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Steam Generator Tube Leak
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/2004
From: Fredrickson P
Download: ML041350318 (1)


PRIORITY ATTENTION REQUIRED MORNING REPORT - REGION II Morning Report Date: MAY 14, 2004 Licensee/Facility: Notification:

CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. MR Number: 2-2004-0007 Harris Date: 04/21/2004 Raleigh, North Carolina Call / Fax from SRI Dockets: 050-00400

[1] W-3-LP


Steam Generator Tube Leak Discussion:

On April 21, 2004, evidence of a primary-to-secondary leak developed in the "C" steam generator. The leak was estimated at approximately 8 gallons per day with the plant at full power, which was within Technical Specification limits.

The unit automatically tripped on May 6, 2004, due to an unrelated issue (Event Number 40730). The facility took the unit to a cold shutdown condition for inspection and repair of the steam generator tube leak. A pressure test revealed a through-wall leak in one of the steam generator tubes. Upon inspection of the "C" steam generator, the licensee located a piece of foreign material adjacent to three tubes on the cold leg side of the tube sheet, one of which was the leaking tube. Eddy current inspection of these tubes revealed defects in all three tubes adjacent to the foreign material. Upon review of eddy current inspection data from the previous refueling outage, the licensee discovered that defects in two of the three tubes, which were adjacent to the foreign material, were identifiable based on that data. Further review revealed that the defect in the leaking tube was located in a 1/2" length of tube that may not have been properly inspected during the previous refueling outage. The licensee's extent-of-condition review identified that this improper inspection was conducted on all three steam generators. Subsequent data review of the other steam generators did not reveal any defects. The licensee determined that the two effected non-leaking tubes in the "C" steam generator had adequate structural integrity. All three tubes will be plugged prior to restart.

Regional Action:

A regional inspection of the steam generator testing is planned for May 17, 2004 and will include a review of this problem.


Org: Phone No: Email:

FREDRICKSON, PAUL E R2 (404) 562-4530