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Audit of Environ Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1, Technical Evaluation Rept
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1982
From: Holloway E, Humphrey J
To: Rostoczy Z
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-FIN-A-6453 EGG-EA-5795, NUDOCS 8204270532
Download: ML20052A177 (29)


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&f E. R. Holloway g T. G. Humphrey p 9,



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U.S. Department of Energy -

Idaho Operations Office

  • Idaho National Engineering Laboratory


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This is an informal report Intended for use as a preliminary or working document 1

i Prepared for the ,

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission l Under DOE Contract No. DE-AC07-76ID01570 FIN No. A6453 Q 82 04 2toSSL *

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0 94 EGsG .. .

FORM EG40 300 (Rev 1141)


Report No. EGG-EA-5795 _

s Contract Program or Project


Equipment Qualification Case Reviews Subject of this Document:

Audit of the Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Type of Document:

Technical Evaluation Report Author (s):

E. R. Holloway T. G. Humphrey Date of Document:

March 1982 Responsible NRC/ DOE Individual and NRC/ DOE Office or Division:

Zoltan R. Rosztoczy, Division of Engineering, NRC This document was prepared primarily for preliminary orinternat use. it has not received full review and approval. Since there may be substantive changes, this document should not be considered final.

EG&G Idaho, Inc.

Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415 f

Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

Under DOE Contract No. DE AC07 761D01570 NRC FIN No. A6453



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- E. R. Holloway Thomas G. Humphrey 4

Reliability and Statistics Branch Engineering Analysis Division 4

EG&G Idaho, Inc.

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I ABSTRACT The Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 was audited to determine the environmental qualification of safety-related electrical equipment.

Results of the audit are summarized in this report.  ;

FOREWORD This report is supplied as part of the " Equipment Qualification Case Reviews" being conducted for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Engineering, Equipment Qualification Branch by EG&G Idaho, Inc., Reliability and Statistics Branch.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission funded the work under the authorization,l&&R 20-19-02-15, FIN No. A6453.

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.................................................... 1 2.0 EVALUATION ...................................................... 1


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' APPENDIX A--QUALIFICATION STATUS OF EQUIPMENT ITEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

~ APPENDIX B--SUMMARIES OF CENTRAL FILE REVIEWS ........................ 21 i

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On October 19-22, 1981 a team comprised of representatives of the

, Reliability and Statistics Branch of EG&G Idaho, Inc. and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff conducted an audit of the environmental qualification of safety-related electrical equipment at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1. The work effort consisted of: (1) a pre-audit review of the licensee's submittal, (2) an audit of the licensee's central files for selected equipment items, and (3) a visual inspection of the equipment items for which the central files were audited. Qualification deficiences for individual equipment items are provided in Appendix A.

Summaries of the central file reviews are provided in Appendix B.

2.0 EVALUATION General areas of concern which remain as a result of both the audit and the pre-audit review are as follows:

1. A more detailed justification for interim operation needs to be provided for some equipment items.
2. Electrical interfaces such as splices, terminal blocks, and terminal boxes were not included in the submittal. These items should be included and qualified.
3. Radiation doses for the drywell areas appeared to be low. These values should be justified.


S As a result of the audit it was concluded that the Grand Gulf environmental qualification program was adequate and that the fourteen individual files reviewed were complete. The licensee agreed to respond to the remaining areas of concern.


1. Interim Staff Position on Envrionmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment, NUREG-0588.
2. IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class lE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, IEEE Std. 323-1974.
3. Mississippi Power and Light Company, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Response to NUREG-0588.



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No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

1. Transmitter Rosemount 1153 DB 2 Qualified.
2. Transmitter Rosemount 1153 084 10 Qualified.

DB6 2 GB6 2

3. Transmitter Rosemount 1151 DP 40 No testing was done on the 1151 GP 4 1151 transmitter. 1151 was compared to 1152 but if 1151 cannot be qualified it will be replaced by 1153.

1152 was not shown to be qualified, m

4. Transmitter Rosemount 1153 GB9 1 Chemical content of spray.

Are the sealing methods qualified for 27.3 yrs?

What were the times and temp. used to calculated 27.3 yrs QL7 No check.

sheet. Has testing been completed on solder?

5. Optical Isolater Riley Co. 70-0Cll 4 Qualified.

APPENDIX A--NON-NSSS (continu:d)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

6. H2 Analyzer Comsip Delphi, K-III 4 Bearing was replaced during Inc. LOCA test and not subjected to all 100 days + margin of DBA. Readings were inac-curate after thermal aging and irradiation test. What is the QL of this equip.--5 yrs or 10 yrs? and what aging environment was used?

Does the 105 hrs bearing life allowance indicated by Comsip include lubrication irradiation damage?

m CGC Heat Tracing Thormon Mfg. Co. EQ-2399-80 Incomplete.


Area Radiation Cable: Boston RG-598/U Coax- 4 Even though pressure was

8. uncontrolled during LOCA Detectors Insulated Wire & ial Cable Detector: test what was the pressure?

Victoreen 887-1 Were the sealed cable and junction box aged before LOCA. The detectors were not thermal aged and shown to be operational after aging.

Thermoelectric 27620 56 What make are the (inorganic)

9. Temp. Element terminal blocks not subject to aging? Has the 0-ring been qualified to this DM?

No aging or testing, has been done on this equipment.


APPENDIX A--NON-NSSS (continued)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

10. Limit Switch NAMCO EA180 2 Humidity and spray was not present during test until 4 days after start of DBA.

(Certificate of compliance not valid)

11. Solenoid Valves ASCO UlX8720A108V 6 Summary of results state a QL of 7.2 yrs and 4.0 yrs.

Which is correct?

12. Solenoid Valves Target Rock 76GG001 5 Qualified.
13. Electric Control ITT General Cont NH91A 2 Qualified.

y Actuators

14. 7.2 KV Switch- GE Power VAC 4 What is QL7 What is OT7 gear VB-7.2-500
15. Load Control Gould V10, K1600S 8 No data supplied relative Centers K600S to aging or radiation.

Vendor states equip. has demonstrated operability for 100 days by other parties. What other parties?

16. Motor Control Klockner-Moeller Series 100/170 10 No data supplied relative Centers Type-NA to aging or radiation.

What test numbers performed by vendor were performed to denonstrate operability for 100 days. '

APPENDIX A--NON-NSSS (continued)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Descriptioq Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information ,

17. DC Fanels RTE-Delta Customer built 2 No data to support aging or radiation of the equip. as a whole. Radiation data for 100 days + margin after DBA has not been verified.
18. Hand Switch Gould S0f84-67274 6 What dose will hand switch M-0098 be exposed to after shielding? What report i and analysis qualifies the terminal block? What report # and analysis qualifies the cable? What m qualifies the selector switch and control wire for humidity?
19. DC Starter Gould 84-63302 9 Certificate of compliance

-633028 cannot be used without test

-63302C data. J15 relay has not j been qualified for R. H. or aging.


20. Cable Kerite I/C 750MCM Various Qualified.

Triplex, 410 l AWG

21. 1KV pwr cable Okonite Various Various Pressure not enveloped at and 600 volt end of test. Temp. not mul ti-conductor enveloped at beginning of test. No margin claimed for OT. No aging data pre-sented; submergence and spray not addressed.

APPENDIX A--NON-NSSS (continued)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

22. 600 Volt Multi- Rockbestos Firewall III Various Qualified.

Conductor 600 Volt Power

23. Inst. and Com- S. Moore Various Various Qualified.

puter Cable

24. Coaxial and tri- Rockbestos Various Various Qualified.

axial cable

25. Coaxial and tri- Raychem STILAN Various No aging performed. Test axial cable did not envelope DBA for 100 days + margin.


26. Coaxial and tri- Raychem Flamtrol Various Qualified.

axial cable &

speciality cable

27. See #22
28. Thermocouple S. Moore Various Pressure not enveloped over Extension Wire whole DBA. Temp. not enveloped during, " shock treatment" dip. What aging was performed. No margin on 100 day OT.
29. Penetrations GE GE 15107 Temp. not enveloped for Westinghouse Canister type entire DBA. 100 day OT not A,B,C met. No aging performed.

Terminal Block KULKA Various No metallic boxes qualified for DBA.

APPENDIX A--NON-NSSS (continued)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

30. Drywell seal Crouse-Hinds EYS 2 No aging performed. Not condulet tested for 100 days. No spray testing performed.

Margin on temp. No testin for degradation of cables.g

31. Motor short cir- Gould 5600 MCC Cab No EQ test data.

cuit protectors MSCP Type: No aging.


32. Cable termina- MMP, Raychem Various No test performed on one tions type of termination. Temp.

not enveloped for Fig.-B22

No submergence testing.

One type of Raychem has QL of 120 days. No margin on other types.

33. Terminal Block GE EB-25, CR1518 No test report.

CR 2960SY139 38 thru 3D Conax None.

34. Drywell Purge Turbonetics Qualified.

Compressor Reliance Motor 445 TS TEFC-XT 2 motors

35. Cable Termina- AMP Various No testing performed.

tions Raychem Various

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APPENDIX A--NON-NSSS (continued)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

36. Terminal Blocks GE EB-25, No testing performed.

& Seal Assenbly CR151B CAT. #

CR2960SY139 (3B thru 3D)


37. Drywell Purge Frame: 445 TS Qualified.

Compressor Motors Turbonetics



38. Jockey Pump Westinghouse Frame: 184T, Operability not shown.

Motors SMP, 3500 RPM, 6 A 201.8 day OT is indicated TEFC on Exhibit F but no analy .

" sis is given.

39. H2 Recombiners & Westinghouse Model B 1 Pressure is not enveloped.

Power Supply Radiation is not enveloped for Beta. CS not suffi-cient. Since P, T, & H were not identified during test QT & M may be inade-quate. No aging performed on power supply. No radia-tion qualification on power supply (will shield).

40. DC Starters Gould, Inc. P21 1 Certificate of Compliance was used for qualification.

Radiation and mechanical aging not verified.

Extremes in voltage not applied. QT is only 107 hours0.00124 days <br />0.0297 hours <br />1.76918e-4 weeks <br />4.07135e-5 months <br />.

APPENDIX A--NON-NSSS (c@ntinued)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

41. Limitorque Valve Reliance 446014-JZ 169 Radiation and temperature Actuator not enveloped. Wiring and terminal blocks not quali-fied. A 16 day OT is indicated on Exhibit F. A QL of 209 days is indicated on Attach. 1.
42. u ...sitorque Valve Reliance 601962-P 39 Submergence was not addres-sed except for an acci-dental submergence of the actuator. Spray was not adequately addressed for na actuator and limit switches.

Beta radiation was not enveloped. OT is only 30

- days. Were extremes in voltage and freq. applied?

43. Limit Switch NAMC0 EA740 10 Extremes in voltage and freq. not tested. Submer-gence not addressed. QL of only 47 days. OT of only 30 days. Pressure may not have been enveloped. Beta radiation not enveloped.
44. Solenoid ASCO HTX 8320A20V 61 No test report received for HTX solenoids.
45. Limit Switch MICR0 LSQ-101 61 Review of test report not complete. No aging, no radiation testing performed.

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APPENDIX A--NON-NSSS (continued)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

46. Terminal Block Unknown Unknown 61 No test report.
47. Limitorque Valve Reliance Model DC Motor Actuator HK Porter Unknown 9 No test report.
48. Limitorque Valve Reliance 60196 24 Spray was not addressed.

Actuator Beta radiation not enveloped. OT is only 30 days. Were extremes in voltage and Freq. applied?

Will any of these valves be submerged?

c; 49. Valve Position NAMC0 EA170 2 No test report. Equipment Switch will be replaced.

50. Bettis Air Actu- ASCO NP8321A6E 37 Radiation may not be ator Solenoid NP831655 enveloped. Valve not sub-Valve NP831654E jected to freq. extremes.

DBA test was for only 30 days. Pressure not enveloped. Aging was not addressed.

51. Fan Motor Reliance Various 18 Report # NUC 9 to be reviewed by GG which Joy says is applicable.
52. Damper Motor Raymond Control MAR 49-30-4 19 Qualified.

Actuators Systems

53. Fan Motor Reliance 34-26.5-1770 2 Report # NUC 9 to be' reviewed by GG which Joy says is applicable.

L APPENDIX A--NON-NSSS (continu:d)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description . Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information 54 . SGTS Heater & CVI Unknown 2 No test report available.


55. SGTS Exhaust Fan Westinghouse 25GT/20HP/460V 2 Voltage and freq. margins Model TEFC not addressed. OT margin not adequate, 105 vs 110.

Attachment 1 states the manufacturer of the motor is CVI, which is correct?


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No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

1. Limit Switch NAMCO EA-740 2 Incomplete.
2. Main Steam SRV Oikkers 0-108-562e 3 No qualified life specified.

Actuator Pressure and Temp. did not envelope the DBA for 100 days; the valve is required to stay in designated posi-tion for 100 days after 2 days active service follow-ing DBA.

3. RHR Pump Motor GE SK6339XC186A 3 Pressure and temperature did not envelope the DBA

_, and the test was ran for ui only 175 hours0.00203 days <br />0.0486 hours <br />2.893519e-4 weeks <br />6.65875e-5 months <br />. No quali-fied life specified. Radi-ation not enveloped for 2 of the motors.

4. HPCS Motor Oper- Limitorque SMB-00-15 1 Qualified life of only 564 ated Valves days prior to DBA because of inadequate aging.

Terminal strip inside oper-ator cannot be identified' '

for qualification.

5. HPCS Motor Oper- Limitorque 58-3-100 1 No aging performed. No ated Valves radiation testing. DBA does not envelope tempera-ture and was for only 6 days instead of the required 100.

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APPENDIX A--NSSS (continued)

No. of Eiivironmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

6. HPCS Motor Oper- Limitorque SMB-4-200 2 See f'4.

ated Valves

7. HPCS Motor Oper- Limitorque 58-0-25 Check 1 See # 4.

ated Valves Moel on Equip.

Eval. Worksheet

8. HPCS Motor Oper- Limitorque 58-1-40 1 See i 4.

ated Valves

9. HPCS Motor Oper- Limitorque SMB-4-150 1 See f 4.

ated Valves E 10. Blower Siemons 2CH6 2 Radiation not enveloped.

No aging addressed. The claimed operating time has inadequate margin.

11. RCIC Turbire Terry Corp. GS-2N 1 Radiation not enveloped.

Electronics No margin on temperature.

No qualified life specified.

No margin on operating i time. Pressure not envel-oped at beginning of DBA.

l 12. LPCS Punp Motor GE SK6348XC94A 1 Qualified.

13. HPCS Pump riotor GE SK6357XC17A 1 Qualified.
14. Leakage Control GE 47B518673 1 Qualified.


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APPENDIX A--NSSS (continued)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description Manufacturer Model No. Items Status Information

15. Temperature PYC0 N145C3224 38 Aging may not have been Element adaquately addressed because of indetermiment aging test.

Temperature and pressure were not enveloped during testing. Test was run for only 30 days instead of required 100 days. This test report was obtained from Cerolina Power & Light Co. Two elements, E31-N017 and E31-N047 may not have been adequately addressed 3 for flooding and spray.

16. Level Transmitter Gould PD3018 Series 3 Qualified.
17. Flow Meter S&K 20-9651-8550 1 Radiation not enveloped.

Operability only shown for 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> on similar device instead of required 100 days.

18. Flow Transmitter S&K 91X-16 1 See # 17.
19. Pressure Trans- Rosemount 1152 Effect of spray and froth mitter not tested. Test ran for only 42 hours4.861111e-4 days <br />0.0117 hours <br />6.944444e-5 weeks <br />1.5981e-5 months <br />. Pressure may not have been enveloped at the end of 42 hours4.861111e-4 days <br />0.0117 hours <br />6.944444e-5 weeks <br />1.5981e-5 months <br />.

l APPENDIX A--NSSS (continued)

No. of Environmental Qualification Equipment Description -Manufacturer Model No. ' Items Status Information

20. Sensor & Con- GE None 1 Lacks Radiation testing, verter Operability has not been addressed. No aging test performed. Test ran for only 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. Temperature and pressure not enveloped.


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APPENDIX B SUMMARIES OF CENTRAL FILE REVIEWS Item: Samuel Moore & Co. Instrument and Computer Cable Model: Dekorad ID: QSR32T004H The cable is located throughout the plant except in Room 1A105. The harsh environmental parameters specified are-30 psig; Humidity,100%; Radiation 4.21 x 10 I ads gamma, 1. Temperature, 330*F;3 Pre R Rads neutron equivalent gama, and 1.5 x 109 Beta; Spray 1gpm/ftgx10 for 12 days. The tested cable was exposed to: Temperature 340*; pressure, 103 psig; radiation 2 x 108 Rad, chemical spray .15 gpm/ft. No specific failure criteria were stated for the testing on the cable,:the analysis given by G.G. was that the cable did not have a loss of function and it held the applied voltage with no insulation failure, also the applied test potentials were many times larger that what would be applied during opera-tion. It is concluded that this cable meets the requirements of NUREG-0588.

Item: Rockbestos Multi-Conductor Control Cable Model: Firewall III ID: QSR35T007B The cable is located throughout the plant except in room 1A105. The harsh environmental parameters specified are: Pressure, 7 Temperature Rad y , 1 4 330*g; x 10 Rad 44.7 psig;equiyalent neutron Humidity,100%;

y , 1.5 Radfation 4.21 x 10 Rad 8, x 1018.8 lbm/ft $ for 5 sec Froth and I gpm/ftz spray for 12 days. The tested cable was exposed to; temper-ature, 346*F; pressure,113 psig; radiation 2.2 x 10 8 Rad y , RH,100%.

The cable in the plant is multiconductor but the tested cable was single conductor, also the test was ran for only 30 days instead of 100 days. The analysis given by GG for these items was adequate. It , concluded that the cable meets the requirements of NUREG-0588.

Item: Raychem, Speciality Cable; Coax. and Triax.

Model: Flamtrol ID: QSRT00lH This cable is located throughout the plant except in room 1A105. The harsh environmental parameters specified are: Temperaturg, 330*F; Pres-sure, 44.7 psig; Humidity,100%; and Radiation, 4.21 x 10' Rad. During testing the cable was exposed to the following environmental parameters; l temperature, 357'F; pressure, >70 psig; radiation, 2 x 108 Rad. Rela-tive humidity steam. The cable jacket shields the cable from Beta radia-tion. The GG submittal stated that the cable could be submerged for 100 days, but GG clarified this by stating that for any equipment that is required to operate after submergence, its cable is submerged for 10 sec or less, and any equipment that has cable submerged for >30 sec is not required to operate therefore the 14 day submergence of the tested cable is adequate. It is concluded that the cable meets the requirements of NUREG-0588.


Item: Raymond Control Systems Automatic Dumper Actuator Model: MAR-49-30-4 ID: Q1T48F0018 The audited actuator is located in Room 1A527. The harsh environmental parameters specLfied are: Temperature, 80*F; Pressure, atmospheric; Radic-tion, 2.88 x 10^ Rad; and Humidity, 50%. The tested actuator was exposed ,

to; temperature 264'F for 57 days; pressure,14.7 psig; radiation, 2.88 x 104 Rad; Humidity, 95%. There were some failures during the aging '

portion of the test. The lubricant was replaced by Exxon Beacon 325 hi temp grease and plastic cams were replaced by aluminum cams. The actuator has a maintenance schedule for replacement of parts. All age suseptable i parts will be changed out at least every 20 yrs and more often on some parts. Using the Arrhenius method a QL of 23.6 years at 120*F was calcu-lated for the actuator. It is concluded that the actuator meets the requirements of NUREG-0588.

Item: Electronic Signal Isolating Device Model: 70-0Cll ID: lH22-P502-1 The optical isolators are used to isolate class lE circuits from non class lE circuits. The harsh environmental pargmeters are specifed as temperature (140*F max) and radiation (5.3 x 103 RadsTID). The speci-fled operating time is 100 days. Review of the environmental qualification documentation indicated that a similar unit had been exposed to environmen-

-tal conditions which exceeded those listed above by adequate margin. It is concluded that the optical isolators meet the requirements of NUREG-0588.

Item: MSIV LCS System Heaters Model: 478518673 ID: E32-B001 The MSIV LCS Heaters are located in the Auxiliary Building. They are required to operate for 100 days following a LOCA only. The heater does not function at any other time, normal or accident. The only harsh environ-mental parameter for the equipment location is radiation (2.11 x 106 Rads TID). The EQ documentation for this item shows that a similar unit was operationaly tested for 124 days, however it was not exposed to radiation.

The only radiation susceptible part of the heaters is the Raychem Stilan insulated w to 2.0 x 10gre. This Rads type TID. of wire has Therefore, been qualified it is concluded by MSIV that the Franklin LCSInstitute heaters meet the requirements of NUREG-0588. .-

Item: LPCS and HPCS Motors .

Model: SK6348XC94A (LPCS), 5K6357XC17A (HPCS)

ID: E21-C001 (LPCS), E22-C001 (HPCS)

The LPCS and HPCS motors are located in the auxiliary building at an-elevation of 109'. The motors must be able to withstand and operate during exposure to the harsh environment created by a high energy line break and the environment occurring for 100 days following the accident. The harsh 22

l environmental pararr.eters specified are: temperature (150 F), Humidity (90%), and Radiation (2.29 x 106 Rads TID). Operability time is 100 days.

The EQ documentation for these items indicated that a similar motor was exposed to environmental conditions which exceeded those listed above by adequate margin. Documentation showing similarity of the installed

. motors to the test motor was adequate. The 100 day operating time was established by test and analysis, (216 hours0.0025 days <br />0.06 hours <br />3.571429e-4 weeks <br />8.2188e-5 months <br /> 0 383*F which is equivalent to 3000 hours0.0347 days <br />0.833 hours <br />0.00496 weeks <br />0.00114 months <br /> 0 311' [ winding temperatures]). It is concluded that these pumps meet the requirements of NUREG-0588.

Item: Kerite 9.0 kV Power Cable Model: I/C, 750 MCM and Triplex, 4/0 AWG Ir: QSR21T000C This cable is used outside containment throughout the plant to trans-umps. The harsh environmental parameters mit powerare:

specified to safety related p(340 F), Pressure (101 psig max.), Humidity Temperature (100%), and Radiation 4.21 x 107 Rad TID. The required operating time is 100 days.

The review of the EQ documentation for this cable indicated that samples of the cable were subjected to harsh environmental conditions which exceeded those listed above by adequate margin. The cables were tested for 100 days only without the 10% operating time margin. This is not con-sidered significant, however, because the cables were pre-aged before LOCA testing. It is concluded that the cable meets the requirements of NUREG-0588.

Item: ITT Electric Control Actuator Model: NH91A ID: IT48-PD2-F5008 The Electric Control Actuator is used to control the HVAC dampers in the Standby Gas Treatment Systery. The actuator is located in an environ-ment, where radiation (5.7 x 103 Rads TID) is the only harsh parameter.

Review of the EQ documen exposed to a TID of 3.96 x 10pation Rads indicated thatoccurred and a failure a similardue unittohad out-been gassing of the oil in the unit. The failure, however, occurred at a radia-tion value which exceeded the specified value, listed above, by adequate margin. Two other test failures related to relief valves were adequately addressed in the documentation. It is concluded that the actuator meets the requirements of NUREG-0588.

Item: Level Transmitter Model: Gould Inc. PD3018 series ID: E22-N055 This device is located in the auxiliary bldg. and is used to sense suppression-pool water level. A high suppression-pool level trip auto-matically transfers the HPCS system suction source from the condensate storage tank to the suppression pool, the transmitter is located in an 23 L


5 environment where radiation (3.7 x 10 TID) is the only harsh para-meter. The required operating time is 100 days.

Reviewofthequalificatiopdocumentationindicatedthatasimilar unit had been exposed to 2.0x10 Rads TID and then functionally tested-

satisfactorily. It is concluded that this tran:mitter meets the requirements of NUREG-0588. .


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