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NRC000039-SRM COMGBJ-08-0001 a Commission Policy Statement on Safety Culture, (February 25, 2008)
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/2008
From: Annette Vietti-Cook
To: Reyes L
Shared Package
ML102500654 List:
50-282-LR, 50-306-LR, ASLBP 08-871-01-LR-BD01, COMGBJ-08-0001, RAS 18574 SRM-COMGBJ-08-0001
Download: ML102500672 (2)


NRC000039 February 25, 2008 MEMORANDUM TO: Luis A. Reyes Executive Director for Operations FROM: Annette L. Vietti-Cook, Secretary /RA/


STAFF REQUIREMENTS - COMGBJ-08-0001 - A COMMISSION POLICY STATEMENT ON SAFETY CULTURE The Commission has approved the need to expand the Commissions policy of safety culture to address the unique aspects of security and to ensure the resulting policy is applicable to all licensees and certificate holders. The staff should continue its broad review of issues related to safety culture as part of the effort for developing the oversight process and for revising or developing additional Commission Policy Statement(s). In consideration of the ongoing assessment of safety culture components of the Reactor Oversight Process and the Fuel Facility Pilots and their potential applicability to other NRC licensees, the staff review of issues related to safety culture should address, at a minimum, the following:

1) Whether safety culture as applied to reactors needs to be strengthened.
2) How to increase attention to safety culture in the materials area.
3) How stakeholder involvement can most effectively be used to address safety culture for all NRC and Agreement State licensees and certificate holders, including any unique aspects of security. The staff should, as part of its public stakeholder outreach, reach out to all types of licensees and certificate holders, including power reactors (including new reactors), research and test reactors, fuel facilities, spent fuel shipping and storage cask vendors, and the materials community, including industrial, academic, and medical users. The assessment should also involve outreach activities to Members of Congress, the Agreement States, and other stakeholders.
4) Whether publishing NRCs expectations for safety culture and for security culture is best accomplished in one safety/security culture statement or in two separate statements, one each for safety and security, while still considering the safety and security interfaces.

The staffs broad review should be prioritized relative to other staff initiatives. A mid-level budget priority is anticipated based on the fact that safety culture is already well advanced with reactors, the pilot with fuel cycle facilities is underway and safety culture is embraced implicitly in many materials uses. The staff should complete its evaluation, provide a recommendation to the Commission on how best to update the Commission policy, and provide draft policy statement(s) on safety culture to the Commission for its consideration.

(EDO) (SECY Suspense: TBD)

NRC000039 cc: Chairman Klein Commissioner Jaczko Commissioner Lyons OGC CFO OCA OPA Office Directors, Regions, ACRS, ACNW, ASLBP (via E-Mail)