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Revised BVTR-1-0, QA Program Description.
Person / Time
Site: Black Fox
Issue date: 07/02/1979
Shared Package
ML19209A637 List:
BVTR-1, BVTR-1-0, NUDOCS 7910050097
Download: ML19209A643 (73)


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                                                \ Les          b.v.*
                                                                  . . r3 .L. L. A 7. . ,..N o _ , .Lt L.s   - 7. 6.
                                                                                                         . .T__ Lpos.q PChTR DIVISION OU.4LI~T ASSURANCE PROGR.C DESCRIPTION TOPICAL REPORT EVTR-1-0 LIST OF CHANGED PAGES The icilowing is a lis: cf pages that had been modified based on the recuest fer cl2rificaticns issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Cc :ission. A12 pages in :he Icpical Reper have been reproduced fcr :he convenience of review and cc parisien. Specific changes have been made en the pages on this list.

Each chaige is identified with a vertical bar mark in the r$eht hand cargin adjacent to the changed area. knerever applicable a questiva number has been marked adjacen: to the change. Page Page he. No. 1-9 2-30 2-1 3-1 2-2 3-2 _> ,-3 2-3 4-1

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l.0 ORGANIZATION l.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The firm of Black & Vedtch is a partnersnip engagec in the practice of consulting engineering. The general management of the firm is vested in the administrative group consisting of a Managing Partner and five members designated Executive Partners. Funcamental policies and general cirection for all divisions of the firm are established by the administrative group and are administered by tne Managing Partner. An Executive Partner in the administrative group functions as the Head of the Power Division and administers the firm's policies within the Power Division. The organization of the firm is she n en Figure I-l. The organizational structure of the Power Division is shown on Fig-ure 1-2. The Power Division's administrative Organization includes the Head of the Power Division, the Manager of Engineering, the Manager of Administrative Services, the Quality Assurance Manager, the engineering department heads, the support Services Depa tment Head, and heads of the service groups. The Power Division administratis a organization acministers the personnel, programs, and facilities of the Power Division. The Power Division utilizes project management organizations to pro-vide overall management of the engineering services for each respective oroject. Project management personnel are assigned by the Head of the Dower Division as needed. Interfacing between the project management organization and the discipline-oriented design personnel is accomp'ished by the project engineers. Project engineer responsibilities are systems o riented . This organizational arrangement allows flexicility for rapid to normally changing project requirements. Ability to respond to enanging project requirements is further enhanced through transfers of personnel between departments and between divisions, particularly with regard to technician and drafter classifications. A typical project organization is shown on Figure 1-3. The project crganization consists of project management and department engineering personnel assigned to support the project. Project Management includes 1-1 BVTR-l-0 063079 1084 044

the Project Manager (who reports to the Head of the Power Division) the Assistant Project Manager, the Manager-Design, the Manager-Procurement, anc Project Engineers. Project Design Engineers (PDE) and other department personnel assigned to the proj'act report to the Project Engineers. The assurance of quality is a .oanagement function which includes cc:rcinatior and implementation of an overall quality assurance program starting, in the case of power generation projects, with the Head of the Power Division who is responsible for the total quality program and who pr:mulgates the Power Division policies and standards for the assurance af quality. The formulation of quality assurance methods and evaluation of the cuality assurance program is assigned to the Quality Assurance Manager who reports functionally and administrative y to the Head of the Division. Execution of the quality control program for design is the res nsibility of personnel assigned to the project. The control of quality-affecting activities performed by personnel assigned to the project within each engineering department is the responsibility of the respective Project Design Engineers. The Project Manager is supported by a staff which it.cludes the Prc,:ect Quality Control Engineer (PQCE). Personnel who perform independent design reviews for the purpose of cbjectively determining the completeness, correctness, and adequacy of the designs are assigned by the Manager of Engineering. Personnel assigned to perform independent design reviews shall not be the same persons or the immediate supervisor of such persons who performec the original work except as specifically defined in Regulatory Guide 1.64, (Rev. 2, June, 1976). Scheduling and completeness of independent reviews is the responsibility of the Manager-Design. l.2 DIVISION ORGANIZATION

1. 2.1 Head of the Power Division.

The Head of the Power Division directs the operations of the Power Division through the Division's organizational structure, with established policies and procedures, and has the following responsibilities. 1-2 B VT R -l-0 063079 1084 045

(I) Establish objectives and formulate policies for the Division. (2) Provide Division Support Services. (3) Establish the Division Quality Assurance Program and review and approve quality assurance program cocuments. (4) Appoint Division staff personnel and management personnel for the departmentalized internal engineering organization. (5) Appoint Project Management Personnel for each project. (6) Monitor Division performance. (7) Evaluate quality-affecting activities and determine courses of corrective action when needed. (8) Coordinate management reviews of the Quality Assurance Program. (9) Report significant deficiencies to the Owner. l.2.2 Ouality Assurance Manacer. The Quality Assurance Manager is rasconsible to the .. Head of the Power Division for application of the Quality Assurance Program and for the evaluation of its effectiveness. He functions as the Hea d of the Quality Assurance Group and is responsible for its activities. The primary function of the Quality Assurance Group is to verify through audits that activities have been performed in compliance w?!h the Quality Assurance Program. The Quality Assurance Manager is delegated the authority and responsibility for the following. (1) Establish Quality Assurance Group Procedures to carry out his responsibilities in an orderly and cocumented manner. (2) Provide for the development or revision and review of Quality Assurance Program documents, procedures, etc. (3) Select Quality Assurance Group personnel for assignment as Project Quality Control Engineer. (4) Assist the Project Quality Control Engineer to develop indoc-trination programs as appropriate and to provide assistance for the additional indoctrination of personnel whenever the need is indicated. (5) Review and evaluate compliance with the Quality Assurance Program by auditing, identifying problems, and recommending corrective action or solutions when required. 1-3 i3 v T R -i-0 063079 1084 046

(6) Report specific nonconforming items to appropriate management and verify correction of such nonconformances. (7) Periodically review the effectiveness of the Quality Assurance Program and its procedures, and report findings to the Head of the Power Division. (8) initiate audits of quality assurance cocument distribution records and selected holcers' copies for comp!!ance with appli-cable quality assurance requirements. (9) Assist Project Management in the establishment and preparation of applicable and effective quality control procedures for project design, procurement, and field engineering activities. (10) Stop the release of documents found to be in nonconformance with the requiremerts of the Qualit Assurance Program until responsible management has de. ermined an acceptable dis positi~on . Stop work that is causing repeated deficiencies. (11) Coordinate quality assurance activities with the Owner. (12) Report significant ceficiencies to the Head of the Power Division. (13) Provide for trends analyses.

   !.3     PROJECT ORGANIZATION l . 3.1 Proiect Manaaer.

The Project Manager for a nuclear project shall ccordinate with and report to the Head of the Power Division; shall manage the project; shall interface with Owner management; shall participate in the project as appro-priate; snall monitor progress, schedules, and costs for the project; and shall carry out the project .in accordance with the Quality Assurance P rog ram . The Project Manager shall participate in the important activities and decisions affecting the project and shall delegate work through assignments or written instructions. The Project Manager is delegated the authority anc has the responsi-bility to accomplish the following. (1) Establish the administrative controls for project personnel and identify interfacing project organizations. (2) Establish project instructions for the project, and communicate these to others assigned to the project. 1-4 B VT R -l-0 063079 1084 047

(3) initiate and develop documented programs for indoctrination of the project organization in the Quality Assurance Program. (4) R esolve conflicts and correct discrepancies between project needs and the quality assurance program requirements. (5) Establish engineering requirements for the project and review and approve the engineering schedule. (6) Verify that appropriate design cocuments have been reviewed as required including appropriate review by the Owner, and that approved documents are followed in the execution of the work. (7), Take corrective action where necessary to prevent or resolve deficiencies in the quality of work, project activities, and the engineering schedule. (8) Establish positions in the project organization to meet the project requirements and instruct the assigned personnel as to their responsibilities and duties. (9) Cooperate with the Quality Assurance Manager so that he can effectively perform functions for which he is responsible. 1.3.2 Manacer-Drocurement. Resconsibilities of the Manager-Procurement are as follows. (1) Comply with the Owner's procurement policies and procedures and coordinate with the Project Manager. (2) Imolement the Quality Assurance Program in his area of respon-sibility. (3) Implement the schedule for procurement. (4) Coordinate design input requirements for procurements with Project Engineers. (5) Coordinate the preparation, review, and production of bidcing documents. (6) Coordinate p re-bid activities with the Owner and Project Manager. (7) Coordinate bid analyses and evaluations. (8) Provide and distribute conformed contract documents as directed. (9) Coordinate review and issuance of Contract changes.

   . 3.3 Manager-Design.

Responsibilities of the Manager-Design include the following. (l) Implement the Quality Assurance Prog ram in his area of responsioility. (2) Review the safety classification system for systems, structures, and components for final approval by the Project Manager. I-5 B VT R -l-0 053079 1084 048

(3) Interface with tne Owner's engineering manager in connection with design coordination. (4) Monitor interfacing activities between the Project Engineers and Owner', responsible engineers fo r system responsibilities by reviewing transmittals oy Project Engineers, and by Owner relating to design for all systems. Any questions as to the content of transmittals shall be resolved with the respective Project Engineer, or by the Project Manager. (5) Monitor the implementation of control of design cocuments and changes to design documents. (6) Advise the Project Manager and the PQCE with respect to indoc-trination of engineering personne!. (7) Review design and monitor compliance with requirements for safety, reliability, operability, maintainability, and construc-tability. Any apparent deficiencies shall be resolved with the Project Engineer or by the Project Manager. (8) Initiate timely reviews of significant design considerations with Project Management. l.3.4 Project Encineers. Eacn Project Engineer is responsible for functional plant systems assigned to him as fcllows. (I) implement the Quality Assurance Program in his area of respon-sibility. (2) Coordinate with the Manager-Design and with the Project Manager. (3) Implement the design engineering activities in accordance with the project schedule for systems for which he has been assigned responsibility. (4) Interface with the Owner's representative for each system for which he has been assigned responsiblity including record keeping and correspondence applicable to such interface. He is responsible for all aspects of the system and for accomplishment of design engineering for the system or systems assigned to him. (5) Provide inputs to the engineering data system for systems assigned to him. (6) Provide engineering inputs to the management information system, as required. (7) Provide the technical input for procurement for systems for which he is responsible through the staff assigned to the project by the respective design departments. (8) Accomplish effective intersystem design coordination for systems for which he is responsible. 1-6 BVTR-t-0 063079 1084 049

(9) Report and provide solutions to design nonconformances. (10) Identify training requirements and ccordinate with the PQCE. (II) Communicate contemplated design changes appropriately to the Project Manager and Licensing Engineer for review and incor-poration into licensing documents. (12) Resolve conflicting design requirements or directions and provide suitable documentation of the solution. (13) Interface effectively with the other Project Engineers to coor-dinate between systems. l.3.5 Project Design Engineers. Each Project Design Engineer and the Legal / Environmental Coordinator is responsible to: (1) Carry out the work assigned to him by Project Engineers. (2) Implement the Quality Assurance Program in his area of responsibility. (3) Accomplish the detailed design engineering , documentation, inputs to the engineering data system, and other assigned project work in a coordinated, accurate, and complete mannor. (4) Carry out the cesign activities in accordance with the project schedule. (5) Handle and review contractor's information. l.3.6 Licensinc Engineer. The Licensing Engineer is responsible to: (1) Identify regulatory requirements affecting the project. (2) Direct the preparation, review, and production of: (a) Environmental Reports. (b) Safety Analysis Reports. (c) Other licensing permits,--as applicable, and as specifically required by the Owner. (3) Provide requirements for and prepare necessary studies as inputs to licensing documents. (4) Coordinate licensing activities with the Owner. (5) Participate in the interfacing activities with regulatory agencies. (6) Define licensing activities to be scheduled. l-7 BVTR-l-0 oS3o79 1084 050

l.3.7 Proiect Oualitv Control Encineer(s). The Project Quality Control Engineer (s) is a member of the Division Quality Assurance Group assigned to assist the Project Organization. The P roject Quality Control Engineer (s) is responsible for the following assigned functions. l.3.7.1 Ouality Control . The Project Quality Control Engineer is respon-sible to verify to the Project Manager that conformance with the Quality Assurance Program is accomplished. In fulfilling those responsibilities, the Project Quality Control Engineer has authority and responsibility to: (I) Identify activities and documentation whica de not comoly with the Quality Assurance Program. (2) Initiate corrective action requs.sts. (3) Verify the implementation cf adequate solutions to problems affecting quality by monitoring the project activities. (4) Ccnfer with the Project Manager for direction to control further processing and to prevent incorporation of nonconforming items into the project, and/or to determine the corrective action for appropriate disposition of such items. (5) Perform frequent surveys to varify conformance to the Quality Assurance Program and make written re;, orts to the Project Manager, Quality Assurance Manager, and others as appropriate. (6) Provide the Project Manager with analyses of trends in ncncon-formances. (7) Coordinate project quality control activities with the C.vner. l.3.7.2 indoctrination. The Project Quality Control Engineer is respon-sible to establish schedules for required indoctrination sessions for project personnel, coordinate the indoctrination session presentations, and maintain records showing that such sessions have been conducted. Indoc-trination shall include instructions in quality control responsibility, project instruction requirements, and other quality-related requirements.

   !.3.7.3     Exoerience Reoorts.      The PQCE shall verify that reports of nuclear industry experience are provided to appropriate project personnel.

l-8 BVTR-i-0 063079 1084 051

1.3.8 Proiect Document Control Administrator. The Project Document Control Administrator (PDCA) is responsible to the Project Manager to carry out the applicable provisions of this Quality Asscance Program related to Document Control. This includes: (1) Receive and transmit documents. (2) Identify documents. (3) Index documents. (4) Distribute and route documents to personnel having responsibility for action and those having need of information. (5) File and store project documents and quality assurance records. (6) Process permanent files through tha Microfilm Center. Processing and filing of procurement documents shall be coordinated sitn the requirements established in Article 1.3.2.

   !.4   QA GROUP The primary functicn of the Quality Assurance Group is to determine, tn-cugh audits, the adequacy and effectiveness of the quality-affecting activities and procedures used by the project organization. The Quality Assurance Group has sufficient authority and organizational freedom to carry out the following activities.

Identify problems which adversely affect the quality of services


(1) rendered and initiate corrective action. (2) Recommend solutions to quality problems through the appropriate project organization or administrative organization channels. (3) Verify implementation of solutions to problems affecting quality of service. (4) Stop document release and control further processing activities until designated management. having responsibility for the affected area has determined appropriate disposition. In acldition to the audit function, the Q slity Assurance Group moni-tors the training and indoctrination programs within the Power Division and provides assistance in QA indoctrination; provides qualified QA/QC personnel to assist in the review of safety-related design documents and in the evaluation of bidders' QA programs (See Article 7.l.3 and 7.2); Yi O' participates in the processing of nonconforming item reports, evaluation of corrective actions, and assessment of quality trends; reviews quality assurance manuals, procedures and instructions; and maintains appropriate I-9 S VT R-i-0 063079 l 4

     'iies and records related to grcup functions.

The Quality Assurance Group and *.he personnel within it are adminis-tratively independent of the project organization. This organization is responsible for supporting the P roject Manager by providing objective audits to assure compliance with regulatory requirements and the applicable procedures of the Power Division. Administratively, the Project Quality Control Engineer (s) are respon-sible to the Division QA Manager and, thus, may obtain resources of the Division QA Group in the execution of their responsibilities. B VT R -i-0 063079 1084 053

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                  - COORDINATION IlGURE l-3

2.0 QU ALITY A55UP. ANCE PROGR AM 2.1 DEFINITIONS The following definitions are applicable to terms used in this report. Unless otherwise defined in this section, other QA terms are defined in ANS N."5.2.10, Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions. Accrover - An individual who reviews an activity for concept and conformity with coces and standards; the approver is a person other than the originator. Audit - An activity to determine through investigation the adequacy of, and adherence to, established procedures, instructions, specifi-cations , codes, and other applicable contractual and licensing re-quirements, and the effectiveness of implementation. Checker - An individual, other than the originator or approver, who is cualified in the area being checked and who has the responsibility to cneck the activity anc/or all revisions for cor:pleteness, clarity, and accuracy. Desicner - The individual who performed the design. Deficiencv - Any condition considered to be acverse to cuality includ-ing inacequacies of personnel, p roced u res , systems , methods, or item s. Occaments - Any written or pictorial informaticn describing, cefining, specifying, reporting, or certifying activities, requirements, procecures , or results. Examples of documents are crawings, specifications, instructions and procedures significant to ne design, construction, testing, maintenance and operation of nuclear safety relatec equipment and systems. Item - Any level of unit assembly, including structure, system, sub-system, subassembly, component, part, or material. Nonconformino item Recor - A report of a deficiency in character-istics, documentation, or procedure which renders the quality of an item unacceptable or indeterminate. 7 Ouality Assurance Records - Those recoros which furnish GT cocumentary evicence of the quality of itens and of activities affecting quality. Quality Assurance Recuirements - Inspection, testing , examination, certification, and cocumentation required to provide objective evi-dence of the con formance of an item or activity to design , engi neering, standards, and code requirements. Quality Control - Those quality assurance actions which provide a means to control and measure the pnysical characteristics of an item, process, or facility to established requirements. 2-1 E VT R 0 Os m s 1084 057

Resconsible Enoineer - The engineer assigned responsibility for an item or service. Revisions - Any addition, correction, deletion or change. 2.2 CONFORMANCE OF QU A LITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM TO REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS The Quality Assurance Program - Nuclear conforms to the applicable orceisions of Regulatory Guides 1.28, l.G4, and 1.88, and the ANSI stand-arcs encorsed therein. Table 2-1, NRC Regulator Guide Positions, defines the issue and applicability of QA related regulatory guides to B&V. The P roject Manager is responsible to see that other regulatcry guides and industry standards are properly translated into apprcpriate policies, prc:edures, and other documents necessary to accomplish quality-affecting activities of the Power Division for a specific project in a contrclied manner. The details of the Quality Assurance Program - Nuclear and program acclication to be implemented on a nuclear power project and the means for imo:ementing procedural details are contained in the Quality Assurance Prcgram - Nuclear Standard Procedures. The Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear is submitted to the Owner to assure coordination of functions between the Owner and B&V. The application of the Quality Assurance Pr0 gram-Nuclear to "SPECI AL" plant systems is defined in Table 2 g PROGRAM APDLICABILITY FOR SPECI AL PLANT SYSTEMS. 2.3 IDENTIFICATION OF ESSENTI AL ITEMS. h Safety, seismic, and quality classifications of structures, systems , and comoonents are identified in project essential items lists. The QA Program - Nuclear applies to those items identified as having the QA cri-teria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B apolied. The project essential items list shall include as a minimum ALL items included in the Owner Safety Analysis Recorts. The project essential items list is part of the defined minimum ND centent of the Project Design Manual (See Table 2-1, SP 3.2). Standard precedure SP 3.2 requires approval of the manager-design for issue and h changes and reviews for consistency with regulation requirements. 2-2 BVTR-I-0 063079 l()84 ()$@

2.4 TIMELY ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PROGRAM. Quality assurance planning for a nuclear power project is initiated at the project inception and is continued in parallel with the total project planning and scheduling activities. Standardized procedures have been developed which cover each appli-cacie subject to effectively satisfy the needs of the prcject organization in carrying out the Quality Assurance Program requirements. Consequently, a coordinated manual has been issued to provide standard procedures for application by the various project organizational levels. The Quality Assurance Program - Nuclear includes the standard procedures. As a means of providing for interfaces and coordination of functicns oetween the Owner and B&V and other project participants, procedures wnich are unique to the project requirements are established and issued in tne B&V Project Instruction Manual. Engineering activities are carried out in accordance with these manuals. Internal audits and indoctrination is accomplished using these manuals as the basis. 2.5 DOCUMENTED POLICIES AND PRCCEDURES. The general policy of Black & Veatch is to provide complete engi-neering services which fully satisfy the Owner's project needs, which esult in econcmical installations of required quality, and which satisfy applicable laws and regulations. The objectives of the Quality Assurance Program - Nuclear is to assure that these policies have been satisfied. The information set forth in the Quality Assurance Program - Nuclear implements these policies. The requirements of the Quality Assurance Program - Nuclear are carried out for each respective activity involving the management, planning, design, preparation of procurement documents and for the eva!uation of quality. The appropriate requirements set forth in the Quality Assurance Pro-gram - Nuclear are applied to engineering or services provided by others to S&V as defined in written specifications, instructions, etc. 2-3 BVTR-t-0 CS3 " 1084 059

The policies and practices set forth in the Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear apply to the execution of services for nuclear power plants in connection with those systems, structures, and components which prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public. Table 2-2 lists the quality assurance criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, and ic'entifies Black & Veatch Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear implementing documents. Table 2-2 also lists the criteria of ANSI N45.2 and ANSI N45.2.ll and identifies the corresponding Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear implementing documents. The table reflects the policies estaclished in the Quality Assurance Prog ram- N uclea r and program apolication. A summary of the implementing procedures contained in the Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear is shown in Table 2-3, B&V, Quality Assurance P rog ram Standard Procedure Content Summary. Table 2-4 previces a summary of typical project instructions used to provide project unique interface requirements. Procedures required for future activities will be completed prior to initiation of the activity to be controlled. 2.6 INDOCTRINATION AND PERSONNEL TRAINING A letter of promulgation, signed by the Head of the Power Division, is incorporated into all copies of the Quality Assurance Program - Nuclear manuals. This letter communicates that the Quality Assurance Program - Nuclear is established as a mandatory program to achieve quality in pro-viding engineering services for nuclear projects.


indoctrination of personnel assigned to the project is the responsi-bility of project management. The indoctrination includes familiarization of personnel with the technical objectives of the project and with the quality policies, manuals, and procedures which are mandatory requirements and which will be implemented. 2.7 QUALIFICATION OF RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL Personnel responsible for assuring the effective implementation of the Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear are selected on the basis of their 2-4 BVTR-f-0 063079 1084 060

technica! qualifications and proven abilities commensurate with assignea responsibilities. The designated Project Manager and Manager-Design shall have a minimum of 10 years of engineering experience. The Manager-Design shall have 5 years experience associated with nuclear power plant design er construction. Minimum requirements for the Power Division Quality Assurance Manager include a Bache!or's degree and 8 years of appropriate experience. At least 2 of the 8 years of experience must be in QA/QC activities and one of the 8 years must include management direction - of technical personnel and/or activities. 2.8 CONTROLLED CONDITIONS AFFECTING QUALITY Design activities of the Power Division are accomplished under the clcse surveillance of engineers with many years of experience in power generation system design. Documented design guidance in the form of engineering standard practices are used as apolicable. Control of design is also provided by a ccmprehensive system of design review as described in Section 3. 2.9 MAN AGEMENT REVIEW OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM STATUS AND ADEQUACY The Power Division Quality Assurance Manager is responsible for auditing the project organization to determine compliance with Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear policies and procedu res . Audit reports to management contain brief, narrative descriptions of QA Program progress and accomplishments, summaries of current problems or a summary of nonconformances with analyses and corrective action status, and recommendations for improvements in tne QA Program where appropriate. The Project Manager reviews the Quality Assurance Program implementation within his areas of responsibility and recommends changes as necessary to bring the program and its implementation into agreement should deviations exist. Such reviews may uncover the need for changes in Power Division policy which are referred to the Head of the Power Division for resolutien. The Head of the Power Division is advised of the results of these reviews so that he may initiate any changes in 2-5 B VT R 0 063079 t1uv n o ,A uvj nf

organization, Division policy, Quality Assurance Program, or the methods cf implementation necessary for improving the effectiveness of the QA Program. Any disputes concerning the QA Program that cannot be rescived within the p oject organization wili be resolved by the Head of the Power Division. The Head of the Power Division is responsible for the overall manage-ment review and assessment of the Black & Veatch QA Program. This review is accomplished in accordance with written procedures and is directed toward determining the adequacy of the QA Program and its como!iance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B. Specific predetermined elements of the review are accomplished through assignments to B&V personnel kncivlecgeable in management, the QA P rog ram , and QA requirements. The inoividual(s) assignec to complete a Management Review task shall be incecendent of the individual (s) cirectly responsible for the implementation of the subject under review. Individuals who have prepared specific QA Cregram documents will not be assigned Management Review tas ks asscciated with those documents. The assignments are made in a sequence tc complete the program review on an annual b: sis. Based on his review of cocurrented report findings, the Head of the Power Division issues memorandums which identify and direct appropriate corrective action s . The memorandums for corrective action are documented , issued to acorcoriate personnel, and followed up for resolution. 2-6 BVTR-l-0 063079 lg4


  • d O~

NRC Regulatory Guide ANSI Standard Black & Veatch Position o 1.26--Rev 3 Feb.1976 N/A B&V will implement the regulatory position of Regulatory Guide 1.26 i[g

      " Quality Group Classi-                    by including the codes, standards and quality requirement in pro-fications and Standards                    curement documents.

for Water, Steam, and Radioactive Waste-containing Components of Nuclear Power Plants. l .28--February, 1979, Rev. 2 N45.2-1977 Comply with the provisions of Regulatory Guide 1.28'(Feb.1979) g

      " Quality Assurance                        and the requirements and guidelines in ANSI N45.2-1977, except as Program Requirements                       follows:                                                                  0-(Design & Construction)"

I. Section 4.3, second paragraph, first sentence: This sentence 7 is not considered applicable since the first paragraph of Section 4.3 identifies three alternate methods for verifying or checking the adequacy of design. All other sentences of Section 4.3 will be complied with.

2. Seciion 14, second paragraph, second sentence: This sentence is interpreted to mean that necessary handling tools and equipment will be used and controlled. It does not mean that B&V will necessarily provide handling tools and equipment.

T he provision of such tools and equipment is a contractual consideration. { g

3. Section 18, fourth paragraph, first sentence: To the extent required by contract, B&V will maintain records which cor-A rectly identify the "as built" condition of items for the life of the partictdar item, rather than for the life of the C plani .

Ch U 4. Section 18, fourth paragraph, second sentence: This sentence is not considered applicable. Ref er to the committed B&V position on Regulatory Guide 1.88. p


TABt.E 2-1 (Continued). NRC R EGlll_ ATORY GillDE POSl~l lONS gm w< OM ANSI NRC Regulatory Guide Standard Black & Veatch Position an 1.29--Rev 3 Sept. 1979 N/A The classification provided by this regulator guide will be applied i Seismic Design in B&V design documents. O

1. 30-- A u g u s t 11, 1972, N 45. 2. 4-1972 Implement regulatory position through the inclusion of appli-
       " Quality Assurance                              cable requirements in procurement documents.

Requirements for the Installation, inspection

       & Testing of instrumen-tation & Electrical Equipment 1.37--March 16, 1973,            N 45. 2. 2-1972 1. Implement the regulatory portion of Regulatory Guide 1.37
       " Quality Assurance                                   (March 16,1973) and the requirements and recommendations in 7'

Requirements for ANSI N 45. 2.1 -19 /3, through procurement docum<?nts except as Cleaning of Fluid follows: Section 5, sixth paragraph, recommends that local Systems & Associated rusting on corrosica-resistant alloys be removed by mechanical Components of Water- methods. T his recommendation shall be interpreted to mean Cooled Nuclear Power that local rusting may be removed mechanically, but that it Plan ts. " does not preclude the use of other removal means. Removal methods shall be controlled to assure that harmful effects eq to products are prevented. 6 _ 2. Il&V will reference the NSSS standards or methods in those c areas of the plant designed and specified by the NSSS. CD 4 O Ch 4

TABLE 2-1 (Continued). NRC REGill. ATOr<Y GillDE POSI TIONS gm w< Oh' ANSI

  • 1,
 .       NRC Regusatory Guide        Standard        Black & Vealch Position o
         ! .38--May, 1977, Rev. 2    N 45. 2. 2-1972 Implement provisions of Regulatory Guide 1.38 (May 1977)
         " Quality Assurance                         and the requirements and guidelines in ANSI N45.2.2-1972, except Requirements for                            as follows:

Packaging, Shipping Receiving, Storage & l. The classification of items by Protec. tion Levels ( Article 2.7) Handling of items for is based upon general categories of equipment. B&V may on Wales Cooled Nuclear specific items of equipment select the Protection Levels that Power Plants." also consider the packaging and preservation of that item.

2. Section 3.7.l(l): B&V will specify cleated, sheathed boxes up to 1,000 lb rather than 500 lb. This type of box is safe for, and has been tested for, loads up to 1,000 lb.

Other national standards allow this; see Federal Specifi-7 cation PPP-B-601. Special Qualification testing may be required for loads above 1,000 lb.

3. Section 3.7.2: Skids or runners shall be used on containers with a gross weight of 100 lb or more. Skids or runners shall be fabricated from 3 x 4 inch nominal lumber size minimum and laid flat except where this is impractical because of the small dimensions of the container.
4. Section 4.3.4: Since title to equipment generally changes
               .                                          hands at the time it is moved off the supplier's dock into the carrier, inspections "immediately prior to loading" rather than "af ter loading" are presently indicated. To have CD                                                    this inspection, and possible repair performed af ter loadinO, O                                                     presents legal complications, m once the equipment enters the transport vehicle, the carrier has some responsibility g                                                     and our client has ownership.


TAflLE 2-1 (Continued). NRC REGilLATORY GillDE POSITIONS S* afi wo ANSI

.      NRC Regulatory Guide       Standard     Black & Veatch Position c>
5. Appendix Section A3.4(4) and (5). During printing of this document, a transposition occurred between the last sentence of (4) and (5). The correct requirements are as follows:

(4) "flowever, preservatives for inaccessible inside sur-faces of pumps, valves and pipe for systems containing reactor coolant water shall be the water flushable type." (5) "The name of the preservative used shall be indicated to facilitate touch up."

6. Appendix Section A3.4.2(3): Inert gas blankets are cur-7 rently used on the reactor pressure vessel (ItPV) and on some
     $                                              of the heat exchangers. Provisions are made for measuring and maintaining the RPV blanket pressure within the required range durin0 shipment and storage. lleat exchangers or tanks containing carbon steel which require an inert gas blanket will be inerted prior to shipment. During storage, provision shall be made for measurin0 and maintaining the inert gas blanket pressure within the required ran0e within each pressurized purged item or container.
7. Appendix Section A3.7. l(3) and (4). B&V will work to the following requirement in lieu of items (3) and (4): Fiber-board boxes shall be sewrely closed either with a water-g resistant adhesive applied to the entire area of contact g between the flaps, or all seams and joints shall be sealed a with not less than 2 inch wide, water-resistant tape.

CD Ch Ch


  • L.

NRC Regulatory Guide Standard Black & Veatch Position E  ! l .39--Rev. 2, Sept, 1977 N 45. 2. 3-1973 invoke requirements, in Construction Contracts, of Regulatory "HouseKeepin0 Require- Guide 1.39 (September 1977) and the requirements and Guidelines ments for Water-Ccoled in ANSI N45.2.3-1973. Nuclear Power Plants." 1.58-- August 1973, N 45. 2. 6-1973 Comply with the provisions of Regulatory Guide 1.58 ( August 1973)

           " Qualification of                            and the requirements and recommendations in ANSI N45.2.6-1973, Nuclear Power Plant                           except as follows:

Inspection, Examina-tion & Testing Section 2.2, taken together with Table 1, indicates that a person Personnel . " who approves inspection and test procedures must be certified as meeting Level lli capability requirements. Not all B&V personnel , who approve inspection and test procedures will be certilied as 7 meeting Level ill capability requirements. However, personnel d who approve inspection and test procedures will be determined by B&V management, through evaluation of their education, training, and experience, to be fully qualified and competent to approve such procedures. The basis for the determination will be docu-mented, such as engineering registration, certification, or past experience. l.64--Rev. 2, June 1976, N 45. 2. ll-1974 Comply with the provisions of Reculatory Guide 1.64--Rev. 2,

           " Quality Assurance                           except:

Requirements for the Design of Nuclear (1) An individual who contributed to a given design may parti- - Power Plants" cipate in a group verification of that design provided that CD individual who contributed to the design CD (a) does not verify his contribution and A (b) does not serve as the chairman or leader of the group verification activity. O Cn. D ~ L

   ,                                                                                                                       w

T ABLE 2-1 (Continued). NRC REGilL AlORY GillDE POSITIONS S U' w <. O

  • N ANSI
   '       NRC Regulatory Guide

_. Standard Illack & Vealch Position E> l.74--February 1974, N 45. 2.10-1973 Implement regulator y position.

           " Quality Assurance Terms & Definitions."
1. 88--Rev. 2, Oct . 1976, hI N 45-2. 9-1974 Comply with the provisions of Rc3ulatory Guide 1.88, Revision 2
           " Collection, Storage &                          (Oct. 1976) and the requirements and guidelines in ANSI            @

Maintenance of Nuclear N 4 5. 2. 9-1974, except as follows: Power Plant Quality Assurance Records. " Section 3.2.2, fourth sentence: T his sentence is not considered applicable. B&V will comply with a ubstitute sentence which reads:

                                                            "Index systems used by arganizations for the retention of quality assurance records shall provide information which can be used to identify equipment 0: ma tuial . "

7 M l.94--Rev 1, April 1976, N 45. 2. 5-1974 Provide for the implomcolation of the requirement by inclusion

          " Quality Assurance                               of provisions in construction contracts.

Requirements foi g installation, inspec-tion, & Testing of Structural Concrete & Structural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants." CD h C~D CD

TABLF 2-1 (Continued). NRC REGill. A FOltY GillDli POSillONS S w W< ON ANSI NRC Regulatory Guide Standard Illack & Veatch Position o 1.11G May 1977 N 45. 2. 8-1975 Provide f or the imi'!ementation of the requirement by inclusion of @

       " Quality Assurance                         provisions in construction contracts.                               0-Requirements for installation, inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems" l.123 Rev. 1, July 1977      N 45. 2.13-     Comply with the Regulatory Guide 1.123 for the actions within       M
      " Quality Assurance          197G            13&V scope of service and implement the requirements by inclusion    i Requircments for Control                     of applicable provisions in procurement specifications.              &

7 & Procurement of items d and services for Nuclear Power Plants." l.144 Jan.1979 (for N 4 5. 2.12 - Comply with the Regulatory Guide 1.144 for conducting audit comment) " Auditing 1977 programs. [q of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear g Power Plants." Co - A O W



e ANSI OlVISION O NRC (AEC) Reg. ANil Bf5 10 CFR 50 N45.2 N45.2.II rowtR DIVlil0N STANDARD PROC E DUR E S PROJECT QA FROGRAM AFFENDIX B JNERUCXONS_ QtlALITY ASSURANCE (SECil0N N0.) (SECTION NO.) (f,AfA,_fyrjtyp,) (PROCEDimf NO.) fl FMf y1 CRiiER103 1.0 ORGAN 12 Ail 0N I *I l. i 1.), 2.l 5.2.2 I) Responsibility for establistenent and 3.0 execution of a quellty assurance progree. i 2.0, 2.3 B.)

2) Responsibility and outhority for attelning 3.0 and verifying quality.
                                                       *               )O              2.1                         8.2.2
               )) Responsibility for quellty essurance program management and direction.

6.1, 6.2 3.7 3,9

4) Independency of personnel 1 3.0 fu 6.)

e performing verification ectlons. [ I ' TOTAL MANtAL 4.0 II. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM *I il 2.0 2.1, 2.2 2.8 Table 2-1 I) Planned and ducwnented 2.) program for assurance of quality. 2.0 2.2. 2.) 2.4.4 3.2 at

2) s eems and services covered by quality assurance program.

See Element 2.0 2.5 2.4.3

3) Orgenlaations covered by quellty assurance program. 2. 3.0 18 2.0 2.2 2.4.1 C


4) Determination of appropriate quellty requirements, w)
5) Controlled conditions for il 2.0 2.2 2.7 SQ L v activities affecting y C7 g quellty.

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                                                                                                                                                 . 1084 074


2) Calibration and control of Xil 1).O measuring and test equipment.
3) Malntenance and control of *
  • standards 8e) Evaluation of discrepant
  • 13.0 equipment and affected Items.
5) Maintenance of callbration
  • 83.0 status.


                   $ HIPPING
1) Control of handling, Xtil 14.0 13.1 lifting, and rigging.

N e 2) Control of storage. See See

      "                                                 Element           Element
      @                                                  1.               1.
3) Control of shipping. See See Element Element 1 1.
4) Control of cleaning, see 14.0 preservation. and Element packaging. I.


                                                                                                                                                   ' j'

- 1) Indication of Inspection XIV 15.0 14.8 C3 and test status. -- C O 2) Indication of operating Xlv 15.0 g A status. CTQ . XV. l#1NCONFORMING MATERIALS, PARTS, Ib O OR COMPON[NTS N I) Control of nonconforming XV 16.0 4.3. 4.4, 15.8 J 'c O O ltems, processes, and 4.5 , adivitles.

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M 2-21 BVTR-l-0 063079 1084 077

TABLE P-3. 131 ACK & VEAT Cil, CONSllLTING ENGINEERS, QtlAlll Y ASSilRANCE PROGRAM STANDARD c) 03 PROCEDllRE CON I EN I SilMMARY bi M at L POWER DIVISION SI ANDARD PROCLDtlRES-NllCLEAR E> Number Title Summary of Contents 2.2 QtJALITY ASSilR ANCE PROGR AM Describes how personnel in the Power Division INDOCTRINATION assigned to nuclear projects are to be indoc-trinated in the details of the QA Program. 2.3 PERSONNEL QlJAllFICATION RECORDS Describes how the QA indoctrination sessions and par ticipation by individuals are documented. 2.4 MANAGEMENT REVIEWS Establishes the method for conducting the review of the Quality Assurance Program by management personnel.

     '}' 2.5      QtJAllFICATION OF AllDITORS             Establiches the basis for the qualification of QA N                                                    auditors.

3.1 SYSTEM ANALYSES Establishes procedure for preparation and control i, of system analyses. Approval is required by the  ? manager-desi0n and the project manager prior to 0-issue. 3.2 PROJECT DESIGN MANtJALS Establishes procedure for preparation and control nf project design manuals. Approval is required by h C the manager-design prior to issue with review board ac t i,on . y C)o A 3.3 SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Establishes procedures for preparation and control C of system design specifications. Approval is required b

]                                                         by the Project Engineer, Manager-Design and Project Manager                                                   h



Number Title Summary of Contents 3.4 COMPONENT DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Establishes the content, review, and control of component design specifications in association with ASME Section ill requirements. Certification  !(i is required by a registered professional engineer. g 3.5 C A LClJ L ATIONS, 11 A N DWR I TT EN Specifies the format, verification end retention of handwritten calculations. 3.6 CALCtJLATIONS, COMPlJTER Specifies the format, verification and retention of computer calculations. 7 3.7 PERMI T AND LICENSE APPLICATIONS Establishes procedures for control of Safety Oj Analysis Reports during preparation, review, issuance, revision and storage. Establishes methods for the documented control of Environ-mental Reports and for control of other permits (i.e. , state, local). 3.8 COMPtJTER PROGRAM VERIFICATION Describes how computer programs used on nuclear projects are lo be verified.


3.9 DESIGN VERIFICATION Establishes procedures for verification of C desi0 n adequacy. Defines the methods used and describes the activities associated with in-dependent reviews. O N 3.10 DESIGN CilANGE CONTROL Establishes methods for preparation, review, e., and approval of Engineering Chan0e Notices for released design documents.

TABLE 2-3 (Continued). BLACK & VEATCil, CONSUL ~l ING FNGltJEERS, QllALITY ASStlR ANCE PROGR AM om STANDARD PROCLDtJRE CON I Ef1T SilMMARY D< o -1 $D .1. POWER DIVISION STANDARD PROCEDURES-NtJCLEAR E> Number Title Summary of Contents 4.1 PROCllREMENT SPECIFICATION CONTROL Describes the control of procurement documents during the process of Iormulation through issuance to prospective bidders. Defines quality control requirements for reviewing procurement documents prior to issuance from B&V. This procedure controls the review of nuclear safety-related procurement specification manuscripts, preliminary issues, issues prior to release to bidders, and the review of addenda lo bid issue to specifications. Reviews and approvals are required 7 by the Project Engineer, Manager-Design, 0-7 Manager and Project Quality Control Engineer. 4.2 PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION CONTENT Defines the general content requirements of nuclear safety-related procurement documents in accordance with the requirements ANSI N45.2. 4.3 SPECIFICATION G811 DES AND Establishes con:rols for the development, review, S TANDARDS FOR FRONT END publication, and storage of procurement document DOCUMENTS standards and guide specifications applicable to the specific project for which they are intended.


C 4.4 CONTRACT CHANGES Establishes the method for the preparation, CD review, and approval of changes to contracts arter award. 5.1 PROCEDtJRE PREPARATION Establishes the requirements for content of a Quality Assurance Program documents and the provisions for initiation and revisions to the doc umen t s . Specifies the format to be used in preparation of Quality Assurance Program documents.



Number Title Summary of Contents 5.2 DRAWINGS AND LISTS Describes the methods for the checi;ing, review, approval, and control of desi0 n and construction drawings and lists. Certification is required by k' a registered professional engineer (s). h 6.1 CONTROL OF QA PROGRAM DOCtJMENTS Specifies the issuance, revision and control of QA Program-Nuclear documents. 6.2 PROJECT FILES-- ADMINISTR ATION AND Establishes the file subject listing and the NtJMBERING types and control of files needed for a nuclear projec t . 01 6.3 PROJECT DOCtJMENT CONTROL Establishes the method for processing and controlling project documents including cor-respondence, design, and procurement records. 6.4 DOCtJMENT CONTROL FORM Establishes procedures for entry of project documents into a computerized document indexing system. 6.5 MICROFILMING SERVICES Describes how engineering drawings and manu-

 -                                                            facturers' drawings are processed through C                                                            microfilm services by the engineering depart-CO                                                           ments responsible for preparation and review A                                                            and how the indexes of drawings are to be prepared and maintained.

[ 6.6 CONTROL OF SOlJRCE DOCtJMENTS Establishes an indexing method and applications control for Codes, Standards and Regulatory Guides.



Number Title Summary of Contents 7.1 BdDDERS' LIST Establishes the method for the development of a prospective bidders' list. 7.2 PRE-AWARD EVAltlATION OF Specifies procedures to be followed in pre-award CONTRACTORS evaluation of prospective contractors. 7.3 REVIEW OF CONTR ATOR'S QtJALITY Specifies procedure for office review of suppliers' ASStJRANCE PROGRAMS and contractors' QA programs. 7.4 PROCl1R EMENT DE\ ATIONS Establishes the methods for review and disposition of deviations from contract requirements. 7

        @ 7.5      BID ANALYSES                                    Establishes uniform methods for the preparation and control of bid analyses.

7.6 PROCESSING AND REVIEW OF Specifies how manufacturers' drawings and MANtJFACTlJRERS' DR AWINGS data are to be reviewed by the engineering AND DATA departinents and distributed and controlled. 15.1 REPORTING SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCIES Establishes method for reporting deficiencies m under 10 CFR Part 50.5S(e) and Part 21 C 16.1 REPORTING AND CORRECTION OF Specifies how nonconforming items are identified NONCONFORMANCES and documented and how corrective actions are to be implemented. O w 16.2 CORRECTIVE ACTION REQtJESTS Establishes the method for documenting changes N that are necessary due to audit report findings.

TABLE 2-3 (Continued). BLACK & VEATCil, CONSllLTING ENGINEERS, QlJALITY ASSllll ANCE PROGRAM gus STANDARD i NOCEDllRE CON Il.NT SllMMARY w< o -1 T$ 2' L POWER DIVISION STANDARD PROCEDtJRES-NilCLEAR c) Number Title Summary of Contents 17.1 IDENTIFICATION OF QA RECORDS Establishes bases for identification of QA records to be controlled and retained in project records. 18.1 CONDl1CT DlJRING AllDITS BY OTilERS Establishes requirements of and guidance to personnel during audits by regulatory and client pc sonnel. 18.2 AlJDIT PERFORMANCE Specifies how physical audits are to be conducted by the performing organizations. 18.3 PROJECT INTERNAL SlJRVEYS Establishes the methods for the project organiza-tion to conduct quality control surveillance. 4 w CD 4 O CD u


  • y ' Section Title Summary of Contents o

1.0 ORGANIZATICN Identifies key personnel associated with the Project for Owner, B&V, and NSSS. 2.0 COMMtJN I C ATIONS Establishes general policies regarding communications between B&V and other project participants. 3.0 DOClJMENT CONTROL Describes the control system for indexing projec' Jocuments including QA Records. 4.0 PROJECT QUALITY Describes the project QA Program as it relates to the B&V ASSURANCE PROGRAM Quality Assurance Pro 0 ram-Nuclear. 5.0 DRAWINGS AND LISTS Defines reponsibilities for the issuance of drawings,

     '?                                          accessory lists, and related design documentation prepared
     $                                           by B&V for Owner.

6.0 PROJECT SCilEDl1LES Defines project schedule development and reviews. 7.0 DESIGN INTE FACE Describes the responsibility and procedures of participating WITil OTilERS or9anizations for interfacing the design of safety-related items. 8.0 LICENSING DOCtJMENTS Defines the process of review and coordination of PSAR and ER sections prior te submittal. O 9.0 MAF.AGEMENT INFORMATION Describes requirements and responsibilities for preparation, O SYSTEM issuance, and distribution of project reports including QA/QC activities. O CD b


    • Section Title _

Summary of Contents o 10.0 ENGINEER'S COST RECORDS Cost accounting control. 11 . 0 PROCl1REMENTS Defines metliods and procedures for project procurement document preparation, review, approval, and issuance. 12.0 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Defines the preparation, review, and approval of standard specifications that will be used in procurement documents. 13.0 FIELD INTERFACES Defines tlie responsibility and authority of B&V field personnel and the use and centrol of applicable documents. 7 Po' CD A O CD L.11

TAS uE 2-5. PROGRAM APPLICASILITY FOR SPECI AL PLANT SYSTEMS Radiation Fire Waste Plant Protection Management Security S = Title Svstems Svstems Svstems 3.1 System Analysis X X X 3.2 Project Design Manual X X X 3.3 System Design X X X Specification 3.5 Handwritten Calculations X X X 3.1C Design Change Control X X X 4 Procurement Specification X X X Control 4.2 Procurement Specification X X X Content 4.4 Contract Changes X X X 5.2 Drawing & Lists X X X 5.2 Project Files X X X 5.3 Project Document Control X X X 5.4 Document Control Form X X X 5.5 Microfilming Service X X X 7.1 Bidders List X X X 7.4 Procurement Deviations X 7.5 Sid Analyses X X X 7.5 Processing and Review of X X X Manufacturer's Drawings . 15.1 Reporting and Correction X X X of Nonconformances 15.2 Corrective Action Requests X 17.1 Identification of QA X Records 18.2 Audit Performance X 2-30 BVTR-l-0 053079 1084 086

3.0 DESIGN CONTROL 3.1 INCLUSION OF PROPER REQUIREMENTS B&V System Design Specifications identify applicable regulatory requirements, quality standards, safety criteria, cesign interfaces anc design constraints, for established project-unique functional power plant systems . Information in system design specifications provides the basis for verifying, checking, and reviewing subsequent design work. Deviations from requirements identified in the system design specifications are allowed only when the safety and reliability of the systems, structures, and com-ponents of the plant are not in jeopardy. The standard procedures included in the Quality Assurance Program -Nuclear define the responsibilities for the preparation and review of design documents. The standard procedures include statements of the minimum contents of design documents ir.cluding quality requirements such as codes, standards, and regulations. Each design document is required to be reviewed and approved by the project design organization prior to issuance. Calculational controls including computer prcgrams are defined in the Standard Procedures (see Table 2-1, SP 3.5, 3.6 and 3.8). The computer i ( program verification includes controls to assure that project application is G-not permitted until completion of the process. 3.2 SELECTION OF MATERI ALS Selection of pa'rts, materials, equipment, and processes is based on analysis of safety, functional and econoinic considerations using previous experience, applicable codes and standards, or proof qualifications of the material for the intended service. Reviews for suitability of material application, parts, equipment, and processes essential to the safety-related functions of the structures, systems, and components are performed by knowledgeable individuals other than these having made the original selection. Reviews are made for suitability of standard "off the she:f" items as well as specially engineered items. 3-1 BVTR-1-0 063079 1084 087

3.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Design considerations include hydraulics, stress, thermal character-istics, radiation, accident analyses, materials compatibility, operability, accessibility for maintenance, in-service inspection and repair, and measures for acceptance inspections and tests. These factors are stipu-late:: as criteria in design specifications. 3.4 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF DESIGN ADEQUACY The process of verifying or checking the adequacy of B&V designs is the responsibility of Project Management. Project Design Engineers identify +he components, systems, and structures for which independent design re/iews are to be performed. The Manager-Design schedules the incecendent review activity to be performed by selected competent and cualified individuals or grcups who did not participate in. the original design. The Manager of Engineering must approve the selected reviewers tc assure their independence and competence. The detection, reporting, and correction of errors in design documents are discussed in Section 16. For the B&V scope of design responsibility, verification of design acequacy will normally be accomplished by independent design reviews or alternate calculations. The Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear defines the metnoc of verification for certain design activities. For other design activities it is the responsibility of Project Engineers and Project Design Engineers. to assure that the method of design verification is appropriate M en and adequate. Prototype testing will be employed when neither a i C* cesign review nor alternate calculations can show definitive conformance of a system or component with appropriate safety criteria. When a testing program is required to verify design adequacy, the program requirements will be based on the most adverse design conditions anticipated within practical accomplishment. 3.5 DESIGN COCRDINATION Black & Veatch is respcnsible for coordinating the overall project design. Various equipment manufacturers will provide design documents to Black & Veatch for components which interface with systems or structures 3-2 BVTR-l-0 063079 1084 088

designed by Black & Veatch. The design document control methods employed by Black & Veatch provide for design review to determine adequacy of design details for interface control and compatibility. Planning , coordination, and scheduling of B l e. ,. & Veatch design effort is supported by design schedules. These design schedules provide the sequence of events using critical path methods. 3.6 DESIGN INTERFACE CONTROL Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear Standard Procedures and B&V Project Instructions define the methods of review, approval, release, distribution, and revision of documents involving design activities carried 2 out by others and coordinated by B&V. Documented procedures also establish the methods for review, approval, release, and distribution within the project organization of documents involving design activities carried out by B&V. The originals or legible copies of design documents os are provided to the Owner by B&V when the design activities are completed. 3.7 DESIGN DOCUMENT CONTROL Design changes, including field changes, are subject to design control measures commensurate with inose applied to the original desig n . Design changes are normally reviewed and approved by the persons or organization having performed the original review and approval. If review and approval of design changes by the person or organization originally designated are not practical, another equally qualified person or organization is designated to perform such activities. Persons or organizations so designated will have access to pertinent background information upon which to base their review and approval. Approved field changes incorporated in the final construction will be reflected in the construction drawings upon completion. Design and specification changes, including field changes where applicable, are subject to the same design controls and approvals as the original design. Revisions to design documents are distributed in accordance with distribution lists in a timely manner. 3-3 B VT R-l-0 063079 1084 089


Indices of' design documents are maintained and distributed to inform the affected parties of the current document status. Design documents, records of reviews, and changes thereto are col-lected , storec, and maintained in a systematic and controlled manner to permit ready retrieval when needed.

                                             ~4 SVTR-1-0 063079 1084 090

PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL 4.1 INCLUSION OF APPLICABLE QA REQUIREMENTS Procurement cocuments for equipment, material, and construction services prepared by B&V are developed, reviewed, and authorized for release in accordance with Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear Standard Procedures. These procedures require that procurement documents include or reference the following for safety-related items: g (1) Applicable regulatory requirements including 10 C F R 50.55a, ' codes, standards, design bases, and technical requirements as b specified in the applicable system design specifications or resulting from the final design. (2) QA Program requirements in accordance with ANSI N45.2. series

               " Quality Assurance" cocuments as cefined in Table 2-1 includir:;

supplementary quality assurance provision for ASME B&PY Sec-tion ill applications. (3) Defined accept-reject criteria when not a part of the referenccd industry codes and standards. (4) Recuirements for supplier document submittals such as instruc-tions, procedures, drawings, specifications, inspection, and test results, and other supplier documentary evidence of quality. (5) Requirements for submittal or retention, control, and maintenance of quality assurance records. (6) Statements as to rights of access to the suppliers' facilities and working documents for inspection and audit. (7) Provisions for the supplier's reporting and dispositioning of deviations from the procurement document requirements. Upen request, B&V will assist the Owner in the performance of neces-sary pre-award surveys at prospective contractors' facilities. Procurement specifications for spare or replacement items will be subject to the same controls as the original item. 4.2 INTERNAL CONTROL OF PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS Procurement documents are produced under the direction of the Manager-Procurement for contract terms, conditions, and format. Project Design Engineers (PDE) provide necessary technical provisions. Information developed in system design specifications and detail design is otilized in preparation of procurement documents. The general scope of 4-1 BVTP-l-0 063079 1084 091

the specification is established by project management in coordination with the Owner and communicated to the Project Engineers and the Manager-Procurement. The Project Management directs the review process for the purchase specification. Prescribed routing of the purchase specifications to designated personnel including the Project Quality Control Engineer, assern that che technical content anJ quality requirements are adequate and coordinated with other related specifications. The r views of procurement documents are performed using general checklists of essential elements of a procurement document and applicable system design specifications for specific details. The reviews assure that quality requirements are correctly stated, inspectable, and controllable and that there are adequate acceptance criteria. Upon resolution and incorporation of agreed review comments, the Project Management releases all purchase documents from B&V to the Owner for review or issusnce as appropriate, including preliminary copies, bid issues and conformed contract copies. i t ect Management is responsible to assure that appropriate reviews have been completed and approvals obtained prior to the release of the purcnase documents to the Owner for issuance for bidding or contract purposes. Documented evidence of review and approval of procurement documents is maintained in designated locations and is available for verification. Changes to purchase documents affecting technical and quality requirements, which occur after they have been released for b'ils, are reviewed by the same individuals or organizations having performed the original preparation and review of the specification. Project Management is responsible to determine that appropriate reviews have been completed and approvals obtained prior to release of fo~rmal change orders as appropriate from B&V. 4.3 ADEQUACY OF SUPPLIERS' QUALITY ASSURANCE The evaluation of prospective contractor's QA program descriptions or QA manuals is normally performed by the Owner. Black & Veatch will normally participate in the bid analysis and when requested by the Cwner will assist in evaluating the adequacy of the bidder's QA program. 4-2 BVTR-1-0 o63"S 1084 092


   .E !  CONTROL OF ACTIVITIES AFFECTING QUALITY Design documents prepared by S&V establish the quality of materials and workmanship and functional requirements of sysicms, components, and structures.      To assure accuracy, these design documents are prepared, rev ewec, and released in a controlled manner. This control is provided Oy adherence to written procedures and instructions (i able 2-2) which delineate the administrative details of what is to be p e rformed , the schedule in which it is to be accomplished, and who is responsible. The Project Manager is responsible for the development and implementation of the necessary instructions, procedures, and standard practices necessary to assure adequacy of the work performed.

The specific sequence of actions required ir, the preparation; review, anc control of instructions, procedures, and drawings varies with cocument type, purpose, and end use. In the Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear, the Head of the Power Division has established responsibilities for the deve.cpment and approval of necessary stancard procecures. These standard procedures delineate the preparation , review, and approval secuences for both internal procedures and design documents. P roced u res , instructions, drawings, specifications, etc. include accropriate cuantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria against which the adequacy of the work can be measured. To assure compliance with these documented policies, instructions, and procedures, each supervisor has the responsibility to review and observe the activities performed under his supervision for conformance to the governing procedures. In addition, eacn procedure will be critically examined in use te determine that it is effective and adequate for the intended purpose. 5.2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERI A Purchase documents and construction drawings prepared by B&V for the purpose of procuring materials, equipment, or services for the given project will contain appropriate criteria for acceptance and rejection . 5-1 S VT R-l-0 063079 1084 093

These criteria will include performance requirements and applicable bases for acceptance of materials and workmcnship as prescribed in identified industry codes and standards. 5-2 BVTR-l-0 063079 1084 099,

6.0 DOCUf/iENT CONTROL 6.1 CONTROL PROCEDURES Design cocuments, instructions, and procedures used within B&V or issued for the Owner to equipment suppliers, contractors or other parties for the performance of quality affecting activities are effectively controlled to assure that only proper and current documents are used. Approved drawings, specifications, and procedures are provided to organizations and individuals planning or performing the work and to those responsible for verification of compliance. Issuance of documents and changes to documents are controlled by established procedures and distribution lists to assure that they are reviewed for adequacy. Approved documents are released only by authcrized individuals and issued to the persons or crganizations needing the documents. (l) Document control measures provice for the following. (a) Identification of individuals or organizations responsible .'or preparing, reviewing, approving, and issuing documents and revisions thereto. (b) ldentification of proper documents (references, checklists, etc.) to be used in performing the activity. (c, Coordination control of interface documents. (d) Verification that proper documents are being used. (e) Collection and appropriate indexing and filing of cocuments usec on the project. . (2) Document control procedures also provide for the following. (a) Establishing distribution lists for documents and changes. (b) Voiding or recalling documents not intended for current use. (c) Changes made to approved documents are reviewed and approved in accordance with procedures commensurate with those applied to the original documents. (d) After approval, changes and revisions are transmitted in a timely manner for implementation. The current revision numbers of appropriate drawings and other desigr documents are identified in several indexes which are updated and 6-1 E. V T R - t -0 063079 1084 095

distributed on a timely basis to p redetermin ed - responsible project personnel. The effective status of Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear documents is maintained by the Divth Document Control Center which is responsible for distributio,. control. 6.2 TYPES OF B&V PREPARED DOCUMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONTROL. Following is a listing of various document types and the individuals responsible for the review, approval, issuance, and revisions of these documents. (l) Quality Assurance Program - Nuclear--Head of the Power Division. (2) Engineering Department Drafting Standarcs--respective Department Head. (3) Project Instructions--Project Manager (4) Project Design Manual and System Design Specifications-Project Management. (5) Purchase specifications and construction drawings-Project Management, it is the regensibility of the person or persons who approve tne acove documents to assure that appropriate quality requirements are incluced. However, specific reviews ..e performed for this purpose. Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear standard procecures, which include crocedures on preparation and content of other quality-related documents, are reviewed by the Quality Assurance Manager and approved by the Head of the Pcwer Division. t A Project Quality Control Engineer reviews each of the following listed documents for quality assurance provisions and consistency with the Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear. (1) Project Instructions. (2) System Design Specifications. 7 (3) Procurement Specifications. O' The Project Quality Control Engineer may also review other design documents as a part of routine project responsibilities. The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible to assure that the Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear and this topical report are consistent. 32 BVTR-l-0 063079 1084 096

7.0 CONTROL OF PURCHASED MATERI ALS, EQUIPMENT, AND SERVICES S&V scope of services in this area varies with the tyces of procure-ments as presented herein. 7.1 PLANT SYSTEMS AND COMPONEN'TS PROCURED BY THE OWNER 7.l.1 Planninc B&V plans and schedules B&V internal work in Inis area, and procurement work external to S&V as requested by the Owner.

7. l . 2 Procurement Document Precaration, R eview , and Chance Control.

Procurement document processing is presented in Section 4.0 of this recort.

7. l . 3 Selection of Procurement sources S&V will provide suggested bidders list based on past experience with the suggested bidders including the bidders' apparent capabilities as evidenced by having an ASME N-type stamp or cther appropriate evidence.

Remaining work in this area is the resoonsibility of tne Owner.

7. l . 4 Purchaser Control of Sucolier Performance Procurement documents identifying the requirements fcr epuipment, materials, and services are prepared by B&V as a part of the design engi-neering services for the given project.

Manufacturers and construction contractors are recuirad under specific provisions of their respective contracts with the Owner to submit engineering datails and data to B&V for review prior to manufacture or fabricatien of the products or performance of services. The information and technical details such as interface data, fabri-cation and erection drawings, material lists, and instructions are reviewed by Project Design Engineers for conformance to specification requirements. Engineering department specialists assist the Project Design Engineers, upon specific assignment, in review and evaluation of drawings and data submitted by the contractor. The reviewed information and technical details are processed in accordance with established procedures. 7-1 B VT R 0 063079 1084 097

Drawings and information prepared by contractors which do not conform to specification requirements are returned to the contractors for cor ection of deficiencies and resubmittal for review before being accepted for construction. Remaining work within this area is the responsibility of the Owner. 7.1. 5 Other Reouirements Remaining items within this subject area are beyond normal B&V scope of services and are the responsiblity of the Owner. 7.2 TECHNICAL CONSULTING OR SPECI AL ENGINEERING SERVICES SUBCONTRACTED BY B&V Portions of this Quality Assurance Program apply to the design input or review services of consultants to Black & Veatch when such services affect the quality of safety-related systems, structures, or components of a prc,iect. Consultants shall provide services conforming to assignments and quality requirements established by Black & Veatch. The selection of outside consultants shall be based on previous suc-cessful performance of work sim lL;- to work under consiceration as well as cther pertinent factors and shall be approved by the Head of the Power Division. Design activity by consultants shall be initiated and performed uncer the direction of the Project IV,anagee and in compliance with appli-cabie requirements of this Quality Assura' ice Prcgram. The verification by Black & Veatch of consultant's and specialists' performance to contract provisions is obtained by determining compliance to procedures, and review of work performed. The role of consultants and specialists is primarily advisory but each is subject to design control, document control, inspection, and test control as appropriate to the scope of services. 7-2 BVTR-t-0 "S 1084 098

8.0 IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL OF MATERI ALS, PARTS, AND COMPONENTS h M Design documents for system components require that the components be identified and traceable to the systems of which they are a part. Component identifiers are used to identify each component in the system. These system and component identifiers are assigned during the pre- . liminary design stages and the identification syster.1 is carried through-out the project. Documentation of inspections and tests concerning each ccmponent will be required to be identified to the component or system. Othe'r identification nu; ars, such as heat number, part number, serial number, and other identifiers, when required by code er specification, will be assigned by the manufacturer performing the controlled manu-facturing processes. The identification numbers used in the controlled manufacturing processes will be documented and traceable to the estab-lished design identification designation included in the purchase docu-ment. 8-1 BVTR-l-0 )Q84 099 063079

9.0 CONTROL OF SPECI AL PROCESSES Equipment purchase specifications and construction contracts will include requirements for processes such as (1) welding, (2) heat treating, (3) nondestructive testings, (4) stud welding, (5) brazing, (6) hot N forming, to be performed under controlled conditions in accordance with N i the specified codes and standard s . The special processes will be per- @ formed in accordance with written procedures by qualified. operators and the appropriate qualification testing will be documented by the supplier or contractor. Equipment suppliers' procedures will be subject to B&V review. BVTR-l-0 0.63079 1084 100

10.0 INSPECTION Appropriate acceptance criteria and inspection requirements are included by B&V in the purchase specifications prepared for the project. The inspection methods and procedures utilized to determine acceptability cf the product or processes will be the responsibility of each contractor. The appropriate surveillance, receipt, installation, and final inspections will be ac:omplished by the Owner or its representatives. BVTR-i-0 063079 1084 101

11 . 0 TEST CONTROL Design documents prepared by B&V will specify appropriate standard testing methods and required performance and proof tests. The organiza-tions accomplishing the testing will be required to accomplish the test in accordance with properly documented procedures and methods. The results of specified performance tests are evaluated by S&V or the Owner to determine acceptability of the component or system for its designated purpose. 11-1 BVTR-l-0 063079 1084 102

12.0 CONTROL OF MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT Design and procurement documents will include requirements that measuring and testing equipment are appropriately calibrated and controlled to assure accuracy and suitability for the intended functions. The centracters acccmplishing the measuring or testing will be required to nave procedures and methods to assure that their measuring and testing ecuipment is properly calibrated and records of the status maintained. The Owner or its representatives will audit the contractors' calibration centrol procedures. 12-1 BVTR-l-0 063079 1084 103

13. 0 H At4DLING, STOR AGE, AND SHIPPING Purchase specifications prepared by B&V will include appropriate requirements for handling, shipping, and storing of materials. ANSI r()

N45.2.2 as interpreted in Regulatory Guide 1.38 and Table 2-1 will be used 7 Q ) in establishing purchase specification requirements which are h judged soplicable by the Engineer. Any special treatment required by the manufacturer of a component will be included, as appropriate, in construc-tion requirements for installation and use. The Owner or its representa-tives will audit for implementation of the specified activities by the contractor. 13-1 B VT R- t -0 83

  • 1084 104

14.0 INSPECTION, TEST, AND OPERATING 3TATUS Equipment purchase specifications and construction centracts precarec by B&V will require that appropriate quality assurance programs are established and in effect as required to control inspection and tests. Identification of the status of inspections and tests at the construction site and identification of the operating status is a function which will be retained and accomplished by the Owner. 14-1 BVTR-l-0 063079 1084 105

15.0 NONCONFORMING MATdRI ALS, PARTS, OR COMPONENTS Black & Veatch design activities are subject to quality assurance pro-cedures meeting the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.64 as listed in v) Table 2-1. The program provides for identification, reporting to appropr- h-iate levels of management, and documenting resolutions of nonconformances identified in the design process. Upen assignment by the Owner, Black & Veatch will evaluate and recommend a disposition for Procurement Deviation Requests (PDR), which a Contractor submits whenever he expects that a deviation or non-conformance will exist at the time of delivery or installation of an item. Nonconfermances , which impact original d esig n , detected during construction will be processed by the Owner's Field Management and/or B&V Field Management in accordance with procedures to assure the originating design organization reviews and concurs with the disposition. Nonconfermances which do not affect original design shall be dispositioned in accordance witn applicable procedures. 15-1 B VT R-l-0 063079 1084 106

16.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION 15.1 IMPLEMENTATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION Eacn member of the project organization engaged in nuclear power p roj ect design is responsible to document and report to his supervisor ceficiencies and errors which he detects in approved and released design cocuments which, if left uncorrected, could acversely affect the health and safety of the public. Each such deficiency is to be documented on a report of nonconformance or corrective action request and submitted to the appro-oriate responsible individual defined by standard procedure for initiation of corrective action. Significant deficiencies as defined in 10 CFR 50.55(e) are reported to tne Owner. 16.2 EXTENSION AND REPORTING OF CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Procedures are in effect for determining the cause of the deficiencies in the design documents, for taking corrective action to preclude repetition of errors or omissions, and for documenting the results of corrective actions. During design coordination activities, S&V will notify other affected parties, as appropriate, identifying deficiencies and prescribing er recommending corrective actions necessary to prevent recurrence of deficiencies and errors. 16-1 BVTR-l-0 063079 1084 107

a b 17.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS 17.1 ADEQUACY OF QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS The Quality Assurance Program-Nuclear contains provisions for records to be retained in accordance with the requirements of Regulatory Q Guide 1.88 as listed in Table 2-1. The design and procurement documents D prepared by B&V will identify the required records to be submitted. The identification of quality assurance records provides means for correlation between the record and the activity or item to which it applies. The document control methods employed by B&V require that project records including those design documents identified as quality assurance records will have unique document identification numbers assigned to assure that the records are identifiable and retrievable. Documented filing system metnocs provide for cuplic te files to prevent loss or damage of records. Occument control procedures and file indexes identify the dccuments to be maintained as QA records and identify retention periods of the QA records. 17-1 BVTR-l-G 063079 1084 108

18.0 AUDITS Aucits will be conducted for the purpose of determining compliance with established policies and procedures and to determine effectiveness of g the quality related activities being aucited. The S&V audit program will comply with the provisions of Regu!atory Guide 1.144 as listed in Table 2-1. h Members of the B&V Quality Assurance Group will audit project activi-ties. The audits will be conducted to verify tnat the following are being accomplished. (I) Design documents are appropriately reviewed. (2) Submittals required by procurement documents are being received by S&V and appropriately reviewed for conforraance to specification requirements. (3) Proposed specification changes are being reviewed and approved before acceptance. (4) Submittals of records, their current status, and their reviews are documented and maintained. (5) Administration of the engineerir.g details of contracts is being performed as reouired in accordance with applicable specifica-tion s . (6) Compliance with th,e established standard procedures. Written plans or checklists are prepared by the assigned auditor (s) of the quality-affecting activity to be audited. The procedures or checklists  : G-will identify the recorcs and activities to be evaluated. Aucits will be documented by the responsible lead auditor, either in memoranda, reports, or on special forms depending upon the audit scope and will be submitteo to the Division QA Manager and the audited organization for review and action as appropriate. The Quality Assurance Manager will make summary reports on defiency areas, trends, and status of corrective actions at a frequency proper to assure and advise management. These reports wil' be forwarded to the Head of the Power Division, the Project Manager, the Manager-Design, the Manager-Procurement, and the Manager of Engineering as appropriate. 18-1 B VT R -i-0 063079 1084 109

Individuals designated as action addressees in corrective action requests will be required to prepare and submit a timely response sum-maricing the corrective actions taken or planned. The Qual:ty Assurance Manager is responsible to follow up, as appro-priate, with sucsequent audits to determine that corrective action nas, in f act , been carried out. Records of audits pertaining to the project work will be maintained in the project files. S&V audits are reviewed by the Quality Assurance Manager and are analyzed for trends by the Quality Assurance Group. Summary reports of the results are provided to the Head of the Power Division at least annually for his assessment of quality trends. IG-2 SVTa-;-0 063079 IU84 11g}}