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License Amend Request 89 for License DPR-50.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/11/1979
From: Herbein J
Shared Package
ML19259D190 List:
NUDOCS 7910170336
Download: ML19259D194 (4)



UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY CCIC!ISSION IN THE MATTER OF DOCKET NO. 50-289 LICENSE NO. DPR-50 METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY This is to certify that a copy of License Amend =ent Request No. 89 of the Operating License for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1, has, on the date given belov, been filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and been served on the chief executives of Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows :

Mr. Weldon 3. Arehart Mr. Harry B. Reese, Jr.

Board of Supervisors of Board of County Commissioners Londonderry Township of Dauphin County R. D. #1, Geyers Church Road Dauphin County Court House Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120



' .ce President-Nuclear Operations Dated: October 11.197o 1 ? 1

< ,n 2 3iG 791(170

METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT COMP /NY AND PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPMIY THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT Operating License ho. Drn-50 Docket No. 50-209 License Amendment Request No. 89 This License Amendment Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change the Operating License No. DPR-50 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1. As a part of this request , a proposed amendment is also included.


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e President-Nuclear Operations M

Sworn and subscribed to me this /l%b day of O<#o /I-s , 1979 en q -  ! d Notsry/j Public U(/

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- a Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 I. License Amendment No. 89, The license amendment requests that the attached bbdel License Conditicn .hdary Water Chmistry bbnitoring be incorporated into the body of the license and that 60 days be allowed to implanmt the Secondary Water Chemistry Program.

II. Reason for Amendment Due to the emplexity of the corrosion phenmena involved, and the state-of-the-art as it exists today, NBC believes that a Itore effective approach would be to institute a license condition that requires tM impleentation of a secondary water chmistry tranitoring and control program containing appropriate procedures and adninistrative '-


III. Safety Analysis Justifying Amend: tent The required program and procedures will be developed by let-Ed with any needed input frm the reactor vendor or other ccnsultants, and thus could more readily account for Unit specific factors that affect chmistry conditions in the steam generators. This license condition provides assurance that proper attention will be given to controlling secondary water chemistry, while also providing the needed flexibility to :: ore effectively deal w'th any off-normal conditions that might arise. Such a licen.;e condit. ion, in conjunction with existing Technical Specifications on st(.am generator tube leakage and inservice inspection will provide the nnst practical and cmprehensive means of assuring that steam generator tube integrity is maintained.

IV. Amendment Classification (10 CFR 170.22' On October 29, 1976, Metropolitan Edison Cmpany sutmitted Technical Specification Change Request No. 41 concerning secondary water chemistry, therefore, no Class III fee is subnitted.

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t EllCLOSURE MODEL LICEllSE C0f1DITION SECONDARY WATER CHEMISTRY M0f1ITORIf1G The licensee shall implement a secondary water chemistry monitoring program to inhibit steam generator tube degradation. This program shall include:

1. Identification of a sampling schedule for the critical parameters and control points for these parameters;
2. Identification of the procedures used to quantify parametars that are critical to control points;
3. Identification of process sampling points;
4. Procedure for the recording and management of data;
5. Procedures defining corrective actions of off control point chemistry conditions; and
6. A procedure identifying the authority responsible for the inter-pretation of the data, and the sequence and t'. 'ng of administrative events required to initiate corrective action.

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