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Comment (6) of Connie Wilhelm, on Behalf of Home Builders Association of Arizona, Supporting Renewal Application for Palo Verde'S Nuclear Plants
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 07/16/2009
From: Wilhelm C
Home Builders Association of Central Arizona
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
74FR24884 00006
Download: ML092110637 (1)



Builders XI Associationi OF CENTRALll ARIZONA ESTABLISHED 1951 July 16, 2009 ' < CO F,!<;69 Chief; Rulemaking and Directives Branch Division of Administrative Services 6 Mailstop TWB-5B01 M ,./,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear NRC Board Members:

I am writing in support of the renewal application for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. Palo Verde's contribution to the State of Arizona with clean, reliable, and cost effective energy is of great importance to members of the Home Builders Association of Central Arizona (HBACA).

As President and Executive Director of the HBACA, I am intimately familiar with the need for a steady and low cost energy supply to support Arizona's economic growth, which has been largely spurred by housing. Our homeowners expect reliable power that can be swiftly repaired when storms knock down lines, blow transformers or otherwise cause an interruption in service. APS and the power it provides with Palo Verde have always ensured this.

As the :state's largest 'power pirdvider, APS's ability to continue to operate the existing Units at Palo Verde makes:strong economic sense: It makes sense for homeowners and for homebuilders. Losing the low-cost reliable enbrgy provided by Palo Verde, in addition to the number of jobs it creates, would be a damaging blow to an already weak housing market in Arizona.

APS's strong management team has led the state in efforts to keep energy efficiency a major goal for customers, while continuing to provide energy that balances environmental and development concerns. The Palo Verde Station is an important part of the Arizona economy and a symbol of Arizona's commitment to delivering clean, reliable, and cost effective energy to Arizona homeowners for decades to come. I urge your strong consideration in renewing Palo Verde's application.

Sincerely, ConfnieWilhelm  :'

President and ExecUtive Director Home Builders Associatitn of Central A'izoha


16430 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 150 Scottsdale, Arizona 85254 602.274.6545 fax 480.556.5478