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INT-018-R - MPR-4153, Revision 3, Seabrook Station-Approach for Determining Through-Thickness Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction (Sept. 2017)
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Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/2019
C-10 Research & Education Foundation, Harmon, Curran, Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg, LLP
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
ASLBP 17-953-02-LA-BD01, RAS 55046
Download: ML19170A331 (129)



(Seabrook Station, Unit 1)

Docket No. 50-443-LA-2 ASLBP No. 17-953-02-LA-BD01

Revised Hearing Exhibit

Revised Exhibit Number:

Exhibit Revision Date:

Revised Exhibit Title:

Enclosure 4 to SBK-L-18072 MPR-4153, Revision 3, "Seabrook Station -Approach for Determining Thickness Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction," July 2016 (Seabrook FP# 100918) (Non-proprietary)

Non-Proprietary Version MPR-4153 Revision 3 (Seabrook FP # 100918) September 2017 Seabrook Station -Approach for Determining Through-Thickness Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT This document has been prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the Quality Assurance requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix B and/or ASME NQA-1, as specified in the MPR Nuclear Quality Assurance Program. Pr e pared for N extE ra E n e r gy S ea b roo k, LLC P.O. Box 3 00 , Lafa y e tt e Rd., Sea b ro ok , NH 0 3 8 74 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Seabrook Station -Approach for Determining Through-Thickness Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction MPR-4153 Revision 3 (Seabrook FP # 100918) September 2017 QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT This document has been prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the Quality Assurance requirements of 1 OCFR50 Appendix B and/or ASME NQA-1, as specified in the MPR Nuclear Quality Assurance Program. Prepared by: Co;ul Amanda E. Card Reviewed by: C {).) bq C. W. Bagley C)_L. WQ --Reviewed rv" __

John W. Simons Approved by:

James E. Moroney Additional Contributors K. Mulvaney D. Bergquist M. Saitta R. Vayda K. Means D. Cowles Prepared for NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC P.O. Box 300, Lafayette Rd., Seabrook, NH 03874 320 KING STREET ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-3230 703-519-0200 FAX: 703-519-0224 Revision 0 1 2 3 MPR-4153 Revision 3 Affected Pages All Body of Report, Appendix A Body of Report, Appendix A, and Appendix D Body of Report, Appendix A, and Appendix D Non-Proprietary Version RECORD OF REVISIONS Description Initial Issue Included corrected data for expansion of FSEL test specimens in the through-thickness direction.

Also made minor editorial changes throughout the body of the report. Updated to include final test program results. Included expansion data for all FSEL test specimens in the through-thickness direction and data for the first campaign of extensometer locations at Seabrook Station. Expanded discussion of uncertainty.

Also made minor editorial changes throughout the body of the report. Updated to include additional literature data and expansion information from additional extensometer locations at Seabrook Station. Also made minor editorial changes throughout the body of the report. 111 Non-Proprietary Version Executive Summary This report recommends a methodology for determining the extent of through-thickness expansion of reinforced concrete structural members at Seabrook Station. Quantifying through-thickness expansion enables NextEra to apply the results of the structural testing programs to Seabrook Station based on the condition of existing plant structures and ensure that action is taken before expansion at Seabrook Station exceeds the bounds of the testing programs.

Data from the structural testing programs show that expansion in the in-plane direction plateaus at low expansion levels, while expansion in the through-thickness direction continues to increase as alkali-silica reaction (ASR) proceeds.

Accordingly, the test programs provide results that correlate structural performance to expansion in the through-thickness direction.

NextEra has installed instruments (i.e., extensometers) in concrete structures at Seabrook Station to measure expansion in the through-thickness direction that occurs after time of installation through the end of plant life. To calculate total expansion, NextEra needs to determine expansion from original construction until the time the extensometer is installed (pre-instrument expansion).

MPR recommends the following approach for determining total ASR-induced through-thickness expansion at each instrumented location at Seabrook Station. The recommended method determines the pre-instrument expansion based on the observed reduction in modulus of elasticity.

1. Determine the current elastic modulus of the concrete by material property testing of cores removed from the structure. Elastic modulus testing requires companion compressive strength testing. As a result, MPR recommends obtaining a minimum of four test specimens at each proposed monitoring location.

Two test specimens are for compressive strength testing and two test specimens are for subsequent elastic modulus testing. 2. Establish the original elastic modulus of the concrete by either (1) using the ACI 318-71 correlation to calculate elastic modulus from 28-day compressive strength records or (2) obtaining cores from representative ASR-free locations and testing for elastic modulus. 3. Calculate the reduction in elastic modulus by taking the ratio of the test result from the ASR-affected area to the original elastic modulus. 4. Quantify through-thickness expansion from original construction to the time the extensometer is installed using the correlation developed in this report. The correlation relates reduction in elastic modulus with measured expansion from beam specimens used during the large-scale ASR structural testing programs and provides a conservative estimate of pre-instrument expansion levels at Seabrook Station. 5. Calculate total expansion levels by adding the extensometer measurements to the expansion at the time of instrument installation.

MPR-4153 Revision3 IV Non-Proprietary Version Contents 1 Introduction


1-1 1.1 Purpose .....................................................................................................................

1-1 1.2 Background


1-1 2 Expansion Behavior in Test Specimens


2-1 2.1 Overview of Test Specimens


2-1 2.2 Expansion in Reinforced Concrete ...........................................................................

2-4 2.3 Implications for Monitoring ASR at Seabrook .........................................................

2-5 3 Determining Pre-Instrument Expansion from Elastic Modulus .....................

3-1 3 .1 Material Properties of Test Specimens


3-1 3.2 Development of Correlation between Modulus and Expansion


3-4 3.3 Establishing Original Elastic Modulus at Seabrook .................................................

3-6 4 Recommended Approach .................................................................................

4-1 4.1 Overview of Approach .............................................................................................

4-1 4.2 Uncertainty Considerations


4-1 5 Implementation of Recommended Approach ..................................................

5-1 5.1 Expansion-To-Date at Seabrook Station ..................................................................

5-1 5.2 Conservatism in Through-Thickness Expansion from the Normalized Modulus Reduction Factor ................................................................................................................

5-3 6 References


6-1 A Correlation Between Expansion and Elastic Modulus ..................................

A-1 B Evaluation of AC/ Equation for Elastic Modulus ............................................

B-1 C Compressive Strength of Concrete at Seabrook Station ..............................

C-1 D Through-Wall Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction To-Date for Extensometers Installed at Seabrook Station Prior to September 2017 ...... D-1 MPR-4153 Revision 3 v Non-Proprietary Version Tables Table 5-1. Through-Thickness Expansion-To-Date (Reference 27; Appendix D) ....................

5-1 Table 5-2. Comparison of Through-Thicknesses for Equations 1 and 3 (Reference 27; Appendix D) .............................................................................................................

5-3 Figures Figure 1-1. ASR Expansion Mechanism


1-2 Figure 2-1. Example Reinforcement Pattern in Shear Test Specimen (Reference 7.3) ..............

2-1 Figure 2-2. In-Plane Expansion Measurement Using Embedded Pins (Reference

5) ................

2-2 Figure 2-3. Through-Thickness Expansion Measurements Using the Z-frame (Reference

5) ... 2-3 Figure 2-4. Expansion Trends in Example Test Specimen .........................................................

2-4 Figure 3-1. Compressive Strength and Elastic Modulus as a Function of Through-Thickness Expansion from Test Data (Reference

13) ...............................................................

3-2 Figure 3-2. Splitting Tensile Strength as a Function of Through-Thickness Expansion from Test Data (Reference

13) ..................................................................................................

3-4 Figure 3-3. Elastic Modulus as a Function of Through-Thickness Expansion from Test Data (Reference

13) ..........................................................................................................

3-5 Figure 3-4. Comparison of Derived Relationship with Literature Data (Reference

13) ............

3-6 Figure 3-5. Comparison of Test Data to ACI Equation (Reference

18) .....................................

3-7 Figure 4-1. Adjusted Correlation


4-3 MPR-4153 Revision 3 Vl Non-Proprietary Version 1 Introduction 1.1 PURPOSE This report recommends a methodology for determining the extent of through-thickness expansion of reinforced concrete structural members that are affected by alkali-silica reaction (ASR) at Seabrook Station. Quantifying through-thickness expansion of existing plant structures is necessary to relate the extent of ASR in a given structure to the results of the structural testing programs at Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory (FSEL). The methodology recommended in this report is part of determining if expansion levels at Seabrook Station are within the limits of the test programs.

Revision 3 of this report incorporates data through September 2017, and includes all planned extensometer locations.

Seabrook Station has implemented the recommended methodology and the pre-instrument expansion (i.e., expansion to-date) associated with ASR-affected extensometer locations has been determined.

All locations evaluated at Seabrook Station as of September 2017 are within the limits of the test programs.

Results are documented in Section 5 of this report and in Appendix D (Reference 27).


1.2.1 Overview of Alkali-Silica Reaction ASR occurs in concrete when reactive silica in the aggregate combines with alkali ions (Na+, K+) in the pore solution. The reaction produces a gel that expands as it absorbs moisture, exerting tensile stress on the surrounding concrete and resulting in cracking.

Typical cracking caused by ASR is described as "pattern" or "map" cracking and is usually accompanied by dark staining adjacent to the cracks. Figure 1-1 provides an illustration of this process. MPR-4153 Revision 3 1-1 alkali cement+ reactive aggregate Non-Proprietary Version expansive gel Figure 1-1. ASR Expansion Mechanism cracking of the aggregate and paste Several publications indicate that the cracking may degrade the material properties of the concrete (References 1 , 2 , and 3). The concrete properties most rapidly and severe ly affected are the elastic modulus and tensile strength.

Compressive strength is also affected, but less rapidl y and less severely. While development of ASR causes a reduction in material properties, there is not necessarily a corresponding decrease in structural performance.

As discussed in previous MPR reports on ASR at Seabrook Station and the approach for the test programs (Reference 4 and Reference 5), cores removed from a reinforced ASR-affected structure are no longer confined by the reinforcement and do not represent the structural conte x t of the in-s itu condition.

Therefore, material properties obtained from cores have limited applicabi li ty for evaluating the capacity of a structure.

1.2.2 ASR at Seabrook Station NextEra has identified ASR in multiple safety-related, reinforced conc re te structures at Seabrook Station (Reference 6). MPR perform e d a structural assessment (Reference

4) of selected AS R-affected s tru c tures to evaluate their adequacy g iven the presenc e of ASR. Based on the low level of observed cracking and the apparent slow rate of change, MPR concluded that these structures are suitable for continued service for at least an inte r im period (i.e., at least several years). The interim structura l asse s s m e nt considered the various limit stat es for reinforced concrete an d ap plied capacity reduction factors derived from t est d ata in publicly ava ilabl e lit erat ur e. Based on the lack of representative literature data, MPR executed large-sc a le test pro gra ms (MPR/FSEL test programs) to evaluate shear capacity , reinforcement anchora ge, and anchor b olt capacity of ASR-affected reinforced concrete.

Fo llow-up evaluations are assessing th e lon g-term adequacy of th e concrete st ructur es at Seabrook Station. The eva lu a ti o n s acco unt for th e impact of ASR on structura l capacity a nd struct ural demands. Results from t h e lar ge-sca l e test pro grams perform e d at FSEL u s in g test MPR-41 53 Revision 3 1-2 Non-Proprietary Version specimens that were specifically designed and fabricated to represent reinforced concrete at Seabrook Station will be used for the analyses.

1.2.3 MPRIFSEL Test Programs MPR sponsored four test programs at FSEL to support NextEra's efforts to resolve the ASR issue identified at Seabrook Station. The MPRIFSEL test programs were designed to ensure the test results are applicable to the range of structures at Seabrook Station. Three of the test programs focused on the structural performance data necessary to complete a definitive assessment of ASR-affected structures.

The fourth test program evaluated instruments for monitoring expansion of structures at Seabrook Station. A brief overview of each test program is provided below.

  • Anchor Test Program: This program evaluated the impact of ASR on performance of anchors installed in the concrete.

Tests were perfonned at multiple levels of ASR degradation.

  • Shear Test Program: This program evaluated the impact of ASR on shear performance of reinforced concrete beams. Tests were performed at multiple levels of ASR degradation.
  • Reinforcement Anchorage Test Program: This program evaluated the impact of ASR on reinforcement anchorage using beams that had reinforcement lap splices. Tests were performed at multiple levels of ASR degradation.
  • Instrumentation Test Program: This program evaluated instruments for measurement of through-thickness expansion.

Insights gained from this program were used to select which instrument to use at Seabrook Station and to refine installation procedures.

As part of the test programs, FSEL monitored development of ASR. For the Shear, Reinforcement Anchorage, and Instrumentation Test Programs, FSEL measured expansion of the test specimens and determined the effect on material properties of concrete, which are related to ASR development.

Using this information, this report recommends a methodology for determining the extent of ASR-induced expansion at Seabrook Station. (Similar data were not obtained as part of the Anchor Test Program, so this report does not utilize expansion data from the Anchor Test Program.)

Quantifying the extent of ASR development will enable comparison of the test data to the condition of existing structures at Seabrook Station. Testing was conducted under FSEL's project-specific quality system manual with technical and quality assurance oversight from MPR. MPR commercially dedicated the testing services performed by FSEL. Commercial grade dedication of services from the test programs relevant for this report is documented in Reference 22 and Reference 26 and presented in Reference 5 unless noted in Appendix A. MPR-4153 Revision 3 1-3 Non-Proprietary Version 2 Expansion Behavior in Test Specimens This section discusses expansion behavior observed in the test specimens and the implications for monitoring ASR development in structures at Seabrook Station. An overview of test specimen design is included to provide context for understanding the observed expansion behavior.

2.1 OVERVIEW OF TEST SPECIMENS 2.1.1 Reinforcement Pattern The MPR/FSEL test specimens were large, reinforced concrete beams. Most test specimens werel feett inches long, I inches wide, andl inches thick (References 7.1 and 7 .2). The test specimens were designed to represent the configuration of reinforced concrete structural members at Seabrook Station. In particular, the test area of each test specimen included two-dimensional reinforcement mats on two opposite faces, which is the same reinforcement detailing used for most reinforced concrete buildings at Seabrook Station (e.g., walls that have reinforcement mats on the interior and exterior faces). Figure 2-1 provides a schematic of the reinforcement pattern in an example shear test specimen (Reference 7.3). The reinforcement anchora e and instrumentation test s ecimens had some desi differences Figure 2-1. Example Reinforcement Pattern in Shear Test Specimen (Reference 7.3) MPR-4153 Revision3 2-1 Non-Proprietary Version 2.1.2 Expansion Measurements The methods for monitoring expansion in shear and reinforcement anchorage test specimens included crack indexing, mechanical measurements of reference points embedded in the concrete during fabrication (embedded pins), and measurement of the expansion profile across the test specimen height using a custom frame (z-frame) .

  • embedded pins were used to characterize in-plane expansion.

As ASR occurred, the concrete between a given set of pins expanded, and the distance between the pins increased.

Measurements were taken at both the backside and the inside faces 1 of each test specimen, II in the perpendicular direction andlllin the longitudinal direction, as shown in Figure 2-2. For each direction, the II expansion values on each face were averaged to obtain the percent expansion in that direction for that face. Figure 2-2. In-Plane Expansion Measurement Using Embedded Pins (Reference

5) A custom frame (i.e., z-frame) designed and fabricated by FSEL was used to assess expansion in the through-thickness direction.

The z-frame (Figure 2-3) contacted the test specimens at. -on fo1med concrete surfaces and was afomed to both ends of the llPins embedded for measurements.

The arrangement allowed for a total Of'll measurements to be taken using a calibrated depth micrometer,!

from each side at con-esponding locations across the inside and backside faces. Measurements om the z-frame allowed the thickness of expanded test specimens to be calculated at II locations such that the profile of the expanded test specimen could be determined.

The average of thickness readings from all I locations was used. 1 The top and bottom of the test specimens are referred to as the "backside" face and "inside

face, respectively.

and correspond to the exterior and interior surfaces of a wall at Seabrook Station. MPR-4153 Revision3 2-2 Non-Proprietary Version Figure 2-3. Through-Thickness Expansion Measurements Using the Z-frame (Reference

5) Prior to adopting the z-frame, through-thickness expansion was monitored using embedded pins, shown in.i ure 2-4 .* measurement of the through-thickness expansion was taken per face using the embedded pins. For test specimens that were tested before the z-frame methodology was adopted, the through-thickness expansions measured using embedded pins were adjusted using the relationship described in Reference 5.2 The difference between the z-frame methodology and the embedded pins methodology is that the gage length of the z-frame is the full I-inch thickness of the specimen, whereas the gage length of the embedded pins is only I inches. The relationship in Reference 5 accounts for the sensitivity of the percent expansion to gage length when expansion is concentrated in a single, large longitudinal crack. For the instrumentation specimen, through-thickness expansion was monitored using a depth gage inserted into small bore holes that go completely through the specimen.

2 All through-thickness expansion values associated with shear and reinforcement anchorage test specimens presented in the this report are either expansion values obtained directly from the z-frame or were estimated from embedded pin measurements and Equation 5-1 in Reference

5. MPR-4153 Revision 3 2-3 Non-Proprietary Version 2.2 EXPANSION IN REINFORCED CONCRETE 2.2.1 Test Specimens Expansion of the test specimens was significantly more pronounced in the through-thickness direction (i.e., perpendicular to the reinforcement mats) than the in-plane direction (i.e., on the faces of the specimens parallel to the reinforcement mats). Expansion in the in-plane direction plateaued at low levels, while expansion in the through-thickness direction continued to increase.

This behavior can be seen in Figure 2-4, which is a plot of expansion for Specimen II based on monitoring the distance between the embedded rods.3 Expansion behavior inthis test specimen is representative of other test specimens.

Figure 2-4. Expansion Trends in Example Test Specimen The difference between in-plane expansion and through-thickness expansion is due to the reinforcement detailing and the resulting difference in confinement between the in-plane and through-thickness directions.

The reinforcement mats confined expansion in the in-plane direction.

Through-thickness expansion, on the other hand, was not confined because there was 3 Figure 2-4 is for illustrative purposes only. Periodic monitoring of expansion is considered for information only, whereas the measurements at the time of testing are formal test measurements.

MPR-4153 Revision 3 2-4 Non-Proprietary Version no reinforcement in that direction.

Therefore, expansion occurred preferentially in the through-thickness direction.

2.2.2 Literature Review The observed preferential expansion in the through-thickness direction is consistent with literature on ASR-induced expansion (References 2 and 9). Literature suggests that when reinforcement is present to restrain the tensile force exerted by ASR-induced expansion, an equivalent compressive force develops in the concrete, which creates a prestressing effect. If tensile loads are applied to the structure, the compressive stresses in the concrete from prestressing must be overcome before there is a net tensile stress. 2.3 IMPLICATIONS FOR MONITORING ASR AT SEABROOK Based on the expansion behavior observed in the test specimens, expansion in the through-thickness direction is a more sensitive indicator of ASR development than in-plane expansion for concrete elements with reinforcement mats but no through-thickness reinforcement.

In-plane expansion is a readily available parameter that can be used to assist with diagnosis of ASR-affected reinforced concrete.

However, because confinement restrains plane expansion at a relatively low level, in-plane expansion is not an adequate monitoring parameter by itself. Accordingly, the results of the Shear and Reinforcement Anchorage Test Programs were correlated to expansion in the through-thickness direction.

NextEra has installed instruments (i.e., extensometers) in concrete structures at Seabrook Station to monitor expansion in the through-thickness direction.

Instruments were installed in ASR-affected areas and in some areas unaffected by ASR. The instruments in areas unaffected by ASR provide a reference measurement to gauge effects, such as thermal expansion, that could influence the ASR-induced expansion measurements.

The instruments measure through-thickness expansion that occurs after the instrument is installed.

To determine the cumulative expansion since original construction, this expansion measurement must be added to the expansion up to the time the instrument is installed.

The subsequent sections of this report provide a methodology for determining the pre-instrument expansion.

MPR-4153 Revision 3 2-5 3 Non-Proprietary Version Determining Pre-Instrument Expansion from Elastic Modulus This section describes the technical basis and methodology for using the reduction in elastic modulus to quantify the total ASR-induced expansion to-date in the through-thickness direction prior to instrument installation (pre-instrument expansion).

The methodology depends on determining the elastic modulus at the time of instrument installation from cores and establishing the original elastic modulus to provide a point of reference.

The original elastic modulus may be determined by testing reference cores from concrete without symptoms of ASR or by using original construction data with an ACI correlation that relates compressive strength to elastic modulus. Specific topics discussed in this section include:

  • Evaluation of changes in material properties that indicate ASR-induced expansion,
  • Development of the correlation between expansion and elastic modulus based on test data from the MPR/FSEL test programs, and
  • Determination of the original elastic modulus at Seabrook Station, which is used as the point of reference for determining reduction in elastic modulus. The discussion in this section relies on test results obtained from the large-scale ASR testing programs at FSEL (Reference 5). The correlation between normalized elastic modulus and through-thickness expansion presented in this section determines best-estimate pre-instrument expansion values for concrete structures at Seabrook Station. As discussed in Section 4, a normalized modulus reduction factor of. is applied so that the final calculated through-thickness expansion is conservative.

3.1 MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF TEST SPECIMENS As part of the MPR/FSEL test programs, FSEL obtained material property data on the test specimens at different levels of ASR-induced expansion.

The difference between the 28-day material property result and the material property result at the time of testing may be used to quantify development of ASR. 3.1.1 Material Property Testing during FSEL Structural Testing Programs During fabrication of the test specimens, FSEL prepared cylinders (approximately 8 inches in height and 4 inches in diameter) using the same batch of concrete as the test specimens (FSEL Procedure 1-5, Reference 5). A subset of these cylinders were tested 28 days after fabrication to MPR-4153 Revision 3 3-1 Non-Proprietary Version provide initial values for the material properties of the specimen, including compressive strength, elastic modulus, and splitting tensile strength (Reference 12). At the time of load testing a shear or reinforcement anchorage specimen, FSEL obtained cores from the specimen and performed testing for material properties.

For the instrumentation specimen, FSEL obtained cores and performed material property testing at selected expansion levels. The 28-day cylinders were fabricated in accordance with ASTM C31-10 and C 192-07 (FSEL Procedure 1-5, Reference 5). Cores for material property testing were obtained in accordance with ASTM C42-12. Compressive strength testing was conducted in accordance with ASTM C39-12 (FSEL Procedure 5-3, Reference 5); elastic modulus testing was performed in accordance with ASTM C469-10 (FSEL Procedure 5-4, Reference 5), and splitting tensile testing was carried out in accordance with ASTM 370-12 (FSEL Procedure 5-5, Reference 5). Data from all ASR-affected test specimens were included in MPR's evaluation.

Data from control test specimens were not included.

3.1.2 Compressive Strength and Elastic Modulus Figure 3-1 is a plot showing the normalized values for compressive strength and elastic modulus as a function of expansion (Reference 13; Appendix A). A normalized material property is the ratio of the property at the time FSEL obtained the expansion measurement divided by the material property obtained from testing a cylinder 28 days after fabrication.

Figure 3-1. Compressive Strength and Elastic Modulus as a Function of Through-Thickness Expansion from Test Data (Reference

13) MPR-4153 Revision3 3-2 Non-Proprietary Version Key observations from Figure 3-1 include the following:
  • Normalized elastic modulus follows a trend where elastic modulus decreases sharply at expansion levels less than about.%. The trend indicates a more gradual decrease at higher expansion levels.
  • Normalized compressive strength shows a general decreasing trend with increasing expansion levels; however, compared to elastic modulus, there is lower sensitivity with expansion (i.e., the slope is shallower) and there is more data scatter. Literature data indicate that trends for the normalized material properties discussed above are consistent with the material property results from an array oftest programs (References 1 and 2). In particular, the literature concludes that reduction in elastic modulus is more sensitive to ASR development than compressive strength.

3.1.3 Splitting Tensile Strength Figure 3-2 shows the splitting tensile strength values as a function of through-thickness expansion.

Normalized splitting tensile strength results (which require a 28-day value) are not available because the test programs did not start obtaining these results until May 2014, after FSEL had fabricated many of the test specimens.

In addition, FSEL Procedure 5-6 (Reference

5) allows for omission of splitting tensile tests on cores due to the difficulty in extracting testable cores from members with significant cracking due to ASR. Using this provision, splitting tensile strene was not performed on cores from I. Similarly, only two cores from I and one core from. were tested (Reference 5). MPR-4153 Revision 3 3-3 Non-Proprietary Version Figure 3-2. Splitting Tensile Strength as a Function of Through-Thickness Expansion from Test Data (Reference
13) As shown above, splitting tensile data from higher expansion levels have approximately the same splitting tensile strength values as data from low expansion levels. Even if normalized data were available, sensitivity with expansion would still be low (i.e., shallow slope). Accordingly, MPR concludes that a correlation to expansion using normalized tensile strength is unlikely to be more sensitive than a correlation using normalized elastic modulus. 3.2 DEVELOPMENT OF CORRELATION BETWEEN MODULUS AND EXPANSION 3.2.1 Data from MPRIFSEL Test Programs Figure 3-3 includes a plot of the test data for reduction in modulus of elasticity and the corresponding through-thickness expansion measurements (Reference 13; Appendix A). The plot uses a normalized modulus value that is the ratio of the elastic modulus at the time the expansion measurement was obtained (Et) divided by the 28-day elastic modulus (Eo). MPR-4153 Revision 3 3-4 Non-Proprietary Version Figure 3-3. Elastic Modulus as a Function of Through-Thickness Expansion from Test Data (Reference
13) Results of calculations using the data from Figure 3-3 include the following:
  • The correlation shown in Figure 3-3 has the following equation determined least-squares regression (Reference 13; Appendix A): * [Equation 1] The correlation fits well with the data and therefore use of formulation.

The coefficient of determination (R 2) is-(Reference 13; Appendix A). MPR performed scoping evaluations of several different the correlation and determined that a-formulation-provided the best fit. 3.2.2 Data from Literature As part of the Reference 13 calculation, MPR compared the relationship developed from the FSEL test data against data available in literature (References 14, 15, 16, 28, 29, 30, and 31) in Figure 3-4. The literature data reflect small specimens that were cast and cured as unconfined concrete.

MPR-4153 Revision3 3-5 Non-Proprietary Version Figure 3-4. Comparison of Derived Relationship with Literature Data (Reference

13) Overall, the trend from the literature data compares favorably with the correlation generated from the FSEL data. Accordingly, the comparison to literature data corroborates application of the experimentally-determined correlation at Seabrook Station. 3.2.3 Applicability of Correlation to Seabrook Station The correlation developed from the FSEL data relating expansion to reduction in elastic modulus is applicable to reinforced concrete structures at Seabrook Station. The test data used to generate the correlation were obtained from test specimens that were designed to be as representative as practical of the concrete at Seabrook Station, including the reinforcement detailing.

Additionally, comparison against literature data shows that the correlation follows a trend that is consistent with other published studies which cover a range of concrete mixtures.

3.3 ESTABLISHING ORIGINAL ELASTIC MODULUS AT SEABROOK The correlation shown in Figure 3-3 and provided in Equation 1 uses the 28-day elastic modulus as an input for determining expansion.

However, consistent with typical construction practices, material property testing of concrete used at Seabrook Station verified only the 28-day compressive strength; the elastic modulus was not measured.

This section describes two approaches for establishing the 28-day elastic modulus for concrete at Seabrook Station. MPR-4153 Revision 3 3-6 Non-Proprietary Version MPR notes that there are differences between the original elastic modulus data used to generate Equation 1 and data that will be used to determine pre-instrument expansion at Seabrook Station. These differences are assessed in Section 4.2. 3.3.1 Approach 1: Code Equation Based on Compressive Strength ACI 318-71 (Reference

17) provides the following equation for the elastic modulus of concrete (Ee) calculated based on compressive strength (fe') and the density of concrete in lb/ft3 (we): Ee = 33 x wz*5 x ../(Jc') [Equation 2] The equation presented in ACI 318-71 is based on fitting a curve to publicly available information on compressive strength and elastic modulus of various concrete specimens.

The data used cover a range of concrete mixtures from lightweight concrete to normal weight concrete.

Confirmation of Code Equation for FSEL-Generated Data Using data from the MPR/FSEL test programs for 28-day compressive strength and elastic modulus for a concrete mix design that represented Seabrook Station, MPR confirmed that the ACI equation is applicable (Reference 18; Appendix B). ACI 318-71 states that the actual elastic modulus is expected to be within +/-20% of the calculated value. As shown in Figure 3-4, I of .data points.%)

obtained from the test programs met this criterion.

MPR-4153 Revision 3 Figure 3-5. Comparison of Test Data to ACI Equation (Reference

18) 3-7 Non-Proprietary Version MPR concludes that the ACI 318-71 equation is applicable for concrete at Seabrook Station for the following reasons:
  • The FSEL data are consistent with the equation from ACI 318-71 and the stated variance of+/-20%.
  • The concrete test specimens fabricated by FSEL were designed to be representative of the concrete used at Seabrook Station and therefore better represent the concrete at Seabrook than the range of mixtures used to generate the code equation.

Original Compressive Strength Using original construction records for compressive strength tests and the ACI 318-71 correlation, NextEra could establish the 28-day elastic modulus. NextEra has retrieved records for concrete fabrication from original construction for selected buildings.

For convenience, MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-02 (Reference 19; Appendix C) summarizes the currently-available 28-day compressive strength test results and the buildings associated with those results. NextEra may need to retrieve additional original construction records to implement this approach.

4 In addition, NextEra has a statistical analysis of over 5,000 compressive strength specimens representing 12 mix classes used during original construction (Reference 20). These data could be applied ifNextEra can identify the mix class used for a particular concrete surface. 3.3.2 Approach 2: Reference Cores An alternative approach for determining the original elastic modulus is to obtain and test reference cores for elastic modulus from concrete at Seabrook Station that is not affected by ASR. The elastic modulus determined using the reference cores would then be applied as equivalent to the 28-day elastic modulus (Eo, ref. core). NextEra has installed through-thickness expansion monitoring instrumentation in "control" locations where ASR has not affected the concrete.

NextEra would test the cores obtained during installation to obtain elastic modulus results. To implement this approach, NextEra would need to justify that the reference cores were representative of original construction concrete for the location in question.

Petrographic examination of the cores (potentially after elastic modulus testing) would conclusively determine that the reference core is not affected by ASR. The original construction data discussed in Appendix C indicate that there are differences in material properties among the buildings at Seabrook Station. NextEra should evaluate selection of a representative reference core on a case-by-case basis. 4 Seabrook Station has installed thirty-eight extensometers and has provided MPR with applicable original construction records (if available) and material property information (i.e., elastic modulus data from cores taken at the locations of interest).

MPR calculated the expansion-to-date using the data provided by Seabrook and the correlation described in Section 4. The values are recorded in Reference 27; Appendix D. Revision 3 3-8 MPR-4153 Non-Proprietary Version 3.3.3 Selection of an Approach for Determining Original Elastic Modulus The approach (Approach 1 or Approach 2) should be selected based on specific considerations of the area being evaluated.

If both approaches are feasible, both approaches may be used to validate the results using two independent means. MPR-4153 Revision 3 3-9 Non-Proprietary Version 4 Recommended Approach 4.1 OVERVIEW OF APPROACH MPR recommends the following approach for determining ASR-induced through-thickness expansion for instrumented locations at Seabrook Station. 1. Determine the current elastic modulus of the concrete by testing of cores removed from the structure.

Elastic modulus testing requires companion compressive strength testing, so MPR recommends obtaining a minimum of four specimens.

Two test specimens are for compressive strength testing and two test specimens are for subsequent elastic modulus testing. 2. Establish the original elastic modulus of the concrete by one of the following methods: Using the ACI 318-71 correlation to calculate elastic modulus from 28-day compressive strength test results. Obtaining cores from ASR-free locations and testing for elastic modulus. 3. Calculate the reduction in elastic modulus by finding the ratio of the test result from the ASR-affected area to the original elastic modulus. 4. Quantify through-thickness expansion from original construction to the time the extensometer is installed using the correlation developed in this report. The correlation relates reduction in elastic modulus with measured expansion from beam specimens used during ASR structural testing program. A normalized modulus reduction factor of .. discussed in Section 4.2, is used to address uncertainty.

5. Calculate the total expansion by adding the extensometer measurement to the expansion at the time of instrument installation.

4.2 UNCERTAINTY CONSIDERATIONS This section discusses the sources of uncertainty and summarizes the impact it has on the recommended approach.

4.2.1 Taking Cores Dimensions The approximate dimensions of the cores obtained from the large-scale test specimens and the cores obtained from Seabrook Station will be nominally identical (4-inch diameter and 8-inch MPR-4153 Revision 3 4-1 Non-Proprietary Version length). Material tests of specimens with dimensions that are nominally identical will not require corrections for reduced size specimens.

Consequently, uncertainty associated with size variation will be negligible for the majority of the cores obtained from Seabrook Station. MPR acknowledges that, in some cases NextEra may not be able to obtain cores of the planned length due to the fact that the core boring process can result in fracture of the core specimen, which reduces the usable length for material property testing. ASTM guidance regarding reduced length cores will be followed in these situations.

Orientation The orientation of cores obtained from the large-scale test specimens and cores obtained from Seabrook Station will also be the same (i.e., perpendicular to the embedded reinforcement mats). Therefore, there is no uncertainty related to orientation of the core relative to the dominant direction of expansion.

Location For the MPRJFSEL test programs, the cores were obtained from locations that were in the central portion of the test specimens, through the openings in the reinforcement mats. These locations were not subject to edge effects and laboratory procedures required strict controls on specimen treatment (e.g., exposure in the environmental conditioning facility).

Therefore, exposure conditions were consistent across the entire specimen and variability in ASR development within a test specimen was low. At Seabrook Station, ASR-related expansion is not typically consistent across a single concrete member. As a result, the locations for extensometer placement (and therefore coring) will be in the areas that have the greatest symptoms of ASR-related expansion.

This approach will conservatively characterize the elastic modulus of the concrete member in question.

Because this approach is inherently conservative, quantitative treatment of uncertainty for core location is not necessary.

4.2.2 Methodology Adjusted Correlation A normalized modulus reduction factor of. is applied to Equation 1 to add conservatism to the calculated through-thickness values. This added conservatism helps to address the uncertainty associated with the original modulus (calculated from the original compressive strength using the ACI 318-71 correlation) and the measurement variability in current modulus. The reduction factor should be applied using Equation 3. [Equation 3] Equation 1 (purple line), Equation 3 (green line), and the averages of the FSEL data (blue diamonds) are plotted in Figure 4-1. As shown in the graph, Equation 3 bounds or closely approximates all but one of the FSEL data points. MPR-4153 Revision 3 4-2 I Non-Proprietary Version Figure 4-1. Adjusted Correlation Equation 3 will yield conse1vative results on a consistent basis. For example , consider a location in which the ratio of the current elastic modulus to the original elastic modulus (i.e., the nmmalized elastic modulus) is *. Use of Equation I will result in a through-thickness expansion value o.% while use ofEquation 3 will result in a through-thickness eiansion value o %. In this case , =cation of Equation 3 will provide a conse1vatism o % i.e., %

expansion/-% nominal expansion), increasing the calculated expansion by expansion. Variability in Current Elastic Modulus The current elastic modulus at Seabrook Station will be determined using cores from the plant. This process is identical to the approach used to dete1mine the elastic modulus from the test data used to develop the conelation.

In addition , elastic modulus testing has been and will continue to be pe1fo1med per ASTM C469-l 0. The inherent conse1vatism provided by use of Equation 3 is sufficient to account for any unce11ainty associated with the testing method. Determining Original Elastic Modulus For the data used to prepare Equation 1 , the original elastic modulus is the average elastic modulus test result from cylinders tested 28 days after test specimen fabrication. There are differences between the data used to obtain Equation I and the data that will be used to dete1mine pre-instmment expansion at Seabrook Station. MPR-4153 Revision3 4-3 Non-Proprietary Version

  • For Approach 1 at Seabrook Station, the original elastic modulus will be calculated using the 28-day compressive strength test results and the correlation in ACI 318-71.
  • For Approach 2 at Seabrook Station, the original elastic modulus will be calculated using the average elastic modulus test result of "reference" cores obtained at the time of extensometer installation.

The reference cores will be obtained from a nearby area from the same concrete placement that does not exhibit signs of ASR. As shown in Figure 3-5, the ACI 318-71 correlation calculates the original elastic modulus within +/-20% of the actual original elastic modulus. In instances in which the correlation over-predicts the original elastic modulus, use of the correlation adds conservatism to the approach.

In instances in which the correlation under-predicts the original elastic modulus, application of the normalized modulus reduction factor-adds sufficient conservatism to account for the delta. It is important to note that Approach 2 uses cores, so the variability associated with the ACI 318-71 correlation is not applicable.

MPR-4153 Revision 3 4-4 Non-Proprietary Version 5 Implementation of Recommended Approach 5.1 EXPANSION-TO-DATE AT SEABROOK STATION Seabrook Station has installed extensometers to monitor through-thickness expansion.

Thirty-eight extensometers were installed in ASR-affected locations as of September 2017. Cores were taken at each extensometer location and elastic modulus testing was performed to support determination of the through-thickness expansion-to-date (i.e., the pre-instrument expansion values). The original elastic modulus values were determined using Approach 1. The through-thickness expansion values were calculated using Equation 3, which includes the normalized modulus reduction factor of *. Determination of the pre-instrument through-thickness expansion values is documented in MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-04 (Reference 27; Appendix D). The results of the calculation are provided in Table 5-1 for reference.

NextEra will add these values to the extensometer readings going forward in order to determine the current through-thickness expansion at each extensometer location.

Revision 3 Table 5-1. Through-Thickness Expansion-To-Date (Reference 27; Appendix D) Location Through-Thickness Expansion IDNote1 E1 -E2 -E3 -E4 -E5 -E6 -E7 -E8 -E9 -E10 -E11 -E12 -E13 -Note2 E14 1 Non-Proprietary Version Table 5-1. Through-Thickness Expansion-To-Date (Reference 27; Appendix D) Location Through-Thickness Expansion ID Note 1 E15 .. E18 .. E19 .. E20 .. E21 .. E22 .. Note2 E23 .. Note2 E24 .. Note2 E25 .. E26 .. E28 .. Note2 E29 .. E30 .. E31 .. E32 .. E33 .. E35 .. Note2 E36 .. Note2 E37 .. Note2 E39 .. E40 .. E41 .. Note2 E42 .. Note2 E43 .. Note2 Notes: 1. Locations E16, E17, E27, E34, and E38 were deleted from the original scope. Thus, extensometers were not installed at these locations.

2. Through-thickness expansion was calculated using one current elastic modulus value rather than averaging multiple current elastic modulus values. As noted in Table 5-1, field conditions (e.g., cracked cores) and configuration limitations (e.g., embedded steel and conduits, rebar, etc.) limited the number of cores that could be obtained and tested in some locations.

In these cases, only one elastic modulus value was obtained.

MPR-4153 Revision 3 5-2 Non-Proprietary Version As stated in Section 4, it is recommended that Seabrook Station obtain at least two elastic modulus test results from each location of interest and average the results to promote greater accuracy.

MPR reviewed the reported elastic modulus values and noted the following:

  • All single elastic modulus values are within the range of average elastic modulus values from other locations.

This observation suggests that the concrete in locations with only one modulus value is in comparable condition to other locations within the plant, which provides assurance that the values are reasonable.

  • Of the eleven locations with only one elastic modulus value, nine have calculated nominal through-thickness expansion values that are very low (i.e.,., See Table 5-2). Therefore, the effects of minor inaccuracies associated with the elastic modulus obtained at these locations are insignificant.

NextEra is investigating the two locations with higher nominal through-thickness values. 5.2 CONSERVATISM IN THROUGH-THICKNESS EXPANSION FROM THE NORMALIZED MODULUS REDUCTION FACTOR Table 5-2 compares the resultant through-thickness values for the thirty-eight extensometer locations using Equation 1 (i.e., nominal) and Equation 3 (i.e., adjusted) to assess the level of conservatism provided by using a normalized modulus reduction factor of *. Table 5-2. Comparison of Through-Thicknesses for Equations 1 and 3 (Reference 27; Appendix D) Location IDNote1 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 Note2 MPR-4153 Revision 3 E14 Nominal Adjusted Through-Thickness Expansion Through-Thickness Expansion (Equation

1) (Equation
3) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5-3 Non-Proprietary Version Table 5-2. Comparison of Through-Thicknesses for Equations 1 and 3 (Reference 27; Appendix D) Location Nominal Adjusted IDNote1 Through-Thickness Expansion Through-Thickness Expansion (Equation
1) (Equation
3) E15 .. .. E18 .. .. E19 .. .. E20 .. .. E21 .. .. E22 Note2 .. .. E23 Note2 .. .. E24 Note2 .. .. E25 .. .. E26 .. .. E28 Note2 .. .. E29 .. .. E30 .. .. E31 .. .. E32 .. .. E33 .. .. E35 Note2 .. .. E36 Note2 .. .. E37 Note2 .. .. E39 .. .. E40 .. .. E41 Note2 .. .. E42 Note2 .. .. E43 Note2 .. .. Notes: 1. Locations E16, E17, E27, E34, and E38 were deleted from the original scope. Thus, extensometers were not installed at these locations.
2. Through-thickness expansion was calculated using one current elastic modulus value rather than averaging multiple current elastic modulus values. Revision 3 5-4 Non-Proprietary Version Key observations include the following:
  • For the highest through-thickness expansion value (location E21\ use of Equation 3 increased the expansion value expansion).

The impact

  • of the normalized modulus reduction factor (in absolute terms) increases with ASR progression (i.e., at higher levels of expansion).

In relative tem1s, application of Equation 3 to t**ou h-thickness e.. ansion value (location E9) produced a conservatism of-(i.e., expansion I expansion).

Furthermore, the relative conservatism associated with Equation 3 is higher at lower ASR progression levels. As an example, for location El, where nominal expansion is-, the relative conservatism of using Equation 3 isll (i.e.,-expansion/-


MPR-4153 Revision 3 5-5 Non-Proprietary Version 6 References

1. Institution of Structural Engineers, Structural Effects of Alkali-Silica Reaction:

Technical Guidance on the Appraisal of Existing Structures, London, UK, 1992. 2. Bayrak, 0., "Structural Implications of ASR: State of the Art, July 2014. (Seabrook FP # 100697) 3. Fournier, B. et al, FHWA-HIF-09-004, Report on the Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Mitigation of Alkali-Silica Reaction in Transportation Structures, January 2010. 4. MPR-3727, Seabrook Station: Impact of Alkali-Silica Reaction on Concrete Structures and Attachments, Revision 1. (Seabrook FP # 100716.) 5. MPR-4262, Shear and Reinforcement Anchorage Testing of Concrete Affected by Silica Reaction, Volume I, Revision 1 and Volume II, Revision 0. (Seabrook FP # 100994) 6. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC Information Notice 2011-20, "Concrete Degradation by Alkali-Silica Reaction,

November 18, 2011. (ADAMS Accession No. MLl 12241029)

7. Test Program Drawings 7.1. FSEL Drawing DWG_0326-0063--G,l-Inch Shear Specimen Geometry, Revision 1. 7.2. FSEL Drawing DWG_0326-0063--G,l-InchAnchorage Specimen Geometry, Revision 3. 7.3. FSEL Drawing DWG_0326-0063--Rl,l-Inch Shear Specimen Reinforcement, Revision 1. 7.4. FSEL Drawing DWG_0326-0063--Rl,l-Inch Anchorage Specimen Reinforcement, Revision 3. 7.5. FSEL Drawing DWG_0326-0063.-R2,l-Inch Instrumentation Specimen Reinforcement

-Assembly, Revision 0. 7.6 FSEL Drawing DWG_0326-0063--I,l-Inch Shear Specimen Instrumentation, Revision 1. 8. Not Used. MPR-4153 Revision 3 6-1 Non-Proprietary Version 9. Deschenes, D., Bayrak, 0., and Folliard, K., ASRIDEF-Damaged Bent Caps: Shear Tests and Field Implications, Technical Report IAC-12-8XXIA006, Center for Transportation Research, Bureau of Engineering Research, University of Texas at Austin, August 2009. 10. Not Used. 11. Not Used. 12. MPR Test Specification 0326-0062-05, Revision 10, "Specification for Shear and Reinforcement Anchorage Testing of ASR-Affected Reinforced Concrete." (Seabrook FP # 100759) 13. MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-03, Correlation Between Through-Thickness Expansion and Elastic Modulus in Concrete Test Specimens Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR), Revision 3. (Appendix A) 14. Clark, L., Critical Review of the Structural Implications of the Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete, Transport and Road Research Laboratory Contractor Report 169, July 1989. 15. Smaoui, N. et al, Mechanical Properties of ASR-Affected Concrete Containing Fine or Coarse Reactive Aggregates, Journal of ASTM International, Vol. 3, No. 3, March 2006. 16. Ahmed, T. et al, The Effect of Alkali Reactivity on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 17 (2003) 123-144, January 9, 2002. 17. ACI 318-71, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, 1971 Edition, Fourth Printing.

18. MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-Ol, Evaluation of ACI Equation for Elastic Modulus, Revision 0. (Appendix B) 19. MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-02, Compressive Strength Values for Concrete at Seabrook Station, Revision 0. (Appendix C) 20. Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory letter dated January 25, 1986, "Seabrook Nuclear Station Spec. 9763.006-5-1 Statistical Analysis --Concrete Compression Test Data January 1986." (Seabrook FP # 100348) 21. NextEra Energy Seabrook Letter SBK-L-14086, "Response to Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Seabrook Station, License Renewal Application-SET 20 (TAC NO. ME4028) Relating to the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring Program," May 15, 2014. (ADAMS Accession No. ML14142A220)
22. MPR-4259, "Commercial Grade Dedication Report for Seabrook ASR Shear, Reinforcement Anchorage and Instrumentation Testing," Revision 0. (Seabrook FP # 100995) MPR-4153 Revision 3 6-2 Non-Proprietary Version 23. ASTM C42-12: Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete.

West Conshohocken:

ASTM International, 2012. 24. ASTM C469-10: Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio of Concrete in Compression.

West Conshohocken:

ASTM International, 2010. 25. ASTM C39-12: Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens.

West Conshohocken:

ASTM International, 2012. 26. MPR-4286, "Supplemental Commercial Grade Dedication Report for Seabrook Test Programs," Revision 0. (Seabrook FP# 101003) 27. MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-04, Calculation of Through-Wall Expansion.from Alkali-Silica Reaction To-Date for Extensometers Installed at Seabrook Station Prior to September 2017, Revision 1. (Appendix D) 28. Espisito, R. et al, Influence of the Alkali-Silica Reaction on the Mechanical Degradation of Concrete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 6, Article No. 04016007, June 2016. 29. Giaccio, G. et. al, Mechanical Behavior of Concretes Damaged by Alkali-Silica Reaction, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 993-1004, July 2008. 30. Giannini, E. and K. Folliard, Stiffness Damage and Mechanical Testing of Core Specimens for the Evaluation of Structures Affected by ASR, The University of Texas at Austin, January 2015. 31. Hafci, A., Effect of Alkali-Silica Reaction Expansion on Mechanical Properties of Concrete, Middle East Technical University, September 2013. MPR-4153 Revision 3 6-3 A Non-Proprietary Version Correlation Between Expansion and Elastic Modulus This appendix includes MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-03, Correlation Between Through-Thickrzess Expansion and Elastic Modulus in Concrete Test Specimens Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR), Revision 3. MPR-4153 Revision 3 A-1 Non-Proprietary Version MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 *MPR CALCULATION TITLE PAGE Client: NextEra Energy Seabrook Project: Title: Approach for Estimating Through-Wall Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction at Seabrook Station Correlation Between Through-Thickness Expansion and Elastic Modulus in Concrete Test Specimens Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Page 1of14 + Appendix A and B (32 pages total) Task No. 0326-1405-007 4 Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Preparer I Date Checker I Date Reviewer & Approver I Date Rev. No. Michael Saitta Vaibhav Bhide John W. Simons February 2, 2015 February 2, 2015 February 2, 2015 0 Michael Saitta Kathleen Mulvaney John W. Simons June 23, 2015 June 23, 2015 June 23, 2015 1 Amanda E. Card Keith Means John Simons July 19, 2016 July 19, 2016 July 19, 2016 2 (Page 1 to 12+Appendix A) (Page 1 to 12 +Appendix A) (Page 1 to 12 +Appendix A) rJ>>Ul Keith Means Amanda Card John W. Simons 2 July 19, 2016 July 19, 2016 July 19, 2016 (Appendix B) (Appendix B) (Appendix B) rJ>>Ul Amanda E. Card David Cowles John Simons 3 September 6, 2017 September 6, 2017 September 6, 2017 (Page 1to14+Appendix A) (Page 1to14 +Appendix A) (Page 1to14 +Appendix A) QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT This document has been prepared, checked, and reviewed/approved in accordance with the QA requirements of lOCFRSO Appendix Band/or ASME NQA-1, as specified in the MPR Nuclear Quality Assurance Program. PROPRIETARY NOTICE This document is PROPRIETARY to NextEra Energy Seabrook and MPR Associates.

Distribution or dissemination of this document to other parties is prohibited, except with the consent ofNextEra Energy Seabrook and MPR Associates.

MPR-QA Form QA-3.1-1, Rev. 2 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Revision Affected Pages 0 1 2 3 All All All Page 1 to 14 and Appendix A Non-Proprietary Version RECORD OF REVISIONS MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Prepared By Checked By Page: 2 Description Initial Issue Added correction factor for through-thickness expansion values to account for influence of mid-plane cracks on the expansion measured using embedded rods. Added final test results, updated figures, and revised correlation equation.

Incorporated additional literature data, updated figures, and made minor editorial changes. (Appendix B not revised.)

Note: The revision number found on each individual page of the calculation carries the revision level of the calculation in effect at the time that page was last revised. MPR QA Form QA-3.1-2, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Table of Contents Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 3 Revision:

3 1.0 Purpose .................................................................................................................

4 2.0 Summary of Results .............................................................................................

4 3.0 Background


4 4.0 Assumptions


5 4.1 Assumptions with a Basis .............................................................................................

5 4.2 Unverified Assumptions


5 5.0 Discussion


5 5.1 Test Data .......................................................................................................................

5 5.2 Selection of Elastic Modulus as the Property for the Correlation


6 5.3 Elastic Modulus Correlation


8 5.4 Comparison to Published Values ..................................................................................

9 6. 0 References


13 A Test Data ...........................................................................................................

A-1 B Least Squares Regression


B-1 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 1.0 PURPOSE MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 4 Revision:

3 This calculation determines a correlation between through-thickness expansion and normalized elastic modulus of concrete test specimens affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR). The correlation is based on data from test programs that MPR sponsored at Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory (FSEL). The correlation is compared to published data. 2.0


OF RESULTS There is a strong correlation between elastic modulus and through-thickness expansion of that are affected by ASR. The data were fit with a least squares regression using a-form. Figure 2-1 below shows the FSEL test data and the least squares fit. The least squares fit compares favorably with the trend observed in the data. The R 2 value of the correlation is II* Figure 2-1 also shows data found in the literature for free expansion of ASR-affected concrete specimens.

These data are consistent with the FSEL data. Figure 2-1. Strong Correlation between Elastic Modulus and Through-Thickness Expansion


Published data show that the material properties of ASR-affected concrete change with increasing levels of ASR-related expansion.

The relationship between material properties and MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 eo,;-Jv MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 5 Revision:

3 ASR-related expansion will be used to determine the through-thickness expansion of concrete structures at Seabrook Station. This relationship is defined using data from test programs that MPR sponsored at FSEL (MPR/FSEL test programs) to investigate ASR in reinforced concrete elements.

The test specimens were consistent with structures at Seabrook Station in terms of reinforcement details, depth of cover, and overall depth. In addition, the concrete used in the test specimens was representative of the concrete used at Seabrook Station, with some deviations to produce significant ASR-related expansion in a short timeframe.

4.0 ASSUMPTIONS 4.1 Assumptions with a Basis There are no assumptions with a basis. 4.2 Unverified Assumptions There are no unverified assumptions.

5.0 DISCUSSION 5.1 Test Data The test data used herein are for test specimens from the Shear Test Program and the Reinforcement Anchorage Test Program, as well as the Instrumentation Test Program. Combining data from these three programs is appropriate as the same concrete mix was used in all test specimens.

In addition, the test specimen configurations and reinforcement details were similar (Reference 6). Data from all ASR-affected are used in this calculation.

This includes data from test specimens: -reinforcement anchorage specimens, -shear specimens, and the instrumentation beam. The baseline material properties are the 28-day tests performed on cylinders molded at the time of concrete placement.

The material properties at various levels of ASR-related expansion are based on tests of cores removed from the test specimen prior to structural testing. The data include the following:

  • 28 days after concrete placement (before ASR-related expansion occurred)

Three compressive strength values, Three elastic modulus values, and MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 03 26-0062-CLC-03 COJrJiv Three splitting tensile strength values 1. MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 6 Revision:


  • Prior to structural testing (after A SR-related expansion occurred)

Three compressive strength values, Three elastic modulus values, Three splitting tensile strength values 2 , and Through-thickness expansion values. All values are taken from MPR-4262 (Reference

6) or Reference 8 and are summarized in Appendix A. 5.2 Selection of Elastic Modulus as the Property for the Correlation To facilitate comparisons, the material properties of each test specimen from the post-ASR cores were normalized against its average value from the 28-day cylinders.

Therefore, a sample that had seen very little change in a material property would have a normalized value of approximately 1, whereas one that had experienced a 25% reduction in a material property would have a normalized value of 0.75. Figure 5-1 plots the normalized compressive strength and the normalized elastic modulus versus through-thickness expansion.

From the plot, it appears that there is a strong correlation between modulus and through-thickness expansion.

There also appears to be a weak correlation between compressive strength and through-thickness expansion.

There were insufficient data to nonnalize the splitting tensile strength.

Therefore, the splitting tensile strength was plotted against through-thickness expansion in Figure 5-2. There does not appear to be a correlation between splitting tensile strength and expansion.

Therefore, it is determined that elastic modulus is the best choice to correlate against expansion.

1 Note that 28-day results for splitting tensile strength are not available for specimens that were cast before May 2014 (Reference 6). 2 Note that the test programs did not start performing splitting tensile testing until the end of May 2014. Therefore, test-day splitting tensile strength test results are not available for *. Procedure 5-6 allows omission of splitting tensile tests on cores due to the difficulty in extracting testable cores from members with significant cracking due to ASR. Using this provision, splitting tensile strength testing was not performed on cores from *. Similarly, only two cores from. and one core from. were tested (Reference 6). MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 C<Lrul MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By /) /

Page: 7 Revision:

3 Figure 5-1. Normalized Compressive Strength and Modulus vs. Through-Thickness Expansion MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 a1w111wlct MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 8 Revision:

3 Figure 5-2. Splitting Tensile Strength vs. Through-Thickness Expansion 5.3 Elastic Modulus Correlation Non-linear least squares regression was used to fit a curve for the correlation between normalized modulus and expansion.

Based on scoping analysis of several types of equations (e.g. natural log, exponential, power, etc.), it was determined that the best-fit curve would take the form of: Least squares fitting was used to determine the constants A and B. The process of least squares is described in detail in Appendix B. This resulted in a final correlation of: Where: expansion is the relative through-thickness expansion of the concrete specimen (0.02 implies a 2% expansion) and modulus is the normalized modulus of the test specimen after ASR. MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 C0;ul MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 9 Revision:

3 This correlation is shown in below in Figure 5-3. The least squares fit compares favorably with the observed data. The R 2 value for the correlation is *. Figure 5-3. Normalized Modulus vs. Through-Thickness Expansion:

Test Data 5.4 Comparison to Published Values Data on the elastic modulus as a function of ASR-related expansion are available in the literature.

These data are for free expansion of small concrete specimens.

Table 5-1 lists data from References 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, and 13. MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: 10 0326-0062-CLC-03 l/JJul Revision:

3 Table 5-1. Existing Data Showing Expansion and Corresponding Elastic Modulus Expansion(%)

Normalized Elastic Modulus(%)

Reference 0.05 100 3, Table 2.1 0.10 70 3, Table 2.1 0.25 50 3, Table 2.1 0.50 35 3, Table 2.1 1.00 30 3, Table 2.1 1.50 20 3, Table 2.1 0.002 100 4 0.039 66.0 4 0.114 65.2 4 0.210 54.7 4 0.328 50.2 4 0.392 46.7 4 0.007 100 4 0.020 97.7 4 0.038 91.2 4 0.095 78.3 4 0.128 75.8 4 0.29 1 86.5 2 5 1.253 1 13.9 2 5 0.43 1 70.2 2 5 1.573 1 13.7 2 5 0.43 1 39.7 2 5 1.656 1 10.3 2 5 0.43 1 32.8 2 5 1.686 1 8.1 2 5 0.01 101 10 0.01 101 10 0.04 91.1 10 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: 11 0326-0062-CLC-03 Carul Revision:

3 Table 5-1. Existing Data Showing Expansion and Corresponding Elastic Modulus Expansion(%)

Normalized Elastic Modulus(%)

Reference 0.08 95.3 10 0.11 93.9 10 0.01 108 10 0.02 89.8 10 0.07 83.6 10 0.12 55.7 10 0.18 57.0 10 0.15 53.4 11 0.18 40.9 11 0.12 104 11 0.15 90.0 11 0.13 82.2 11 0.14 79.0 11 0.01 101 12 0.11 69.6 12 0.18 61.9 12 0.27 51.6 12 0.38 45.3 12 0.42 55.4 12 0.10 103 12 0.05 89.7 12 0.07 85.8 12 0.14 83.4 12 0.08 80.0 12 0.17 72.3 12 0.35 60.5 12 0.08 85.7 12 0.12 82.2 12 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By 0326-0062-CLC-03 COJvl /) , / Table 5-1. Existing Data Showing Expansion and Corresponding Elastic Modulus Expansion(%)

Normalized Elastic Modulus(%)

Reference 0.18 74.9 0.04 83.8 0.04 74.0 0.10 64.7 0.10 63.5 Note 1: Longitudinal prism expansion was selected as the most representative.

12 13 13 13 13 Note 2: Taken as elastic modulus at testing divided by elastic modulus at 28 days. Page: 12 Revision:

3 Figure 5-4 plots these data and compares them to the FSEL data and to the correlation based on the FSEL data. The data from published literature follow a trend that is consistent with the FSEL test data and the correlation determined using these data. Figure 5-4. Normalized Modulus vs. Through-Thickness Expansion:

Published Literature MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: 13 0326-0062-CLC-03 Cr;Jvl Revision:



1. Not Used. 2. Bayrak, Oguzhan, Structural Implications of ASR: State of the Art, July 28, 2014, transmitted to Seabrook Station in MPR Letter 0326-0058-200, dated July 29, 2014. 3. Clark, L.A., Critical Review of the Structural Implications of the Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete, Transport and Road Research Laboratory Contractor Report 169, July 1989. 4. Smaoui, N. et al., Mechanical Properties of ASR-Affected Concrete Containing Fine or Coarse Reactive Aggregates, Journal of ASTM International, Vol. 3, No. 3, March 2006. 5. Ahmed, T. et al., The effect of Alkali Reactivity on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 17 (2003) 123-144, January 9, 2002. 6. MPR-4262, "Shear and Reinforcement Anchorage Testing of Concrete Affected by Silica Reaction," Volume I, Revision 1 & Volume II, Revision 0. (Seabrook FP#l00994)
7. MPR-4259, "Commercial Grade Dedication Report for Seabrook ASR Shear, Reinforcement Anchorage and Instrumentation Testing," Revision 0. (Seabrook FP # 100995) 8. Special Test and Inspection Reports (STIRs) as accepted by CGAR-0326-0062-43-2 Revision 0, CGAR-0326-0062-43-5 Revision 1, and CGAR-0326-0062-43-7 Revision 0. a) STIR-0326-24-103 b) STIR-0326-24-104 c) STIR-0326-24-105 d) STIR-0326-24-147 e) STIR-0326-24-204 f) STIR-0326-24-228
9. MPR-4286, "Supplemental Commercial Grade Dedication Report for Seabrook Test Programs," Revision 0. (Seabrook FP# 101003) 10. Espisito, R. et al, Influence of the Alkali-Silica Reaction on the Mechanical Degradation of Concrete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 6, Article No. 04016007, June 2016. MPR QA Form: OA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 03 26-0062-CLC-03 WMtvvJA MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 14 Revision:

3 11. Giaccio, G. et. al, Mechanical Behavior of Concretes Damaged by Alkali-Silica Reaction, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 993-1004, July 2008. 12. Giannini, E. and K. Folliard, Stiffness Damage and Mechanical Testing of Core Specimens for the Evaluation of Structures Affected by ASR, The University of Texas at Austin, January 2015. 13. Hafci, A., Effect of Alkali-Silica Reaction Expansion on Mechanical Properties of Concrete, Middle East Technical University, September 2013. MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 03 26-0062-CLC-03 A Test Data MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: A-1 Revision:

3 This Appendix includes tables of summarized test data originally from FSEL. Table A-1 contains data from tests conducted 28 days after casting. The data are used to normalize the post-ASR data. Table A-2 contains data from tests that were conducted after ASR had occurred (i.e., post-ASR data). Table A-3 contains the through-thickness expansion values. Test data are taken from Reference 6 or the main body of this calculation unless otherwise noted. Applicable Special Test Inspection Records (STIRs) are listed for reference.

MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: A-2 Revision:

3 Table A-1. FSEL 28-Day Compressive Strength, Elastic Modulus, and Splitting Tensile Strength Test Data MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: A-3 Revision:

3 Table A-1. FSEL 28-Day Compressive Strength, Elastic Modulus, and Splitting Tensile Strength Test Data MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: A-4 Revision:

3 Table A-1. FSEL 28-Day Compressive Strength, Elastic Modulus, and Splitting Tensile Strength Test Data MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By '1 Page: A-5 Revision:

3 Table A-2. FSEL Average Expansion, Compressive Strength, and Elastic Modulus: Test Data After ASR MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: A-6 Revision:

3 Table A-2. FSEL Average Expansion, Compressive Strength, and Elastic Modulus: Test Data After ASR MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: A-7 Revision:

3 Table A-2. FSEL Average Expansion, Compressive Strength, and Elastic Modulus: Test Data After ASR MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: A-8 Revision:

3 Table A-3. FSEL Expansion Test Data With Correction Factor MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 B Least Squares Regression Purpose MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-1 Cc.IuJv Revision:

2 This appendix explains the methodology used to perform the Least Squares Regression Analysis.

A brief description of the fit statistic R 2 is also given. After the method of Least Squares is explained, the method is applied to the correlation between the FSEL test data for normalized elastic modulus and corrected through thickness expansion.

Discussion Least Squares Regression is a commonly accepted method of fitting a curve to a set of scattered data. This is done by minimizing the sum of squares error term. This is a common statistical method that is documented in textbooks such as "Applied Data Analysis and Modeling for Energy Engineers and Scientists" by T.A. Reddy. The sum of squares is given by: m S= Ir? i=l Where: S is the error term, m is the number of known values, and ri is the residual of the ith value, as given by: Where: Yi and xi are a known value pair, f is the regressed or fit function, and C is the set of constants used to fit the model. By combining the above equations with a known set of values, Sis minimized by varying C. In some cases, this can be accomplished analytically, but is often accomplished numerically.

The values of C that minimize S are said to be the fitting parameters, and the function f (xi, C) is the curve of best fit in the least squares sense. MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-2 Co1riv Revision:

2 It is often desirable to detennine how well a given curve fits a set of data. A commonly used statistic to determine this is the coefficient of determination, R 2. R 2 is defined as: 2 SSres R = 1---SStat m SSres =I (Yi -f(xi, C))2 = S i=l m sstot = I (Yi -:Y)2 i=l Calculation The least squares regression performed in the main body of this calculation is described in detail below. The set of points is listed in Table B-1 and plotted in Figure B-1. Table B-1. Known Values MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-03 Table B-1. Known Values MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-3 Revision:

2 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Non-Proprietary Version MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Prepared By Checked By Page: B-4 Revision:

2 Table B-1. Known Values Figure 8-1. Plot of Known Values MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-5 Revision:

2 It appears that a natural log fit is reasonable.

Therefore, it can be fit to an equation of form: Where: x is the set of values of X as shown in Table B-1. A and Bare a set of constants (C) used to fit the model. To begin, we will guess at the values of A and B. In this example, our first guess will be that A = -0.1 and B = -0.5. Using the model given above, we compute a value for y at each given x. For each computed value, the residual is also computed.

These values are shown in Table B-2. Table B-2. Example Values With Computed Residuals MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Non-Proprietary Version MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Prepared By Checked By Page: B-6 a 1 1\@\iwllt VJ.;vJv Revision:

2 Table B-2. Exam le Values With Com uted Residuals MPR QA Form: OA-3.1-3, Rev_ 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-7 CoJufv Revision:

2 Taking the sum of squares of the residuals, we find a value of approximately-.

However, this can be improved on. To do so, we iteratively adjust the values A and B to minimizes.

Values of A = -and B = -result in S being minimal and provide a good estimate of the solution.

The fitted curve is plotted against the data in Figure B-2. The newly computed values are shown in Table B-3. The regressed equation is: Table B-3. Example Values With Computed Residuals

-Updated MPR QA Form: OA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-8 C-0.d Revision:

2 Table B-3. Example Values With Computed Residuals

-Updated MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-9 Revision:

2 Table B-3. Example Values With Computed Residuals

-Updated MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-03 Non-Proprietary Version MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Prepared By Checked By Page: B-10 Revision:

2 Figure B-2. Regressed Curve R 2 can now be the regressed cmve. The sum of squared residuals is. (SSres). The mean ofy is-. Therefore, the sum of squared totals is-(SStot). R can now be computed.

R2=* MPR QA Fonn: OA-3.1-3, Rev_ 0 Non-Proprietary Version B Evaluation of ACI Equation for Elastic Modulus This appendix includes MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-01, Evaluation of ACI Equation for Elastic Modulus, Revision 0. MPR-4153 Revision 3 B-1 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR CALCULATION TITLE PAGE Client: NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC Project: Title: Approach for Estimating Through-Wall Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction at Seabrook Station Evaluation of ACI Equation for Elastic Modulus MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Page 1of12+ Appendix A and B Task No. 0326-1405-0074 Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 Preparer I Date Checker I Date Reviewer & Approver I Date Rev. No. Amanda Card David H. Bergquist John W. Simons \JJJul 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 0 QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT This document has been prepared, checked, and reviewed/approved in accordance with the QA requirements of 1 OCFRSO Appendix B and/or ASME NQA-1, as specified in the MPR Nuclear Quality Assurance Program. PROPRIETARY NOTICE This document is PROPRIETARY to NextEra Energy Seabrook and MPR Associates.

Distribution or dissemination ofthis document to other parties is prohibited, except with the consent ofNextEra Energy Seabrook and MPR Associates.

MPR-QA Form QA-3.1-1, Rev. 2 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 RECORD OF REVISIONS Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: 2 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 [0vteVvuAA (ffi-ul Revision Affected Pages Description 0 All Initial Issue Note: The revision number found on each individual page of the calculation carries the revision level of the calculation in effect at the time that page was last revised. MPR QA Form QA-3.1-2, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 Table of Contents Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By atWtttvtNttt MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 3 Revision:

0 1.0 Introduction


4 1.1 Purpose .........................................................................................................................

4 1.2 Background


4 2.0 Summary of Results and Conclusions


4 3.0 Approach ...............................................................................................................

4 4.0 Inputs .....................................................................................................................

5 5. 0 Calculation


6 5.1 Concrete Density Verification


6 5.2 Elastic Modulus Determination


7 6.0 Results and Conclusions


7 7. 0 References


11 A Sample Concrete Density Calculation


A-1 B Test Data and Calculations


B-1 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-O 1


1.1 Purpose Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 4 Revision:

0 This calculation evaluates the applicability of the elastic modulus equation provided in Section 8.5.1 of ACI 318-71(Reference2) to the concrete mix used in the Beam Test Programs that MPR is sponsoring at Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory (FSEL). 1.2 Background MPR is developing a methodology to determine the through-thickness expansion of concrete structures at Seabrook Station due to Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR). The through-thickness expansion results in a reduction in the elastic modulus. One approach for estimating the original elastic modulus (i.e., the elastic modulus before ASR expansion occurs) is to calculate it using the 28-day compressive strength of the concrete and the equation provided in ACI 318-71. 2.0


OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of this calculation, the relationship between the measured 28-day compressive strength and the elastic modulus for the test specimens within the Beam Test Programs at FSEL is consistent with the ACI equation.

The measured data and calculated results show a similar trend. Measured and calculated elastic modulus values for all but three data sets were within the variability range stated in Reference 2, 20%. 3.0 APPROACH Section 8.5.1 of ACI 318-71 (Reference

2) states that the 28-day elastic modulus (Ee) of concrete can be calculated based on the density of concrete in lb/ft 3 (we) and the 28-day compressive strength of concrete (fc'). This relationship is expressed using Equation 1. E = 33wi.5 !71 c c \j}c (1) Section R8.5 .1 of ACI 318 (Reference
2) also states that measured values for elastic modulus range from 80% to 120% of the calculated value. Reference 3 provides the basis for Equation 1 and supports Reference
2. Equation 1 is based on light weight and normal weight concrete test data from various published articles and unpublished reports from the Expanded Shale, Clay, and Slate Institute.

The elastic modulus for normal weight concrete (approximate density of can be calculated using Equation 2, a simplified version of Equation 1. (Reference

2) MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 Ee= 57,ooof!Z MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 5 Revision:

0 (2) As part of the Shear and Reinforcement Anchorage Test Programs and Instrumentation Specimen Testing, FSEL has determined the 28-day concrete elastic modulus and compressive strength for each beam specimen fabricated to date. These tests use cylinders molded at the time of concrete placement.

In addition to the 28-day data, data are also available from cores removed from the test specimens used for control tests (i.e., tests performed shortly after 28 days, before the onset of deleterious ASR expansion).

The results of the FSEL elastic modulus and compressive strength tests are compared to Equation 2 (and therefore Equation 1) in this calculation to confirm that the ACI equation is applicable to the concrete mix used in the Beam Test Programs.

4.0 INPUTS As stated in Section 3.0, the 28-day elastic modulus and the 28-day compressive strength of twenty beams, collected by FSEL, were used to confirm the applicability of Equations I and 2. A total of-data sets were evaluated.

The data were taken from the Special Test and Inspection Records (STIRs) listed in Table 1. (Reference 5 through Reference

40) Table 1. References for Test Data MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 6 Revision:

0 Table 1. References for Test Data 5.0 CALCULATION

5. 1 Concrete Density Verification It is important to note that the density of concrete varies slightly among the beams that were tested. However, all test beams are composed of normal weight concrete (144 ft The simplified equation for normal weight concrete, Equation 2, is therefore applicable and was used to calculate the elastic moduli reported in this calculation.

The relevance of Equation 2 was verified by calculating the density of a beam and comparing it to the density of normal weight concrete.

The two values agreed. A sample density calculation is provided in Appendix A. MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 5.2 Elastic Modulus Determination MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 7 Revision:

0 The average 28-day compressive strengths and Equation 2 were used to calculate the 28-day elastic modulus for each of the-data sets listed in Table 1. The percent error is calculated between the measured and calculated elastic modulus values. The calculation is provided in Appendix B. 6.0 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The measured elastic modulus values for the-data sets collected at FSEL align well with the calculated elastic modulus values (from Equation 2). All but. of the measured elastic modulus values are within 80% to 120% of the calculated value. Figure 1 compares the FSEL data to the trendline for Equation 2. Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate that nearly all of the FSEL data falls within 80% and 120% of the calculated elastic modulus value, which is consistent with the statement in Section R8.5 .1 of ACI 318 (Reference

2) regarding the accuracy of the equation.

It is important to note that the measured elastic modulus is plotted and compared to the trendline associated with Equation 2 in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The percent difference between measured elastic modulus and calculated elastic modulus (per Equation 2) is plotted in Figure 3. All three figures support the conclusion that Equation 2 (and therefore Equation 1) applies to the FSEL data. The calculations required to generate Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 are also provided in Appendix B. Cylinders are depicted in blue. Cores are depicted in green. Based on the results of this calculation, the elastic modulus equation, provided in Section 8.5.1 of ACT 318-71, is validated.

MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 8 Revision:

0 Figure 1. Comparison of FSEL Elastic Modulus Test Data with Equation 2 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-O1 Non-Proprietary Version MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Prepared By Checked By Page: 9 Revision:

0 Figure 2. Range of FSEL Elastic Modulus Test Data MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: 10 Revision:

0 Figure 3. Percent Error: FSEL Elastic Modulus Test Data vs. Equation 2 Elastic Modulus MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: 11 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 Revision:


1. Seabrook Foreign Print No. 100629, "Concrete Test Report," Revision 5. 2. ACI 318-71, "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary," American Concrete Institute, 1971. 3. Pauw, A., "Static Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete as Affected by Density," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 32, No. 6, December 1960, pg. 679-687. 4. United Engineers Calculation No. CD-20, "Design of Mats at El. 20' O" and O' O" and Walls Below Grade for Electrical Tunnels and Control Building," Revision 2. 5. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-9, Revision 0. 6. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-17, Revision 0. 7. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-21, Revision 0. 8. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-24, Revision 0. 9. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-30, Revision 0. 10. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-34, Revision 0. 11. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-50, Revision 0. 12. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-45, Revision 0. 13. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-93, Revision 0. 14. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-110, Revision 0. 15. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-86, Revision 0. 16. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-96, Revision 0. 17. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-13, Revision 0. 18. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-19, Revision 0. 19. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-23, Revision 0. 20. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-26, Revision 0. MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: 12 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 Revision:

0 21. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-31, Revision 0. 22. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-35, Revision 0. 23. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-84, Revision 0. 24. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-106, Revision 0. 25. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-117, Revision 0. 26. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-11, Revision 0. 27. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-47, Revision 0. 28. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-95, Revision 0. 29. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-111, Revision 0. 30. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-89, Revision 0. 31. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-98, Revision 0. 32. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-87, Revision 0. 33. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-107, Revision 0. 34. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-90, Revision 0. 35. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-123, Revision 0. 36. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-124, Revision 0. 37. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-127, Revision 0. 38. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-128, Revision 0. 39. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-135, Revision 0. 40. MPR Special Test and Inspection Record No. STIR-0326-0062-24-136, Revision 0. MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: A-1 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 A Sample Concrete Density Calculation The density ofl was calculated using data provided in STIR-24-90. (Reference

34) The relevant data and density calculation are provided in Table A-1. Table A-1. Concrete Density Calculation Revision:

0 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O1 B Test Data and Calculations MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-1 Revision:

0 The information used to perform this calculation and to generate the graphs included herein is provided in Table B-land Table B-2. Table B-1. Compressive Strength and Calculated Elastic Modulus MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-2 Revision:

0 Table B-1. Compressive Strength and Calculated Elastic Modulus MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-3 Revision:

0 Table B-1. Compressive Strength and Calculated Elastic Modulus MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-4 Revision:

0 Table B-1. Compressive Strength and Calculated Elastic Modulus MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 Table B-2. Elastic Modulus MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-5 Revision:

0 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 Table B-2. Elastic Modulus MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-6 Revision:

0 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-0062-CLC-O 1 Table B-2. Elastic Modulus MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By Page: B-7 Revision:

0 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 c Non-Proprietary Version Compressive Strength of Concrete at Seabrook Station This appendix includes MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-02, Compressive Strength Values for Concrete at Seabrook Station, Revision 0. MPR-4153 Revision 3 C-1 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR CALCULATION TITLE PAGE Client: Nex Era Energy S abrook, LLC Project: Title: Appr ach fo Estima ing Through-Wall Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction at Seabrook Station Compressive Strength Va u s for Concrete at Seabrook Station MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Page I of 8 plus Appendix A Task No. 0326-1405-007 4 Calculation No. 0326-007 4-CLC-02 Preparer I Date Checker I Date Reviewer & App Olfer I Date Rev. No. David H. Bergquist January 28, 2015 Christina Hamm January 28, 2015 Jo n W. Simons January 28, 015 QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT 0 This documen has been prepared check d, and reviewed/app o ed n ace ance with the QA requirements of IOCFR50 Appendix B and/or ASME NQA-, ass ecified in h MPR Nuclear Quality Assurance Program. MPR-OA Form OA-3.1-1, Rev. 2 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 RECORD OF REVISIONS Calculation No. Prepared By Che edBy Page: 2 0326-007 4-CLC-02 Revision Affected Pages Description 0 All Initial Issue Note: The revisi n number found on each individual p ge of the calc 1/ation carries the revision level f the c /cul tio n effect at the time that page was last revised. MPR QA Form QA--3.1-2, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-007 4-CLC-02 Table of Contents MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Ch eke :y Page: 3 0 I Revision:

0 1.0 Purpose.....

... .......................................................

... ... .. .. . ..............................

4 2.0 ummary of R s Its .....................................................................................

4 3.0 Background...................................................................

... .. . ..............................

5 4. 0 Methodology


6 5.0 Results.......


... .. .. .. . ..............................

6 6. 0 References . ... ............ .............

... ..... .. ........ ..... ............ ... ... .. . ..............................

8 A ompre s ve Strength Data ..........................................*..............*............

A-1 MPR QA Fonn: QA..3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-007 4-CLC-02 1.0 PURPOSE Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Ch eke >y Page: 4 Revision:

0 This calculation evaluates available 28-day compressive strength values determined from concrete cylinders during the original construction of Seabrook Station. Tllese values are then <lisp a ed on a h stogram o show the data distribution , m an , nd standard de v ia t ion. Additionally , the data are separated by locat i on and by the strengt as of the concrete (i.e. sp ci ed c mpress v stren g th). 2.0


OF RESULTS All available 28-da ompr s;i e strength da a points were compiled to fo1m the histogram giv n in igure 1. The average 28-day compressive strength is 5456 p and the s t andard deviation is 568 psi. Seventy-five percent oft e data fall w it i ne stan a.rd de v iation of the mean and ninety-fom percent of the dat fall w thin two st nda eviations of the mean. 60 "l 50 20 .., 10 0 3 184 -4 0 0 375 2 *30 4 3 20 -2 o 53 4BB8 -lo 5 4 56 Mean GOD +lo 28-Day Comp r ess i ve Strengt h (p s i) Stan d a rd D eviation (o) = 568 p si 6591 +20 7159 +30 2 7727 +40 Figure 1. 28-Day Compressive Strength Values for Concrete y i der a t Seabrook Station MPR QA Fonn: OA-3.1-3 , Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Ch eke :y Page: 5 0326-007 4-CLC-02 Revision:

0 I Table I sho the data p esented in Figure I along with the data categor by room at Seabrook and by con ret strength class. Table 1. 28-Day ompres ive S ren th Data or Se r ok Station Mean Standard No. Of Data Min Max % of data % of data Deviation (a} Points within 1 a within 2 a All Data 5456 568 121 4240 7360 75% 94% 3000 PSI 5621 691 50 4270 7360 74°/a 96% Strength Class 4000 PSI Strength Class 5339 430 71 4240 6150 70% 99% (Note 1) Containment Enclosure 5426 380 24 4880 6080 67% 100% Building RHR Equipment 5503 491 35 4240 6150 63% 97% Vault EFWPump House 5390 269 12 4950 5870 67% 100% Stairway A RCA Walkway 4891 404 12 4270 5450 50% 100% BEDG 5197 371 21 4600 5840 62% 100% Building B Electrical 6163 705 17 5220 7360 65% 100% Tunnel Note 1: The stren th class of 9 samples f om the RHR Equipm nt Room cannot i ent fed With certainty due to poor resolu i n of he r ference document.

These s mp es are most likely 4000 psi st e hcla samples based on their proximity to other 4000 psi strength class samples. See Appendix A for more details.


MPR is developing a rneth dology to determine the through-thickness ex ansion of concrete structures at Sea roo tation due to the Alkali-il c React o SR be through-thickness expans on is related to t e r ductio n elastic modul s fthe concrete over time. One approach for estimating the original I stic modulus is to calculate it from the 28-da y compressive strength of the concrete using an equation from ACI 318 (Reference I). MPR QA Form: OA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-007 4-CLC-02 4.0 METHODOLOGY Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Ch eke :y Page: 6 Revision:

0 S abrook For i n Print No. 100629 and United Engineers Cal ulati n No. CD-20 (References 2 and 3) include 28-ay compressive stren t e ult for co crete sed in original construction for the following build ngs at Seabrook Station:

  • Containment Enclosure Building
  • RHR Equip nt Vault
  • EFW Pump House Stairway A
  • B Diesel Gene a or Building
  • B Electri al Tun el These references provide the 121 data points used in this calculation.

The ;e 28-day compressive strength data oints are ncluded in Appendix A. 5.0 RESULTS The average 28-day co ressive strength of all data points is 5456 si a d the standard deviation is 568 psi. Seventy-five percent of the da a fall ithin one andard deviation of the mean and ninety-four percent o the da a fall w thin two st ndar eviations o the mean. Therefore, the mean is a represe tat ve alue for the 28-day com ressive str ng h of all oncrete used at Seabrook.

See Sec ion 2.0 for a histogram of all data points as well as at ble of the compressive strength data y room and concrete strength class. Fig res nd 3 d sp a the data for the 3000 ps and 4000 psi strength class concrete cores, respectively.

MPR QA Form: QA..3.1-3, Rev. 0 mMPR Calculation No. 0326-00 74-CLC-02 25 -20 > 1 5 .. ::J CT .. :.:: 1 0 5 0 0 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Ch eke >y Page: 7 Revision:

0 22 S t andar d D ev i ation (o) = 691 p si 15 0---------35 47 4239 493 0 562 1 6312 70 04 7695 28-Dav C om p r ess i ve Stren g th Figure 2. 28-Day Compressive Strength Va l ues f r 300 psi Str ng h Class Concrete Cores U ev1a t 1on (o) = 4.iU p 5 1 25 25 Z S zo "" u c 1 5 CT 12 .... 10 8 5 0 4479 f;J 99 28-D a yCompr ess iv e Str e n gt h Figure 3. 28-D y C mpre si e Strength Valu sf r 000 si Str ngth C l ass Concrete Cores MPR QA Fonn: OA-3.1-3 , Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No. Prepared By 0326-007 4-CLC-02


MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Ch eke iy Page: 8 Revision:

0 1. ACI 318-71, "Bu ldin Co e R quireme ts fo Sm t ral Co crete," American Concrete Institute, 1971. 2. S abro k For i n Print No. 100629. "Cone e e Test e ort." Rev sion 0. 3. United Engineers Calculation No. CD-20, "Design of Mas at l. 2)' O" and O' O" and Wal s Below G de for Electiical Tunnels and Control Building," Revision 4. MPR QA Form: OA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Ch eke Page: A-1 0326-007 4-CLC-02 Revision:

0 A Compressive Strength Data Table A-1 contains the 28-day c mpress v stren th data fr concrete cores at Seabrook Station. Table A-1: 28-Da o pres iv trengths for Concrete C res at Seabrook Station Room Sample Compressive S :rength Class No. Strength (psi) (psi) 4405 5130 4000 4406 5200 4000 4407 5620 4000 4405A 6080 4000 4406A 5700 4000 4407A 5410 4000 4641 5200 4000 4642 5060 4000 4643 5410 4000 4641A 5980 4000 4642A 6050 4000 Containment Enclo ure 4643A 6010 4000 Building 4648 5020 4000 (Reference

2) 4649 5090 4000 4650 4950 4000 4655 5380 4000 4656 5240 4000 4657 4880 4000 4648A 5020 4000 4649A 5160 4000 4650A 5360 4000 4655A 5780 4000 4656A 5730 4000 4657A 5770 4000 MPR QA Form: OA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Ch eke :y Page: A-2 0326-007 4-CLC-02 Revision:

0 Table A-1: 28-Da o pres iv trengths for Concrete C res at Seabrook Station Room Sample Compressive Strength Class No. Strength (psi) (psi) 94 6070 3000 95 5780 3000 96 5710 3000 101 5800 3000 102 5730 3000 103 5700 3000 108 6140 3000 109 5960 3000 110 6030 3000 430 5020 4000 1 431 4990 4000' 432 5060 4000 1 430A 5450 4000 431A 5480 4000 432A 5380 4000 437 6010 4000 RHR Equi ment Vault 438 5620 4000 (Reference

2) 439 5980 4000 437A 6010 4000 438A 6150 4000 439A 6120 4000 unknown 4670 4000 unknown 4740 4000 unknown 5660 4000 unknown 5450 4000 unknown 5480 4000 unknown 5620 4000 unknown 5700 4000 unknown 5700 4000 unknown 4600 4000' unknown 5130 4000 1 unknown 4240 4000 1 unknown 5270 4000 1 unknown 5240 4000 1 1 Concret st ength class ca not be determined with certainty du to p r res lu ion reference document.

MPR QA Form: QA..3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Ch eke ly Page: A-3 0326-007 4-CLC-02 Revision:

0 Table A-1: 28-Da o pres iv trengths for Concrete C res at Seabrook Station Room Sample Compressive S :rength Class No. Strength (psi) (psi) RHR Equi ment Vault unknown 4920 4000 1 590 5700 3000 591 5700 3000 592 5590 3000 590A 4950 3000 591A 5200 3000 EF Pu p House 592A 5240 3000 Stairway A 597A 5290 3000 (Reference

2) 598A 5870 3000 599A 5380 3000 604A 5180 3000 605A 5340 3000 606A 5240 3000 489 5310 3000 490 4440 3000 491 4950 3000 489A 5200 3000 490A 5450 3000 RCA Walkway 491A 4880 3000 (Reference
2) 484 4470 3000 485 4270 3000 486 4370 3000 484A 5040 3000 485A 5090 3000 486A 5220 3000 unknown 4620 4000 unknown 4700 4000 unknown 4600 4000 unknown 5150 4000 B EOG Building unknown 5660 4000 (Reference
2) unknown 5200 4000 315 5520 4000 316 5590 4000 317 5470 4000 315A 5840 4000 MPR QA Form: QA.3.1-3, Rev. 0 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Ch eke *y Page: A-4 0326-007 4-CLC-02
u. -Revision:

0 Table A-1: 28-Da o pres iv trengths for Concrete C res at Seabrook Station Room Sample Compressive S :rength Class No. Strength (psi) (psi) 316A 5110 4000 317A 5640 4000 unknown 4600 4000 unknown 495Q 4000 B EDG Building unknown 4950 4000 (Reference

2) unknown 5380 4000 unknown 5310 4000 unknown 5040 4000 unknown 5340 4000 unknown 5040 4000 unknown 5430 4000 427 5410 3000 428 5220 3000 426A 6560 3000 427A 6490 3000 428A 6100 3000 433 5470 3000 434 5550 3000 B Electrical Tunnel 435 5890 3000 (Reference
3) 433A 7000 3000 434A 7220 3000 435A 7360 3000 440 5730 3000 441 5480 3000 442 5390 3000 440A 6330 3000 441A 6810 3000 442A 6760 3000 MPR QA Fonn: OA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 D Non-Proprietary Version Through-Wall Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction To-Date for Extensometers Installed at Seabrook Station Prior to September 2017 This appendix includes MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-04, Calculation of Through-Wall Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction To-Date Station for Extensometers Installed at Seabrook Station Prior to September 2017, Revision 1. MPR-4153 Revision 3 D-1 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 CALCULATION TITLE PAGE Client: NextEra Energy Seabrook Project: Title: Approach for Estimating Through-Wall Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction at Seabrook Station Calculation of Through-Wall Expansion from Alkali-Silica Reaction To-Date for Extensometers Installed at Seabrook Station Prior to September 2017 Page 1 of 15 Task No. 0326-1405-0074 Calculation No. 0326-0062-CLC-04 Preparer I Date I Checker I Date I Reviewer & Approver I Date I Rev. No.

Cad Amanda E. Card July 19, 2016 CM)v Amanda E. Card September 7, 2017 David Cowles July 19, 2016 David Cowles September 7, 2017 CiAJYy Christopher Bagley July 19, 2016 CiAJYy Christopher Bagley September 7, 2017 (Reviewer)

John W. Simons September 7, 2017 (Approver)

QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT 0 This document has been prepared, checked, and reviewed/approved in accordance with the QA requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix Band/or ASME NQA-1, as specified in the MPR Nuclear Quality Assurance Program.

Non-Proprietary Version mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 RECORD OF REVISIONS Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: 2 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision Affected Pages Description 0 1 All Initial Issue All Updated to include expansion information from additional extensometer locations at Seabrook Station. Also made minor editorial changes throughout the body of the calculation.

Note: The revision number found on each individual page of the calculation carries the revision level of the calculation in effect at the time that page was last revised.

Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Revision No.: 1 Street Checked By: Page No.: 3 Alexandria, VA 22314 Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose and Background


4 2.0 Summary of Results and Conclusion


4 3.0 Methodology


6 3.1 Using 28-Day Compressive Strength to Determine Original Elastic Modulus ............

6 3 .2 Detennining Through Thickness Expansion from Elastic Modulus ............................

7 4.0 Assumptions


7 4.1 Verified Assumptions


7 4.2 Unverified A.ssumptions


7 5. 0 Design Inputs ........................................................................................................

8 5.1 OJ.iginal Compressive Strength Data ............................................................................

8 5 .2 Cunent Elastic Modulus Data ....................................................................................

10 6.0 Calculations and Results ...................................................................................

16 6.1 Original Elastic :tv1odulns


16 6.2 Nominal Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date ......................................................

18 6.3 Adjusted Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date .....................................................

21 7.0 References


24 mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By:


'i . /' Checked By: 1.0 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 4 This calculation detennines the through-thickness expansion to-date from Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) for various locations in reinforced concrete structures at Seabrook Station. The cunent through-thickness expansion values were calculated using a correlation beh:veen through-thickness expansion and elastic modulus of concrete test specimens affected by ASR. Seabrook Station has installed instnnnents (i.e., extensometers) to monitor through-thickness expansion.

This calculation determines the current through-thickness expansion values for each of the installed extensometer locations.

Seabrook Station will follow the process presented in this calculation to determine the cunent through-thickness expansion values upon installation of extensometers in the future. 2.0


OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSION The table below provides through-thickness expansion values to-date for reinforced concrete locations of interest at Seabrook Station. Table 2-1. Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Checked By: Table 2-1. Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 5 mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By:

CaraA/ Checked By: /J ,. L/.... /,

Table 2-1. Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date 3.0 METHODOLOGY Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 6 This calculation uses the equation developed in Reference 3 to determine the current through-thickness expansion from ASR. The equation in Reference 3 uses normalized elastic modulus (i.e., current elastic modulus I original elastic modulus) to determine through-thickness expansion to-date. The key steps in the methodology used herein are (1) determination of the original elastic modulus which was not directly measured during original constrnction and (2) detennination of through-tliickness expansion using the equation in Reference

3. The A.SR-affected elastic modulus is determined using measurements of cores removed from the plant strnctures in the vicinity of the extensometer locations.
3. 1 Using 28-Day Compressive Strength to Determine Original Elastic Modulus Section 8.5.1 of ACI 318-71(Reference2) states that the 28-day elastic modulus (Ee) of concrete can be calculated based on the density of concrete in lb/ft 3 (we) and the 28-day compressive strength of concrete (fc'). The elastic modulus for normal weight concrete (approximate density of 144*) can be calculated using Equation 1. Equation 1 was developed using data from a wide range of concrete and is therefore generally applicable to most concrete mixes. Ee= 57,000.fll (Equation

Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No.: Prepared By: W}'V\t(/vtvlcl 0326-0062-CLC-04 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Revision No.: 1 Street 1 . A"' k.;w/&,,,._/J Checked By: Page No.: 7 Alexandria, VA 22314 Reference 1 evaluates the applicability of Equation 1 to the concrete mix used in the test programs that :tviPR sponsored at Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory (FSEL) (i.e., the MPR1FSEL test programs).

Based on the results of Reference 1, the relationship between the measured 28-day compressive strength (original compressive strength) and the 28-day elastic modulus for the test specimens within the J:viPR/FSEL test programs is consistent with the ACI equation.

Using Equation 1 to evaluate concrete at Seabrook Station is also appropriate.

The correlation was demonstrated to apply to the concrete used in the I:viPRJFSEL test programs in Reference 1 and the concrete mi.x. used in the 1'1PI0FSEL test programs was representative of the concrete at Seabrook Station. Accordingly, the compressive strength of concrete identified in Seabrook Station's original constrnction records can be used to dete1mine the original elastic modulus (Ee) of the concrete of interest.

3.2 Determining Through Thickness Expansion from Elastic Modulus Reference 3 determines a correlation (Equation

2) between through-thickness expansion and normalized elastic modulus of concrete test specimens affected by ASR. The correlation is based on data from test programs that I:viPR sponsored at FSEL. The correlation was verified against published data. (Equation
2) Where: expansion is the relative through-thickness expansion of the concrete specimen (e.g., 0.02 equals a expansion) and modulus is the normalized modulus of the test specimen after ASR. A normalized modulus reduction factor of-was applied to Equation 2 to provide appropriate conservatism for the methodology.


4. 1 Verified Assumptions There are no verified assumptions.

4.2 Unverified Assumptions There are no unverified assumptions.

mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 5.0 DESIGN INPUTS Non-Proprietary Version Checked By: 5. 1 Original Compressive Strength Data Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 8 Tue original compressive strength data were used to determine the original elastic modulus using Equation 1. Seabrook Station provided MPR with Concrete Compressive Strength Test Reports from Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory (Reference 5 and Reference 9). These lab repo11s contained the 28-day compressive strength data from cylinders that were representative of the majority of the locations of interest.

Tue cylinders used to determine the 28-day compressive strength were molded using concrete from the same concrete batch that was used to place the associated concrete strncture at Seabrook Station. Average compressive strength values for specific strnctures provided in Reference 4 were used when applicable Concrete Compressive Strength Test Repo11s from Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory were not available.

Reference 4 evaluates available 28-day compressive strength values of concrete cylinders during the 01iginal construction of Seabrook Station. Tue calculation dete1mines the average of all compressive strength values and calculates the range and standard deviation.

Using the average compressive strength value for Seabrook Station (Reference

4) for locations that do not have applicable test rep011s is approp1iate due to the fact that original compressive strength does not have a significant effect on the thickness expansion to-date. Table 5-1 presents the average and standard deviation associated with the original compressive strength of each location.

Tue average compressive strength is used to dete1mine the nominal through-thickness expansion to-date. Tue range and standard deviation illustrate the variability among the 01iginal compressive strength data. Table 5-1. Original Compressive Strength Data Location Average Range Standard Deviation Reference ID Note 1 (psi) (psi) (psi) E1 5197 1240 371 5 E2 6163 2140 705 5 E3 5666 1000 320 5 E4 4429 1750 526 5 ES 5266 880 363 5 E6 5922 1200 401 5 mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Location ID Note 1 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E28 E29 E30 E31 Non-Proprietary Version Checked By: Table 5-1. Original Compressive Strength Data Average Range Standard Deviation (psi) (psi) (psi) 6412 780 217 5426 980 315 4910 1510 400 5186 870 243 5774 1700 530 5666 1000 320 5710 180 104 5426 980 315 6037 170 93 5456 3120 568 5456 3120 568 5307 1820 528 5490 1260 381 5456 3120 568 5660 710 254 5456 3120 568 5537 1100 332 5390 920 257 5260 2720 821 5662 1860 558 5662 1860 558 5456 3120 568 Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 9 Reference 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 9 9 4 9 4 9 9 9 9 9 4 mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Location ID Note 1 E32 E33 E35 E36 E37 E39 E40 E41 E42 E43 Notes: Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By: (l;}vt,Ct/t1uA,o..


Checked By: Table 5-1. Original Compressive Strength Data Average Range Standard Deviation

{psi) {psi) (psi} 5133 2060 461 5106 3340 822 4997 300 101 5456 3120 568 5456 3120 568 5426 980 306 5346 1980 470 5456 3120 568 5348 640 218 5348 640 218 Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 10 Reference 9 9 9 4 4 9 9 4 9 9 1. Locations E16, E17, E27, E34, and E38 were deleted from the original scope. Thus, extensometers were not installed at these locations.

5.2 Current Elastic Modulus Data Seabrook Station determined the current elastic modulus by testing cores removed from each location and provided the results to :rvIPR (Reference 6, 7, and 8). Results from these tests ru.*e listed in Table 5-2. In the majority oflocations, multiple elastic modulus values were obtained.

The "-1. "-2," "-3," and "-4 after the location title designate between the specific core locations.

Some locations have multiple modulus results because sufficient intact core length was available for nvo test specimens.

The average and range values presented below consider all tests performed on cores from the same general location.

The average cmTent elastic modulus data is used to determine the nominal through-thickness expansion to-date. The range illustrates the variability associated with cunent modulus data. In some locations, field conditions (e.g., cracked cores) and configuration limitations (e.g., embedded steel and conduits, rebar, etc.) limited the number of cores that could be mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By:


/J Checked By: Calculation No.: 03 26-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 11 obtained and tested. fu these cases, only one elastic modulus value was obtained.

These locations are identified with a range of "NIA" in Table 5-2. It is preferred that Seabrook Station obtain at least two elastic modulus test results from each location of interest and average the results to promote greater accuracy.

MPR reviewed the rep01ied elastic modulus values and noted the following:

  • All single elastic modulus values are within the range of average elastic modulus values from other locations.

This obseivation suggests that the concrete in locations with only one modulus value is in comparable condition to other locations within the plant, which provides assurance that the values are reasonable.

  • Of the eleven locations with only one elastic modulus value, nine have calculated nominal expansion values that are ve1y low (i.e., 0.07%, See Table 6-2). Therefore, the effects of minor inaccuracies associated with the elastic modulus obtained at these locations are insignificant.

NextErn is finiher investigating the two locations with higher nominal through-thickness values. Table 5-2. Current Elastic Modulus Data Location Modulus 1 Modulus 2 Average Range IDNote1 (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) E1-1 2.20E+06 2.10E+06 2.04E+06 8.50E+05 E1-2 2.35E+06 1.50E+06 E2-1 3.00E+06 NIA 2.70E+06 6.00E+05 E2-2 2.40E+06 NIA E3-1 2.35E+06 2.10E+06 2.49E+06 7.00E+05 E3-2 2.80E+06 2.70E+06 E4-1 2.80E+06 N/A 3.30E+06 1.00E+06 E4-2 3.80E+06 N/A E5-1 4.45E+06 N/A 4.53E+06 1.50E+05 mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 location ID Note 1 E5-2 E6-1 E6-2 E7-1 E7-2 E8-1 E8-2 E9-1 E9-2 E10-1 E10-2 E10-2 (cont.) E11-1 E11-3 E12-1 E12-2 E13-1 E13-2 Non-Proprietary Version Checked By: Table 5-2. Current Elastic Modulus Data Modulus 1 Modulus2 Average (psi) (psi) (psi) 4.60E+06 N/A 2.95E+06 2.90E+06 2.91E+06 3.00E+06 2.80E+06 3.15E+06 3.05E+06 2.97E+06 2.70E+06 NIA 2.40E+06 NIA 2.55E+06 2.70E+06 NIA 1.40E+06 1.80E+06 1.50E+06 1.30E+06 N/A 2.20E+06 2.30E+06 2.50E+06 2.45E+06 2.41E+06 2.60E+06 N/A 2.75E+06 N/A 2.83E+06 2.90E+06 NIA 3.10E+06 3.05E+06 3.16E+06 3.45E+06 3.05E+06 NIA N/A 1.85E+06 1.85E+06 N/A Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 12 Range (psi) 2.00E+05 4.50E+05 3.00E+05 5.00E+OS 4.00E+05 1.5E+05 4.00E+05 N/A mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Location ID Note 1 E14-1 E14-2 E15-1 E15-2 E18-1 E18-2 E19-1 E19-2 E20-1 E20-2 E21-1 E21-2 E22-1 E22-2 E23-3 E23-4 E24-1 E24-2 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By: W}'V\{X/vuA.Ct

(;oJicl Checked By: Table 5-2. Current Elastic Modulus Data Modulus 1 Modulus2 Average (psi) {psi) (psi} 2.25E+06 1.90E+06 1.88E+06 1.70E+06 1.65E+06 2.25E+06 NIA 2.38E+06 2.50E+06 NIA 2.85E+06 NIA 2.98E+06 3.10E+06 N/A 3.10E+06 N/A 3.38E+06 3.65E+06 N/A 3.50E+06 NIA 3.55E+06 3.60E+06 NIA 1.05E+06 1.40E+06 1.50E+06 1.65E+06 1.90E+06 3.95E+06 NIA 3.95E+06 NIA N/A NIA N/A 3.05E+06 3.05E+06 NIA N/A NIA 2.95E+06 2.95E+06 N/A Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 13 Range {psi) 6.00E+05 2.50E+05 2.50E+05 5.50E+05 1.00E+05 8.50E+05 N/A NIA N/A mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Location ID Note1 E25-1 E25-2 E26-1 E26-2 E28-1 E28-2 E29-1 E29-2 E30-1 E30-2 E31-1 E31-2 E32-1 E32-2 E33-1 E33-2 E35-1 E35-2 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By: tM'V\ltvW'lCl Checked By:

Table 5-2. Current Elastic Modulus Data Modulus 1 Modulus 2 Average (psi} (psi) (psi) 4.75E+06 NIA 4.98E+06 5.20E+06 NIA 2.25E+06 2.70E+06 2.58E+06 2.30E+06 3.05E+06 4.10E+06 NIA 4.10E+06 NIA NIA 3.75E+06 NIA 3.68E+06 3.60E+06 NIA 1.90E+06 2.80E+06 2.58E+06 2.55E+06 3.05E+06 2.30E+06 2.40E+06 5.40E+06 3.90E+06 3.32E+06 2.60E+06 N/A 2.20E+06 NIA 2.35E+06 2.55E+06 2.30E+06 3.05E+06 N/A 3.05E+06 3.05E+06 NIA 2.50E+06 NIA 2.50E+06 N/A NIA Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 14 Range (psi) 4.50E+05 8.00E+OS NIA 1.50E+05 1.15E+06 3.10E+06 3.50E+05 O.OOE+OO NIA mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Location ID Note1 E36-1 E36-2 E37-1 E37-2 E39-1 E39-2 E40-1 E40-2 E41-3 E41-4 E42-1 E42-2 E43-1 E43-2 E43-3 Notes: Non-Proprietary Version Checked By: Table 5-2. Current Elastic Modulus Data Modulus 1 Modulus2 Average (psi) (psi) (psi) NIA NIA 4.60E+06 4.60E+06 NIA NIA N/A 3.05E+06 3.05E+06 N/A 2.25E+06 NIA 2.75E+06 3.25E+06 NIA NIA N/A 2.78E+06 2.95E+06 2.60E+06 4.00E+06 NIA 4.00E+06 N/A NIA 1.60E+06 N/A 1.60E+06 NIA NIA N/A NIA N/A NIA 2.75E+06 2.75E+06 NIA Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 15 Range (psi) NIA N/A 1.00E+06 3.50E+05 NIA N/A N/A 1. Locations E16, E17, E27, E34, and E38 were deleted from the original scope. Thus, extensometers were not installed at these locations.

mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By: Checked By: 6.0 CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS 6.1 Original Elastic Modulus Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 16 The original elastic modulus was determined by using the average compressive strength data in Table 5-1 and Equation 1, where f; is the 28-day compressive strength and Ee is the original elastic modulus. Results are presented in Table 6-1. Table 6-1. Nominal Original Elastic Modulus Location ID Note 1 Original Elastic Modulus (psi) E1 4.11E+06 E2 4.47E+06 E3 4.29E+06 E4 3.79E+06 ES 4.14E+06 E6 4.39E+06 E7 4.56E+06 ES 4.20E+06 E9 3.99E+06 E10 4.10E+06 E11 4.33E+06 E12 4.29E+06 E13 4.31E+06 E14 4.20E+06 mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Checked By: Table 6-1. Nominal Original Elastic Modulus Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 17 Location ID Note 1 Original Elastic Modulus (psi) E15 4.43E+06 E18 4.21E+06 E19 4.21E+06 E20 4.15E+06 E21 4.22E+06 E22 4.21E+06 E23 4.29E+06 E24 4.21E+06 E25 4.24E+06 E26 4.18E+06 E28 4.13E+06 E29 4.29E+06 E30 4.29E+06 E31 4.21E+06 E32 4.08E+06 E33 4.07E+06 E35 4.03E+06 E36 4.21E+06 E37 4.21E+06 Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Revision No.: 1 Checked By: Page No.: 18 Table 6-1. Nominal Original Elastic Modulus Location ID Note 1 Original Elastic Modulus (psi) E39 4.20E+06 E40 4.17E+06 E41 4.21E+06 E42 4.17E+06 E43 4.17E+06 Notes: 1. Locations E16, E17, E27, E34, and E38 were deleted from the original scope. Thus, extensometers were not installed at these locations.

6.2 Nominal Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date The average modulus values presented in Table 5-2 and the nominal original elastic modulus values listed in Table 6-1 were used to detennine the nonnalized modulus (modulus).

The nominal expansion to-date was calculated using the normalized modulus and Equation 3. (Equation

3) The nominal through-thickness expansion values (i.e., unadjusted though-thickness expansion values) to-date for the locations of interest are presented in Table 6-2. Table 6-2. Nominal Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By: Checked By: Table 6-2. Nominal Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 19 mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By: Checked By: Table 6-2. Nominal Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 20 mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Checked By: 6.3 Adjusted Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 21 Unce1tainty in the original modulus (calculated from the original compressive strength) and the measurement variability in cmTent modulus influence the calculated through-thickness expansion values. To include an appropriate level of conservatism into the calculated through-thickness values, a no1malized modulus reduction factor of0.85 was applied, as shown in Equation 4 below. (Equation
4) Equation 4 results in higher calculated through-thickness values. Results for the locations of interest are shown in Table 6-3. The average original compressive strength, the calculated original elastic modulus, the average current elastic modulus, and the nominal through-thickness expansion values are included for reference.

Table 6-3. Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date Average Original Average Nominal Through-Original Current Location Compressive Elastic Elastic Through-Thickness ID Strength Modulus Modulus Thickness .ans ion (psi) (psi) (psi) Expansion factor} E1 5197 4.11E+06 2.04E+06 .. .. E2 6163 4.47E+06 2.70E+06 .. .. E3 5666 4.29E+06 2.49E+06 .. .. E4 4429 3.79E+06 3.30E+06 .. .. E5 5266 4.14E+06 4.53E+06 .. .. E6 5922 4.39E+06 2.91E+06 .. .. E7 6412 4.56E+06 2.97E+06 .. .. E8 5426 4.20E+06 2.55E+06 .. .. E9 4910 3.99E+06 1.50E+06 .. .. E10 5186 4.10E+06 2.41E+06 .. .. E11 5774 4.33E+06 2.83E+06 .. ..

mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By: Checked By: Table 6-3. Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date Average Original Average Nominal Original Current Location Compressive Elastic Elastic Through-ID Strength Modulus Modulus Thickness (psi) (psi) (psi) Expansion E12 5666 4.29E+06 3.16E+06 .. E13 5710 4.31E+06 1.85E+06 .. E14 5426 4.20E+06 1.88E+06 .. E15 6037 4.43E+06 2.38E+06 .. E18 5456 4.21E+06 2.98E+06 .. E19 5456 4.21E+06 3.38E+06 .. E20 5307 4.15E+06 3.55E+06 .. E21 5490 4.22E+06 1.50E+06 .. E22 5456 4.21E+06 3.95E+06 .. E23 5660 4.29E+06 3.05E+06 .. E24 5456 4.21E+06 2.95E+06 .. E25 5537 4.24E+06 4.98E+06 .. E26 5390 4.18E+06 2.58E+06 .. E28 5260 4.13E+06 4:10E+06 .. E29 5662 4.29E+06 3.68E+06 .. E30 5662 4.29E+06 2.58E+06 .. E31 5456 4.21E+06 3.32E+06 .. E32 5133 4.08E+06 2.35E+06 .. E33 5106 4.07E+06 3.05E+06 .. E35 4997 4.03E+06 2.50E+06 .. E36 5456 4.21E+06 4.60E+06 .. Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 22 Through-Thickness iiansion factor) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Non-Proprietary Version mMPR Prepared By: lMY1.t(lvt-oltl CaJuJL Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Revision No.: 1 Street Checked By: Page No.: 23 Alexandria, VA 22314 Table 6-3. Through-Thickness Expansion To-Date Average Original Average Nominal Through-Original Current Location Compressive Elastic Elastic Through-Thickness ID Strength Modulus Modulus Thickness .ans ion (psi) (psi) (psi) Expansion factor) E37 5456 4.21E+06 3.05E+06 .. .. E39 5426 4.20E+06 2.75E+06 .. .. E40 5346 4.17E+06 2.78E+06 .. .. E41 5456 4.21E+06 4.00E+06 .. .. E42 5348 4.17E+06 1.60E+06 .. .. E43 5348 4.17E+06 2.75E+06 .. .. The results in Table 6-3 indicate that Equation 4 inherently provides significant conservatism.

Key observations include the following:

  • *
  • For the highest through-thickness expansion value E2 l ), use of Equation 4 increased the expansion value toll%


The impact of the normalized modulus reduction factor (in absolute terms) increases with ASR progression (i.e., at higher levels of expansion).

In relative tenns, application of Equation 4 to the highest through-thickness ex=:ion value (location E2 l) produced a conservatism ofl% (i.e., 111% expansion

/-% expansion).

The relative conservatism of Equation 4 increases if ASR pro ession is less advanced . As an for_ location is. 1 %.

conservatism ofusrng Equatton 4 isl<<?o expans10w

% expans10n).

mMPR MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 7 .0 REFERENCES Non-Proprietary Version Prepared By: Checked By: Calculation No.: 0326-0062-CLC-04 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 24 I. MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-Ol, Evaluation of AC! Equation for Elastic Modulus, RevisionO.

2. ACI 318-71, "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary," American Concrete Institute, 1971. 3. MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-03, Correlation Between Through-Thickness Expansion and Elastic Modulus in Concrete Test Specimens Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR), Revision3.
4. MPR Calculation 0326-0062-CLC-02, Compressive Strength Values for Concrete at Seabrook Station, Revision 0. 5. Pittsburg Testing Laboratory Concrete Compressive Strength Test Reports, transmitted to MPR from Seabrook Station via SBK-L-16086, "Documentation Transmittal to Support Determination of Through-Thickness Expansion to Date and Validate Expansion Behavior at Seabrook," June 9, 2016. 6. Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Report No. 160072-LR-01, Revision 0, "Laboratory Testing of Concrete Cores at SGH, NextEra Energy Seabrook Station, Waltham, MA," May3,2016.
7. Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Document No. 160072.02-L-001, "Onsite Support and Testing of Twenty-Eight Cores, NextEra Energy Seabrook Station, Waltham, MA," July 15, 2016. 8. Correlation Cores Status Matrix, transmitted to MPR from Seabrook Station via SBK-L-17110, "Documentation Transmittal to Support Determination of Through-Thickness Expansion to Date and Validate Expansion Behavior at Seabrook," July 28, 2017. 9. Pittsburg Testing Laboratory Concrete Compressive Strength Test Reports, transmitted to MPR from Seabrook Station via SBK-L-17110, "Documentation Transmittal to Support Determination of Through-Thickness Expansion to Date and Validate Expansion Behavior at Seabrook," July 28, 2017.