ML052200473 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry |
Issue date: | 08/03/2005 |
From: | Michael Scott NRC/ACNW, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
To: | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
Lamb J, ACRS, 415-6855 | |
References | |
Download: ML052200473 (8) | |
August 3, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: ACRS Members FROM: Michael L. Scott, Chief /RA/
Technical Support Branch ACRS/ACNW
TRIP REPORT FOR JULY 20, 2005 MEETING TO REGION II OFFICE IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA TO DISCUSS TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITYS BROWNS FERRY UNIT 1 RESTART STATUS On July 20, 2005, John G. Lamb, Senior Staff Engineer for the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), attended the public meeting held in Region II Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia that discussed the Browns Ferry Unit 1 restart status with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) representatives.
The following matters were discussed during the meeting: organizational changes, overview, schedule, returning systems to service, regulatory status, Browns Ferry site, operational readiness, quality assurance, inspection activities, challenges, and the next steps. TVA stated that Browns Ferry Unit 1 is on-schedule for start-up in May 2007. The current status is that 58 percent of the overall work is complete.
In accordance with Section 3.8, Procedures for Handling Domestic and Foreign Trip Reports, of the ACRS/Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste Administrative Manual, the Browns Ferry Unit 1 Restart is relevant to the Subcommittee on Plant Operations, which is responsible for is the review of restart of plants that have been shutdown for an extended period (more than one year) and make recommendations to the Full Committee. In addition, the Browns Ferry Unit 1 Restart is relevant to the Subcommittee on License Renewal since some of these activities interrelate or impact license renewal.
Attached are Mr. Lambs meeting observations and comments.
Docket No. 50-259 License No. DPR-33
Meeting Observations and Comments
MEMORANDUM TO: ACRS Members FROM: Michael L. Scott, Chief Technical Support Branch ACRS/ACNW
TRIP REPORT FOR JULY 20, 2005 MEETING TO REGION II OFFICE IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA TO DISCUSS TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITYS BROWNS FERRY UNIT 1 RESTART STATUS On July 20, 2005, John G. Lamb, Senior Staff Engineer for the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), attended the public meeting held in Region II Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia that discussed the Browns Ferry Unit 1 restart status with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) representatives.
The following matters were discussed during the meeting: organizational changes, overview, schedule, returning systems to service, regulatory status, Browns Ferry site, operational readiness, quality assurance, inspection activities, challenges, and the next steps. TVA stated that Browns Ferry Unit 1 is on-schedule for start-up in May 2007. The current status is that 58 percent of the overall work is complete.
In accordance with Section 3.8, Procedures for Handling Domestic and Foreign Trip Reports, of the ACRS/Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste Administrative Manual, the Browns Ferry Unit 1 Restart is relevant to the Subcommittee on Plant Operations, which is responsible for is the review of restart of plants that have been shutdown for an extended period (more than one year) and make recommendations to the Full Committee. In addition, the Browns Ferry Unit 1 Restart is relevant to the Subcommittee on License Renewal since some of these activities interrelate or impact license renewal.
Attached are Mr. Lambs meeting observations and comments.
Docket No. 50-259 License No. DPR-33
Meeting Observations and Comments DOCUMENT NAME: E:\Filenet\ML052200473.wpd To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment/enclosure "E" =
Copy with attachment/enclosure "N" = No copy Accession #: ML OFFICE ACRS/ACNW Y ACRS/ACNW Y ACRS/ACNW Y NAME JLamb MSnodderly MScott DATE 7/28 /05 7/28 /05 8/3/05 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
- 1. J. Lamb, ACRS / /05
- 2. M. Snodderly, ACRS / /05
- 3. M. Scott, ACRS / /05
- 4. / /05
- 5. / /05
- 6. / /05
- 7. / /05
Noble S. Green, Jr., 415-7360 T-2E6 ACRS/ACNW T ORIGINAL T DOC. NAME: E:\Filenet\ML052200473.wpd STAFF PERSON: John G. Lamb T FILE CODE:
MEETING OBSERVATIONS AND COMMENTS FOR THE JULY 20, 2005, PUBLIC MEETING WITH TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY REGARDING THE BROWNS FERRY UNIT 1 RESTART STATUS On July 20, 2005, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff met with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) representatives at Region II Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss TVAs Browns Ferry Unit 1 restart status. The meeting announcement was made public on June 7, 2005 (ADAMS Accession No. ML051590140). The meeting was classified as a Category 1 meeting. One member of the public, a newspaper reporter, was in attendance. Attachment 1 is the list of meeting attendees. Attachment 2 is a copy of TVAs presentation slides, Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Status. Attachment 3 is a copy of the NRCs presentation slides, NRC Oversight of the Browns Ferry Unit 1 Recovery Effort.
ABSTRACT TVA stated that Browns Ferry Unit 1 is on-schedule for start-up in May 2007. The current status is that 58 percent of the overall work is complete.
MEETING OBSERVATIONS TVA PRESENTATION Dr. William Travers, the Regional Administrator for Region II, opened the meeting with introductory remarks. Dr. Travers introduced Mr. Bill Couch, TVA Browns Ferry Site Licensing Manager, for the TVA presentation.
Mr. Couch provided the introduction, described the agenda for the presentation, introduced the TVA presenters, then turned over the presentation to Mr. Jon Rupert of TVA.
Mr. Rupert explained the recent Unit 1 organizational changes (see Slide 4 of Attachment 2).
Mr. Rupert stated that the project schedule for start-up was on-schedule for May 2007 and on-budget. He described the significant milestones: torus work is complete, torus is filled, plan to finish drywell work in October 2005, plan to complete bulk work period for modifications in March 2006, cable pulling has just started, and plan to turnover systems to Operations in Spring 2006.
Mr. Joe Valente of TVA explained that overall 83 percent of the engineering is complete. He described that the engineering input for programmatic submittals are completed. Mr. Valente stated that the following engineering activities remain to be completed: field support, system testing, surveillance instructions, post-maintenance testing, integrated testing, System Plant Acceptance Evaluations (SPAE), and System Pre-Operability Checklists (SPOCs). Mr. Valente stated that there are 63 tests for recovery. Mr. Ed Hackett, Director of Project Directorate II in the Division of Licensing Project Management of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), explained that the staff has a challenging review of MELLA +, that the review may not be completed when TVA needs it, and wanted TVA to be aware of this challenge. TVA stated that they are aware of the MELLA + challenge. TVA explained that the design work is on-going and they are working with General Electric (GE) and plan to submit the reload report to NRR six months prior to restart.
Mr. Elvis Hollins of TVA described the modifications and maintenance accomplishments since the last meeting on September 9, 2004 (ADAMS Accession No. ML042880292). Mr. Hollins stated that the following were replaced: main bank transformer, large bore piping in the drywell, Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) piping, RWCU pumps, and fire protection piping on reactor building elevations 593, 621, and 639. He stated that TVA is currently working on the fire protection piping on the 565 elevation of the reactor building. Mr. Hollins stated that the main generator rewind and rotor balance are complete. He explained that the torus coating project is complete as well as the HPCI turbine overhaul. Mr. Hollins stated that work is completed on the torus fill, vessel flood-up, and fuel pool gate removal. He explained the following major work is in-progress: cable tray, conduit and support installation; large and small bore pipe replacement; pipe hanger installation; large pump and motor refurbishment; control room design review modifications; mechanical stress improvements of welds; GE in-vessel work. Mr. Hollins stated that the current status is 58 percent of the overall work is complete.
Mr. R.G. Jones of TVA explained the process for returning systems to service (see Slide 11 of ). Mr. Jones explained that TVA has completed 16 SPAEs out of 61 SPAEs and 3 SPAEs are scheduled in the next six months. He explained that TVA has completed 8 Phase I SPOCs and 3 Phase I SPOCs are scheduled in the next six months. Mr. Jones stated that TVA has completed 3 Phase II SPOCs and 9 are scheduled in the next six months. Mr. Jones explained TVAs foreign material exclusion and vessel cleaning programs. He stated that TVA plans to perform the following as part of the Restart Test Program: component testing, post-maintenance testing, post-modification testing, system testing, and integrated system testing.
NRC staff asked if TVA plans to perform large transient testing. TVA responded that they do not plan to perform large transient testing and TVA plans to perform the same test program as they used for Units 2 and 3. Mr. Jones stated that TVA plans to have the following plateaus for the power ascension over a 70-day period: 25%, 40%, 55%, 75%, and 100%. NRC staff asked if TVA plans to perform a Safe Shutdown test. TVA responded that they have no plan to perform a Safe Shutdown test.
Mr. Joe McCarthy of TVA described the regulatory status of the license amendments and relief requests. He stated that TVA identified 21 amendments that need to be completed prior to restart. Mr. McCarthy stated that TVA has submitted 16 amendments to date. He explained that 2 submittals are pending NRC issuance of topical report safety evaluations. Mr. McCarthy stated that 4 amendments have been approved by the NRC. He explained that 6 amendments are on-hold pending resolution of the Method 3 Setpoint Methodology. Mr. McCarthy stated that 5 reliefs requests were submitted and approved by the NRC. He explained that a risk-informed in-service inspection relief request is to be submitted for post-restart implementation.
Mr. McCarthy stated that TVA identified 82 programmatic submittals; he explained that 29 have been submitted to date, 3 have been approved by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), and 9 have been closed by Inspection Reports.
Mr. Brian OGrady of TVA described the Browns Ferry site staffing plan. He stated that TVA used Oconee and Palo Verde as a benchmark. Mr. OGrady stated that there will be a 30%
increase in staff at Browns Ferry. NRC asked about Operator Licensing at the three units. TVA responded that the Operators will be licensed for all three units. NRC asked about the simulators at Browns Ferry. TVA responded that they have two simulators and one simulator will replicate Browns Ferry Unit 1, which TVA will start using in August 2005.
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Mr. Tom McGrath of TVA described the three programs that will address operational readiness:
physical; people; and self-assessments and independent reviews. He explained that TVA will perform line self-assessments, site departmental readiness assessments, Quality Assurance assessments, nuclear safety review board reviews, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations assessment planned for Summer 2006, and independent operational readiness review. Mr.
McGrath stated that the operational readiness will be essentially complete by Unit 1 fuel load except for specific post fuel load and power ascension testing activities. NRC asked if TVA can support license renewal inspection activities and TVA responded that they can.
Mr. Raul Baron of TVA explained the focus areas for Quality Assurance: welding, procedure change control, material control, coatings, fire protection, electrical installations, piping, pipe supports, control of work, and human performance. NRC asked about a violation in the area of piping supports. TVA stated that they have made process changes to prevent a recurrence.
NRC asked about the type of employee concerns being raised. TVA stated that the employee concerns program have been raised in the following areas: painting in the torus, welding, coatings, and labor-relations. TVA stated that they have problems with labor-relations.
Mr. Couch stated that TVA has done this work twice before for Units 2 and 3 and have incorporated lessons learned from Units 2 and 3 into Unit 1. NRC asked about the TVA statement of Unit 1 being operationally the same a Units 2 and 3 and yet Unit 1 will be better that Units 2 and 3. TVA stated that Unit 1 will have an operational margin better than Units 2 and 3. TVA stated that the modifications are being performed on Unit 1 first, then those same modifications will be performed on Units 2 and 3. TVA stated Units 1, 2, and 3 will be operationally the same after the modifications.
NRC PRESENTATION Dr. Travers presented the key messages: focus on safety in the ongoing review of restart activities, work closely with TVA, maintain open communications, and addressing emergent issues.
Mr. Steve Cahill, Chief of the Reactor Projects Branch 6 in Region II, stated that the initial inspections focused on Engineering Design Reviews, TVA Special Program scope and activities, and closure of NRC open items for Unit1 and now the inspection focus is shifting to address final closure of TVA Special Programs and closure of NRC generic open items (NRC Bulletins, Generic Letters, etc.). Mr. Cahill stated that the NRC has determined that the criteria for transitioning the following four cornerstones of safety have been met: Occupational Radiation Safety, Public Radiation Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and Physical Protection.
He stated that the NRC sent TVA a letter dated December 29, 2004 (ADAMS Accession No. ML043650021) explaining the Reactor Oversight Process cornerstone transition. Mr. Cahill stated that the NRC Unit 1 Recovery Issues List will be attached to the Region II July 20, 2005, meeting summary and will be made public. He stated that the NRC is going to establish a Browns Ferry Restart Oversight Panel and will continue to follow the Unit 1 Safety Conscious Work Environment.
Mr. Ed Hackett described the status of the restart plan. He stated that the regulatory framework has been defined, an inspection framework is being established, and licensing actions are being worked. Mr. Hackett stated that the Unit 1 restart is scheduled for May 2007, the license renewal application approval is scheduled for May 2006, and the extended power uprate approval is scheduled for May 2007. Mr. Hackett stated that challenges exist for MELLA Page 3 of 5
+, Method 3 Instrument Setpoint Methodology, and restart/large transient testing. He explained the next steps: ACRS visit and briefing on August 23 and September 21, establish a Restart Oversight Panel in October 2005, supply an informational SECY paper to the Commission in the Fall 2005, completion of license renewal review in May 2006, and completion of the extended power uprate review in Spring 2007. TVA stated that they are paying attention to the fuel analysis methodology challenge, they are working with the Nuclear Energy Institute to resolve the Method 3 Instrument Setpoint challenge, and TVA does not plan to perform large transient testing as stated in its April 25, 2005, letter (ADAMS Accession No. ML051170244).
Mr. Bill Kane, Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs of the Office of the Executive Director of Operations (EDO), provided closing remarks. Mr. Kane stated that Browns Ferry Unit 1 restart has the attention of the EDO and the Commission. Mr. Kane emphasized early identification of issues.
COMMENTS On December 13, 2002, TVA sent a letter to NRC regarding the regulatory framework for the restart of Unit 1 (ADAMS Accession No. ML023600026). TVA stated in the December 13, 2002 letter that TVA will not restart Browns Ferry Unit 1 without prior NRC approval. There seems to be some confusion of what this entails. TVA does not use NRC approval when discussing Unit 1 restart; TVA uses the NRC concurrence. TVA plans to call the Region II Regional Administrator when they are ready to restart Browns Ferry Unit 1 and do not plan to send a letter requesting approval. A phone call does not seem to be the most appropriate method for TVA to use for requesting Unit 1 restart approval since a phone call would not be on the public docket.
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MEETING ATTENDEES REGARDING THE JULY 20, 2005, PUBLIC MEETING FOR BROWNS FERRY UNIT 1 RESTART STATUS Name Organization and Title Bill Couch TVA, BFN Site Licensing Manager Joe Valente TVA, BFN Unit 1 Engineering Manager R.G. Jones TVA, BFN Unit 1 Restart Manager Jon Rupert TVA, BFN Unit 1 Vice President Brian OGrady TVA, BFN Site Vice President Tom McGrath TVA, BFN Unit 1 Operational Readiness Manager Earl Riley TVA, Nuclear Fuel Greg Storey TVA, BWR Fuel Engineering Manager Elvis Hollins TVA, BFN Unit 1 Mods & Maintenance Manager Joe McCarthy TVA, BFN Unit 1 Licensing Manager Mark Lesser NRC, RII, DRS, Chief, Engineering Branch 3 Steve Cahill NRC, RII, DRP, Chief, Reactor Projects Branch 6 Chris Christensen NRC, RII, Deputy Director, DRS Joe Shea NRC, RII, Deputy Director, DRP Mike Marshall NRC, NRR, Section Chief, DLPM, PD-2 Margaret Chernoff NRC, NRR, Project Manager, DLPM, PD-2 Ram Subaradum* NRC, NRR, Project Manager, RLEP John G. Lamb NRC, ACRS Staff, Senior Staff Engineer Eva Brown NRC, NRR, Project Manager, DLPM, PD-2 Raul Brown TVA, BFN Unit 1 Nuclear Assurance Manager Ed Hackett NRC, NRR, Project Directorate, DLPM, PD-2 Bill Borchardt NRC, NRR, Deputy Director Bill Kane NRC, OEDO, Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs Bill Travers NRC, RII, Regional Administrator Chuck Castro NRC, RII, Director, DRP Bill Bearden NRC, RII, Senior Resident Inspector Browns Ferry Brian Lauson Huntsville Times Craig Beasley TVA Communications & Government Relations Caudle Julian NRC, RII, Inspector, DRS Steve Vias NRC, RII, Inspector, DRS Greg Cameron NRC, RII, Inspector, DRS Barry Miller NRC, RII, Inspector, DRS Louis Lake NRC, RII, Inspector, DRS
- via telephone TVA = Tennessee Valley Authority BFN = Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant NRC = Nuclear Regulatory Commission RII = Region II DRS = Division of Reactor Safety DRP = Division of Reactor Projects PD = Project Directorate NRR = Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation OEDO = Office of Executive Director of Operations DLPM = Division of Licensing Project Management ATTACHMENT 1 Page 5 of 5