements (e.g., Figure 5). For the remaining 12 sets of measurements, a groundwater mound was present, and for a portion of the site, groundwater flow was toward the river (e.g., Figure 6). The concept of two general groundwater flow scenarios is consistent with observations of potentiometric surfaces under the NEI GPI program since the initial self assessment (GZA 2009). 5.2 Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations Shallow groundwater at WF3 has been described as unresponsive to Mississippi River fluctuations (WF3 FSAR Sec. This appears to be the case for relatively high water level elevations in plant backfill as seen in basemat wells BW-01 and BW-02, which are generally stable over time (Figures 3 and 4). Generally elevated and stable water levels in these wells are likely due to unconfined groundwater conditions in backfill material and direct recharge from the ground surface by precipitation. MW-07 and MW-08 (Figure 1) are located in native deposits between the Mississippi River and the excavation backfill. Because water in the Mississippi River and excavation backfill is hydraulically connected to the portion of the confined sand and gravel layer between them, there appears to be some effect on water levels in these two wells from recharge by each source. MW-08 appears to be responsive to both changes of water levels in the plant backfill and to changes of stage in the Mississippi River, whereas MW-07 appears to be more strongly responsive to changes of water levels in the plant backfill (Figure 3). The degree to which recharge from each source affects water levels in these two wells is not clear. Water levels in perimeter monitoring wells (MW-03 through MW-06 and MW-09 through MW-11) generally rise and fall in unison, providing further supporting evidence of the continuity of the sand and gravel unit across the site (Figure 4). Water level fluctuations also appear to be more closely correlated to relatively small water level changes in the saturated plant backfill than to fluctuations in the river. As shown in Figure 2, saturated backfill serves as a 9

June 3, 2014 source of recharge to the confined sand and gravel unit, which forms a hydraulic connection between the Mississippi River and groundwater in the excavation backfill. Because the sides of the excavation are sloped, the excavation area decreases with lower elevations, and recharge events only slightly increase water elevations in the backfill while monitoring wells in the sand and gravel unit show a higher amplitude response. 5.3 Field Parameter Data Groundwater sampling using low-flow purging techniques relies on stabilization of water levels and water quality parameters to determine when a well has been sufficiently purged to yield a representative groundwater sample. Field parameters are also useful for establishing site-wide groundwater quality. Water quality indicators measured at WF3 include pH, specific conductance, and temperature. Although not considered a stabilization parameter, turbidity is also measured as an indicator of well development and entrainment of solids caused by pump operation. Field parameter water quality data values for the reporting period are relatively consistent for each well. 5.4 Laboratory Analysis Results Groundwater samples are analyzed for tritium and gamma emitters. If radiological activity is positively detected, then the sample is also analyzed for the presence of hard-to-detect radionuclides listed in EN-CY-111-R5 Attachment 9.4 (EN-CY-111-R5 5.8[2]). If activities of sample results are verified to meet or exceed associated action levels contained in EN-CY-111-R5 Attachment 9.6, then a Condition Report is generated and evaluation of investigatory and corrective actions are considered (EN-CY-111-R5 5.10[3]). Samples collected through the fourth quarter of 2011 were analyzed by the Entergy River Bend Station laboratory in St. Francisville, Louisiana. Subsequent samples have been analyzed by Pace Analytical Services, Inc., of St. Rose, Louisiana, during 2012 and the first quarter of 2013, and Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc., of Huntsville, Alabama, beginning with the Second Quarter 2013 groundwater sampling event. 10

June 3, 2014 During the reporting period, WF3 requested resampling of MW-04 and MW-11 to verify detectable radiological activity in groundwater samples collected during the second quarter of 2012 and the fourth quarter of 2012, respectively. According to site personnel, there were no confirmed positive detections for radiological activity in groundwater collected from monitoring wells during the reporting period, including resampled wells. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the current status of the WF3 GWMP, FTN recommends the following specific improvements:

1. Continue to incorporate new geologic and groundwater data into the hydrogeologic SCM.
2. Update the SCM in the GWMP and WF3 FSAR to incorporate the current understanding that a shallow, continuous aquifer exists at the site and appears to be hydraulically connected to saturated plant backfill and the Mississippi River (NEI 07-07 Objective 1.1.e).
3. Evaluate installation of water level dataloggers in monitoring wells and basemat wells in order to better elucidate the hydraulic connection between the Mississippi River, saturated backfill, and surrounding saturated native sand and gravel deposits (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](c)).
4. Evaluate manholes, vaults, ditches, and other subsurface structures in plant backfill for use as potential groundwater sampling locations.
5. Evaluate the need for sentinel wells along pipelines that contain licensed material (NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b).
6. Install monitoring wells immediately hydraulically downgradient from additional SSCs inside the Secured Owner Controlled Area (SOCA) and Protected Area (PA) as needed to enhance timely detection of releases, spills, and leaks (NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b).
7. Evaluate quarterly sampling of basemat wells BW-01 and BW-02 for tritium, gamma emitters, and low-flow groundwater sampling stabilization parameters (NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b).


June 3, 2014 7.0


AND CONCLUSIONS The following summary and conclusions are based on the 5-year hydrogeologic review of the WF3 GWMP from 2009-2013:

1. A shallow groundwater aquifer is continuous across the site and appears to be hydraulically connected to saturated plant backfill and the Mississippi River.
2. Water level changes in the Mississippi River likely affect groundwater elevations in wells between the power block and river, while water level fluctuations in perimeter wells are more correlated to minor changes in water level elevations in saturated plant backfill.
3. Depending on the water level elevation of the Mississippi River, groundwater flow across the site is either unidirectional away from the river or groundwater flows away from a groundwater mound generally coincident with portions of the plant excavation.
4. Sentinel groundwater monitoring wells are well-positioned for timely detection of inadvertent releases to groundwater from the Original Steam Generator Storage Facility (MW-10 and MW-11) and the Condensate Storage Tank (MW-12).
5. Groundwater monitoring wells MW-03 through MW-09 are positioned to detect inadvertent releases to groundwater before activity leaves the site.
6. The WF3 monitoring well network and sampling frequency should be sufficient for detection of inadvertent releases to groundwater.
7. Field data and water level data for the reporting period were found to be reasonable and consistent with the hydrogeologic setting.
8. The WF3 Groundwater Monitoring Program meets overall objectives of the NEI GPI program.


Entergy. 2013. Nuclear management manual EN-CY-111-R5: Radiological groundwater monitoring program, December 5, 2013. Entergy. 2013. Nuclear management manual EN-CY-109-R4: Sampling and analysis of groundwater monitoring wells, December 5, 2013. Entergy Nuclear, Inc. Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Waterford-3 Station. FTN. 2010. Groundwater Monitoring Plan, Entergy Nuclear, Waterford-3 Station, Revision 1. FTN Associates, Ltd., January 21, 2010. 12

June 3, 2014 FTN. 2013. Entergy Nuclear Waterford-3, Original Steam Generator Storage Facility groundwater monitoring well installation report. FTN Associates, Ltd., April 23, 2013. FTN. 2014. Entergy Nuclear Waterford-3, Condensate Storage Tank groundwater monitoring sentinel well installation report. FTN Associates, Ltd., March 5, 2014. GZA. 2009. GPI data review Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit No. 3 Killona, Louisiana. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., April, 2009. GZA and Enercon. 2007. Site hydrogeologic assessment in support of Entergy GPI, Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, Killona, Louisiana. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. and Enercon Services, Inc., January 30, 2007. Nuclear Energy Institute, Ltd. 2007. Industry ground water protection initiative - final guidance document, August 2007. 13

Tables Table 1. Groundwater monitoring network installation details, Entergy Waterford-3. Approx. Approx. Northing Easting Ground Approx. Approx. Top of Base of Approx. Approx. Approx. (ft LA State (ft LA State Surface Borehole Casing WL Reference Top of Casing Stick-up Screened Screened Screened Filter Pack Bentonite Grout Seal Well Installation Date Formation Plane South Plane South North West Elevation Depth Diameter Casing Elevation Elevation Height Interval Interval Interval Interval Seal Interval Interval ID Type Installed Monitored Zone NAD83) Zone NAD83) (ft PGS) (ft PGS) (ft NGVD29) (ft bgs) (inches) Material (ft NGVD29) (ft NGVD29) (ft ags) (ft bgs) (ft NGVD29) (ft NGVD29) (ft bgs) (ft bgs) (ft bgs) Basemat BW-01 ~1984 Backfill sand 544955.99 3553653.33 n/a n/a 17.50 57.5 4 PVC 20.66 20.66 3.2 53.5-57.5 -36.0 -40.0 52.5-57.5 51.5-52.5 0.0-51.5 Well Basemat BW-02 ~1984 Backfill sand 544872.80 3553956.07 n/a n/a 17.50 57.5 4 PVC 20.27 20.27 2.8 53.5-57.5 -36.0 -40.0 52.5-57.5 51.5-52.5 0.0-51.5 Well Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-03 7/24/2007 543952.20 3552810.27 1851.4 5816.8 14.01 35.0 2 16.61 16.59 2.6 24.8-34.8 -10.7 -20.7 22.8-35.0 19.0-22.8 0.0-19.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-04 7/24/2007 543447.98 3553051.68 1347.2 5575.4 15.58 35.0 2 18.34 18.31 2.7 24.8-34.8 -9.2 -19.2 22.8-35.0 19.8-22.8 0.0-19.8 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-05 7/25/2007 543586.91 3554294.07 1486.1 4333.0 9.65 35.0 2 12.26 12.24 2.6 24.8-34.8 -15.1 -25.1 22.8-35.0 19.0-22.8 0.0-19.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-06 10/5/2010 544399.37 3554431.09 4132.9 3056.1 11.61 33.0 2 14.02 14.01 2.4 22.7-32.7 -11.1 -21.1 21.0-33.0 18.0-21.0 0.0-18.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-07 10/25/2010 545122.87 3554397.70 4783.6 3374.2 16.31 38.0 2 19.51 19.46 3.2 27.7-37.7 -11.4 -21.4 25.5-38.0 22.4-25.5 0.0-22.4 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-08 10/6/2010 545449.67 3553674.67 4796.1 4167.6 16.37 38.0 2 19.88 19.84 3.5 27.7-37.7 -11.3 -21.3 25.0-38.0 22.3-25.0 0.0-22.3 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-09 10/6/2010 545202.96 352738.14 4197.5 4929.0 13.65 38.0 2 15.88 15.87 2.2 27.7-37.7 -14.1 -24.1 21.0-38.0 18.0-21.0 0.0-18.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 80 MW-10 11/1/2012 543116.44 3553144.73 2443.6 3726.3 15.96 36.0 2 18.47 18.47 2.5 25.8-35.8 -9.8 -19.8 23.0-36.0 20.0-23.0 0.0-20.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 80 MW-11 11/1/2012 543074.20 3553225.08 2437.6 3636.1 15.93 40.0 2 18.77 18.77 2.8 25.8-35.8 -9.9 -19.9 23.0-36.0 20.0-23.0 0.0-20.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 80 MW-12 12/13/2013 544174.58 3553334.61 3491.0 3972.6 15.22 40.0 2 18.13 18.13 2.9 29.7-39.7 -14.5 -24.5 27.0-40.0 24.0-27.0 0.0-24.0 Well alluvium PVC Notes: NAD83: North American Datum of 1983. NGVD29: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. PGS: Plant Grid System. ft bgs: Feet below ground surface. ft ags: Feet above ground surface. n/a: Information not available.

Table 2. Tasks over time 2007-2013, Entergy Waterford-3. Week 7/24/2007 12/4/2007 1/30/2008 5/13/2008 8/5/2008 11/18/2008 3/9/2009 6/16/2009 7/21/2009 10/12/2009 2/23/2010 5/11/2010 8/23/2010 11/16/2010 Event 3Q07 4Q07 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Well ID MW-01 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- MW-02 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- MW-03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-06 1 1 MW-07 1 1 MW-08 1 1 MW-09 1 1 MW-10 MW-11 MW-12 Subtotal 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 9 7 Equipment Blanks n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 Duplicates n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 Grand Total 5 3 5 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 9 Week 3/28/2011 6/21/2011 9/13/2011 12/13/2011 3/20/2012 6/18/2012 9/6/2012 9/18/2012 10/31/2012 12/10/2013 2/26/2013 6/3/2013 9/9/2013 12/17/2013 Event 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 Resample 3Q12 4Q12 Resample 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Well ID MW-01 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- MW-02 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- MW-03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-10 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-11 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-12 1 1 Subtotal 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 0 1 9 7 11 9 0 1 11 9 11 9 11 9 12 10 Equipment Blanks n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 Duplicates n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 Grand Total 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 3 9 9 11 11 0 3 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 Notes: Monitoring well had not been installed.

Table 3. Water level elevations 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3 Mississippi Site ID BW-01 BW-02 MW-03 MW-04 MW-05 MW-06 MW-07 MW-08 MW-09 MW-10 MW-11 MW-12 River Date Water Level Elevation (ft NGVD29) 7/24/2007 -- -- 10.39 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7/25/2007 12.81 12.60 -- 9.06 5.86 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7/26/2007 -- -- 10.88 9.40 5.90 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7.92 9/5/2007 12.26 12.17 10.54 9.76 5.44 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4.43 9/25/2007 12.26 12.12 10.79 9.81 5.69 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3.68 12/4/2007 11.76 11.72 9.30 9.44 4.99 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.29 1/30/2008 11.71 11.70 11.20 9.49 7.09 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6.47 5/13/2008 11.61 12.10 10.49 9.43 5.82 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 18.21 8/5/2008 11.56 11.82 9.45 9.57 5.17 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7.95 11/18/2008 11.70 11.70 9.20 9.56 4.86 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3/9/2009 11.62 11.77 9.80 9.15 6.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6/16/2009 11.92 11.92 9.36 9.17 4.46 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 16.22 7/21/2009 12.17 11.97 9.41 9.27 4.56 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5.09 10/12/2009 -- -- 11.29 9.92 6.62 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8.09 2/18/2010 12.97 12.92 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2/23/2010 -- -- 11.12 9.64 7.31 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17.31 4/19/2010 12.77 12.37 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5/11/2010 -- -- 9.51 9.24 5.06 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12.79 7/15/2010 13.02 12.87 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8/23/2010 -- -- 11.43 10.31 7.59 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6.54 8/24/2010 13.27 13.27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 11/16/2010 -- -- 10.30 10.02 5.98 9.57 13.08 12.16 11.36 -- -- -- 3.34 11/17/2010 12.27 12.27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3/28/2011 12.22 12.22 10.30 9.41 5.96 9.57 13.20 14.07 11.20 -- -- -- 17.00 6/21/2011 12.55 12.59 9.71 9.07 4.15 8.57 12.78 14.13 7.86 -- -- -- 17.14 9/13/2011 12.92 12.87 11.02 9.71 6.20 10.04 13.97 13.20 11.42 -- -- -- 4.30 12/13/2011 11.97 12.07 9.89 9.04 4.99 8.73 12.36 12.64 9.14 -- -- -- 14.74 3/20/2012 12.82 12.87 7.68 8.96 6.60 9.78 13.26 13.78 12.15 -- -- -- 14.11 6/18/2012 12.65 13.27 11.00 9.38 7.23 9.96 13.53 12.66 12.29 -- -- -- 3.76 9/18/2012 12.47 12.37 11.06 9.92 7.34 10.00 13.98 12.98 12.01 -- -- -- 2.89 11/2/2012 12.42 12.27 10.43 9.65 5.12 9.07 12.53 11.66 9.77 8.99 9.05 -- 2.66 2/26/2013 12.57 12.47 11.26 9.40 7.98 10.31 14.21 14.39 12.85 8.57 8.59 -- 11.73 6/3/2013 12.92 12.82 10.53 9.42 6.36 9.78 13.96 14.93 10.72 8.57 8.64 -- 17.00 9/10/2013 12.32 12.32 10.98 9.93 6.43 9.82 13.26 12.76 10.88 8.98 9.06 -- 3.94 12/17/2013 12.17 12.17 10.86 9.70 6.94 9.94 12.97 12.56 12.35 8.46 8.43 10.97 5.29 Notes: NGVD29: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Water level elevations for BW-01 and BW-02 are provided by site personnel. River stage elevations obtained from US Army Corps of Engineers ( River stage elevation at WF3 is interpolated from elevations at the Bonnet Carre and Reserve gauging stations.

Table 4. Field parameter data 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3. Specific Well Sample pH Conductance Temperature Turbidity ID Date (su) (µS/cm) (°C) (NTU) 7/24/2007 6.9 3689 25.4 13 12/4/2007 6.9 2436 19.2 0 1/30/2008 6.6 2541 19.3 3 5/13/2008 6.9 3043 22.9 2 8/5/2008 6.8 3778 25.9 0 11/18/2008 7.0 2725 19.2 9 3/10/2009 6.9 3546 21.2 1 6/16/2009 6.9 2510 24.6 2 7/21/2009 6.9 3618 25.3 3 10/12/2009 6.9 3273 24.4 1 2/23/2010 7.0 3110 18.7 7 5/11/2010 7.1 2675 25.6 9 8/23/2010 6.8 3163 27.5 1 MW-03 11/16/2010 6.8 3613 23.2 8 3/28/2011 6.8 3060 24.1 17 6/21/2011 6.9 3493 28.0 28 9/13/2011 6.9 2908 27.6 15 12/13/2011 6.9 2532 22.3 6 3/21/2012 6.8 2923 18.0 9 6/19/2012 6.6 2595 25.6 18 9/19/2012 6.5 3247 25.3 8 11/1/2012 7.0 3492 24.5 9 2/27/2013 6.7 2810 20.1 5 6/3/2013 6.8 3325 24.6 8 9/10/2013 6.8 3113 26.3 4 12/17/2013 NR 2782 21.2 12 7/25/2007 6.7 6490 26.3 2 12/4/2007 6.6 3625 18.3 0 1/30/2008 6.5 4663 18.1 1 5/13/2008 6.7 5200 24.5 1 8/5/2008 6.5 5217 25.4 0 11/18/2008 6.6 3658 19.4 10 3/10/2009 7.0 4800 21.8 12 MW-04 5/16/2009 6.6 5386 26.0 6 7/21/2009 6.5 4927 25.7 6 10/12/2009 6.7 5974 25.2 0 2/23/2010 7.3 4660 17.5 24 5/11/2010 6.6 4931 26.1 13 8/23/2010 6.6 5702 28.7 16 11/16/2010 6.7 6385 22.6 4 3/28/2011 6.5 4787 24.2 24 1 of 4

Table 4. Field parameter data 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3. Specific Well Sample pH Conductance Temperature Turbidity ID Date (su) (µS/cm) (°C) (NTU) 6/21/2011 6.7 5155 24.2 5 9/13/2011 6.7 5248 27.3 8 12/13/2011 6.6 4143 21.3 3 3/21/2012 6.5 5267 20.0 56 6/19/2012 6.6 5695 24.1 23 MW-04 9/19/2012 6.4 5985 24.7 6 10/31/2012 6.7 5443 24.0 9 2/27/2013 6.5 5041 21.5 11 6/3/2013 6.7 5817 24.0 16 9/10/2013 6.6 4864 26.1 12 12/17/2013 NR 5237 22.3 4 7/25/2007 7.0 1860 26.4 71 12/4/2007 7.1 2410 22.9 2 1/30/2008 6.8 1352 18.9 7 5/13/2008 7.1 3650 24.4 3 8/5/2008 7.0 2901 25.7 0 11/18/2008 7.2 4752 21.2 18 3/10/2009 7.9 1591 22.7 2 6/16/2009 7.2 1955 27.4 5 7/21/2009 7.1 4179 27.1 9 10/12/2009 7.1 1818 27.4 27 2/23/2010 8.0 1529 16.6 30 5/11/2010 7.0 4850 25.7 13 8/23/2010 7.0 1958 29.3 16 MW-05 11/16/2010 7.1 6593 22.9 8 3/29/2011 7.2 4825 22.5 14 6/21/2011 7.2 6037 25.8 3 9/13/2011 7.2 2662 27.8 10 12/13/2011 7.3 5252 22.3 3 3/21/2012 7.0 1918 20.6 3 6/18/2012 7.1 1922 25.2 11 9/19/2012 7.0 3234 25.1 3 10/31/2012 7.3 5643 23.9 9 2/27/2013 7.0 1616 19.6 15 6/4/2013 7.1 4093 23.5 7 9/10/2013 7.1 4228 27.6 36 12/18/2013 NR 2358 20.2 7 3/28/2011 7.0 2810 24.4 5 6/21/2011 7.1 3101 27.5 4 MW-06 9/13/2011 7.3 3092 29.3 12 12/13/2011 7.2 2719 22.4 0 2 of 4

Table 4. Field parameter data 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3. Specific Well Sample pH Conductance Temperature Turbidity ID Date (su) (µS/cm) (°C) (NTU) 3/21/2012 7.0 3219 23.4 12 6/18/2012 7.2 3159 26.8 11 9/18/2012 7.0 3373 26.2 6 11/2/2012 7.5 3264 23.1 17 MW-06 2/27/2013 7.0 2966 21.2 9 6/4/2013 7.1 2793 24.5 6 9/11/2013 7.2 3013 26.4 5 12/18/2013 NR 2900 20.4 5 3/28/2011 6.8 1249 25.7 37 6/21/2011 6.9 2300 26.1 4 9/14/2011 7.0 1562 25.6 12 12/13/2011 6.9 1405 22.9 1 3/20/2012 6.6 1411 25.6 21 6/18/2012 6.8 1340 27.4 8 MW-07 9/18/2012 6.5 1144 26.8 4 10/31/2012 7.0 1232 24.0 6 2/27/2013 6.6 1019 22.6 1 6/4/2013 6.7 958 24.0 4 9/10/2013 6.7 1002 25.8 5 12/18/2013 NR 961 22.2 4 3/28/2011 6.8 1065 26.7 15 6/21/2011 6.9 1532 26.0 5 9/14/2011 6.9 1114 26.5 9 12/13/2011 6.8 1037 22.7 4 3/20/2012 6.6 1559 24.0 18 6/18/2012 6.7 1308 25.5 8 MW-08 9/18/2012 6.4 1412 26.7 3 11/1/2012 6.9 1288 24.5 11 2/27/2013 6.6 1137 21.6 1 6/4/2013 6.8 1283 24.9 6 9/11/2013 6.6 1059 26.2 4 12/18/2013 NR 1052 22.6 6 3/29/2011 6.8 1899 20.2 6 6/21/2011 6.9 2765 23.1 3 9/14/2011 7.1 2113 27.3 14 12/13/2011 7.0 1984 21.3 3 MW-09 3/20/2012 6.6 2792 22.5 31 6/18/2012 6.7 2393 24.1 11 9/18/2012 6.5 2563 25.4 4 11/1/2012 7.2 2681 22.7 8 2/26/2013 7.0 2090 20.0 10 3 of 4

Table 4. Field parameter data 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3. Specific Well Sample pH Conductance Temperature Turbidity ID Date (su) (µS/cm) (°C) (NTU) 6/4/2013 6.7 2305 24.6 2 MW-09 9/11/2013 6.9 2526 25.7 5 12/18/2013 NR 2151 21.7 7 11/2/2012 7.0 7048 26.0 261 2/27/2013 6.9 5720 20.7 17 MW-10 6/3/2013 6.8 6491 24.8 3 9/11/2013 6.8 6471 25.4 2 12/18/2013 NR 6341 22.2 5 11/1/2012 6.9 5057 23.2 101 2/26/2013 6.9 5451 19.1 11 MW-11 6/3/2013 6.8 5714 26.1 8 9/11/2013 6.7 4979 26.1 4 12/18/2013 NR 5752 21.1 6 MW-12 12/12/2013 NR 2468 21.8 212 Notes: NR: Not recorded due to instrument malfunction. 4 of 4

Figures Figure 1 Entergy Waterford-3, Monitoring Well Network

Site Overview LA 31 628 LA 41 31 27 LA 42 LA 3 1 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, A IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community B-27 MW-08 A MW-09 A B-12 MW-07 A BW-01 A BW-02 A MW-06 A MW-12 A MW-03 A MW-05 A MW-04 A MW-10 A MW-11 A' A The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used for property boundary resolution. This does not represent Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, a boundary Aerogrid, survey IGN, IGP, and is shown for reference only. swisstopo, and the GIS User Community 0 200 400 Entergy Waterford-3 p Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area A Feet

   !     Boring                                       Approximate Property Boundary                Monitoring Well Network                          BASEMAP SOURCE Cross Section Line A-A'                                                                   Cross Section Line A-A'                               Esri Map Imagery By: DWP Date: April 3, 2014 (c) 2014 Esri Map Service Project No. 06045-0031-002 and its data suppliers S:\gis\06045-0031-004\mapdoc\Cross Section A-A'.mxd

Figure 2 Entergy Waterford-3, Cross Section A-A


WATERFORD-3 GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FIVE-YEAR REVIEW Prepared for Entergy Operations - Waterford-3 River Road 17265 Killona, LA 70057 Prepared by FTN Associates, Ltd. 124 West Sunbridge, Suite 3 Fayetteville, AR 72703 FTN Project No. R06045-0031-002 June 3, 2014



...............................................................................................................1 2.0 HYDROGEOLOGIC SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL .......................................................2 2.1  Shallow Groundwater Occurrence ...........................................................................3 2.1.1  Shallow Groundwater in Native Deposits....................................................3 2.1.2  Shallow Groundwater in Backfill Material ..................................................4 2.2  Shallow Groundwater Flow .....................................................................................4 3.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING NETWORK ..............................................................4 3.1  Monitoring Well Installations during Reporting Period ..........................................5 3.1.1  MW-06, MW-07, MW-08, and MW-09 ......................................................5 3.1.2  MW-10 and MW-11 ....................................................................................5 3.1.3  MW-12 .........................................................................................................5 3.2  Drainage Ditches and Groundwater Monitoring......................................................6 4.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM ACTIVITIES ........................................6 4.1  Monitoring Installation Inspection and Maintenance ..............................................7 4.2  Water Level Measurements .....................................................................................7 4.3  Potentiometric Surface Mapping .............................................................................8 4.4  Groundwater Sampling ............................................................................................8 5.0 DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................................8 5.1  Shallow Groundwater Flow .....................................................................................9 5.2  Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations..........................................................................9 5.3  Field Parameter Data..............................................................................................10 5.4  Laboratory Analysis Results ..................................................................................10 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................11 7.0 


AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................12


..................................................................................................................12 i

June 3, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Boring Logs and Well Construction Diagrams APPENDIX B: Well Registration Forms APPENDIX C: Groundwater Level Data Sheet APPENDIX D: Potentiometric Surface Maps APPENDIX E: Field Documentation ii

June 3, 2014 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Groundwater Monitoring Network Installation Details Table 2 Tasks over Time 2007-2013 Table 3 Water Level Elevations 2007-2013 Table 4 Field Parameter Data 2007-2013 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Entergy Waterford-3, Monitoring Well Network Figure 2 Entergy Waterford-3, Cross Section A-A Figure 3 Hydrographs: Monitoring Wells adjacent to Mississippi River Compared to Basemat Wells and Mississippi River Figure 4 Hydrographs: Perimeter Monitoring Wells Compared to Basemat Wells and Mississippi River Figure 5 Potentiometric Surface Map without Groundwater Divide Figure 6 Potentiometric Surface Map with Groundwater Divide iii

June 3, 2014


In 2007 the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) published its Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative (GPI) - Final Guidance Document (NEI 07-07), which describes actions to improve responses to and management of inadvertent radiological releases to groundwater and how best to communicate release information to stakeholders. Implementation of NEI 07-07 at all Entergy Nuclear, Inc. (Entergy) facilities is required by fleet procedure EN-CY-111-R5, Radiological Groundwater Monitoring Program. An initial hydrogeologic assessment of the Entergy Waterford-3 (WF3) plant in Killona, Louisiana, was conducted in support of the pending NEI GPI program in 2006 by GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA) and Enercon Services, Inc. (Enercon) on behalf of Entergy Operations, Inc. (GZA and Enercon 2007). WF3 began implementation of NEI 07-07 objectives in July 2007 by installing three groundwater monitoring wells (MW-03, MW-04, and MW-05), collecting quarterly groundwater samples from those wells, and recording water level elevations for potentiometric surface mapping from five monitoring installations (the previously mentioned monitoring wells plus pre-existing basemat wells BW-01 and BW-02). Monitoring well installation and data collection were performed by FTN Associates, Ltd. (FTN). Initial NEI GPI activities and data through 2008 are presented in the initial self-assessment report of the GPI program (NEI 07-07 Objective 3.1.a) completed by GZA (2009). Upon completion of the initial self-assessment, FTN began working with WF3 to develop and implement a site-specific Groundwater Monitoring Plan (GWMP) (FTN 2010) designed to satisfy objectives of NEI 07-07. WF3s GWMP is a dynamic document that describes the hydrogeologic site conceptual model (SCM), the groundwater monitoring network, and groundwater monitoring and investigation activities. This document is a 5-year hydrogeologic review of the site for 2009-2013, as required by NEI 07-07 (Objective 3.1.b). Additionally, this document is intended to satisfy EN-CY-111-R5 5.15[6], which is a periodic review of site hydrogeologic studies, also required every 5 years, or more frequently under certain circumstances. The purpose of this review is to summarize activities conducted at WF3 by FTN in support of NEI 07-07 and EN-CY-111-R5 1

June 3, 2014 during the reporting period, describe the current understanding of the groundwater system at the site, and make recommendations for continued improvement of the GWMP. Section 2.0 of this report is review of the site conceptual model. Section 3.0 is an overview of the plants current groundwater monitoring network. Section 4.0 is an overview of groundwater monitoring program activities. Section 5.0 is a discussion of noted findings during the reporting period. Section 6.0 provides recommendations for program improvements. Section 7.0 summarizes the report and presents concluding remarks. Section 8.0 is a list of selected references. When appropriate, applicable EN-CY-111-R5 or NEI 07-07 objectives are included in the text for reference. Tables, figures, and appendices are included after Section 8.0. 2.0 HYDROGEOLOGIC SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL The SCM is a qualitative interpretation of the groundwater system at the site that incorporates information about the sites geology, groundwater, infrastructure, and operations that influence the groundwater system. The SCM is based upon information presented in Sec. 2.4.13 of the WF3 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), the initial self-assessment of the WF3 NEI GPI program (GZA 2009), the GWMP (FTN 2010), and all information included in subsequent sections of this report. This section documents the current understanding of the hydrogeologic SCM for the shallow groundwater system beneath WF3. Shallow groundwater system is the primary focus with respect to the SCM because shallow groundwater is the most susceptible to contamination from structures, systems, and components (SSC). Although deeper aquifers of local and regional extent exist beneath the site, these units are separated from shallow groundwater by thick sequences of relatively impermeable silts and clays which make impacts to deeper aquifers from inadvertent radiological releases unlikely. Therefore, these deeper water bearing units are not described in further detail in this report. For a detailed review of the geology and groundwater at the site, refer to WF3 FSAR Sec. 2.4.13. 2

June 3, 2014 2.1 Shallow Groundwater Occurrence Shallow groundwater is present across the Mississippi River deltaic plain in isolated coarse-grained Holocene point-bar deposits, distributary-channel deposits, and near-surface sands (WF3 FSAR Sec. Subsurface investigations at WF3 prior to site construction concluded that shallow groundwater on site is discontinuous and not hydraulically connected to the Mississippi River (WF3 FSAR Sec. and; however, data from groundwater monitoring wells installed as part of the NEI GPI indicate that a continuous shallow groundwater unit is present beneath the site and that it is hydraulically connected to the Mississippi River. Shallow groundwater occurs at the site within two types of materials with different confining conditions: plant backfill sands where shallow groundwater occurs under unconfined conditions and surrounding native deposits where shallow groundwater occurs under confined conditions. The two types of materials are hydraulically connected, and together they are considered a single hydrogeologic unit. Further discussion supporting the hydraulic connection between these three water bodies is included in Section 5.2 of this report. 2.1.1 Shallow Groundwater in Native Deposits Outside the area of the power block excavation, shallow groundwater occurs in native sand and gravel deposits that contain some organic debris (shells or wood fragments and peat). This unit is present at elevations between -10.35 ft and -24.78 ft (NGVD29) and ranges in thickness from 1.25 ft to at least 10 ft. This shallow groundwater unit is overlain by a sequence of low permeability silts and clays creating a confined condition. The sand and gravel deposits are continuous across the site and were observed in all logs for NEI GPI monitoring well installations, except for MW-03 where no sample was recovered from the corresponding interval, and reviewed logs for borings advanced during pre-construction investigations. At MW-12, drilling was terminated at 40 ft below ground surface (bgs), and the bottom of the sand and gravel unit was not encountered, suggesting this unit probably exceeds 10 ft in thickness. 3

June 3, 2014 2.1.2 Shallow Groundwater in Backfill Material In the area excavated for construction of the power block, native deposits (including the saturated sand and gravels previously described) were removed to an elevation of -40 ft (NGVD29). Engineered sand was then used to backfill the excavation to a site grade elevation of approximately 17 ft (NGVD29) during plant construction. Shallow groundwater in plant backfill occurs under unconfined conditions and is characterized by relatively high water level elevations that are generally stable over time, which are likely due to direct recharge from the ground surface by precipitation. 2.2 Shallow Groundwater Flow Historically, shallow groundwater flow at WF3 has been described as flowing generally south-southwest away from the Mississippi River, except during low river stages when a transient groundwater divide is created (WF3 FSAR Sec. Water level data collected as part of NEI GPI groundwater monitoring activities indicate two general groundwater flow scenarios. In the first scenario, the elevation of the Mississippi River is higher than on-site groundwater potentiometric elevations, and hydraulic gradients direct flow across the site away from the river. In the second scenario, the highest water level elevations form a groundwater mound typically coincident with northern portions of the plant foundation excavation. This groundwater mound creates a divide where hydraulic gradients direct a portion of groundwater flow away from the mound toward the Mississippi River. 3.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING NETWORK The WF3 groundwater monitoring installation network is designed to provide timely detection of radiological contamination of groundwater and map groundwater flow beneath the site. The WF3 network currently consists of ten monitoring wells and two basemat wells (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[2](f)). Three monitoring wells (MW-03, MW-04, and MW-05) and basemat wells (BW-01 and BW-02) were installed prior to the reporting period. Monitoring wells are used to collect water levels and groundwater samples while basemat wells are only used for 4

June 3, 2014 water level data. Figure 1 shows locations of the monitoring installations, and Table 1 contains construction details for the monitoring well network. 3.1 Monitoring Well Installations during Reporting Period During the reporting period, FTN installed seven monitoring wells in support of the GWMP. Boring logs and well construction diagrams for these wells are included in Appendix A, and well registration forms are included in Appendix B. 3.1.1 MW-06, MW-07, MW-08, and MW-09 In October 2010, four monitoring wells (MW-06, MW-07, MW-08, and MW-09) were installed north, east, and northwest of the plant to expand groundwater flow direction mapping data points, provide water quality data, and provide perimeter detection monitoring locations for shallow groundwater (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](a, c), NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.a). No separate monitoring well installation report for this group of wells was drafted. 3.1.2 MW-10 and MW-11 In November 2012, two monitoring wells (MW-10 and MW-11) were installed in the native shallow groundwater system hydraulically downgradient from the Original Steam Generator Storage Facility (FTN 2013). These wells were installed in order to detect any inadvertent release of radiological material to groundwater from this SSC (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](a, b, c), NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b). 3.1.3 MW-12 In December 2013, one monitoring well (MW-12) was installed in the native shallow groundwater system hydraulically downgradient from the Condensate Storage Tank (FTN 2014). This well was installed in order to detect any inadvertent release of radiological material to groundwater from this SSC (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](a, b, c), NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b). 5

June 3, 2014 3.2 Drainage Ditches and Groundwater Monitoring Drainage ditches at the site that satisfy the following conditions could be used for groundwater detection monitoring of radiological contamination: The drainage ditch must be hydraulically connected to shallow groundwater. The ditch must be located within excavation backfill sand where shallow groundwater occurs under unconfined conditions that create a relatively elevated water table surface that may be intercepted by ditches. As shown in Figure 2, shallow groundwater in native deposits occurs under confined conditions that restrict groundwater to deeper intervals below drainage ditches. The water level elevation in the ditch must be lower than the surrounding groundwater elevation. In order for the groundwater to enter the ditch, a hydraulic gradient from groundwater to the ditch must be present. If the water level in the ditch is higher than the surrounding groundwater, the ditch will function as a recharge source, and water from the ditch will discharge into the groundwater system. The ditch must be hydraulically downgradient from the contamination. In order to detect groundwater contamination, the ditch must be located along the groundwater flow path away from the source of contamination. Groundwater contamination must be very shallow. Water table elevations are typically slightly higher than ditch invert elevations. In order for a ditch to intercept groundwater contamination, the contamination must be near the water table surface. If the contamination occurs at depth, it may flow beneath the ditch without being detected. 4.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Groundwater monitoring activities at WF3 typically include recording water level measurements to map groundwater flow direction and collecting groundwater samples for laboratory analysis. Groundwater sampling events are conducted on a quarterly basis in order to document seasonal variations. Table 2 summarizes groundwater monitoring activities for the NEI 07-07 program. 6

June 3, 2014 4.1 Monitoring Installation Inspection and Maintenance A visual inspection of each monitoring installation is performed prior to recording water levels or collecting groundwater samples in order to ensure the installation will yield accurate information (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[2]). In order to document inspections and deficiencies, FTN created the Groundwater Level Data Sheet for use during sampling events (Appendix C). This sheet is included in the quarterly groundwater sampling field documentation that is submitted to the site and periodically updated in the GWMP (FTN 2010). For the period of record, the following deficiencies were documented and should be addressed: Inadequate painting of above-grade installations. Bollards or well protective covers that require safety yellow paint are located at MW-03, MW-04, MW-05, and MW-06. The safety yellow is meant to make the wells more visible to operators of vehicles and machinery which helps prevent damage resulting from accidental collision. Erosion around well installations. Soil erosion has caused washout around bollards or under well pads at wells MW-04, MW-05, and MW-08. The washout makes the well pads susceptible to cracking, heaving, and separation from well (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[2](a)(1)). Washout around the bollards could potentially render the bollards ineffective as protective barriers. 4.2 Water Level Measurements Static water level measurements are recorded from monitoring and basemat wells in order to determine hydraulic gradients that control groundwater flow directions (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](c)). For monitoring wells, water levels are collected prior to beginning groundwater sampling activities in the shortest time frame possible to avoid potential effects on hydraulic gradients caused by sampling and temporal variations in groundwater flow. For basemat wells, water level elevations are measured and reported by site personnel and do not always coincide precisely with quarterly groundwater monitoring events. Since 2007, groundwater elevations ranged from 4.15 ft (NGVD29) in MW-05 on June 21, 2011, to 14.93 ft (NGVD29) in MW-08 on June 3, 2013. Table 3 summarizes water level data, and Figure 3 and Figure 4 contain hydrographs for the 2007-2013 period. Due to a limited data set (one observation for the period of record) a hydrograph for MW-12 is not provided. 7

June 3, 2014 4.3 Potentiometric Surface Mapping Potentiometric surface maps showing groundwater elevations and groundwater flow directions were constructed using water level elevation measurements collected during each quarterly groundwater sampling event during the reporting period. Potentiometric surface maps for the reporting period are presented in Appendix D. Potentiometric surface maps compiled prior to this reporting period are included in the GWMP (FTN 2010). 4.4 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples are collected from monitoring wells and analyzed for selected radionuclides in order to detect potential impacts to groundwater from inadvertent leaks or spills. Samples are collected on at least a quarterly basis or more frequently if requested by site personnel (Table 2). Groundwater sampling activities conform to specifications in EN-CY-109-R4, Sampling and Analysis of Ground Water Monitoring Wells, (EN-CY-111-R5 5.8[1]) and are subject to quality assurance/quality control program discussed in the GWMP (FTN 2010). Groundwater samples are collected using low-flow purging and sampling techniques conducted in accordance with EPA guidelines as described in FTN SOPs included in the WF3 GWMP (FTN 2010). Wells are purged prior to sampling, and field stabilization parameters are recorded at selected time intervals for each well to determine when groundwater representative of the formation is being withdrawn. Once field parameters have met stabilization criteria, samples are collected for tritium and gamma emitting isotopes listed in EN-CY-111-R5 .4. A summary of field parameter data since 2007 is included in Table 4, and field documentation of groundwater monitoring activities for the reporting period is included in Appendix E. 5.0 DISCUSSION The following discussions are based on data collected during quarterly groundwater sampling events through the end of the reporting period. 8

June 3, 2014 5.1 Shallow Groundwater Flow Of the 20 sets of water level measurements used to construct potentiometric surface maps for the site during the reporting period, the water level elevation of the river was higher than groundwater elevations in monitoring wells and flow was away from the river for eight sets of measurements (e.g., Figure 5). For the remaining 12 sets of measurements, a groundwater mound was present, and for a portion of the site, groundwater flow was toward the river (e.g., Figure 6). The concept of two general groundwater flow scenarios is consistent with observations of potentiometric surfaces under the NEI GPI program since the initial self assessment (GZA 2009). 5.2 Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations Shallow groundwater at WF3 has been described as unresponsive to Mississippi River fluctuations (WF3 FSAR Sec. This appears to be the case for relatively high water level elevations in plant backfill as seen in basemat wells BW-01 and BW-02, which are generally stable over time (Figures 3 and 4). Generally elevated and stable water levels in these wells are likely due to unconfined groundwater conditions in backfill material and direct recharge from the ground surface by precipitation. MW-07 and MW-08 (Figure 1) are located in native deposits between the Mississippi River and the excavation backfill. Because water in the Mississippi River and excavation backfill is hydraulically connected to the portion of the confined sand and gravel layer between them, there appears to be some effect on water levels in these two wells from recharge by each source. MW-08 appears to be responsive to both changes of water levels in the plant backfill and to changes of stage in the Mississippi River, whereas MW-07 appears to be more strongly responsive to changes of water levels in the plant backfill (Figure 3). The degree to which recharge from each source affects water levels in these two wells is not clear. Water levels in perimeter monitoring wells (MW-03 through MW-06 and MW-09 through MW-11) generally rise and fall in unison, providing further supporting evidence of the continuity of the sand and gravel unit across the site (Figure 4). Water level fluctuations also appear to be more closely correlated to relatively small water level changes in the saturated plant backfill than to fluctuations in the river. As shown in Figure 2, saturated backfill serves as a 9

June 3, 2014 source of recharge to the confined sand and gravel unit, which forms a hydraulic connection between the Mississippi River and groundwater in the excavation backfill. Because the sides of the excavation are sloped, the excavation area decreases with lower elevations, and recharge events only slightly increase water elevations in the backfill while monitoring wells in the sand and gravel unit show a higher amplitude response. 5.3 Field Parameter Data Groundwater sampling using low-flow purging techniques relies on stabilization of water levels and water quality parameters to determine when a well has been sufficiently purged to yield a representative groundwater sample. Field parameters are also useful for establishing site-wide groundwater quality. Water quality indicators measured at WF3 include pH, specific conductance, and temperature. Although not considered a stabilization parameter, turbidity is also measured as an indicator of well development and entrainment of solids caused by pump operation. Field parameter water quality data values for the reporting period are relatively consistent for each well. 5.4 Laboratory Analysis Results Groundwater samples are analyzed for tritium and gamma emitters. If radiological activity is positively detected, then the sample is also analyzed for the presence of hard-to-detect radionuclides listed in EN-CY-111-R5 Attachment 9.4 (EN-CY-111-R5 5.8[2]). If activities of sample results are verified to meet or exceed associated action levels contained in EN-CY-111-R5 Attachment 9.6, then a Condition Report is generated and evaluation of investigatory and corrective actions are considered (EN-CY-111-R5 5.10[3]). Samples collected through the fourth quarter of 2011 were analyzed by the Entergy River Bend Station laboratory in St. Francisville, Louisiana. Subsequent samples have been analyzed by Pace Analytical Services, Inc., of St. Rose, Louisiana, during 2012 and the first quarter of 2013, and Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc., of Huntsville, Alabama, beginning with the Second Quarter 2013 groundwater sampling event. 10

June 3, 2014 During the reporting period, WF3 requested resampling of MW-04 and MW-11 to verify detectable radiological activity in groundwater samples collected during the second quarter of 2012 and the fourth quarter of 2012, respectively. According to site personnel, there were no confirmed positive detections for radiological activity in groundwater collected from monitoring wells during the reporting period, including resampled wells. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the current status of the WF3 GWMP, FTN recommends the following specific improvements:

1. Continue to incorporate new geologic and groundwater data into the hydrogeologic SCM.
2. Update the SCM in the GWMP and WF3 FSAR to incorporate the current understanding that a shallow, continuous aquifer exists at the site and appears to be hydraulically connected to saturated plant backfill and the Mississippi River (NEI 07-07 Objective 1.1.e).
3. Evaluate installation of water level dataloggers in monitoring wells and basemat wells in order to better elucidate the hydraulic connection between the Mississippi River, saturated backfill, and surrounding saturated native sand and gravel deposits (EN-CY-111-R5 5.6[1](c)).
4. Evaluate manholes, vaults, ditches, and other subsurface structures in plant backfill for use as potential groundwater sampling locations.
5. Evaluate the need for sentinel wells along pipelines that contain licensed material (NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b).
6. Install monitoring wells immediately hydraulically downgradient from additional SSCs inside the Secured Owner Controlled Area (SOCA) and Protected Area (PA) as needed to enhance timely detection of releases, spills, and leaks (NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b).
7. Evaluate quarterly sampling of basemat wells BW-01 and BW-02 for tritium, gamma emitters, and low-flow groundwater sampling stabilization parameters (NEI 07-07 Objective 1.3.b).


June 3, 2014 7.0


AND CONCLUSIONS The following summary and conclusions are based on the 5-year hydrogeologic review of the WF3 GWMP from 2009-2013:

1. A shallow groundwater aquifer is continuous across the site and appears to be hydraulically connected to saturated plant backfill and the Mississippi River.
2. Water level changes in the Mississippi River likely affect groundwater elevations in wells between the power block and river, while water level fluctuations in perimeter wells are more correlated to minor changes in water level elevations in saturated plant backfill.
3. Depending on the water level elevation of the Mississippi River, groundwater flow across the site is either unidirectional away from the river or groundwater flows away from a groundwater mound generally coincident with portions of the plant excavation.
4. Sentinel groundwater monitoring wells are well-positioned for timely detection of inadvertent releases to groundwater from the Original Steam Generator Storage Facility (MW-10 and MW-11) and the Condensate Storage Tank (MW-12).
5. Groundwater monitoring wells MW-03 through MW-09 are positioned to detect inadvertent releases to groundwater before activity leaves the site.
6. The WF3 monitoring well network and sampling frequency should be sufficient for detection of inadvertent releases to groundwater.
7. Field data and water level data for the reporting period were found to be reasonable and consistent with the hydrogeologic setting.
8. The WF3 Groundwater Monitoring Program meets overall objectives of the NEI GPI program.


Entergy. 2013. Nuclear management manual EN-CY-111-R5: Radiological groundwater monitoring program, December 5, 2013. Entergy. 2013. Nuclear management manual EN-CY-109-R4: Sampling and analysis of groundwater monitoring wells, December 5, 2013. Entergy Nuclear, Inc. Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Waterford-3 Station. FTN. 2010. Groundwater Monitoring Plan, Entergy Nuclear, Waterford-3 Station, Revision 1. FTN Associates, Ltd., January 21, 2010. 12

June 3, 2014 FTN. 2013. Entergy Nuclear Waterford-3, Original Steam Generator Storage Facility groundwater monitoring well installation report. FTN Associates, Ltd., April 23, 2013. FTN. 2014. Entergy Nuclear Waterford-3, Condensate Storage Tank groundwater monitoring sentinel well installation report. FTN Associates, Ltd., March 5, 2014. GZA. 2009. GPI data review Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit No. 3 Killona, Louisiana. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., April, 2009. GZA and Enercon. 2007. Site hydrogeologic assessment in support of Entergy GPI, Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, Killona, Louisiana. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. and Enercon Services, Inc., January 30, 2007. Nuclear Energy Institute, Ltd. 2007. Industry ground water protection initiative - final guidance document, August 2007. 13

Tables Table 1. Groundwater monitoring network installation details, Entergy Waterford-3. Approx. Approx. Northing Easting Ground Approx. Approx. Top of Base of Approx. Approx. Approx. (ft LA State (ft LA State Surface Borehole Casing WL Reference Top of Casing Stick-up Screened Screened Screened Filter Pack Bentonite Grout Seal Well Installation Date Formation Plane South Plane South North West Elevation Depth Diameter Casing Elevation Elevation Height Interval Interval Interval Interval Seal Interval Interval ID Type Installed Monitored Zone NAD83) Zone NAD83) (ft PGS) (ft PGS) (ft NGVD29) (ft bgs) (inches) Material (ft NGVD29) (ft NGVD29) (ft ags) (ft bgs) (ft NGVD29) (ft NGVD29) (ft bgs) (ft bgs) (ft bgs) Basemat BW-01 ~1984 Backfill sand 544955.99 3553653.33 n/a n/a 17.50 57.5 4 PVC 20.66 20.66 3.2 53.5-57.5 -36.0 -40.0 52.5-57.5 51.5-52.5 0.0-51.5 Well Basemat BW-02 ~1984 Backfill sand 544872.80 3553956.07 n/a n/a 17.50 57.5 4 PVC 20.27 20.27 2.8 53.5-57.5 -36.0 -40.0 52.5-57.5 51.5-52.5 0.0-51.5 Well Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-03 7/24/2007 543952.20 3552810.27 1851.4 5816.8 14.01 35.0 2 16.61 16.59 2.6 24.8-34.8 -10.7 -20.7 22.8-35.0 19.0-22.8 0.0-19.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-04 7/24/2007 543447.98 3553051.68 1347.2 5575.4 15.58 35.0 2 18.34 18.31 2.7 24.8-34.8 -9.2 -19.2 22.8-35.0 19.8-22.8 0.0-19.8 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-05 7/25/2007 543586.91 3554294.07 1486.1 4333.0 9.65 35.0 2 12.26 12.24 2.6 24.8-34.8 -15.1 -25.1 22.8-35.0 19.0-22.8 0.0-19.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-06 10/5/2010 544399.37 3554431.09 4132.9 3056.1 11.61 33.0 2 14.02 14.01 2.4 22.7-32.7 -11.1 -21.1 21.0-33.0 18.0-21.0 0.0-18.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-07 10/25/2010 545122.87 3554397.70 4783.6 3374.2 16.31 38.0 2 19.51 19.46 3.2 27.7-37.7 -11.4 -21.4 25.5-38.0 22.4-25.5 0.0-22.4 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-08 10/6/2010 545449.67 3553674.67 4796.1 4167.6 16.37 38.0 2 19.88 19.84 3.5 27.7-37.7 -11.3 -21.3 25.0-38.0 22.3-25.0 0.0-22.3 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 40 MW-09 10/6/2010 545202.96 352738.14 4197.5 4929.0 13.65 38.0 2 15.88 15.87 2.2 27.7-37.7 -14.1 -24.1 21.0-38.0 18.0-21.0 0.0-18.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 80 MW-10 11/1/2012 543116.44 3553144.73 2443.6 3726.3 15.96 36.0 2 18.47 18.47 2.5 25.8-35.8 -9.8 -19.8 23.0-36.0 20.0-23.0 0.0-20.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 80 MW-11 11/1/2012 543074.20 3553225.08 2437.6 3636.1 15.93 40.0 2 18.77 18.77 2.8 25.8-35.8 -9.9 -19.9 23.0-36.0 20.0-23.0 0.0-20.0 Well alluvium PVC Monitoring Holocene Schedule 80 MW-12 12/13/2013 544174.58 3553334.61 3491.0 3972.6 15.22 40.0 2 18.13 18.13 2.9 29.7-39.7 -14.5 -24.5 27.0-40.0 24.0-27.0 0.0-24.0 Well alluvium PVC Notes: NAD83: North American Datum of 1983. NGVD29: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. PGS: Plant Grid System. ft bgs: Feet below ground surface. ft ags: Feet above ground surface. n/a: Information not available.

Table 2. Tasks over time 2007-2013, Entergy Waterford-3. Week 7/24/2007 12/4/2007 1/30/2008 5/13/2008 8/5/2008 11/18/2008 3/9/2009 6/16/2009 7/21/2009 10/12/2009 2/23/2010 5/11/2010 8/23/2010 11/16/2010 Event 3Q07 4Q07 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Well ID MW-01 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- MW-02 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- MW-03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-06 1 1 MW-07 1 1 MW-08 1 1 MW-09 1 1 MW-10 MW-11 MW-12 Subtotal 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 9 7 Equipment Blanks n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 Duplicates n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 Grand Total 5 3 5 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 9 Week 3/28/2011 6/21/2011 9/13/2011 12/13/2011 3/20/2012 6/18/2012 9/6/2012 9/18/2012 10/31/2012 12/10/2013 2/26/2013 6/3/2013 9/9/2013 12/17/2013 Event 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 Resample 3Q12 4Q12 Resample 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Water Level Sample Well ID MW-01 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- MW-02 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- MW-03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-10 1 1 -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-11 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW-12 1 1 Subtotal 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 0 1 9 7 11 9 0 1 11 9 11 9 11 9 12 10 Equipment Blanks n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 Duplicates n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 n/a 1 Grand Total 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 3 9 9 11 11 0 3 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 Notes: Monitoring well had not been installed.

Table 3. Water level elevations 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3 Mississippi Site ID BW-01 BW-02 MW-03 MW-04 MW-05 MW-06 MW-07 MW-08 MW-09 MW-10 MW-11 MW-12 River Date Water Level Elevation (ft NGVD29) 7/24/2007 -- -- 10.39 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7/25/2007 12.81 12.60 -- 9.06 5.86 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7/26/2007 -- -- 10.88 9.40 5.90 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7.92 9/5/2007 12.26 12.17 10.54 9.76 5.44 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4.43 9/25/2007 12.26 12.12 10.79 9.81 5.69 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3.68 12/4/2007 11.76 11.72 9.30 9.44 4.99 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.29 1/30/2008 11.71 11.70 11.20 9.49 7.09 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6.47 5/13/2008 11.61 12.10 10.49 9.43 5.82 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 18.21 8/5/2008 11.56 11.82 9.45 9.57 5.17 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7.95 11/18/2008 11.70 11.70 9.20 9.56 4.86 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3/9/2009 11.62 11.77 9.80 9.15 6.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6/16/2009 11.92 11.92 9.36 9.17 4.46 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 16.22 7/21/2009 12.17 11.97 9.41 9.27 4.56 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5.09 10/12/2009 -- -- 11.29 9.92 6.62 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8.09 2/18/2010 12.97 12.92 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2/23/2010 -- -- 11.12 9.64 7.31 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17.31 4/19/2010 12.77 12.37 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5/11/2010 -- -- 9.51 9.24 5.06 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12.79 7/15/2010 13.02 12.87 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8/23/2010 -- -- 11.43 10.31 7.59 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6.54 8/24/2010 13.27 13.27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 11/16/2010 -- -- 10.30 10.02 5.98 9.57 13.08 12.16 11.36 -- -- -- 3.34 11/17/2010 12.27 12.27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3/28/2011 12.22 12.22 10.30 9.41 5.96 9.57 13.20 14.07 11.20 -- -- -- 17.00 6/21/2011 12.55 12.59 9.71 9.07 4.15 8.57 12.78 14.13 7.86 -- -- -- 17.14 9/13/2011 12.92 12.87 11.02 9.71 6.20 10.04 13.97 13.20 11.42 -- -- -- 4.30 12/13/2011 11.97 12.07 9.89 9.04 4.99 8.73 12.36 12.64 9.14 -- -- -- 14.74 3/20/2012 12.82 12.87 7.68 8.96 6.60 9.78 13.26 13.78 12.15 -- -- -- 14.11 6/18/2012 12.65 13.27 11.00 9.38 7.23 9.96 13.53 12.66 12.29 -- -- -- 3.76 9/18/2012 12.47 12.37 11.06 9.92 7.34 10.00 13.98 12.98 12.01 -- -- -- 2.89 11/2/2012 12.42 12.27 10.43 9.65 5.12 9.07 12.53 11.66 9.77 8.99 9.05 -- 2.66 2/26/2013 12.57 12.47 11.26 9.40 7.98 10.31 14.21 14.39 12.85 8.57 8.59 -- 11.73 6/3/2013 12.92 12.82 10.53 9.42 6.36 9.78 13.96 14.93 10.72 8.57 8.64 -- 17.00 9/10/2013 12.32 12.32 10.98 9.93 6.43 9.82 13.26 12.76 10.88 8.98 9.06 -- 3.94 12/17/2013 12.17 12.17 10.86 9.70 6.94 9.94 12.97 12.56 12.35 8.46 8.43 10.97 5.29 Notes: NGVD29: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Water level elevations for BW-01 and BW-02 are provided by site personnel. River stage elevations obtained from US Army Corps of Engineers ( River stage elevation at WF3 is interpolated from elevations at the Bonnet Carre and Reserve gauging stations.

Table 4. Field parameter data 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3. Specific Well Sample pH Conductance Temperature Turbidity ID Date (su) (µS/cm) (°C) (NTU) 7/24/2007 6.9 3689 25.4 13 12/4/2007 6.9 2436 19.2 0 1/30/2008 6.6 2541 19.3 3 5/13/2008 6.9 3043 22.9 2 8/5/2008 6.8 3778 25.9 0 11/18/2008 7.0 2725 19.2 9 3/10/2009 6.9 3546 21.2 1 6/16/2009 6.9 2510 24.6 2 7/21/2009 6.9 3618 25.3 3 10/12/2009 6.9 3273 24.4 1 2/23/2010 7.0 3110 18.7 7 5/11/2010 7.1 2675 25.6 9 8/23/2010 6.8 3163 27.5 1 MW-03 11/16/2010 6.8 3613 23.2 8 3/28/2011 6.8 3060 24.1 17 6/21/2011 6.9 3493 28.0 28 9/13/2011 6.9 2908 27.6 15 12/13/2011 6.9 2532 22.3 6 3/21/2012 6.8 2923 18.0 9 6/19/2012 6.6 2595 25.6 18 9/19/2012 6.5 3247 25.3 8 11/1/2012 7.0 3492 24.5 9 2/27/2013 6.7 2810 20.1 5 6/3/2013 6.8 3325 24.6 8 9/10/2013 6.8 3113 26.3 4 12/17/2013 NR 2782 21.2 12 7/25/2007 6.7 6490 26.3 2 12/4/2007 6.6 3625 18.3 0 1/30/2008 6.5 4663 18.1 1 5/13/2008 6.7 5200 24.5 1 8/5/2008 6.5 5217 25.4 0 11/18/2008 6.6 3658 19.4 10 3/10/2009 7.0 4800 21.8 12 MW-04 5/16/2009 6.6 5386 26.0 6 7/21/2009 6.5 4927 25.7 6 10/12/2009 6.7 5974 25.2 0 2/23/2010 7.3 4660 17.5 24 5/11/2010 6.6 4931 26.1 13 8/23/2010 6.6 5702 28.7 16 11/16/2010 6.7 6385 22.6 4 3/28/2011 6.5 4787 24.2 24 1 of 4

Table 4. Field parameter data 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3. Specific Well Sample pH Conductance Temperature Turbidity ID Date (su) (µS/cm) (°C) (NTU) 6/21/2011 6.7 5155 24.2 5 9/13/2011 6.7 5248 27.3 8 12/13/2011 6.6 4143 21.3 3 3/21/2012 6.5 5267 20.0 56 6/19/2012 6.6 5695 24.1 23 MW-04 9/19/2012 6.4 5985 24.7 6 10/31/2012 6.7 5443 24.0 9 2/27/2013 6.5 5041 21.5 11 6/3/2013 6.7 5817 24.0 16 9/10/2013 6.6 4864 26.1 12 12/17/2013 NR 5237 22.3 4 7/25/2007 7.0 1860 26.4 71 12/4/2007 7.1 2410 22.9 2 1/30/2008 6.8 1352 18.9 7 5/13/2008 7.1 3650 24.4 3 8/5/2008 7.0 2901 25.7 0 11/18/2008 7.2 4752 21.2 18 3/10/2009 7.9 1591 22.7 2 6/16/2009 7.2 1955 27.4 5 7/21/2009 7.1 4179 27.1 9 10/12/2009 7.1 1818 27.4 27 2/23/2010 8.0 1529 16.6 30 5/11/2010 7.0 4850 25.7 13 8/23/2010 7.0 1958 29.3 16 MW-05 11/16/2010 7.1 6593 22.9 8 3/29/2011 7.2 4825 22.5 14 6/21/2011 7.2 6037 25.8 3 9/13/2011 7.2 2662 27.8 10 12/13/2011 7.3 5252 22.3 3 3/21/2012 7.0 1918 20.6 3 6/18/2012 7.1 1922 25.2 11 9/19/2012 7.0 3234 25.1 3 10/31/2012 7.3 5643 23.9 9 2/27/2013 7.0 1616 19.6 15 6/4/2013 7.1 4093 23.5 7 9/10/2013 7.1 4228 27.6 36 12/18/2013 NR 2358 20.2 7 3/28/2011 7.0 2810 24.4 5 6/21/2011 7.1 3101 27.5 4 MW-06 9/13/2011 7.3 3092 29.3 12 12/13/2011 7.2 2719 22.4 0 2 of 4

Table 4. Field parameter data 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3. Specific Well Sample pH Conductance Temperature Turbidity ID Date (su) (µS/cm) (°C) (NTU) 3/21/2012 7.0 3219 23.4 12 6/18/2012 7.2 3159 26.8 11 9/18/2012 7.0 3373 26.2 6 11/2/2012 7.5 3264 23.1 17 MW-06 2/27/2013 7.0 2966 21.2 9 6/4/2013 7.1 2793 24.5 6 9/11/2013 7.2 3013 26.4 5 12/18/2013 NR 2900 20.4 5 3/28/2011 6.8 1249 25.7 37 6/21/2011 6.9 2300 26.1 4 9/14/2011 7.0 1562 25.6 12 12/13/2011 6.9 1405 22.9 1 3/20/2012 6.6 1411 25.6 21 6/18/2012 6.8 1340 27.4 8 MW-07 9/18/2012 6.5 1144 26.8 4 10/31/2012 7.0 1232 24.0 6 2/27/2013 6.6 1019 22.6 1 6/4/2013 6.7 958 24.0 4 9/10/2013 6.7 1002 25.8 5 12/18/2013 NR 961 22.2 4 3/28/2011 6.8 1065 26.7 15 6/21/2011 6.9 1532 26.0 5 9/14/2011 6.9 1114 26.5 9 12/13/2011 6.8 1037 22.7 4 3/20/2012 6.6 1559 24.0 18 6/18/2012 6.7 1308 25.5 8 MW-08 9/18/2012 6.4 1412 26.7 3 11/1/2012 6.9 1288 24.5 11 2/27/2013 6.6 1137 21.6 1 6/4/2013 6.8 1283 24.9 6 9/11/2013 6.6 1059 26.2 4 12/18/2013 NR 1052 22.6 6 3/29/2011 6.8 1899 20.2 6 6/21/2011 6.9 2765 23.1 3 9/14/2011 7.1 2113 27.3 14 12/13/2011 7.0 1984 21.3 3 MW-09 3/20/2012 6.6 2792 22.5 31 6/18/2012 6.7 2393 24.1 11 9/18/2012 6.5 2563 25.4 4 11/1/2012 7.2 2681 22.7 8 2/26/2013 7.0 2090 20.0 10 3 of 4

Table 4. Field parameter data 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3. Specific Well Sample pH Conductance Temperature Turbidity ID Date (su) (µS/cm) (°C) (NTU) 6/4/2013 6.7 2305 24.6 2 MW-09 9/11/2013 6.9 2526 25.7 5 12/18/2013 NR 2151 21.7 7 11/2/2012 7.0 7048 26.0 261 2/27/2013 6.9 5720 20.7 17 MW-10 6/3/2013 6.8 6491 24.8 3 9/11/2013 6.8 6471 25.4 2 12/18/2013 NR 6341 22.2 5 11/1/2012 6.9 5057 23.2 101 2/26/2013 6.9 5451 19.1 11 MW-11 6/3/2013 6.8 5714 26.1 8 9/11/2013 6.7 4979 26.1 4 12/18/2013 NR 5752 21.1 6 MW-12 12/12/2013 NR 2468 21.8 212 Notes: NR: Not recorded due to instrument malfunction. 4 of 4

Figures Figure 1 Entergy Waterford-3, Monitoring Well Network

Site Overview LA 31 628 LA 41 31 27 LA 42 LA 3 1 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, A IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community B-27 MW-08 A MW-09 A B-12 MW-07 A BW-01 A BW-02 A MW-06 A MW-12 A MW-03 A MW-05 A MW-04 A MW-10 A MW-11 A' A The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used for property boundary resolution. This does not represent Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, a boundary Aerogrid, survey IGN, IGP, and is shown for reference only. swisstopo, and the GIS User Community 0 200 400 Entergy Waterford-3 p Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area A Feet

   !     Boring                                       Approximate Property Boundary                Monitoring Well Network                          BASEMAP SOURCE Cross Section Line A-A'                                                                   Cross Section Line A-A'                               Esri Map Imagery By: DWP Date: April 3, 2014 (c) 2014 Esri Map Service Project No. 06045-0031-002 and its data suppliers S:\gis\06045-0031-004\mapdoc\Cross Section A-A'.mxd

Figure 2 Entergy Waterford-3, Cross Section A-A


Figure 3 Hydrographs: Monitoring Wells adjacent to Mississippi River Compared to Basemat Wells and Mississippi River

Hydrographs, 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3 18.00 16.00 Water Level Elevation ft (NGVD29) 14.00 12.00 BW-01 10.00 BW-02 8.00 MW-07 MW-08 6.00 Mississippi River 4.00 2.00 Date Figure 3. Hydrographs: Monitoring Wells adjacent to Mississippi River Compared to Basemat Wells and Mississippi River.

Figure 4 Hydrographs: Monitoring Wells adjacent to Mississippi River Compared to Basemat Wells and Mississippi River

Hydrographs 2007-2013, Entergy - Waterford-3 18.00 16.00 Water Level Elevation ft (NGVD29) 14.00 BW-01 BW-02 12.00 MW-03 10.00 MW-04 MW-05 8.00 MW-06 6.00 MW-09 MW-10 4.00 MW-11 2.00 Mississippi River Date Figure 4. Hydrographs: Perimeter Monitoring Wells Compared to Basemat Wells and .Mississippi River.

Figure 5 Potentiometric Surface Map without Groundwater Divide

41 LA 31 6 28 LA 31 LA 27 142 LA 3 16 River Mile 126.9 15 El. 17.00 14 13 12 11 A MW-08 14.93 16 MW-09 10.72 15 A 14 MW-07 A@ 13.96 13 BW-01 A 12.92 @ A 12 BW-02 12.82 11 10 MW-06 9.78 A 9 MW-03 10.53 8 A 7 10 MW-05 6.36 MW-04 A 9.42 A 9 7 MW-10 8.57 MW-11 A 8.64 A 8 WL TOC Elevation Depth to Water Well ID Elevation (ft NGVD 29) (ft below TOC) (NGVD 29) BW-01 20.66 7.74 12.92 BW-02 20.27 7.45 12.82 MW-03 16.61 6.08 10.53 MW-04 18.34 8.92 9.42 MW-05 12.26 5.90 6.36 MW-06 14.02 4.24 9.78 MW-07 19.51 5.55 13.96 The information shown on this map was MW-08 19.88 4.95 14.93 compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative MW-09 15.88 5.16 10.72 for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-10 18.47 9.90 8.57 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used MW-11 18.77 10.13 8.64 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey River n/a n/a 17.00 and is shown for reference only. p Legend 0 200 400 Entergy Waterford-3 Feet A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE By: DWP Groundwater Flow Line Approximate Property Boundary June 3, 2013 NAIP 2009 Date: June 26, 2013 St. Charles Parish, LA Project No. 06045-0031-002 S:\projects\06045-0031-004\tech\6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_2Q2013.mxd DWP

Figure 6 Potentiometric Surface Map with Groundwater Divide

WL TOC Elevation Depth to Water Well ID Elevation (ft NGVD 29) (ft below TOC) (NGVD 29) BW-01 20.66 8.34 12.32 BW-02 20.27 7.95 12.32 MW-03 16.61 5.63 10.98 MW-04 18.34 8.41 9.93 MW-05 12.26 5.83 6.43 MW-06 14.02 4.20 9.82 MW-07 19.51 6.25 13.26 The information shown on this map was MW-08 19.88 7.12 12.76 compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative MW-09 15.88 5.00 10.88 for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-10 18.47 9.49 8.98 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used MW-11 18.77 9.71 9.06 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey River n/a n/a 3.94 and is shown for reference only. p Legend 0 200 400 Entergy Waterford-3 Feet Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area A@ Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources By: JWB Groundwater Flow Line Approximate Property Boundary September 10, 2013 2010 Microsof Corporation Date: October 9, 2013 and its data suppliers Project No. 06045-0031-002 S:\projects\06045-0031-004\tech\R06045-0031-002 or 6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_3Q2013.mxd JWB

APPENDIX A Boring Logs and Well Construction Diagrams

PROJECT: BORING ID: Waterford-3 MW-06 LOCATION: WELL ID: Killona, LA MW-06 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: NORTHING: EASTING: Tri-State Testing Services 544399.37 ft 3554431.09 ft DRILLING EQUIPMENT: GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: TOC ELEVATION: CME 75 11.61 ft 14.01 (ft msl) DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER (11/16/2010): Hollow stem auger 33 ft bgs 4.44 ft bgs LOGGED BY: SAMPLING METHOD: DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: CLN 5-foot continuous sampler 10/5/10 10/5/10 Depth (feet) Graphic Well USCS Log Description  % REC Construction -5 PVC cap with dedicated sampling tubing vented below cap 0 GRAVEL with shell, light gray, loose, medium coarse, dry to GP moist. 85 SAND with gravel and shell, brown, fine grained, medium 25.7 ft of 2 in dia., Sch. 40 SP dense, moist to dry. PVC solid riser from 3 ft of stick-up to 22.7 ft bgs SILT, grayish brown, lean, medium stiff, some dark gray mottles and roots, moist 5 95 Cement/bentonite grout to 18 ft bgs 10 100 ML

                                   @ 14.2 ft. gray 15 100
                                   @ 16-17.1 ft. clayey, dark gray Bentonite pellet seal from 18 ft bgs to 21 ft bgs
                                   @ 19.3 ft. with clay, soft to medium stiff, moist to wet.

20 100 FAT CLAY with silt, dark gray, soft to medium stiff, moist to wet Silica size 10/20 filter pack CH from 21 ft bgs to 33 ft bgs 25 SILT with sand (very fine grained), gray, grass and twigs, 100 ML medium stifff, lean, saturated. 10 ft of 2 in dia., 0.010 in slot, SP SAND, dark gray, fine grained, medium dense, wood Sch. 40 PVC screen PT fragments, black granular deposits on bedding planes, ML saturated. SP 30 ORGANICS, brown to grayish, brown wood fragments, CL rounded, some grass (green), saturated. 100 CLAYEY SILT, grayish brown, medium stiff, slightly plastic, 0.25 ft, 2 in dia., Sch. 40 PVC moist. CH end cap SAND, gray, fine grained, medium dense, saturated. CLAYEY GRAVEL, brownish gray, shell fragments, dense, fat clay matrix, coarse fragments, saturated. Drilling terminated at 33 ft bgs 35 FAT CLAY with fine shell fragments, dark gray, medium stiff, moist to wet. NOTES: HAS drilling of 8" diameter borehole. Well completion of 2' x 2' x 4" concrete pad, 4" x 4" steel protective cover, 4" diameter pipe bollards.

PROJECT: BORING ID: Waterford-3 MW-07 LOCATION: WELL ID: Killona, LA MW-07 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: NORTHING: EASTING: Tri-State Testing Services 545122.87 ft 3554397.7 ft DRILLING EQUIPMENT: GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: TOC ELEVATION: CME 75 16.31 ft 19.46 (ft msl) DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER (11/16/2010): Hollow stem auger 38 ft bgs 6.38 ft bgs LOGGED BY: SAMPLING METHOD: DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: CLN 5-foot continuous sampler 10/5/10 10/5/10 Depth (feet) Graphic Well USCS Log Description  % REC Construction -5 PVC cap with dedicated sampling tubing 0 SILT, grayish brown, lean, medium stiff, some shell vented below cap ML fragments, moist. 100 SP SAND, light brown, fine to medium grained, loose, dry to moist. 30.7 ft of 2 in dia., Sch. 40 SILT with clay, grayish brown, medium stiff, lean, dry to PVC solid riser from 3 ft of moist stick-up to 27.7 ft bgs 5 @ 3.5 ft. dark gray, moist. 100 ML Cement/bentonite grout to 22.4 ft bgs 10 SILT with sand, gray, lean, medium coarse, wet. 100 SM/ML ML SILT, dark gray, medium stiff, lean, moist. SILT with clay, grayish brown, medium stiff, slightly plastic, moist to wet 15

                                   @ 15.5 ft. dark gray, moist.                                        100 ML 20 CL                 SILTY CLAY, grayish brown, slightly plastic, medium stiff to        100 soft, wet.

CL CLAY, gray with brown mottles, some wood fragments, lean, Bentonite pellet seal from stiff, moist. 22.4 ft bgs to 25.5 ft bgs SP SAND with shell fragments, brown, loose, some wood 25 fragments, fine to medium grained, saturated. 100 CLAY, gray with brown mottles, some wood fragments, lean, stiff, moist. Silica size 10/20 filter pack CL from 25.5 ft bgs to 38 ft bgs 30 100 SILTY SAND, dark gray, very fine grained, loose to medium SM 10 ft of 2 in dia., 0.010 in slot, stiff, wood fragments, saturated. Sch. 40 PVC screen NO RECOVERY 35 PT WOOD FRAGMENTS AND LEAF LITTER, brown, no mineral 75 SP matter, saturated. 0.25 ft, 2 in dia., Sch. 40 PVC SAND with silt, gray, fine grained, medium dense, black end cap CL granular deposits on bedding planes, saturated. CLAY, gray, lean, stiff, moist. Drilling terminated at 38 ft bgs NOTES: HAS drilling of 8" diameter borehole. Well completion of 2' x 2' x 4" concrete pad, 4" x 4" steel protective cover, 4" diameter pipe bollards.

PROJECT: BORING ID: Waterford-3 MW-08 LOCATION: WELL ID: Killona, LA MW-08 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: NORTHING: EASTING: Tri-State Testing Services 545449.67 ft 3553674.67 ft DRILLING EQUIPMENT: GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: TOC ELEVATION: CME 75 16.37 ft 19.84 (ft msl) DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER (11/16/2010): Hollow stem auger 38 ft bgs 7.68 ft bgs LOGGED BY: SAMPLING METHOD: DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: CLN 5-foot continuous sampler 10/6/10 10/6/10 Depth (feet) Graphic Well USCS Log Description  % REC Construction -5 PVC cap with dedicated sampling tubing 0 CLAYEY SILT, brown to grayish brown, lean, medium stiff, vented below cap roots, moist 100

                                   @ 2.2 ft. some shell and gravel fragments.

ML 30.7 ft of 2 in dia., Sch. 40 PVC solid riser from 3 ft of stick-up to 27.7 ft bgs 5 100 ML SILT, grayish brown, medium stiff, lean, moist. SANDY SILT, light grayish brown, lean medium stiff, very fine SM grained, moist. Cement/bentonite grout to 22.3 ft bgs CLAYEY SILT, dark grayish brown to dark gray, slightly 10 plastic, medium stiff, moist to wet. 100 ML NO RECOVERY 15 20 CLAYEY SILT, dark grayish brown to dark gray, slightly plastic, medium stiff, moist to wet. ML 20 SM 100 SILTY SAND, gray, medium dense, fine grained, wet. SILTY CLAY, gray with orange mottles, medim stiff to stiff, lean, wood fragments, moist. Bentonite pellet seal from 22.3 ft bgs to 25 ft bgs 25 CL 100 Silica size 10/20 filter pack from 25 ft bgs to 38 ft bgs SILT, gray, medium stiff, lean, roots, moist 30 @ 30-30.2 ft. fine sand, gray, loose, saturated 100 ML

                                   @ 31.8-32.1 ft. fine sand, gray, loose, saturated.                                             10 ft of 2 in dia., 0.010 in slot, Sch. 40 PVC screen NO RECOVERY PT                 WOOD FRAGMENTS AND TWIGS, brown, loose, worn 35                                  smooth and rounded, saturated.                                       80 SP                 SAND, gray, fine to medium grained, loose to medium dense, saturated.                                                                                     0.25 ft, 2 in dia., Sch. 40 PVC end cap CH                 FAT CLAY, dark gray, medium stiff, moist.

Drilling terminated at 38 ft bgs NOTES: HAS drilling of 8" diameter borehole. Well completion of 2' x 2' x 4" concrete pad, 4" x 4" steel protective cover, 4" diameter pipe bollards.

PROJECT: BORING ID: Waterford-3 MW-09 LOCATION: WELL ID: Killona, LA MW-09 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: NORTHING: EASTING: Tri-State Testing Services 545202.96 ft 352738.14 ft DRILLING EQUIPMENT: GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: TOC ELEVATION: CME 75 13.65 ft 15.87 (ft msl) DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER (11/16/2010): Hollow stem auger 38 ft bgs 4.51 ft bgs LOGGED BY: SAMPLING METHOD: DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: CLN 5-foot continuous sampler 10/6/10 10/6/10 Depth (feet) Graphic Well USCS Log Description  % REC Construction -5 PVC cap with dedicated sampling tubing 0 SHELL GRAVEL ROAD BASE, light gray, dense, primarily vented below cap GC coarse fragments, clay matrix, dry to moist. 90 CLAYEY SILT, dark grayish brown, lean, medium stiff, dry to ML moist. 25.7 ft of 2 in dia., Sch. 40 PVC solid riser from 3 ft of 5 SILT, grayish brown with brown mottles, medium stiff, lean, stick-up to 22.7 ft bgs ML moist @ 6.5 ft. wet to soft. 100 FAT CLAY, dark gray, medium stiff, moist @ 9.5 silt. CH SILT, grayish brown with brown mottles, medium stiff, lean, Cement/bentonite grout to 18 ML moist @ 6.5 ft. wet to soft. ft bgs 10 CLAY, dark gray, lean, medium stiff to stiff, abundant wood 100 fragments, moist. CL 15 100 ML CLAYEY SILT, gray, lean, medium stiff, moist. SILTY CLAY, dark gray, mdium stiff, fat, moist CH Bentonite pellet seal from 18 20 CLAY, gray with brown mottles, medium stiff to stiff, lean, ft bgs to 21 ft bgs 100 abundant roots, moist. CL Silica size 10/20 filter pack SILT, gray with brown mottles, lean, medium stiff, moist to from 21 ft bgs to 38 ft bgs 25 ML wet. 100 SM SILTY SAND, gray, loose, fine graned, wet SILT, gray with brown mottles, lean, medium stiff, moist to ML wet. 10 ft of 2 in dia., 0.010 in slot, Sch. 40 PVC screen 30 SM SILTY SAND, gray, fine grained, medium dense, small black sandy deposits, saturated. 75 GRAVEL with silt, gray, shell fragments with silt matrix, loose to medium dense, abundant wood fragments, saturated. GM 35 25 0.25 ft, 2 in dia., Sch. 40 PVC CH FAT CLAY, dark gray, medium stiff, moist. end cap Drilling terminated at 38 ft bgs NOTES: HAS drilling of 8" diameter borehole. Well completion of 2' x 2' x 4" concrete pad, 4" x 4" steel protective cover, 4" diameter pipe bollards.

PROJECT: BORING ID: Waterford-3 OSGSF Wells MW-10 LOCATION: WELL ID: Killona, LA MW-10 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: NORTHING: (LA State Plane S.) EASTING: (LA State Plane S.) Pro Serve, Inc. / Walker Hill Environmental, Inc. 543116.44 ft (NAD 83) 3553144.73 ft (NAD 83) DRILLING EQUIPMENT: GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: TOC ELEVATION: GAPVAX MV-56/Geoprobe 7822DT 15.96 ft (NGVD 29) 18.47 ft (NGVD 29) DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER (11/02/2012): Hydrovac/H.S.A. 36 ft bgs 9.48 ft Below TOC LOGGED BY: SAMPLING METHOD: DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: CLN 2" diameter direct push technology sampler with sleeve 10/31/2012 11/1/2012 Depth (feet) Graphic

                                                                                                        % REC Well USCS                                      Description Log                                                                                            Construction

-5 2.5 ft. of protective aluminum stick-up 0 GRAVEL, shell fragments in clay matrix, light gray, dense, PVC cap with dedicated GC moist, black fabric liner at base. sampling tubing vented below cap CLAY, gray, lean, medium stiff, moist 5 0 CL 28.3 ft of 2 in dia., Sch. 80 PVC solid riser from 2.5 ft of stick-up to 25.75 ft bgs 10 NO RECOVERY 0 Cement/bentonite grout to 20 ft bgs CLAY, gray, lean, medium stiff, moist. 80 15 CL 70 ML CLAYEY SILT, grayish brown, lean, medium stiff, organics, 20 Bentonite pellet seal from 20 moist. ft bgs to 23 ft bgs CLAY, gray, lean, medium stiff, moist 90

                                        @ 22.5 brown mottling, some organics.

CL Silica size 20/40 filter pack 25 from 23 ft bgs to 36 ft bgs 90 CLAY, gray, fat, medium stiff, moist CH 10 ft of 2 in dia., 0.010 in slot, 30 100 Sch. 80 PVC screen SILT with clay, gray, lean, medium stiff, moist

                                        @ 32 ft. wet.

ML 100 GRAVEL, shell fragments in clay matrix, gray, loose, 0.25 ft, 2 in dia., Sch. 80 PVC 35 GC end cap CH fragments < 1" dia., saturated. CLAY, gray, fat, medium stiff, moist. Drilling terminated at 36 ft bgs 40 NOTES: Well completion of 3' x 3' x 4" concrete pad, 6" x 6" aluminum protective cover, four 4" diameter pipe bollards. H.S.A. drilling of 8" diameter borehole.

PROJECT: BORING ID: Waterford-3 OSGSF Wells MW-11 LOCATION: WELL ID: Killona, LA MW-11 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: NORTHING: (LA State Plane S.) EASTING: (LA State Plane S.) Pro Serve, Inc. / Walker Hill Environmental, Inc. 543074.20 ft (NAD 83) 3553225.08 ft (NAD 83) DRILLING EQUIPMENT: GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: TOC ELEVATION: GAPVAX MV-56/Geoprobe 7822DT 15.93 ft (NGVD 29) 18.77 ft (NGVD 29) DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER (11/02/2012): Hydrovac/H.S.A. 40 ft bgs 9.72 ft Below TOC LOGGED BY: SAMPLING METHOD: DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: CLN 2" diameter direct push technology sampler with sleeve 10/31/2012 11/1/2012 Depth (feet) Graphic

                                                                                                           % REC Well USCS                                      Description Log                                                                                            Construction

-5 2.8 ft. of protective aluminum stick-up 0 FILL, compacted shell gravel. PVC cap with dedicated FILL sampling tubing vented below CLAY with shell fragments, gray, lean, medium stiff, moist. cap 5 0 CL 28.6 ft of 2 in dia., Sch. 80 PVC solid riser from 2.8 ft of stick-up to 25.75 ft bgs 10 SILTY CLAY, gray, lean, medium stiff, minor shell fragments, moist 100 Cement/bentonite grout to 20 ft bgs CL @ 12 ft. lean to fat, no shell fragments 70 15 SILTY CLAY, gray, fat, medium stiff, moist. CH 80 ML SILT, dark brown, lean, medium stiff, organic fragments 20 Bentonite pellet seal from 20 (twigs), dry to moist. ft bgs to 23 ft bgs SILTY CLAY, gray, fat, medium stiff, moist 60

                                        @ 24 ft. some organic fragments                                                                  Silica size 20/40 filter pack 25                                                                                                                                        from 23 ft bgs to 36 ft bgs 70 CH 10 ft of 2 in dia., 0.010 in slot, 30                                                                                                          60                            Sch. 80 PVC screen
                                        @ 32 ft. wet, soft GRAVEL with clay, gray, loose, shell fragments <1" dia.,           80                            0.25 ft, 2 in dia., Sch. 80 PVC GC                    saturated.                                                                                       end cap 35 SILTY CLAY, gray, fat, soft, wet @ 36 ft. medium stiff, moist.                                   Drilling terminated at 40 ft bgs CH 40 NOTES: Well completion of 3' x 3' x 4" concrete pad, 6" x 6" aluminum protective cover, four 4" diameter pipe bollards.

H.S.A. drilling of 8" diameter borehole.

PROJECT: BORING ID: Entergy - Waterford 3 MW-12 LOCATION: WELL ID: Killona, LA MW-12 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: NORTHING: (LA State Plane) EASTING: (LA State Plane) Pro-Serve, Inc./Walker-Hill Environmental 544174.58 ft (NAD83) 3553334.61 ft (NAD83) DRILLING EQUIPMENT: GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: TOC ELEVATION: GapVax Hydrovac HV-56/Geoprobe 7822DT 15.22 ft (NGVD29) 18.13 ft (NGVD29) DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH BGS: DEPTH TO WATER from TOC: Hydrovac/Direct push technology with rotary augerhead 40 ft 7.16 ft (12/17/13) LOGGED BY: SAMPLING METHOD: DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: CLN 4', 3" dia. direct push technology sampling rod with sleeve 12/12/13 12/13/13 Depth (feet) Graphic Well USCS  % REC Description Log Construction -10 0 NO RECOVERY - Excavated with hydrovac 2.9 ft of protective steel stick-up Vented cap 0 Cement/bentonite grout from ground surface to 24 ft bgs 10 100 Bentonite pellet seal SILT, grayish brown, lean, medium stiff, moist from 24 ft to 27 ft bgs 100

                                  @ 12 ft. gray                                                                                     Silica size 20/40 and native sand filter pack ML                                                                                                                    from 27 ft to 40 ft bgs 100 20                                                                                                                                  32.6 ft of 2 in dia.,

Sch.80 PVC solid riser 70 to 2.9 ft above ground

                                  @ 23 ft. with clay                                                                                surface CL                  CLAY, gray, lean, medium stiff, moist                              100                            10 ft of 2 in dia., 0.010 ML                  SILT with clay, grayish brown with some orange                                                    in slot, Sch. 80 PVC mottling, lean, medium stiff, moist                                                               screen CL SM CLAY, gray, lean, medium stiff, moist 30                                SILTY SAND, brown, fine, loose to medium                           100 0.3 ft, 2 in dia., Sch. 80 SP dense, wet                                                                                        PVC end cap SAND, gray, fine, loose to medium dense, wet SAND - Sampler was sandlocked and sampling                           0                            Augering terminated at was discontinued. Based on soil cuttings and                                                      40 ft bgs.

SP driller's observations, remaining interval is sand. 0 40 NOTES: Well completion of 3'x3'x4" concrete pad, 6"x6" locking aluminum protective cover, and two 4" dia., steel bollards.

APPENDIX B Well Registration Forms

APPENDIX C Groundwater Level Data Sheet

Groundwater Level Data Sheet Project Name: Project Number: Investigator: Page ___ of___ Weather Conditions: Measuring Device: Depth to Well ID Date Time Water (feet Damages/Repairs below RP) Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Damaged well pad/casing Damaged TOC Lacks visibility Damaged bollards Damaged lock Lacks access Damaged equipment Un-kept vegetation See gw sample record Notes: RP = Reference Point TOC = Top of Casing gw = groundwater

APPENDIX D Potentiometric Surface Maps

RIVER MILE 129.6 16.22 9 10 MW-01 11 12.17 11.62 MW-02 11.77 12.07 11 10 MW-03 9.36 MW-05 4.46 MW-04 9.17 9.15 6 7 9 8 LEGEND MONITORING WELL POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) EXCAVATION PIT (approximate) POTENTIAL TRITIUM SOURCES March 9, 2009 WL Depth Ref. Pt. Elev. (ft below WL Elev (ft (ft NGVD) Time TOC) NGVD) MW-01 20.66 n/a n/a 11.62 MW-02 20.27 n/a n/a 11.77 MW-03 16.59 0721 6.79 9.80 N MW-04 MW-05 18.31 12.24 0712 0659 9.16 6.24 9.15 6.00 River USACE 0800 n/a 8.62 NOTE:

1. River Mile 129.6 elevation interpolated from hourly river stage data 200 100 0 200 on US Army Corps of Engineers website (


RIVER MILE 129.6 16 16.22 15 14 13 12 MW-01 11.92 MW-02 11.92 11 10 MW-03 9.36 MW-05 4.46 MW-04 5 6 9.17 8 7 9 LEGEND MONITORING WELL POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) EXCAVATION PIT (approximate) POTENTIAL TRITIUM SOURCES June 16, 2009 Ref. Pt. Elev. (ft WL Depth (ft WL Elev (ft NGVD) Time below TOC) NGVD) MW-01 20.66 n/a n/a 11.92 MW-02 20.27 n/a n/a 11.92 MW-03 16.59 0744 7.23 9.36 MW-04 18.31 0733 9.14 9.17 MW-05 12.24 0721 7.78 4.46 N River USACE 0800 19.04 16.22 NOTE:

1. River Mile 129.6 elevation interpolated from hourly river stage data 200 100 0 200 on US Army Corps of Engineers website (


RIVER MILE 129.6 6 5.09 7 8 9 10 11 12 MW-01 12.17 12 MW-02 11.97 11 10 MW-03 9.41 MW-05 4.56 MW-04 5 6 9.27 7 8 9 LEGEND MONITORING WELL POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) EXCAVATION PIT (approximate) POTENTIAL TRITIUM SOURCES July 21, 2009 Ref. Pt. Elev. (ft WL Depth (ft WL Elev (ft NGVD) Time below TOC) NGVD) MW-01 20.66 n/a n/a 12.17 MW-02 20.27 n/a n/a 11.97 MW-03 16.59 735 7.18 9.41 MW-04 18.31 726 9.04 9.27 N MW-05 12.24 719 7.68 4.56 River USACE 0800 n/a 5.09 NOTE:

1. River Mile 129.6 elevation interpolated from hourly river stage data 200 100 0 200 on US Army Corps of Engineers website (


RIVER MILE 129.6 8.09 9 10 11 MW-01 n/a MW-02 n/a MW-03 11.29 11 MW-05 6.62 MW-04 10 9.92 8 9 7 LEGEND MONITORING WELL POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) EXCAVATION PIT (approximate) POTENTIAL TRITIUM SOURCES O c to b e r 1 2 , 2 0 0 9 R e f. P t. E le v. (ft W L D e p th (ft W L E le v (ft NGVD) T im e b e lo w T O C ) NGVD) M W -0 1 2 0 .6 6 n /a n /a n /a M W -0 2 2 0 .2 7 n /a n /a n /a M W -0 3 1 6 .5 9 7 :3 3 5 .3 0 1 1 .2 9 M W -0 4 1 8 .3 1 7 :1 8 8 .3 9 9 .9 2 N M W -0 5 1 2 .2 4 7 :0 9 5 .6 2 6 .6 2 R ive r USACE 8 :0 0 n /a 8 .0 9 NOTE:

1. River Mile 129.6 elevation interpolated from hourly river stage data 200 100 0 200 on US Army Corps of Engineers website (


RIVER MILE 129.6 17.31 17 16 15 14 MW-01 13 12.97 MW-02 12.92 12 MW-03 11.12 11 MW-05 7.31 10 MW-04 9.54 8 9 LEGEND MONITORING WELL POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) EXCAVATION PIT (approximate) POTENTIAL TRITIUM SOURCES F e b ru a ry 23, 2010 R e f. P t. Ele v. (ft W L D e p th (ft W L Ele v (ft NG V D) T im e b e lo w T O C ) NG V D) M W -01* 20.66 n/a n/a 12.97 M W -02* 20.27 n/a n/a 12.92 M W -03 16.59 7:33 5.47 11.12 M W -04 18.31 7:18 8.67 9.64 N M W -05 12.24 7:09 4.93 7.31 R iver US A CE 8:00 n/a 17.31

                                                                                 *Water levels were measured on February 18, 2010 NOTE:
1. River Mile 129.6 elevation interpolated from hourly river stage data 200 100 0 200 on US Army Corps of Engineers website (


RIVER MILE 129.6 12.79 MW-01 12.97 MW-02 12.92 12 11 10 MW-03 9.51 MW-05 5.06 MW-04 9.24 6 9 7 8 LEGEND MONITORING WELL POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) EXCAVATION PIT (approximate) POTENTIAL TRITIUM SOURCES May 11, 2010 R e f. P t. Ele v. (ft W L D e p th (ft W L Ele v (ft NG V D) T im e b e lo w T O C ) NG V D) M W -01* 20.66 n/a n/a 12.97 M W -02* 20.27 n/a n/a 12.92 M W -03 16.59 11:54 7.08 9.51 M W -04 18.31 11.45 9.07 9.24 N M W -05 12.24 11:32 7.18 5.06 R iver US A CE 8:00 n/a 12.79

                                                                *Water levels were measured on February 18, 2010 NOTE:
1. River Mile 129.6 elevation interpolated from hourly river stage data 200 100 0 200 on US Army Corps of Engineers website (


RIVER MILE 129.6 7 6.54 8 9 10 11 12 13 MW-01 13.27 MW-02 13.27 13 12 MW-03 11.43 11 MW-05 7.59 MW-04 10.31 10 9 8 LEGEND MONITORING WELL POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) EXCAVATION PIT (approximate) POTENTIAL TRITIUM SOURCES August 23, 2010 Re f. P t. Ele v. (ft W L De p th (ft W L Ele v (ft NG V D) T im e b e lo w T O C) NG V D ) M W -01 20.66 n/a n/a 13.27 M W -02 20.27 n/a n/a 13.27 M W -03 16.59 7:33 5.16 11.43 M W -04 18.31 7:18 8.00 10.31 N M W -05 12.24 7:09 4.65 7.59 River US A CE 8:00 n/a 6.54

                                                                                  *Water levels were measured on February 18, 2010 NOTE:
1. River Mile 129.6 elevation interpolated from hourly river stage data 200 100 0 200 on US Army Corps of Engineers website (


Site Overview 41 LA 31 6 28 LA 31 LA 27 42 LA 3 1 River Mile 129.6 EL. 3.34 4 6 8 5 10 7 MW-08 12.16 9 MW-09 11 11.36 13 MW-07 MW-01 13.08 12.27 MW-02 12.27 12 11 MW-06 9.57 10 9 MW-03 10.31 8 7 6 MW-05 5.98 MW-04 10.02 S:\projects\6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_Nov2010.mxd SEM [1-17-11] November 16-17, 2010 Ref. Pt. Elev. WL Depth (ft WL Elev (ft (ft NGVD) below TOC) NGVD) MW-01 20.66 n/a 12.27 MW-02 20.27 n/a 12.27 MW-03 16.59 6.28 10.31 MW-04 18.31 8.29 10.02 MW-05 12.24 6.26 5.98 The information shown on this map was MW-06 14.01 4.44 9.57 compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative MW-07 19.46 6.38 13.08 for engineering, surveying, legal and/or 19.84 other site-specific uses. Information MW-08 7.68 12.16 shown on this map should not be used MW-09 15.87 4.51 11.36 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey River USACE n/a 3.34 and is shown for reference only. Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface Monitoring Well By: SEM BASEMAP SOURCE Scale: 1"=400' Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources NAIP 2009 0 200 400 800 Date: 17JAN2011 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Feet Project No. 6045-460

Site Overview 41 LA 31 6 28 LA 31 LA 27 42 LA 3 1 River Mile 129.6 El. 17.00 16 15 14 13 MW-08 14.07 A 12 16 A 15 MW-09 MW-07 11.20 13.20 @ A 14 MW-01 12.22 MW-02 13 A 12.22 A 12 11 11 10 A MW-06 9 9.57 8 MW-03 @ A 10.30 7 6 10

                                                                                                                                                @ MW-05 A

MW-04 6 5.96 9.41 7 A 9 8 The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey and is shown for reference only. p Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Potentiometric Surface A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area BASEMAP SOURCE Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources By: SEM NAIP 2009 0 200 400 800 Date: August 3, 2011 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Feet Project No. 6045-460 S:\projects\6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_28Mar2011.mxd SEM [5-19-11]

Site Overview 41 LA 31 6 28 LA 31 LA 27 42 LA 3 1 River Mile 129.6 El. 17.14 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

                                                                                                                                                                                          @ MW-08 A

9 14.13 8 17 MW-09 16 7.86 A

                                                                                                                                  @                                                                                                                    15 MW-07 A@                        14 MW-01                        12.78                        13 12.55                                                    12 MW-02 A                12.59 A                                        11 8

10 9 MW-06 9 @ 8.57 A 8 7 MW-03 9.71 6 A 5 MW-05 4.15 A MW-04 9.07 6 5 7 A 9 8 S:\projects\6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_21June2011.mxd SEM [6-29-11] The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey and is shown for reference only. p Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Potentiometric Surface A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area BASEMAP SOURCE Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources By: SEM NAIP 2009 0 200 400 800 Date: July 18, 2011 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Feet Project No. 6045-460

Site Overview 41 LA 31 6 28 LA 31 LA 27 42 LA 3 1 River Mile 126.9 El. 4.30 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MW-08 13 13.20 A MW-09 11.42 A MW-07 13.97 A MW-01 12.92 MW-02 A 12.87 A 12 MW-06 10.04 A MW-03 11.02 A 11 MW-05 6.20 10 @ A MW-04 7 9.71 8 A 9 S:\projects\6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_13Sept2011.mxd SEM [10-7-11] The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey and is shown for reference only. p Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Potentiometric Surface A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area BASEMAP SOURCE Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources By: SEM NAIP 2009 0 200 400 800 Date: October 12, 2011 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Feet Project No. 6045-460

Site Overview 1 LA 31 628 LA 4 31 LA 2 7 42 LA 3 1 14 River Mile 126.9 El. 14.74 13 12 11 10 @ MW-08 A 12.64 MW-09 14 9.14 A MW-07 12.36 A

                                                                                                                                                                                                         @                    13 MW-01 11.97 MW-02                               12 A              12.07 A                                     11 10 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                             @ MW-06 A

8.73 8 MW-03 7 9.89 A 6 5 A MW-04 5 MW-05 9.04 6 8 7 4.99

                                                                                                                                                        @9 A

S:\projects\6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_13DEC2011.mxd SEM [1-4-2012] December 13 ,2011 Ref. Pt. WL Depth Well ID Elev. (ft (ft below WL Elev NGVD) TOC) (ft NGVD) MW-01 20.66 8.69 11.97 MW-02 20.27 8.20 12.07 MW-03 16.61 6.72 9.89 MW-04 18.34 9.30 9.04 MW-05 12.26 7.27 4.99 The information shown on this map was MW-06 14.02 5.29 8.73 compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative MW-07 19.51 7.15 12.36 for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-08 19.88 7.24 12.64 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used MW-09 15.88 6.74 9.14 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey River USACE n/a 14.74 and is shown for reference only. p 0 200 400 Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Feet A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE By: SEM Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources December 13, 2011 NAIP 2009 Date: January 4, 2012 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Project No. 6045-460

Site Overview 41 LA 31 6 28 LA 31 LA 27 42 LA 3 1 River Mile 126.9 El. 14.11 14 13 MW-08 13.78 @ A MW-09 12.15 MW-07 12 A 13.26 14 A 13 MW-01 11 @ 12.82 A MW-02 12.87 A 12 11 10 10 9 @ MW-06 A 9.78 9 8 MW-03 8 7.68 @ A 7 8 MW-05

                                                                                                                          @ 6.60 A

8 7 A MW-04 8.96 TOC WL Depth to Water Well ID Elevation Elevation (ft below TOC) (ft NAVD 88) (NAVD 88) MW-01 20.66 7.84 12.82 MW-02 20.27 7.40 12.87 MW-03 16.61 8.93 7.68 MW-04 18.34 9.38 8.96 MW-05 12.26 5.66 6.60 MW-06 14.02 4.24 9.78 The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and MW-07 19.51 6.25 13.26 should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-08 19.88 6.10 13.78 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used MW-09 15.88 3.73 12.15 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey River USACE n/a 14.11 and is shown for reference only. p 0 200 400 Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Feet A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE By: SEM Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources March 30, 2012 NAIP 2009 Date: March 30, 2012 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Project No. 6045-460 Path: K:\Projects\6045-460\backup_gis_03272012\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_03302012.mxd

Site Overview 31 LA 41 628 LA 31 LA 27 42 LA 3 1 4 5 River Mile 126.9 6 El. 3.76 7 8 9 10 11 MW-08 @ A 12.66 12 MW-09 12.29 A MW-07 13 13.53 @ A MW-01 12.65 MW-02 A 13.27 A 13 MW-06 9.96 12 @ A MW-03 11.00 11 A 10 MW-05 7.23 A MW-04 9.38 9 A 8 Depth to TOC Water WL Elevation Well ID Elevation (ft below (ft NAVD 88) (ft NAVD 88) TOC) MW-01 20.66 8.01 12.65 MW-02 20.27 7.00 13.27 MW-03 16.61 5.61 11.00 MW-04 18.34 8.96 9.38 MW-05 12.26 5.03 7.23 MW-06 14.02 4.06 9.96 The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and MW-07 19.51 5.98 13.53 should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-08 19.88 7.22 12.66 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used MW-09 15.88 3.59 12.29 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey River USACE n/a 3.76 and is shown for reference only. p 0 200 400 Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Feet A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE By: JWB Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources June 18, 2012 NAIP 2009 Date: July 1, 2012 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Project No. 6045-460 Path: K:\Projects\6045-460\backup_gis_03272012\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_06182012.mxd

Site Overview 31 LA 41 628 LA 31 LA 27 42 LA 3 1 River Mile 126.9 3 El. 2.89 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MW-08 3 12.98 4 12 5 MW-09 6 7 12.01 13 8 9 10 MW-07 11 MW-01 13.98 12 12.47 MW-02 12.37 12 11 12 10 MW-06 10.00 9 MW-03 11.06 8 11 MW-05 7.34 MW-04 10 9.92 8 9 TOC WL Depth to Water Well ID Elevation Elevation (ft below TOC) (ft NGVD 88) (NGVD 88) MW-01 20.66 8.19 12.47 MW-02 20.27 7.90 12.37 MW-03 16.61 5.55 11.06 MW-04 18.34 8.42 9.92 MW-05 12.26 4.92 7.34 MW-06 14.02 4.02 10.00 The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and MW-07 19.51 5.53 13.98 should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-08 19.88 6.90 12.98 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used MW-09 15.88 3.87 12.01 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey River USACE n/a 2.89 and is shown for reference only. 0 200 400 Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Feet Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE By: SEM Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources September 18, 2012 NAIP 2009 Date: Nov. 8, 2012 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Project No. 6045-460 Path: K:\Projects\6045-460\backup_gis_03272012\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_09182012.mxd

Site Overview 31 LA 41 628 LA 31 LA 27 42 LA 3 1 River Mile 126.9 3 El. 2.66 4 5 6 7 8 MW-08 9 11.66 3 4 MW-07 5 MW-09 12.53 9.77 6 BW-01 12.42 BW-02 7 12.27 10 12 MW-06 9.07 7 MW-03 11 6 10.43 MW-05 5.12 10 MW-04 9.65 6 7 8 MW-10 9 MW-11 9.05 TOC Depth to Water WL Elevation Well ID Elevation (ft below TOC) (ft NGVD 29) (ft NGVD 29) BW-01 20.66 8.24 12.42 BW-02 20.27 8.00 12.27 MW-03 16.61 6.18 10.43 MW-04 18.34 8.69 9.65 MW-05 12.26 7.14 5.12 MW-06 14.02 4.95 9.07 MW-07 19.51 6.98 12.53 MW-08 19.88 8.22 11.66 MW-09 15.88 6.11 9.77 The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and MW-10* 18.47 n/a n/a should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-11 18.77 9.72 9.05 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used River USACE n/a 2.66 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey

  • Water Level Not Equilibrated. and is shown for reference only.

0 200 400 Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Feet Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE By: SEM Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources November 2, 2012 NAIP 2009 Date: Jan. 28, 2013 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Project No. 6045-460 Path: K:\Projects\6045-460\backup_gis_03272012\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_11022012.mxd

Site Overview 31 LA 41 628 LA 31 LA 27 42 LA 3 1 River Mile 126.9 El. 11.73 12 13 14 14 MW-08 14.39 A 13 12 13

                                                      @ MW-09 A                                                                 MW-07 12.85                                                         14.21 A            14 14
                                                                                                    @ BW-01 A 12.57 A                        13 BW-02 12.47 12                                                                                     12 11 MW-06 10.31 A

10 MW-03 11.26 9 A 11 8

                                                                                                                          @ MW-05 A

10 MW-04 7.98 9.40 A 9 MW-10 8 8.57 MW-11

                                                                                @    8.59 A

A TOC Elevation Depth to Water WL Elevation Well ID (ft NGVD 29) (ft below TOC) (ft NGVD 29) BW-01 20.66 8.09 12.57 BW-02 20.27 7.80 12.47 MW-03 16.61 5.35 11.26 MW-04 18.34 8.94 9.40 MW-05 12.26 4.28 7.98 MW-06 14.02 3.71 10.31 MW-07 19.51 5.30 14.21 MW-08 19.88 5.49 14.39 MW-09 15.88 3.03 12.85 The information shown on this map was compiled from various sources and MW-10 18.47 9.90 8.57 should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-11 18.77 10.18 8.59 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used for property boundary resolution. This River USACE n/a 11.73 does not represent a boundary survey and is shown for reference only. p 0 200 400 Legend Entergy Waterford-3 Feet A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE By: KLM Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources February 26, 2013 NAIP 2009 Date: March 12, 2013 Approximate Property Boundary St. Charles Parish, LA Project No. 06045-0031-002 K:\Projects\6045-460\backup_gis_03272012\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_1Q2013.mxd klm

41 LA 31 6 28 LA 31 LA 27 142 LA 3 16 River Mile 126.9 15 El. 17.00 14 13 12 11 A MW-08 14.93 16 MW-09 10.72 15 A 14 MW-07 A@ 13.96 13 BW-01 A 12.92 @ A 12 BW-02 12.82 11 10 MW-06 9.78 A 9 MW-03 10.53 8 A 7 10 MW-05 6.36 MW-04 A 9.42 A 9 7 MW-10 8.57 MW-11 A 8.64 A 8 WL TOC Elevation Depth to Water Well ID Elevation (ft NGVD 29) (ft below TOC) (NGVD 29) BW-01 20.66 7.74 12.92 BW-02 20.27 7.45 12.82 MW-03 16.61 6.08 10.53 MW-04 18.34 8.92 9.42 MW-05 12.26 5.90 6.36 MW-06 14.02 4.24 9.78 MW-07 19.51 5.55 13.96 The information shown on this map was MW-08 19.88 4.95 14.93 compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative MW-09 15.88 5.16 10.72 for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-10 18.47 9.90 8.57 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used MW-11 18.77 10.13 8.64 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey River n/a n/a 17.00 and is shown for reference only. p Legend 0 200 400 Entergy Waterford-3 Feet A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE By: DWP Groundwater Flow Line Approximate Property Boundary June 3, 2013 NAIP 2009 Date: June 26, 2013 St. Charles Parish, LA Project No. 06045-0031-002 S:\projects\06045-0031-004\tech\6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_2Q2013.mxd DWP

WL TOC Elevation Depth to Water Well ID Elevation (ft NGVD 29) (ft below TOC) (NGVD 29) BW-01 20.66 8.34 12.32 BW-02 20.27 7.95 12.32 MW-03 16.61 5.63 10.98 MW-04 18.34 8.41 9.93 MW-05 12.26 5.83 6.43 MW-06 14.02 4.20 9.82 MW-07 19.51 6.25 13.26 The information shown on this map was MW-08 19.88 7.12 12.76 compiled from various sources and should not be considered authoritative MW-09 15.88 5.00 10.88 for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-10 18.47 9.49 8.98 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used MW-11 18.77 9.71 9.06 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey River n/a n/a 3.94 and is shown for reference only. p Legend 0 200 400 Entergy Waterford-3 Feet A@ Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE By: JWB Groundwater Flow Line Approximate Property Boundary September 10, 2013 2010 Microsof Corporation Date: October 9, 2013 and its data suppliers Project No. 06045-0031-002 S:\projects\06045-0031-004\tech\R06045-0031-002 or 6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_3Q2013.mxd JWB

41 LA 31 6 28 LA 31 LA 27 142 LA 3 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community 6 8 7 River Mile 126.9 9 El. 5.29 10 11 12 MW-08 12.56 A 6 MW-09 7 8

                                                          @ 12.35 A                                                                                       MW-07                                          9 10 12.97 A 11 12 BW-01 12.17 A
                                                                                                                      @              BW-02 12                                                                                                                                   12
                                                                                                                                  @ 12.17 A

11 10

                                                                                                                                                         @MW-06 A

9.94 9 MW-12

                                                                                                     @ 10.97 A

11 MW-03 8 10.86 A 7

                                                                                                                                                  @ MW-05 A

6.94 10 MW-04 9.70 A 7 9 MW-10 A

                                                                                  @                            8 8.46        @ MW-11 A

8.43 Depth to WL TOC Elevation Water Well ID Elevation (ft NGVD 29) (ft below (NGVD 29) TOC) BW-01 20.66 8.49 12.17 BW-02 20.27 8.10 12.17 MW-03 16.61 5.75 10.86 MW-04 18.34 8.64 9.70 MW-05 12.26 5.32 6.94 MW-06 14.02 4.08 9.94 MW-07 19.51 6.54 12.97 The information shown on this map was MW-08 19.88 7.32 12.56 compiled from various sources and MW-09 15.88 3.53 12.35 should not be considered authoritative for engineering, surveying, legal and/or MW-10 18.47 10.01 8.46 other site-specific uses. Information shown on this map should not be used MW-11 18.77 10.34 8.43 for property boundary resolution. This does not represent a boundary survey MW-12 18.13 7.16 10.97 and is shown for reference only. River n/a n/a 5.29 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community p Legend 0 200 400 Entergy Waterford-3 Feet A Groundwater Monitoring Installation Approximate Excavation Area Potentiometric Surface BASEMAP SOURCE Potentiometric Surface Elevation Potential Tritium Sources By: JWB Groundwater Flow Line Approximate Property Boundary December 17, 2013 2010 Microsof Corporation Date: February 7, 2014 and its data suppliers Project No. 06045-0031-002 S:\projects\06045-0031-004\tech\R06045-0031-002 or 6045-460\gis\mapdoc\Potentiometric_Map_4Q2013.mxd JWB

APPENDIX E Field Documentation

MW-04 RESAMPLE Daily Log Site Location: WtA..(.e~d~ '3 Date: -q/t. lie Project Number: Page J of I 6 .Ii,.,* ~J,


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ID~.t;'.- ILOf/,/ t:;'lk V -, Form SOP 120 Daily Log - Revision 1


Date/Time: '1/t;/; 'Z oq 6J U

~tn                                                   FTN Associates Calibration Form                                               Prepared By:

Location: EF-N


1114'-/"6:- 2 Project #: Temp. of Reading Post Instrument Standard Standard Prior to Calibration Instrument Type 10 Parameter (su) Units (degrees C) Calibration Calibrated Reading Comments pH 7 su Z. '3.. 7 Z- 7* z. l{ ffiN 7, DD ZA. c 2 -r 't &x ;; J I of pH 4 su 2Z_ c,? '+.0 ( &N 11- (.,0 I !JrIZ 39' Ffl 111-3 v5L ~( pH 10 su y N Cond {4-( , uS/em 2'7- V Z. J z.z:>> (Y N J 4,,; I;+- ff -to' ex 'IJ/ IZ-oo mm/Hg mg/l Y N mgll Temo Dearees C Y N N/A Y N Turbiditv 1000 NTU N/A -;~,t~ ~ N '}'ill{*b Lo-t t ott ~Z r::-It' 1(1) I-I: f ~c..r£J..C, JJZ- Turbiditv 10.0 NTU N/A I tf# 3 ~ 19 N 12. It; CO -r Z02~ 7 r:~Z(JC..!' Turbiditv 0.02 NTU N/A *3.7' (y) N il.0 ( u,1/0dtc/ G;l ~II;, y N Y N Y N Y N Notes: pH Calibration (pH Method: EPA 150.1) DO Calibration: Use 100% air saturation method. Use pressure in mrn/Hg as standard to calibrate in 00% saturation. Record readings in mgll. Temperature Calibration: No calibration is necessary. Simply record temperature of standard using thermometer while in calibration cup. Then record sonde temperature reading. Precision and accuracy targets are commonly based on relative percent differences. Precision is either based on a relative percent difference between replicates (analytical precision) or duplicate samples (method precision) as fellows: Relative Percent Difference (RPD) = 100' (rep l - rcp2)/(rep\ + rep2)/2 The standard deviation of the average of a group of replicate (or duplicate) pairs represents the precision for a measurement parameter. For accuracy, percent difference is determined relative to a known or target value and is as follows: Percent Difference = 100 * (observed - target)/target Form SOP 120 Calibration Record- Revision 2

Groundwater Sampling Record Facility: Sampler: roject Number: FTN Associates, Ltd

                   . r SitI e D escripuon Type: ~Monitoring Well             o Temporary Well        OExtraction Well 0 Production Well             DDewatering        Well 0 Borehole 0 Other Weather:                                                     ~ Air Temp ("F):          860                                 II Wind:     A/1yfL - ~           ,"Jt,~ L Well Locked?          OO-Yes ONo             II Total Depth (ft)??        7'?     II Damage/repairs       needed:

Remarks: Water Level Data Measuring point description: Water level Meter Make/Model No. I Serial No. (Optional):

     ~ark/notch           on TOC                              //OC     Ie 100       ":#=-3 North rim ofTOC                               Pre-purge          Pre-purge              During               Purge            After o    Other:                                          initial        confirmation             purging                end          sampling Remarks Time     ("2400"   hr)                                                ()'t1.{O               /('O~               /015' Depth to Water (ft)                                                     1-'f~                /0,03              lo*Ob Date (mm1ddlyy)                                                         '/14/1 Z-            &:Jlb!1 Z-             ~/t,/J7 LNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent)

DNAPL Thickness (ft) (If present) Note:Record'S In RemarksColumnIf sheenIS observed. Field Data enstrument MakelModel No: Unit or Serial No: Pump description: Bailer description:

               ~54-                                   i:t:(                                 r!1                                            D Disposable polyethylene s= 7("          t eJ,..Crc                #=- z-o Peristaltic D Bladder (dedicated / portable) D Disposable Teflon Submersible                               D Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft):                    ~Z*7 0                               Well goes dry during purging:                E[] Yes [lj' No Casing vol. (gal):

(whereapplicable) 4.~ _.

                                                                             =  [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [welllD (inches)"] *0.0408 Time ("24:00" IIr)              O'Z¥(     os<< <</     tJ'ifl? 101,0 IO~3              "'J5C    IOti5'itJ /IJIJZ       /b6t7 I/)/)&      10((    temarks     /01 If I /0/7 Purge vol. (gal)                 0.0      0./5       CJ*'7      o.v<<      0.(,       o.i<<       (/.l' /,0 /.1-                 t. ?    i$       /.6                 1*75 Purge rate (mL/min)             /1}0       !OU        111 0      I()D   IIP'IJ        (00       11)0      loa rs>>              lOb    /I)/J     //)O                /fJO pH (su)                          (p,99 ~.1X' 6.19               7.07 1.08' '7.of;, ?.o~ 1.o~ 1.// 7.()C, /...,;'"                              7.b!/            I   7. tJV Temp. (0C)                      ZrI.'l1 Z(.5z. 2f.1r.t ~{Sif z{.9rJ z{.7cf It(.1'l Zt;. '?I Z5.1( Z5:17 7<f')'~                                             2~: 13 Spec. condo (uSzcm)              'I6l/f/J i.f7/J1 I.(rrM t..f1ro lift, SfY7 )257 S3r{; 1,)51fD 5!f3Y 5't{~! C;<.ftt;/                                           c;i.ldl.

D.O. (mg/L) - " ORP (mV) - - Turbidity (NTU) 'i.Z~ I~'?7 tJ."3f;, 0*00 IJ.()O 1'8.$7 (J.1? Ii zt;' ~O~ I~.~ u.()(') 7,32- /. 3G. Color/tint nrPlt t1rJk( - - - ~ ~ - . r-

                                                                                                                                          ~          r Odor                               tlO"lU  t1~            -         -        .r
                                                                                           -        .-         ~          .,,-     ~

SIDampre aat Sample lD Date. Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks WI aJ .- 0 l{ / 't,lt'L IIJJ CJ Z- 1Jt'J">u ,.J- J L C>'-

      £8 rn (IJ-- () if           I ~J{ 7_ !IJ'ftJ                      2-                   /I()k                  I' Sampler's Name (print):                                       -c/l-r5E                            Sampler Signature:

FormSOP 120 SamplingRecord- Revision2 (JAN 2012)

 ~tn Date               I Project Name                                                          Project Number                    Project Manager (Print)              /

PageLof_' Laboratory Name Submitted by: Parameters (Method Number) Lab Turn-Around Time FTN Associates, Ltd.

                          ~ ii'                                     124 W. Sunbridge Drive, Suite 3                                                                o 24Hours Phone: (         )

Fayetteville, AR 72703 (479) 571-3334

  • Fax (479) 571-3338 o 48 Hours 0 7 Days Sampler Signature(s) Recorded By (Print) f J...*.*

o Other:

                                -'                                                                                                                                       Due: _1_1-
                                   -           SAMPLE DESCRIPTION

\ Matrix" Method Field Sample Number Date Time Number of Laboratory Notes W S 0 Comp Grab (mm/ddlyy) (hh:mm) Containers

                                         , I (                                                                       *...

I I I Z ,7

  • Matrix: W = Water S = Soil O=Other Relinquished By (Signature) Print Name Date Time Received By (Signature) Print Name Date Time r.\. J . "
          ,                                                                                I                                                                                     I Relinquished By (Signature)                 Print Name                                Date     Time        Received By Laboratory (Signature)     Print Name             Date       Time I                                                                                     I Sampler Remarks                                                                                            Laboratory Remarks:

Revision Date 11122/02

Daily Log Site Location: b~('af/~t ~~r~rcl~~ Date: 12//(7//~

                     "f Project Number:                                                             Page     I of I I Z~O - /&rr r/(? tJ"h 1<;,-k d Ad         eel/' £rt2 k e~ tL/ L//YlCA-      r:

13 ~f} - j1r~ iOb c;e:tkh.. M.tJe~ /H,51l-0e~?~ tJZ5- ~La{A-- ~~~J/£':;- /;)1"-// / I,t)() - ~. ~Iv

                              .-"9-   JLc  ./"'A./    /. .* !.. ,", S~

I Form SOP 120 Daily Log - Revisio n 1

OatelTime: {Lh t e "'Z- / z '1- c:? I . 'I

  ~tn                                                    FTN Associates Calibration Form                                                 Prepared By: __

Location: I

                                                                                                                                                                ~d//)rj.-                      :;,

Project #: ~ ~tlJa/c,,"rj-'3 Instrument Standard Temp. of Standard I Reading Prior to Post Calibration Instrument Type 10 Parameter (su) Units (degrees C) Calibration I Calibrated Reading Comments Cend o uS/em Y N Cend li.fI1 uS/em 11, It- l180 cY?}N 1'-/-13 ll'i1.--

                        *~                    pH pH 7

4/10 su su 19-* "0 I?t. es k Cf9 it. (}3 mN (1)N


yt, u DO mm/Hg mgA Y N mgA Temp Degrees C tY*9~ I'tc> N N/A lA"?- Y N r Turbidity ~.{)L NTU N/A /). {'2- ~ N ()<<y~

  '?[ levWC, L-            *r             Turbidity Turbidity
                                                          /O(JD NTU NTU N/A N/A to, '"'}



(J N N (C).

                                                                                                                                             ~9'?1 I!

Turbidity NTU N/A Y N Comments: Notes:

1. Specific Conductivity Calibration: Calibrate first to zero using air, then to standard using standard solution.
2. pH Calibration (pH Method: EPA 150.1)
3. DO Calibration: Use 100% air saturation method. Use pressure in rnm/Hg as standard to calibrate in DO% saturation. Record readings in mg/I.
4. Temperature Calibration: No calibration is necessary. Record temperature of standard using thermometer while in calibration cup.

Then record sonde temperature reading. Precision and accuracy targets are commonly based on relative percent differences. Precision is either based on a relative percent difference between replicates (analytical precision) or duplicate samples (method precision) as follows: Relative Percent Difference (RPD) = 100 * (repl - rep2)/(repl + rep2)/2 The standard deviation of the average of a group of replicate (or duplicate) pairs represents the precision for a measurement parameter. For accuracy, percent difference is determined relative to a known or target value and is as follows: Percent Difference = 100 * (observed - target)/target Form SOP 120*6* Calibration Record-Revision 2

( iroundwater Sampling Record

                                                                                                                                               ?d7e ( okt..--

I Facility: kJalq f/,rd 3 Site ID: fJttU- I( Sampler: I/pAJ Project Number: hOt/5- tf60


Date: il/;~I/)./ FTN Associates, Ltd Site Description Type: ~nitoring Well D Temporary Well Extraction WelJ D Production Well D Dewatering Well D Borehole D Other Weather: tJ ve rC-Ci/5' t: Air Temp COF): 6e; I Wind: uJ- 5htPL, WellLocked? g:'xes DNo I Total Dep ~ (ft) Damage/repairs needed: JJp~ Remarks: Water Level Data "5 I Measuring point description:

~notch DNorth rim ofTOC on TOC wate lL Pre-pui ge el Meter MakelModel No.
                                                             ~C      iL Pre-purge too E-During Serial No. (Optional):

Purge After Remarks DOther: initia confirmation purging end sampling Time ("24:00" hr) rse.s ItioO lifZ.~ Jilf:g Depth to Water (ft) IJ!p,-- 1,.Q1 IV.37 /0.8-.1 II.Z/ Date (mrn/dd/yy) frZ-/UJ / rz- l'ZIIf)/; e-: rZ/I/)/o ..

                                                                                                    .                              /'t/IIJ /IZ v LNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent)

DNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent) Note:Record"S" in RemarksColumnif sheenis observed. .Field Data Instrum~r Make/Model No: Unit or Serial 0: Pump description: Bailer description:

                                          ..::J:b-- (

1L ~staltic D Disposable polyethylene


ttF ~C.j-e:i'j7CI "- D Bladder (dedicated / portable) D Disposable Teflon D Submersible D Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft): Well goes dry during purging: ((J Yes 0i?J:..N 0 Casing vol. (gal):

                                                                        = [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [well ID (inches)" ]
  • 0.0408 (whereapplicable)

Time ("24:00" hr) 172-1 17JI) /371 1/:7~ 15J9 JJY;7 /~y~' f3(j'iJ 1"5'1 13SU' Remarks Purge vol. (gal) D.tJ d* I IJ. z: J. '3 O.t! p*5 at t7:'1 P. r ~."l Purge rate (mL/min) It)" rzc; Ice; Ict:; IZC; /Z5 /Z5 (25 (2 C;; t' Z II pH (su) ~. tJ c; b.l{C, It.~Oj {~-Z ".70 f".7( ;'*72 t-. '7~ g.8? /'-77 Temp. (0C) z>>. Z/ 'ZO.ldEs, :2o.5i ~.t,tt7 >>.n 20.20 ;o.~{) :2V.% 2037 2t:>.t{'t/ Spec. condo (f..lS/cm) r; 1"-2$"u IQttZ. 15117 23S; ~211 5'38 ~t;65 7iffl) ~6'1Z- ~7Z~ D.O. (mg/L) - - -- - "- - - - -- -'- ORP (mV) - - - ..- ,. ...- - Turbidity (NTU) ,.1.~'.fe( /f{.77 ~.7? tr.77 6*2/ 1'7.17 2,77 'i 'i"I ?Z7 Color/tint - .- - - - - - - - - Odor - - ..- - - ...- - - Sample Data Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks Sampler's Name (print): Sampler Signature: FormSOP 120 SamplingRecord- Revision2 (lAN 2012)

proundwater Sampling Record f'te,," Z C7f 2-I lLr.:acility: II )al-e(r~Grcl "3 Site ID: fiUt..1 ~ I( Sampler: E-PIU

     .oject Numbe~        *bD'f7 ~cjil 0                                        Date:     tz/ie/.>>:                                                                FTN Associates, Ltd

Site Description Type: ~nitoring Well 0 Temporary Well IJExtraction Well 0 Production Well o Dewatering Well 0 Borehole 0 Other Weather: /;JJ~vw c;/--- Air Temp (OF): tf::.5" II Wind: h-5~pL-Well Locked? <Ji2TYe~0 No II Total Del th (ft) Damage/repairs needed: J)~ Remarks: Water Level Data

    ~;l\.motCh oint description:

North rim of TOe on TOC -e:ec Pre-p ge vel Meter Make/Model No. f<c 100 Pre-purge

                                                                                        .#7 During I Serial No. (Optional):

Purge After Remarks DOther: initi 1 continuation purging end sampling Time ("2400" hr) Depth to Water (ft) Date (mm/dd/yy) LNAPL Thickness (ft) (lfpresent) DNAPL Thickness (ft) (lfpresent) Note:Record"SO' in RemarksColumnifsheenis observe " Field Data lL!nstrument Make/Mod~ ~o: Unit or Serial ~o: Pump description: Bailer description: 1tf 9~ten bc- .jf( ~ristaltic o Disposable polyethylene y57 _ti ( o Bladder (dedicated / portable) o Disposable Teflon o Submersible D Disposable PVe Purge depth (ft): Well goes dry during purging: ((]Yes ~ Casing vol. (gal): = [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [well ID (inches)"] *0.0408 (whereapplicable) Time ("24:00" hr) r5,1 /'100 !W3 1<<0[" lCI-09 Ict7t. tVl5 Il/tS'" Ilj'l) ,<12 rf Remarks Purge vol. (gal) (.0 t,

t. "Z-- /. ~" l/ (.7 I*b /. '1 /, v: I. 'i Purge rate (mL/min) :2-7 IZ '7 12;; /' z-5" ( Z'7 (2.7 fV7 /Z,? /L5" I Z- ?

pH (su) 1/~.7~ L.?v t-?f Ctnl (,.f, 1 ,;;,7(1 Ct-~ q 1..?7 ~*k7 iL. ~fo Temp. COc) 2041 2;;.N 2cJ.f/t :2AJ.n, 26*7'1 2{h ~'{ 21;.(,7 2£;,~Zt'.t;q to. ~rJ Spec. condo (J..I.S/cm) r7q~3 C'IZI! /etJ'31 ~2oq ;; '] ~<j (;I./JJ ~'!7f "~~?/ b.;ir "$t.3 D.O. (mg/L)

                                   --          -        ~            .-           - - --'   ~                     -               -

ORP (mV) ..- - ~ - - ssr J,,-7 '1.9"z- tf. &77

                                                                                                                                              ..r t::~}

Turbidity (NTU) ~'~Z tf:->1 3,70 :':'7 ( J.Z-z, Color/tint - ~ , ~ - --- -" - - , Odor - - ~ - - - *...... Sample Data Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks rlllI/~11 iZ/tp!lZ-- 11{f{(J I IIhnt-' 1'- 7&1tl M J-/- 3 i-t DutJ /!lJ!-1 l i r il(if, f( (\ <, Gi IIltIJ '11 ir 1'15'0 ( ( ( ( Il Sampler's Name (print): ril-iC- AJ~tA ,~t I Sampler Signature: J!, .a>>:k~ -- n('-' v FormSOP 120*3 - SamplingRecord- Revision2 (lAN 2012)

CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY I Analytical Request Document /'5l:e~~' Ihe Obain-of-Oustody Is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. j Section A Required Client Information: Seotion B Requred Project Information: Rodney LeBlanc


IPage: I of I / I Company: ENTERGY WATERFORD 3 Report To: on: SAME Address: 17265 River Road Copy To: Company Name:


Killona, LA 70057 1 Address: Emeil To: rt~J)J.<ln@_!lJIt!![g¥,!a!!!l Purchase Order No.: Phone: (504)464-3267 IFax: Project Name: Requeeted Due DateIT AT: 15 WORKING DAYS Project NumbM ~:~:: #: Cindy Olavesen (504)305~62611:ill::I~~~I~II~ SecUon Required D Client Information Valid Matrix Cod ** MtJBIlI ORINKINGWATER mQe. ow wr 2

                                                                                                       ~ ii:'
                                                                                                       ~ 00 COLUCTED                                                   Preservatives              IiI:


                                                                                                       ! Q."   o

t-Q) c OTtER -c *c (A-Z, 0-91 ,-) TS W o 0.. Sample IDs MUST BE UNIQUE TlSSlE 0 0 W 0..  ::;  ::c 0 ~ ~ o X w lii

                                                                                                     ~                                                                                                                                                                                                 .""
                                                                                                     !;;:                                                            ~                                                                                                                                 .;;;
~ ~ Pace Project No.1 Lab 1.0.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .ll           al_

p 8_ lll: ~ PRINT Name of SAMPLER: c Q.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    !       I 1!~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 §G CIlG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ..* ]

i[ SIGNATURE of SAMPLER: a: 80 ~

                    -Important    Note:  By signing this form you are accepting Pace's   NET 30 day payment        terms and agreeing to ate  charges  of 1.5% per month     for any invoices not paid within 30 days.                                                                                   F-AlL-Q-020rev.06,2-Feb-2007

Daily Log Site Location: /I() 4.:krh ;'"j ~ ? Date: 7/l0 II J Project Number: t?~oC/t;~ 0021- {)eJ2.. Page / of Z-

  /)~'f5*        !till? IIIC         oN      'SJT8 1)<,10 .        c.nwfll/~Je           ([DB ~ It-F fi1<f 13 f. I t5 r- PrtJD C It! I xeA-(or.-

IJ '1'~;;'- <J*t~r.J- C.O ((~cJ~ "" L~ vel ~ t>f.-/-- I1t aJ.- 0 '" -- IZ(. a Htt 'rh * ./

   /I{tJO'-    /  if'!?      il.-   e-J i 145   J
                     /~r;£ 9)f.pJ

[~-----~ Form SOP 120 Daily Log - Revision 1

Daily Log Site Location: W [/"7 I Date: 7/11/t'3 Project Number: Ofttl 'f '}-OIJ 3/- tJcJ z- " Page 2- of .2 Q7?u - /ifY'1 vie: d JIL 'i I -6!-.." Ccj{ 6 re(.../.:: e.4 U I n.,h_ ...;- () 1'f7' - freJC [:> Sa,tdV f~ u

       /)il;{'5-  f!J fJ1 ",VL.     -:s (0lA in { 11.-..<.-. itA {)J- Of.,
                      'v, i 11 {)o- (1t1.1~  L S<< 1NtA!;J i II'I.A
                                              '        1M I oJ-I /{

d 2-D - 7 \rtL >t 5Ce:nA ' Coo{ ,10 D Cut (e ((e O.CL<..w0

          /4'70 - L e -{--f- '5 de'"

I--- Form SOP 120 Daily Log - Revision 1


DatelTime: .::rh!3 t C)&t~D

 ~tn                                                          FTN Associates Calibration Form                                                    Prepared By:

Location: If"1U ttJql;,-/Jrd - ..2 Project#: toi.{? ~DO:?/-' 00£ Temp. of Reading Post Instrument Standard Standard Prior to Calibration Instrument Type ID Parameter (su) Units (degrees C) Calibration Calibrated Reading Comments Cond 0 uS/em y N (ifl,) a.<t.~t.( ( if (,

  "~J,..                    W(

Cond pH 7 uS/em su l17, (~ ILf3$

s. tfc,
                                                                                                                  "    i~


                                                                                                                                      ~ N             7.00 i,&'rZ/tL "?51 c..or'3l1cOtP~ G)( ., (Ie; r'l. l2/r~

pH 4/10 su '11: ar i f!l) N 1.(.,;71) Lor 2 *1<~ t{ <<' GKII/I"f' DO mm/Hg mgn y N mgn Temp Degrees C 2-;'.0 2-9';</ N N/A y N

 \-tf 7£..LtIL{J,            £:t:\            Turbidity        a.oz              NTU                N/A            o , o>>           C'Y)N            (J.ol            t-rz>>:>> I               6¥.        ~!li..f Turbidity        {O.O              NTU                N/A          ss>>                (j)N            It). v'7        Lui t. o2~1              {;lC     Z  /;</

Turbidity (()tJO NTU N/A $(/9.1/ ~N 4Qr.b iot z () 1J~If e<< Ii/II-r Turbidity NTU N/A y N Comments: Notes:

1. Specific Conductivity Calibration: Calibrate first to zero using air, then to standard using standard solution.
2. pH Calibration (PH Method: . EPA 150.1)
3. DO Calibration: Use 100% air saturation method. Use pressure in mrnlHg as standard to calibrate in 00% saturation. Record readings in mgll.
4. Temperature Calibration: No calibration is necessary. Record temperature of standard using thermometer while in calibration cup.

Then record sonde temperature reading. Precision and accuracy targets are commonly based on relative percent differences. Precision is either based on a relative percent difference between replicates (analytical precision) or duplicate samples (method precision) as follows: Relative Percent Difference (RPD) = 100>1<(repl - rep2)/(repl + rep2)/2 The standard deviation of the average ofa group of replicate (or duplicate) pairs represents the precision for a measurement parameter. For accuracy, percent difference is determined relative to a known or target value and is as follows: Percent Difference = 100 * (observed - target)/target Form SOP 120 Calibration Record-Revision 2

OatelTime: 'f *. ,

 ~tn                                                           FTN Associates Calibration Form                                                     Prepared By:

Location' Temp, of Reading Post Instrument Standard Standard Prior to Calibration Instrument Type 10 Parameter (su) Units (degrees C) Calibration Calibrated Reading Comments Cond 0 uS/em Y N Cond It.!/ /~ uS/em 2-~.f!)O l7(P~ (Y)N 14(~ tpT 2/fL '3~'l bX lill}

                            .4-+/--(                                 <7                           t2 5.l(O 1.0 (                                                      !"~,f '~It( {)t,.~*               ~ "?/>;;

(/ST pH su fY)N 1.,!/O pH 4/10 su 2'7*0 "} .:f. 04 If)N f.00 I>> I 2,1f 1<'t., 1./",-/ t:>>: ,7;'-/ DO mm/Hg mgA y N mgA Temp Degrees C 2-'7..0 2'(.11 N N/A Y N U.~ Set.e .".*tc..r. -It. ( Turbidity d, I) 2- NTU N/A (jJ. 1& (Y) N f). o I :I~:>f fa 2d I ~:x2/'1 Turbidity h.). o NTU N/A /tJ.rJ'Z. C UN Q.O,I u/I ccJ?~q ~X Vt'</ Turbidity I()(}() NTU N/A ItJtJf? C :IN 100'7 1..01 car( t17 hX ~;;~ Turbidity NTU N/A Y N Comments: Notes:

1. Specific Conductivity Calibration: Calibrate first to zero using air, then to standard using standard solution.
2. pH Calibration (PH Method: EPA 150.1)
3. DO Calibration: Use 100% air saturation method. Use pressure in mmlHg as standard to calibrate in DO% saturation. Record readings in mg/l,
4. Temperature Calibration: No calibration is necessary. Record temperature of standard using thermometer while in calibration cup.

Then record sonde temperature reading. Precision and accuracy targets are commonly based on relative percent differences. Precision is either based on a relative percent difference between replicates (analytical precision) or duplicate samples (method precision) as follows: Relative Percent Difference (RPD) = 100 * (rep I - rep2)/(repl + rep2)/2 The standard deviation of the average ofa group of replicate (or duplicate) pairs represents the precision for a measurement parameter. For accuracy, percent difference is determined relative to a known or target value and is as follows: Percent Difference = 100 * (observed - target)/target Form SOP 120 Calibration Record-Revision 2

_~tn Groundwater Level Data Sheet r'roject Name: Project Number: Investigator:

           /)Jt{/e~~\fd - 3                                                                                                    PageLof~

{J~OI.(C;- 00'5 r , 00 Z 6FN Weather Conditions: Measuring Device: Su AiL,? uJ,,~J?MP L Wl- {CecJC (00 jj ~ f Depth to WellID Date Time Water (feet Damages/Repairs belowRP) D Damaged well pad/casing D Damaged TOe U Lacks visibility

                                                       ). C!> 0     D                          D                       D     Lacks access (llUJ - ()~       "lIfe      /1"'"  b15$

D Damaged bollards Damaged equipment D Damaged lock Un-kept vegetation D See gw sample record D Damaged well pad/casing D Damaged TOe D Lacks visibility t 1_ {Z. D Damaged bollards D Damaged lock D Lacks access fVl,W"O'l t . 1)4'(5 D Damaged equipment D Un-kept vegetation \19.-see gw sample record D Damaged well pad/casing 0 Damaged TOe 0 Lacks visibility ~ W\-l.ll-D1 If 0'155 fR*27 o Damaged bollards o Damaged lock D Lacks access D Damaged eauioment o Un-kept vegetation 0 See gw sample record o Damaged well pad/casing D Damaged TOe o Lacks visibility tM-W ,O~ /1 t (J ~7 y. (. o o Damaged bollards D Damaged lock D Lacks access D Damaged equipment D Un-kept vegetation DB' See gw sample record D Damaged well pad/casing o Damaged TOC D Lacks visibility Wt (()~b5 iI D Damaged bollards D D Lacks access LOiS ,.r? D Damaged equipment o Damaged lock Un-kept vegetation J(l. See zw sample record

 --                                                                    D Damaged well pad/casing  D   Damaged TOe         D Lacks visibility z5                       D Damaged bollards         D  Damaged lock         D Lacks access yYt().J- i 0         II          I;)

7 - i(~ D Damaged equipment D Un-kept vegetation D See zw sample record D Damaged well pad/casing D Damaged TOe D Lacks visibility ()11 fA) - II D Damaged bollards D Damaged lock D Lacks access jI iV1~ '1,"1 I D Damaged eouioment D Un-keot vegetation D See gw sample record o Damaged well pad/casing 0 Damaged TOC D Lacks visibility

     >>tW. 0i                1I (O<.('i      ~-i{(           D Damaged bollards         o  Damaged lock         D Lacks access D Damaged eouinment        o  Un-kent vezetation   R. See gw sample record

('f1AJ- O"} 1\ IO~C; f.. (.,7 D Damaged well pad/casing D Damaged bollards D D Damaged TOe Damaged lock D Lacks visibility D Lacks access D Damaged equipment D Un-kept vegetation I~ See gw sample record D Damaged well pad/casing D Damaged TOe D Lacks visibility D Damaged bollards D Damaged lock D Lacks access D Damaged ecuinment D Un-kent vegetation D See gw sample record o Damaged well pad/casing 0 Damaged TOC 0 Lacks visibility o Damaged bollards D Damaged lock D Lacks access D Damaged ecuinment D Un-kept vegetation D See aw sample record D Damaged well pad/casing D Damaged TOe D Lacks visibility o Damaged bollards D Damaged lock D Lacks access D Damaged equipment o Un-kent vegetation D See gw sample record D Damaged well pad/casing D Damaged TOe D Lacks visibility o Damaged bollards D Damaged lock 0 Lacks access D Damaged equipment D Un-kept vegetation D See gw samole record o Damaged well pad/casing 0 Damaged TOe 0 Lacks visibility o Damaged bollards D Damaged lock 0 Lacks access D Damaged ecuinment DUn-kept vezetation 0 See gw sample record D Damaged well pad/casing 0 Damaged Toe 0 Lacks visibility D Damaged bollards D Damaged lock 0 Lacks access o Damaged equipment o Un-kept vegetation 0 See gw sample record Notes. RP - Reference Point TOe = Top 01 Casing gw = groundwater

Groundwater Sampling Record )lFacility: WF-3 Site ID: rttw-o ~ Sampler: GrA.) roject Number: Oc,0t.{C;; - tJo3i- ~o-;z... Date: ~I (Z>/IJ FTN Associates, Ltd S'ite Description Type: ~onitoring Well o Temporary Well o Extraction Well 0 Production Well 0 Dewatering Well 0 Borehole 0 Other Weather: "3wilAW] II Air Temp eF): &,5 II Wind: />>- ') M ff..., Well Locked? [XfYes 0 No II Total Depth (ft) 31.??, II Damage/repairs needed: !3o((axd~ l1.eed Pali-t-h~ v Remarks: Water Level Data Measuring point description: Water level Meter MakelModel No. I Serial No. (Optional): (8f.Markinotch on TOC ~"6C{~ 100 tt ~ D North rim ofTOC Pre-purge Pre-purge During Purge After Remarks DOther: initial confirmation purging end sampling Time ("24:00" hr) 10'75 1100 Ull) l{"~ ) 1210 Depth to Water (ft) ~-?1 r~7I t>> ?1~ ~*'i1 ~.O2


Date (mmJddlyy) '//oll'~ o,jl() '1/(oiI3 7/16/13 '1lIb LNAPL Thickness (ft) (/fpresent) DNAPL Thickness (ft) (/fpresent) Note: Record H S' In Remarks Column if sheen IS observed. Field Data JlInstrument Make/Model No: Unit or Serial No: Pump description: Bailer description:

           -<it                                       #-(                                           OO-Peristaltic                                        o     Disposable polyethylene 1+£ 5(;(&11.    ~  G"                         :it-(                                           D Bladder (dedicated / portable)                      D Disposable Teflon o  Submersible                                        o     Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft):                    *3Z.9/                                         Well goes dry during purging:              CO Yes IX!              No Casing vol. (gal):
                                              '),1/1                                    = [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [welllD (inches)"]
  • 0.0408 (whereapplicable)

Time ("24:00" hr) !fOe 1111? I/O'?' /1/1 /1,'-1 (111 If to If Z '3 II e.c- I/? c:; II 3 zRemarks Purge vol. (gal) t:J.tJ (J. I ~*l /J-3 D*'! 05 ().~ 6'1 O.~ 0.'7 1*0 Purge rate (mlzrnin) te<< i e7' ft? i"2.? 11-<;, 125 I zs ,e5 i 'Z 5 12 S" lZ$ pH (su) t..52 /P.~9 ?(P'Z ft. cs (.,*1( ro .71 Cz./1 '.r" b .8'; G:, ,~3 '-. 9"2-Temp. (0C) ~". '3 S'. [).~.iN J~.r.(¥ ;J.{'"O J,.1,:~t; -<t.le,. I  :)~.3i ;<'~.'H2.(,. .~ \ 02(, . .,:r :2,. ~ Spec. condo (u Szcm) J. cs>> lfs,i1 21J.1 .J7'ftj a.7/PO ~7<j( Z'it00 ~Cli2. 31:13 3UY 30 '31 D.O. (mg/L)


ORP (mV) Turbidity (NTU) J5'2 ~C;i;?D Cf. '0 ~./( 4. 71 if' fa. 3.lf7 tL2J  !..f iff b.~J "J.~Z Color/tint - r- - - - - - - - - - Odor - ~ ~ '- ~

                                                                                                    -           ~       ~
                                                                                                                                                 ...            ~      I SID ample      ata Sample ID                   Date              Time                # Containers              # Filtered                                            Remarks M IIJ'" b'1                   ~I/'()II!J         }135                     .0..                    AJ~           t;   :lSo~ /1* 3 . [: (qcJ?c~{i-~                                  -
                                                                                                                                                                /l Sampler's Name (print):              title AJ seA/5cf                                                  I Sampler    Signature:         ~r,1;:/Le-

{ Form SOP I 120 SamplingRecord-Revision 2 (JAN 2012)

Groundwater Sampling Record II Faciiity: iA I F- 3 Site ID: ouu-o <! Sampler: GfV

     !roject Num1X:r:             0& O'-{S       ' OO?      i z,                              Date:       1/10(0                                                      FTN Associates, Ltd
       . Descrmt on SIte Type: l.Jiliv1onitoringWell 0 Temporary Well DExtruction Well 0 Production Well DDewatering Well 0 Borehole 0 Other Weather:                  :)<< VI, !Lv}       ?5"                                   II Air Temp CF):                 ~5'                          II Wind: 51t1.c l-   i.Jt.s--r Well Locked?               ffiYes        D No              II Total Depth (ft)              ;'1. 7?        ~ Damage/repairs needed:            Bv{(a.rd5        nee J      /)C(
                                                                                                                                                  .uJ cI(~t lS we:<-5ft£cl qwo.'f
                                                                                                                                                                                     /'It +


                                                                                                                                                   -Pro M.. 10 o <<( C( rd s q~J ()o...J Water Level Data Measuring point description:                                        Water level Meter Make/Model No.                                   I Serial No. (Optional):                        ,

o Mark/notch on TOC /C.Gc(C /OO.IJ. ~

      ~orth        rim ofTOC                                              Pre-purge                Pre-purge               During            Purge            After Remarks Other:                                                               initial            confirmation              purging            end           sampling Time    ("24:00" hr)                                                   {O t.f (                /2-cf5                 /jo ()            /'0 '7         /3'/5' Depth to Water (ft)                                                     R.Y!                  <j.    -II             7* 1/           (.). '7           ef.~7 Date (mm/dd/yy)                                                        1/10/0                  ~/I()/I'            q/lo/t3           1/~Q II-t,         Ufo/(!;.

LNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent)

  • L I DNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent)

H ,.- .. Note: Record S In Remarks Column It sheen IS observed. Field Data II Instrument Make/Model No: Unit or Serial No: Pump description: ' Bailer description:

                  ¥)t                                                    D(                                          ~peristaltic                                D Disposable polyethylene
    .       p:F5(f:.A..I7Ctc                                             tt-(                                            Bladder (dedicated / portable)          o   Disposable Teflon o    Submersible                            o   Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft):                                 '"1,.  *.1"            ;1./:7                   Well goes dry during purging:             CO Yes     Da No Casing vol. (gal):

(where applicable) *4-:.l{Q l\.1~ = [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [well ID (inches)" ]

  • 0.0403 Time ("24:00" hr) i z {8' IZ5 I 17-$1 12.:51 i,oo (20') Remarks Purge vol. (gal) h.iJ 0*/ D./.... ()
  • r~ 0-1.{ Purge rate (mL/min) I~C; t z '7 12'7 \1.-~ (t'] (zS pH (su) ~ -'to (q.(q{

f,5f' c,. 5~ ~5f t;, 7'~ Temp. (0C) Q&, ('3  ;,{5,lQ ,Q&.6V ah.D1  ;;{~.{) 4 Q 6.0' Spec. condo (~lS/cm) t./8t;z 1{72'1


i.f1<1~ /.t7'i:~

                                                                                                    <<:7          Vt"d D.O. (mg/L)                                -                                             ~         "'""        .-

ORP (mV) - - ,.. - - ~ Turbidity (NTU) i '15" 1... J't~1 ct/~7 jJ,oCf '6, ~q I L<tl Color/tint .~ ~ *.... e-, , - Odor ... I *.... ..- ~ c-I ~ ample SID ata Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks Nt,;} o l/ s-: q ho/l1; I~Dtj ~ VL~ {~z5o ~ {.(-j" /- ( 4 ti2 .*7r;Z ..

                                                                                                                                                                  ~                       /~

Sampler's Name (print): Sampler Signature: Form SOP 120*3 - Sampling Record - Revision 2 (lAN 2012)

Groundwater Sampling Record I

   " Facility:              tuF- :3                                                   Site ID:     m(j}~os             Sampler:             erA.)
     -~JrojectNumber:             tJ~Oi5- 003/-                  OD-z..               Date:    ")/to /1:;                                                           FTN Associates, Ltd S'ite Descrrpnon
                    . t' Type: Q-Monitoring Well                 0 Temporary Well           DExtraction Well 0 Production Well               0 Dewatering Well 0 Borehole 0 Other Weather:              o   titfCIt. ~        l-                       II Air Temp 3-7. '5q en          <l<;                                 \I Wind:      IJ~~-*

Well Locked? aYes ONo II Total Depth (ft) \I Damage/repairs needed: 8: Ifavi.:; 11 t1:ed P&t;Jt-ft ~ Remarks: Af'ld do'*-f- fC(D(de-eel nea.y Oct>:{ .. Water Level Data Measuring point description: Water level Meter MakelModel No. too. 4:/;. I Serial No. (Optional): ,

      ~ark/notch              on TOC                                    kGciL D North rim of TOC                                       Pre-purge             Pre-purge              During                 Purge              After Remarks DOther:                                                      initial         confirmation             purging                 end            sampling Time   ("24:00" hr)                                         lOt 5              If.{t.( D             / V?,1                /t;'ZD            ICt(}O Depth to Water (ft)                                       6. f3                                       6, 13               10-/2-              t* 15
                                                                                    '"1//,;/1) 8">

Date (mmJdd/yy) - 't/(Oll~ &J1'~/i1 7//0/1-2,. "'//1'0/13 LNAPL Thickness (ft) (If present) r DNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent) t' Note: Record S ". In Remarks Column if sheen IS observed. Field Data .11 Instrumei My)<e/Model No: Unit or Serial No: Pump description: Bailer description: 5J . .Jt( IJ{.P eristaltic D Disposable polyethylene Uf 5 tt.£Jtl, c, *ft ( o Bladder (dedicated / portable) o Disposable Teflon o Submersible o Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft): "'?l.S:J) Well goes dry during purging: L[JYes ENo Casing vol. (gal): (where applicable) ~i.~* = [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [well ID (inchesr' J* 0.0408 Time ("24:00" hr) it.ftf5 I 'fir I t.(5( Jc/s{ iV?, 1500 ISo,? 15t)6 1~7 15"r 2- IISte; Remarks i 5"/3' \ Purge vol. (gal) () .D o .f" ~_Z- 0.-'1 () , if 0,5 O.~ 6.? D.2' (),a; (6 l- ( Purge rate (mL/min) /2- S tz-'7 l'"Z-':J cz. tJ /?,5 J:J.5 t 'l- S' ;"-5 12--5 125 /2-$ J is / pH (su) 15g 17.~'3 7.'2p 7. ZZr 7,Jo 7.(1 7./6 1. II 7.oe 1,oJ ?_o) 7-tJ& I

2~.l,-;I.. ~~,$3t2],O Ip zc .S-5 Temp. (0C) J',1 'I ;Z~JJd,J 5t~
                                        'fCj 1Y Q/7 t;2oo 'f((g9 ~b9.2. '-igD.? tjgo~ tf~/1 flt-t;
<7.0' ff.711 J73) ~1t(~ ~1lef Spec. condo (IlS/cm) wor: ¢/J'" ~'-/,;2~~

D.O. (mg/L) ,....

                                                      -                       -         -           -           -~        ---        -         ~

ORP (mV) - - - , ~ ~ Turbidity (NTU) 3C;-/~ I ¥.o:; If. 13 ~.11 tf. t t ~~,IJ. >>'.1(' b.8-( 1.2~II. iY 'f2-1J 3~.22. Color/tint - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - Odor ~ ~

                                                                    -          ~          ~          ~          '-         ~          -        --          ../

ample SID a ta Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks mtu"bj ~11oII; I

  • l(lP .:L !l(fItQ. 1;2fO~ 1(3; t
  • 14r1/Ca.hz oc.
                                                                                                                                                /              1/

Sampler's Name (print): Form P 120 SamplingRecord - Revision 2 (JAN 2012)

Groundwater Sampling Record Jl.Facility: IIJF~ Site ID: I1'lln *;--a (;J Sampler: ---r:piJ I

roject Number: IJ U>~ - 007 f - 00 '2 Date: -t: II? FTN Associates, Ltd S'Ite D escription Type: ~onitoring Well o Temporary Well DExtraction Well 0 Production Well 0 Dewatering Well 0 Borehole 0 Other Weather: S'UUIfI1 ~ Air Temp eF): <jtD II Wind: e: $'n...oL Well Locked? ~es tJ No II TotaIDepth(ft) 3t;.l./:D II Damage/repairs needed: ~~.t1I1I'('A ((./.-d <<e/? ll~ed,;Jq;;"'1:

Remarks: Water Level Data Measuring point description: f§Markinotch on TOC Water level Meter MakelModel No. tcsc (C- (00 -:::tf 3 1 Serial No. (Optional): North rim ofTOC Pre-purge Pre-purge During Purge After Remarks o Other: initial confirmation purging end sampling Time ("24:00" hr) IO()5 09"(5 o 757 tJf<<f5 7),35 Depth to Water (ft) I/.ZO, s.r> i..{, ~ { </.7fi b,O.6 Date (rnmIddlyy) 1/co111 t:ji{(iJ '; ~/d / 17.,. '-I fI / rz, 'il I 171 7 LNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent)

  • DNAPL Thickness (ft) (lfpresent)

Note: Record "S ".on Remarks Column if sheen IS observed. Field Data -lInstrumen~~~eIMOdel No: Unit or Serial No: Pump description: Bailer description: Jt-( ~eristaltic o Disposable polyethylene 1d::F-S Ct e tvf1~c .¢=  ! o Bladder (dedicated / portable) o Disposable Teflon o Submersible o Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft): ~O' t{iJ Well goes dry during purging: LO Yes f}(.No Casing vol. (gal): (where applicable)

                                             ~.Of(                                 =  [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feetj] [well ID (inchesj "].>>
                                                                                                                                              >                       0.0408 Time       ("24:00"  hr)       O<J'ZO a~23 ID&"2~ OS'Z't ~~~ til'5h-                                     Mn:i' U'OI.{( f)g"c{l                             Remarks 1).0 0-/                 b<'1.- o . "7 D-l(                                                  ().'?,'

Purge vol. (gal) D.S a, {p 6-7 Purge rate (mL/min) 12.$ 12..? (Z, t 1..') {Z7 {Z? ilS I?,..5 {2..5 pH (su) 6.~~ 1.()O 7~o7 7.10 7. (~ 1.(C; '1.1e 1.1 '1 7.17 Temp. (0C) .2l",({ 1.?1~"lC;. <;-1 2-'1.'/1, 2.~.17 z,_ 4.0 2t.'l7 UJz 2(.,.,1 Spec. condo (IlS/cm) . :302.~ )..12.'7 2'1f4, Il~12 2CJ.70 21H 21 ~rf1'1004 3()/3 D.O. (mg/L) ORP (mV) - - - - {J.l</, f).5'f Turbidity (NTU) 1/.t;1 t.01 0.1' i. S'lp t;.f 7 ~30 4,1? Color/tint - ~ - - -' - - Odor

                                                 --             '--'      ~          -              -            -       .,/          ~

SIDampie ata Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks mil 0 ~ r- &fIlii" L O?1S ~ ~ 1-250J a.<< r: //..,:.(}~ I Sampler's Name (print): Sampler Signature: Form SOP 120 Sampling Record - Revision 2 (JAN 2012)

Groundwater Sampling Record 1/",:acility: Wt/ j Site ID: lILl/l-o'1 Sampler: er:-/J

     }rojeGl Number:          I){gOy5 ~ 00 3(- (JO Z,                            Date:      '1110/13                                                           FTN Associates, Ltd Site Descrtption Type: IXLMonitoringWell           o Temporary Well              DExtraction Well 0 Production Well              o Dewatering Well 0           Borehole   o Other Weather:          7 LOUVVf                                       ~ Air Temp eF):            fie}                                 II Wind:

Well Locked? KZIYes' 0 No ~ Total Depth (ft) 'iI Ie; ~ Damage/repairs needed: tJ~ I Remarks: Water Level Data Measuring point description: Water level Meter Make/Model No.


I Serial No. (Optional): ,

     ~arklnotch           on TOC                                      /Cft-(L       [00 D North rim ofTOC                                  Pre-purge              Pre-purge                During               Purge               After Remarks DOther:                                                 initial         confirmation              purging                end              sampling Time     ("24:00" hr)                                 ()1?5                   lfel1                I~1.-5'              tiL"] '7          irvo Depth to Water (ft)                               (1. Z 5                  fR -  2.-~5            1,l   L            '7..1..'7            '1. .03 Date (mm1ddlyy)

LNAPL Thickness (ft) (Jfpresent) 11m! I':> f OJ/IO/I"? ql to J I "i

                                                                                                                          '1 Iff) j" '3         1/0>/'3 DNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent)

Note:Record "S ".III Remarks Column If sheen IS observed. Field Data .11 Instrument MakelModel No: Unit or Serial No: P~ description: Bailer description:

         ~.}(-5c      1< k,.

t 4-,(....- tJ(

                                                         . 1:1- (                                  D eristaltic Bladder (dedicated / portable) o o

Disposable polyethylene Disposable Teflon o Submersible o Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft): 3~.\r; Well goes dry during purging: CO Yes ~o Casing vol. (gal): (where applicable) 5:~~ if, tc z>> 1..~ 1~'2-1 1&32-

                                                                                  =    [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [wefI ID (inches)"]
  • 0.0408 Time ("24:00" hr) 1~1~ Remarks Purge vol. (gal) 0.0 LJ~ ( 1- o- '7 o .l{'

O. Purge rate (mL/min) 1'26 !'2S l?,5 12 '7 (1.5 pH (su) ~, i't; !le.1'- &.&'11 Ct,&ct i: 1 Temp. (0C) Q'i. "£1 lS.f1.C 1..t;S1 2.5.)1 2 vn Spec. condo (/J.S/cm) uo:/ (001 I DO 7- 10D1.. (0 {)1, D.O. (mg/L) - ~ ORP (mV) - ~ Turbidity (NTU) ~.f~ 1..~O _ 3,If 'J"l {p 4.'1'2, Color/tint .- .

                                                             *..         -          ~


                                     -          *..           -          ~          ~

ample SID ata Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks tVUu"" 67 or/'D/t.~ It/I? Sl- II av>> I' '250nt.P N- 3~ /- I C1dJ cL'- I ( Dt.tP rnM "'01 M

                                                    \1/D                      '}                   IlCl2t"                  ((               /        0,/

Sampler's Name (print): Etue NGC/{-{ 5 G- Sampler Signature: Form SOP 0 Sampling Record - Revision 2 (lAN 2012)

Groundwater Sampling Record I lI~acility: t<JF? Site ID: fvtq),-03' Sampler: 6Ftv' _'roject Number: 04i01.f'5: - 00 } ( --002- Date: ~I. tl( t1 FTN Associates, Ltd S'de Descrtptton Type: NjMonitoring Well 0 Temporary Well OExtraction Well 0 Production Well 0 Dewatering Well 0 Borehole D Other Weather: (Jv e.V-Ccx 9+ II Air Temp (oF): 8-S II Wind: f3 - C;FlAfl-Well Locked? ~s DNa ~ Total Depth (ft) Ifl* i.f 7 i Damage/repairs needed: Dl~(t¥le.~d5 t-q ~e i{"c p(Q(e~ Remarks: u-V'otLrtd pad Water Level Data I f!t Measuring point description: Mark/notch on TOC North rim of TOC Water leVi! Meter MakelModel No ..-;> Pre-purge

                                                                            .( c;:e(L Pre-purge l ()0 -{t..     :;>

During Serial No. (Optional): Purge After Remarks o Other: initial confirmation purging end sampling Time ("24:00" hr) I) q I{S' tJq.f" 01~2 to D? /0 'Ie> Depth to Water (ft) 1Z- _ t "l /{(;;/(~

7. f7. 1..12.- 7-</f rs>>

Date (mm/ddlyy)  ?/1£/(> ~ /1/ /i'~ ct/u /(~ 9/1t!/~ LNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent) DNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent) Note:Record"S ".InRemarksColumnIf sheenISobserved. Field Data 1 Instrument Make/Model No: t./ S~ Unit or Serial No:

£!:I Pump description: Bailer description:
                                                                                                      ~peristaltiC                                   D Disposable polyethylene iJE    5et~ **...  :Lh,-                        d:-{                                               Bladder (dedicated / portable)             D Disposable Teflon D Submersible                                  D Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft):                   3ft* 'i 7                                       Well goes dry during purging:               COYes       ~o Casing vol. (gal):

(whereapplicable)  ?',~D = [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [well ID (inchesr"] *0.0408 Time ("24:00" hr) Purge vol. (gal) I ()QSo 0.0 (9. / 1/)'153 ()~<S~ 0*2-oqsq

                                                                           ~.  .,    {OU 1.

O'{ Remarks Purge rate (mL/min) !2t=; lLt7 12 C; /1S- 11-C; pH (su) 7- 2Z- fo.~7 ~. C;o, ~(9t i. t5'1 Temp. (0C) 27.23 lJ. (I Ac;:,*13 ~&.i0 ~&.'tJ Spec. condo (J.lS/cm) tZ3<{ (oS; 10('0 vo '75' I{)<;~ D.O. (mg/L) ~ - ~ - - ORP (mV) - ~ - - - Turbidity (NTU) ?l..~ 7* '0"1 -2.c;'o J. .J.~ 3.&~ Color/tint Odor


ample SID ata Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks MtU-o q- ,Ill If? 1005  ::2 /J A1;u2. I ~ Zt{olk/) 11-- J' /- (c:,'c.O ~ 1./ Sampler Signature: Form SOP 120 Sampling Record- Revision2 ClAN 2012)

Groundwater Sampling Record

  • ~Paci1ity: U),V~~ Site ID: /IUrJP'1 Sampler: GpiJ
  .roject Number:          D~otfr;        ~ 00 'J{ - 00 Z                      Date:        Cf.,./ttlJ";'                                                    FTN Associates, Ltd
  ~*t I e D cseription Type; rnMonitoring Well            o Ternporary Well          DExtraction Well 0 Production Wcll                    0 Dewatering wen      D Borehole DOther Weather:          OU.i V-Let.7+                                II Air Temp eF):                   t5~                              II Wind:    £7  vlA1P~  s: 5r WellLocked?          ~Yes       DNo           II Total  Depth (ft)       '10* 'z.- 'Z-II    Damage/repairs needed:                A/one Remarks:

Water Level Data Measuring point description: Water level Meter MakelModel No, I Serial No, (Optional):

   ~ark/notch           on TOC                                       ((.~ c ~              (00         :bt-. 'S orth rim of TOC                               Pre-purge              Pre-purge                    During             Purge             After o   Other:                                             initial           confirmation                   purging             end           sampling Remarks Time   ("24:00"   hr)                                01' -;1'              iOtf(p                      fib 0            I[O~              /({D Depth to Water (ft)                                    t:5
  • De) i),oS' L/, (S. C;,i& "tj),{ r Date (mm/ddlyy) q/to/I"7 "'lJ{(7It~ "ilto/;-' "'I/il Ii '3 ~/~{/{~

LNAPL Thickness (ft) (lfpresent) DNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent) Note:Record"S" In RemarksColumnIt sheenIS observed. Field Data J Instrument MakelModel No: Unit or Serial No: Pump description: Bailer description:

 "            V£7£                                     4:- {                                     &        Peristaltic                              o   Disposable polyethylene H£g, c-(    .ecJt c:;; c,                   M::--(                                  D Bladder (dedicated / portable)                  D Disposable Teflon D Submersible                                     D Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft):                   35,2~                                       Well goes dry during purging:                  ((J Yes    i&No Casing vol, (gal):

(whereapplicable) ~,1~ = [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [well ID (inches)"]

  • 0,0408 Time ("24:00" hr) iOtir I/D$( IDSt{ I 6'77 Ii o D ((e'l Remarks Purge voL (gal) 0' o O. i O. -z, O . ., ()t./

t) ,f Purge rate (mUmin) lZ C; [1.-S It~ {ZS f2 .. S (1...'7 pH (su)  !~/~3 ", 3'9' f,.<g1 to..Sf ~,'ifq ~,'i~ Temp, (0C) ~5.t;)q2.)..p ;2).~~2~fv ~).~r Zt;1i Spec, cond, (IlS/cm) d.~,I.(z.15l~ J.5i-1 2~35 }..S(~ ,~S2..4> D.O, (mg/L) ORP (mV) r: Turbidity (NTU) if. jg (q;AI i. 5'1 +'0 I 3.13 Lt,'1 L Color/tint Odor e-" (,.... ample SID a ta Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks nA./iJv oq l'J 1111{~ HOc, d- ilJhJ (- 2t;oA2 ((-; ~ f - fCfoV pt:-. r / Sampler's Name (print): Sampler Signature: FormSOP 120-3 - SamplingRecord- Revision2 (JAN 2012)

Groundwater Sampling Record "Facility: Site ID: Sampler:

~)roject Number:                                                               Date: 1-                                                                         FTN Associates, Ltd SitI e D escripnon
               . tl Type: &!Moniroring Well.              o Temporary      Willi OEhlraction         Well DProduction Well          0 Dewatering          Well  0    Borehole     o Other Weath~r:       o t/erLll5+                                        ~ Air Temp eF):            ~                                       i Wind:        J {J W-{)L £Ad--

Well Locked? 'filLYes D No /I Total Depth (ft) a:Z,92.. ~ Damage/repairs needed: tJ~ Remarks: Water Level Data Measuring point description:

 ~arkJnotch               on TOC Water    tr~elL   Meter MakelModel No.

too $3 I Serial No. (Optional): North rim ofTOC Pre-purge Pre-purge During Purge After o Other: initial confirmation purging end sampling Remarks Time ("2400" hr) ItJ2.5 it ') I /Z 0 I /'211 /255 Depth to Water (ft) '/. -(q tJ.,$'O >>.e<<: 7'.71 '/.7'3 Date (mmJdd/yy) q/ro/13 <t./i( / ('7 q/" /r>> q/(I If? q /If /" LNAPL Thickness (ft) (lfpresent) DNAPL Thickness (ft) (lfpresent) Note. Record S In Remarks Column if sheen IS observed. Field Data Instrument MakelModel No: Unit or Serial No: Pump description: Bailer description: Y'f- . H{ ~ Peristaltic D Disposable polyethylene kl f 5'u e ~d; l Ca..- ~ I Bladder (dedicated / portable) o Disposable Teflon o Submersible o Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft): Q. 7. '8-;1- Well goes dry during purging: q]Yes r&.No Casing vol. (gal): (whereapplicable) ).g'1 = [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feet)] * [well ID (inchesr' ] *0.0408 Time ("2400" hr) 115"5' IljSq 'ilPl tl°tl I'll) 7 1210 Ill-I? /Z,/C- Remarks Purge vol. (gal) 0,0 tJ *1 0,2- a.e. ().3 () , '-f 6.5' (J,(,.. Purge rate (mL/min) l2S I Z IS /2 ..$ l2-'7' 115 /25 127 izS pH (su) (p->f~ (p,7' &*1~ r.e,1Z rp:7/.. &'.12 t_1,/ 6*15 Temp. (0C) ;25.'7/ :2C,,/7 J,)~181fu*oO Qf70 ~5:13lr;il ~5'*lf2 Spec. eond. (IlS/em) lf~\fJ 'itJofu 5131 5~1CjIt /78 &"137 11/.'-/119 6c(1/ D.O. (mg/L) - ~

                                                          -         -..*          -        -          ~          ,..

ORP (mV) - - - - r- .. ,. Turbidity (NTU) '5.l.u1. ,,1() I.:>, t.l6 ~,1e1 /.'j~ /.r}  !~~ 16/

                                     -                      ~

Color/tint , -" .- - - - Odor - ~

                                                                       -          - -                   ~         .*....

SID ample ata Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks m lU* ID q[tl I"~ tiu: ~ /lfhM. / *.Zf() i'iIR Jf~3 ~ i-: ( 4 tJ( bL..

                                                                                                                                           /               ""

Sampler's Name (print): Sampler Signature: Form SOP 120 Sampling Record- Revision 2 (lAN 2012)

Groundwater Sampling Record

  ~Faci1ity:                Wr3                                                    Site ID:     (Y'iw - t(           Sampler:             6IJAI
      .!roject Number:          tJioOt./5 - 00 '3 [> 602..-                        Date:    'tIn II'?                                                          FTN Associates, Ltd Site Description Type: G9Mo~itoring Well             o Temporary Well          DExtraction Well 0 Production Well                 0 Dewatering Well 0 Borehole 0 Other Weather:        IJi/*(f{)C?(.c, f:                             II Air Temp      (OF):          CZS                                II Wind:    10 Mpl-       *~Sk)

Well Locked? lRYes ONo II Total Depth (ft) 38'-2'1 II Damage/repairs needed: tJ~ Remarks: Water Level Data Measuring point description: Water level Meter MakelModel No. I Serial No. (Optional):

       ~ark/notch           on TOC                               lLfiC(c:-         tOO        tt-3 North rim ofTOC                               Pre-purge                Pre-purge               During                Purge             After Remarks o   Other:                                            initial            confirmation              purging                end            sampling Time    ("24:00" hr)                                1035                    (I &0                   1')1>                 /'32-D            1'5'>7 Depth to Water (ft)                                  4[,,"{(               1.77                      i'. ~i             ((.'10           /2--*11 Date (mmJdd/yy)                                     q/lo/I'J                'ttll/i'?            'tIt I It.?           "till/f)           '1/1( If ')

LNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent) DNAPL Thickness (ft) (Ifpresent) Note: Record "S".In Remarks Column II sheen IS observed . Field Data II. Instrument MakelModel No: Unit or Serial No: Pump description: Bailer description:

   .            V5r:

l):f- JCI~/Jthei c-

                                                        #-     I
                                                                                                   -B-   Peristaltic Bladder (dedicated / portable) o o

Disposable polyethylene Disposable Teflon o Submersible o Disposable PVC Purge depth (ft): 33 2 "t Well goes dry during purging: L[] Yes ~No Casing vol. (gal): = [total depth (feet) - depth to water (feetj] * [well ID (inchesr"] *0.0408 (whereapplicable) Time ("24:00" hr) HDt 130./ n>> 1 jJfO If~/J /'3((:, 1~/0 Remarks Purge vol. (gal) f)*O a. I {) .. 2,.

                                                                        &*3         I). Y       0.<;       tJ.1,;,

Purge rate (mL/min) 17.-5 /2;; f7..-f7 f2'7 (7.., f'2s' {2-S pH (su) (P.17 t-SI ~.15'&.71, fp, If) ~.~~ (,*10 Temp. COc) 02~*~l;<<(.,.01 2),.92 U}? 2>' f'a, 25: if"-; 2~05 Spec. condo (IlS/cm) 6325 Lf885 18 '3? '1842- 1.0&(' trq.'L( Lft} 7" D.O. (mg/L) r- ~ c-ORP (mV) Turbidity (NTU)

                                     ~5.Sr If '51 (P,W 3.te1 3.~t; 3. OS? :3.'1'1 Color/tint                         -        -          -           ---           -           -           ~

Odor - v - - -- - - SIDample a ta Sample ID Date Time # Containers # Filtered Remarks i'J1IJJ" If 1/j(!t~ l'l.a o /lflW [-( -Z-:7() ,.J' hf-- 7 ~ 1- {~rJ( cL-EB T1Ho<"l/ I(

                                                      /wu                      ~                       )U,~                 I(                  /        1,1
                                                                                                                                                   /J II Sampler's         Name (print):       {;ILl AJ f:- C,4{S?                                               I Sampler     Signature:     Z~.-:-7D ~

Form S£120-3 - Sampling Record- Revision 2 (lAN 2012)

  ~tn    -

Date I Project Name Project Number Project Manager (Print)

  , -, I, I
                       ....                J.
                                                        ./                                                                 'f O~..*:....,    oo Z.                ,:; .           ~I c...

T 1 Page~ of -- - Laboratory Name Submitted by: Parameters (Method Number) Lab Turn-Around Time FTN Associates, Ltd. 124 W. Sunbridge Drive, Suite 3 o 24Hours Fayetteville, AR 72703 o 48 Hours Phone: ( ) (479) 571-3334

  • Fax (479) 571-3338 Sampler Signature(s) .-'/ Recorded By (Print)
                                                                                                                                                             .**...      I

0 7 Days

                                    ~                                                     r; J

II ' (/lIS( 'VJ o Other:

                                 ". "f. ** ~".",                                                                                                                                                                                    Due: _I_I-I                                                         SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Matrix"                                  Method Field Sample Number                              Date                    Time W        S        0 Number of Comp        Grab Laboratory Notes "itt.rJ 0:3 (mmlddlyy)
                                                               .J j


                                                                               ~                 "-                   ~



Yl .J - cJ ' o r; ,l J ,-l ~"7

                                                                          !5lD 1.


                                                                                                                                                    ..I        ~

r1 ~u--07 J I;, 3-5 \" t /

  ~}~Il-I..u~ D 1 .              ¥                     17l!.)             t                        2                                       c:
       ,)11{) - ()            t,                l/t /,7-                 /1'5 ~f":;          , -'                      Z.                            A
        ..*                                                                                                          2-I                 f)<t:                         I                   IIJ()~
               )                                                                                                                                      '\
     "1     1
               ,        DC,                         I                   /1 ()"~             ,)(                      L_                                           <'        -.

rf(uJ ~ ID t

                                                   ..y 112lY                                           Z.                            '"        "-
     !i1u) ...n                                                        132.0                  *..                      (.,
  • Matrix: W = Water S = Soil 0= Other Reli!lquished By (Signature) Print Name pate Time Received By (Signature) Print Name Date Time 1,.' ~fJ. <,;.{ .",,I L , l-,' 'Iii***1 I) ,  ; "/ I , .')

Jt_~ "'/t.

                       *      "       "                                                                            I "                     "               t        ,~_ - ~,    (I
                                                                                                                                                                                               -        *.. . \",1',       I i Relinquished                By (Signature)                 Print Name                                       Date      Time           Received    By Laboratory (Signature)                 Print Name                              Date      Time I                                                                                                                        I Sampler Remarks                                                                                                                      Laboratory Remarks:

Revision Date 11122/02

~tn                                                                                                                Project Manager (Print)

Date Project Name Project Number

                                                                                              ..,                                                       Page __    of __

Laboratory Name Submitted by: Parameters (Method Number) Lab Turn-Around Time FTN Associates, Ltd. 124 W. Sunbridge Drive, Suite 3 o 24Hours Fayetteville, AR 72703 o 48 Hours Phone: ( (479) 571-3334

  • Fax (479) 571-3338 o 7 Days Sampler Signature(s) Recorded By (Print) o Other:


  • Method Field Sample Number Date Time I w I S I 0 I Number of Comp Grab (mmJddlyy) (hh:mm) Containers
  • Matrix: W = Water S = Soil 0 = Other Relinquished By (Signature) Print Name Date Time Received By (Signature) Print Name Date

Relinquished By (Signature) Print Name Date Time Received By Laboratory (Signature) Print Name Date Time Sampler Remarks Laboratory Remarks: Revision Date 11122/02}}