Category:Legal-Pre-Filed Exhibits
MONTHYEARML1025100362010-09-0808 September 2010 PIC000001-Christopher I. Grimes Resume ML1025006142010-09-0707 September 2010 NRC000001-Boric Acid Corrosion Guidebook, Revision 1 ML1025006402010-09-0707 September 2010 NRC000030-Revised Policy Statement on the Conduct of Nuclear Power Plant Operations ML1025006382010-09-0707 September 2010 NRC000025-Figures 2 Through Figure 6 ML1025006332010-09-0707 September 2010 NRC000027-The Nature of Safety Cultua Review of Theory and Research ML1024607632010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000061-SER Section 3.0.4 ML1024607282010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000050-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-2009 Corrective Action Program Self-Assessment ML1024607252010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000041-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-Performance Recovery Plan ML1024607682010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000069-NRC December 21, 2007 PI&R Report ML1024607712010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000070-PINGP Pride Initiative Focus 2010 ML1024606332010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000035B-Revised Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-Root Cause Evaluation Report 01157726 ML1024606292010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000020-Revised Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-Petersen Resume ML1024606272010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000035C-Revised Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-Root Cause Evaluation Report 01157726 ML1024606242010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000019-Revised Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-Northard Resume ML1024605692010-09-0303 September 2010 Applicant Revised Exhibit NSP000001-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen Resume ML1024605662010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000017-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-NUREG-1765 Excerpts ML1024605152010-09-0303 September 2010 Northern States Power Co. October 2010 Evidentiary Hearing on Safety Culture Contention, Hearing Exhibits ML1024605512010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000015-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-EFR 1160372-03 ML1024605522010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000006-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-2006 AES Letter ML1024605532010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000010-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-EFR 1160372-04 ML1024605542010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000008-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-Dominion Evaluation R-4448-00-01 ML1024605552010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000012-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-EC 15651 ML1024605562010-09-0303 September 2010 2009/09/03-Applicant-Revised Exhibit NSP000003-PINGP License Renewal Application Excerpts ML1024605572010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000013-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-ACRS Letter ML1024605582010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000007-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-CAP 1160372 ML1024605592010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000011-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-EC 15044 ML1024605602010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000016-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-ACRS July 2009 Meeting Transcript Excerpts ML1024605622010-09-0303 September 2010 Applicant Revised Exhibit NSP000004-Root Cause Evaluation Report 01160372-01 ML1024605632010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000018-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-CE 01140617-03 ML1024605642010-09-0303 September 2010 NSP000009-Revised Testimony of Steven Skoyen-CE 1233806-2 ML1024605652010-09-0303 September 2010 Applicant Revised Exhibit NSP000002-Schematic Representation of PINGP Containment ML1022504662010-08-13013 August 2010 NRC Staff Exhibit 63 - Boric Acid Corrosion Guidebook, Revision 1: Managing Boric Acid Corrosion Issues at PWR Power Stations EPRI, Palo Alto, CA (2001) 1000975 Pages 4-25 & 4-26 ML1022504702010-08-13013 August 2010 2010/08/13-NRC Staff Exhibit 4A - NUREG-1800 Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (SRP-LR) (September 2005), (Excerpt) ML1022504772010-08-13013 August 2010 NRC Staff Exhibit List ML1022504962010-08-13013 August 2010 Northard Exhibit 43, Section 3.0.4. of NRC SER ML1022504982010-08-13013 August 2010 Northard Exhibit 48, WM-0491 - Prairie Island Corrective Backlog ML1022505002010-08-13013 August 2010 Skoyen Exhibit 17, NUREG-1765 Excerpt ML1022505082010-08-13013 August 2010 Northard Exhibit 52, Pride Initiative Focus/2010 ML1022505132010-08-13013 August 2010 Skoyen Exhibit 18, CE01140617-03 Potential IWE Non-Compliance ML1022505142010-08-13013 August 2010 Northard Exhibit 42, Event Cross References in 2009 ML1022504952010-08-10010 August 2010 Skoyen Rebuttal Exhibits List ML1022505012010-08-10010 August 2010 List of Northard Rebuttal Exhibits ML1024607592010-08-0606 August 2010 NSP000066-PINGP Corrective Backlog 2010 ML1022504752010-08-0404 August 2010 NRC Staff Exhibit 62 - Summary of July 28, 2010 Public Meeting to Discuss Observations and Lessons Learned During the Pilot Application of the Nuclear Energy Institutes Nuclear Safety Culture Assessment Process (August 4, 2010) ML1021607812010-08-0404 August 2010 Intervenor-Exhibit 21-Xcel Management Review Committee Meeting Summary No. 2010-01, Msrc Meeting Date March 17 and 18, 2010 (NSPM Prod 00000267) ML1021607642010-08-0404 August 2010 Intervenor-Exhibit 1-Resume for Christopher I. Grimes ML1025006752010-08-0404 August 2010 NRC000058-Summary of July 28, 2010 Public Meeting to Discuss Observations and Lessons Learned During the Pilot Application of the Nuclear Energy Institute'S Nuclear Safety Culture Assessment Process (August 4, 2010) ML1021503902010-07-30030 July 2010 Applicant-Northard Exhibit 4-INPO V NRC Nuclear Safety Culture Components ML1021503922010-07-30030 July 2010 Applicant-Northard Exhibit 5 - Nuclear 2010 Business Plan Overview ML1021503932010-07-30030 July 2010 Applicant-Northard Exhibit 10-FP-PA-HU-03, Rev. 6, Human Performance Observation Program. 2010-09-08
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NRC000039 February 25, 2008 MEMORANDUM TO: Luis A. Reyes Executive Director for Operations FROM: Annette L. Vietti-Cook, Secretary /RA/
STAFF REQUIREMENTS - COMGBJ-08-0001 - A COMMISSION POLICY STATEMENT ON SAFETY CULTURE The Commission has approved the need to expand the Commissions policy of safety culture to address the unique aspects of security and to ensure the resulting policy is applicable to all licensees and certificate holders. The staff should continue its broad review of issues related to safety culture as part of the effort for developing the oversight process and for revising or developing additional Commission Policy Statement(s). In consideration of the ongoing assessment of safety culture components of the Reactor Oversight Process and the Fuel Facility Pilots and their potential applicability to other NRC licensees, the staff review of issues related to safety culture should address, at a minimum, the following:
- 1) Whether safety culture as applied to reactors needs to be strengthened.
- 2) How to increase attention to safety culture in the materials area.
- 3) How stakeholder involvement can most effectively be used to address safety culture for all NRC and Agreement State licensees and certificate holders, including any unique aspects of security. The staff should, as part of its public stakeholder outreach, reach out to all types of licensees and certificate holders, including power reactors (including new reactors), research and test reactors, fuel facilities, spent fuel shipping and storage cask vendors, and the materials community, including industrial, academic, and medical users. The assessment should also involve outreach activities to Members of Congress, the Agreement States, and other stakeholders.
- 4) Whether publishing NRCs expectations for safety culture and for security culture is best accomplished in one safety/security culture statement or in two separate statements, one each for safety and security, while still considering the safety and security interfaces.
The staffs broad review should be prioritized relative to other staff initiatives. A mid-level budget priority is anticipated based on the fact that safety culture is already well advanced with reactors, the pilot with fuel cycle facilities is underway and safety culture is embraced implicitly in many materials uses. The staff should complete its evaluation, provide a recommendation to the Commission on how best to update the Commission policy, and provide draft policy statement(s) on safety culture to the Commission for its consideration.
(EDO) (SECY Suspense: TBD)
NRC000039 cc: Chairman Klein Commissioner Jaczko Commissioner Lyons OGC CFO OCA OPA Office Directors, Regions, ACRS, ACNW, ASLBP (via E-Mail)