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Testimony Before Ny State Board on Electric Generation Siting & Environ Re Proposed Jamesport Facilities.Prof Qualifications Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000516, 05000517
Issue date: 06/29/1979
From: Geiselman J
Shared Package
ML19309D526 List:
FRN-44FR75167, RULE-PR-50 NUDOCS 8004100460
Download: ML19309D545 (6)


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and -

) Case 80003 i




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(Jamesport Nuclear Power )

Station, Units 1 & 2) ) ,


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g IRVING LIKE A Special Counsel For The County of Suffolk 200 West '4ain Street Babylon, New York 11702 (516) 669-3000 l *.

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1 Q. Please state your name, title and employer.

'A. My name in Jan N. Geisclman, and I am Acting Dirceter 2

3  ! of the Air and Hazardous Materials Division, U.S. Er.v . r o r. -

4 l mental Protection Agency (EPA), Region II Office, loccted 5 at 26 Federal Plaza, New York, New York 10007 6 l 7 Q. Have you included a copy of your professional q .211f1- l, 8 cations to this Testimony?

I 9 A. Yes. These appear in Appendix "A", attached ta.

10 l 11 Q. What-is the purpose of your testimony? l 12 A. The purpose of my testimony is twofold: (1) c u. 2 l

13 that the US Environmental Protection Agency's-(El  : clicy 14 and position with regard t our recommendations t  :" S h o t.e 15 of New York Board on Electric Generating Siting a v En-16 vironment (Siting Board) on Case 80003 - Long Is: .. !J -hting 17 Company, Jamesport Generating Station, Nuclear Ur ' La 1 and 2-18 in an application of the Long Island Lighting Compu.. (LILCO) 19 for a certificate of environmental capability and t m'ic rs ed 20 to construct two.1150 MWe nuclear fueled units at a In bes ; l 21 the Towns of Riverhead and Southold, Suffolk Count.s 22 and (2) to support th.e recommendations made to the 0 i. .-  !

23 Board.on this case by Mr. Paul Giardina, Chief of EPr.  :::10:

24 II Radiation Branch.

25 l 26 Q. What is EPA's policy and position r'e garding the r oesed :

27 Jamesport Nuclear Facility? i EP1 i 28 A. EPA has an overall policy regarding nuclear power.

29 is neither an opponent nor a proponent of nuclear p>-c: . . lith 30 regard to nuclear power plants, EPA decides on a cria-t y-case 31 basis the environmental acceptability of such a facilit.y 'c . r.;

32 on its analysis of the-project. This analysis it ge r 4e ra13 i 33 performed by.the Regional Office and is based upc" auch .n; - Z 34 as the applicants environmental report, the U.S. ;Nelear  !

35 Regulatory Commission's (NRC) environmental impact ctn :c. :o.. l 36 and safety analysis report, and any other pertinent infor . ,

37 mation. The results of this analysis , once formu L.2'.mi . '.

38 determine our position on the enviornmental accepe=i ~ty l

'39 of each proposed nuclear power plant. EPA then art alc.tec l 40 its position through the various appropriate forums to-41 licensing such as the National Environmental Policy '

42 (NEPA) review process and, as is the case in New Ye .te ,

43 the Article VIII State Siting Board process.

44 45 Based on EPA's analysis of the proposed Jamesport C re'ljty 46 we provided testimony as a witness on behalf of Sun. '. .

! 47 County before the Siting Board on April 27, 1977  :

48 testimony was given by Mr. Paul A. Giardina. Since l 49 testimony was given, significant knowledge has bece- H .

. 50 in certain radiation areas related to the environno .3J I

. i

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<;3 o l.

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1 acceptability of the proposed Jamesport facility. EPA's

. 2 technical analysi s of this proposed facility has con inued 3 in light of the aivances made in the past two years snd 4 Mr. Giardina has )nce again provided EPA's position en the 5 proposed Jamespor; facility in supplemental testinony on 6 behalf of Suffolk County. In that supplemental testt.ony 7 EPA's. position on the proposed Jamesport" site is sta:ed as 8 follows:

9 ..

10 " EPA recommends that the Siting Board deny the

'll Application of Long Island Lighting Company for I '

'12 a cert'ificate of environmental compatibility ,ind j

13 pdblic.need to construct two 1150 MWe nuclear 14 ' fueled generating units at a site in the Tour.;

15 of.Riverhead and Southold, Suffolk County, on 16 the grounds that the State of New York could act 17 - pro, vide radiological emergency response protec;.lo" 18 .to citizens residing within a ten-mile radius, of' 19 the. proposed plant that is consistent with protective i 20 actions outlined in EPA's Manual of Protective Act! p. j

.21 Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Acc,jn,...q';.

22 ' -

g 23 As the Acting Director of EPA's Region II Air and .,c.

.c . 7 24 Materials Division, I have supervisory responsibili'- .- tr

. 25 Giardina and the Radiation Branch. The analysis pe: -

b -

26 as well as.the findings, and recommendations have n! f-27 reviewed by the appropriate EPA Staff and thereforr. lL 28 position Mr. Giardina is that of EPA. I 29 it is impor. tant to make this point clear because st ent I 30 to our previous testimony, LILCO raised question a 31 whether the testimony supplied by Mr. Giardina war,.tna .

.. 32 position or, policy of EPA. Therefore, this shou)- ' a ri f-


33 EPA's position on Jamesport and our policy on thc' A 34 issue of nuclear power.

.35 36 Q. Why did EPA choose to state its. position at ' ht . ate 37 Siting Board hearings?  :

38 A. The ardiation issues of concern pertaining to .1:r . mort

'39 relate to' radiological emergency response plannine,e ..

40 comparitive cost estimates for' items such as nuclet- vaste 41 disposal, decontamination and decommissioning, and rvdio-42 active material transport. It is apparent to EPA tirst tha 43 most appropriate forum for resolution of the innue3 1, t -

44 State Siting Board hearings. Radialogical emerien y neapans 45 planning is currently the primary responsibility o ha Stav ,!

46 and not the. Federal government. Since our prime ch,12:t .m

, 47 to the Jamesport site are involved with this. area. . " ' ,. ly .


48 appropriate forum for resolving this issue ~is.the 9 - >

Siting Board hearing. Also, since it is'the resp .r' '1.

49 50 of the State under the Article VIII siting proces. + L -h  !

". I 1



3 l ih i 1

the various costs of producing power by alternative modes 2 i of generation and at alternative sites, our impact on cost 3  ! comparisons was most appropriately supplied throurh this 4 i process for resolution of these issues by the State.

5 6

7 i 0

l 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -

17 i 18' l 19

20 i' 21 -

22 I' '

23 t 24

". 25 26 27  !

28 29 3 30 31 32 ~

33 34

'. j 35 i' 36 i' 37

,i 38

~39 i 40 41 i 42

{* 43 44 45 46

. s 47 48 1

49 i,. 50

Appendix "A" s

': STATEMENT OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS JAN N. GEISELMAN My name is Jan N. Geiselman. I am employed by the United States Environmental Protection Agenc'y (EPA) , Region II, ,

2G Federal Plaza, New York, NY. Since January 1975 I have held the following positions with EPA:

1/75 - 1/77 - Attorney-Advisor, Division of Stationary

. Source Enforcement, Washington, D.C.

1/77 - 11/77 - Attorney-Advisor, Enforcement Division, Region II 11/77 - 2'/78 - Special Assistant to Regional Administrator, Region II 2/78 - 4/79 - Director, Office of Congressional and Inter- ,

' governmental Relations, Region II 4/79-Present - Acting Director, Air and Hazardous Materials Division, Region II

.f o My.present responsibilities include the f'rmulation and execution of,the Region II (New York, New Jersey, Puerto

. Rico and Virgin Islands) program for air, noise, radiation and pesticides. Specifically, the Radiation Program includes:

the radiological _reylew of light water nuclear power plant

, environmental impact statements; assistance to States in devel-

, opment, testing, evaluation, modification and maintenance of

-State radiological. emergency response plans; the gathering and .

reporting of technical information on selected facilities and procedures inicuding nuclear power planbs, radioactive waste disposal' sites and radioactive shipment transport methods; and other technical assistance to States pertaining to radiation prcgram activities. In carrying out these responsibilities, personnel under my direction provide technical support for the Agency's Regional Radiation program.

I received my ' Bachelor of Science in Arts and Sciences from the t

. University' of Texas at Austin in 1971 and my Doctor of Juris-i *s -

prudence from the University of Texas School of Law in 1974.


.-' , I am presently a member of the State Bar of Texas.

i 4

L 4



  • ji h JAN N. GEISELMAli, being duly sworn, desposes and says:


$ 1. I am Jan N. Geiselman, Acting Director of the Air s

I and Hazardous Materials Division of the U.S. Environmental Pro- ,

I l tection Agency located at 26 Federal Plaza,.New York, N.Y. .

I have attached my qualifications to the testimony mentioned below.

2. I have prepared the attached testimony on behalf .

of the County of Suffolk for submission in Case 80003. This testimony summarizes EPA's policy and position regarding the .:

proposed Jamesport Nuclear Facility and adopts the Sup*plemental ij


Testimony of Paul A.' Giardina of this office also~ submitted in

  • t Case 80003, 'The statements contained in my testimony are true

.a . . .

l and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. .


. '. 4,t .j d }V JAN N. GEISELMAN I,

1 Sworn to before me this I

2IA day of 8xne. 1979. j 1-o ..

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