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Calculation RNP-I/INST-1128, Rev 5, RCS Flow Instrument Uncertainty and Scaling Calculation.
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/01/2004
From: Saphos A, Will Smith
Progress Energy Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RNP-I/INST-1128, Rev 5
Download: ML042390211 (71)



RCS Flow lnstrument Uncertainty and Scaling Calculation (Title including structures, systems, components)


D CR3 RI HNP I RNP Ok NES Ok ALL APPROVAL REV l PREPARED BY l REVIEWED BY SUPERVISOR 2 Signature Signature Signature Signature on File Signature on File Signature on File Name Name Name Date Date Date 3 Signature Signature Signature Signature on File Signature on File Signature on File Name Name Name Date Date Date 4 Signature Signature Signature Signature on File Signature on File Signature on File Date Date Date 5 Signature Signature ySinature W. Robert Smith Alex SahosO Date D w/ Date (For Vendor Calculations)

Vendor-Hurst Technologies Vendor Document No. RNP-T/TNST-1 128 Owner's Review By Da4te4 Date 06 /61/O4-

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 2 REVISION 5 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES PAGE I I AGElREV PAGE l REV l ATTACHMENTS 1 34 67 5 Number Rev Number 2 35 68 5 of Pages 3 36 69 5 4 37 70 5 A 1 5 38 71 5 5 B 1 6 39 5 C 1 7 40 5 D

8 41 5 E 1 9 42 5 10 43 11 44 12 45 13 46 14 47 15 48 16 49 17 50 18 51 19 52 20 53 21 54 22 55 23 56 24 57 25 58 26 59 27 60 28 61 29 62 30 63 31 64 32 65 33 66 AMENDMENTS Letter Rev Number of Pages

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 3 REVISION 5 Table of Contents SEC DESCRIPTION PAGE LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES .............................................. 2 REVISION HISTORY ............................................ 6 1.0 OBJECTIVE ............................................. 7 2.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ............................................. 8 2.1 NORMAL FUNCTION ...................................................... 8 2.2 ACCIDENT MITIGATING FUNCTION ...................................................... 8 2.3 POST ACCIDENT MONITORING FUNCTION....................................................... 8 2.4 POST SEISMIC FUNCTION ....................................................... 8 3.0 LOOP DIAGRAM ............................................ . 9


.1................................................ .1 4.1 DRAWINGS ...................................................... 11 4.2 CALCULATIONS ...................................................... 11 4.3 REGULATORY DOCUMENTS ...................................................... 11 4.4 TECHNICAL MANUALS ...................................................... 12 4.5 CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ...................................................... 12 4.6 PROCEDURES ...................................................... . 12 4.7 OTHER REFERENCES ...................................................... 13 5.0 INPUTS AND ASSUMPTIONS ............................................. 14 6.0 CALCULATION OF UNCERTAINTY CONTRIBUTORS ............................................. 21 6.1 ACCIDENT EFFECTS (AE) ...................................................... 21 6.1.1 Accident Temperature Effect (ATE) ...................................................... 21 6.1.2 Accident Pressure Effect (APE) ...................................................... 21 6.1.3 Accident Radiation Effect (ARE) ...................................................... 21 6.2 SEISMIC EFFECT (SE) ...................................................... .:22 6.3 INSULATION RESISTANCE ERROR (IR) ................................... 22 6.4 PROCESS MEASUREMENT ERROR (PME) ................................... 23 6.4.1 Process Measurement Error ................................... 23 6.4.2 Flow Calorimetric Uncertainties ................................... 23 6.4.3 Process Density Effects ................................... 24 6.5 PRIMARY ELEMENT ERROR (PE) .26 6.6 TRANSMITTER (FT-414, FT-415, FT-416, FT-424, FT-425, FT-426, FT-434, FT-435, AND FT-436)27 6.6.1 Transmitter's Unverified Attributes of Reference Accuracy (RAxmtr) .27 6.6.2 Transmitter Calibration Tolerance (CALImtr)..........................................................................27 6.6.3 Transmitter Drift (DRxm) .27 6.6.4 Transmitter M&TE Effect (MTEm,) .28 6.6.5 Transmitter Temperature Effect (TEmt) .28 6.6.6 Transmitter Static Pressure Effect (SPE,,.).........................................................................................29 6.6.7 Transmitter Power Supply Effect (PSEXm)...........................................................................29 6.6.8 Transmitter Total Device Uncertainty (TDUXTr) .30 6.6.9 Transmitter As Found Tolerance (AFITm)..........................................................................................30 6.6.10 Transmitter As Left Tolerance (ALTxmtr) .31 6.7 COMPARATOR MODULE .32 6.7.1 Comparator's Unverified Attributes of Reference Accuracy (RAmp) .32

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 4 REVISION 5 6.7.2 Comparator Calibration Tolerance (CALComP)...................................................................................32 6.7.3 Comparator Drift ( .32 6.7.4 Comparator M&TE Effect (MTEComp).........................................................................................33 6.7.5 Comparator Temperature Effect (TE,,p).33 6.7.6 Comparator Power Supply Effect (PSECOID) .33 6.7.7 Comparator Total Device Uncertainty (TDUcomp).......................................................................34 6.7.8 Comparator As Found Tolerance (AF'comp) .34 6.7.9 Comparator As Left Tolerance (ALTCo,.).............................................................................35 6.8 ISOLATOR MODULE .36 6.8.1 Isolator's Unverified Attributes of Reference Accuracy (RA1s1 ) .36 6.8.2 Isolator Calibration Tolerance (CALjs) .36 6.8.3 Isolator Drift ( 3 ) .36 6.8.4 Isolator M&TE Effect (MTEi, 1) .37 6.8.5 Isolator -Temperature Effect (TEj, 3 0 ).....................................................................................................37 6.8.6 Isolator Power Supply Effect (PSEj 1,).38 6.8.7 Isolator Total Device Uncertainty (TDUjS1).38 6.8.8 Isolator As Found Tolerance (AFTj, 1 ) .38 6.8.9 Isolator As Left Tolerance (ALT,,,) .39 6.9 INDICATOR.40 6.9.1 Indicator's Unverified Attributes of Reference Accuracy (RA&d) .40 6.9.2 Indicator Calibration Tolerance (CALjd) .40 6.9.3 Indicator Drift (DR.m) .41 6.9.4 Indicator M&TE Effect (MTEnd) .41 6.9.5 Indicator Temperature Effect (TEnd) .4.................................... : 41 6.9.6 Indicator Power Supply Effect (PSE.w) .................................. 42 6.9.7 Indicator Readability (RDnd) .42 6.9.8 Indicator Total Device Uncertainty (TDUid) ............................. 422......;

6.9.9 Indicator As Found Tolerance (AFTr,,d) .43 6.9.10 Indicator As Left Tolerance (ALT1 nd) .44 7.0 TOTAL LOOP UNCERTAINTY (TLU) .. 45 7.1 TOTAL LOOP UNCERTAINTY - PLANT NORMAL .45 7.1.1 Total Loop Uncertainty - Indicator FI-414, 415,416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436 .45 7.1.2 Total Loop Uncertainty - Input to ERFIS .46 7.2 TOTAL LOOP UNCERTAINTY - ACCIDENT .47 7.3 TOTAL LOOP UNCERTAINTY - POST SEISMIC .47 7.3.1 Total Loop Uncertainty - Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip .47 7.4 LOOP AS FOUND TOLERANCE .48 7.4.1 Loop As Found Tolerance - Indicator FI-414,415,416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436 . 48 7.4.2 Loop As Found Tolerance - Input to ERFIS .48 7.4.3 Loop As Found Tolerance - Comparators .49 7.5 GROUP AS FOUND TOLERANCE .49 7.5.1 Group As Found Tolerance - Indicator FI-414,415,416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436 . 49 7.5.2 Group As Found Tolerance - Input to ERFIS .50 7.5.3 Group As Found Tolerance - Comparators .50 8.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS .. 51 8.1 IMPACT ON IMPROVED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .53 8.2 IMPACT ON UFSAR .53

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 5 REVISION 5 8.3 IMPACT ON DESIGN BASIS DOCUMENTS ................................. 53 8.4 IMPACT ON OTHER CALCULATIONS ................................. 53 8.5 IMPACT ON PLANT PROCEDURES ................................. 53 9.0 SCALING CALCULATIONS .. 54 9.1 FLOW TRANSMITTER (FT-414,415,416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436) .54 9.2 ISOLATOR MODULE (FM-414,415,416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436) .64 9.3 COMPARATOR MODULE (FC-474,475,476,484,485,486,494,495, AND 496) .65 9.4 INDICATOR (FI-414,415,416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436) .66 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS PAGES Attachment A - Calculation Matrix 1 Attachment B - Comparator Drift I Attachment C - Rosemount Drift 1 Attachment D - International Instruments Indicator Data 1 Attachment E - Elbow Tap Flow Coefficient Uncertainty 1

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 6 REVISION 5 REVISION HISTORY REVISION DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2 Revised to validate the Technical Specification Low Flow Reactor Trip setpoint and Allowable Value. The format of the calculation was also revised to follow the calculation methodology presented in EGR-NGGC-0153.

3 Revised to add informative note describing a potential source of available margin due to reduced secondary calorimetric uncertainty. Revised plant operating parameters; cold leg temperature revised to 547.60 F (from 5460 F), RCS system pressure to 2250 psia (from 2235 psia). Several additions have been made to clarify the information presented in this calculation (ex. New Section 5.17, notes added to Sections 6.6 and 6.7, and others).

4 This revision includes the change of transmitter type due to Engineering Change 54509. This EC changed the transmitter type from a Rosemount model 1152 to a Rosemount model 1154 for FT-416, 425,426,434, and 435. This revision also changed the Allowable Value determination to evaluate the Technical Specification Allowable Value against the Technical Specification Setpoint (Section 8.0). Revised comparator AFT to provide additional conservatism for the determination of AV. Corrected numeric error in the computation of the Low Flow trip TLU. Miscellaneous editorial corrections.

5 Editorial corrections. Revised Section 9.3 heading to reflect proper comparator modules. Removed extraneous text out of the AFT and ALT equations in the Scaling Calculations section (Section 9.0).

Also corrected the computed As Found Tolerance values for the comparators in Section 9.3.

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IJJNST-1 128 PAGE NO. 7 REVISION 5 1.0 OBJECTIVE This calculation computes the loop uncertainties associated with the indication and trip functions provided by the Reactor Coolant System Flow instrumentation loops. The loops addressed in this calculation also provide input to the Emergency Response Facility Information System (ERFIS). Uncertainties at the input to ERFIS are calculated.

Uncertainties are calculated for normal and seismic conditions. This calculation develops the Reactor Protection System (RPS) setpoint associated with each instrument loop. This calculation also calculates the Allowable Value for the RPS setpoint addressed in this calculation.

The instrument loops containing the following components are addressed in this calculation:

FT-414 FT-415 FTI416 FQ-414 FQ-415 FQ-416 FC-414 FC-415 FC-416 FM-414 FM-415 FM-416 FI414 FI-415 FI416 FC-414/R FC-415/R FC416/R FM-414/R FM-415/R FM-416/R 1F-414 F-415 F-416 FT-424 FT425 FT-426 FQ-424 FQ-425 FQ-426 FC-424 FC-425 FC-426 FM-424 FM-425 FM-426 FI-424 F1425 F1426 FC-424/R FC-425/R FC-426/R FM-424/R FM-425/R FM-426/R F-424 F-425 F-426 FT-434 FT-435 FT-436 FQ-434 FQ-435 FQ-436 FC-434 FC-435 FC-436 FM-434 FM-435 FM-436 F1-434 FI-435 F1-436 FC-434/R FC-435/R FC-436/R FM-434/R FM-435/R FM-436/R F-434 F-435 F-436

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I!INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 8 REVISION 5 2.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The main components of the Reactor Coolant System are the Reactor, Steam Generators, the Pressurizer, and the reactor coolant pumps. The reactor coolant pumps provide forced cooling for the reactor during normal operation. The instrument loops addressed in this calculation serve to monitor reactor coolant flow in each loop and provide the following protective function:

  • Low Flow Reactor Trip 2.1 NORMAL FUNCTION During normal operation, the instrument loops addressed in this calculation provide reactor coolant loop flow indication (FI-414, 415, 416, 424, 425, 426, 434, 435 and 436) and input to the Emergency Response Facility Information System (ERFIS).

2.2 ACCIDENT MITIGATING FUNCTION The instrument loops addressed in this calculation provide a Reactor Trip on Low reactor coolant flow in any loop. This trip serves to protect against DNB following a loss of forced reactor coolant flow. A Reactor Trip occurs when two out of three flow signals fall below the Low Flow setpoint. Per Reference 4.7.1,-this trip is credited in the Safety Analysis to  :-;. -

protect against loss of forced coolant flow events.

2.3 POST ACCIDENT MONITORING FUNCTION Per Reference 4.6.2, these instrument loops are Regulatory Guide 1.97 D3 instruments, which are used as backup and diagnostic instrumentation.

2.4 POST SEISMIC FUNCTION These instruments are seismically qualified to ensure that safety / protection functions remain operable following a seismic event.

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 9 REVISION 5 3.0 LOOP DIAGRAM Low Reactor Coolant Flow Reactor Trip Note: Same configuration for loops F-415, 416,424,425,426,434,435, and 436.


_ _ _ _ _ l I MODEL I I FT- 414, 415, 424, Transmitter Rosemount Containment 4.1.1-3, 4.7.4 436,416,425,426, 1154HP5 434,435 FQ- 414,415,416 Power Hagan Optimac Hagan Rack 4.1.1-3, 4.7.4 FQ- 424,425,426 Supply Model 137-121 FQ- 434,435,436 Or NUS SPS 801 FC414/R, 415/R ItV Hagan Model Hagan Rack 4.1.1-3, 4.7.4 FC-416/R, 424/R 3110554-000 FC-425/R, 426/R FC-434/R, 435/R FC436/R FM414/R, 415/R IVV Hagan Model Hagan Rack 4.1.1-3, 4.7.4 FM416/R, 424/R 3110554-000 FM-425/R, 426/R FM-434/R, 435/R FM-436/R FM414,415,416 VAI Hagan Model 110 Hagan Rack 4.1.1-3,4.7.4 FM424, 425,426 Isolator Or NUS OCA 800 FM-434, 435, 436' FC-414, 415, 416 Comparator Hagan Model 118 Hagan Rack 4.1.1-3,4.L7.4 FC424, 425,426 Or NUS SAM 800 FC-434, 435,436 _

FP414, 415, 416 Indicator International RTGB 4.1.1-3, 4.7.4 FI424, 425, 426 Instruments 2520 FI434,435,436 Instrument Identification



4.1 DRAWINGS 4.1.1 5379-3524, Hagan Wiring Diagram, Revision 13 4.1.2 5379-3525, Hagan Wiring Diagram, Revision 15 4.1.3 5379-3526, Hagan Wiring Diagram, Revision 14 4.1.4 HBR2-11260, Zone Map For Environmental Parameters Reactor Building Elevation 228 ft, Sheet 5, Revision 2 4.1.5 HBR2-11133, RTGB Panel A - Left Vertical Section, Sheet 6, Revision 4 4.2 CALCULATIONS 4.2.1 RNP-E-1.005, 120 VAC Instrument Bus Voltage Evaluation, Revision 2 4.2.2 Deleted 4.2.3 RNP-M/MECH-1651, Containment Analysis Inputs, Revision 11 4.2.4 RNP-MIMECH-1 741, 32-5015594-00, Appendix K, Power Upgrade Operating Conditions, Revision 0 4.3 REGULATORY DOCUMENTS 4.3.1 Regulatory Guide 1.97, Rev. 3, "Instrumentation for-Light Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant and Environs Conditions During and Following an Accident" -

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 12 REVISION 5 4.4 TECHNICAL MANUALS 4.4.1 728-589-13, Vendor Manual Hagan, Revision 23 4.4.2 728-399-88, Auxiliary Indicating Meters Bulletin Model 2500 2520, Revision 3 4.4.3 728-012-10, Vendor Manual Rosemount, Revision 27 4.5 CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 4.5.1 LP-060, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 414, Revision 8 4.5.2 LP-061, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 415, Revision 8 4.5.3 LP-062, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 416, Revision 8 4.5.4 LP-063, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 424, Revision 7 4.5.5 LP-064, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 425, Revision 7 4.5.6 LP-065, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 426, Revision 8 4.5.7 LP-066, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 434, Revision 7 4.5.8 LP-067, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 435, Revision 7 4.5.9 LP-068, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 436, Revision 7 4.6 PROCEDURES 4.6.1 EGR-NGGC-0153, "Engineering Instrument Setpoints", Revision 10

  • 4.6.2 TMM-026, "List of Regulatory Guide 1.97 Instruments", Revision 21 4.6.3 MMM-006, Calibration Program, Revision 23 4.6.4 MMM-006, Appendix B-3 Calibration Data Sheets, Revision 3 4.6.5 EST-047, Reactor Coolant Flow Test (18 months), Revision 20 4.6.6 OST-020, Shiftly Surveillances, Revision 21

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 13 REVISION 5 4.7 OTHER REFERENCES 4.7.1 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision 15 (For information only) 4.7.2 Technical Specifications, Amendment 176 (For information only) 4.7.3 RNP-F/NFSA-0045, RNP Cycle 21 Reload Plant Parameter Document, Revision 2 4.7.4 EDB 4.7.5 ASME Steam Tables 6 th edition 4.7.6 R82-226/01, DBD for Control Room Habitability Modifications 993&994, Revision 6 4.7.7 Operability Determination No.95-022 4.7.8 ASME Fluid Meters Their Theory and Application, Sixth Edition, 1971 4.7.9 ESR 97-00195 4.7.10 WCAP-11889, "RTD Bypass Elimination Report" 4.7.11 EE87-113 4.7.12 EE90-073 4.7.13 EC 54509

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIJNST-1 128 PAGE NO. 14 REVISION 5 5.0 INPUTS AND ASSUMPTIONS 5.1 The accuracy of a typical test resistor is on the order of +/-0.01%. Therefore, the test resistors used during calibration are assumed to have a negligible impact on the overall uncertainty calculation.

5.2 Per Reference 4.7.6, the ambient temperature in the control room varies from 70'F to 770 F during operation. The calibration temperature for the indicator is assumed to be 60'F. Therefore, a change in temperature of 17'F (9.4 0 C) is used to compute the indicator temperature effect.

5.3 The Westinghouse 3110554-000 Computer Signal Conditioner is a high precision resistor. Based on the high accuracy of the resistor, the resistor has a negligible impact on the overall loop uncertainty computation.

5.4 Per Reference 4.7.6, the maximum temperature of the Hagan rack rooms is 820 F. Per Reference 4.6.1, the racks may experience an additional 10 0 F heat rise during operation.

The ambient temperature at the time of calibration is assumed to be 50'F. Therefore, a change in temperature of 420 F is used to compute the temperature effect associated with rack components.

820 F + 10 0 F - 50F = 420 F 5.5 Per Reference 4.6.1, reference accuracy typically includes the effects of linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability. The indicator reference accuracy given in Reference 4.4.2 is assumed to include the effects of linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability.

5.6 Per References 4.5.1 through 4.5.9, the I/V module is calibrated as part of a string. Per Reference 4.4.1, the I/V module is a resistor. Resistors typically experience negligible drift. Therefore, any resistor drift throughout the fuel cycle is negligible and is accounted for during the string calibration.

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 15 REVISION 5 5.7 Per Reference 4.1.4, the minimum operating temperature for Containment is 88 0 F. Per Reference 4.2.3, the maximum Containment temperature is 130T. The transmitters are not calibrated during normal plant operation. Therefore, the temperature at the time of calibration may be lower than 88 0 F. For conservatism, an assumed calibration temperature of 50'F is used to compute the transmitter temperature effect.

5.8 Per Reference 4.6.1, the normalized relationship between flow and differential pressure is given by the following equation:


The equation used to convert random uncertainties from % AP Span to % Flow Span is derived by taking the total derivative of the flow equation as follows:

=a A- _dp = dp aAP 2.%P d 2FR where, dFR = flow uncertainty (% Flow Span) dp = differential pressure uncertainty (% AP Span)

FR = actual flow rate (% Flow Span)

To obtain the equation used to convert random uncertainties from % Flow Span to %

AP Span, the equation given above is solved for "dp".

  • dp = 2 (FRXdFR)
  • - Multiply by a factor of 100 to obtain % AP Span 5.9 During normal operation, RCS flow remains constant at approximately 100% Flow which equates to 83.33% Flow Span (100% Flow Span = 120% Flow). Therefore, this calculation considers flow rates from 40 to 100% Flow Span.

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 16 REVISION 5 5.10 Per Reference 4.7.3, the analytical limit for the Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip setpoint is 87% of the Technical Specification minimum RCS flow requirement. These loops are scaled to provide an indication of 0 to 120% Flow. Per Reference 4.7.9, an analytical limit of 87% Flow Span is more conservative than 87% Flow. Therefore, the RCS Low Flow Reactor Trip setpoint is calculated based on an analytical limit of 87% Flow Span.

5.11 Per Reference 4.6.1, the normalized relationship between flow and differential pressure is given by the following equation:

FR = ,r--

The equation used to compute percent differential pressure span from a given percent flow span is obtained by solving the equation for AP. Therefore, AP=10%A Sak FR )2 AP' = 100%,P Span 100% Flow Span where, FR = Flow Rate 5.12 Per Reference 4.7.9, if all variables are treated as constants except density (p) and differential pressure (A0), the following equation is used to compute the theoretical flow through an elbow meter:

m = KIAp where, m = mass flow rate (Ibm / hr)

K = Flow Coefficient p = fluid density (Ibm / ft3 )

AP = differential pressure (inwc)

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 17 REVISION 5 For calibration conditions, the flow equation is as follows:

mc = Kid For operating conditions, the flow equation is as follows:

mN = K Assuming a constant mass flow rate for calibration and operating conditions, the following equation is written:

mN = mc Therefore, K/pN -Ap-N= KJpc AR Solving for APN yields the following equation:

(A AP c

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IAINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 18 REVISION 5 The process measurement effect, expressed in terms of % AP Span, due to changes in RCS fluid density from those assumed for calibration is obtained with the following equation:

rPC Ap -Ape PMEDENsrry (% AP Span) = pNAPC )10%AP Span P=

N 100% AP Span AP Span p AP Span Therefore, PMEDENSnY (% AP Span) = P 100%APSpan AP Span 5.13 Per Reference 4.6.1, the normalized relationship between flow and differential pressure is given by the following equation:

FR = /i The equation used to convert bias uncertainties from % AP Span to % Flow Span is derived using perturbation methods. The flow equation with uncertainties in the differential pressure and flow terms is, FR+f= J /Vd where, FR = actual flow (% Flow Span) f = flow uncertainty (% Flow Span)

AP = differential pressure (% AP Span) dp = differential pressure uncertainty (% AP Span)

Taking the difference between the two equations given above yields the following, FR+f -FR = - =:> f =AP+dp-

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 19 REVISION 5 The equation given above is simplified by using the normalized relationship between flow and differential pressure as follows,

  • f =FR 2 +dp-FR
  • - Multiply by a factor of 100 to obtain % Flow Span To obtain the equation used to convert from % Flow Span to % AP Span, the equation given above is solved for "dp". Therefore, the equation used to convert from % Flow Span to % AP Span is as follows,
  • dp= (FR +f) 2 _FR2
  • - Multiply by a factor of 100 to obtain % AP Span 5.14 Per Reference 4.2.4 and Design Input 5.16, RCS cold leg temperature during normal operation is approximately 547.6 0 F at 2250 psia, which is in agreement with Robinson Dynamic Plant Data PLT View. Per Reference 4.7.10, the uncertainty associated with the RCS average temperature is +/-40 F. For conservatism, RCS cold leg temperature is assumed to vary between 537.6 0 F and 557.60 F during normal operation. Therefore, per Reference 4.7.5, the following densities are used to compute the process measurement effect associated with density variations of the RCS cold leg fluid:

Pc = 47.01789 Ibm / ft3 (calibration, 547.60 F)

PMAX= 47.64037 Ibm / ft3 (maximum, 537.60 F)

PMIN = 46.36606 Ibm I ft3 (minimum, 557.6 0 F)

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 20 REVISION 5 5.15 HBR2 replaced all RCS Flow Transmitters with Rosemount transmitters. After the new transmitters were installed, the differential pressure (AP) required to indicate 100% RCS Flow was determined for each of the 9 RCS Flow Transmitters. Based on discussions with station personnel and a review of Reference 4.7.7, the RCS Flow Transmitter 100% AP values were scaled to the process range of 0 to 120% RCS Flow, yielding AP values for 120% RCS Flow. These values were then documented in the scaling documents for their respective transmitters. Since the RCS flow transmitters have not been normalized to 100% flow since the initial scaling, it is assumed that the existing scaling documents (Reference 4.6.4) contain the correct span values for each of the 9 RCS Flow Transmitters. [Note that the calibration values in 4.6.4 have been rounded to the nearest inwc, so the actual transmitter 100%

range value must be calculated using the input / output recorded in Reference 4.6.4.]

5.16 The RCS cold leg temperature is based on 0% tube plugging in the Steam Generators, which is the most conservative value.

5.17 The computations performed in this calculation are carried to several significant digits, but are presented rounded to two decimal places. Hand verification using the rounded values may result in slightly different results due to round off error.


Per Reference 4.6.2, the indication functions are required to provide backup indication following an accident. However, Category 3 loops are not required to be qualified for harsh environmental conditions. Therefore, accident effects are not computed for the indication functions.

Per Reference 4.7. 1, the Low Flow Reactor Trip is credited in the safety analysis for terminating loss of forced coolant flow events. Per Reference 4.7.2, this trip serves to prevent violating the DNBR limit due to low flow in one or more loops. This trip is not credited to terminate any event which results in a harsh Containment environment. Therefore, accident effects are not included in the total loop uncertainties for this trip function.

However, this function must be available following a seismic event. Therefore, seismic uncertainties are included in the total loop uncertainties for this function.

6.1.1 Accident Temperature Effect (ATE)

Per Section 6.1, accident effects are not analyzed for these loops.

6.1.2 Accident Pressure Effect (APE) _. ,.. ..

The transmitter in each loop is a differential pressure transmitter, and per Section 6.1, accident effects are not analyzed for these loops.

6.1.3 Accident Radiation Effect (ARE)

Per Section 6.1, accident effects are not analyzed for these loops.


Per Reference 4.7.4, the transmitters addressed in this calculation are Rosemount 1 152HP5 and Rosemount 1154HP5. Per Reference 4.4.3, the seismic effect associated with a model 1152 transmitter is +0.25% Upper Range Limit (URL), and the seismic effect associated with a model 1154 transmitter is +0.50% URL. For conservatism, the seismic effect associated with the model 1154 transmitter is used in this calculation. Per Reference 4.4.3, the URL for both models is 750 inwc. Each loop has a different span. For conservatism, the minimum calibrated span of 385 inwc (Section 9.1) is used to calculate the transmitter seismic effect. Therefore, SEW = +/-0.50% URL 750 inwc = +/-0.97% Span (385 inwc)

The indication functions provided by each loop are not required post seismic event. Therefore, the indication loop uncertainties do not include the transmitter seismic effect. The seismic uncertainties are included in the total loop uncertainties for the trip function only.


Per Section .6.1, accident effects are not analyzed for these loops.

.  ; . . i, .

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IMINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 23 REVISION 5 6.4 PROCESS MEASUREMENT ERROR (PME) 6.4.1 Process Measurement Error Per Reference 4.7.7, the RCS flow loops were adjusted to indicate 100% Flow at full power during initial plant startup after refueling outage 4. A precision flow calorimetric is performed after each refueling outage to verify that RCS flow remains above the minimum Technical Specification flow (Reference 4.6.5). Therefore, the only process measurement effects which need to be considered are normal RCS density variations during operation and the uncertainties associated with the precision flow calorimetric. Thermal Expansion Effects and Installation Effects are calibrated out as a result of the normalization process.

6.4.2 Flow Calorimetric Uncertainties NOTE The 2.6% RCS Flow value in the following paragraph was determined prior to the implementation of the ultrasonic feedwater flow monitoring instrumentation system. This system provides indications of feedwater flow that are much more accurate than previously available. As a result, the uncertainty of Secondary Heat Balances has been significantly reduced. Since the uncertainty of the Secondary Heat Balance is used in the determination of the +/- 2.6% Flow value used below, the value should remain bounding and contain some margin that could be captured in the future if desired.

Per Reference 4.7.7, the uncertainties associated with the precision flow calorimetric are

+/-2.6% Flow which equates to +/-2.17% Flow Span (2.6% Flow / 120% Flow

  • 100% Flow Span). Therefore, the Flow Calorimetric Uncertainties (FCU) are as follows:

FCU (% Flow Span) = +2.17% Flow Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IfINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 24 REVISION 5 Per Design Input 5.8, the following equation is used to convert uncertainties from % Flow Span to % AP Span:

FCU (% AP Span) =2 (FR XFCU (% Flow Span))

where, FR = Flow Rate Note: The decimal fraction for the flow rate and uncertainty is used in the equation.

Flow Rate FCU. -

(% Flow Span) (% AP Span) 100% 4.34%

87% 3.78%

60% 2.60%

50% 2.17%

40% 1.74%

6.4.3 Process Density Effects Per Design Input 5.12, the following equation is used to compute the process measurement effect bias eirms associated with RCS fluid density variations (DE) during normal operation:

PC Pc lAPC "

DE (% AP Span) = PN ) 100% APSpan l AP Span J

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 25 REVISION 5 For conservatism and to maximize the DE term, APc is set equal to AP Span. Therefore, DE (% AP Span)= (Pc_-1 100%,APSpan PN From Design Input 5.14, the following densities are used to compute the DE terms:

Pc = 47.01789 Ibm / ft3 PMAX = 47.64037 Ibm / ft3 PMIN = 46.36606 Ibm / ft3 Therefore, DE(% AP Span) = 1.41% AP Span -1.31% AP Span Per Design Input 5.13, the following equation is used to convert the DE uncertainties from

% AP Span to % Flow Span:

DE (% Flow Span) = 100 (FR +DE (%AP Span) -FR) where, FR = Flow Rate ..

Note: The decimal fraction for the flow rate and uncertainty is used in the equation.

Therefore, Flow Rate positive DE negative DE

(% Flow Span) (% Flow Span) (% Flow Span) 100% 0.70% -0.66%

87% 0.81% -0.76%

60% 1.16% -1.10%

50% 1.39% -1.33%

40% 1.73% -1.67%


Per Reference 4.7.8, the repeatability of an un-calibrated elbow is +/-4.00% Flow Reading.

Therefore, PE = +4.00% Flow Reading Therefore, Flow Rate PE

(% Flow Span) (% Flow Span) 100% 4.00%

87% 3.48%

60% 2.40%

50% 2.00%

40% 1.60%

Per Design Input 5.8, the following equation is used to convert random primary element uncertainties from % Flow Span to % AP Span:

PE (% AP Span) = 100(2 FR (PE (% Flow Span)))

where, FR = Flow Rate Note: The decimal fraction for the flow rate and uncertainty is used in the equation.

Flow Rate PE

(% FlowSpan) (% APSpan) 100% 8.00%

87% 6.06%

60%. 2.88%

50% 2.00%

40% 1.28%

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 27 REVISION 5 6.6 TRANSMITTER (1T-414, F1-415, FT-416. F1T-424, FT-425, F17-426, FT-434, FT-435, AND FT-436) 6.6.1 Transmitter'sUnverified Attributes of Reference Accuracy (RAxmtr)

Per Reference 4.4.3, the reference accuracy of the transmitter is +/-0.25% Span and includes the effects of linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability. Per References 4.6.3, the transmitter is calibrated to +/-0.50% Span at nine points (5 up and 4 down). Therefore, the calibration procedure verifies the attributes of linearity and hysteresis but not repeatability. Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is utilized to compute the repeatability portion of the transmitter reference accuracy:

Repeatability = +/- RA = +/- 0.25% Span = +0.14% Span Therefore, RAxmtr = +0.14% AP Span 6.6.2 Transmitter Calibration Tolerance (CALmtr)

Per Reference 4.6.3, the transmitter is calibrated to +/-0.50% Span. Therefore, CALmtr = _0.50% AP Span 6.6.3 Transmitter Drift (DRxmtr)

Per Attachment C, the transmitter drift is given as +/-0.20% Upper Range Limit (URL) over a time period of thirty months. Per Reference 4.4.3, the URL for a range code 5 transmitter is 750 inwc. Each loop has a different span. For conservatism, the minimum calibrated span of 385 inwc (Section 9.1) is used to calculate the transmitter drift term. Therefore, DRxm, = +( 0*20 ) = +0.20% 750inwc= +0.39% AP Span Span 385 inwc

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IWINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 28 REVISION 5 6.6.4 Transmitter M&TE Effect (MTExmtr)

A DMM, pressure gauge, and the instrument loop test point resistor are used to calibrate the transmitter. Per Reference 4.6.1, the combined (SRSS) accuracy of all the M&TE used to calibrate the transmitter is better than or equal to the calibration accuracy of the transmitter.

For conservatism and flexibility in the choice of test equipment, the MTE term for the transmitter is set equal to the calibration tolerance of the transmitter.

MTExmtr = +0.50% AP Span 6.6.5 Transmitter Temperature Effect (TE&mt.)

Per Reference 4.4.3, the transmitter temperature effect is given as +/-0.75% Upper Range Limit + 0.50% Span for a change in temperature of 1000 F from the temperature at which the transmitter was calibrated. Per Reference 4.4.3, the Upper Range Limit (URL) for a range code 5 transmitter is 750 inwc. Each loop has a different span. For conservatism, the minimum calibrated span of 385 inwc (Section 9.1) is used to calculate the transmitter temperature effect. Per Reference 4.6.4, the transmitters are located in the Containment building, and the calibration and maximum Containment temperatures are 500 F and 1300 F respectively (Design Input 5.7). Therefore, a maximum change in temperature of 80'F is used to calculated the transmitter temperature effect. Therefore, 0.75%~ UR AT\

TExmtr=( Sp +0.50% Span I00-3

'Mxmtr = +/- (.75%( 385i nwc )+ 050%SpanJ( 8002- +/-1.57% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 29 REVISION 5 6.6.6 Transmitter Static Pressure Effect (SPEmr Per Section 6.4.1, the transmitters were normalized to indicate 100% Flow at full power conditions during initial plant startup. Therefore, any static pressure bias is accounted for during calibration. However, the random dependent span and zero static pressure effects must be included in the uncertainty calculation. Per Reference 4.4.3, the static pressure span effect correction uncertainty is +/-0.50% Reading per 1000 psia. Per Reference 4.2.4, the nominal operating pressure of the RCS is 2250 psia. Each loop has a different span. Per Section 9.1, the maximum reading for the transmitter is approximately 429 inwc. For conservatism, the minimum span of 385 inwc (Section 9.1) is used to compute the static pressure span effect.

Per Reference 4.4.3, the static pressure zero effect is +/-0.66% Upper Range Limit per 1000 psia, and the Upper Range Limit of a range code 5 transmitter is 750 inwc.

Therefore, the normal static pressure effect for each transmitter is calculated with the following equation:

SPE + 0 50%(429 inwc)( 2250 psia )+ 066%(750 inwc)( 2250 psia)

.385inwc 1000 psiaJ 385 inwc 1000 psia SPExmt = +4.15% AP Span 6.6.7 Transmitter Power Supply Effect (PSIzmtr)

Per Reference 4.4.3, the power supply effect associated with the transmitters is given as

+/-0.005% Span per volt variation in power supplied to the transmitter from the power supplied at the time of calibration. Per Reference 4.4.1, each instrument loop is powered by a Hagan Optimac Model 137-121, 45 Vdc supply or an NUS Model SPS-801 power supply.

The power supply is powered by regulated instrument buses (Reference 4.2.1). Therefore, the power supply effect is negligible.

PSExmt, = N/A

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 30 REVISION 5 6.6.8 Transmitter Total Device Uncertainty (TDU60 Per Reference 4.6.1, the Total Device Uncertainty for normal environmental conditions is computed using the following equation:

TDUxmt= j(CAL,, +MTE xff]") 2 +RA, 2 +DR,,nftr 2 + TE,,,, 2 +SPE mur2 TDUxmtr = +4.57% AP Span 6.6.9 Transmitter As Found Tolerance (AFTytr)

Per Reference 4.6.1, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) is computed using the following equation:

2 AFTIxmtr= CALxPtr2 +DR +MTE 1 ,2 AFTxmtr = +0.81% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 31 REVISION 5 6.6.10 Transmitter As Left Tolerance (ALTxmtr)

Per Reference 4.6.1, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) is computed using the following equation:

ALTxmt, = CALxmtr ALTxmtr= +0.50% AP Span Error Contributor Value Type Section RA- ++/-0.14%AP Span Random 6.6.1 CAL -0.50% AP Span Random 6.6.2 DR +/-0.39% AP Span Random 6.6.3 l- TE +/-0.50% AP Span Random 6.6.4 TE +/-1.57% AlP Span Random 6.6.5 SPE +/-4.15% AP Span Random 6.6.6 As Left Tolerance (ALT) +/-0.50% AP Span Random 6.6.10 As Found Tolerance (AFT) +0.81% AP Span Random 6.6.9 Total Device Uncertainty +/-4.57% AP Span Random 6.6.8 (non-accident) -'

Transmitter Uncertainty Summary

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 32 REVISION 5 6.7 COMPARATOR MODULE 6.7.1 Comparator's Unverified Attributes of Reference Accuracy (RAC2mp)

Per Reference 4.4.1, the comparator reference accuracy is _0.50% Span. Per Reference 4.6.3, the comparator is calibrated to +/-0.50% Span, and the calibration procedure verifies the attributes of linearity and hysteresis but not repeatability. Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is utilized to compute the repeatability portion of the comparator reference accuracy:

Repeatability = + RA+/-c-p + 0.50% Span ++/-029% Span Therefore, RAcomp = +0.29% AP Span 6.7.2 Comparator Calibration Tolerance (CALokmp)

Per Reference 4.6.3, the comparator is calibrated to +/-0.50% Span. Therefore, CALcomp = +0.50% AP Span 6.7.3 Comparator Drift (DR,6p) -T  !)

Per Reference 4.4.1, no drift is specified for the Hagan or NUS comparator. Per Reference 4.6.1, if no drift is specified for a device, a default value of +/-1.00% Span may be used.

Based on historical data, Hagan comparator drift is +0.25% Span (Attachment B). If the default value bounds the value obtained through a review of the historical data, the default value of +/-1.00% Span may be used for comparator drift (Reference 4.6.1). Therefore, the default value of +/-1.00% Span is used for comparator drift for the NUS and Hagan comparators.

DRcomp = +/-1.00% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 33 REVISION 5 6.7.4 Comparator M&TE Effect (MITE ,mp)

Per Reference 4.6.1 (Page 113), the MTE error should be less than or equal to the CAL uncertainty for a given component. For conservatism, the MTE term for the comparator is set equal to the CALcomp term.

MTEcomp = _0.50% AP Span 6.7.5 Comparator Temperature Effect (TEcoml)

Per Reference 4.4.1, the NUS comparator temperature effect is given as +/-0.04% Span per 10 C change in temperature from the temperature at the time of calibration, and no temperature effect is specified for the Hagan comparator. Per Reference 4.6.1, if no temperature effect is specified for a device, a default value of +/-0.50% Span may be used for the temperature effect. Per Design Input 5.4, a change in temperature of 420 F (23.330 C) is used to compute the comparator temperature effect. Therefore, TEcomp = +/-0.04% Span ( 2 3 .3 3 0 C)

TEcomp = +/-0.93% AP Span Since either Westinghouse Hagan or NUS comparator may be used, the most restrictive temperature effect (NUS comparator) is used in this calculation.

6.7.6 Comparator Power Supply Effect (PSECmn)

Per Reference 4.4.1, no uncertainty for the comparator power supply effect is specified.

Since the comparators are powered by regulated instrument buses, the comparator power supply effect is considered to be negligible. Therefore, PSEcomp = N/A

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIJNST-1 128 PAGE NO. 34 REVISION 5 6.7.7 Comparator Total Device Uncertainty (TDUCOMP)

Per Reference 4.6.1, the Total Device Uncertainty is computed using the following equation:

TDUcomp = (CALCoIw + MTEcw.j)2 +RAconv 2 + DRcor2TE 2 cow2 TDUcomp = +/-1.72% AP Span 6.7.8 Comparator As Found Tolerance (AFTJcolmp)

Per Reference 4.6.1, the As Found Tolerance (AFI) is computed using the following equation:

AF'comp = VCALCOW2+ DR co2 MTEco2 However, per Reference 4.6.1, the MTE error is a random error, but due to the interdependence between MTE and CAL, it may be combined with CAL before being included in an overall error analysis. To provide additional conservatism for this setpoint, the following equation is used to compute the AFI term for the RCS flow comparator:

AFTcomp = F(CAL + MTE) 2 + DR2 AFrcomp = +1.41% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 35 REVISION 5 6.7.9 Comparator As Left Tolerance (ALTcomp)

Per Reference 4.6.1, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) is computed using the following equation:

ALTcomp = CALcomp ALTcomp = +0.50% AP Span Error Contributor Value Type Section RA - +/-0.29% AP Span Random 6.7.1 CAL +/-0.50% AP Span Random 6.7.2 DR. +/-1.00% AP Span Random 6.7.3

'-NITE " f- -+0.50%,AP Span Random 6.7.4

'0.93% +/-TE AP Span Random 6.7.5

-'As Left Tolerance (ALT) +/-0.50% AP Span Random 6.7.9 As Found Tolerance (AFI) +/-1.41% AP Span Random 6.7.8 Total Device Uncertainty +/-1.72% AP Span Random 6.7.7 (non-accident) -' -  :

Comparator Module Uncertainty Summary

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 36 REVISION 5 6.8 ISOLATOR MODULE 6.8.1 Isolator's Unverified Attributes of Reference Accuracy (RABi,,)

Per Reference 4.4.1, the reference accuracy of the NUS isolator is +0.10% Full Scale, and the reference accuracy of the Hagan isolator is not specified. Per Reference 4.6.1, if the reference accuracy of a device is not specified, the reference accuracy term is set equal to the calibration tolerance of the isolator. Per Reference 4.6.3, the isolator is calibrated to +/-0.50%

Span, and the calibration procedure verifies the attribute of linearity but not hysteresis or repeatability. Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is utilized to compute the repeatability and hysteresis portions of the isolator reference accuracy:

Repeatability = + R. = 0.50% Span =- 29% Span Hysteresis = + RA 0so = 0.50% Span = +0.29% Span RA sol 0 +/- 10.292 + 0.292 % /Span Therefore, RAi,.l = +/-0.41% AP Span 6.8.2 Isolator Calibration Tolerance (CAL) -:

Per Reference 4.6.3, the isolator is calibrated to +/-0.50% Span. Therefore, CALI,,, = :t0.50% AP Span 6.8.3 Isolator Drift (DRI,,0 L)

Per Reference 4.4.1, no uncertainty for isolator drift is specified. The default value of

+/-1.00% Span is used to represent isolator drift (Reference 4.6.1) Therefore, DRi,01 = +/-1.00% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 37 REVISION 5 6.8.4 Isolator M&TE Effect (MTEk)

Per References 4.5.1-9, two DMMs are used to calibrate the isolator. Each DMM has an accuracy of _0.25% Reading. The total MTE term is the SRSS of the individual DMM accuracy terms. For conservatism, a maximum reading of 5 Vdc is used to compute the accuracy of the DMMs as follows:

.5 Vdc -12 MTEisoi = +/- (0.25o Reading )

~4 Vdc)

MTEiso, = +0.44% AP Span 6.8.5 Isolator Temperature Effect (TE 1 ,0 1 )

Per Reference 4.4.1, the NUS isolator temperature effect is given as +/-0.01% Full Scale per 10 C change in temperature from the temperature at the time of calibration, and the temperature effect for the Hagan isolator is not specified. Per Reference 4.6.1, if the temperature effect for a device is not specified, a default value of +/-0.50% Span may be used for the temperature effect term. Per Design Input 5.4, a change in temperature of 420 F (23.33 0 C) is used to compute the isolator temperature effect. Therefore, TE = +0.01% Full Scale 5FVdcS )cae 4Span)(23.33cC Scale Full 100+/-% Vdc 1 TEhsoi = _0.29% AP Span Since either Westinghouse Hagan or NUS module may be used, the most restrictive temperature effect (default value of _0.50% Span) is used for the isolator temperature effect.

TEiso, = +0.50% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 38 REVISION 5 6.8.6 Isolator Power Supply Effect (PSEkio)

Per Reference 4.4.1, no uncertainty for the isolator power supply effect is specified. Since the isolators are powered by regulated instrument buses, the isolator power supply effect is considered to be negligible. Therefore, PSEjs01 = N/A 6.8.7 Isolator Total Device Uncertainty (TDUi,0 1 Per Reference 4.6.1, the Total Device Uncertainty is computed using the following equation:

IDUisol = l(CAL 0,j + MTE 1 ,1 +RAisol2 + DR + TEisol2 TDUjsoj = +1.52% AP Span 6.8.8 Isolator As Found Tolerance (AFT,,,,)

Per Reference 4.6.1, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) is computed using the following equation:

AFTjsoi = VCALjsof2 + DR iso 2 + lATisoE2 AFTrsol = +/-1.20% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 39 REVISION 5 6.8.9 Isolator As Left Tolerance (ALT1 .01 )

Per Reference 4.6.1, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) is computed using the following equation:

ALTjS01 = CAL1 S01 ALTi,,, = +/-0.50% AP Span Error Contributor Value Type Section RA -0.41%AP Span Random 6.8.1

-CAL +/-0.50% AP Span Random 6.8.2 DR - 1.00% AP Span Random 6.8.3 MTE +/-0.44% AP Span Random 6.8.4

- -TE

+0.50% AP Span Random 6.8.5 As Left Tolerance (ALT) -0.50% AP Span Random 6.8.9 As Found Tolerance (AFT) +/-1.20% AP Span Random 6.8.8 Total Device Uncertainty +/-1.52% AP Span Random 6.8.7 (non-accident) - :_ __ __ _ __ __ _ . _

Isolator Module Uncertainty Summary

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 40 REVISION 5 6.9 INDICATOR Per References 4.1.1-3 and 4.1.5, the indicators receive a differential pressure input which is converted to % Flow Span using a square root scale. Therefore, the uncertainties associated with the indicator are differential pressure uncertainties with the exception of the indicator readability term.

6.9.1 Indicator's Unverified Attributes of Reference Accuracy (RAnd)

Per Reference 4.4.2, the reference accuracy of the indicator is +2.00% Span and includes the effects of linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability (Design Input 5.5). Per Reference 4.6.3, the indicator is calibrated to +/-2.00% Span at nine points (5 up and 4 down). Therefore, the calibration procedure verifies the attributes of linearity and hysteresis but not repeatability.

Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is utilized to compute the repeatability portion of the indicator reference accuracy:

Repeatability=+ RAid =+ 2.00% Span +1 15% Span Therefore, RAind = +/-1.15% AP Span 6.9.2 Indicator Calibration Tolerance (CALind) * .

Per Reference 4.6.3, the indicator is calibrated to +2.00% Span. Therefore, CALIjd = +/-2.00% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 41 REVISION 5 6.9.3 Indicator Drift (DRind)

Per Attachment D, indicator drift is specified as +/-1.00% Span per year. Per Reference 4.6.1, the time interval between calibrations is 22.5 month (18 months + 25%), and the following equation is used to compute the indicator drift:

DRind = +/-+1.00% Span(22.5 months)

~12 month DRind = +/-1.37% AP Span 6.9.4 Indicator M&TE Effect (MTE1 nd)

Per Reference 4.5.1-9, one DMM with an accuracy of +/-0.25% Reading is used to calibrate the indicator. The calibration points are cardinal points on the indicator scale (Reference 4.5.1-9). Therefore, the indicator resolution is not included in the MTE term. For conservatism, a maximum reading of 5 Vdc is used to compute the accuracy of the DMM as follows:

MTEind +(0-25% Readingj5Vd) = +/-0.31% AP Span 6.9.5 Indicator-Temperature Effect (TEI.d)

Per Attachment D, the indicator temperature effect is specified as +0.10% Span per 0 C change from the temperature at the time of calibration. Per Design Input 5.2, a change in temperature of 9.40 C is used to compute the indicator temperature effect.

TEind = +/- 0.1O% SpanI{9.C)

TEind = +/-0.94% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 42 REVISION 5 6.9.6 Indicator Power Supply Effect (PSEind)

Per References 4.1.1-3, the indicators are not powered by an external source. Therefore, there is no indicator power supply effect.

PSEind = N/A 6.9.7 Indicator Readability (RDind)

Per Reference 4.6.1, the indicator readability term is 1/2 of the smallest indicator scale demarcation. Per Reference 4.1.5, the indicator has a square root scale with a range of 0 to 120% Flow which equals 0 to 100% Flow Span. Per Design Input 5.9, the flow rates analyzed in this calculation are from 40 to 100% Flow Span. Between 40 and 100% Flow Span, the minor divisions are 2% Flow. Therefore, RDF +(2%Fow)r100% Flow Span)_ +1 00% Flow Span znd~~2 ~A. 100~%$Flow) 6.9.8 Indicator Total Device Uncertainty (TDU.nd)

The indicator uncertainty, expressed in terms of % AP Span without the readability term, is computed fisiig'th6 following eq'uiation-':

- n- i TDUAPind= V(CALind +MTEhd) 2 + RAi,,2 +DR1 nd2 +TEind2 TDUAPind = +/-3.07% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IfINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 43 REVISION 5 Per Design Input 5.8 and Reference 4.6.1, the Total Device Uncertainty, expressed in terms of % Flow Span including the readability term, is computed with the following equation:

TDid=ITDU -Am 2 2 TDUnd2FR + RDfind where, TDU_APind =+/-3.07% AP Span FR = Flow Rate (e.g. @ 50% Flow, FR = 0.5)

RDind = +/-1.00% Flow Span Flow Rate TDUInd

(% Flow Span) (% Flow Span) 100% 1.83%

87% 2.03%

60% 2.75%

50% 3.23%

40% 3.97%

Indicator Uncertainties 6.9.9 Indicator As Found Tolerance (AFT1I)

Per Reference 4.6.1, the As Found Tolerance (AFI) is computed using the following equation:

AFsind = VCALind + DR nd2 + MTEind AFI'jnd = +/-2.44% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 44 REVISION 5 6.9.10 Indicator As Left Tolerance (ALTknd)

Per Reference 4.6.1, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) is computed using the following equation:

ALTMnd = CALind ALTind = +/-2.00% AP Span Error Contributor Value Type Section RA +/-1.15% AP Span Random 6.9.1 CAL +/-2.00% AP Span Random 6.9.2

-DR +/-1.37% AP Span Random 6.9.3

+/-MTE 0.31% AP Span Random 6.9.4 TE +/-0.94% AP Span Random 6.9.5

- RD +/-1.00% Flow Span Random 6.9.7

'As Left Tolerance'(ALT) +/-2.00% AP Span Random 6.9.10 As Found Tolerance (AFT)' +/-2.44% AP Span Random 6.9.9

,-Total Device.Uncertainty: , See Table in Random 6.9.8 (non-accident) Section 6.9.8 Indicator Uncertainty Summary

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 45 REVISION 5 7.0 TOTAL LOOP UNCERTAINTY (TLU) 7.1 TOTAL LOOP UNCERTAINTY - PLANT NORMAL 7.1.1 Total Loop Uncertainty - Indicator FI-414, 415,416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436 Per Reference 4.6.1 and Design Input 5.8, the total loop uncertainty associated with the indicator is computed with the following equation:

TIUind +( +PE

( 0') +TDU +FC +DE where, PE from Section 6.5 TDUxmtr =_ 4.57% AP Span, from Section 6.6.8 FR = Flow rate expressed as a decimal (ex., @ 87% Flow, FR = 0.87)

TDUi,01 = +/-1.52% AP Span, from Section 6.8.7 TDUind = +/-3.07% AP Span from Section 6.9.8 FCU from Section 6.4.2 DE from Section 6.4.3 Flow Rate FCU TDUxmtr TDUisol

(% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) 100% 2.17% 2.29% 0.76%

87% 2.17% 2.63% 0.87%

60% 2.17% 3.81% 1.27%

50% 2.17% 4.57% 1.52%

40% 2.17% 5.71% 1.90%

Flow Rate PE TDUInd random TLUind

(% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) 100% 4.00% 1.83% 5.46%

87% 3.48% 2.03% 5.35%

60% 2.40% 2.75% 5.84%

50% 2.00% 3.23% 6.51%

40% 1.60% 3.97% 7.70%

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 46 REVISION 5 Flow Rate positive DE negative DE positive TLU negative TLU

(% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) (% FlowSpan) 100% 0.70% -0.66% 6.17% -6.12%

87% 0.81% -0.76% 6.15% -6.10%

60% 1.16% -1.10% 7.01% -6.94%

50% 1.39% -1.33% 7.90% -7.83%

40% 1.73% -1.67% 9.42% -9.37%

7.1.2 Total Loop Uncertainty - Input to ERFIS Per Reference 4.6.1, the total loop uncertainty at the input to ERFIS is computed with the following equation:

TLUERFMS PE2 +TDU, +TDUiol2 +FCU 2 +DE where, PE from Section 6.5 TDUmr = +/-4.57% AP Span, from Section 6.6.8 TDUj, 01 = +/-1.52% AP Span, from-Section 6.8.7 FCU from Section 6.4.2 '

DE from Section 6.4.3 random Flow Rate PE FCU TDUxmtr TDUI,,i TLUERns

(% FlowSpan) (% APSpan) (% AP Span) (% AP Span) (% AP Span) (% AP Span) 100% 8.00% 4.34% 4.57% 1.52% 10.30%

87% 6.06% 3.78% 4.57% 1.52% 8.61%

60% 2.88% 2.60% 4.57% 1.52% 6.19%

50% 2.00% 2.17% 4.57% 1.52% 5.65%

40% 1.28% 1.74% 4.57% 1.52% 5.28%

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO.47 REVISION 5 positive negative Flow Rate positive DE negative DE TLUERns TLUERMS

(% Flow Span) (% AP Span) (% AP Span) (% AP Span) (% AP Span) 100% 1.41% -1.31% 11.71% -11.61%

87% 1.41% -1.31% 10.02% -9.92%

60% 1.41% -1.31% 7.60% -7.50%

50% 1.41% -1.31% 7.06% -6.96%

40% 1.41% -1.31% 6.69% -6.59%

7.2 TOTAL LOOP UNCERTAINTY - ACCIDENT Per Section 6.1, accident effects are not computed.

7.3 TOTAL LOOP UNCERTAINTY - POST SEISMIC 7.3.1 Total Loop Uncertainty - Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip FC414. 415.416.424. 425.426. 434. 435. and 436 Per Reference 4.6.1, the total loop uncertainty associated with the comparators that provide the Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip is computed with the following equation:

pE2 + 2 2 2dU TLUcomp 4 PE+TDUX +TDUcO +FCU+SE,,, +DE where, PE = +/-6.06% AP Span @ 87% Flow Span (Sections 5.10 and 6.5)

TDUxmt, = +4.57% AP Span, from Section 6.6.8 TDUcomp = +/-1.72% AP Span, from Section 6.7.7 FCU =+/-3.78% AP Span @ 87% Flow Span (Sections 5.10,6.4.2) = +0.97% AP Span from Section 6.2 DE = +1.41% AP Span -1.31% AP Span values from Section 6.4.3 TLUcomp =+/-8.71%APSpan 1.41%APSpan -1.31% AP Span TLUcomp = +10.12% AP Span -10.02% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 48 REVISION 5 Per Design Input 5.8, the following equation is used to express the comparator uncertainties in terms of % Flow Span:

TLU (%Flow Span) = TLUCO01p (%AlP Span)

Corr 2FR where, FR = 0.87 (87% Flow Span expressed as a decimal) [Design Input 5.10]

TLUcomp (%Flow Span) = +5.82% Flow Span -5.76% Flow Span 7.4 LOOP AS FOUND TOLERANCE 7.4.1 Loop As Found Tolerance - Indicator FI-414, 415,416,424,425, 426,434,435, AND 436 Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is used to calculate the indicator Loop As Found Tolerance (LAFIi'd):

LAFdIind = _/AFT2 + AFrzo.2 + AF2 LAFTind = +2.84% AP Span 7.4.2 Loop As Found Tolerance - Input to ERFIS Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is used to calculate the ERFIS Loop As Found Tolerance (LAFIERFIS):

LAFI'ERFIS = ++/-AFTr 2 + AFI4.

LAFTERnus = +1.45% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO.49 REVISION 5 7.4.3 Loop As Found Tolerance - Comparators FC-414.415,416,424,425,426,434,435, and 436 Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is used to calculate the comparator Loop As Found Tolerance (LAFTcamp):

L.AIlcomp J=

+owFT 2 2 LAFFcomp = _1.63% AP Span Per Designlnput 5.8, the following equation is used to express the comparator loop as found tolerance in terms of % Flow Span:

LAFI', (% Flow Span) = LAF (% AP Span) 2FORv where, FR = 87% Flow Span (Design Input 5.10)

LAFI'comp = 0.94% Flow Span 7.5 GROUP AS FOUND TOLERANCE 7.5.1 Group As Found Tolerance - Indicator FI-414,415,416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436-.

Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is used to calculate the indicator Group As Found Tolerance (GAFTind):

GAFTind = +4AFTPT. 1 +AF GAFTind = +/-2.72% AP Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIJNST-1 128 PAGE NO. 50 REVISION 5 7.5.2 Group As Found Tolerance - Input to ERFIS Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is used to calculate the ERFIS Group As Found Tolerance (GAFTERFIs):

GAFTERm = + AFPI. 1 GAFITERFIS = +1.20% AP Span 7.5.3 Group As Found Tolerance - Comparators FC-414. 415, 416 424, 425, 426, 434, 435, and 436 Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is used to calculate the comparator Group As Found Tolerance (GAFIcomp):

GAFTcomp = + AFTcomp GAFTcomp = +/-1.41% AP Span Per Design Input 5.8, the following equation is used to expressthe comparator group as found tolerance in terms of % Flow Span:

GAFTr,, (% Flow Span)= GAFTI' 0 p(% AP Span R where, FR = 0.87 (87% Flow Span) [Design Input 5.10]

GAFTcomp = +0.81% Flow Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 51 REVISION 5 8.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip Setpoint - FC-414, 415,416,424,425,426,434,435, and 436 The function of this setpoint is to provide a reactor trip before reactor coolant flow drops below the Low RCS flow analytical limit. Therefore, the Low RCS Flow setpoint is a decreasing setpoint and is computed using positive total loop uncertainties. Per Reference 4.6.1, the following equation is used to calculate the minimum value for this setpoint:

SPimit 2 AL + TLU where, SPh,,,jt = calculated setpoint limit AL = analytical limit TLU = total loop uncertainty Per Section 7.3.1 of this calculation, the positive total loop uncertainty associated with this setpoint is 5.82% Flow Span. Per Design Input 5.10, the Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip setpoint analytical limit is 87% Flow Span. Therefore, 1 ,t 2 87% Flow Span + 5.82% Flow Span SPH, SPiit 2 92.82% Flow Span Per Reference 4.5.1-9, the Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip setpoint is currently calibrated to 94.68% Flow Span decreasing. The Margin (M) associated with this setpoint is computed as follows:

M = Calibrated Setpoint - SP&mit M = 94.68% Flow Span - 92.82% Flow Span M = 1.86% Flow Span

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 52 REVISION 5 Per Section 7.5.3 of this calculation, the Group As Found Tolerance (GAFIT) is 0.81% Flow Span. Per Reference 4.7.3, the Technical Specification setpoint is 94.26% Span. Since the calibrated setpoint (94.68% Flow Span Reference 4.5.1-9) is different than the Technical Specification setpoint, the Technical Specification Allowable Value is evaluated against the Technical Specification setpoint as follows:

AV 2 TSSP - GAFT, where TSSP = Technical Specification setpoint AV > 94.26% Flow Span - 0.8 1% Flow Span AV 2 93.45% Flow Span The Loop As Found Tolerance (LAFIT) of 0.94% Flow Span is computed in Section 7.4.3. Per Reference 4.6.1, the Channel Operability Limit (COL) is computed with the following equation:

COL = TSSP - LAFI, where TSSP = Technical Specification setpoint COL = 94.26% Flow Span - 0.94% Flow Span COL = 93.32% Flow Span Normal (100% Flow Span)

Operating Margin (5.74% Flow Span)

I Group As Found Tolerance (0.81% Flow Span)

Setpoint (94.26% Flow Span decreasing)

Loop As Found Tolerance (0.94% Flow Span)

Allowable Value (2 93.45% Flow Span)

Channel Operability Limit (93.32% Flow Span)

Total Loop Uncertainty (5.82% Flow Span)

I Additional Margin (1.86% Flow Span)

Analytical Limit (87% Flow Span)

Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip Setpoint Diagram Per Reference 4.7.3, the current Technical Specification setpoint and Allowable Value are 94.26% Flow Span decreasing and 93.47% Flow Span respectively. Therefore, the current Technical Specification setpoint and Allowable Value are conservative.

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 53 REVISION 5 8.1 IMPACT ON IMPROVED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS This calculation results in no changes to the Technical Specifications.

8.2 IMPACT ON UFSAR This calculation results in no changes to the UFSAR.

8.3 IMPACT ON DESIGN BASIS DOCUMENTS This calculation impacts no design basis documents.

8.4 IMPACT ON OTHER CALCULATIONS This calculation impacts the following calculations:

1. RNP-F/NFSA-0045 8.5 IMPACT ON PLANT PROCEDURES This calculation impacts the following procedures:
1. LP-060, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 414
2. LP-061, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 415
3. LP-062, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 416
4. LP-063, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 424
5. LP-064, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 425
6. LP-065, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 426
7. LP-066, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 434
8. LP-067, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 435
9. LP-068, Reactor Coolant Flow Channel 436
10. MMM-006, Appendix B Calibration Data Sheets
11. EST-047, Reactor Coolant Flow Test (18 months)
12. OST-020, Shiftly Surveillances

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 54 REVISION 5 9.0 SCALING CALCULATIONS 9.1 FLOW TRANSMITTER (FT-414, 415,416, 424,425,426, 434,435, AND 436)

Per Reference 4.7.4, the RCS flow transmitters are Rosemount model 1154HP5 differential pressure transmitters. Per Reference 4.4.3, range code 5 transmitters have the following differential pressure ranges 0-150 to 0-750 inwc. Per Reference 4.7.7, each loop was normalized to indicate 100% Flow at full power conditions.

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 55 REVISION 5 FT-414 Per Reference 4.6.4 and Assumption 5.15, the differential pressure (DP) associated with 120%

flow for FT-414 is 424.78 inwc.

The transmitter is calibrated such that an input from 0 to 424.78 inwc would yield an output of 4 to 20 mAdc (monitored as 1.000 Vdc to 5.000 Vdc across a precision test resistor). To facilitate calibration, the transmitter inputs are rounded down to a whole inwc. The following equation is used to compute the required transmitter output (Vdc) for a given differential pressure (DP) input (inwc):

E0 4.000Vdc n DP + 1.000 Vdc t424.78 inwca Per Section 6.6.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) of the transmitter is

_0.81% Span. Per Section 6.6.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the transmitter is +/-0.50% Span. The AFT and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

_ AFT(% Span)'_

AFT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc = +0.032 Vdc 100)

ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc( (10P = +0.020 Vdc The calibration table for transmitter FT-414 is as follows:

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (inwc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 0 1.000 0.968 to 1.032 0.980 to 1.020 106 1.998 1.966 to 2.030 1.978 to 2.018 212 2.996 2.964 to 3.028 2.976 to 3.016 318 3.994 3.962 to 4.026 3.974 to 4.014 424 4.993 4.961 to 5.025 4.973 to 5.013 Transmitter Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 56 REVISION 5 FT-415 Per Reference 4.6.4 and Assumption 5.15, the differential pressure (DP) associated with 120%

flow for FT-415 is 429.40 inwc.

The transmitter is calibrated such that an input from 0 to 429.40 inwc would yield an output of 4 to 20 mAdc (monitored as 1.000 Vdc to 5.000 Vdc across a precision test resistor). To facilitate calibration, the transmitter inputs are rounded down to a whole inwc. The following equation is used to compute the required transmitter output (Vdc) for a given differential pressure (DP) input (inwc):

= 4.000 Vdc DP + 1.000 Vdc t429.40 inwcJ Per Section 6.6.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) of the transmitter is

+0.81% Span. Per Section 6.6.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the transmitter is +/-0.50% Span. The AFT and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

AFT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc (AF(%SPan)) = +/-0.032 Vdc ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc (ALT(% Span)) = +0.020 Vdc The calibration table for transmitter FI-415 is as follows:

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (inwc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 0 1.000 0.968 to 1.032 0.980 to 1.020 107 1.997 1.965 to 2.029 1.977 to 2.017 214 2.993 2.961 to 3.025 2.973 to 3.013 322 4.000 3.968 to 4.032 3.980 to 4.020 429 4.996 4.964 to 5.028 4.976 to 5.016 Transmitter Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 57 REVISION 5 FT-416 Per Reference 4.6.4 and Assumption 5.15, the differential pressure (DP) associated with 120%

flow for FT-416 is 403.89 inwc.

The transmitter is calibrated such that an input from 0 to 403.89 inwc would yield an output of 4 to 20 mAdc (monitored as 1.000 Vdc to 5.000 Vdc across a precision test resistor). To facilitate calibration, the transmitter inputs are rounded down to a whole inwc. The following equation is used to compute the required transmitter output (Vdc) for a given differential pressure (DP) input (inwc):

0 4.00 Vdc) DP + 1.000 Vdc t403.89 inwc)

Per Section 6.6.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) of the transmitter is

+0.81% Span. Per Section 6.6.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the transmitter is +/-0.50% Span. The AFT and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

AFT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc AFI(% Span) +0.032 Vdc 100 )

ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc ALT(% SPan))= +/-0.020 Vdc The calibration table for transmitter FT-416 is as follows:

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (inwc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 0 1.000 0.968 to 1.032 - 0.980 to 1.020 100 1.990 1.958 to 2.022 1.970 to 2.010 202 3.001 2.969 to 3.033 2.981to 3.021 302 3.991 3.959 to 4.023 3.971 to 4.011 403 4.991 4.959 to 5.023 4.971 to 5.011 Transmitter Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IfINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 58 REVISION 5 FT-424 Per Reference 4.6.4 and Assumption 5.15, the differential pressure (DP) associated with 120%

flow for FT-424 is 407.50 inwc.

The transmitter is calibrated such that an input from 0 to 407.50 inwc would yield an output of 4 to 20 mAdc (monitored as 1.000 Vdc to 5.000 Vdc across a precision test resistor). To facilitate calibration, the transmitter inputs are rounded down to a whole inwc. The following equation is used to compute the required transmitter output (Vdc) for a given differential pressure (DP) input (inwc):

= 4.00o Vdc DP + 1.000 Vdc t407.50 inwc)

Per Section 6.6.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) of the transmitter is

+0.81% Span. Per Section 6.6.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the transmitter is +/-0.50% Span. The AFT and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

AFT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc (AFT(% Spn) = _0.032 +/- Vdc ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc(Anmt 100 (100 +/- as0020 Vdc The calibration table for transmitter FT-424 is as follows:

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (inwc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 0 1.000 0.968 to 1.032 0.980 to 1.020 101 1.991 1.959 to 2.023 1.971 to 2.011 203 2.993 2.961 to 3.025 2.973 to 3.013 305 3.994 3.962 to 4.026 3.974 to 4.014 407 4.995 4.963 to 5.027 4.975 to 5.015 Transmitter Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-MINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 59 REVISION 5 FT-425 Per Reference 4.6.4 and Assumption 5.15, the differential pressure (DP) associated with 120%

flow for FI-425 is 385.19 inwc.

The transmitter is calibrated such that an input from 0 to 385.19 inwc would yield an output of 4 to 20 mAdc (monitored as 1.000 Vdc to 5.000 Vdc across a precision test resistor). To facilitate calibration, the transmitter inputs are rounded down to a whole inwc. The following equation is used to compute the required transmitter output (Vdc) for a given differential pressure (DP) input (inwc):

E = 4.000 Vdc DP + 1.000 Vdc

° 385.19 inwc)

Per Section 6.6.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) of the transmitter is

_0.81% Span. Per Section 6.6.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the transmitter is +/-0.50% Span. The AFI and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

AFT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc (100% SPan)) +/-0.032 Vdc ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc

_ ALT(% Span)

Sn p 0.020 Vdc t

Te 100 ,o-as The calibration table for transmitter FI-425 is as follows:

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (inwc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 0 1.000 0.968 to 1.032 0.980 to 1.020 96 1.997 1.965 to 2.029 1.977 to 2.017 -

192 2.994 2.962 to 3.026 2.974 to 3.014 288 3.991 3.959 to 4.023 3.971 to 4.011 385 4.998 4.966 to 5.030 4.978 to 5.018 Transmitter Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 60 REVISION 5 FT-426 Per Reference 4.6.4 and Assumption 5.15, the differential pressure (DP) associated with 120%

flow for FI426 is 415.41 inwc.

The transmitter is calibrated such that an input from 0 to 415.41 inwc would yield an output of 4 to 20 mAdc (monitored as 1.000 Vdc to 5.000 Vdc across a precision test resistor). To facilitate calibration, the transmitter inputs are rounded down to a whole inwc. The following equation is used to compute the required transmitter output (Vdc) for a given differential pressure (DP) input (inwc):

E 0 = 45041iVdc DP + 1.000 Vdc Per Section 6.6.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) of the transmitter is

_0.81% Span. Per Section 6.6.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the transmitter is +/-0.50% Span. The AFT and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

AFT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc (A 100



+/-0.032 Vdc T (ALT(% Span))

ALT(Vdc) = +/-4 Vdc =+/-0.020 Vdc The calibration table for transmitter FT-,426 'is'as' follows:

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (inwc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 0 1.000 0.968 to 1.032 0.980 to 1.020 100 1.963 1.931 to 1.995 1.943 to 1.983 210 3.022 2.990 to 3.054 3.002 to 3.042 310 3.985 3.953 to 4.017 3.965 to 4.005 415 4.996 4.964 to 5.028 4.976 to 5.016 Transmitter Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 61 REVISION 5 FT-434 Per Reference 4.6.4 and Assumption 5.15, the differential pressure (DP) associated with 120%

flow for FT-434 is 385.54 inwc.

The transmitter is calibrated such that an input from 0 to 385.54 inwc would yield an output of 4 to 20 mAdc (monitored as 1.000 Vdc to 5.000 Vdc across a precision test resistor). To facilitate calibration, the transmitter inputs are rounded down to a whole inwc. The following equation is used to compute the required transmitter output (Vdc) for a given differential pressure (DP) input (inwc):

E 0 = (384 DP + 1.000 Vdc

~385.54 inwc)

Per Section 6.6.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) of the transmitter is

+/-0.81% Span. Per Section 6.6.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the transmitter is +0.50% Span. The AFI and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

AFT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc (AFT(% SPan)) = +0.032 Vdc ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc L(100% Jn)

= +0.020 Vdc The calibration table for transmitter FT-434 is as follows:

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (inwc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 0 1.000 0.968 to 1.032 0.980 to 1.020 95 1.986 1.954 to 2.018 1.966 to 2.006 190 2.971 2.939 to 3.003 2.951 to 2.991 290 4.009 3.977 to 4.041 3.989 to 4.029 385 4.994 4.962 to 5.026 4.974 to 5.014 Transmitter Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 62 REVISION 5 FT-435 Per Reference 4.6.4 and Assumption 5.15, the differential pressure (DP) associated with 120%

flow for FI'-435 is 407.50 inwc.

The transmitter is calibrated such that an input from 0 to 407.50 inwc would yield an output of 4 to 20 mAdc (monitored as 1.000 Vdc to 5.000 Vdc across a precision test resistor). To facilitate calibration, the transmitter inputs are rounded down to a whole inwc. The following equation is used to compute the required transmitter output (Vdc) for a given differential pressure (DP) input (inwc):

( 4.000 Vdc )D .0 d E= I407.50 inwcID +1.000 Vdc Per Section 6.6.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFI) of the transmitter is

+/-0.81% Span. Per Section 6.6.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the transmitter is +/-0.50% Span. The AFT and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

APT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc (AFI(% Span) =+/-0.032 Vdc ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc( (1 pan)= _0.020 Vdc The calibration table for transmitter FT-435 is as follows:..ow.-

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (inwc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 0 1.000 0.968 to 1.032 0.980 to 1.020 100 1.982 1.950 to 2.014 1.962 to 2.002 200 2.963 2.931 to 2.995- 2.943 to 2.983 305 3.994 3.962 to 4.026 3.974 to 4.014 407 4.995 4.963 to 5.027 4.975 to 5.015 Transmitter Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IIINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 63 REVISION 5 FI'-436 Per Reference 4.6.4 and Assumption 5.15, the differential pressure (DP) associated with 120%

flow for FT-436 is 393.10 inwc.

The transmitter is calibrated such that an input from 0 to 393.10 inwc would yield an output of 4 to 20 mAdc (monitored as 1.000 Vdc to 5.000 Vdc across a precision test resistor). To facilitate calibration, the transmitter inputs are rounded down to a whole inwc. The following equation is used to compute the required transmitter output (Vdc) for a given differential pressure (DP) input (inwc):

E 4(000 Vdc) DP + 1.000 Vdc Per Section 6.6.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) of the transmitter is

+/-0.81% Span. Per Section 6.6.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the transmitter is +0.50% Span. The AFT and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

AFT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc AFI(% Span)) =+/-0.032Vdc ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc ALT(% SPan)) = +/-0.020 Vdc The calibration table for transmitter FT-436 is as follows::;-

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (inwc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 0 1.000 0.968 to 1.032 0.980 to 1.020 100 2.018 1.986 to 2.050 1.998 to 2.038 195 2.984 2.952 to 3.016 - 2.964 to 3.004 295 4.002 3.970 to 4.034 3.982 to 4.022 392 4.989 4.957 to 5.021 4.969 to 5.009 Transmitter Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 64 REVISION 5 9.2 ISOLATOR MODULE (FM-414, 415,416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436)

The isolator transfer function is as follows:

Eo = 6Ec Per Section 6.8.8 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (ALT) of the isolator is +/-1.20%

Span. Per Section 6.8.9 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the isolator is

+/-0.50% Span. The AFT and ALT are converted to voltage units with the following equations:

AFT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc ( (1(% Pan)) = +/-0.048 Vdc ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc (ALT(% Span)) = +0.020 Vdc The calibration table for the isolator is as follows:

Required Input Desired Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) (Vdc) 1.000 1.000 0.952 to 1.048 X 0.980 to 1.020 2.000 2.000 1.952 to 2.048 1.980 to 2.020 3.000 3.000 2.952 to 3.048 2.980 to 3.020 4.000 4.000 3.952 to 4.048 3.980 to 4.020 5.000 5.000 4.952 to 5.048 4.980 to 5.020 Isolator Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-IMINST-1 128 PAGE NO. 65 REVISION 5 9.3 COMPARATOR MODULE (FC-414, 415, 416,424,425,426,434,435, AND 436)

Each comparator provides a Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip. Per Section 8.0 of this calculation, the Low RCS Flow Reactor Trip setpoint is 94.68% Flow Span decreasing. The comparator receives a differential pressure input. Therefore, the setpoint must be converted from % Flow Span to % AP Span with the following equation (Design Input 5.11):

Setpoint(% &PSpan) = 100% AP Span Setpoint(% Flow Span)2 120% Flow Span The following equation is used to compute the voltage representation of the comparator setpoint:

Setpoint(Vdc) = 4 Vdc Setpoint(%+UPSpan)+ 1.000 Vdc 100% AP Span )

Therefore, the setpoint expressed in voltage units is 3.490 Vdc (94.68% Flow Span).

Per Section 6.7.8 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFT) of the comparator is

+/-1:41% Span. Per Section 6.7.9 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the comparator is +/-0.50% Span. The AFT and ALT are converted to voltage units with the..

following equations:

(Vdc) = +4 Vdc (100 Pn)) =+0.056 Vdc - I .,..I 2 ' I ALT(Vdc) = +/-4 Vdc ALT(% Span) = +0.020 Vdc The following table provides calibration values for the comparators:

Setpoint Setpoint As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance

(% Flow Span) I (Vdc) IaM c) I .c) I 94.68 1 3.490 3.434 to 3.546 3.470 to 3.510 Comparator Calibration Table

CALCULATION NO. RNP-I/INST-1 128 PAGE NO. 66 REVISION 5 9.4 INDICATOR (FI-414, 415, 416,424,425,426,434,435. AND 436)

The indicators are scaled to provide an output of 0 to 120% Flow (0 to 100% Flow Span) for a 1 to 5 Vdc input. The indicators receive a differential pressure signal which is converted to a flow indication utilizing a square root scale. Therefore, the transfer function for the indicator is as follows:

V 4 Vdc Per Section 6.9.9 of this calculation, the As Found Tolerance (AFI) of the indicator is

+/-2.44% Span. Per Section 6.9.10 of this calculation, the As Left Tolerance (ALT) of the indicator is +2.00% Span. The AFI and ALT are converted to pressure units with the following equations:

AFI(Vdc) = +4 Vdc AF(%SPan)) = +/-0.098 Vdc ALT(Vdc) = +4 Vdc( (100 =P))

+0.080 Vdc The following table provides calibration values for the indicators:

Desired Input Required Output As Found Tolerance As Left Tolerance (Vdc) (% Flow) (Vdc) (Vdc) 1.000 0 0.902 to 1.098 0.920 to 1.080 2.000 60 1.902 to 2.098 1.920 to 2.080

. 3.000 85 2.902 to 3.098 2.920 to 3.080 4.000 104 3.902 to 4.098 3.920 to 4.080 5.000 120 4.902 to 5.098 4.920 to 5.080 Indicator Calibration Table

ATTACHMENT A CALCULATION MATRIX REFERENCE TABLE Calculation No. RNP-l/INST-1 128 Page 1 of 1 Revision No. 5 Document ID Number Function Relationship to CaIc. Action Type (e.g., Calc No.. Dwg. No., (i.e. IN for design (e.g. design input, assumption basis, (e.g. CALC, DVG, Equip. Tag No., Procedure inputs or references; reference, document affected by results) (specify if Doc. Services TAG, PROCEDURE, No., Software name and OUT for affected or Config. Mgt. to Add, SOFrVARE) documents) CM Add, DS Delete)

Calculations RNP-E-1.005 IN Design Input CM Add Calculations RNP-M/MECH-1651 IN Design Input CM Add Drawing 5379-3485 IN Design Input CM Add Drawing 5379-3486 IN Design Input CM Add Drawing 5379-3513 IN Design Input CM Add Drawing 5379-3514 IN Design Input CM Add Drawing 5379-3524 IN Design Input CM Add Drawing 5379-3525 IN Design Input CM Add Drawing 5379-3526 IN Design Input CM Add Drawing HBR2-11133 IN Design Input CM Add Drawing HBR2-11260 IN Design Input CM Add Other Documents 728-012-10 IN Design Input CM Add Other Documents 728-399-88 IN Design Input CM Add Other Documents 728-589-13 IN Design Input CM Add.

Other Documents R82-226/01 IN Design Input CM Add -

Other Documents RNP-F/NFSA-0029 IN Design Input CM Add, Other Documents Technical IN Design Input CM Add

... Specifications Other Documents UFSAR IN Design Input CM Add Procedures EGR-NGGC-0153 IN Reference CM Add Procedures LP-060 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures LP-061 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures LP-062 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures LP-063 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures LP-064 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures LP-065 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures LP-066 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures LP-067 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures LP-068 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures MMM-006 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures TMM-026 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures EST-047 IN Design Input CM Add Procedures OST-020 IN Design Input CM Add

ATTACHMENT B COMPARATOR DRIFT Calculation No. RNP-I/INST-1 128 Page 1 of 1 Revision No. 5 CALMLTMW=- MT MM1 S=

EAX K= 112 1 MAkhX

- C. 141 _C-14SA LC-949 .143 Cal. Dc. Davsi. Cal. Dt. Davis. C 1. Vt. D riJ. Ca1. Vt. D vh .

7/14/84 9/26/84 5/29/14


.001 9/25/85 .000 6/26/53

.001 .008 6/04/86 9/24/86 2/n/5 2/02Lm1

.001 .002 .004 .001 5/15/87 9/28/87 4/*30/P7 I7/17

.003 .002 .009 .003 6/13/31 9/20/88 12/29/U 2/3.?U

.003 .004 11/20/89 .001 .009 7/4/9 2/26/901 9/22/90 ZACAN HeL 118 I= CQAZAT LC10JA LC-106J 7 C-lOlA LC-1Ol8 Cal.Dc. Devia. Davis. Dis.L DeviJ. D.viJ. Davis. Davis. Devia.


  • .000 .000 .001 .004 .000 .000 .000 .000

- /01/3

.001 .000 .001 .001 .001 .000 I/A IVA 4/18/86

. .001 .001 .001 .000 .001 .000 V/A IVA 2/03/37 I.

.001 .003 .001 .001 .000 .001 3/A V/A 4/06/81

- *I- .. .000 :001 .002 .000 .002 .001I/A 3W/A 1 *,w -/1 4/04/39 -

.000 .000 * * * * .003 .003 4/04/90

  • struneac Malfunction X/A Nor Available HaLmun deviation aoted betwvea the aJ-too4 and as-sle values recorded an the available calibration data sbasts wss .009 vdc.

ThiJ vale is approximately equal to 0.231.

ATTACHMENT C ROSEMOUNT DRIFT Calculation No. RNP-I/INST-1 128 Page t of I Revision No. 5 ROSENMOU"11 UVA"~c eQ-orOf Eft" Pym... UK So3M To e1it S414840 7T.. 43IMi2 Fox is 21 USI.U September 20, 1990 Entergy operations Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant ESC Building P.O. Box 429 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Attention: Bob MeCain

Dear Mr. McCain:

Rosemount has developed a now drift specification for the "..' , 7 . -

Model 1152, 12.3 and 1154ipressure transmitters. The .- i . ,  ;.'

specification is +/-.2% URL over a 30 month period.

In addition, all normal performance specs (i.e. accuracy) can .j .. 4. . 1, I be considered 3 sigma specs. The nuclear specs such as ' I I.. ... ,

LOWCA/ELB, radiation, and seismic were developed based on type

.!.n;. t17 testing. Due to the szall sample'size of test-units, it-is __ __

'.- . I - . ... .

difficulttto apply statistical methodology to these type of specs.

If you have any further questions please feel free to call me at (612) 828-3100.

in e

. Lien Marketing Engineer NPL:lbc Enc: PDS 2302, 2388, 2514, 2235 Report D8600063 c: Los Callender 12

ATTACHMENT D INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS INDICATOR DATA Calculation No. RNP-I/INST-1 128 Page 1 of 1 Revision No. 5 0 T0wing1g&5"~

- wwwwMnwim

. beww~mwer

. " 4 bw L&5".

'pi 11111:40d= ME -a POMTX04hNL0GY. wrC. .Thin Laku Ra..*150. Urns 5-04-c Erwnif. CT1O6d71 T. OL233 d6l .721 1WX. 710.452-3082 PAXI dfl¶-637 June 24, 1991 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT P.O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602-l531 Attn: Robert Mann OHS 6th Floor

Dear Robert,

Per our conversatvon the dr'Ift and T.C. for International Instruments model 2=20. &re 1% of SpAn per year and .1X of span per degree- C respectively. The accuracy following a saisaic

  • v-nt are per H11 Standards for shock and vibration and are quoted -as - -- S of-span -;Understand- that. the assumption is. made that the seismic *vent rwflects both shock and vibration. .. a - i Should youlp-vw any further Information, please do not h-si-tatle-to eontac* ^ /

l les-on Vice President cc: Keith hacdowall


. U4 see aO the Ires"gsofa.etowm or P.~ D 1y, aGS4" pwp, sad the guideasa speed rug of a twese may A ILbeldmand as [wie St cmetriliagel sowns. to mist

.o S either at *W as aNone d aflw

  • mm.

1448 tvalae 041543to ale MM&OWai them. swast a Calbrtions mSet be uSOa usaag am..,.taen mieal equitisa SWrte, mano mast at flui Mla me"e of me asme. each as a crocat Smehd.

wt on .5ev sad 4 _I s alile _ my tia section Cbapept 14-9 ad (361.)

that I maicawub rapept w be eaatar4loe1_4W Li Maim. Wi these pln . Ii bhoontl esae flaw is m*i1st,the ain gcsetmuislk Estha Rotor weZs, p, the presa.,e imp sea h. flow r

  • L 'hin a ran SW. Ifla VPo some -uhsmea relatibnship. rate. Ba-ths. meaima he the sa. noaw coefficieat amer this mae; s:a. with.

loAnclmelg a flow coafficieas. Jr. dAtarusads byr a to &ki rect th aemi ati this gee ficiosat as cellstlhctee6 mladska the tatessly cls at o e aswer. o rate in quirkiest. Alite thins limmmmaxialo uttsaoly. A. is.;; D ms i. i., -ad & rO. ' pren dr*P begins toiscnasa Very pss al.flt" givesas 556xrdti a edually, ate Iia("e rare than the flow. Hoses. wham petigthesd ae at flow Cairtngoeo these seters. qesseh diffuerta eutss abasld be covered to datermuae the epar uO.46=11 A .

a P5456).S- Binh of Deearity. 1tthe seramistoebe oadAlwme Vthis Pblr. tha relsalti bet-es rate of flaw mad dst at te fluidi desaiy,.P preasse drop .. ald be Jeteie d ii.

,no.two meet continues m at priciry alems.t or are capillary tabes seadperoem plums, as iflastrazad yi to 1X WtT 6e .capillary t. the tais of, aa = XD A - cis UIS) 1' t- to b ia ;r pthspt;ps flact detsrminiag

  • *'n- lsip liiltwom frate of flow ma passes ar .p. Sum. -mier rcommead the Imgt shemi be ' rwtiow the here. A secd faster s m150 as a 0M3X2 XD DA tTP4 b/ie 04158 the character thee .t c za ads*teaj o the tal . m.Le. uthtl these we asie af maeth sea

-&547 U3Rhs h thne p plW aiffwsw tapered (371. l.sted of a single tae, a Inade owre *1tar. Quiew Wai haio me bees he bect rof Capillasey Paseges maybe ased to laonsse he of usts sad reaaal etemead nsaby a

  • ii. flew cepecity. Aloe. It is not setesam7 If the we of the ASIE _ mher ta aMo dmeeling. Hee pssege to b of Cirlar ecriss mettes a over.*a; ,, of b i experis atal " Me sifer shape (31a.

ellew maters ladete thaitle,relative regasa Tbs peres"lug form cas b Made by fastening a ra e aw sface had 2a ma ph cast effect Msflow plug of suitable paroe material withim, a mctios of maasts. Also. for 904.dg dlbaw wih IN eam r pipe r b Sug sed prumidiag casectiona far measur-tap at S adsg tap ole diaten. S.

  • rme- lag the resurCrop acro the ples. Seem the Wended far afileutat, the Volvo at ma 7 matrials vhic maybe satisfactiay for the plsg we poem ste!

m weaL m waste.

" Sistered Alumima. gl WeaL a" layers of fise Screening m placed that the

- I_ 0tls9, 5 wins of djeceast layers are sot parallel. T rust 5- awesaited tesso with dry rass; the siatered wmeblO4 R,<c O'1. selRID, 1.2 Flaw camputad alumn a could be used at e1evted temporutares; wish this wale of X snd scaliated elibes will e sead the lest ta eculd be used with wet gas ar ashiect te a t arsoce (acertaisty) d of a 4 per eves liJIUS. With sny given ?I'g material. tie c*mL With a ealibated elbow. &s tjacrsee 1asld be priacipel acters ifisneacieg te rateprossure drop mp* e tt Ar .et Oe tres of diff estlal prse. treisti, er the saghteess -ia which the material is swe Wown. With eithet calibrated ar wueslibhrtsl packed end the langdi af the plug (391.