ML051090488 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry |
Issue date: | 04/19/2005 |
From: | Subbaratnam R NRC/NRR/DRIP/RLEP |
To: | Tennessee Valley Authority |
Subbaratnam R NRR/DRIP/RLEP, 415-1478 | |
References | |
Download: ML051090488 (7) | |
April 19, 2005 LICENSEE: Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
FACILITY: Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Units 1, 2, and 3
CONCERNING INFORMATION ON BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1, 2, AND 3, LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION On March 28-29, 2005, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff from the Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs (DRIP) conducted a site visit at BFN Units 1, 2, and 3 in connection with the BFN license renewal application (LRA) review. The staff also conducted a conference call from BFN site, Decatur, Alabama. Participants were staff members from NRC headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. The conference call was pertaining to staffs follow up questions in Section 3.0-1 LP in BFN Unit 1 layup. Enclosure 1 provides a list of the conference call participants. Following is a summary of the conference:
Aging Management Review of Components/Items
- The applicant made a general statement that, except for the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV), all systems and components that were in wet layup, such as Reactor Coolant System (RCS), Residual Heat Removal ( RHR), Core Spray, and Reactor Water Clean Up (RWCU) have been replaced. This was a follow up to TVA response to request for additional information (RAI) 3.0-9 LP which includes examples of components replaced including 15,000 ft of large bore and approximately 26,000 ft of small bore piping. The staff questioned about other systems in wet layup but not included in the replaced piping above, for example feedwater piping. Staff wanted to know what did TVA do differently with those? The applicant explained that the feedwater piping inside containment was inspected rather than replaced. Also, staff wanted to know if other systems in wet layup such as CRD system was replaced or inspected.
- Staff wanted to know what the notation N/A meant in the Tables 1 thru 4, of their February 19, 2004, Supplemental Information to Unit 1 wet layup (Reference 1). TVA explained that it denoted that the environment was not applicable for the particular layup condition. In the response to RAI 3.0-5 LP, the staff wanted this understanding to be clarified. Tables 3 and 4 show portions of certain systems contained moist air or water due to valve leakage during layup and it was not clear if that meant piping, such as core spray, and if it was replaced or inspected. The applicant explained this environment was a conservative assumption.
- Chemistry control and one-time inspections Aging Management Programs (AMP) - The staff questioned the appropriateness of a one-time inspection for systems where degradation is expected such as those exposed to raw water (example in Table 3, Page
20, Reference 1). The one-time inspection AMP does not contain sufficient information to enable staff to evaluate at this time and needed elaboration. TVA will provide the required information.
- Information to exclude Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC) as an aging effect was not provided in response to RAI 3.03-10 LP. The applicant should clarify if sufficient inspections were performed?
T-quenchers Aging Management Review
- The applicant provided background information on the RV discharge support in the torus. The BFN support is welded and does not include any bolting. The t-quenchers consist of a rams head tee, material carbon steel, and the tee quenchers on either side are made of perforated pipes, material SS. The support has SS pads and CS box beams. TVA will identify the exact materials and the pipe is part of the system already identified in the LRA (System 10).
- TVA has inspected the support and there was no degradation. TVA normally inspects these components every 2 cycles using divers.
- Fatigue has been evaluated in the Time Limited Aging Analysis (TLAA) for both the pipe and the support.
- TVA has investigated the applicability of the Edwin Hatch Nuclear Plant failure and determined it is not applicable to BFN since BFN does not have bolting. They are not aware of any SCC or Hydrogen embrittlement concern for this support.
In a subsequent phone call on March 30, 2005, Dr. P.T. Kuo, Program Director, License Renewal and Environmental Impacts (RLEP), informed Mr. Michael Scaggs, Site Vice President, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant that TVA was two months behind in responding to all of the staff requests for additional information. He stressed the fact that the Project Manager (PM) for BFN LRA, NRC has an internal mile stone to issue a draft SER with open items by June 2005, so that other major milestones established for the project can be met. Dr. Kuo also requested that TVA find a suitable replacement for the Licensing Manager who was leaving TVA and identify a suitable replacement who can provide direction and maintain continuity of the project.
The applicant had an opportunity to comment on the meeting summary.
Ram Subbaratnam, Project Manager License Renewal Section A License Renewal and Environmental Impacts Program Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos.: 50-259, 50-260 and 50-296
As stated cc: See next page
20, Reference 1). The one-time inspection AMP does not contain sufficient information to enable staff to evaluate at this time and needed elaboration. TVA will provide the required information.
- Information to exclude Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC) as an aging effect was not provided in response to RAI 3.03-10 LP. The applicant should clarify if sufficient inspections were performed?
T-quenchers Aging Management Review
- The applicant provided background information on the RV discharge support in the torus. The BFN support is welded and does not include any bolting. The t-quenchers consist of a rams head tee, material carbon steel, and the tee quenchers on either side are made of perforated pipes, material SS. The support has SS pads and CS box beams. TVA will identify the exact materials and the pipe is part of the system already identified in the LRA (System 10).
- TVA has inspected the support and there was no degradation. TVA normally inspects these components every 2 cycles using divers.
- Fatigue has been evaluated in the Time Limited Aging Analysis (TLAA) for both the pipe and the support.
- TVA has investigated the applicability of the Edwin Hatch Nuclear Plant failure and determined it is not applicable to BFN since BFN does not have bolting. They are not aware of any SCC or Hydrogen embrittlement concern for this support.
In a subsequent phone call on March 30, 2005, Dr. P.T. Kuo, Program Director, License Renewal and Environmental Impacts (RLEP), informed Mr. Michael Scaggs, Site Vice President, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant that TVA was two months behind in responding to all of the staff requests for additional information. He stressed the fact that the Project Manager (PM) for BFN LRA, NRC has an internal mile stone to issue a draft SER with open items by June 2005, so that other major milestones established for the project can be met. Dr. Kuo also requested that TVA find a suitable replacement for the Licensing Manager who was leaving TVA and identify a suitable replacement who can provide direction and maintain continuity of the project.
The applicant had an opportunity to comment on the meeting summary.
Ram Subbaratnam, Project Manager License Renewal Section A License Renewal and Environmental Impacts Program Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos.: 50-259, 50-260 and 50-296
As stated cc: See next page ADAMS Accession No.: ML051090488 E:\Filenet\ML051090488.wpd OFFICE: PM:RLEP PM:RLEP LA:RLEP SC:RLEP NAME: YDiaz-Sanabria RSubbaratnam YEdmonds SLee DATE: 4/ 19 /05 4/ 19 /05 4/ 19 /05 4/ 19 /05 OFFICIAL RECORD ONLY
List of Participants for the March 28, 2005 Conference Call Participants Affiliations Ram Subbaratnam NRC (Participating from TVA site at Decatur, AL)
Yoira Diaz NRC (Participating from TVA site at Decatur, AL)
Richard McNally NRC George Georgev NRC Ganesh Cherivenki NRC Barry Elliot NRC Robert Davis NRC Mark Hartzman NRC Tim Abney TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
Ken Brune TVA Bill Crouch TVA Garry Smith TVA Darlene Tinley TVA Keith Nesmith TVA Steve Kane TVA Joe McCarthy TVA Enclosure 1
DISTRIBUTION: Trip Report and Summary of Telecon related to Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3, Dated April 19, 2005 Adams Accession No: ML051090488 HARD COPY:
RLEP RF Ram Subbaratnam (PM)
RidsNrrDrip RidsNrrDe G. Bagchi K. Manoly W. Bateman J. Calvo R. Jenkins P. Shemanski J. Fair RidsNrrDssa RidsNrrDipm D. Thatcher R. Pettis G. Galletti K. Naidu C. Li K. Winsberg (RidsOgcMailCenter)
R. Weisman M. Mayfield A. Murphy S. Smith (srs3)
S. Duraiswamy Y. L. (Renee) Li RLEP Staff
K. Jabbour C. Julian (RII)
S. Cahill (RII)
A. Hodgdon C. Carpenter D. Coe E. Kleeh A. Howe J. Lyons, DLPM M. Chernoff, DLPM F. Gillespie, DRIP K. Naidu
BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT Tennessee Valley Authority cc:
Mr. Karl W. Singer Mr. Kurt L. Krueger, Plant Manager Chief Nuclear Officer and Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Executive Vice President Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 6A Lookout Place Decatur, AL 35609 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Mr. Jon R. Rupert, Vice President Browns Ferry Unit 1 Restart Mr. Ashok S. Bhatnagar, Senior Vice Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant President Tennessee Valley Authority Nuclear Operations P.O. Box 2000 Tennessee Valley Authority Decatur, AL 35609 6A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Mr. Robert G. Jones Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Browns Ferry Unit 1 Plant Restart Manager Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Mr. Michael J. Lorek, General Manager Tennessee Valley Authority Nuclear Engineering P.O. Box 2000 Tennessee Valley Authority Decatur, AL 35609 6A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Mr. Fredrick C. Mashburn, Senior Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Program Manager Nuclear Licensing Mr. Michael D. Skaggs, Site Vice President Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 4X Blue Ridge Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street P.O. Box 2000 Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Decatur, AL 35609 Mr. Timothy E. Abney, Manager General Counsel Licensing and Industry Affairs Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant ET 11A Tennessee Valley Authority 400 West Summit Hill Drive P.O. Box 2000 Knoxville, TN 37902 Decatur, AL 35609 Mr. John C. Fornicola, Manager Mr. Bobby L. Holbrook Nuclear Assurance and Licensing Senior Resident Inspector Tennessee Valley Authority U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 6A Lookout Place Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 1101 Market Street 10833 Shaw Road Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Athens, AL 35611-6970
BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT Tennessee Valley Authority cc:
State Health Officer Alabama Dept. of Public Health RSA Tower - Administration Suite 1552 P.O. Box 303017 Montgomery, AL 36130-3017 Chairman Limestone County Commission 310 West Washington Street Athens, AL 35611 Mr. Fred Emerson Nuclear Energy Institute 1776 I St., NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-2708 Ken Brune, Manager Browns Ferry License Renewal Project Tennessee Valley Authority 6A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801