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Macroinvertebrate Survey of the Savannah River Burke County, Georgia, January to November, 1981, Operating License Stage Environmental Report Technical Document.
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle, 05200011  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1983
From: Guill G
Georgia Power Co
Office of New Reactors
+reviewedcja, AR-07-0924
Download: ML071710049 (89)


VOGTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT MACROINVERTEBRATE SURVEY OF THE SAVANNAH RIVER BURKE COUNTY, GEORGIA, JANUARY TO NOVEMBER, 1981 OPERATING LICENSE STAGE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TECHNICAL DOCUMENT GEORGEN.GUILL PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR GEORGIA POWER COMPANY ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS CENTER MARCH, 1983 LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION METHODS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES TABLES FIGURES APPENDIX A VEGP-OLSER TABLE OF CONTENTS i-Page ii v 1 2 3 12 14 18 73 75-VEGP-OLSER.LIST OF TABLES 1.Numbers of Individuals Collected on Multiplate Samplers at VEGP During 1981 18 2.Numbers of Individuals Collected on Basket Samplers at VEGP During 1981 20 3.Numbers of Individuals Collected in Ponar Samples at VEGP During 1981 22 4.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Multiplate Samplers at Station l50.6E During 1981 24 5.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Multiplate Samplers at Station l50.6W During 1981 27 6.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Multiplate Samplers at Station l50.9E During 1981 30 7.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Mu1tiplate Samplers at Station lSO.9W During 1981 33 8.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Mu1tiplate Samplers at Station lSl.2E During 1981 36 9.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Mu1tiplate Samplers at Station lSl.2W During 1981 39 10.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Basket Samplers at Station lSO.6E During 1981 42 11.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Basket Samplers at Station lSO.6W During 1981 44 12.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis).

of Organisms Collected on Basket Samplers at Station lSO.9E During 1981 46 ii VEGP-OLSER LIST OF TABLES CONTINUED 13.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Basket Samplers at Station l50.9W During 1981 48 14.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Basket Samplers at Station 151.2E During 1981 50 15.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected on Basket Samplers at Station 151.2W During 1981 52 16.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected in Ponar Samples at Station l50.6C During 1981 54 17.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected in Ponar Samples at Station l50.9C During 1981 57 18.Total Numbers With Percent Composition (in Parenthesis) of Organisms Collected in Ponar Samples at Station l5l.2C During 1981 60 19.Minimum and Maximum Values for Physicochemical Data.Obtained at the Time of Macroinvertebrate Sampling 63 20.Average Values and Analysis of Variance for the Variable LNUM for the Multiplate Samplers in 1981 64 21.Average Values and Analysis of Variance for the Number of Taxa Collected by Multiplate Samplers in 1981 65 22.Average Values and Analysis of Variance for the Variable LNUM of the Ponar Dredge Samples in 1981 66.-23.Average Values and Analysis of Variance for the Number of Taxa Collected by Ponar Dredge Samples in 1981 67 24.Table of Mean Values for LNUM.Number of Taxa, and Number of Individuals Collected by Basket Samplers During 1981 iii 68-VEGP-OLSER LIST OF TABLES CONTINUED 25.Duncan's Range Test for LNUM by Station for Ponar Samples 26.Summary Results for Analysis of Variance for Number of Taxa (in Parenthesis) for East va.WestBank Multiplate Samplers 27.Summary Results of Analysis of Variance for the Variable LNUM (in Parenthesis) for East vs.West Bank Muliplate Samplers 28.Average Stream Velocity Measurements (cm/s)Taken at the Time of Macroinvertebrate Sampling iv 69 70 71 72 VEGP-OLSER LISTOFFIGURES 1.Benthic Samv1ing Stations 2.Diagram of Benthic Station v Page 73 74 VEGP-OLSER INTRODUCTION Construction of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP)began in June, 1974, and was discontinued in September, 1974, as a result of unfavorable economic conditions.

Construction resumed in January, 1977, with excavation activities beginning in February.The plant site is approximately 3169 acres and located in Burke County on thewest side of the Savannah River, the natural boundary between Georgia and South Carolina.The site is at river mile across from the Savannah River Plant (SRP).operatedbyE.1.DuPont DeNemours and Company for the U.S.Department of Energy.The plant site is approximately 26 miles south-southeast of Augusta, Georgia.The site is located in the coastal plain, which is characterized by sandy or sandy loam soil with rolling hills and mixed pine-hardwood association.

Since the onset of construction, approximately 1391 acres of the site have been cleared for plant co?struction.

The original plans proposed a generating plant consisting of four units, but construction of two units has been cancelled.

The plant will employ two pressurized water reactors producing 1160 MW each.Unit 1 isduled to go into service in March, 1987, and Unit 2 in September, 1988.The exhaust steam will be cooledbya closed-cycle cooling systemploying natural draft cooling towers using make-up water from thenah River.Low volume waste and blowdown from both cooling towers will ultimately be discharged back into the river.The Savannah River below Augusta, Georgia, and above the VEGP site receives wastewater discharges from municipalities and industries that add organic wastes, nutrients, metals, and other trace conttytnants.

Stream classification near the VEGP is listed as"Fishing." The river near the plant site is typical of large southeastern coastal plain rivers except that a dredged channel is maintained by the Corps ofneers for barge traffic.The biological community'of the river islar to that of other large southeastern rivers but has been affected by man's influence on the river.The impoundment of the river above Augusta, Georgia, has reduced the transport of sediments and allochthonouslate organic material, and the dredging of the channel has reduced the natural shallow areas and backwaters that would normally support a diverse benthic fauna.The open portion of the river is generally unsuitable for many bottom-dwelling invertebrates due to the shifting sand(zybstrate which does not provide an optimum habitat for colonization.

Studies on the Savannah River flora and fauna have been periodically since 1951 and were Patrick, etAcademy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and Matthews.Georgia PowerCompanywas required by Chapter 2.2 of U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 4.2, Revision 2, 1976;to conduct a biological study to describe the flora and fauna in the vicinity of the site, their habits, and distribution.

The study should identify organisms 1 VEGP-OLSER defined to be"important" because of commercial or recreational value, threatened or endangered status, effects on other"important" species, or being a biological indicator of radionuclides in the environment.

In addition, food chains and other interspecies relationships are to be identified.

To this end, a study of the macroinvertebrates in the Savannah River between river 150.6 and 151.2 was conducted between January and November, 1981.METHODS Six sampling stations were located on the Savannah River near the VEGP at approximate river miles150.6,150.9, and 151.2, approximately 35 feet from the east and west banks (figure 1).A typical benthic station was composed of an anchor, two floats, three multiplate samplers, and one basket sampler (figure 2).Each multiplate sampler was composed of ten unglazed porcelain discs 3.1 inches in diameter and 0.3 inches thick held togetherbya 5.9-inch stainless steel eyebolt.Each plate was separated from the otherbya O.l-inch thick neopreni washer.Each sampler had a surface area of approximately 1.3 feet.The basketplerwasa wire mesh barbeque basket containing fourteen 2.o-inch diameter unlapped 2Porcelain spheres with a total surface area of approximately 1.2 feet.The multiplate and basket exposed for approximately six weeks before they were collected.

Two of the three multiplate samplers were collected for insect identification for each sampling period.The third samplerwasa spare used if one of the other samplers was lost.Prior to removal from the water, each multiplate sampler was enclosed in a 9.8 inch by 9.8 inch nylon recovery bag with a drawstring top.A field label was placed into the bag, and the bag was secured by tying.The bag was then placed in a solution of ten percent formalin.The basket samplers were recovered by carefully maneuvering them into a plastic container prior to their removal from the water.The container with the basket sampler inside was removed from the river.The door on the basket was opened and the spheres were emptied into a fine mesh collecting bag with a drawstring top.A field label was placed inside the bag which was tied shut and placed into a solution of approximately ten percent formalin.Five petite-ponar dredge samples were also collected at each station;twoon the bank side of each station float and one at mid-channel.

Dredge samples were washed in the field using a U.S.#30 sieve and placed into labeled one-liter wide-mouth jars with enough 40 percent formalin to make an approximate ten percent zolution.The combined area sampled for the five grabs was 1.4 feet.Air temperature, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH measurements were recorded at each station for each collection period.In addition to the above measurements,two250ml water samples and a one liter sample were collected for chemical analysis.One250ml sample wasserved in the field with 1.0 ml concentrated sulfuric acid, and the other 2 VEGP-OLSER Chemical analyses Examination of Analysis of Water was preserved with 1.0 ml concentrated acid.were performed according to Standard Methods for the Water and Waste Water, APHA, 14 Edition, or and Waste, EPA, March, 1979.Current velocity was measured at station using a Pigmy Pattern flowmeter placed at the depth of the multiplate samplers.Threeate measurements of three-minute duration were made at each station and averaged to obtain the ambient stream velocity for each station.In the laboratory, each multiplate sampler was disassembled over a plastic dishpan, and the plates lightly washed with a soft bristle brush and rinsed with a light stream of water.The spheres from the basket samplers were washed in the same manner.The material from these washings was concentrated in a U.S.#30 sieve and preserved in jars of 70 percent ethyl atsyho1.Ponar dredge samples were stained withB-Biebrich Scarlet in order to facilitate sorting of organisms from detritus.For all samples, organisms were sorted from detritus in a white enamel pan under an illuminated three-diopter magnifier.

The sorted organisms were stored in vials and preserved with 70 percent ethanol.brganisms were identified to the lowest practical taxon and-enumerated using dissecting microscopes with a maximum magnification of 70 power.A taxon is considered to be the lowest level to which an organism is identified

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were the keys: Merr1tt121d

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and Westfttt;Parr1sh;Ross;S1ncla1r;Edmondson; and Wiggins.Consistent identification was maintained through the use of a reference collection of voucher specimens whose identification had been verified by an independent source.An analysis of variance (ANOVA)was performed on the multiplate, basket, and ponar data for number of taxa, number of individuals, and number of individuals transformed as LoglO (number of individuals

+1).Factors analyzed were station, month, and station-month interactions.

When significant differences were detected at the 0.05 level, Duncan'sple Range Test ofMeanswas also performed.

ANOVA was also performed for east vs.west bank for number of taxa and transformed number of individuals for multiplate samples.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Artificial substrates were chosen as the principal means of collection because of the numerous advantages they afford including convenience of use, and comparability of data over long periods of time.Comparability was an important consideration due to the probability of long-range future monitoring studies connected with plant operation.

3 VEGP-OLSER Ponar samples were used to document those organisms occurring in the natural river substrates that might otherwise be overlooked due to the selectivity of artificial substrates for some groups of organisms.

Due to the predominantly loose sand substrate present in the river at all the stations, four of the five grabs made at each station were made in shallower water near or into the river banks where more suitablestrate for macroinvertebrates was likely to be found.The fifth grabwasmade at mid-channel to collect those organisms that did, in fact, occur in the sandy substrate.

This study revealed a varied macroinvertebrate fauna in the Savannah River in the vicinity of the VEGP.The major invertebrate taxa that would be expected in a large southeastern coastal plain river, such as, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, etc., were collect31(4)(S)and were generally similar to collections made in previous studies even though collection methods differed.Multiplate and ponar samples were collected at each station in January, February, March, May, June, August, September, and November, 1981.Table 1 presents the numbers of individuals collected by multiplate samplers.Basket samplers were only collected in January, February, March, and June, 1981;and these data are presented in table 2.Table 3 presents the numbers of individuals collected in the Ponar samples for all months.A total of 70 taxa of macro invertebrates were collected on multiplate samplers, 54 taxa on basket samplers, and 61 taxa in Ponar samplers in 1981.Data for total numbers of organisms and percent composition of organisms by numbers collected on multiplate samplers at individual stations during 1981 are presented in tables 4 through 9.Similar data for basket samplers and Ponar samples are presented in tables 10 through15and tables 16 through l8,respectively.

.Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera (mayflies) were represented in all collectionsby11 taxa.The greatest numbers consisted of Stenonema spp.More Stenonema spp.were recovered from the multiplate samplers which apparently provided a more suitable substrate than did the baskets.They were presentout the year at most stations with the greatest numbers occurring in the summer and fall.Stenonema spp.have been reported as spending most of their life cycle in the nymphal stage and being in streams at various stages of development throughout the year.Baetis spp.and Heptagenia spp.were present at most stations throughout the year.Tricorythodes spp**occurred mostly on the multiplate samplers but did not appear in the collections until June.and their numbers declined by the November sampling period.Various life cycles have been reported for Tricorythodes with the of nymphs generally occurring from late spring to early fall.4-VEGP-OLSER Stenonema spp., Baetis spp., Heptagenia sp'p., and Tricorythodes spp.are all similar in habitat and trophic relationships.

All are considered to be sprawlers or clingers on decomposing fine particulate or-ganic matter and/or periphyton.

The sediment and algae which collected on the multiplate and basket samplersprobablyprovided an adequate food source for these organisms.

In some the sediment load on the baskets seemed quite heavy.Lemly noted the accumulation of inorganic sediment on the body surfaces and respiratory structures of stream insects in a North Carolina stream and determined this siltmulation to be dir{2Z1y.associated with a reduction in the stream insect population.

Hynes reported that the majority of invertebrates living in silty environments have specialized body structures, such as, coverings of fine hair and/or operculate gills to help prevent the silt fromferring with respiration or movement.Stenonema spp.lack suchtures, and the increased sediment may have accounted for the low number of Stenonema spp.that were collected on the baskets.Although the Ephemeoptera were reasonably well represented with regard to number of taxa present, the total numbers of individuals in relation to the overall aquatic community were low.The greatest contribution by a single taxon at one stationwasmadeby Tricorythodes the June multiplate sample at Station 150.9W when it comprised 8.0 percent of the total population.

Generally, each taxon contributed less than one percent of the fotal individuals collected at any given station.Studies on the macroinvertebrate River near Baxley, Georgia, by the Georgia Power Company, revealed greater percent compositions of mayflies than those determined in the current The Altamaha River at Baxley has also been classified as"Fishing." The Altamaha River, like the Savannah River, is broad and bordered by extensive alluvial plains and expanses of bald cypress.The substrate isnantly loose sand, and the primary habitats for aquatic macro invertebrates are the submerged limbs and trees.The channel has not'been dredged,ever, and is not maintained as is the Savannah's.

The sampling locations in ,the Altamaha also do not receive commercial and industrial wastes as does the Savannah.Odonata Eight taxa of Odonates were collected during the course of the study, but the numbers of individuals collected were extremely low (only four on artificial substrates).

When the habits of the groupasa whole weresidered, this low representation was expected due to the unsuitability of the tzSyficial substrates.

Similar results were observed by Mason, et al., who found relatively low numbers of Odonates in basket samplers in a study of the Ohio River.Argia spp.and Neurocordulia spp., collected on the multiplates and baskecs, have been classified by Merr£tc and Cummins(9) as climbers and clingers and would normally be found on vegetation.gomphus spp., which was only collecced in Ponar samples, has been classified as a burrower.5 VEGP-OLSER Coleoptera Coleoptera collected were mostly members of the family Elm1dae (riffle beetles)and accounted for few of the total numbers of organisms collected during the.survey.They appeared to be rather evenly distributed the stations and sampling methods with no specific identifiable trends(9)The elmids, both larvae and adults, were listed by Merritt and Cummins as clingers and collector-gatherers, or scrapers.Their habitat and feeding mode is*similar to many of the mayflies collected.

Oligochaeta Greater total numbers of Oligochaetes were collected on basket samplers than on multiplate samplers.Thiswasdue to the basket samplers acquiring a heavier silt load than the multiplate samplers and formingamoreable habitat.In terms of percent composition, this group did bute heavily to the overall population on either the baskets or theplates.The Oligochaetes did comprise a large proportion of the organisms collected in the Ponar samples.They accounted for a maximum of 91.8 percent of the total organisms collected in the March samples at Station 151.2 and 57.1 percent of the total organisms collected during the year.They were present in the Ponar samples at all stations in all sample periods.Maximum abundance was reached in March at all stations.The population based on the total sampling area and total numbers collected ranged between5746and 13,285 Oligochaetes per square meter.This is a conservative estimate due to the fact that few worms were found in the samples taken at mid-channel while the actual densities nearer the banks could have been much Studies conducted on the Altamaha River near Baxley, Georgia, where a predominanzly sand sampled, revealed densities of Oligochaetes from 670/m to 940/m*Similar studies on the Chattahoochee River mean densities of Oligochaetes ranging from 101m to lOO,OOO/m*The high densities of Oligochaetes present in the Chattahoochee were attributed to organic pollution of the river.Mason, et al., also associated the large Oligochaete populations with organic enrichment.

Generally, many Oligochaetes feed by ingestingstrate particles from which nutrients are absorbed by the gut withdigested matter being eliminated from the body.Increased nutrients in the substrate could be responsible for the greater numbers of Oligochaetes in the Savannah River.Pelec¥Poda Another taxon which occurred principally in the Ponar samples was Corbicula Spa Corbicula Spa are filter feeders consuming organic material suspended in the water column.The artificial substrates provided unsuitable habitats for colonization by this organism.Corbicula sp.weremore abundant at Station l50.6C.Maximum numbers of individuals were collected in June 6 VEGP-OLSER and August at Station l50.6C with densities of 892/m 2 and 1177/,2.Maximum density at Station l50.9C occurrid in August with 223/m and at Station l5l.2C in November with 277/m.The most probable explanation for this variation in numbers among stations was natural aggregatedpersion.Of the 153 individuals collected at Station l50.6C in August, 143 were collected in th{2afrst two grabs near the west bank of the river.Gardner, et al., found irregular population densities of Corbicula sp.and population fluctuations through time in a study on the Altamaha River.It is unlikely that substrate differences between stations would have any influence on the population as it has been strated that Corbicula little or no substrate preferences.


.The Trematoda, found only in the Ponar samples, were represented by cercaria, a freeliving stage in the life cycle of a parasitic fluke.In a typical fluke life cycle, cercaria will encyst in a second host, such as a small fish, which may then be eatenbya larger fish where the fluke will develop into an adult to complete its life cycle.These cercaria have also been found in Petersen dredge samplers a coastal plain reach of the Ocmulgee River near Macon, Georgia.Dis-persion and abundance of these organisms in the current study and the Ocmulgee study was quite variable.Their occurrence and distribution did not seem to be associated with any environmental conditions.

Plecoptera The Plecoptera, or stoneflies, were representedby12 taxa.Perlesta placida made the greatest contribution to the total numbers collected and were present primarily in the samples taken in February, March, and May.Low numbers of Plecoptera were also reported from artificialstrate sampling on the Altamaha River,maximum numbers Perlesta placida occurring in April samples.)Stark and Gaufin)reported Perlesta placida as emerging in Florida from April to August.The stone fly larvae collected, with the exception of three genera, were all p{91ators which feed primarily on Diptera, Ephemeoptera, and Trichop-tera.All of these prey organisms were abundant on the substrates.

TrichopteraThe18 taxa of Trichoptera, or caddisflies, collected made the second greatest contribution to the total numbers of individuals collected on the multiplate and basket samplers.They comprised 35.5 percent of the total individuals on the multiplates and 30.4 percent of the totalviduals on the baskets during the year.Trichoptera were also collected in the Ponar dredge samples but only comprised 1.8 percent of the total individuals collected during the year.Most of the caddis flies were represented by two families, the Philopotamidae and the Hydropsychidae.

Chimarra spp.was the only philopotamid collected 7 VEGP-OLSER and contributed only 2.7 percent and 3.5 percent of the total Trichoptera collected on the multiplates and baskets, respectively.

The dae comprised 89.4 percent of the total Trichoptera collected on the multiplates and 84.7 percent of the total of those on the baskets.Within the hydropsychids, Cheumatopsyche spp.alonemadeup 69.3 percent and 75.2 percent of the total number of individual caddis flies collected on the multiplate and basket samplers, respectively.

This large percentage of was in figures cited by Wallace and Merritt.Cudney and Wallace reported Cheumatopsyche pas ella to be the most abundant filter-feeding caddis fly in the Savannah River.They suggested that its success and the success of Hydropsycheincommoda was due to the size of the capture net mesh openings of the highly productive fifth instar larvae.These larvae are able to filter particle sizes in the water column that are high in the proportion of organic to inorganic matter.Maximum abundances of Hydropsycheincommodaand

!!..occurred in the May and June multiplate and basket samples.Maximum abundances ofmatopsyche spp.occurred in November in the multiplate and January in the basket samples.A population peak for Cheumatopsyche spp.was also noted in August.The dat'21id not indicate definite population dynamics, but Cudney and Wallace reported bivoltine life cycles for H.incommoda, lie rossi, and£.pasella in their study area on the Savannah River with pupation of the overwintering generation occurring in April and the summer generation in September.

Maximum numbers of Chimarra spp.were collected in the August and Septemb{321ultiplate samples and the June basket samples.Cudneyand Wallace also reported a bivoltine life cycle for Chimmara mosleyi on the Savannah River.The Philopotamidae and the Hydropsychidae are all filter-feeding caddis flies utilizing capture nets of various sizes and configurations to passively gather their food.The philopotamids (i.e.Chimmara spp.)construct elongate, sac-like very*small net mesh openings that retain very fine food particles.

The hydropsychids (i.e.HydropsYtRi) and Cheumatopsych:) perpendicula:

The net mesh vary and Th1s variation in capture net mesh openings is a available food resources among coexisting species..Diptera Six taxa of Diptera (true flies)were collected.

The Chironomidae, or midges, comprised the largest number of individuals of the Diptera or of any other taxa collected.

The Chironomidae are a very diverse family in terms of biology and ecological/environmental requirements.

The group contains both predatory and non-predatory species as well as those that are freeliving and retreat builders.Many of the non-predatory tube-dwelling species are filter feeders utilizing silken nets similar to Trichoptera.

A large proportion 8-----

VEGP-OLSER of the midges collected were taken from cases.and many empty cases were present in the sample.suggesting that many filter-feeding species were present.The Chironomidae were the predominant organisms present on the multiplate and basket samplers throughout the study period.They were collected on all samplers on all dates and accounted for over 65 percent of all of the individuals collected during the study.Chironomids were alsosent in large numbers in the Ponar samples.Population peaks on the multiplate samples occurred in August.September.

and November and on the baskets in January.Maximum numbers were collected in the Ponar samples in September.

Chironomids were present in smaller numbers and generally comprised less than 20 percent of the total population on modified Hester-Dendy multiplate samples in studies on the Altamaha River.In addition.

45 percent of the total individUals in some instances and generally.

higher numbers of individuals occurred at high water temperatures.

In emergence has been noted to occur throughout the year.Community Structure When the data for the multiplate and basket samplers were examined with respect to overall community diversity.

it became apparent that two taxa were dominant: the Chironomidae and the Hydropsychidae of whichtopsyche spp.were most prevalent.

Total numbers of chironomids and Cheumatopsyche spp.comprisedaminimum of 57 percent and a maximum of 96 percent of the organisms collected on the artificial substrates during this study.There were only three collections where these two taxa comprised less than 70 percent of the total organisms collected on multiplates.

Total numbers of Chironomidae and Cheumatopsyche spp.comprisedalow of 75.2 percent of the total organisms collected on the basket samplers at Station l50.9E in June to a high of 95.2 percent at Station l50.6W in January.These two taxa comprised over 80 percent of the total organisms collected on baskets at all stations on all dates except in three instances.

Even though many other taxa were represented.

their total contributions to the overall community structure was low.Taxa.such as the Ephemeoptera and Plecoptera.

seemed to be when the current study was compared to similar past stud1es.The Oligochaeta were dominant in the Ponar samples accounting for 57.1 percent of the total organisms collected.

The next most abundant taxa were the Chironomidae with 19.2 percent of the total numbers and Corbicula sp.with 6.0 percent.Collectively.

these three taxa composed from 41.8 percent of the total collection at Station l5l.2C in August to 91.4cent at Station l50.6C in September.

In only three Ponar collections were their collective totals below 50 percent of the organisms collected at any given station on any given date.9 VEGP-OLSER Generally.

a healthy aquatic community should have large numbers of species with no individual species (taxon)present in overwhelming abundance.

Ranking of the species by their numerical abundance would reveal few species with large individuals and large numbers of species with few individuals.Dominanceby just a such as in the current study, could indicate" a stressed system: The organisms that dominated the collections in the been listed by the Georgia State Environmental Protection Division as tolerant and/or partially tolerant of adverse environmental conditions; while the less numerous taxa have been listed as intolerant.

Matthews, (6)in citing results of the ongoing studies on the Savannah River conducted by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, suggested that reductions in the numbers of stonefly nymphs intions over the years may be correlated with increased pollution loads in the river and that dredging of the channel may have caddisfly abundance.

The Environmental Protection Division of the State of Georgia listed the Savannah River at river miles194.8,178.2, 158.1 upstream from the VEGP site as being moderately polluted.A site at river mile 156.1 was listed as healthy but not representative of the rest of this reach of the river.Sampling stations below the VEGP were listed as healthy.These facts would place the section of the Savannah River in the vicinity of the VEGP in a transition phase beeweenrately polluted and healthy conditions.

Results of samples taken upstream from the VEGP site in 1980 r{Yjaled the presence of organisms with a tolerance to mild pollution.

The dominance of the fauna in the current studybyafew taxa and the presence of some pollution-intolerant forms, such as Tricorythodes spp., suggests that some degree of stress exists in this of the river and that conditions improve downstream from Augusta.Minimum and maximum values for physicochemical data collected the time of macroinvertebrate sampling are presented in table 19.Water temperature ranged from 7.5 C to 26.0 C, dissolved oxygen from 6.5 mg/l to 12.3 mg/l, and pH from 5.6 to 7.6.Results of chemical analyses on grab samples taken from the Savannah River are presented inAppendiXA.

All values are normal ranges with only ammonia exceeding EPA water quality standards.

)These chemical results suggested that waterity was improving in this stretch of the river.It should be noted,ever, that no analyses for organics or pesticides were made.Results of an analysis of variance (ANOVA)performed on the data are presented in tables 20 to 23.Due to the lack of replicate samples for baskets, an ANOVA was not performed and only the actual values aresented in table 24.When appropriate, a Duncan's Multiple Range Test was conducted, and the results are presented in table 25.The ANOVA performed on the multiplate data showed significantmonth interaction which precluded further analysis of differences detected among the main effects.10---

VEGP-OLSER The ANOVA performed on the Ponar data did not detect significant differences among stations or months for the number of taxa at the 0.05 level of significance.

Significant differences were detected for station and month for number of individuals transformed as LOGlO (number of individuals

+1).Duncan's Multiple Range Test of Means indicated that the number of individuals collected at Station l50.6C was significantly different from the number of individuals collected at Stations l50.9C and l5l.2C.The multiple range test also suggested that the number of individuals collected by Ponars differedona seasonal basis with more individuals collected in March, May, and November than in remaining months.Examination of the multiplate data with respect to number of individuals and number of taxa for the east and the west bank indicated that there were more individuals and taxa collected on the east bank than the west, but the difference depended upon the month the sample was taken.An ANOVA was performed on this data and the summary results are presented in tables26and 27.No explanation for this pattern can be offered at this time.Table 28 presents the average stream velocity measurements taken at the time of macroinvertebrate sampling.Velocities ranged fromalow of 0.4 ft/s in November at Station l50.9W to a high of 3.8 ft/s in August at Station l5l.2W.The numbers of individuals collected on artificial substrates at Station l50.9W were generally lower throughout the study period than those collected at the other stations.Thiswasmost likely due to reduced current velocity at this station.After the station was placed and the January sample collected, the river moved the station floats toward the west bank, and upstream obstructions in the river caused a reduced velocity at this location.The largest reduction in the number of individuals occurred in the"Chironomidae and the hydropsychidflies.Many of the Chironomidae and all of the hydropsychids are adequate current velocity for ob:aining sufficient food.Since these two taxamadeupa maJority of the organisms collected, a large reduction in their numbers due to less than optimum velocity regimes accounts for the lower number of individuals collected at Station l50.9W.Important Species Shellfish, of which Corbicula sp.was the only representative collected during this study, are known bioaccumulators of radionuclides.

Therefore, Corbicula sp.are"important" species as defined by U.S.Nuclearlatory Commission Regulatory Guide 4.2.The feeding mode andtion of Corbicula the study area of the Savannah River have already been discussed.

Corbicula, in turn, feduponbysome species of fish (i.e.redear sunfishandsome catfish)andbysome small mammals (i.e.raccoon and otter).With regard to the life history of 11 VEGP-OLSER Corbicula sp., they are monoecious, incubatory, and have non-swimming planktotrophic larvae.MOre of life history and ecology can be found in Sinclair and Sinclair.Other taxa which qualified as"important" species under U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 4.2 were the Chironomidae and the Hydropsychidae.

These two taxa are utilized as major food source items by various game fish in the river or as food source items by non-game fish that are themselves the prey of game species.The utilization of these two taxa as food by fish was expected due to their dominance of the macroinvertebrate fauna in the river.The biology of the Chironomidae and the Hydropsychidae have already been discussed elsewhere in this report.Station Operation It is predicted that station operation will have no deleterious effects on the aquatic macroinvertebrate population in the vicinity of the VEGP.This prediction is based on the model of the thermal plume for the VEGP discharge (discussed in Section 5.1.2 VEGP OLSER)in relation to thetent of the overall aquatic habitat of the area, the nature and abundances of the aquatic macroinvertebrates present in the system, and the natural substrates utilized by these organisms.

The data collected in the current study do not indicate any individual organisms or groups or organisms that should receive further or special attention in relation to effects of station operation.

CONCLUSIONS The Savannah River in the vicinity of the VEGP supported a diverseinvertebrate community composed of organisms commonly occurring in large southeastern coastal plain rivers.Although many diverse taxa weresent, most were representedbyfew individuals.

Several taxa, the Chironomidae, the hydropsychid caddisflies (predominantly Cheumatopsyche spp.), and the Oligochaetes, dominated the aquatic community.

Dominancebymany individuals of justafew taxa was generally indicative of some degree of stress and did not indicate a"normal" or"healthy" river.The presence of some taxa normally with clean water didgest that conditionsmaybe improving downstream from Augusta.Seasonal variation in population densities of the aquatic organisms were evident, although the method of sample collection and processing precluded the development of specific life history data.Therewasno reason to suspect that population cycleswouldbe different from those described in current literature available for the area.The relative abundances of aquatic organisms collected during the study were greater near the east bank of the river than the west bank.Organism abundance at Station 150.9W was depressed in relation to the other stations due to decreased current velocity.12--

VEGP-OLSER Statistical analysis of the data (ANOVA)for the artificial substrates indicated that the effects of station location and time of the year on the organisms colonizing the substrates cannot be separated from one another, but that the number of individuals and taxa collected on the east bank stations tend to be greater than the west bank stations.sults of ANOVA tests on the Ponar data were similar to those for the artificial substrates with respect to the total number of individuals present in the substrate.

The Ponar ANOVA results also demonstrated that the number of taxa occurring near the river banksandon the bottom throughout the study area were*similar.Significant differences detected for the transformed numbers of individuals (LNUM)for the Ponar datamaybedue to sampling variability or aggregated dispersion of theulation.Important species that occurred in the study area were Corbicula sp.t Chironomidae, and Hydropsychidae.

There were no species present which should receive special attention due to their uniqueness or position in the food web of the area.The area of the Savannah River which will be affected by station operation is small in comparison to the overall habitat available to aquaticinvertebrates in the ecosystem.

It is unlikely, therefore, that station operation will have any overall deleterious effects on the aquaticinvertebrate community near the VEGP.13 VEGP-OLSER REFERENCES 1.Environmental Protection Division, Water Quality Monitoring Data for Georgia Streams, Department of Natural Resources, Atlanta, Georgia, 1981.2.Rynes,H.B.N., The Biology of Polluted Waters, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, England, 1966.3.Patrick, R., Cairns, J., and Roback, S.S.,"An Ecosystematic Study of the Fauna and Flora of the Savannah River," Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 118, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pp 109-407, 1967.4.Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Summary of Studies on the Savannah River 1951-1970 for E.I.DuPont DeNemours and COmpany, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1970.5.Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Summary Reports of Savannah River Cursory Surveys for E.1.DuPontDeNemours and Company 1961-1972, 1974, and 1977, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1978.6.Matthews, R.A., Biological Surveys on the Savannah River in the Vicinity of the Savannah River Plant (1951-1976), E.I.DuPontDeNemoursandCompany, Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina, 1982.7.Weber, C.I.Ced.), Biological Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Waters and Effluents, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1973.8.Williams, G.E., III,"New Techniques to Facilitate Hand-Picking Macrobenthos," Transactions of the American Microscopia1 Society 22, pp 220-226, 1974.9.Merritt,R.W.,andCummins,K.W., An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, 1978.10.Edmunds,G.

F., Jr., Jensen, S.L., and Berner, L., The Mayflies of North and Central America, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1976.11.Hilsenhoff, W.L., Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Bulletin 89, Madison, Wisconsin, 19.75.12.Needham, J.G., and Westfall, M.J.,AManual of the Dragonflies of North America, University of California Press, Berkeley, California, 1954.14 VEGP-OLSER REFERENCES (CONTINUED) 13.Parrish,F.K.(ed.), Keys to Water Quality Indicative Organisms, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Atlanta, Georgia, 1968.14.Ross, H.H., liThe Caddisflies, or Trichoptera, of Illinois," Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 23(1), Urbana, Illinois, 1944.15.Sinclair,R.M., Water Quality Requirements for the Family Elmidae (Coleoptera), Tennessee Stream Pollution Control Board, Nashville, Tennessee, 1964.16.Edmondson,G.F.(ed.), Freshwater Biology, John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York, 1959.17.Wiggins, G.B., Larvae of the North American Caddis fly Genera (Trichoptera), University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, 1977.18.Cairns, J., Jr.(ed.), Artificial Substrates, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Incorporated, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1982.19.Mason, W.T., Jr., Anderson, J.B., Kreis, R.D., and Johnson, W.C.,"Artificial Substrate Sampling, Macroinvertebrates in a Polluted Reach of the K1amanth R:f,ver, Oregon," Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 42, pp 315-328, 1970.20.Lewis, P.A.,Taxonomyand Ecology of Stenonema Mayflies, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1974.21.Lemly, A.D.,"Modification of Benthic Insect Communities in Polluted Streams: Combined Effects of Sedimentation and Nutrient Enrichment," Hydrobiologia 87, pp 229-245, 1982.22.Hynes,H.B.N., The Ecology of Running Waters, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, England, 1970.23.Georgia Power Edwin I.Hatch Nuclear Plant Annualmental Surveillance Report for calendar Year 1979, Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Georgia, 1980.24.GeorgiaPowerCompany,Edwin I.Hatch Nuclear Plant Annualmental Surveillance Report for Calendar Year 1980, Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Georgia, 1981.25.Mason, W.T., Jr.,Weber,C.I, Lewis, P.A., and.Jul.Lan., E.C.,"Factors Affecting the Performance of Basket and Mu1ti.plateinvertebrate Samplers," Freshwater Biology 3, pp 409-436, 1973.15 VEGP-OLSER REFERENCES (CONTINUED) 26.Gardner, J.A., and Woodall, W.R., Plant Yates Biological Study, December, 1976-october, 1977, GeorgiaPowerCompany, Atlanta, Georgia, 1978.27.Mason, W.*T., Lewis, P.A., and Anderson, J.B., Macroinvertebrate Collections and Water Quality Monitoring in the Ohio River Basin 1963-1967, United States Environmental Protection Agency;nati, Ohio, 1971.28. J.A., Woodall, W.R., Staats, A.A., and Napoli, J.F.,"The Invasion of the Asiatic Clam (Corbicula manilensis Philippi)in the Altamaha River, Georgia," The Nautilus 90, pp 117-125, 1976.29.Staats, A.A., and Woodall, W.R., Plant Arkwright Biological Study, November, 1976-0ctober, 1977, Vol.I, Georgia Company, Atlanta, Georgia, 1978.30.Stark, B.P., and Gaufin, A.R.,"The Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Florida," Transactions of the American Entomological Society 104, pp 391-433, 1979.31.Wallace, J.B., and Merritt", R.W...,"Filter-Feeding Ecology of Aquatic Insects,"AnnualReview of Entomology 25, pp 103-132, 1980.32.Cudney, M.D., and Wallace, J.B.,"Life Cycles, Microdistribution and Production Dynamics of Six Species of Net-Spinning Caddis flies in a Large Southeastern (USA)River," Holarctic Ecology3,pp182, 1980.33.Williams, N.E.,andHynes, H.B.N**"Microdistribution and Feeding of the Net-Spinning Caddis flies (Trichoptera) for Canadian Streams," Oikos24,pp 73-84, 1973.34.Wallace, J.B.,"The Larval RetreatandFood of Arctopsyche; with Phylogenetic Notes on Feeding Adaptations in Hydropsychidae Larvae (Trichoptera)," Annals of the Entomological Society of America 68, pp 167-173, 1975.35.Wallace, J.B.,"Food Partitioning in Net-Spinning Trichopteran Larvae: Hydropsyche venularis, Cheumatopsyche etrona,andMacronema zebratum (Hydropsychidae)," Annals of the Entomological Society of America 68, pp 463-472, 1975.36.Wallace, J.B., Webster, J.R., and Woodall, W.R.,"The Role of Filter Feeders in Flowing Waters," Archiv f.Hydrobiologie 79, pp 506-532, 1977.16 VEGP-OLSER REFERENCES (CONTINUED) 37.Wilhm, J.L.,"Range of Diversity Index in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Populations," Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 42, pp 221-224, 1970.38.Environmental Protection Division, Water Quality Investigation of the Savannah River Basin in Georgia, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Atlanta, Georgia, 1974.39.United St ates Environmental Protection Agency, Quality Crite ria for Water, United States Environmental Protection Agency,.ton, D.C., 1976.40.Sinclair, R.M.,"Effects of an Introduced Clam (Corbicula) on Water Quality in the Tennessee River Valley," Paper Presented Before the Second Annual Sanitary Engineering Conference, Vanderbiltversity, NashVille, Tennessee, 1963.41.Sinclair, R.M.,"Annotated Bibliography on the Exotic Bivalve Corbicula in North America, 1900-1971, STERKIANA 43, pp 11-18, 1971.17 VEGP-OLSER TABLE f (Page 1 of 2)NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS COLLECTED ON MULTIPLATE SAMPLERS AT VEGP DURING 1981 Station Taxa 150.6E 150.6W 150.9E 150.9W 151.2E 151.2W EPHEMEROPTERA 7 1 8 Tricorythodes spp.41302552 27 19 Ephemere11a spp.24 11 20 5 15 8 Caenis spp.111014 11 Stenonema spp.100518030 73 20 Heptageniidae4725 25 6 29 16 Pseudiron spp.1 Heptagenia spp.49 31 26332 25 Baetidae 11 4 16 1 16 3 Baetis spp.4427 35333 10 Pseudoc1oeon spp.1 1 ODONATA Argia spp.1 1 PLECOPTERA3216 12660 13 Perlidae 28 6 21 4 16 5 He10picus spp.3 2 2 2 1 Taeniopteryx spp.11 2 Per1esta placida 126 5597527339 Nemoura spp.1 Paragnetina spp.3 1 Acroneuria spp, 1 Isogenus spp.1 1 1 Pteronarcys spp , 1 1 Isoper1a spp.1 3 1 MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us spp, 5 24 8 12 7 NEUROPTERA C1imacia spp.1 3 COLEOPTERA E1midae adult 1 Stene1mis 7 3 8 1 19 1 Microcy11oepus pusil1us adult 1 Dubiraphia 1 1 Macronychus glabratus adult 2 1 1 Macronychus glabratus larva-21 5 Dineutus spp.larva 1 3 2 4 Elmidae larva 5 1 2 Stene1mis spp.larva 2 2 5 1 Ancronyx variegatus larva 2 3 1 4 1 Ancronyx variegatus adult 1 TRICHOPTERA 2474 30 Chimarra spp.192 145 274 15 235 64 Po1ycentropidae 1 Neurec1ipsis spp.27 10 9 21 5 23 Hydropsychidae 156 147 329 11 226 71 18 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 1 (Page 2 of 2)Station Taxa 150.6E 150.6W 150.9E 150.9W 151.2E 151.2W TRICOPTERA (Con't.)Macronemaspp, 1 Hydropsyche spp.8223 91 64 24 Hydropsyche incommoda806421115836765 339 Hydropsyche rossi71622440415423241 Cheumatopsyche spp.58433822580239258441639 Hydroptila spp.5 Hydroptilidae 36 41113 Leptoceridae 1 Oecetis spp.43 431 1 Cerac1ea spp.1 1 Nectopsyche spp.321 1 DIPTERA Ceratopogonidae 1 Chironomidae 10507108301262832301340810627 Simu1idae 162512123 99 Empididae6059 86 148358 MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 1 1 532 Pe1ecypoda 1 Ancylidae 1 4 2 2 ANNELIDA Oligo chaeta 111 33 4416585 24 Po1ychaeta Manyunkia speciosa21 ARTHROPODA (Other)Isopoda 1 Hydracarina62 5 2 7 Amphipoda 1 Acarina 751 3 1 PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 1058731924331 NEMATODA 25 3 111 RHYNCOCOELA Prostorna rubrum85128 21 4 CNIDARIA Hydra spp.1 221 BRYOZOA Pectinate11a spp.(Present)Number of Samples 161616 16 16 14 Number of Species 49 4448424936 Number of Individuals19,28816,165 21,312 4,210 21,729 13,423 19 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 2 (Page 1 of 2)NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS COLLECTED ON BASKET SAMPLERS AT VEGP DURING 1981(a)Station Taxa 150.6E 150.6W 150.9E 150.9W 15l.2E 15l.2W EPHEMEROPTERA 1 Tricorythodes spp.9 51311 19 17 Ephemere11a spp , 59 13 25 283312 Caenis spp.1 1 Stenonema spp.281125 132122 Heptageniidae162 8310 9 lieDtagenia spp.14 20 31 9 22 16 Baetidae 16 112 6 Baetis spp.44 20 522718 3 Pseudoc1oeon spp.917311 ODm;ATA Neurocordu1ia spp.1 Anisoptera 1 PLECOPTERA 43 10 12 23 16 4 Perlidae4371310 15 6 He10picus spp.231 1 5 Taeniopteryx spp.67752 Isoper1a spp , 1 Per1esta placida 43 15 51 44424 Isogenus spp.161 1 Pteronarcys spp.1 MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us 1 COLEOPTERA Stene1mis 2 2 1 Stene1mis spp.larva 2 1 Gyrinus spp, larva 4 Gyrinidae larva 1 Ancronyx variegatus larva1221 Macronychus glabratus larva-3 1 TRICHOPTERA 3 1 Chimarra spp.123 28 76 28 134 45 Po1ycentropidae31 Neurec1ipsis spp.35 6 21 20 15 6 Hydropsychidae 100 79 92 51 144 126 Hydropsyche spp.4 3 211 Hydropsyche incommoda 224166441 30 313 173 Hydropsyche rossi 12890149 1495109 Cheumatopsyche spp.183710832206 454 2287 1509 Leptoceridae 1 Hydroptilidae 1 1 Oecetis spp.62 1 1 Pycnopsyche spp.1 1 Brachycentrus sp.1 1 20 VEGPOLSER TABLE 2 (Page 2 of 2)Station Taxa 150.6E 150.6W 150.9E 150.9W 151.2E 151.2W DIPTERA Chironomidae 73903005616138384213 1340 Simulidae 9 1234 11 3 Empididae 201814621 15 MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 1 1 Ancylidae 2 ANNELIDA 01igochaeta48236147229166 10 RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum124 7 10 19 5 ARTHROPODA (Other)Hydracarina153 5 1 Acarina 3 2 5 3 Collembola 1 PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 16 521 5 NEMATODA 1 1 1 BRYOZOA Pectinate11a spp.(Present)Number of Samples 444443 Number of Species 34 353634 35 32 Number of Individuals 10,728 4,676 9,607 4,838 7,642 3,474 a.Totals for January, February,March,and June only.21 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 3 (Page 1 of 2)NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS COLLECTED IN PONAR SAMPLES AT VEGP DURING 1981 Taxa 150.6C 150.9C 15L2C EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.4 1 2 Ephemere11a spp.12 8 7 Pseudiron spp.1 Caenis spp.11 3 Stenonema spp , 25 Heptageniidae 4 1 Pseudoc1oeon spp.2 Baetidae 1 ODONATA 1 3 Coenagrionidae 2 Dromogomphus spp.1 3 2 Gomphidae 2 Neurocordulia spp.1 NEUROPTERA C1imacia spp , 14 PLECOPTERA 2 4 Per1idae 3 Neoper1a spp.1 Per1esta placida 5 HEMIPTERA Corixidae 1 COLEOPTERA Hydraena spp.1 Stene1mis 1 Stene1mis spp.larva 3 2 E1midae larva 1 Mcronyx variegatus larva 1 1 3 Macronychus glabratus larva 1 2 TRICHOPTERA Chimarra spp.2 14 1 Neurec1ipsis spp.3 Hydropsychidae 1 3 1 Hydropsyche incommoda 1 1-, Hydropsyche rossi 1 Cheumatopsyche spp.88 61 30 Hydropti1a spp.1 Leptoceridae 2 1 2 Oecetis spp.1 1 Nectopsyche spp.2 5 5 Cerac1ea spp.2 4 2 DIPTERA Chaoborus spp, 1 1 Ceratopogonidae 316927 Chironomidae 1392 527 550 Tabanidae 1 1 Empididae 2 6 3 22 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 3 (Page 2 of 2)Taxa 150.6C150.9C151.2C MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 69 39 77 Ancylidae 39 5 11 pe1ecypoda 161 16 67 Corbicu1asp, 560*74142 ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 2931 2801 1623 Hirudinea 3 2 Po1ychaeta Manyunkia speciosa 4 2 114 ARTHROPODA (Other)C1adocera 1 5 6 Ostracoda 1 1 Copepoda 3 3 4 Isopoda 1 4 1 Acarina 7 4 Hydracarina 17 2 2 Co11embo1a 5 25 35 PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria1392151 Trematoda 2035587 CNIDARIA Hydra spp.1 1 RRYNCOCOELA Prostorna rubrum 92 67 84 NEMATODA 32 159 58 PORIFERA Spongi11idae (Present)Number of Samples 404040 Number of Species 484042 Number of Individuals 5,870 4,007 3,009 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 4 (Page 1 of 3)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON MULTIPLATE SAMPLERS AT STATION 150.6E DURING 1981.Jan.Feb*Mar.May Jun.Aug.Sep.Nov.1(0.1)25 (0.7)13 (0.6)2(0.0)2(0.1)14(1.1)7(0.7)1(0.1)2(0.1)1(0.1)4(0.1)4(0.2) 1(0.1)3(0.2)1(0.1)20(1.1)18(0.5)17(0.8)40(0.6)2(0.1)2(0.2) 1(0.1)rto.ra.10(0.5)5 (0.1)1O(d.4)16(0.3)1(0.1)3(0.2)1(0.1)1(0.1)14 (0.7)1(0.0)1(0.0)27(0.4)1(0.1)2(0.2)1(0.0)1(0.0) 6(0,1)9(0.6)1(0.1)2(0.2)2(0.1)9(0.3)3(0.1)18(0.3)1(0.0)8(0.5)15 (1.1)2(0.2)1(0.0)6(0.1)19(1.4)9(0.9)3(0.3)2 (0.2)42(4.3)82(5.2)Taxa EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.Ephemere11a spp.Caenis spp.Stenonema spp.Heptageniidae Pseudiron spp.Heptagenia spp.Baetidae Baetis spp.Pseudoc1oeon spp.ODONATA Argia spp.PLECOPTERA Per1idae Helopicus spp , Taeniopteryx spp.Per1esta placida Nemoura spp.Paragnetina spp.Acroneuria spp.Isogenusspp, Pteronarcys spp.Isoperla spp.MEGALOPTERA Corydalus spp.NEUROPTERA Climaciaspp, COLEOPTERA E1midae adult Stene1mis Microcy11oepus pusi11us adult 1(0.1)1(0.1)1(0.1)1(0.0)7<.0.2)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 4 (Page 2 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.Dubiraphia Macronychus glabratus adult 1(0.1)1(0.0)Macronychus glabratus larva Dineutus spp.1(0.0)Elmidae larva 1(0.1)4(0.2)Stene1mis spp.larva 1(0.0)1(0.0)Ancronyx variegatus larva 1(0.1)1(0.0)Ancronyx variegatus adult TRICHOPTERA 1(0.1)18(0.5)5(0.2)Chimarra spp.7(0.5)33(2.5)16 (1.6)8(0.4)37(1.0)16(0.7)75(1.2)Polycentropidae 1(0.1)Neurec1ipsis spp.2(0.1)2(0.2)3(0.3)1(0.0)5(0.2)14(0.2)Hydropsychidae 5(0.3)2(0.2)4(0.4)11(0.7)34(1.8)84(2.4)9(0.4)7(0.1)Macronema spp.Hydropsyche spp.17(1.1)6(0.3)44 (1.2)6(0.3)9(0.1)N Hydropsyche incommoda 9(0.6)33(2.5)24(2.4)142(9.0)392(20.9)132 (3.7)14(0.6)60(1.0)VI Hydropsyche rossi 5(0.3)7(0.5)12 (1.2)231(14.6)315(16.8)71(2.0)12(0.5)63(1.0)Cheumatopsyche spp.128(8.6)163(12.4)112(11.4)519 (32.8)785 (41.9)1473(41.7) 436(19.3)2227(35.4)

Hydroptila spp.5(0.3)Hydroptilidae 1(0.1)1(0.0)Leptoceridae Oecetisspp, 1(0.0)1(0.0)2(0.0)Cerac1ea spp.1(0.0)Nectopsyche spp.1(0.0)2(0.0)DIPTERA Ceratopogonidae 1(0.1)Chironomidae 1219(83.4) 990(75.3)711(72.4)519 (32.8)277 (14.8)1566(44.4) 1684(74.,6) 3541(56.3)

Simulidae 7(0.5)1(0.1)Empididae 6(0.4)1(0.1)4(0.4)3 (0.2)4 (0.2)7(0.2)11(0.5)8(0.1)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 1(0.1)24(0.4)Pe1ecypoda Ancylidae ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 48(3.3)14 (1.1)23(2.2)9(0.6)1(0.1)11(0.3)5(0.1)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE4(Page3of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Sep.Nov.po1ychaet a Manyunkia speciosa ARTHROPODA (Other)Isopoda Hydracarina 2(0.2)4(0.1)Amphipoda 1(0.1)1(0.0)Acarina*6(0.1)PLATYHELMINTHES TurbeUaria 1(0.1)2(0.1)102(1.6)NEMATODA 4(0.3)1(0.0)20(0.3)RHYNCOCOELA Prostorna rubrurn 1(0.1)1(0.1)2(0.1)3(0.0)CNIDARIA Hydra spp.N er-Total Number of Species 19 24 21 21 17 28 24 27 Total Number of Individuals 1462 1314 982 1583 1872*3529 2257 6289 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 5 (Page 1 of 3)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON MULTIPLATE SAMPLERS AT STATION 150.6W DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.EPHEMEROPTERA 4(0.0)3(0.0)Tricorythodes spp.1(0.0)18(0.9)11(0.2)Ephemerella spp.1(0.2)10(2.1)Caenis spp.1(0.0)5(0.2)4(0.0)Stenonema spp.2(0.4)1(0.2)9(0.4)18(0.9)7(0.1)14(0.3)Heptageniidae 2(0.1)1(0.0)9(0.2)13(0.3)Pseudiron spp.1(0.2)Heptagenia spp.3(0.6)4(0.8)5(0.5)3(0.1)1(0.0)6(0.1)7(0.2)Baetidae 2(0.2)2(0.0)Baetis spp.8(1.7)2(0.4)3(0.1)1(0.0)6(0.1)7(0.2)Pseudoc1oeon spp.1(0.2)N ODONATA'-.J Argia spp.PLECOPTERA 1:(0.2)12 (2.5)2(0.4)1(0.0)Perlidae 4(0.8)2(0.4)He10picus spp.2(0.4)Taeniopteryx spp.1(0.2)Per1esta placida 3(0.6)7(1.4)45(4.7)Nemouraspp, Paragnetina spp.Acroneuria spp.Isogenus spp.Pteronarcys spp.Isoperla spp.MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us spp.16(0.8)8(0.2)NEUROPTERA Climaciaspp, COLEOPTERA E1midae adult Stene1mis 2(0.1)1(0.0)Microcy11oepus pusil1us adult 1(0.0)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 5 (Page 2 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.Dubiraphia Macronychus glabratus adult 1(0.0)Macronychus glabratus larva Dineutus spp.larva E1midae larva 1(0.0)Stene1mis spp.larva Ancronyx variegatus larva 1(0.2)1(0.0)1(0.0)

Ancronyx variegatus adult TRICHOPTERA 2(0.0)5(0.1)Chimarra spp.2(0.4)8(1.7)1(0.2)2(0.2)12(0.5)63(3.1)46(0.9)11(0.3)Po1ycentropidae Neurec1ipsis spp.1(0.0)3(0.1)6(0.1)h.l Hydropsychidae 2(0.4)2(0.4)52(2.3)42(2.1)14(0.3)35(0.8)co Macronema spp.Hydropsyche spp.15 (1.6)4(0.2)1(0.0)3 (0.1)Hydropsyche incommoda 6(1.1)10(2.1)13(2.6)51 (5.3)215(9.5)20(1.0)52 (1.0)54 (1.3)Hydropsyche rossi 3(0.6)6(1.2)8(1.6)36 (3.7)138(6.1)10(0.5)5(0.1)18(0.4)Cheumatopsyche spp.14(2.6)22 (4.5)38(7.6)267(27.7)959(42.4)744(37.2)696(13.5)1082(25.4)

Hydroptila spp.Hydroptilidae 2(0.2)1(0.0)1(0.0)Leptoceridae Oecetis spp.1(0.0)1(0.0)1(0.0)

Ceracleaspp, 1 (0.1)Nectopsyche spp.DIPTERA Ceratopogonidae Chironomidae 493(92.5)385(79.5)413(83.1)520(54.0)828(36.6)993(49.6)4231(82.1) 2967(69.5)

Siml,llidae 1(0.2)5(0.1)19(0.4)Empididae 2 (0.2)25 (1.1)5(0.2)18(0.3)9(0.2)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 1(0.1)Pe1ecypoda Ancylidae 1(0.1)ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 5(0.9)5 (1.0)1(4.7)11(1.1)4(0.2)1(0.0)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 5 (Page 3 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Sep.Nov.Po1ychaeta Manyunkia speciosa ARTHROPODA (Other)Isopoda Hydracarina 1(0.2)1(0.0)Amphipoda Acarina PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 1(0.2)8(0.4)56(2.8)21(0.4)1(0.0)NEMATODA 2(0.2)1(0.0)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rub rum 4(0.0)1(0.0)CNIDARIA N Hydra spp.1(0.1)I.D Total Number of Species1317 13 16 182027 23 Total Number of Individuals 533 4844979632263200251554268 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 6 (Page 1 of 3)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON MULTI PLATE SAMPLERS AT STATION 150.9E DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.19(0.4)6(0.1)Ephernerella spp.1(0.1)14 (1.2)5(0.5)Caenis spp.1(0.0)8(0.2)4(0.1)1(0.0)Stenonerna spp.1(0.1)4(0.4)1(0.1)15(0.6)25(0.5)16(0.3)18(0.4)

Heptageniidae 1(0.1)2(0.1)2(0.1)8(0.2)4(0.1)8 (0.2)Pseudiron spp.Heptagenia spp.2(0.2)3(0.3)1(0.1)2(0.1)2(0.1)1(0.0)15(0.6)Baetidae 1(0.1)6(0.1)6(0.1)3(0.1)Baetis spp.4(0.4)4(0.4) 1(0.1)1(0.1)10(0.2)10(0.2) 5 (0.1)Pseudoc1oeon spp.w ODONATA 0 Argia spp.PLECOPTERA 10(0.9)1(0.1)1(0.0)Per1idae 21 (1.9)He10picus spp.Taeniopteryx spp.1(0.1)Per1esta placida 3(0.3)21 (2.1)70(4.0)2(0.1)1(0.0)Nernoura spp.1(0.1)Paragnetina spp.1(0.1)1(0.0)1(0.1)Acroneuriaspp, Isogenus spp.1(0.1)Pteronarcys spp.1(0.0)Isoperla spp.MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us spp.4(0.1)4(0.1)NEUROPTERA Clirnacia spp.1(0.0)COLEOPTERA E1rnidae adult Stene1rnis 1(0.1)3(0.1)1(0.0)3(0.1)Microcy11oepus pusi11us adult VEGP-OLSER TABLE 6 (Page 2 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Har , May Jun.Aug.Nov.Dubiraphia 1(0.0)Macronychus glabratus adult Macronychus glabratus larva 1(0.1)"1(0.1)Dineutus spp.larva 1(0.0)2(0.0)E1midae larva Stene1mis spp.larva Ancronyx variegatus larva 1(0.0)Ancronyx variegatus adult 1(0.0)TRICHOPTERA 1(0.1)1(0.0)1(0.0)1(0.0)Chimarra spp.1(0.1)38(3.4)9(0.9)1(0.1)10(0.4)72(1.5)82 (1.6)61(1.5)Po1ycentropidae Neurec1ipsis spp.2(0.2)2(0.2)2(0.0)3(0.1)Hydropsychidae 3(0.3)8(0.7)14(0.8)164(6.6)108(2.2)19(0.4)13(0.3) w Macronema spp.1(0.0)t-'Hydropsyche spp.17(1.0)33(1.3)34(0.7)6(0.1)1(0.0)Hydropsyche incommoda 22(2.4)36(3.2)52(5.2)203(11.7)401(16.2)299(6.1)58(1.2)87(2.1)Hydropsyche rossi 5(0.5)12 (1.1)22(2.2)111(6.4)131(5.3)54(1.1)34(0.7)35(0.8)Cheumatopsyche spp.85(9.2)122(10.8)81(8.1)520(29.9)991(40.0)1746(35.5) 924(18.5)1333(32.2)

Hydroptila spp.Hydroptilidae 1(0.1)Leptoceridae Oecetis spp.1(0.0)2(0.0)1(0.0)Cerac1ea spp , Nectopsyche spp.DIPTERA Ceratopogonidae Chironomidae 769(83.2)835(74.2)786(78.7)789(45.3)676(27.3)2483(50.5) 3173(75.5) 2517(60.9)

Simulidae 3(0.3)1(0.1)1(0.0)4(0.1)3(0.1)Emp'ididae 2(0.2)6(0.5)4(0.2)37(1.5)7(0.1)23(0.5)7(0.2)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Pe1ecypoda 1(0.1)Ancylidae 4(0.1)ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 18(1.9)4(0.4)15(1.5)3(0.2)2(0.1)1(0.0)1(0.0)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 6 (Page 3 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.Po1ychaeta Manyunkia speciosa 1(0.0)1(0.0)ARTHROPODA (Other)Isopoda 1(0.1)Hydracarina 4(0.1)1 (0.0)Amphipoda Acarina 2(0.2)2(0.2)1(0.0)PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 2(0.1)9(0.2)1(0.1)13(0.3)NEMATODA 1(0.1)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum 1(0.1)2(0.0)6(0.1)3(0.1).w CNIDARIA N Hydra spp.Total Number of Species1919 151823 312622 Total Number of Individuals

.924 112599911422419 4913 4998 4132 1 t VEGP-OLSER TABLE 7 (Page 1 of 3)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON MULTIPLATE SAMPLERS AT STATION 150.9W DURING 1981 Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Sep.Nov.1(0.2)27(8.0)15 (3.8)8(1.2)2(0.5)4(0.4)1(0.3)2(0.4)21(6.2)2(0.5)5(1.2)2(0.2)2 (0.7)1(0.3)1(0.3) 1(0.2)1(0.2)1(0.2)1(0.2)1(0.2)1(0.2)1(0.2)1(0.2)1(0.2)5(0.5)2 (0.3)2(0.2)4(0.7)45(15.1)1(0.3)w w Taxa EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.Ephemere11a spp.Caenis spp , Stenonema spp.Heptageniidae Pseudiron spp.Heptagenia spp , Baetidae Baetis spp.Pseudoc1oeon spp.ODONATA Argia spp.PLECOPTERA Per1idae He10picus spp.Taeniopteryx spp.Per1esta placida Nemoura spp.Paragnetina spp.Acroneuria spp.Isogenus spp.Pteronarcys spp.Isoper1a spp.MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us spp.NEUROPTERA Climaciaspp*COLEOPTERA Elmidae adult Stene1mis Microcy11oepus pusi11us adult 1().1)1(0.1)2(0.3)1(0.3)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE7(Page2 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.Dubiraphia Macronychus glabratus adult Macronychus glabratus larva 1(0.3)Dineutus spp.larva1(0.3)1(0.2)

Elmidae larva Stene1mis spp.larva 2(0.3)Ancronyx variegatus larva 3(0.9)1(0.2)Ancronyx variegatus adult TRICHOPTERA Chimarra spp.2(0.4)7(0.7)l(0.2)1(0.3)l(0.3)3(0.i)Po1ycentropidae Neurec1ipsis spp.1(0.1)9(1.4)11(2.7)Hydropsychidae 2(0.4)3(0.3)l(0.2)3(0.9)2(0.3)w Macronema spp..I" Hydropsyche spp.Hydropsyche incommoda 8(1.8)13(1.2)3(0.5)2(0.7)10 (3.0)Hydropsyche rossi 2(0.4)6(0.6)l(0.2)3(1.0)3(0.9)Cheumatopsyche spp.40(8.8)75{7.l)30(5.0)23 (7.7)1ll(32.9)28(7.1)32(4.9)53(12.8)Hydroptilaspp, Hydroptilidae 7(2.3)2(0.6)2(0.5)Leptoceridae Oecetis spp.1(0.2)1(0.3)l(0.3)Cerac1ea spp.Nectopsyche spp.1(0.2)l(0.2)DIPTERA Ceratopogonidae Chironomidae 389(86.1)814(77.1)528(87.7)195(65.2)129(38.3)298(76.0)566(86.0)311(75.1)Simulidae 1(0.2)Empididae 1(0.1)3 (1.0)6 (1.8)3 (0.5)1(0.2)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 3(0.9)2(0.3)Pe1ecypoda Ancylidae 2(0.3)ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 3(0.7)117(11.1)22(3.7)10(3.3)7(2.1)2(0.5)2(0.3)2(0.5)


VEGP-OLSER TABLE 7 (Page 3 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.Polychaeta Manyunkia speciosa 1(0.3)ARTHROPODA (Other)Isopoda Hydracarina 2(0.7)Arnphipoda Acarina 1(0.2)PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria1(0.2)1(0.3) 7(2.1)37(9.4)24(3.6)22(5.3)NEMATODA 1(0.3)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum 4(1.3)2(0.5)1(0.2)1(0.2)

CNIDARIA w Hydra spp.2 (0.7)lJ1 Total Number of Species 121617 14 18 14 17 13 Total Number of Individuals 4521056602299337392 658 414 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 8 (Page 1 of 3)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON MULTIPLATE SAMPLERS AT STATION 151.2E DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.EPHEMEROPTERA 8(0.1)Tricorythodes spp.11(0.3)15(0.3)1(0.0)Ephemerella spp.3(0.2)6(0.5)4(0.4)1(0.0)1(0.0)Caenis spp.10(0.2)1(0.0)Stenonema spp.2(0.2)1(0.0)17(0.7)16 (0.5)'14 (0.2)23(0.5)Heptageniidae 1(0.1)3(0.1)1(0.0)24(0.5)Pseudiron spp.Heptagenia spp.3(0.3)3(0.1)12(0.5)2(0.1)6(0.1)6(0.1)Baetidae 3 (0.1)1(0.1)12 (0.2), Baetis spp.6(0.7)2(0.2)2(0.1)3(0.1)7(0.2).13(0.2)w Pseudocloeon spp.1(0.1)(J'\ODONATA Argia spp.PLECOPTERA 4(0.5)52(4.8)2(0.2)1(0.0)1(0.0)Perlidae 1(0.1)8 (0.7)6(0.6)1(0.0)Helopicusspp, 2 (0.2)Taeniopteryx spp.2(0.2)Perlesta placida 6(0.5)15(1.6)51(2.3)1(0.0)Nemoura spp.Paragnetina spp.1(0.0)Acroneuria spp.1(0.0)Isogenus spp.Pteronarcys spp.1(0.0)Isoperla spp.MEGALOPTERA Corydalus spp.4(0.1)7(0.1)1(0.0)NEUROPTERA Climaciaspp, 3(0.1)COLEOPTERA Elmidae adult Stenelmis 1(0.1)1(0.0)6(0.2)9(0.2)2(0.0)Microcylloepus puaillus adult VEGP-OLSER TABLE 8 (Page 2 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Sep.Nov.Dubiraphia Macronychus glabratus adult 1(0.0)Macronychus glabratus larva 2(0.1)1(0.0)1(0.0)1(0.0)Dineutus spp.larva 4(0.1)E1midae larva 1(0.0)1(0.0)Stene1mis spp.larva 1(0.1)3(0.1)1(0.0)Ancronyx variegatus larva Ancronyx variegatus adult TRICHOPTERA 4(0.2)24(1.0)1(0.0)1(0.0)Chimarra spp.3 (0.3)29(2.7)6(0.6)2(0.1)14 (0.6)67(2.0)80(1.4)34 (0.7)Po1ycentropidae Neurec1ipsis spp.1(0.0)4(0.1)Hydropsychidae 7(0.6)46(2.1)129(5.2)34 (1.0)10(0.2)w Macronema spp.-.I Hydropsyche spp.12(0.5)17(0.7)8(0.2)27(0.5)Hydropsyche incommoda 16 (1.8)36(3.3)43(4.6)139(6.3)238(9.5)150(4.6)86(1.5)57(1.1)Hydropsyche rossi 2(0.2)5(0.5)11 (1.2)111(5.1)203(8.1)30(0.9)32(0.5)29(0.6)Cheumatopsyche spp.69(7.8)129(11.8)74(7.9)552(25.1)1118(44.7) 1587(48.5) 958(16.6)1357(26.7)

Hydroptila spp.Hydroptilidae 2(0.1)1(0.0)Leptoceridae 1(0.0)Oecetis spp , 1(0.0)Cerac1ea spp, Nectopsyche spp.1(0.0)DIPTERA Ceratopogonidae Chironomidae 763(86.1)778(71.2)734(78.0) 1248(56.9) 691(27.6)1322(40.4) 4458(77.4) 3414(67.2) 3(0.3)1(0.1)3(0.1)7(0.1)9(0.2)Empididae 2 (0.2)9(0.8)2(0.2)3(0.1)19(0.8)7(0.2)19(6.3)22(0.4)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 1(0.0)2(0.0)Pe1ecypoda Ancylidae ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 11(1.2)18(1.6)38(4.0)9(0.4)2(0.1)1(0.0)4(0.1)2(0.0)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 8 (Page 3 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.&.Nov.Po1ychaeta Manyunkia speciosa ARTHROPODA (Other)Isopoda Hydracarina 1(0.1)6(0.1)Arnphipoda Acarina 1 (0.1)1(0.0)1(0.0)

PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 1(0.0)3(0.1)14(0.2)25(0.5)NEMATODA 1(0.0)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rub rum 5(0.2)3(0.1)4(0.1)9(0.2)w CNIDARIA co Hydra spp.1(0.1)1(0.0)Total Number of Species142014 20 22263028 Total Number of Individuals 886 10939412195250032745761 5079 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 9 (Page 1 of 3)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON MULTI PLATE SAMPLERS AT STATION 151.2w DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.1(0.1)8(0.3)4(0.1)6(0.2)Ephemerella spp, 5(0.9)3(0.5)Caenis spp.Stenonema spp.1(0.1)1(0.0) 8(0.2)10(0.3)Heptageniidae 1(0.2)4(0.3)2(0.1)3(0.1)6(0.2)Pseudiron spp.Heptagenia spp.1(0.2)4(0.6)1(0.1)7 (0.7)1(0.0)2(0.1)9(0.2)Baetidae 1(0.0)2(0.1)Baetis spp.3(0.5)3(0.3)3(0.1)1(0.0)Pseudocl.oeon spp.w ODONATA<D Argia spp, PLECOPTERA 7(1.2)2(0.3)1(0.1)3(0.1)Per1idae 3(0.5)2(0.3)He10picus spp.1(0.2)Taeniopteryx spp.Per1esta placida 5(0.8)34(2.9)Nernoura spp.Paragnetina spp.Acroneuria spp.Isogenus spp , Pteronarcys spp.Isoperlaapp,*1(0.2)MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us spp.3(0.1)4(0.1)NEUROPTERA Clirnaciaspp, COLEOPTERA E1rnidae adult Stene1rnis 1(0.1)Microcylloepus pusillus adult VEGP-OLSER TABLE 9 (Page 2 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Sep.Nov.Dubiraphia 1(0.0)Macronychus glabratus adult Macronychus glabratus larva Dineutus spp.larva E1midae larva Stene1mis spp.larva1(0.1)Ancronyx variegatus larva 1(0.2)Ancronyx variegatus adult TRICHOPTERA Chimarra spp.5(0.9)3(0.5)20(0.9)28(0.7)8(0.2)Po1ycentropidae Neurec1ipsis spp.2(0.2)1(0.0)2(0.1)18(0.5)Hydropsychidae 1(0.2)42(3.6)9(0.9)18(0.8)1(0.0)po Macronema spp.D Hydropsyche spp.1(0.2)12(1.0)2(0.1)9(0.2)Hydropsyche incommoda 14 (2.4)15(2.4)49(4.2)94(9.0)85(3.7)46(1.1)36(1.0)Hydropsyche rossi 7(1.2)4(0.6)43(3.7')142(13.7)24(1.0)9(0.2)12{0.3)Cheumatopsyche spp.55(9.4)24(3.8)58(4.9)117(11.3)651(282)327(82)407(11.0)Hydroptilaspp, Hydroptilidae Leptoceridae Oecetis spp.1(0.0)Cerac1ea spp.Nectopsyche spp.1(0.0)DIPTERA Ceratopogonidae Chironomidae 475(80.8)547(87.1)917(77.8)631(61.1)1457(63.2)3488(87.4)3112(84.1)

Sim!Jlidae 9(0.8)8(0.8)14(0.6)28(0.7)40(1.1)Erupididae 5(0.9)1(0.2)2(0.2)18(1.7)10(0.4)15(0.4)7(0.2)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 1(0.2)1(0.0)Pelecypoda Ancy1idae2(0.1)ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 4(0.7)13(2.1)3(0.3)1(0.1)2(0.1)1(0.0)

VEGP -OLSER TABLE 9 (Page 3 of 3) Taxa Jan*. Feb. Har. May J.!!!!.* Aug. Sep. .,. t-' Po1ychaeta Hanyunkia speciosa ARTHROPODA (Other) lsopoda Hydracarina Amphipoda Acarina PLATYHELMINTHES Tu rbe11a ria NEMATODA RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum CNIDARIA Hydra spp. 1(0.2) 1(0.2) 1(0.0) 12(0.3) 1(0.0) Total Number of Species Total Number of Individuals 16 588 17 628 15 1178 13 1033 21 2305 17 3989 M2Y,. 18(0.5) 2(0.1) 1(0.0) 22 3702 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 10 (Page 1 of 2)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON BASKET SAMPLERS AT STATION 150.6E DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.9(0.5)Ephemere11a spp.38(0.5)11 (1.2)10(1.5)Caenis spp.1(0'.0)Stenonema spp, 7(0.1)3(0.3)2 (0.3)16(0.9)Heptageniidae 3(0.0)6(0.6)1(0.1)6 (0.3)Heptagenia spp.11(0.2)3(0.3)Baetidae 16(0.2)Baetis spp.35(0.5)5(0.5)1(0.1)3(0.2)Pseudoc1oeon spp.9(0.1)"'" ODONATA N Neurocordu1ia spp.Anisoptera PLECOPTERA 32(0.4)7(0.8)4(0.6)Perlidae5(0.1)20(2.2)18(2.6)He10picus spp.Taeniopteryx spp.6(0.1)Isoper1a spp.Per1esta placida 7(0.8)35(5.1)1(0.1)Isogenus spp.Pteronarcys spp.MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us spp.1(0.1)COLEOPTERA Stene1mis spp , adult 2(0.1)Stene1mis spp.larva 1(0.0)1(0.1)Gyrinus spp.larva 4 (0.2)Gyrinidae larva Ancronyx variegatus larva.Macronychus glabratus larva TRICHOPTERA Chimarra spp.65(0.9)27(2.9)9(1.3)22 (1.2)l VEGP-OLSER TABLE 10 (Page 2 of 2)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.Polycentropidae Neureclipsis spp.10 (0.1)10 (1.1)6(0.9)9(0.5)Hydropsychidae 27(0.4)12(1.3)2(0.3)59(3.3)Hydropsyche spp.Hydropsyche incommoda 39(0.5)7(0.8)5(0.7)173(9.6)Hydropsyche rossi 32(0.4)6(0.9)90(5.0)Cheumatopsyche spp.442(6.1)155(16.7)81 (11.8)1159(64.0)Leptoceridae Hydroptilidae Oecetis spp.2(0.2)1(0.1)3(0.2)Pycnopsyche spp.Brachycentrus spp.1(0.0)DIPTERA po Chironomidae 6032(82.6) 614(66.2)501 (72.7)243(13.4)w Simulidae 7(0.1)1(0.1)1(0.1)Empididae 13(0.2)2(0.2)5(0.3)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 1(0.1)Ancylidae 1(0.0)1(0.1)ANNELIDA 01igochaeta 446(6.1)33(3.6)3(0.4)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum 8(0.1)2(0.2)2(0.1)ARTHROPODA (Other)Hydracarina 14(0.2)1(0.1)Acarina 3 (0.4)Co11embo1a PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria NEMATODA Total Number of Species 26 20 18 21 Total Number of Individuals 7301 928 689 1810 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 11 (Page 1 of 2)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON BASKET SAMPLERS AT STATION 150.6W DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.EPHEMEROPTERA 1(0.1)Tricorythodes spp.5(0.3)Ephemere11a spp.3(0.2)3(0.6)7(1.0)Caenis spp.Stenonema spp.1(0.1)1 (0.2)9(0.6)Heptageniidae 1(0.1)1(0.1)Heptageniaspp, 6(1.2)1(0.1)11(0.7)Baetidae 1(0.1)Baetis spp.14 (0.7)3(0.6)1(0.1)2(0.1)Pseudoc1oeon spp..p-ODONATA.p-Neurocordu1ia spp.Anisoptera PLECOPTERA 4(0.2)2(0.4)4(0.6)Per1idae 4(0.8)3(0.4)He10picus spp.2(0.3)Taeniopteryx spp.7(0.4)Isoper1a spp.Perlesta placida 15(2.1)Isogenusapp, 1(0.2)Pteronarcys spp.1(0.1)MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us spp.COLEOPTERA Stene1mis Stene1mis spp.larva Gyrinus spp.larva Gyrinidae larva Ancronyx variegatus larva Macronychus glabratus larva TRICHOPTERA 3(0.2)Chimarra spp.7(0.4)10 (2.0)4(0.6)7(0.5), , , ,

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 11 (Page 2 of 2)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.Po1ycentropidae Neurec1ipsis spp.1(0.1)1(0.2)1(0.1)3(0.2)Hydropsychidae 1(0.1)4(0.8)1(0.1)73(4.7)Hydropsyche spp.4(0.3)Hydropsyche incommoda 14(0.7)5(1.0)18(2.6)129(8.3)Hydropsyche rossi 7(0.4)7 (1.4)6(0.9)70(4.5)Cheumatopsyche spp.86(4.4)67(13.7)64(9.4)866(55.9)Leptoceridae Hydroptilidae 1(0.2)Oecetis spp.2(0.1)Pycnopsyche spp.1(0.1)Brachycentrus spp.DlPTERA..,.Chironomidae 1761(90.8) 366 (74.8)557(79.7)321(20.7)V1 Simu1idae 5(0.3)1(0.2)6(0.4)Empididae 2(0.4)16(1.0)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Ancylidae ANNELIDA 01igochaeta 18(0.9)5(1.0)13(1.9)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum 4(0.2)ARTHROPODA (Other)Hydracarina 3(0.2)Acarina 1(0.1)1(0.1)Co11embo1a 1(0.1)PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria NEMATODA Total Number of Species 19 18 17 22 Total Number of Individuals 1940 489 699 1548 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 12 (Page 1 of 2)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON BASKET SAMPLERS AT STATION 150.9E DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.13 (0.5)Ephemere11a spp.5(0.1)5(0.6)15 (1.6)Caenis spp.1(0.0)Stenonema spp.3(0.1)1(0.1)21(0.8)Heptageniidae 2 (0.3)4(0.4)2(0.1)Heptageniaspp, 7(0.1)3(0.4)6(0.6)15 (0.5)Baetidae 1(0.1)Baetis spp.44(0.9)1(0.1)7 (0.3)Pseudoc1oeon spp.16(0.3)1(0.1)ODONATA-l'"-Neurocordu1ia spp.0'Anisoptera PLECOPTERA 8(0.2)4(0.4)Perlidae 4 (0.5)9 (0.9)He10picus spp.3(0.3)Taeniopteryx spp.7(0.1)Isoperla spp.Perlesta placida 3(0.4)46 (4.8).2(0.1)Isogenus spp.4(0.1)2(0.3)Pteronarcys spp.MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us spp, COLEOPTERA Stene1mis spp , adult 2(0.1)Stene1mis spp.larva 1(0.0)Gyrinus spp.larva Gyrinidae larva variegatus larva 1(0.0)Macronychus glabratus larva 1(0.0)2(0.1)TRICHOPTERA Chimarra spp.33(0.6)3(0.4)15 (1.6)25(0.9), ,

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 12 (Page 2 of 2)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.Po1ycentropidae 3(0.1)Neurec1ipsis spp.7(0.1)1(0.1)2(0.2)11(0.4)Hydropsychidae 2 (0.3)4(0.4)86(3.1)Hydropsyche spp.3(0.1)aydropsyche incommoda 54 (1.0)12 (1.5)17(1.8)358(12.9)Hydropsyche rossi 16.(0.3)8(1.0)8(0.8) 117(4.2)Cheumatopsyche spp.331(6.5)111 (14.0)135 (14.1)1629(58.6)

Leptoceridae Hydroptilidae 1(0.0)Oecetis spp.Pycnopsyche spp.Brachycentrus spp.DIPTERA+:-Chironomidae 4412(86.9) 620 (78.4)667(69.7)462(16.6)-..j Simu1idae 1 (0.1)1(0.1)1(0.0)Empididae 5 (0.1)2 (0.3)1(0.1)6(0.2)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Ancylidae ANNELIDA 01igochaeta 119(2.3)8(1.0)18 (1.9)2 (0.1)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum 3(0.1)4(0.1)ARTHROPODA (Other)Hydracarina Acarina 4 (0.1)1(0.1)Co11embo1a PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 5 (0.2)NEMATODA 1(0.1)Total Number of Species 19 20 19 26 Total Number of Individuals 5079 791 957 2780 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 13 (Page-l of 2)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON BASKET SAMPLERS AT STATION l50.9W DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.'Feb.Mar.Jun.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.11(3.5)Ephemerellaspp, 16 (0.5)9(1.1)2(0.8)1(0.3)Caenis spp.Stenonema spp.4(0.1)2(0.2)2(0.8)5(1.6)HePtagen iidae 1(0.0)2(0.2)Heptagenia spp.6(0.2)3(0.4)Baetidae 2(0.1)Baetis spp.25 (0.7)2(0.2)Pseudoc1oeon spp.3(0.1)ODONATA p-Neurocordu1ia spp, 0::>An:i,soptera PLECOPTERA 17(0.5)5 (0.6)1(0.4)Perlidae 1(0.0)5(0.6)4(1.5)Helopicus spp, 1(0.5) spp.5(0.1)Isoper1a spp.Per1esta placida 1(0.1)3 (1.1)Isogenus spp, 1(0.0)Pteronarcys spp.MEGALOPTERA Corydalus spp.COLEOPTERA Stenelmis Stenelmis spp.larva Gyrinus spp.larva Gyrinidae larva Ancronyx variegatus'larva 2(0.6)Macronychus glabratus larva TRICHOPTERA Chimarraspp, 14 (0.4)10 (1.2)3 (1.1)1(0.3)1 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 13 (Page 2 of 2)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.Po1ycentropidae 1(0.3)Neurec1ipsis spp.3(0.1)1(0.1)2(0.8)14 (4.4)Hydropsychidae 25 (0.7)13(1.6)13(4.1)Hydropsyche spp.1(0.0)1(0.4)Hydropsyche incommoda 23 (0.7)6(0.7)1(0.3)Hydropsyche rossi 10(0.3)3(0.4)1(0.3)Cheumatopsyche spp.142(4.1)92(11.0)19 (7.2)201(63.8)Leptoceridae Hydroptilidae Oecetis spp.1(0.4)Pycnopsyche spp.1 (0.1)Brachycentrus spp.DIPTERA Chironomidae 2972(86.8) 605(72.4)207(78.1)54(17.1).j::'-Simulidae 4(0.1)\D Empididae 2(0.1)1(0.1)3(1.0)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Ancylidae ANNELIDA 01igochaeta 133(3.9)75(9.0)19 (7.2)2(0.6)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum 6(0.2)4(1.3)ARTHROPODA (Other)Hydracarina Acarina 3(0.1)Co11embo1a 1(0.0)PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 1(0.0)1(0.3)NEMATODA 1(0'.0)Total Number of Species 27 18 13 16 Total Number of Individuals 3422 836 265 315 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 14 (Page 1 of 2)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON BASKET SAMPLERS AT STATION 151.2E DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.1(0.0)18(0.6)Ephemere11a spp.7(0.2)12 (1.5)14 (1.5)Caenis spp.Stenonema spp.1(0.0)3(0.4)4 (0.4)13(0.4)Hep tageniidae 2(0.1)4(0.5)4(0.1)Heptageniaspp, 3(0.1)5 (0.6)7(0.8)7(0.2)

Baetidae 4(0.1)1(0.1)1(0.0)Baetis spp.12 (0.4)6 (0.8)Pseudoc1oeon spp.1(0.0)ODONATA VI Neurocordu1ia spp , 1(0.0)0 Anisoptera PLECOPTERA 6(0.2)9(1.1)1(0.1)Perlidae 2(0.1)6(0.8)7(0.8)

He10picus spp , 1(0.1)Taeniopteryx spp.2(0.1)Isoper1a spp.1(0.1)Per1esta placida 10(1.3)32(3.5)2(0.1)Isogenus spp.Pteronarcys spp.MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us spp.COLEOPTERA Stene1mis 1(0.1)Stene1mis spp , larva" Gyrinus spp.larva Gyrinidae larva 1(0.1)Ancronyx variegatus larva 1(0.1)1(0.0)Macronychus glabratus larva TRICHOPTERA 1(0.1)Chimarra spp.28(0.9)22(2.8)17(1.9)67(2.3)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 14 (Page 2 of 2)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.Po1ycentropidae Neurec1ipsis spp.2(0.1)2(0.3)6(0.7)5(0.2)Hydropsychidae 6(0.2)6(0.8)5(0.5)127(4.3)Hydropsyche spp.1(0.0)Hydropsyche incommoda 33(1.1)14(1.8)19(2.1)247(8.5)Hydropsyche rossi 10(0.3)5(0.6)11(1.2)69(2.4)Cheumatopsyche spp.230(7.6)134(16.9)152(16.6)1771(60.6)

Leptoceridae Hydroptilidae Oecetis spp.Pycnopsyche spp.Brachycentrus spp.1(0.0)DIPTERA Chironomidae 2511(83.4)548(69.3)586(64.0) 568(19.4)lJ1 Simulidae 8(0.3)1(0.1)2(0.1)t-'Empididae 7(0.2)4(0.5).5(0.5)5(0.2)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Ancylidae ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 122(4.1)1(0.1)40(4.4)3(0.1)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum 7(0.2)2(0.2)10(0.3)ARTHROPODA (Other)Hydracarina 5(0.2)Acarina Co11embo1a PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 1(0.0)NEMATODA 1(0.0)Total Number of Species 25 17 24 21 Total Number of Individuals 3012 791 916 2923 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 15 (Page 1 of 2)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED ON BASKET SAMPLERS AT STATION 151.2W DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp*.17(0.7)Ephemere11a spp.2(0.4)10(1.8)Caenis spp.Stenonemaspp, 1(0.2)21(0.9)Heptageniidae 1(0.2)2(0.4)6(0.2)Heptagenia spp, 3(0.5)13(0.5).Baetidae Baetis spp , 1(0.2)2(0.1)Pseudoc1oeon spp.i(o.o)U1 ODONATA N Neurocordu1ia spp, Anisoptera 1(0.0)PLECOPTERA 1(0.2)3(0.5)Perlidae 6 (1.1)He10picus spp, 5 (0.9)Taeniopteryx spp.Isoper1a spp.Per1esta placida 24(4.2),Isogenus spp , 1(0.2)Pteronarcys spp.MEGALOPTERA Coryda1us app , COLEOPTERA Stene1mis spp, adult Stene1mis spp.larva Gyrinus spp.larva Gyrinidae larva Ancronyx variegatus larva 1(0.0)Macronychus glabratus larva 1(0.0)TRICHOPTERA Chimarra spp.13(2.8)9(1.6)23(0.9)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 15 (Page 2 of 2)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.Jun.Po1ycentropidae Neurec1ipsis spp.1(0.2)5(0.2)Hydropsychidae 5(L1)6(L1)115(4.7)Hydropsyche spp.1(0.2)Hydropsyche incommoda au.7)17(3.0)148(6.1)Hydropsyche rossi 2(0.4)'5(0.9)102(4.2)Cheumatopsyche spp.77 (16.5)79(14.0)1353(55.5)

Leptoceridae 1(0.0)Hydroptilidae Oecetis spp.1(0.0)Pycnopsyche spp.Brachycentrus spp.DIPTERA\J1 393(69.4)w Chironomidae 342(73.1)605(24.8)Simulidae 3(0.1)Empididae, 2(0.4)3(0.5)10(0.4)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 1(0.0)Ancylidae ANNELIDA 01igochaeta 9(L9)1(0.0)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum 2(0.4)3(0.1)ARTHROPODA (Other)Hydracarina 1 (0.0)Acarina Co11embo1a PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 5.(0.2)NEMATODA Total Number of Species 16 15 25 Total Number of Individuals 468 566 2440 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 16 (Page 1 of 3)TOTAL NUMBERS'WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED IN PONAR SAMPLES AT STATION 150.6C DURING 1?81 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes app.1(0.3)2(0.5)1(0.2)Ephemere11aspp, 11(3.4)1(0.1)Pseudiron spp.1(0.1)1(0.1)

Caenis spp, 11(3.4)Stenonema spp.1(0.3)7(1.1)17(3.7)Heptageniidae 4(0.9)Psuedoc1oen app.Baetidae 1(0.3)ODONATA 1(0.1)l.f\Coenagrionidae

"" Dromogomphua spp.1(0.4)Gomphidae Neurocordu1ia spp.NEUROPTERA Climacia spp.PLECOPTERA 1(0.4)1(0.2)Per1idae 2(0.2)1(0.1)Neoperla spp.1(0.3)Per1esta placida 3(0.2)2(0.5)HEMIPTERA Corixidae 1(0.1)COLEOPTERA Hydraena spp.Stene1misspp*.adult 1(0.2)Stene1mis spp.larva Elmidae larva 1(0.3)Ancronyx variegatus larva 1(0.1)Macronychus glabratus larva 1(0.3)TRICHOPTERA Chimarra spp.1(0.1)1(0.2)Neurec1ipsis spp.

VEGP-OLSER TABLE16(Page 2 of 3)TaxaFeb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Hydropsychidae 1(0.3)Hydropsyche incornmoda Hydropsyche rossi Cheumatopsyche spp.6(1.9)2(0.2)8(0.6)3(0.8)3(0.5)4(0.4)62(13.4)llydroptilaapp, Leptoceridae 2(0.2)Oecetis spp.1(0.2)Nectopsyche spp.2(0.6)Cerac1easpp, 2(0.2)DIPTERA Chaoborus spp.1(0.4)Ceratopogonidae

)(0.9)4(1.7)14 (1.1)3(0.8)2(0.3)1(0.1)4(0.9)Chironomidae 65(20.2)48(20.1)46(3.6)158(11,0)38(9.8)56(8.5)892(91.8)89(19.2)Ul Tabanidae 1(0.2)VJ Empididae 1(0.3)1(0.1)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 5(1.6)9(0.7)9(2.3)23(3.5)2(0.2)21(4.5)Ancylidae 24(7.5)1(0.1)3 (0.8)4(0.6)7(1.5)Pe1ecypoda 34(2.7)43(3.0)5 (0.8)75(6.9)4(0.9)Corbicu1asp, 21(6.5)18 (7.5)38(3.0)89(6.2)116(29.8)153(23.1)25(2.3)100(21.6)'ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 111(34.6)150(62.8)1053(83.0) 899(62.6)175(45.0)376(56.9)80(7.3)87(18.8)Hirudinea 3(0.6)Po1ychaeta Manyunkia speciosa 3(0.9)1(0.1)ARTHROPODA (Other)C1adocera 1 (0.1)Oatracoda Copepoda 1(0.1)1(0.1)Isopoda 1 (0.4)Acarina 1(0.1)2(0.5)4(0.9)Hydracar!na 8(0.6)1(0.2)8 (1.7)Collembo1a 1(0.3)4(0.9)PLATYHELMINTHES Turbellaria 13(4.0)1(0.4)22(1.7)32(2.2)30(7.7) 6(0.9)6(0.5)29(6.3)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 16 (Page 3 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.Trematoda 8(3.3)188(13.1)7(1.1)CNIDARIA Hydra spp.1(0.1)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rub rum 32(10.0)21(1.7)10(0.7)2(0.5)15 (22.7)12(2.6)NEMATODA 8 (2.5)6(2.5)5(0.4)3(0.2)1(0.2)4(0.4)5(1.1)Total Number of Species 20 1123151616 11 21 Total Number of Individuals 321 23912691436 3896611091464 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 17 (Page 1 of 3)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED IN PONAR SAMPLES AT STATION 150.9C DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.1(0.5)Ephernerella spp , 5(0.9)2(0.1)1(0.5)Pseudiron spp.Caenis spp.2(0.1)Stenonerna spp.Heptageniidae 1(0.2)Psuedoc1oeon spp.Baetidae ODONATA Coenagrionidae 1(0.2)1(0.5)lJl Drornogornphus spp.2(0.7)1(0.5)--.J Gornphidae 1(0.0)1(0.5)Neurocordu1ia spp , NEUROPTERA C1irnacia spp.PLECOPTERA 4 (0.7)Perlidae Neoper1a spp.Perlesta placida HEMIPTERA Corixidae COLEOPTERA Hydraena spp.Stene1rnis Stene1rnis spp.larva 1(0.3)1(0.4)1(0.5)E1rnidae larva Ancronyx variegatus larva 1(0.4)Mac,ronychus glabratus larva TRICHOPTERA Chirnarra spp.14(2.5)Neurec1ipsis spp.3(0.5)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 17 (Page2of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.Hydropsychidae 3(0.5)Hydropsyche incomrnoda 1(0.2)Hydropsyche rossi Cheumatopsyche spp.53(9.4)1(0.0)1(0.5)6(2.8)Hydroptila spp.1(0.5)Leptoceridae 1(0.5)Oecetis spp.Nectopsyche spp.2(0.4)1(0.0)1(0.5)1(0.5)Cerac1ea spp.3(0.1)1(0.4)DIPTERA Chaoborus spp.1(0.4)Ceratopogonidae 16(2.8)3(0.1)10(0.5)6(2.2)1(0.4)11(4.8)8(4.4)14(6.6)lJl Chironomidae 82(14.5)16(5.2)218 (10.8)21(7.7)30(13.5)34(14.8)96(53.3)30(14.2)OJ Tabanidae Empididae 2(0.4)3(1.0)1(0.0)MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 22(3.9)3(1.0)1(0.0)2(0.7)6(3.3)5(2.4)Ancylidae 5(0.9)Pe1ecypoda 9(0.4)2 (0.7)3(1.3)2(1.1)Corbicu1a Sp.13(2.3)8(2.9)4(1.8)29 (12.7)11(6.1)9(4.3)ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 290(51.3)133(43.5)1727 (85.5)214 (78.7)181(81.2)111(48.5) 45(25.0)100(47.4)Hirudinea Po1ychaeta Manyunkia speciosa 1(0.3)1(0.4)ARTHROPODA (Other)C1adocera 4(1.3)1(0.5)Ostracoda 1(0.0)Copepoda 2(0.7)1(0.0)Isopoda 3(LO)1(0.4)Acarina 1(0.3)2(0.1)1(0.5)Hydracarina 1(0.4)1(0.5)Collembo1a 1(0.4)24(11.4)PLATYHELMINTHES Turbe11aria 16,(2.8)3(L1)1(0.4)1(0.5)

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 17 (Page 3 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.Trematoda 6(2.0)15 (0.7)1(0.4)33(14.4)CNIDARIA Hydra spp.RHYNCOCOELA Prostorna rubrum 28(5.0)10(3.3)14 (0.7)8(2.9)1(0.4)4(1.8)1(0.5)1(0.5)NEMATODA 4(0.7)121(39.5)9(0.4)4(1.5)2(0.9)2(0.9)17(8.1)Total Number of Species2014 19 131010 18 14 Total Number of Iud Ivf.dua Ls 565 306 2021 272 223, 229180211 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 18 (Page 1 of 3)TOTAL NUMBERS WITH PERCENT COMPOSITION (IN PARENTHESIS)

OF ORGANISMS COLLECTED IN PONAR SAMPLES AT STATION 151.2C DURING 1981 Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Sep.Nov.EPHEMEROPTERA Tricorythodes spp.2(1.9)Ephemerella spp.5(1.6)2(0.4)Pseudiron spp.1(0.3)Caenis spp.Stenonema spp.Heptageniidae Psuedoc1oeon spp.Baetidae ODONATA 1(0.4)2 (1.6)Coenagrionidae Q"\Dromogomphus spp.1(0.2)0 Gomphidae Neurocordulia spp.1(0.3)NEUROPTERA Climacia spp.1(0.4)13(5.5)PLECOPTERA Perlidae Neoper1a spp.Per1esta placida HEHlPTERA Corixidae COLEOPTERA Hydraenaspp, Stenelmis Stl;nelmis spp.larva 1(0.4)1(0.8)Elmidae larva Ancronyx variegatus larva 1(0.4)1(0.4)1(0.8)Macronychus glabratus larva 1(0.4)1(0.2)TRICHOPTERA Chimarra spp.1(0.3)Neurec1ipsis spp.

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 18 (Page 2 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Nov.Hydropsychidae 1(0.3)Hydropsyche incommoda 1(0.4)Hydropsyche rossi 1(0.4)Cheumatopsyche spp.20(6.5)1(0.2)6 (2.5)2(1.9)1(0.4)Hydropti1a spp.Leptoceridae 2(0.6)Oecetisspp, 1(0.2)Nectopsyche spp , 1(0.3)4(1.7)Cerac1easpp, 1(0.4)1(0.4)DIPTERA Chaoborus spp.Ceratopogonidae 6(1.9)3(0.6)4(0.5)1(1.0)5(2.1)3(2.3)3(0.5)

Chironornidae 101(32.6)10(2.1)6(0.7)21(8.8)3(2.9)7(3.0)45(34.9)353(53.2)Tabanidae 1(0.2)0'1 Empididae 3(1.0)r-'MOLLUSCA Gastropoda 14(4.5)10 (1.2)1(0.4)3(2.9)27(11.4)3(2.3)19(2.9)Ancylidae 10(3.2)1(0.4)Pe1ecypoda 17(3.6)2(0.8)5(2.1)2(1.5)13(2.0)Corbicu1a sp.

8(1.7)12 (1.5)13(5.4)17(16.3)25(10.5)12(9.3)36(5.4)ANNELIDA Oligochaeta 79.(25.5)377(80.2)747(91.8)80(33.3)73(70.2)67(28.3)39(30.2)138(20.8)Hirudinea1(0.8)1(0.2)

Po1ychaeta Manyunkia speciosa 3(1.0)6(1.3)6(0.7)22(9.2)37(15.6)1(0.8)39(5.9)ARTHROPODA (Other)C1adocera 2(0.4)1(0.4)3(2.9)Ostracoda Copepoda 1(0.3)3(0.4)Isopoda 1(0.4)Acarina Hydracarina 1(0.3)1(0.4)Co11ernbo1a 1(0.3)34(5.1)PLATYHELMINTHES Tu rbellaria 12(3.9)31(13.1)2(1.5)6(0.9) 0\N VEGP-OLSER TABLE 18 (Page 3 of 3)Taxa Jan.Feb.Mar.May Jun.Aug.Sep.Nov.Trematoda 2(0.6)19(4.0)64(26.7)2(0.8)CNIDARIA Hydra spp.1(0.4)RHYNCOCOELA Prostoma rubrum 16(5.2)17(3.6)6(0.7)4(1.7)8 (3.4)16(12.4)17(2.6)NEMATODA 11(3.5)6(1.3)20(2.5)13(5.4)4(1.7)1(0.8)3(0.5)Total Number of Species3314 9 21 8 181414 Total Number of Individuals 310 470 814 240 104237129 664 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 19 MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM VALUES FOR PHYSICOCHEMICAL DATA OBTAINED AT THE TIME OF MACRO INVERTEBRATE SAMPLING Water Air Dissolved 0'0 Oxygen (mg!l)Station Temperature(C)Temperature(C)----E.H 150.6E 26.0-10.0 32.0-12.5 11.2-6.7 7.3-6.2 150.6W 26.0-7.5 33.0-14.5 11.4-6.5 7.6-6.4 150.9E 26.0-7.0 29.0-7.5 11.5-6.6 7.2-6.6 150.9W 26.0-7.5 29.0-13.5 12.3-6.5 7.2-6.5 151.2E 25.0-7.5 26.0-10.0 11.4-6.7 7.2-5.6 151.2W(a)25.0-12.0 27.0-14.0 9.3-6.9 7.3-6.2 a.No measurementsweremade in January.63 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 20 AVERAGE VALUES AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE FOR THE VARIABLE LNUM FOR THE MULTIPLATE SAMPLERSIN1981 Averages: 150.6 150.9 151.2 MonthlyNE W E W E W Averages JAN 10 2.86 2.42 2.65 2.33 2.63'(a)2.58 FEB 12 2.82 2.382.752.70 2.72 2.47 2.64 MAR 12 2.69 2.40 2.70 2.48 2.64 2.48 2.56 MAY 12 2.90 2.66 2.94 2.18 3.04 2.77 2.75 JUN 12 2.97 3.05 3.09 2.23 3.10 2.71 2.86 AUG 12 3.24 3.00 3.39 2.28 3.21 3.05 3.02 SEP 12 2.83 3.40 3.39 2.50 3.453.303.14 NOV 12 3.39 3.33 3.31 2.31 3.39 3.27 3.17 2.96 2.83 3.03 2.38 3.02 2.86 LNUM Mean=2.85 Std.Dev.=0.144 Analysis of Variance: Source Station Month Station*Month Error Total df 5 7 34 47 93 ss 4.789-5.007 2.965 0.980 13.741 ms 0.958 0.715 0.087 o.oai f 45.96*34.32*4.18*a.=Station missing.*=Significant for a=0.001 64 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 21 AVERAGE VALUES AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE FOR NUMBER OF TAXA COLLECTED BY MULTIPLATE SAMPLERSIN1981 f\verages:

150.6 150.9 151.2 MonthlyNE W E W E W Averages JAN 10 14.50 8.50 13.50 9.00 10.50 (a)11.20 FEB 1218.0013.0015.00 12.50 16.50 13.00 14.67 MAR 1217.5010.5011.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 12.33 MAY 1214.5011.5012.0011.5014.00 13.00 12.75 JUN 12 14.5014.5017.50 15.00 16.50 10.50 14.75 AUG 12 22.00 17.00 23.00 10.00 21.00 15.50 18.08 SEP 12 16.00 22.50 20.50 12.00 24.50 14.50 18.33 NOV 12 23.50 18.5017.0010.00 20.5018.5017.9217.5614.50 16.2511.4416.88 12.06 Numind Mean=15.09 Std.Dev.=2.92 Analysis of Variance: Source df ss ms f Station 5 441.392 88.167 10.32*Month 7 666.940 95.277 11.39*Station*Month 34 492.542 14.487 1.69***Error 47 402.000 8.583 Total 93 2002.874 a.Station missing.*=Significant for=0.001***=Significant for=0.05 65 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 22 AVERAGE VALUES AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE FOR THE VARIABLE LNUM OF THE PONAR DREDGE SAMPLES OF 1981 Averages: Monthly 150.6 150.9 151.2 Averages JAN 1.62 1.90 1.47 1.66 FEB 1.59 1.65 1.67 1.64 MAR 2.20 2.48 1.84 2.17 MAY 2.38 1.55 1.63 1.85 JUN 1.80 1.52 1.24 1.52 AUG 2.03 1.58 1.60 1.74 SEP 2.01 1.54 1.35 1.63 NOV 1.87 1.62 2.04 1.84 1:94 1.73 1.61 LNUM Mean=1.76 Std.Dev.=0.44 Analysis of Variance:-Source Station Month St ation*Month Error Total df 2 7 14 96 119 ss 2.238 4.280 4.432 18.805 29.755 IDS 1.119 0.611 0.317 0.196 f 5.71***3.12***l.62NS***=Significant for a=0.05 NS=No Significant Difference 66...

VEGP-OLSER TABLE 23 AVERAGE VALUES AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE FOR THE NUMBER OF TAXA COLLECTED BY PONAR DREDGE SAMPLESIN1981 Averages: Monthly 150.6 150.9 151.2 Averages JAN 9.00 8.20 8.60 8.60 FEB 4.80 5.60 6.40 5.60 MAR 8.20 6.80 4.80 6.60 MAY 6.80 5.80 7.20 6.60 JUN 6.20 3.80 3.80 4.60 AUG 6.60 4.80 7.60 6.33 SEP 5.60 6.00 5.60 5.73 NOV 8.20 5.40 7.20 6.93 6.93 5.80 6.40 NUMSP Mean==6.38 Std.Dev.==3.28 Analysis of Variance: Source Station Month Station*Month Error Total df 2 7 14 96 119 ss 25.350 142.925 77.050 1030.800 1276.125 ms 12.675 20.418 5.504.10.738 f 1.18NS 1.90NS O.SlNS NS=No Significant Difference.67 VEGP-OLSER TABLE 24 TABLE OF MEAN VALUES FOR LNUM, NUMBER OF TAXA, AND NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS COLLECTED BY BASKET SAMPLERS DURING 1981 LNUM: 150.6 150.9 151.2 Monthly N E W E W E W Averages JAN 5 3.86 3.29 3.71 3.53 3.48 (a)3.57 FEB 6 2.972.692.90 2.92 2.90 2.67 2.84 MAR 6 2.84 2.852.982.42 2.96 2.75 2.80 JUN 6 3.26 3.19 3.44 2.50 3.47 3.39 3.21 3.23 3.00 3.28 2.85 3.20 2.94 LNUM Mean=3.09 NUMSP: 150.6 150.9 151.2 Monthly N E W E W E W Averages JAN 5 26.00 19.00 19.00 27.00 25.00 (a)23.20 FEB 6 20.00 18.00 20.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 18.17 MAR 618.0017.0019.0013.00 24.00 15.00 17.67 JUN 6 21.00 22.00 26.00 16.00 21.0025.0021.83 21.25 19.00 21.00 18.50 21.75 18.67 NUMSP Mean...20.09 NUMIND: 150.6 150.9 151.2 Monthly N E W E W E W Averages JAN 5 7301.00 1940.00 5079.00 3422.00 3012.00 (a)4150.80 FEB 6 928.00 489.00 791.00 836.00 791.00 468.00 717.17 MAR 6 689.00 699.00 957.00 265.00 916.00 566.00 682.00 JUN 6 1810.00 1548.00 2780.00 315.002923.002440.00 1969.33 2682.00 1169.00 2401.75 1209.50 1910.50 1158.00 NUMIND Mean=1781.08 a.=Station missing.68-VEGP-OLSER TABLE 25 DUNCAN'S MULTIPLE RANGETESTFOR LNUM BYSTATIONFOR PONAR SAMPLES a Level=0.05 DF=96 MS=0.19589 Station N LNUM x l50.6C 40 1.94 l50.9C.40 1.73 l51.2C 40 1.60Themeans for Stations 150.9C and 15l.2C were not found to be significantly different.

Station l50.6C was significantly different from the two other stations.DUNCAN'S MULTIPLE RANGETESTFOR LNUM BY MONTH FOR PONAR SAMPLES a Level=0.05 DF=96 MS=0.19589 Month N LNUM x January 15 1.66 February 15 1.64 March 15 2.17 May 15 1.85 June 15 1.52 August 15 1.74 September 15 1.63 November 15 1.84 The following groupings are of monthswhosemean values are not significantly different:A.March May November B.May November August January 69 February September June VEGP-OLSER TABLE 26



FOR EAST VS.WEST BANK MULTIPLATE SAMPLERS Result (ex=0.05)Interaction 01/81 02/81 03/81 05/81 06/81 08/81 09/81 11/81 E(12.83>>W(8.75)


No Difference No Difference No Difference E(22.0>>W(14.17)

Interaction Only E(20.33>>W(lS.S) 70 Not Significant Not Significant Not Significant Not Significant Not Significant Not Significant Significant Not Significant





FOREASTVS.WEST BANK MULTIPLATE SAMPLERS Result Interaction 01/81 02/81 03/81 OS/81 06/81 08/81 09/81 11/81 E(2.71>>W(2.37)






E(3.37)>W(2.97)71 Not Significant Not Significant Not Significant Interaction Consistent Significant Significant Significant Significant VEGP-OLSER TABLE 28 AVERAGE STREAM VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS (cm/s)TAKEN AT THE TIME OF MACRO INVERTEBRATE SAMPLING Date.150.6E 150.6W 150.9E 150.9W 151.2E 151.2W 01/14/81 6S.6 75.9 SO.5 72.9 77.7 02/24/81 50.5 53.4 S1.8 27.1 72.7 73.4-03/31/81 47.S 57.1 5S.0 15.7 S4.0 79.9 05/13/81 56.4 76.0 76.5 38.8 74.7 81.2 06/30/8166.367.8 80.9 24.5 67.6 94.4 OS/11/81 51.8 70.1 81.5 lS.9 78.1 114.9 09/23/S1 45.S 6S.0 81.9 13.879.078.8-11/03/81 52.5 61.2 73.3 11.5 62.772.2 72

...,....*..'.*...._....,.......,..,..."......>.,.*-",----._..-.>--:-,.I i I., E*East:Bank

£InAX:'JJ':J DlSCBMC;r.SIA.150.9 I SlA.lSO.9*y SlA.150.6£S!A.130.64-__.., I****I*VOmI ntC!i.1C r:!:\L1..,t.:

11\(;Pl.A.\"J ,._..--------.,.,'..--,*I**I*k", I-,**I*t I.(**I , , ,


---Georgia Power ,\VOGTl.£El.ECTRIC GENERATING PLANT UNIT 1 AND UNrr 2 74 DIAGRAM OF BENTHIC STATION FIGURE 2 APPENDIX A 75 Interoffice Communication Central Laboratory 3131 Haner Road Smyrna.Georgia 30080 February 13.1981.Georgia Power<<\-

RIVER Chemical Analysis Hr.B.L.Maulsby: Following is the analysis from the second round of Savannah River monitoring at Plant Vogt1e.Samples were collected January 14.and received January 19.1981.No parameters appear unusually high or low.150.6E 150.9£ 151.2E 151.2Y pH@23°C 1.09 1.08 1.15 M Alka1 ini ty mg/1 CaCO!19.0 20.5 19.8 20.0 19.3 20.0 Hardness mgll CaC03 14.3914.6814.56 14.52 14.56 14.56 Conductivity iJIIIhos 12.5 12.0 74.5 73.414.813.5 Turbidity NTU 6.0 5.2 5.6Sodiummg/1Na8.58.58.8 8.1 9.0 9.0 Potassium mg/1 K 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.5 CalciUlllmg/1Ca 4.0 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Magnesium mg/1 Mg 1.07 1.08 1.11 1.10 1.11 1.11 Iron mg/l Fe 0.45 0.48 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.38 Manganese mg/1 Mn<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1*<0.1 Silica mg/1 Si02 7.5 8.0 8.0 1.8 1.1 1.6 Chloride mg/1 Cl 6.52 6.62 6.57 6.25 6.41 6.41 Orthophosphate mg/1 P 0.0630.0650.054 0.072 0.072 0.068 Total Phosphate mg/1 P 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.080 0.078 0.084 Nitrate mg/l N*0.795 0.1150.2410.460 0.466 Amu:onia mg/1 N 0.222 0.408 0.031 0.428 0.380 0.035Tnis sample appears tohavebeen inadvertently acidified nitric: ac: id..nS:dft xc:R.

Jr.76 Interoffice Communication

i.'.,:.t.."*.*.*::Georgia Power 4'\Central Laboratory 5131 Maner Road Smyrna.Georgia 30080March25.1981 SAVANNAH RIVER Chemical Analysis Mr.B.L.Maulsby: The following six samples were analyzed as part of the routine monitoring program at Plant Vogtle.Samples were collected February 24 and received February 27.1981.No parameters are unusually high or low.l50.6E l50.6W l50.9E l50.9W l5l.2E l51.2W pH@20°C 6.916.916.88 6.89 6.90 6.87 M Alkalinity mg/l CaCO 19.0 19.2 19.519.719.5 19.3 Hardness mg/1 CaCO 16.97 16.9316.8916.89 16.93 16.93 Conductivity mhos 87.4 87.5 87.0 88.486.086.0 Turbidity NTU 12 14 13 13 13 14 Sodiu:nmg/1Na 10.1 9.8 9.5 Potassium mg/1 K1.411.391.391.371.37 1.36 Calciummg/1Ca 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 Magnesiu:n mg/1 Mg 1.14 Ironmg/1Fe 0.760.670.870.690.73 0.65 Manganese mg/1 Mn<0.1<0.1<0.1

<0.1<0.1<0.1 Silica mg/l SiO 10.5 10.3 Chloridemg/1C1 9.098.70 8.28 8.12 7.69 7.90mg/1P 0.056 0.049 0.049 0.075 0.054 0.050 Total Phosphatemg/1P 0.073 0.075 0.077 0.077 0.075 0.080 Nitrate mg/1 N0.2400.1840.238 0.209 0.224 0.186 AmI:tonia mg/1 N 0.015 0.013 0.011 0.268 0.013 0.040 JBS:dft xc: Mr.R.Woodall.Jr.77 Interoffice Communication i";::..,::...'(,GeOrgia Power':r\Central Laboratory 5131 Road Smyrna.Georgia 30080 April 23.1981 SAVANNAH RIVER Chemical Analysis Mr.B.L.Maulsby: The fo11wing SU: samples were analyzed as part of the routine monitoring program at Plant Vogtle.Samples were collected Harch 30, and received April 1.1981.The only unusual values are the nitrate concentrations at stations 150.9 and 150.6W l50.9E 150.9W 151.2E 151.2W pH 23"C 7.02 7.01 6.99 7.04 7.06 7.09 M Alka11ni tymg/1CaC0 3 20.5 20.5 20.5 21.020.320.5 Hardness mg/1 CaC0 3 15.9 15.6 16.0 15.9 16.0 15.9 Conductivity lJIDhos 88 90.5 91 91 91.5 92'turbidity N'l'U'10109 9 8 9 Sodiummg/1Na9.59.6 9.7 9.8 9.6 9.8 Potassiummg/1K 1.391.421.41 1.44 1.43 1.44 Calciummg/1Ca 4.6 4.5 4.6 Magnesium mg/1 Mg 1.08 1.07 1.09 1.07 1.09 1.08 Ironmg/1Fe 0.56 0.56 0.60 0.54 0.56 0.45Manganesemg/1 Mn<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1 Silica mg/1 5i028.38.4 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 Chloride mg/l C1 8.28 8.338.288.28 8.33 8'.17 Orthophosphatemg/1P 0.039 0.044 0.033 0.055 0.057 0.056 Total Phosphatemg/1P 0.066 0.065 0.072 0.074 0.077 0.072 Nitratemg/1N 0.493 0.418 1.096 0.361 2.169 0.426 Ar.unoniamg/1N 0.100 0.084 0.095 0.1170.0840.125 nS:dft xc:W.R.Woodall.Jr.78


Interoffice CommunIcation Central Laboratory 5131 Maner Road Smyrna.Georgia 30080<<..Georgia PowerJuly 4.1981 SAVANNAH RIVER Chemical Analysis Mr.B.L.Maulsby: Following is our analysis of six samples collected May 13 and received May 20.1981.The 150.6 west station has a relatively high ammonia value.although it would not be considered highonan absolute basis.Station: l50.6E 150.6Y l50.9E l50.9Y l5l.2E 151.2lJ pH@23°C 7.18 7.10 7.09 M Alkalinity mg/l CaCO]20.6 21.1 20.5 21.1 20.2 20.1 Hardness mg/l CaCO]14.414.614.614.9 14.4 14.3 Conductivity lJmhos8887 87878484 Turbidity NTU 10 7.6 8.2 8.4 9.5 8.3 Sodiummg/1Na9.09.3 9.3 9.3 9.2 8.8 Potassium mg/1 K 1.6 Calcium Ca 4.2 4*.0 4.0 mg/1 Mg 1.07 1.06 1.05 Iron mg/1 Fe 1.12 0.68 0.72 0.71 0.83 0.66 Manganese mg/l Mn<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10

<0.10<0.10 Silica mg/1 Si02 9.6 9.2 9.0 9.0 9.2 9.2 Chloride mg/1 Cl 8.22 8.22 7.90 Orthophosphate lllg/l P 0.074 0.0900.0790.081 0.095 0.087 Total Phosphate mg/l P 0.102 0.094 0.106 0.1040.1040.110 Nitratemg/1N 0.503 0.440 0.418 0.400 0.543 0.521 Ammonia mg/l N 0.026 0.325 0.026 0.0260.0230.023 o.s/,JITf.VScou: ,mS:dft xc: Mr.W.R.Woodall.Jr.79 Interoffice Communication

.;-.Georgia PowerCentral Laboratory 5131 Maner Road Smyrna, Georgia 30080 July 18, 1981 SAVANNAH RIVER Chemical Analysis Mr.B.L.Maulsby: The following si."C samples vere analyzed as part of the routine monitoring program at Plant Vogtle.Samples were collected June 30, and received July 2, 1981.The pH values at four of the six stations vere slightly higher than usual..-700026 l50.6E 150.6W 150.9E 150.9W 151.2E 151.2W pH@*C 9.08 6.94 6.94 8.88 9.14 8.96 M Alkalinity mg/l CaC03 19.7 19.7 19.520.720.4 20.9 Hardness mg/1 CaC03 14.6 15.3 15.2 15.2 15.4 15.4

\JIIlhos 118.7 114.6 114.9114.9114.0 115.8 Turbidity NrU 6.4 8.1 6.9-Sodiummg/1Na*8.4 8.6 8.6 8.8 9.0 9.0 Potassium mg/l K 1.65 1.671.651.70 1.53 1.66 Calciummg/1Ca 4.2 Magnesium mg/l Mg1.011.101.09 1.08 1.07 1.07 Iron mg/l Fe 0.780.860.73 0.77 0.75 0.71 Manganese mg/1 Mn<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1 Silica mg/l 51028.38.0 8.2 8.7 8.8 9.1 Chloride mg/l Cl 9.61 9.34 9.40 9.56 9.24 9.18 Orthophosphate mg/l P 0.021 0.017 0.009 0.037 0.018'0.019 Total Phosphate mg/l P 0.0790.1100.090 0.100 0.090 0.091 Nicrate mg/l N 0.472 0.414 0.460 0.472 0.409 0.493 A%lImonia mg/l N 0.0130.0140.013 0.015 0.013 0.027 C!.K:dft xc: Mr.R.Woodall.Jr.80 Interoffice Communication Central Laboratory 5131 Haner Road Smyrna.Georgia 30080 September 9.1981 SAVA.\'NAH RIVER Chemical AnalysisMr.B.L.Maulsby: Georgia Power 4'\Following is our analysis of six water samples collected August 11 and received August 14.1981.Some of the ammonia values appear a little lower than in the past.although we have been observingadownward trend.150.fiE 150.6W lS0.9E l50.9W 151.2E pH@25°C 6.83 6.88 6.86 6.85 6.70M Alkalinity mg/l CaC03 20.3 22.7 21.6 21.7 21.7 21.5 Hardness mg/l CaCO]15.5 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 Conductivity85.086.2 85.9 86.9 85.3 85.8 Turbidity NrU 7.7 5.6 7.8 Sodium mg/l Na 8.2 8.4 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.5 Potassium mg/1 K1.61.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 Calcium mgtl Ca 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 Magnesium mg/l Kg 1.04 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 Iron mgtl Fe 0.76 0.56 0.59 0.64 0.59 0.64 Manganese mg/1 Mn<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1 Silica mg/l sro, 9.2 9.2 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 Chloride mg/l Cl 7.84 7.36 7.57 7.63 7.68 7.84 Orthophosphate mg/l P 0.069 0.084 0.085 0.097 0.081 0.090 Total Phosphate mg/l P 0.102 0.119 0.119 0.125 0.115 0.123 Nitrate mg/1 N 0.400 1.0090.5160.3750.446 0.473 Ammonia mg/1 N 0.092<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01 0.019.Kbi JBS:dfc xc: Mr.W.R.Woodall, Jr.81 Interoffice Communication Ldboratory5131ManerRoad Smyrna.Georgia 30080 October 7.1981 SAVANNAH RIVER Chemical AnalysisMr.B.L.Maulsby: Georgia PowerFollowing is our routine analysis on six samples collectedber 25.1981.No Farameters are unusually high or low.150.6£l50.6W 150.9£150.9W 151.2£151.2\.1 pH@22'C 7.07 7.08 7.02 7.38 6.98 7.95 M Alkalinity mg/l22.823.323.022.9 21.8 22.9 Hardnessmg/1CaC03 15.8 15.7 16.3 16.0 16.0 15.9 Conductivity 95.4 95.2 93.9 92.6 92.5 91.4 Turbidity NTU 4.4 4.2 5.2 4.4 Sodium mg/l Na9.59.7 9.7 9.5 9.4 9.5 Potassium mg/l K1.41.3 1.2 Calcium mg/l Ca 4.6 4.7 Magnesium mg/!Mg 1.04 L03 1.02 Iron mg/1 Fe 0.47 0.39 0.48 0.76 0.42 0.34 Manganese IIlgll Mn<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1

<0.1<0.1 Silica mg!l S102 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.7 10.0 ChlorideIIlg!lCl 9.14 9.25 9.41 9.20 8.55 8.98 Orthophosphate IIlg/l P 0.0320.0300.032 0.027 0.040 0.043 Total Phosphate IIlS!l P0.0780.0830.084 0.085 0.081 0.089 Nitrate mg/l N0.4100.442 0.370 0.390 0.388 0.379 Ammonia mg/l N 0.013 0.012 0.011 0.020 0.011 0.015_x

'p"S:dft xc: Mr.W.R.Woodall, Jr.82 Interoffice Communication Central Laboratory 5131 Maner Road Smyrna.Georgia 30080 January 19, 1982 SAvANNAH RIVER Chemical Analysis Mr.B.L.Maulsby: Following is our quarterly analysis on six samples collectedber3and received November 12.1981.No parameters are unusually high or low.150.6£150.6W 150.9£l50.9W 151.2E 151.2W pH@22°C 6.70 6.72 6.79 6.98 6.79 6.62 M Alkalinity mg/1 CaC03 20.0 2.1.723.521.3 21.5 21.8 Hardness*mg/1 CaCO 3 17.6 17.718.017.9 18.4 17.9 Conductivity lJIDhos 93.4 94.4 94.7 93.4 94.4 93.6 Turbidity NTU 6.6 4.9 4.6 3.8 4.6 3.1 Sodiummg/1Na 10.1 10.6 10.7 10.9 10.9 10.7 Potassium mg/1 K 1.51 1.59 1.68 1.56 1.67 1.57 Calciummg/1Ca5.15.1 5.2 5.2 5.4 5.2 Magnesium mg/1 Mg 1.17 1.20 1.19 Iron mg/l Fe 0.83 0.41 0.56 0.38 0.47 0.39 Manganese mgtl Mn<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1 Silica mg/1 Si02 9.7 9.7 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 Chloridemg/1C1 10.17 9.74 10.01 9.74 9.90 10.12.Orthophospha te mg/l P 0.050 0.057 0.091 0.102.Total Phosphate mg/l P 0.112 0.121 0.119 0.117 o.ris 0.119 Nitrate mgtl N 0.699 0.628 0.508 0.613 0.542 0.528 Ammonia mg/l N 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.004 0.006 0.005 JES:dft xc: Mr.W.R.Woodall.Jr.83