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Calculation MDQ099970046, Rev. 9, NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps.
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/04/2006
From: Eberly W, Galed F, Rennels C
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TVA-BFN-TS-418, TVA-BFN-TS-431 MDQ0999970046, Rev 009
Download: ML062230058 (196)



Calc Title: NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCi ID YE~ QSG PLANT E~L NUMBER CUR REV NE E CURRENT CN NUC BFN MEB MDQ0999970046 008 009 REVISION APPLICABILITY NEW CN NUC IEntire n caic

, Selected pages [I INo CCRIS Changes [I ACTION NEW REVISION [0


[3 SUPERSEDE DUPLICATE [0 Q Approval ONLY (Ved~fierUPDATE CCRIS [0 Not Signatures (For cale been reviewed andCCRIS revision. no Requlred) CCRIS changes required)



  • DATE CHECKER SIGNA RE DATE Fady Galed (//--Chris Rennels (*1 .5 I &/3/



The purpose of this calculation Is to determine the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) available at various points for the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pump and the Core Spray (CS) pumps.


This revision establishes and evaluates uncontrolled flows for Short-Term LOCA and Appendix R cases. This revision also determines the Impact on the water level Inthe suppression pool due to drywell hold-up volume.




TIVA 405321[07-2005] Page 1 of 2 NEDP-2-1 [07-08-20051


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ECCS RHR CS NPSH Flow Drywell CROSS-REFERENCES (A-add, C-change, D-delete)



Following are required only when making keyNord/cross reference CCRIS updates and page 1 of form NEDP-2-1 Is not included:


TIVA 40532 [07-2005] Page 2 of 2 NEDP-2-1 [07-08-2005]



NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps E] Electronic storage of the input files for this calculation is not required. Comments:

0 Input files for this calculation have been stored electronically and sufficient identifying information is provided below for each input file. (Any retrieved file requires re-verification of its contents before use.)

Ref. ID No. 308632 0 Microfiche/eFiche EDMS reference number: TVA-F-UO01823 (Unit 1)

EDMS reference number: TVA-F-U001 824 (Unit 2)

EDMS reference number: TVA-F-U001825 (Unit 3)

Title: NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps document type: CALCULATION OUTPUT(NUCLEAR) document date: 2006-08-03 document identifier: MDQ0999970046 facility: BFN Unit 0 keywords: ECCS, NPSH, RHR, CS comments : None Page 1 of I NEDP-2-6 [12.04-20001 TVA 40535(12-2000]

TVA 40535 [12-20001 Page I of I NEDP-2-6 [12-04-20001

3 Pae2ee 3 TVAN CALCULATION Title: REVISION LOG NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS Pumps MD-Q0999-970045 Revision DESCRIPTION OF REVISION Date No. Approved 0 INITIAL ISSUE. 11-18-98 Added case studies for one loop of RHR at runout, one at maximum .I design filow, all CS pumps at normal design flow, suppression pool temperature at 950F.

Pages added: Cover Sheet, page 1 Table 3, pages 3A and 3B Appendix 1: 2 EZFLOW file printouts (36 pages)

Appendix 2: 2 EZFLOW file printouts (36 pages)

Pages deleted: None Pages changed by this revision: IA, 2, 5, 13, 14, Appendix I cover sheet, Appendix 2 cover sheet SAR sections 4.8, and H.4.2.1 have been reviewed by Werner Voss and this revision of the calculation does not affect the current contents of the SAR. These SAR sections will be revised based on these calculation results as part of the resolution of the Containment Overpressure issue.

Total pages Rev. 1: 352 A2J.J ,*,,Vl=,, p.4 . . o4A.

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04 Due to EPU. the peak suppression pood tmpe m has lsen to 10IMe FQ 14,700 seconds. This mvision assumes a ever pressur of S psi for both short and long terms. Tables 4 & 6 were added to provide details of O caculation.

Pages added: 1.2. 4A. 5,15 'trble 4). 14. 15 Teble 5), A-I, end A-2 1-1. -a ,-,1 Pages revised: 4. l B.and 11.

Pages deleted: 1.1,* S 4.mW 6 Total Paone: w

  • ,1,. .,97*, 4 *.,..-*s..-, C..a,.,,vv * ' ,*

FEAR Sections L4, 66, and 14.6 end to Technical Spwcffcatvons h been rflhvd for elr, amocated vwth this r* slo. ThIs calcuon mrison fiea parameters Ivalues essociat* wvlf e wimpletaftion of1Ee Powr t Ae (EPUI EPU requirs fte ap ofeta Newme


vi~wporwlon of EPIJ 9maditons bita the FSR amla Techncal Speolloetions vill besencopu~heil

  • ii f lau~U~rtheEPU licehas amendment Ico'mng NRC impproval.

I A .U P.A~ F ~er ED4412szO 4m 13 "Do I1OF1 NEM-UI12442MR


-~~~ ~CAtLVULATiON IDENTIFIER~ MQý 904 t4S &Pf~a~UntIon of Browns Ferry RHR anid CS Purfps Revissi DE.SCRIPTION OF REVISION

_M~)5" ThL revision updates the Unit W,3 calculation to be applicable to-Ainit i "for restart pf lnz I Numbered Table 3,bs PPgu15IhrpJO-2p.

Reubered Table 6 fomnPaes 14 and 15, to Pages 21 anid 32 Pa~duignwe Attaditnent 2 as 4548, Apenri 2 P~egs W~d-W revlslorn:.M (8p o ý4p Attachmen A (Pages A4 -&A'

~~ge replAiached by Us raevi , / -4 Pa revison; 4A, ges fvised jy thl able 3pa 11~on4 We44agnaio


Tale6 paglnaflon onIp)Atta61imri~t1 (previously desiohated a4 Attacbmeit 2)

Toal'Pao Counit: 390.

T4he SAR nd Trch Spet. reviewsWIN bet edIoLdinen cor4unction-wfththe ~t pacxme.

OO~~1ii add~Hsth&UM -1 argorV tfhe calculation -.-

ape aWd S.edx~f% 6A 7 Pages revisd-ansnad rep _VA.9X.A4 W2 -7...

ThSAR arid Tech.J ec. revieWsv Iul bJe; Mb ed In oiucontiIhDO TVA 4070S.11-20" PglbINEP221-42


007 Thls mV4amon adds Appendb 5 lo quantfy, and so docmnet lIe bases for, Oi numoedcal values c avalae NPSH en NPSH marghs for Ul led are subinhted ID ie NRC In rsponae o both Generio Lo*ter (GL) 97-04 en NRG MeB n W 03.

Pages added: 4C, Appldxx 5 (8 pages), Attacmment A (Pagee A-6 & A-G)

Pages mrved nd replaoed: 1, , & 5 Pap=s w*.*ed: S Pages deeed: none TOtaW Page Coixt do FSAR ma5cioa 6A, U, and 1U.6 "d tie Tecwhnc Specicatlons hm kpeen r m kesrdwwe madabd W*I ft change This caloulavon rneson mfects paramnlemNhiu masoadated with lie knplementafio d Edlnded Powe ULprt (EPL) as well as lhe use d 3 pil cona a mw.-prasswm credit lot calclan NPSH margko for Unt 1. Bothd #mhe conditons w reurek Scens ramendme#nmtwteA evadous FSARa TchndclSpelcalcxi kcorpanof EPU condJlons for Unit as welt a3 t ver-pmesure cmdi for ECCS NPSH analyis (S-420) h Ile PSA w*F w

Techniwa Spec*llcaw*cs be

,h lo e as a pane Ie EPU cene a wd TS-429 amendment W ig WRC

-I Page 1 011 NEDP-2-2 I1z-04-z000j

~VA FVA 4o-709 j12-2000j 40709 L12-20001 Pagle dol NEP-2-DP-112~-04-20001

Page 5 TVAN CALCULATION VERIFICATION FORM Calculation Identifier MDQ0999970046 Revision 007 Metho of verification used:  %

1. Design Review *V
2. Alternate Calculation 13 verifier te
3. Ouallfication Test 0 Comments:

wt  % o

&~%b~ -top Pig. I cdl NEDP.2.4107.O9.2001J WA 40633 TVA4 P400lj S33o't.*lq Pap Itd I NF.0P-2-4{O4..=J-*


008 In this revision the existing EZ-flow model contained In Calculation MDQO-999-970046 was converted to Multi-Flow 1.21 using the hardcopy files contained In the calculation. The Multiflow model was verified against current plant layout and configurations and case runs were made using the same pump configurations and flows as Rev. 007 with temperatures updated for Extended Power Uprate (EPU) conditions.

This revision also Includes evaluation of ECCS pump NPSH for the special events of Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS). Appendix R, and Station Blackout (SBO) at Extended Power Uprate (EPU) conditions.

The model results were used to perform NPSH calculations for the RHR and CS pumps for various pump combinations and rated flow demands on the suction piping at various suppression pool temperatures.

FSAR sections 6.4, 6.5 and 6.15 and the Technical Specifications have been reviewed for changes associated with this change. This calculation revision reflects parameters/values associated with the Implementation of Extended Power Uprate (EPU). This condition will require license amendments that will revise various FSAR and Technical Specifications. Incorporation of EPU conditions for ECCS analysis into the FSAR and Technical Spec~ff ca*ons wJbe accomplished as a part of the EPU license and amendments following NRC approval._

Pages added are: 2A, 5A, 5B and A10 Appendix D Is added.

Pages revised are: 1,2 and 7- 115 Appendices 1, 2,4 and 5 are deleted.

Attachment C Is deleted.

Total Page Count: 139 m

40709(12-20001 FVA 40709 Page 1 Ot 1 NEDP-2-2 (12.04-20001 TVA [12-2000l Page I of 1 NEDP-2-2 [12-04-20001

Page 5B TVAN CALCULATION RECORD OF REVISION CALCULATION IDENTIFIER MDQ0999970046 Title NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Revision DESCRIPTION OF REVISION No. I 009 This revision establishes appropriate uncontrolled flows flor Short-Term and Appendix R cases. This revision also evaluates the impact of "drywell hold-up volume on water level In the suppression pool.

FSAR sections 6.4, 6.5 and 6.15 and the Technical Specifications have been reviewed for changes associated with this change. This calculation revision reflects parameters/values associated with the Implementation of Extended Power Uprate (EPU). This condition will require license amendments that will revise various FSAR and Technical Specifications. Incorporation of EPU conditions for ECCS analysis Into the FSAR and T chnlcal Specifications wil be accomplished as a part of the EPU license and amendments following NRC approval..,/A.

Pages Added: 5B, 5C, A-11, AJ., 116-166, Attachment E, Attachment F.

Pages Deleted: none Pages Revised: 1, 2, 2A, 6-115 Total pages this revision: 196 NEDP-2-2 [1 2-04-2000j WA 40709 TVA [12-2000]

40709 [12-2000] Page of 1 Page 11of 1 NEDP-2-2 [12-04-2000]

Paae 5C WAN CALCULATION VERIFICATION FORM Calculation Identifier MDQ0999970046 Revision 009 Method of verification used:

1. Design Review
2. Aftemate Calculation El Verifier Date *- -
3. Qualification Test E_


The design inputs and sources are valid for the purpose of the calculation. The results and conclusions are reasonable and correct based on the inputs and methodology. Based on this review, it is concluded that the calculation is technically correct.

The review was conducted in accordance with the applicable requirements of TVAN NEDP-2 and NEDP-5.

NEDP-2-4 [07-09-2001]

Page 1 of I TVA 40533 [07-2001]

WA 40533 107-20011 Page I of I NEDP-2-4 [07-09-20011

Paae 6 TVAN CALCULATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Calculation Identifier: MDQ0999970046 I Revision: 1009 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE iVAN Calculation Coversheet/CCRIS Update 1,2 TVAN Computer Input File Storage Information Sheet 2A WVAN Calculation Record of Revision Sheet 3,4,4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B TVAN Calculation Verification Form 5, 5B, 5C TVAN Calculation Table of Contents 6 1.0 Purpose 7 2.0 References 7 3.0 Design Input Data 10 4.0 Assumptions 10 5.0 Special Requirements/Limiting Conditions 10 6.0 Computations And Analysis 11 7.0 Supporting Graphics 31 8.0 Results and Conclusions 40 Appendices Appendix 1: Deleted Appendix 2: Deleted Appendix 3: Evaluation Of ECCS Strainer To Ingest A Steam Plume/Bubble 3 Pages Appendix 4: Deleted Appendix 5: Deleted Attachments A. Previous Cover Sheets 11 Pages B. Memo from Tom Newton to Those Listed 3 Pages C. Deleted D. E-mail forwarded by Donald McQueen from Thomas Newton 2 Pages E. Walkdown Request, initiated 07/25/06, collected 07/25/06 2 Pages F. E-mail from William Eberly to Donald McQueen 2 Pages NEDP-2-3 112-04-20001 TVA 40710112-2000]

IVA 40710 [12-2000] Page 1 Page of 11 1 of NEDP-2-3 [12-04-2000]

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 7


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared _ Date IChecked Date CALCULATION SHEET

1. PURPOSE The purpose of this revision is to revise the existing Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) suction piping hydraulic analysis to be based on the current accepted TVA method (Ref. 2.5) at Extended Power Uprate (EPU) conditions. Results of that analysis are then used to compute the Net Positive Suction H cad (NPSH) available for pump and s ystem flows. This revision also includes evaluation of ECCS pump NPSH for the special events of Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS), Appendix R, and Station Blackout (SBO) at EPU conditions. NPSH available is determined for various ECCS pump combinations and rated flow demands on the suction piping at various suppression pool temperatures. In this revision the appropriate uncontrolled flows for the short term LOCA and Appendix R will be established. The impact of drywell hold-up volume on suppression pool level will be addressed in this revision.
2. REFERENCES 2.1 Vendor Technical Manual BFN-VTM-B260-0010 for Bingham-Willamette Pumps, Section 0020 (CS Pump Curves).

2.2 Vendor Technical Manual BFN-VTM-B260-0010 for Bingham-Willamette Pumps, Section 0040 (RHR Pump Curves).

2.3 Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 8th Edition.

2.4 TVA Drawings:

a. 47W403-204, R5
b. 47W403-205, R4
c. 47W403-206, R4
d. 3-47W403-207, RO
e. 47W403-208, R4
f. 2-47W403-203, RO
g. 3-47W403-209, RO
h. 47W403-200, R3
i. 47W403-201, R5
j. 47W403-202, R3 2.5 MULTIFLOW- Version 1.21 (S&L Program Number 03.7.749-1.21, Dated 09/25/02).

2.6 TVA Drawings:

a. 2-47E814-1, R049, "Flow Diagram- Core Spray System".
b. 3-47E814-1, R033, "Flow Diagram- Core Spray System".
c. 2-47E8 11-1, R064,'Tlow Diagram-Residual Heat Removal System".
d. 3-47E81 1-1, R061,'Flow Diagram-Residual Heat Removal System".
e. 1-47E814-1, R013, "Flow Diagram- Core Spray System".
f. 1-47E81 1-1, R025,"Flow Diagram-Residual Heat Removal System".

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 8


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date IChecked Date CALCULATION SHEET 2.7 Additional Drawings;

a. PDM Drawing 2-E20, R004, 'IVA Containment Vessel"
b. PDM Drawing 3-E20, R001, "TVA Containment Vessel"
c. PDM Drawing I-E20, R000, "TVA Containment Vessel" 2.8 TVA Design Criteria No. BFN-50-7074, "Residual Heat Removal System", Units 2 & 3, Rev.

17, to include DIM-BFN-50-7074-25.

2.9 TVA Design Criteria No. BFN-50-7075, "Core Spray System", Units 2 & 3, Rev. 6.

2.10 TVA Engineering Change Notice L1636.

2.11 TVA Engineering Change Notice P0602.

2.12 TVA Design Criteria No. BFN-50-715, "Environmental Design", Rev. 5.

2.13 Steam Tables, Combustion Engineering, 15th printing. Values reprinted from 1967 ASME Steam Tables.

2.14 GENE-E12-00148-04, "Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) Evaluation for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant ECCS Strainer Design", Revision 0, June, 1997.

2.15 GENE-E12-00148-01, "ECCS Suction Strainer Hydraulic Sizing Report", Rev. 0.

2.16 GENE-E12-00148-06, "Containment Pressure Report", Rev. 0.

2.17 NRC memo dated Nov 15, 1999,


BFN Units 2 and 3, Completion of Licensing Actions for Bulletin 96-03, Potential Plugging of Emergency Core Cooling Suction Strainers By Debris In Boiling Water Reactors, Dated May 6, 1996 (TAC NOS M96135, M96136 and M96137) L449911230011.

2.18 NRC memo dated Sep 3, 1999,


BFN Units 2 and 3, Issuance Of Amendments Regarding Crediting Of Containment Over-Pressure For Net Positive Suction Head Calculations For Emergency Cooling Pumps. 144-990913-002.

2.19 TVA BFN Unit 2 and 3 EPU Task 0406: ECCS Net Positive Suction Head. GE-NE-A22-00125-27-01, Rev. 0, May 2002 (W 79 020517 001).

2.20 ANSI/HI 9.6.1-1998, "American National Standard for Centrifugal and Vertical Pumps for NPSH Margin", Hydraulic Institute, 1998.

2.21 TVA Correspondence (E-Mail),


"Fw: Pump/Flow Combination Cases for MULTIFLOW EPU Revision to NPSH Calculation", 02/16/2006 11:32 AM. (Attachment D) 2.22 STMFUNC, Steam Table Function Dynamic Link Library (DLL), Program No. 03.7.598-3.1.

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN Ul, 2&3 Page: 9


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date IChecked Date CALCULATION SHEET 2.23 1-47E818-1, R024, "Flow Diagram - Condensate Storage and Supply System".

2.24 Safe Shutdown Instruction, 2/3-SSI-16, R 13," Control B uilding F ire EL. 5 93 through E L.


2.25 Calculation MDQ-0074-880225, R07, "Total RHR System Head VS. Flow Rate for Priority 1 Mode Support".

2.26 Calculation MDQ-0075-870258, R06, "Core Spray Pump Performance".

2.27 Machinery's Handbook, 26th Edition, Industrial Pres Inc., NewYork, 2000.

2.28 Walkdown Request, initiated 07/25/06, collected 07/25/06 (See Attachment E).

2.29 3-41N1001, RO, "General Plans and Sections, Sheet 2".

2.30 TVA Correspondence (E-Mail),



2.31 Pre-Operational Test No. GE-5, Residual Heat Removal System. Dated 8-5-1974.

2.32 Pre-Operational Test No. GE-12, Core Spray System, Dated 11-26-1973.

2.33 TVA Correspondence to NRC,


"Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 3 - Reportable Deficiency - Potential for RHR Pump Operation in Excess of Design Runout - IE Control No.

HO 172F2", 05/20/1976.

2.34 Technical Support for Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG), R4.

2.35 2-47E600-601, RO, "Mechanical Instruments and Control".

2.36 EPU Task Report T061 1, "Appendix R Fire Protection", Rev. 0.

2.37 0-47W452-7, RIO, "Mechanical Residual Heat Removal System".

See Appendix 3 for additional references.

Document: MD-Q999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U, 2&3 Page: 10


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date.___

I Checked -Date-CALCULATION SHEET 3 DESIGN INPUT DATA Input data required is derived from references shown above. The pump fluid temperatures are taken from TVA correspondence (Ref. 2.21 and Ref. 2.30). Case pump flow combinations are determined from information taken from References 2.25, 2.32, and 2.33.

4 ASSUMPTIONS 4.1 No pressure drop is assumed across the strainers for ATWS, SBO, and Appendix R events.

These events do not result in debris entering the suppression pool and the strainers are large enough to have negligible pressure drop when clean. Check valves with minimal equivalent length are included to aid with convergence.

4.2 For bends with no angle and/or curvature information denoted on drawings, 90" short radius elbows are conservatively assumed.

4.3 HPCI and RCIC systems are assumed to not operate in a mode drawing suction from the torus ring header for all analyzed cases.

4.4 The effective strainer hydraulic loss is taken at the point of the ECCS piping flange for the strainer.


Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN UI, 2&3 Page: 11


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps I Prepared Date____

IChecked -Date CALCULATION SHEET 6 COMPUTATIONS AND ANALYSIS The multiflow Version 1.21 runs were executed on S&L PC #ZD2958 using Windows NT Operating System. The following files are located in D:\0N3015\TVA\Multiflow files\Multi Flow program


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Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN UI, 2&3 1 Page: 12


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared ____Date-IChecked ____Date-__

CALCULATION SHEET The results presented are based on the conditions specified for each of the analyzed scenario. These conditions must be met for the results of the applicable scenarios to be valid.

Utilizing Figure 7.7, Core Spray pump flow is established by finding the operating point between the pump curve and the system curve. The system curve is determined by modifying the Pre-operational report data (Ref. 2.32). The Pre-operational report data accounts for the difference of elevation between the torus and the condensate storage tank.

Core Spray pump curve head and flow values are presented in Table 6.1.

TABLE 6.1 : CS Pump Curve Flow Head

(*m) (ft) 0 861 500 848 1000 825 1500 792 2000 749 2500 694 3000 626 3500 538 4070 409 4570 261 Data from the Pre-Operation report is used to develop a system curve (Ref. 2.32). Flow for the CS pump is taken and the corresponding head is taken from the pump curve (Ref. 2.2). The following equation is used to create a curve fit, Y =AX2 + Static head (ft)


Y = Head (ft)

A = Constant X = Flow (gpm) 380 ft (Ref. 2.2) = A(4213gpm) 2 (Ref. 2.32) + 30.625 ft A= 1.971906 x 10.5 Static head is equal to the difference between the water level elevation in the condensate storage tank and the vessel inlet nozzle.

618.625 ft (Ref. 2.32) - 588 ft (Ref. 2.23) = 30.625 ft Utilizing the calculated constant, the system curve is developed using the following equation:

Y = 1.97190 x I 0 5X2+30.625 ft (Eq. 6.1)

Table 6.2 presents data obtained from Equation 6.1.

TABLE 6.2 : System Curve (Pre-operational data)

Flow Head (gPm) (ft) 0 31 250 32 500 36 750 42 1000 50 1250 61 1500 75 1750 91 2000 109 2250 130 2500 154 2750 179 3000 208 3250 239 3500 272 3750 307 4000 346 4250 386

Document: MD.Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN UI, 2&3 1 Page: 14


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared _ Date___

IChecked __Date_

CALCULATION SHEET The established data is modified to include the elevation difference between the condensate storage tank (CST) water level and the torus water level.

588 ft - 536.0625 ft (Ref. 2.32) = 51.9 ft and adding this addition of elevation to Equation 6.1 develops the desirable system curve.

Y=l1.97190 x IC05 X2+30.625+51.9ft Table 6.3 presents the modified values used to get the system curve.

TABLE 6.3:

System Curve Vessel to Torus Flow Head (gpm) (ft) 0 83 250 84 500 87 750 94 1000 102 1250 113 1500 127 1750 143 2000 161 2250 182 2500 206 2750 231 3000 260 3250 290 3500 324 3750 359 4070 409 4320 450 The intersection of the modified system curve and the pump curve is the operating point for the core spray pumps. This value is determined to be at a flow of 4070 gpm and a head of 409 ft. This flow is less than the flow used in the model (4125 gpm) and therefore provides conservative results.

Document: MD.Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Pant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 15


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared ---- Date___


RHR Pump flow for LOCA-ST and Appendix R conditions are identified using the RHR pump curve (Ref. 2.2) and developed system head curves.

For the Appendix R condition a single pump curve is developed by utilizing points from the pump curve (Ref. 2.2), Table 6.4 shows points taken from Ref. 2.2 pump curve data. These points are used to develop the pump curve shown in Figure 7.6.

TABLE 6.4 : RHR Single Pump curve Flow Head (gpm) 00 0 825 2000 810 3000 800 4000 787 5000 775 6000 755 7000 716 8000 675 9000 625 10000 575 10950 527 12000 475 Reference 2.25 determines the system head loss curve based on a water elevation in the reactor vessel of 604'-0" (top of jet pump riser). This curve is also based on flow through the jet pumps.

The results of Ref. 2.25 will be modified to develop the system head loss curve for the Appendix R case.

The total head is developed by revising the results of Calculation Reference 2.25 for the case being examined using the following equation:

H-=H +H,-P, H = Total Head Hf-= Friction Loss H, = Total Static Head Pi = Jet Pump Pressure (removed as the recirculation loop discharge gate valve remains open during the Appendix R event - Ref. 2.36)

The friction loss of 460 ft, determined in Ref. 2.25, is adjusted as shown below, for the multiple flows in the system used to develop the system head loss curve.

2500 **460 = 24.6ft Hf at 2500gpm = 106=0)250

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 1Page: 16


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared _ Date___

Checked ___Date___

CALCULATION SHEET H f at5,5000 2 *460= 98.59ft Hf atO7500gpm= 7500 2 460= 221.8ft (10800)2 (10800)

H, t 1800pm= (10800 2 *"460=460ft For Appendix R, the total static head (HI) is determined based on a reactor water level at the bottom of the Main Steam Line nozzle, normal torus water level, reactor pressure equal to or greater than 100 psig (Ref. 2.34), and no losses through -thejet pumps since the recirculation loop discharge gate valve remains open during the Appendix R event (Ref. 2.36). The reactor pressure is controlled by the operator based on reading PI-3-79 (Ref. 2.36). The reactor pressure of 100 psig is corrected to the bottom of the MSL from the location of the tap.

Total Static Head (KI-)= Water level at the bottom of Main Steam Line (MSL) reactor vessel nozzle (Ref. 2.34) -Water level in the torus (Ref. 2.25).

Water level at Main Steam Line (MSL) = 632.04 ft Water level in the torus = 536 ft PI-3-79 elevation = 628.17 ft (Ref. 2.35)

Pressure Indicator elevation is subtracted to account for the 100 psi (Ref. 2.34) reactor pressure that has to be maintained by the operator to ensure MSRV's continues operation.

Total Static Head (H-)= (632.04'-536')-(632.04-628.17) = 92.17 ft Jet Pump Pressure is neglected since the recirculation loop discharge gate valve remains open during Appendix R event (Ref. 2.36), which eliminates jet pressure.

Jet pressure = 123 psi, (Ref. 2.25) adjusted to percentage of flow in the system.

,2500 2

?.=123 2500 = 0.854psi

( 30000) 2 P]-123*,3t,**3.417psi 5000

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P. =123" = 7.688psi P -=123* = 16psi

'ý30000J= ps H at 2500 gpm = 24.6'+ 92.17'- 0.854psi * (0.016-

  • 144ft) = 114.8ft lb Similarly the rest of the flows are calculated in the same manner, Table 6.5 summarizes head at the corresponding flow:

TABLE 6.5:

Pump system curve Flow Head (gpm) 0ft) 2500 114.8 5000 182.9 7500 296.2 10800 515.2

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CALCULATION SHEET A plot of system head at the corresponding flows is developed using a third degree polynomial curve fit. The system head loss curve is presented with the pump curve in Fig. 7.6. Table 6.6 depicts the system head at various flows.

TABLE 6.6:

Pump system curve Flow Head (gp-m) (0 0 92 1000 96 2000 107 3000 125 4000 150 5000 183 6000 223 7000 270 8000 324 9000 386 10000 455 10950 527 11950 610 12950 700 Based on Figure 7.6, the system operating point is at 10,950 gpm with a corresponding head of 527 ft.

The reactor pressure is required to be 100 psig or greater based on Ref. 2.34. The system operating point requires adjustment for the reactor vessel pressure. The Appendix R condition is based on a temperature of 2230F (Ref. 2.30). Utilizing the conversion factor at that temperature (Ref. 2.13), 100 psig is converted to 241.82 feet. Adjusting for the elevation difference between the bottom of the MSL and the PI tap (241.82 ft - (632.04 ft - 628.17 ft) gives an additional 237.95 ft of head. Adding 237.95 ft to the static head of 529 feet, a new system head is established. This head is used to find the flow for the RHR pumps for the Appendix R case.

From Figure 7.7, the corresponding flow for a head of 767 ft is approximately 5,250 gpm. This flow is less than the flow used in the NPSH model (7,200 gpm) and the NPSH model therefore provides conservative results.

For the LOCA-short term scenarios, a dual pump curve is obtained by utilizing the data from the single pump curve and doubling the flow at constant head values (Ref. 2.2), Table 6.7 shows dual pump curve data.

TABLE 6.7:

Dual Pumps Flow Head (gpm) (It) 0 825 4000 810 6000 800 8000 787 10000 775 12000 755 14000 716 16000 675 18000 625 20000 575 22000 525 24000 475 As in the Appendix R case, the head loss curve is developed by revising the results of Reference 2.25 for the case being examined using the following equation:

H=Hf +HS-Pj H = Total Head Hf= Friction Loss H. = Total Static Head Pi = Jet Pump Pressure (removed as this case considers a broken recirculation loop)

Friction Loss = 526 ft (Ref. 2.25), adjusted based on the ratio of flow in the system.

500 \oo Hf at 5000gpm= 50000) *526= 33ft Hf at 10000gpm =(2' J *526= 132ft Hatl".O(tmm 15000gpm =2" tl H(at ) *526=296ft

  • 2 Hf at 20000gpm = 2 *526 526ft 20000)

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CALCULATION SHEET Total Static Head (K,) = RHR discharge elevation at connection to Recirculation loop (Ref. 2.37) - Water level in the torus (Ref. 2.25)

RHR discharge elevation at connection to Recirculation loop = 577.17 ft Water level in the torus = 536 ft Total Static Head (H.) = (577.17 ft - 536 ft) = 41.17 ft Since the Jet Pump pressure loss needs to be subtracted out since it was included in Reference 2.25 analyses. In the analyses in this calculation, the recirculation loop discharge broken, the pressure loss for the jet pump must be removed from the system head loss.

From Reference 2.25, the Jet Pump pressure loss at 30,000 gpm = 123 psi.

As system head will be developed for multiple flows, the losses through the jet pump need to be determined at those flow rates. The loss at 30,000 gpm is adjusted based on flow consistent with the methodology in Ref. 2.25:

Pj =123'( 5 -2 3.42psi

=1*oooo) 3 1.300001 2 P. =123" 10000) = 13.67psi Pi =123~*(5000)2 = 30.75psi 30000)

P. =123* 2,0000J 2


P( 30000)=

123"200001 = 54.67psi ift3 H at 5000gpm = 33 ft + 41.17 ft - 3.42psi * (0.016-f* 144ft) = 66.3ft lb Similarly the rest of the flows are calculated in the same manner, Table 6.8 summarizes head at the corresponding flow for the system without jet pumps:

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System curve Flow Head (gpm) (ft) 5000 66.3 10000 142.7 15000 266.3 20000 441.2 A plot of developed head at the corresponding flows is developed for the system without jet pumps. A third degree polynomial curve fit at the corresponding flow is plotted in order to obtain values between points (See Fig. 7.8). Table 6.9 depicts the developed head at the corresponding flow to model the system curve.

TABLE 6.9:

System Curve without jet pumps Flow Head (gpm) (ft) 0 39 2000 44 4000 57 6000 77 8000 106 10000 142 12000 185 14000 237 16000 297 18000 365 20000 441 22000 525 23500 594 25500 692 Analyzing data in the table above the system operating point is at 22,000 gpm with a corresponding head of 525 ft. This flow is less than the flow used in the model (23,000 gpm) and therefore provides conservative results.

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CALCULATION SHEET For the LOCA-ST with the unbroken recirculation loop, Table 6.10 summarizes the system head at the corresponding flow for the system with jet pump losses included:

TABLE 6.10:

System Curve Flow Head

(*qm) 00t 5000 101 10000 200 15000 364 20000 594 A plot of developed head at the corresponding flows is developed for the system with jet pumps. A third degree polynomial curve fit at the corresponding flow is plotted in order to obtain head between points (See Fig. 7.8). Table 6.11 depicts the developed head at the corresponding flow to model the system curve.

TABLE 6.11:

System Curve with jet pumps Flow Head (gpm) f0t) 0 66 2000 72 4000 89 6000 116 8000 153 10000 200 12000 258 14000 326 16000 405 18000 494 19750 581 21750 690 Analyzing the values from Figure 7.8 the system operating point is 19,750 gpm with a corresponding head of 581 ft. This flow is less than the flow used in the model (21,000 gpm) and therefore the model provides conservative results.

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date Checked Date CALCULATION SHEET This calculation documents the results of analysis to determine the NPSH available for the pipe routing and configuration from the ECCS suction strainer to the pump suction for both the RHR and CS piping systems. The system operating conditions and modes of operations that are considered in this analysis are listed below.

Table 6.12: Temperature and Flow Rate Combinations LOCA PumplFlow Combinations Suppression Pool Temperature CS Pumps A/13/C/D -4125 gpm each Temperature @ 95OF RHR A/C Pumps - 10,500 gpm each Tenmerature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4*F)

RHR B/D Pumps - 11,500 gpm each CS Pumps A/B/C/D - 4125 gpm each Temperature @ 95-F RHR A/C Loop - 11,500 gpm each Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4*F)

RHR B/D Loop - 10,500 gpm each CS Pumps A/C - 3125 gpm each, B/D - 0 Tenmerature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4*F)

RHR A/C Pumps - 6500 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature @ 172-F Temperature @ T., EPU (187.3-F)

CS Pumps B/D - 3125 gpm each, A/C- 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4*F)

RHR A/C Pumps - 6500 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature @ 172-F Temperature @ T. EPU (187.3-F)

CS Pumps B/D- 3125 gpm each, A/C- 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4*F)

RHR B/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature @ 172°F Temperature @ T.,, EPU (187.3°F)

CS Pumps A/C- 3125 gpm each, B/D- 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (I 55.49F)

RHR B/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature @ 172 0 F Temperature @ T.,,EPU (187.3 0 F)

CS Pumps A/C- 3125 gpm each, B/D -0 Temperature @ 166-F RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each ATWS Pump/Flow Combinations RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each Temperature @ 177°F RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each Temperature @ 192*F RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each Temperature @ 21 IF Appendix R Pump/Flow Combinations One RHR Pump (non specific)- 7200 gpm Temperature @ 191°F One RHR Pump (non specific)- 7200 gpm Temperature @ 223*F SBO Pump/Flow Combinations Two RHR Pump (A/C) - 6500 gpm, B/D -0 Temperature @ 157 0 F Two RHR Pump (B/D) - 6500 gpm, A/C -0 Two RHR Pump (A/C) - 6500 gpm, B/D -0 Temperature @ 200WF Two RHR Pump (B/D) - 6500 gpm, A/C -0

Per American Hydraulic Institute standards (Ref. 2.20), the required Net Positive Suction Head (NPSHr) of a pump is the NPSH that will cause the total head to be reduced by 3%, due to flow blockage from cavitation vapor in the impeller vanes (Ref. 2.20).

The NPSHa is the actual fluid energy delivered to the pump impeller through the piping configuration and is calculated by the following equation (Ref. 2.3).

NPSH. = ha + h, - hf- h* (Eq. 6.3) where:

ha = Atmospheric head = Suppression Pool airspace pressure converted to feet of water (ft).

h, = Static pressure head = Elevation difference between the centerline of the pump inlet and the suppression pool water level (ft).

hf= Total friction head loss (ft).

hVP = Vapor pressure of water at system temperature (ft).

The Browns Ferry Plant ECCS configuration includes an ECCS ring header circumscribing the suppression chamber with connecting piping to four inlet penetrations through the torus wall into the suppression pool. Inside the suppression pool, each connecting line is fitted with a flanged surface for mating to the ECCS strainer flanges. The ECCS ring header supplies the suction piping of the RHR, CS, High Pressure Core Injection (HPCI) and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) systems.

Since the ECCS ring header and the connecting piping to the ECCS strainers is common to the suction of all of the ECCS pumps, the flow and pressure distribution for the ring header and strainers is different for varying system demands. Therefore, to determine individual ECCS pump suction pressures for various plant states, a model of the suction piping configuration was created from TVA drawings (Ref. 2.4 and 2.6) for analysis with the Multiflow computer program (Ref. 2.5). A simplified layout of the Multiflow model for the ECCS ring header and suction piping to the RHR and CS pumps is shown in Figure 7.1 (See Section 8.0). All model link input dimensions and components were taken from TVA drawings (Ref. 2.4 and 2.6) which contained systems configuration and dimensions. Nodal diagrams for Units 1, 2 and 3 ECCS hydraulic models are shown in Figures 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4, respectively (See Section 8.0).

For piping links in the model, piping lengths included the total piping isometric dimension. When drawings did not specify whether a piping elbow was short or long radius, the conservative case, e.g.

short radius was chosen. The types of valves used in the models were taken from Reference 2.6. For all form losses (elbows, valves, etc.), the Multiflow default values of equivalent length, resistance, etc. were selected. The piping roughness value of 0.00015 ft was selected, which is acceptable for a condensate quality system and would not be expected to change with the system age.

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CALCULATION SHEET In the MultiFlow, model the flow is represented in sgpm, requiring the conversion from gpm. The conversion is shown below.

Flow (gpm)

  • Specific Volume of Water at standard Temp. and Pressure = Flow(sgpm) (Eq 6.4)

Specific Volume of Water at desired Temp. and Pressure The standard temperature and pressure used in Multiflow is 60'F at 14.7 psia. All flows are converted to sgpm at the corresponding temperature for all cases. All sgpm conversions are shown in Tables 4 and 5.

For the LOCA cases, in the MultiFlow model a pump component is used to model the strainer pressure drop as a function of the flow rate. Flows obtained from Reference 2.15 were converted to flow at standard conditions using Equation 6A. Values of head loss at corresponding strainer flow rates taken from Reference 2.15 are converted to head loss at standard conditions. A plot of head loss at standard conditions was developed. A third order polynomial equation of head loss at standard conditions was developed in order to obtain head loss values between data points (See Fig. 7.5).

Table 6.13 depicts the head loss used to model the strainers as a function of flow. The values listed in Table 6.13 are linearly interpolated in Multiflow to obtain the system head loss.

Table 6.13: Strainer Loss Flow (sgpm) Loss (ft) 0 0 4592 -0.230 6000 -0.890 7000 -1.340 9000 -2.410 11000 -3.610 13239 -5.118 13288 -5.201 13514 -5.354 13515 -5.377 13565 -5.403 13624 -5.466 14033 -5.711 15000 -6.440 16000 -7.162 In order to assist analysis convergence in the ATWS, Appendix R and SBO cases. "dummy" check valves with a minimum equivalent length to model strainer loss were installed in the piping links

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CALCULATION SHEET from the strainer flanges to the ECCS ring header tees. For these special cases, the strainer pressure drop is assumed to be zero since there is no debris in the strainer.

Pump static suction head is equal to the available water level above pump suction centerline. In the Multiflow model, the static head at the strainer flange node is needed for calculation purposes. It is necessary to establish this value in psig in the Multiflow model at the strainer flanges. From TVA drawings (Ref. 2.6), the low water level of the suppression pool is 536' 1 3/4" with Ap and 536' 3/4" with zero delta P, which will be considered here.

Pool Level S 39'4 (Ref. 2.6)


-a - 525- 4" (Ref.2A)

Ring Header Figure 6.1 Angle = 400 (Ref. 2.7 a, b and c) h is the vertical distance from point A to the Ring Header centerline.

h = 2.283 (Ref. 2.7 a, b and c)

Point A is the strainer piping flange.

Point A elevation = 525.333 + 2.283 = 527.616' and static head of Pt. A = 536.062 - 527.616 = 8.446' These pressures are valid for cases where water is routed directly to the suppression pool (Appendix R and ATWS). These values were established at the strainer flange points (nodes 1, 5. 23, and 27) for the specified temperatures. The densities as a function of temperature in the following equations are taken from STMFUNC (Ref. 2.22).

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CALCULATION SHEET For cases where the water is routed through the drywell (All LOCA and SBO cases), holdup in the drywell must be taken into account. This will reduce the suppression pool level that can be considered in NPSH calculations. The volume of water holdup in the drywell is calculated as follows. (See Figure 6.2)

Figure 6.2 From Figure 6.2 (Ref. 2.28) the volume of the standing water in the drywell beneath the level of the vent is calculated by finding the volume of two spherical segments, the concrete portion and the concrete and water portion, and subtracting to obtain the volume of the water:

To find the radii of the water and concrete surfaces, basic geometry is used:

C = 33.5' -9' = 24.5 ft D = 33.5' - 9' - 2.125' (Ref. 2.28) = 22.375 ft A2 = 33.52-24.52= 522.0 ft A = 22.85 ft B2 =33.52 _ 22.3752 = 621.61 ft B=24.93 ft Where A, B, C, and D are segments defined on Figure 6.2.

The volume of the concrete is found by using the equations in Reference 2.27:

Vc=x.hc2 R-h3) = X_92 33.5-.3)I =7761.3ft3

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared __Date Checked Date CALCULATION SHEET The volume of the conceret and water is found by:

Vcw=-w .h+

  • R- =7r.11.125.2 33.5 11. 25 ) 1158363ft Therefore, the amount of water holdup in the drywell is Vw = Vc + w - Vc = 11583.63 - 7761.3 = 3822.33 ft 3 Where:

Vc= Volume of concrete Vc~w = Volume of concrete and water 1c = height of concrete 1%+, = height of concrete and water Vw= Volume of standing water in drywell Water Level decrease in Torus:


SReaR' To find the surface area of the water in the torus, equations from Reference 2.27 are uied. This method is accurate for water levels within 1 foot of mid level of torus.

2 AT = 7r(R2- r 2 )= -(71.252 -40.252)= 10,858 ft 3822.33 ft3 AH = Vw ==0.352 Ri 2

AT 10858 ft where:

AT= Surface area of water in torus

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared -Date IChecked -Date CALCULATION SHEET R = Outer radius of torus r = inner radius of torus AH = Decrease in water level From TVA drawings (Ref. 2.6), the low water level of the suppression pool is 536' 1 3/4" with Ap and 536' 3/4" with zero delta P, which will be considered here.

The water level in the tours for LOCA and SBO is:

536' 3/4"- 0.352'= 535.711' and the static head ofPt. A = 535.711 - 527.616 = 8.049' The pressure at the strainer flange points (nodes 1, 5, 23, and 27) at the specified temperatures for the cases where the core spray pumps are running are adjusted to account for the water holdup in the drywell. The densities as a function of temperature in the following equations are taken from STMFUNC (Ref. 2.25).

lb in 2 At 95°F, 11 = 8.094 ft x 62.05 -- 144 3.488 psig (Eq. 6.5a)

At 155.4 0F, IH = 8.094 fix 61.09 lb 144- = 3.434 psig (Eq. 6.5b) lb in 2 At 166 0F, H, = 8.094 fix 60.88-b 144- 2 = 3.422 psig (Eq. 6.5d)

At 172 0F, HaL= 8.094 fix 60.75 ÷ lb in 2 = 3.415 psig 144-iT (Eq. 6.5e) lb in 2 At 1770F, H = 8.446 fRx 60.64 - +144 2 -=3.557 psig (Eq. 6.5f)

Wt ft lb in At 187.3 0F, H =8.094 fix 60.42 - + 144- =3.396 psig (Eq. 6.5g) lb in2 At 1910*F,H =F 8.446 fi x 60.33-W + 144- 3.539 psig (Eq. 6.5h)

At 192TF, Hs - 8.446 ft x 60.31 lb 4n 3.537 psig (Eq. 6.5i) lb in 2 At 200 0F, Hs = 8.094 ft x 60.12 3 - 144 2- = 3.379 psig (Eq. 6.5j) ft ft

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CALCULATION SHEET At 211 0 F, s =8.446ftx59.85l-,+144- 2 =3.510psig (Eq. 6.5k)

Wt ft 2

lb in At 223"F, H, = 8.446 ft x59.55-v--+ 144-7-3 ft3 ft- = 3.493 psig (Eq. 6.51)

The static elevation pressures at the ECCS piping flange points at corresponding system temperatures are summarized in Table 6.14.

Table 6.14: Strainer Pressure Temperature(0 F) Pressure (psig) 95.00 3.488 155.4 3.434 157.0 3.432 166.0 3.422 172.0 3.415 177.0 3.557 187.3 3.396 191.0 3.539 192.0 3.537 200.0 3.379 211.0 3.510 223.0 3.493 The Multiflow model calculation accounted for system static head and piping friction losses. To obtain the NPSH available, it was necessary to subtract fluid vapor pressure hp (at the analyzed suppression pool temperature) and take into account the suppression pool absolute pressure. Utilizing Equation 6.1, the available NPSH is determined. See Tables 7.1 through 7.24 for calculations of NPSHa for Unit 1. See Tables 11.1 through 11.24 for calculations of NPSHa for Unit 2. See Tables 14.1 through 14.24 for calculations of NPSHa for Unit 3.

Flow conditions of the RHR and CS systems analyzed were

1) Maximum flow at a pool temperature of 95"F. (LOCA)
2) Maximum flow combinations at pool temperatures of 155.4¶F and 166*F with no operational reduction. (LOCA)
3) Long term operation at the suppression pool design temperature limit of 187.3"F at design required system flow. (LOCA)
4) Maximum flow combinations at pool temperature 172F at the end of overpressure requirement.


5) Flow conditions of RHR system analyzed at pool temperature of 177"F, 1920F and 211 'F (ATWS).
6) Flow conditions of RHR system analyzed at pool temperature of 191VF and 223"F (Appendix R).
7) Flow conditions of RIR system analyzed at pool temperature of 157"F and 200'F (SBO).

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CALCULATION SHEET 7 SUPPORTING GRAPHICS Figure No. Title Page Figure 7.1 General multiflow Model 32 Figure 7.2 Unit 1 nodal diagram 33 Figure 7.3 Unit 2 nodal diagram 34 Figure 7.4 Unit 3 nodal diagram 35 Figure 7.5 Strainer Loss Curve Fit 36 Figure 7.6 RHR (Appendix R) pump and 37 system curve Figure 7.7 Core Spray pump and System 38 Curves Figure 7.8 RHR pump and System Curves 39




Figure 7.2 Unit I Nodal Diagram.

Figure 7.3 Unit 2 Nodal Diagram.

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Checked -Date-CALCULATION SHEET Figure 7.4 Unit 3 Nodal Diagram.

Curve Figure 7.5: Strainer Head Loss 7 -

- GE Report strainer loss 6

3 2- 2.25860E-04X 5 y =-1.59090E-12x + 6,75469E-08x

.a 5- Poly. (GE Report

(/O strainer loss) 1o(0 4-2 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Flow (gpm)

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps I Prepared _Date___

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CALCULATION SHEET Figure 7.6: RHR (Appendix R) pump and system curve 800 .

-- pump curve Requirmd Flow 4-Systemn Curve g 500 400 200 100 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Flow (gpm)

Figure 7.7: Core Spray Pump and System Curves 1000 900

--4-CS pump curve

-*- System Curve (preop data)

  • AA Ix-- True System Curve (UU ..

-Flow 600 500-low 3:

400) 300.

200-100; w

0 500 1000 is50 2M00 2500 3000 3 4000 4500 5000 Flow (gpm)

Figure 7.8: RHR Pump and System curves g0o 800

_ _ - -. 1_ ._ _ __1 __........

700 N /7 500 ..

--- Pump Curve

- Dual Pump Curve

System with Jet Pumps 400. -t-- sysem without Jet Pumps 300-200 ",X-.,ý 100 4 *1 4 0 4 4 4 .1 0 10000 15000 20000 Flow (gpm)

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date I Checked _ Date CALCULATION SHEET 8 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Summary values of pump NPSH available are shown in Tables 6, 10 and 13 for Units 1, 2 and 3 respectively. These values are based on zero credit for containment overpressure as indicated in column five of tables 6, 10, and 13.

Flows used in Multiflow cases are conservatively higher than flows identified in this calculation.

All steps taken to calculate NPSHa are shown in Tables 7.1 through 7.24 for Unit 1, Tables 11.1 through 11.24 for Unit 2, and Tables 14.1 through 14.24 for Unit 3. The pump pressures are obtained from Multiflow output files. The equations used in these tables are shown in Table 8.

Tables 9, 12 and 15 list the strainer pressure drop and flow rates for Units 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

Table 4: snpm calculations Tem(O) IV(fe/~lb) Ratio VsI~r Flow Flow 60 10.01603 1.000000 (gpm) (sgpm) - .-...-..-..-.

95 0.01612 0.99502 172 0.01646 0.974154 95 155.4 187.3 172 177 192 211 191 223 157 200 155.4 0.01637 0.979577 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 187.3 01655 0.968770 4125 4104 4041 3996 4018 4011 3989 3959 3991 3939 4039 3977 177 0.01649 0.972434 7200 7164 7053 6975 7014 7002 6963 6910 6965 6875 7049 6941 192 0.01658 0.967045 10500 10448 10286 10172 10229 10211110154 10077 10158 10026 10280 10122 211 0.01671 0.959742 11500 11443 112651 11141 11203 11183 11121 11037 11125 10981 11259 11086 191 .6165' 0.967414 6500 6468 6367 6297 6332 6321 6286 6238 6288 6207 6364 6266 223 0.01679 0.954866 157 0.01638 0.979074 200 0.01663 0.964033 iNote 1: See i able 5 for steps Of conversion or now from gpm to sgpm.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:42 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET A B C IDIEI F G H I J K L M 1 I' Table 5: sgpm calculations 2 Temp(0 F) V(fV/lb) Ratio VsIVr Flow Flow 3 60 " =vftsat_97(60) 1 (gpm) (sgpm) 4 95 =vftsat 97(A4) =B31B4 5 172 -vftsat 97(A5) =B3/B5 95 155.4 214.6 172 227 197.3 166 187.3 6 155.4 =vftsat_9(A6) =B3/B6 3125 =E6*C4 =E6*C6 =E6*C7 =E6*C5 =E6*C8 =E6*C9 =E6*C10 =E6Cl 1 7 214.6 =vftsat 97(A7) =B31B7 4500 =E7*C4 =E7*C6 =E7*C7 =E7*C5 =E7*C8 =E7*C9 =E7"C10 =E7Cl 1 8 1227 . =vftsat 97(A8) =B3/B8 6500 =E8*C4 =E8*C6 =E8*C7 =E8*C5 =E8"C8 =E8*C9 =E8*C10 =E8*Cl 9 197.3 l=vftsat_97(A9) =B31B9 10500 =Eg*C4 =E9*C6 =E9*C7 =E9"C5 =E9*C8 =E9*C9 =E9*C10 =E9*ClI 10 166 =vftsat 97(A1O) =B3/B1!0 11500 =E10*C4 =E10*C6 =E10*C7 =E10"C5 =E10"C8 =E10*C9 =E10*Cl0 =E10*Cll 11 187.3 =vftsat_97(A11 I=a3IB1I 14700 =E11*C4 =E11*C6 =EI1I*C7 =El1"C5 =EII*C8 =E1*C9 =E11"Ci0 =E11*C11 This table depicts flow conversion to flow at standard conditions utilizing the ratio of specific volume of water at standard temperature and pressure (See cell B3) to the specific volume of water at desired temperature and pressure (See cells B4 13 through 111), the resulting ratios are displayed in cells C3 through C 1.*

All flows (gpm) (See cells E6 through Eli) are multiplied by the ratio Vs/Vr at the desired temperature resulting in flows at 14 standard conditions (See cells F6 through Ml 1) used in Multiflow.

vftsat_.97(Temperature) is the specific volume of water at a specific temperature, it is a thermodynamic property of water 15 obtained from STMFUNC excel add-in program (Ref. 2.25) (See cell B3 through B131)

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN UI, 2&3 Page: 43


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared -Date_

I Checked --- Date____

CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 6 Unit 1 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

LOCA 1A @95OF RHR/A 31.04 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 30.03 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHRJC 29.51 14.4 RHR/D 31.76 14.4 CS/A 28.39 14.4 CS/B 32.21 14.4 CS/C 31.84 14.4 CS/D 29.07 14.4 LOCA 1B @155.4 0F RHR/A 23.46 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 22.45 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps - 11500 gpm each RHR/C 21.92 14.4 RHR)D 24.17 14.4 CS/A 20.80 14.4 CS/B 24.62 14.4 CS/C 24.25 14.4 CS/D 21.48 14.4 LOCA 2A @95YF RHR/A 30.13 14.4 CS Pumps AIB/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 31.29 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHPC 28.30 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR/D 32.72 14.4 CS/A 28.37 14.4 CS/B 32.16 14.4 CS/C 31.82 :14.4 CS/D 29.02 14.4 LOCA2B @155.4-F RHR/A 22.55 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 23.70 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHR/C 20.71 14.4 RER B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR/D 25.14 14.4 CS/A 20.79 14.4 CS/B 24.57 14.4 CS/C 24.23 14.4 CS/D 21.43 :14A LOCA 3A @ 155.4 0F RHR/A 35.57 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 34.98 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.48 14.4

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared D--__Pate_

IChecked _ Date___

CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 33.46 14.4 LOCA 3B @17201F RHR/A 30.88 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.30 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 26.80 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 28.78 14.4 LOCA 3C @187.3°F RHR/A 24.94 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 24.35 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/A 20.85 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 22.83 14.4 LOCA 4A @ 155.40F RHR/A 35.58 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/C 34.99 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 33.34 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/D 31.54 14.4 B/D-0 each LOCA 4B @172°F RHR/A 30.90 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.31 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 28.67 14A RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 26.86 14.4 LOCA 4C @187.3 0F RHR/A 24.95 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3 125gpm each RHR/C 24.36 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 22.72 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 20.91 14.4 LOCA 5A @155.4 0F RHR/B 35.29 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-43125gpm each RHR/D 35.84 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 33.32 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/D 31.52 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each LOCA 5B @172*F RHR/B 30.61 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3!25gpm each RHR/D 31.16 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 28.64 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/D 26.84 14.4 LOCA SC @187.3*F RHR/B 24.66 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/D 25.21 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each HR_21 4 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 22.69 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/D 20.89 14.4 LOCA 6A @ 155.4°F RHR/B 35.27 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each __582_.

B/D-0 gpm each RHE/D 35.82 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.52 14.4

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 1Page: 45


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared DaDate_

IChecked ___Date___

CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 33.50 14.4 LOCA 6B @172"F RHR/B 30.59 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/D 31.14 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 26.84 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 28.82 14.4 LOCA 6C @187.3-F RHR/B 24.64 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHIZ/D 25.19 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/A 20.89 14A RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 22.87 14.4 LOCA 7 @ 166°/F RHR/A 30.40 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/B 30.41 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 29.82 14.4 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHR/D 30.96 14.4 CS/A 27.26 14.4 CS/C 29.23 14.4 ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa Pressure (0t) (psia)

ATWS @ 177TF RHR/A 28.68 14.4 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHR/B 28.73 14.4 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 28.10 14.4 RHR/D 29.28 14.4 ATWS @ 192°F RHR/A 22.28 14.4 RHR AJC/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHR/B 22.32 14.4 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHRC 21.69 14.4 RHR/D 22.87 14.4 ATWS @211°F RHR/A 11.14 14.4 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHR/B 11.19 14.4 CS Pumps A/C/BD-0 gpm each RHR/C 10.56 14.4 RHPJD 11.74 14.4 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa Pressure Combination (0t) (psia)

App-R A @1910F A 24.44 14.4 RHR Pump A-7200 gpmn App-R B @1910F B 24.43 14.4 RHR Pump B-7200 gpm App-R C @191 0F C 24.30 14.4 RHR Pump C-7200 gpm App-R D @1910F D 24.52 14.4 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm _

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared ___Date_

I Checked Date CALCULATION SHEET Appendix R Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

App-R A @223 0F A 4.48 14.75 RHR Pump A-7200 gpm App-R B @2230F B 4.46 14.75 RHR Pump B-7200 gpm App-R C @223 0F C 4.34 14.75 RHR Pump C-7200 gpm App-R D @223 0 F D 4.56 14.75 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

SBO 1 A/C @ 157OF A 35.45 14.4 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each C 34.86 14.4 SBO 2 BID @157 0F B 35.14 14A RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each D 35.69 14.

SBO 1 A/C @200 0F A 18.76 14.4 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each C 18.18 14.

SBO 2 BAD @2000 F B 18.46 14.4 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each D 19.01 14.4

MD4Q099-970046, Rev. 9 Page:47 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.1: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 1A 95F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(*F) (psla) V(ft 31lb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 95 0.816362332 0.016115213 2.320590685 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.2071 31.04 2PUMPB -0.641 30.03 3PUMPC -0.866 29.51 4PUMPD 0.102 31.76 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

ICSPUMPA -1.348 28.39 2CSPUMPB 0.297 32.21 3CSPUMPC 0.137 31.84 4CSPUMPD -1.058 29.07

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:48 NPSH Evaluation orarowus Ferry RHR andCSpumips CALCULATION SHEET A B C D I E FIF G I I,,

J 1 Table 8: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 1A 95F 5 VaporPressure Specifi9AVolume .o1 ionF r 31 Temnp(GF) 4 -- V(ft3IIb) pla to feet of head 4 60 l=Dtsat wi7(60) I-vftsat 97(A4) 1=4*144 I

_____95 I=psat 97 1--vftsat 97(A5) I=C5*144 Pool press. ý(pl) 1.

6 7 RHR' Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 8 1PUMPA 0.757222 =(B8-B5+F5)*D5 9 2PUMPB 0.350229 =(B9-B5+F5rD5 IQ 3PUMPC 0.159882 =@B10-85+F5rD5 11 4PUMPD 1.02991 =(B11-B5+F5)D5 12 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa ft 13 1CSPUMPA 1.39134 =(B13-B5+F5)*D5 14 2C3pUMPB 2.3*3064 =(B14-B5+F5)*D5 15 3CSPUMPC 2.24387 =15 +F5)*D5 16 4CSPUMPD 1.5537 , (B16-BS+,5)D5 17 This table depicts the calculation of NPSHa (See cells incoumn C under NPSHa heading) 20 All pressures are In psi, which requires the conversion at the desired temperature (Cell D5 ) to obtain NPSHa in feet. The conversion factor (See cell D5) is obtained by multiplying specific volume of water at the desired temperature (See cell C5) by 144.

[NPSHa = [ suction pressure (pressure at pump inlet nodes obtained from Multiflow output files) (See cells in column B under Pressure heading (psig)) - vapor pressure (See 23 cell B5 (psia)) + pool pressure (See cell F5 (psla))] X conversion factor from psia to feet (See DS) 2Tvftsat_97(Temperature) is the specific volume of water at a specific temperature, it is a thermodynamic property of water obtained from STMFUNC excel add-in program (Ref.

25 2.25) (See cells C4 and C5) 27, ptsat_97(Temperature) is the vapor pressure of water at a specific temperature, it Is a thermodynamic property of water obtained from STMFUNC excel add-in program (Ref.

2..25) (See cells 84 and B5) 27 2.25) (See cells B4 and BM

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:49 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.2: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case lB 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft3 Ilb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla)14.4 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.199 23.46 2PUMPB -0.627 22.45 3PUMPC -0.849 21.92 4PUMPD 0.105 24.17 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA -1.324 20.80 2CSPUMPB 0.296 24.62 3CSPUMPC 0.138 24.25 4CSPUMPD -1.039 21.48

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:50 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.3: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 2A 95F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(rF) (psia) V(fte/Ib) psia to feet of head 0U 0.25638964 U.016034992 4 2.uUU090388 I I I I

95 I 0.816362332 I 0.016115213 2.320590685 I Pool Press. (psla) 1 14.41 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.599 30.13 2PUMPB -0.102 31.29 3PUMPC -1.389 28.30 4PUMPD 0.518 32.72 CS Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA -1.357 28.37 2CSPUMPB 0.276 32.16 3CSPUMPC 0.128 31.82 4CSPUMPD -1.078 29.02

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:51 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.4: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 2B 155.4F jVapor Pressure fSpecific Volume Conversion Factor Teinp(0 F) I (psia) I V(fet/I) I sato feet of head I 0 U.U1 0U3499 2.3090WEX 155.4 4.249925306 10.016369309 j 2.357180486 1 Pool Press. (psia)1.

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.585 22.55 2PUMPB -0.097 23.70 3PUMPC -1.364 20.71 4PUMPD 0.514 25.14 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA -1.332 20.79 2CSPUMPB 0.275 24.57 3CSPUMPC 0.129 24.23 4CSPUMPD -1.059 21.43

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:52 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.5: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 3A 155.4F SVapor Pressure Specific Volume 1Conversion Factor Temp()I (psia) I V(ft 3/ib) I psia to feet of head 1 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1 155.4 11 4.249928506 10.016369309 L:2.357180486 1Pool Press. (psia) 714.

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.938 35.57 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.689 34.98 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.204 31.48 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.043 33.46 4CSPUMPD __ _

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:53 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feory RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.6: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 3B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(*F) (psla) V(ftelib) psla to feet of head

- - ---- ---

0U U.010U4992 2.309U;3WOU 1722 6.281035863 1 0.016460423 r 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ift) 1PUMPA 4.911 30.88 3PUMPC 4.664 30.30 RHRI Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ift) 1CSPUMPA 3.187 26.80 3CSPUMPC 4.021 28.78

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:54 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.7: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 3C 187.3F SVapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor TernpC'F) I (psia) I V(ft'Ilb) Ipsia to feet of head bU 0.0160U3.4992 2.309U0U38u 1 187.3 1 8.822339971 [ 0.01655191 E 2.383475045 1Pool Press. (psla) =14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.884 24.94 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.638 24.35 4PUMPD I CS Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.17 20.85 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 3.999 22.83 4CSPUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:55 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.8: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 4A 155.4F Temp(0 F) 1 Vapor Pressure (psla)

Specific Volume Conversion Factor V(ft 3AIb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psi) 14.4 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.944 35.58 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.695 34.99 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.996 33.34 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.231 31.54

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:56 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.9: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 46 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(*F) J (psla) V(ft3 IAb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psa) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (it) 1PUMPA 4.917 30.90 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.669 30.31 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA I III 2CSPUMPB 3.975 28.67 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.213 26.86

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:57 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.10: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 4C 187.3F

'Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor


0 Temp( F) (psla) V(ft3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.889 24.95 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.644 24.36 4PUMPD I CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.953 22.72 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.196 20.91

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:58 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fenry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.11: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 5A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft3 Ilb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool-Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.822 35.29 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.056 35.84 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.987 33.32 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.221 31.52

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:59 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.12: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 5B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft 3/ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 . 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281,035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psla)1 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft)

IPUMPA 2PUMPB 4.796 30.61 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.028 31.16 CS Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA I _III_ _ I 2CSPUMPB 3.965 28.64 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.204 26.84

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:60 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.13: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 5C 187.3F fVapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft 3/ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psla) 144 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (1f) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.769 24.66 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5 25.21 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (f) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.944 22.69 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.187 20.89


MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:61 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.14: Unit 1 NPSH Calculations Case 6A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(ft 3/ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.813 35.27 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.047 35.82 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.222 31.52 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.061 33.50 4CSPUMPD I- I

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:62 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fcny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.15: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 6B 172F 1Vapor Pressure i SpecificVolume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) I (psla) V(lft/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 I 0.256389624 I 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 J 0.016460423 2.370300872 [Pool Press. (psia,)14-4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.787 30.59 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.019 31.14 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.204 26.84 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.039 28.82 4CSPUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:63 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.16: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 6C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(*F) (psia) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ift)

IPUMPA 2PUMPB 4.76 24.64 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 4.992 25.19 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.187 20.89 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.017 22.87 4CSPUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:64 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.17. Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 7 166F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume1 Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) I (psia) I V(ft3 /ib) Ijsl to feet of head 1 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 I 1 166 j 5.468938413 10.016426501 1 2.365416198 1Pool Press. (psia) 114.41 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 3.922 30.40 2PUMPB 3.926 30.41 3PUMPC 3.674 29.82 4PUMPD 4.159 30.96 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2.592 27.26 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 3.428 29.23 4CSPUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:65 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.18: Unit I NPSH Calculations ATWS 177F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) I (psla) I V(fta/Ib) psla to feet of head

- -- -- --

i bu 0.253tsW4 U .0160U34992U i I 1177[ 7.033092437 0.016489536 1 2.374493143 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 1 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

PUMPA 4.713 28.68 PUMPB 4.732 28.73 PUMPC 4.466 28.10 PUMPD 4.964 29.28

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:66 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULTATION SHEE U ~s Table 7.19: Unit 1 NPSH


Calculations ATWS 192F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor II -Temp(°F)II (psla)

-- a I V(foIb)um a psla to feet of head 60.30839169 1 60 1 0.256389624 1 0.016034992 1 2.309038802 I 192 j 9.757027807 1 0.01658144 2.387727412 Pool Press. (psla') 14.4 RHR J Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (f)

PUMPA 4.687 22.28 PUMPB 4.706 22.32 PUMPC 4.441 21.69 PUMPDj 4.937 22.87

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:67 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEE Table 7.20: Unit I NPSH Calculations ATWS 214.6F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(ft 3AIb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 211 14.42019545 0.016707611 2.405895953 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

PUMPA 4.652 11.14 PUMPB 4.67 11.19 PUMPC 4.408 10.56 PUMPD 4.899 11.74

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:68 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SUME Table 7.21: Unit I NPSH Calculations Ax P-R A 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 191 9.551535023 0.016575101 2.386814603 Pool Press. (psla) I14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 5.393 24.44 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4PUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:69 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.22: Unit I NPSH Calculations Ar PR B 191F

_ Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(ftIlb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 191 9.551535023 0.016575101 2.386814603 Pool Press. (psia)

RHR Pressure (psig) (ft) NPSHa (1f) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 5.385 24.43 3PUMPC 4PUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:70 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.23: Unit 1 NPSH


Calculations Ann-R

.1 -

C 227F

- -

11 Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor I-.

Temp(*F) I (psla)

-- -

Ia V(ft 3/lb) i Ipsia to feet of head 1 60 1 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 I 11l911ý 9.551-535023 1 0.016575101 1 2.386814603 1Pool Press. (psla) 714.

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 5.333 24.30 4PUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:71 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.24: Unit I NPSH Calculations A pp-R D 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) 60 191 (psla) 9.55535023 0.256389624 V(ft 3/ib) 001657510 0.016034992 IiI psla to feet of head III 2.309038802 191 9.551535023 0.016575101 2.386814603 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB1 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.426 24.52

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:72 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET p

Table 9

7.25: Unit 1 NPSH Calculations ADi)-R A 227F U

I Temp(OF) 223 60 I

Vapor Pressure (psia) 18.205628 1 0.256389624 Specific Volume Conversion Factor V(ft 3fib) 0.1692162.18795 1 0.016034992 psla to feet of head 2.309038802 I 59.54891812 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 J 2.418179953 Pool Press. (psla) 114.75 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 5.323 4.48 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4PUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:73 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.26: Unit 1 NPSH Calculations AP P-R B 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psla) V(ft/Ilb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 2.418179953 Pool Press. (psla) 1475 RHR Pressure (psig) (ft) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA (

2PUMPB 5.315 4.46 3PUMPC 4PUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:74 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.27: Unit I NPSH Calculations A 3p-R C 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(2F) (psla) V(ft31ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 2.418179953 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPBJ 3PUMPC 5.264 4.34 4PUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:75 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.28: Unit I NPSH Calculations A 3P-R D 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psla) V(ft3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 2.418179953 Pool Press. (psla) 14.75 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.356 4.56

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:76 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.29: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case SBO A-C 197.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(fte/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 157 4.417636119 0.016377716 2.358391077 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 5.048 35.45 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.799 34.86 4PUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046. Rev. 9 Page:77 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.30: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case SBO B-D 197.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psla) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 157 4.417636119 0.016377716 2.358391077 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.918 35.14 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.152 35.69

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:78 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.31: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case SBO A-C 197.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume IConversion Factor Temp(OF) I (psla) I V(ft 3 Ilb) psla to feet of head


60 0.255389624 1 0.016034992 i 2.309O38502 I 200 11.53763273 0.016633238 2.395186284 Pool Press. (psia)

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.971 18.76 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.726 18.18 4PUMPD

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:79 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.32: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case SBO B-D 197.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(DF) I (psla) I V(ft/ilb) I psla to feet of head 3 t - I 1 ibIJ 1 0.25638964 U*.0'163 9 1 2.30w3ts802 I 200 11.537632733 0.016633238 2.395186284IPoolPress.(psla) 14.4 RHR j Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

I1PUMPA 2PUMPBj 4.843 18.46 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.073 19.01

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 80


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date IChecked Date CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 9 Unit 1 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

LOCA 1A @95°F Strainer 1 15713.7 3.04 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14682.4 2.645 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 15042.5 2.83 Strainer 5 14759.5 2.688 LOCA 1B @155.4PF Strainer 1 15470.3 2.993 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14455.5 2.606 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 14808.3 2.787 Strainer 5 14531.9 2.648 LOCA 2A @95-F Strainer 1 15969.4 3.036 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14701.6 2.656 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 15063.3 2.839 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each Strainer 2 1506.3 2.839 Strainer 5 14736.8 2.675 LOCA 2B @155.4-F Strainer 1 15452.5 2.989 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14474.8 2.616 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 14829.5 2.796 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each Strainer 5 14509.2 2.635 LOCA 3A @155.4-F Strainer 1 4923.85 0.177 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4536.97 0.104 B/D-O gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4621.3 0.119 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4773.88 0.147 LOCA 3B @172-F Strainer 1 4896.25 0.176 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4512.32 0.104 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4596.07 0.119 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4747.36 0.146 LOCA3C @187.37F Strainer 1 4868.75 0.175 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4487.58 0.103 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4570.78 0.118 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 2 470.8 0.118 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4720.89 0.146 LOCA4A @155.4 - F Strainer 1 4861.33 0.164 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4616.42 0.118 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4695.98 0.133 RHIR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4682.26 0.130 B/D-0 each LOCA 4B @172 0F Strainer 1 4834.22 0.163 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4591.07 0.118 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4670.16 0.132 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each S B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4656.55 0.129

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps l Prepared Date__

IChecked -Date CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

LOCA 4C @187.30F Strainer 1 4807.19 0.162 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4565.69 0.117 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4644.31 0.131 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4630.81 0.129 LOCA 5A @155.4-F Strainer 1 4669.87 0.128 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4757.96 0.144 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4868.9 0.166 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4559.26 0.108 A/C-0 gpm each LOCA SB @1720 F Strainer 1 4644.41 0.127 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4731.46 0.143 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4841.57 0.165 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4534.56 0.108 LOCA SC @187.3TF Strainer 1 4618.88 0.127 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Straer 23 4705.02 0.143 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4814.34 0.164 A/'C-O gpm each Strainer 5 4509.75 0.107 LOCA 6A @155.4 0F Strainer 1 4743.94 0.142 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each B/D-0 gpm each Stiner 23 4665.05 0.127 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4795.96 0.151 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4651.04 0.124 LOCA6B @172°F Strainer 1 4717.9 0.141 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4639.35 0.126 B/D-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4769.18 0.151 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer5 4625.57 0.124 LOCA 6C @187.3-F Strainer 1 14691.82 0.140 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 '4613.64 0.126 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4742.47 0.149 RHR BAD Pumps-6500 gpm each AJC-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4600.06 0.123 LOCA 7 @166OF Strainer 1 r 8339.61 0.890 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 7506.83 0.698 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 .7849.45 0.771 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 7786.11 0.757

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN UI, 2Z3 Page: 82


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date IChecked - Date.,_

CALCULATION SHEET ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

ATWS @177°F Strainer 1 9045.39 0.186 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 4168.86 0.039 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Sri e271 5 1 0 1 Strainer 27 7155.71 0.116 Strainer 5 4914.04 0.055 ATWS @192°F Strainer 1 8994.24 0.185 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 4147.2 0.039 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7114.06 0.116 Strainer 5 4888.49 0.055 ATWS @21 10F Strainer 1 8924.42 0.183 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 4117.08 0.039 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7057.55 0.115 Strainer 5 4852.95 0.054 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure Combination (sgpm) Drop (psid)

App-R A @191°F Strainer 1 2646.06 0.016 RHR Pump A-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1121.85 0.003 Strainer 27 1845.71 0.008 Strainer 5 1351.38 0.004 App-R B @191-F Strainer 1 2096.07 0.010 RHR Pump B-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1351.34 0.004 Strainer 27 2369.33 0.013 Strainer 5 1148.26 0.003 App-R C @191°F Strainer 1 2646.06 0.016 RHR Pump C-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1121.85 0.003 Strainer 27 1845.71 0.008 Strainer 5 1351.38 0.004 App-RID @191-F Strainer 1 2096.07 0.010 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1351.34 0.004 Strainer 27 2369.33 0.013 Strainer 5 1148.26 0.003

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN Ul, 2&3 Page: 83


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared -Date____

I Checked __Date CALCULATION SHEET Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure Combination (sgpm) Drop (psid)

App-R A @223"F Strainer 1 2609.76 0.016 RHR Pump A-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1108.86 0.003 Strainer 27 1821.18 0.008 Strainer 5 1335.21 0.004 App-R B @223-F Strainer 1 2068.99 0.009 RHR Pump B-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1335.48 0.004 Strainer 27 2335.73 0.013 Straer 5 1134.8 0.003 App-R C @223-F Strainer 1 2609.76 0.016 RHR Pump C-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1108.86 0.003 Strainer 27 1821.18 0.008 Strainer 5 1335.21 0.004 App-R D @223-F Strainer 1 2068.99 0.009 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1335.48 0.004 Stainer 27 2335.73 0.013 Strainer 5 1134.8 0.003

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN Ul, 2&3 Page: 84


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date IChecked Date._-_

CALCULATION SHEET SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

SBO 1 A/C @157-F Strainer 1 4827.87 0.053 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2055.54 0.009 Strainer 27 3370.38 0.026 Strainer 5 2474.21 0.014 SBO 2 B/D @157-F Strainer 1 3830.36 0.003 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2475.26 0.014 Strainer 27 4319.02 0.042 Strainer 5 2103.36 0.010 SBO 1 A/C @200°F Strainer 1 4748.62 0.052 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2027.47 0.009 Strainer 27 3316.74 0.025 Strainer 5 2439.17 0.014 0

SBO 2 B/D @200 F Strainer 1 3771.2 0.033 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2440.95 0.014 Strainer 27 4245.61 0.041 Strainer 5 2074.25 0.009

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2Z3 Page: 85


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date____

IChecked Date CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 10 Unit 2 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (0t) (psia)

LOCA IA @95°F RHI-A 31.11 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RPIR/B 30.08 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR/C 29.68 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHR/D 31.78 14.4 CS/A 28.39 14.4 CS/B 32.17 14.4 CS/C 31.84 14.4 CS/D 29.02 14.4 LOCA 1B @155.4-F RHR/A 23.53 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 22.49 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHR/C 22.09 14.4 RHR/D 24.20 14.4 CS/A 20.80 14.4 CS/B 24.58 14.4 CS/C 24.25 14.4 CS/D 21.43 14.4 LOCA 2A @95°F RHR/A 30.22 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 31.33 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHR/C 28.50 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each C RHR/D 32.75 14.4 CS/A 28.38 14.4 CS/B 32.16 14.4 CS/C 31.83 14.4 CS/D 29.02 14.4 LOCA 2B @155.4-F RMHRA 22.64 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 23.75 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHR/C 20.91 14.4 RHR BID Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR/D 25.17 14.4 CS/A 20.80 14.4 CS/B 24.58 14.4 CS/C 24.24 14.4 CS/D 21.43 14.4 LOCA 3A @155.4-F RHR/A 35.58 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RMRC 35.03 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.48 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 33.46 14.4

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U, 2&3 Page: 86


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps 'Prepared Date____

Checked -Date_____

CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

LOCA3B @172-F RHRIA 30.90 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.35 14.4 B/D-) gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 26.80 14.4 B/D-O gpm each CS/C 28.78 14.4 LOCA 3C @187.3 0F RHR/A 24.95 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each, RHR/C 24.40 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/A 20.85 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 22.83 14.4 LOCA 4A @155.4-F RHR/A 35.59 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHRJC 35.04 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 33.35 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/D 31.54 14.4 B/D-0 each LOCA 4B @172-F RHR/A 30.91 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.36 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 28.67 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 26.86 14.4 LOCA 4C @187.3-F RHR/A 24.96 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/C 24.41 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 22.72 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 20.92 14.4 LOCA 5A @155.4-F RHR/B 35.30 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each PHR/D 35.85 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 33.33 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/D 31.52 14.4 A/C-O gpm each LOCA SB @172°F RHRtB 30.62 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/D 31.16 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 28.65 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/D 26.84 14.4 LOCA 5C @187.3°F RHR/B 24.67 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/D 25.22 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 22.70 14.4 AvC-) gpm each CS/D 20.89 14.4 LOCA 6A @155.4-F RHR/B 35.28 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each 1 35.82 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.52 14.4 A/C-O gpm each

____________________ _______ CS/C 33.50 14.4

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 [ Page: 87


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps [ Prepared Date___

IChecked -Date__.

CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

LOCA 6B @172°F RHR/B 30.60 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/D 31.14 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR B/D Punips-6500 gpm each CS/A 26.84 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 28.82 14.4 LOCA 6C @187.3-F RHR/B 24.65 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/D 25.19 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/A 20.89 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 22.87 14.4 LOCA 7 @166-F RHPJA 30.45 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/B 30A5 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHPRC 29.91 14.4 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each R 31.00 14.4 CS/A 27.26 14.4 CS/C 29.24 14.4 ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

ATWS @1770F RHRA 28.75 14.4 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RRR/B 28.77 14.4 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 28.20 14.4 RHR/D 29.32 14.4 ATWS @192°F RHR/A 22.35 14.4 RHR A/C/BID Pumps-6500 gpm each RHR/B 22.37 14.4 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 21.80 14.4 RHR/D 22.91 14.4 ATWS @211"F RHR/A 11.21 14.4 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RH-/B 11.23 14.4 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 10.66 14.4 RHR/D 11.77 14.4

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U, 23 age: 88


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps "hPrepared DaDate C LChecked TDate CALCLATION SHEET Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa Pressure Combination (ft) (psia)

App-R A @191°F A 24.45 14.4 RHR Pump A-7200 gpm App-R B @191°F B 24.43 14.4 RHR Pump B-7200 gpm App-R C @191-F C 24.36 14.4 RHR Pump C-7200 gpm App-R D @191-F D 24.52 14.4 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm App-R A @223-F A 4.49 14.75 RHR Pump A-7200 gpm App-R B @223-F B 4.46 14.75 RHR Pump B-7200 gpm App-R C @223°F C 4.39 14.75 RHR Pump C-7200 gpm App-R D @223°F D 4.55 14.75 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

SBO 1 A/C @157°F A 35.46 14.4 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each C 34.91 14.4 SBO 2 B/D @157-F B 35.15 14.4 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each D 35.69 14.4 SBO 1 A/C @200-F A 18.78 14.4 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each C 18.23 14.4 SBO 2 B/D @200 - F B 18.46 14.4 RPump B/D-6500 gpm each D 19.01 14.4

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:89 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.1: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 1A 95F Temp(6F)

Vapor Pressure (psla) V(ft30ib) 1 Specific Volume Conversion Factor psla to feet of head 60 95 0.256389624 0.816362332 0.016034992

-0.016115213 2.309038802 2.320590685 olPes (sa -74 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.1760 31.11 2PUMPB -0.6210 30.08 3PUMPC -0.7950 29.68 4PUMPD 0.1120 31.78 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA -1.3510 28.39 2CSPUMPB 0.2780 32.17 3CSPUMPC 0.1350 31.84 4CSPUMPD -1.0770 29.02

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:90 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.2: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 1B 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) I (psla) I V(ft3/Ib) psia to feet of head 60 1 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.1690 23.53 2PUMPB -0.6070 22.49 3PUMPC -0.7790 22.09 4PUMPD 0.1150 24.20 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA -1.3270 20.80 2CSPUMPB 0.2770 24.58 3CSPUMPC 0.1360 24.25 4CSPUMPD -1.0580 21.43 I!*!

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:91 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCUATION SHEE Table 11.3: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 2A 95F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp('F) (psla) V(ffi/b) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 95 0.816362332 0.016115213 2.320590685 Pool Press. (psla)14 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.5590 30.22 2PUMPB -0.0810 31.33 3PUMPC -1.3020 28.50 4PUMPD 0.5290 32.75 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA -1.3520 28.38 2CSPUMPB 0.2760 32.16 3CSPUMPC 0.1340 31.83 4CSPUMPD -1.0780 29.02

MD.Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:92 NPSH evaluation of Browns Fenry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.4: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 2B 95F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor TempCrF) (psia) V(ft3/ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.5470 22.64 2PUMPB -0.0760 23.75 3PUMPC -1.2780 20.91 4PUMPD 0.5260 25.17 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA -1.3280 20.80 2CSPUMPB 0.2760 24.58 3CSPUMPC 0.1350 24.24 4CSPUMPD -1.0590 21.43

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:93 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.5: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 3A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psla) V(fte/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.9440 35.58 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.7100 35.03 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.2040 31.48 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.0430 33.46 4CSPUMPD i*i*


MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:94 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEE Table 11.6: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 31 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(rF) (psla) V(ft 3/Ib) ps[ a to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Polres RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.9170 30.90 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.6840 30.35 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.1870 26.80 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.0210 28.78 4CSPUMPDP J

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:95 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.7: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 3C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft 3/Ib) psJa to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psla RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.8890 24.95 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.6580 24.40 4PUMPD CS Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.1690 20.85 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 3.9990 22.83 4CSPUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:96 NPSH evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.8: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 4A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(fte/lb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla)T14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.9500 35.59 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.7170 35.04 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.9980 33.35 3CSPUMPC_

4CSPUMPD 3.232 31.54

MD-QM99-970046, Rev. 9 Page:97 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feary RHR and CS pumps CALCUIATION SHEET Table 11.9: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 4B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psla) V(ft 3/lb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft)

IPUMPA 4.9230 30.91 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.6900 30.36 4PUMPD CS Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA IIII_ _

2CSPUMPB 3.9770 28.67 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.215 26.86

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:98 NPSH evaluation of Browns Fenty RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.10: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 4C 187.3F

... Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) I (psla) [ V(ft/Ilb) psla to feet of head 1 60 1 0.256389624 1 0.016034992 2.309038802 I 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 1 2.383475045 Pool Press. (ps RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ift) 1PUMPA 4.8960 24.96 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.6650 24.41 4PUMPD I CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.9550 22.72 3CSPUMPC_

4CSPUMPD 3.198 20.92

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:99 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.11: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 5A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(*F) (psla) V(ft3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla) 4.74 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.8270 35.30 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.0570 35.85 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA ...... .....

2CSPUMPB 3.9880 33.33 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.223 31.52

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 100 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.12: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 56 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psla) V(fttlib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.0*16034992 2.309038802 I 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (p RHR I Pressure (psig) NPSHa (Ift)

IPUMPA 2PUMPB 4.8000 30.62 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.0290 31.16 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA I __II_ _

2CSPUMPB 3.9670 28.65 3CSPUMPC _

4CSPUMPD 3.206 26.84

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:101 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.13: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 5C 1B7.3F 1 Vapor Pressure Specific Volu m e Conversion Factor Temp(IF) I (psa) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389 24 0.016034992 i 2.30( 38802 I 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.7740 24.67 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.0020 25.22 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.9460 22.70 3CSPUMPC - - -- 1 20.89 4CSPUMPD 3.188 20.89

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 102 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.14: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 6A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific 3Volume Conversion Factor Temp(rF) (psla) V(ft /Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Po ress. ps a 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.8170 35.28 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.0480 35.82 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.2220 31.52 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.0620 33.50 4CSPUMPD I

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 103 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.15: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 6B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft 3 I/b) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psla)r14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.7910 30.60 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.0200 31.14 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.205 26.84 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.04 28.82 4CSPUMPD ___

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 104 . NPSH evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.16: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 6C 187.3F Vapor Pressure .Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(rF) (psla) V(ft 3/Ilb) psla to feet of head 60 1 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1 187.3 1 8.822339971 I 0.01655191 I 2.383475045 IPool Press. (psla) 14.41 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA______

2PUMPB 4.7650 24.65 3PUMPC ______

4PUMPD 4.9930 25.19 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1OSPUMPA 3.1880 20.89 2CSPUMPB _____________

3CSPUMPCI 4.01 80 22.87 14CSPUMPD,_____________

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHME Table 11.17: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 7 166F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(rF) (psia) V(ft3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 166 5.468938413 0.016426501 2.365416198 Pool Press. (ps RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 3.9440 30.45 2PUMPB 3.9430 30.45 3PUMPC 3.7120 29.91 4PUMPD 4.1730 31.00 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2.5940 27.26 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 3.4310 29.24 4CSPUMPD I I

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 106 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feeny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.18: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations ATWS 214.6F Vapor Press pecific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) I (psia) V(fte/lb) psla to feet of head 1 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I 177 . 7.033092437 0.016489536 2.374493143 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

PUMPA 4.7420 28.75 PUMPB1 4.7500 28.77 PUMPC 4.5100 28.20 PUMPD 4.9790 29.32

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 107 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.19: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations ATWS 214.6F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(ft 3/lb) psla to feet of head I ----- --- I 0U U.U1 bU6.491 I Z.JUUVM?3Uz 192j 9.757027807 0.01658144 2.387727412 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR mPressure (psig) NPSHa (Ift)

PUMPA . 4.7160 22.35 PUMPB 4.7240 22.37 PUMPC 4.4850 21.80 PUMPD 4.9510 22.91

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 108 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.20: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations ATWS 214.6F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 211 14.42019545 0.016707611 2.405895953 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

PUMPA 4.6810 11.21 PUMPB 4.6880 11.23 PUMPC 4.4520 10.66 PUMPD 4.9140 11.77

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 109 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.21: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations AnnD-R A 191F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft 3/ib) Ipsa to feet of head 1 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I 1 191 1 9.551535023 1 0.016575101 " 2.386814603 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR 1PUMPA 2PUMPB11 Pressure (psig) 5.3970 1 NPSHa (ft) 24.45 3PUMPC 4PUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page:I 10 NPSH evaluation of Browns Fefy RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.22: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations AaD-R B 191F Vapor Pressure ISpecific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) I .(psia) V(ft3fib) jpsia2.309038802 to feet of head I60 0.256389624 0.016034992 I I 1 191 1 9.551 535023 10.016575101 1 2.386814603 1Pool Press. (psia) 1-4.41 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 5.3860 24.43 3PUMPC 4PUMPD_ _

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 11I NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.23: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations ADD-R C 227F

-123 Tal Uni 2 PHClcltospRC27 IVapor Pressure Specific Volume IConversion Factor Temp(*F) I (psla) I V(ft3 /fib) psato feet of head 1 60 1 0.256389624 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I 1ý91 j 9.551 53502 0.016575101 1 2.386814603 jPool Press. (psla-) -14.41 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 5.3560 24.36 4PUMPD _

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 112 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.24: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations pp-R D 191F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 191 9.551535023 0.016575101 2.386814603 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)


MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 113 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEEr Table 11.25: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations A p-R A 223F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temr(nF) (psla) V(ft3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 2.418179953 Pool Press. (psla) 14.75 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 5.3270 4.49 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4PUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 114 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feay RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.26: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations App-R B 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 2.418179953 Pool Press. (psla) 14.75 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 5.3160 4.46 3PUMPC 4PUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 115 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feiy RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.27: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Ap-R C 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft/Ilb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 2.418179953 Pool Press. (psla) 14.75 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 5.2860 4.39 4PUMPD1

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 116 NPSH evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.28: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Ap-R D 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(fte/lb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 2.418179953 Pool Press. (psla) 14.75 RHR Pressure (____ _) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4PUMPD' 5.3540 4.55

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 117 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.29: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations SBO A-C 157F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor IRHR Temp(°F) (psla) I V(ftelib) psla to feet of head 60 I0.25638924 ( ------------------

0.016M9342 2.309038802 I



4.417636119 j0.016377716 J 2.358391077 Pool Press. (psia) 14.41 1PUMPA j 2PUMPB JI jPressure (psig) 5.0550 [ NPSHa (ft) 35.46 3PUMPC 4.8210 34.91 4PUMPD___

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 118 NPSH evaluation of Browns Fey RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.30: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations SBO B-D 157F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 157 4.417636119 0.016377716 2.358391077 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4

- II1 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.9210 35.15 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.1520 35.69

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 119 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.31: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations SBO A-C 200F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) . (psla) V(ft/Ilb) psJa to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 200 11.53763273 0.016633238 2.395186284 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.9770 18.78 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.7470 18.23 4PUMPD1

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 120 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.32: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations SBO B-D 200F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(ft3 Ilb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 200 11.53763273 0.016633238 2.395186284 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.8460 18.46 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.0730 19.01

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN Ul, 2&3 Page: 121


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared ._Date____

IChecked Date CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 12 Unit 2 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

LOCA 1A @95OF Strainer 1 15634.5 3.022 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14713.8 2.663 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHIR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 15123 2.864 Strainer 5 14726.7 2.670 LOCA 1B @155.4°F Strainer 1 15392 2.975 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Stainer 23 14486.6 2.623 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 14888 2.820 Strainer 5 14499.4 2.630 LOCA 2A @95°F Strainer 1 15646.1 3.024 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14710.7 2.661 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 15114.8 2.861 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each Staie_5142.5 2.6 Strainer 5 14726.5 2.669 LOCA 2B @155.4-F Strainer 1 15403.2 2.978 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14483.7 2.621 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 14880 2.817 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each Strainer 5 14499.1 2.630 LOCA 3A @155.4°F Strainer 1 4906.49 0.173 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4554.8 0.107 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4642.08 0.123 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4752.64 0.143 LOCA 3B @172°F Strainer 1 4878.95 0.172 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4530.07 0.107 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4616.77 0.122 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4726.21 0.142 LOCA3C @187.3-F Strainer 1 4851.52 0.171 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4505.26 0.106 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4591.39 0.122 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4699.83 0.142 LOCA 4A @155.4-F Strainer 1 4834.86 0.159 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4649.62 0.124 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4730.9 0.139 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 each Strainer 5 4640.62 0.123 LOCA 4B @172°F Strainer 1 4807.85 0.158 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4624.13 0.124 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4704.94 0.138

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared _Date_

Checked Date CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4615.09 0.122 B/D-0 gpm each LOCA4C @187.3-F Strainer 1 4780.92 0.157 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4598.6 0.123 A/C-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4678.94 0.138 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4589.54 0.121 LOCA 5A @155.4-F Strainer 1 4641.86 0.123 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4785.4 0.149 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4901.46 0.172 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4527.29 0.103 A/C-0 gpm each LOCA 5B @172-F Strainer 1 4616.51 0.122 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4758.78 0.149 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4873.98 0.171 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4502.73 0.102 LOCA5C @187.3-F Strainer 1 4591.11 0.122 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 23 4732.21 0.148 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4846.6 0.170 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4478.08 0.102 LOCA6A @155.4 - F Strainer 1 4723.27 0.138 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each B/D-0 gpm each Straine 23 4678.05 0.129 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4823.48 0.157 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4631.2 0.121 LOCA 6B @172-F Strainer 1 4697.33 0.137 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4652.29 0.129 B/D-0 gpm each S n 76 0 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4796.54 0.156 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4605.83 0.120 LOCA 6C @187.3-F Strainer 1 4671.37 0.136 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4626.52 0.128 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4769.68 0.155 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 2 4769.68 0.119 A/C-0 mpr each Strainer5 4580.42 0.119 LOCA 7 @166°F Strainer 1 8281.33 0.875 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 7547.79 0.706 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7931.33 0.789 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each SIine 5 7721.55 0.743

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps [ Prepared Date IChecked Date_._

CALCULATION SHEET ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

ATWS @177-F Strainer 1 8872.92 0.179 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 4108.5 0.038 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7463.75 0.127 Strainer 5 4838.83 0.053 ATWS @192-F Strainer 1 8822.57 0.178 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 23 4087.11 0.038 Strainer 27 7420.69 0.126 Strainer 5 4813.63 0.053 ATWS @211 0F Strainer 1 8753.88 0.176 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 4057.37 0.038 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7362.16 0.125 Strainer 5 4778.59 0.053 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure Combination (sgpm) Drop (psid)

App-R A @191'F Strainer 1 2622.36 0.016 RHR Pump A-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1106.32 0.003 Strainer 27 1901.84 0.008 Strainer 5 1334.48 0.004 App-RB @191'F Strainer 1 2044.51 0.009 RHR Pump B-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1323.98 0.004 Strainer 27 2472.33 0.014 Strainer 5 1124.17 0.003 App-R C @191°F Strainer 1 2622.36: 0.016 RHR Pump C-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1106.32; 0.003 Strainer 27 1901.84 0.008 Strainer 5 1334.48 0.004 App-R D @191F Strainer I 2044.51 0.009 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm Strainer 23 -1323.98 0.004 Strainer 27 2472.33 0.014 Strainer 5 1124.17,1 0.003

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date I Checked Date CALCULATION SHEET Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure Combination (sgpm) Drop (psid)

App-R A @223-F Strainer 1 2586.27 0.016 RHR Pump A-7200 gp Strainer 23 1093.46 0.003 Strainer 27 1876.84 0.008 Strainer 5 1318.44 0.004 App-R B @223-F Strainer 1 2017.98 0.009 RIR Pump B-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1308.36 0.004 Strainer 27 2437.7 0.014 Strainer 5 1110.96 0.003 App-R C @223-F Strainer 1 2586.27 0.016 RHR Pump C-7200gpm Strainer 23 1093A6 0.003 Strainer 27 1876.84 0.008 Strainer 5 1318.44 0.004 App-R D @223-F Strainer 1 2017.98 0.009 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm Strainer 23 1308.36 0.004 Strainer 27 2437.7 0.014 Strainer 5 1110.96 0.003

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps -Prepared

__Date Checked Date CALCULATION SHEET SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

SBO 1 A/C @1570 F Strainer 1 4784.2 0.052 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2026.92 0.009 Strainer 27 3473.87 0.027 Strainer 5 2443.02 0.014 SBO 2 B/D @157OF Strainer 1 3735.72 0.032 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2424.85 0.013 Strainer 27 4508.33 0.046 Strainer 5 2059.1 0.009 SBO 1 A/C @200'F Strainer 1 4705.39 0.051 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 1999.14 0.009 Strainer 27 3419.22 0.027 Strainer 5 2408.25 0.013 SBO 2 B/D W200-F Strainer 1 3677.74 0.031 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2391.04 0.013 Strainer 27 4432.71 0.045 Strainer 5 2030.51 0.009

TABLE 13 Unit 3 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

LOCA 1A @95°F RHR/A 31.07 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 30.05 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHF/C 29.52 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHR/D 31.75 14.4 CS/A 28.42 14.4 CS/B 32.18 14.4 CS/C 31.87 14.4 CS/D 29.04 14.4 LOCA 1B @155.4-F RHR/A 23.49 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 22.46 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHRJC 21.94 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHR/D 24.17 14.4 CS/A 20.83 14.4 CS/B 24.59 14.4 CS/C 24.28 14.4 CS/D 21.45 14.4 LOCA 2A @95°F RHR/A 30.18 14.4 CS Pumps A/BIC/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 31.30 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each RHR/C 28.32 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR/D 32.72 14.4 CS/A 28.42 14.4 CS/B 32.18 .14.4 CS/C 31.86 14.4 CS/D 29.03 14.4 LOCA 2B @155.4 0F RHEJA 22.59 14.4 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each RHR/B 23.72 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each R.HRC 20.73 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHRJD 25.14 14.4 CS/A 20.83 14.4 CS/B 24.59 14.4 CS/C 24.27 14.4 CS/D 21.44 14.4 LOCA 3A @155.40F R-IHA 35.57 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 34.98 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/A 31.49 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 33.46 14.4 LOCA3B @172-F RHPJA 30.89 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.30 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 26.81 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 28.78 14.4

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date.

CLUAIChecked SDate CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa Pressure (ft) (psia)

LOCA 3C @187.3-F RHR/A 24.94 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 24.35 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/A 20.86 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 22.84 14.4 LOCA 4A @155.4-F RHR/A 35.59 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/C 35.00 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 33.34 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 33.34 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 31.54 14.4 LOCA 4B @1720 F RHR/A 30.91 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.32 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr CS/B 28.67 14.4 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 26.86 14.4 LOCA4C @187.3-F RHR/A 24.96 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/C 24.37 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 22.72 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 20.91 14.4 LOCA 5A @155.4-F RHR/B 35.30 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/D 35.84 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 33.33 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/D 31.52 14.4 LOCA 5B @17rF RHR/B 30.61 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHR/D 31.16 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 28.65 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/I 26.84 14.4 LOCA 5C @187.3-F RHR/B 24.67 14.4 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/I 25.21 14.

A/C-0 gpm each d RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 22.70 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/D 20.89 14.4 LOCA 6A @155.4-F RHR/B: 35.28 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/D 35.82 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR B/D Punps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.53 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 33.51 14.4 LOCA 6B @1720 F RHR/B 30.59 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each BID-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHR/I) 31.14 14.4 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 26.85 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 28.83 14.4

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps l Prepared Date Checked -Date CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa Pressure 0(t) (psia)

LOCA 6C @187.3*F RHR/B 24.64 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/D 25.19 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 20.90 14.4 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 22.88 14.4 LOCA 7 @166-F RHR/A 30.42 14.4 CS Pumps AIC-3125gpm each RHRJB 30.43 14.4 B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 29.83 14.

RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each P'UZJD

]R,,"RID 29.

30.97 14.

14.4 CS/A 27.28 14.4 CS/C 29.26 14.4 ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (it) (psia)

ATWS @177°F RHR/A 28.72 14.4 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHRIB 28.75 14.4 RHR/C 28.13 14.4 RHR/D 29.29 14.4 ATWS @192°F RHR/A 22.32 14.4 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHR/B 22.34 14.4 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each ___._4 RHR/C 21.72 14.4 RHR/D 22.89 14.4 ATWS @211OF RHR/A 11.18 14.4 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHR/B 11.21 14.4 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 10.59 14.4 RHR/D 11.75 14.4

Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure Combination (ft) (psia)

App-R A @191 0F A 24.45 14.4 RHR Pump A-7200 gpm App-R B @I91F B 24.41 14.4 RHR Pump B-7200 gpm App-R C @191-F C 24.30 14.4 RHR Pump C-7200 gpm App-R D @191-F D 24.50 14.4 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm App-R A @223°F A 4.49 14.75 RHR Pump A-7200 gpm App-R B @223TF B 4.45 14.75 RHR Pump B-7200 gpm App-R C @223-F C 4.34 14.75 RHR Pump C-7200 gpm App-R D @223-F D 4.54 14.75 RHR Pump D-7200 gpm SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa Pressure (0t) (psia)

SBO I A/C @157 - F A 35.46 14.4 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each C 34.86 14.4 SBO 2 BID @157-F B 35.10 14.4 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each D 35.65 14.4 SBO 1 A/C @2000 F A 18.77 14.4 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each C 18.18 14.4 SBO 2 B/D @200-F B 18.42 14.4 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each D 18.96 14.4

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 130 NPSH Evaluation of Browns FeRy RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.1: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 1A 95F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) s V(fte/ib) I psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 95 0.816362332 0.016115213 2.320590685 Pool Press. (psla 14.4 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft)

I 1PUMPA -0.194 31.07 2PUMPB -0.635 30.05 3PUMPC -0.861 29.52 4PUMPD 0.0983 31.75 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA -1.338 28.42 2CSPUMPB 0.2827 32.18 3CSPUMPC 0.1479 31.87 4CSPUMPD -1.0716 29.04

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 131 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.2: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case lB 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(*F) (psla) V(ft 3/ib) psla to feet of head 1 60 1 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1 I 155.4 1 4.249928506 1 0.016369309 I 2.357180486 I Pool Press. (psla) 1 14.4 I RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.1866 23.49 2PUMPB -0.6197 22.46 3PUMPC -0.8437 21.94 4PUMPD 0.1031 24.17 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (It) 1CSPUMPA -1.3136 20.83 2CSPUMPB 0.2827 24.59 3CSPUMPC 0.1494 24.28 4CSPUMPD -1.052 21.45

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 132 NPSH Evaluation of Browns FeRy RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEFT Table 14.3: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 2A 95F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(CF) (psla) V(ft3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 95 0.816362332 0.016115213 2.320590685 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.5788 30.18 2PUMPB -0.0943 31.30 3PUMPC -1.3787 28.32 4PUMPD 0.5166 32.72 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

ICSPUMPA -1.338 28.42 2CSPUMPB 0.2823 32.18 3CSPUMPC 0.1476 31.86 4CSPUMPD -1.072 29.03

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 133 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fefry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.4: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 2B 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor TernpCF) (psia) V(ft 3/Ib) psi to feet of head 60U 0.0160349.( 2.309038802

[ 155.4 4.249928506 0.01 6369309 2.357180486 IPool Press. (psia 44 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA -0.5654 22.59 2PUMPB -0.0892 23.72 3PUMPC -1.3536 20.73 4PUMPD 0.5133 25.14 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA -1.3148 20.83 2CSPUMPB 0.2815 24.59 3CSPUMPC 0.1482 24.27 4CSPUMPD -1.053 21.44

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 134 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.5: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 3A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor TernOF (psia) I V(ft3 Ilb) I psla to feet of head 60 0.256389524 0-01 60349f 2.309038802 155.4 j 4.249928506 0.016369309 j 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla-) 14.41 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.942 35.57 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.6908 34.98 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ift) 1CSPUMPA 3.2072 31.49 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.0468 33.46 4CSPUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 135 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fany RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.6: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 3B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F)

(psla) aenn fln 4%4.

I t~

V(ft/Ib) i*4fl 4.44%

I psla to feet of head

. a44.44 ,,,,,.

DU U.U I 0Ua-10 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.9151 30.89 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.665 30.30 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.19 26.81 2CSPUMPB_

3CSPUMPC 4.0249 28.78 4CSPUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 136 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.7: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 3C 187.3F


Temrp(F) Vapor(psla)

Pressure Specific Volume V(ft/I/b) Conversion Factor psla to feet of head 60W U.zbOI3,5tWzq* U.Uo1 t:W- .0vW'OUooou 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (ps,,g) NPSHa (ft-)

IPUMPA 4.888 24.94 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.6392 24.35 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.173 20.86 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.003 22.84 4CSPUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 137 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.8: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 4A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(rF) (psla) V(ft'/lb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (ps5a) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (It) 1PUMPA 4.948 35.59 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.697 35.00 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ift) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.996 33.34 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.231 31.54

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 138 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fen-y RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.9: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 4B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(rF) (psla) V(fteAlb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.921 30.91 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.671 30.32 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (f) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.9748 28.67 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.2133 26.86

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 139 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.10: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 4C 187.3F 1 or Pressure Specific Volume Converson Factor Ternp(OF) I (psia) I V(fte/Ib) I sa ofeetof head 60b 0U.25638964 U.U016U349 2.30903880 I 1 187.3 1 8.822339971 1 0.01 6551 91 1 2.383475045 1Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 4.894 24.96 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.645 24.37 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPAi 2CSPUMPB 3.953 22.72 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.196 20.91

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 140 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Pony RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.11: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 5A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psia) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia) 4.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (It) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.824 35.30 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.055 35.84 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.988 33.33 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.222 31.52

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 141 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.12: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 5B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Ternp(F) (psa) I V(ft 3/ib) psla to feet of head 1 60 1 0.256389624 1 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psla1 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (it)

IPUMPA 2PUMPB 4.797 30.61 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.027 31.16 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.966 28.65 3CSPUMPC

,4CSPUMPD 3.205 26.84

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 142 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.13: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 5C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) I (psla) I V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 1 60 0.256389624 1 0.016034992 2.309038802 I 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press.

RHR Pressure (lig) NPSHa (ft)

IPUMPA 2PUMPB 4.771 24.67 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 4.999 25.21

. CS Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 3.945 22.70 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPDI 3.188 20.89

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 143 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SBEET Table 14.14: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 6A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(*F) (psla) V(ft3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.8149 35.28 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.0455 35.82 CS Pressure (psg) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.2265 31.53 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.066 33.51 4CSPUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 144 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.15: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 6B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft3/Ib) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.788 30.59 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.0178 31.14 CS Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.209 26.85 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.044 28.83 4CSPUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 145 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.16: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 6C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor TemP(rF) (psla) 4 V(ftt/lb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1 187.3 1 8.822339971 1 0.01655191 I 2.383475045 I Pool Press. (psla) 14.41 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.762 24.64 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 4.99 25.19 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.1919 20.90 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.022 22.88 4CSPUMPD_ I _I

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 146 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feniy RHR and CS pumps CAILCULATION SHEE Table 14.17: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 7 166F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psla) V(ft 3 Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 166 5.468938413 0.016426501 2.365416198 Pool Press.

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 3.9313 30.42 2PUMPB 3.933 30.43 3PUMPC 3.6805 29.83 4PUMPD 4.1637 30.97

. CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

ICSPUMPA 2.6012 27.28 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 3.438 29.26 4CSPUMPD I

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 147 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fkn7 RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.18: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case ATWS 177F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor 0

Temp( F) I (psla) V(ft 3 WIb) psla to feet of head I I -- 9 ~ 9 i 60i i .5392 U.0160U349(3, 2.309038802 r 177 7.033092437 0.016489536 1 2.374493143 Pool Press. (

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ift)

PUMPA 4.7293 28.72 PUMPB 4.7405 28.75 PUMPC 4.4794 28.13 PUMPD 4.9695 29.29

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 148 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEE Table 14.19: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case ATWS 192F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(ft 3/ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 192 9.757027807 0.01658144 2.387727412 Pool Press. (psla) 1 RHR J Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

PUMPA 4.703 22.32 PUMPB 4.714 22.34 PUMPC 4.4544 21.72 PUMPD 4.942 22.89

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 149 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.20: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case ATWS 211F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(*F) (psla) V(ft3 IAb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 211 14.42019545 0.016707611 2.405895953 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)

PUMPA 4.667 11.18 PUMPB 4.678 11.21 PUMPC 4.42 10.59 PUMPD 4.905 11.75

MP-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 150 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.21: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case App-R A 227F Vapor Pressure JSpecific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) j (psia) j V(ft 3Ilb) psato feet of head 1 6 1 0.256389624 10.016034992 1 2.0938802 1 1 191 1 9.551 535023 10.016575101 1 2.386814603 1Pool Press. (psia) 14.41 RHR I Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 5.3966 24.45 2PUMPB_


MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 151 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEEr Table 14.22: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case Ap-R B 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F)I (psla) j V(fte/lb) psla to feet of head 1 60 1 0.256389624 1 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I 191 9.551535023 0.016575101 2.386814603 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 5.38 24.41 3PUMPC 4PUMPDI

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 152 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.23: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case App-R C 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psla) V(fte/ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 191 9.551535023 0.016575101 2.386814603 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPBj 3PUMPC 5.333 724.30 4PUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 153 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.24: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case AppR D 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) I (psla) I V(ft 3 Ilb) psla to feet of head S 60W 0.256389624 1 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I 191 9.551535023 0.016575101 2.386814603 Pool Press. (psi1 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft)


MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 154 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.25: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case App-R A 223F Vapor Pressure Speclfic Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft 3/Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1 223 1 18.22056282 1 0.016792916 I 2.418179953 I Pool Press. (psla) 14.751 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 5.3266 4.49 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4PUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 155 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.26: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case Ap-R B 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) I V(ft 3/Ib) I psla to feet of head I -- I---------------------- I-----------------------q I

60 I 0.256389624


I0.01603~4992 I 4 2.309038802 i 1 223 18.22056282 5 1 0.016792916 1 2.418179953 I Pool Press. (psla) 14.751 F1H1 Pressure (pslg) NSa(t IPUMPA ______

2PUMPB j 5.31 05 4.45_____

3PUMPC ______


MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 156 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.27: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case App-R C 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( 0 F) (psla) V(ft 3 Ilb) psJa to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 2.418179953 Pool Press. (psi RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 5.264 4.34 4PUMPD_

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 157 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fenry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.28: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case APP-R D 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft/I/b) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 223 18.22056282 0.016792916 2.418179953 Pool Press. (psla RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft)


MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 158 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.29: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations SBO A-C 157F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(CF) (psla) V(ft 3fib)/ psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 157 4.417636119 0.016377716 2.358391077 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft) 1PUMPA 5.052 35.46 2PUMPB _

3PUMPC 4.8 34.86 4PUMPD

MD-QD999-97OD46, Rev. 9 Page: 159 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.30: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations SBO B-D 157F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psla) V(ft3 Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 157 4.417636119 0.016377716 2.358391077 Pool Press. (psla RHR Pressure (pslg) ,NPSHa ,(ft)

[PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.902 35.10 3PUMPCJ 4PUMPDI 5.132 35.65 1

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 160 NPSH Evaluation of Bmwns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.31: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations SBO A-C 200F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psla) V(fte/lb) psla to feet of head 1 60 1 0.256389624 0.016034992 1 2.309038802 1 r

1 200 1


11.53763273 I.

1 0.016633238 I 2.395186284 I Pool Press. (psia) 14.41 RHR Pressure (pslg) NPSHa (ft)

SIPUMPA 4.975 18.77 2PUMPB 3PUMPC 4.727 18.18 4PUMPD

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 9 Page: 161 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.32: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations SBO B-D 200F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psla) V(ft/I/b) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 200 11.53763273 0.016633238 2.395186284 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR i Pressure (psig) NPSHa (1f) 1PUMPA 2PUMPB 4.827 18.42 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.054 18.96

Document: bD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 162


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date IChecked Date___

CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 15 Unit 3 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

LOCA IA @95-F Strainer 1 15628.6 3.022 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14681.1 2.645 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 15176.1 2.884 Strainer 5 14712.2 2.662 LOCA 1B @155.40 F Strainer 1 15390.6 2.975 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14453.3 2.604 RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 14938.4 2.839 Strainer 5 14483.6 2.621 LOCA 2A @95-F Strainer 1 15646.5 3.025 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14677 2.642 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 15163.5 2.880 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each Strainer 5 14711 2.661 LOCA 2B @155.4-F Strainer 1 15403.4 2.978 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each Strainer 23 14450.6 2.603 RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each Strainer 27 14928 2.835 RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each Strainer 5 14483.9 2.621 LOCA 3A @155.4-F Strainer 1 4905.66 0.173 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4551.66 0.107 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4648.25 0.124 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4750.43 0.143 LOCA.3B @172-F Strainer 1 4878.12 0.172 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4526.95 0.106 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4622.91 0.123 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4724.01 0.142 LOCA 3C @187.3-F Strainer 1 4850.69 0.171 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4502.16' 0.106 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4597.51 0.123 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 2 4597.51 0.123 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4697.64 0.141 LOCA4A @155.4-F Strainer 1 4835.65 0.159 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4647.75 0.124 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4731.51 0.139 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4641.08 0.123 B/D-0 each LOCA 4B @172-F Strainer 1 4808.63 0.158 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4622.27 0.123 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4705.55 0.139 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 2 4705.55 0.132 B/D-0 gpm each StrainerI 4615.54 0.122

LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

LOCA 4C @187.3-F Strainer 1 4781.69 0.157 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4596.76 0.123 A/C-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4679.56 0.138 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4589.99 0.121 LOCA 5A @155.4 0F Strainer 1 4642.35 0.123 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4773.43 0.147 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 27 4913.97 0.175 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4526.25 0.102 A/C-0 gpm each LOCA5B @172°F Strainer 1 4617 0.122 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4746.88 0.146 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4886.42 0.174 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4501.7 0.102 LOCA 5C @187.3-F Strainer 1 4591.6 0.122 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4720.38 0.146 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 2 470_.1 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4858.97 0.173 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 5 4477.05 0.102 LOCA 6A @155.4-F Strainer 1 4720.96 0.137 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4661.24 0.126 B/D-O gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4846.9 0.161 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4626.89 0.120 LOCA 6B @172TF Strainer 1 4695.03 0.137 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4635.59 0.126 B/D-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4819.83 0.160 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4601.55 0.119 LOCA 6C @187.3-F Strainer 1 4669.07 0.136 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4609.93 0.125 B/D-O gpm each Strainer 27 4792.84 0.159 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 2 479.84 0.159 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer5 4576.16 0.119 LOCA 7 @166-F Strainer 1 8289.24 0.877 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 7500.75 0.696 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7988.88 0.803 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 7703.14 0.739

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 1 Page: 164


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date

!Checked Date___

CALCULATION SHEET ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

ATWS @177-F Strainer 1 8930.1 0.181 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 3896.18 0.035 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-O gpm each Strainer 27 7805.12 0.138 Strainer 5 4652.6 0.049 ATWS @192-F Strainer 1 8879.5 0.180 RHR A/C/B/D Punips-6500 gpm each CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 23 3875.86 0.034 Strainer 27 7760.5 0,138 Strainer 5 4628.14 0.049 0

ATWS @211 F Strainer 1 8810.45 0.179 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 3847.63 0.034 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7699.73 0.136 Strainer 5 4594.2 0.049 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure Combination (sgpm) Drop App-R A @191TF Strainer 1 2627.57 0.016 RHR Pump A-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1051.49 0.003 Strainer 27 1987.05 0.009 Strainer 5 1298.89 0.004 App-R B @191-F Strainer 1 1919.34 0.015 RHR Pump B-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1407.03 0.008 Strainer 27 2348.25 0.022 Strainer 5 1290.38 0.007 App-R C @191-F Strainer 1 2627.57 0.016 RHR Pump C-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1051.49 0.003 Strainer 27 1987.05 0.009 Strainer 5 1298.89 0.004 App-R D @191°F Strainer 1 1919.34 0.015 RHR Pump D-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1407.03 0.008 Strainer 27 2348.25 0.022 Strainer 5 1290.38 0.007

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 [ Page: 165


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps I Prepared Date Checked Date CALCULATION SHEET Appendix R Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure Drop (sgpm) (psid)

App-R A @223-F Strainer 1 2591.43 0.016 RHR Pump A-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1039.21 0.003 Strainer 27 1961.32 0.009 Strainer 5 1283.05 0.004 App-R B @223-F Strainer 1 1894.42 0.015 RIR Pump B-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1389.94 0.008 Strainer 27 2315.96 0.022 Strainer 5 1274.67 0.007 App-R C @2230 F Strainer 1 2591.43 0.016 RKR Pump C-6500gpm Strainer 23 1039.21 0.003 Strainer 27 1961.32 0.009 Strainer 5 1283.05 0.004 App-R D @223°F Strainer 1 1894.42 0.015 RHR Pump D-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1389.94 0.008 Strainer 27 2315.96 0.022 Strainer 5 1274.64 0.007

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 9 Plant: BFN U1, 23i Page: 166


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date___

Checked Date_

CALCULATION SHEET SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

SBO 1 A/C @1570F Strainer 1 4793.76 0.052 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 1926.27 0.008 Strainer 27 3630.94 0.029 Strainer 5 2377.02 0.013 SBO 2 B/D @157"F Strainer 1 3506.98 0.049 R.HR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2575.18 0.026 Strainer 27 4284.26 0.072 Strainer 5 2361.58 0.022 SBO I A/C @200-F Strainer 1 4714.82 0.051 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 1899.77 0.008 Strainer 27 3574.78 0.029 Strainer 5 2342.63 0.013 SBO 2 BID @200*F Strainer 1 3452.57 0.048 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2538.1 0.026 Strainer 27 4213.84 0.071 Strainer 5 2327.49 0.022

CakOn bg)l>*D999-97o046 Page AM of 3 Appendix 3 Evaluation of the EMS Strainer to Ingest a Steam Plume/Bubble Ts appendix detmnmes the verical und hoizontal distances betwoen the MSRV T.quechem and various Points on the EC= suction ai The horizontal distance is mpamd to the MRV T-Quenchr to ECCS separaon eitsia cowaed In theU rocaven National Laborator atached to the NRC Safetyvabaion Repor for NEDO. 30832-A.

"Eniminafion ofLimit an BWR Supp*esion Pool Tempermt- Limit for SRVDisclMe with Qmncndrrs" None L Dbmn, M oU

. "rvA Conainmnt Vesserl. PMsug-Des M = Steel Co.

2. Dawng 2t347W401-5, "iMcchanf Main Steam R.efValve Ven Pw .
3. GenealElectric Dinwing 10oE2202 Re.v 1, -Suction Strain Design 1 tDaa:

1.Distame fromuinglaealer ceutrlin to weld npenesati3mX-204A-D = " 10" (Rd 1) 2 Distace from weld an penctration X-204A-D to exterior or suppussion chamber shell = 8.& (based on fid

3. Distace frm exterior of surssion dhmber shll to strainerange- 0l 5116" (Rdf 1)
4. Length of awction Mtrai=e - 49.r (Smned from* ]t 3)

S. Hyadie Damaeer ofuuction st-ains 45" &Le 3)

6. Angle of suction strainer to horzontal 409 O' 36"- 40.14 (Re 1)
7. Distance m c ofrngheader to en ine of suppression cmamber- 13' 10" (Rd 1)

S. Distance fom, eelteline of suppressio chamber to vczftteofa )rMsV T-Quendber - 15" (Ret 2)

P. Diameter ofMSRVT*.Qoencý - 22 etcT 2)

10. Elevadon aftingheader - 525' 4" (Rd 1)
11. Elevation oMSRVT.endcr- 526' 6" ( 2)

Campuataions and Resdl The following calculatoan is based on t*e sketch show MiaFzgare A3-1. Teft= is based on sabou depninpu data X2 - .'10 + 8.5" + 11/16"+49.5")

  • COSINE 4014, 70.0" X:- 22.5
  • SINE 40.14'- 14.5q0"

Ca3QtdatioRNMD-999J)70046 fage A3-2 of 3 Appendix 3 (Cont'd)

Evaluation of the ECCS Strainer to Ingest a Steam Plume/Bubble Ha6mal Separim- Ea-13' I oI-X4- X2+ M--6"- 13' V"- 70W0- 14.3" + 1S"'-6"90Jr- 7.4fet

- 2.3 meters A,m-('(1" + 8.5" + 11 5/16 + 49.8")

  • SNE40.14V- 59.1 Z2 -22.3
  • COSM40.14'- 17.2" E- 5g.l" *17.2? -*4179 -42?

E1Ms af't(ip o '.aa 1- Cetncxiof *mg btad="÷*- 525" 4"+ 4X-2' 58"1 I

Vercial Se*ar -I Ele ofip ofsra -Elvado fMSRV T4=wc=

-SS 1"- 526'6 -2'4" The hazntl sar=ion dstanct fw the Bxookhav rcport Is 1.5 meter Since the DFN sepaanrion (2.3 met=rs)

  • cccdsthc Brookbaven c iteri% ftis not erapc d that *thest hatm pbime from an
  • M*SRV wouid be isnsedby an ECMcduon Muain=r

--.. =-'-.-- WIIJWV~?7~ 1700'f6 /i I

~CCS S+,~,,.. tkrc A3-i

-n I

-I U


  • 4 I




('I I,

rr 13 ~

AttteL .rrt A QA Record TVAN CALCULATION P4re~f A- t TITL xNPSH Evaluation ofBrowns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps j ' -' BFNI Unit 2 & 3 PREPARJNG QRGANI7ATION KLY NOUNS (Consult CRIS) ate EjgahgMca.I Nucler BRANCWI'ROJE'r ID"NIFIEMtS m. 'time these oluat*o*sie bsued, prepares must eare t* at .ibs os (MPJ RIMS aessaon mumier k MD&Q0999.970046 f 16L IRePv (for Rims use) RIMS acession amkmbr RO 981 8 10 APUCArILE DESIGN DOCUMEf"r( RI Desgn ChrleraNo. BFN-O-7074&

BFN.S0.707$ 1R2


S.AR SECFIOM(S N/A UM &STM4 CWW 74& 075 Rl3 F R3 Yes a " NoC Revision 0 RI 1R2 DMNe. (or bulletd Applicable) ,K satement ofPialesm

_ __i _ _NRCE JBulletin 96-03 andRegulafy preandGuide 1.82, Rievision 2 in Mtv 1996 4"_P t re-uiredmeda.rsto ihnre adequate t~wke JPSHfor E=tZ'pimpsdutring past at/40C" * ... A conditions Re% _____ ___ It is necezrry to determine the pump NPA-I available is adequateandta

__ ____._. margtn is avalablefor E= strainer Use ifs List al pnes added This calculadon determine: the JRUR and TVA by U

  • 5 _" CS pump NPSH marginavailablewith a M tan page.s ECCBreplacementstrainer desgn.

ar 1utR pallges cbmwled OJRýIGINALJ

,4 . R""

These eklead-oasT Abhrac contai le}_ai coti az

.... ,"

, that innvettfledaampdoss(a) Mat must

=9 bhe Yatikir hier. Yea 1 O RIGINA z IPump Net PoWitiv Suwton Head Rquipred (.*HR is dofined as the minimum hod seuid to pmrnt pump = . Th7e N1 Fositlv ISucion He*dAvalable (NPSHA) musbgreate= than tbeNPSH topwntpuwnp vitaton. Thedf==onosbctw NPSHA mind NF S the rining helW nm*ar&n wd is iderr!d to in ths calcubi*on as h*tN a This evuahmion encompasses both Unit 2 and Unit 3 RIR and CS pumpL 13 M*Ucrllss and arercalculaiko" la JMS Servie TtMoi-dCeOter de .

n Meicrolm ainu retura calcuacalowson: P03 TIC. F - MF dreu:,

I.I w*,v- A-QA Record TVAN CALCULATION COVERSHEET rTu NPSH Evaluation of Brovms Feny RHR and CS Pumps Fila am Prcpr~oganauin Ky Noum (Fa EDM)

SE-DE/MNUC ____________________________

C*Iuati Idonifia .ada tim ther calcltiow. are imac, vcparr n,wtm ai hat he*reigil (30)

R1MSEDM accasion unat is fiW idL MD.Q0999-970046 aev (fr1m WDM Ammdonac Nwiaw Atpplicabk DesicaDocumeot~a) IW R1493)1116109


R_.__ 4 9 9 0 6 1 6 105, 1t2.

11t,,,x2,T a.-) _.4 9.9 11'.1 .8 10.1 SYS*074A _ R 1_4 000706 10 1 ~

U Uo U81 Quavtl' a? YIN No B a DA. N1A MA 14 8foty roged? Ifn min= Ya" No thee b emloak Y" No 34" 13 0 Desig MB rhseemailaw~tim eada No Vafild 'gV'^ mp&W o 's-"m m ar Mmo O~kjmiomp wugan a Yes No IA~cce7Y.WjO Noo 6. Yes Y.0C N.R W irneabalt

_____ Faircladp C2 S~eask-epa 0 lokret Numb=____________

OWL,,V. 0 ,M,*.X. PAME IA) ORIGINAL 4 .*% 4,' A.

IUIa ctejalia. Is&* 4 v.)obJ9J As~ poip. Pecs *~i.J4__________

24g11.- f IJRZ Absmla "ElF.Y. OWVImI J m ,pa"G IA)

I..,I .*.nu,dmesPZP om em I, ar* Jloomp cf..RI, wiMh wo pn,*,nm ,at 21.00pum c I. p,(itlna mopus,

=wa d,"en flow,,O,6O0 lsmnedi. and co "tin gatau*wal dcoi nGu, 3125 am,,iIrkwhtcppmimpoer*ebpasm at 95 deamu F.

0 Mkrolm mdremtur liama , ii ,i iiii ii to:m~m Lt* As mt~ w




  • R14 881118iS108 1 -tbI-a 1 4 Q20 3 10 5 c*& NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumips CURReNT ma NU " OBW EMWM CUR00 It L048 WIC=hWI 0 Acm NEW DICELVVE D SUPERSEDE 10 CCRIS WDATE QftY0 0w~tfi4C RE jRtag!ue DUPUCATE 0ý beww~miA qYfiAt3I~b~IN*aqid a0m=0 W7d056am Vauious


~~~~~* . ED ve'~e

.* . .*2

.. .D ...

AE -NC~SIGk -.

  • CA.M. .*

the w=9~ case altet slowiIng tot the Increase In vapor pressure due to the higher ternperatwe.-


46" -x f4 -t k Výs F61'_ &r TVAN CALCULATION COVERSiiEETICCRIS UPDATE mini Page 2 R


'_M Lem I LM I zmwuwJ fms ISEY NOUNS (A"dd, D..Oelgtg)

A 3952 A _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _


.A STRAINR_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

  • 1.1
  • *;*i. ii



'EODh2AcOession Ni -0  ! 4 rage o(2-


003 074 0r$ WA






The purpose of this calculation Is to determbn that the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pump and the Core Spray (CS) pump Net Positive Suction Heed (NPSH) is adequate and that margin Is available for I tie Emergency Core Cooli System (ECCS) replacement strainer design.

Abstract Revision 6 has determined Vhat the values calculated in Revision 4 of the main calculation ior Units 2 end operations at Extended Power Uprate (EPU) conlitions is also applicable to Unit I operations at EPU conditions.

This revision makes the calculation applicable to Units 1. 2 eW 3.


)OMS AND RETURN CALCULATION TVA 40532107-4001P Psofilof2 HMP-2-1 fD74*-20"


  • OL'-C 1~ ~ I D~1I Qo,,"=





A LOCA CROSS-REFERENCES (A-add, C-change, D-delete)


...~ON rL.n..Z~.

- mm-15 NBE P A P CN DFN NT' ND019892002W0O1 A P oW amN ME 1.47E.11-1 A P OW BFN MED 2.47E11-1 A P Ow SF1 &MD S-47E511-1 A p oW BFN mED 147EIA4-1 A P DW BFN mEm 047E452-1 A P DW BPN MED 2-47W2452-1 A P DW BIN MD 0"4W455.2 A P OW sBF MED 1-47W458-8 A P DW SBFN MED 2.47W458 A P DW SBFN MED 2-47W,554*

A P DW . . r1 MED 2.47W45s, A p Ow SFN MEB 47W401.6 A p VD DF1 M D 103 CUNIT,1)

A P VO Sem MED 103*(tr 2)

A p Vo FN Lee ED19 A P VO BFN ME 2I-Elf A p vo SFN wE E1B A P ON SFFN MEB DCNT-40210A A P ON BFN MED DCOT-40211A CCRIS ONLY IA'DATES9 Folougna are re*,*'r p voen makng keywordmss ference CCRIS uMt*ts and ioe I of iorm NEDP2-1 -I not kxjd.e PREPARER SIGNATURE . DATE I CHECKER SIGNATURE , DATE PREPARER PHONE NO. EOMS ACCESSION NO.

... ... ......... P196 0?,,, NE P2- 0 49 0J, TVA 4053Z Io'/-2Onl Paoe 2 012 NEOP--1*]



CROSS-REFERENCES (A-add, C-change, M-delete)

ACTN XREF XREF XREF XREF XREF )REF A p DN BFN Ma DCCM 61200 A P _ ,.._ FH IVIEB GEN.C-00-0028716SE D P DW 3IN WT9 47W814, D P OW 9r" NM" 47W456.

D p oW BFN MEB 3S47WA01-5 CCRIS ONLY UPDA7ES' F asf,,we reqtuired .on.when mkfn kI reference CCRIS uo.tes and p2g I vf form ,I*OP-2-t is not Wcded PREPARER SIGNATURE DATE CHECKER SIGNATURE DA:E PREPAR*R PHONE NO. EoS ACCESSION NO.

TrVA 40532* 107.20Ml) Page 2 al2 NEW-2-1 ID7-09-20011



-V 0 - WIRIMS No. I EDMS TYPE: EIMS ACCESSION NO ,,Afor REV..0 RlAO"llea08 cin~, nc,,Iw) .W78 030924 O16 C*cT11: NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps CURRENT CN MJC BPFN MEB MWOOWWMMO4 005 REMION.

CN NUC 005 E0tu0ecmI NEW , . ~Sidadp* 0 .

NO OCRIS £nw ;k I A=C*ION NE D DeELEE 0 SUPERSEDE El oRIs UPDATE ONLY 0 (fa "c* MWW4CCRIS REVISION 0 RENAME E3 DUPLICATE 03 (V.15., Appma Sgnatures Nw Requihd) be w i~dvwno CCRIS diWVW~ req,414 d 0 Z00O1ao 0' 078 NM DCNEDCNAAPPLICABLE IESIgN loc(UiJrff " i E 00o DCN 51v*b'ELL WA I tE I. SPECIAL RE-CuE-METS DESIGN OUTPU 5*~ LE~~

RSSUTED? ANDIOR LimI?~l* CONDITKCINS? 'ID AII'.. fMET e y,_R-,e) I YO yes ( No 0



The purpose of this calculation Is to determine that the Residual Heal Removal (RHR) pump WWd the Core Spray (CS) pump Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) Is adequate and that margin is available for the Emergency-Coe Cooling System (ECCS) replacement strainer design.

Absm-ct-This revision adds the Unit I mar*in to me calculati MICROFICHEOEFICHE Yes [I No 12 FICHE MWO~EIVS)




TVA40532107,ý=) Pago I f2 MEDP-2-1 ID7-09-MI) -



&EY NUNS (A-add. D-detete)

C2R05 REFERENCIE (A-add, C-change, D-delete)


~d gili~4~ei Foflo ye he roveene CCRIS updals aid v I dfr NEDP4-1 it no kmhjed PREPARER SIGNATUR DATE CiHF:C"KrR SKNA7URi AT LPREPRMER PHON4E NO. EMS ACCESSION NO.

TVA 40532107-2Mo] Page 202 Nmp-e-"l lO749,266i

ATTACHMEJtJf hk PA -EA-lo 1 QA Record TVAN CALCULATION COVERSHEETICCRIS UPDATE .... ,- . .3 Page I 0JDRM REV I EDMS TVPE: EOMS ACESSION NO INIA forRV.0 R1498m1tls0 I cakcdob"(isnudet) IW78 0*402 19 0Oof Cdc Tite: NPSH Evaluation ot Srowns Ferry RHR and Cs Ptmips CURRENTf CN NUC S3FN MEG MDOWS0990o4 00 REV~IQ NEW ON MJC O0] Enietac 0 REISOW REPA 3 UPICTE J 0CCRIS OI.5~UCATE E3I(Vmllier Approval igneoas #401Required)


sTTmp*NT OF PO ASS!mAo \3 PrcbIMn The "a e of Nis csaluation is to detem*e hmt Ie Residual Heel Remnova (RHP) purp and I* Core Spay M) pump Net Pesitiv Swition Need (NPSH) Isadequatea and ftl margin is available tar he Enwergency Core Cooling Syster (ECCS) tepecawf straine leeigml r

Thls rell adds APPend to quantIy. WnW0odocment lt1 ba*se fao.I mAWme"l ilues of alable NPH and NPSH mrgin for U1 oial are auOlMed towe NFIC in responev to both Genec L (01.) 97-74 W NRC &&M 064M.



TV rv= Po'-20O1 P*e1d2 NEDP-2-11074W20;*:Ol


The purpose of this calculation is to determine that the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pump and the Core Spray (CS) pump Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is adequate and that margin is available for the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) replacement strainer design.


This revision updates the calculation utilizing Multiflow and updated low and temperatures for EPU, ATWS. Appendix R, and SBO conditions.

TVA 40532 [07-2005] Page I of 2 NEDP-2-1 107-08-20051

To: Those Listud C o' .

Froum Thomas Newton, BFN EPU Proje-t


ECCS NPSH Calculation Revisici. Difracrnces from EPU Task Report.T0406 Date: 7/16/02 BFN C*culntiou MD.Q 99-970046 -was revisld at R.cision 3 to incorporate the approe

-icen s value of"contanmvent overpressure credit. This meant adding I psi to the short term results for RM and subtracting I psi from the long lenn rmsuts forCS in Tables I and 2 since the calculation already considered 2 psi in its original deweibn-istic resulb. Revision 3 modifird the calculation results per the NRC SER of approvd ovceTessure for NPSIL The conversion factor for I psi used in performng this calculation was 2-31 VOL The orign resilts of the calclto utilized the conversion factor corresponding to the suppression pool t emrature as listed in Table 3 of the calcuation.

In Extended Power Uprate anilyal. General Electric made the fowvi*.stement in Final Ta.k Report T0406, "ECCS Net Positive Suction -*Ar. Section 332,. Item 2, prinmry bullet 3, "CLTP PSH. Mai from previous NPSH calculation (*D-QO*9-97O046) wer obtalw&

Snce q)*-e snocctanir T 33 crcdhs Cvi~usre f SI3ntgn VVW!t~thot credits

. M

. . .. iie r;a ... .ierokw o"

~..~ uo s.'4' .. ,rsnio ors-iic c ltti 4be4viAyAt&

Therefom G6 aiia used s a conversionfactor of2.31 filpsi to establih the baseline NPSH margin from the TVA calculation and then wred a vapor head conversion factor cozecttly based on th suppression pool watermperature for the additive ffect ofincvesed suppression pool temperature (and vapor pressure) on NPSH marg.

GE vutlid a spreadsheet and table (aztthed with m earked changes per the T A calculation) to support "rreport Task Report T0406 results whicb reflected the deterznlifistic attributes above It ow utilizes conversion facters based on suppression pool temperature, the values for NPSH margin In Task Reporn T0406, SctOon, are slightly different Revision 4 of4D-QO0996 970046 was performed using conrsion factors based an the suppression pool wae" temnpermat god a tontainment overnr~essure o1" vil. tesults are ref-ected in Case I (1OSH malgi for Sthe worstmcase RH jmpJ)Case *.(*S-m*.rw for,he wor cas,.CS puau). and Taeble and some values arc ifightly difBcrn from the coytent of Task Repor T7406 per Iths = .atiOu

. * . .

  • ROOMne

~L.W lI ".-. A+ .. * .~ ..


'I Pro. . P"-EPU EPU R "- EPu -- .~ uWar '.cowm"%Wnm mSH NP3HHcanmn V

., " . . . . . ..* . , - - . . . .r: -. . . . . _. . . . . . . . .. . '

Shadi Temi.-

ego) 4*o.. 12.500

.(0WO 140 ",g,.. , 1054 42V1 A 2M I.59.1 .533--r-90 3 1!

Len~j Term LOCA 13.000 6.2o 177 ?M* 01 , .14.qk63

5. ,. 2.355
  • 5.87 sftft.Q 13.W ý.- 2 7.028 4150) 1?s:8 8.037 1859 2.374 S.57r*,N 0.32 L.Oq 0 6,. 5z 7.026 45100 . III 1-02d5 &M~ 2.375.. 5.87 5.87 I ft
  • 2I4 7.028!-. SSPO 170.1 7.41-4 -.328 2.377 5.57 5.09 1 1- 47 7.2 7000* 161.85 .8tor . all 2.379 5.87 3.04 11 1 E'~.1 7.020 7100 181.0 7.04*0.ýý. 0.2 2.379 5,87 3.92 , 2 I" 7.02M 14,700."..18e.8 8.8Aw "i.,.858 2A83 S.87 1.92 l"11 2- 6 6' 7.02S.'"ss35"o Ia*s.e "7....:',u 2.380 5.57 3.50 2 T-11 St 7.0 37,W 181.85 3'."

-1.379 S.O7 3.94 A-9 1 I s 52.3 175."

/3 0,03 ., IM 2.3"4 . ,8. 0.32 0 6.81


-t e f ""-

2.57 4.23 4-11, 1.02 b.qS$ 3 V.o'1 p, al L"l TOtn LOCA rrTr 7-61. l PO ~ 3,063 2.3*5 -OA.S 0058.76 6*14C Z374 -OAS .Oo-o.a 13 o o,.oo-o~ia' 4580 177 . 6.o*0 2.375 -OAS -0.45

.0.45 -1.23 700" ' lfli.8sFew90e1 QA 111 2.379 -4.45 -238 -2.*o

-G.4S -2.40 2 .2 f+

2.379 2.383 -0.45 -4.40 -,*;S* 2:.

2", 0.O- "0

. .1,6-a'l 17700... t1sAvf .. 1.658 2.380 -0.45 -2.75 2.3"7 -9.45 0.23J14 3700nm1. mi of Ipi-623O0G':175.9SEcteytopuil. .1.0.189 kin 2.S574 0 "0,O0 4.45 0.00, rI*

  • Psif. If

!au vaow lIme a!pu Pool Vep, Vht .4Pwu eeP EPU co0I!M6Inwei NSH 36111P.-II-1. 14


  • q CPI'U~~ ~~~~~. MI2OANMIhMlqxd(

- f tmiJl


$ 11


P V-)o C)9CA cý -7 6CG'

ý DONALD L To FADY S 43AIED/Sargentlundy@Sargentlundy MCQUEEN/Sargentlundy cc 02/16/2006 11.32 AM bcc Subject Fw: Pump/Flow Combination Cases for MULTIFLOW EPU Revision to NPSH Calculation

- Forwarded by DONALD L MCOUEEN/Sargentlundy on 02/16/2006 11:32 AM -


'Newton, Thomas F.'

<nwton@tva .gov> To cdonbld.L.mcqueenrsrgentiundy.conm 01123/2006 10:39 AM cc 'Housley, Denzel A.'>. "Jones, Henry L." <chjones*>, "Wolcott, J. D.">

Subject Pump/Flow Combination Cases for MULTIFLOW EPU Revision to NPSH Calculation Don.

The attached Is a listing of the cases we have agreed upon. The number of cases Is very similar to that of the existing calculation. It doesn' take long to modify the input and run each case 4the largest effect is formatting and presenting the results. I am leaving the office for the day, but will be here most of the day tomorrow. I will call you when I get in so that we can discuss any questions on the cases listed.

Tom Newton LOCA Cae l MULIIFLI.W Revisio NPSH CiamLdoc

Ij H o'CAWcvýt V::ý fc G- 7 o0 o0 Pumn/Flow Combinations for MULTIFLOW Revision to NPSH Calculation Note I - All cases to be run at 0 containment overpressure conditions Note 2 - LOCA strainer resistance to be developed as a function of strainer flow and input as a resistance element in MULTIFLOW model, special event strainer resistance taken as zero.

Note 3 - All cases at EPU conditions only Note 4 - Cases at which NPSH. = NPSH, will require iteration on pool temperature to determine final pool temperature LOCA Pump/Flow Combinations Suppression Pool Temperature CS Pumps A/B/CAD- 3125 gpm each Temperature @ 95-F RHR A/C Pumps - 10,000 gpm each Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU RHR B/D Pumps - 11,000 gpm each CS Pumps A/B/C/DJ- 3125 gpm each Same as above RHR A/C Loop - 11,000 gpm each RHR B/D Loop - 10,000 gpm each CS Pumps A/C - 3125 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.40F)

RHR A/C Pumps - 6500 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature where NPSH. = NPSHr Temperature.@ TU.EPU (187.30F)

CS Pumps B/D - 3125 gpm each, A/C- 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4 0F)

RHR A/C Pumps - 6500 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature where NPSH. = NPSHr Temperature 0 T,, EPU (187.3 0 F)

CS Pumps B/D - 3125 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (I55.47F)

RHR B/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature where NPSH. = NPSHr Temperature @ Tm EPU (187.311F)

CS Pumps A/C - 3125 gpm each, B/ID - 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4 0F)

RHR BAD Pumps - 6500 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature where NPSHa = NPSH, Temperature @ T.,= EPU (187.3°F)

CS Pumps A/C- 3125 gpm each, B/DI -O Temperature @ 166*F RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each ATWS Pump/Flow Combinations

-PCI Pump Flow - 4500 gpm Temperature @ 214.60F(EPU Task Report RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 Vpm each T0902)

Appendix R PumpfHow Combinations One RHR Pump (non specific) - 6500 gpm Temperature @ 227 0F (EPU Task Report T061 1)

SBO Pump/Flow Combinations One RHR Pump (non specific) - 6500 gpm Temperature @ 197.3YF (EPU Task Report "T0903)

tPos6-OV191 -17004, 14ft-cAvWle4ir ge-v. - )c LIMITED WALKDOWN REQUEST AND DATA COLLECTING FORM Requesting OrganIzation Sargent &Lundy LLC Date 07125106 Initiating Document ECCS Walkdown Location (UnftlBldg/ElevlRoomlColumn Unes)

Unit I I Reactor Building /Drywell Scope Walkdown:

Please Identify Uhe elevation or point A see detall D-D on the attached drawing or the vertical distance between Point A end Point C.

Name lady S. Galod S/gnature yZ. 7 Date i 072606 NEOP-i1-4 ~1.31.2OO5I Page 1d2 iVA 40585(01-20051 TVA40565101-20051 Psge I d2 WJý13.11-4 Pi-31-20051

IqID- Q6 9 -ccllooliC4~ 4 -ooý.C4 Wet 2 Rev. - 009(

LIMITED WALKDOWN REQUEST AND DATA COLLECTING FORM Perfor*ing Organization Sargent & Lundy LLC Date 549.92 I

/*-r--f,&= p-4,';7t'Z=- 51


Av-f.1tov kulowwj Data Taker Name Signatue Date k . G . (S a .tM o en Data Verifier Name SignetUV-~ Date HEOP.11-4 (01-31-20051 Page 2 of 2 TVA TrVA 40585(01.20051 40Mo [ol.2oos Page2 of2 NEOP-11-4 [M131-M)*

Hq 0-06 99q-97oot6 A ttac A nas t F PtQVcool "Eberly, William A To <>

<> cc <>. "Wolcott, James D" 07/28/2006 04:47 PM <>


Don, Attached is a table specifying the revised analysis case conditions which we need to be addressed in your revision of calculation MDQ0999970046.

Bill Eberly, PE Program Manager, Heat Cycle & BOP TVAN E&TS Staff 423-751-8222 Pager 40796 S&L Revied Pump Flow Ces.ndoc

M* DWI-144H-4 ioo*./o 4 HOA "4?'V'j I=

Re. oc9 Pump/nFow Combinations for Revision to NPSH (MultiFlow) Calculation Note 1 - All cases to be run at 0 containment overpressure condition LOCA Pump/Flow Combination TempPool Event/Basis I

eperature LOCA-ST CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each 95 0F ital pool condition RHR A/C Pumps -10,500 gpm each 155.4 0 F 10 minute ST peak RHR B/D Pumps -11,500 gpm each CS Pumps A/B/C/D-4125gpm each 950F initial pool condition RHR A/C Pumps -11,500 gpm each 15 0 F inutial po ni RHR B/D Pumps -10,500 gpm each 155.40F 10 minute ST peak LOCA-LT Analyze the Same Pump/Flow 155.4 0 F 10 minute ST peak, start LT Combinations as Previous Revision 187.3 0 F peak pool temperature CS Pumps- 3125 gpm each 1723F end ooverp erequre RHR Pumps - 6500 gpm each 172F end of overpressure requirement ATWS Pump/Flow Combination HPCI Pump Flow - 4500 gpm 211 OF peak pool temperature, no DW clrs HP Pu /CIPuFlow D 4500

- gpm RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 gpm J 192OF 177 0 F end of overpressure requirement peak with DW clrs & TRACG Appendix R Pump/Flow Combination RHR Pump A-7200 gpm 223 0F peak pool temperature, with DW clrs 191F end of overpressure requirement RHR Pump B-7200 gpm 2230F peak pool temperature, with DW clrs 191OF end of overpressure requirement RHR Pump C-7200 gpm 223 0F peak pool temperature, with DW clrs 191OF end of overpressure requirement RHR Pump D-7200 gpm 223*F peak pool temperature, with DW clrs 191DF end of overpressure requirement SBO Pump/Flow Combination One RHR Pump (non-specific) - 6500 gpm One_____ump_(nonspecific_-_6500___ 200OF 157 F0 I peak pool temperature overpressure is approximately 0 psig