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Improved Technical Specifications, Volume 18, Revision 0, CTS Markup Pages in CTS Order.
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Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/2005
Nuclear Management Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051990516 (317)




C C C ITS 00 ITS Chapter 1.0 y SRO N / These Technic pecifications are prepared in accordce with the requirements of 10 CFR 50 and apply to the Monticello Nuclear IGenerating pant, Unit No. 1. The bases SWeciflcations for these are Included for Inforirnatonand understandahirity pi rposes

0) 1.1 1.0 DEFINITIONS )D S

lCORE ALTERATION ]_ The succeedi ently used terms are explicitlde e so that a uniform inte retatia a S ecificalions CD shall be the nmoerent Jcc a Thesucc 54W&enshodwt tevseneateoe ndfe n erpretatiel Specificatingtntons ma such a o-control rod movemenpwsng the norm&l drive m-echa-nr,~ cas SR ndIM e6c 0 ICOnsidered core 0 ationsr)cI t ve 3 Table 1.1-1 Hot Standby- H Standby means operation wit the reactor criticalin the startup mode at a pow r level just sufficient to 0 MODE 2 msintaln reactor ressure and temperature. /W/ Je IC. eted 0 So 1.3 [1E Immediate - Immediate means that the required action will be initiated as soon as practicable considering the safe operation of A.5 < DX the unit and the importance of the required action. M a 1.1 ins-men---bsgnae or -- nt

0) fyo srone rinjection eve of a simulate i t to as close to the CDctal 0D 0 A60 aW 0) 1.0 1 04/05/01 Amendment No. 29T83r 119 Page 1 of 14

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 3 of 316 ITS Chapter 1.0 INSERT I

                                           --- NOTE----

The defined terms of this section appear in capitalized type and are applicable throughout these Technical Specifications and Bases. O INSERT 2 of any fuel, sources, or reactivity control components, INSERT 3 The following exceptions are not considered to be CORE ALTERATIONS: } (i (i)

a. Movement of source range monitors, local power range monitors, intermediate ranged monitors, traversing incore probes, or special movable detectors (including undervessel replacement); and
b. Control rod movement, provided there are no fuel assemblies in the associated core}l cell.

INSERT 4 Suspension of CORE ALTERATIONS shall not preclude completion of movement of a component to a safe position. INSERT 5 OPERABILITY of all devices in the channel required for channel OPERABILITY INSERT 6 The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps. Insert Page 1 Page 2 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 3 of 316

C C: C ITS 00 ITS Chapter 1.0 1.1 0) W ID 0 (0 Z., 0 CD (0 -o CD Y vi V1tsionj ; .. l -9' IM A system, subsystem, ,component o eice shall be Clor have Op 1igwhen NIs capable of

0) performIMng Its specifleUnctlon(s)tjlmvliRMthis detinionshall Bef um on Ka all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal mergency electrical power , coolin seal water, lubricatIon er auxiliary equipment that are required fortheaystem subsystem, r *componenoordevice to perform It functlion(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s).irl _e___
                                                                              \                                    '9                            )

divisionM alndS 1.0 2 9/28/89 Amendment No. 29, 70 Page 3 of 14

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 5 of 316 ITS Chapter 1.0 INSERT 7 all devices in the channel required for channel OPERABILITY and the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST INSERT 8 Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an inplace qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining adjustable devices in the channel. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps. INSERT 9 A MODE shall correspond to any one Inclusive combination of mode switch position, average reactor coolant temperature, and reactor vessel head closure bolt tensioning specified in Table 1.1-1 with fuel in the reactor vessel. Insert Page 2 Page 4 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 5 of 316

C C C 0 ITS ITS See ITS Chapter 1.0 } lFE Instn ment Caibretlon - An Instrument callbratlon means the adjustment of an Instniment signii output so thet Rconresponds,l

                          -within acceptable range, accuracy. and response time to a known value(s) of the pqrsmeterwhichthe hstrument monitors.               Add proposed Note 2 to SR
=r                         Canrumeti shallancompnss the entireanstrumenta        Icludingach         mlon.                                                l nDtfeonlarmSorTGED.S c1                                     --      Fn_,S_-Ge -eq    TTESBAS                                  0 V0. SR        [instrument calibration baut Will oe 0

3 G. Ltmiting Conditions for Operation (LCO) - The limiting conditions for operation specify the minimum acceptable levels of system perfommance necessary to assure safe startup and operation of the facility. When these conditions are met, the plant can be D 0 operated safely and abnormal situations can be safety controlled. 0 0 Z-H -Deleted- ILI 0) 0 1. Llmitin Safety System Setitn (LSSS) -The timting safety system settings are settings on instnumentation which initlate the automatic protective action at a level such that the safety limits will not be exceeded. The region between the safety limit and _i r-4 these settings represents margin with normal operation lying below these settings. The margin has been established so that with proper operation of the instrumentatlon, the safety limits will never be exceeded. 0 0 J. MintmumCrItIcatPowerRal (MCPR) -The minimum crtlcal power ratio is the value of crtlcal power rati assodated with the most lmiting assembly In the reactor core. Critical power ratio (CPR) Is the ratio of that power In a fuel assembly which Is CO calculated by the GEXL correlation to cause some point In the assembly to experience boiling transition to the actual assembly 0w operating power. I) o CD K Mode- The reactor mode Is that which Is established by the mode-selector switch.

                                                                                                                                                                   \_(S         See ITS Chapter 1.01 (0 L    oaerble - A system, subsystem, train, component or device shal be Operable or have Operability when It Is capable of 0a performing its specified function(s). Implicit In this definition shall be the assumption that alt necessary attendant                                                    0o Instrumentation, controls, normal and emergency electrical power sources, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform Rs function(s) are also capable ot                                           0 performing their related support function(s).

0) 1.0 2 928189 Amendment No. 2a, 70 Page 10 of 10

C ITS Chapter 1.0 Ch ITS 00 When a system, subsystem, train, component or device Is determined to be inoperable soley because its emergency power a) source Is Inoperable, or soley because Rs normal power source Is Inoperable, it may be considered operable for the purpose of =" Su 0 satisfying the requirements of Its applicable Umitlng Condition for Operation provided: (1) Is corresponding normal or SeeTITS 3.8.1 0 emergency power source Is operable; and (2) an of Rs redundant system(s), subsystem(s), trains(s), component(s) and device(s) 3 are Operable, or lIkewlse satisfy the requirements of this paragraph. L-k 30 0 IM. Ooera -peratln means that m or component Is perm Its se aunctons.1 0 - I N. Ot- nteravta wrieran tween the en e eling outageand theend of ner-su sequent reuei MOESand2 3 _ Table 1.1.1 10. Power ~erdtlon-Power Op erationisa oe on with the mode switch In the 'Start-Up "Run positlod re o 0 r MODES 1 I critipeFand abovesr? rated theftal power. lf 3 and 2 0 Eu Prrntv torInmenntmiearity [Fpr~imarv C~ontalnrnent Intearity means that the drywell and pressure suppression chabe a-re See ITS 3-6-1-1 } <

                       / UafO~ the followinm condition-swee sawsle                                                                                                                              3-9
-o 0

I 1. All manual containment Isolation valves on lines connecting to the reactor coolant system or containment which are not L S4

U I required to be open during accident conditions are closed. ISeeITS q 3.6.1 a) 2 At least one door In the airlock Is closed and seale. I
3. All automatic containment Isolatlon valves are operable or are deactivated In the osed posion or a least one valv aIn ievalve Is closed See ITS 14 All blind filnnoAs and manwava are dosed. L I P to .1 0 0. Protective Instni ation Logic Definition. to 0

-A 1.- An Instrument channel means n arrangement of a sensor and auxilla equipment required to generate an transmit to a trip system, a single trip ignal related to the plant parameter mo tored by that Instrument channel./ See ITS and ITS I so at ax

2. pfy - A trip system means an arrangeme of Instrument channel trp signals and uxdulary equipment required to InitIate a rotection action. A trip system may re ire one or more Instrument channel tri signals related to one or more plant par meters to initiate trip system action. IItatlon of the protective function may re uire tripping of a single trip system (e.g., HC system isolation, off-gas system Is atln, reactor buliding Isolation and ste by gas treatment Initiation, and rod block) r the coindent tripping of two trip syrems (e.g., Initiation of scram, reactor Isallan, and primary containment Isoltf)
3. Action An action Initiated by the rotectlon system when a limit Is exceeed. A protective action can be at chnersystem level.//

3 1/23184 Amendment No. 21 Page 5of14

C C C ITS When a system, subsystem. train, component or device is determined to be Inoperable sotey because Its emergency power source Is Inoperable, or soley because its normal power source Is Inoperable. Rtmay be considered operable for the purpose of r satisfying the requirements of its applicable Umiting Condition for'Operatlon provided: (1)Rs corresponding normal or tSee ITS 3.8.1} a) emergency power source is operable; and (2)aR of Rts redundant system(s), subsystem(s), trains(s), component(s) and devIce(s) 0 a) are Operable. or likewise satisfy the requirements of this paragraph. a) M. Q .ag- Operating mneans that a system or component Is performing Its speclfied hinctions. CD 0 N. Operafti Cycle - Interval between the end of one reueling outage and the end of the next subsequent refueing outage. [See ITS 1.0} 31 a) O. Po-er 2Opratbon -Power OperellonIs any operatlon unh thaemode switehIn the zStart-Up or Rur) positon with the reacdor

                       /.        ritl&Al alnd above I%6 rated themmal power.                                                                                                                                     0 CD                                                                                                                                                                                                     3LA1      C 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                3 r-u                          n I',

All ma a cnG...Iolto 7 -U-, sese

                                                                          .,.-I msconciat
                                                                                       . --  -A there4- colnM ... Im or conlfnmeMl wmcn&ere n"r I
                                                                                                                                                           -.             j--

I' See ITS f CD

                             .                                                                                                                                        I .        t
a) 12- A;t ene door in the aidock bsclo-sedand sealedl I See ITS
3. All automatic containment Isolatiornvalves are operable or are deactivated in the dosed poshion or at least one vaSe inl 3' 1 0
-9' 0,

I I I See ITS 3.6.13 J I 4 each *In havin an In rable valve Is dosed i mnarlwav

p. Protective Instmmrentatbni ookcDefinitlonsa re cose ' U ,

See TS I I

                                                                                                                                                                                                        \   9LA  P CD
1. Inr- -An insdnrment channel means an arrangement of a sensor and auxitiary equipment required to generate and transmit to a trip system, a single trip signa relited to the plant parameter monitored by that Instrument a)

U3 channel.

2. I-Ste A trip system means an arrangement of Instnrment channel trip sgnai and auxillary equipment required to initiate a protection action. A trip system may require one or more Instrument channel trip signals related to one or more 0 SSee T 1.0}

plant parameters to initiate trip system action. Initiation of the protective function may require tripping of a single trip system (e.g.. HPCI system Isolation. off-gas system Isolation, reactor building Isolation and standby gas treatment initiation, and rod block), or the coincident tripping of two trip systems (e.g., Initiation of scram, reactor Isolation, and primary contalnment 0) isolation).

3. Protecive Acton - An action Initiated by the protection system when a lmit Is exceeded. A protective action can be at channel or system level.

3 1/23184 Amendment No. 21 Page 4 of 6

C C C ITS 0 When a system. subsystem, train, component or device Is determined to be Inoperable soley because Its emergency power source Is inoperable, or sotey because Rs normal power source Is Inoperable. It may be considered operable for the purpose of r satisfying the requirements of ts epplicable Uriting Condition for'Operation prwded: (1)Rs corresponding normal or _t See ITS 3.8.1 } a) mergency powerasoirn me operablt;en(2) snd fntos mac ofr sredundantoyem(s),msubsystemstralns(s)coponent() deude(s) a) are Ooemible, or likiewise satisfy the requirements of this paragraph. CD I M. Operntin - Operating means that a system or component is performing Its speceded functions. I 0 N. peratlnaCyge - Interval between the end of one refuelng outage and the end of the next subsequent refueling outage. See ITS 1.01 V0. CD

0. gwerdpertln - Power Operation s any operation with the mode switch in the Start-Up or 'Run posiion with the reactor criltal and above " rmted thermal nower.
-A CD 5-1 0                                                                                                                                                                                       0 a)                                                                                                                                                                                      a)

CD a. ITOce{iVW In nlrrner uom l i C LieTinnyon3 CD

1. 1-- An Instrument channel means an arrangement of a sensor and auxiliary equipment required to 0 generate and transmit to a trip system, a single trip signal related to the plant parameter monitored by that Instrument

-la channel.

2. Irlg~yste - A trip system means en errangement of Instrument channel trip signals and awdilry equipment required to initiate a protection action. A trip system may require one or more Instrument channel trip signals related to one or more 0

[See ITS 1.01 plant parameters to Initiate trip system action. Initiation of the protective function may require tripping of a single trip system (e.g.. HPCI system Isolation, off-gas system Isolation, reactor building Isolation and standby gas treatment Initiation, and rod CY) block), or the coincident tripping of two trip systems (e.g., Initiation of scram. reactor Isolation, and primary containment Isolation).

3. b i n - An action initiated by the protection system when a limit Is exceeded. A protective action can be at channel or system level.

3 1/23/84 Amendment No. 21 Page 2 of 2

(7 C C ITS ITS When a system, subsystem. traIn, component or device is determined to be Inoperable soley because its emergency power a) source Is inoperable, or soley because its normal power source Is Inoperable. It may be considered operable for the purpose of 1 0 See ITS 3.8.1 1 C7 satisfying the requirements of its appicable Umiting Condition for'Operation provided: (1) Its corresponding normal or _ 0 0 emergency power source Is operable: and (2) aelof Its redundant system(s), subsystem(s), trains(s), component(s) and device(s) are OoeraSble, or likewise satisfy the requirements of this paragraph. 3 0 0 See ITS 1.0] -A 0o M. ;prn n, peatn mean.4 ,that sys.temo neflncampn t IsprorigIt pcfidfncin. 0

                                                                                                                                                                  --- I See ITS}         Co a)                                      an h-jLrj-.-.--..                  -

co 0 SR - h SR See ITS 3.6.12

12. At lenst one door in the arlocd is closed and sealed.

0 0 3.1 ll utondkconahrentisoltiovales re perbM r neadedhv~ed In the dosed positbon or etleest oneevalveverI P LCO 0 SR, AN blind fleng: a ~-~~- L ~ closed. mysweae l See rrS 3. 1 CD SR 0 Q. Protective Instrumentation Logic Definitions 6

1. tnstnnnent Channel - An Instrument channel means an arrangement of a sensor and auxiliary equipment required to -h to generate and transmit to a trIp system, a single trip signal related to the plant parameter monitored by that Instrument Co channel.

CD 2. Trp ystern -A trip system means an arrangement of Instrument channel trIp signals and auxiliary equipment required to CD InitIate a protection action. A trip system may require one or more Instrument channel trip signals related to one or more See ITS 1.0 plant parameters to InitIate trip system action. Initiation of the protective function may require tripping of a single trip system (e.g.. HPCI system Isolation, off-gas system Isolation, reactor building IsolatIon and standby gas treatment Initiation, and rod block), or the coincident tripping of two trip systems (e.g., initiation of scram, reactor isolation, and primary containment isolation).

3. Protedive Action - An action Initiated by the protection system when a limit is exceeded. A protective action can be at channel or system level.

3 1/23184 Amendment No. 21 Page 4 of 5

( C ITS 3.8.1 C ITS 24 hours for proposed Required Action A.2 4 hours for proposed Required Action B.2 L5 24 hours for proposed Required Action C.1 Required Actions When a system, subsystem. train, component or device is determined to be Inoperable sotey because Its emergency power A.1, B.2. and C.1 source Is inoperable, or soley because Rs normal power source Is Inoperable, It may be considered operable for the purpose of 01 satisfying the requirements of Its applicable Umiting Condition for Operation provided: (1)Is corresponding normal or M CX emergency power source Is operable: and (2) elot its redundant system(s), subsystem(s), trains(s), component(s) and device(s) 0 are Operable, or likewise satisfy the requirements of this paragraph.


I M. Qherating-.Operating means tnat a system or component is periorming its specfed runctlons. N. Oplerating yg2- Interval between the end of one refueling outage and the end of the next subsequent refueling outage. ISee iTS Chapter 1.0 } 0

0. Power O£eration - Power Operation Is any operation with the mode switch In the Start-Up or Run position with the reactor critical and above 1% rated thermal power. 0 P. Prmary Containment Integrity - Primary Containment integrity means that the drywell and pressure suppression cnamoer are B Intact and eWlof the following conditions are satisfied. M 0
1. All manual containment Isolatlon valves on lines connecting to the reactor coolant system or containment which are not required to be open during accident conditions are dosed.
2. At least one door inthe airlock is dosed end sealed.

See ITS Chapter 1.0 ITS, ITS, and 1-CD 0 (0 ITS - 0 3. Al automatic containment Isolation valves are operable or are deactivated In the dosed positIon or at least one valve In each line having an Inoperable valve Is dosed tD 0 4. All blind flanges and manways are dosed. co -9' PD Q. Protective Instrumentetlon togc Definitions

1. In nH - An Instrument channel means an arrangement of a sensor and auxiliary equipment required to 03 generate and transmit to a trip system, a single trip signal related to the plant parameter monitored by that Instrument channel.
2. Tdp System
  • A trip system means an arrangement of Instrument channel trip signals and auxiliary equipment required to Initiate a protection action. A trip system may require one or more Instrument channel trip signals related to one or more See ITS Chapter 1.0 }

plant parameters to Initiate trip system action. InitIation of the protective function may require tripping of a single trip system (e.g.. HPCI system Isolation, off-gas system Isolation, reactor building IsolatIon and standby gas treatment Initiation, and rod block), or the coincident tripping of two trip systems (e.g., Initiation of scram, reactor Isolation, and primary containment a) Isolation).

3. Protecive Action - An action Initiated by the protection system when a limit Isexceeded. A protective action can be at channel or system level.

3 1-23/84 Amendment No. 21 Page 5 of 5

c C C ITS 0 ITS Chapter 1.0 9ID 0 3 0 0 0 ID a 0 0 2 Z-L 2 M CD 0 0 0 0 -9I


t See ITS l and ITS 3.6.42 J I1. At least one door In each access opening Is dosed. { See ITS } (a 0 12. The standby gas treatment rystern Is op erable.- 4 See ITS } (a

                                                                                     -I-      See ITS I
                                                                 '4       9/16/98 Amendment No. =, 102 Page 6 of 14


4. ProtectiveFunctin - A system protective action whir hresults from the protective action of the channets monitoring a particular plant condition.
  )R.                      Rated Neutron Flux - Rated flux Is the neutron flux that corresponds to a steady-state power level of 1775 thermal megawatts.

3 S. Rated Thermal Power - Rated thermal power means a steady-state power level of 1775 thermal megawatts. 1 CD CD T. Reactor Coolant System Pressure or Reactor Vessel Pressure

  • Unless otherwise indicated, reactor vessel pressures listed In See iTS Chapter 1.

the Technical Specifications are those existing in the vessel steam space. 0 _ C 0_ U. Refueling0 Ooeratlon and Refueling Outage -Refueling Operation is any operation when the reactor water temperature is less 0 than 212 F and movement of fuel or core components Is In progress. For the purpose of designating frequency of testing and 3tD surveillance, a refueling outage shall mean a regularly scheduled refueling outage; however, where such outages occur within 8 months of the completion of the previous refueling outage, the required surveillance testing need not be performed until the next 2 D regularly scheduled outage. Safety Umfm - The safety limits are limits below which the maintenance of the cladding and primary system Integrity are assured. 0o V. Di Exceeding such a limit is cause for plant shutdown and review by the Commission before resu*ptlon of plant operation.

<                          Operation beyond such a limit may not In itself resuit In serious consequences but i Indicates an operational deficiency subjectD to reaulatorv review.                                                                                                                           M7 Xi    SR   HEW. keonry Qo              ntal           - Secondary Contins                       thatthereactor buldin is dosed_

CD SR 1. At least one door In each access opening is dosed. lD M.6 D C,.

2. The standby gas treatment s[stem Is operable. [See ITS o t 0 h

An reactor building ventilation svstem automatic Isolation valves are operable or are secured in the cosed posion See ITS CA) CD I.. -16 X. SenrChbeck - A qualitative determination of operabTility by observation of sensor behavior during operation. This determination shall Include, where possible, comparison with othor Independent sensors measuring the same variable. [See ITS Chapter 1.0J 1.0 4 9/16/98 Amendment No. U, 102 Page 4 of 4


4. Protecive Function- A system protective acion which results from the protective action of the channels monitoring a particular plant condition.

0 to 0 0 R. Rated Neutron Flux - Rated flux Is the neutron flux that corresponds to a steady-state power level of 1775 themwal megawatts. 0 S. Rated Thermal Power - Rated thermal power means a steady-state power level of 1775 thermal megawatts. 3 T. Reactor Coolant Sy ReaorVessel Pressu - Unless otherwise Indicated, reactor vessel pressures listed In See ITS Chapter 1.01 0 the Technical Specifications are those existing In the vessel steam space. 0 U. Reiueling Oreratlon and Refueling Outage - Refueling Operation Is any operation when the reactor water temperature Is less 0 than 2t2°F and movement of fuel or core components Is In progress. For the purpose of designating frequency of testing and 0 surveillance, a refueling outage shall mean a regularly scheduled refueling outage; however, where such outages occur within 8 rD E, months of the completion of the previous refueling outage, the required surveillance testing need not be performed until the next regularly scheduled outage. V. Safey Umit - The safety limits are limits below which the maintenance of the cladding and primary system integrity are assured. -g Exceeding such a limit Is cause for plant shutdown and review by the Commission before resuflrption of plant operation. P Operation beyond such a limit may not In Itself result hi serious consequences but i Indicates an operational deficiency sublect to reaulatorv review. k (DA2 az So In t Secottdary Containment Inteity means that the reactor BU~aina -tsqosE 1.Scondr I Ofl U~51 nd theloigo" Ci CD IC) a 14 Al 1-4 - 1-1. -- I.. I. A-Al-

                                                                                                                                                                                          -9 Gto   LCO      2        e stand    vas treatment   te Is       rable                                                                                   ee iTS SOa ACTION A                                                                                              lor are secured In the X. Sensor Chec - A qualitative determination of   operability by observation of sensor  behavior during operation. I his determination shall Include, where possible, comparison with other Independent sensors measuring the same variable.                                l  lSee ITS Chapter 1.

4 9116/98 Amendment No. U. 102 Page 4 of 4


4. ProtectIve Function - A system protective action which results from the protective action of the channels monitoring a particular plant condition.

a) R. Rated Neutron Flux- Rated flux Is the neutron flux that corresponds to a steady-state power level of 1775 thermal megawatts. 0) W 0 a S. Rated Thermal Power- Rated thermal power means a steady-state power level of 1775 thermal megawatts. I CD T. Reactor Coolant System Pressure or Reactor Vessel Pressure - Unless otherwise Indicated, reactor vessel pressures listed In *[See ITS Chapter 1.0} 0 the Technical Specifications are those existing In the vessel steam space. U. Refueling Ooeration and Refuelino Outage - Refueling Operation Is any operation when the reactor water temperature Is less a, 0 E, 0 than 21 2 F and movement of fuel or core components Is In progress. For the purpose of designating frequency of testing and surveillance. a refueling outage shal mean a regularly scheduled refueling outage; however, where such outages occur within 8 CD months of the completion of the previous refueling outage. the required surveillance testing need not be performed until the next 0 regularly scheduled outage. V. Safety L.m - The safety limits are limits below which the maintenance of the cladding and primary system integrity are assured.

01 Exceeding such a Omit Is cause for plant shutdown and review by the Commission before resumption of plant operation. 0 M Operation beyond such a limit may not In Itself result In serious consequences but it Indicates an operational deficiency subject to remultorv review.

0 WlV.SeconderviContainment Inteorhvd imCnt Integrity means that the reador buildina is dose ol o Icon ltions U1911-~D to CD~ CD {See ITS} C" I 1. At least one door In each access opening Is dosedi 0

-L                                                                                                                                                                                                10, IN   LCO             2. The standby gas treatment system Is operable.

0 1 3. All reactor building ventilation system automatic Isolation valves are operable or are secured in the closed position. l[See ITS} a, Is elerminaron I X. SensorChek - A qualitative determination of operability by observation of sensor behavior during operation. l shall Include, where possible, comparison with other Independent sensors measuring the same variable. l (See ITS Chapter 1.0} 1.0 4 9/16198 Amendment No. 4-v 102 Page 5 of 5

( C C-ITS 00 ITS Chapter 1.0 a) 0 a 3 co CD 0) a

1. i gInto the drywall, such as that from pump seals or valve packinge- s-that is captured and conducted to a sump or colleling tani r :
2. Iinto t ry 1atmosphere from sources that are both specifically locattd and known either not to Interfere with the operation of leakage detection systems or not to be ressureloundary -I All Into the drywell that Is not/dentified 1 to SO Tbotl I.E - Sum of the/dentified andonidentifled IA Al. purging - Purgin s the controlled process of dischargi air or gas from a confinement to mai am temperature, pressure, humidity, concftration, or other operating conditionl such a manner that replacement air gas Is required to purify the confinement A.8 Ai. VYnino enting is the controlled process of di arging air or gas from a confinemen o maintain temperature, pressure, humid . concentration. or other operating co ditlon. In such a manner that replace nt air or Iasnot provided or required.

Is 1.0 5 08121/03 Amendment No. 14 im 16,O, 137 Page 7 of 14

C C ITS C ITS 0 Table Function 3 Y. Shutdown sosiwnonleaear

                                           --                              o     e when the reactr          a switch is in the shutdown mode I ths cnditona rado scarn s Iititedanda rod block Is inserted directly from the md anerffosaebingperfmie.

See iTS 1.0 I a)

1. Hot Shutdown means conditons as above with reador coolant temperature greater than 21 2F.

0 2. Cold Shutdown means conditions as above with reactor coolant temperature equal to or less than 212F. 0 CD Z Simulated Automatic Actuation . Simulated automatic actuation means applying a simulated signal to the sensor to actuate the crcuit in question. --4See rrS .0 I AA. monsoon Bolin - Transition boiling means the boiring regime between nucleate and mlm boiling, also referred to as partial CD nudeate boiling. Transition boiling Is the regime in which both nucleate and fm boiling occur Intermittently with neither type being completely stable. AB. Pressure Boundary Leakage - Pressure boundary leakage shael be leakage through a non4solable fault In the reactor coolant a) system pressure boundary. 0 AC. Identified Leakage - Identified leakage shalt be: -u a) 0 1. Leakage into the drywel, such as that from pump seals or valve pecing leaks, that is captured and conduded to a sump or I CD collecting tank, or CD, 2. Leakage into the dryweU atmosphere from sources that are both specifically located and known either not to interfere with so4 the operation of leakage detection systems or not to be Pressure Boundary Leakage. 0

                                                                                                                                                                                       -9 AD. U          e           - Al leakage into the drywell that Is not Identified Leakage.

C6 AE. TotlnLeakage - Sum of the Identified and Unidentified Leakage. AF- through AN. (Deleted) 0, Al. Purging - Purging Is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure. humidity, concentration, or other operating condition. In such a manner that replacement air or gas Is required to purify the confinement. AJ. Venting - Venting Is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to mnaidaln temperature, pressure. humidity, concentration, or other operating condition, In such a manner that replacement air or gas Is not provided or required. 1.0 5 08/21/D3 Amendment No. -14,-4-S.420, 137 Page 12 of 12

(' C ITS 00 ITS Chapter 1.0 l shall be that 1.1 m]l~ 0 M E& I-131 - 0 u le 1-131 RtUR concentration of 1-131 (microcuries/gram) ) aone would produce the same thyroid dose as the q antity and Isotopic mixure of 1-131, 1-132, 1-133, 1-134 and 1-135 actually present. The thyroid dose W conversion factors used for this calculation shall be those listed In Table III of TID-1 4844 'Calculatlon of Distance Factors for

  • 0 0 Power and Test Reactor Site
  • or C) 1 Regulato Guide 1.109 Rey 11 ei17 LI-P -4 thoe listed in 1
 -3                    IAL.

thdough Daled) Table E-7 of N3RC 3 Z-~ l Zjparameter o m C O 1s the unH speciic document that provides or o erain limits O 5s.6.3 I for the currentg era reload cycle. These cycle~pecific era limits shall be determined for each reload cycle in

                           *accordance with S        aT.            Plant operation within these         eraug limits Isaddressed inindividual Specifications.

0 0 3 -The Allowable Value Is the limi alue of the sensed process varla at whlch the trip setpoint may beA found dyg Instrument surveillance. 3 t 0 0 INSERT 10 A.14 0 0) 6 INSERT 11 M.3 -o CD 0 0) i o to o la 00

 -L                                                                                                                                 Add proposed ITS Sections 12 - Logmal Connetors co                                                                                                                                   1.3 - Completion Times                      0) 1.4 - Frequency
                                                                                                                                                                        -a.1 Sa              07124101 Amendment No. 15 46 120                               I Page 8 of 14

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 19 of 316 ITS Chapter 1.0 (9I INSERT 10 ACTIONS ACTIONS shall be that part of a Specification that prescribes Required Actions to be taken under designated Conditions within specified Completion Times. AVERAGE The APLHGR shall be applicable to a specific planar height and is equal to the PLANAR sum of the LHGRs for all the fuel rods in the specified bundle at the specified LINEAR HEAT height divided by the number of fuel rods in the fuel bundle at the height. GENERATION RATE (APLHGR) LINEAR HEAT The LHGR shall be the heat generation rate per unit length of fuel rod. It is the GENERATION integral of the heat flux over the heat transfer area associated with the unit RATE (LHGR) length. LOGIC SYSTEM A LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TEST shall be a test of all logic components FUNCTIONAL required for OPERABILITY of a logic circuit, from as close to the sensor as TEST practicable up to, but not including, the actuated device, to verify OPERABILITY. The LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TEST may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total system steps so that the entire logic system is tested. STAGGERED A STAGGERED TEST BASIS shall consist of the testing of one of the systems, TEST BASIS subsystems, channels, or other designated components during the interval specified by the Surveillance Frequency, so that all systems, subsystems, channels, or other designated components are tested during n Surveillance Frequency intervals, where n is the total number of systems, subsystems, channels, or other designated components in the associated function. THERMAL THERMAL POWER shall be the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the POWER reactor coolant. TURBINE The TURBINE BYPASS SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME shall be that time interval BYPASS from when the main turbine trip solenoid is activated until 80% of the turbine SYSTEM bypass capacity is established.


TIME The response time may be measured by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire response time is measured. Insert Page 5a (1) Page 9 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 19 of 316

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 20 of 316 ITS Chapter 1.0 INSERT 11 Table 1.1-1 (page 1 of 1) MODES AVERAGE REACTOR COOLANT REACTOR MODE TEMPERATURE MODE TITLE SWITCH POSITION (OF) 1 Power Operation Run NA 2 Startup [ Rtartup/Hot Standby N) 3 Hot Shutdowrw Shutdown 4 Cold Shutdown! Shutdown s 212 /

   -     +
  • 15 Refueling(b) Shutdown or Refuel NA K /

(a) All reactor vessel head closure bolts fully tensioned. (b) One or more reactor vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned. Insert Page 5a (2) Page 10 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 20 of 316

C C C ITS 0 ITS Chapter 2.0 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS 2.1 2.1 SAFETY UMITS I 2.1.1 A. Reactor Core Satetv Umits Um~~it Safety Systet/Setings are Inc porated Into SeciTfon 3 of the Techical Speclflcatf;igs. I aD W

1. With the reactor steam dome pressure <785 psig DI 0 or core flow < 10% rated core flow, 0 Thermal power shall be s 25% Rated Thermal 0 2 Power M 3 2. With the reactor steam dome pressure :785 psig and core flow 2 10% rated core flow, 0 E, 0 X MCPR shall be 2 1.10 for two recirculation loop -) 0 operation or 2 1.12 for single recirculatlon loop co operation. 0 3. Reactor vessel water level shall be greater than the 0 top of active Irradiated fuel. CDI 0) (} 2.1.2 B. Reactor Coolant System Pressure Safety Umit XD CD -9,o to Reactor steam dome pressure shall be s 1332 psig. to

                                                                                                                                                             -4 0n
-9 0,

a7) 2.112.2 6 06111/02 Amendment No. 20, 47, 94, 80, 100, 102, 100. 126. 128 Page 1 of 2

C C C ITS 0 ITS Chapter 2.0 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETIlINGS l 22 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATIONS kID 2.2 With any Safety Umit violation, the following actions shall be completed within 2 hours: a) 0 3 2.2.1 A. Restore compliance with all Safety Umits; and 0 3 C) C 0.1 2.2.2 B. Insert all Insertable control rods. 0 3 0 3 0CD

0 E) c Co So 0
0) CD la to CA) 0 0) 2.1/2.2 7 06/11/02 Amendment No. 24D 128 Page 2 of 2
, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 23 of 316 Bases pages 8 through 12 not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 23 of 316
, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 24 of 316 Pages 13 through 25 do not exist , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 24 of 316


a nt\.3.0.1 mKea, Xf surveillancqlrequirement shall 0y performed o t Jale sbeciffed times except as allowed InB and US-0D SR B. [Specifiqctine intervais b ean tests m be I 3.0.2 .t O fth a INrSRal 1L oA.2 tTstch
                           -                                                   i~~~~~~~~~ntervals bstween tests ceue o euggC                               u O                    .                                                          shutdown s~hallnot     a       XedtO            ar           A.                 L
            =                     ~~~C.                                        W~henever teplant corrdtion Issuch that a systefor         ~

M I SR compone is not requ ed to be operable the C

                                                                      .0.      surveillan testing a sociated with that ste or co                                                                                                ashpneh bell dii
  • LI NE 3 surveiSanceRests a e sumed lassthan one as (0 0 3.0o4 interval be re establshin plant condi ons requirIng T A.5 o . SR D. It it Is di overed
                                                                                           ,       that a rveillance was ot perforrned 3.0.1      withIn e extended t         Interval allowee by 4.0.1, then t                                                                               the aaected equipme shanbe dedar d Ino erable                                       to 3IST5SR                                                              E.                 with IiAU may be delayed, from the time of _,e Homplance 3.0.3       discovery, up to 24 hours or up to the limit of the ti          requirement Ospecfied                     In    a whichever Is greater. This delay period Is             to decare the    A.1  0 Frequency X   4;\     Bt } -        permitted to allow performance of the       urvelIlance. A      ICO not met A4NE                6risk                                                        evaluation shall be performed for any Surveillance                      /)

delayed greater than 24 hours and the risk Impact shall be managed. k 3.0/4.0 25a 05/31/02 Amendment No. 32,115T 127 Page 1 of 6

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 26 of 316 ITS Section 3.0 0 INSERT I LCO 3.0.1 LCOs shall be met during the MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability, except as provided in LCO 3.0.2 and LCO 3.0.7. LCO 3.0.2 Upon discovery of a failure to meet an LCO, the Required Actions of the associated Conditions shall be met, except as provided in LCO 3.0.5 and LCO 3.0.6. If the LCO is met or is no longer applicable prior to expiration of the specified Completion Time(s), completion of the Required Action(s) is not required, unless otherwise stated. O INSERT 2 LCO 3.0.3 When an LCO is not met and the associated ACTIONS are not met, an associated ACTION is not provided, or if directed by the associated ACTIONS, the unit shall be placed in a MODE or other specified condition in which the LCO Is not applicable. Action shall be initiated within 1 hour to place the unit, as applicable, in:

a. MODE 2 within 7 hours;
b. MODE 3 within 13 hours; and
c. MODE 4 within 37 hours.

Exceptions to this Specification are stated In the individual Specifications. Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation in accordance with the LCO or ACTIONS, completion of the actions required by LCO 3.0.3 is not required. LCO 3.0.3 is only applicable in MODES 1, 2, and 3. Insert Page 25a (1) Page 2 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 26 of 316

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 27 of 316 ITS Section 3.0 INSERT 3 LCO 3.0.4 When an LCO is not met, entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability shall only be made:

a. When the associated ACTIONS to be entered permit continued operation in the MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability for an unlimited period of time;
b. After performance of a risk assessment addressing inoperable systems and components, consideration of the results, determination of the acceptability of entering the MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability, and establishment of risk management actions, if appropriate; exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications; or
c. When an allowance is stated in the Individual value, parameter, or other Specification.

This Specification shall not prevent changes in MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability that are required to comply with ACTIONS or that are part of a shutdown of the unit. 0 INSERT 4 LCO 3.0.5 Equipment removed from service or declared inoperable to comply with ACTIONS may be returned to service under administrative control solely to perform testing required to demonstrate its OPERABILITY or the OPERABILITY of other equipment. This is an exception to LCO 3.0.2 for the system returned to service under administrative control to perform the testing required to demonstrate OPERABILITY. Insert Page 25a (2) Page 3 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 27 of 316

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 28 of 316 ITS Section 3.0 Oi) INSERT 5 LCO 3.0.6 When a supported system LCO is not met solely due to a support system LCO not being met, the Conditions and Required Actions associated with this supported system are not required to be entered. Only the support system LCO ACTIONS are required to be entered. This is an exception to LCO 3.0.2 for the supported system. In this event, an evaluation shall be performed Inaccordance with Specification 5.5.10, "Safety Function Determination Program (SFDP)." If a loss of safety function is determined to exist by this program, the appropriate Conditions and Required Actions of the LCO in which the loss of safety function exists are required to be entered. When a support system's Required Action directs a supported system to be declared inoperable or directs entry into Conditions and Required Actions for a supported system, the applicable Conditions and Required Actions shall be entered in accordance with LCO 3.0.2. INSERT 6 LCO 3.0.7 Special Operations LCOs in Section 3.10 allow specified Technical Specifications (TS) requirements to be changed to permit performance of special tests and operations. Unless otherwise specified, all otherTS requirements remain unchanged. Compliance with Special Operations LCOs Is optional. When a Special Operations LCO is desired to be met but is not met, the ACTIONS of the Special Operations LCO shall be met. When a Special Operations LCO is not desired to be met, entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability shall only be made in accordance with the other applicable Specifications. O INSERT7 during the MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability for individual LCOs, unless otherwise stated in the SR. Failure to meet a Surveillance, whether such failure is experienced during the performance of the Surveillance or between performances of the Surveillance, shall be failure to meet the LCO. Failure to perform a Surveillance within the specified Frequency shall be failure to meet the LCO except as provided in SR 3.0.3. Surveillances do not have to be performed on inoperable equipment or variables outside specified limits. Insert Page 25a (3) Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 28 of 316

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 29 of 316 ITS Section 3.0 INSERT 8 The specified Frequency for each SR is met if the Surveillance is performed within 1.25 times the interval specified in the Frequency, as measured from the previous performance or as measured from the time a specified condition of the Frequency is met. For Frequencies specified as "once," the above interval extension does not apply. M.2 If a Completion Time requires periodic performance on a "once per. . ." basis, the above Frequencby extension applies to each performance after the initial performance. Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications. m INSERT 9 SR 3.0.4 Entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability of an LCO shall only be made when the LCO's Surveillances have been met within their specified Frequency, except as provided by SR 3.0.3. When an LCO is not met due to Surveillances not having been met, entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability shall only be made in accordance with LCO 3.0.4. This provision shall not prevent entry Into MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability that are required to comply with ACTIONS or that are part of a shutdown of the unit. O INSERT 10 Ifit is discovered that a Surveillance was not performed within Its specified Frequency, then Insert Page 25a (4) Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 29 of 316

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 30 of 316 ITS Section 3.0 I 0 INSERT 11 If the Surveillance is not performed within the delay period, the LCO must immediately be declared not met, and the applicable Condition(s) must be entered. When the Surveillance Is performed within the delay period and the Surveillance is not met, the LCO must immediately be declared not met, and the applicable Condition(s) must be entered. Insert Page 25a (5) Page 6 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 30 of 316

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 31 of 316 Bases pages 25b through 25d not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 31 of 316


0) 0 AppllcabW.y Applies to the surveillance of the Instrumentation and 0 Applies to the Instrumentation and associated devices which associated devices which Initiate reactor scram.,

0 initiate a reactor scram. Objective: 0 Objective: To specify the type and frequency of surveillance to be a) To assure the operability of the reactor protection system. applied to the Instrumentation that Initiates a scram to verify Its operability. 0 Spedflcaton: 0 ftedfitiation: -u a) \A. The setpolnts, minimum number of trip systems, and

                                  \minimum number of instrument channels that must be             A. Instrumentation systems shall be functionally tested and
                                  \operable for each positin of th            from initin               calibrated as Indicated In Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, CD 1.1
                                     \ ~ ~ sg~nI~ ~shnh  al- .1.1jAr ifrom InitIatin                    respectively.

0 lof a annel trip to the de-energization of the scram I . See ITS} REACTOR valve solenoids shaDl not exceed 50 millisecon ~6 PROTECTION SYSTEA I 0) (RPS) RESPONSE TIM CIT 0) CA) 0) ThRPS RESPONSE TIME shall be that time interval 0 26 5/4/81 3.1/4.1 Amendment No. 5 Page 11 of 14

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 33 of 316 ITS Chapter 1.0 0 INSERT 12 The response time may be measured by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire response time is measured. Insert Page 26 Page 12 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 33 of 316


                                       //                                                     Applies to the surveillan of the Instrumentation and associated devices wh       Initiate reactor scram.                           _

Applies to the In mentatlon and assodated devices Ich Initiate a reacto dsm./ Z.


To specify the type frequency of survellance to be 0 O entation that Initiates a scram to verify - To assure a operability of the reactor protection 'stem. applied to the -m 3 its operabity. / CD Alloabc Valce /tion CCO A Teseat t imnnimum nu stmgemsA Intumnatp n2 t minimum number of instrument channe a must be Instrumentation systems shall be functonaly tasted and operablefor each position of th ereador catibrated as Indicated In Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. CD CD APPLICABILTY- a as lven In Tabe 3.1.1 ame om rtba respectively. o SR3. annel trip the(l-en ionofthecram< iTSChapterm1.0 ISea 4N 3 ,5 Se T hpe . 314126 5/4181 Amendment No. 5 Page 1 of 10

c c C ITS 0 TS-w ACTION NOTE a) ID CD 0 2 ACTION A - 0 02ED 0 ACTIONS B 0 and C 0 2 c 0 0 -o I kCTIONS D, E. 0 F. G, and H

                                                                     ;D co                                                                  to CD                                                                    w CA)

CD 0 0 CA) C a, au 27 4/16/92 3.114.1 Amendment No. 2o, 81 Page 2 of 10

C C C ITS ITS ITS vIaIIbwbe VBIU I 3.0 UMmNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION I l 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS C. RPS Power Monitoring System C. RPS Power Monitoring System 0)

1. Except as specified below, both channels of the 1. Instrument Functional Tests of each RPS power 0)S CD power monitoring system for the MG set or atenate SR monitoring channel shal be performed at least once LCO every sbi months. I source supplying each reactor protection system CD bus shall be operable with the =U ng 0ra 2. Al east once each an Instument Time Delay SR Calibration of each RPS power monitoring channel -

s4 seconds SR shall be performed to verify over-voltage.

a. Over-voltage- s128VAC under-volage, and under-frequency setpoints. 0 0

SR, SR b. Under-voltage - 2 104 VAC s 4 seconds 0, 3D

c. Under-frequency - 257 HZ- s4 seconds rAdd ... osd ]

0 CO 5 ACTION A 2. Wlth one RPS electric power monitoring channels for the MG set or alternate source supply eath iU 0 readtor Protection system bus inopeal h oPenable channel to orable 0 hour or remove the associated RPS MG set or alternate power supply from service. -o CD ItD ACTION B 3. With both RPS electric power monitoring channels

0) to a)


0) 0a
0) 0) 27a 4116192 I 3.1/4.1 Amendment No. 81 Page 1 of I


>               Table                                =                                   TABLE 3.1.1                                                                                         >

B REACTO PROTECTION SYSTEM (SCRAM) INSTRUME REQUIREM ___ CONDIONS Dl M sin whl~h functi must Total o. ot Min. No. of Operable REFERENCED b Operabl or Op M st mnt or Operating Instru-tD _ ChanUnng Is pe ment Channels Per ReAred REQUIRED 3 _ Trtp Function I TripSetting Refel (3) Ptartup Run Trip taen Trip System[ __ .__1t 10 1. Mode Switch in A 11 2. Manual Scram E 1 A 1 3. Neutron Flux IRM _ s 125otffullscale - XI 3 A D1 .a g[ > _ C<2%Dt _ 1.b b. InoperatIve -r 2 4. Flow Referenced s (0.66W F 13

       ;x1                      Neutron Flux APRM             %Rated Thermal                              1            32l'ol

( aS ote5) Power for two loop M.5 CD CD

<               2.a             a. High-High         )            oeain           /(L2l                              lIt 0               2.b             b. Inoperative J                     OR DNote                                  (b)          %RatedJ ThermaEl                                                                                    lD toD                                                                operation                                                                                       Ito CD                                                                                                                                                                                           CD 4     W=                                                                                                                               W prejter-l
                                                                                                                                                                                             -4 W1 pro
0) 2.a c. High Flow Clamp S  %

3 5. High Reactor Pressure s 1075 psig _ X 2 A 3.1/4.1 J 28 06/11/02 Amendment No. 11. 60. 63. 81. 102. 128 Page 3 of 10

C- C C ITS 0 ITS APPLICABLE MODES OR O~hER Allowable SPECIFIED Value CONDmoNS Table TABLE 3.1.1 -CONTINUED II Ir CONDIONS REFERENCED FROM rN Ia Min. No. ot Operable REQUIRED functin mnust _. Total N . n0 ID _og . Mo es In wh b Oera o orOpeat~g~ _ Intun or Operating Instru-Ii7 ment Channels Per Re red ACTION D.1 a) Trip Function To ingsn Reluel (3)1/Startu Run To Trip SystereM ____ 6 I5. Minh Drywell Prssure _ 2 2 X I'Vs _1111 [XI .g . 2 ' A C) 4 7. Reactor Low Water 2 A Level

                                                                                           'I    Xa                        MODEl I

0 7 8. Scram Discharge 0 Volume High Level 3 0 0-; .bF--F

b. es s56 gal.j~

s56 galt I-,.+ 4 77i I 2 2 A A A or u

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                =D S

_____ - - - -2

9. Turbine Conger 22 In. Hg X(b.f) X(Q 2 A or C oo Inw Varuffm
                  'I                                   4                                 1    ___         4             4              1             I           U            4 __r      ^.

5 510% Valve Closure n V%,oq G . 0 10. Main Steamline Isolation Valve Closure Fr_!JAMODEX~b 1 L4 B . I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ~-& 0 0    9              11. Turbine Control Valve               (See Note 7)                                                                                       2                   D Fast Closure                                                                                                                                                                                         0 8              12. Turbine Stop Valve Closure s 10% Valve Coswr

_ . j 4 M-0 _-0_ to [A4 n -1 Alfwat4 v r _ CD 0 Surveillance 1. There II be two oerabI46tr id trid s fstetor each A channel may be placed In an Inoperbe status for up to 6 Aunl Requiremnents hours for required surveillance without pladng the trip system in the tripped conditior, provided that at least one other operable CO Noteq1ree _slmannel in the same tripas m is monitorin ltnhi h ilhhor~ I. r_. _Ds-_- --_^ _ _-r-----ll a) 13. In the retueling mode with the reactor subcritical and reactor water temperalure less than 2127. only the flowing trip functions I fn_ h.Aak nl. ,n_ tnl Qhunfh . lManual n]aq m (pi H-inh Flux IRM. fdl Scram Disrharme Volume Hlqh Levell i4 Ng uired to bego~erable nrimarv contalnme 4nibalnt Iss noTrequired. I of14 LPRM inputs, excepl that XQ

5. To be conslderedoperable, an APRM must have at Ieast4LPRM inputs per level and at least a t channels 1 5, and 6 may lose all LPRM Inputs frpnfthe companion APRM Cabinet plus odditional LPRM Input and still be considegre operable. 7 _

3.1/4.1 29 06/111/02 Amendment No. 56063, 81, 83 128 I Page 4 of 10

(C C C ITS ITS 2> Table 3.1.1 -Continued

6. Deleted.

Table 17. Trips upon loss of oil pressure to the aeleration relay. 3 Function 9 I ~~the I B>. mited trlps level-sitches._ i f refers to the volume of water ada rge volume receIver tank and does, i dude the volume in the nes to I D

9. Hi: c-tor pressure is not re uji be operable when the ratvessel head is unbot.

0 A.1 ° _ ^ Reouired Conditions when minimum conditions for oneratlon are not satisfied. fref 3.1.B1 ( )f m ACTIONS or o~to n meitl o~to Cn1 ACTIaNdS A. lAlloperable control rods fully inserted ACTION F S. lPower on IRM range or below and reactor in Startup, Refuel, or Shutdown m od M ACTION F C. Reactor In Startup or Refuel mod nd pressure below 600 psig. i 1 u

                                                                                                                                                                                       )      <
  • ACTIONE O. Reactorpowerlessthan45% .). l

- "Allowable Bypass Conditions * \ to It Ispermissible to bypass. CA; a. The scram airge volume Hgh Water Level scra ction in the re elmode to a reaerot ion system reset r block stro bs rDe hl is hIn elf bypas %l t) ED co d I 0 to 0 Fo Table 3(3)-*' b. Th0Low Copideg. vacuumlandMSIV closure scram function In the Refuel and Startup modes if reactor pressure is below C1 Footnote (c) 600 psig. \4

c. Deleted.

Table 3.3.1-1-1 d. The turbine stop valve closure and fast control valve closure scram functions when the reactor thermal power Is 5 45% Functions 8 9 MWI and93.114. 30 12/23198 Amendment No. 44, 60 8,402.103 83, Page 5 of 10

(. c c ITS 0 Table 3.1.1 - Continued

e. The high drywe ressure scram functions in the Startup,4Run modes when necessary during p Ing for containment Inerting or 0t 0 de-Inerting by closing the manual containment i tlon valves. Verification of the bypas itlon shall be noted In the control l.8 0 room lo/ PvI 0 CD :_j CT) a
f. One instrument c annel for the functions Indicated In the bie to allow completion of surveilance tting, provided that 3
1. Redunda instrument channels in the same trip em are capable of initiating the automat function and are demonstrated to o subsequent to applying the bypass.

CD be ope Ic either Immediately prior or Immedlat

2. Whil the bypass Is applied, surveillance test g shall proceed on a continuous bais sd the remaining Instrument channels 0 Inif ting the same function are tested prior any other. Upon completion of surveill testing, the bypass Is removed.

CD CD 5 Ca) CD 5 0 -o C0o CD

                                                                                                                                                                      -o E) to CD 0

co CA) a) 3.114.1 31 12124198 Amendment No. 104 Page 6 of 10

C C IC ITS 3.3. 1.1 ITS 0 IABLE4AA 0 Table IN t SCRAM INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONAL TESTS 0 MINIMUM FUNCTIONAL TEST FREOUENCIES FOR SAFEIY INSTRUMENTATION i Q ('nNTROL CIR 0 FUJNCTiONALTES 3 High Reactor Pressure Trip Channelrd Alarm Quarterly -SR 6 -igh Drywell Pressure ) Trip Chann and Alarm Ouarterly -SR C 4 Low Reactor Water Level (2,5U_ r'- Trip Chan,/el and Alarm Ouarterly -SR o 7.a, 7.b High Water Level In Scram Discharge Volume Trip Cha net and Alarm Quarterly -SR 0 I Condenser Low-vaOa I np Chiannel and Alami-- Once each mont

                                                                                                                                                                                            =1 E5    5           MaIn Steam Une Isolation Valve Closure                          Trip Chann and Alam                       Ouarterty -SR                                         (0 a                                                                                                                                                                                           -v 8           Turbine Stop Valve Closure                                . Trip Channl and Alam /            ,        Quarterly -SR                                         Ct 0

11 Manual Scram Trip Chan and Alam 33 0 S 9 Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure Trip Chan el and Alam Ouarterly -SR

0 -9' 2.a, 2.b APRMiFiow Reference Trip Out Relay Ouarteriy -SR co A.9 1.a, 1.b IRM Trip T neoand Alarm Note 3 -SR ;a 10 10 Mode Switch in Shutdown Place eswitchin EvR

-PA to Add proposed SR for Turbine Stop Valve - Closure and Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure. Acceleration Relay Oil Pressure - Low Functions Il--Add oroposed SR for all automatic Functions I I _ 32 12/23198 3.11/4.1 Amendment No. 40. 63,66, 8, 83. 103 Page 7 of 10


                                    .~~~~~~~~~                                      .  .... _\._._ .....

0M 2.b, 5.c, 7.b High Drywell Pressure Trip Channrand Alarm Quarterly -SR m 2.a. 6.b. 7.a Low Reactor Water Level (2 ,[I ITrIp Cha 7el and Alarm I Quarterly -SR 2

-o                 High Water Level In Scram Discharge Volume                      Trip Channel and Alarm                 Quarterly                                          ZCO o                  Condenser Low Vac                                               Trip Channel and Alarm                 Once each month                                    CD 0                  Main Steam Une Isolation Valve Closure                          Trip Channel and Alarm                 Quarterly P

Turbine Stop Valve Closure Trip Channel and Alarm Quarterly See ITS } Co a) Weekly ED Manual Scram Trip Channel and Alarm

                                                                                                                                                                             -9 Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure                              Trip Channel and Alarm                 Quarterly                                          Bo as

_i) APRM/Flow Reference (5) *Trip Output Relays Ouarterly IRM (5) Trip Channel and Alarm Note 3 Mode Switch in Shutdown Place mode switch in Every Operating shutdown a) 32 12123/98 3.114.1 Amendment No. 40, 63, 66, s,83, 103 Page 11 of 13

(: C ITS C ITS 0 ?r Table TABLEF41I 3.3.62.-1 SCRAM INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONAL TESTS S 0 ID 3 MINIMUM FUNCTIONAL TEST FREQUENCIES FOR SAFETY INSTRUMENTATION AKNDCONTROL CIRCUITS/ 3 ID INSTRUMENTATION CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TE MINIMUM FREQUENSee ITS a I High Reactor Pressure Trip Channel and Alamn Quarterly 0 2 CD 3 Hinh nrvwefl Prpqeure I Trio Channoeand Alarm 1 Quarterly -SR CD Low Reactor Water Level (2, 5) Trip Channel and Alarm Ouarterly C High Water Level in Scram Discharge Volume Trip Channel and Alarm Quarterly -3 0 Condenser Low Vac Trip Channel and Alarm Once each month 0 Main Steam Une Isolation Valve Closure Trip Channel and Alarm Quarterly a) Turbine Stop Valve Closure Trip Channel and Alarm Ouarterly See ITS } ID (0 Manual Scram Trip Channel and Alarm Weekly ao Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure Trip Channel and Alarm Ouarterly APRM/Flow Reference (5) Trip Output Relays Ouarterly CD IRM (5) Trip Channel and Alarm Note 3 0 CD CD Mode Switch In Shutdown Place mode switch In Every Operating 0) to shutdown at Io -0 Ca Li 32 12/23/98 3.1/4.1 Amendment No. 40, 63, 68, 81, 83, 103 Page 9 of 11

c C C ITS r US 0 w Note 1: r w Add proposed SR tr Funcons .aand 2.a 0 SR3. Note,2. s, tow meactar water level once peri: . 1 h3r SR Note 3: D 0 andhdremnot rteqrethaa A. winehtave ap a- a e 3 0 E, 21 30 CD oz

u CD

-o CD to

                                                                                                                              -C 0) tb Co                                                                                                                             42 0                                                                                                                              o 0
0) 0
                                                                                                                              -9' 33        12/23198 3.1/4.1                                             Amendment No. 63, 8, . 3,103 Page 8 of 10

( C ITS C ITS TABLE 4.1.1 (Continued) 3 s SR Note 1: Note 2: Deleted. A sensor check shall be performed on low reactor water level once per ri1 h I ~SeeaITS} 3 0 0 C) Note 3: Perform functional test prior to every startup, and demonstrate that the IRM and APRM channels overlap at least 1/2 ecade C)

r prior to eve normal shutdown.

0 Note 4: Fun p tests are not required when the srls are not required to be operable orripped. If tests are missed, the M I sba bo Wormed to retuing the sfems to an operable status. Note 5: lXnctonal test of this Instrument means the Injection of a simulated si Into the Instrument (not primary sensor) to verfy theI E, 0 l /roper Instrument channel response, alarm, and/or initiating ation. 0 3 A.1O 3 a E, 0 -I 0 CD 0) CD n) lan 0) la U1 0

                                                                                                                                                                                        -IN 33        12/23/98 3.114.1                                                                                             Amendment No. 63, 84- 83.103 Page 12 of 13

C C ITS C See ITS and ITS } TABLE 4.1.1 {Continued) to n) 0 0 Note33: Deleted. 0 2: A sensor check shall be performed on low reactor waler level on e-a t See ITS 3.3.1 .1 3 INote ED 3 Note 3: Perform functional test prior to every startup, and demonstrate that the IRM and APRM channels overlap at least 1/ ecade 0 to ever normal shutdown, I prior Z.& CD If tests are missed, te lNote 4: Functioj tests are not required when the syh~sare not required to be operabl rfopd I shone performed prior to returning the wstims to an operable status. 0 0 Note 5: A functional test of this Instrument means the Injection of a simulated signal into the instrument (not primary sensor) to verify the proper Instrument channel response, alarm, and/or initiating action. I 3 See ITS 3 0 CD nd ITS J 0

                                                                                                                                                                                       ;U 0

0 co

                                                                                                                                                                                       -A a) la                                                                                                                                                                                      a)

-th 0

                                                                                                                                                                                       -h 0) 0)

33 12/23/98 3.1/4.1 Amendment No. 63,84-. 83.103 Page 10 of 11


      ¢>INSTRUMNCHNElll                                                                                        CALIBRATONETH        O        DMINIMUM FREUN~

2.a. 2.b APRM 4Add proposed SR and A H Once eve ays (4) -SR tD1.a, l~a, 1b 1.b IRM IRM SR lS .... f ~Heat Bsac\ See Note 1 -SR 1 CCD 3 High Reactor PressurePss andard Every3 months -SR 6 High Drywell Pressure 3 months -SR 3.3.. 4 Low Reactor Water .lB PressueStanoard Every0 n te R 0 E l Every3 months -Trip Unft-SR Ls a 7.a. 7.b Hlgh Water Level In Scram Discharge A or B a e E 3m CD I Condenter1.wJ;%au= A 1f m V dnr4. y mianthe 5 Main Steamline Isolation Valve Closure Al Obse Ev 9 Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure A Pressre tandard Every 3 months -SR 3.3.1. 24 9 8 Turbine Stop Valve Closure l4 .A 6 ) Observa Recirculatlon Flow Meters & Every 3 months -SR < 2.a O Flow Instrumentation IV a) SR Fhv Ia dr(sL13R 2 oSR33dSR .° proposed Note 1to SR lae = t 1. Peform calibratdon test during everyl o shutd

2. Callbratlon tSo not required when the systems are not ri to be operable or are tripped. If tests ar they CD
*Ph.                         I       perform o         r to retumina the systems to an oorable stds S              3.     (Deleted).                                                            s    otSR3.                                                         1 Q                 -4,performed      4.                                      by AlonagreebwAhlml-be verified And calibrated i nessar urn                    t a estin ncion 0t                          ______,                  __,_,_             _,____L5__J_______

Page 9 of 10

C C ITS C ITS 0 LA. TABLE 4.1.2 Table SCRAM INSTRUMFNT CALIBRATION MINIMUM CAUBRATION FREQUENCIES FOR REACTOR PROTECTiON INSTRUMENT CHANNELS , A.9 a) INSRUMENT CiANE CALIBRATiON ME1THOD MINIMUM FREQUENCY KU APRM B Heat Balance Once every 3 days (4) See ITS IRM B Heat Balance See Note J Hah Reactor Pressure A Pressure Standard Every 3 months 0 0 2.b, 5.c, 7.b High Dryweil Pressure MM Pressure Every 3 months - SR CD CD 02 2.a, 6.b, 7.a Low Reactor Vlater 91-e I Pressur tadd vEver y CIa Transmitter - SR Every 3 months - Trip Unit - SR Fverv 3 manths I 02 CD High Water Level In Scram Discharge A or B Watdr Level A Vacuum Standard Every 3 months Z. Condenser Low Vacuum 0 Main Steamline Isolation Valve Closure A Observation Every Operating Cycle I I See ITS 1 0 -u Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure A Pressure Standard Every 3 months CD a) Turbine Stop Valve Closure A Observation Every Operating Cycle (0 Every 3 months CD Redrculation Flow Meters & Pressure Standard Flow Instrumentation CD -9'

1. Perform calibration test durina every startup and normal shutdown.


12. Calibration e not required when the systems ar notY to be operable or are tripped. It tests ared, they shall be nerfot difrto retumina the svstems to an ooerable .- '

0) -A' 3. -(eleted). I This calibration Is performed by akldng a heat balance and adjusting the APRM to agree with the heat balance. Alarms and trips wil 02 4. be verified and calibrated If necessary during functional testing. .See ITS }

                    *GROUPS A.       PassIve      devices.

B. Vacu tube or semlconduct6r devices and detecors drift or lse sensitivlty. 3.1/4.1 34 8/18/92 Amendment No. 3, 4., 6, U. 83 Page 13 of 13


1&1RI ftkt tPtUtA tt t fl.0 lP fnst rtwfAnfnk1 RItr-tnn MINIMUM FREQUENCY 0

0 3 APRM IRM B B Heat Balance Heat Balance Once every 3 days (4) See Note 1 See ITS } 0) Hith Reactor Pressure A Pressure Standard Everv 3 months 2 C a S 03 0 POL C)

                                                                                                                                                           -U CD

-U . 0 p E, M 0 X so (D -I' M 6 to c, CD 4, to I 3.1/4.1 34 8/18/92 Amendment No. 3, 4, 66, 14, 83 Page 11 of 11

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 50 of 316 Bases pages 35 through 40 not shown Page 41 does not exist Bases Page 42 is not shown Pages 43 and 44 do not exist , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 50 of 316


3- Appfcabil~y 2a Applies to the pln srumenatlon which performs a CD CD protective funct Apples to the surveIllance requirements of the Instrumentation that performs 4 protective funon.

0 Z-1

                                                        /                              /                   Objective:/
                                ,T      tssure the operabIlity of protective In        atlon.                                                                                             0 To specify the type and frequ cy of surveillance to be
                                / 200a1Mf                                                                  applied to protective Inst entetlon.

CD Co A. Primary Containment Isolation Functions

.I Co

{ When primary containment Integrily Is requIred, the 2 See ITS limitdng conditions of operation for the Instrumentation he Instrumentation to be functionally tested and calibrated ;U that Initiates primary containment Isolation are given In CD [nd the frequency of the tests Is given In Table 4.2.1. Table 3.2.1. D az ,t I to,) Co Surve fta Reqursmet a) to tD 0 (n F 0

                                                                                                                                                                                      -9) 3214.2                                                                                                            45            1/9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 12

C C C ITS 0 3.0 UMiTiNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 32 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATiON 42 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATiON 0) 0 Applicyil 4 S 0r 3 Applies to the plant I protective function. j atlon which performs a Applies to the surveillance require Instrumentation that performs r prot a of the function. C 0 obaect heoe Obieclv: co To asswre the opeja ty of protective Inst-umentation. 3 To specify the type and freque of wveflance to be Soecfieahn: applied to protective Instrume tatlon. A. Primary Containment Isolation Functions 0

                                                                                                                                                                          'C When primary containment Integrity Is required, the                                                                                           0 0   See ITS            limiting conditions of operation for the Instrumentation                              o te         onally tested 8nd qirated            A.1 tD So                                                                                                                                                                         CD U'                            that Initiates primary containment Isolation are given in        I and the quencof hete          slsgiven nTable Wy1 0                             Table 3.Z1.
                               .                     .          I 0

U3 CD U3 CD L" (A N _0 -9 0C aw1 3.214.2 45 1/9/81 Amendment No. 0 I Page 1 of 5

C C C ITS ITS 0 3.0 UMmNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 32 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION 42 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION fu Applicabil'itybr ppcb S Applies to the plant In atlon which performs a 3CD C, protective functl / Applies to the surveillance requireme of the 0 Instrumentation that performs e prot lye function. 0

                                                                                                                                                                          -a OblecObjective 0

co To assure the ape ily of protective Instrumentatlon. To specify the type and freque of survelance to be 3 Sdewmc applied to protective Instrumeptation. 3 tD A. Primary Containment Isolation Functions Soeelincation: 0 -U When primary containment integrity Is required, the See ITS limiting conditions of operation for the Instrumentation ie Instrumentation to be functionally tested and calibrated 2 that Initiates primary containment Isolation are given in and the frequency of the tests Is given In Table 4.2.1. Table 3.2.1.

                                                                                                                                                                          -o NoW 1b         .                                                                  CD So                                                                                        Survetarme a)                                                                                        Rs                                                                                la
                                                                                                                                                                           ;n cm                                                                                                                                                                          0 CD' CA) 0                                                                                                                                                                           0 3.2/4.2                                                                                                          45           1/9181 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 11

I C IC ITS ITS 3.0 UMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.2 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENIATION 42 PROTECBTVEINSTRUMENTATlON 0) 0s Applicab/l/r. 0 DX 3 Applies to the plant in ation which performs a Apples to the survein requl aof the 3 c / fnin.Instrumentatlon that performs 4 prot functIon. 0 0C To assure the ope ily of protective Instrumentation. 0 To specify the type and freque of surveillance to be =) applied to protective Instrunmetaton. 0 co 0 A. Primary Containment IsolatIon Functions 0 Spetiain:

                                                                                                                                                                          -U When primary containment Integrily Is required, the See ITS            imiting conditions of operation for the Instrumentation           [ie Instrumentation to be functionally tested and calibrated am 0

-U that Initiates prlmary containment Isolation are given In an the frequency of the tests Isgiven In Table 4.2.1. Table 3.2.1. a 0 ;a So -9' Note I to SunvelanM6 RsqufreT n

                                                                                                                                                                         -9CD to CD (A

3.214.2 45 119/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 6


                                                                                  .09    ITS 3.0 UMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION                                     4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 32     PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION                                         4.2 PROTECTi           INSTRUMENTATION
-0                                                                                                                                                                           to C,                  Aplcblt//Applicabil1Wy                                                                                               /DkM Appries to the plant Insnnnain          which performs a//

0 protective plant / t Applies to the surveiliance requi of the 0

                                              /                                              Instrumentation that performs l prot         function.


                                                     .   /                         /         9bj~ectie To assure the oper ily of protective Instrumentation.                                                                                                     a 0

To specify the type and of suveance to be 0CD Specification applied to protectie Insiuetaln M 0 -o A. Primary Containment Isolation Functions -l F Applicability hontsinment inte ist So a imiig condions of operatn for strumentaon e Instrumentation to be functionally tested and calibrated 3 LCO that Initiates primary containment Isolation are given In tnd the frequency of the tests Is given in Table 4.2.1. CD 3b2321. So

0 10 a' Note Itbo S"MeAance ReuhmenlbreeJ D) aw CD' Ln 0 0 G?

0) 3.2V4.2 45 1/9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 13

(7 C C ITS ITS 0 3.0 UMING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.2 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION 4.2 PROTECWE INSTRUMENTATION fu 0 AeplicabilitY/ A OD / 0 3 Applies to the plant In atlon which perfomvs a A t a0 0 D protective functWL; Applies to the surveilance requiremes of the

                                                  /rot   funct~                            Instrumentation that performs prot ive function.

f 0 - / , / - To assure the ope ilty of protective Instrumentation. To specify the type and freque of surveillance to be 0 0 applied to protective

                                                                                                            ,     strume tatlon.

CD 0) A. Primary Containment Isolation Functions Specification: 0 So 0 When primary containment Integrity is required. the 0 a) ':3 I

s. Vs33e.

V limiting conditions of operation for the Instrumentation that initiates primary containment Isolation arm given In Table 3.2.1. [d Ieinstrumentation to be functionafly tested and calibrated the frequency of the tests Is given In Table 4.2.1. CD

                                                                                                                                                                       -I 6                                                                                                                                                                       ;U 0

-I' M CO) IV Rs J CO to o CD 3.214.2 45 1t9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 11

( C C ITS ITS 3.0 uMmNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 32 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENATION 42 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENATION Su a) Applicability- A S C1) Applies to the plant In atlon which performs a CD protective function / Applies to the survellance require sot the CD Instrumentation that performs q prot functon. Objective:

                                                                  /                        /            Objedheff/

0 To assure the ope. y of protective Instrumentation. 0 E, To specify the type and freque of surveillance to be a Sn~QahYfie / / applied to protecie Istrume tatlon. CD Su CD -& A. Prlmary Containment Isolation Functions CD t r _When See ITS prmay containment Integrity Is required, the limiting oondltons of operation for the Instrumentation that Initiates prrnary containment Isolation are given in [e Instrumentation to be functionally tested and calibrated the frequency of the tests Is given InTable 4.2.1. 00 So Table 3.2.1. O - Note1 . la Sarvellbne RequwtJ Add proposed Note 2 to XD to aI. Surveillance Requirements L3 CDI

 -4                                                                                                                                                                                -4
                                                                                                                                                                                  -9 0                                                                                                                                                                                 0 3214.2                                                                                                               45           1/9/81 Amendment No. 0
                      . t Page 1 of 8

C C C ITS 3.0 UMITING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 32 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION 42 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION 0) 0s Applicabilh-Apl 0 a Applies to the plant In ation which performs a / 0 protective functbno / Applies to the sureillance requiremeso h Instrumentation that performs prot lye fncton. 0


Obled~e , To assure the ope fity of protective Instrumentation. a0a 0 To specify the type and freque of sutvelance to be applied to protectie Instrume taton. 0

-&                        A. Primary Containment Isolation Functions                                                                                                       CD When priay containment Integrity Is required, the
D See ITS limiting conditions of operation for the Instrumentation The Instrugnentation to be fur onaly teste d ad ibrated
<                              that Initiates primary containment Isolation awe given In       Iand thyequwency of the tefI      gien In Table              I Table 3.2.1.

a) CD CD o 10

                                                                                                                                                                           -4 0

co 0 CA) _D 3.214.2 45 1(9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 5

( C ITS 0 ITS 3.0 UMmNG CONDmONs FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 32 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMEMA;TION 42 PROTECTiVE INSTRUMTA TON 0 s ApplicabilKX /Apicir a C) 0D) 0 Applies to the plant In atlon which performs a protective functio / Applies to the surveiflance requl sot the Instrumentation that performs r prot functin. 0 0- Objective: - 0 To assure the ope thy of protective instrumentatIon. To specify the type and freque of surveIllance to be applied to protective Instnrme tatlon. 0 CO A. Primary Containment Isolation Functions CO -o When primary containment IntegrIty Is required, the 0 See ITS limiting condItions of operation for the Instrumentation einstrumentation to be functionally tested and calibrated CoCD So that Initiates primary containment Isolation are given In an the frequency of the tests Isgiven InTable 4.2.1. 0 Table 3.2.1. 0 DX

                                                                                                                                                                          -9, We Itotb1                                                                          CD

-9, Suvelllance ID Req enJ 6 W to to 0) (a 3214.2 45 1/9/81 Amendment No. 0 It Page 1 of 7

(.- C C ITS 0 ITS ITS 3.0 UMmNG CONDOONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS B. Emergency Core Cooling Subsystems Actuatlon Su When Irradiated fuel is In the reactor vessel and the a) reactor water temperature is above 212 0F, the limiting - *See ITS } conditions for operatIon for the instrumentation which D 3 Initiates the emergency core cooling subsystems are 3 CD alven In Table 3.2.2. CD C. Control Rod BlxlI{a~]4 C. Control Rod Block Acttio f-0

1. SRM. I ,(APRM end S Discharge Volu D d oposed rellnc rability when ot2(/

Rod ocks 0 0 limiting con nstrumentat na of operaton for at Initiates control block are t R.1 3 iven In Tab 3.2.3. ' Ad l propoed Suveillace R furentIoe2 < 3 CO CD

2. Rod Block Monitor (RBM) ;U Table a. When core thermal power Is greater than or P-C Function I equal to 30% of rated end MCPR Is below the -L limits specified In the Core Operating Umits CD Report, either a) CD (i) Both RBM channels shall be operable or 0 ACTION A -

la S tD o CD ACTION B CD to 0) 0 0 a) 0 0

-a) 0)

3.214.2 46 9/28189 Amendment No. 4Br42, 70 Page 2 of 12

C C ITS C ITS 3.0 UMmNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION l 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS a) B. Emergency Core Cooling Subsystems Actuation 0 a) Applicability ppyreacdor When Irradlated fuel Is In the reactor ves Ic water temcerature Is above 21 2Eh mtn s CD a 3 0 LCO conanon Tor operatlon Tor me instrumen allon which nitiates the emergency core cooling subsystems are ihven In Table 3.22. 4 C. Control Rod Block Actuation C. Control Rod Block Actuation _i 0 l. SRM, IRM, APRM and Scram Discharge Volume 0 During operation requiring RBM operability when only c Rod Blocks one channel Is operable, an Instrument functional test of The limiting conditions of operation for the the operable RBM shall be performed within 24 hours CO prior to withdrawal of control rod(s). CD Instrumentation that Initiates control rod block are given In Table 3.2.3.

2. Rod Block Monitor (RBM)
a a. When core thermal power Is greater than or qSee ITS}

equal to 30% of rated and MCPR Is below the lmits specified In the Core Operating Umits to I Report. either (1) Both RBM channels shall be operable, or Ut

                                                                                                                                                                                   -o a

(2) With one RBM channel Inoperable, control 0) (D rod withdrawal shall be blocked wIthin 24 aa hours, or 0) (3) With both RBM channels Inoperable, 0 control rod withdrawal shall be blocked -h Immediately. CA) 0 3.2/4.2 46 9f28189 Amendment No. 45-29, 70 Page 2 of 11


2. Rod Block Monitor (RB_ ;ontlnu!a Table b. RBM for control rod block are given In Functions 1.a, 1.b, 1.c Table 32 e upscale LTSP shall be applied a) footnote (a) above 30% and up to 65% of rated thermal l lp er a upscale ITSP shag be applied at BSa and up to 85# of rated thermal v 6w 0 footnote (b) 0 poe.h upscale HTSP shal be appied at footnote (c) ii e85# of rated thermal power/iZ _ . Ls a) RBMBss ffe delfyghall be less thad orl qult
                                                       . eondsS V

CD D. Other Instrumentation Whenever the reactor Is In the RUN Mode, the limiting conditions for operation for the Instrumentation listed In { See ITS and} 0 Table 3.2.8 shall be met. ITS J 0 -o a) 0, CD El 0

                                                                                                                                                                  -4 la                                                                                                                                                                  M, 0,                                                                                                                                                                  0, N,

0 -'i a) 3.2J4.2 46a 1/22/86 Amendment No. -'. 37 Page 3 of 12


2. Rod Block Monitor (RBM) (continued) 1D b. RBM Satpolnts for control rod block are given In 0
                                                                                               +See Su Table 3.2.3. The upscale LTSP shag be applied above 30% and up to 85% of rated thermal                   ITS}

3 power. The upscale ITSP shall be applied at CD CD and above 65% and up to 85% of rated thermal -9.1 power. The upscale HTSP shall be applied at and above 85% of rated thermal power. The RBM Bypass time delay shall be less than or 0 0 Applicability. Table equal to 2.0 seconds. D. Other Instrumentation 3-So CD Functions 3.c and 3.d LWhenever the reactor IsthetRUN In Modl the limiting CD a) - 3.35 I ons for opertion for the Istrumentatlon listed In LCO 1 Table 3.2.8 shal be met.

U 0


0) 0) 0 0 3.214.2 48a 1/22186 Amendment No. 29. 37 Page 10 of 11


2. Rod Block Monhor (RBM) (continued)

CD b. RBM Setpotnts for control rod blac are given In 0 S Table 3.2.3. The upscale LTSP shad be applied above 30% and up to 65% of rated thermal { See ITS} rD power. The upscale ITSP shal be applied at CD and above 65% and up to 85% of rated thermal 0 0 power. The upscale HTSP shall be applied at rD -o and above 85% of rated thermal power. The RBM Bypass time delay shall be less than or 0 equal to 2.0 seconds. 0 D. Other Instrumentation Applicability I henever the reactor h h the RUN "ode the limiting CD LCO con onslor operati torthemnstrumen tion listed In

                      -LTble    3.2.8 shall be met.

E0 CD ;D C to 0 la (D tD co 0 a-' 0, -9' M, 3.2/4.2 46a 1/22/86 Amendment No. 29.37 Page 2 of 6

( C C ITS ITS 3.0 uMmNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION j 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS E. Reactor Building Ventilation Isolation and Standby Gas D) Treatment System Initiation 0 D CD LCO Whenwr secondary contdfment integrity is required sIedfied In 3.7 I as operation or he Limiting Conditions for nstrumentation listed In Table 3.2.4 1%-I 0 0 (0 Lshail be met. 0 0 0 0 CD 0 DX Ut (1.- 0 DX

                                                                                                                                                       -I tD (31 0

Ca 0 w c2) 0o aD 0) 3.2/4.2 47 3/18/86 Amendment No. 45,40 Page 2 of 11


                                                                                       *1 3.0 UMITING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION                                     4.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS

__________ t A F. Recirctiatlon Pump Trtp and mateRo-njecton - I / a) Initiation s 0 Applicability -f Wenwer thereadcor Is n the RUN modejlie Umiting IConditons for Opoerabon fw the Istrumentation fisted In D 3 LCO JTable 3.2.5 shall be met. 3 D 0 G. Safeguards Bus voitage Protection I Whenever the safeguards auxdiiary electrical power See ITS} 0 Z-system Isrequired to be operable by Specification 3.9, 0 the Umiting Conditions for Operation for the 0 3 See ITS and ITS co eeITS} P I. Instrumentation for Control Room Habitability Protection 0 -o {See ITS} 0 a) (0

0) I 1. Whenever the emergency fittration system Is required to be operable by Specification 3.17.B, the Umitng Conditions for Operation for the radiation lo lb an to Instrumentation listed In Table 3.2.9 shall be met. 0 0) 0)


0) 0)

CD 0) C~) 3.214.2 48 8/25/94 Amendment No. 4530, 65,89 Page 2 of 5

C C C ITS ITS 0 3.0 LIMING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION j 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS I F Redreuation PuminTn annt IAltamata ........ Rd.. w Inid4inn

                                                                                       @      w II 1
                       .   .. rlvI    usu.     . - -lW... -1 0:                              Initiation See ITS }                                          S 0

Whenever the reactor IsIn the RUN mode, the L"miting a) Conditions for Operation for the Instrumentation fisted In a Table 3.2.5 shall be met. CD CD G. Sateguards Bus Voltage Protection I Whenever the safeguards awallary electircal power {See ITS 3.3 8.1) -1 system Is required to be operable by Specitfication 3.9, the LImiting ConditIons for OperatIon for the 0 - I ~C fndnm..*.l.. JCI lelA IIOS~raIUn InYT.1, R-R 1101CJ un *tUwm %I.C.o el ." hf CI MCl wI CLr. 0 3 M.1 )_ H. Instrumentation for Safety/Rei~ef Valve Low-Low Set 3 CD Logic Applicability henever the saety/rerief valves are required to be -4 orbin by Specdficatton 3.f.E,/i LImiting Conditions 0, LCO o ration . or the nsmentation listed In Table 3.2.7 So shl eMet.

1. Instrumentation for Control Room Habitability Protetilon 0

CD See iTS} l 1. Whenever the emergency ftration system is CD a) 6 required to be operbe by Speccation 3.17.B, the to Umiting Conditions for Operation for the radiation 0I) a~) la Instrumentation listed In Table 3.2.9 shall be met. -4 0 0) 0) 3.214.2 48 8/25194 Amendment No. 45,30,65, 89 Page 2 of 8

( C C ITS 0 ITS 3.0 uMmNG CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILUANCE REQUIREMENTS F. Recirculation Pump Trip and Alternate Rod Injection

0) Initiation Whenever the reactor Is In the RUN mode, the Umiting
                                                                                           +SSee   ITS}                                                 0 Su 0                            Conditions for Operation for the Instrumentation listed In a

Table 3.2.5 shall be met. G. Safeguards Bus Voltage Protection I Z-., c


Whenever the safeguards auwdlary electrical power {See ITS 3.3 8.1} M system Is required to be operable by Specification 3.9, 0 the Umiting Conditions for Operation for the 0 Instrumentation listed in Table 3.2.6 shall be met. 0 H. Intrumentation to batety/Relief Valve Low-Low Set { See ITS and ITS 30 l ogc I

                            /Wheneverthe safety/relief valves are required to be

[goperable by Specicatmon 3.6 onddions {See ITS} for Operatlon 1or tne Instrumentation listed in Tabl.e3.2. 0 a) shag be met.I

1. Instrumentation for Control Room Habitabilty Protection

.0) -o 0 Applicability erver Hemergency filtration system is CD) e CD reurdto be operable by SpecHfcatlon 3.7P co LCO Ctng ilons for peration or the a) sted In Table 3.2.9 shal be met

                                             **utatin A)                                                                                                                                                                 co 0

0) 3.2V4.2 48 8/25194 Amendment No.45,3065. 89 Page 2 of 5


0) Initiation 0 {See ITS}

Whenever the reactor Is In the RUN mode, the Umnitng Conditions for Operation for the Instrumentation listed In Table 3.2.5 shall be met. 03 D G. Safeguards Bus Voltage Protection I Applicability LCO X Whenever the safeguards asullary electrical power system Is required to be operable bV Sbecification 3.9. 1 _h1-e Umiting Conditions for Operation for the _Lnstrumentation listed in Table 3.2.6 shall be met. L

                                                                                               -0                                                                     0 0                                                                                                                                                                      0

- H. t afety/Felief Valve Low-Low Set {See ITS ard ITS} Setnstrumentat 3 X F / Whenever the satety/reliet valves are reguired to bei

                            /opzerable by Specification 3.6.Eplte Umaing Condition-s-                                                                                 0)

I~ ~ e e~~ t bei {See ITS} LlOprabo tr torthe instrurrentation listed in Table 3.2.71_ CD co 0 1. Instrumentation for Control Room Habitability Protection 0 CD tD {SeeITS} CD 0 to I 1. Whenever the emergency filtration system Is required to be operable by Specification 3.17.B. the Umltlng ConditIons for Operation for the radiatIon 0 Instrumentation Wited In Table 3.2.9 shall be met. CD ah aa1 0,

                                                                                                                                                                      -4 M                                                                                                                                                                     Ca 3.214.2                                                                                                            48        8125/94 Amendment No.45 30, 65, 89 Page 2 of 7

(7 C C 0 ITS ITS 3.0 UMmIING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS F. Recirculation Pump Trip and Alternate Rod InjectIon Initiation Whenever the reactor Is In the RUN mode, the Umitlng

                                                                                             -4   See ITS  }                                            0) 0 ID                               Conditions for OperatIon for the Instrumentation listed In Table 3.2.5 shall be met.                                                                                                        (D 0                          G. Safeguards Bus Voltage Protection                                                             I Whenever the safeguards awallary electrical power
D system Is required to be operable by Specifcatlon 3.9,
                                                                                             -{   See ITS  }                                            0
                                                                                                                                                                -A 03                               the UmItIng Conditions for Operation for the Instrumentation listed In Table 3.2.6 shall be met.

CD D H. n men a o Safety/Rerief Valve Low-Low Set Z0 Applicability IHenever the slaetyfreilef valves are required to be

0) oreby Sperificatbon 3 . eERoLmtn ConditionsI See ITS }

M1 lorOperation for the Instrumetto fisein Table 3.2.7 I. instrumentation for Control Room Habitability Protection 0 CD IV r See ITS } 0) 0 I 1. Wheneverthe emegyfiltration system Is - to requwea to De operauie Uy upeuncuoun J.. I 1.D, Urn Lmiting Conditions for Operation for the radiation CD -I' CD) Instrumentation listed in Table 3.2.9 shall be met.

                                                                                                                         -[AddpoosdS dd proposed SR ....   -      .       0 0,                                                                                                                                                                0) 3.214.2                                                                                                   48         8/25/94 Amendment No.45,0, 65, 89 Page 1 of 4

C C. C ITS 0 ITS Table 0 a) a) 3 0 0 0 l.a C) 0 i.c 0 0 3 -U 0 1.d a 1.b 0 CD

                                                                                      -4' 2.a, 6.b, 7.a a) o 0a

-4' 0~ 3.214.2 49 11/02104 Amendment No. 83,12,1 28, 140 Page 2 of 13

c c 0 ITS ITS Table 0) tu 0 0 0 CD 2.b, 7.b 3 3 5.c 0 5.e coD 5.b 0 0c,

                                                                                    -4 5.a
-u                                                                                  SO CD w    3.a c;

to 3.c

-4                                                                                   a, 0

0 CD 3.b An I.? 0, 50 06/11/02 Amendment No. 21. 22. 37, 102, 10, 117. 128 Page 3 of 13

C C C ITS ITS 0 Table tu 0Ct 0 St 0 3-a 4.a 0 0-0 4.c -u 0 4.b CD 0 -U

.A 0

6.a _I 3 pU Co 0

 -9                                                                          0 Co CD to                                                                           (In

-4 to

                                                                             -4 Ca a0 3.2/4.2                 50a    03107101 Amendment No. 117          I Page 4 of 13

( C ITS ITS 0 Tabl.32.1 (Continuerl) NOTES:/ Surveillance (1) [There a two operablwroaifoe-rip svsteaoreach -as Atn channel har channelconsideredne cia Requirements Depace na aesatsfr t hours for ired surveillance without laiLhe t~ri emm In the trippdcodtn 0 0 Note2 provd tetat asttone oher erat lechannel hnthe same tn svstemis monit n- at .aramete. rD ACTIONS A (2) FiUPon discovery that minimum requirements for the number of operable or operating trip systems or instrument channels and B are not pfpo5sed ACTIONS Note2 0 0 -- L-~Talffed action shalt be initialed as follos ACTION A Witho F(]the X-1 require instechanneI inoperable in one or more trip funtions, plce the inopeble channel(s) or trip system In L2 tripped condition within j3 o 0 ACTION B (b) Wihmore than one instrument channel Inoperable for one or more trip functionssatisfy the require b F. G.and I 1 Place the plant under the specified reqruired conditions using normal operating procedures. CD 0, Table (3) Low pressure In main steam line only need to be available In the RUN position. 0 00 Function 1.b 1(4) A Itc ennt channels are shi*hVr sboth triesvtn ~L.1___ -u _ Ca by dosing the manual containment Isolation v ulnig purging for containment Inerting CD s condition shalt be noted Inthe cojtl1o .g. Also, need not be operable when primarq P' -4 d in a one-out-of-two-twice logic, t outv ai Ic-prov~ding a trip signal to a single trip 0 -CD aw dIn a one-out-of-two-twice logic, the outzd Ing a trip signal to each of two

D so 3.214.2 51 03/07/01 Amendment No. 81,-90103,117 Page 5 of 13


    >ACTION             D        A. ru      s atnyedvclosed.mleinTie Ir                                              J=                                                           / Addproposed I hour CompletionTime ACTIONS F add                                 sed forpShutdon Coclin S ACTION F        D. Comply         Condition C.above.                      .ith ACrON F     A   b   . s7 stoo1isolatin Vayves closedo olaond foeancorC     pletionu Sy       .

esm g

 -              ACTIONSF         F.         steam findl ~sol~vatved (Seion             3.5 for:Snddoa   uirNSvFaemd     _flo         G
    *AcnION             F F         . HPCIC steam line Isolatedaospn3.5 o drqieet lX~_


  • Function changed from La ctr Water Level to Low Low Reactor Water Lve wng compilietn of design change. 0 o
                                                                                                                          .                                          -a

_o 0 0 3.24.2 5a11tO2tO4 Amendment No. 44-', 110 Page 6 of 13

c C ITS ITS 0 Table t) C7 0* 3 C) D 3 3 .. 0 0 l.a. 2.a E,

-3 a:                                                                                                                    3 0    1.d, 2.d                                                                                                        0 co I.e. 2.e                                                                                                        0 ED                                                                                                                   (D M

1.b, 2.b

-o                                                                                                                  to 0) to   I.x, 2.c                                                                                                         CD
0) 0 0) 0 0 w4 0)

(Add proposed ITS Funcftons 1.121, 2.9, 2.h, 2., 2.1 2.k. 2.1, and 2.m {e CD 3.214.2 52 O8/11/02 Amendment No. 62B3o4O2, 128 Page 3 of 11

C C C ITS ITS Table Table 3.2.2 D Instrumentation That Initiates Emergency Core Cooling SYSte R AN o Operatinu Ch l P p Islue C.K oDels Required Function 3alo Systerns 9)(6) S~tm PtTi y~mt)('Conditions* _ B. HPC 1 _e 3.b 1 Hi h Drywell Pressure s2 psig 1 4 4 A. 3.a 2. Low-Low Reactor Water z-48' 4 4 A.C C. AutomatIc DeoressurIzatlonl 4.a, 5.a 1. Low-Low Reactor Water  :!-481 2 2 B. Co X . Level and 0 4.b, 5.b 2. Auto BlowdownTmer 120 seconds 2 1 1 B. CD Cand O 4.c. 4.d. 3. Low Pressure Core l pslg 2 12(4) B. -l. 5.c. 5.d Cooling Pumps Discharge Pressure . I E ps'g 2 for Core Spray 4 for tPCI _2 fQ Interlock iCD._ 4 'CS: -65 psg end ' 135.4 psig _g 0 4 Add proposed rrS Functions 3.e and _3.f M.0 _ LPCI: > 61.3 psig and < 137.7 psig for 0-_ PS-10-1105ABIC/D arnd > 60.0 psig and 1 139.8 psig for PS-1O-105EIFIGIH & 3.2/4.2 53 06/11/02 Amendment No. 6O343,102,403 128 Page 4 of 11

C C ITS .3- (C ITS 0 {See ITS


Table Table 3.2.2 - (Continued)


S Instrumrentation That Initiates Emergency Core Cooling Systa

                                                                                                                                                           -              II a) t I                                     .=r-           .~                                                    ANNELS PER               CD 3                                                                                                                            Mn. IPJbo perbeol         l
                                                             .K U1 0D                                                                                  Op~erabl or0        Total N of Instru. Op;taIng' lnatiet                          FUNCTION Tiip                                                                                               0 Orain           mnent Cfannels Pei    /~la9anels P rTripI Stef)         (C         Required Function                                 XTrirptettlnd                     (6) ys'Tems(3)         TrlI System                                   Conditions Footnote (a) -
1. Degraded or toss of 0 c3 1.a 1.b 2.

Voltage Essenta Bus LowLow ReactorWater Leve l rs

3. tlgh DrywalltPress
52 psig /

2 1 4(4) 4(4) 4 C C. 0 EC 31 M

0) 0h 0

0 CD

     -.1 0                   1. High drywell pressure              Ygasmsed when necessary only by closing the manual               ant Isolation valves during purging for containment lnedt!inl;A7a,41Wnertlng. Verification of the bypass condidlon s!ha!n! b            '  ontrol room log. Also need not be
     ;0                         operable whpnomary containment intaqft [a not required.
  • t I - CD i to l 2.One instrl Is a circuit breaker contn ta cD -.4 co 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                      -4' a0 CA) 3.214.2                                                                                                       54             06/11/02 Amendment No. 3, 03, 103, 128 Page 5 of 11

C C ITS C Ws Table 3.2.2 - (Continued) Instrumentation That Initiates Emergency Core Cooring Systems M a) CD Minimum No. of Mu. No. of Operable or Operable or Total No. of Instru- Operating Instrument 0 0 Operating Trip ment Channels Per Channels Per Trip Required C) Function Trip Setting Systems (3) (6) Trip System System (3) (6) Conditions 0 D. D~lGnrt r [ Degraded or aoss of 0 0 I z. Low Low Reactor water 4J4) 4 C~.I Leve l

                                                 % 2 psig                                                                               4                  C. I _- -_

I j See ITS 0 no 2 4(4) to 3. High Dryweli Press 2 psig 2 4(4) C. / E0 a) NOTES: (03

-     1. High drywell pressure may be bypassed when necessary only by dosing the manual containment Isolation valves during purging to                                                  0a) containment inerting or de-hnerting. Verification of the bypass oondition shag be noted in the control room log. Also need not be 0           operable when primary containment integrity Is not required.


2. One Instrument channel is a drcuit breaker contact and the other Is an undervoltage relay. (D co 0)


                                                                                                                                                                                            -4 0

3.2/4.2 54 06111/02 Amendment No. 2,03,431 128 Page 6 of 7

C C C ITS ITS Table 3.2.2 - Continued 0 Nootes L03 0_ CD

3. Upon discovery that minimum requirements for the number of operable or operating trip systems, or Instrument channels are not 3 satisfied action shag be initiated as follows:

M07 0 ACTIONS tA B. C, F. G (a) Wih one required instnument channel ioperable er io uncuion lace the inoperable channel or tnp sstem in the tnppe 0 Ir onqionjnthin Ehuso L03 3 CO (b) With more than one instrument channel per trip system inoperable. Emia e satisfy the requirements by placing CIO aHoropriate channels orsthesesin the r irped condition. or roc ACTION H -- i-c Place the plant underthe specified required condntions using normal operating proced 3 0 ( 4. All l ent channels are shad-b~th trip systems. ; - 0 ee ITS} r5. See table 3.2.6. I 0 00 6. A channeil (a sharr*-cfannel is considsaedone channel)iMay DO placed in an inoperaoie status nor up toB nours for requmrea IL C 0 Surveillance surveillance without placing the trip system In the tripped condition provided that at least one other operable channel in the same trip Requirement s system is monitoring that parameter. CD~ oof Note 2 CD CD

  • Required conditions when minimum conditions for operation are not satisfied.

CD ACTION H A. Comply with Specification 3.5A 0 0 -No 0 ACTION H B. pressuW-5'so15pslg ae`ctor ~ ud~sa~ ' -~~I

0) CL Col wture(mp) w Speib.

ACTION H C. Comply with Specification 3..B. 3.2/4.2 55 12/23/98 Amendment No. 3, 93. 103 Page 6 of 11

C C ITS C Table 3.2.2 - Continued Notes: 0s 03S D 3. Upon discovery that minimum requirements for the number of operable or operating trip systems, or Instniment channels are not 3 satisfied action shall be initiated as follows: iv 0 a CD C) (a) With one required Instrument channel Inoperable per trip function. place the Inoperable channel or trip system In the tripped condition within 12 hours or 0 0 (b) With more than one instrument channel per trip system Inoperable. immediately satisfy the requirements by placing Z-0 appropriate channels or systems In the tripped condition, or See ITS } (c) Place the plant under the specified required conditions using normal operating procedures. 3a co 0 0 -9 c ED 0 (o

4. An Instrument channels are shared by both trip systems.

5./See tab/3.2.6. I I I 3AD 0 DX

6. A channel (a shared channel Is considered one channel) may be placed in an Inoperable status for up to 6 hours for required surveillance without placing the trip system in the tripped condition provided that at least one other operable channel in the same trip so system is monitoring that parameter. I CD ID Required cotions when minimum conditions for operation are not satisfied. to to See ITS } 0 A. Comply wih Specification 3.5.A.

0 co C, B. Reactor pressure s 150 psig. aL

                                                                                                                                                                                -93 co          C. Comply with Specification 3.9.B.                                                                                                                                  0) 3.2/4.2                                                                                                      55        12/23/98 Amendment No.a, 83, 103 Page 7 of 7

C C ITS _/Table 3.2.3 Instrumentation That Initiates R Block _ C) 0s Reactor Modes Which Func- r 0 tion Must be Operable or 0 Total No. of Min. No. of Oper erating and Allowable Bypys Instrument able or Operating 0 0 Channels per Instfurment Channels Required


Function Trip engs Refuel I Startup F)6n Trip System per Trip System Condit a

  • 0
a. Upscale i 05 cps X X(d) 2 1(Note 1, 3, 6) A Bor C

-A M

b. Detector not X(a) X(a) 2 1 (Noto 1, 3, 6) or B or C 0 fully Inserted
2. IBM R.1 0 4 2 (Note 1. 4.6) AorBorC 0 CD a. Downscal , 3/125 X(b) (b)

-o fun scale

b. Upscal ,/ s108/125 X X 4 2(Note 1, 4, 6) A or B or C full scale CD
3. ARM, C) CD o

TLO s0.66W + 53.6% X 3 1(Note l6.7) DorE 0 X Flow (Note 2) 0 Biased ( CD to (2) SLO :0.66(W-5.4)+53.6% 9ID co Flow (Note 2) Biased Ka (3) High l108% Flow C4 Clamp / /

b. Downscale >3/125 ful sca_ _ X 3 1(Notel1,6, DorE 3.V4.2 56 9/16/98 Amendment No. 29, 47 102 Page 4 of 12

C C ITS ITS 0 Table Allowable Value Table 3.2.3 Continued Instrumentation That Initiates R Block Q _ Reactor Modes InWhich Min. No. of 0-0 Fundtion Must be OpealorhiN.f Operable or S 0) Operating and Alowable Operating Instru-

                                                                  * . , i3~as CndtiosE_                   hnnis    ment Channels          Required C)                   Function

_ .1 _ rip nge Refuel I Stattup I Run perTrip Systels CondRlon I I 1 4. EM See Section 3.2.C.2 See Section 0 1.a. 1.b, 1.c a. Upscale (power referenced). (Note 8) See Section 3.2.C.2 3.2C2

                                                                                                                                                        -I   ,           Le i.e                    b. Downscale          tE31125 of full scale         See Section 3.2.C.2           l1    See Section 3.2.C.2     See Section 0                                                                                                                           noa-p5 7                3.2.C.2   I                     0 3                                                                                                                                                                            -L
5. Scram Dicarb Vohime/l )~-

Wat w.-ast Hlgh _ s40 gal _ I l I l . _ I 1(note6) rd D,orA IR.1 ;tl a) 03 Co

                     /-'b. West                  s40 gal                             I   - -x x               1          1   pe-M       I Band D, or A                       CD 0-0
                                                                             !                            o 4         i    Add proposed Table 3.32.1-1 Function 1.d                                                                  i CD                                                                                                         i                                                                 to D,                                                                                                                                                                     9M.

a Co CD 3 4 os d Addplpoed. Table .3.l 11unction 3and 0 a, a, 3.2V4.2 57 9/28/89 Amendment No. 2Q,49, 70 Page 5 of 12

( C ITS ITS Table 3.2.3 - Continued Instrumentation That Initiates Rod Block Table Notes. (1) There shall be two operable pratng rip systems for each function. e mInImum number of operable or operating Instru 3 channels cannot be met one of the two trip systems. this condtl ay exist up to seven days provided that during this a the CD 0 operable system Is ally tested Immediately and dally the r. Rl (2) Isthe nofdrive flow required to produce c of 57.6 x1 06 lb/hr loreflw -A (3) On of the four SRM channels may be sed./ 0 0 I-a2 There must be at least one operable operating IRM channel monitoring each core quadra 0CD 0 -4 (5) A c - no an total number of normal Unmet I CD Co (6) Upon discovery that minimum uirements for the number of operable perating trip systems or Instrument channels are n satisfied actions shall be ated to: -- Re

n fu (a) Satisfy th emen by placing appropriate chg o systems in the tipped condition or a)

(b) he plant under the specied ttlos using normal operating procedures. co to to

                                                                                                                                                                                               -91 CD There must be a total of at least 4 o          e or operating APRM channels co                                                                                                                                                                                               0 Table             (8)   There are 3 upscale thip levels. Only one Is applied over a specified operating core thermal power range. All RBM tips are                                   h ox  Functions 1.a, 1.b, 1.c and       automatically bypassed below 30% thermal power. np                aigs are provided in the Core Operating Umits Report.                                    -O 11% Footnotes (a), (b), (c)

C) Valuesl a0 3.2/4.2 58 1/27/93 Amendment No.42,47 0,.84 Page 6 of 12

C, C C ITS Table 32.3 Continued Instrunnentation That Inilites d Block

0) Notes: 0) 0
       *Requinod conditions when minnum conditlion for operation we not satilse/

aCD A. Reactor In Shutdown m e. CD 0 B. No rod withdrawals rmted while In Refuel or Startup mode. -A C. Reactor In Run m . 0 D. No rod wAthdr as permitted while In the Run mode. 0 E. Power on I range or below and reactor In Startup, R .1 or Shutdown mode. (D

        -Allowable By ass Conditions/
-o                   SRM Detector-not-futly-insertled rod block sy be bypassed when the SRM channel count rate is            0 cps e or when all IRM J range switches are above Position 2.


b. IRM Downscale rod block may be sed when the IRM range switch Is In the lowest range ition.
c. (deleted)
d. SRM Upscale block may be by assed when associated IRM range switches are above CD, CD, 8.

to 3.2/4.2 58a 01/28/05 Amendment No. 28.141 Page 7 of 12

C ITS ITS Table 3

                                                                                                                                                     *1                  C) 0 0           2 0

-L 0 3 0 E, 0 3 4

                                                                                                                                                                         -o 0

CD -L P X-4, Surveillance Requirements Notes: (1) I Thcr all be two o erabie I stems for each functionl An Instrument Channel may be placed in an inoperable status for up to 6 hours for performance of required surveillances without placing the Trip System in the tripped condition (9 P co D Note 2 provided taat atleast one other OPERABLE Channel In the same Trig System Is monitoring that ammeter (2) Upon discovery that minimum requirements for the number of operable or operating Trip Systems or Instrument Channels are not satisfied action shall be initiated as follows: A A 0 0 CD a) at la co (a) With one Instrument Channel per Trip System inoperable: ACTION A o

1) For Functions I or 2, place the Inoperable Channel or Trip System in the tripped condition within 12 hours at 0) a)
2) For Functions 3 or 4, place the Inoperable Channe- in a downscate tri np yste in the tripped condition within 24 hours
                               -ORn-3.214.2                                                                                                  59              11102104 Amendment No. 40074, 1,0             129, 140 Page 3 of 11

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 87 of 316 0 ITS ITS (O INSERT A Table Applicable Modes or Other Specified Conditons for Which the Function Must be Operable or Operating 1 Hot Shutdown, Startup, Run, (a) 2 Hot Shutdown, Startup, Run 3 Hot Shutdown, Startup, Run, (a), (b) 4 Hot Shutdown, Startup, Run, (a), (b) Insert Page 59 Page 4 of 11 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 87 of 316

(7 C C' ITS ITS Notes: (conrd) ACTION B (b)l With more than one Instrument Channel porTrfp System Inoporablet l Li

1) For Functions 1or2 immediately.s y the requirements by placing the appropriate Channels Systems in th I tiio fionl r 0


2) For Functions 3 or 4 imed
                                    -ORE bc capabilty within 1 hour (c) If (a) or (b) cannot be met, then place the plant under the specified required conditions using nonnal operating procedures.

KD 0 L) w l1(3) Need not be operable nb a nm n In rtty Is not requir d

  • Required Conditions when minimumn conditions for operation are not satisfied. i Required 0 Actions C.1.1 - - The reactor building ventilation system Isolated and the standby gas treatment system operating.

and C.2.1 B.l Establish conditions whe-ndt containment is not required.l 0 0 A o R red Actions C.1 .2ndC.2-.2 0 CD PO la0 Co 0U to -CD co0 -a 0 C: 3.2J4.2 59a 11102/04 Amendment No. 4-3, lo0 Page 5 of 11

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 89 of 316 ITS xJ~ ITS 09 INSERT B

                  # Other specified conditions for which the function must be operable or operating:

Table (a) During operations with the potential for draining the reactor vessel. Footnote (a) Table (b) During movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies in secondary Footnote (b) containment. Insert Page 59a Page 6 of 11 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 89 of 316

ICT C ITS ITS 0 Table 7 a a) C, 04 LCo L Add tir Fund 11 I '11 II 11 IN 0 a) 0 SR 0 a) LCO 2. SR NOTE 5 0 ACTIONS A, B, 1. When one o01 me two mDp systems ismace or round to De moperable, reW ;tl C, andD 0 dav'or place the plant In the specified required condition within the nex C a) the plant In the specilled required condftion w i t unl tQ P

  • Re( luired conditions when minimum conditions for operation are not satisile la Required A. Reactor InStpup. R el. ° oe CD CD Action D.2 t
                                                                                                                                                             -o 0

I - 0 a)

                                                                                                                                                             -4 3.214.2                                                                                       60            06/11/02 Amendment No. 45, 63 128 Page 3 of 5

ITS ITS 399Vand C53921 V 8.8 seconds and < 9.2 secondsJ Allowable Value

=  Table                                                    SaTsTable                3.2.6 R       E        A.

3- instumnentatlon for Safeguards Bus Degraded Voltage and Loss of Voltage Prote CHNESPERC CD Minimum Ng! of Oper- Total . of Instru- Op sting In 3 J _\able or O Trip praig mnChneset Required t anil eTtSsem1 Cond'0ions A Fuctlon Ttnig \Sstm{)Prystemse 2.a, 2.b 1. Degraded Voltage 3 . . S o Irotectlon9 A 02 C 1 2. Losso otise 2 5* ot/ 2/bus Protectio ome oa ea _____ ___ Add proposed 0 NOTE Note _-. )t t_ -ACTIONS are not Co Upon discovery that minimum requirements for the number of operable or operating trip systems or Instrument channels t ACTION A satisfied, action shag be Initiated to: Ca. Satisfythe requirements by placing the appropriate channels or systems Inthe tripped conditil Act ACTiON B b. Piace th e specified requIred condion the t operating proceduD0 00 O A. _Cardushutdown ho ---- oren mnimum cod =nr o r not sa sne o l Required con 3.2/4.2 60a 11/27/84 Amendment No. 31 Page 3 of 7

( c c ITS ITS Table 0 w 0 0 3 CD 4 2 0 C Eo ED CD 3 0

                                                                  ;u 0

to CD 4 Co

;n                                                                CD 0
                                                                 -o at 3.2/4.2    60b      3/31/89 Amendment No. a0, 43,62 Page 3 of 8

C C C 0 ITS ITS Table 3.2.7 Instrumgentation i Safety/Relef Valve Low-Low Se Logic { See ITS} tu ID s C) Min. No. of Operable or Min. No. of Operable or Total No. of Instru- Operating Instrument 3 ment Channels Per Channels Per Trip Required 3 CD Function Trip Setting Operating Trip Systems Trip System System Conditions 0 CD Reactor Scram 2(2) 2 2 A or B or C Detection ACTIONS A Reactor Coolant 1072*3/992:t3 psig 2(2) 2 2 A or B o 0 0 and B System Pressure 1062*3/982*3 psig =1 for Opening/ 1052k3/972 +3 psig 3 Closing (1) 3-A CD CD I Discharge Plpe 30* 1 psid(3) 2(2) 2 2 A or B or C Pressure Inhibit c and Position co Indicallon Pa' InhlbltTlmers 1041 Sec 2(2) 2 2 Aor BorC CD -U CD 0 la CD CD w 0 .0 (a) 0) 3.214.2 60b 3/31/89 Amendment No. 30, 43. 62 Page 2 of 4

C, C ITS ITS M Table 3.2.7 (continued) Instrumentation for Safety/Rellef Valve Low-Low Set Logic aC 0 C, 0

3 CD rDq ED 0

0 CO a a) co

                                                                                                                   -4 to 0                                                                                                                   Co D

ID to co -ax Ci , . I Add proposed Required Action A.1 i) a) 3.2/4.2 60c 11116/84 Amendment No. 30 Page 4 of 8

C C ITS ITS 0. Table 3.2.7 (continued) 0) 0 Instrumentation folSafetyFelief Valve LowLow Set ] 0S 3 0 Notes I

                                                                                                                                                                    \ \r                       3 C

(1) Low-Low set and Inhibit logic Is provided for three non-Automatic Pressure Relief System Valves. lThe three valves have staggered II I

                                                                                                                                                                           .See ITS }

LCO It I I 0 (2) Each valve is provided with two trip, or actuation, systems. 0 F P (3) Differential pressure with respect to drywell atmosphere. 3 CD -u

  • Required conditions when minimum conditions for operation are not satisfied.

A) One trip system may be Inoperable for testing or maintenance for up to 72 hours. If two trip systems cannot be made operable D at the end of the 72 hour period, within 24 hours reduce reactor pressure to less than 110 psig and reactor water temperature to less than 3459F. so

;a                                                                                                                                                                                             DU i)   With two trip systems inoperable. wtthitn 24 hours reduce reactor pressure to less than 110 psla and reactor water temperature tc
                                                                                                                                     - V                                                      0D less than 345 F. I                                                                                                                   I to  ACTION A 0                      - C         low-iow set             be inopen ble for testhg or maintenance for Up to                    valve cannot be made openabie                                 0ul 01                                                                                                                                                                                            Ca cn  ACTION B                   athe end of the     I   day periodwithin hours d              actor pressure to as        Ip5a        reacor wae (A                                      olN                                                                                                                        I            (2>           01 a0                                                                                                                                                                                             01 a) in 12husand fAdd proposed ACTION B for two or more 4                       inoperable LLS valves                                                                                          --- e 3.2/4.2                                                                                                     60c        11/16184 Amendment No. 30 Page 3 of 4

ITS ITS Table 3.2.8A. R D Other Instrumentation 'RURED'_  : S prg r Ttlt6 fIsr lOoal rO/rtnFNTO C, B. HP r Cine P 3.c L~g~ao~vls8 0Sudon0 / ar o Level zmn-48o T1n / 41 4- C 3 c- HPCtiCoTurbine Suction 3

  < ~eT;3.52                  2.              ansateaSto1a/e an rowableValues 2\                      2                   C                                 -%A5t
      °                                       Lo Lvl                                                                                   7                                                             ^_..=

SeeITS ACTIONS N2ote 0A ACTION A 1. Upon discovery that minImum requirements for the number of operable or operating trip systems or Instrument channels are not 0D _tisfled. action shall be initiated as follows:

a. With one requird Instrument dhannel inoeabto per trio fundionl Diace the noperable channel or trip systemn the De at ATOSCC and ACTiONS
0) n D -. .With , oar Ea-nn prpsyeiner more than one instrument e, aesa is W ACTION H c. Place the plant under the specified required condition using normal operating procedures.

Surveillance 2. A channel may be placed In an Inoperable status for up to 6 hours for required surveillance without placing the trip system in the Requirements Note 2 tripped condition provided that at least one other operable channel In the same trip system is monitoring that parameter. 0) Required conditions when minimum conditions for operation are not satisfied: ACTION H A. Comply with Specitication 3.5A. See ITS IB. Comnlv with Spedtication 3.5.D. Required Action C. Align HPCI andLRC-C suction to the suppression pool. Add proposed ACTON H

3.2/4.2 Ir I 60d Amendment No. 34 145 06/11/02 1Zt Page 11 of 11

C C C ITS ITS Table a) 0 3 0 1 0r 3 CD 0 2 0 3 0-4 3

                                                                                                                                                                            *0 CD                                                                                                                                                                           El CD 0L

-o ACTION A - -t-LJFpon dive y h nimum requirements for the number of operable or operating trip systems or Instrument channels are not Loatisied. aotion shall be inhiate foln or aas ne e torhe abte channel or trip system In the trippedI Wdth on A x~te_!gstrme ranne I nooerable Dt~reirtrio hundlon Iportce the inoperrqkdjrl ACTIONS - B, C, and D a) 0 II*1 ACTION IE - c. Place the plant under the specified requIred condition using normal operating pro edures. Surveillance 2. A channel may be placed In an Inoperable status for up to 6 hours for required surveillance without placing the trip system In the

0) Requirernen ts tripped condition provided that at least one other operable channel In the same trip system is monitoring that parameter.

Note 2 Re-quired conditions when rninirnum conditions for operation are not satisfied: ACTION IE A. IComply with Spedllr ACTION sIE B. Coml wi'th Specit ication 3.5.D. Requirec Action C. Align HPCEIand RCIC suction to the suppression pool. A D.2.2 3.2V4.2 60d 06/11/02 3 4 5 I See ITS Amendment No. 37,03,1O S  ? 128 Page 3 of 6

C C 37 ITS ITS w 0 3-3 CD a a 0M

-L    LCO,                                                                                                                                                           CD SR                                                                                                                                                            3 0

Notes: -o 3 Surveillance (1) An Instrument channel may be bypassed for t up to pegdt r up to eight hours.- :9pab CREF Mords Is mekftahd _ A.2 CD Requirements A. Note 0 . .

                                                                                                        , - Add VPro>sedACT IO     INob 0


;U                          Required conditions when minimum conditions for operation are not satisfled.

0 A) Within 1 hour Initiate and maintain operation of the control room emergency filtration system subsystem in the pressurization Co ACTION A mode of operation. Co B) Within reduce reaor wate re to below 21 2°F. F Add proeosedRequired Action A.2 I CD CD I tD to CD co Co co o 0

                                                                                                                                                                              -41 a0 3.214.2                                                                                                    60e          8/25/94 Amendment No. 65,89 Page 3 of 5

C C ITS C. ITS Table 4.2.1 SR33214 Table fSR3j 3 21 1 1 Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooli SR 332142

11) L.Z.Li _ RoqBlock and Isolation Instrumentatti SR3 3 . .1.5J 0 ~tjjj Trzc 17Z11 .niiiin1E -Rr nenr --

JI...* rXlr1{i\L C~ntaJ. I U"Iy Ea IC IC OIIUJ 0)r Once/3 months (Note 5) Every Operating Cycle . Transmilter 3

1. Reactor Low-Low Water Level Onoe/3 months -Trip Unit Once/l2 hours Once/3 months Oncel3 months None I 0
2. Drywell High Pressure
3. Reactor Low Pressure (Pump Start) Once/3 months Once/3 months None
4. Reactor Low Pressure (Valve Once/3 months Once/3 months None Permissive) -{ See ITS } 0
5. Undervoltage Emergency Bus Refueling Outage Refueling Outage None -o
6. Low Pressure Core Cooling Pumps Once/3 months Once/3 months None 5 a

3 Discharge Pressure Interlock

7. Loss of Awudiary Power Refuering Outage Refueling Outage None 0 8. Condensate Storage Tank Level Refueling Outage Refueing Outage None
  -U                    9.      Reactor High Water Level                      OnceI3 months (Note 5)                  Every Operating Cycle . Transmitter a)                                                                                                                  Everv 3 months -Trio Unit                  Oncelt2 hours             I;III
  • ( *1 Noa X


1. APRM Downscale_ Once/3 mronths (Note Once/3 months re 5) Onca/3 months one 0
2. APRM Flow Onoe/3
3. IR e 5 5) Note Nole 2 (0 M Downscale Notes (ZS) Note 2 Note 2 0o
                                                                                                                                                                                             -0 e 1.a, 1.b, 1.c 5.      RBM Upscale                                    unoer monins (i, )_                    Oncei1 monMt                               None                                               tD 0       1.e           6.      RBM Downscale                                  Once/3 months           sLO1J Once/3 months                                       None                                               tD NA          l                                                       to
                                                                                                                                                                                            -0e j,vtIJICI A v
7. SRM Upscale Notes (2.5) NAFA
8. SRM a-ull-In Positon Ng! aq- Note 2 -to a .rm-Nh.,.

oaluislalyuullny_ vv-

                                                     'II.  .Ui.-nhI neelnt          mD
                                                                                                                         ~         ,q 4_                 I1 to (4

(4 MAIN STEAM LINE (GROUP 1)ISOLATION OnceJ I. Steam Tunnel High Temperature Refueling Outage 13months Refueling Outage None See ITS 3.36.1}

2. Steam Une High Flow Once/3 months l Oncel3 Months . Once/12 hours 4-4 Add proposed SR fo 3.2/4.2 61 13221298 M\

Amendment No. 2.40,37,39.63.66,8. 403 104 t Z l Add propos ;e R . 3.3..17 Page 8 of 12

c c ITS ITS 0 0 0 a 0 0ID -X Co 0 0 2 0 CD I & 0 a (D p 0 0

0) ti 0

2) 0) 3.214.2 61 12 24198 Amendmnent No. 2, 40, 3X, ,;a, 63, 66, 84, 4-3, 104 Page 7 of 11


                                                                                                 ,       ^

I.e. 2.e 10. Reactor Low Pressure (Bypass Timer) Hi Refuelin nterval l -_ Refueliklnterval l -7 None Vw 11. AutoBlowdownTimer Refuelin ntervall-7 RefueliIlnterval > None 0-I 4.b.5.b 5 A.4I CD 0 C:. CD f-0 X0 0X 0 0 5 CD) 11) IV

                                                                                                                              -o 0
                                                                                                                               -9 Cn)
  • Insert Page 61 Page 8 of 11

C C ITS C ITS Table 3.3.52-1 A.6 f~i35.ZZTable 4.2.1 SR3..52. Minimumn Test and Calirtion Frequency for Core CoolingR .35.2. EIf2 0) Rod Block anid Isolation Instrumentatio Instnimpnt Channal TeAsti(AVi hA~~tI ~ I; ~ ua.aroiI. 24ofh oenor;.necurD Sensor *neMK1t1 I A.5 lsouou--- I vv Ca~lirautilanl( 0 0 E(;CS INSTRIChUMt IAI IUN _ -=- :4 .:1 1 1. Reactor Low-Low Water Level 2 -Once/3 monrhsI(Nyb5 IB += -ransmltter-4 o Or3 moths TripUnIt -3 Oncel12 hours-1 I

               -1                                                                                                                          "lone                                          0 0

CD 2. Drywefl High Pressure Oncej3 morntris ,'u-e Once/3 montns None

3. Reactor Low Pressure (Pump Start) Once/3 months L Once/A months None 2 (i) 2_

4. 5. Reactor Low Pressure (Valve Permissive) Undervoltage Emergency Bus Once3 months Refueling Outage Onoe/3 months Refuelng Outage None None { See ITS} 0

6. Low Pressure Core Cooting Pump_ Once/3 months A.) Once/a months None 0 Discharge Pressure Interlock (A.4) D E, 7.

Ir oeef AtryMari Powe Refuefino OutaoeJl Re rmt OutaoeIFoue Re raf Nons - 0 4 r= -4 _s - None 3 8. Condensate Storage Tank Level (ult

9. Reactor High Water Level O~\nce/3 2
                                                                                            -t~!~                           Tnmte4        124 "ofitts,          I.

2 o - o 0 I,4E~3onrhsTrlo Unit -3 Oriin12 htur5 -1 I 0 BOO bLOCKS j1

1. APRM Downscale Once/3 months (Note 5)L JOnce/3 months None M
2. APRM Flaw Variable Once/3 Months (Note 5) Once/3 months None
3. IRM Upscale Notes (2.5) Note 2 Note 2 to
0) 4. IRM Downscale Notes (2.5) Note 2 Note 2 See ITS} -L to Once/3 months (Notes) Once/3 months None 0)
5. RBM Upscale
6. RBM Downscale Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/3 motwhs None 0 7. SRM Upscale Notes (2.5) Note 2 Note 2
-4,               8. SRM Detector Not-Full-In Position          Notes (Z9)                        Note 2                                 None M-el                                           0 a:)

0t Ca

1. Steam Tunnel High Temperature Refueling Outage Refuefling Outage None See ITS} 0)
2. Steam Line High Flow Once/3 months Once/3 Months Once/I 2 hours i Add proposed SR Y 3.2V4.2 61 12/24/98 Amendment No. .40, 37, 39.83,66,. 84.403, 104 Page 4 of 6

C C ITS 0 ITS Table SR 33.6.12 laTale 4.2.1 lu SR Minimurn Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling, ISR 0 tod a Block and Isolation Instrumentation S CD Channel Instrument Channel Testl()l Calibration l()l Instrument Tetrj Cairton,2) Gensor CneCkIGS)l 3 gEvS INSTRMEFNTATION I CD 1. Reactor Low-Low Water Level Once/3 months (Note 5) Every Operating Cycb - Iransmitter See ITS and} tD Once/3 months rip Unit Oncel2 hours ITS 0 2. Drywell High Pressure Onoa/3 months Once/3 months None 0

3. Reactor Low Pressure (Pump Start) Once/3 months Once/3 months None -. 1

-- 1 4. Reactor Low Pressure (Valve OnceI3 months Once/3 months None a Permissive) ITS

5. Undervoltage Emergency Bus Refueling Outage Refueling Outage NoneSee I} -o
6. Low Pressure Core Cooling Pumps Once/3 months Once/3 months None 3 t0 CD Discharge Pressure Intertock
7. Loss of AuxiMiy Power Refueling Outage Refueing Outage None 0

OTV W¢]:fiA@ GJ

                                                        -Y      -V                                                                                               "--

See ITS and L L_

9. Reactor High Water Level Onc/-3 mon'todh-s tote 5) EvetyOperteg CFven 11 rnrt.

yde- Transnitter Tl I Inl* ITS J ;a CD Reactor High Water Level OnceI3 months (Note 5) Every OperatingCycle. Transmitter ROO BLOCKS

1. APRM Downscale Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/3 months None M

6 ( ISee ITS} 0 2. APRM Flow Variable Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/3 months None tD

3. IRM Upscale Notes (2.5) Note 2 Note 2 0 0 4. IRM Downscale Notes (2.5) Note 2 Note 2
5. RBM Upscale Once monhs (Note 5) Once/3 nxths None 0CD to 6. RBM Downscale Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/3 months None -I'
7. SRM Upscale Notes (25) Note 2 Note 2 tS CA) 0 /

1--i 8. P_ _ MI N SRM Detector Not-Full-In Position qream TI niqrshqmn Vnhimp.l-inh I evol IbLATION Notes (2.9) Oncel3 months ar' A.14 Note 2 Refuelra Outaoe ltrtiieir None M-n


Ca 1.d 1. Steam Tunnel High Temperaturo ,r-- 4..Rel fteifue-5 None

                                                                                                                                                                          -t 1.c                2. Steam Line High Flow                  /           Once/3mont2

Once/ Months-4


I cOnce/12 hours-I I 3.2/4.2 61 12/24198 Amendment No. 2, 40.37,3,63, 66.84,403. 104 Page 7 of 13

( C( ITS ITS SR SR Se SR _-2-n-=mo Table 4.2.1 Continued SR

                                                            '-    ' * '    Mnlmurn Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooring/

Table ,. Rod Block and Isolation Instnientatl en 6.1.1 A.9 tu I Instrument Chflnnal '-...

  • Wil - I
                                                                                   -_   am IPI                               ..wral.oI -   -                        -- nrn  . --  lIt 11.

1.b 3. Steam Une-Low Pressure One/ moth - Oce3 o, I {n 7AB 1.a 4. Reactor Low Low Water Level Once/3 months g .2 0eratb Cyclieransmitter-5 Once/12 hours-1 2 P us Once/3 Months-Trwp U tgnel CD 0 CQNTAINMENTisOLATIONg;3iP2 .1 CD 2.a, 6.b. 7.a 1. ReadtorlLow Water Level A 2.b. 7.b 2. Drywell High Pressure_ 0 5.bI 1. High RWCU Room Temperature Once/3 months-2 OncehOperat6 QCvdejPTD In p1 CD Oncel3 months-Trmn U nh I 2. High RWCU System FRow Once/3 months-2 Once/Qpe tQCd?_*Transmftler-s Oncet12 hous-1 0 5.6 OncniP -Wh..T.4. 1.4 [In -U 5.e 3. Reactor Low Low Water Level No -2

  • A-1 a) 5.c 4. Drywell High Pressureuoj-_

CD -L HP . SItFGR 4111Sh thON tP o CD 3.a 3 11. Steam Une High Flow Once/3 rnonths -2 Once/3 months -4 None CD 3.c 2. Steam Una High Temperature tA1 Once/3 months -2 Once/3 months -4 None 0 3.b* 3. Steam Un. Low Pressure / Once/3 months -2 Once/3 months -4 None 0 4.a 3. I Steam Une Lgh slow Once/3 months -2 Once/3 months -4 None 0 4.c :I 2. Steam Une Hlgh Temper~ature Once/3 months -2 Once/3 months -4 None 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                           -Ph 4.b              3.         Steam Une Low Pressure                               Once/3 months -2                Oncel3 months -4                            None cAr                                   Level to Low Low Reactor eUFntln                                                                                                                   C,,

e i n change] sig_~ 3.214.2 629 03/07101 Amendment No. 4 _ 2 -413A4O S4391 117 Page 8 of 13

( C ITS ( ITS Table - Add trooosed Surveillance Reoutrements Note _ I Table 4.2.1 Continued Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling. Rod Block&ndisolahtion nstrumentation 1 SR SR 3..4.11 / W Instrument Channel TestLffSR Calibration MI SR Sensor Checi Ij C) _BEATQIQ ILtWING.WENfLAIOQNJ&SIANO1Y-GAS-3 ATEN 0 See ITS} tD 1. Reactor Low Low Water Level Once/3 months (Note 5) Every Operating Cycle. Transmitler Once/12 hours Oncet rnonths - Trip Unit_.

2. Drywell High Pressure (Note 10) 0
-                    3. Radiation Monitors (Plenum)                   Once/3 months                 Oncer3 months                                  Once/day                      I.A.1
14. Radiation Monitors (Refueling Floor) Once/3 months Once/3 months Note 4 = .

0 _30 c OIN UMtICItAND -RNAT! 1t4JECTIO t _ CD LCO b 1. Reactor High Pressure Oncel3 months N 5 .2 Once nsmotcrl rOn . .-1 3 tD A5 OncoI3 Monttts-TripM U ri- 4 LCO 2. Reactor Low Low Water Leveal \J Onc.13 onthy -2 UnceorratnCycl Fransmitter-5 Once/12hours-I 3 0 Once/3 Months-Trip Unit -3 tD 0 5HUMIWNQ=G SUPPLY I laQII°DI [See ITS} ;U t P L- i r*

                                            -l^n1rt      4d

r"-r snit.

                                                                                   -                   On~n  - ?      I ftfh.

vll *rlzr -r}rr rnr11~il l.- Z1ws P 5 SAEEiUAEIDSBUS LTPE ;0 0 CD Ouartetdy f See ITS}

t. Degraded Voltage Protection Oncelmonth Not anppicabtle - -o

-o 0 2. Loss of Voltane Protection Once/monrh OncelOnerdblio Cycle Not applicable I (0 SAEEMEUEE.YAYLV LQWIELLQIG CD

t. Reactor Scram Sensing Once/Shutdown (Note 8)
2. Reactor Pressure - Opening Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/OperatiNg Cycle Oncelday See ITS}

Ut~ _L

3. Reador Pressure - Closing Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/Operating Cycle Once/day 0


4. Discharge Pipe Pressure Oncl/3 months (Note 5) See Table 4.14.1 Seo Table 4.14.1 S. inhibit Timer Once/_months (Note 5) Once/Operaling Cycle __
0) a)


1. Radiation Monthly (Note 5) 1a months Dal r ffSeITS}

3.2/4.2 G3 03107/01 Amendment No. 62,63,65,f9. 117

                                                                                                       .e   . .   -     I
                                          .4                                         jAa0 proposed SR J.J.4.1.6 4                                          Add proposed SR P
                                                                                                             .  .  . l 1
                                                                                                                                                                                -0 Page 4 of 5

C C ITS f ITS 0 Table T3b.e 4 2.1 Continued I~Minimutrn Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling. 0: 0 Inssirument Chnnnel Red Blorck nnd Isolalion Instnimrpntation_ Test MI 'SR 3.~3.6.12F OnhbrcnionLt SR Sensor Check Uj 0G k 0 0 0 1. Reactor Low Low Water L&vel OnceO3 months (Nol2 5) Every Opernting Cydo - Transmitter Once112 hours 3 Oncey3 moN - Trip Unit pcs

2. Drywell Hgh Pressure (Note IO).._ __ See ITS}


3. Radation Monitors (Plenum) Once/3 months Once/3 monrhs Once/day
4. Radinlion MonStors a RemteeIngRoor Once/3 months Once(3 mon8hs Note 4 C 0
1. Reactor High PressurssOre Once/3 months (Note 5) OncelOperating Cydo-Trancmleer Once/Day 0t Once/3 Months-Trip Unit_ See ITS}
2. Reactor LPwLoe Water Lovel OnceI3 months (Note 5) Once/Operating Cycle-Transriller Once/12 hours Once.3 Months-Trip UniP m 6.a 0 0 t. Reactor Pressure Interlock Once/3 mnonths -2 Oncer3 Months-4 None 0U 0 CD (See ITS} 0 3CD
1. Degrnded Voltage Protectlon Oncelmonth Ouarterly Not tpplicable_
2. Loss of Voltane Protection -Oncelmonth Once/Operrilnh Cy~cle Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                       -U a


1. Reactor Scram Sensing OncetShutdown (Note 8)*
2. Readtor Pressure - Openhqg Oncet3 mnonths (Note 5) Once/Operain g Cycle Once/day _ (See ITS} 0)


3. Reactor Pressure - Closig Once/3 mnontls (Note 5) Once/Opernling Cycle Oncelday
4. Discharge Pipo Pressure Onco/3 months (Note 51 See Table 4. 14.1 SOQ Table 4.14 .t -4
5. Inhibit TImer Oncel3 months (Note 5) Once/Operalinq Cycle HA PROTEUONMInth NoOM 5U1tY See ITS}
11. Raditilon lvonlhiv (Note 5) _

I mnth 3.214.2 G:1 03/07fi2 Amendment No. 62, 63, 65e 89, 117 Page 9 of 13

C C C ITS ITS Table 4.2.1 Contnued SR 336.23 Table (A-7 5 Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency tor Core Coong SR 3 3624 Rod Block and Isolation Instrumentation SR C) SR W Instnrment Channel Test kAJ SR 3.3.622 Calibralin kMl Sensor Check 10 V a)

                                                                         .." ... ..... --                                                              .. .j
4. 0 0 A EACTORB1.1LDI NG-VENTILATION&SAWANBYOASTREATM ENT 4 1 1. Renctor Low Low Water Level Oncel3 months -2 / p jOn
  • C Transmitter-s Once12 hours-1 OnceI3 months - Trip Unlt-3 2 2. Drywell High Pressure No 10 A.1 3
  -           3      3. Radiation Monitors (Plenffutm           Onre/3 months -2       A      Oneol3 months -4                           One-1 4      4. Radiatlion Monitors (Refueling Floor)    Once/3 months-2               Oncel3 months -4                                                                          0)


                                                                                                                                                                                            -4 EOLQATION-LMBUAIPNOAERYNATBIG114EiIN                                                                                                                                a
1. Reactor High Pressure Oncel3 months (Note 5) OncelOporating Cycle-Transmitter Once/Day Oncol3 Months-Trip Unit See ITS} CD 0 . Reactor Low Low Waler Level Oncet3 months (Noto 5) Onco/Operatng Cyce- Transmitter Once/l2 hours Onee/3 Months-Trip Unit
 *X~h II     DOWN COOUNG SUPPLY ISOLATION E,                 1. Reactor Pressure Interlock                                             Oncel3 Months                         None lI tD                                                                                                                                                                                        0 SAMEEUABD1SVQLAGE                                                                                                                                                      ;n
  -o                 1. Degraded Voltage Protection              Once/month                    Ouarterly                             Not aipplicable              See ITS}
2. Loss of Voltane Protection Oncephnonth OncolOriertln Cvyde Nod aenrcable o0 a) to i 0 MAEEIY/RELIEYALVELOQLQWTA.Q;S 0 1. Reactor Scram Sensing Once/Shutdown (Note 8) CD
2. Reactor Pressure
  • Opening Onco/3 months (Note 5) Once/Operating Cyle Once/day { - See ITS}


3. Reactor Pressure - Closing Oncel3 months (Note 5) Once/Operating Cycle Once/day 0 0
4. Discharge Pipe Pressure Once/3 months (NoteS) Soo Table 4.14.1 See Table 4.14.
5. Inhibit Timer Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/Operaling Cycle a) 0)


1. nadiation Monthly (Note 5) 18 months D*e 3.2/4.2 6.a 03107/01 Amendment No. 62, 63, 65, 09. 117 Add proposed SR I Page 7 of 11

( C ITS ITS Table 4.2.1 Continued SR A.4 Minimum Test and Caribration Frequency for Core Cooling. SR I SR

6. l Table Rod Block nnd Isolation Instrum a Ion.....R.3a.3. . , .

A.4 Test (f SR CalibrationuFJ Sensor ChecklJ s a) Instrument Channel 0 0) f EAIRBI Lt MO-VI.YNTIAIQN-thSTANDYGSAE _METMEI

1. Reactor Low Low Water Level Once/3 months (Note 5) Every Operating Cydoe Transmitter Oncett2 hours 3 0 Once/3 months - Trip Unit [See ITS}
2. Dryweo l High Pressure (Note 10)

M 0

-                     3. Radiation Monitors (Plenum)               Once3 months                  Once3 months                         Oncelday
4. Radiation Monitors (Refuefinn Floor) Oncel3 months Once/3 months Note 4 oo B~laL-AT1QNVMf TIPANQALjEfN-tAE ROQD IjNI ON See ITS} -,

I. Reactor High Pressure Once3 months (Note 5) OnelOperntintg Cycfe-Transmitter Once/Day Once3 Months-Trip Unit 3 CD

2. Reador Low Low Waler Level Once/3 months (Note 5) Onco/Oporatlng Cycle. Transmitter Once/t2hours Once/3 Mnnths-Trin Unit (SSee ITS}


;0 a)                    1. Reactor Pressure Interlock                Once3 months                  Once/3 Months                         None See ITS}

S-AEMIARfDS YQLTAQ E CD i. Degraded Voltage Protection Oncelmonth Ouarlerty Not applicable 0 2. Loss of Voltage Proteetion Oncelmonth Once/Operetlng Cycle Not applicable CDt 6 -9 MEEMELIEEYAL.LQWLLOYVSE=%Q ~___ I 1. Reactor Scram Sensing Once/Shutdown (Note 12 == 2 to co 2 2. Reactor Pressure - Opening Once/3 nonths (Not 52 Once i r c 6 Once 1 _L 2 3. Reactor Pressure

  • Closing Once/3 months (No e 2 Onceppff i Once, 1 .A. CDt 3 4. Discharge Pipe Pressure Once/3 months (N e 2 See Table 4.14.1 See T . .

4 S. Inhibit Timer Oncel3 months N !f5rn ete t;yd -42 a)

                       .       Rdiation                   Ponts IKQ Monthly(Nte5)1mY
1. Rndinlion Monlhly (Note 5) 1a months Dniq See ITS}

3.2/4.2 63 03.07101 Amendment No. 62 63, 65 09, 117 Add proposed SR j M.3_ Add proposed SR M.4S Page 5 of 8

( C ITS ITS Table 4.2.1 Continued Minimum Test and Calibralion Frequency for Core Cooling. Rod Block and Isolation Instrumentation 1 uaIrnrarmnjjj- iensor uneciqjjj IestLy r I ear Su 1w Insfrumern i.nanneI insuumeni Channel CalibrailonLigk- Sensotr ChneeNo 0 4' BEACQ l nulDING vNTI QNUA2I I M I1Ys3A&ThEA1MENI 0rD

1. Reactor Low Low Water Level Onco/3 months (Note 5) Every Operating Cycle Transmitter Oneetl2 hou. _t Once/3 months - Trip Unit 0 2. Drywell High Pressure (Note 10) {_ See ITS 3.3.62}
3. Radiation Monitors (Plenum) Onee/3 months Onee/3 months Once/day 2

0 4. Radliaton Monitors (Refueritn Floor) Once/3 months Once/3 months Note 4 0 0 REIC1TONMIqPANDLjEDNSIRQD INJE IQ

1. Reactor High Pressute Once/3 monilis (Note 5) Once/Operaling Cyclo-Transmillter Once/Day 3 Once/3 Months-Trip Unit ( -S ee ITS}

D 2. Reactor Low Low Water Level Once/3 months (Note 5) Onco/Oporatlng Cycle. Transmitter Onco/12 hour CD S 0 Once/3 Months-Tlip Unit F HUPWN COLN SPLY ISQLT {_See ITS} 0 Co I. Randtor Pressure Interlock Once/3 months Once/3 Months None M M EE1;USRUSAQUAGE oo 0 Sree ITS} .0

1. Degraded Voltage Protection Oncelmonth Ouarterly . Not appricabe
2. Loss of Voltage Protedon Once/month OncelOpertihg Cycle Not apprtcabi 0 to-D4' Co 0 SAliIJEY UEYAEyb LOW LQYL~iElLLO;13 CD (0 See ITS}

M 1. Reactor Scram Sensing Once/Shutdown (Note 8) _L to 2. Reactor Pressure - Opening Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/Operaling Cycle Once/day CD

3. Reactor Pressure - Closing Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/Opernling Cycde Oncelday (D aa 4. Discharge Pipe Pressure Once/3 months (Note 5) Soo Table 4.14.1 See Table 4.14.1
5. Inhibit Timer Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/Operalinq Cycle _ a0 LCO CXQQ^TB2
1. RadiatIon PhLQ7m SR3.3.7.12- Monitly W-months -SR3. Mo _-SR3.
                                                                                                                                                             -0 e '11-9 I

3.214.2 63 03107/101 Amendment No. 62, 63, 65, 09, 117 Page 4 of 5

C C ITS C ITS I Add proposed Surveillance Requirements Note 2 Table 4.2.1 Continued . ig SR3.3.8.12 A.5 L Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Coi SR 3313 Table _ j Rod Block and Isolation Instrumentation , -t F instrument Channel Tes$MSR13. C; _ j-. Sensor Checkl I(; a) 0 2) IEAR 13UILDING-VENI TIINAD INTAND12. QMInEAT1AENI 2

t. neactor Low Low Waler Level Once/3 months (Note 5) Every OperatingCycl. -Transmitler Once/l2 hours 0 Once/3 months . Trip Unit
2. Drywell High Pressure (Note 10) [See ITS 3.3.62}
3. Radiation Monitors (Plenum) Once/3 months Once/3 months Oncefday 2 4. Radiation Monitors (Refueling Floor) Once/3 months Once/3 months Note 4 0


t. Reactor High Pressure Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/Operating Cyclo-Transmitter Once/Day Once/3 Months-Trip Unit ISee ITS}
2. Reactor Low Low Water Levo Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/Operating Cycle- Transmitter Once/12 hours 0 Once/3 Months-Trip Unit CD

-U [See ITS

t. Reactor Pressure Interlock Once/3 months Once/3 Months None CZD PAEMEUAMiUU EJA(iE a1) 2.a, 2.b t. Degraded Voltage Protection Once/ Not applicable 1 2. Loss of Vollage Protection Once/

L I to BAM=EUEE.YALWLQWUJLELLMQ~ CD -It t. Reactor Scram Sensing Once/Shutdown (Note 8)

2. Reactor Pressure- Opening Once/3 months (Note 5) Once/Operatirng Cycle Once/day .See ITS 3.3.6-3} (Z CDJ
3. Reacnor Pressure - Closing Once/3 mnnths (Note 5) Once/Operating Cycle Oncelday 0
4. Discharge Pipe Pressure Onco/3 months (Note 5) See Table 4.14.1 See Table 4.14.1 S Inhibh Timer Oncer3 months (Note 51 Once/Oneralinq Cycle CA)
               ~QQffQL ROOM I4ABITABILITY         PROTECTlO                                                                                                                    .See ITS}

I"-it~fl~p WAI

                                                               .v ,,..

4 In mordihek 3.214.2 6.:3 03107j01 Amendment No. 62, 63, 65, 89, 117 4 [ Add proposed SR M Page 4 of 7

ITS Table 4.2.1 Continued

> Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling. - Rod Block and Isolation instrumentation S NOTES: 3 (1) (Deleted) 3 CD(2) Calibrate prior to normag own and start-up and thereafter c e r 12 hours and test once per week until ge required. C~ of this instnument prior to norm a wadjustment en of channel trips so thatbsod whin acc~plabange and accuracy. to a simul ai ected Into the instrument (not prim ar snsdiln IRM gain__ __O dustment will be performed, as n ie c9 nteRMJIRM overlanrealon. 00 0 (3) Functional test ensor checks are ne e systems are not required to bpe issed th shallI be poretumn the svstems to-an operbl e stBIl I \<J A2 [(4) 1 Whenever fuel handling Is In process, a sensor check shalt be performed once per 12 hours. See ITS 3.3 I Z. CO (5) A functonal tesent means the Inrection iI signa Into the Instaument (not p [5) A rumentchannelresponse r niiain acton, In th n ( 1 0D (6) (Deleted) o (7) (Deleted) S 1 -X 1(8) Once/shutdotwn Ifnot tasted dudna evious~mnheid SeeITS} (9) ino u-n rod b te rMdetectors oe iton. co (10) Uses contacts from scram system. Tested and calibrated in accordance with Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 See ITS and ITS S (11) Uses contacts from Group 1 Isolation loglc. Tested and calibrated In accordance with Group I Low Low Water Level Instrumentation. S I o (12) Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an Inplace X qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining adjustable devices in the channel. I 3 X 0) 3.2/4.2 63a 03/07/01 Amendment No.-3,63, 1 -104, 117 Page 9 of 12

c C 0 ITS Table 4.2.1 Continued Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling, Rod Block and Isolation Instrumentation s 02 W 0I NOTES: C, a (Deleted) C Calibrate prior to normal shutdown and start-up and thereafter check once per 12 hours and test once per week until no longer I." required. Calibration of this Instrument prior to normal shutdown means adjustment of channel trips so that they correspond, within acceptable range and accuracy, to a simulated signal Injected Into the Instrument (not primary sensor). In addition, IRM gain adjustment will be performed, as necessary, In the APRMAIRM overlap region CD 0 0 Functional tests, calibrationaeti or checks are not required when the systems to be operable or are tpped. I tests are missed e all be performed prior to returning the systems t C CD ID a E, 5 0

 -U 0

P CD 02 0) to ID CD to 0 0

  -0    (12)  Calibration of instrument channels wth resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of en inplace to,        Iqualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining ac ustable devices in the channel, 0~

3.2/4.2 63a 03/07/01 Amendment No.-30r33-104r 117 Page 5 of 5

C c(c ITS Table 4.2.1 Continued s ~Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling. Rod Block and Isolation Instrumentation a a) 0 NOTES: (1) (Deleted) CD 3 (2) Calibrate prior to normal shutdown and start-up and thereafter check once per 12 hours and test once per week Se ITS3.3.2.1} until no longerSee ITS required. Calibration of this Instrument prior to normal shutdown means adjustment of channel trips so that they correspond, within acceptable range and accuracy. to a simulated signal Injected Into the Instrument (not primary sensor). In addition, IRM gain adjustment will be performed, as necessary, In the APRMiIRM overlap region < 0 (3) Functional tests, calibrato or checks are not required when the systems a quired to be operable or are tripped. If tests are misslhed 'all be performed prior to retuning the systems to rable status. 0 1(4) Whenever fuel handling is in process, a sensor check shall be performed once er 2hours See ITS3.3.6.2 - ( A ro Tuntional test of I insgt cans the Injection of a simulated signal Into thot primary sensor) to verify the 3.36.2 proper lnstrumnd nei responsefikMma t ndIi latiagtlanm CD (6) (Deleted) ° (7) (Deleted) s (8) Once/shutdown If not tested durinn previous 3 month peJri. 1T U3 - (9) Testing of the SRM Not-Full-In rod block Is not required If the SRM detectors are secured In 0CD (D Uses contacts from scram system. Tested and calibrated in accordance with Tabse4.1.1 J(10) andITS _ . a (I1) Uses contacts from Group 1 Isolation logic. Tested and calibrated In accordance with Group I Low Low Water Level Instrumentation. ITS 3.3.62 o (12) Calibration of Instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of en Inpace qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining austabdevices in the channel See ITS} 3.214.2 63a 03/07/01 Amendment No.-3064 3783 4 0 r 117 Page 9 of 11

( C ITS C Table 4.2.1 Continued Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling. 0 Rod Block and Isolation Instnumentation w NOTES: 0 0 0) f1i In. tPtEn IVI  %- ----- I (2) Calibrale prior to normal shutdown and slart-up and thereafter check once per 12 hours and test once per week until no longer 4[See ITS} required. Calibration of this Instrument prior to normal shutdown means adjustment of channel trips so that they correspond, within acceptable range and accuracy to a simulated signal Injected Into the Instrument (not primary sensor). In addition, IRM gain adiustment will be performed. as necessary. In the APRMWIRM overlan region I :3 X-L (3) Functional tests, calibratiro mandlnisor checks are not required when the systems e r to be operable or are tripped. If tests are missjg.JheT1falI be performed prior to returning the systems to Ab e status. 0 IAM L-f I- I- - --16 -L.-"

                                                                                            -                                                                                                      CO 0             I'#   Vyift;IuVVW mUVI iIIMIUnI; 1 I IIipu     , a       611jwn 0iio0, 16-
                                                                                       ,a P                 I hsours                                                                      .2}

(5) A functional test of this in t hans the Injection of a simulated signal 0 6, Iproper lnstrumanxn l respseelman -o (6) (Deleted) [Se ITS 0 CD (7) (Deleted) __ _ _ _ __ 1(8) Once/shutdowniffnot tested during prevbus3 month perod.l I a) I(9) Testing of the SRM Not-Full-In rod block is not required If the SRM detedors are sowed in the In Position lSee Sn ITS 3.32. 1} co (10 ) Uses contacts from scram system. Tested and calbraed In accordance with T hit 4 1 1 And ____ ____ A19 ____ _______ __ see ITS and

-ID                                                                                                                                                                              ITS (11) Uses contacts from Group I Isolation logic. Tested and calibrated In accordance with Group I Low Low Water Level Instrumentation.

(12) CalIbration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an inplace r see ITS 3.3 6.1 -4

0) qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining saustable devices Inthe channJl I

6) 3.214.2 63a 03/07/01 Amendment No. 30r463831.014 117 Page 5 of 6

C C ITS 0 Table 4.2.1 Continued Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling. Rod Block and Isolation Instrumentation ED W NOTES: tD (1) (Deleted) 0 (2) Calibrate prior to normal shutdown and start-up and thereafter check once per 12 hours and test once per week until no longer 3 required. Calibration of this instrument prior to normal shutdown means adjustment of channel trips so that they correspond, a C) within 0 acceptable range and accuracy, to a simulated signal Injected Into the Instrument (not primary sensor). In addition, IRM gain adjustment will be performed, as necessary, In the APRMBIRM overlap region 0 Co 1(3) Functional tests, calibratio.niwdenor checks are not required when the systemsured to be operable or are tripped. I CD MU CD r9 0 0 CO C n CD Co CD' CD CD IV (D 0

                                                                                                                                                                    -9, at                                                                                                                                                                   at 0

0, C0) 3.2/4.2 63a 3 03/07/01 Amendment No.-3Or rS3AO 4 r 117 Page 10 of 13

( C ITS ITS Table 4.2.1 Continued Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling.

0) -

Rod Block and Isolation Instrumentation a) NOTES: C) 0 3

    -3                     (1) (Deleted) iD (2) Calibrate prior to normal shutdown and start-up and thereafter check once per 12 hours end test once per week until no longer Z.".                        required. Calibration of this Instrument prior to normal shutdown means adjustment of channel trips so that they corspond, within 0                                                                                                                                                                                        ITS 0 acceptable range and accuracy, to a simulated signal Injected Into the Instrument (not primary sensor. In addition. IRM gain                                              0 CD                        adjustment will be performed, as necessary, In the APRM/IRM overlap regIln a

0 3 (3) Functional tests calibratlo tests are missed ensor checks are not required when the system s nall be performed prior to returning the systems to eqired to be operable or are tripped. If rebte status.

                                                                                                                                                                                 )  (                    0 0     SR 1(4)    Whenever fuel handling is In process, a sensor check shall be performed once er 12 hours,                                                                                 CD P                    l5       futonal  testn of this i             aans te njeclOr'non" ofia simiulated signa    ntorth               primary sensor) toveiyte         l                              -o CD                   (6)   (Deleted)                                                                                                                                                                 a)

( (Deleted) See ITS 0 la 1(8) Oncelshuldown if not tested during previous 3 mnhpro. 0a) Cn (9) Testing of the SRM Not-Full-In rod block Is not required If the SRM detectors are secured in theS 0 ! to 3.2. la t C (10) Uses conact stem. Tested and caibrated d with Tables 4.1. and4.1.2. ) (11) Uses contacts from Group 1 IsolatIon logic. Tested and calibrated In accordance with Group 1 Low Low Water Level Instnumentation.

    -4' (12) Calibration of Instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an Inplace See ITS 33.6.1 C,,                        qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining adlustable devies in the channel                                                        -9, 0),to 0) 3.2/4.2                                                                                                       63a           03/07/01 Amendment No.-30,82,_93,404 117 Page 8 of 11

C C ITS ITS Table 4.2.1 ContInued Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling, Rod Block and Isolation Instnumentation a) 0 NOTES: (1) (Deleted) 0 aCD (2) Calibrate prior to normal shutdown and start-up and thereafter check once per 12 hours and test once per week until no longer ITS required. Calibration of this Instrument prior to normal shutdown means adjustment of channel trips so that they correspond, within 0 0 acceptable range and accuracy, to a simulated signal Injected into the Instrument (not primary sensor. In addition, IRM gain CD adjustment will ba nprformaed

                                                         ..--   a--At  net-cnsin Irg~               #h. A013111lADRI nrnnt
                                                                                     .venl vesprea 0

HE tJu Funcional tests, calibrations or checks are not required when the systems ared to be operable or are tripped. if tteeIS .I21 (4) Whenever fuel handling is In process, a sensor check shall be performed once per 12 hour. 0-1 0 - ITS 3.3 -o (5) A functional test of this ins means the Injection of a simulated signal into th nt(not primary sensor) to verify the 0 proper Instru net response alarm and/or iftlatinn Deron *0

;a MU (6)    (Deleted)                                                                                                                                                                    a)

CD 6 to SR 3.3.e.3.2 hiui Note m (8) (Deleted) Oncelshutdown If not tested during previous 3 month nerld. A See ITS 3.32.1} 0L (9) Testing of the SRM Not-Full-in rod block is not required if the SRM detectors are secured 0U CD} I[TS and ITS 3.3.62 -I (10) Uses contacts from scram system. Tested and calibrated In accordance wfth Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2I 0 (I 1) Uses conlacts from Group I Isolation logic. Tested and calibrated In accordance with Group I Low Low Water Level Instrumentation. l (12) Calibration of Instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an Inplace [See ITS

 .0-h                          qualitativeassessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining adiustable devicesIn the channal I

3.214.2 63a 03/07/01 Amendment No.-30-83,S3,4041 117 Page 6 of 8

( c (. ITS Table 4.2.1 Continued Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling. C) Rod Block and Isolation Instnrmentation in NOTES: W 0 Mf Infletrdn

  • I \-' 9I 0

C, (2) Calibrate prior to normai shutdown and start-up and thereafter check once per 12 hours and test once per week until no longer required. Calibration of this Instrument prior to normal shutdown means adjustment of channel trips so that they correspond, within j i{See ITS 0 acceptable range and accuracy, to a simulated signal Injected Into the Instrument (not primary sensor). In addition, IRM gain adjustment will be performed as necessary. In the APRMWRM overlep reglan a,


0 (3) Functional tests, catibratolo ensor checks are not required when the systems equred to be operable or are trpped. If M = tests are missei tall be performed prior to returning the systems to Ce s. _A x

                                                                                          - -               i E(4) Whenever fuel handlngIs Inprocess a sensor check shallbe performed once DerI1 ous                                                         _See ITS 3.3.62           CO DX.    (5)    A runctlonal lest of this an-- eneans the Injection of a simulated signal into           n       (not primary sensor) to verify the                             (0 (0            proer Instrumainthilnel response alarm andlor Inhinfinn arion-X        0 E,

C; 0 -9, -9, -u CM ID 0) co co co 0l aW 3.214.2 63a 03/07/01 Amendment No.-SO,-63 404, 117 Page 5 of 5

c C ITS Table 4.2.1 Continued Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core Cooling. Rod Block and Isolation Instrumentatlon IN IN 0 3 M CO CD 0 0 0 o 0 3 E' -

                                                                                                         -U oU C) p-u aw co 0                                                                                                        0 CD ID CD to 0

CA) Ca 0) (n 3.2142 63a 03/07/01 3 Amendment No.-0,- 3r83r40 4 T 117 Page 5 of 7

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 120 of 316 Bases pages 64 through 72 not shown Pages 73 through 75 do not exist , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 120 of 316

C c C ITS Chapter 1.0 9( ITS 0

> D) 0 0

a CD 0 0 3 3 M 0 CO 0

 ;n 0                                                           F 0

0 CD 0)

                                                            -9' SO) a i to                                                         0) 4M at 3.314.3      76            1/9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 13 of 14

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 122 of 316 ITS Chapter 1.0

                                  @INSERT 13 or would be subcritical assuming that:
a. The reactor is xenon free;
b. The moderator temperature is 680F; and INSERT 14
c. All control rods are fully inserted except for the single control rod of highest reactivity worth, which is assumed to be fully withdrawn. With control rods not capable of being fully inserted, the reactivity worth of these control rods must be accounted for in the determination of SDM.

Insert Page 76 Page 14 of 14 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 122 of 316

C C ITS 3.1.1 (el ITS ITS 3.0 UMMNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEtLANCE REQUIREMENTS a) 0 3.3 CONTROL ROD SYSTEM 4.3 CONTROL ROD SYSTEM a) Appies to the o ratIonal status of the control rod syst . Applies to the surveillance uirements of the control rod systemn. CD Xectiv: / /Oblective: 0 To assure ab7Ddy ofIethe control rod system to roi F reactvt, To verity the abiRyothe control rod system to control reactivity CD

                                                                                                                                                                                     ~LAA.29 CD
0) JA. Seaeiv.ty Umnhatlonsj / Once ithin hours after critics ry (0 A. folowng fuel mnovement within the M.3 CD 3.1.1 reactor pressure vessel or control 1.p nv oareingorae foairni coread 11. Reacncriaig rnadneplacement LCO 3.1.1 0
  • be snade subrKcarit *hX MA~e rOmmlf etn.r SR - utmicent contD I t wMe o a afVrlySMt XI T the oeeratinapc~ewhh thesRrongeRt I~~durind ID A1) qzoerable control rodkin Ks full-out positionantn LCO CD other ooerable rods fuil Inserted-i. 3.1.1 tcore can ma esu a an 0)
                                                                                                             .me in te subsequent fuel cycle wfth the stronge operable control rod fully withdrawn   and   all other                           -6L

{ See ITS 1.0 blerodsfuv Inserted

                                                                                                                                                  \Add proposed SR first Frequency                            0, JAPPICAUT: MODES 1. 2.3. 4.

dS (;; See ITS 1.0 3.3/4.3 76 1(9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 3

( C ITS 3.1.3 ITS ITS A. Add proposed I/ s Clnto/ RodoPERABILd AdTh

                                                                                                       .I A Af'T§nMq I

(M.4 l3.0 MITImNG CONDITONS FOR OPERATION// l4.0 SURVEILLANCE lEOUIREMENTS proposed SR arid SR n . L Add prposed Note to SR 3.1.32 and SR r 0) ACTION A SR 3.1.32. (a) Each fully or partially withdrawn operable t M.1 (a) Controlrodne hc SR 3.13.3 control rod shaD be Iat least one notch-0 contopale h llb osdrs focld 0

                                                 ,      I, The       kfrw4        LLN      y-AI ml                                            sahEEL Reque dAC60N A.1       inoperable rontirrods shall be disarmeds and therods shall be In such 2                                       (b) If power operaSTon Is continuing wih -one fu-1y ori 0                                         positions that Spedification 3.3A1 Is met                              Reqred ActionA.3   partially withdrawn control rod that is inoperable                                            04,D M                                                                                                                      s    ~~~because It Is stuck a.e ........ cannot be rnovdbty                                                3 ACTION A A.5 (b) If a partially or fully withdrawn control rodi-stuck (I.e., cannot be moved with control rod didve or scram pressure t e reacto                        be (1     M.1 .

I) drive or scrarn pressure), each fully or partially withdrawn operable control rod shall be taa leas one no dcgEN 4h ftlm discovery of Condition A cocrrnt lu4 withTHERMAL POWER -L 0 brought tosa thutdown conditlo, wthln4 t l w~odl Ths srve~lanc b nt qired HIf Rhoa greater than the ow power bApptalfty MODES] hours. Shuld Is not requIred Hf Is L2 Den onnnid hat ontol rd~f~vecon,t setpoit of the RWM tnd2 confirmed th control rod drhre cqlet housingL housIng faiut Isnot th fe g 0 failure Is not he cause of the Imntovable control f) Tm~~movabhe qntrol rod./ o 0) (c) Itpwer operat continuing if two orI IJ's M.2 ta 0 ACTION B (c) If FmoreWnonhfufly Inserted control rods are Inopea e during power operation, the reactor shall be brought to a hot shud M.3 mir non fuTiyInjerted control6s that arel t~ra~enbio, acfperable ~fu rartiatly .S CD 0

-4a condiion within 1 proddpnosd lAcdonC.A Note Requre                  0_jhrw oylrdsalbeecsda                                                                                               a) to 0

rD ( >1 n>,4. r nvntrr1 hnlwh Mt

0) ACTION C h o l rtead dthedFt 0
                         / A{ 1A       /loos not apply when reoigacontrcrod

[AppkcabdVr.MODES drv for s long as he reaor is In I 0) 1 ad 2 1 See ITS 3.10.5} I L6 I 4 - - - - '

                                                                     -1 AM proposed AL, I it.,N .

y7-1), 3.314.3 77 7/12/93 Amendment No. 8S Page 1 of 4


2. Reactivity margin - stuck control rods. 2. Reactivity margin - stuck control rods.
0) (a) Control rod drives which cannot be moved with (a) Each fully or partially withdrawn operable control rod drive pressure shall be considered control rod shall be exercised at least one notcl 0 Inoperable. The directional control valves for each week. 0 inoperable control rods shall be disarmed electrIcaly and the rods shall be In such (b) If power operation Is continuing with one fully oi positions that Specification 3.3.A.1 Is met. partially withdrawn control rod that Is Inoperablc because It Is stuck Qi.e., cannot be moved by (b) If a partially or fully withdrawn control rod Is drive or scram pressure), each fully or partially stuck (i.e., cannot be moved with control rod drive or scram pressure) the reactor shall be withdrawn operable control rod shall be exercised at least one notch every 24 hour 4 See ITS 3.1.3 J brought to a hot shutdown condition within 48 period. This surveillance Is not required If It h&,

hours. Shutdown Is not required IfIt Is been confirmed that control rod drive collet CD confirmed that control rod drive collet housing housing failure Is not the cause of the failure Is not the cause of the Immovable control Immovable control rod. 0 rod. (c) If power operation Is continuing with two or -o (c) If more than sci non-fully Inserted control rods more non-fully Inserted control rods that are are Inoperable during power operation, the inoperable, each operable fully or partially reactor shall be brought to a hot shutdown withdrawn control rod shall be exercised at CD CD~ condition within 48 hours. least one notch every 24 hour period. 0 B. Control Rod Withdrawal

1. Each control rodk snai be coupled trive1o II. or f See ITS 3.1.3 }

completely Inserted and the direconal control I -9' va sdsrmed electricanvih eurmn Add proposed ITS 3.10.5 Ides Inr~ pl hnrmvn contord l cdrv fp r Inspdn asIongath reactor Is In the elina mode. 3.314.3 77 7/12/93 Amendment No. 86 Page 1 of 1

( C ITS 3.1.3 ITS 3.0 UMmNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS B. Conlrol Rod Withdrawal a) 0 SR 1. The coupling Integrity shal be veriafed for each 0 withdrawn control rod as follows: 3 3 CD d(a)othe rodytm Is tthdrac esubspQlntgta ueling Z-3 that the drtve dores not go to the overtmavel positbon: and/\ 3 0 0

                                                          'iand prior to declaring controlro     /

3 OPERABLE after work on control P CD D rod or CRD System that could M.) C

                                                           ,affect coupling                                                 3 CD co 0

c 4 la to0) CD to i CD 0>

  -h 0


0) M 3.3/4.3 78 1/9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 2 of 4

C C ITS 3.1.3 0 3.0 LIMING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEIUANCE REQUIREMENTS I (b) when the rod I withdrawn a first time 0i subsequent to each outage, observe ng-ofu S discernible response oah nuclear 3 03 Instrumentation. 14 er for Initial rods wher CD response Is not d mrrible. subsequent 0 exercising of theXe rods alter the reactor Is a critical shall bPerforrned to observe nudear 0 lnstnJmentat!6n response.

2. The control rod drive housing support system shall be 0 2. The control rod drive housing support system shall be In inspected after reassembly and the results of the r -1 place during reactor power operation and when the 0 reactor coolant system Is pressurized above Inspection recorded. i See CTS 3/ D atmospheric pressure with fuel In the reactor vessel, ID unless all operable control rods are fully inserted and

-C Soecilication 3.3A1 Is met. So 3.(a)Control rod withdrawal sequences shall be established 3.(a) To consider the rod worth minimizer operable, the following steps must be performed: so that the maximum calculated reactivity that could be added by dropout of any Increment of any one control (i) The control rod withdrawal sequence for the rod blade will not make the core more than 1.3% Ak worth mrinimizer computer shal be verified as 0 0 supercritical. correct. la

                                          .X                                             (ii) The rod worth minimizer computer on4ine diagnostic          {   See ITS}
-cm                                                                                           test shall be successfully completed.                                              to CD i; Proper annunciation of the selection error of at least one out-of-sequence control rod In each fully                                      N Inserted group shall be verified.
                                                                                                                                                                                 -'i C


                                                                               \1                                                                             f See ITS 3.1.6  }

3.3/4.3 79 1/9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 3 of 4

C. C C ITS 3.1.6 ITS REQUIREMENTS 3.0 UMING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION I 4.0 SURVEILLANCE (b) when the rod Is withdrawn the first time subsequent to each refueling outage, observe W discernible response of the nuclear s 0 Instrumentation. However, for Initial rods when See ITS 3.1.31 0 a response Is not discernible, subsequent 0 X3-exercising of these rods after the reactor Is W critical shall be performed to observe nuclear Instrumentation response. 0 Co

2. The control rod drive housing support system shall be In 2. The control rod drive housing support system shalt be 0 imspected after reassembly and the results of the place during reactor power operation and when the E

-L reactor coolant system Is pressurized above inspection recorded. See CTS 1 3 atmospheric pressure with fuel In the reactor vessel, 3T4.3.B.2 e .1 unless all operable control rods are fully Inserted and 0 Specification 3.3A1 Is met. 00 .0 od Cntol 3.( hdawa squnce sal be talih_ 3.(a) To consider the rod worth minimIzer operable, the 3.( Cnrlrdthrawal sequences shlbeesaihd following steps must be performed: LCO 3.1.6 that the axlmum calcriated reactvIty could be addedby ropout of any Increment of any ne control () The control rod withdrawal sequence for the rod a) DX blade wsnot make the core more than 1. worth minimizer computer shati be verified as suprrcal.l *correct. -9' 0 (ii) The rod worth minimizer computer on-line diagnosti F -- -eS ITS} CD - -OPERABLE control rods shall comply with the CD I requirements of the banked position withdrawal test shall be successfully completed. pi) Proper annunciation of the selection error of at leas st 6 sequence (BPWS) 0_l CD 0 to

                                                           .   . a         ,A2 one out-of-sequence control rod In each fully Inserted group shall be verified.

{ Add proposed SR I (MI ( a) CO [dprposed Applicabilit 3.314.3 79 1(9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 2

c C CTS 3/4.3.B.2 3.0 UMING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS I (b) when the rod Is withdrawn the first time ft 0} C) subsequent to each refueling outage, observe discernible response of the nuclear } See iTS 3.1.3 0) Instrumentation. However for Initial rods when CD a 0 response Is not discernible, subsequent (D exercising of these rods after the reactor Is critical shall be performed to observe nuclear .- 4 instrumentation response. 0

2. The control rod housing support system shall be in' 2. The control rod dfve housing support system shall be E, place during rector power operation and when the Inspected after rea mbly and the results of the 0 0 reactor coolsf system Ispressurized above Inspection r ad El atmospher pressure with fuel In the reactor ye I, 0 unless al Cperable control rods are fully Insertand 0)

-o Soaedficon 3.3A1 Is met. 3.(a) To consider the rod worth minimizer operable, the 3.(a)Control rod withdrawal sequences shall be established following steps must be performed: CD so that the maximum calculated reactivity that could be added by dropout of any Increment of any one control 0) The control rod withdrawal sequence for the rod blade wlD not make the core more than 1.3% Ak worth minimizer computer shall be verified as

-o              superoitical.                                                                     correct.                                                 See ITS 3.32.1}   CD (I) The rod worth minimizer computer on-line diagnostic test shall be successfully completed.

Ql)) Proper annunciation of the selection error of at least 0) 0s one out-of-sequence control rod In each fully

0) inserted group shal be verified. CD) 0)

{ See ITS 3.1.6 } 3.314.3 79 1/9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 1

(7 ( ITS ITS 3.0 LIMING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (b) when the rod Is withdrawn the first time 0 subsequent to each refueling outage, observe 0) 0 discernible response of the nuclear r, Instrumentation. However, for initlal rods when

                                                                                                                                                                           - {  See ITS 3.1.3 }

response Is not dcernibe, subsequent CD exercising of these rods after the reactor Is 3D critical shall be performed to observe nuclear In-drrtmintntnn resr nrn CD 0 2. The control rod drIve housing support system shall be In 2. The control rod drive housing support system shall be See CTS 314.3.B2 } 0 place durIng reactor power operation and when the inspected after reassembly and the results of the reactor coolant system Is pressurized above inspection recorded. CD atmospheric pressure with fuel In the reactor vessel, 0, unless all operable control rods are fully Inserted and SpAreflurdn n 't A I Is mat 0o 3.(a)Control rod withdrawal sequences shall be estab fished 3.(a) To consider the rod worth minimizer operable, the CD following steps must be performed: CD so that the maxdmum cakculaled reactivIty that could be o I See ITS 3.1.6 added by dropout of any ncrement of any onecc ontrol SR (i) The conrol rod withdrawal sequence for the rod 0 blade win not make the core more than 1.3% Ak worth minimizer computer shall be verified as CD supercrticeL I 0) 5 j (I) mcnect.- The rod c er on lediagn dtminimizer 0 CD SR, (di) Prrannundatr theseledtoneror least 0) SR out-of- contrl rod Ine each,dly la 0 lI Inserted ruhalbveied / 0 -4' 0, 3.314.3 79 1t9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 10 of 12

c c ITS 0 ITS ITS 3.0 LImNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cnv)The rod block function of the rod worth minimizer Of 0 (b) Whenever the reactor Is inthe startup or rnm mode shall be verfied by attempting to withdraw an 0 0 a below 10% rated thermal power, no control rods shall be out-of-sequence control rod beyond the block point. 3 CD 0 moved unless the rod worth minimizer Is operable or a second Independent operator or engineer verifies that the operator at the reactor console is following the (b) If the rod worth minimizer Is Inoperable while the reactor is In the startup or nun mode below 10% rated thermal power and the second Independent operator or engineer

                                                                                                                                                                                      -A  See ITS }- a control rod program. The second operator may be used Add proposed Table-I             as a substitute for an Inoperable rod worth minimizer                         Is being used, he shall verify that all rod positions are l footnote (a)           during a startup only if the rod worth minimizer fails after                   corrct prior to commencing withdrawal or Insertion of 0

fqf 0 withdrawal of at least twelve control rods. each rod group. 0 K)- 3 3 Table ... 4. Controi rods shall not be withdrawn for startup or Lmefuelingfunless at leastt source range channels LCO . ave an observed count rate equal to or greater than 0, . a Table three counts per second. 4 r~irto control rod withdrawal for startup or during 1pApa caoD liy - jefuelin verify that deast Is source range channels ;Uf CD have n obse rate of at least three counts per 0 SR3. 0 3.12.4 second. ~Add proposed 12 hour and 24 hour Frequency Add proposed MODES 3 E to and 4 SRM nequirements

                                                                                                                                 -                                                                           0)
                                                                                                                                                                             'I CD                                                                                                                                Add proposed SR, SR, SR, and SR for MODES 3 and 4 to 0                                                                                                                                                                                                            0
                                                                                                                                                                                                              -'I l                                                                                                        'Add proposed SR            -

Of A)

                                                                                                               .4z                  SR, and SR for MODE 2                                          I 3.314.3                                                                                                          80                11/16/84 Amendment No. 29 Page 2 of 3


                                                                                                            *1-   3every                                                                     92 days         M.5 Table Function 2 0                                      (b) Whenever the reactor Isin the startup or unm      mode        \S        t.z 1.3 Qv) The rod block functon of the rod worth minmizer beerey             m         0                                         _shall 0) 0 3

CD 0 ACTIONS C and D (Al 10% rated thermal r. no control rods shal be\iK J

                                           ;moved unless thebrod wort minimieor               eora second independent operator or engineer verifies that ACTIONS (b) the operator at the reactor console Is following the control rod program. Pe    second operator may be used C and D Ilout-of-secluenceQstc~yn the block poln If the rod worth minimizer Is Inoperable while the reactor Is In the startup or run modes          10% rated thermal power and the second Independent operator or engineer Is being used, he shalt verify that all rod positions are MA 3

as a substiute for an Inoperable rod worth minimizer Required Action C.2.1.1 during a startup only If the rod worth minimizer falls after correct prior to commencing withdrawal or Insertion of C o each rod group. withdrawal of at least twelve control rods. 3 ED 1 tdd proposed Required Action C.2.1.2 0ED

4. Control rods shall not be withdrawn for startup or (L4) 0 Co refueling unless at least two source range channels have an observed count rate equal to or greater thanJ three counts per second. -f 0a a 4. Prior to control rod withdrawal for startup or during M refueling verify that at least two source range channels -T have an observed count rate of at least three counts per See ITS 3.3.1a2 0
                                                                                                            -I-second.                                                    ---                       J 0
0) CD)

At CD 0D 4 - ddpoosdSR332.. (0 0 to CD 0 -9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -l ax                               I                                                                                                                                                                                 CD) 3.314.3                                                                                                           8o              11/16184 Amendment No. 29 Page 11 of 12

C C-ITS 0 ITS ITS 3.1.4 3.0 utrUMITiNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 14.0 SURvEIuLANCE REOUIREMENTS C. Scram Insertion T1ies I C. Scram Insertion TiIes Add proposed Suweillance Requiref EoteM2 0

0) LCO 3.1.4 and 1 i '~.r uns based on the During each Operatird Cycle, eaci opra e con I rod SR, shall be subjected saam tkne tests from the Iy 0 Table 3.1.4-1 de-nerg n tihe scram tliot vae solenoids at SR

SR withdrawn posit n testing Is not accornpre 'urnng Tableoperable control SR reactor peration. measured m Insertion

                                                                                                                                                     .te                                      03 extrapoiatel lo the react power                                        rD footnote (a)                                                                                       tines shtll 0                                                                                                        operat     conditin utilizig previous determinod Applicability                Inserted F                  Avg. S      Insertion     .4                corre ions.                                                                          C)


0) t)20 0;900 E Add proposed SR, M.2 so/ / 200 Add proposed LCO 3.1.4 and SR SR 3.14.3. and 3.50 Table 3.1.4-1 Induding Notes 1 M.1 SR nd 2andfootnoteb El CD 0
2. The average of e scram inserion inrwaor211 e 0

-L three fastest centrol rods of all groups of r con1tr 0C rods In a two array shal be no er than: r) P tof/ So CD

                                      /5                            /   0.390                                                                                                                 Ms to                                        20                             0.954
                                         /50                            2.120
0) 90 3.80

-A rD CD) CA) 0 0 CA) 3.314.3 81 3/27/81 Amendment No.3 Page 1 of 2

(7 C ITS 3.1.5 ITS ITS 0 n 0 0rD 0 LCO 3.1.5 0 0 M

  =1 0                                                                                                                                              CO 0

O TIn the Starlup or Run Mode]h rod amulalor may 5 ACTIONS A, B. and C be Inoperable povidalno othec/control rod 0

                                                                                                                                                 ;t1 0                                  within two ntrol rod cells In any dl     ion has a:                                                        -U P

(a) Inop rable accumulator, or

 -4                                                                                                                                              CD (b) Dir    lonal control valve el   calty disarmned                                                        0 0                                            a In a non-fully Inserted tor,.                                                                   o W                                                                                                                                              CD co CD 0) cD~                                                                                                                                           -9' W                                                                                                                                              0 aN ah 3.314.3                                                                     82             10/28/01 Amendment No. 5,41, 13, 544 3,444r 123 Page I of 2

C C ITS 3.9.5 C 0 ITS ITS 3.0 LIMmNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 1 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS iI-- - I f OPERABIUTY d s I rod son 3mInertin cpabil ~ VI a) CD D. Control Rod ido D. Control Rod Accumulators LCO 3.9.5 Control rod shall be o erable in the SR Once pe checkthestatus t S ITS 3.1.5 r tR Refuel modes except as proided of the required Operable accumulator pressure an I e-ow-ry e i 940 psIg aid 0 0 LCO 3.9.5 1 If a control rod with an mo erabla accumulator Is Inserted 'fullf-n Fand e rer its directional control valve s CD ACTION A _ >/ are elecncally disarmed oritls it hrcal isolated N shall not be considered to have an Inoperable accumulator. CD lAdd proposed SR M.

1. In the Startup or Run Mode, a rod accumulator may
-o be Inoperable provided that no other control rod X-o within two control rod cells in any direction has a:

01 CO (a) Inoperable accumulator, or

                                                                                                      <{See ITS 3.1t.5   }                                                         0)

CD So (b) Directional control valve elecrically disarmed while In a non-fully Inserted position. (D CDl 0) -co la 3.3/4.3 82 10/26/01 Amendment No. 64 1 S T4r-63i44 123 Page 1 of 3


                            ,~~                         _.I 12.ln)e Refuel Mode(a rod accumula$r may be             L Il    joperabl provlb4d:                /                  r I

f) 0) 0 (a) ANlfuel Is removed from the cell containing the See ITS 3.10.6} I associated control rod, or aD CD The one-rod refuel Iterl or the assocated sdrhve Is opera e. I-: 0 0 e-. 0 Co UZ1 0) o tD 0 0) di

                                                                                                                                            -o 0

a) CD to Ca a)

-4' 0

di (a Ca) 3.314.3 82a 41 8189 Amendment No. 63 Page 2 of 3

cI C C ITS 3.1.2 ITS ITS 3.0 LMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS C, 3.1.2 E. Reacty Anomalies E. Reactfity Anomalies LA 1 I--, a) 0 SR LCO 3.12 0 M

                                                                                                                       -A a      ACTION A CD                                                                                                                       0

-A ED El OC MU 00 -CD

                                                                                                                        *0 0)

ID CD to 6 CD

-u                                                                                                                     -h D}

Q) 0 0) CD) 3.3/4.3 83 511/84 Amendment No. 24 Page 1 of I

C. C (1. ITS 3.1.1 ITS 3.0 UMMNG CONDrIIONS FOR OPERATION l 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS F. Scram Discharge Volume F. Scram Discharge Volume

0) 1. During reactor operatIon, the scram discharge The scram discharge volume vent and drain valves shall 0)
rm be cycled quarterly. r.)
0) volume vent and drain valves shag be operable.

except as specified below. Once per operating cycle verify the scram discharge 0 volume vent and drain valves dose within 30 seconds CD 0 2. If any scam discharge volume vent or drain valve Is after receipt of a reactor scram signal and open when made or found Inoperable, the IntegrIty of the scram the scram Is reset. 0 discharge volume shall be maintained by either - C a. Verifying daiy, for a period not to exceed 7 days. the operability of the redundant vaive(s), CD 3 0 or a0

b. Maintaining the Inoperable valve(s), or the
0) associated redundant valve(s), In the dosed -- I See ITS 3.1.8 } so Co position. Periodically the Inoperable and the CD redundant vatve(s) may both be In the open 0

position to allow draining the scram discharge 0 volume. So If a or b above cannot be met at least all but one t operable control rods (not Including rods removed A) to per specification 3.1 0.E or inoperable rods allowed CD

        ,- II              by 3.3A2) shall be fully Inserted within ten hours.

la A 0. Required Ation CA) co 0 (except when the reactor rmode

0) ACTIONS Seccalons 3.3 hrough D above are not met aiV swIch Isin the Refuel position)

A,CBONS orderly shutdo shall be Initiated and ve reactr In A.2 0)1 and D the cold shutde conditlon within 24,tiou . 1Add proposed ACTIONS A, B, C, and DL ,M.5 I A 3.314.3 83a 5/1/84 Amendment No. 24 I Page 2 of 3

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 139 of 316 ITS 3.1.1 0 ITS Q:) INSERT A ACTION E 2. If Specification 3.3A is not met when the reactor mode switch is in the Refuel position, Immediately suspenid core alterations except for fuel assemblv ad cntro removal and immediately initiate action to fully rod Insertion Insert all insertable control rods in core cells containing one or more fuel assemblies. Addprop e R3redM Ast o.3 end 0.4 Insert Page 83a Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 139 of 316

C C ITS 3.1.3 ITS 3.0 UMmNG CONDrTIONS FOR OPERATION l 4.0 SURVEILIANCE REQUIREMENTS F. Scram Discharge Volume F. Scram Discharge Volume V* The scram discharge volume vent and drain valves sh 0)

0) 1. During reactor operation, the scram discharge 0 volume vent and drain valves shall be operable, be cycled quarterly.

0 0 except as specified below. Once per operating cycle verify the scram discharge volume vent and drain valves dose within 30 seconds

2. If any scam discharge volume vent or drain valve Is after receipt of a reactor sacam signal and open when 0 made or found Inoperable, the Integrity of the scram the scram is reset. 0 discharge volume shall be maintained by either -A 2
a. Verlfying daily for aperiod not to exceed 7 days, the operabTility of the redundant valve(s), 0 or -{ See ITS 3.1.8 }

Co -o1 b. Maintaining the Inoperable vaive(s), or the 0

0) associated redundant valve(s), In the closed a position. Periodically the Inoperable and the CD redundant valve(s) may both be In the open position to allow draining the scram discharge 0 volume.

0 If a or b above cannot be met, at least all but one co operable control rods (not including rods removed C) per specification 3.10.E or Inoperable rods allowed CD

          - I I               by 3.3A2) shall be fully Inserted within ten hours. I
0) A6 0G.Required Action ohen the reactor mode ACTION E I If Specifications 3.3A through D above are not met, an r(eaetp isin the Refuel position) 0>

orderly shutdown shall be Initiated and have reactor In _ 3ours.

                         -he cold sbt         conditio3 3.314.3\                                                                g                                 83a              511/84 Amendment No. 24 Add pmosed CotidftonE        M.7 secondpart Page 4 of 4

( C C ITS 3.1.4 ITS 3.0 UMmNG CONDIONS FOR OPERATION l 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS F. Scram Discharge Volume F. Scram Discharge Volume na) 0) The scram discharge volume vent and drain valves shag tu 1. During reactor operation, the scram discharge volume vent and drain valves shall be operable, be cycled quarterly. CD except as specified below. Once per operating cycle verify the scram discharge volume vent and drain valves dose within 30 seconds

2. If any scam discharge volume vent or drain valve Is after receipt of a reador scram signal and open when 0

-A made or found Inoperable, the Integrity of the scram the scram Is reset 3 discharge volume shall be maintained by either 0

a. Verifying daily, for a period not to exceed 7 days. the operability of the redundant valve(s). CD or 0 F
-o                            b.       Maintaining the Inoperable valve(s), or the                                                                                                   B associated redundant valve(s), In the closed positIon. Periodically the Inoperable and the
                                                                                                                                                               --   See ITS 3.1.8 }

co redundant valve(s) may both be In the open position to allow draining the scram discharge volume. Co CD la If a or b above cannot be met at least all but one 0 CD operable control rods (not ncluding rods removed per specification 3.10.E or Inoperable rods allowed to by 3.3A2) shall be futly Inserted within ten hours.

-9' 0)

CA) at

0. Required Action S -4 0)

N If Specifications 3.3A hrough D above are not met, an (except when the reactor mode ACTION A I orderly shutdown shall be Initiated and have reactor In rhoW ju l..JI' IV UW" OhjI*MVl eneIA nwti5lol switch is inthe Reruel position) MODE 3 3.3/4.3 A.2 83a 5/1/84 Amendment No. 24 Page 2 of 2

C' C ITS 3.1.5 ITS 1* 3.0 UMmNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS F. Scram Discharge Volume F. Scram Discharge Volume III 1. During reactor operation, the scram discharge The scram discharge volume vent and draIn valves shall CD 0 be cycled quarterly. volume vent and drain valves shall be operable, except as spedfied below. Once per operating cycle verify the scram discharge volume vent and drain valves dose within 30 seconds CD

2. If any scam discharge volume vent or drain valve Is after receipt of a reactor scram signal and open when made or found Inoperable, the Integrity of the scram the scram Is reset discharge volume shall be maintained by either 0 CD
  • Verifying dafly, for a period not to exceed 7 ZA days, the operability of the redundant valve(s),

CD1 or 0, 0 b. Maintaining the Inoperable valve(s), or the associated redundant valve(s), In the dosed position. Perlodicalty the Inoperable and the

                                                                                                                                                               -   See ITS 3.1.8 } CD redundant valve(s) may both be In the open                                                                                                     -L position to allow draining the scram discharge                                                                                                 CD volume.

CD _ f.a or b above cannot be met, at least a_but one

       \ Aoperable                        control rods (not Including rods removed                                                                                                 co 0                               per spedlficatlon 3.1 ME or Inoperable rods allowed                                                                                                 CD llby                 3Z3A2) shall be fully Inserted within ten hours.

-Pb ACTION D \ I. Required Action 0 If Specifications 3.3 thh D above are not met, an (except when At re 3 0, . orderly shutdown shall nitiated and have reactor In Uswitch is in the Rehe oiin the cold shutdown nditlon within 24 hours. 0M)

                                                                                           -Jdd proposed ACTIO                           De~

83a 511/84 Amendment No. 24 Page 2 of 2

( C ITS 3.1.6 ITS 3.0 UMIING CONDrIIONS FOR OPERATION l 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS F. Scram Discharge Volume F. Scram Discharge Volume

1. During reactor operation, the scram discharge The scram discharge volume vent and drain valves shal C)

W be cycled quarterly. volume vent and drain valves shall be operable, 0) 0 except as specified below. Once per operating cycle verify the scram discharge volume vent and drain valves dose within 30 seconds

2. If any scam discharge volume vent or drain valve Is after receipt of a reactor scram signal and open when 0 made or found Inoperable, the Integrity of the scram the scram Is reset.

discharge volume shall be maintained by either

a. Verfying daily for a period not to exceed 7 days. the operability of the redundant vatve(s),

or 0 b. Maintaining the Inoperable valve(s), or the 0 associated redundant valve(s), In the dosed { See ITS 3.1.8 }

                                                                                                                                                                             -u position. Periodically the Inoperable and the redundant valve(s) may both be In the open                                                                                                      Co position to allow draining the scram discharge                                                                                                  0 CD)                           volume.

If a or b above cannot be met, at least all but one operable control rods (not Including rods removed CD) per specIfication 3.1 0.E or Inoperable rods allowed by 3.3A2) shall be fully Inserted within ten hours. 05 ID) Required Action I(except If Specifications 3.3#h above are not met, art when the reactor mode 05 ACTIONS orderly shutdown shall nitlated and have reactor In

  • switch IsIn the Refuel positin) the cold shutdowhdlton within 24 hours. G A and B

[ Add proposed ACTIONS A and B 3.3/4.3 83a 5/1/84 0 Amendment No. 24 Page 2 of 2

( C ITS 3.1.8 ITS ITS 3.0 UMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS F. Scram Discharge Volume (M2 F. Scram Discharge Volume _ Addpp EdSR3.1.8.1 3MA 0) C, LCO 3.1.8 1. Durng reactorom opr ttteSscrarnlmdsc herge SR The scram discharge volume mnd dm1 valves shall S 0 volumne vent and drain valves shall be operable, l be cycled quarterly. 24mnh Applicability- except as sPeldbbw ROnce pero aetl e iy the scram discharge A. SR and drain valves closewithin 30 seconds CD ACTION A. 2. If any scam discharge volume vent or dntin valve Is after receipt of a eactor scram signal and open when ACTION B made or found Inoperable, the Integrity oythe scram the cram Is rese 0 discharge volume shall be maintained byPeither 0

                                                                                   ,.--l                                                  ors'Fuated      A.

ACTION A 0 F -U ACTION A, b. g the Inoperable valv sh,or the tMaint 0, 0) ACTION B assr lted redundant valve >Inthe dosed 0 i the Inoperean redundantvalves)may both be In theopen 0

                                                                                                                                                                          -o ACTIONS                                                                                                                                                                F NOTE 2                          positon to allow draining the scram discharge volume.                                                                                                                                CD 0

Co 0 a ACTION C la -4' I 0, 3.3/4.3 83a 5/1/84 Amendment No. 24 Page 1 of 1

C C ITS C ITS 0 1* 3.0 UMmNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATiON 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ________________________________________________________ t F. Scram Discharge Volume F. Scram Discharge Volume I

0) 1. During reactor operation, the scram discharge The scram discharge volume vent and drain valves shalg 0) 0 volume vent and draln valves shall be operable, be cycled quarterly.

0 except as spedfied below. Once per operating cycle verify the scram discharge CD volume vent and drain valves dose within 30 seconds See ITS 3.1.8 } 0 0 2. If any scam discharge volume vent or drain valve Is after receipt of a reactor scram signal and open when made or found Inoperable, the integrity of the scram the scram Is reset. discharge volume shall be maintained by either. X-1

a. Verifying daily, for a period not to exceed 7 0 days, the operability of the redundant valve(s), CD 3 or CD 0 0 F b. Maintaining the Inoperable valve(s), or the F assodated redundant valve(s), In the dosed position. Periodically the Inoperable and the {See ITS3.1.1 } a redundant valve(s) may both be In the open P positon to allow draining the scram discharge -o W
-o volume.                                                                                                                                              0o CD AC3 If a or b above cannot be met, at least all but one a)                                operable control rods (not Including rods removed co                                                                                                   (except when the reactor made       I 0

per specification 3.1 0.E or Inoperable rods allowed swich Is In the Refuel position)iJ CD~ I I U)' Ji.%,) OFI1W1UV TUUY)9;o"UrU1 VYIUIJI LWJ MUMf 11 la

                                                                                               = \

G. Required ActIon _ CD 0 Add proposed ACTIONS A and B L2 If Specdficatlons 3.3A`hrough D above are not met, an ACTION IC ordeory shutdown shall be Initiated and have reactor In

0) the pokd shutdown condion wthn _ our V. j Add proposed ACTION E for MODE 5 I M.5 L~~In~hur 3.314.3 M.8 83a 5/1/84 Amendment No. 24 Page 3 of 3
      *C                                                                    C 0                                                                                      ITS 3.9.5 3.0 UMITING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION                                       4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS i                                 ___________     ____________________

F. Scram Discharge Volume l F. Scram Discharge Volume

0) 1. DurIng reactor operation, the scram discharge The scram discharge volume vent and drain valves shal a)

Do volume vent and drain valves shall be operable, be cycled quarterly. 0 0 except as specified below. Once per operating cycle verify the scram discharge volume vent and drain valves dose within 30 seconds

2. If any scam discharge volume vent or drain valve is after receipt of a reactor scram signal and open when 0 made or found Inoperable, the integrity of the scram the scram is reset.

0 discharge volume shall be maintained by elther C a

a. Verifying daiy, for a period not to exceed 7 30 days, the operability of the redundant valve(s),

or See Ts 3.1.8 }

b. Maintaining the Inoperable valve(s), or the 0 CD associated redundant valve(s), In the dosed 0) position. Periodically the inoperable and the CD So 0 redundant valve(s) may both be In the open co position to allow draining the scram discharge volume.
-9'                                                                                                                                                                        ;0 i                  If a or b above cannot be met, at least al but one                                                                                                 0>

CD operable control rods (not Including rods removed 0D 0 to per specification 3.10.E or inoperable rods allowed by 3.3.A2) shall be fully inserted within ten hours. CD

-oh            G. R     IredActon          '5i (except when the reactor
                                                                             -_- mode switch is in the 16                                           -Dh 0;

are not met, an IRefuel position) If pacfications 3.3 through D a at jo otrly shutdown si /all be initiated an have reactor in -I 0 v/ e cold shutdown onditlon within 2 hours. A.4 3.3/4.3 83a 5/1184 Amendment No. 24 Page 3 of 3

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 147 of 316 Bases pages 84 through 92 not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 147 of 316

c C ITS 3.1.7 ITS ITS 3.0 LIMING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.4 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM 4.4 U I C R S Apcbfd: //Aonlcabiablt /ID Applies to the altg status of the standby liquid cont Applies to the periodic testi requIrements for the standby system. liquid control stm. Otdecilve: Objedie:/t To assure I e availabilty of an Independent reactivl control To verify the operabil of the standby liquid control system.

      <                       ~~~mechan~s

° Specification: Specification: 0 A. S e OA. The operability of the standby liquid control system shall dbA. be verified by performance of the following tests: a( CO 3.1.7 1. The standb Iid contrdo s em shall be oprable east inr at a times when ue is in the rcacor and the A Ibreactor Is not sh except as SR Pump minimum flow rate of 24 gpm shall be verified MOES I and;MOE1an2 2 spcfein34A.agalnst specitid In 3.4.A.2. asystem head h of

                                                                                                                                              - 1275-. pslg when tesled In H.D                                      X CD                                                                                                                  accordlance withthInevc etnprga L ACTION B               2. From and atter the date that a redundant component Is made or found to be Inoperable, Compa son of the me m               pump sredIw again equation 2 of aragraph 3.4 .1 shai be rate O                                        reador Oeatin Is permissible only during the                                                                                                               O madeo demonstra operability of e system In

-o following 7daysyprovided that the redundant a E A5 i) 2 a) component Is operable. 2. At last once durina tC a- Add proposed Required Action 6.1 SR

a. sta one of lthroughl the two Idbd (second Completion Time J_ control systerns tA.1

-p M1into 15 co the reactor vessel. Inlhs test ctlecks \Joo tecag asdewitn exqsop Smpm 0hu O d rpsdlse stmD0e prto of the va F-e\ FACTION-s~-d CL shallb OBohstems Wz Clot vsentnem cushralln bwle 0in LA LBA dd proposed ITS SR and SR, SR STGGRE 3.4/4.4 93 08/01/0t 7 77 4 Amendment No. 554 r r t- 8T 122 M Page 1 of 6


b. Exploon oftoplnr assembli 0)

ID 0 ID a) CD I 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0C 0D Co 0 0 CD C) 0

                                                                                                             -o X

-to CO CD 6

0) 0)

DP la CD

                                                                                                              -9, w

0, 3.414.4 94 10/12199 Amendment No. 56,. = 108 Page 2 of 6

( C C ITS 3.1.7 ITS ITS 3.0 UMITING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS I B. BoCro7n SOymion Requirements B. Baron Solution Surveillance I

0) .1. lt ']"nes LCOAt henfhe lanby iqi Contfrol S~som is 0) 3 SR, l poison tank shael contain a boron bearlng on that ssties the vokume, concentration and
                             . .dut                                                              1. FAt`e-I           o SR                                                                                                                                                           0 SR  J           nri      ent requirements ot Fqigef 3.4.1. or lance can be demonstrated by satisfying the olowtng equations:          -

itoI _Equaon1 Orcinal D n 3 aM daM Co v J0 f5z +0.08~) (1 +E (10) (v) 0 4 128 gal 2. Al kenst unce mrmonlh.- E) Equation 2 ATWSe; . an 3 Boron concentration shalt be determined. In D SR C 8.28 8. (19.8) addition, the boron conentrflt!on sha!. be SR Table where: determinedliiater or boron arm addodifl a V - Indicated Boron solution tank volume (gal) the solion temperare the mits CD E - measured Boron solution enrichment (atom%) specifed by Fgure -U C. measured Boron sosution concentration (wl%) 0 0- measured pump flow rate (gpm) at 1275 psig 3. At least onceoar dCym \15 reo n 0 Mi Equation 1 Is satisfied but EquatIon 2 cannot be ACTION A met, continued plant operation is permissible, SR a Solution volume shalt be checked. CDi 0 provided that. 0 0 a. Compflanoo with Equation 2 Is demonstrated SR b. The solution tenperature shal be chocked. _ within 7 days 4

b. TIeCommission all be notilied a, a specea NSR c. The room temperature shall be checked In the CD refort provided offlinIng the act' taken nnd vicinity of the standby liquid control system a) a) ttre plans and scedwule for demops~ratlng pumps.

Lomolianceo witifthe AlWS De~sln Basts. The temperature shall not be ISS than the solution ) [Add proposed Required Action A.1 second Completion Time K SR 2. temperature presented in Figure 3A.2. SR 3. The heat tracing on Mte pump suction lines shall be operable whenever the room temperature Is less than the solution temperature presented in Figure 3A.2. 3.414.4 95 2/15/91 Amendmenl No. 66, 67,77 Page 3 of 6

C C C ITS 3.1.7 ITS 3.0 LIMING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 0I s C. If Specffication 3.4A through Bare not met, an orderly 0) shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be In ACTION D Hot Shutdown within 12 hours. 0 3 ED CD a 2 0 0 0 coD -o 0

                                                                                                                                            ° 0M E) to                                                                                                                                        (0 CD Cn 0                                                                                                                                          0

-4 C7 0) 3.414.4 96 2115191 Amendment No. 58, 77 Page 4 of 6

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 152 of 316 ITS 3.1.7 ITS 0 It..

                        *.1 Figure 3.1.i-1 a

0 14-0 r-, a) 13-0Z I-a),C (0. 12 - E-

              -C II-t lU      ~~               .~. .  .I      .       .                                    .    .'

1000 ' 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 15600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Indicated Tank Volume (Gallons) Amendment No. 57 Figure 3.4-1 Sodium Pentaborate Solutlon Volume Concentration Requirements 97 9/23/88 Amendment No. 57 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 152 of 316

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 153 of 316 ITS 3.1.7 0 ITS inn Figure 3.1.7-2 90 - [L 0U-6, L. ... ,....,....,....,.......... ............ Q 80 - a 0~ .... .......... }', E ...................... C V 1 70 -

               -.C 0         ......... ... .isin                        \)

th U-0 o

                *0  60 -

a-0 50 - 3 10 12 14 16 18 Weight Percent Sodium Pentaborate In Solution w/O Na2B1 DO16 *H20 Figure 3.4-2 Sodium Pentaborate Solution Temperature Requirements es 12J11/87 Amendment No. 56 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 153 of 316

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 154 of 316 Bases pages 99 and 100 not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 154 of 316

( C c ITS 3.5.1 ITS ITS 3.0 LIMITING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION f 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.5 CORE AND CONTAINMENT SPRAYICOOLING SYSTEMS 4.5 CORE AND CONTAINMENTSPRAY]COOLING SYSTEMS 0) w 0 Applicabill El Applies to the operation systems. of the emergency cooling 9tau / Applies to the periodic testing of the systems. ergency cooling 0 a - Objective: // Obetive:/ - 0 To Insure adequal ooig eapability for heat removal In g To verify the operability of the mergency cooling systems. 0 event of a loss a coolant accident or Isolation from the 0, normal reactor at sink. 3 D A. ECCS Systems

                                                                                                                                                                                        -c 3.5.1               A. ECCS Systems                                                             SR 1. Demonstrate the Core Spray Pumps develop a 0                                                                                                                      2.800 gpm flow rate against a system head LCO 3.5.1                1.      cExcept as specified in section 3.5A3, both Core                                   corresponding to a reactor pressure of 130 psi
U Spray subsystems and the Low Pressure Coolant greater than containment pressure, when tested In Inlection (LPCI) Subsystem (LPCI Mode of RHR accordance with the Inservice Testing Program. I CD System) shall be operable whenever irradiate 0 is inte rearor vessL and the reactor water 2. Demonstrate the LPCI Pumps develop a 3,870 gpm n Appflbilty - temperature is Greater than 212F. flow rate against a system head corresponding to na CD la Ilwo umMos deig7 740 gprm aFa reactor to SR pressure of 20 psi greater than containment G 0o

-L Except as specified In section 3.5.A.3, the High LCO 3.5.1 Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System and the pressure, when tested In accordance with the a) Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) shall be Inservlce Testing Program. I operable Weinever the reactor pressure is greater Applicability -a-nT psig and Irradiated fuel Is in the reactor AA Al AAAAF AWllIIAA A AA Je!eJ XUPL UUIUIg rFciOO v5esse v .AA_ AX A. AAA_+_+._ AP l _ { See ITS 3.10.1 } la~age tests. J ~ 3.5/4.5 Add proposed ICO 3.5.1 Note G 101 Amendment No. 77 7, 93 122 08/01/01 Page 1 of 3


0) 0 Apnlicabily a)

CD Applies to the operational status of the emergency cooling Applies to the periodic testing of the emergency cooling systems. systems. 0 Objective: Oblactive: To Insure adequate cooling capability for heat removal In the To verity the operability of the emergency cooaing systems. event of a loss of coolant accident or Isolation from the normal reactor heat sink. Specification: A. ECCS Systems 0 0 A. ECCS Systems 1. Demonstrate the Core Spray Pumps develop a -o CD 1. Except as specified in section 3.5A3, both Core 2,800 gpm flow rate against a system head corresponding to a reactor pressure of 130 psi See ITS 3.5.1 } Spray subsystems and the Low Pressure Coolant greater than containment pressure, when tested In Injection (LPCI) Subsystem (LPCI Mode of RHR accordance with the InservIce Testing Program. CD System) shall be operable whenever Irradiated fuel is In the reactor vessel and the reactor water 2. Demonstrate the LPCI Pumps develop a 3,870 gprn temperature Is greater than 212F. flow rate against a system head corresponding to -It -r two pumps delivering 7,740 gpm at a reactor

2. Except a specifed in section 3.5.A. the High pressure of 20 psi greater than containment
0) Pressur Coolant Injection (HPCI)jyAtem and the pressure, when tested in accordance with the CD)

Automaoic Depressurization Syste (ADS) shall be operaqe whenever the reactor pr ssure is greater than psig and Irradiated fuel s In the reactor ves I except during reactor ye sel hydrostatic or

                                                                             -0e             Inservice Testing Program.

0) lea ge tests. Add proposed SR 3.10.1.I 3.514.5 I~ 101 08/01/01 77 3 Amendment No. , 79QA T 122

                    <         Add proposed ACTION A including ACTIONS Note                                   (i)

Page 1 of 4


3. One of the following conditions of Inoperability may I Note to 3 NOTE: Not required to be performed until 12 hours ID exist for the period speciled: SR 3.5..8 after reactor steam pressure and flow are adequate

[9CO .04Vis~nt Appicle oHPCI 0 ACTiON B a. One Core Spray subsyslem may be inoperable SR to perform the test. for 7 days, or SR a. Demonstratequarterly, with reactor pressure ACTION A b. One RHR pump may be inoperable for 30 days,  : sig and 950 pslg, the HPCI pump 0 0 or can develop a flow rate 2 2700 gpm against a system head correspondirg to reactor pressure, CD ACTION K c. L ~nelowpassurapuis or valve (Core Spray or RHR) may be inoperable with an ADS valve Inoperable fo e o 02 when losted In accordance with the Inservice Testing Program. _44 24 months r A.3 0" SR b. Demonstrateonceper ooorak y ,dewith ACTION B d. One of the two LPCI injection paths may be reactor pressure s 165 psig, the HPCI pump 03 lInoperable for 7 days, or Al ) can develop a flow rate z2700 gpm against a

                                                                                            ; DJ                    systom head corresponding to reactor pressure.      I                                 0, 0                           e. Two RHR pumps may be Inoperable for 7 daysl-0)

ACTION B and C ACTION D f. lor Both of the LPCI Injection paths may be I L2 ) e 4. Perform the followin lsts: itm Add Noteto ] roec 0 inoperable for 72 hours, or -4 SR . p 0 -13 CD, ACTiON H ACTION J

g. HPCI may be Inoperable for 14 days. provided h.

RCIC Is operable or One ADS valve may be inoperable for 14 days, O NOTE Safety/rellef valve operability Is vedIied in the No n =yeserv _v or ng onoa coi ensaingL - A2.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         -4 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                         -4 M,

Enanne in turbini bvoass or control vkW rnonitind ACTION L 1. Two or more ADS valves may be Inoperable o M.3 ADS In bit 0) Ea perating

0) SR, Perorm simulated Each 0 ratln
4. If the requirements or conditions of 3.5.A.1, 2 or SR automatic actuation lte ACTIONS E, cannot be met, an orderly shutdown of the reactor . u n r er AddNote to SR L. and M shall be Initiated and the reactor shall be placed In a ctal or the su pression and condition In which the affected equipment Is no a r Note to SR required to be operable within M hours. subs quen r ctorI l4 nMODE3lnl2hours \
  • wale level)= A.

A.7 3.5t4.5 Add proposed SR, 102 08/01/01 SR, SR, M. Amendment No. 7ment-o.,04 122 SR, and SR

                                                                                                                                                                   .L4 Page 2 of 3

C { ITS 3.5.1 ITS 0 3.0 LUMMNG CONDMONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS aZ I _ _W a s 5. ber.rte follbwig test on the Spray AP ahf In rumentation: 3 C ecl* / Onday LA.4 CD On/month 0 - altbrate O /3 months 0 0 3 3 CD B. P/R Intertile RetumUne Isolation V es oo LCO 3.5.1, 1. Both RHR InterTe Return Une Isolation Valves shagl a) SR be operable whenever the mode switch Is In RUN. a) M (including Note) (0 -So To be considered operable, each valve must be capable of automatic closure on a LPCI initiation 0 signal or be In the closed position. M CD' CD Flow shal rot be estabflshed In the RHR Intertle line 0 CD with the reactor In the Run Mode. to w ACTION F

2. 1If one valve Is Inoperable, elther
                                      /Close the inope be valve, orI
                                                                                       -0                                                                              Ca) co o

a) Close the oth r Retur Line Is atlon valve and a) the RHR Su ion Une Isolatlo valve. ACTION G 3. i the requirements of 3.5.B.1 and 2 cannot be met, the reactor shal be taken out of the RUN mode within 24 hours. 3.514.5 103 08101/1 Amendment No. 2 122 Page 3 of 3



I I I Syslem LCO 1. Demonstrate the operablty of the drywell spray 0 0 l3.661.82 headers and nozzles with an air test during each 10 year period. a Applability 0 CD MtA) [See ITS { See ITS 3.7.1 }

                                                                                                                                          -0G     CD 0                                                                                                                                                 0 oo 0

D 0 0 0 E' ACTION A P

                                                                                                                                                 -I' ACTION C                                                                                                                                ;U X

CD to D la am 3.514.5 104 08/01/A1 Amendment No. 27, 77.70. 05, 102,122 Page 1 of I


0) 0 0

3 tD a 0 Z-rD 0 fAdd proposed Surveillances

                                                                     <                SR and SR 0

Co CD a C CD 3 One Jol ; maent p Subsystem may be foling 0 Inoperable for 7 days p -o CD 0 If the requirements of 3.5.C.1 or 2 cannot be met, 0) 0 an orderly shutdown of the reactor will be Inilatida and the reactor water lemperature shel be reduced to CD 0 to less than 212F within M hours. -A C) 0 M 0 C) 3*5/4*5 104 08/01/01 Amendment No. 27, 77, 70, 06. 102, 122 Page 1 of 1

C C C 0 ITS 3.7.1 ITS w ED s Demonstrate the operablrdy of the drywlft spray headers and nozzles with an air test during eac In vear nariod.- l See ITS I 3


C) 0 S Add proposed Surveillance SR


3 0 CD 0 D 0 0-c CD 5 a) Co 0 0 ID -o CD' 0' co ax 0 0) 3.514.5 104 08/01/01 Amendment No. 27. 77, 70, 06, 102. 122 Page 1 of 1


                            .                                                        I.          __


1. Except as specified In 3.5.D.2 and 3 below, the 1. NOTE: Not required to be performed until 12 hours Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (RCIC) shalt after reactor steam pressure and flow are adequate be operable whenever Irradialed fuel is In the to perform the test.

0 reactor vessel and reactor pressure is greater than 150 psig, except during reactor vessel hydrostatic or a. Demonstrate, quarterly, with reactor pressure =D leakage tests. s 1120 psig and 2 950 psig, the RCIC pump can develop a flow rate 2 400 gpm against a (D {See ITS 3.5.3)< RCIC may be inoperable for 14 days. provided HPCI Is operable. I system head corresponding to reactor pressure, when tested In accordance with the Inservice See ITS 3.5.3} CD Testing Program. Required 3. The controls for the automatic transfer of the pump b. Demonstrate. once per operating cycle, with Action D.2.2 suction may be inoperable a it the pump reactor pressure s 165 psig, the RCIC pump 0 suction Is aligned to the suppression pool. 0 can develop a flow rate ; 400 gpmn against a

-U                                                                                                             system head corresponding to reactor pressure.                 CD
4. if the requirements or conditions of, 2 or 3 CD cannot be met. an orderly shutdown of the reactor 2. Perform a simulated automatic actuation test shall be Initiated and the reactor shell be placed In (Including transfer to suppression pool and condition In which the affecled equipment Is not automatic restart on subsequent low reactor water CD

-4' reored to be operable within 24 hours. level) each refueling outage. 0)

0) -4'
                                                            -qsle        ITS 3.5.31 0) 3.514.5                                                                                                     105           0810101 Amendment No. :27.47,        122 Page 6 of 6


t. Except as specified In 3.5.D.2 and 3 beliow. t
1) Nob to T. NOTE: Not required to be performed until 12 hours LCO 3.5.3 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (RCIC) shall o bie whenever Irradiated fuel i in the SR 3.5.32 S _

atter reactor steam pressure and flow are adequate to perform the test. 3

12. t

_i Appricability reactor vessel and reactor pressure Is greater than s nyrostgue or - t ICSystem SR a. Demons rate quaterly wih reacor pressure -6 sig and 2950 psig, the RCIC pump LCO 3..b is not applicable to the RCIC System. . can develop a flow rate 2400 gpm against a ACTION A 0 2 may noperabe tor 4 ays provided system head corresponding totreador pressure. HPCI Is operable. when tested In accordance with the Inservice A.3 C e . Testing Program. El (0 p. The controls orthe automatic transfer of the pump SR3.5.3.3 b. Demonstrate once per q 24months See ITS suction may be Inoperable for 30 days. if the pump reactor pressure s 1655 g the RCIC pump C Dsuction Is aligned to the suppression c. can develop a flow rate a 400 gpm against a system head corresponding to reactor pressure. ( ACTIONB 4. If the requirements or conditions of 3.5.D.1. 2 or3 < cannot be met. an orderly shutdown of the rae or < SR 2. Performn imulated automatic i shall be initiated and the reactor shall be placed in a (including transfer I suppresslon d 0 condition In which the affected e is not

                                                                                =ipment                         automatic restart n subsA  -ent            ctor required to be operable whthh                 M                                                                                               eeihouec.
0) Lin to a 0)0 0~

3.514.5 105 08/t1/01 7 9 Amendment No. :2,r i 122 Page 1 of 1


1. Except as~pecified In3.5.D.2 and 3 ow, the 1. NOTE: Not required to be performed untit 12 hours C) Reactor gore Isolation Coormg Syst m (RCIC) shaN 3 after reactor steam pressure and flow are adequate
D be operk~le whenever Irradiated fu Is In the A2 to perform the test.

9 reacor ,esseI and reactor pressur Isgreater than 0o 150 pslg except during reactor vsel hydrostatic or CD

a. Demonstrate. quarterly, with reactor pressure 0 teakage tests./ s 1120 psig and 2 950 psig, the RCIC pump can develop a flow rate 2 400 gpm against a 3 ad 12. RCIC may be Inoperable for 14 days, provided system head corresponding to reactor pressure, CO 0

0 I14PCI I nnperahle when tested In accordance with the Inservice Testing Program. 3 __3. The controls for the automatic transfer of the pump b. Demonstrate, once per operating cycle, with F suction may be inoperable for 30 days, if the pump reactor pressure 5 165 psig, the RCIC pump suction is aligned to the suppression pool. 0 can develop a flow rate 2 400 gpm against a system head corresponding to reactor pressure. \-{ S See ITS 3.5.3}

4. If the requirements or conditions of 3.5.D.1) 2 or 3 cannot be met, an orderly shutdown of the reactor 2. Perform a simulated automatic actuation test ta (D

shall be InitIated and the reactor shall be placed In a (including transfer to suppression pool and condition In which the affected equipment Isnot automatic restart on subsequent low reactor water 0 CD required to be operable wIthin 24 hours. level) each refueling outage. -o Q

                                                                          -1                                                                                        to 0) 0)
        -tiSee          ITS}
                                                                                                                                                                    -4, 0)

C; (D 3.5/4.5 105 08/01/01 Amendment No. 27, 77,70, 122 Page 2 of 4

ITS 3.5.2 ITS 3.5.2 0M) E. Cold Shutdown and Refueling Requirements

  • pplicability 1._FWhen Irradiated fuel is Inthe reactor vessel an 0 LCO 3.5.2 OPERABLEnmasubsdsnomwoRs3.n2.on 00 0'

Lyese head Isremoved~h 15 - 0uoeton LCO 3.5.2 mi edan~ mlt ~~0 oApplicability Ml tes are on anh fuel poc waerI 00 0 Co proposed Required Acrbon C.2 and ACTION0M1 AdfXd C) C) 3.5/4.5 106 4/9/91 Amendment No. . 79 Page 1 of 3

C C C ITS 3.4.1 ITS 0 3.0 UMING CONDITiONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCCE REQUIREMENTS 0 0) F. Recirculatlon System F. Redrculation Sysem 0 3 See S b on 4.6.G l a 0 1. Intentbnal entry Into the stability exclusion region of I 1. LCO 3.4.1 l _ the power-flow mep defined In tho Core Operfting iJmnts Report CICOR bs Drhibted./ Ifenrfy into Ihe l Add proposed SR M.) C slabi'iy exli raego doe oaiir Immediately 0o ACTION A _ stabiliy exchusion region has been rexitod: -L 3 a. Insert control 3 0 0 F b. In epeed of an grecircutation CO F CD


I _. Entry Into the stabflity buffer region of the M LCO 3.4.1 power-flow map as dertned In the COAR Is at r distetLon controls as ing LR h i ar2e! Ifethe power LCO 3.4.1 i -o NOTE distnbutlon controls are not ineffect and entry into (0 the ct3bl~ buffer region does occur, immediatelty la performlone or e lo owing tl the tD (0

0) ACTION A stability buffer region has been exited: 0) 0 0a
a. Insert control
b. Increos o speed of an ope grirculation
                                                                                             --::-e                                                                   0
                                                                                                                                                                      -4' a)

C,, 107 9117/96 3.514.5 Amendment No. =7 79.93,97 Page 1 of 2

C C C ITS 3.4.1 ITS 0 3.0 LIMIING CONDITiONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCEREOUIRElMENTS t k, 3.4.1 F. Recirculation System 0) 0u LCO 3.4.1 3 I The reador may be started and operatedc,, 0 operation may continue with only one recirculation loop In operation provided that: 0 LCO 3.4.1, a. The foilowing changes to setpoints and safety ACTION B limit settings will be made within 24 hours after 0 0 initialing operation with only one recirculation look in operation. 0 LCO 3.4.1.b 1. The Operating Unit MCPR (MCPR) will be changed per Specfication 3.1 t.C. LCO 3.4.1 2. The Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat

           . 3..a                        Genertion Rate (MAPUIGR) will be                                                                             Z-1 changed per Specification 3.1VA 0                                                                                                                                                      0 LCO 3.4.1.c                   3. The APRM Neutron Flux Scnm an So I

LCO 3.4.1, Foj4IWlg sctpolnts will be changed as noted in rables 3.1.1 _bTechnical Specifications 3.5.F.1 and 3.5.F.2 are

                                                                                      --==e                                                           CD
                                                                                                                                                      -L1 ACTION A              it-        et-.

0 ACTION C 4 no reactor coolant system recirculation loops in I oeration: 01) -9' ACTION A Fco-lnIyth TechnIwl adti dons 3.5.F.1 A.3-Land 3.5.F.21bty ir gf RFand .F cornFpiy-mwfi specifications 1:and 3.5.F7.3_ ACTION B for operalion with only one recdratnililoon in 0, Ioperation,I OR ACTION C . b.The reactor shall be placed In hot shutdown C~iO wi In 12 hours. Two recircuation loops 1 i Add proposed SR 3A.1.1 with matched flows shall 6.5/4.5 be In operatln 108 06/111102 Amendment No. ,70ra3r,8 128 Iv.J pruu~vuflI.I

                                                                   'J.0 I U   prupubmi Page 2 of 2
, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 168 of 316 Bases pages 109 through 115 not shown Pages 116 through 120 do not exist , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 168 of 316


                    &Moka~llv                                                              / AoDlIcabiv7 Applies to the operating    atus of the reactor coolant system.   /      Applies to the periodic examinatin        testng requirements 0                                                                                              for the reactor coolant system.t/

Obtedtive: To assure the Int rity and safe operation of the reacort To determine the condition of e reactor coolant system and coolant system. the operation of the safety d ces related to it. I 0 SA4

0) 0) 3.4.9 A. Rea ppor Heatup and Cooplowbn Coolant A. Reactor Coolant Heatup and Cooldown CD CD 0L 1 s. average rate of reteor coolant temprtur The SR During heatups and cooldowns the folown3L LCO 3.4.9.

So change during norma heatup or cooldown=shal no temperatures shall be every SR exceed 100°F/hr. when averaged over a one-hour 101 consecuiuve readings aec oair minutesrui CD 0 period. Fa hdl b-. I) IA1-

2. The pump In an kile recirculaion loop shal not e a. React vessel shell adla75 to shell flange.1 0)

LCO 3.4.9, SR started unless the temperature of the cooiant whith

0) the Idle recirculation loop Is within 50F of the b. React vessel bottom drel -'I reactor coolant temperature.
c. Reduak loops A and) . AD 0)
d. Reao vesse oo vd AD 3.614.6 121 1/9/81 Amendment No. 0 Page 1 of 7


8. Reactor Vessel Temperature and Pressure B. Reactor Vessel Temperature and Pressure 0)
1. During in-service hydrostatic or leak testing, the SR 1. During ln-service hydrostatic or leak testin 0 0 LCO 3.4.9, reactor vessel she1 temperatures specified In SR I mne vepsel presiEmiWbov 32pdthe folbowina, except for the reactor vessel bottom head, temperatures shal r a y shall be at or above the temperatures shown on the minutes.

0 two curves of Figure 3.6.2, where the dashed curve. 0

                            'RPV Core Beltline,- Is Increased by the core                          a. fleactqr vessel shetl adjacai tshell tlange.                   3 bettline temperature adjustment from Figure 3.6.1.                     b. Reasdtrvessel bto        es The reactor vessel bottom head temperature shall                       c. Readhr vessel shl rc attmerature                               CO be at or above the temperatures shown on the solid                          reprefentative oIh      nlumtperature of                       C curve of Figure 3.6.2 'RPV Remote from Core                                 the hblifna reopni Beftnine,- with no adjustment from Figure 3.6.1.                                                                                           0 0                                                                                                                                                                       0 LCO 3.49.1,           During heatup by non-nudear mee          ex 2.

bme reacfdwEsg lvnl oodw fowng a) SR nuclear shutdown. a) so CD (0 reactor vessel shell and fluid temperatures specified 0L In 4.6A shall be at or above the higher of the temperatures of Figure 3.6.3 where the dashed' 0 CD curve, *RPV Core Beltfine,' is Increased by the W.expected shif Jn RTNOT from Figure 3.6.1. 6

0) LCO 3.4.9, 3. "During all operation with a critical reactoralothedh to

-4' SR [for hw Freactor tast enled[ ihe amgfth: tesr% Is reactor vessel shell and fluid temperatures specified in 4.6.A shall be at or above the higher of the temperatures of Figure G9 0a CA CA) 3.6.4 where the dashed curve 'RPV Core Beltrine,' Is Increased by the expected shift In RTNar from LFigure 3.6.1. 4 p edSR I'M.3 3.6e4.6 122 04122/03 Amendment No.e3,2t4o 6 135 , Page 2 of 7

C C ITS 3.4.6 I ITS ITS 3.0 LIMmNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS t 4 Thereactor vessel head bolting studs shall not be under tension unless the temperature of the vessel 1 4. When the reactor vessel head studs areunderI - f FTC'IA 0 1 0 tension and the reactor IsIn the Cold Shutdo~ 4 0: head flange and the head are 1700F. Condnlon, the reactor vessel shell flange C, 0 i - vhdl vr -.- esn~~~~~er Condi all-I, tlumJdtn ........ 1: nl nnWenae-rm~

                                                                                                                           -                   --- n 3.4.6            C. Coolant Chemiststr                                                                                                                                           3a
                                                                                 .j       C. Coolant Chemistry                                                                      0 0    LCO 3.4.6           1. (a) The steady state radiolodine concentratIon In the reactor coolant shall not exceed 2.0                      1. (a) A sample of reactor coolant shall be taken at C

c microcuries of 1-131 dose equivalent per gram least everyUj§g and analyzed for CD of water. SR radioactive lodines of l-131 through 1-135

,                                                                                                          1-n-oun
                                                                                                                   -n-ea11o.     -

(b) The steady stale radiolodine concentration In 0 the reactor coolant shall not exceed 0.02 A sample of reactor coolant shall be taken ant microcuries of 1S31 dose equivalent per gram I analyzed for radioactive lodines of 1-131 E,

;a                               of water when the reactor coolant temperature                           through 1-135 wIthin 24 hours prior to raising Is > 21 2F. the reactor is not critical, and                            the reactor coolant temperature > 212'F, with [    -iSee tTS 3.10.1I         3 Co                                primary containment integrity has not been                                                                                                           0 0                                                                                                        the reactor not critical, and with primary 0

tD established. containment Integrity not established. M

                                                                                                                                                                                      -L 0

Add proposed APPULCABILIlY ID aC CD)

-J                                                                                                                                                                                   to CD CD 00                                                                                                                                                                                     ,4 s0 3.614.6                                                                                                123               03107/01 Amendment No. 0 -1C407117 Page 1 of 3


4. The reactor vessel head bolting studs shall not be under tension unless the temperature of the vessel U 4. l When the reactor vessel head studs are under I /-N 0)

SR, SR tension and the reactor Is in the Cold Shutdown l 3 SR head flange and the head are x70OF. SR Condition, the reactor vessel shell flange 0 SR temperature shalt be permanently recorded. C. Coc 7lnt ChemIstry 0 0 I ~C. Coolant Chemistry I a

1. (a) The steady state radlolodine concentration In CO IF the reactor coolant shall not exceed 2.0 microcuries of l-131 dose equivalent per gram
1. (a) A sample of reactor coolant shall be taken at In least every 96 hours and analyzed for of water. radioactive lodines of 1.131 through 1-135 I -L { See ITS 3.4.6 1 C 0 during power operation. 0
                                                                                                                                                                                    -. 3 (b) The steady state radiolodine concentration In                    I-  -

the reactor coolant shall not exceed 0.02 (b) A sample of reactor coolant shall be taken and microcurtes of 1-131 dose equivalent per gram analyzed for radioactive lodines of 1-131 03 of water when the reactor coolant temperature 03 0 through 1-135 within 24 hours prIor to raising ee ITS 3.10.1

0) Is > 212-F. the reactor is not crillical. and the reactor coolant temperature >212'F. with I.

E, primary containment integrity has not been the reactor not critical, and with primary 0 0 established. containment Integrity not established. to

                                                                                    -I 0

5 X 0)

                                                                                                                                                                                     -0.1 (0 0)


                                                                                                                                                                                      -4' 03 03 3.614.6                                                                                                  123             03/07/01 Arnendment No. 0,40140o;T 117 Page 3 of 7


                                                                                         +/-   _____________________________________________________________
4. The reactor vessel head bolting studs shall not be 4. When the reactor vessel head studs are under under tension unless Ihe temperature of the vessel tension and the reactor Is In the Cold Shutdown 0I I head flange and the head are ?70 0F. Condition, the reactor vessel shell flange See ITS 3.4.9}

CD -t - temperature shal be permanently recorded.

                                                                                         .tI C. Coolant Chemistry                                               _

C. Coolant Chemistry CD

1. (a) The steady state radiolodine concentration In the reactor coolant shall not exceed 2.0 1. (a) A sample of reactor coolant shall be taken at See ITS 3.4.61 a0
 *S X.,.

microcurles of I 131 dose equivalent per gram least every 96 hours and analyzed for of water. radioactive Iodines of 1-131 through l-135 I _I-- 0 during power operation. (b) The steady state radiolodine concentration In a LCO 3.10.1 the reactor coolant shall not exceed 0.02 SR (b) A sample of reactor coolant shag be taken and 0 Co microcuries of l 131 dose equivalent per gram analyzed for radioactive lodines of 1.131

 -4                                   of water when the reactor coolant temperature                             through 1-135 within 24 hours prior to raising                    -.9ED CD                                  Is >212F. the reactor Is not critical, and                                the reactor coolant temperature > 212-F, with primary containment Integrity has not been                                the reactor not critical, and with primary                            X estabflshed.                                                              containment Integrity not established.

la U3 (D 0 a)

  -4                                                                                                                                                                              to
  ;a                                                                                                                                                                                 0D CA)
  • -4
                                                                                                                                                                                     -L Di 0

Mo Ci) 3.614.6 123 03107101 Amendment No. 01O1rO7T 117 Page 3 of 4

C C 0 ITS 3.4.6 3.0 UMmNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS t 0) 0 (c) When the ma condenser offgas s pretreatmep monitors Indicate an icease In m sa) radloac gaseous efuents of 5percent or 5000 Csec whIchever Is grealer during .I3 0 ste y state reactor operati a reactor coolant mple shall be taken an Analyzed for C, r/rilnadiva lodinpes (d) Isotodi analysis of r94dor coolant sanppfes stjall be made at l9st once per monUj. (e) Wheneve he steady stateradiojodine

                                                                                                                 .I       L3              0 3

C concen tlon of prbr opetion Is greater th 0 I pe but less than perent of S ficalon 3.6.C.1 ). a sample of re or 0 F lant shall be ta n within 24 hou I any c eactr startup aed analyzed for ra atlve .3 L3- M 0,

                                                           /odines of 1-13 hrough 1-135.

(i Whenever the St dy state radiolodine S* concentration prior operation Is great han 10 percent SecIon 3.6.C.1.(a) a p~ e of M reactor [ant shall be taken daily d pror to M CD) any r or startup and analyz or radloactrv lodIs of 1-131 through 1-135 well as the ent sample and analys requIred by 0, /speclcatlon 4.6.C.1.(e) ove. 3.614.6 124 07125/01 Amendment No. 15, 107 121 Page 2 of 3


2. (a) The reactor coolant water shal not exceed tho 2. During rtartup and at stoam ng rates below 100,000 following frnits with stearning rates less than pounds per hour. a sample of reactor coolant shall 0 W 100,000 pounds per hour except as specified In be taken every tour hours and analyzed for 0) 3.6.C.2)b. conduct ivty and chloride content. 3 CD C, Conductivity 5 prmho'cm Chloride ion 0.1 ppm 30 (b) For reactor startups the maximum value tor 0 conductivity shall not exceed 10 ptmholcm and Co 0

the maximum value for chloride ion concentration shalt not exceed 0.1 ppm for the first 24 hours after placing the reactor in the power operating condition. 4See CTS 314.6.C.2. CTS 314.6.C.3. and CTS 3/4.6.C.4 0 CO F 3. Except as specified In 3.G.C.2.b above the reactor 3.(a) With stearalng rates greater than or equal to coolant water shag not exceed the following limits 100.000 tbs. per hour a reactor coolant sample 0 0 vwth steaming rates greater than or equal to shatl be talen at least every 9i hours and when the

 -4 o

sU 100.000 tbs. per hour. continuous conductivity monitors indicate abnormal conductivity (other than short-term spikes) and P Co 0 5 pimhocrm analyzed for conductivity and chloride ion content.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  ;U Conductivity ChIer4. Inn                o.S-...

n m I .-.- CD In. When the continuous conductivity monitor is l _---u

4. 1f Specifications 3.6.C.1 lttuah 34C.l are no1 -

Inoperable, during power operation, a reactor i o ACTION B met n orderly shutdown shall be iniUaled anthe i -4 la 0 coolant sample should be taken once per 12 hours 0) reactor shalt bo in the cold shutdown condition and analyzed for conductivity and chlorido ion i M 0 within hours A conlont. MODE 3 in } Add proposed 12 hours and ACTION A Add proposed Required Add proposed L2 L4 ) Action B.1 I M.1 Required Action B.2.1 _L5 < 3.614.6 125 12/24/98 Amendment No. 104 Page 3 of 3


2. (a) The rLactor coolant water shall not exceed the 2. During startup and al slea Ing rates below 100,000 joltf r~glimits wthsteaming rates less than pounds per hour, a sampl of reactor coolant shall 100 0bpounds per hour except ns spoifid in be taken every four hours nd analyzed for
0) 3.. .2.b.1 conducthiity and chloride ontenL a)

C) Conruciily 5 iemholcm 0) a ChI ~do in 0.1 ppm 0) (b) Forlreacor startups the maximum value for X-., 0 co I'udhyshall not exceed 10 1imho/cm and th maxinum value for chloride ion 0 coc ration shal not exceed 0.1 ppm for h air t24 hours nfter placing the reactor in the --- 1 0 operating condition. a) a)

3. Exco as epecifled in 3.6.C.2.b above, the readc 3.(a) With steaming rates g eater than or equal to 0 coola water shalt not exceed the following limit 100.000 lbs. per hour a reactor coolant sample 0 with tearming rates greater than or equal to shalt be taken at leas every 96 hours and when the 0 tOO0, Ibs. per hour. continuous conduct ty monitors indicate abnormal conductivity (other t n short-term spikes) and uctivity 5 limhoolcm atnalyzed for conduc ny and chloride Ion content. -4

_ Iobn 0.5 ppm { See ITS 3A.6 (b) When the cont conduct"ly monitor Is

0) 4. If s fications .1through aor inoperable, during r operation, a reactor to me aa ornerty sh own shall be initiated and the coolant sample sh ldbotaken once per 12 hours la re orshall be In the cold shutdown condition and analyzed for and chloride io vnducity
-'I                                   24 hours.                                                  content.

a) -4' 0 a) a)I 3.6,4.61 125 12/24/98 dment No. 104 Page 1 of 2

C C C 0 ITS 3.4.4 ITS ITS 3.0 UMmNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS a' O. Reador Coolant System (RCS) D. Rieactor Coolant System (RCS) 0) 0 a 3.4.4 1. Operational Leakage Qi. Operational Leakage 0 Applicability a. Any Orne irradiated fuel Is in the reado vese I Applicability- Any time irradiated fuel is in the reactor vessel and M.1 rlsn coolant ternperature Is above 212 L coolant temoerature Is above 21 2F1 ery 12 hours reactor coolant system (RCS) leakage, shall be verity the forowing: LCO 3.4.4 limited to: 0 a. Unidentified Leakage Is within limits, 2 LCO 3.4.4.b 1) s 5 gpm Unidentified Leakage SR - 0

2) s2 gpm Increase In Unidentified Leakage b. Unidentified Leakage Increase is within lmits, and 0, LCO 3.4.4.d within the previous 24 hour period while In the run mode.
c. Total Leakage Is within limits.

LCO 3.4.4.c 3) s 25 gpm Total Leakage averaged over the

 .0                                              previous 24 hour period, and A)    LCO 3.4.4.a                        4) no pressure boundary leakage                                                                                                                so
b. FWih reactor coolant system leakage greater ACTION A than 3.6.D.1.a.1) or3.6.D.1.a.3) above, reduce 101 i CD tLhejeakage to within lims wdhin four hoursf 0 ACTION C I~and InCold Shutdown within the foflowlng hours.


                                                                                                                                                                                         -4, CA 0                                   c. Wnh an In rease In UnIdentified Leakage In
 -4,                                                                                                                                                                                     0, lexcess of the rate specified In 3.6.D.1 .a.2) reduca leakage to within limits within four hours, sn         ^{ I^AOnX Inalen" In ACTION B        l                _ or vuriiy AP  t#AAS   *lsn iiiii urn source UI mcresevlea~ge onen not service sensitive type 304 or type 316 tenitic stainless steel within four hours,Ir be
                    -I                      n Hot Shutdown wlthin the next 12 hours and In ACTION C                            Cold Shutdown within the following 24 hours.

3.6/4.6 126 08/21/03 Amendrnenl No.14 17, 07 404 137 Page 1 of 2


d. It any Pressure Boundary Leakage exists, be In Su 0s ACTION C Hot Shutdown within the next 12 hours and in 0 Cold Shutdown within the following 24 hours.

3 aD I

2. RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation 2. RCS Leakage DetectIon Instrumentation
a. Any time Irradiated fuel Is In the reactor vessel RCS leakage detection instrumentation shall be 0 0 and reactor water temperature Is above 21 2F demonstrated OPERABLE by.

the Drywell Floor Drain Sump MonitorIng 0 System shall be operable.' If the Drywall Floor a. Primary containment atmosphere particulate 0 co monitoring system - perform a sensor check 3 Drain Sump Monitoring System Is not operable, then: once per 12 hours, a channel functional test at CD c least monthly and a channel calibration at least once per cycle. F

1) Restore the Drywelt Floor Drain Sump -o 0 Monitoring System to operable status 0

Co within 30 days. b. Required leakage detection Instrumentation - 0 M 2) Otherwise, be In Hot Shutdown within the perform a sensor check once per 12 hours, a channel functional test" (flow Instruments only) See rrs 3.4.5 } next 12 hours and In Cold Shutdown within at least monthly, and a channel caflbratlon test the following 24 hours. at least once per cycle. la 0 I(CD) -4T

b. Any time Irradiated fuel Is in the reactor vessel to and reactor water temperature Is above 21 2F 0
 -c                             the drywell particulate radioactivity monitoring la                             system shall be operable.* If the drywell                                                                                                         Co I                 particulate radioactivity monitoring system Is not                                                                                                co operable, then:


1) Analyze grab samples of the primary at containment atmosphere once per 12 hours. " A tunctional test of this instrument means injection of a I

simulated signal Into the Instnument (not primary sensor)

  • A mode change Is allowed when this system Is to verify the proper Instrument channel response alarm I Inoperable. and/or Initiating action.

3.6/4.6 126a 08/21/03 Amendment No. 417rr '137 Page 2 of 2


d. If any Pressure Boundary Leakage exists, be in Hot Shutdown within the next 12 hours and In 4.0 SURVEI-lANCE REQUIREMENTS ror ft drywel equipment drahi

{See ITS 3.44} 0) monkosryshm" WM h dr noor 0 0 I Cold Shutdown within the following 24 hours.__ B drain surnp overflowig tequipmn drain £nrm_ e drywel

2. RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation 0e

3A.5 2. RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation 3 0 a CD 0 ApplicabMity l nt

a. , Any time Irradiated fuel Is In the reactor vessel I and reactor water temperature Is above 212 F RCS leakage detectlon Instrumentation shall be demonstrated OPERABLE byt I CD LCO 3.4.5.a the Drywall Fioor Drain Sumo Moniortng -.

Stysterrlbhall be operable.^ lll thel vel Foor a. Primary containment atmosphere particulate SR X0 in bu ann not operable SR, monitoring system - perform a sensor check  :-1 then: SR once per 12 hours. a channel functional test at ACTION A -I- least monthly and a channel calibration at least 0 once per 0 1))helbr orminoor

0) I Moniloring SysteM to operable status within 30 days. SR 3.4.5-'1. b. Required leakage detection Instrumentation -

SR, perform a sensor check once per 12 hours, a 0CD ACTION D 2) Otherwise. be In Hot Shutdown within the channel functional test** (flow Instrurnents only) CD next 12 hours and In Cold Shutdown within SR at least monthly, and a channel calibration test -9' the folowing 24 hours. -9' at least once pe Applicability Any time Irradiated fuel Is in the reactor vessel MA ,3 3 nd reactor water temperature s above 21l2DF aw I -h ttl nr -lanrln Anriut n.i LCO 3.4.5.b I Iyem shall be operable./Il the drywell particuate radioadivdy monitornng system is not so operable, then: ACTION B I L 1) Analyze grab samples of the primary containment atmosphere once per _ 12 hours. A functinal test of thi strmr Ineans Injection of a Required simulated signal Into the I ~ment (not primary se~nsor)A. Action A.1 to verify the proper Inimn channol response alarmm _ Note and/or hniiating apn 3.6/4.6 126a 08/21/03 Amendment No.4.,-8 137 Page 1 of 2


2) Otherwise, be In Hot Shutdown within the next 12 hours and In Cold Shutdown within a)

W 0 the following 24 hours. 0S

c. Any time Irradiated fuel is in the reactor vessel 0 0 and reactor water temperature Is above 212F at least one channel of the required leakage lSee ITS 3.4.5}

p. C Z.% delection Instrumentation shall be operable. If CD all channels of both systems (Drywell Floor 0 Drain Sump Monitoring System and drywell particulate radioactivity monitoring system) are 0 inoperable, restore at least one channel of the 0 co co required leakage detection Instrumentation to operable status within 1 hour, or be in Hot Shutdown within the next 12 hours and In Cold IUUUV 0I.+^ WIUoin III IIIJI n yC* 7 1L* hem 011ULUU-.1 WMI MODES 1, 2 and3 3 E. Safety/Relief Valves az -u 0) 0 1. a. Safety/rellef valves shal be tested or replaced CD each refueling outage In accordance with the to Applicability Inservice Testing Program. 0 a b. At least two of the safety/relief valves shall be disassembled and Inspected each refueling outage. to

                                                                                                                                                          -{ See ITS 3.4.3}            la 0a                                                                                                    c. The Integrity of the safety/relief valve bellows                              0 shall be continuously monitored.


d. The operability of the bellows monitoring system

{ See ITS 3.4.3 j shall be demonstrated each operating cycle.

2. Low-Low Set Logic surveillance shall be performed In accordance with Table 4.2.1.

3.6/4.6 127 08121/03 Amendment No. 20, 62,76, 0-, t , 122,128, 137 Page 8 of 8

c c ITS 3.4.3 0 ITS ITS w w 0 0 0 CD -0 2 0 0 3 M 0 5 ety/Rellef Valves (iV the si fety tuncbn dlsetvRts of te a, 3.4.3

a. Safety/lliet valves shall be ed or re pace -4 0 Applcabirity 0)

CD Inservice Ttegl Prograrm - ift settgs SW be withi

b. At oof the fety/reiel vaysshan ,

LCO 3.4.3 to to aM a, SR ACTION B

2. =-Loow Set Logcubrveilance sha!-e performed -

I cordance Wi Table 4.2.1. 127 08/21/03 1 Arendmnent No. 20.02,76.92,93,111,122, 28T137 Page 1 of 1

(. C C ITS 3.4.5 0 ITS 3.0 LIMING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION l4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 0) W 0 CD ACTION D 2) Otherwise, be In Hot Shutdown within the 0 next 12 hours and In Cold Shutdown within the following 24 hours. 3 CD CD Applicability 0 0 E ACTION C 3 See ITS 3.4.3 and M E' CD ITS J ACTION D a CD 0 -L E. Safety/Relief Valves E. Safety/Reflef Valv X -o

1. a. Safety/relief valves shall be tested or replaced
1. During power operating conditions and whenever each refueling outage In accordance with the CD so reactor coolant pressure Is greater than 110 sia Inservice Testing Program. (0

_ and temperature Is heeeate CD valve function (self actuation) o seven safety/relief b. Al least two of the safety/rerief valves shall be See ITS 3.4.3} to3 to valves shall be operable (note: Low-Low Set and disassembled and Inspected each refueling ADS requirements are located In Specification outage. 0 3.2.H. and 3.5.A, respectively). 0

c. The Integrity of the safety/relief valve bellows I1 shall be continuously monitored. Ca)

Ca) 8 valves at s 1120 psig

d. The operability of the bellows monitoring system
2. If SpecIfication 3.6.E.1 Is not met InitIate an orderly shall be demonstrated each operating cyde.

shutdown and have reactor coolant pressure and temperature reduced to 110 psig or less and 3450F 2. Low-Low Set Logic surveillance shall be performed or less within 24 hours. In accordance with Table 4.2.1. 3.6/4.6 127 08/21/03 See ITS 3.4.31 Amendment No. _2. 4. 122. 12, 137 Page 2 of 2


2) Otherwise, be in Hot Shutdown within the Al 0)
0) next 12 hours and In Cold Shutdown within the following 24 hours. =r CD 0
c. Any time irradiated fuel Is in the reactor vessel and reactor water temperature Is above 2121F See ITS 3A.5 }

at least one channel of the required leakage 0 e.:A detection Instrumentation shall be operable. If C all channels of both systems (Drywell Floor 0 0 Drain Sump Monitoring System and drywell particulate radioactlivty monitoring system) are

                                                                                                                                                                                    -L inoperable. restore at least one channel of the required leakage detection Instrumentation to operable status within 1 hour, or be in Hot Shutdown within the next 12 hours and In Cold                                                                                               0 Shutdown within the following 24 hours.                                                                                                    so CD I MODES 1. 2. and         E. Safety/Reflef Valves                                                           0)


0) E. Safety/Rellef Valves 3 lo I 1. a. Safety/relief valves shall be tested or replaced Applicability 1.. During powr operatig cor reactor pressure if greater tha.4,i ps Iant each refueling outage In accordance with the Inservice Testing Program.
                                                                                                                                                               - I See ITS 3.4.3}

CD, and ter r than 345 he safety -L valve functin (seln actuatin) o seven SaTetyfreliej b. At least two of the safety/relief valves shall be to 0 ;0 valves shagl be operable (note: Low-Low Set and disassembled and inspected each refueling ADS requirements are located In Spedfication outage. CA) CD) 3.2.H. and 3.5.A. resectively) co c The Integrity of the safety/rellef valve bellows Valves shall be set as follows: shall be continuously monitored. aW

0) 8 valves at 51120 psig
d. The operability of the bellows monitoring system

{ See ITS 3.4.3 2. If Spedfication 3.6.E.1 Is not met, initiate an orderly shall be demonstrated each operating cycle. shutdown and have reactor coolant pressure and temperature reduced to 110 psig or less and 345F 2. Low-Low Set Logic surveillance shall be performed or less within 24 hours. In accordance with Table 4.2.1. 3.6/4.6 127 08/21/03 AmendmentNo. 0, 62, 76,02.0, 14.:12,12, 137 Page 4 of 4

C C C ITS 3.4.2 ITS ITS 3.0 UMFITNG CONDITiONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS L> F. (elete) F. (Deleted) d proposed SR Note 1 l) n d rpsdMODE 2 M.1A. 32 S 3.4.2 3.4.2 G. Jet Pumps /G. JePmsAdposd

                                                                                                                                                       .421 oe 2

_ L23 C LCO 3.4.2 - e hen the reactor Is In Run mod al jet oi pumps shall 1. Whenever there is redrculation flow with the reacor CD Ioperab e requirement aea i u l SR In the oera ng urnDs shall be pump user to lower plenum differential pressure (D/P demonstrated Operable dagly a fodlowIng any SR percent deviation from average loop D/P shall not differ M.3 unexp nange r n core t let pump loopflow ( L3 by more than 20% deviation from Nts rorma aragp lateOdi-er tn O d I ithone or more let pumps exceeding the yre r mg e pump ioop o sae e at heereason rthedeviation, M.3 r rcua on mpflows reirlatlo urn A.3)3 3 ACTION A -n e arcumstan that one or more of the let Pump CD lr eemndtlb nprbethe reactor shall be that: C0 daced In a lr el dncond tbon withinus-12 M.2 a. The reeirculatlon pump flowlspeed ratio

 ;                                                                          3                                      deviation from normal expected operating                                 e M

C\range does not exceed 5%. M SR 3A.2.1.aI O b. The let pump loop flow/speed ratio deviationO from normal expected operating range does not M

                                                                                             .                      exceed 5%.                                                              0)

CD (0

 -D                                                                                                       2   f eithekof these conditions are rb met with pumpl I2                                                      \    M Ispeed greater than or eoual to 60%jdetermine                                  CO
.0p                                                                                            SR  indhildual let pump D/P percent deviation from                                  -

O average loop DIP and compare to the Umiting 0 Conditions for OperatIon. /If the mp speed is lass __ than 6 % and the deviation of thk let pump D/P _ 0 exce the lmiing Condition fo Operation crhtria e Jet Pump D/P shal be oniored and evaluate every 24 hours until such me as mnihrni rat the hlgher pump sneed s made. 3.6/4.6 128 3127/86 Amendment No. 6,42 Page 1 of 1

C C C. CTS 3/4.6.H I I I 3.0 LIMmNc4CONDmONS FOR OPERATION H. l I 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTJ I I H. Snubbers 0) 0 1. Except as permitted below, all safety related The following surveillance r quirements apply to all snubbers shalt be operable whenever the sup ed safety related snubbers. 0 a3 system is required to be Operable.

1. Visual Inspections:

ZI 2. With one or more snubbers made or found to

'-4                                                                                     Snubbers are catego ed as Inaccessible or                      0 Inoperable for any reason when Operability required, within 72 hours:                                           accessible during reaor operation. Each of these               C categories (inaccessitI or accessible) may be 0                                                                                      inspected Independe lly according to the schedule
a. Replace or restore the inoperable snub rs to LA-G Operable status and perform an engine ring determined by Table P.6-1. The visual Inspection 3 evaluation or Inspection of the support interval for each I of snubber shalt be CO determined based u on the criteria provided In components, or 0 Table 4.6-1. The in al Inspection interval for new types of snubbers s an be established at IUmonths 0,
b. Determine through engineering evalu Ion that +25%.
 ;U the as-found condition of the snubber ad no                                                                                     0) adverse effect on the supported corn ents and that they would retain their stru ral (D

Integrity in the event of design basis ctsmic event, or -4' la c. Declare the supported system Inope be and D take the action required by the Tech Ical CO Specifications for Inoperability of th system. Cn 0) 0 a) 3.616 p1299 08/01101 4 0 45 Amendment o. 1 r ,82,122 Page 1 of 5

( C C CTS 314.6.H 3.0 LIMITNG CON I. I F

                             ~ONS FOR OPERATIoN
3. All sat ty-related snubbers Installed or planned for _
                                                                         'p 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 2.



Visual Inspections shal verify tCt1) the snubber n has no visible Indicateons of d athge or Impaired 0) 0 Su use a Monticello are hydraulic snubbers. No mechiIcal snubbers are used on safety-related operabifty, (2) attachments to t e foundation or CD CD supporting struture are funclt al, and (3) systafris at Montgcello. If Installed In the future, appdiate TechnIca Specifications changes will be fasteners for the attachment o the snubber to the p within 60 days of Installation. component and to the snubbe anchorage are functional. ta Snubbers which appear to Inoperable as a result of visual Inspection shall be asslied as 0 0 unacceptable, but maybe re assied as acceptable for the purpose establishing the next -- a1 0 visual Inspection Interval, pr ed that (1)the oa cause of the rejectlon Is ce ry established and CD remedied for that particular nubber and for other 0 snubbers, IrrespecIe of

  • that may be SO P generically susceptible; an (2)the atfected snubber Is functionally tesed In the as-found X condition and determined rable per SpecificatIon 4.6.H.4. CD tD
  • A review and evaluation h be perfofnled and 0
-o                                                                                     documented to Justilf      tinued operation with an CD ts                                                                                     unacceptable snubber, continued operation cannot be justified, the      bber shall be declared Inoperable and the actn requirements shall be                     CD, met.
-4                                                                                                                                                       a) 0)

3.6 14 .8 130 7/15/92 Amen nt No. 3, 9. 39, 82 Page 2 of 5


 .9                                        l__ 1l         3. Functional testin of snubbers s all be conducted at                     0) w                                            I             least once per onths .25% during cold2 0                                                          shutdown. Ten percent o' he a number o each F 0

3 brand of snubber shall be funct natty tested either in place or In a bench test. Fo each snubber that does not meet the funiona t t acceptance criteria in Specification 4.6.H.4 below, n additional ten ED percent of that brand shall be ndlonally tested CD until no more failures are foun or an snubbers of that brand have been tested. 0I The representative sample s leted for functional testing shall Include the configurations, 0 LA.1 0

   -6                                                         operating environments, an the range of size and 5                                                          capacity of the snubbers.

In addition to the regular sa pie and specified re-samples, snubbers whi tted the previous Pi functional test shall be rletled during the next test period If they were reinstalld as a safety-related -.4 snubber. If a spare snubb r has been Installed In 0

0 place of a failed safety retated snubber, It shall be to tested during the next pa CD)

If any snubber selcedf fnonal testing either falls to lockup or falls to ova (I.e. frozen In place) 0) CD co i -4' the cause shall be evalu ed and If caused by o0 manufacturer or design fclency. an snubbers of the same design subjeto the samo defect shall be functionally tested. 3.6/4.6 131 08/01/01 Amendment No. I 122 Page 3 of 5


4. Hydraulic snubber functional ests shall verify that
0) 0)S C

0 a. Activation (restraining a *on) is achleved within the specified range of locty or acceleration In both tension and comp sslon. 0 0 b. Snubber bleed, or rel rate, where required, 0 3 Is within the specified g In compression or C 0 tension.

5. For any snubbers found I operable, an engineering 0 evaluation or Inspection ha be performed on the components which are s ported by the snubbers. CD

-o The purpose of this engi earing evaluation or 0 Inspection shall be to d rmine If the components LAIG 0 supported by the snub were adversely affected *0 _, by the Inoperabnty of a snubbers in order to 0D ED so ensure that the sup component remains 0 capable of meeting th designed service. DX 6.. The Installation and intenance records for each safety related snub shall be revieweda ID once every to VWithe Indicated that Ai1 00 service rfewin not ex prior to thenext to scheduled snubber rvice ife review. If the

                                                                                                                                 -L Indicated service rrfwl be exceeded, the snubber service fife shall be e-evaluated or the snubber                          co shall be replaced o recondMoned to extend its service lfe beyond a date of the next scheduled service life review Is reevaluation, replacement, or reconditioning ;all be Indicated In the records.

3.8/4 e132 3/13o86 Am nment No. 9, 39 Page 4 of 5

C C C CTS 3/4.6.H

                                     /                                tble 4.6.1A IN                                                     SNUBBER VISU       INSPECTION INTERVAL l                       Numbe of siaccentable Snubbersl                                                                     2)

Population col n A Column B Column C or Category Extend nterval Repeat Interval Reduce Interval 0 ( Notes 1 and 21 and 6 4 (Notes 1 Notes 5 and 61l (flld 0 1 0 1 80 0 2 CD 100 1 4 rW 150 O 3 8 200 2 5 13 Z3D 300 5 12 25 0 0 Note 1: e next visual Inspection Interval for a snubber opulatlon or category size shall be determined ased upon the previous I spection Interval and the number of unaccept Ia snubbers found during that interval. Snubbe may be categorized, based -- aA -36 pon their accessibility during power operation, s accessible or Inaccessible. These categories ay be examined separately So Jointly. However, that decision must be mad anddocumented before any inspection and thacdsion shall be used as the 0,

                *asi upon which to determine the next inspectn interval for that category.                                                                     CD CD     Note 2:    IInlerpotatin between population or category s es and the number of unacceptable snubbers permissible. Use next lower CD             Integer for the value of the limit for Columns A Bor C If that Integer Includes a fractional value d unacceptable snubbers as                    -L determined by Interpolation.                                                                                                                     So 0      Note 3: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is eq alto or less than the number In Column     rxt A, the     inspecioninterval may be twice the previous Interval but not greater tha 48 months.

-0L Note 4: If the number of unacceptable snubbers Ise al to or less than the number In Column B but ater than the number In Column A, the next inspection Interval shall be the s e as the previous Interval. 0, Note 5: Ifthe number of unacceptable snubbers Ise ual to or greater than the number In Column C, a next Inspection Interval shall be two-thirds of the previous Interval. How e i the number of unacceptable snubbers Isle s than the number In Column C but greater than the number In Column B, I a next interval shall be reduced proportionally interpolation, that Is,the previous Interval shall be reduced by a factor that is ne-third of the ratio of the difference between th number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous Inte and the number In Column B to the difference I the numbers in Columns B and C. Note : All inspectIon Intervals up to and Indudring 8 months may be adjusted a maxImum of plus 5%. l 3.614 8 132a 08/01/01 Amendment o. 82- 122 Page 5 of 5

( C ITS 3.4.9 ITS 0 Figure 3.4.9-1 MONTICELLO UMITING BELTInNE SHIFT t3 K 130 l l*- l l l 1 1 I I I I- -i - -i I I I I E iI -iI i I l l i I I I-2) 0

2) 0 3 3 CD T ~~I TrIrI IrlI TTIT II tI 100 I I I II I I .7::,l T _ t t __

0 90 I 111 1. 1I 1. I I ,, I I I,, II , II II_ = I. I. I I I 90 'I ' ' I . I . 2 CD IoffTT11 _I _ IIII1 0 3 CD 1: mI' ji EM _ _ 0 I')

0) z 3
                    ,cE 40                                                  -- -- -- --  - -- -- -1    - --        -- -- -- -                -

40 co 0 ca 0-

0) CD
to 20' 0


10. CD 0)0 CD) 0 II 0-4
  -16                         0            0.5               t                1.5                 2         2.5                      3             3.5 0,

(1/4 Vessel Wall Thickness Fluence (1018 n/cm 2)) Figure 3.6.1 Core Beltline Operating Umits Curve Adjustment vs. Fluence 3.614.6 133 101 2199 Amendment No. 7, 106 Page 4 of 7

( c C ITS 3.4.9 ITS Figure 3.4.9-2 2W s TIII IT II11 1 ITT IIIlIIII T ITI IT I I a) 0 0 (D C, 0 e_ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RffwR* ___ X-1 0 _____ e~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _Bet _ __ f,.___r I_ _ 0 O ___ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ __ fWN __ __ _ 0 co CD 0 S C _____ _ _ _ _- - -

                                     ¢1m                            - - -      -l-l           __ _ISE 1 I-V-o_                  Zl-l a)                                                                                                                                                So fi . _XX XX X       X   X XX X       X XX -1IT               .X    f1---1X-1-mm)1 CO

-o a q ___________ Efi___S 0)

                                                                                                                                                 -o a

CD 0I CD la _ - I I I _ I I IFIFI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TII I I III I l _ -L.

                                  ~        ~        ~ I If                                        I 11X IXI I 1 .1111~                         _ Co
                                                                                                                                                  .D n       II                   I II                          I Ir        II I                                                0w 0      2M         400       600      800       1030        12DO       1400       i 160        10)    2)00 PreureLhit In Vessd Top Head Figure 3.6.2 Minimum Temperature vs. Pressure for Pressure Tests 3.6/4.6                                                                                134            02/24103 Amendment No. Z3, 406. 133 Page 5 of 7

C C ITS 3.4.9 ITS Figure 3.4.9-3 0 -1 CD o C _ _l.__ _ T PVReffttom - _- I - . 1 C, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 3 I _ _ 1 0 X X_1 _ __ lr _ cO.etrw 1-l T TrT FX T F 0

;U                      15--                                                                                                                   - o 0

D o co~ CD la 0 0 0 2r0 enla am 1000 12M 1z0 1n I S800 Pnmgre Unit In Vesd Top Head (PSIG) at Figure 3.6.3 Minimum Temperature vs. Pressure Mechanical Heatup or Cooldown without the Core Critical 3.614.6 135 02J24/03 Amendment No. 72,4O06 133 Page 6 of 7

c9 ITS 3.4.9 ITS Figure 3.4.9-4 ao

a s

D a II I _I -- III ' CD0 M 0 0 ae I-

                                    >      t[1iFUC<>-

WVR mVis

                                                            *om Fft                                        3 0


                   -~a                                                                                                                         0 0oo 0

i So 0 ~ --- (D

                    '5                                                                                                                         0U CD a)                                                                                                                                           a)

So 0 CD 0) w la

                                                                                                                                             -4' w

o0 0 200 400 00m 800 1a0 1200 1400 1600 lam 200 PI'uanv~ry in Vsse Top Had(PSIG) Figure 3.6.4 Minimum Temperature Vs. Pressure for Core Critical Operation 3.614.6 136 0224103 Amendment No. 72 ,4 0T,133 Page 7 of 7

C c c CTS 3/4.6.C.2, CTS 3/4.6.C.3, and CTS 314.6.C.4 a) 0 O., 3#-I am CD 30 a 0 0 CD 0, 0 0 D E, -o 0

 -IV la m~

AD 0) 0 al 0) Page 2 of 2

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 195 of 316 Page 138 (a blank page) not shown Pages 139 through 144 do not exist Bases pages 145 through 155 not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 195 of 316


0) S 0 Apctlieblfftr: Ar oicablIftv:

0 Applies to the operating status of the primary and secondary Applies to the primary and secondary containment integrity 0) CD containment systems. C, 0 Oblective: Obiec~ve See ITS 3.62.1 1 To assure the Integrity of the primary and secondary To verify the integrity of the primary and secondary and ITS 3.6.22 0 containment systems. containment. CO M Soecification: Spedeftioly 0 -3 0 A. Primary Containment. A. Primary Containment a, -) F 1. Suppresslon Pool Volume and Temperature 1. Suporesslon Pool Volume and TemPerature nIrdiated ul is in the reador vesselien 1F a. The suppression chamber water temperature -h s gerater than'H See ITS 6 2 and ITS . .2. J ethe -h Iecotrtmeaw 0) CD shall be chocked once per day. 0 gi2 isng done which has the potentie1 l (0 h drai.n Ihavmssl. I the itolAnn rameneamnts chAll U co 7 Applicability - N. )

b. Whenever there is Indication of relief valve operation which adds heat to the suppression
                                                                                                                                                                     --  See ITS 3.62.1  }
a. Water temperature during normal operating shellbe s90oF. A minutes until the heat aeddition is tenminated.

I 0) CD

b. Water temperature during test operation which adds heat to the suppression pool shaf be C. A vitual nspection of the suppresslon c am er to
-9 s 1001F and shall not be >90-F for more than                               interior Including water ine regions and the              See ITS 36.1.1          a) 24 hours.                                                                    interior painled surfaces above the waterline                            I to                             c. 11the suppression chamber water temperature                                    shall be made at each refueling outage.

Is > 110F. the reactor shall be scrammed Immediately. Power operation shall not be resumed until the pool temperature Is 5900F.

                                                                                           -    See ITS i.6.2.1}

3.714.7 156 01/28105 3 3 Amendment No. 4 ra r 141 Page 2 of 3

( C ITS ITS 3.0 UMITING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS I 3.7 CONTAINMENTSYSTEMS 4.7 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS ADpprc2bil hr 0 C, A21cabflb C, 0 Apples to the operating status of the primary and secondary tD 30 3 Apples to the primary and secondary containment Integrity. containment systems. Obledhav Oblective: 0 3 To verify the Integrity of the primmy and secondary To asure the Integrity of the primary and secondary See ITS containment systems. containment. and ITS 0 0 Soecificetion: SpecIftation:. 3 0 A. Primary Containment. A. Primary Containment

1. Suppression Pool Volume and Temperature 1. Suppression Pool Volume and Temperature
  1. -I 00 When=Irradiated fuel Is In the reactor vessel andI 00 See ITS 3 62.1 either ad a. The suppresson chamber water temperature CD ad ITS 3.6k2.2 b d doornworkesb hasbtlh a shall be checked once per day.

todantewseFQflon requiremients sai -o D 0, 0 So See ITS 3.5.2 and ITS 3.62.1 T ______Dv____ a. ______ ____e__ITS_3___2_ Water temperature during normal operating

b. Whenever there is innication of relief vaoew operation which adds heat to the suppressIon pool, the pool temperature shaft be contInually monitored and also observed and logged every See ITS 3.62.1 J a CD aI shan be S%90 F. 5 minutes until the heat addition Is termirnated. (D am eITS3.5.2. b. Water temperature during test operation which W
                                                                                                                                                                                                -4 0

ITS adds heat to the suppression pool shall be SR c. A visual inspectbon of the suppressIon chamber 0

                                      . I100 F and shal not be > 90F for more than                                Interior Including water line regIons and the 24 hours.                                                                    Interior painter surfbces      ybove                             A4rt Awaer        1-6
c. If the suppression chamber water temperature shall be medelat e ue ln9 0, is > 110 F, the reactor shall be scrammed immediately. Power operation shall not be resumed unti the pool temperature Is s 90-F. \{ See ITS 3.e1.2.1 }

1In accordance with the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program J (m 3.7/4.7 156 01/28/05 Amendment No. 63-OZ 141 Page 5 of 6

C C ITS ITS 0 ITS I 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.7 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 4.7 CONT UNMENT SYSTEMS 9 Or 0 qkm: / n CD sto the primary and secondary cont Inegriy. CD 3 M f the Integrity of t mary and secondary ment. OC Sped A i'r1mary Containment CD 0 Suppression Pool Volume end Temperature Co


P o Applicability [a. The suppressioncharnber watertemperature shell be checked once per day.

b. Whenever there is Indication ore ve X XD a dds heat to the supprqsipn]

I hoperlo I the pohIItlm rete Co Co 0) CD LCO L 5 mbles untli the hea ediin

                                                                                                                              ~      eLie       >t CD

-I' LCO o_ c. A visual Inspection of the suppression chamber O co Interior Includg water line regions end the See ITS.3eeI1.1.11 Required Action A.2 interior painted surfaces above the waler line J LCO - shall be made at each refueling outage. ACTION D - LCO - 3.714.7 4 l Add proposed ACTION A 158 01/28/05 Arnendment No. 631.03 141 4 l Add proposed ACTION C Page 1 of 2

( C ( 0 ITS ITS I 3.0 LMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.7 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 4.7 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS L) 0 7IM Anogfiabt / pkibtilft/ 0 Applies to the operating a of the primary and secondary Apples to the primary and secondary contain negrIty. tD containment systems 0 Otdv- //Obledttve: - a0 0 To he Integrity of the primary end ary To verify the Integri of the ary and secondary C alnment systems. containment. 0 Specification: See ITS Soodfcifflton: _ See ITS CD A. Primary Containment. CD A. Primary Containment 0

1. Suppression Pool Volume and z.,m rrtur M.1 1. Suppression Pool Volume ad 0 S Applicability When Irradiated fuel Is In the reactor vessel and a. The suppression chamberwater temperature GM er qrp adtor water tenmoorsture Is creator than See ITS 3.5.2 91erlr work Msbeing done tch h-as the ooetil land ITS shall be checked once per day.

LCO 3.62.2 r n the vessel the foli requirements shall Co Lbe et exc~tas permnille tvrctestit b. Whenever there Is Indication of retief valve { See ITS 3.62.1 } 0 See ITS 3.52} operation whkch adds heat to the suppression Co pool the pool temperature shall be continually -D at. Water temperatre during normal operating 0 co shall be S9D F. monitored and also observed and logged every 5 minutes until the heat addition Is terminated. 1 CD 11)

b. Water temperature during lest operation which CD adds heat to the suppression pool shalt be a. A visual Inspection of the suppression chamber l See ITS 0 I 00F and shall not be >909F for more than interior Including water Ine regions and the I -4 24 hours. interior painted surfaces above the water line Ca Ishall be made at each refueling outage.

I c. If the suppressIon chamber water temperature is > 1110F the reactor shall be scrammed immediately. Power operation shall not be resumed unti the pool temperature Is s90_F.

                                                                                               -{      SeeiTS}

3.7/4.7 156 01/28105 Amendment No. 63-03 141 Page 1 of 2


 -.4 Q) jdDuring reactor isoliation conditions the reactor pressure vessel shall be depressurized to
d. Whenever there Is Indication of relief valve operation with a suppression pool temperat, a)

C, 5 < 200 psig at normal cooldown rates If the suppression pool temperature exceed 120F. 2 of ::1 60F and the primary coolant system pressure > 200 psig, an extended visual See ITS 3.62.1 } a) CD a) SR C LA examination of the suppressionchamber sh be conducted before resuming power 0 ,-. ACTIONS A CD 0 03 and C -4 a) X oo 0 Required

;U   Action C.1 CD M.

to la 11) CD tD CD C) to ci

0) 0) 0, 0, 3.714.7 157 09/23/02 Amendment No. 20, 62, 66, 17 130 Page 3 of 3


d. punna reacrdsaelation condition h Isd oof relief valve 0)ACTION E pressure vessel shall bdepressurizd opr iha suppsso pool tempo re0 So <200 psfg the tSof . of 0F and the mary coolant syst L5 3 suppression pool temperature exceed 120-F. t2 houn ppssure >200 g an extended vt co xamlnalon of esuppression chab or shall 0
e. Tho suppression pool water level shallh be berodcebfore resumning oe z -4.0and s +3.0 inches. With suppression / oealn pool water level not within imit~s restore water level to within limits within the succeeding e. The suppression pool water level sa 0 2 hours_ checked once per day See ITS 3.6.22 ° 3 ACTIONS B,D, and E I. I the requirements of 3.7.A.1 cannot M be met.

C6~ D the reactor shall beaplaceo in ad~ wlthin2AornssgFde L4 Cocondition X0 so2 . eIs .ciiis! 0 X-F~rfa-X o o-u

                                    -L 0                                                                                                                                                                            0 o                                                                                                                                                                            0-3    .5/

3.714.7 157 09/23/02 Amendment No.30 62, 61 t7 130 Page 2 of 2

C C C 0 ITS ITS ITS 3.0 LIMITING CONDOINS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS i d. Whenever there Is Indication of relief valve

d. During reactor isolation conditons the reactor IU pressure vessel shal be depressurized to [ operation with a suppression pool temperature 0) 0 ,


                                < 200 psig at normal cooldown rates If the suppression pool temperature exceed 120F._           See ITS 3.62.1 of :t160F and the primary coolant system pressure > 200 psig an extended visual            See ITS J CD                                                                                                       examination of the suppression chamber shall                         D
e. riho suppression pool water level shall be be conducted before resuming power 0)

LCO 3.6.22 - -4.0 and s +3.0 inches. WiWth suppression oeeration. P.- pool water level nowit "in imits. restore water ACTION A level to within limits within the succeeding SR e. The suppression pool water level shall be I 2.hours. 0 {MODE 3 in checked once per day. 0) I. If the requirements of 3.7.A.1 canotb 12 hours arid the reactor shall beIa o CD ACTION B 2 condition within ours n suspe a activities with the potentla for draining the See ITS3.5.LI CD reco esl

                                                                                                                                                                             -0 X
                                                                                                                                                                            -o CD
0) 0) 0 C',

3.7t4.7 157 09123/02 Amendment No. 201- 44.17 t62 130 Page 2 of 2


                    ;              2. Prdmary Containment                                             /)\          2. Primaiy Containmen          tl 0)
0) LCO shadllbe tines Qa. Perform required vlsual ex arninations and SR leakge rate testing excep t for primaty 0 i n ore or ca orwhenthe contalnrent air lock testin g, In accordance with Applicability -r acorIwater temperature Is the Primary Containment I.eakage Rate Testing tD I and fuel Is In the reactor vessel excet &s a Program. r0 seItein37 2 . See ITS 3.10.1}

ro CO I 20 (2) Pr 1nanmentjre'grity Is not reql 1ay See ITS} 2 0 performing 4qpower physics te atI Sfati~nosphertc prsure during or aft reduelng 0) M /etoower sewt to exceed S l. Co (0 (0

                                                                                                                                                                                          -9 UZ.                                       (3) Primary Containment Integrity Is not required I (0                                             when peforming reactor vessel hydrostatic or._            i See ITS 3.10.1}

leakage tests wtih the reactor not critical I 0 2

0) (4 If ulrernernts of 3.7.A.2.a(1) cannot be 0)

ACTION A _ met. redore Primary cortainr entI~ i [with!n one hotrJ~T In et least Hot CO, owi wlbn the next 12 hours and Cold ID

  • ACTION B Shutdown within the 1dlowlng 24 hours.

to OD 0) 3.7/4.7 168 01/285 Amendment No. O4 5. 80. 95. 107. I= 141 Page 1 of 6


2. Primary Containment Integrity A.2) 2. Prlmery Containment Integrity W 1. I _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 LCO . (1)lPrimar inmetInteo 1 11-1
a. Perform required visual examinations and 0 ISectionIshallbemaintaine at all times leakage rate testing except for primary wnen the reactor Is critical or ihen the 0 containment alr lock testing, In accordance with 3 Applicability reactor water temperature Is above 212-F the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Land fuel is In the reactor vesselfzxcept as Prooram.

specified in .7 .2.a.(2113.7.A.2.a.(3) o 0l I 3.7.D. (See ITS 3.10.1} CD 0 a (2) Primary Containment Integrity is not required wien performning low power physics lests at See ITS} 3 atmospheric pressure during or after refuefing 0. ID at power levels not to exceed 5 MW(t). See ITS } 0 (3) Primary Containment Integrity Is not required wrhen performing reactor vessel hydrostatic or See ITS 3.10.1 } -o tleakage tests with the reactor not critical. 0 (4) If requirements of 3.7A2.aL(1) cannot be HAdd proposed ACTIONS Notes 1.2,.3. and 4 and ACTIONS A. B.and C L7 -4' me ssmar eWonmmenyA i P CD, I ombn atbe inat least Hot lACTION E Sh down w tin he next 12 hours and Cold 0) I Shutdown within the following 24 hours. to CD 4t lAdd proposed SR and SR ](3 3.714.7 158 01/28/05 Amendment No. 10 65. 50, Q5. 107, 131. 141 Page 5 of 5


2. Primary Containment Integrity w r)S 0 a. (1) Primary Containment Integrity as defined b a. Perform required vAsual examinations and 0 0 SectIon 1, shall be maintained at all times See ITS 1 leakage rate testing except for primary when the reactor Is critical or when the containment air lock testing. In accordance will 3 reactor water temperature Is above 212-F the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testint 0 and fuel Is In the reactor vessel xt as' a specitid In (2),

I 2--i (2) Primary Containment Integrity Is not requtred 2 when performing low power physics tests at 0 atmospherio pressure during or after refueling CO D at power levels not to exceedS MWtl1. { See ITS } 0 0 (3) P/mary Containment Integrivis not requirod I -u y/hen performing reactor vmdsel hydrostatic o_ 0 A.2

                          /leakege tests with the retor not critical.

P (4) If requirements of 3.7.A& (l) cannot be 0

-o met, restore Primary Containment Integrity within one hour or be in tI least Hot                       See ITS and ITS}                                            ;U Shutdown within the next 12 hours end Cold                                                                                             0 co Shutdown within the foliowina 24 hours.


                                                                                                                                                                    -5, 0

to CA 0 0

 -5,                                                                                                                                                                0)

CD a) 3.7/4.7 158 01/28/05 Amondmont No. 30, 65. 6 05. 107, 122, 141 Page 4 of 4


2) 0 0

0 C 0 2 F -0 2 CD 0 SotD 0 co 0 0 la 0 to ;M (D CD la to 0) CD 0 0) 3.7/4.7 159 02/04/03 2 Amendment No. 62 i,- ,Ggr 132 Page 2 of 6

C C C ITS ITS 3.0 LIMmNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS When Primary Containment Integrity Is l .. _ . _ . . . . . . , C. c. (1) Perform required primary containment air C, a) required, the primary containment air lock shall lock leakage rate testing In accordance be operable with both doors dosed except 0) 9 with the Contalnrment Leakage Rate 0 I when the air lock Is being used, then at least one air lock door shall be dosed. Testing Program.(O( {See ITS} 2 0 Co 0 X-1 With the primary containment air lock Inoperable, maintain at least one air lock door (2) Once per 24 months, verify that only one door In the primary containment air lock can be opened at a time.

                                                                                                                                                     .1 M                       dosed and restore the air lock to Operable acO                     status within 24 hours or be In at least Hot                                                                                                        0 Shutdown within the next 12 hours and In Cold                        d. The Interlor surfaces of the drywell shal be Shutdown within the following 24 hours.                SR     visually Inspected                        for Moin evidence of deterioration.            T                                     2 ZCi 0
 -                                                                                                                                n accordance with the                      ED Primary Containment                       0 a                                                                                                                                Leakage Rate Testing
01) . Program LI
 ;M                                                                                                                                                                          CD 0

la 0 so 0 CD to (0 Mt 0 K) 0 0 au 0)

  • An inoperable air lock door does not Invalldate the previous successful performance of the overall air lock leakage test. - see ITS
  • Results shall be evaluated against acceptance criteria applicable to SR 4.7.A.2.a.

3.7/4.7 NEXT PAGE IS 163 160 02/04/03 Amendment No. Mr.Sr0, 132 Page 3 of 6


c. Wh~ie-n Prim r Containment Intenrttv lsi (1) Perform required pnmary containment air

_ ,.t . ._.___ A__.., __ An___. ___._.____. _,. Applicability ri contnmen airlock shall SR c a) 0 2 LCO I i hnLi be oeralerithbot ders dlosed pccept okI~~n sed, pin at least_ airlock doo hall be doss 9LA lock leakage rate testing In accordance with the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.(")(") 0) 0 2 SR (2) Once per 24 months, verify that only ono With the primary~gn-tainment air lock n door In the primary containment aIr lock Imaintai at least one air lok door can be opened at a time. ACTION C dosed and restore the air lock to Oerable status within 24 hours oF be In at least Hot ownwiin enoxt12 hours and in Cold \ d. ~The Interior surfaces of the drywell shall be ACTION D Shutdown within the following 24 hours. \ \visually Inspected each operatincylfo l See ITS 3 6.1.1I

                                                                                            \ \             evidence of deterioration.                                               03
                                                                                               \  add roposd                                                                         0 a)                                                                                                                                                                                    -V CD lAddproose ACION Noe 1and ACTIONS A and B and Condto                   C     <

CD la 0 0 la 0 SR Note I An Inoperable air lock door does not Invalidate the previous successful performance of the overall air lock leakage test. SR Note 2 Results shall be evaluated against acceptance crteria applicable to 3.7/4.7 NEXT PAGE IS 163 160 02104/03 Amendment No. 65, 60, 06 132 Page 1 of 2

-Aftachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 209 of 316 Pages 161 and 162 do not exist Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 209 of 316

(7 C ITS C ITS ITS 3.0 UMMNG CONDITiONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILtANCE REOUIREMENTS 3. Pressure Suppression Chamber. Reactor Bultding 3. Pressure Suppression Chami ber- Reactor Building Vacuum Breakers , Varmm Breakers _dd proposed SR 4 nM 0)

a. Except as specified In 3.7A3.b befowo,5 SR36...

LCO a. The pressure suppression chamber-eactor , / (0 (0 pressure suppression chamber-reactor building SR building vacuum breakers and associated Annthiwhititv vacum breakers shall be operabie at all times Ihstrumentation Including set point shall be the mwen Drimeontatnment integft Is I checked for proper operation every three M.1 5The set point of the differential months. 0S pressure instrumentation which actuates t M pressure suppression chamber-reactor bu SR I vacuum breaters shall be 50.5 psl. _Add proposed ACTIONS Note

                                                                                   ==Z=                                                                                                (0
b. From and aster the date thatloe the 0 pressure suppression chamber-reactor bu P

ACTIONS A vacuum breakers Is made or found to be -h Z-1 and C Inoperable for any reason, reactor operati CD

0) permsslbe only during the succeed-ngse (0 Hjunless suchvacuum breaker s soon (0 made opereble, provided that the repair M% procedure does not violate primary contail Co integrity. Add proposed ACTION A for an open vacuum breaker in both lines l 0

0U -4 ACTION E c if requirements of 3.7.A.3 cannot be met, the rector shag be laced In a Cold Shutdown conditton within hours. t IAdd proposed ACTIONS B and D r --::e 0) CO CD fMODE 3 In 2 ho n 0

0) 36 0)I 3.714.7 163 01/28105 Amendment No. " ,1 0 141 Page 1 of 1


4. Pressure Suppression Chamber-Drywell Vacuum 4. Pressure Suppression Chamber-Drywell Vacuum C) Breakers Breakers 0

0 a. When primary containment Integrity Is required, al eight drywell-suppresslon chamber vacuum

a. Operability and full closure of the drywell-suppresslon chamber vacuum breakers
                                                                                                                                            -I    See ITS }

breakers shall be operable and positioned In shall be verified by performance of the 0 the closed position as Indicated by the position following: a Indication system, except during testing and 0 except as specified In 3.7A.4.b through (1) Monthly each operable drywei-suppression 3.7.A,4.d below. chamber vacuum breaker shall be exercised through an opening-closing

b. Any drywell-suppression chamber vacuum cycle.
                                                                                                . .                                                        (.3       C breaker may be nonfutly dosed as Indicated by 0                     the position indication and alarm system                            (2) Onee provided that drywell to suppression chamber                                                                                                    0 SR        suppression chamber leakagedshal be         (Add second differential pressure decay does not exceed                              demonstrated to be less than that          I Frequency    J    [2 that shown on Figure 3.7.1                                               equivalent to a one-inch diameter ori'ce                               0 E) mad each vacuum breaker shal be visually                              CD i3               c. Up to two drywell-suppresslon chamber vacuun                             Inspected. (Containment access required) breakers may be Inoperable provided that (1)                                                                                                    DX 0                                                                                          (3) Once each operating cycle, vacuum

-4' the vacuurn breakers re determined to be fully closed and at least one position alarm circuit Is breaker position Indication and alarm operable or (2)the vacuum breaker is secured systems shall be caibrated and functionally -0 ('3 in the closed position or replaced by a blank tested. (Containment access required) S-ISes ITS flRanga. (4) Once each operating cycle, the vacuum 0) to

d. Drywell-suppresslon chamber vacuum breakers breakers shall be tested to determine that the force required to open each valve from may be cycled, one at a Ume, during containment inerting and deinerting cperaflons fully closed to fully open does not exceed -9 thai equivalent to 0.5 psid acting on the 0, to assist in purging air or nitrogen from the suppression chamber face of the valve I

suppression chamber vent header. disc. (Containment cess required.) 3.7/4.7 164 01128/05 Amendment No. 8,-20r80,-104 141 Page 6 of 6


4. Pressure Suppression Chamber-Drywell Vacuum 4. Pressure Suppression Chamber-Drywell Vacuum >

g:Breakers Breakers o Appricability C)

                                                .        n   ma c         ainment iner8       iS re u               _                Operability and full closure of the LCd3.6.1.7                                     eshrl-sv                         ebervcuum wresslon                           drywell-suppresslon chamber vacuum breakers makers shall be operable an positIoned In                                       shall be verified by petformance of the M.4    e eIg    h      heclosed posit1on              aollowfng-                                                           .                                    ,

n _cet t d _ I - SR excep as ap Iedin 3.7.A.4.b through SR (1) Monthly each operable drywell-suppression o 3.7.A4.d below. charnber vacuum breaker shall be 0 0 ~exercdsed through an openlng-closlng 3 ACON B b. [Any drywell-suppfesslon chamber vacuum eaker may be nonful closd as indA IS d cycle. See the positiop indication end alarm sy elli (2) Once each operating cycle, drywel to provIde that drywell to suppresi chambe withhn M.3 suppression chamber leakage shall be CO

dffer1Aim pressure decay do not exceed 12 hours demonstrated to be less than that
COe on ifeture 3.7.11e ql pent to n 6ne-Inch diameter orfice ;C C , Restore In 72 hours M.4 ) an vacuum rnOer sh3l CD ACTION A e___________ I drywell-suppressi chamber vacuum _ acted. ednment acces uireM I O LbreakersfmU InMabl ovded that (1) t 1 O ACTION B _Me vacuum breaers awe etermined to be fully (3 eposit ionI andalarm 0)ai etoe lnarm cioi u b0)ern fr
                                                    .operab     r (2) the rnbreaker Is ed _sstems                                                   shall calibrated and           lonally Dt                                                         c              onn                                                             tested.         atrinent access                                         0D
 -                                                    P                                                               sR   (4) Once each                           vacuum        =

SR d. Drywsll-suppresslon chambervacuum breakers breakers shall be tested to determine that _, Note 3 may be cycled. one at a time, during the force required to open each valve from 0

 ,                                                  containment inertinq and deinertino cerdiorm                                          fully closed to fully open does not exceed
0) I to assist In purging afr rtrogen from the suppression cha r vent header. LA.4 supssasn c ame rA0 cot vafve 2

6) 3.7/4.7 -164 0128/05 4 4 Amendment No. s, 3-,-*0 r 141 Page 1 of 3


                            -    ,        .. _..       ........................         I............A            . . _-___ -... _-     §......      .__...._

CD e. One posKoi alarm can be inoperable b. When tne position ot any aryweii-suppressaon CD W pr g tha the red ant posftfon at ACTION B chamber vacuum breaker valve Is Indicated to c iitIs operable.,oth pos'tion alarmdrcuts be not fully dosed at a time when such dosure 3CD 3 CD -1 M ybelnopera toraperlod not

                             /se uoperabW
                                            / dayspided that an vacu breakers

x eed

                                                                                            -0                       Is reauired.fthe dwAll to suppressbon charibera UWTK re3.7.

IUIUU U IUSU I evidence a subsequent operation a the II LIIUI UWII ndfollowln ny USI n12tjours M.3 0 3

f. If requirements of 3.7A4 cannot be met. the SR ACTION C CD 0 reactor shall be placed in a Cold Shutdown I condition within hours. Frequency restored to a normnal condiion.

3 TMODE 3 in12 a. When geth position at cidrcuits are made 3 0 tD hours and/ ope be into e, the control pan L2 ic ator light s shal be recorddaily to 0

36. > / dtd hn~ In he vacuum b eker iostion CD 5

CO -U I I. Primary Containment Oxygen Concentration 5. Primary Containment Oxygen Concentration So

                                                                                                                                                                                                            -A o                           a. The primary containment atmosphere shall be Whenever Inerting is required, the primary                            See ITS  }   DX CD                                                                                                              containment oxygen concentration shall be reduced to less than 4% oxygen by volume with                                 measured and recorded on a weekly basis.

nitrogen gas whenever the reactor Is In the run 0CD mode, except as specified in 3.7.A5.b. CD to b. Within the 24-hour period alter Thermal Power CD is > 15% Rated Thermal Power following startup, to 24 hours prior to reducing Thermal 0

-AI Power to < 15% Rated Thermal Power prior to Ci)                                the next scheduled reactor shutdown, the containment atmosphere oxygen concentration shall be reduced to less than 4% by volume, and maintained In this condition.

I 3.714.7 165 09/23r02 Amendment No. 44 130 Page 2 of 3

c ITS ( C ITS ITS I 3.0 LIMING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS I 0) a. One position alarm circuit can be inoperable b. When the positlon of any drywell-suppression providing that the redundant position alarm chamber vacuum breaker valve Is Indicated to 0I circuit Is operable. Both positIon alarm circuits be not fully ciosed at a time when such closure 0 Is required, the drywell to suppression chamber a may be Inoperable for a period not to exceed seven days provided that all vacuum breakers differential pressure decay shall be CD are operable. demonstrated to be less than that shown on Figure 3.7.1 Immediately and following any I. If requirements of 3.7.A.4 cannot be met, the evidence of subsequent operation of the See ITS} - reactor shall be placed in a Cold Shutdown Inoperable valve until the Inoperable valve Is restored to a normal condition. 0 I condition within 24 hours.

c. When both position alarm circuits are made or 00 found to be inoperable, the control panel Indicator light status shag be recorded daily to 0CD detect changes In the vacuum breaker position.

(0 5. PrImary Containment Oxygen Concentration 5. Primary Containment Oxygen Concentration I SR Whenever inerting Is required, the prinary

a. Iise primary containment atmosphere shall be containment oxygen concentration shall be
 -9' LCO                      reduced to less than 4% oxygen by volumeEM                                                                                                       tM
                                                                                                                                                                                       ;z ra a     enaver the reactor Is In the run measured niepoRlon a weeldy basis.                                          as 10 CD)                                        de,except as specified In 3.7.A.S.b.
 ;n                               b. Within the 24-hour period after Thermal Power
                                                                                          .S Applicabirity                     is > 15% Rated Thermal Power following startup, to 24 hours prior to reducing Thermal                                                                                                  -9h' Power to < 15% Rated Thermal Power prior to he next scheduled reactor shutdown.ithe                                                                                                        0) onitainment atmosphere oxygen concentration LCO                       shall be reduced to less than 4% by volume, I         .         and maintained In this condition.

3.714.7 165 09/23/02 Amendment No. 64,130 Page 1 of 2

c c ITS ITS 3.0 LIMING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ACTION A c. Whenever primary containment oxygen 0) C) Su concentration Is equal to or exceeds 4% by 0 volume, except as permitted by 3.7.A.5.b above. within the subsequent 24 hour period 3= return the oxygen concentration to less than 4% CD by volume. 0.q 0 ACTION B d. lf the requirements of 3.7.A.5 cannot be met, 3o reduce Thermal Power to s 15% Rated Thermal Power, within 8 hours. 0 E, Zo

0) B. Standby Gas Treatment System 0
                                                                                                                                                              -L 0

-V 1. Two separate and Independent standby gas treatment system circuits shall be operable at all B. Standby Gas Treatment System 0 -4 times when secondary containment Integrity Is required, except as specified In sections 1. Once per month, operate each train of the standby 0 and (b). gas treatment system for 1t0 continuous hours CD with the inline heaters operating.

a. After one of the standby gas treatment system ax circuits is made or found to be Inoperable for See ITS}

any reason, reactor operation and fuel handling is permissible only during the succeeding seven -ID4' days, provided that all active components inthe other standby gas treatment system are 0n operable. Within 36 hours following the 7 days, the reactor shall be placed In a condition for which the standby gas treatment system Is not required in accordance with Specification 3.7.C.2.(a) through (d). a) 3.7/4.7 166 09123102 Amendment No.69-77-G4 130 Page 2 of 2


c. Whenever primary containment oxygen D) a)S concentration Is equal to or exceeds 4% by C, 0 volume, except as permitted by 3.7.A.5.b above, within the subsequent 24 hour period return the oxygen concentration to less than 4% -{ 0, CD See ITS by volume.

0 - d. lf the requirements of 3.7.A.5 cannot be met, 0 reduce Thermal Power to s 15% Rated Thermal Power, within 8 hours. 0 EC 0 B. Standby Gas Treatment System/ 0 CD 0 LCO 1. To se eand I den ndb 0D CD . .. ~~~treatmn vt m a beo rbl B. Standby Gas Treatment System Applicability times when sen ary containment Integrty is _ a) Jxetas specified In sections .(a) 0 0, SR 1. Once per month, operate each train of the standby gas treatment system for z10 continuous hours 0 with the Inline heaters operating. a1) CD

a. After on I the standby gas treatment sys 0 msrade or found to be inoperabld*o-r 0X C) to ACTION A any reason, reactor operationla el h in 0, Is permissible only during the succeeding seven wihratr water CD ave pr tha all acive comp en in the A;=6 to ther ste as treatment svstm are CD'
0) /WnJ tini 6 hours following the 7 days.

the reactor shal be placed in a con ition For l 2 hours beIn MODE 3andi M. ACTION B which the standby gas treatment system Is not 0, at required In accordance with Specification 3.7.C.2.(a) d.

  • _~b)~

A. 3.714.7 166 09/23/02 Amendment No. 66, 77, 04 130 Page 1 of 5

C C ITS ITS I 4.0 SURVEILLANCE RIEQUIREMENTS ACTiON D 03 0) 3 0 _=:1 rosed SR A.4 0 3 0 a. Perdodlc Requirements a. At least once per 720 hours of system I operation; or once per operading cyde, but not 0, (1) The results of the in-place DOP tests at to exceed 18 months, whichever occurs or

                                                                                                                                       ;rst following painting, fire, or chemical release in 0

3500 dcm (+/- 10%) on i4EPA fiters shafl show :S % DOP penetration. any ventilatlion zone comrmunicating with the 0, system whlie the system Is operating that could 0 contaminate the HEPA filters or charcoal 3~ (2) The results of In-place halogenated 0D adsorbers, perform the oWowingr hydrocarbon tests at 3500 cfm (- 10%) on charcoal banks shall show s1% 0 =1 (1) In-place DOP test the H-E1PA filter banks. penetration. See ITS 5.5 } 03 0D (2) In-place test the charcoal adsorber banks (0 (3) The results of faboratory carbon sample analysis shall show S575% methyl iodide with helogenated hydrocarbon tracer. 0 penetration when tested In accordance with la I ASTM 38O03-1989 at 300C 95% relative humidity. (3) Remove one carbon test sample from the charcoal adsorber In accordance with la Regulatory PositIon C.6.b of Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2, March 1978. Subject this sample to a laboratory analysis to verify methyl hidde removal efficiency. 0, 3.7/4.7 167 8/18100 Amendment No. O0r 77- 94 112 Page 2 of 5

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 218 of 316 ITS 0 ITS (DINSERT A

c. With one standby gas treatment system train inoperable,
1) The following activities may continue for up to 7 days:

ACTION A (a)Movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies in secondary containment; I (b)Myiemet-oiffetIfuel cask in tbexeantertbrdng; and l (c) Operations with the potential to drain the reactor vessel.

2) Afi ter 7 days: Required Action CN (a)Immediandmovement of the fuel cel reactor I buld~ing, and ACTION C -

(b)Immediately place the operable standby gas treatment system train in operation, or (1) Immediately suspend movement of recently irradiated fuel

                              % assemblies in secondary containment; and (2)Immediaty suspend operations with the potential to drain the reactor vessel.                                       Required Action E. o
d. With both standby gas treatment trains inoperable immediately suspend:

ACTION E - Movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies in secondary containment; IMoveret-ef fuel cask in lbuieactobuilding Operations with the _potential for draining the reactor vessel. Insert Page 167 Page 3 of 5 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 218 of 316

C c C 0 ITS 5.5 ITS ITS See ITS } 3.0 UMITNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION / I 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS a) b. If both standby gas treatment system circuits are not operable, within 36 hours the reactor 0) shall be placed In a condition for which the standby gas treatment system Is not required In CD 0 accordance with Specification 3.7.C.2.(a) through (d). aD g , _ .

2. Performance Requirements JAdd proposed ITS 5.5.61 2. Performance Requirement Tests o program statement CD
a. Periodic Requirements 5.5.6 a. Atleastonceer 720 hours ofstem 24 Ao5 a aoCeratlorronce pera n e nut CD 5.5.6.a (1) The results of the in-place DOP tests at [to exed onthjwhIchever occurs first; or 3500 cfm (+/- 10%) on HEPA filters shalt following painting, fire, or chemical release In Ag 0
0) any ventilation zone communicating with the show 5s1% DOP penetration.

system while the system Is operating that could CD CD contaminate the HEPA filters or charcoal 5.5.6.b (2) The results of In-place halogenated So hydrocarbon tests at 3500 cfm (L 109%) on adsorbers, perform the following: j o (0 charcoal banks shall show 1% -u penetration. 5.5.6.a (1) In-place DOP test the HEPA filer banks. 0) 0D CD (3) The results of laboratory carbon sample 5.5.6.b (2) In-place test the charcoal adsorber banks 5.5.6.c with halogenated hydrocarbon tracer. analysis shag show s5% methyl iodide to penetration when tested In accordance with (0 ASTM D3803-1989 at 30WC 95% relative 5.5.6.c (3) Remove one carbon test sample from the (0 0 humidity. charcoal edsorber In accordance with -4' Regulatory Position C.6.b of Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2. March 1978. 0) Subject this sample to a laboratory analysis to verify methyl iodide removal effidency. 3.714.7 167 5/18/00 Amendment No. COr77944 112 Page 8 of 15


                                                                                                          - See ITS 5.5    }


b. The system shall be shown to be operable with: b. At least once per operating cycle, but not to exceed 18 months, the following conditions
0) (1) Combined filter pressure drop _5 Inches shag be demonstrated for each standby gas s water. 2 treatment system:

0 I (2) Inline heater power output t 18kW. . Odtlorll (1) Pressure A drop l vi each stIndoy X1 armss the combined P bysg

                                                                                                                                    **     +

rmVenuiern filters sysnem. [-{ See iTS 5.5}

                                                                                     /simnulated              circuit shall be measured at 3500 cfm                                           0 0         SR  G  The system shall be shown to be operable with automatic InitIatIon upon receipt of the followingX                              (+/-10%) flow rate.

0 Inputs: 8 0 (2) Ooerabiftv of Inline heater at nominal rated I (a) Low Low atorWater Level, o power shall be verified. I (b) High d IIpressure, or 6 CD SR [] At least once pe (c) Reaeor building ventilat plenum higi initiation of each standby gas treatment system Z"0 d)eueling or h circuit shall be demonstrated. 0 (0 ,(d) 10r higih floonn I~o Post Maintenance Testing

                                                                                                                                                                                               -o P

00 (D

 -4                   3. Post Maintenance Requirements                                              a. After any maintenance or testing that could affect the leak tight Integrity of the HEPA filters,                                 PO
a. After any maintenance or testing that could perrorn M-place uur Iests on the treA Tiliers i r affect the HEPA filter or HEPA filter mounting frame leak tight Integrity, the results of the b. After any maintenance or testing that could Inrlace DOP tests at 3500 cfm (+/-10%) on affect the leak tight Integrity of the charcoal See ITS 5.55 rDO HEPA liters shall shows1% DOP penetration. adsorber banks, perform halogenated /

N hydrocarbon tests on the charcoal 0) 1o

b. After any maintenance or testing that could absorbers.

affect the charcoal adsorber leak tight Integrity, 0) the results of In-place halogenated hydrocarbon tests at 3500 cfmC+/-10%) on charcoal adsorber banks shall show.11% penetration. 3.7/4.7 168 10/2/95 Amendment No. 94 Page 4 of 5


b. The system shall be shown to be operable with: b. At easton per operatng cyce, no o exceed 1 months, the following nditions 5.5.6.d (1) Combined filter pressure drop s6 Inches shalt be emonstrated for each s dby gas 7D-e9 water. treatme t system:

0) 5.5.6.e (2) Inlne heater power output? 18kW. (1) P ssure drop across the ombned filters each standby gas treatent system 0 c. The system shall be shown to be operable with Ircult shall be meas at 3500 cfm automatic initiation upon receipt of the following (t10%) flow rate. 2 Inputs: Operability of Intine h ater at nominal rated I power shall be verifi 0 (a) Low Low ReactorWater Level, or 2, (b) High drywell pressure, or { l At least once per operating cycle, automatic (c) Reactor building ventilation plenum high See ITS Initiation of each standby gas treatment system l J 0 radiation, or circuit shall be demonstrated. -o _ 01 (d) Refueling floor high radiation 3. Post Maintenance Testing CD

3. Post Maintenance Requirements 5.5.6 After any maintenance or testing that could CD 0 . affect the leak tight Integrity of the HEPA filters, 5.5.6 a. [After any maintenance or testing that could 5.5.6.a -f perform In-place DOP tests on the HEPA filters.

affect the HEPA filter or HEPA titter mounting 0 frame leak tight tntegrty~the results of the b. After any maintenance or testing that could -41) la) place DOP tests at 3500 cfm (+10%) on Ca) 5.5.6.a 5.5.6 - - affect the leak tight Integrity of the charcoal EPA filters shall show 1% DOP penetration. adsorber banks perform halogenated

0) 5.5.6.b hydrocarbon tests on the charcoal 0) 5.5.6 b.JAfter any maintenance or testing that could affect the charcoal adsorber leak tight Integrity,

[The provisions of SR 3.02 and SR 3.0.3 are 5.5.6.b the results of In-place halogenated hydrocarbon applicable to the VFTP test Frequencies A.4 tests at 3500 cfm(+/-10%) on charcoal adsorber banks shall show s1% penetration. 3.7/4.7 168 10/2195 Amendment No. 94 Page 9 of 15

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 222 of 316 ITS 5.5 ITS (i) INSERT A 5.5.6 {_TOnce per quarterfemonstrate that the pressure

.5.6        drop across the combined filters of each standby 5.5.6.d      gas treatment system circuit shall be measured 3500 cfm (+/- 10%) flow rate.

AA. 5.5.6 N-c o.nce per nlctratinghe rability of Inline 5.5.6.e heater at nominal rated power shall be verified for each standby gas treatment system. Insert Page 168 Page 10 of 15 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 222 of 316

( C C ITS ITS ITS 3.0 UMMNG CONDMONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS C. Secondary Containment O C. Secondary Containment 0 LCO 1. Exept as specified In 3.7.C.2 and 3.7.0. A. 1. Secondary containment surveillance shall be 3Seondary Containment ln er~nal e 5 J performed as Indicated below: lAdd proposed SR C O 4 SR a. Secondary containment capability to maintain / o 1 hu LC03.6.4.1 2. SecondaryContainment not required 1at least a 114 Inch of water vacu. Whenall o thefolowin condonsaresatisfied: A fo t cofon onwiithaflltertraln O a. The reactor is subcritical and Specification A 7 alm w n a 0 3.3A Is met. M.1 calm win cod Sns onoe unn is 0 C Applicability L3/ testing, the t a Isto be cted to cl 0 b. The reactorwater temperature Is below 212°F. __a___ _

-v                            __



No activi ng perfomed which redu b. Verification that each automatic damper STAAGERED the red a actuates to its Isolation position shall be heD S owmarginbelow 3.3 , In performed: <tor each SGT Os Thel  ; L (1) Each refueling oautage.,C 0 o _ _ (2) After maintenance, repair or repiacemrn

3. Wih an hoperable secondary contahnment Isolation tQ 3.Wt n nprbl 3work eodaycnaimnssoainsNETAociated actuator, control drcult. or is performed on the damper or Ks t damper. restore the Inoperable damper to operable sowaer cictuito C 0D pow cIt 0 status or isolate the affected duct by use of a dosed damper or blind flange within eight hours.

CA)__S e e ITS 3.6.4_2Ca t 0 4. If Specificat 3.7.C.1 through 3.7..3 not be t a have )j met, Inhit a normal orderly shutd the ctor in the Cold Shutd ndiion withIn 36 _A. Ir. Alterations of the 3.714.7 169 10/2195 Amendment No. 3,63, 76. 94 Page 1 of4

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 224 of 316 Q@ ITS ITS INSERT A

d. Recently irradiated fuel is not being moved within secondary Applicability containment.
e. Operations with the potential for draining the reactor vessel are not being performed.

( INSERT B Add proposed ACTION A 4'?) I 4.a During Run, Startup, or Hot Shutdown if Specifications 3.7.C.1 through 3.7.C.3 cannot be ACTION B _ met, initiate a normal orderly shutdown and have the reactor n the Cold Shutdown condition within M. 36 hours. I And 4.b If Specifications 3.7.C.1 through 3.7.C.3 cannot be met, immediately suspend: H Add proposed Required Action C.Note ag ACTION C- 1. Operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel.

2. Handling of recently irradiated fuel in the secondary containment.
13. Mwvemenr-Taf~uel cask inlthGeactto-r-building.I G

Insert Page 169 Page 2 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 224 of 316

C C ITS ITS ITS 3.0 UMING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILlANCE REQUIREMENTS C. Secondary Containment ~ C. Secondary Containment a) LCO t. Except as spcfe n3.7.C. rg37C3 ) 1. Secondary containment surveillance shall be perfomned as Indicated below, Add posd SR 3.6..2.1 M. ID C7 0

              - eE          _liu           ina all modes ol lant operatioe                                                                                                    3
a. Secondary containment capability to maintain at least a 114 Inch of water vacuum under calmt 0 f.:,

whnaotthe fnflawtna conditioni are ratisl I wind (u c 5 mph) conditions with a filter train flow rate of ,4,000 scfm, shall be demonstrated

                  .             a. Theresdtor bsubcriticat and Specdficailon                         at each refuefling outage prior to refueling. If 0      Applicability     -          3.3A Is met.                                /                    calm wind conditions do not emdst during this                            0 I                     CD 3-                                                                                                   testing, the test data Is to be corrected to calm 0                               b. The reactor water temperature is below 21201 0                                                                                                                                                                             a 0


                                                                                                                                                                              -CD 0
01) 0U to -9 0,

(Jn 0 to' a, Page 1 of 4

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 226 of 316 0 ITS Ki ITS (O INSERT A Recently irradiated fuel is not being moved within secondary Applicability containment. Operations with the potential for draining the reactor vessel are not being performed. i INSERT B 4.a During Run, Startup, or Hot Shutdown if 3.7.C.3 cannot be the Specifications 3.7.C.1 throughshutdown ACTION C- met, initiate a normal orderly and have reactor n the Cold Shutdown condition within hou n36 And 4.b If Specifications 3.7.C.1 through 3.7.C.3 cannot be met, immediately suspend: Add proposed Required Action D.A Note A) K-) ACTION D - 1. Operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel.

2. Handling of recently irradiated fuel in the secondary containment.
13. M fu el cask inkhy-reatc~or building. A Insert Page 169 Page 2 of 4 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 226 of 316

C C ITS C ITS ITS IITS and 3.0 UiMTNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION ITS J reador core, operations with a potential for reducing

0) the shutdown margin below that specified in na) specification 3.3.A. and handing of Irrailated fuel or the fuel cask In the secondary containment are to 0 be immediately suspended if secondary CD containment Integrity I3 not maintained. CD Applicability . Primary Containment Isolation Valves (P aM / Prlmxy D. Contanment 15 a (PCIVs)l24mnh linVves 0 3

LCO 1. 1. Tho primary containment automatic Isolation valve 0 Primary Containmentga~ Isolation valves end 0 A.2) surveillance shall be performed as follows: / all primary system Instrument line flow check valves 1 shal be operable except as specified In 3.7.D2 and SR a. At least once per[olaeiMcvcb the operab'e MSeV dosun I3.7.D.3.-I Isolation valves that wae power operated and times excluding reactor building-to-suppressbn SR automatically InitIated shal be tested for -3 chamber vacuum breakers SR simulated automatic inItlationId dosure tims a 0 aX CU tD 0 CD

                                                                                ""e      SR

-U 0 CD 0 l N CD CD, i? 0) t) 0) I Add proposed SR and SR MS 3.714.7 170 011/26/05 Amendment No. 3 71 =77 22t t=0w 141 Page 1 of 5

C C 0 ITS 3.0 LIMTNG CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS reactor core, coeratlons With a potenial for reducing a) the shutdownhwagin betow that speo'cifled In 0) 0 speciication J.3.A. and handllng olrradialed fuel or 0 the fuel casV In the secondary corntlnment are to A.6e 0D be immediviely suspended if secfndary a(D conteinmeh~t Intesority Isnot mairained. I-D. Primary Containment Isolation Valves (PCtVs) D. Prlmary Containment Isolation Valves (PCIVs)

1. During reactor power operating condtlins, alt 1. The primary containment automatic Isolation valve 0 Primary Containment automatic Isolation valves and surveillance shalt be performed as folows: 0 all primary system Instrument ilne flow check valves rD shell be operable except as specified in 3.7.D.2 and a. At least once per operating cycle the operable 0 0

CO I 3.7.D.3.

                                                                           +        _

Isola'lon valves that are power operated and automatically Initiated shai1 be tested for -5 -u simulated automatic Initiation and closure times. (D 0 0 CD b. At least once per operating cycle the primary system Instrument line flow check valves shall be tested for proper operation. 0 6 la e. All normally open power-operated Isolation

                                                                                                                                                  \ -See   ITS }  a) 0 (a                                                                                               valves shall be tested In accordance with the tD                                                                                               Inservice Testing Program. Main Steam                                    (D Isolation valves shall be tested (one at a time)                           K) co with the reactor power less than 75% of rated.

co 0 d. At least once per week the main stearn-ine 0

-0) power-operated Isolation valves shall be exercised by partial closure and subsequent reopening.                                                                 a) 3.714.7                                                                                              170            01128/05 Amendment No. 73.t = 1. 1W". 141 Page 3 of 4

( C C ITS 3.0 LIMING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS __________________________________________________ i. reador core, o rations with a potennal for reducing the shutdown arpin below thet spi lled In 01 0) S spedflcation .3.A. and handing o~irrediated fuel or . DX the fuel cas In the secondary cor~ealnment are to A.10 0 0 be Immedi lely suspoended if rsecfndary contalnme t Intreqrit Ib not mairtjalnied. 0 a D. Primary Containment Isolation Valves (PCIVs) D. Primary Containment Isolation Valves (PCIVs) - 0-0

1. During reactor power operating conditons, all 1. The pitmary containment automatic 0solation valv 0 01 3~ Primary Containment automatic Isolation valves and all primary system instrument ne flow check valves surveillance shall be performed as follows:

0 shalt be operable except as specified in 3.7.D.2 and a. At least once per operating cycle the operable I 3.7.D.3. Isolation valves that are power operated and automalkally initiated shall be tested for a I simulated automatic InitRation and ciosure times. E1

b. At least once per operating cycle the primary t system instrument fine flow check valves shall CO X

be lested for proper operation. 0 0 0, CD CD

c. All normally open power-operaled Isolation valves shall be tested in accordance with the (See ITS } Co Insenke Testing Program. Main Steem Isolation valves shall be tested (one at a time) 0 to a~) with the reactor power less than 75% of rated. la C


d. At feast once per week the main steern.-ine power-operated Isolation valves shall be exercised by partial closure and subsequent reopening.

3.7/4.7 170 01/28105 Amendment No. , 7. 7. 10, 141 3,122. Page 3 of 4

( C C ITS ITS ITS I AAAd -- A.n~ ArTw(inM KM- - -

                                                                        /I --.                   -i      Ul-A.4-fu 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREME                     Add proposed Note 2 to Required Actions A.2 and C.2 I Whenever a containment penetration flow path Is
                                                                                                                                                                                                  -0  D}

ACTION A. isolated by a valve deactivated In the Isolated 0 ACTION C position to meet the requirements of TS 3.7.D.2. the 0 position of the deactivated and Isolated valves or ACTION C_ oe sveore theevv \ Required the Isolation device outside primary only A -oae!U 9at least one valve in each Actions A.2 shall be rehorded For a contai t nt\ line having valve Is deactivated In\ and C.2 penetration flow path isolated by a valve the Isolated condition. This requirement may deactivated In the Isolated position to meet the be satisfied by use of at least one dosed and and requirements of TS 3.7.D.2, the position of the a) deactivated automatic valve, dosed manual Ipenetwtiors deactivated and Isolated valves or Isolation devices C [wih a cdosed 0 valve. blind flang, or check valve with flow Inside primary conlainment which have not had their eud Ithat a check valve cannot be position n the previous 92 daeshall A-130 ACTION C- a_ _etratior as o have their position L or o entering Startup 0 only 113C means el tricallyor

                                                           ;eactivated                                          or Hot Shutdown from Cold Shutdown. If the primary                                    0 pneu aticaly disarm or otherwise secure th                                    containment was de-inerted while In Cold                                              -9

-U Ivalv .

  • Shutdown.* a) a)

CD (0 0 ACTION B b. In the event one or more penetration flow paths 0 with two PCiVs Inoperable, reactor operation In IhefryFV m9delmay continue provided that within the suseere e as o A9oous

                                   >1             0r at least one valve In each                                                                                                                        ID line having Inoperable valves Is deactivated In                                                                                                                     CA tM the isolated condition. This requirement may                                                                                                                        CD 0) be satisfied by use of at least one dosed and                                                                                                                       N
0) ACTIONS deactivated automatic valve. dosed manual _W valve, or blind flange. (Deactivated meads Note I electyicly or pneumatically disarm qotherwise CD securpthe valve.*)

Isolated I valves dosed to satisfy these requirements may be ACTIONS Isolated valves dosed to satisfy these requirements may be reopened on an Intermittent basis under approved Note 1 reopened on an intermittent basis under approved administrative controls. administrative controls. Actions - A.2 and [ Isolation devices in high radiation areas may be verified by use of administrative means. 3.7/4.7 C.2 Note 1 171 09123/02 Amendment No. 71, -,77, 130 Page 2 of 5

C C ITS C ITS ITS a ~I 3.0 UMING CONIDmONS FOR OPERA'AiON>J 4.0 SURVEIIULANCE REQUIREM Add proposed Note 2 to Required Actbon 02 DLS SR Note 3. a. TheloertIng and delngrperations _I_ I _ I,-

3. Wnenever containment purge end vent valves are
                                                                                                                                                                                      " 1/

pernittd byTS 3.7A5.b shall be va the Required isolated to meet the requirements of TS 3.7.D.3.b. S 1R8-nch purge a3.6v1. ActIon D.2 the poslion of the deactivated end Isolated vahles SR _-9Dn i heHerr ottside primary containment shaD ber d 1`12-Mnnflam- -- ,A  ;== IN-- I monthly." -8 anq vemmng. When prinmary containment lntegrfy/ 0 C CD Is required. shalt be via the 2-inch purge and / vent valve bypass Ine and the Standby Gas Treatment System. / 0 (l 0 0-i Add proposed ACTIONS Note I1

b. In the event one or more penetration flow paths ACTION D with one or more containment purge and vent valves not within purge and vent valve leakage 0e 03 limits. reactor operation In the mo my continue provided thait within the subsequent CD 0 24 hours.restorethe valvel)to withi leakagel - Add Tprpod and SR 3...3.9
                                                                                                                                                           =SR                                     S Et                               IrNOWteor at least one valve In each fine having a                                                                                                                 0 purge and vent valve not within leakage mrits b.

deactivated In the isolated position. This requirement may be satisfied by use of one See ITS 5.5 } CD closed and deactivated automatic valve, closed manual valve. or intlne/ocvtd rneens e)tcaity or pneumnacatiydisarmor[ dhorwide secure the vaie 0S 4. The seat seeas of the drywel and suppression chamber 18ench purge and vent valves shell be replaced at least once every srx operating cwcles. If la K) la ACTION E 4. f Spedflcation 3.7.D.1. and 3.7.D.3 cannot 4 SR - "eodic Type C leakage testng ot theva1,w be met, Initiate normal orderly shutdown and have reaclorqfn the Cold Shutdown condition within identities a common mode test failure attributable to seat seal degradation, then the seat seals of all I (B -11 0 0, drywell and suppression chamber 18-inch purge and vent valves shall be repleced. 0) lated valves in high radialion areas may be verified by use I fadministion means. 3.7/4.Add proposed ACTIONS A B, and F for PCIVs required to be M.1 Required 171a 01/26/05 OPERABLE during MODE 4 or 5 < Action 0.2 Amendment No. 43 -- 141 Note i Page 3 of 5


3. a. The Inerting and deinerting operations 3. Whenever containment purge and vent valves are permitted by TS 3.7.A.5.b shall be via the isolated to meet the requirements of TS 3.7.D.3.b, 18-inch purge and vent valves (equipped with the position of the deactivated and isolated valves 40-degree limit stops) aligned to the Reactor outside primary containment shall be recorded IN Building plenum and vent. All other purging monthly.** 0 fu 0 and venting, when primary containment integrity 0 Is required, shall be via the 2-inch purge and 3 0 vent valve bypass fine and the Standby Gas Treatment System.

CD See ITS -4.

b. In the event one or more penetration flow paths 0 with one or more containment purge and vent 0 valves not within purge and vent valve leakage 0-4 limits, reactor operation in the run mode may C continue provided that within the subsequent 0

-A 24 hours, restore the valve(s) to within leakage 0 limits, or at least one valve in each line having a (0 purge and vent valve not within leakage limits Is X 0 deactivated in the isolated position. This CD) requirement may be satisfied by use of one D closed and deactivated automatic valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange. (Deactivated means electrically or pneumatically disarm or to

4. The seat seals of the drywel and suppression I (0 101 otherwise secure the valve.) chamber 18-inch purge and vent valves shall be 5.5.1 1.e Ca) replaced at least once everylsix operating ovold If CA)
0) 4. If SpecificatIon 3.7.D.1,3.7.D.2 and 3.7.D.3 cannot periodic Type C leakage testing of the valves 0 be met, initiate normal orderly shutdown and have identifies a common mode test failure attributable to I reactor In the Cold Shutdown condition within seat seal degradation, then the seat seals of all 0) 24 hours. drywell and suppression chamber 18-Inch purge and vent valves shall be replaced.

I Isolated valves In high radiation areas may be verified by use of administration means. I See ITS l JI 3.7/4.7 171a 01/28/05 Amendment No. 430r 141 Page 11 of 15

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 233 of 316 Page 172 (a blank page) not shown Pages 173 and 174 do not exist Bases pages 175 through 190 not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 233 of 316

C C C 0 ITS 0l4

                             /                         FkMge3.7/                                                         /


                                                                                                                           -0                       3 m
                        \.   ,. .     .   .  .    .        j. .     .....        . .   .      .,

U, to

                           .    .                                         I                       .

D 0 0 IL 0.2

a. . . . . . . . .,. , . . . . .. . 2E, 0
a -J 0 0J D

_s Il So -o IL 0 0 CD U3 00 (L 0 0 /50 100 / 200 TIME - SECONDS / 5 a) 191 191981 Amendment No. 0 Page 3 of 3


0) 0)

Applicabiliy Apollcabt:/ CD Applies to the adioacive release rate from the main Apples to the sampling d monitoring of radioactive CD. I condenser offas. effluents discharged the main condenser offgas. I Obiective: bec.e 0 To limit th doses received at the site boundary I main To limit the doses r ceived at the site boundary from main 0 condens r offgas in the event that effluent Is dis arged with condenser offgas the event that eMuent is discharged with 3 less tha full treatment. less than full treaeent. o spfgsicatesn: ( Secificatio any main steam line As A.2 CD not isolated and 3.7.6 A. Main Condenser Oflgas Ad"fr a o m A. Main Condenser Offgas Act"ty -U ;0 NM: Not required to be performed until 31 days after the Applicability the gross gamma act"vt rate of the SJAEa are In operation. noegss measured at the main condenser CD LCO 3.7.6 offgas system

2. Whener pretreatment thegrStgamm A monitor act~trat station Eicof shags be thJes nobe I 1. Verify the gross gamma acvIty rate of the noble s2.e x 105 n iChisecond after a decay of 30 minutes. gases Is s2.6 x 105 ILCI/second after a decay of 30 aD) minutes:

ACTION A 2. When the gross gamma activity rate of the noble 0) gases is not within the7m2 of 3.8.A.1 above, restore a. Once every month. gross gamma adlivity rate of the noble gases to CD) 0 within the timmhwithin 72 hours. b. 4 hours after a 2 50% Increase In the nominal CD) steady state fission gas release after factoring 0, -a out Increases due to changes In thermal power level. SR 3.814.8 192 07/25101 Amendment No. 4 5 r40 r$ 2 , 121 Page 1 of 2


a. Isolate all main steam lines within 12 hours; or 0) 0 0
b. Isolate the SJAEs withIn 12 hours; or 0

CD 0

e. Be In hot shutdown wIthin 12 hours and cold shutdown within the following 24 hours.

0 0 0 C

                                                                                                                                            -A 0

0 0 CD

U 0 -c (0

CD 0 0 N CD la CD to toN CD 1 3.814.8 NEXT PAGE IS 196 193 07/25/01 Amendment No. 41,-40,r1 2 0. 121 Page 2 of 2

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 237 of 316 Pages 194 and 195 do not exist Bases pages 196 through 198 not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 237 of 316


                         .~rc                                                                            C                                                       /                      :10 0                          Applies to the a                 el power system.                           Apples to the periodic testing requirements            ea   lary                  0 electrical system.                                                     /CD Oblecthe://I_

1 n/be /  : To ure an adequate supply of electrcal d r urng < O ant opratlon. Verify the operab i e aufdllary electrical system. O SeficatonSe: Sofiration CD Applicability CD -& LCO 3.8.1 Ths reactor shall not be made unless all the A. Surveillance tasting shall be performed as follows: X L~~~ollowing requiremnents are satsle:ie O

1. Substation att Bwitchyard 0 LCO 3.8.1.a 1. lAt le two 2) NStransmission es. assocCated 0 Whgtwolof.dte O least urcoS andat a. E week the a c gravity and voltagof S are fully opional en~rgz a car ry pilot cell and I rature of adjacen lel_

the plant 4160V A aseas follows: overal baetvoltage shall be me ured. 0U a. 2R and I transformers, or / Every three the measure shall be _ 0 made of geof each cel tone 0.01 0D

b. 1R 1ARtransformeor volns gravity of eadhcel, tempera re of every fifth cel.

co an0c

                                                                                                                                                                                        -4' Ll

_ Add proposed SR and SR M.2 a ~/ rl2) \0, qualified circuits between 199

                                                                                                                                                         ^ - i 10/ F16/87 3.914.9                                              the offsite transmission network and the onsite                                      Amendment No. 51 Class I E AC Electrical Power Distribution System Page 1 of 5

C C C ITS 3.8.4 0 ITS 3.0 UMING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9 4.A AUXIARY ELE9 n0 Areprxam ry: Apoocbic / 0) a CD Apptles to t auxiliary electrical power system. Applies to the period testng requirements of the auxdliary 3 0 electrical systemn. a 0 c

                                                      /                              /                ~Objective:

C, To assre eanadequate supply of electrical powr during 0 plant dperatlon. / VerHiy the operity of the auxilary electrical system. 0 3 3.8.4 Soecifcatton: Sp=Mcalon: 3D 0 I~

 ;U   Applicability     A. The reactor shall not be rnadeLcrltcaiunless all the                        A. Surveillance testing shall be performed as follows:

o: followinoOnrequirements are satisfied:

1. Substation Switchyard Battery o 1. At least two (2) NSP transmission lines, associated 0 switchgear, and at least two offsite power sources a. Every week the specific gravity and voltage of M are fully operational and entrglzed to carry power to the pilot cell and temperature of adjacent cells so the plant 4160V AC buses as follows: and overall battery voltage shag be rneasured. . ( See ITS 3.8.1} 6 0

lDa CD)

a. 2RandltRttransformers,or b. Every three months the measurements shall be to made of voltage of each cell to nearest 0.01 M b. IR and 1AR transformers, or volt, specific gravity of each cell, and rD temperature of every fifth coll.
c. 2R and 1AR transformers (sou from 10 to 0

(0 transformer 0

                                                                                             *1" 0

Ca 3.914.9 199 10/16/87 Amendment No. 51 Page 1 of 3

C C C ITS 3.8.6 0 ITS 3.0 UMING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUmREMENTS 3.9 AUXILIA I KICAL SYSTEMS 4.9 AUXILIARY ELECIR A icab /ftpkfab/ 0 0 Applies to te auxiliary electrical power system. Applies to the pert testing requirements of the awdiary 3 CD electrical system. 0 M To ass a an adequate supply of electrical r during M plant ratin. Vertfy the opera ility of the auxdliary electrical system. 2 Secifflcatn: 0 so 3.8.6 Snec=catlon: I 0 Applicability A. The reactor shall not be mad ritIcalunless all the A. Surveillance testing shall be performed as follows foltowina requirements are satisfied: 0 3 -o MU 03 1. At least two (2)NSP transmission Ones. associated CD switchgear, and at least two offslte power sources a. Every week the specific gravity and voltage of are fuly operational and enrgized to carry power to the plant 4160V AC buses as follows

a. 2R and I Rtransformers, or the pilot cell and temperature of adjacent cells and overall battery voltage shall be measured.
b. Every three months the measurements shall be
                                                                                                                                                         -qSee ITS 3.8.1 }          CD so 0

made ofvoltage of each cell to nearest 0.01 lu CD b. 1Rand IAR transformers, or volt, specific gravity of each cell, and N, temperature of every fifth cell. to 0

c. 2R and IAR transformers (soure from 10 0 transformed Ca) a, 3.914.9 199 10/16/87 Amendment No. 51 Page 1 of 3

C C C 0 ITS 3.8.7 ITS 3.0 UMITING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.9 AUXIUA E ICAL SYSTEMS 4.9 AUXILIARY ELECIR ID 0 3 Appiles to te auxiliary electrical power system. Applies to the period testhg requirements of the auxilary 3 tD 0 electrical system. 0

                                              /                      /                    QObjective:                                                                           0 To ass e an adequate supply of electrical          during                                                                                                   0 0                    plant     ration.                                                     Verffy the opera ilty of the autdllry electrical system.

Specification: Soecificatlon: 3 3.8.7 3

                                                                                -I Applicability    A. The reactor shall not be made erltlcallunless all the              A. Surveillance testing shall be performed as follows:

0 following reouirements are satisfied: -t - - -- c0

1. Substation Switchyard Battery
1. At least two (2) NSP transmission lines, associated switchgear, and at least two offsite power sources a. Every week the specific gravity and voltage of 0 are fully operational and envrgized to cany power to the pilot cell and temperature of adjacent coels a)

Co 0 the plant 4160V AC buses as follows: and overall batteryvoltage shall be measured. See ITS3.8.1}1 0 X CD a. 2Rland1Rtransformersor b. Every three months the measurements shall be made of voltage of each cel to nearest 0.01 10 N b. lRand1ARtransformers, or volt, specfic gravity of each cell, and N) temperature of every fifth cell. aM c. 2R and 1AR transformers (source from 10 to transformer -9. 0 3.914.9 199 10/16187 Amendment No. 51 Page 1 of 3

C C CI ITS 3.8.1 0 ITS LCO 3.8.1.b s 2) M 0

3. (a) 4160VBuses#15and#16areenergized.

CD 3 (b) 480V Load Centers #103 and #104 are 0 a) 0 oc, 0 0 ACTION F, ACTION G - a) tD3 1. Transmiss Unes 0 So From afte the date nomigpower gat is -4' ave ble from only o ine reador operatlal M p satbleonly d the succeeding ndays 0, ness an addit' Hnslhsooner pl service providing both aemergency diesel eratora are to

                            /oerable.                                                                                          0) aw p

CD 3.914.9 200 08/27/02 Amendment No. C4,404T 129 Page 2 of 5

( C C 0 ITS 3.8.4 ITS 3.0 LMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REWUIREMENTS r i 1 2. Both diesel generators are operable and capable o _ See ITS 3.8.1 }

0) I feeding their designated 4160 volt buses. 0) 3 CD
                     ]   3.   (a)  4160VBusesl#15andfl6areenergized.
                                                                                    -I                                                  (See [TS 3.8.7 }

S CD (b) 480V Load Centers #103 and #1104 are 0 LCO 3.8.4 4. 0 I @B Iare 0 B. Wh30the mode swit.3Is in Run, the a/llability of 0 a' LCO 3.0.3 elqttrlc power shall fe as specilied In$.9.A, except as Co sp'eclfied In 3..nBfothe reactor shallke placed In theI skld shutdow~n cosidition vuitinm 24 h~ura. 0 M 1. Transmission Unes P N -o From and after the data that Incoming power Is -4' Co W available from only one Ine, reactor operation Is See ITS 3.8.1 } N permissible only during the succeeding seven days -0 unless an additional line Is sooner placed In service providing both the emergency diesel generators are 0) to operable. to Ca)

                                                                                                                                                                       -9h 0)

Ca 0) 3.914.9 200 08/27/02 Amendment No. b54,04 129 Page 2 of 3

( c C ITS 3.8.6 3.0 LIMIING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION I 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS See [TS 3.8.1 } C) 0 3. (a) 4160VBuses#15and#16areenergized. { See ITS 3 8.7 } aM 0 r9q. (b) 480V Load Centers #103 and #104 are energized. 0 I Add proposed LCO 3.6 4 C:

4. Allstation24148, 125,and250voltbatte fres are C) 0 charged and in service, and associated t battery chargers are operable.

3 _of See ITS 3.8.4 and ITS 3.8.7 :3 B. When the mode switch Is in Run, the availabi I - eledrIc power shall be as specified In 3.9.A, emcept as 0t specified In 3.9.8 or the reactor shall be placi d In the See ITS 3 8.11 ITS 3.8.4, and 0 cold shutdown condition within 24 hours. ITS 3.8.7T -o 0 -o [1. Transmission Lines CD From and after the date that Incoming power Is available from only one lne, reactor operation Is Se ITS -3.8.1 } (0 permissible only during the succeeding seven days 0a unless an additional lne Is sooner placed in service

0) providing both the emergency diesel generators are operable. I

-9%, 0 0) 1 3.914.9 200 08/27/02 Amendment No. .,-404, 129 Page 2 of 3


2. Bath diesel generators are operable end capable of __SeetTS_3_8.1_M2__

Dl feeding their designated 4160 vol buses. ) 0 3. (a) 41 V Buses #1 and #16 are/nergized. CD IT I anldDnsiobn I-DMivisn 2 AC elofctd powert 1C O3.8.7 (b) aVLoadCe ters#1 0 4 are daibution bsytems shalbeOPERAL.1 FLr CO 3.8.7 _Adpe D8b n lbb Cedia

    <:4.                       All station 24/48, 12, an 250 vol batteries are'      ____________                                                                           A2 O                               charge and in se           end assoaaed batte'y/                                                                                       1            2 C                               chrr       a oSee                                                                                                 ITS 3.8.4 and ITS386              C B. When the mode switch is in Run, the availability of B                                                                                                                                                          C electric power shall    as            in 3.9.A except as Idfed                          A            ACTION A_

ACTION C, in 3 9 Ithe osper ted reactor shall be placed" the_

;        ACTION D               s     own condiionwithin[l'4ours.                    ____
1. Transmission Lines Frorn and after the date that Incominhg power Isn available from only one line, reactor operation Is t) permissible only during the succeeding seven days _ _

0 unless an additional line Is sooner placed in service CD providing both the emergency diesel generators are t -ch, operable. Se IT 38. 0 0

                                           --                                                                                                                                        h 0) 3.914.9                                                                                                 200         08/27102 Arnendment No. 654i.O4. 129 Page 2 of 3


2. Reserve Transformersb Cr. d proposled Required Actin A.3 4}D 0 S ACTIOndNorpAetonddneproposed ACTION A It offstle power sourres are rnade or found to be n opgnTwM5 / Jd p~ Note 2 to SR 3.81 o2bS .n1~

a Inoperable for any reason such that Specilicatlon CD 3.9.A.1I Is not net. reator operatlooI nsbpen f stad - CD only during the succeeding 72 hou es such . 3. Standb Diesel Generators / / _ @ r.6 ) offshe sources are sooner rnade omeablejlpiofed I A3r. I that either I R.or slorrnersa. esel generator shae be manually 0 3. Standby Diesel Generators L2 ) S startedaded and operated oddproposedNote3 toSR L6 o ACTION B a. 1) From and after the date that one of the 60tmonstes opera ren eSR. dIesel generators Ismade or found to be ~ R 38..1 Inoperable, reactor operation Is I -o coIs ________________________ only during the succeeding 7 dae prvddht ISR 81.2 Alleast once each ua os foflepwrI cot M.4 AeX d e that the operable diesel generator Isshutdowdisimuat e 1 CD demonstrated to be operable within a4 seond Reu conJunctlon wdth an EC: Ihistest equirect" L3)(a) peled3,Verify de-energization of the j 0 "U raga s of wi e inoperabl~esel a ~ emergency busse" and load shedding " erator I ored to . from the emergency busses. 0) CTheoperlly of the erdIesel (b) VerfyIng diesel starts from ambient d dystate 0 CZ)dp generT r need not mdemonstrated a condflons on the auto-start signal and votaeendry mb M.6 dies lgenerator I perabilty was asto I ready to accept emergency loads . O p planned p ntatlve malnte nce or within ten seconds, energizes the / in. /emergency busses with ranent / connected loads zes the ACTION E 2) 0rothdIesel generators become proposedemergency ao-cAdd hads in ACTION Unoperable during power operatioil ActbnE.1proper time sequence, and operates ACTIONIreadorshallbe placed nthecold tfor greater than five minutes whIle Is ACTION F shutdown condition. M 3itetJ generator is loaded with emergency l~t 112 and Iloads. 3.9/4.9 201 08/27102 Amendment No. 26,1i1 , 129 Page 3 of 5

C C C ITS 3.8.1 ITS 3.0 IUMING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION l 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS I .. ... . _ _ . I . .. f _ .. For the diesel generators to be considered _ 4f0u I b. operable, there shall be a minimium of 0) 0 38,300 gallons of diesel fuel (7 days supply 3-3 I for I diesel generator at full load @ 2500 a KW) In the diesel onl storage tank. 0 0 CD 0C a o c. When a diesel generator Is required to be - operable, maintain air pressure for both associated air starting receivers 165 psig. 0CD

1) With one diesel generator starting air receiver pressure < 165 psig, restore both starting air receivers pressure to 2 165 psig within 7 days, or declare the

{ J

                                                                                                                                          -o SO 00 associated diesel generator Inoperable.

-U 0 0 2) With both diesel generator starting air Co receivers pressure < 165 psig but 0N Co la z 125 psig. restore one starting air receiver to 165 pslg and enter TS LCO la ID 3.9.B.3.c.1, or restore both starting air

  -4                       receivers pressure to Z 165 psig within                                                                         a)
                                                                                                                                            -4 0                         48 hours. If neither action can be IN3                     accomplished within 48 hours, dedare the                                                                        '.

associated diesel generator Inoperable.

3) With both diesel generator starting air receivers pressure <125 psig, Immediately declare the associated diesel generator Inoperable.

3.9,4.9 202 08127/02 Amendment No. 3,45,-S0,129 Page 4 of 5

C C C 0 ITS 3.8.3 ITS ITS IAdppsed ETB38-3.0 UMMNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION / __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ I I T 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS

                                                                                                                                                           -o a)

C, I APPLICAstiY F+/-or the diesel generators to be considered onrable ,thre shan be a minimum of 38 30 nalonsof diesel fuel/dy upy T SR

1) Once a month the quantity of diesel fuel available shall be logged. A See ITS 3.8.1 1

a) 2 I SR

2) During the monthly generator test theI 0 0- diesel fuel oil transfer punp and dlse Ol I service pump shall be operated.
                                                                                                                                                          ,,IJMMU  PrOPUSeG ZIK J.75, JC) 0,                                                                                                              Tbe taken and checked for uanvriIS 0        APPLCABILMY C.         whna diesel generator Is required to be
  • Qttbl[;ainan air pressure for both C- Verify each required op'erable diesel 2a SR _asoitdar startino receivers SR 0 generator air start receiver pressure Is 0 2t.165 psig.

2 165 psig once per month. E,

1) With one diesel generator starting air 0 a)

ACTION E receiver pressure <155 psg. restore both 0 starting air receivers pressure to Add proposedSR382 CO 7days or declare the -o 04 ACTION G -g or Inoperable. -o 0, < Ad proosedSR3.35 0 ACTION F 2) With both diesel generator starting air receivers pressure < 165 psig but la CA _ 125 psig. restore one starting air receiver CD 0, to 2165 psig and enter TS LCO 3.9.B.3.c1, or restore both starting air receivers pressure to z 165 psig within 48 hours. II neither action can be 03 ACTION G accomp ished WIthin 48 hours, declare the associated diesel generator innnomhtA C, ACTION G 3) Wfith both diesel generator starting air receivers pressure <125 psig. Immediately dedAare the assodmated doesel generatorp Inoperable. . 1 dpooedA1O1 n Dl. t 3.914.9 .4 202 08M27102 Amendment No. W,7,90129 Page 1 of 1

C C C 0 ITS 5.5 ITS 1* 3.0 LIMING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS a) I b. 1 For the diesel generators to be considered b.

1) Once a month the quantity of diesel fuel I

W 0CD a) CD operable, there shall be a minimum of available shall be logged. 38,300 gallons of diesel fuel (7 days supply ---- I 3 I for 1 diesel generator at full load @ 2500 KW) In the diesel oil storage tank.

2) During the monthly generator test, the diesel fuel oil transfer pump and'diesel oil 0

service pump shall be operated. 0 5.5.8.a, 3) Once a month a sample of diesel ft _, . 5.5.8.b. be taken and checked for quality. - E2 c. When a diesel generator Is required to be 5.5.8.c a) operable, maintain air pressure for both 0,

c. Verify each required operable diesel associated air starting receivers 21165 psig.
1) With one diesel generator starting air generator air start receiver pressure Is 2 165 psig once per month. I M 0

co CD receiver pressure < 165 psig, restore both starting air receivers pressure to 2 165 psig within 7 days, or declare the I See ITS 3.8.3 M So 0 associated diesel generator inoperable. M9 CD CM as

2) With both diesel generator starting air 0, receivers pressure < 165 psig but
125 psIg. restore one starting air receiver [TePprvib of SR 3.02 and SR 3.0.3 are appricable to te] CD to z 165 psig and enter TS LCO [Diesel Fte oil Testing Programn test Frequencies.Hi 0

3.9.B.3.c.1, or restore both starting air -4' receivers pressure to 2 165 psig within 48 hours. If neither action can be accomplished within 48 hours, declare the associated diesel generator Inoperable.

3) With both diesel generator starting air receivers pressure < 125 psig, Immediately declare the associated diesel generator Inoperable.

3.9/4.9 202 08/27/02 Amendment No. 3,45r,-4 129 Page 12 of 15


4. Station Battery System, dp d A 4. Station Battery System 0S 0a 0 one of the two 125 V batery systems or one ofI I SR S th two 250 V battet Mdseo ond Id inoorable for anY rasorifi orde rty shutdown 1e f tne reactor sali e nitlated and the reactor water ACTION C ~ perature shall be ded to ls th a in@such batey systems are i ODE 3within 12 hours and inMODE i4 CD CD a

(0 co 0)

0) (0

CD 5. 24V Battery Systems

a. Every week th speclfic gravity and voltage of 0
-9'                  5. 24V Battery S ters                                                          the pilot cell    lemperature of adjacent cells               ;U and overall bvery voltage shai1 be measured.                  (0 From and aft the date that one of the two 24V                                                                                      (Bt    0D battery syst      Is made or found to be Inoperab             ..                                                    shgb                 i8
                                                                                               ,b. Every th       months the mneasurements shall be to                       for any ree on, refer to Specification 3.2 for                              made of vpltage of each cell to nearest 0.01                   N)

So aw appropil action. volt, spgl gravity of each cell, and r0 tempe aure of every fifth cell. 0, a) 3.914.9 203 3/24186 Amendment No. 3,41 Page 3 of 3


4. Station Battery System 4. Station Bae S 31d o a)
S If one of the two 125 V battery systems or one of the two 250 V battery systems Is made or found to SR the pEotcell and temperature of th of be Inoperable for any reason, an orderly shutdown lt cell o sha be C of the reactor shall be Initiated and the reactor water measured. CD temperature shall be reduced to less than 212°F Proposed Z& wthIn 24 hours unless such battery systems are SR b. Every three months the measurements shall be voltage lmitb I sooner made made of voltaae of eabhjolIeE01L O \ LA.LeiA cr51 each cell - 0 rAdd proposed See ITS 3.8.4 0 ACTIONS Note and ACTIONS A, SR c. E the station batteries Add proposed SR 0 tD
 -                        CDed                                                                                     to araLed loaddF Co0                                                                                                               specirc gravrty and vontageS Co A Jsleemine D                                                                                      ecceIatrthe dischatoei                                       ~    L                     J;  X\
   <                                                                                  5S. 24V Battery Systems                                                                               C O
5. 2 Baery Systems
a. Every week the specific gravity and voltage of lot ce and temperature of adace clls l A proposed batery t -0 Co From and after the date that one of the two 24V and overal battery voltage shall be
b. Every three months the measurements shal be.

D)eesu. tas battery systems Ismade or found to be Inoperable for any reason, refer to Specification 3.2 for made of voltage of eKachcelto n.erest 0.01

 -                  appropriate action.                                                        volt, specific gravIty of each cell, and

_ temperature of every fifth cell. O { eelITS 3.8.4} C 3.914.9 203 3124/86 Amendment No. 3,41 Page 3 of 3


4. Station Battery System 4. Station Battery System ci ID
                                                                                                                                                 .1 w                         t one of the two 125 \E                                          a. Every week the specific gravity and voltage of S

he two 250 V battery the pilot cell and temperature of the adjacent . [See ITS 3.8.4 and ITS 3.8.6 } 0 cells and overall battery voltage shall be 0 measurewd C) ACTION C



b. Every three months the measurements shall be made of voltage of each cell to nearest 0.01 Cm 0 volt. specific gravity of each cell, and temperature of every fifth cell. See ITS 3.8.6}

M c. Every refueling outage, the station batteries 0 'A shall be subjected to a rated load discharge CD test. Determine specific gravity and voltage of 0 each cell after the discharge.

5. 24V Battery Systems 0


a. Every week the specific gravity and voltage of F

So 5. 24V Battery Systems the pilot cell and temperature of adjacent cells t,X and overall battery voltage shall be measured. CD From and after the date that one of the two 24V CD, battery systems Is made or found to be Inoperable is

b. Every three months the measurements shall be for any reason, refer to Specification 3.2 for made of voltage of each cell to nearest 0.01 N,

a appropriate action. volt, specific gravity of each cell. and At temperature of every fifth cell.

                                                                              -{ See ITS 3.8.4 3.914.9                                                                                             203                3/24186 Amendment No. 3,41 Page 3 of 3
, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 253 of 316 Bases pages 204 through 205 not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 253 of 316

c c ITS 3.9.1 ITS ITS w 0 0s a 0 2 CD 0 0 3 3 co a F

 -4 p

0 co 0) to I m la


en o, Page 1 of 1

c c C ITS 3.9.2 ITS ITS na) a, 0 3 C: 0 0 01, P. seueeng sIMer Ca K o 0, SR fuel with Ftre off the rctor I IM.2 0 i sheE be fifwictonal

                                                                                                  -U tested. They shal ao be tetd at weeldy hbteels                           CD ater unfl no bnwge re ed ThkimVWW                                    0
   ;u a,
 -u CD                                                                                               -'

to0 a' tD 0 i m CD:

 -4 (n                                                                                             to Ln cn                                                                                              oA 0

_l .0 a) Page 1 of 1

C C ITS C ITS 0 ITS Add proposed Table footnote (b) f Source Range Monitor (SRM) Instrumentation I 3.0 LlMfTING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS ze Table, ICore ylitoring -BICoreMcfiitorld nd.deermin SR No 3-3X:)2) [signal to noise ratio] fu Lning core aflerationsfw.o SRM's shall be operable Prior to maln a alterations to the cor Ywhi more Table 3te 2 one in and one adjacent to any core quadrant where fuel o than two fuel assemblies are present in anyr every 7 days M-1 SR or control rods are being moved. For an SRM to be SR 3.3.12 adrantte SRM s shall be functiona test d CD considered operable, the following conditions shall be e or neutron response. Thereafr the RMs satisfied: Addproposed SR 3.3.122 Frequency SR willbe checked forresponse. 0 rAdd proposed 0 [and SR Note 2 ( 1. The Sf ishallnserted be to eptwen b fd proposerd1and S 3.3.2y. four M.4 C 1 le ofong speciamoveable, l dunkinge: 2 Table detectors duingIn-ial fuel loading and major core A footnote (c) _ aerations Is permissible as long as the detector IsA xi, conected into the normal SRM circuit.) - - Is raio;.2: E, SR 2. The SRL shaqlhave aminimum of 3CPS withalI rods fully inserted in 'he core ~cept when both of 0 CD .4 Add proposed SR and SR for MOE5( ne To ng cond are fulfilled:' dn -o SR -g Note a. No more than two fuel assemblies are present In the core quadrant associated with the SRM, CD

b. While in core. these fuel assemblies are in locations adjacent to the SRM.

6, 6, 4 C. Fuel Storage Pool Water Level C. Fuel Storage Pool Water Level 0) Whenever Irradiated fuel Is stored in the fuel storage See ITS 3.7.8 } Whenever Irradiated fuel Is stored In the fuel storage pool. the pool water level shall be maintained at a level pool the pool level shall be recorded dafly. CA) of greater or equal to 33 feet. 6, CA) I I D. The reactor shall be shutdown for a minimum of 24 hours prior to movement of fuel within the reactor. See CTS 314.10.D, in ITS Section 3.9 3.10/4.10 207 1012601 Amendment No. 2 0 r1 23 Page 1 of 3

C C C ITS 3.7.8 ITS ITS 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS I B. Core Monitoring B. Core Monitoring 1~t See ITS} ID 0 During core alterations two SRM s shal be operable, Prior to making any alterations to the core while more 0 one In and one adjacent to any core quadrant where fuel than two fuel assemblies are present In any reactor 0 or control rods are being moved. For an SRM to be quadrant, the SRM's shall be functionally tested and 3 CD considered operable, the following conditions shall be checked for neutron response. Thereafter, the S RM's satisfied: will be checked daily for response. a -1

1. The SRM shall be Inserted to the normal operating level. (Use of special moveable, dunking type CD detectors during Initial fuel loading and major core 0 alterations Is permissible as long as the detector Is 0

at connected into the normal SRM circuit.) CD 2. The SRM shag have a minimum of 3 CPS with all 0 rods fully Inserted In the core except when both of the following conditions are fulfilled: CO


-16 a. No more than two fuel assemblies are present a'P In the core quadrant associated with the SRM, 0

b. While In core, these fuel assemblies are In 0 ID to locations adjacent to the SRM.

la 0 la a) AD 3.7.8 C. Fuel Storage Pool Waler Level 3.7.8 Fuel Storage Pool Water Level . NE to to Whenever Irroi~ted fuel Is stored In th uel storage Whenever I ated fuel Is stored In thexel storage -4 pool, the ge6I water level shall ber talned at a level pool the polevel shall be recordedoily. 0CD of greattor equal to:33 feet. / C~) D. The reactor shall be shutdown for a minimum of 24 hours prior to movement of fuel within the reactor. See CTS 3.10 D In ITS Secton 3.9 3.10/4.10 207 10/26/01 Amendment No. 20r123 Page 1 of 2

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 258 of 316 ITS 3.7.8 ITS (E) INSERT I APPlcabilitY-{During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies the spent LCO 3.7.8 fuel storage pool water level shall be maintained > 37 feet Labove the bottom of the spent fuel storage pool. ACTION A If the spent fuel storage pool water level is made or found not to be within limits, immediately suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies. ( INSERT 2 SR Verify that the spent fuel storage pool water level is

             > 37 feet above the bottom of the spent fuel storage pool:
1. Once every ement if ir fuel assembles, or 2- Once ev~97days, when irradiatedd fu sembliesl l are stoe nthe spent fuel storage olJ Insert Page 207 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 258 of 316

C C CTS 3.10. D C 3.0 LIMING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS B. Core Monitoring B. Core Monitoring W During core alterations two SRM s shall be operable. Prior to maling any alterations to the core while more 2D 0 one In and one adjacent to any core quadrant where fuel than two fuel assemblies are present In any reactor See ITS} 0 2 or control rods are being moved. For an SRM to be quadrant, the SRM's shall be functionally tested and 0 considered operable, the following conditions shag be checked for neutron response. Thereafter, the SRM s satisfied: will be checked daily for response. 0

1. The SRM shalt be Inserted to the normal operating level. (Use of special moveable, dunking type 02 detectors during Initial fuel loading and major core alterations Is permissible as long as the detector Is ED 0 connected into the normal SRM circuit.)

so 0 2. The SRM shag have a minimum of 3 CPS with all -I rods fully Inserted In the core except when both of 0 0 the following conditIons are fulfilled:

a. No more than two fuel assemblies are present In the core quadrant associated with the SRM, 0

co -u b. While In core, these fuel assemblies are In W lkctllns adjacent tn IhA SRM CD C. Fuel Storage Pool Water Level C. Fuel Storage Pool Water Level See ITS 3.7.81 to Cn Whenever Irradiated fuel Is stored In the fuel storage Whenever Irradiated fuel Is stored In the fuel storage n 0 pool, the pool water level shal be maintained at a level pool the pool level shall be recorded daily. "i of greater or equal to 33 feet. C) C&J D. Th/'eacor shall behutdown for a r/nimum of 24 _-t h$urs prior to mo"6ment of fuel wtffln the reactor. (B. 3.1014.10 207 n0126ro1 Amendment No. 20,123 Page 1 of 1

( C 0 ITS 3.10.2 ITS 3.0 LIMITING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS E- IExtended Core and Control Rod Drive Maintenance

                                                                                             >{See ITS 3.10.6}

n More than one control rod maybe withdrawn frrn th I S a) 3 IIlS-wiVE coraeldurhan mprdnr WVl%7 VV6l6WV outann rded WUtH857i l~omentar switchilng to thel VWV htlecotfr wt B^V- lVA rundefritbd _ .- LCO 3.102 1iathngereatormodeswitshal beckled ihthel\ D C, for MODE 15 Re ci positIon. The refueling Interlock signal from a 0S. See ITS 3.10.6} Icontrol rod may by bypassed after the fuel assembles 0 the cell containing (controlled by) that control rod have

                          .been removed from the reacor core 0

3 0 3 3 _Add proposed SR and SR for a lAdd prsposed LCO 3.10.2 paros aind b for [MODE 5 startup/hot standby position CD MOE'=trt~ftnb postion

u 0 CD M

[Add proposed ACTION A for MODE 5 ] CD

                                     =       takpt       tnbypstnJn-to                                                                                                    'Add proposed SR and SR 3.102.2 for             a)

Add proposed LCO 3.102 for MODES 3 and 4 [MODES 3 and 4 and MODE 5 for run position (o0 tD with the readtor mode switch Inthe run. 4 startup/hot standby, or refuel positlon, and CY)

0) proposed ACTION A 0) 0 0 0 C1~

CY) 07) 208 4/18/89 3.1014.10 Amendment No. 63 Page 1 of 1

C C C ITS 3.10.6 ITS 0 3.0 LIMmNG CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 3.10.6 E. Extended Core and Control Rod Odve Maintenance a) a) 0S LCO 3.10.6 --- ore than one control rod may be wfthdrawn from the a

              *CO3.10.6    Lator core during outages provided that~excet or                                                                     0 3                          moental switchina ~to  !hM trtomde'o helc D                           n       Dao-r node switrhshan belocked n the                                                                    CD e ep      b] lhe refueflng Interlock signal rom a LCO 3.10.6,            'Iontromay by bypassed after the fuel assemblies In LCO 3.10.6.a       the Cel containIng (controlled by) that control rod have O1been removed from the reactor core.                                                                                   30 0

C 3 3 D 0 0

 -L                                                                                                                                              ;U Add proposed SR3.10.6.1 and SR3.10.6.2 M.3               tD 0

0 (o CD Add proposed SR M.1 l0a . t0, o tom CD CA) CD CA) IN) 0, 0, 208 4/18/89 3.10/4.10 Amendment No. 63 Page 1 of 1

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 262 of 316 Bases pages 209 through 210 not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 262 of 316

C C C ITS 3.2.1 ITS 0 3.0 LIMITING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.11 REACTOR FUEL SSEMBLIES 4.11 REACTOR FUELASSEMB ES 0 A nni/ Appricablf/ 0C7 a The Umiting Ions for Operation associated wlth e T fuel rods app to those parameters which monitor the 3 3 rod operatin conditions. The Surveillanctoe f tionparameters 0 whidh monior the fuel ditions. 0 Obieive/ /ZiOblet: / Z- Th bjdv of the Uimiting Condithns for Operao Is to/ 0 The b le oerlom itnce of the fue rods. O * / t The objective of th Surveillance Requirements Is to specify 0 a t the type and freq ncy of surveillance to be applied to the 0) fuel rods / A. Averaoe Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate 3 0 A. Averaoe Planar Unear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR 30 Add proposed Z.0 LCO 3.2.1 \en til ndion of averagel SR The APLHG oreach2..1 ainol exceed the applicable fniting first ,ED 0) 0 values specified In the Core OperatIng Limits Re 3.2.1 s a ndi aw Frequency 0 vvnen flend calrculations rae required, the i41PLHGR for during reactor operaton at 225% rated therma power. 3 0 each tye of fuel as a lutctdion of everageblanar- -4' P expos re shall not excqed the limiting efor the most . 0 limitlrz5 lattice (excludl/ natural uranluiur) provided In (1 the qore Operating t4fnits Report. / I 0 tduunnqonei~lion S oool ower opveratigrl Ihe _ la \ R limitingri condition for operatolr a efI 0) CD

                         \ Lgllsallnol exceed Ins rnost limiting ot:

I\a. Tefibove values mu~ipffed by 0.80 fo GEII and

0) ffi \GE12fuel and 0.90 lbr GE14 fuel. or/

b.Tb above vle ~li~e yterporaeto te Cre 0prtr mt eot 3.1114.11 211 10t02/02 Amendment No. 6 70, 11,07,

b. 100, 131 Page 1 of 2

C C C. ITS 3.2.1 ITS 3.0 UMITING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION l 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ( If at any time during power operatIon, It Is determined 0: w ACTION A I that the APLHGR limitna condition for operation Is beingI lexceeded,action shel Irestore feration to within WUIdte I t s di 15 minutes to r {SurvefilUce and r rsg7 gactlon sWhf continueqL n.i -09 0) 0 P- luntil reidcor operetion e pehed firlts. III the APLHGR Is not returned to within the prescribed CD OC lmits wthin two hours educe thermal power to less ACTION B than 25% withIn the next four hours. 0 0 B. iinear Heat Generation Rate (LHGRM B. Unear Heat Generation Ratte(LGFl) a 0 During power operation, the LHGR shalt be less than or The LHGR shall be chocked daily during reactor 0- equal to the limits specified in the Core Operating Umits operation at 225% of rated thermal power. - Report See ITS 3.2.31 0 CD If at any time during operation It Is determined that the limiting value for LHGR Is being exceeded, action shall 0 So 0) be Initiated within 15 minutes to restore operation to 0 within the prescribed limits. Surveillance and CD corresponding action shall continue until reactor operation Is withIn the prescribed lmits. If the LHGR Is -h not returned to within the prescribed lmits within 2 CD hours, reduce thermal power to less than 25% within the 0) next 4 hours. to CD) 0 (0 0)

0) -L a) 0)

3.1114.11 212 2V16/00 Amendment No. 13,4S1,70, 109 Page 2 of 2

C, C " C ITS 3.2.3 ITS 0 ITS 3.0 LIMITING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS If at any time during power operation. it is determined that the APUHGR limiting condition for operation Is being exceeded, action shal be Initiated within 15 minutes to 0 2) restore operation to within the prescribed bmits. Surveillance and corresponding action shaii continue See ITS 3.2.1 } s 0 untIl reactor operation Is within the prescribed limits. If the APLHGR Is not returned to within the prescribed 2 limits within two hours. reduce thermal power to less 0 than 25% within the next four hours. 0 0, B. Linear Heat Generation Rate MG B. LinearlHeat Generation ateUG13 Add proposed SR 32.3.1 first Frequency 0 LCO 3.2.3 During power operationithe LHGR shall be less than or SR The LHGR shall be checked daily during reactor 2 equal to the limits specified in the Core Operating limits operation at 2 25% of rated thermal power. 3 Report CD 0 F It at any time during operation It Is determined that the 0 -U P ACTION A ACTION A <~~ lmfitn value for LHGR I bei exceeded acton hal iniad whin 15 min within tMe prescribed lms/ re i corrspsdiaaeon say continue until ractor\ i - -0 0 X CD L notertn Iswnihinthe returned rscribed to within the llmits. prescribed I f theuLHGR Emits within 2 is 0 0 hoursF theu emIl power to less than 25% withIn the ACTION B P t4 hours. tD Ut la CD, 0 to 0) 0, CD 3.11t4.11 212 2116100 Amendment No. 413,84 r 0 ,109 Page 1 of 1


  • C. Minimum Critical Power Ratio (CPRIR 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR G Minirnum Critical Power Ratio (MOPI Add proposed ITS SR 32.2.1 first ) W
   . LCO 3.2.2       AN MCPRs shall le greater than or equal to the MCPR                       MCPR shat be detoml        allyduring reactor power                                 0 SR Operating rliits provi-od In the Core OperatIng Umrhs                     operation at k25% rated thermal poweroLwin 3                      Report Iany cnanmnn power Meveor atsin~moxi'          hsth                                  3 0

K4 Fdd proposed Appi~cabiiCty l CA ) potentiao~f bnninqk tho COfe to its opegn tImiC C~ ACTION A tcorrespjinding If at any time during operation It Isdetermined that the 1rmitho value for MCPR Isboing exceeded, ction hI, be initiad within 15 minutes to es acto hncniu unto eaof\ oreratlon o CLA K-A3

                                                                                            )     4                                          rdprOposed ITS SR 32.22
                                                                                                                                                                     }(3 I

3 0 0 t O~~~~~erationIs wltinthoDslenmt 1helad -o state MCPR Isnot retumed to within the prescribed c,

Ctimis within two hoursreduce thermal power to loss 3 ACTION B -ff iian 2!.C . ihhte~ d four hours.

0) 0 So M 0 It ID N a) 0o 0 0

                                                                                                                                                                                     ~41 0,
                                                                                                                                                                                    'a a) 213                 0/28180 3.1114.11                                                   The next page Is216                         Amendment No. 43, 54, O, 99 Page 1 of 1
, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 267 of 316 Pages 214 and 215 do not exist Bases pages 216 through 218 not shown Pages 219 through 222 do not exist , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 267 of 316

(. CL ITS 0 ITS ITS 3.0 LIMmNG CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 3.13 ALTERNATE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM 4.13 ALTERNATE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM I Ir Appflcabkdy: A) I Applies to system controls on the a e shutdown panel. Applies to the periodic testing of controls oeatert IN 0 shutdown system panel I 0 ObIednt y 3 Objetive 3 I T nters of th afeaesLdw ytm. 0 - _ To verIfy the abilit of controls on the aternate shutdown 0 Specification I panel. 0- I A. Afternate Shutdown SyMem DES 1; - Specification: co 0

                                -     The system controls on the             ane s                       A. Altemate Shutdown System                                    I 0      LCO                                                                                                                                                                      3 S R3.3.3122 1. Switches on the alternate shutdown system panel CD      Applicability                       r                                                                                                                                             0
                                                                                                                                                                                         ;U P      shall b                    a XI                                       shl e functionally tested oneae
                                      =ene               Is irr     fuel I                      t A.2
u thAn 212 rp mnprpit nrmpr 0 2. The altemate shutdown system panel master trnsfer switch shall be verified o a P ACTION A 2. If system controls b RHR aler Pum SR 3. .

0 required to be operable by SpecificatIon 3.13.A1 Acontproom when3Kocke.2 once pS . 0) o

                                      /are made orond Inoperoble restore             rab                                                                                                 CD 01 0                                       wt EL       ays or perform one of the 0            ng;3          L 0o                                                                        i capability and Ia. ProvIde Xuhlant shutd                                                                                                                       to au
                                           =ih n 06dy edr            afInopernble systerp                          - Adproposed SR and SR 33323           <                     M cont61 to operilp    0
b. ablish a contl ous fire watch In th ablef co 0 :M.2 0

-4 preading roo nd the back-panel ea of the CA) control room d wlihtn 60 days ro ore the 01 Inoperable stem controls to op ble; or 011 3.13/4.13 props IONS Note 223 04105/01 0 4 Amendment No. 74 6101 119 Page 1 of 2


r. Verify Ule operability ofe fire detectors in t I cab spreading ronand the back-panel ee a) 0 fthe control rog and establish a hopr fire
                                      /watch patrol d within 60 days re lre the
                                    /Inoperable       Ystem controls to o r~able: or
                                                                                             -0                                                         0)0 C"
d. Place the reador i a condition ire the 3 ACTION B systems fonich the system ntroIs at the 0 IASDS-n minoperable are no equired to be 0 Ioverablel within ours.

r- Tr

3. T panel master 0 LCO Ira er switrch shall befocked In the normalsiion
                                      ~cept when In u belng tested or ber                                                                               C 0                                                                                           -0 3                                 / maintained.                             /                                                                            3 0


                                                                                                                                                        ;n 0c
01) -9 iM 0

ID (D P CD K) CD cn w 0 CA) 1 3.13/4.13 224 04105/01 33 Amendment No. 7r 119 Page 2 of 2

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 270 of 316 Bases pages 225 and 226 not shown Pages 227 through 229 do not exist , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 270 of 316

( c ITS ITS 0 ITS 0 0 0 a 23 0 0 0 a, ED

                                                                                                                                                                          -U 0


U Sok) l>ation Specificatin

Aplcblty - - Whenever Irradiated fuelIs inthe mactor vesse adreactor SRs Note Applicability -e e t atethan 21 The accident mnonttowing Instrumentation shag be funct4ona4y 0 a, LCO stmdans tor oper f en moning \ L tsted and calibrated In accordance with Table 4.14.1. to Lkistrunmentatlon given In Table 3.14.1 shall be sa~stisd. ID 0 at (1) at Add proposed Surveillance Requirements Note 2 at ('3 3.1414.14 229a 4/18/89 Amendment No. 2,63 Page 1 of 4

C C ITS ITS Table 3.14.1

D Table Instnumentation for Accident Monitorlng s

0 0 2 a 0 3 (Ono Cb _T oSch and Ono I t) n Mr..inen ntion =o Xb 2 CD 4 Drywell Wide Range Pressure 3 Suppression Pool Wide Range Level 7 Suppression Pool Tcrnporaturo p CD 5 0 Orywent High Range Radiation -g oC UZ1 MpgnS Stack Wide Ra 0 ne R eaWie Rlnoe Rdidatisn tD

  • Required Conditins fl ID Co ACTION A

-I' ACTION B a) CO CD) a

0) .4

_--~-~rpsd~Fnfos~ad~ l 0 C) 0) 3.14,14.14 229l 05121104 Amendment No. 2,37,M3rI04, 138 Page 2 of 4

C C CI ITS 5.6 ITS Table 3.14.1 s Instrumentation for Accident Monitoring luS Function Total No. of Minimum No. of Required 0 Instnrument Channels Operable Channels Condition' 0 Reactor Vessel Fuel Zone Water Level 2 1 A. B 0 Safoty/Rellef VaI.e Position 2 1 A, C - I ('hnnnInnn

                               .nn                           Chann A 0                     Thermocouplo Positbn Wicaon por Valvo)                                                                                            See ITS Drywcl Wide Rango Presswm                                                            2                          1               A. B                             0 Co              Suporessbn Pool Wide Range Level                                                     2                          1               A. B                             CD aM                                                                                                                                                                               0 Supprossion Pool Temperature                                                         2                          1               A, D Drywel High Range Radiation                                                          2                          1               A. D 0

Otigas Stack Wide Range Radiation 2 1 A. D Z-. 0I Reactor t3ldg Vent ide Range Radiation 2 1 A. D 0 0

  • fRequired Conditions A. When the number of channels made or found to be inoperaba is such that the number of operable channels is less than the totall number of channels. either restore the inoperable channels to operable status within seven days. or prep"re and submit a special co reporttotheConmlsslon psattoTemicaJ Speication 8.7.Owtinnt tornext uaysout ningtrte aconta en, tecaused -U 0

5.6.4 the inoperblity. and the pians nnd swwul for restoring the systrn to erable S M.1 CD la) CD la co 0 0 IN Ca, 3.1414.14 229t 05/21/04 2 37 Amendment No. , ,63r404, 138 Page 6 of 6

C C C 0 ITS ITS 0 Table 3.14.1 (Continued) Table 0)

0) Instrumentation for Accident Montoring 0 0
  • Required Conditions (continued))a CD -3 0 ACTION C . When the number of channels made or found to be Inoperable Is such that the number of operable channels Is less than the 0

[B1imum number of operable channels shown, the mnilmum number of channels shag be restored to operable statustwIthin4s ACTIONS D and E .......... be In at least Hot Shutdown within the next 12 hoursland ttle auid toll - u[ 0 0 rD C. When the number of chann mJae or found to be inoperable is such tat-the number of operable channels is less than the minimum numbe le channels shown. th hall I t be m oredper 12 hours (+25i) to onitonce any l 0 3 unexplalto surmiterature Increase which might be ina. cb an open SRV' the minimum number of channe be restored to oporbe-staus within 30 days or be inatutudown within the next 12 hours and C!!,!Shcnhln the followi'ng 24v 0, 0 0

                                                                                                                                                                              -o (0
0) ACTION C n hnthe number of channels made or folun ~,o be Inoperable Is such that the number of operable channels is less thanth CD Lmnmm number of operable channels showr( , afenatlaenem-olfonorida the ani ACTIONS D and F a d lnt bitnthreotrqiein()bv.

0) CD (0) 0u

                                                                                                                                                                              -.0 CD
                                                                                                                                                                               'iS 4

0 -4' C)~ 3.14/4.14 229c 12124/98 Amendment No. 2, 3, 63. 104 Page 3 of 4

c C ITS ITS 0 Table 4.14.1 Table Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation 9i4;ot- SR 0) 0 2 3 3 2) 0 0 4 CD 3 co 0 7 2 M -t F 5 0 0 a) iU a) CD IV Notes: 0CD to 0 CD to

                                                                                                                     -9 0)

Ce 0s4 0) at1 3.14/4.14 229d 05/21(04 Amendment No. 2r-37r63, 138 Page 4 of 4


                                                                                .... table 4.14.1
0) .. 5 0) 00 st amd Cmibtion Frmilti y for * .
                                                                                                                                                                     -              A.3             0 Table                                                    Afccidenlt Monittringg Instnjmentation                 I
                                                                                                 .     -.         '     ,     :        ",.         .'                                               a 0                        Instrument Channel                                          Te.s (Note 1)      Calibraton (Note 1)        Sensor Check (Note 1)             See ITS }

C 0 3 a Function 3 J Reactor Vessel Fuel Zone Water Level Monitor a-flRelef Vatve Postn (Pressur Svfihes) SarctylRellorValv* Position (Trhermocouples) - SR OncOpeIratlng CycIri OnceCORME M9 OnceiOpeating Cyclo Once/mont (Note 3 j OncF/mo o tes Zh Onrcelmonth (Note 4 . M. CD 0 m Drywell Wide RanSO Presstre Monitcrs - . OneiOperatlng Cycto Oncolmenlth 3 Sum esslon Pool Wide Raman Level Monitors - OnrceOeeratMg Cyclo Oncelmonth oo 0 CO OnceSOpcrtIng Cycte O See ITS Suppresslon Pool Temperature- J Dtywoll High Rangc Radbadon Montors. . OnceOperathng Cycle Oncohmonth p;t1 onrelOpercting Cycli Onccrmonth .

                         .Offgas Stack Wide Rango Radlamon Monitors
                                                                    -                                 OncelOpotetvtg Cycle         Onceimonth                                                       0

-4 .Reactor Bldg Wide Range Radfatton Monitos ______-. Co 0 m 0) co teor chsecksam not requird wen the lstnvmtob prabe ftet a to (1j' Fuincftnattests. Ca .-..- IZ ' thrpertr mkent, ~ prior to rctuminq the hstrumenbs to an u m 1 (2i Orce/mowrth~txor dceckwil eonsikt otvgd gthat the pressure S1 -5s arc not Iipped.' 0 o0 (See ITS} (3) Once/month sensorcheckvwlconsIstofveditngthatthe fucl zone levelIndicates olfsca eigi. cd cmteen m l(4) Folloing S tr Valv cvcry cwb o er traces or comrputier 0)

                                                                                                                                - 229d            05/21104 3.1414.14                                                                                                 Qt 37 M, M Amnendment No.

Page 7 of 8

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 277 of 316 Bases page 229e not shown Pages 229f through 229t do not exist , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 277 of 316

(7 C C ITS 3.7.5 0 ITS 3.0 LIMING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.17 CONTROL BTABILITY 4.17 NTROL ROOM HA1r1A Aoo~cabtrtv /A abil/t 0 Applies to the irol room ventilation system equipm Applies to the periodic ing requirements of systems 2) 0 3 necessary to alntain habitability. required to maintain trol room habitability. M C, OblectObiecti/e 2 To assurcthe control room Is habitable both und normal and accent conditions. To verify the operbility of equipment related to control room habitabilit 0 3 3.7.5 A. Control Room Ventilation System 2 tD

1. Except as specified In 3.17A2 and 3.17A3 below, both A. Control Room Ventilation System 0 0

oa LCO 3.7.5 trains of the control room ventilation system shall be 0 LO eraoieh enever irraiaieu wuel is in the reactor 1. ginceperl2 6urscheck I 0nrolroom o coolantaterrth t re Is movement of irradiated fuel assemblies MOJ I /temperaturg I in the secondary containmen core rWationor - _ 0 Applicability activitles having the potential for draining the reactor -36 Ad p s S 3 vssel. -o ACTION A 2.a With one control room ventilation train Inoperable. restore the inoperable train to operable status within 30 tD days. la (0 0 ACenON B 2.b If 2.a Is not met, then be In hot shutdown within the next co 12 hours following the 30 days and In cold shutdown I 03sntpi within 24 hours following the 12 hours. 0 -h

0) ACTION C 2.e If 2.a Is not met 7uring movement of Irradiated fuel -4' assemblies In the secondary containmen a a, a fte ioni oractivities having the potential for draining a, the reactor vessel then immediately place the operable control room ventilation train In operation or Immediately suspend these acthivties.

3.1714.17 229u 12/24198 Amendment No. 65. 8a, 104 Page 1 of 2


0) 3.a With both controf room ventilation trains Inoperable, restore at least one train to operable status within 24 ID 0 hou.

3.b If 3.a Is not met, then be In hot shutdown vwth'n the next 0 12 hours mnd In cold shutdown within 24 hours following -See ITS 3.7.5} 0 the 12 hours. a 3.n If 3.n Is not met during movement of Irradiated fuel 0 assomblies In the secondary containment, core alterations, or activities having the potential for draining 0 0 -U 3.7.4 the reactor vessel then immediately suspend these activities. B. Control Room Emergency FIltratlon System ' Add LCO 21 )

f. Control Room Emergency Filtration System 0

a) LCO 3.7.4 1. Except as specified In .nthrough dbelow, 1. At least once per month, initiate a) control room emergency filtration system filter treis II000 s+r,( I 091 flow thrcuah both trnins of thae L P CD emergency filtration treatment system. The am shall - reador vessel aRW coolant atcto I operate for at least 10 hors wth the heaters a 0 [reatrdthan 212Formduring movement GMrradiatec Applicability fuel assemblies In the secondary containment.li53 I ' rislor nd'rvifes ling the potential for dintng\ CD N the reactor vessel. ID

-4                                                      -                                                                                                                    to (D

0 0) -I' aw 0) 3.1714.17 229v 8/18100 Amendment No. 65 i-89t 112 Page 1 of 5

(7 C C ITS 3.7.5 ITS 3.0 LMITING CONDIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ACTION C 3.a With both control room ventilation trains Inoperable, r Irestore at leanfone train to opoerabla t~szimZ1 0Su lhours 2 EterLC 3 3Irnmediatl ACTION I 3,b bnotm thenbeinhotshtatd hf3at next thtnthe 2 t2 cod shtdon whin 4 hotrsfollowingl hursengi the12 wih bth ontolroom ventllatlo~n CO ta ta ACTION E 3.c 3.0met movement tring o iradiated riat uel_ L 3 0 C) nssomblics in the secondary contain m n li 2 0 aheFio-ns or activiis hann h oeta o rhn the reactor vessel then immediately suspend these 0 0, adrimfles. a 0 S B. Control Room Emergency FMltration Systom B. Control Room Emergency Filtration System M DX 0 1. Except as specified In 3.17.B. 1.a through d below, two 1. At least once per month. Initiate from the control room - ec control room emergenrcy filtration system filter trains 1000 cfm ( t 10%) flow through both trains of the P CD shalt be operable whienever Irradiated fuel Is In the reactor vessel and reactor coolant temperature is emergency filtrlton tIreatment system. The system shall operae fr at least 10 hours with the heaters operable. -- See ITS 3.7A }

                                                                                                                                                                                 -o X

greater than 2121. or during movemert of irradiated o fuel assemblies in the secondary contahiment, core CD aterations or actities having the potential for dmrainng la the reador vessel. 0D 0 o 0, 0

  -9' 0) a)

3.17/4.17 229v 8/18/00 Amendment No. 689t 112 Page 2 of 2

ITS 3.7.4 ITS 3.0 UMING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS c en one control room emergency filtration system

>                                filter traIn Is made or found to be Inoperable for any
-        ACTION A                reason, restore the Inoperable train to operable "us within seven dayshr be In hot shutdown within the next 12 hours following the seven days and either reduce the reactor coolant temperature to ACTION C                below 212For Irgate and mantasi5the opereble                                                                                   CD emergec hir               "nsytm filter triln In the       I                                          2)

LtmjMsurketioLmodewithin the followirng 24 hours. -3

b. When er 'rains of th cont 0 -mATO emerncr filtratlon svsteMleWe hope rabeestore Add proposed ACTINE ACTIN _d least one train to operable status within 4 ours 3 ibiln hot shutdown within the next 12 hours  :

CD foowing the 24 hours and reduce the reactor CD ACTION C coolan water temperature to below 212°F within the Oo 1521owing24 hours. C Mc With one control room emergency fittrat reenl M filter train inoperable during movement rraediated ACTION A fuel assemblies In the secondary containmentl O lMEnlemsloor ad~ffe-s having the potential for -O draining the reactor vessel, restore the InopeaC .. o plcbe . X train to operable status within 7 dayso Immediately to aeer the 7 days hitiate d maintain the operable t ACTION D emergency filtration system filter train In the pressurization mode or Immediately suspend these C o wt~les. / Co 0r  ; ACTION F d. With both control room emergency filtration stem 0-W filter trains Inoperable during movement o meaiaed Ifuel assemle in te secondary containmentLC&O

0) lalepionsfor 9tWies having the potential for0) draining the reactor vessel. Immediateiy suspend l Co 3.0.3 Isnot appial,lA these adtivities.

3.17/4.17 229vv 8/18100 Amendment No. 112 Page 2 of 5

C c ITS 3.7.4 C 0 3: Add proposed SR I 0e 3.0 UMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION l 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS I 2. Performance Requirement Test

2. Performance RequIrements The In-place performance testing of HEPA fifter banks and charcoal adsorber banks shall be conducted In 0)
a. Acceptance Critera - Periodic Requirements W accordance with Sections 10 and 11 of ASME 0 (1) The results of the In-place DOP tests at 1000 N510-1989. The carbon sample test for methyl Iodide 0 drm (+/- 10%) shall show s 1% DOP penetration shall be conducted In accordance with ASTM on each Individual HEPA filter and shall show D 3803-1989. Sample removal shall beIn accordance s0.05% DOP penetration on the combined with Regulatory Position C.6.b of Regulatory Guide 1.52 a-0 See ITS 5.5 } 0 HEPA filters. Revision 2. March 1978.

0 (2) The results of In-place halogenated a. At least once per operating cycle, but not to exceed 0 hydrocarbon tests at 1000 crn (+/- 1 0%) shall 18 months; or following painting. fire, or chemical show s 1%penetration on each Individual release while the system is operating that could a charcoal adsorber and shall show s0.05% 0-0 3 I contaminate the HEPA filters or charcoal edsorbers. D .: penetration on the combined charcoal banks. perform the following: (3) The results of laboratory carbon sample

0) l analysis shall show s0.5% methyl Iodide (1) In-place DOP test the HEPA filter banks. -o penetration when tested at 30 C and 95% (2) In-place test the charcoal adsorber banks with 0 relative humidity. halogenated hydrocarbon tracer.


Cl (3) Remove one carbon test sample from each a) 0 charcoal adsorber bank. Subject this sample to a laboratory analysis to verify methyl Iodide '0 la removal efficiency. to (D

(4) lnitlate from the control room 1000 cfmd(+/-10%) flow through both trains of the emergency filtration treatment system. co

0) a4 CA) 3.1714.17 229w 8118i0 Amendment No. 65t,4O4,08 112 Page 3 of 5

C C 0 ITS 5.5 ITS ITS [Add proposed ITS 5.5.6 program statement 3.0 UMING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION / 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS I 2. Performance Requirement Test A) 2. Performance Requirements The In-place performance testing of HEPA filter banks 0 5.5.6.a, and charcoal adsorber banks shall be conducted In 0 S

a. Acceptance Criteria - Periodic Requirements 5.5.6.b accordance with Sections 10 and 11 of ASME W 5.5.6.a (1) The results of the In-place DOP tests at 1000 N5101989. The carbon sample test for methyl iodide cfm (+/- 10%) shall show :s1% DOP penetration shall be conducted In accordance with ASTM on each IndMdual HEPA filter and shall show 3 5.5.6.c D 3803-1989. Sample removal shall be In accordance a S 0.05% DOP penetration on the combined with Regulatory Position C.6.b of Regulatory Guide 1.52, HEPA filters. RevIsion 2, March 1978.

5.5.6.b (2) The results of In-place halogenated a. At least once peaoperating cyae but no o -ex hydrocarbon tests at 1000 cfm (- 10%) shall show s 1% penetration on each Individual 5.5.6 lowing painting, fire, or cheica n 2 release white the system is operating that could 0 I charcoal adsorber and shalt show 50.05% ontamin ate the H EPA filters or charcoal adsorbers. 0D penetration on the combined charcoal banks. perform the following: IAs 5.5.6.c (3) The results of laboratory carbon sample (1) In-place DOP test the HEPA filter banks. analysis shall show S 0.5% methyl Iodide 5.5.6.a 0 penetration when tested at 30-C and 95% soM 5.5.6.b (2) In-place test the charcoal adsorber banks with la -U relative humidity. halogenated hydrocarbon tracer. CD 5.5.6.c (3) Remove one carbon test sample from each charcoal adsorbe bank. Subject this sa mphe toI 0) a laboratory analysis to verify me~tyl Iodide _ L removal efficiency. CD 10 5.5.6.a. (4) lnitlfe frrm the controlo cfm (10%) co CD~ flow through both tralns of the emergency 5.5.6.b filtration treatment system. 0 c) 0, 3.17/4.17 229w 8/18/00 Amendment No. 65s, ,S08,112 Page 13 of 15


b. Acceptance Criterla - System Operation b. At least once per 720 hours of system operation.

Requirements remove one carbon test sample from each charcoal

0) adsorber bank Subiject this sample to a laboratory I See ITS 5.5 }

The results of iaboratory carbon sample analysis 0 I1 shall show s0.5% methyl iodide penetration when tested at 30'C and 95% relative humidity. analysis to verify methyl iodide removal efficiency. 0S CD 0 0 co 0 0 0 00 _ ') M

0, ;U 0


-I                                                                                                                                                             0 XD M

to a) c6 C CD la o) co 0 CA) C) 3.17/4.17 229ww 8118100 Amendment No. 408,112 Page 4 of 5


b. Acceotance Criteria - System Ooeration I5.5.6 b. [east once per 720 hours of system operation.

Requirements remove one carbon test sample from each charcoal 5.5.6.c edsorber bank. Subject this sample to a laboratory ID 2)0 5.5.6.c The results of laboratory carbon sample analysis analysis to verify methyl Iodide removal efficiency. 0 a I shall show s0.5% methyl Iodide penetration when 3 (D tested at 30 C and 95% relative humidity. 0-0 0 - (0 .a (0 3 E0

                                                                                                                                                                -o CD co a) to                                                                                                                                                             to CD                                                                                                                                                             CD (A

0 0 co

 -4' a)                                                                                                                                                             0 3.17/4.17                                                                                     229ww          8118100 Amendment No. 408,112 Page 14 of 15

C C C ITS 3.7.4 ITS ITS [See ITS 5.5}


3.0 UMING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS C. e. At least onceRDerioperaiing ryvde out nouo0exedil SR the following conditions shall be on a STAGGERED (1) Combined iter pressure drop S8 Inches water. 3.. emonstrated for each emergency f3l7.ion ytem T BAIo I1Di 0) 0 0 (2) InletheaterpoweroutputSkw+/- 10%. l (1) Pressure drop across the combined filters of

                                                                                                   /         ~~eacwh train shanl be measured at I O0u ctrn                             VA 0

SR (+/- 10%) flow rate. 0 (2) OperabilIty of inlet heater at nominal rated CD power shall be verified. CD (3) Verify that on as1rnutated Ihjg*mradjetto signal, \ 0a the train switches to the pressurzation mode of - - operation and the control room Is maintained at 0 a positive pressure with respect to adjacent o 00 0 areas at the design flow rate __ LS )

3. Post Maintenance Requirements ,A, BAA _T_ -A
3. rosi Malrmenance iestng CD a. After any maintenance or testing that could affect a. After any maintenance or testing that could affect
                                                                                                                                                                                               -16 the HEPA filter or HEPA filter mounting frame leak                        the leak tight Integrity of the HEPA filters, perform tight Integrity, the results of the In-place DOP tests                    In-place DOP tests on the HEPA filters.                                               CD

-4' at 1OuO cfm (+/-10%) shell show 1% DOP penetration on each hdndidual HEPA filter and shall b. After any maintenance or testing that could affect 0 CD) I show sO.05% DOP penetration on the combined the leak tight Integrity of the charcoal adsorber -{ See ITS 5.5} HEPA filters. banks, perform hatogenated hydrocarbon tests or

b. After any maintenance or testing that could affect the charcoal adsorbers.

la the charcoal adsorber leak tight integrity, the results of in-place halogenated hydrocarbon tests at 1000 CA) cfm (+/- 10%) shall show s 1% penetration on each Individual charcoal adsorber and shall show 0) I s 0.05% penetration on the combined charcoal adsorber banks. 3.1714.17 229x5 8/1 8/00 Amendment No. 6 , 101,108i 112 Page 5 of 5


c. The system shall be shown to be operable with:


c. At least once peroperating cede oBp not tolexceedI 7n

_ ^ . . _ __ . _ _ __ _ _. _ __ _. _ __ . __ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ _ . A-5 A/ I 5.5.6 24 m nt e following conditions shall be a) 5.5.6.d (1) Combined filter pressure drop e8 Inches water. IT demonstrated for each emergency filtration system 03 train: 0 5.5.6.e (2) Inlet heater power output 5kw+/- 10%. -0 5.5.6.d (1) Pressure drop across the combined fIlters of 0 each train shall be measured at 1000 cfrm (3) Automatic Initiation upon receipt of a high (+/--t10%) flow rate. 0 radiation signal. 0 0 5.5.6.e (2) Operability of Inlet heater at nominal rated 0 00 power shall be verified. (3) Verify that on a simulated high radiation signal. 0I the train switches to the pressurization mode of 0 See ITS 3.7.4 } operation and the control room is maintained at a positive pressure with respect to adjacent areas at the design flow rate of 1000 cfrn

                                                                                                                                                                          --iSee ITS 3.7.4 } CD
                                                                                                                                                                                             -1 (D

0 a) ( t 10%). CD 3. Post Maintenance Requirements N,

3. Post Maintenance Testing 5.5.6 a. Afer any maintenance or testing that could affect 5.5.6 _A4After any maintenance or testing that could affect the HEPA filter or HEPA fitter mounting frame leak Lthe leak tiht Integrity of the HEPA filters[perform

-0 tight integrithe results of the In-place DOP tests 5.5.6.a in-place DOP tests on the HEPA fitters. at 1000 cfm (+/- 10%) shall show s 1% DOP to

0) 5.5.6.a penetration on each IndivIdual HEPA filter and shall b. After any maintenance or testing that could affect Co show s O.05% DOP penetration on the combined 5.5.6 the leak tight integrity of the charcoal adsorber at HEPA fitters. - banks perform halogenated hydrocarbon tests on

-4 5.5.6.b the charcoal adsorbers. 5.5.6 b. After any maintenance or testing that could affect 00 the charcoal adsorber leak tight integrityFe results 5.5.6. of In-place halogenated hydrocarbon tests at 1000 a) cfm (+/- 10%) shall show s 1% penetration on each individual charcoal adsorber and shall show {hprvsonsf SR 3.02 and SR 3.03ae] 50.05% penetration on the combined charcoal (apcbeto the VFTP test Frequene adsorber banks. 3.17/4.17 229x 8118/00 Amendment No. 65r484r40&r 112 Page 15 of 15

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 288 of 316 Bases pages 229y and 229z not shown , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 288 of 316

C c C ITS Chapter 4.0 ITS 0 4.0 5.0 DESIGN FEATURES a) 4.1 5.1 So 4.1.1 A. The reactor Is no located at o6xlmately 850.810 feet North and 2 "320 feet East as determined e Minnesota _i~tt~di-KhoeFis ,&ad~ a _Is rAat _ _ fetS 30SVof the reactor etrieanth exdusion area is defined by the minimum fenced area shown In FSAR Figure 2.2.2a. Due to the prevaiT wnd pater e LA.1 0 rdirection of maximum Inteegrated dosaVgskSSE. The southern property iner i olw h o~ onayo h lright-of-way for the Burlingtonotem Railway. More details on the ne a eSn iyefpoet n USAR Fi gure2. . CD 0 a) 4.2 5.2 Reaco *Adro ITS 4.1.2 4.2.1 A. The reactor core shall consist of not more than 484 fuel assemblies. Add proposed details of fuel assemblies XI' 4.2.2 B. The reactor core shal contain 121 cruciformnshaped control rods whose design has been reviewed and approved for BWR use 0 by an NRC Safety Evaluation Report The control rod material shall be boron carbide or compacted to a m FV 170%otheoreticatle iyorbafiu. a) 5.3 ReatrVessel CD CD A. The ss isalb designed for a epn20 psto and antemperature of 562ZF The coooldn~erti~on systemm CD of pump and 1248 psig at pump dl~s .Theapplncabie design Vt _aiedesigned for a pressure of 1148 osutonsd cdssall be as described In S .2.3 and 4.3.1 of the Monticello Final Safety An 4skrfepori. ItD 10 5.4 Cntainment 0 A. The prima ement shall be of the pressure sup type having a drywell and an absorption cha ucted of 3 steel drywell shall have a volume of appr ety 134 200 ft and is designed to conform to AS er and Pressure 0) CD' ssl Code Section III Class B for an In pressure of 56 psig at 281'F and an external pro of 2 pslg at 281'F. The absorption chamber shall have at lume of approximately 1761250 ft3. 5.0 230 11/25/87 Amendment No. 4a-.82 4- 54 Page 1 of 2

C C 0 ITS Chapter 4.0 ITS It Isdesigned to confom, to E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code tn Ill Class B for an internal pressure of 56 psig a 281"F and an exteemale psure of 2 psI9 at 281 eF. B. Penetrations add o the primary containment shall be de ned in accordance with standards set forth In Secti52.3 of the

0) C.

Final Safety ysis Report. Piping passing through su penetrations shall have isolation valves in accord e with standards set forth I ection of the Final Safety AnaS reactor building, standby gas treatmen Report. -0e 0) em and stack shall comprise a secondary conlaien in such fashion to CD nclose the primary containment In ord o provide for controlled elevated release of the rea rbuilding atmosphere under 0 accident conditions. 0 4.3 5.5 FuelStorage 4.3.1.:2.a, A. I Normal st ate for unirradiated fuel assemblies Is in criticall-s ustorage racks in the reactor buildin storea- ult. ) a, F 4.3.1.:2.b, Fuel shall be stored in arrays such that the Keff dry Is less than 0.90 and flooded Is less than 0.95. In order to meet these limits, 4.3.1.:2.c new fuel assemblies shall have an infinite lattice multiplication factor less than or equal to 1.31.ualtos 2 0D, B. The Koff of the spent fuel storage pool shall be less than or equal to 0.95. In order to meet this limit, fuel assemblies stored In CD-4.3.1.ALb this pool shall have an Inflnite lattice multiplication factor less than or equal to 1.33. -ddproposed ITS and ITS M. V01 SO 0U 5.6 Seismic Design 0 0 An Class I at es andequipment were analyzed to ea safe shutdown can be made during ground o f 0.12g LA.6 -h (Ma Earthquake). Dynamic analysis was to determine the earthquake acceleration applica he various elevations in to Xi reactor building. CD) CD a, 0 I

                                                                                      - - - -I .--   .

IAUU plupubt:U la 0'4.J.4 t-

                                                                                                                                                                                 -8 Ca l

I~aa prmposea ii 4.S!s;

                                                                                                                                                                                 -S 5.0                                                                                                                 231              10,1/85 Amendment No. 34 Page 2 of 2

c C ITS 5.1 ITS 8.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS R oib See ITS 5.2 0 5.1.1 A. The plant manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe ope lnlind shell have control over those onsite Inecessary for the safe operation and maitrenance of the plant.1 During periods when the plant manager Is unavailable. this Ldlie 0 responsibility may be delegated to other qualified supervisory personnel. < Add proposed second paragraph of ITS 5.1.1 0 5.1.2 The tpervisorkor la designated indvi ua durin riods of absence from the control room and shift supervisor's 0 office) shag be responsible for the control room command function. 0 B. Offse and Onsie Organizations 0-- Z5 I Onsite and oflsitle organizations shall be established for plant operation and corporate management. respectively. The I onsite and offsite organizations shall Include positions for activties affecting plant safety. CD 0

1. Unes of authority, responsibility and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management levels a) through intermediate levels to and Including all operating organization posilions. These relationships shall be 0 CD documented and updated, as appropriate, In the form of organization charts, function descriptions of department responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or In equivalent forms of "3 0
a CD documentation. These requirements Including the piant-specific titles of those personnel fulfilling the responsibilities of the positions delineated In these Technical Specifications are documented In corporate and plant procedures, or the See ITS 5.2 } CD Updated Safety Analysis Report or the Operational Quality Assurance Plan.


2. A corporate officer with direct responsibility for the plant shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear 0) safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff In operating, maintaining and CD3 providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
3. The Individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to Ihe appropriate onsite manager, however, they shag have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their Independence from operating pressures.

5.1 232 04/05/01 Amendment No. Zr6 4 -4 r 40 4

                                                                                                                                      .t0r 119 Page 1 of I

C C ITS 5.2 ITS 6.0 ADMINISTRATiVECONTROLS 5.2 6.1 Organization 5.2.1.b A. The plant manager shalt be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shait have control over those onsie adMies CD necessary for the safeoperation end maintenance ofthe pient. IDurng periods when the plant manager is unavailable, this Iresponsibility may be delegated to other qualified supervisory personnel.\ 0 The Shift Supervisor (or, a designated individual during periods of absence from the control room and shift supervisors \ S ITS 5.1 office) shall be responsible for the control room command function. e -3 0 5.2.1 B. Offste and Onsite Organizations Z., CD Onsite and offsie organizations shall be established for plant operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include positions for activities affecting plant safety. CD 0 5.2.1.a 1. Lines of authority, responsibility and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management levels 0 -D through Intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be -u documented and updated, as appropriate, In the form of organization charts, function descriptions of department responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or In equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements including the plant-specifio titles of those personnel fulfilling the responsibilities of the positions delineated in these Technical Specifications are documented Inicorporate and-prooedures othe .0 Updated Safety Analysis Report or the Operational Quallty Assurance Plan. 5.2.1.c 2. A corporate officer with direct responsibilty for the plant shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear la safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating. maintaining and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety. la 5.2.1.d 3. The Individuals who train the operating staff and those who cany out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager, however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their Independence from operating pressures. 6.1 232 04/05/01 Amendment No. Gr iO4,64o 119 Page 1 of 6

ITS 5.2 ITS 5.2.2 C. Plant Staff tu) ttl1. ,allbeco .mln Imshift crewao  ; .1 in.able6.1

2. A least one cshall be In the control is in the reactor. L CD le censed operators shall be l3. in the control room during cold startup, c rctor shutdown 5.2.2.c 4. An IndMdual qualified In radiation protection procedures shall be onsite when fuel is in the reactor. A ppohourC sence 0 5. All alterations r core shall be directly ensed Senior React Operatior or cto 3 c ~ adt ulHandlino othr concurrent resr onsibilities durkig~hj533jEM fn3 at 5.2.2.e 6. The operations manager shall be formerly licensed as a Senior Reactor Operator or hold a current Senior Reactor CD Cct . Operator License.

5.2.2.e 7. At least one member of plant management holding a current Senior Reactor Operator License shall be assigned to the ;U

C plant operations group on a long term basis (approximately two years). This ind vidual will not be assigned to a rotating CD CD shift.
8. Licensed reactor operators and senior reactor operators shall complete quaflfication training in accordance with a O Commission-approved tralning prograrn that is based on a systems approach to training and uses a smuaionfdt e r .

fxt ~~~~~that Is acceptable to the Cortmisslon. This program has been accredited by the National NuclearAardtnBod.t CD D. Each member of the she staff shal meet or exceed the minimum qualficatons of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable K) CD

           .              positions, except for (1)the radiation protection manage nr rlpciand health phycl t                   hn Shelf m    opI nualificat         of Regutqoly 9iKe18 qnn                         epebr17              2) the Shift Technical Advisor who shall have a bachelor's degre CA)        5.2.2.f                                                                                                                                                                      ti CA)(A or equivalent In a scientific or engjoin           di    li      sperire trainbg in plant dosign an I O                            ln          o o rnint         n   cdns        3 the operations manager who shall meet the requirement of ANSI N1B.1-1971 excepO                                   0 tal NH icense requirementsFare as spedified in Specification 6.1 .C.7, and (4) licensed reactor operators and senior                                     1      I reactor operators shall meet the requirements of Specification 6.1 .C.8. The training program shall be under the direct ion otfe                  rs53C
0) a desi nated member of Nuclear Management Compang LLC management.

6.1 233 10/30/01 Amendment No. 46r37r6OS,-144G-44g 124 Page 2 of 6


                     .5_                    3 Unit Staff Qualifications I C. Plant Staff C) 0
1. Each on duty shift shahl be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown In Table 6.1.1. See iTS 5.2 }
2. At least one licensed operator shalt be In the control room when fuel Is in the reactor. 3 CD
3. At least two licensed operators shall be present In the control room during cold startup, scheduled reactor shuldown, 0 and during recovery from reactor trips.

0 M 4. An Individual qualified In radiation protection procedures shall be onsite when fuel is In the reactor. 0-4

5. All alterations of the reactor core shall be directly supervised by a licensed Senior Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator Limited to Fuel Handling who has no other concurrent responsibilities during this operation. CD 0J
6. The operations manager shall be formerly licensed as a Senior Reactor Operator or hold a current Senior Reactor t.

0 Operator Ucense. 0 CO -o 7. At least one member of plant management holding a current Senior Reactor Operator Ucense shall be assigned to the 3 a) plant operations group on a long term basis (approximately two years). This Indhivdual will not be assigned to a rotating A.2 CD CD shift. 0L _ _Licesdecooert _f -sirratrprtrshnopeaulfica ng in accordance with ar Co Commission-approved tqtrg progra~rntha Is balsed on a systems aD oo ratano and uses a simula~on faciity 0 that is acceptable to tt9QomrnMIssion.I 1 hl nQ9i iwrtE~n ae ~ bviXhJthn NafnnalI NuclA~r a ff ei r~f-Uarcf] tJ co a) 5.3.1 D. Each member of the site staff shal meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable CD pshfions, except for (1)the radiation protection manager or designated health physicist who shall meet or exceeri the _ SeiS5

  'I                   ___-= firmatons of Regultdory Guide 1.8. September 1975.l(2 the Shift Technical Aavisor who snall nave a Dachelor-S egreele                     TS5              0rD lor equivalent in a scientific or engineernnn disciPl-in-e-wifth si~efic training in plant design, and response and anaivsis of the WD 1plant for transients and accddegtsiff-)the operations manager who shall meet the requirement of ANSI N18.1-1971 exceptA.                                        0 5.3.1 -t                       icense requirements are as specified In Specification 6.1 .C.7Jo-6eraY5F5                              anr] semor_

E oAradns meet dll the recuirements on on-B.1... Ite program shall be u2 the diredion of

                       \a designated member of NucanWaagemenl Company, LLs managerrijn.l 6.1                                                                                                      233             10130/01 Amendment No. 46, 3 48 i4o4r4 4 0 4r 4 a, 124 Page 1 of 1

C C C ITS 5.2 ITS E. (Deleted) 522.d F. AdmInistrative procedures shall be developed and Implemented to limit the working hours of unit staff who perform %U 09 safety-related functions: e.g.. senior reactor operators, reactor operators, health physicists, auxiliary operators, and key 0 maintenance personnel. Procedures shall Include the following provisions: 0 1. Adequate shift coverage shell be maintained without routine heav use of overtime h ace shall be to have oprtnesnelwr oa or 17-hu day noia 4hrwee hile the p atis prting. However. In 3 the event that unforeseen pro7bleZ18reqar_ substantial amounts of overtime to be used, or defig extended periods of 0 shutdown for refueling, major maintenn or major plant modifications, on atemporarybae dI hefoling guidelines shall be followed://- t

01 a. An Individual should not be to work more than 16 hours straight, excluding shi tumnover time.

aimitd 0, 0 b. Overtime should be limit d for all nucear plant staff personnel so that total work me does not exceed 16 hours In any 24-hour period, n more than 24 hours In any 46-hour period, no more th 84 hours in any seven day period. aelexcluding ift turnover time. Individuals should not be required to rk more than 15 consecutive days -o without two conse lye days off. 0 ;a

c. A break of at le eight hours Including shift turnover time should be allo between work periods.
U 0D d. Except d extended shutdown periods, the use of overtime should e considered on an lndividual basis and not for thee estaffonashift.

69 to IV c-n 0

                                                                                                                                                                  -'A C) 6.1                                                                                               234              04/05/01 Amendment No. 3 14O,46r6814 04, 119 Page 3 of 6

c C C ITS 5.2 ITS

e. Shift Techni A) and ShifEt e ei or (SEC)onste rest time perod s I red as hours worked whe ng the total work time for which th b ons apply. lL-24 0 I 0)

ED 5.2.2.d 2. Any deviation from the above guidelines shalt be authorized by the plant manager or designee, or higher levels of w management. In accordance with established procedures and with documentation of the basis for granting the 0 deviation. During plant emergendes the Emergency Director shall have this authority. Controls shag be included in the 0 procedures such that IndMdual overtime shalt be reviewed monthly to assure that excessive hours have not been assigned. Routine deviation from the above guidelines Is not allowed. CD C 0 0 0 0 N, CD

*0                                                                                                                                                    -9' la to CD 0)

(0 Ca 0) 6.1 235 12121/00 3 4 8 Amendment No. r 6r- r 115 t-Page 4 of 6

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 297 of 316 Pages 237 through 242 do not exist , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 297 of 316

Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 298 of 316 N co Ui 0 It co CD co a) p- d C.CO z I K)

                                                   "It T

N CX 't ZD D 0 DO Attachment 1, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 298 of 316

C C C ITS 5.4 ITS 5.4 6.B5 Procedures a) 0s a) C, 5.4.1 A. Written procedures shal be established, Implemented, and maintained covering the following adivjies:

D C, 5A.1.a 1. The applicable procedures recommended In Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, Appendix A, February 1978; 0

5.4.1.b 2. The emergency operating procedures required to implement the requirements of NUREG-0737 and NUREG-0737, Supplement 1. as stated In Generic Letter 82-33; 3 M 5.4.1.c 3. Ouality assurance for effluent and environmental monitoring; -L 5.4.1.d 4. Fire Protection Program Implementation; and  :-L a) 5.4.1.e 5. All programs specified In Specification 6.8. -v CD E, 6.6 (Deleted) a P 0 CDt CD

-4 CD CD CD CD to CD 0

W to CA, W, 0w cr 6.5 NEXT PAGE IS 248 244 10/30/01 I Amendment No. 4A.-1 9 r 2Sr 39 r,4 2O 124 Page 1 of 1

, Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 300 of 316 Pages 245 through 247 do not exist , Volume 18, Rev. 0, Page 300 of 316

C C C ITS 5.6 ITS 5.6 6.7 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS a) 10 Code of Federal Regulations, the following Identified reports shal be 0) 0 In ard tt_ o euiremtsot 0 5.6 missos, Wasmgn. cr t submited a accrncyft10 C50.4- FR -L---4Al-3 t. ~n -/ 3 A. Routne Redo/rt M O-M A summary report olant startup and power escalation testing al be submitted following (1) receipt of an operating 0 0 license, (2)ame ment to the license invoMing a planned Iase in power level, (3)Installation of fuel that has a duff ant design or has n manufactured by a different fuel suppl and (4) modifications that may have significantly altf the nuclear, the al, or hydraulic performance of the plant. a report shall address each of the tests identified in the SAR 0, and sall Include a description of the mea ogeneral values of the operating conditions or characteristics tamed LI durtng a test program and a comparison of those lues with design predictions and specifications. Any co ecthre acions a re required to obtain satisfactory operatio hall also be descnliod. Any additional specific detalls r uired In licenso -o that

0) I co ilions based on other commitments shall included In this report.

0 0 days following completion of the startup test program 2) 90 days flowing I tartup reports shall be submitted withIn (1 Eo resumption or commencement of commel power operation, or (3) 9 months following initial critiplity, whichever Is f earliest. if the Startup Report does cover an three events O.e., InMtial citicatity, completion of tartup test program, and CD) resumption or commencement of merctal power operation), supplementary reports shal submttted at least every three months until an three ave been completed. 0 Co 0 0a to -9, CD) to 0, 248 211 89 6.7 Amendment No. 59 Page 1 of 6

( C C ITS 5.6 ITS

2. (Deleted)

Su 0 3. (Deleted) 0) 3 5.6.2 4. Rndhoactive Fffluent Relense R202it 0 The Redloadive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous year shall be submitted pri to May 15 of each year In accordance with 10 cFn 50.36a. The report shal Include a summary of the quantities of 0 radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be consitent wnth the objectives outlined In the ODCM and In conformance with 10 CFR 50.38a end 10 CFR Part 50, Appcndbc 1, CD a Section IV.13.1. 0, 0 M P0, 5. (Deleted) a 0

6. (Deleted)


0) -o la CD CD 0

CD) 0 0a) 0

-9 0) a)

6.7 249 02/01/05 Amendment No7, 454, GO, 142 Page 2 of 6

C c C ITS 5.6 ITS 5.6.3 7. Core Operating LUmits Report a) 0) 0 5.6.3.a a. Core operating limits shall be established and documented Inthe Core Operating Umits Report before each reload 0 cycle or any remaining part of a reload cycle for the following: 3 5.6.3.a.4- {rod Block Monitor Operability Requirements (Specification 3.2.C.2a) _rod Block Monitor Upscale Trip Settings (Table 3.2.3, Item 4.a) 3 CD - 5.6.3.a.5. 5 ecirculation System Power to Flow Map Stability Regions (Specification 3.5.F) - 5.6.3.a.1 . Waximum Average Planar Unear Heat Generation Rate Umits (Specification 3.11.A) 0 5.6.3.a.3 - -- lnear Heat Generation Rate Umits (Specification 3.11.6) 0 b, 5.6.3.a.2- -{¶Minimum Critical Power Ratio Umits (Specification 3.11.C) I Power to Fo Bases 3.1) . I e 2 3 CD 5.6.3.b b. The analytical methods used to determine the core operating limits shall be those previously reviewed and approved by co the NRC, specifically those described In the following documents: 5.6.3.b.1 NEDE-2401 1-P-A. OGeneral Electric Standard Applica for ReactniFue tion Methppoyd v 99e timapp So j~atse;perioprdf)j 0 5.6.3.b.2 NSPNAD-8608-At 'Reload Safety Evaluation Methods for Application to the Monthce Nu rlo mear General lmts c CD a) Janpalyisimerstofattheslaety ana danart.s 0o 5.6.3.b.3 NSPNADCQuart 8609-Ae ficatRon of Rettor Physics Methods for Application to Montsshallbspe on uc la a) (D ftem4hreonafind"f ae p l* 0) 0 5.6.3.b.4 CD NEDO-31960, BWR Owners' Group Long-Term Stability Solutions censing Methodology,' , 0 0 CA) 5.6.3.b.4 NEDO-31960,L1Sp~effi, 'BWR Owners' Group Long-Term Stability Solutions Licensing Methodology,'la~hi9l 0) lineai~vdwv-ion a h u ad anal y rs 0) 5.6.3.c c. The core operating limits shall be determined such that all applicable limits (e.g., fuel thermal-mechanical limits, core thermal-hydraulic limits, ECCS limits, nuclear limits such as shutdown margin, transient analysis limits and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met. 5.6.3.d d. 'The Core Operating Umits Report, Including any mid cl revisions or supplements, shall be supplied upon Issuan ca. for each reload cycle, to the NR I i R Vs piggo ithe-Re-gional Administalareesxa§il i 250 06/11/02 Amendment No. 16 61014,110, 120,128 Page 3 of 6

C c C ITS 5.6 ITS

1. (Deleted) l to t)

C. Environmental Reports 0 1. Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Renort CD 5.6.1 The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar 0 a-A year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shal include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be 0 0 consistent with the objectives outlined In the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and in 10 CFR 50. Appendix 1. 0 Sections IV.B.2, IV.D.3. and IV.C. 0 0 The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall Include the results of analyses of all radiological tD environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified In the table and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and M MU measurements In the format of the table In the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November (a 1979. In the event that some Individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shal be submitted ;C 71 oa noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in a supplementary report as di 0 soon as possible. 0 c)0 ED 0 0w

 -IV to                                                                                                                                                                 la at 0) 0)

6.7 251 10/30t01 Amendment No. 4 5r315 46 91%4 2 QT 124 Page 4 of 6

C C C ITS 5.6

2. (Deleted) I 0s
3. Other Environmental Rei)sZffadilogical, non-aquatic) tu
a. Environmental even that indicate or could result In a signi nt environmental impact causally related to plant 0 0

M operation. The fo ng are examples: excessive bird I action; onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks; u sual mortality of any pecies protected by Endangered Spe s Act of 1973; Increase in nuisance organisms or nditions; 0 or excessive vironmental Impact caused by herbic application to transmission corridors associated the plant. co This report an be submitted within 30 days of th event and shall (a) describe, analyze, and evaluat a event, Includin xtant and magnitude of the Impact a plant operating characteristics, (b) describe the pr able cause of the event c) indicate the action taken to correct e reported event, (d) indicate the corrective action ken to preclude iL2 0 3 rep tion of the event and to prevent simlia occurrences invoning similar components or syste s, and (e) indicate the a ncles notified and their preliminary re onses. a) 0c, E, -U (0 Proposed changes, tests or experim ts which may result In a significant Increase in an adverse environmental Impact which was not previously reviewe or evaluated In the Final Environmental Statemente r supplements thereto. This 0 report shall include an evaluatia of the environmental Impact of the proposed activ and shall be submitted 30 days prior to implementing the pro sed change, test or experiment. ao

0 D. Special Repgrls/

(D Unless orwe indicated, special reports requir h ythe Technical Specification shall be subm 0) hin the time period ) CD) co S dfor each re ort. e.n 40 0 CA) 6.7 252 07/24/01 Amendment No. 5, 5120 Page 5 of 6

ITS ITS 5.5 66.8 Programs and Manuals 5.5.1 A. OffsIte Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) 0 5.5.1.a 1. The ODCM shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, In the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm and trip setpoints, and In the _^ conduct of the radiological environmental monitoring program; and o 5.5.1.b 2. The ODCM shall also contain the radioactive effluent controls and radiological environmental monitoring activities and 0 c, descriptions of the Information that should be Included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating, and Radioactive 3 Effluent Release Reports, required by Specification 6.7.C.1 and Specification 6.7.A.4. 5.5.1.c 3. Ucensee Initiated changes to the ODCM: < 5.5.1.c.1 a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained. This documentation shall contain: o 0 5.5.1.c.1.a) 1) sufficient Information to support the change(s) together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change(s), and ci 5.5.1.c1.b) 2) a determination that the change(s) maintain the levels of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, o 40 CFR 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of .C effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations;

  • to 5.5.1.c.2 b. Shall become effective after the approval of the plant manager, and 5.5.1.c.3 c. Shall be submitted to the NRC In the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM as a part of or concurrent with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of the report in which any change In the ODCM was made. Each change shall be identified by markings In the margin of the affected pages, clearly Indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall Indicate the date (i.e., month and year) the change was Implemented.

6.8 253 07/24/01 Amendment No. 120 Page 1 of 1S

C C C ITS 0 ITS 5.5 5.5.2 B. Primary Coolant Sources Outside Containment This program provides controls to minimize leakage from those portions of systems outside containment that could contain 5.5.2 highly radioactive fluids during a serious transient or accident to levels as low as practicable. The systems indude Core Spray, High Pressure Coolant Injection, Residual Heat Removal, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling, Combustible Gas Control, process sampling, and Standby Gas Treatment. The program shall Indude the following: 0) V-6 0 5.5.2.a 1. Preventive maintenance and periodic visual Inspection requirements: and 0 5.5.2.b 2. Integrated leak test requirements for each system at refueli cycle inteals or les4 a, 0 5.5.2 The provisions of Specification 4.0.B are applicable. 0 0 M A program acce ptd to the Commission was descnded* a letter dated December 31, 197 , rm L 0 Mayer. NSP, to Director

-o of Nuclear 92ctor Regulation. Lessons Leamer fplementatlon./

0 0 C. (Deleted) E 0 B' 0 -4

                                                                                                                                                                 -o 0

a) la la 6.8 254 06/17/03 Amendment No. 42OT 136 Page 2 of 15

IAs ITS 5.5 ITS 5.5.3 D. Radioactive Effluent Controls Program This program conforms to 10 CFR 50.36a for the control of radioactive effluents and for maintaining the doses to members of the fu public from radioactive effluents as low as reasonably achievable. The program shall be contained In the ODCM, shall be Implemented by procedures, and shall Include remedial actions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded. The o program shall Include the following elements: _i 5.5.3.a 1. Umitations on the functional capability of radioactive liquid and gaseous monitoring Instrumentation Including surveillance =1 tests and setpoint determination in accordance with the methodology in the ODCM; 5.5.3.b 2. Umitations on the concentrations of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas, conforming to ten 0 times the concentration values in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2402; 5.5.3.c 3. Monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1302 and with the methodology and parameters In the ODCM; 5.5.3.d 4. Umitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dose commitment to a member of the public from radioactive materials In 0 liquid effluents released from the site to unrestricted areas, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix l; 0 ° 5.5.3.e 5. Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter and 0 'U current calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least monthly: 0D 5.5.3.f 6. Limitations on the functional capability and use of the liquid and gaseous effluent treatment systems to ensure that (D CA) appropriate portions of these systems are used to reduce releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in a period of W co 31 days would exceed 2% of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose commitment, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix l; m o 0 5.5.3.g 7. Umitations on the dose rate resulting from radioactive material released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be in accordance with the following: 5.5.3.g.1 a. For noble gases: a dose rate of s500 mremlyr to the whole body and a dose rate of s3000 mrem/yr to the skin, and 5.5.3.g.2 b. For iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radlonuclides in particulate form with half lives greater than 8 days: a dose rate s 1500 mremlyr to any organ; 6.8 255 07/24/01 Amendment No. 120 Page 3 of 15

C c c ITS 0 ITS 5.5 5.5.3.h 8. Umltations on the annual and quarterly air doses resulting from noble gases released In gaseous effluents from the site to areas at or beyond the site boundary, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I. 9. Umitations on the annual and quarterly doses to a member of the public from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionucildes in particulate form with half lives >8 days In gaseous effluents released from the site to areas beyond the site 3 0 0 boundary, conforming to 10 CFR 50. Appendix l; 0ED 5.5.3.J 10. Limitations on the annual dose or dose commitment to any member of the public, beyond the sihe boundary, due to releases 0 of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources, conforming to 40 CFR 190; and 5.5.3.k 11. Umitations on venting and purging of the containment through the Standby Gas Treatment System to maintain releases as low as reasonably achievable. 3 5.5.3 The provisions of Specifications 4.0.B, 4.0.D and 4.0.E are applicable to the Radioactive Effluent Controls Program surveillance CD frequency. 0 5.5.5 6.8.E and 6.8.F - RESERVED G. Inservice Testing Program

                                                                                                                                                               -0a           CD 0

Ca 5.5.5 aqbordance with the rrqirentsiof A91E Code Class 1, 2, and 3 pumps and valves 0 So 5.5.5.a 1. Testing frequencies specified in Section Xl of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda are as 2) CD) 0, follows: I ASME Bolier and Pressure Vessel Code I and Applicable Addenda Terminology

                                                                                                                                                            -t :0G          to
                                                                                                                                                                            -9 10 CD Required Frequencies for Performing for Inservice Testing Activities                                 Inservice Testing Activities Weekly                                                          At least once per      7 days Monthly                                                         At least once per     31 days                                               0, Ca)

Biquarterly At least once per 46 days Quarterly or every 3 months At least once per 92 days Semiannually or every 6 months At least once per 184 days Every 9 months At least once per 276 days Yearly or annually At least once per 366 days Biennially or every 2 years At least once per 731 days 6.8 256 08/01101 Amenoment NO. -LUk ZZ I

                                                                'Every 48 months At least once per 1461 days                                                            A.8 Every 5 years   At least once per 1827 days Every 8 years   At least once per 2922 days Every 10 years  At least once per 3653 days    IDnme%                                         A ^f I r, I~~       -Aif..t IayCUe     u .


ITS ITS 5.5 5.5.5.b 2. The provisions of Surveillance Requirement 4.0.B are applicable to the Frequendes for performing inservice testing

>                        activities;:

I 5.5.5.c 3. The provisions of Surveillance Requirement 4.0.D and 4.0.E are applicable to Inservice testing activities; and C, 5.5.5.d 4. Nothing In theFASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codeshall be construed to supersede the requirements of any TS. 6.8.H - RESERVED 5.5.7 1. Exglosive Gas and Storage Tank Radioactivity Monitoring Program 0 0 5.5.7 This program provides controls for potentially explosive gas mixtures contained In the Offgas Treatment System. the quantity of 3 radioactivity contained in gas storage tanks or fed into the offgas treatment system, and the quantity of radioactivity contained in 2 CD unprotected outdoor liquid storage tanks. Iae quan ity of radioactiyty after 12 hours holdup contain in each gas storage tank 0 sha b imted 0 22.000 curies of noble gases (considered as dbse equivalent Xe-133). The qua tity of liquid radioactive LA.2 material contafned in each outside temporary tank shall be limitedto s 10 curies. excludin tritiu dissolved or entralned / _ noble nases. 0 (D C C 5.5.7 The program shall Include: o 0

1. The limits for concentrations of hydrogen and oxygen In the Offgas Treatment System and a surveillance program to ensure the fimits are maintained. Such limits shall be appropriate to the system's design criteria (i.e., whether or not the system Is designed to withstand a hydrogen explosion); CD W 52. A surveillance program to ensure that the quantity of radioactivity contained In each gas storage tank and fed Into the offgas o treatment system is less than the amount that would result In a whole body exposure of 2 0.5 rem to any Individual in an ° o unrestricted area, Inthe event of an uncontrolled release of the tanks' contents; and 5.5.7.c 3. A surveillance program to ensure that the quantity of radioactivity contained in all outdoor liquid radwaste tanks that are not W surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls, capable of holding the tanks' contents and that do not have tank overflows and surrounding area drains connected to the Liquid Radwaste Treatment System Is less than the amount that would result in concentrations less than the limits of 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, at the nearest potable water supply and the nearest surface water supply in an unrestricted area, In the event of an uncontrolled release of the tanks' contents.

5.5.7 The provisions of Specifications 4.0.B, 4.0.D and 4.0.E are applicable to the Explosive Gas and Storage Tank Radioactivity Monitoring Program surveillance frequencies. 6.8 257 08/01/01 Amendment No. 420t 122 Page 5 of 15

c c ITS 0 ITS 5.5 6.8.J -RESERVED Su 5.5.9 K. Technical Soecifications rTS) Bases Control Proaram 0 5.5.9 This program provides a means for processing changes to the Bases of these Technical Specifications. 0 5.5.9.a 1. Changes to the Bases of the TS shall be made under appropriate administrative controls and reviews. 5.5.9.b 2. Changes to Bases may be made without prior NRC approval provided the changes do not Involve either of the following:

a. a change in the TS Incorporated In the license; or 3~


b. a change to the USAR or Bases that requires NRC approval pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.

0 5.5.9.c 3. The Bases Control Program shall contain provisions to ensure that the Bases are maintained consistent with the USAR. (0 CD 5.5.9.d 4. Proposed changes to the Bases that involve changes as described in a. or b. of Specification 6.8.K(2 above shall be reviewed and approved by the NRC prior to implementation. Changes to the Bases implemented without prior NRC CD, (0 0 approval shall be provided to the NRC on a frequency consistent with 10 CFR 50.71 (e). 0 c;) M4 6.8.1 - RESE RVED Adpose T5..0 CD, 0D -8 -I 5.5.11 M. Primary Corntainment Leakage Rate Testing Program 5.5.11.a 1. This program shall establish the leakage rate testing of the containment as required by 10 CFR 50.54(o) and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, Option B. as modified by approved exemptions. This program shall be in accordance with the guidelines contained In Regulatory Guide 1.163, Performance-Based Containment Leak-Test Program,' dated September 1995, as modified by the following exception: NEI 94-01, Rev. 0, Industry Guldeline for Implementing Performance-Based Option of 10 CFR 50, Appendix J.. Section 9.2.3: The first Type A test after the March 1993 Type A test shall be performed no later than March 2008. 5.5.1 1.b 2. The calculated peak containment internal pressure for the design basis loss of coolant accident, Pa. is 42 psig. The containment design pressure is 56 psig. 6.8 258 03/31/03 Amendment No.424122,1323 134 Page 6 of 15

C C C (T ITS 5.5 5.5.11.c 3. The maximum allowable containment leakage rate, La. at Pa, shall be 1.2% of containment air weight per day. . 5.5.1 1.d 4. Leakage rate acceptance criteria are: ) 5.5.11.dA1 a. Containment leakage rate acceptance criterion is s 1.0 La. During the first unit startup following testing In accordance with this program, the leakage rate acceptance criteria are <0.60 La for the Type B and C tests and s 0.75 La for c0 Type A tests. M _ 5.5.11 .d.2 b. Air lock testing acceptance criteria are:

                            <                                                                                                                                   0 0

5.5.11 .d.2.a) 1) Overall air leakage rate Is s 0.05 La when tested at Pa. 0 5.5.11.d.2.b) 2) For each door, leakage rate is 0.007 L when pressurized to 10 psig. 0 5.5.11.f

  • 5. The provisions of SRs 4.0.D and 4.0.E are applicable to the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.'


6. Nothing in these Techn cifications shagl be construed to modify the testi quencles required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix J .

00 00 6.8 258a 02/04103 Amendment No. 132 . Page 7 of 15

ITS 5.7 ITS > 5.7 6.9 High Radiation Area > o 5.7 As provided In paragraph 20.1601 (c) of 10 CFR Part 20, the following controls shall be applied to high radiation areas in place of the C, controls required by paragraph 20.1601 (a)and (b)of 10 CFR Part 20: 0 5.7.1 A. High Radiation Areas with Dose Rates Not Exceeding 1.0 remihour at 30 centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the Radiation 0 5.7.1.a 1. Each entryway to such an area shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area. Such barricades 0 r, may be opened as necessary to permit entry or exit of personnel or equipment. CD 5.7.1.b 2. Access to, and activities In.each such area shall be controlled by means of Radiation Work Permit (RWP) or equivalent that _o includes specification of radiation dose rates in the Immediate work area(s) and other appropriate radiation protection equipment and measures. - 5.7.1.c 3. Individuals qualified Inradiation protection procedures and personnel continuously escorted by such individuals may be o exempted from the requirement for an RWP or equivalent while performing their assigned duties provided that they are 0 otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry to, exit from, and work In such areas. to 5.7.1.d 4. Each individual or group entering such an area .shall possess:, . at C,) CA) 5.7.1.d.1 a. A radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates Inthe area, or . O o 0 5.7.1.d.2 b. A radiation monitoring device that continuously integrates the radiation dose rates in the area and alarms when the device's dose alarm setpoint is reached, with an appropriate alarm setpolnt, or a 5.7.1.d.3 c. A radiation monitoring device that continuously transmits dose rate and cumulative dose information to a remote receiver monitored by radiation protection personnel responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure within the area, or 6.9 259 07/24/01 Amendment No. 120 Page 1 of 4

c c C' IITS 5.7 ITS t

>   5.7.1.d.4                 d. A self-reading dosimeter (e.g., pocket ionization chamber or electronic dosimeter) and, X                                                                                                                'D C. 5.7.1.d.4.0)                   1) Be under the surveillance, as specified in the RWP or equivalent, while in the area, of an Individual qualified In                  s radiation protection procedures, equipped with a radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation 0                                        dose rates In the area; who Is responsible for controlling personnel exposure within the area, or                                 CD 5.7.1.d.4.(ii)                 2)   Be under the surveillance as specified In the RWP or equivalent, while In the area, by means of closed circuit television, of personnel qualified In radiation protection procedures, responsible for controlling personnel radiation o                                        exposure In the area, and with the means to communicate with Individuals In the area who are covered by such .                    0 c                                        surveillance.

5.7.1.e 5. Except for Individuals qualified In radiation protection procedures, or personnel continuously escorted by such Individuals, entry Into such areas shall be made only after dose rates In the area have been determined and entry personnel are knowledgeable of them. These continuously escorted personnel will receive a pre-job briefing prior to entry Into such areas.

This dose rate determination, knowledge, and pre-job briefing does not require documentation prior to initial entry. 0 o 5.7.2 B. Hloh Radiaton Areas with Dose Rates Greater than 1.0 rem/hour at 30 centimeters from the Radiation Source or from any 0 Surface Penetrated by the Radiation, but less than 500 rads/hour at 1 meter from the Radiation Source or from any Surface a, lu)

Penetrated by the Radiation 5.7.2.a 1. Each entryway to such an area shall be conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and shafl be provided with a locked or continuously guarded door or gate that prevents unauthorized entry, and. In addition: 5.7.2.a.1 a. All such door and gate keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the shift supervisor, radiation to protection manager, or his or her designee. 5.7.2.a.2 b. Doors and gates shall remain locked except during periods of personnel or equipment entry or exit. 5.7.2.b 2. Access to, and activities In, each such area shall be controlled by means of an RWP or equivalent that Includes specification of radiation dose rates In the Immediate work area(s) and other appropriate radiation protection equipment and measures. 6.9 260 07/24/01 Amendment No. 120 Page 2 of 4

ITS ITS 5.7 5.7.2.c 3. Individuals qualified In radiation protection procedures may be exempted from the requirement for an RWP or equivalent > while performing radiation surveys In such areas provided that they are otherwise following plant radiation protection r) o procedures for entry to, exit from, and work In such areas. 3 CD 5.7.2.d 4. Each Individual or group entering such an area shall possess: 0 5.7.2.d.1 a. A radiation monitoring device that continuously Integrates the radiation dose rates Inthe area and alarms when the device's dose alarm setpoint is reached, with an appropriate alarm setpoint, or o 0 5.7.2.d.2 b. A radiation monitoring device that continuously transmits dose rate and cumulative dose information to a remote receiver monitored by radiation protection personnel responsible for controlling personnel radiation exposure within the CD __ area with the means to communicate with and control every Individual In the area, or

5.7.2.d.3 c. A self-reading dosimeter (e.g., pocket ionization chamber or electronic dosimeter) and, W M C 5.7.2.d.3.(i) 1) Be under surveillance, as specified Inthe RWP or equivalent, while In the area, of an Individual qualified In radiation

° protection procedures, equipped with a radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the area; who Isresponsible for controlling personnel exposure within the area, or o . to CD 5.7.2.d.3.(ii) 2) Be under the surveillance as specified In the RWP or equivalent, while In the area, by means of closed circuit X, television, of personnel quafified In radiation protection procedures, responsible for controlling personnel radiation - or exposure in the area, and with the means to communicate with and control every Individual In the area. Ln o 0

  ,   5.7.2.d.4             d. In those cases where options b. and c. above are impractical or determined to be inconsistent with the 'As Low As is                       CA)

An Reasonably Achievable principle, a radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the CD area. 5.7.2.e S. Except for Individuals qualified In radiation protection procedures, or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals, entry into such areas shall be made only after dose rates in the area have been determined and entry personnel are knowledgeable of them. These continuously escorted personnel will receive a pre-job briefing prior to entry into such areas. This dose rate determination, knowledge, and pre-job briefing does not require documentation prior to Initial entry. 6.9 261 07/24101 Amendment No. 120 Page 3 of 4

C C C ITS 5.7 ITS 0 5.7.2.f 6. Such individual areas that are within a larger area where no enclosure exists for the purpose of locking and where no enclosure can reasonably by constructed around the individual area need not be controlled by a locked door or gate, nor 0 0 0 0 continuously guarded, but shall be barricaded, conspicuously posted, and a clearly visible flashing fight shall be activated at 0 the area as a warning device. 0 C)

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