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Exhibit 1 - Change Request for Diablo Canyon UFSAR Section 2.51
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/2015
Ayres Law Group, Friends of the Earth
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML15170A450 List:
50-275, 50-323, ASLBP 15-941-05-LA-BD01, RAS 27964
Download: ML15170A452 (113)


{{#Wiki_filter:Exhibit 1 Change Request for Diablo Canyon UFSAR Section 2.5 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !"!Page numbers supplied by Petitioner. ! 20 I 5-0068 FOIA'PA RESPONSE NUMBER 2 RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF TNFORMATION ACT (FOlA)/ PRTVACY ACT (PA) REQUEST U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 464 Part I (01-20115) RESPONSE TYPE FINAL INTERIM¿REOUESTER Damon Moglen tEB 1 I ?015 DATE PART I. -.INFORMATON RELEASED No additional agency records su!ject to the reguest have been located.Requested records are available through another public distribution program. See Comments section.GROUP GROUP Agency records subject to the request that are identified in the specified group are already availa!le in public ADAMS or on microfiche in the NRC Public Document Room.Agency records subject to the request that are contained in the specified group are being made available in public ADAMS.GROUP c Records subject to the request that contain information originated by or of interest to another Federal agency have been referred to that agency (see comments section) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you.We are continuing to process your request.See Comments.{Agency records subject to the request are enclosed.PART I.4.. FEES[] Vo, will be billed by NRC for the amount listed.fl Vo, will receive a reJund for the amount listed.None. Minimum fee threshold not met.f r"". waived AMOUNT.$'See comments for detals PART I.B ..INFORMATION NOT LOCATED OR WITHHELD FROM DISCLOSURE We did not locate any agency records responsive to your request. Nofe: Congress allowed agencies to treat three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records as not subject to the FOIA ("exclusions"). See 5 U.S.C. 552(c). This is a standard notification that we give to all requesters; it should not be taken as an indication that any of these excluded records do, or do not, ex'st.We have withheld certain information in the records from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA exemptions described, and for the reasons stated, 'n Part ll.Because this is an interim response to your request, you may not appeal this determination at this time. We will notify you of your right to appeal any of the responses we have issued 'n response to your request when we issue our final determination on your request.You may appeal this final determination within 30 calendar days of the date of this response, by writing to the FOIA Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 . Please be sure to mark your letter/envelope or email that it is a "FOIA Appeal."œPART l.C COMMENTS ( Use attached Comments continuation page if required),)l I ACT AND PRIVACY ACT OFFICER SIGNATURE -§oger AnloFL OF NRC FORM 464 Padl (01-2015)Page 2 of 3 1 NRC FORM 787 (03-2014)U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT.USER SURVEY1*ttl APPROVED BY OMB: NO. 31504217 EXPIRES: 0313112017 Estimated burden per fesponse to comply wilh lhis voluntary information collection: 3 minutes. This information will be used to assess lhe responsiveness of the NRC'S FOIA Program and its stafs inteac{ion with the public. send comments regarding burden estlmte to th FolA, Privacy, and lnformation collections Branch (T-5 F53), u. s. Nuclear Regulatory commission, washlngton, OC2055SOOO1, or by intemet e-ma Ofrcer' of lnformation and degulatory Affal t and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. lf a mea not display a cunently valid OMB control number s not required to respond to, the information collection. The U.s Nuclear Regulatory Comm lss ion (N Rc)is askng each FOIA req ueste r to ta ke a few mo ments to answer the followi ng q uestons Your ca n d d res po ns e to this su rvey ts tm po rtant to us n determ rnl n g u ser s atisfacti on and how we ca n imp rove ou r servlce to the publ ic 1. The NRC FOIA staff was: I nformative / Knowledgeable Courteous / Helpful 2. The NRC's response to your request Timely Courteous / Helpful 3. I am a satisfied customer.FOIA Request Number (OPtional) Use this space to provide any additional comments: NRC FORM 787 (03-2014)2 DGPP Form 69-20108 (r0/09/12) UFSAR Change Request Xl3.lD2 Attachment 4 Page 1 of4 I ll-!Ali( AFFEtT I EL Living USAR to be Changed (check only one): I Living DCPP UFSAR or ! Living DC ISFSI UFSAR Section(s): 2.5 (Sesmology and GeoJ.ogy)Table(s): u/n Figure(s): 2.5-33, 2.5-3a, 2.5-35, 2.5-36 2. DESCRIPTION OF 3. UFSAR REVISED CONTENT MARKUPS: Mark up a copy of all the affec,ted pages in the Living UFSAR to clearly show the proposed changes, additions, and deletions to text, tables, figures, and appendices. The track changes feature in MS Word is preferred for all changes to text, Enter the number of pages included in the attached markup: No, ofmarked up pages attached: 94 5.4 FOR LICEN USE GONTENT: 4%Summary description of the proposed change (use additional pages lf required): UFSAR Section 2.5 (Selsmology and Geology) is revised to reflect the resuLts of the Licenslng Basis Veriflcation Project review of the Seisnology and Geoloqy section and proposed enhancenents. The proposed change is belng processed against UFSAR Revlslon 20.Check all that apply and enter document number where applicable: fl Minor Editorial Correction - See lnstructions El Otner (descrlbe):annotated Markup El Attached Applicability Determinalion (AD)D Llcense Amendment No,: E Atlached LBIE Screen n Requlred by Regulation: ! LBIE No.! ocp l0.n SnP Notificalion: Does the UFSAR change requlre a change any of lhe following? lf so, process per the applicable procedure, Deslgn Criteria Memorandum E Yes 8l.lo DCM No SAPN No: Procedures flYes El No Proc No.: SAPN No: Technical Specification Bases nYes Xl No TS Bases No.SAPN NO: v-2.s (4)CR No: Tracking SAPN 50567477 Xl3.lD2 Form 69-20108 - UFSAR Change Request.docx 0604.1830 Signatures are on the next pge.3 DCPP Form 69-20108 (101091121 UFSAR Change Request Xl3.lD2 Attachment4 Page 2 of 4 6.TOR 7. REVIEWER 8. TECHNIGAL APPROVAL ,l0. LEAD ORGANIZATION SECTION OWNER o Prlnt Last Name AngeLuccl LAN ID PJA9 Date/+/ts Prlnt Last Name Tlman LAN ID.'PTH Date ID Slgnature ls only required lf the change afbcts Chapter 17 of the DCPP UFSAR, or Chapter 1 1 of the DC ISFSI UFSAR. Attach the Evaluatlon of QA Program Changes form.Print Last Name Slgnature lAN ID Date lf the change af!cls more than one sectlon owner, attach a separate copy of thls sheet br each, Print Namg A"*I-AN 5 Print Last Name ID Date a Print L Print Last Name Slgnature LAN ID Date FOR LICENSING USE ONLY 11 12. CHANGEI 13.CR No: v-2.5 (4)Tracking SAPN: 50567477/3 (3 Xl3.lDz Form 69-20108 - UFSAR Change Request,docx 0604,1710 4 DCPP Form 69-20108 (10/09/12) UFSAR Change Request Xl3.lDz Attachment 4 Page 3 of 4 INSTRUCTIONS for COMPLETING THE UFSAR CHANGE REQUEST (Do Not Use for S/l Display Change Requests)lnltiator Block I - Check which UFSAR is to be changed and identify the section(s), table(s), and figure(s), lf both the DCPP UFSAR and DC ISFSI UFSAR are to be changed, use a separate change request form for each.Block 2 - Provide a description of the proposed change.Block 3 - Markup the affected pages from the Living UFSAR to clearly lndicate the changes being made, Enter the total number of pages in the markup,. T-e resulting level of detail should be consistent with or exceed the level of detail in the current UFSAR.. Verify the format and content of the change comply with the guidance provided in Reg, Guide 1.70 Rev. 1 and NEI 98-03, Rev. 1 for the DCPP UFSAR and Reg.Guide 3.62 for the DC ISFSI UFSAR. Refer to Attachmenl2for additional guidance,. Use the CLB Search Tool to confirm that all affected pages of the UFSAR are included in the markup.. Changes to the LBVP enhanced sections must maintain the enhanced format, Electronic markups usin! MS Word track changes are preferred. Block 4 - Check the applicable box(es) and enter information for the documents used to justify the proposed change.. The documents clted in Block 4 must be approved before licensing will make the changes to the Living UFSAR.. Any proposed changes to the UFSAR must include the accompanying LBIE Screen documents from the TS3.lD2 evaluation.. As a minimum, the UFSAR Change Request must have an accompanying LBIE Applicability Determination (AD). The only time an AD is not required is if the changes are strictly minor editorial changes (e,9., corrections to spelling, grammar, page and table number, table of contents pages).Block 5 - Determine if the UFSAR change will require a change to DCMs, procedures, or TS Bases, lf so, check yes and enter the document number and tracking SAPN tracking the change request to DCMS, procedures, orTS Bases. Otherwise check no.Block 6 - Print name, sign, enter your LAN lD, and date. Following this step:. Obtain reviews from other disciplines if deemed necessary and have reviewe(s) sign Block 7.. Obtain a technical approval from a knowledgeable supervisor or manager for Block B,. Obtain QV director's approval in Block g if ohange affects Chapter 17 of the DCPP UFSAR or Chapter 11 of the DC ISFSI UFSAR.. Obtain the affected section owner's approval in Block'10. Attach additionalcopies if more than one section owner is affected. Section owners are identified in FileNet (NPG Library:/Licensing Bases - DCPP/"FSAR Update/Administrative Documents/Lead Organization Assignments),. Submit the approved request and supporting documentation to licensing, X13.lD2 Form 69-20108 - UFSAR Change Requesl.docx 0604.1710 5 DCPP Form 69-20108 l.10109112l. UFSAR Change Request Xl3.lD2 Attachment 4 Page 4 of 4 Reviewer(sl Block 7 - Review the proposed UFSAR change using the source for the change (e,9., design change package, corrective action SAPN, license amendment, etc,) and the instructions provided in Section 5.5. Upon completion of the review, print name,.sign, enter LAN lD, and date.Technical Approval Block I - A knowledgeable supervisor or manager reviews and approves the proposed change.Pr'nt name, sign, enter l-AN lD, and date to approve the change,. The individual signing as the technical approver and shall not be the change request initiator. QV Director Approval Block 9 - The QV director must approve any UFSAR changes that affect Chapter 17 of the DCPP UFSAR or Chapter 1 1 of the DC ISFSI UFSAR. Print name, sign, enter LAN lD, and date to approve the change.. . The QV director can also sign as the individual signing as the technical approver (Block 8), but cannot be the change request initiator.. The "Evaluation of QA Program Changes" form AD1.NQ2 must be attached.Lead Oroanization Section Owner Approval Block l0 - The section owner reviews and approves the change request, Refer to Section 4,3 for responsibilities, The lead organizations and section owners for the DCPP UFSAR arfound in FileNet at: NPG Library:/Licensing Bases - DCPP/"FSAR Update/Administrative Documents/Lead Organization Assignments. FOR LICENSING USE ONLY Licensinq Blockl l - Review the change request. Assign a CR number from the CR log and initiate a tracking SAPN. Enter the CR number and SAPN number in the spaces provided, Print name, sign, enter LAN lD, and date to approve the change.Blockl2 - Print name, sign, enter LAN lD, and date to indicate the change has been incorporated into the Living UFSAR the affected files have checked back into FileNet.Blockl3 - The FileNet copy should be opened and checked to conf"rm the change has been properly incorporated, This verification of incorporation may be performed by anyone in licensing, the LBVP, or the ISFSI project as requested by the UFSAR licensing engineer.Blockl4 - Record any closing information that may be warranted from a historical perspective or for future reference. Entry in this block is optional.Xl3.lD2 Form 69.20108 - UFSAR Change Request,docx 0604,1710 6 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 2.5 GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY This section presents the findings of the reglonal arld site-speciflc geologio and seismologic investigations of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) site, lnformation presented is in compliance with the criteria in Appendix A of 10 CFR F'art 100, as clc,.scriled belou,. and meets the format and content recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.70, Revision 1 (Refetc;rtce 39XgS), Since ther developmerrt ltl tl"s ce$m'c irrJrrrls loi DCPI" prrcjates lhs issun<;e of 10 CFR F'art 100, Appendu A, Seisnlic an<("aologir: Siling Cliteli;-r for Nrrciear ['ower' Plants," tlre lol"orting DCFF erarlfrt(ahes arr.plan" spocifrc lrr crrder lo capturc: the histor'cal progress of lhe eoleclinicl anci seisrnologic3/4l investrgations rssociatecl vvifh tlre DCPF site, information pertaininE t<l the follow"ng tllrer: tirne periocli ls do:s.cribecl hereln (1) Orig"nal Oesigrr Flrase: investigalions performed in support of the flrelinrinary fiafety Analysir Report, llrior to the issuance of the Unit 1 construclion permit (1967), tlrrough (he eerty sfages of the construclion ol Unit 1 (1971). The Desigrr Earihquake rnd Double Design Eartirquake gruuncl nrotjons are as-qociatecl w'(lr lhis phase. These earthqr-rakas are sirnilar to tlre regulatory grour'rd rnotitn level fhal the l.,lRC subsequently develclped in'i 0 CFI" Part 1oti lippenrJí'.i A rs lhe "Operaling !asis Earlhqtlal'.e (OBE)" gror;r'rcl motton anci theSaf e Shr-rlclc,'wr E arllrciuake ( SSE) grouncl nrolion. re spectively (il1 1-losgrri Evalrtaiion Phasc investigations perfornred in response tcr the identillcalirrn of the olfslrore Hosgri fult zane (1 971) through [he issuance of the Un't 1 operating icense (1984). The 1977 Hosgri Earthqual<e ground motions are associa(ecl iriltr this plrase. The Hosgri Evalrtation Phase does not atfecl or clianqe the inves(igations ancl cortclusions of lhe Oi"!.inai Design Phlse (3) l.on' lerrri Sers;nric lrogrem (l-lSP) Phase. investilalions pr-;lorrrrccl irr responsc tc' tl"{'Litense C<lnclili.Jn lterrr l.Jo 2 t" (7)of ilte Unit I ocrating licens; (19t 4) tlrrotrgli the rerncvaí ol tlre Ltcelre C"ondiliorr (199 l).includino cunent orr-going investigations The 1$91 L1 SP grourrd nrotion isssociaierl witl llu!. rhase- The [.TSl-J Evalualion Pllase cloe-s nol affect or cbar"gt, llre irrvestigat"on alrl cr-rnfsonr. of eithel lhe Original Design Phase r.rr the llosgri Evalualion Flrase ()rreruiev I Locations of earlhquake epicenters within 200 miles of the plant site, and faults and eafthquake epicenters within 75 miles of the plant site for either magniludes or intensilies, respeclively, are shown in Figures 2.5-2,2,5-3, and 2,5-4 {{hrouglr 1972). A geologic and tectonic map of the region surrounding the site is ti+e,rj+{w+shes{s< shown in Figure 2,5-5, and detafled information about site geology is presented in 2,5-1 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edited for consislency Added for Clarlty Eclled for Consistenry Added for Clarity - Reler to Applicablllly Delermlnallon Malrix ltem#1 Added for Clarity - Refer to Applcabill(y Determination Matr"x llenr#2 Added lor Clarity Edlled lor Clarity Added for Clarlty - Refer lo Applicsblity Determnlon Malrx ltem#3 Edlled for Clarlty 7 4$S^a'4J$9lJhe-NRG pe'rfe+neC an extecs'r' rE\.e',l"' e{hd gt+atR!FeCJnC F6&E Fr+preC+nd-es,m{@U'lEf++tee+ien !---ln-F!truary-3/4e+ 4"{+-d-sa"stjed !the-S.S!-t?-the $lRG+equastd-.éH !ln+!f,f,rnelsty+aaf+s,!-fr+- P!,!"-{qg-ag&E-l"e-DCPP UNIT'S 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Figures 2.5-E through 2.5-,f6, Geologynd se'smology are discussed in detailin I Seclions 2.5.2-i through 2.5.5'4. Additional lnformation on site geology is contained in References 1 and 2.6[ f{evefi+" s+-3*4$igdi{he4eG"s+,ed{lr rng-L-+c!ns DFA 80, ln DPR ee+se!enC*iecJten*+-q+lJh+tgf-{.1 !++?Jtt'--_-- "FGji-+"rgj!d !+t'.tand implamen t+{l*-eis'm++4e+tg+ l++ses+16!C+'+he#+eble al-.yerrPewer Plar"l-P!-q+!ve{uet io+e#+l+1++eep#ies-weo${taC{h+:ten+ Tl"e,t+sP!#k+ir{s+}'ts+ !i,v!-d{s-" s!eé-*f,d-aalye !{httlFcat !-+" elaeete-geelo}N;

nelcicnai+1,emali an in lh i s s eel ien-ef tlt! FS'4 R U Fd!"+e, l1 ewe\! ft{b!++SP-n+erra deeg nel edd@$le-tT9 P rsisd nC-ee Detailecl supporling data pertaining to this section are presented in Appendices 2,54, 2.58,2.5C, arrd 2.5D of Reference 27 in Section 2.3, Geologic and seismic information from investigations that responded to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing review questions are presented Appendices 2.5E and 2.5F of the same reference, A brief synopsis of the information presenled in Reference 27 (Section 2.3) is glven below.The DCPP site is located in San Luis Obispo County approximately 190 miles south of San Francisco and 150 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California.

lt is edjacenl to the Pacific Ocean, 12 miles west-southwest of the city of San Luis Obispo, the county seat.The plant site location and topography are shown in Figure 2,5-1 , The site is located near the mouth of Diablo Creek whioh flows out of the San Luis Range, lhe dominant feature to the northeast. The Pacific Ocean is southwest of the site. Facllities for the power plant are located on a nrarine terrace that is situated between lhe mountain range and the ocean, The terrace is bedrock overlain by surlicial deposits of marine and nonmarine origin.PG& Design Crtass l5r!+sm!4!{e!!qd slructures at the site arc situated on bedrock 2.5-2 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edited for clarlty' Revlsed Seclion Number Edited for Clarity- Revlsed Seclion Number Moved Text lo Enhanced Seclon 2.57 l Edited for Clarily - Refer to Applicabllily Del!flnlnalion Malrix lteril fl5 8 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE that ls predomi ine sedimentary rocks and volcanics, all of Miocene age. A more e of the regional geology is presented in Sectionl !.s.2+.l'and si nP,5.2*,2. Edlted for Clarlty - Revised Edlted for Revlsed Section Several investigations were performed at the slte and in the vlcinity of the site to determine: potential vibratory ground motion characteristics, existence of surface faulting, and st Seismic Category I stru ections 2'5,2 through 2,5,5. Earth Science Associates (ge smic design and foundation materials dynamic response), Harding-Lawson and Associates (stability of cut slope), Woodward-Clyde-Sherard and Associates (soil testing), and Geo-Recon, lncorporated (rock seismic veloclty determinations). The findings of these consultants are summarized in this section and the detailed repotts are included in Appndices 2.5A,2.5B,2.5C,2.5D,2,5E, and 2,5F ot Reference 27 in Section 2'3, Geologic investigation of the Diablo Canon coastal area, inoluding detailed mapping of all natural exposures and exploratory trenches, yielded the following basic conclusions: (1) The area is underlain by sedimentary and volcanic bedrock unlts of Miocene age, Within this area, the power plant site is underlain almost wholly by sedimentary strata of the Monterey Formation, which dip norlhward at moderate to very steep angles, More specifically, the reactor site is underlain by thick-bedded to almost massive Monterey sandstone that is well indurated and firm, \Mtere exposed on the nearby hillslope, this rock is markedly resistant to erosion.(z',)The bedrock beneath the main terrace area, within which the power plant site has been located, is covered by 3 to 35 feet of surficial deposits.These include marine sediments of Pleistocene age and nonmarine sediments of Pleistocene and Holocene age, ln general, they are thickest in the vicinlty of the reactor slte.The interface between the unconsolidated terrace deposits and the underlying bedrock comprlses flat to moderately irregular surfaces of Pleistocene marine planation and intervening steeper slopes that also represnt erosion in Pleistocene time, The bedrock beneath the power plant slte occupies the southerly flank of a major syncline that trends west to northwest. No evidence of a major fault has been recognized within or near the coastal area, and bedrock relationships in the exploratory trenches positively indicate that no such fault is present wlthin the area of the power plant site, Minor surfaces of disturbancer some of which plainly are faults, are present within the bedrock that underlies the power plant site. None of 2,5-3 (4)(5)LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Number (3)9 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE these bresks offsets the interface between bedrock and the cover of terrace deposits, and none of them extends upward into the surf"cial cover. Thus, the latest movements along these small faults must have antedated erosion of the bedrock section in Pleistocerie lime, (6) No landslide masses or other gross expressions of ground instability are present within the power plant sile or on the main hillslope easl of the site Some landslides have been identified in adjacent ground, but these are minor features confined to the naturally oversteepened walls of Diablo Canyon.(7) No waler of subsudace origin was enountered in the exploratory trenches, ancl the level of permanent groundwater beneath the main terrace area probably is little different from that of the adjacent lower reaches of the deeply incised Diablo Creek i'.1'i,'i. [-esigtr Basis?- 5,'1 ,1 Gllsal DesiSrr Criteriorr 2, 1!7 Pcrf(rrntarcc Starrdarrls Iti"f:'n'siystarrrs s,tructures, anrl corrr:onerlts h'rve 6rtr:r-l desiclt"d anci enalyzed lr '..vtl"sta!1d llro;e forces thrl nriqht result lronl the t'r"osl sevefe ntllr"l erlltqrrake frl"enomen;' 2,5.1 .2 Licerrge Condilion 2.C(7) ol DCPP Facility Operatirrg License DPR40 Rev 44 ({.TsP), Elernent.s {1), (2}and (3)DCPP developecl and implemented a progtam to re-evalirate the seismic design bases ttsed for the Diablc- Canyon Power Plant Tlre rrogi'anr includecl lhe follorrring three ."ernsnts lht were conrpleted and"cce" ted by tlre f'JRC (References 40, 1 . and 43): (li Th identtf"catiot, exarnitration, and evaluetiori of all relevarrt geologic and sris-ric dla, r'"forrr"lion, and intefpretatic'ns that have Lreconle avllble since tle 1979 ASt U hearirrg in order to rrpdale llre geoir:gy, seisnrology rrtd tectc-ttics ir fl r: rrjgior" r:'f tiit'Dialllo C,an,vrr:r Ntrclear l'otver Plant lf rteeclecl to clefirre the earll'rqrur!<e poterrrtial of !he region al l affecllr the Dierblt Canyorr Planí, PGSE hgs rlso re-evafulate<l the enrlier infonnaticrn arrrJ acqr.rired adclitionai <lata, (:?) DCFP has te-e,alulrtecl the nragrri(uclc' ol lhe eadlrquahes, use:cl tcr cleterrnirre lne seiurnic basi: rl ll re D;atrlo Carryort l.,luclear Piani rrsing lhe infrnalion fronr [!lenren[ 1 2.5-4 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Adcled for Clarity - New Sub-seclion lo Justify Design Btses Critera Refer to Applicabll"ty Delermination lvlatrix ltem # 6 Added for Clarily - New Sub-6ecfion to ldonlty License Requirement UFSAR Seclion 3 1.2.2 Refer to Applicabllty Delerminalion Matrix ltem # 6 10 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE (3) ll0Plt lrs rr-ovalualed lhe groirnd rnotron al llre sile baseci on tl"e resullg obtainerl frorn Elenlen* 2 willr frrll consicleratron oI sile and other relevanl effects A\s a c!ndit'on of the l{RC's cjoseout ol License Conclition'2.C.(7). PGt'E cor*milted to severl orrgoing activities in strpporl of the LTSP, s discussed in ir prrblic nreeting between F'L"&E ancl the NRC orr March 15, 1991 (lleference 53), described es lhe"Fran-rewc'rk lor lhe F'trture," n lette/ to lhe l.lRC, dtd Aprll '17. 1991 (Referenc"' 50), and afirrned by tlre llRC 'n SSER 34 (Flr:ference

43) These ongoing aclivitjes re dlsc.rssed n Seclon 2.5.7-2.ft.1,3 10 CFR P;rri 1Oft, March l9t"tj - Roaclor 9itc Criteria During tire delsnninrtion of the location cf the. Diablo Canyori Porer Plan, consideration vlae giverr to lhe physical characteristice ol the s"le, inclitding seismology and geology.I z.s.z+ BAStc cEoLoctc AND sElsMtc tNFoRMATtoN This section presents the basic geologic and seismic information for DCPP site and surrounding region. lnformation contained herein has been obtained from literature stuclies, lield investigations, and laboratory tesling and is to be used as a basis for evaluations required to provide a safe design for the hcility, The basic dta contained in lhis section and in Refarence 27 of Section 2.3 are referenced in several other seclions of this FSAR Update. Additional inlormation, developed during lhe l'losgri ancJ I ISF evaluetiotrs, is descibei in S"ections

?.5,3 9.3 and 2.5 3 9,d, respedively I Z.s.zl.l Regional Geology I Z.s.z+.1.t Regional Physiography D'ablo Canyon is in the southern Coast Range which is a part of the California Coast I Ranges section of the Pacific Border physiographic province (refer toeee Figure 2.5-1 )The region surrounding the power plant site consists of mountains, foothllls, marir"e terraces, and valleys. The dominant features are the San Luis Range adjacent to the site to the northeasl, the Senta Lucia Range farther inland, lhe lowlands of the Los Osos and San Luis Obispo Valleys separating the San Ltis and Santa Lucia Ranges, and the marine terrace along the coastal margin of lhe San Luis Range, Landforms of the San Luis Range and lhe adjacent marine terrace produce the physiography at the site and in the region surrounding the site, The westerly end of the San Luis Range is a mass of rugged high ground that extends from San Luis Obispo Creek and San Luis Obispo Bay on lhe east and is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the south and wesl. Except for its narrow fringe of coaslal terraces, the range is fealured by west-northwesterlyirending ridge and canyon topography. Ridge crest 2.5-5 LBVP UFEAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Added for Clarity - New Sub"secllon to ldenttry Ltzense Requlremer"l SSER 34 Refer lo Apptcbilly D'tern"nation Malrx llem#6 , Added for Clarlty - NBw Sub.seclion to ldentlfy License Requirement Refer to Appllcabllity

  1. etennination Malrlx ltem f 6 Edted for Clarly - Rovised Section Number Edited for Clarily - Added Section Ponler Edlted for Clflty - Revised Seclion Number Edlted for Clarity - Revised Seclion Number Edlted for Clarlty - Refer [o Applicabllity Determinalion Matrlx lt" n"#7 11 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE altitudes range fronr about 800 to 1800 feet. Nearly all of the slopes are steep, and they are modified locally by extensive slump and earthfiow landslides.

Most of the canyons have narrow.bottomed, V-shaped cross sections. Alluvial fans and talus aprons are prominent features along the !ases of many slopes and at localities where ravines debouch onto relatively gentfe tenace surfaces. The coastal terrace belt extencls between a steep mountain-lront backscarp and a near-vertical sea cliff 40 to?00 feel ln helght. Boththe bedrock benches ofthe lerraces and the present offshore wave.cut bench are "rregular in detal, wlth numerous basins and rook projections, The main terrace along the coastal margin of the San Luis Range is a gently to moderatety sloping strip of land as much s 2000 feel in maximum width, The more landward pafts of its surface are defined by broad aprons of alluvial deposits. This cover thlns progressively ln a seaward dlrection and ls absent altogether ln a few places along the presenl sea cllff, The main terrace represents a series of at least lhree wave-cut rock benches thal have approximate shoreline-angle elevations of 70 100, and 120 feet..Owing to both the prevalling seaward slopes of the rock surfaces ancl the variable thickness of overlying marine and nonmarine cover, the presenl surface of the main tenace ranges from 70 to more than 200 feet in elevation. Remnants of higher terrases exisl al scettered locations along upper slopes and ridge crests. The most extensive among these is a series of terrace sœrfaces at altltuctes of 300+, 400+, and 700+ feet al the wesl end of the ridge between Coon and lslay Creeks, north of Point Buchon. A I surface descrlbed by Headlee (Reference "f!,'s as a marine tenace at an altltude of aboul 700 feet forms the top of San Luis Hll, Remnants of a lower terraca at an altitude of 30 to 45 feet are preserved at the mouth of Diablo Canyon and at severel places farther north Owing lo conlrasting res"stance to eros'on among the various beclrock units of the San Luis Range, the detailed topography of the wave-iut benches commonly is very irregular, As extreme examples, both moclern and fossll sea stacks rise as much as 100 feet alove the general levels of adjaoent marine-eroded surfaces al several locafitles. 2-5-B LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edited lor Consistency 12 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE I Z.S.x+.1.2 Regional Geologlc and Tectonlc Setting I z,s,za,'t,z,t Geologic sottng The San Luis Range is underlain by a synclinal section of Tertiary sedimentary and voloanlc rocks, which have been downfolded into a basement of Mesozoic rocks now exposed along its southwest and northeast sides. Two zones of faulting have been recognized within the range. The Edna fault zone trends along its northeast side, and the Miguelito fault zone extends into the range from the vicinity of Avila Bay. Minor faults anct bedding-plane shears can be seen in the parts of the section that are well exposed atong the sea cllff fringing the coastal lerrace benches, None of these feults shows evidence of geotogically recent activity, and the most recent movements along those in the rocks underlying the youngest coaslal terraces can be positively dated as older than S0,000 to 120,000 years, Geologic and tectonic maps of the region surroundirrg the site are shown in Figures 2.5-5 (2 sheets), 2,5-6, 2.5-8, and 2.5-9.I Z,s,z+.l,z,Z Tsctonic Features of the CentralCoastal Reglon DCPP site lies withln the southern Coast Ranges structural province, and approximately upon the centerline axis of the northwest-trending block of crust thal is bounded by lhe San Andreas fault on the norlheast and the continental margin on the southwest. This crustal block is characterized by northwest-trending struotural and geomorphic features, in contrast to the west-lrending features of the Transverse Ranges to the south, A major geologic boundary within the block is associated with the Sur-Nacimlento and Rinconada faults, which separate terrains of contrasting basament rock types. The ground southwest of the Sur-Nacimiento zone and the southerly half of the Rinconada' fault, referred to as lhe Coastal Block, is underlaln by Franciscan basement rocks of dominantly oceanic types, whereas that to the norlheast, referred to as the Salinla Block, is underlain by granitic and metamorphic basement rocks of continental types.I eage (l"elerrrcr., 10Joutlined lhe geology of tlre Coast Ranges, describing it generally in terms of "core complexes" of basement rocks and sunounding sections of younger sedimentary rocks. The prlncipal Franciscan core complex of tlre southern Coast Range crops out on the coastal side of lhe Santa Lucia Range from the v"cin"ty of San Luis Oblspo to Point Sur, a distance of 120 miles, lts complex features reflect numerous episodes of dsformation that evidently included foldlng, faulting, and the lectonic emplacement of extensive lrodies of ultrabasic rocks. Other core complexes consisting of granitic and metanrorphic basement rocks are exposed in the southern Coast Ranges in the ground between the Sur-Nacimienlo and Rinconada and in the San Andreas feult zones. The locations of these areas of basement rock exposure are shown in Figure 2,5-6 and in Figure 1 of Appendix 2.5D of Reference 27 in Section 2.3.Younger structural features include thick folded basins of Tert'ary strata and the large faults that form structural boundaries between and within lhe core oomplexes and basins.2.b.7 LBVP. UFSAR hange Request Seisnrology and Geology Edlted for Clarity - Revsed Secton Number Edited for Clarily - Revised $ectlon Number Ediled for Clarity - Revlsed Sectlon Number Edted for conslstency 13 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The slructure of the southern Coasl Ranges has evolved during a lengthy hlstory of deformation extending fiom the time when the ancestral Sur-Nacimiento zone was a site for subduction (a Benioff zone) along the lhen-existing continental margln, through subsequenl parts of Cenozoio time when the San Andreas fault system was the principal expression of the regional strees-strain system. The latest episodes of major deformation involved folding and fulting of Pliocene and older sediments during mld-Pliocene time, and renewed movements along preexisting faults during early or mid-Pliocene time, Present tectonic activity within the region is dominated by interaction between the Pacifc and American crustl plales on opposite sides of the San Andteas fault and by continuing vertical uplift of the Coast Ranges. ln the regional setting of I OCpp sile, the majgr struclural features atlcircssed rlLrring the original clesipn phase are the San Andreas, Rinconada-San Marcos-Jolon, Sur-Nacimiento, and Santa Lucia Bank faults. ,AclCltinnal laults wee iciertif ed during llre l'losri evalualicrn and t..TSP eviltl*lifr f-rh:,.es, rlscusssd irr Secticrns 2.3.3.S.3 and, respectively. The San Simeon fault may also be included wlth this group. These oriqinal d*eigrr phasu faults are described as follows: 7. San Anclreas Faull The San Andreas fault is recognized as a major transfornr fault of reg"onal dimensions that forms an active boundary between the Pacific and North American crustal plates.Cumulative slip along the San Andeas full may have amounted to several hundred miles, and a substantial fraclion of the total slip has occurred during lale Cenozoic t'me The faqlt has spectacular topographlc expression, generally lying within a r'ft valley or along an escapment mountain frpnt, ancl having assoc"ated sag ponds, low scerps, right'laterally deflected stresms, and related manifeslations of recent activity.The most recent episode of large-scale movement along the reach of the San Andreas fault that is closest to the San Luis Range occuned during the great Fort Tejon erthquake of 1857. Geologic evidence portinent to the behavior cif tlre faull during this and earlier seismic events was studied in great detail by Wallace (Refetencee 15 and ji? t"-"' who reported in terms of infrequent great earthquakes accontpanied by ground rupture of 10 to 30 feet, with intervening periods of near total quiescence. Allen (its'+rerr,:r 1f:)'*' suggested thal such !ehavior has been typical for this reach of the San Andreas fault and has been fundamentally different 'rom the behavior of the fault along the reach farther northwest, where creep and numerous srnall earthquakes have occurred. He further suggested lhat release of accrrmulating strain energy might have been fcilitated by the presence of large Emorrnts of serpentine in the faull zone to the northwest, and relarded by thelocking effect of lhe broad bend of the faultzone where it cosses the Transverse Ranges to lhe southeast. Movement is currently taking place along large segmenls of the San Andreas fault. The acllve reach ol the fault between Parkfield and San Franclsco is currenlly undergoing relative movement of at least 3 to 4 cm/yr, as determined geodetically and analyzed by I Savage ancl Burford (tlefererrce 33)t+r.-*n"n the movemnt that occurs durlng the episodes of fault displacement in the weslern part of lhe Basin and Ranges Province is?.5-8 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Soismology and Geology Add6d for Clarity - Reler to Applicblllty Oelernrlnatior Matrx ltem#4 Added for Clarity- Seclion poh"ler Added for Clarlty--Rler to Applicbllity oeterminlion Matrx ltem#4 Edited for Consislency Edited for Oonsislency Edited for Consistency 14 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATEdcled to the minimum of 3 to 4 cm/yr of continuously and lntermittently released strain, the total probably amounts to at least 5 to 6 om/yr. This may account for essentially all of the relative motion between lhe Pacif"c and Norlh American plates at present. ln the Transverse Ranges to the south, this strain is distributed between lateral slip along the San Andreas system and east-west striking lateral slip faulting. thrust faulting, and folding Nonh of the latilude of Monterey Bay and soulh of the Transverse Ranges, transcurrentmovemenl is again concentrated along the San Andreas system, but in lhose regions, it is disttibuted among several major slrands ol lhe system.2. SunNacint"onto Faull Zane The Sur-Nacimiento fault zone has been regarcled as the system of faults that extends from the vicinity of Pont Sur, near the northwest nd of the Santa Lucia Range, to the Big Pine fault in the western Traneverse Ranges, and that separates the granilic-metamorplric basement of the Salinian Blook from lhe Franciscan basement of theoastal Block, The most prominent faults that re included within this zone are, from northwest to southeast, the Sur, Nacimiento, Rinconada, ancl (south) Nacimiento faults Tlre Sur fault, which extends as far nolhward as Point Sur on land, continues to lhe northwest in the offshore conlinental margin. At its southerly end, the zone termnates where the (south) Nacimiento fault is cut off by the Big Pine fault. The overall lenglh of the Sur-Nacimiento fault zone between Point Sur and the Transverse Ranges is about 180 miles. The 60 mlle long Nacim'ento fault, between points of juncture with the Sur and Rinconada faults, forms lhe longest segment wilhin this zone. Pago (Reference r 1)sislated that: "lt is unlikely lhat the Nacimiento fault proper has displaced lhe ground surface in Late Quaternry time, as there are no indicative offsets of streams, ridges, terrace deposits, or other topographic features. The Great Valley-type rocks on the northeast side must have been down-dropped against the older Franciscan rocks on the southwest, yet they commonly stand higher in the topography, This implies relative quiescence of the Lat Qualemary time, allowing different"al erosjon to take place. ln a few local'ties, the norlheast slde is the low Eide, and this inconsistency favors the same conclusion, ln addition lo the foregoing circumstances, the fault is offset by minor cross-faults in a manner suggesting lhat little, if any, Late Quaternary near-surface movement had occurred along the main fracture." lHertlr;e'ererrcc I41'r',ontheotherhand,statecJthat: "...youthful topographic features (offset streams, sag poncls, possible fault scarplets, and apparently oversteepened slopes) suggest movemenl along both (Sur-Nacimiento and Rinconada) I fault zones," The map compilecl by Jennings (Referelrce 23)e, however, shows only lhe Rinconada with a symbol indicating "Quaternary faull displacement " The resutts of photogeologic study oTthe region traversed by the Sur-Nacimiento fault zor"e tend to support Page's view, A pronounced zone of faul!controlled topographic lineaments can be lraced from the northwest end of the Nacimiento fault southeastward 2.5-9 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edlled for Consistoncy Edlted for Consistency Edlled for Conslslency 15 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATto the Rinconada (south Nacimiento), ast Huasna, and West Huasna faults. Only along the Rinconada, however, are there topographicfeatures that seem to have originated through fault disturbnces of the ground surface rather than through differential erosion along. zones of shearing and juxtaposilion of differlng rocks, I Ricfrter (fi+fcrt'rr:*.: 'i li't" noted that some historic seisrn"city, particularly the 1952 Bryson earlhquake, appears to have originated along lhe Nacimiento fault. This view is I supporled !y recenl work of S. W Smith (i"tfr':rcra:q 3,0)t* tht indicates that the Bryson shock and lhe epicenlers of several smaller, more recent earthquakes werlocated along or near the lrace of the Nac'miento, 3. Rinconada (Naclmenlo)-San Marcos-Jolon-San Antonio Fauil Systlm A system of major faults extends northwestward, parallel lo lhe San Andreas fault, from a point of junction wlth tlre Big Pine fault in the western Transverse Ranges. his system 'nclucles several faults that have been meppqd as seperate features and I assigned individual names. Dlbblee (Refererrce 2?){J however, has suggested that these faults are part of a single system, provisionally termed the Rinconada fault zone atter one of its more prominent members, He also proposed abandoning the neme Nacimiento for the large fault that constltutes the mosl southerly parl of this system, as it is not continuous with the Nacimiento fault to the north, near lhe Nacimiento River.The newly defined Rinconada fault system comprises the old (south) Nacimíento, Rinconada, and San Marcos faults. Dibblee proposed that the system also include the I Espinosa and Reliz faults, to the north, but dtaiecl work by Durham (f-<eference 2ti]6 does not seem to support this interpretation. lnstead, the system may extend into Lockwood Valley and die out there along the Jolon and San Antonio faults, All the faults of the Rinconada system have undergone signlficant movement during middle and late Cenozoic time, though the entire system did not behave as a urrit. Dibblee pointed out that: "Relative vertical displacemenls are cor"troversial, inconsistent, reversed from one segme-t to another; the major movement my be slrike slip, as on the San Andreas fault." Regarding the strurctural relationship of the Rinoonada fault lo rrearby faults, Dibblee wrote as follows: "Thrust or reverse faults of Quaternary age are associated with the Rinconada faull along much of its course on one or both sides, within g miles, especially in areas of intense folding. ln the northem patt several, including the San Antonio fault, are present along both margins of the range of hills between the Salinas and Lockwood Valleys . . . , along which this range was elevated in part. Near lhe southern part are lhe major southwest-dipping South Cuyama and Ozena faults along which the Sierra Madre Range was elevated against Cuyama Valley, with vertical displacements possibly up to 8000 feet. All lhese thrust or reverse faults dip inward toward lhe Rinconacla fault and presumalrly either splay from it at depth, or are branches of it, These faults, combined with the intense folding between them, lndicated that severe compression accompanied possible transcurrent nlovemenl along the Rinconada fault." 2.5"10 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seisnrology and Geology Edted for Conslstency Edlled for ConslstenDy Edllod for Conststency Edlted for Consiitency 16 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE"The La Panza fault along which the La Panza Range was elevated ,.., in Quaternary time, ís a rverse fuult that dips northeasl under the range, and is not directly related to the Rinconada fault."The Big Pine fault against which the Rinconada fault abuts . . . is a high angle left-lateial transcurrent fault active in Quaternary time lR!,f er!,rrce 3:i)'*'. The Pine Mountain fault south of lt . . , . is a northeasl-dipping reverse fault along which the Pine Mountain Range was elevatecl in Quaternary line. This faull may have been reactivatecl along an earlier fault that may have been continuous with the Rinconada fault, but displaced about I miles from il by left slip on the Big Pine fault (Referenr.e 1ZJr in Ouaternary time,""The Rinconada and Reliz faults were aotive after deposltlon of the Monterey Shale and Pancho Rico Formation, which are severely deformed adjacent and near lhe faults. The faults were again active after deposition of the Paso Robles Formation but to a lesser degree. These faults do not affectthe alluvium or terrace deposits, There are no offset stream channels along these faults. However, ln two areas several canyons and strems are deviated, possibly by right-lateral rnovemenl on the (Espinosa !nd San Marcos segments of the) Rinconada fault.There are no indicalions that these faulls are presently active." 4. San Sitneon Fault The fault here referred to as the San Simeon fault trends along lhe base of the peninsula that li!s north of the settlement of San Simeon, This fault is on land for a distance of 12 miles belween its only outcrop, north of Ragged Point, and Point San Simeon. lt may extend as rnuch as 16 miles farther to the southeast, to the vicinity of Point Estero.. This possibility is suggested by the straight reach of coastline between Cambria and Point Estero, which is directly aligned with the onshore trend of the fault;its linear form may well have been controlled by a zone of sttuctural weakness associated with the infened southerly parl of the fault. South of Port Estero, however, there is no evidence of faulting observable in the seismic rellection profiles across Estero Bay, and the trend definecl by the Los Osos Valley-Estero Bay series of lower Miocene or Oligocene intrusivee extends across the San Simeon hend without deviation. I tttonn of Point Pieclras Blancas, Silver (§efererrcr reports a fault with about 5 kilometers of vertical separation between the 4-kilometer-thick Tertiary section in the offshore basin and the nearby 1-lilometer-high exposure of Franciscan basement rocks in the coastline mountain front, The existence of a fault in lhis region is also indioated by the 30- mllligal gravity anomaiy between tlre offshore basin and the onshore ranges (Plate ll of Appendix 2.5D of Reference ?7 in Sectlon 2,3), This postulated fault may well be a norlhward extension of the San Simeon fault lf this is the case, the San Simoon fault may have a total length of as mutch as 00 miles.2,5-11 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Ediled for Consrslency Edltecl for Conslstenry Edlted for Conaistency 17 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Between Point San Simeon end Ragged Point, the San Simeon fault lies along the base of a broad peninsula, the surface of which is characterized by elevated marine terraces and younger, steep-walled ravines and canyons. The low, terraced topography of thg .peninsula contrasts sharply wlth that of the steep mountain front that rises immediately' behind lt, Clearly, the ground west of the maln fault represents a part of the sea floor that has been locally arched up.This has resulted in exposure of the fault, which elsewhere is concealed undenryater off the shoreline, The ground between the San Simeon fault and the southwest coastline of the Piedras Blancas peninsula is underlain by faulted blocks and slivers of Franciscan rocks, serpentinites, Tertiary sedimentary breccia and volcanic rocks, and Miocene shale. The faulted contacts between these rock masses trend somewhat more westerly than the trend of the San Simeon fault. One north-dipping reverse fault, which separates serpentinlte from graywacke, has broken marlne terrace deposlts ln at least two places, one of them in the basal part of lhe lowest and youngest tenace, Movement along this branch *ault has therefore occurred less than 1 30,000 years before the present, although the uppermost, youngest Pleistocene deposits are apparently not broken.Prominent topographic lineations defined by northwest-aligned ravines that 'ncise the upper terrace surface, on the other hand, apparently have originated through headward gully erosion along faults and faulte{ contacts, rather than through the effects of surface faulting, The characteristics of the San Simeon fault can be summarized as follows: The fault may be related to a fault along the coast to the north that displays some 5 kilometers of vertical displacement. Near San Simeon, lt exhibits probable Plelstocene right-lateral strike-slip movement of as much as 1500 feet near San Simeon, although it apparently does not break dune sand deposits of late Pleistocene or early Holocene age. A.branch reverse fault, however, breaks upper Pleistocene marine terace deposits' The San Simeon fault may extend as far south as Point Estero, but lt dies out before crosslng the northern part of Estero Bay.5. Sanfa Lucia Bank Fault South of the latitude of Point Piedras Blancas, the western boundary of the main offshore Santa Maria Basin is defined by the east-facing scarp along the east side of the Santa Lucia Bank. This scarp is associated with the Santa Lucia Bank fault, the structure that separates the subsided block under the basin from the structural hlgh of the bank, The escarpment that rises above the west side of the fault trace has a maximum height of about 450 feet, as shown on U,S, Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) Bathymetric Map 1306N-20.The Sania Lucia Bank fault can be traced on the sea floor for a distance of about 65 miles. Extens'ons that are overlapped by upper Tertiary strata continue to the south for at least another 10 miles, as well as to the north, The northern extension may be 2.5-12 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 18 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE related to another, largely buried fault that crosses and may intersect the trencl of the Santa Lucia Bank fault. This second fault extends to the surfacE only at points north of the lalitude of Polrrt Piedras Blanoas.West of the Santa Luoia Bank fault, betwe,en N lalitudes 34"30'and 30", several eubparallel faulls are characterizecl by apparenl surface ssarps. The longest sf these faults trends along the upper continental slope for a distance of as much as 45 miles, and generally exhiblts a west-facing scarp. Other faults are preent in a zone about 30 mltes long lying belween the 45 mile fault and the Santa Lucia Bank fault. These faults range from 5 to 15 or more mifes in length, and have both easl-and west-facing scrps.This one of faulting corresponds closely ln space with the cluster of earthquake epicenters around N latitude 34'45' and 121'30'W longitude, ancl it probably represents the source structure for lhose shocks (Figure 2.5-3).I Z.S,zt.t.Z,t Tectonic Features in the Vicfnlty of the DCPP Site Geologic relat'onships between the major fold and fault slructures ln the vicinity of!iablo Canyon are ehown in Figures 2.5-5, 2.5-6, and 2.5-7. and are described and illustrated in Appendix 2,5D of Reference 27 of Section 2.3. The San Luis Ranges-Estero Bay area is characterized structurally by west-northwesf-trencling folds and laults. These include the San Luis-Pismo syncline and the bordering Los Osos Valley and Poinl San Luis antiformal highs and the West Huasna, Eclna, and San Miguelito faults. A few miles offshore, the slructural fealures associated with this trend merge into a north-northwest-trending zone of folds and faults lhat is referred to herein as the offshore Santa Maria Basin East Boundary zone of foldlng and faulting, The general paltern of structural highs and lows of the onshore area is werped and stepped downward to the west across this boundary zone, to be replaced by more northerly-trending folds in the lower part of lhe offshore " asin section. The overall relalionship between {he onshore Coast Ranges and lhe offshore oontinental margin is one of differential uplift and sulrsidence. The East Boundary zone represents the structutal expression of lhe zone of inflection between these regions of contrasting vertical movement.ln terms of regional relalionships, strurclural style, and history of movement, the faults in I tne San Luis Ranges-Estero Bay vicinity, "Jerriii*ri (lrrrng lhé originat rltrsicrr Jrlr.r:.,::. may be characterized as follows: 1. Wesl Huasna Faull This fault zone separates lhe large downwarp of the Huasna syncline on the northeast from Franciscan assemblage roclrs of the Los Osos Valley antiform and the Tert"ary seclion of the southerly parl of the San Luis-Pismo syncline on lhe southwest. The West Huasna fault is thought to join wlth the Suey fault to the south, Differences in thicknesses and facies relationships between units of apparently equivalent age on 2..1i)LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismo"ogy and Geology Edlled for Clarity - Revised Section Numlrer ArJdecl for Clarily - Refer to Applicabillty

  1. eterrninalon

-lakix Itenr#4 19 DCPP UNITS 1 &2 FSAR UPDATE opposlte sides of the fault are interpreted as indicating laleral movement along the fault;however, the available evidence regarding the amount and even the relative sense of displacement is nol consistenl, The Wesl Huasna shows no evidence of late Quaternary activlty.2, Edna Faull Zone The Edna faull zone lies along a wes!northwesterly trend that extends obliquely from the West Huasna iault at its soulheast end to the hills of the San Luis Range south of Morro Bay. Several isolated breaks that lie on a line with the trend are presenl in the Tertiary strata beneath the south part of Estero Bay, east of the Santa Maria Basin East Boundary fault zone across the mouth of the bay.The Edna fault is typically a zone of two or more anastomosing branches that range in wiclth from 1/2 mile to as much as 1-1/2 miles, Although indiVidualstrands are variously oriented and exhibit various senses of amounts of movement, the zone as a whole clearly expresses high-angle dip-slip displacement (down to the southwest). The. lrregular traces of maj that llttle, I occuned. Preliminary shown by {+rr I and Hall {liefererrc3/4 2 lotal amo from 1500 to a few thousand feet along the central part of the fault zone. The amount of displacement aoross the main fault trend evidently decreases to the northwest, where lhe zone is mostly overlapped by upper Tertlary strata, It may be, however, thal most of the movement in the Baywood Park vicinity has been transferred to the north-trending branch of the Edna, which juxtaposes Pliocene and Franoiscan rocks where last exposed. ln tlre northwesterly part of the San Luis Range, lhe dna fault forms much of the boundary between the ertiary and basement rock sections. Most of the measurable displacemenls along this zone of rupture occurred durlng or after folding of the Pliocene Pismo Formation but prior to depositlon of the lower Pleistocene Paso Robles Formation. Some addltional movement has occurred during or since early Pleistocene time, however, tlecause Monterey strata have been faulted agalnst Paso Robles deposits along at leatt one strand of the Edna near the lread of Arroyo Grande valley, Thls involved steep reverse fault movement, with lhe soulhwest side raised, in oontrast lo the earlier normal displacement down to the sotllhwest Searclr has failed to reveal dislocation of deposits younger than the Paso Robles Formation, disturbance of late Qualernary landforms, or olher evidence of Holocene or lale Pleistocene activity.3. San Miguetito Fault Zone Northwesterly-trending faults have been mapped in the area between Pismo Beach and Arroyo Grande, and from Avila Beach to the v"cinity of the west fork of Vineyard Canyon, north of San Luis Hill. Because these faults lie on the sane trend, appear to?.5.14 LBVP UFSAR Change R" quest Seismology and Goology Edled f#r Consistency diter! for Consislency 20 DCPP UNI'I'S 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE reflect simllar sgnses of movement. and are "separated" only by an area of no exposure along llre shoreline belween Pismo Beach and Avila Beach, they may well be part of a more or less oontinuous zone about 10 miles long. As on lhe Edna faull. movements, along lhe San Miguellto fault appear to have been predominantly dip-slip, but wlth displacement down on the northeast. Hall's preliminary cross section indicates total vertical seperal"on of about 1400 teet. The fault is mapped as being overlain by unbroken deposits of the Paso Robles Formation near Arroyo Grande, Field checking of the grouncl along the projected trend of the San Miguetito fault zone nohwest of Vineyard Canyon in the San Luis Range has substantiated Hall's note lhat the fault cannot be traced west of that area, Detailed mapping of the nearly continuous sea cliff exposures extending across this trend northeast of Point Buchon has shown there is no fault"ng along the San Miguelito lrend at the northwesterly end of the range, Like the Edna fault zone, the San Migttelito fault zone evidently represents a zone of high-angle dip-slip rupluring along the flank of tlre San Luis-Pismo syncline, 4. East Boundaty Zone of the Offshore Santa Maria Basin The boundary between lhe otfshore Santa Maria Basin and the onshore features of the southem Coast Ranges is a 4lo 5 wide zone ol generally north-northwest-trending I totOs, faults, and onlap unconforrnities refened to as the "Hosgri fault zone" by Wagnerl {Refnrett,,r 31 r3q. J!s geology of this boundary zon has been investigatecl in delail by means of extensive se"smic reflection profiling, high resolution surface profiling, and s'de scan sonar surveying. More general information aboul structuraf relatlonships atong the boundary zone has been obtained from the pattern of Bouguer Gravity anomaly values that exist in ils vic'nity. These data show lhe East Boundary zone to consist of a series of generally parallel north-northwest-trendng faults and folds, developed chiefly in upper Plocene strata tlrat flank upwarped lower Pliocene and older rocks. The zone extends from south of the latitude of Poinl Sal to north of Point Piedras Blancas, Wthin the zone, individual fault breaks range in length from less than 1000 feet up to a maximum of about 30 miles. The overall length of lhe zone is approximately 90 mlles, with about 60 nriles of relatively continuous faulting.The apparent vefiical component of movement is down to the west across some faults and down to the easl across others. Along lhe central reach of the zone, opposite the San Luis Range, a block of ground has been dropped between the two main strands of the fault to form a graben struclure. Within lhe graben, and at other points along the East Bounclary zone, beclding in the rock has been folded down toward the upthrown side of the wesl s"de down fault. This feature evidently is an express"on of "reverse drag" phenomena r.5-15 tBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edlted for ConElstency 21 The axes of folds in the ground on elther side of the principal fault breaks can be traced for distances of as much as 22 miles, The fold axes typically are nearly horizontal; maximum axial plunges seem to be 5l or less. The structure and onlqp relationships of the upper Pliocene, as reflected in the configuration of the unconformlty at its base, are such that it consistently rises from the offshore basin and across the boundary zone via a series of upwarps, asymmetric folds, and faults. This configuration seems to correspond generally to a zone of warping and partial disruption along the boundary between relatively uplifting and subsiding regions, I iz.s.z+.'t.s, Geologic History The geologlc history reflected by the rocks, structural features, and landforms of the San Luis Range is typical of that of the southern Coast Ranges of California in its length and complexity. Six general episodes for which there is direct evidence can be ta!ulated as follows: Aoe Eoisode Evidenee DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Late Mesozoic Development of Franciscan and Upper Cretaceous rock assemblages Late Mesozoic - Early Coast Ranges EarlyTertiary deformation Mid-Tertiary Uplift and erosion Franciscan and other Mesozoic rocks Structural features pre-served in the Mesozoic rocks Erosion surface at the base of the Tertiary sectlon Vaqueros, Rincon, Obispo, Point Sal, Monterey, and Pismo Formation and associated volcanic intrusive, and brecciated rocks Mid- and late-Tertiary Accumulation of Miocene and Pliocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks Pliocene Folding and faulting associated with Folding and faultlng of the the Pllocene Coast Ranges deformation Tertiary and basement rocks Pleistocene Uplift and erosion, development of Pleistocene and Holocene successlve tiers of wave-cut-benches deposlts, present land-forms' alluvial fan, talus, and landslide deposition. The earliest recognizable geologic history of the southern Coast Ranges began ln Mesozoic time, during the Jurassic period when eugeosynolinal deposits (graywacke sandstone, shale, chert, and basalt) accumulated in an offshore trenoh developed in oceanic crust.Some time after the initiation of Franciscan sedimentation, deposition of a sequence of mlogeosynclinal or shelf sandstones and shales, known as the Great Valley Sequence, began on the contlnental crust, at som distance to the east of the Franciscan trench.2.5-16 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 22 DCPP U{ITS,1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Deposition of bolh sequences continued lnlo Cretaceous tme, even whlle the crustal basement section on whlch lhe Grt Valley strata were being deposlted was undergoing plrltonlsm lnvolvlng emplacement of granltic rocks, SubsequŽntly, tho Franciscan assemblage, the Great Valley Sequence, and the gran'te.intruded basement rocks were tectonically juxtaposed. The resulting terrane consisted generally of graniiic basement thrust over intensely deformed Franciscan, with Great Valley Sequence slrata overlying the besement, bul thrust over and faulted into the Franciscatr. The processes that were involved in the tectonic juxtaposition evidently were active I Ouring the Mesozoic, and continued into the early tertiary. Page (f iaferen'* "5) has shown that lhey were completod by no later than Oligocene time, so that the dual core complex basement of lhe soutlrern Coast Ranges was formed by then.The Miocene and later geologic history of the southern Coast Ranges region began with deposilion of the Vaqueros gnd Rincon Formalions on a surfce eroded on the Franciscan and Great Valfey core complex rocks.Following depcisition and some cleformation and erosion of these formations, lhe stratigraphic unl that includes the Point Sal and Obispo Formations as approximately oontemporaneous faoies was laid down, The Obispo oonsists of a seclion of tr.ffaceous sandstorre and mudstorre, witlr lesser amounts of shale, and lensing layers of vilric and lithic.crystal tuff. Locally, the unit is featured by masses of clastlc-textured tuffaceous rock that exhi!it cross-cutting intrusive relations with the bedded parts of the formalion. The Obispo and Point Sal were folded and locally eroded prior to "nitiation of lhe main episode of upper Miocene and Pliocene marine sedlmentation, During late middle Miocene to late Miocene time, deposition of the thick sections of silica-rich shale of lhe Monterey Forrnation began. Deposition of this formation and equlvalenl strata took place throughout much of the coastal region of Californla, but apparently was centered in a series of offshore basins that all developecl at about the same time, some 10 to 12 million years ago, Local volcanism toward lhe latler part of this time is shown by the presence of diabase dikes and sills in the Monterey. Near thend of lhe Mlocene, the Monterey strata were subjected to oompresslonal deformation resulling in folcllng, in part with great complexity, and in faulting. Near the oid continental margin, represented by the Sur-Nacimienlo fault zone, the deformatlon was most intense, and was accompanied by uplift. This apparently resulted in the first development of many of the large folds of the southern Coast Ranges ncluding lhe Huasna and San Luis-Pismo synclines, and in the partial erosion of the folded Monterey section in areas of uplift The pattern of reglonal uplift of the Coast Ranges and subsidence of the offshore basins, with local upwarping and faulting in a zone of inflection along the boundry between the two regions, apparently became well eslatrlislred during the episocle of late Miocene and Mio-Pliocene cliastrophism Sedinrentation resumed rn Pliocene fime throughott mt,ch of lhe region of the Mioceneí:asins, and several thousand feet of siltstone and sandstone was deposited. This was lhe last significant episode of marine sedimentation in the region of the present Coast 2.5.17 LBVP UFSAR Change Reque$l Seismology and Geology Edited for Conslslency 23 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Ranges. Pliocene deposits in the region of uplift were then folded, and there was renewed movemenl along mosl of the preexisting larger faults.Differential movements belween the Coast Ranges uplift and the offshore basins were again concentrated along the boundary zone of inllection, resulting in upwarping and faulting of the basemenl, Miocene, and Pliocene sections. Relative ciisplacement across parts of this zone evidently was dominantly vertical, because the faulting in the Pliocene has def"nitely extensional character, and Miocene structures can be tracecl across the zone without apparent lateral offset, The !asement and Tertiary sections step down seaward. away from the uplift, along a system of normal faults having hundreds to nearly a thousancl feet of dip-slip offset. A second, more seaward system of normal faults is antilhetic to the master set ancl exhibits only tens to a few hundreds of feet of displacement. Strata belween these faults locally exhibit reverse drag downfolding toward the edge of the Pliocene basin, whereas the section is essenlially undeformed farther offshore, This style of deformalion indicates a passive response, through gravity tectonics, to the onshore uplift, The Plio-Pleistocene uplift was accompanied by rapid erosion, with consequent nerby deposition of clastic sediments such as the Paso Robles Formalion in valleys lhrouglrout the southern Coast Ranges. The high-angle reverse and normal fault'ng I observed by Compton (Referencn 38)#i in lhe northern Santa Lucia Range also occurred farther south, probably more or less contemporaneously wlth accumulation of the continental deposits. Much of the Quaternary faulting other than that related to the San Andreas right lateral stress-straln system my well have occurred at this time.Tectonlc activity during the Quaternary has involved continued general uplifl of the southern Coast Ranges, with superimposed local downwarping and continued movement along faults of the San Andreas syslem, The uplift is shown by the generl high elevation and steep youthful topography that charact'rizes the Goast Ranges and by'the wirlespread uplifted marine and stream terraces. Local downwarping can be seen in valleys, such as the Santa Maria Valley, where thick sections of Plio-Pleistocene and younger deposits have accumr.tlated. Evidence of signifioanl late Quaternary fault movement is seen in the topography along the Rinconada-San Marcos, Espinosa, San Simeon, and Santa Lucia Bank faults, as well as along the San Andreas itself. Only along the San Andreas, however, is there evidence of Holocene or contempolary movemeni.The latest stage in the evolution of the San Luis Range has extencld from mid-Pleistocene time to the present, and has involved more or less continuous interaction between apparent uplitt of the range and alternaling periods of erosion or deposition, especially along the coest, durng times of relatively rising, falling, or unchanging sea level, The developmenl of wave-cut benches and the accumulalion of marine deposlls on these benhes have provided a reliable guide to the minlmum age oI latest displacements along breaks in the underlying bedrock. Detailed exploralion of lhe interfaces between wave-cut benches and overlying marlne deposits al the site of DCPP has shown that no breaks extend across these interfaces, This demonstrates 2.5-1A LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seisnrology and Geology Ecllled for Consstency 24 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE that the youngest faulting or other bedrock breakage in that area antedated the time of terrace cutting, whioh is on the order of 80,000 to 120,000 years before the present.The bedrock seotion and the surf"cial deposits that formerly capped this bedrock on which the power plant facilities are located have been studied in detall to determine'whether they express any evidence of deformation or dislocation ascribable to earthquake effects, The surficial geologic materials at the site consisted of a thin, discontinuous basal section of rubbly marine sand and sllty sand, and an overlylng section of nonmarine rocky sand and sandy clay alluvial and colluvial deposits, These deposits were extensively exposed by exploratory trenches, and were examined and mapped ln deta'l, No evidence of earthquake-induced effects suoh as lurching, slumping, fissuring, and liquefaction was detected during thls investlgation. The initial movement of some of the landslide masses now present in Diablo Canyon upstream from the switchyard area may have been triggered by earthquake shaking. lt is also possible that some local talus deposlts may represent earthquake-triggered rock falls from the sea cliff or other steep slopes in the vicinity.Deformation of the rock substrata ln the slte area may well have been accompanled by earthquake activity at the time of its occurrence in the geologio past, There is no evidence, however, of post-terrace earthquake effects in the bedrock where the power plant is being constructed. I iz.s.z+.t. Qtqtisrep-hy stlhe 9g LFie -Rnss cnC V!!tv The geologic section exposed in the San Luis Range comprises sedimentary, igneous, and tectonically emplaced ultrabasic astic, and hypabyssal intrusive rocks ofTe of Quaternary age, The llthology, age, bY Headlee and more recently have been mapped in detail by Hall, The geology of the in Figure 2, s secllon constructed shown in F ic events that resulted in I cr'bed in thi in Section 2.5.2+'1'3, Geologic History.I a.s.z+.t.1.'l Basement Rocks An assemblage of rocks typical of the Coast Ranges basement terrane west of the Nacimiento fault zone is exposed along the south and northeast sides of the San Luis Range, As described by Headlee, this assemblage includes quartzose and greywacke sandstone, shale, radiolarian chert, intrusive serpentine and diabase, and pillow basalt.Some of these rocks have been dated as Upper Cretaceous from contained microfossils, including pollen and spores, and Headlee suggested that they may represent dislocated parts of the Great Valley Sequence, There is contrasting 2.5-19 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology I Edted for Clarlty - Revlsed section I Number Clarlty - Revised Section Edlted for Clarlty - Revlsed Seclion Number i 25 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE evidence, however, that at least the pillow basalt and associated cherty rocks may be more typically Franciscan. Certalnly, such rocks are characteristic of the Franclscan terrane. Further, a potassium-argon age of 156 million years, equivalent to Upper Jurassic, has been determined for a core of similar rocks obtained from the bottom of I the Montodoro Well No. 1 near Point Buchon,l'z.s.z+.1.+,2 reiary Rocks Five formational unlts are represented in the Tertiary section of the San Luls Range.The lower part of this section comprises rocks of the Vaqueros, Rincon, and Obispo Formations, which range in age from lower Mioc.ene through middle Miocene, These strata crop out in lhe vicinity of Hazard Canyon, at the northwest end of the range, and in a broad band along the south coastal margin of the range, ln both areas the Vaqueros rests directly on Mesozoic basement rocks. The core of the western San Luis Range is underlain by the Upper Miocene Monterey Formation, which constitutes the bulk of the Tertiary section. The Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene Pismo Formation crops out in a discontinuous band along the southwest flank and across the west end of the range, resting with some discordance on the Monterey section and elsewhere directly on older Tertiary or basement rocks.The coastal area in the vicinity of Diablo Canyon is underlain by strata that have been variously correlated with the Obispo, Poinl Sal, and Monterey Formations, Headlee, for example, has shown the Point Sal as overlying the Obispo, whereas Hall has considered these two units as different facies of a single time-stratigraphio unit, Whatever the exact stratigraphic relationships of these rocks might prove to be, it is clear that they lie above the main body of tuffaceous sedimenlary rooks of the Obispo Formation and below the main part of the Monterey Formatlon. The existence of intrusive bodies of both tuff breccia and diabase in this part of the section indicates either that local volcanic activity continued beyond the time of deposition of the Obispo Formation, or that the section represents a predominantly sedimentary facies of the upper part of the Obispo Formation. ln either oase, the strata underlying the power plant site range downward through the Obispo Formation and presumably include a few hundred feet of the Rincon and Vaqueros Formations resting upon a basement of Mesozoic rooks.A generalized description of the major units in the Tertiary section follows, and a more detailed description of the rocks exposed at the power plant site is included in a later section.The Vaqueros Formation has been described by Headlee as consisting of 100 to 400 feet of resistant, massive, coarse-grained, calcareously cemented bioclastic sandstone The overlying Rincon Formation consists of 200 to 300 feet of dark gray to chooolate brown calcareous shale and mudstone.The Obispo Formation (or Obispo Tuff) is 800 to 2000 feet thick and comprises alternating massive to thick-bedded, medium to fino grained vitric-lithic tuffs, finely 2.5-20 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology I e,ilt-o ior cl"rtll I Number- Revlsed Secllon 26 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE laminated black and brown marine siltstone and shale, and medium grained light tan marine sandstone. Headlee assigned to the Point Sal Formation a section desoribed as consisting chlefly of medium to fine grained silty sandstone, with several thin silty and fossiliferous limestone lenses; it is gradational upward into siliceous shale characteristic of the Monterey Formation, The Monterey Formation ltself is composed predominantly of porcelaneous and f"nely laminated slliceous and cherty shales, Tho Pismo Formation consists of massive, medium to fine grained arkosic sandstone, wilh subordinate amounts of siltstone, sandy shale, mudstone, hard siliceous shale, and chert.I z.s.z+,'t.:+,i Quaternary Deposlts Deposits of Pleistocene and Holocene age are widespread on the coastal tenace benches along the southwest margin of the San Luis Range, and they exist farther onshore as local alluvial and stream-terrace deposits, landslide debris, and various colluvial accumulations. The coastal terrace deposits include discontinuous thin basal sections of marlne sllt, sand, gravel, and rubble, some of which are highly fosslllferous, and generally much thicker overlying sections of talus, alluvial-fan debris, and other deposits of landward origin. All of the marine deposits and most of the overlying nonmarine accumulations are of Pleistocene age, but some of the uppermost talus and alluvial deposlts are Holocene. Most of the alluvial and colluvial materials conslst of silty clayey sand with irregularly distributed fragments and blocks of locally exposed rock types. The landslide deposits include chaotic mixtures of rock fragments and fine-grained matrix debris, as well as some large masses of nearly lntact to thoroughly disrupted bedrock.A more detailed description of surficial deposits that are present in the vicinity of the power plant slte is included in a later section.I lZ.S.z+;t.s Structure of the San Luis Range and Vicinily I iz,a,z+.l.s,l Geneal Features The geologic structure of the San Luis Range-Estero Bay and adjacent offshore area is characterized by a complex set of folds and faults (Figures 2.5-5,2.5-6, and 2.5-7).Tectonic events that produced these folds and faults are discussed in Sectionl 2.s.2+.t.5, Geologic History. The San Luis Range-Estero Bay and adjacent offshore area lies within the zone of transition from the west-trending Transverse Range structural province to the northwest-trendlng Coast Ranges province, Major structural features are the long narrow downfold of the San Luis-Pismo syncline and the bordering antiformal structural highs of Los Osos Valley on the northeast, and of Point San Luis and the adjacent offshore area on the southwest. This set of folds trends obliquely into a north-northwest aligned zone of basement upwarping, folding, and hlgh-angle normal faulting that lies a few miles off lhe coast. The ma'n onshore folds can be recognized, by seismic reflection and gravity techniques, in the structure of the buried, downfaulted Miocene section that lies across (west of) this zone.2.5-21 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology i. eote .iłrlv ln"vise! sełti.-n-- "I Number i lor. Revised Section Number Edlted fo Clarity - Revised Soction Number Edited for Clarity. Revlsed Section 27 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Lesser, but yet lmportant structural features in this area include smaller zones of faulting and trends of volcanic intrusives. The Edna and San Miguelito fault zones disrupt parts of the northeast and southwest flanks of the San Luis-Pismo syncline, A southward extension of the San Simeon fault, the existence of which js inferred on the basis of the linearity of the coastl'ne between Cambria and Point Estero, and of the gravlty gradient in that area, may extend into, and die out within, the northern part of Estero Bay. An aligned series of plugs and lensoid masses of Te-iary volcanic rocks that inhude the Franciscan Formation along the axls of the Los Osos Valley antiform extends from the outer part of Estero Bay southeastward tor 22 miles (Figure 2.5-6), These features define the major elements of geologic structure in the San Luis Range-Estero Bay area. Other struotural elements include the complex fold and fault structures within the Franciscan core complex rocks and the numerous smaller folds within the Tertiary section.2.5.2+.1.5.2 $q Lujq-Pigng Sycl!4g .The main synclinal fold of the San Luis Range, referred to here as the San Luis-Pismo syncline, trends about N60'W and forms a structural trend more than 15 miles in length.The fold system comprises several parallel anticlines and synclines across its maximum onshore width of about 5 miles, lndividual folds of the system typically range in length from hundreds of feet to as much as 10,000 feet. The folds range from zero to more than 30' in plunge, and have flank dips as steep as 90", Various kinds of smaller folds exist locally, especially flexures and drag folds associated with tuff intrusions and with zones of shear deformation. Near Estero Bay, the major fold extends to a depth of more lhan 6000 feet. Farlher south, in the central part of the San Luis Range, it is more than 11,000 feet deep, Parts of the northeast flank of the fold are disrupted by faults associated with the Edna fault zone. Local breaks along lhe central part ofthe southwest flank have been referred to as the San Miguelito fault zone, I ,z,s.z+.t.s.l' Los osos Valley Antiform The body of Franciscan and Great Valley Sequence rocks that crops out between the San Luis-Pismo and Huasna synclines is here referred to as the Los Osos Valley antiform, This composite struoture extends southward from the Santa Lucia Range, across the central and northern part of Estero Bay, and thence southeastward to the point where it is faulted out at the juncture of the Edna and the West Huasna fault zones.Notable structural features within this core complex include northwest-and west-northwest-trending-faults that separate Franciscan melange, graywacke, metavolcanic, and serpentinite unlts, The serpentinites have been intruded or dragged within faults, apparently over a wide range of scales. One of the more persistent zones 2.5-22 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology f Edlted for Clarlty: Revlsed Secllon "I Num!9Edted for Clarity - Revlsed Seclion Number 28 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE of serpentinite bodies occurs along a trend which extends west-northwestward from the West Huasna fault, lt has been suggested that movement from this fault may have taken place within this serpentine !elt. The range of hills that lies between the coast and Highway 1 between Estero Bay and Cambria is underlain by sandstone,and minor shale of the Great Valley Sequence, referred to as the Cambria slab, which has been underthrust by Franciscan rocks. The thrust contact extends southeastward under Estero Bay near Cayucos. This contact is probably related to the fault contact between Great Valley and Franciscan rocks looated just north of San Luis Obispo, which Page has shown to be overlain by unbroken lower Miocene strata, A prominent feature of the Los Osos Valley antiform is the line of plugs and lensoid masses of intrusive Tertiary volcanic rocks. These distinctive bodies are present at isolated points along the approximate axis of the antiform over a distance of 22 miles, extending from the center of outer Estero Bay to the upper part of Los Osos Valley (Figure 2.5-6), The consistent trend of the intrusives provides a useful reference for assessing the possibility of northwest-trending lateral slip faulting within Estero Bay. lt shows that such faulting has not extended across the trend from either the inferred San Simeon fault offshore south extenslon, or from faults in the ground east of the San Simeon trend, I Z.S.Z+l1.5.4 Edna and San Miguelito Fault Zgnqq I ttrese fault zones are described in Section 2.5.2+:11.2.3,l :, Adjac_eqt ofFbqre f;qa q{ E_qs_t-Bqqtdqry Maria Basin The stratigraphy and west-northwest-trending structure that characterize the onshore region from Point Sal to north of Polnt Estero have been shown by extensive marine geophysical surveylng to extend into the adjacent offshore area as far as the north-northwest trending structural zone that forms a boundary with the main offshore Santa Maria Basin. Ow'ng to the inegular outline of the coast, the width of the offshore shelf east of this boundary zone renges lrom2-112 to as much as 12 mlles. The shelf area ls narrowest opposite the reach of coast between Point San Luis and Point Buchon, and widest in Estero Bay and south of San Luis Bay, The major geologic features that underlie the near-shore shelf include, from south to north, the Casmalia Hills anticline, the broad Santa Maria Valley downwarp, the antlclinal structural high off Point San Luis, the San Luis-Pismo syncline, and the Los Osos Valley antiform.The form ofthese features is defined by the outcrop pattern and structure oflhe older Pliocene, Miocene, and basement core complex rocks, The younger Pliocene strata that constitute the upper 1000 to 2000 feet of section in the adjacent offshore Santa Maria Basin are partly buttressed and partly faulted against the rocks that underlie the 2.5-23 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edlted for Number Clarlty . Revised Section lor Clarlty - Revlsed Section the for Clarlty -Sectlon umbet 29 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE near-shore shelf, and they unconformably overlap the boundary zone and parts of the shelf in several areas.The boundaries between the San Luis-Pismo syncline and the adjacent Los Osos Valley and Point San Luis antiforms can be seen in the offshore area to bo expressed chiefly as zones of inflection between synclinal and anticllnal folds, rather than as zones of fault rupture such as occurs farther south along the Edna and San Miguelito faults, lsolated west-northwest-trending faults of no more than a few hundred feet displacement are located along the northeast flank of the syncline in Estero Bay. These faults evidently are the northwesternmost expressions of breakage along the Edna fault trend.The main San Luis-Pismo synclinal structure opens to the northwest, attainlng a maximum width of E or 9 miles in the southerly part of Estero Bay. The Point San Luis high, on the other hand, is a domal structure, the exposed basement rock core of which is about 10 miles long and 5 miles wide, ofthe ary zone have beenl .l.Z.S. is essentiallY an betwe f the offshore basin and the regional upllft of the southern Coast Ranges, ln the vicinity of the San Luis Range, the zone is characterized by pronounced upwarping and normal faulting of the basement and overlying Tertiary rock sections. Both modes of deformation have contrlbuted to the structural relief of about 500 feet in the Pliocene section, and of 1500 feet or more in the basement rocks, across this boundary, Successively younger strata are banked unconformably against the slopes that have formed from time to time in response to the relative uplifting of the ground east of the boundary zone.A series of near-suace structural troughs forms prominen!features within the segment of the boundary zone structure that extends between the approximate latitudes of Arroyo Grande and Estero Bay. This trough structure apparently has formed through the extension and subsidence of a block of ground in the zone where the downwarp of the offshore basin has pulled away from the Santa Lucia uplift, Continued subsidence of this block has resulted in deformation and partial disruption of the buttress unconformity between the otfshore Pliocene section and the near-shore Miocene and older rocks, This deformation is expressed by normal faulting and reverse drag type downfolding of the Pliocene strata adjacent to the contact, along the east side of the trough.On the opposite, seaward side of the trough, a series of antithetic down-to-the-east normal faults of small displacement has forrned in the Pliocene strata west of the contact zone. These faults exhiblt only a few tens of feet displacemenl, and they seem to exhibit constant or even decreasing displacement downward, The structural evolution of the offshore area near Estero Bay and the San Luis Range invNed episodes of compressional deformation that affected the upper Tertiary section 2,5-24 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edlted for Clarity - Revised Section Number 1 30 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE sinrilarly on opposite sides of lhe boundary zone. The section on either side exhlbits about lhe same intensity and style of folding. Majorfolds, such ss the San Luis-Plsmo syncline and the Piedras Blancas antlcline, can be traced inlo the ground across the boundary zone.The internal structure of the zone, including the presence of severl on-lap unconformities in the adjacent Pliocene section, shows lhat, at least during Pliocene and early Pleistocene time, the boundary zone has been the inflection llne between the Coast Ranges uplift and the otfshore Santa Maria Basin downwarp, Eviclence lhat uplfft has continued through fate Pleistocene time, at least in lhe vicinity of the San Luis Range, is given by the presence of successive liers of marine terraces along lhe seaward flank of the range. The wave-cut benches and back scarps of these terruces now exist at elevations ranging from about -300 feet (below sea level) to more than 300 feet above sea level.The ground within which lhe East Boundary zone lies has bsen beveled by the post-Wisconsin marine transgression, and so lhe zone generally is not expressed. topographically. Small topographic features, such as a seaward topographic-step-up of I the sea floor surface across the east-ciown fault at the BBN (llefer*rrce 371'-' (offshore survey line 27 cross"ng, in Estero Bay, and several possible faul!line notch back scarps, however, may represent minor topographic expressions of deformatlon wlthin the zone.I z.S.ts.l.¿ Structural Stabllisr. The potential for surface or subsurface subsidence, uplift, or collapse at the site or in I lhe regiorr surrounding the slte, is discussed in Section 2.5,f-4, Sta!ilityof Subsurface Materials, I Z.S.x.t.l Regional Groundwater Grounclwater in the region sunoundng lhe site ls used as a backup source due to lts poor quatity and the lack of a signil"cant groundwater reseryoir. Sect'on 2.4.13 states that most of the groundwater at the site or in the area around the site is elther in the alluvial deposits of Diablo Creek or seeps from springs encountered in excavallons at the site.I Slte Geology I z.¿,t-l,z.t Site Physiography The site consisls ol approximately 750 acres near the mouth of " ia!lo Creek and is located on a sloping coastal terrace, ranghrg from 60 to 150 feet above sea level, The terrace lerminates at the Pacif"c Ocean on the southwest and extends toward the San 2,8-25 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edited lo Consislency Edted for Clarlty - Revsed Seotion Number F-dtted for Clarlty . Revised Seclon Number Ecliled lor Clarity - Revsed Sect"ot"Number Ediled lor Clarity - Revised Sectlon Numtrer Edlted lor Cl#rity . Revised Section Number 31 .DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Luis Mountains on the northeast. The terrace consists of bedrock overlain by surficial deposlts of marine and nonmarine orlgin, The remainder of this section presents a detailed description of site geology.I'z.s.z+.2.2 gencr! Fgslqreg The area of the DCPP site is a coastaltract in San Luis Obispo County approximately 6.5 miles northwest of Point San Luis. lt lies immediately southeast of the mouth of Diablo Canyon, a major westward-draining feature of the San Luis Range, and about a mile southeast of Lion Rock, a prominent offshore element of the highly irregular coastline, The ground being developed as a power plant site occupies an extensive topographic terrace about 1000 feet in average width. ln its pregrading, natural state, the gently undulating surface of this tenace sloped gradually southwestward to an abrupt termination along a cliff fronting the ocean; in a landward, or northeasterly, direction, it rose with progressively increasing slope to merge with the much steeper front of a foothill ridge of the San Luis Range, The surface ranged in altitude from 65 to 80 feet along the coastline to a maximum of nearly 300 feet along the base of the hlllslope to the northeast, but nowhere was its local relief greater than 10 feet, lts only major interruption was the steep-walled canyon of lower Diablo Creek, a gash about 75 feet in average depth, The entire subject area is underlain by a complex sequence of stratified marine sedimentary rocks and tuffaceous volcanic rocks, all of Terliary (Miocene) age, Diabasic intrusive rocks are locally exposed high on the walls of Diablo Canyon at the edge of the area. Both the sedimentary and volcanic rocks have been folded and othentrise disturbed over a considerable range of scales, Surficial deposits of Quaternary age are widespread, ln a few places, they are as thiok as 50 feet, but their average thickness probably is on the order of 20 feet over the terrace areas and 10 feet or less over the entire mapped ground, The most extensive deposits underlie the main topographic tenace.Like many other parts of the California coast, the Diablo Canyon area is characterized by several wave-cut benches of Pleistocene age. These sulaces of irregular but generally low relief were developed across bedrock by marlne eroslon, and they are ancient analogues of the benches now being cut approximately at sea level along the present coast. They were formed during periods when the sea level was higher, relative to the adjacent land, than it is now, Each is thinly and discontinuously mantled with marine sand, gravel, and rubble similar to the beach and offshore deposits that are accumulating along the present coastline, Along its landward margin each bears thicker and more localized coarse deposits similar to the modern talus along the base of the present sea cliff.2.5-26 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 32 OCPP UN S 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATBoth the ancient wave-cut benches and their overlying manne and shoreline deposits have been buried beneath silty to gravelly detritus derived from landward sources after the benches were, in effect, abandoned by the ocean. This nonmerine cover is essentially an apron of coalesclng fan deposits and other alluvial debris thal is thickest adjacent lo the ntouths of major canyons.Wtrere they have been deeply trenched by subsequent erosion, as along Diablo Canyon in the. map areas, these deposits can be seen to have buried some of the benches so deeply that thoir individual identlies are not reflecled by the present (pregrading) rather smooth terrace topography. Thus, the surface of the matn terrace ls deflned malnly by nonmarlne deposlts tht conoeai both the older benches of marine erosion and some of I the abruptly rising ground that separates them (refe', toe+na Figures 2.5-8 and 2.5-10).The observecl and inferred relationships among the terrace surfaoes and the wave-out benches buried beneath lhem can be summarized as follows: Edlted for Clarily - Reler lo Applicabllity Matrix ltem d 7 Wsve-cvt Bench Altitude, feet Location Terraoe Surface Altitude. feet Location 170-175 Small remnanls on side Mainly Sides of Diablo Canyon of Diablo Canyon 170-190 upper parts of main tenace; in places separated from lower 1 45-1 55 1 20-1 30 90-100 30-45 Small remnants above modern sea cliff No depositional terrace Approx.Small to moderately large area along preéent coastline Wthin the subject area the wave-cut benches increase progressively in age with increasing elevelion above presenl s.ea level: henoe, their order in tha above list is one of decreasing age. By far, tlre mosl extensive ol tlrese benches slopes gently seaward from a shoreiine angle that lies at an elevation of 100 feet aove present sea level, The geology of lhe power plant site is shown in the site geologic maps, Figures 2.5'8 and2.5-9, and geologic section, Figure 2.5-10.2,5-27 LBVP UFSAR Change Request$eisnrology and Geology Very small remnants on sicles Mainly of Diablo Canyon 150-170 Subparallel b3/4nches elongate Mainly in a northwest-southeast 70-160 direction but with consider-able aggregate width wholly beneath main terrace surface parts of terrace by scarps Most of man terrace.a widespread surface on a composite section of nonmarine deposits;no well-defined scarps 0 33 I iz,a,z+,2.s strati graphyl z.s.2+.z.s.t obispo Tuff are tough, coheslve, and relatively resistant to erosion, were recognized anywhere in the exposed volcanic section, volcanic matrices.DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 2.5-28 Edlted for Clarity - Revlsed Section Number Edlted for Clarlty - Revlsad Sectlon Number LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 34 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The Obispo Tuff is underlain by mudstones of early Miocene (pre'Monterei) age, on which lt rests with a highly irregular contactthat eppears to be in part intrusive. This cotacl lies offshore in the vicinity of the power plant site, but lt is exposed along the seacoast to the southeast. ln a gross way, the Obispo underlies the basal part of the Monterey formalion, but many of its conlacts with these sedimentary strala are plainly intrusive. Moreover, individual sflls and dikes of slightly to thoroughly altered tuffaceous rocks appear here and there ln the Monterey section, not uncommonly at stratigraphic levels well above lts base (refer 1o+++ Flgures 2.5-8 and 2.5-13), The observed physical relationships, together with the local occurrence of diatoms and foraminifera wthin the prlncipal messes of volcanic rocks, indicale that much of the Obispo Tuff ln this area probably was emplaced at shallow depths benealh the Miocene sea floor during accumulation of the Monterey slrata The tuff unit does not appear to represent a single, well'defined eruptive event, nor is it llkely to lrave been derived from a single souroe conduil.I z.s.zl.z.s.z Monterey Formatlon Stratified marine rocks variously correlated with the Monterey Formation, Point Sal Formation, and Obispo Tuff underlie most of the subject area, including all of that portion intended for power plant locatlon, They are almost conllnuously exposed along lhe cresoentic sea cliff that borders Diabto Cove, and elsewhere lhey appear in much lnore localized outcrops, For convenlence, lhey are here assigned lo the Monterey Formation ("Tm" on map, Figure 2,5-8) in order to delineate them from lhe adjacent more tuffaceous rocks so lypioal of the Obispo Tuff.The observed rook types, listed in general orderof decreaslng abundanoe, are silty and tuffaceous sandstone, siliceous shale, ohaly siltstone and mudstone, diatomaceous shale, sandyto highly tuffaoeous shale, calcareous shale and impure limeston, bituminous shale, fine- to coarse-geined sandstone, impure vitric tuff, sllicified limestone and shale, ancl tutf-pellet sandstone. Dark colorecl and relatively f"ne'grained slrata are most abundant in the lowest part of the seclion, as exposed along lhe east s'de of Diablo Cove, whereas lighter colored sandstones and siliceous shales are dominant t tratigraphically lrigher levels farther north. ln detail, howevet, the different rock types are interbeddecl in various combinations, and intervals of unlform lithology rarely are thlcker than 30 feel, lndeed, the closely-spaced alternations of contrasting strata yield a prominent rib-like pattern of oulcrop along much of lhe sea cliff and shoreline bench forr.ning tlre margin of Diablo Cove-The sandstones are mainly fine- to medium-grained, and most are distinctly tutfaceous, Shards of volcanic Alass generally are recognizable under lhe microscope, ancl the very fine-grained siliceous matrix may well have been derived largely through alteration of original glassy material. Some of the sandstone contains small but megascopically visible fragments of pumice, perlitic glass, and tuff, and a few beds grade along strike into submarine tuff breccia. The sanclstones are thinly to very thickly layered: individrtal beds 6 inches to 4 feet thick are fairly common, and a few appear to be as thick as 2.5.?9 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geologydltd for Clarify - Reler to Applicablllty Mslrix ltem ti 7 Edlled for Clarity - Rovised Seclion' Number 35 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 15 feet, Some of them are hard and very resistant to erosion, and they typically form subdued but nearly continuous elongated projeclions on major hillslopes (Figure 2.5-8), The siliceous shales are buff to light gray platy rocks that are moderately hard to extremely hard accord'ng to their silica content, but they tend to break readily along bedding and fracture surfaces, The bituminous rocks and the slltstones and mudstones are darker colored, softer, and grossly more compact. Some of them are very thinly bedded or lamlnated, others appear almost massive or form matrices for irregularly ellipsoidal masses of somewhat sandier materil. The diatomaceous, tuffaceous, and sandy rocks are lighter colored. The more tuffaceous types are softer, and the diatomaceous ones are soft to the degree of punkiness; both kinds of rocks are easily eroded, but are markedly cohesive and tend to retain their gross posltions on even the steepest of slopes, The siliceous shale and most of the hardest, highly siliclfied rooks weather to very light gray, and the dark colored, fine-grained rocks tend to bleach when weathered. The other lypes, including the sandstones, weather to various shades of buff and light brown. Stains of iron oxides are widespread on exposures of nearly all the Monterey rocks, and are especially well developed on some of the finest-grained shales that contain disseminated pyrite, All but the hardest and most thick-bedded rocks are considerably broken to depths of as much as 6 feet 'n the zone of weathering on slopes other than lhe present sea cliff, and the broken fragments have been separated and displaced by surface creep to somewhat lesser depths.I Z,S.z+.z.s.l Diabasic lntrusive Rocks Small, irregular bodies of diabasic rocks are poorly exposed high on the walls of Diablo Canyon at and beyond the northeasterly edge of the map area. Contact relationships are readily determined at only a few places where these rocks evidently are intruslve'nto the Monterey Formation. They are considerably weathered, but an ophitic texture is recognizable. They consist chiefly of calcic plagioclase and augite, with some olivine, opeque minerals, and zeolitic alteration products.I i2.s.z+:2,s.;,4 Masses of Brecclated Rocks Hlghly irregular masses of coarsely breociated rocks, a few feet to many tens of feet in maximum dimension, are present in some of the relatively siliceous parts of the Monterey section that adjoin the principal bodies of Obispo Tuff. The fracturing and dislocation is not genetically related to any recognizable faults, but instead seems to have been associated with emplacement of the volcanic rocks; lt evidently was accompanied by, or soon followed by, extensive silicification, Many adjacent fragments in the breccias are closely juxtaposed and have matching opposed aurfaces, so that they plainly represent no more than coarse crackling of the brittle rocks. Other fragments, though angular or subangular, are not readily matched with adjacent fragments and hence may represent significant translation wlthin the entire rock masses.LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edited for Clarity - Revlsed Sectlon Number 2.5-30 36 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The ratio of matrix materials to coarse fragments is very low in most of the breccias and nowhere was it observed to exceed about 1:3, The matrices generally comprlse smaller angular fiagments of the same Monterey rocks that are elsewhere dominant in the breccias, and they characteristically are set in a slliceous cement. Tuffaceous matrices, with or without Monterey fragments, also are widespread and commonly show the effects of pervaslve silicification, All the exposed breccias are firmly cemented, and they rank among the hardest and most resistant units in the entire bedrock section.A few 3 to 1E inch beds of sandstone have been pulled apart to form separate tabular masses along specific stratigraphic horizons in higher parts of the Monterey sequence.Such lndividual tablets, which are boudins rather than ordinary breccia fragments, are especially well exposed in the sea cliff at the northern corner of Diablo Cove, They are flanked by much finer-grained strata that converge around their ends and continue essentially unbroken beyond them. This boudinage or separation and stringing out of sandstone beds that lie within intervals of much softer and more shaly rocks has resulted from compression during folding of the Monterey section. lts distribution is stratigraphically controlled and ls not systematically related to recognizable faults in the area, I z.s.z+,z,l.d Surficial Depgsits 1. Coastal Temce Deposits The coastal wave-cut benches of Pleistocene age, as described in a foregoing section, are almost continuously blanketed by terrace deposits (Qter in Figure 2,5-8) of several contrasting types and modes of origin. The oldest of these deposits are relatively thin and patchy in their occurrence, and were laid down along and adjacent to ancient beaches dur'ng Pleistocene time, They are covered by considerably thicker and more extensive nonmarine accumulations of detrital materials derived from various landward sources, The marine deposits consist of silt, sand, gravel, and cobbly to bouldery rubble. They are approximately 2 feet in average thickness over the entire terrace area and reach a maximum observed thickness of about 8 feet. They rest directly upon bedrock, some of which is marked by numerous holes attributable to the action of boring marine mollusks, and they commonly contain large rounded cobbles and boulders of Monterey and Obispo rocks that have been s'milarly bored. Lenses and pockets of highly fossil'ferous sand and gravel are present locally, The marine sediments are poorly to very well sorted and loose to modorately well consolidated. All of them have been naturally compacted; the degree of compaction varies according to the material, but it is consistently greater than that observed ln any of the associated surficial deposits of other types. Near the inner margins of individual wave-cut benches the marine deposits merge landward into coarser and less well-sorted debris that evidently accumulated along the bases of ancient sea cliffs or 2.5-31 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology:Edited forClarity - Revlsed Sectlon Number 37 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE other shoreline slopes, This debris is locally as much as 12 feet thick; it forms broad but very short aprons, now buried beneath younger deposits, that are ancient analogues of the talus accumulations along the inner margin of the present beach in Diablo Cove, One of these occurences, identified as "fossil Qtb" in the geologic map of Figure 2.5-8, is well exposed high on the northerly wall of Diablo Canyon, A younger, thicker, and much more continuous nonmarine cover is present over most of the coastal terrace area, lt conslstently overlies the marine deposits noted above, and, where thse are absent, it rests directly upon bedrock, lt is composed in part of alluvial detritus contributed during Pleistocene time from Diablo Canyon and several smaller drainage courses, and it thickens markedly as traced sourceward toward these canyons, The detritus represents a series of alluvial fans, some of which appear to have partly coalesced with adjacent ones. lt is chiefly fine- to moderately-coarse-grained gravel and rubble characterized by tabular fragments of Monterey rocks in a rather abundant clayey matrix. Most of it is thlnly and regularly stratlfied, but the distinctness of this layering varies greatly from place to place.Slump, creep, and slope-wash deposits, derived from adjacent hlllsides by relatively slow downhill movement over long periods of tlme, also form major parts of the nonmarine tenace cover, All are loose and uncompacted. They comprise fragments of Monterey rocks in dark colored clayey matrices, and their internal structure is essentially chaotic. ln some places they are crudely interlayered with the alluvial fan deposits, and elsewhere they overlie these bedded sediments. On parts of the maln terrace area not reached by any of the alluvial fans, a cover of slump, creep, and slope-wash deposits, a few inches to nearly 10 feet thick, rests directly upon either marine terrace deposits or bedrock.Thus, the entire section of terrace deposits that caps the coastal benches of Pleistocene marine erosion is heterogeneous and internally complex; it includes contributions of detritus from contrasting sources, from dlfferent directions at different times, and via several basically different modes of transport and deposition, 2. Stream-tenace Deposits Several narrow, irregular benches along the walls of Diablo Canyon are veneered by a few inches to 6 feet of silty gravels that are somewhat coarser but otherwise similar to the alluvial fan deposits described above. These stream-terrace deposits (Qst)originally occupied the bottom of the canyon at a time when the lower course of Diablo Creek had been cut downward through the alluvial fan sediments of the main terrace and well into the underlying bedrock. Subsequent deepening of the canyon left remnants of the deposits as cappings on scattered small terraces, 3. LandslideDoposlts The walls of Diablo Canyon also are marked by tongue- and benchJike accumulations of loose, rubbly landslide debris (Qls), consisting mainly of highly broken and jumbled 2,5-32 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 38 DPP UNITS 1 & Z FSAR UPDATE messes ol Monterey rocks with ebundant silty and Boify matrix materials. These landslide bodies represent localized failure on nalurally oversteepened slopes, generally conf"ned to fractured bedrock In and immediately beneath the zone of weathering. lndivldual bodies within the mapped erea are small, wlth probable maximum lhicknesses no greater lhan 20 feet, All of them lie outside the area intended for power plant consiruclion. Landslide deposlts along the sea cliff have been recogrtized at only one localig, on the north sicle of Diablo Cove about 400 feel northwesl of the mouth of Diablo Canyon, Here slippage has ocourred along bedding and fraclure surfaces in silioeous Monlerey rocks, and it hae been confined essentially to the axial region of a well-defined synclinel (ref+,r lor'!b Fgure 2.5-8). Several episodes of sliding are attested by thin, elongate masses of highly broken ground separated from one anotlrer by well-defined zones of dislocation. Some of lhese masses are slill capped by terrace deposits. The entire composite accumulation of debris is not more than 35 feel in maximum thickness, and ground failure at th's locally does not appear to have resulted in major recession of the cliff, Elsewhere within the mapped area, landsliding along the sea cliff evidently has not been a significant procees.Large landslides, some of them involving substantial thickness of bedrock, are present on both sides of Diablo Canyon not far northeast of th power plant area. These occurrences need not " e considereci in connection wilh the planl slte, but they have been regarded as significant factors in establishing a satisfactory grading design for the switchyard and other up-canyon installations. They are not dealt with in this section.4. Slump, Areap, and S/ope-wash Deposs As noted earlier, slump, creep, and slope-wash deposits (Qsw) form parts of the nonmarine sedimentary blahket on the main terrace, These materials are shown separately on the geologic map only in those limited areas where they have been considerably concerrtraled along well-defined swales and are readily distinguished from other surficial deposits. Their actual distrlbr.rtion is much wder, nd they undoubtedly are present over a large fraction of the areas designatecl as Qter; their average lhickness in such areas, however, is probably less than 5 feet, Angular fragments of Monterey rocks are sparsely to very abundantly scattered through lhe slump, creep. and slope-wash deposits, whose most oharaclerislic feature is a fine-grained matrix that is dark colored, moderately rich in clay minerals, and extremely soft when wet. lnternal layering is rarely observable and nowhere is sharply expressed, The debris seenrs to have been rather thoroughly intermixed cluring its slow migration down hlllslopes in response to gravity. That it was derived nrainly from broken materials in the zone of weathering is shown by several exposures in which it grades downward through soily debris into highly disturbed and partly weathered beclrock, and thence into progressively fresher ancl less " roken bedrock, 5. Talus and Beach Oeposits 2,5-33 LBVP UFSAR Change Rsquesl Seismology and Geologydiled for Clarity - Refer to Applicabllily Determinalion Matrlx llenl#7 39 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Much of the present coastline in the subject area is marked by bare rock, but Diablo Cove and a few other large indentations are fringed by narrow, discontinuous beaches and irregular concentrations of sea cliff talus. These deposits (Qtb) ar very coarse grained. Their total volume ls small, and they are of interest mainly as modern analogues of much older deposits at higher levels beneath the maln tenace surface.'The beach deposlts consist chiefly of well-rounded cobbles. They form thin veneers over bedrock, and in Diablo Cove they grade seaward into patches of coarse pebbly sand. The floors of both Diablo Cove and South Cove probably are irregular in detail and are featured by rather hard, fresh bedrock that is discontinuously overlain by irregular thin bodies of sand and gravel, The distribution and abundance of kelp suggest that bedrock crops out over large parts ofthese cove areas where the sea bottom cannot be observed from onshore points.6. Steam-laid Alluvium SheamJaid alluvium (Qal) occurs as a strip along the present narrow floor of Diablo Canyon, where it is only a few lt is composed of irregularly intertongued sllt, sand, gravel, sharply stratified' poorly to well sorted, and, in general, so of it is at least moderately porous.7. Other Deposits Earlier inhabitation indicated by several midden deposits that are rich in charcoal and bones. The most extensive of these occurrences marks oned village along the edge of the main terrace immediately northwesl of Diablo Canyon. Others have been noted on the main terrace Just east of the mouth of Diablo Canyon, on the shoreward end of South Point, and at several places in and near the plant site, I iz.s.z+.2.q structure I iZ.S.z+.2.+.1. Tectonlc Structures Underlylng the Region Surrounding the Site The dominant tectonic structure in the region of the powei plant site is the San Luis-Pismo downw his structure ls bounded on the no re ofthe Los osos and San Luis Valle lt zone lies along the northeast flank of the range, and the parallel Miguelito fault extends into lhe southeasterly end of the range. A norlh-northwest-tr continuily that may be a fault has been inferred or interpolated from rses in the offshore, extending within about 5 miles of the site at pproach. To the west of this discontinuity, the structure is dominated by north to north-LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edited for Clarlty - Revised Section Number Edlted for Clarlty - Revlsed Seclion Number!,i"l 2,5-34 40 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE northwest-trending folds in Tertiary,rocks. These features are lllustrated ln Figure 2,5-3 and described in this section.Tectonic structures underlying the site and region surrounding the site are identified in the above and following sections, and they are shown ln Figures 2,5-3, 2,5-5, 2.5-8, 2,5-10,2.5-15, and 2.5-16, They are listed as follows:l 2,s,2+,2;q.Z Tectonlc Structures Underlying the Slte (Figure 2,5-16).A minor fault zone extends into the site from the west, but dies out in the vicinity of the Unlt 1 turbine building. Two mapped for distances of 35 to more than 200 feet in the bedrock excavation for the Unit 1 containment structure. ln ad , cross-cutting bodies of tuff and tuff brecia, and cemented "crackle breccia" could be considered as tectonic structures. nch.e been dated as 80,000 to 120,000 years old. The tectonic structures probably are reiated to the Pliocenelower Pleistocene episode of Coast Ranges deformation, which occurred more than 1 itton years ago.The bedrock units within the entire subject area form paft of the southerly flank of a very large syncline that is a major feature of the San Luls Range, The northerly-dipping sequence of strata is marked by several smaller folds with subparallel trends and flank-to-flank dimensions measured in hundreds of feet. One of these, a syncline with gentle lo moderate westerly plunge, is the largest flexure recognized in the vlcinity of ihe power plant slte. lts axis lies a short distance north of the site and about 450 feet 'northeastof themouthof DiabloCanyon (Figures2.5-8and2.5-10), Eastof thecanyon this fold appears to west it probably is complicated by sev y as a single feature, Some of this compl rgin of Diablo Cove'where the beds exposed in the sea cliff have been closely northeast trends. Here a tight syncline (shown in Figure 2 ller folds can be recognized, and steep to near-vertical dips ar parts of the section.LBVP UFSAR Ghange Request Seismology and GeologY Edited for Clarlty Number: Revlsed Sectlon 2.5-35 41 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The southerly flank of the main syncline within the map area steepens markedly as traced southward away from the fold axis. Most of this steepening is concenlrated within an across-strilte distance of about 300 feel as revealed by the strata exposed in the sea cliff soulheastward from the moutlr of Diablo Canyon: farther southwerd the beds of sandstone and finer-grained rocks dip rather uniformly at angles of 70" or more, A slight overturning through the vertical characterizes the several hundred feet of section exposed immediately north of the Obispo Tuff that underlies Soulh Point ancl the I north shore of South Cove (ref*r tose* Figure 2.5-8). Thus the main syncllne, though simple in gross form, is distnctly asymmetric. Ihe steepnqss of its southerly f"anl< may well have resulted from buttressing, during the folding, by the relatively massive and competent unit of tuffaceous rocks that adjoins the Monterey strata at this general level of exposure.Smaller folds, corrugations, ancl highly irregular convolutlons are wldespread among the Monterey rocks, especlally the finest-grainecl and most shaley lypes. Some of lhese flexures trend east to southeast and appear to be drag features systematically related to the larger-scale folding in the area. Most, however, reflect no consistent form or trend, range in scale from inches to only a few feet, and evidently are conlined to relatively soft rocks that are flanked by intervals of harder end more massive strala, They constitute crudely tabular zones of contorlion within which individual rock layers can be lraced for short distances but rarely are cont'nuous throughoutthe deformed ground.Some of this contoion appears to have derived from slumping and sliding of unconsoliclated sediments on lhe Miocene sea floor during accumulation of the Monterey section. Most of lt, in contrast, plainly oocurred at much laler times, presumably after oonversion of the sediments to sedimentary rocks, and lt can be most readily attributed to highly localized deformation during the ancient folding of a section that comprses rocks with oontrasting degrees of struotural oompetenoe l 2.s.21,2,4.3 Faus Numerous feults with total displacemenls ranging from a few inches to several feet cttt the exposed Monterey rocks. Most of these occur wilhin, or along the margins of, the zones of contortion noted above. They are sharp, tight breaks with highly diverse attitudes, and they typically are marked by 1/16-inch or less of gouge or microbreccia. Nearly all of them are curving or othenlise somawhat irregular surfaces, and many can be seen to terminate abruptly or to die out gradually wlthin masses of tightly folded rocks, These small faults appear to have been developed as end products of localizecl intense deformation caused by folcling of the bedrock section. Their unsystemalic atlitudes, small displacements, and linrited effects upon the hosl rocks identlfy them as second-order fealures, i.e., as results rather than causes of the localized folding and convolution with which they are associated. .Three distinctly larger and more continuous faults also were reoognized within the mapped area, They are well exposed on the sea cliff that fringes Diablo Cove ( losria Figure 2.5-8), and each lies within a zone Žf moderately to severely contorted fine-grained Monterey strata. Each is actually a zone,6 inches to sevoral feetwide, 2.5_36 LBVP UFSAR Change Request$eismology and Geology Edited lor Clarlty - Reler to ApBlicsbllity Delormlnllon Mal"x lten'"$7 Edled for Clarlty - Revlsed S!cllon Number Edled lor Clarlty - Refer to Applicabllity Delermlnation Malrix llem#7 42 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE within which two or more subparallel tlght breaks are marked by slickensides, 1/4'inch or less ofgouge, and looal stringers ofgypsum. None ofthese breaks appears to be systematically related to individpal folds within the adjoining rocks, None of them extends upward into the overlying blanket of Quaternary terrace deposits'One of these faults, exposed on the north side of the cove, trends north-northwest essentially parallelto the flanking Monterey bed beds. Another, exposed on .the east side of the essentially irertical; thus, lt ls essentially parallel section. Neither of these faults projects toward construction. The third fault, which appears on the sea cliff at the mouth of Diablo Canyon, trends northeast and projects toward the ground ln the northernmost part of the power plant site. lt dips northward somewhat more steeply than the adjacent strata, Total displacement is not known for any of these three faults on the basis of natural et, That these breaks are not sharpness, by the thinness of essenllal lack of correlation the enclosing strata and anY d'rections of movement along the slip surfaces, confirmed by examination of 34 samples under the microscope, Sedimentary layering, recognized ln 27 of these samples, was observed to bo grossly continuous even though dislocated here and there by tiny fractures. Moreover, nearly all the samples were found to contain shards of volcanic glass and/or the tests of foraminifera; some of these delicate components showed effects of microfracturing and a few had been offset a millimeter or less along tiny shear surfaces, but none appeared to have been smeared out or partially obliterated by intense shearing or grinding. Thus, the three larger faults in the area evidently were superimposed upon ground that already had been deformed primarily by small-scale and locally very intense folding rather than by pervasive grinding and milling, It is not known whether these faults were late-stage results of major folding ln lhe region or were products of independent tectonic activlty. ln either case, they are relatlvely ancient features, as they are capped without break by the Quaternary terrace deposits exposed along the u elements of regional rock along their respectiv ets among recognizable stratigraphic units, 2.5-37 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 43 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Seaward projection of one or more of these faults might be taken to explain a posslble large offset of the Ob"spo Tuff units exposed on North Point and South Point, The notion of such an offset, however, would rest upon lhe assumption that these two units are displaced parts of an originafly continuous body, for which tlrera is no real evidence, lndeed, the lwo tuff units are bounded on their northerly sides by lithologlcally different parts of the Monterey Formation; hence, they were clearty originally emplaced at different stratigraphic levels and are not dkec,tly correlative. I z.d.t+,2.5 Geologlcal Relationsh"ps at tho Unls I and 2 Powor Plant Slte I Z.s.Z+.z,s,t Geologlc lnvestlgations at the Site The geolog"c relatlonships al DCPP slte have been studied ln lerms of both local and regional stratigraphy and structure, with an emphasis on relalionships that could ald in deting the youngesttectonlc activity in the area. Geologic conditions that could affect the design, construction, and performance of various components of the plant installation also were identified and evaluated, The investigalions were carried out in three main phases, which spanned the time between lnitial site selection and completion of foundation construclion I Z.S.t+.Z.s,z Fea sibl I ity I nvesti gation Phase Work directed toward determining tlre pertinenl general geologic conditions at the planl sile oomprised detailed mapping of avallable exposures, limited hand trenching 'n areas wlth criticsl relationships, and petrographic study of the principal rock types. The results of this feasibillty program were presentecl in a report that also included recommendations for determining suitability of the site in terms of geologic conditions. lnformation from this early phase of studies is included in the preceding four sections and illustrated in Figures 2.5-8, 2.5-9, and 2.5-f 0.I Z.s.z+.z.s.f Suitablllty lnvestlgation Phase The record phase of invesligalions was directed toward testing and confirming the favorable judgments concerning site feasibility. lrasmtclr as the principal remaining uncertainlies involved structural features in the local bedrpck, additional effort was nlade to expose and map'these features ancl thelr relalionships, This was accomplished lhrough excavation of large lrenches on a grid pattern that extended throughout the plant area, followed by photographing the trench walls and logging the exposed geologicfeatures. Large-scale photographs were used as a mapping base, and llre recorded data were then transferred to controlled verlical secl"ons at a scale of 1 inch = 20 feet. The results of lhis work were repo-ed in three supplements to the I original geologic report {t"cference, 1)'r'. Supplementary Reports I and lll presented data and interpretation based on lrench exposures in the areas of the Unit 'l and Unit 2 installations, respeotively. Supplenentary Report ll clescribed the relationships of small bedrock faults exposecl in the exploratory trenches and in the nearby sea cliff.2 5-38 LBVP UFSAR Change Reqlrest Seismology and Geology Ecliterl lor Cfarlly - Revlsed Sectiorr Numl3/4r Edltcd for Clarlty - Revlsed Seclion Number Edile{, for Clsrlty . Revissd Sectlon Number Edlled for Clarity - Revlsed Seclion Number Edited for Consistency 44 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE I a.s.z+.2,s,4 Construction Geology Investigatlon Phase Figures 2,5-15 and 2,5-16.I Z.s.Z+.2.5.6 Exploratory Trenching Program, Unlt I Site encountered 3 to I feet above their floors, unconsolidated materials, 2.5-39 LBVP UFSAR Change Request. Seismology and GeologY- Revlsed Edlted lor Clarlty - Revlsed Section Number 45 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 1. Bedrock The bedrock that was continuously exposed in the lowest parts of all the exploratory trenches lies within a portion of the Montery Formation charaoterized by a preponderance of sandstone. lt corresponds to the part of the section that crops out in , lower Diablo Canyon and along the sea cliff souteastward from the canyon mouth. The sandstone ranges from light gray through buff to light reddish brown, from silty to markedly tutfaceous, and from thin-bedded and platy to massive. The distribution and thickness of beds can be readily appralsed from sections along Trenches A and B (Figure 2,5-12) that show nearly all individual bedding surfaces that could be recognized on the ground.The sandstone ranges from very hard to moderately soft, and some of lt feels slightly punky when struck with a pick. All of it is, however, firm and very compac,t. ln general, the most platy parts of the sequence are also the hardest, but the soundest rock in the area is almost masslve sandstone of the kind that underlies the site of the intended reactor structure. This rock is well exposed on the nearby hillslope adjoining the main terrace area, where it has been markedly resistant to erosion and stands out as distinct low ridges.Tuff, consisting chiefly of altered volcanic glass, forms irregular sills and dikes ln several parts of the bedrock section. This material, generally light gray to buff, is compact but distinctly softer than the enclosing sandstone, lndividual bodies are 112 inch to 4 feet thick, They are locally abundant ln Trench C west of Trench A, and in Trench A southward beyond the end of the section in Figure 2.5'12. They are very rare or absent in Trenches B and D, and in the easterly parts of Trench C and the northerly parts of Trench A. These volcanic rocks probably are related to the Obispo Tuff as described earlier, but all known masses of typical Obispo rocks in this area lie at considerable distances west and south ofthe ground occupied by lhe trenches.2. Bedrock Structure The stratification of the Monterey rocks dips northward wherever it was observable in the trenches, in general, at angles of 35 to 55". Thus, the bedrock beneath the power plant site evidently lies on the southerly flank of the major syncline noted and described earlier. Zones of convolution and other expressions of locally intense folding were not recognized, and probably are much less common in this general part of the section than in other, previously described parts that include intervals of softer and more shaley rocks, Much of the sandstone is traversed by fractures, Planar, curving, and irregular surfaces are well represented, and, in places, they are a!undant and closely spaced. All prominent fractures and many of the minor and discontinuous ones aro shown in the sections of Figure 2.5-12. Also shown in these sections are all recog-ized slip joints, shear surfaces, and faults, i.e., all surfaces along which the bedrock has been 2.5-40 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 46 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE displaced. Such features are most abundant in Trenches A and C near their intersection, ln Trench D west of the intersection with Trench A, and near the northerly end ofTrench B, Most of the surfaces of movemenl are hairllne features with or wlthout thin films of clay and/or gypsum, Displacements range from a small fraction of an inch to several inches, The other surfaces are more prominent, with well-defined zones of gouge and fine-grained breccia ordinarily 1/8 inch or less in thickness. Such zones were obserued to reach a maximum thlckness of nearly l12inch along two small faults, but onty as local lenses or pockets. Exposures were not sufficiently extensive in three dimensions for definitely determining the magnltude of slip along lhe more prominent faults, but all of these breaks appeared to be mlnor features. lndeed, no expressions of major faulting were recognized in any of the trenches despite oareful search, and the continuous bedrock exposures precluded the possibility that such features could have been readily overlooked. A northeast-trending fault that appears on the sea cliff at the mouth of Diablo Canyon projects toward the ground in the northernmost part of the power plant site, as noted in a foregoing section. No zone of breaks as prominent as this one was identified ln the trench exposures, and any d'stinct northeastward continuation of the fault would necessarily lie north of the trenched ground. Alternatively, this fault might well separate northeaslward into several smaller faults; some or all of these could correspond to some or all of the breaks mapped in the northerly parts of Trenches A and B.3. Terrace Deposds Marine terrace deposits of Pleistocene age form a cover, generally 2 to 5 feet thick, over the bedrock that l'es beneath the power plant s'te, This cover was observed to be continuous in Trench C and the northerly part of Trench A, and to be nearly continuous in the other two trenches, lts lithology is highly variable, and includes bouldery rubble, loose beach sand, pebbly silt, silty to clayey sand with abundant shell fragments, and soft clay derived from underlying tuffaceous rocks, Nearly all of these deposlts are at least sparsely fossiliferous, and, in a few places, they consist mainly of shells and shell fragments, Vertebrate fossils, chiefly vertebral and rib materials representing large marine mammals, are present locally; recognized occurences are designated by the symbol X ln the sections of Figure 2.5-12.At the easterly ends of Trenches C and D, the marine deposits lntergrade and intertongue in a landward direction with thicker and coarser accumulations of poorly sorted debris, This material evidently ls talus that was formed along the base of an ancient sea cliff or other shoreline slope. ln some places, the maririe deposits are overlain by nonmarine terrace sediments with a sharp break, but elsewhere the contact between these two kinds of deposits is a dark colored zone, a few inches to as much as 2 feet thick, that appears to represent a soll developed on the marine section, Fragments of these soily materials appear here and there in the basal parts of the nonmarine section, 2,5-41 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 47 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The nonmarine sediments that were exposed in Trenches B, C, and D and ln the source, the ancient mouth of Diablo Canyon, Slump, creep, and slope-wash deposits, which constitute the youngest major element of the tenace section, overlie the alluvial fan gravels and locally are interlayered with them.\Mere the gravels are absent, as in the southerly part of Trench A, this younger oover rests directly upon bedrock. lt is loose and uncompacted, internally chaotic, and is composed of fragments of Monterey rocks in an abundant dark colored clayey matrix.All the terrace deposits are soft and unconsolidated, and hence are much less resistant to erosion than is the underlying bedrock. Those appearing along the walls of explorato o storms, and showed some ten no gross failure were noted in t t these materials would cause special problems during construction of a power plant, 4. lnteiace Between Bedrock and Sutficia\ Deposls As once exposed continuously in the exploratory trenches, the contact between bedrock and oveflying terrace deposits represents a broad wave-cut platform of Flelstocene age, This buried surface of ancient marine erosion ranges in altltude between extremes of 82 and 100 feet, and more than three-fourths of it lies within the more limited range of 90 to 100 feet. lt terminates eastward agalnst a moderately steep shoreline slope, the lowest parts of which were encountered at the extreme easterly ends of Trenches C and D, and beyond this slope is an older buried bench at an altitude of 120 to 130 feet.Avallable exposures indicate that the configuration of the eroslonal platform is markedly similar, over a wide range of scales, to that of the platform now being cut approximately at sea level along the present coast. n a seaward (westerly) direction and is marked by rd projections that must have appeared ch was being formed (Figures 2,5-12 and2.5 rly exposed in Trenches B and D at and near their intersection, is a wide, westerly-trending projection that rlses 5 to 15 feet above neighboring parts of the bench surface. lt is composed of massive sandstone that was relatively resistant to the ancient wave erosion.As shown in the sections and sketches of Figure 2.5-12, the surface of the platform is nearly planar in some places but elsewhere is highly irregular in detail. The smll-scale irregularities, generally 3 feet or less in vertical extent, including knob, spine, and rib like 2,5_42 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 48 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE projections and various wave-scoured pits, crevices, notches, and channels, The upward projections clearly correspond to relatively hard, resistant beds or parts of beds ln the sandstone section. The depressions conslstently mark the posltions of relatively soft silty or shaley sandstone, of very soft tuffaceous rocks, or of extensively jointed rocks. The surface traces of most faults and some of the most prominent joints are in sharp depressions, some of them wlth overhanging walls, All these irregularities of detail have modern analogues that can be recognized on the bedrock bench now being cut along the margins of Diablo Cove, The interface between bedrock and overlying surficial deposits is of particular interest in the trenched area because it provides information concernlng the age of youngest fault movements wlthin the bedrock section. This interface ls nowhere offset by faults revealed in the trenches, but instead has been developed inegularly across these faults after their latest movements. The consistency of thls general relationship was established by highly detailed tracing and inspection of the contact as freshly exhumed by scaling of the trench walls, Gaps in exposure of lhe interface necessarily were developed at the bur intersections of trenches; at these localities, the bedrock was carefully laid bare so that alljolnts and faults could be recognized and traced along the trench floors to points where their relationships with the exposed interface could be determined. Corroborative evidence conoerning the age of the most recent fault displacements stems from the marine deposits that overlie the bedrock benoh and form the basal part of the terrace section. That these deposits rest without break across the traces of faults in the underlying bedrock was shown by the continuity of individual sedimentary beds and lenses that could be clearly recognized and traced.Further, some of the faults are directly capped by individual boulders, cobbles, pebbles, shells, and fossil bones, none of which have been affected by fault movements, Thus, the most recent fault displacements in the plant site area occurred prior to marine planation of the bedrock and deposition of the overlying terrace sediments. As pointed out earlier, the age of the most recent faulting in this area is therefore at least 80,000 years and more probably at least 120,000 years, lt mlght be mlllions of years.I A.S.z+.z.s.e Exploratory Trenchlng Program, Unlt 2 Site Eight additional trenches were out beneath the main terrace surface south of Diablo Canyon (Figure 2.5-13) in order to extend the scope of subsurface exploration to include all ground in the Unit 2 plant site. As in the area of the Unit 1 plant site, the trenches formed two groups; those ln each group were parallel with one another and were oriented nearly normal to those of the other group. The excavations'pertinent to the Unit 2 plant site can be briefly identifed as follows: 1. Noth-nofthwest Alignment LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edlted for Clarlty - Rovised Seclion Nœmber 2,5-43 49 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE a. Trench F.J,240 feet long, was a southerly extenslon of older Trench BE (originally designated as Trench B), b, Trench WU, 1300 feet long, extended southward from Trnch DG (originally designated as Trench D), and lts northerly part lay about 65 feet east of Trench EJ. The northernmost 485 feet of this trench was mapped in connection with the Unit 2 trenching program.c. . Trench MV, 700 feet long, lay about 190 feet east of Trench WU. The northernmost 250 feet of this trench was mapped in connection with the Unit 2 trenching program.d. Trench AF (originally designated as Trench A) was mapped earlier in connection with the detailed study of the Unit 1 plant site. A section for this trench, which lay about 140 feet west of Trench EJ, was included with others in the report on the Unit 1 trenching program.2. East-nothoast Alignment Trench KL, about 750 feet long, lay 180 feet south of Trench DG (originally designated as Trench D) and crossed Trenches AF, EJ, and WU.Trench NO, about 730 feet long, lay 250 feet south of Trenoh KL and crossed Trenches AF, WU, and MV.These trenches, or parts thereof, covered the area intended for the Unlt 2 power plant construction, and the intersection of Trenches \A/U and KL coino"ded in position with the center of the Unit 2 nuclear reactor structure. All five additional trenches, throughout their: aggregate length of nearly half a mile, revealed a section of surf"cial deposlts and underlying Monterey bedrock tha!corresponded to the two-ply sequence of surficial deposits and Monterey strata exposed in the older trenches and along the sea cliff in nearby Diablo Cove, The trenches ranged in depth from 10 feet (or less along their approach ramps) to nearly 35 feet, and all had sloping sides that gave way downward to essentially vertical walls in the bedrock encountered 3lo 22 feet above their floors, To facilitate detailed geologic mapping, the easterly walls of Trenches EJ, WU, and MV and the southerly walls of Trenches KL and NO were trimmed to near-vertical slopes extending upward from the trench floors to levels well above the top of bedrock. These walls subsequently were scaled back by means of hand tools in order to provide fresh, clean exposures prior to mapping of the contact between bedrock and overlying unconsolidated materlals. The geologic sections shown in Figures 2,5-12 and 2.5-13 correspond in position to the vertical portions of the mapped trench walls. Relationships exposed at higher levels on sloping portions of the trench walls have been projected to the vertical planes of the sections. Centerlines of intersec'ting trenches are shown for convenience, but the 2,5-44 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Selsmology and Geology a, b 50 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATplanes of the gologic seations do not contain lhe centerlines of the respectve trenches, 3. Bedrock The bedrock that was continuously exposed in the lowest parts of all the Bxploatory lrenches lies wlthin a part of the Monterey Formation charac!rized by a preponderance of sandstone, lt conesponds to the portion of the section that crops out along the sea clifi southward from the mouth of Diablo Canyon. The sandstone is light to medium gray where fresh, and light gray to buff and reddish brown where weathered. lt ranges , from silty to markedly tuffaceous, with tuffaceous units tending to dominate southward I and southwestward from the central parts of the trenched area (refer lo** geologic secton in Figure 2.5-13), Much of the sandstone is thin-bedded and platy, but the most siliceous parts of the sectlon are characterlzed by a strata a foot or more in thickness. lndivldual beds commonly are well deflned by adjacent thin layers of more sllly nraterial. Bedding is less distinct in the more luffaceoug parts of the section, some of which seem to !e almost massive. These rocks typically are broken by numerous tight fractures disposed at high angles to one another so llrat, where weathered, their appearance is ooarsely blocky rather than layered.As broadly indicated in the geologic seclions, the sandstone ranges from very hard to moderately sofl, and some of lt feels slightly punky when struck with a piok. All of lt, however, is firrn and very compacl ln general, the most platy parts of the sequence are relatively hard, but the hardest and soundest rock in the area is lhicK-bedded to almost massive sandstone of the kind at and lmmediately north of the site for the intended reactor structure. This resistant rocK is well exposed as distinct low ridges on the nearby hillslope adjoining the main tenace area, Tuff, consisting chiefly of altered volcanic glass, is abundant within the bedrock section.Also widely scattered, !ut much less abundant, is tuff breccia, consisting typieally of smalt fragmante of older tuff, pumlce, or Monterey rocks in a matrix of fresh to altered volcanic glass. These materials, which form sllls, dikes, and highly iregular intrusive rnasses, are generally light gray to buff, gritty, and compact but distinctly softer llran much of the enclosing sandstone-lndividual lrodies range from stringers less than a quarter of an lnch thick to bulbous or mushroom-shaped masses with maximum exposed dimensions measured ln tens of feet. As shown on the geologic sectlons, they are abundant in all tlre trenches.These volcanic rocks probably are related to the Obispo Tuff, large masses of which are wefl exposed west and south of the trenched ground. The bodies exposed in lhe trenches doubtless represent a rather lengthy period of Miocene volcanism, during which the Monlerey strata were repeatedly invadecl by bolh tutf and tuff breccia.lndeed, several of the mapped tuff units were llrerirselves intruded lry dlkes of younger tuff, as shown, for example, in Sections l(L and NO.LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edlt" d for Clarlly - Refer to Appllcabllily Delerminton Malrlx ltet*7 2 5.45 51 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 4. Bedrock Structure The stratification of the Monterey rocks dips northward wherever it was observable in the trenches, in general, at angles of45 to 85", The steepness of dip increases progressively from north to south in the trenched ground, a relationship also noted along the sea cliff southward from the mouth of Diablo Canyon. Thus, the bedrock beneath the power plant site evidently lies on the southerly flank of the major syncline that was described previously. Zones of convolution and other expressions of locally intense folding were not recognized, and they probably are much less common in this general part of the section than in other (previously described) parts that lnclude intervals of softer and more shaley rocks.Much of the sandstone is traversed by fractures. Planar, curving, and lrregular surfaces are well represented, and in places they are abundant and closely spaced, All prominent'fractures and nearly all of the minor and discontinuous ones are shown on the geologic sec{ions (Figure 2,5-13). Also shown ln these sections are all recognlzed shear surfaces, faults, and other discontinuities along which the bedrock has been .displaced, Such features are nowhere abundant in the trench exposures, Most of the surfaces of movement are hairl'ne breaks with or without thin films of clay, calclte, and/or gypsum, Displacements range from a small fraction of an inch to several inches, A few other surfaces are more prominent, with well-defined zones of fine, grained breccia and/or infilling mineral material ordinarily 1/8 inch or less in thickness, Such zones were observed to reach maximum thicknesses of 3/8 to 1/2 inch along three small faults, but only as local lenses or pockets, Exposures are not sufficiently extensive in three dimensions for definitely determining the magnitude of slip along allthe faults, but for most of them it is plainly a few lnches or less. None of them appears to be more than a minor break in a bedrock section that has been folded on a large scale. lndeed, no expres'sions of major faulting were recognized in any ofthe trenches despite careful search, and the continuous bedrock exposures preclude the posslbility that such features could be readily overlooked. Most surfaces of past movement probably were active during times when the Monterey rooks were being deformed by folding, when rupture and some differential movements would be expected ln a section comprising such markedly differing rook gpes, Some of the fault displacements may well have been older, as attested in two places by relationships involving small faults, the Monterey rocks, and tuff.ln Trench \tVU south of Trench KL, for example, sandstone beds were seen to have been offset about a foot along a small fault, A thin sill of tuff occupies the same stratigraphic horizon on opposite sides of this fault, but the slll has not been displaced by the fault. lnstead, the tuff occupies a short segment of the fault to effect the slight jog between its positions in the strata on either side, lntrusion of the tuff plainly postdated all movements along this fault, LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 2.546 52 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 5, Terrace Depos/ls Marine terrace deposlts of Pleistocene age fornr cover6, generally 2 to 5 feet thick, but locally as much as 12feet lhiok, over lhe bedrock that lies beneath the Unlt 2 plant site.These covers were observed to be continuous in some parts of all the trenches, and thin and cliscontinuous in a few other parts. Elsewhere, the marine sediments were absent altogether, as in the lower.and more southerly prts of Trenches EJ and WU and in the lower and more westedy pas of Trenches KL and NO.The range in lilhology of these deposits is considerable, and includes bouldery rubble, gravel composed of well-rounded fragments ol shells ancl/or Monterey rocks, beach sand, loose accumulations of shells, pebbly silt. silty to clayey sand wilh abundant shell fragments, and soft clay derived from underlying tuffaceous rocks. Nearly all of the deposits are at least sparsely fossiliferous, ancl many of them contain little other than shell material. Vertebrate fossils. chiefly vertebral and rlb materials representing large marin mmmls, are present locally.The trenches'in and near the site of lhe reactor structure exposed a !uried narrow ridge of hard bedrock that once projected westward as a bold promontory along an ancient sea coast, probably at a time when sea level corresponded approximately to the present I t OO toot contour (rnfer tose+ Figure 2.6-i 1) Along the flanks of this prornontory and the face of an adjoining buried sea cliff that extends southeastward through lhe area in which Trenches MV and NO intersected, the marine deposits intergrade and intertongue with lhicker and coarser accumulations of poorly sorted debris. This rubbly material evidenlly is talus that was formed and deposlted along the margins of the ancient shoreline cliff, S'milar gradations of older marine deposlts into older talus deposits were o" sewable at higher levels in lhe easternmost parts of Trenches l(L and NO, where the rubbly nraterials doubtless lie against a more ancient sea cliff that wes formed when sea level corresponclecl to th# present 140 foot contour. The clltf itself was not exposed, however, as it lies slightly beyond the limits of lrenching. ln many places, the marine covers are overlain by younger nonmarine terracsediments wlth a sharp break, but elsewhere lhe contact between these two kinds ol deposits is a zone of dark colored material, a few inches to as much as 6 feet thick, that rspresents weathering and development of soils on the marine sections. Fragments of these soily materials are presenl here and there in the basal parts of the nonmarine section. Over large areas, the porous marine deposits have been cliscolored through infiltration by fine-grained materials der'ved from the overlying ancienl soils.The nonmarine accumulations, which form the predominant fraction of lhe entire terrace cover, consist mainly of slump, creep, and slope-wash debris that is characteristically loose. uncompacted, and internally chaotic. These relatively dark colored deposits are fine grained and clayey, but they contain sparse to very abundant fragments of Monterey rocks generally ranging from less than an inch lo about 2 feet in maximunl 2.5-47 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seisnrology and Geology Edlted for Clarlty - R¿fer to ApplcBbllty Delerrninalion

  1. 7 Matr' ltem 53 DCPP UNITS I & 2 FSAR UPDATE dimqnsion.

Toward Diablo Canyon they overlie and, in places, intertongue with silty to dayy gravels that are ancient -ontrbuiions from Diabl- Creek when it flowed at levels much higher than its present one, These "dirty" alluvial deposits appeared only in the most northerly parts of the more recently trenched tenace area, and they are not distinguished from other parts of the nonmarine cover on the geologlc sections (Figure 2.5-13), All the terrace deposits are soft and unconsolidated, and hence are much less resistant to erosion than is the underlying bedrock. Those appearing along the walls of the exploratory trenches showed some tendency to wash and locally to rill when exposed to heavy rainfall, but little slumping and no gross failure were noted in the trenches.6. lnterface Between Bedrock and Sut'fical Daposifs As exposed continuously in the exploratory trenches, the contact between bedrock and overlying terrace deposits represents two wave-cut platforms and intervening slopes, all of Pleistocene age. The broadest surface of ancient marine erosion ranges in altitude from 60 to 105 feet, and its shoreward margin, at the base of an ancient sea cliff, lies uniformly within 5 feet of the 100 foot contour, A higher, older, and less extensive marne platform ranges in altitude.from 130 to 145 feet, and most of it lies within the ranges of 135 to 140 feet, As noted previously, these are two of several wave-cut benches in this coastal area, each of which terminates eastward against a cliff or steep shoreline slope and westward at the upper rim of a similar but younger slope.Available exposures indicate that the configurations of the erosional platforms are markedly similar, over a wide range of soales, to that of the platform now being cut approximately at sea level along the present coast. Grossly viewed, they slope very gently in a seaward (westerly) direction and are marked by broad, shallow channels and by upward projections that must have appeared as low spines and reefs when the benches were being formed. The most prominent reefs, which rise from a few inches to about 5 feet above neighboring parts of the bench surfaces, are composed of hard, thick-bedded sandstone that was relatively resistant to ancient wave erosion, As shown in the geologic sections (Figure 2.5-13), the surfaces of the platforms are nearly planar in some places but elsewhere are highly inegular in detail. The small scale irregularities, generally 3 feet or less in vertical extent, include knob-, spine-, and rib-like projections and various wave-scoured plts, notches, orevices, and channels, Most of the upward projections closely correspond to relatively hard, resistant beds or parts of beds in the sandstone section, The depressions consistently mark the positions of relatively soft silty or shaley sandstone, of very soft tuffaceous rocks, or of extensively jointed rocks. The surface traces of most faults and some of the most prominent joints are in sharp depressions, some of them with overhanging walls, All these irregularities of detail have modern analogues that can be recognized on the bedrock bench now being cut along the margins of Diablo Cove.The inierface between bedrock and overlying surficial deposits provides information concerning the age of youngest fault movements within the bedrock seotion. This interface is nowhere offset by faults that were exposed in the trenches, but instead has 2,548 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 54 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE been developed irregularly across the faults after their latest movements. The consistency of this general relatlonship was establlshed by hlghly detailed tracing and inspection of the contact as freshly exhumed by scallng of the trench walls, Gaps in exposure of the interface necessarily were developed at the intersections of trenches as in the exploralion at the Unit 1 site. At such localities, the bedrock was carefully laid bare so that alljoints and faults could be recognized and traced along the trench floors to points where their relationships with the exposed interface could be determined, Corroborative evidence concerning the age of the most recent fault displacements stems from the marine deposits that overlie the bedrock bench and form a basal part of the terrace section. That these deposits rest without break across the traces of faults in the underlying bedrock was shown by the continuity of individualsedimentary beds and lenses that could be clearly reoognized and traced. As in other parts of the site area, some of the faults are directly capped by individual boulders, cobbles, pebbles, shells, and fossil bones, none of which have ben affected by fault movements, Thus, the most recent fault displacements in the plant slte area occurred before marine planation of the bedrock and deposition of the overlying tenace sediments. The age of the most recent faulting in this area is therefore at least 80,000 years. More probably, it is at least 120,000 years, the age most generally asslgned to these terrace deposits along other parts of the California coastline. Evidence from the higher bench in the plant site area indicates a much older age, as the unfaulted marine deposits there are considerably older than those that occupy the lower bench corresponding to the 100 foot terrace. Moreover, it can be noted that ages thus determined for most recent fault displacements are minlmal rather than absolute, as the latest faulting actually could have occuned millions of years ago.During the Unlt 2 exploratory trenching program, specialattention was directed to those exposed parts of the wave-cut benches where no marine deposlts are present, and hence where there are no overlying reference materals nearly as old as the benches themselves, At such places, lhe bedrock beneath each bench has been weathered to depths ranging from less than 1 inch to at least l0 feet, a feature that evidently corresponds to a lengthy period of surface exposure from the time when the bench was abandoned by the sea to the time when lt was covered beneath encroaching nonmarlne deposits derived from hillslopes to the east, Stratification and other structural features are clearly recognizable in the weathered bedrock, and lhey obviously have exercised some degree of control over localization of the weathering, Moreover, in places where upward p"ojections of bedrock have been gradually bent or rotationally draped in response to weathering and creep, their contalned fractures and surfaces of movement have been correspondingly bent, Nowhere in such a section that has been disturbed by weathering have the materials been cut by younger fractures that would represent straight upward projections of breaks in the underlying fresh rocks. Nor have such fractures been observed in any of the overlying nonmarine terrace cover.LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 2.5-49 55 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Thus, the minimum age of any fault movement in the plant site area is based on compatlble evidence from undlsplaced reference features of four kinds: (a) Pleistocene wave-cut benches developed on bedrock, (b) immediately overlying marine deposits. that are very slightly younger, (c) zones of weathering that represent a considerable I span of subsequent time, and (d) younger terrace deposits of nonmarine origin.I iz.s.z+.2.s.1. Bedrock Geology of the Plant Foundatlon Excavatlons Bedrock was continuously exposed ln the foundation excavations for major structural components of Units 1 and 2, Outlines and inved elevations of these large openings, which ranged in depth from about 5 to nearly 90 feet below the original ground surface, are shown in Figures 2.5-15 and 2.5-16. The complex pattern of straight and curved walls with various positions and orientations provided an excellent three-dimensional representation of bedrock structure. These walls were photographed at large scales as construction progressed, and the photographs were used directly as a geologic mapping base. The largest excavations also were mapped in debil on a surveyed planimetric base.Geologic mapping of the plant excavations confirmed the conclusions based on earlier investigations at the site. The exposed section of Monterey strata was found to correspond in lithology and structure trc what had been predicted from exposures at the mouth of Diablo Canyon, along the sea cliffs in nearby Diablo Cove, and in the test trenches, Thus, the plant foundation ls underlain by a moderately to steeply north-dipping sequence of thin to thick bedded sandy mudstone and fine-grained sandstone. The rocks at these levels are generally fresh and competent, as they lie below the zone of intense near-surfaoe weathering, Several thin interbeds of claystone were exposed in the southwestern part of the plant site in the excavations for the Unit 2 turbine-generator building, intake conduits, and outlet struclure. These beds, which generally are less than 6 inches thick, are distinctly softer than the flanking sandstone, Some of them show evldence of intemal shearing, Layers of tuffaceous sandstone and sills, dikes, and inegular masses of tuff and tuff breccia are present in most parts of the foundation area. They tend to increase in abundance and thickness toward the south, where they are relatively near the large masses of Obispo Tuff exposed along the coast south of the plant site, Some of the tuff bodies are conformable with the enclosing sandstone, but others are markedly discordant. Most are clearly intrusive. lndividual masses, as exposed ln the excavations, range in thickness from less than 1 lnch to about 40 feet, The tuff breccia, which ls less abundant than the tuff, consists typically of small fragments of older tuff, pumice, or Monterey rocks ln a matrlx of fresh to highly altered volcanic glass, At the levels of exposure 'n the excavations, both the tuff and tuff breccia are somewhat sotter than the enclosing sandstone. 2.5-50 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edlted for Clarlty - Revlsed Sectlon Numbor 56 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The stratification of the Mo-terey rocks dips generally northward throughout the plant founc,lation area. Steepness of dips inoreases progressively and, in places, sharply from norlh to south, ranging from 10 to 15" on lhe north side of Unil 1 to 75 to 80'in lhe area of Unit 2. A local reversal in direction of dip reflects a small ope fold or warp ln the Unit 1 area. The axis ol this fold ls parallel to the overall strike of the bedding, and strata on the north limb dip eouthward at angles of 10 to 15'. The more general steepening of dips from north to south may reflect btrttressing by the large masses of Obispo Tuff south of the plant slle.The bedrock of the plant area is traversed throughout by fractures, including various planar, broadly curving, and irregular breaks, A dom"nant sel of steeply dipping to vertical joints trends northerly, nearly normal to the strike of bedding. Other joints are diverseiy oriented with strikes ln various directions and dips ranging from 10" to vertical.Many fractures curve abruptly, terminate against other breaks. or die out within single beds or groups of beds.Most of the joints are widely spaced, ranging from about 1 to 10 leet aparl, but wlthin sevaral northerly trending zones, ranging in wldth from 10 to 20 faet, closely spaced near vertical fractures give the rocks a blocky or platy appearance, The fracture and ioint surfaces are predominantly clean and tighl, although some irregular ones are thinly coated with clay or gypsum, Others could be traced into lhin zones of breccia with calcite cement.Several small faults were mapped in the foundation excavations for Unit 1 and the outlet structure, A detaled discusslon of these breaks and their relationship to faults that were mapped earlier along the sea cllff and in the exploratory trenches is included in the following section.I z,s,z+,z.s.a Relationships of Faults and Shea Surfaces Several subparallel breaks are recognizable on the sea cliff immediately south of Diablo Canyon, where they transect moderately thick-bedded sandstone of the kind exposed in the exploratory trenches to the east. These breaks are nearly cuncordant wilh the I Uedrock stratification but, in general, they dip more steeply (refer trx'e* detailecl struc-ture section, Figure 2.5-14) ancl trond more northerly than the stralification, Their lrend differs sign'ficantly from much of their mapped trace, as the trace of each inclinecl surface is markedly affec'ted by the local steep topography. The indicated trend, which projects eastward toward ground north of the Unit 1 reactor slte, has been summed from numerous indiviclual measurements of strike on the sea clifi exposures, and ll also corresponds to the traoe of the main break as observed in nearly horizontal outcrop within the tidal zone west of the cliff.The structure section shows all recognizable surfaces of faulting and shearing in the sea clif that are conlinuous for distances oi 10 feet or more. Taken together, they represent a zone of d"slocation along which rocks on lhe norlh have moved upward with respect to those on the south as lndicted by the attitude and roughness sense of 2.5-51 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edlled lor Clarlly - Revisecl Soction l{umler Edlted for Cladty - Re ter lo Appllmbility Doternrlnallon Matrix llern#7%57 OCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE slickensides. The total amounl of movement cannot be determined by any direct means, but it probably is not more than a few tens of feet and could well be less than 10 feet. This ls suggesled by the following observed features;(1) All individual breaks are sharp and narrow, and the strata between them are essentially undeformed except for thoir gross inclination, (2) Some breaks plainly die out as traced upward along the cliff suace, and others merge w"th adjoin"ng !reaks. At lesst one well"dEfined broak butts downward againl a crŽss-break, wh"ch in turn butfs upward against a break that branches snd dies out approximately 20 feet away (ru.{er proee lructure Žection, Figure 2.5-14, for details).(3) Nearly all the breaks ourve moderatly to abruptly in the general direction of movement along them, (4) Most of the breaks are little more than knife-edge fealures afong which rock is in direct contact with rock, and others are marked by thin flms of gouge. Maxlmum thlckness of gouge anywhero observed ls aboul 112inch, and such exceptional ocurrences are conf"ned to shorl curving segments of the main break at the southerly margin of the zone.(5) No fault breccia is present: instoed, the zone represents transection of otherwise undefonned rocks by sharply-def"ned breaks. No bedrock unit is cut off and juxtaposed against a unit of different lithology along any of the breaks.(6) Local prorninence of the exposed breaks, and especially the main one. is clue to slickensides, surface coatings of gypsum, and iron-oxide stains rather than to any features reflecting large-scale movements. This zone of faulting cannot be regarded as a major tectonic elemenl, nor is it the kind of feature normally essociated with the generation of earthquakes. lt appears lnstead to reflect second-order rupturing related to a rnarked change in d'p of strata to lhe and its general sense of movement is what one would expect if the breaks were developed duríng folding of the Monterey section against what amounts to a broad I buttress of Obispo Tuff farther south (r eler l')o4 geofogic map, Figure 2.5-8). That the fault and shear movements were ancient is positively indisated by upward truncation ol lhe zone at the bench of marine eroslon along the base of lhe overlylng terrace deposits, As lndicated earlier, bedrock was conlinuously exposed along several exploratory trenches. This bedrock is traversed by numerous fractures, most of which represent no more than rupture and very smell amounts of simple separalion, Tho others addltionally represenl dlsplacement of the bedrock, and the map in Figure 2,5-14 shows every exposed break in lhe nital set of trenches along which any amount of displacement could be recognized or infened,?.5-52 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edlled tor Cladty - Refer to Appllcablllly 0" terminalion Matrix llem il7 Edlted lor Clarily - Reler lo Applicability Deleminallon Mafrix llem il7 58 DCPP UNITS 1 A2 FSAR UPDATE That lhe surfaces of movement constitute no4"ore than minor elements of the bedrock struclure was verif"ed by detailed mapping of the large excavations for the plant structures, Detailed examination of lhe excavation walts indicated that the faults exposed in the sea cliff soulh of Diablo Canyon continue lhrough the rock under the Unlt 1 turbine-generator building, where lhey are expressed as three subparallel bteaks with easterly trend and moderalely steep northerty dips (Figure 2.5-16).Stratigraphic separation along these break renges from a few inches to nearly 5 feet, and, in general, decreases eastward on each ol thenl. They evidently die out in the ground irnmediately west of the containment excavation, and lheir eastward projec'tions are represented by several joints along which no offsets have ocourred, Such jolnts, wilh eastward trend and northwarcl dip, also are abundant in some of the ground adjacent to the fault on the south (Figure 2.5-15).The easterly reach of the Diablo Canyon sea clitf faults apparently corresponds to the two most northerly of the north-dipping faults mapped in Trench A (Figure 2.5-14).Dying out of these breaks, as established from subsequent large excavations in the ground east of where Trench A was located, explains and verifies the absence of faults in the exposed rocks of Trenches B and C, Other minor faults and shear surfaces mapped in the trench exposures could not be ldentified ln the more extensive exposures of fresher rocks 'n the Unit 1 containment and turbine"genertor building excaval"ons. The few other minor faults that were mapped in these large excavations evidently are not sufficiently conlinuous to have been present ln the exploratory lrenches.I z.S.Zt.z,O Slte Engineering Properties I z,s.Zl.z,U Field and Laboratory tnvostlgations ln order to determine anticipated ground accelerations at lhe site, il was necessary to conduct field surveys and laboratory testlng to evaluete the engineering properlles of the materials underlying the site, I Aore holes were clrillecl into the rock upon wh"ch PC"8.. tie=igr, Glass f!,e+eEi*ryJ structures are founded. The borings were locatecl at or near lhe intersection of the then I exisling Unit 1 explorat"on trenchei. (liafer lo9+* Figures 2,5-11 ,2.5-12, ancl 2.5-13 for exploratory trenchrng programs and boring locations,) These holes were cored continuously ancl representative samples were taken from the cores and submitted for laboratory testing.The fielcl work also included a reconnaissance to evaluale physical conditicln ol the rocks that were exposed in trenches, and samples were collected from the ground surface in the trenches for laboratory tesling These investigations included seismic refraction measurements cross,the ground srrrface and uphote seismic measurements in the various drlll holes to determine shear ancl compressional velocilies of vertically propagated waves.2.5-53 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edlted for Clarity - Rovlsed Secllon Nu-ber Edlted fŽr Clarity. Revised Seclon Nunber Edted for Clarity - Reler to Applicablllty Delermirral'on Malrix ltem#5 Edited for Clarity - Refer to Afiplcabllily Delermination Matrlx llenr#7 59 DCPP UNITS 1 E2 FSAR UPDATE!eneath lhe planl slte show wave velocity both laterally i determined from laboratory of elastic modull necessary for use in dynamic analyses of struotures. Detalls of field investigations and resr;lts of laboratory testing and correlation of data are contained in Append'ces 2,54 end 2.58 of Reference 27 in Section 2,3, I z.s.ll.Z.¿,2 Summary and Correlation of Data The foundation material a1 the site can be categorized as a stratif"ed seguence of fine to very fine grained sanclstone deeply weathered to an average elevation of 75 to B0 feet, mean sea levet (MSL). The rock is closely fractured, with tighlly closed or healed fraetures generally present below elevation 75 feet. Compressional and shear Wave velocity interfaces generally are at an average elevation of 75 feet, correlaling with fracture conditions. Time-distance plots and seismic veloclty protiles presenting results of each seismic refraction line and time depth plots with results for each uphole seismic survey are results of the refraction survey for Unlt 1 is also included in Appendix 2,54 of Reference 27 in Section 2.3, Table 1 of Appendix 2.54 of Reference 27 of Sect'on 2.3 shows calculations of Polsson'g ratio and Young's Modulus based on representatlve compressional and shear wave velocities from the fleld geophysical invesligations and laboratory measurement5 of compressional wave velocities. Table 2 of Appendix 2.54 of the same reference presents laboratory test results including density, unconfined compressive strength, Poisson's ratio and calcUlated values for compressional and shear wave velocities, shear modulus, and constrained modulus. Secant modulus values in Table 2 Were determined from cyclic stress-controlled laboralory tests.Conrpressional wave veloclly measurements were made in lhe laboratory of four selected core samples and three hand specimens from exposures in the trench excavations Measured values ranged from 5700 to 9500 feet per second. A complete'2.8-64 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edlled for Clarily - Revised Section NumbeAdded lor Clarily - Refer to Applicability DŽterminallon Matrlx lten""fB 60 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE tabulatlon of these results can be found in Appendix 2,54 of Referen3/4 27 of Section 2.3, 2.5,2+.2,e.5, Dynamic Elqqtjc Moduli and Po,lsson'9 B?to Laboratory test results are considered to be indicative of intac.t specimens of foundation materials,-Field test results are considered to be Indicative of the gross assemblage of foundation materials, including fractures and other defec{s, Load stress conditions are obtained by evaluating cyclic load tests, ln'place load stress conditions and confinement of the material at depth are also lnfluential in determining elastic behavior'Because of these conslderations, originally recommended representative values for Young's Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's ratio for the site were: Clarity Sectlon Depth Below Bottom of Trench 0 to approximately 15 feet Below 15 feet E 44 x 1oB lbtft2 148 x 1oo lbŽ0.20 0.18 A single value was selec'ted for Young's cause the initial analyses of the seismic response of the value that was considered representative of the founda hole.testing and analysis in rock mechanics that had been made and which resulted in considerably more being known about the behavior of rock under seismic strains in 1970 than in 196E or 1969, For the purposes of developing the mathematical models that represented the rock mass, the foundation was divided into horizontal layers based on: (a) the estimated considerations, the founding material properties as shown in Figure 2.5-19 were selected as being representalive of the physical conditions ln the founding rock'l 2.s.2+.2.a.+ Engineered Backfill 2,5-55 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edlted for Claflty - Revlsed Seclion Number I I I 61 DCPP UNITS 1 E 2 FSAR UPDATE aamtl operations were carefully controlled to ensure stabllity and safeiy. All engineered backfill was placed in lifts not exceeding I inches in loose depth, Yard areas and roads were compacted to 95 percent relative compaclion as determined by the method specif"ed in ASTM 01557, Rock larger than I inches in lts largest dimension that would not break down under the compactors was nol permitted, Figures 2,5-1 7 and 2,5-18 showthe plan and profile viewof excavation and backflll for major plant stn tctures.I Foundation Bearng Pressuresl .f'e,tle Oesign Class lSels*ie !$" -F.1 struclures were analyzed to determine the foundation pressures resulting from the combinatisn of dead load, live load, and the double design earthguak (DDE). The maximum pressure was found to be 158 ksf and occurs under lhe containment structure foundation slab. This analysis assumed that the lateral seismic shear force wlll be transfened to the rock at the base of the sta# which ls embedded 11 feet into roclc This computed bearing pressure is considered conservative in that no passive lateral pressure was assumed to act on the sides of the slab, Based on the results of the laboratory tests of unconfned compressive slrength of representat've samples of rock al the site, which ranged from 800 to 1300 ksf, the calculated foundation pressure is well below the ultimate in s'tu rock bearing capacity.Adverse hydrologic effects on the foundations of PGaE Design Class l5e+se+e4a{qe+y I structures (there are no PG&E f]tesrgn Class lSercniat $$$ryf embankments) can be safely neglected at this site, since PG&F Deslgn Clas-q lSe'sn4i$-C${ssrf-{structures are founded on a substanlial layer of bedrock, and the groundwater level lies well below grade, at a level corresponding to that of Diablo Creek, Additionally, the computed factors of safety (minimum of 5 under DDE) of foundation pressures verstts unconfined compressive strenglh of rock are sufficiently high to ensure foundation integrity in the unlikely event groundwaler levels temporarlly rose to foundalion grade.Soil properties such as grain size, Atterberg limits, and water contenl need not be considered since PGzE zesign Class lg$+-t+$alege+l struclures and l--'L"tl: L)esrgrr L"lrs ll{i+-{ie+*+is $etege++t structures housing PG'E Design Class I equipment are foundecl on rock, I z.o,r;tvtenaroRY GRoUND MoloN I z.o.3/4,f Geologic Conditions of the Site and Viclnity DCPP is situated at the coastline on the southwest flank of the San Luis Range, in the southerr oasl Ranges of Calitornia. The San Luis Range branches from the main coastal mountain chain, the Santa Lucia Range, in the area north of the Santa Maria Valley and southeast of the plant site, and lhence follows an alignment that curves toward the west. Owing to this divergence in structural grain, the range juts out from the regional coastline as a broed peninsula and is separated from the Santa Lucia 2,5'56 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Editetl for Clarlty .'R$vised Seclion Number Edlted for Clarlty - Refer lo Appllcability Delermination Malrix ltenr ds Edlted for Clsrlty - Ref$r lo Appllcbillty Oelerminalion Mslrix ll$m It5 Edited for Clarlly - Rler to Appllcabllity Determlnallon Malrix llem#5 Edlted lor Clarll.y - Reler to Appllcablllty Oeterminalion Malrix ltem ,5 Edted for Clarlty- Refer to Applicability Delernrinalion Malrix llem#5dlted for Clarty - R$ifer to Applica#illly Delerminalion Matrx ltenl#5 Edlled for Clarity - Reler to Appllcablllty Determir"ation MBlrix ltem#5 Edllecl for larity Edlted for Clarlly .Revised Seclion Number 62 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Range by an elongated lowland that extends southeasterly from Morro Bay and includes Los Osos and $an Luis Obispo Valleys, lt ls characterized by rugged wes!northwesterly trending ridges and canyons, and by a narrow fringe of coastal terraces along lts southwesterly flank.Dia6lo Canyon follows a generally west-southwesterly course from lhe central part of the range to lhe north-central part of the terraced coastal strip. Detailed discussions of the lithology, stratigraphy, stlucture, and geologic history of the plant site and I surrounding region are presented in Section 2.5.2+.I Z.s.U.z Underlying Tectonic Structures I Evldence pertaining to tectonic and seismic conditions in the region of the DCPP site.I clevelorect durlng the or'ginal design phase. is summarized later in the section, and is illustrated in Figures 2.5-2,2.5-3,2.54, and 2.5-5. Table 2,5-1 includes a 8ummary listing of the nature and effects of .all signficant historic earthquakes within 75 miles of I the site that have been reported through the end ol 1"-12. Table 2,5-2 shows locations of 19 selected earthquakes that have been investigated by S. W. Smlth. Table 2.5-3 I lists ttre princpal faults ln the region thal were identified cluring the; origirral elesigrr phase and indicates major elements of their histories of displacement, in geological time units, Pror to rh slaf rf construction of DCPP, Benioff and Smith (Reference 5)6 heve assessed the maximum earthquekes to be expected at the site, and John A. Blume and Associates (References 6 and 7)ea*e derived the slte vbratory motlons that could result from these maximum earthquakes, whicJr fon'r tlre besis of the Design F:artnquak

  1. . An extensive discussion of the geology of the southern Coast Ranges, the western Transverse Ranges, and the adjoining offshore region is presented in Appendix 2.5" of Reference 27 of Section 2.3. Tectonic features of the central coasial region are discussed in Section 2.5.2+.1 .2, Regional Geologic and Tectonic Setting.dcjilrrrnai irrforn ritiorr abotil tlre lectonic ancl se"smic condtlions was gathered tlurirrt lhc ilosgn evtutror and Ll SP evahlation plras,es as discrtssed irr llections 2.5.3.S 3 nrcf lii 5 l1 S" 4, rs5psqv.t I Z.S.ef.s Behavior During Prior Eahquakes Physical evidence that indicates the behavlor of subsurface malerials, strata, and I structure durirrg prior earthquakes is presented in Section 2.5.2r,2.5.

The section presents the f"ndings of the exploratory trenohing programs conducted at the site, I z.s3/4.+ Englneering Properties of Materials Underlying the Site A description of the static and dynamic engineer'ng properties of the materials I underlyirrg the site is presented in Section 2,5.21 ,2.6. Site Engineering Properties. I z.s,fa.S Earthqr.rake H'story 2.5-s7 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Sismology and Geology Edted for Clarlty - Revised Seclion'Number Ecllled for Clarlty - Revised Seclion Numbor Added for Clarlty - Refer lo Appllcsbillty Determlnallon Matrlx ltem il4' Added for Clarity - Roler lo' Ap$llcablllly Delermlna(lon Matrlx llem#3 Added for Clarlly - Refer to Appllcabllily D#lermlnalion Malrix lter"#4 Added for Clarity - Relef lo' Appllcablllty Determlnalion Matrix ltem#9 , Ediled for Consi$lency Ediled for Clarity Edlled for Consistency Edlt#d for Clrity Added for Clarlty - Refer lo Applicobllily Delermlnslion Malrlx llenr#10 Ediled for Clatity Add#d lor Clarlly - Seclon polnter.diled for Clarity - Revised Seclion Numtrer Edited lor Clarlty - Revised Soclion' Numbor Edltd for Clarlty . Revlsed Seolion Number Edilod for Clarity - Revised Seclion Number Edited lor Cladty . Revised Section Number 63 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The seismicity of lhe southern Coasl Ranges region is known from scattered records extending baok lo the beginning ol the 'l9lh century, and from instrurmental records dating from about 1900. Dteiled records of earthquake locations and magnitudes became available following installation of the California lnstitute of Technology and University of California (Berkeley) selsmograph arrays in 1832.A plot of the epicenters for all large historical earthquakes and for all instrumentally , recorded earthquakes of Magnitude 4 or farger that have occuned within 200 miles of I DCPP site, thrr.rugh the encl of 197?, is given in Figure 2.5-2, Plots of all historically and. instrumentelly recorded epicenters and all mapped faults within about 75 miles of the I site knnwn thr(i(rgh llre errcl cf 1 tl7Z are shown in Figures 2.5-3 and 2.5.4.I A tanutated list of selsmic events tlirurrglr tlre fid d 197?- represenling the computer printout from lhe Berkeley Seismogra!h Siation records, supplemented with records of individual shocks of greater thn Mgnitude 4 that appeer only ln the Caltech records, ls included as Table 2,5-1. Table 2,S-2'gives a summary of revised epioenters of a representalive sample of earthquakes otf the coat of Callfornia near San Luis Obispo, as determined by S. W. Smilh I Z.O,'rr.O Correlation of Epicenters With Geologic Structuras Sludies of particular aspects of the seismicity of the southern Coasl Ranges region have been made by Benioff and Smith, Richter, and Allen. From results of these studies, together with data pertaining to lhe lrroader aapects of the geology and seismicity of central and eastern Callforn'a, il can be concluded that, allhough the southern Coast Ranges region may be subjected to vibratory ground motion from earthquakes originating along faults as distant as 200 miles or more, the region itself is lraversed by faults capable of producing large earthquakes, and thal the strongest shaking possible for sltes within lhe region probably woutd be caused by earthquakes no more than a few tens of miles away. Therefore, only the seismicity of the southern Coast Ranges, the adjacent offshore area, and the western Transverse Ranges is reviewed in detail.Figure 2.5-3 shows three principal concentratlons of earthquake epicenters, three smaller or more dlffuse areas of actlvlty, and a scattering of other epicenters, for r:arlhguœ1,.r:" recorded lhft"ugh 1972. The most active areas, ln terms of numbers of slrocks, are the reach of lhe San Andreas fault norlh of about 35'7'latitude, lhe offshore area near Santa Barbara, and the offshore Santa Lucia Bank area, Notable concentrations of epicenters also arc located as occurring in Salinas Valley, at Poinl San Simeon, and near Point Conceplion. The scatlered e:icenters are most numerous in the general vicinities of the most active areas, but they also occur at isolated points throughout the region The reliability of the position of instrumentally located epicenters of small shocks in the central California region has been relatively poor in the past, owing to lts position 2.5-58 LBVF UFSAR Change Reqiresl Seismology and Geology Added for Clarity- Refer to Applicability Determination Matrix llem#8 Added lor Clodty - Refer lcr Appllc," bllty DBterminlon Mlrx I lm#3 Added fot Clarity - Refer to Applicability Delermlnation Matrix ltom tt3 Edlted lor Clarity - Revised Section Nurnber Added for Clarity - Refer to Appllca#ifty #elerminalion Matrix llem#3 64 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE between the areas covered by the Berkeley and Caltech seismograph networks, A recent sludy by Smilh, however, resulted in relocation of nineteen epicenters in the coastal and offshore region between the latitudes of Point Arguello and Point Sur.I StuOies by Gawthrcp (fiefer.nce 29)4 and reported ln Wag-er have led to results that seem to accord generally with those achioved by Smith.The epicenters relooated by Smith and those recorded by Gawthrop are plotted in Figure 2,5-3. This plot shows that most of the epicenters reorded in the offshore region seem to be spatially associated with faults in the Santa Lucia Bank region, the East Boundary zone, and the San Sinreon fault. Olher epicenters, lncluding ones for the'1 952 Bryson shock, and several smaller shocks originalty located in the offshore area, were clelermined to be centered on or near the Sur-Nacimiento fault north of the latitude of San Simeon.I z.d,tZ,Z ldentlflcation of Active FaulE Faults that have evldence qf recent activfty and have portions passing within 200 miles I of the site, as lrnown througtr lhe encl o 107t. are identifíed in Section 2.5.?Ai,2, I Z.S.sf.e Description of Activo Faults Active faults lhal have any pad passing within 200 miles of the s"te, as known through fhs gr"d ol 1972, are described in Sestion Adclilional active faults were iclentified tiunng tlre llosgri and I TSP evaluation plrases as clescribed in Sections 2.{" 3 S 3 and 2,5.3.9 4. respectively.

2. 5. 3, 9 D!*i g n a n rt Li ce ns i rrg Bas ts Ea rth q u a k r:s!'axisru+r-Ea+

" Srri*o"'he seismic design anrf evaluation ol DCFP is based on the earlhquakes dsricrbed rn lhe following four ;ubseclions, Refer to Seclion 3.7 lor the desigrr criteria associated rvith lho applicat"on of tlese earthcuakes to ttre sttrrciures, systerns, and conrporlenls Tlre UE, DDE, and 11 are rlesigrr bases earthquakes nd lhe t.l SP is a licensing bases earthquake I Z,S,:.0.t Design Earthquake I Drrring lhr original cles"gn phase. Benioff and Smith, in reviewing the seismicity of the region around DCPP site, determined the maximum earthquakes that could reasonably be expected to affect the site Their conclusions regarcling the maximum size earthquakes that can be expected to occur during the life of the reactor are listed below: (1) Ean@afe n: A great earthquake may occur on the San Andreas fault al a distance fronl the slte of more than 48 mlles. lt would be likely to produce surface rupture along the San Anclreas fault over a distance of 200 miles with a horizontal slip of about 20 feet and a vertical slip of 3 feet.LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edild for Conssl8ny diled for Clarity - Revieed Seclon Nun"br Added fot Clarity - Reler lo App,ic6billty Delermnatlon Matrix I tenr#3dited for Clarity . Revised Seclion Number Edlted for Clarlty- Revlsod Sectton Numler Added for Clarty - Refer to Applicabllity Determinallon Malrix ltem#3 EditBd for Clarily - Revsed Secllon Number Added fof Clrlty - Sectlon Poinlef Edited lo Clarlly - Revised Secllon Numberdild for Clarlty - Revls!d Sub.secllon header Refer to Applioablllty Delerrninalon Malrlx ltem # 11 Added lor Clarlty - New Pragraph lo clarlfy lhe purpose ol content in lhe following sub-sectlons. Aclded for Clarily - l{ew Sub-seclion for Dslgn Earthquke I UFSAR Secton 3,7.1.1 Refer to Applicabllity Determlnation Mahlx ltem # '12 Ad<ted for Clarlty - Reler to Applicbtlily Det!rminlion Matrix ltenl*4 2.5-59 65 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The duralion of strong shaking from such an event would be about 40 seconds, and the equivalent magnitude would be 8,5.(2) Earthquake Br A large earlhquake on the Nacimiento (Rlnconada) fault at a distance from the site of more than 20 miles would be likely to produce a 60 mile surface rupture along the Nacimiento fault, a stip of 6 feet in the horizontal direction, and have a duralion of 10 seconds. The equivalent magnitude would be 7.25.(3) EarthqLrake C: Possible large earthguakes occurring on ofishore fault systems that may need to be considered for the generation of seismic sea waves are listed below;Localion Santa Ynez Extension 80 miles Cape Mendocino, NW Extension of San Andreas fault 100 miles Gorda Escarpment 40 miles Length of Fault Break Slip. feet 10 horizontal 10 horizontal Distance to Site 50 miles 420 miles 420 mlles 7 Edlted for Clarlty - Refer to Applicablllty Deleminalion MaUx ltem d 13 Moved Texl to Enhanced Seclion 2 5.3.S.3 5 vertical or horizontal (4) Earthouake D: Should a great earthquake occur on the San Andreas fault, as described in "A" above, large aftershocks may occur out to distances of about 50 miles from the San Andreas fault, but those afrershocks which are not located on existing faults would not be expected to produce new surface faulting, and would be restricted to depths of about 6 miles or more nd magnitudes of about 6.75 or less. The distance from the site to such aftershocks would thus be more than 6 miles, se++re*-e+$e-seien++p<l !sl" l!tJ!r1{-**+appe+in+e+ !gi+"4,*+!F$L sile-la+-bcen nr,acle-fe+f#

  1. {j1.13/4-ex{

!!+v!-+tddJ{eca{-stsdies-or-s{+- !fid etf'hre g!!Seelien 3,3. 'IJ+i re e!tivity, t$ echieva5!!!!#é{4+uA{-+e+ai++dvli'+s+ees$a{iSyge %aO+e-i+-te-m+etc %s$eC-1!t!-{rle.islee !!.}B!livi+f, ++rr++nen*ens-

  1. Ral+.{$!,-!f {.f!+i$fi !-p4igg*,s+{

!Sr*r!'!it+l*++++C-+e-e+a*tat !{he#+eF{!!b$+ty-{e+th !fF+pa#u.hfee- !i+;$+e+++4tltgd 7, earth{isk !en'+!r!!r+.lo*g"aa-e{ohee+sri !-o!gstgr!Je+J+tn+,-ge !er!{y-r!br+e4-llhe-::Hrsgr+fu+çfr++"<JteJed-msth !d"re*++s;+nA %r!.{qediJrcateeee+ter*reesed-e+th+ !+slrJ'+t"!,"-{!-de!ll+rii{h-i-- $s!!,F-l"'jl-2 5.60 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 66 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The avallable information suggesls that the faults in this region can be associated with contrasting general levels of seismic potential. These are as follows: (1) Level l: Potential for great earthquakes involving surface faulting over dietances on the order of 100 miles: seismic activity at this level should occur ony on the reach of the San Andreas fautt that extends between the locales of Cajon Pass and Parkfield. This was the souroe of the 1857 Fort Tejon earthquake, estimated to have been of Magnltude 8.(21 Level il: Polential for large earlhquakes involving faulting over distances on the order of tens of miles: seismic activity at this level can occur along offshore faults in the Santa Lucia Bank region (the likely source of the Magnitude 7.3 earthquake o1 1927), and possibly along the Big Pine and Santa Ynez faults in the Transverse Ranges, Allhough the Rinconada-San Marcos-Jolon, Espinosa, Sur-Nacimlento, and San Simeon faults do not exhibit historical or even Holocene activlty ind"cating this level of seismic potential, the fault dimensions, togather with evidence of late Pleistocene movements along these faults, suggest that they may be regarded as capable of generaling similarly large earlhquakes, (3) Level lll: Potentialfor earthquakes r!sulting chiefly from movement at depth with no surface faulting, but at least with some possibility of surface faulting of as much as a few miles strike lengh and a few feet of slip: Seismic activity Bt this level probably could occur on almost any major fault in the southsrn Coast Ranges and adjacent regions, From the observed geologic record of limited fault activity extencling into Quaternary time, and from the lristorlcal record of apparently associated seismiclty, it can " e inferred lhat both the greaterfreguency of earthquake actlvity and larger shocks from earlhquake source structures having this level of seismic potential probably will be associated with one of the relatively extensive faults, Faults ln the vlcinlty of the San Luis Range that may be considered to hve such seismic potential include the West Huasna, Edna, and otfshore Santa Maria Basin East Boundary zone.(4) Level lV: Potential for earthquakes and aftershocks resulting frorn crustal movements thal cannot be associatecl with any near-surface fault structrres: such earthquakes apparently can occur almost anywhere 'n the region, Tlris irtlotnration forms lhe basis ol llrp Desott Earlhquel<t. rlesr:riherJ in Section 2 5 3 l0'l 2.9.3,S.? llottlle Derigrr Earltrquaka LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology ncl Geology Arldecl for Glarlty - Seclion pointer 2.5-61 67 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE During lhe orioirrirl clesigr, rhasc. in order t(r asgure adeqrtale [eserve resslng crpabilrty of safely relal!d slrrctUres. ystenrs, a-d conrponents. arr earthquake rrodttcing lwr.rlirns lhe ac:cc;leralizn valrres of the Desit; artlrquake ws slso considered (Reférence 51 ) Hosgri Earthqoakc lr 1976, Eubseqrrent to tlre issuarrce ol the constrrction permil ol IJn"t 1, PG&E was requested by the NRC to evaluate the plant's capability to withstand a postulated Richler Magnitude 7.5 earthquake centered along an offshore zone of geologic faulting, approximately 3 miles offefrore, generally referred to as lhe "Hosgri fault." TheCe[aile+l +ne{beA*;+e !$*$-!s+ple*+neCl{ieatien+Berfe'med beseC en{hig !valuaiien ere deell$itl+i+!eet!++7. Details cl lhe invesligtions associated wt't this faLtfl are provided in Appendices 2.5D, 2.5E, anrJ 2.5F of Reference 27 in Section 2.3 An overvew is provi<leci in Section 2.5 3.10.3 Note lhat the Shorellne Fault Zone (referto Section 2.5,7 1l is considerecl to Dc I lesser included case under the Hosgri evaluatiorr (Reference 55)A further assessment of the seismic potential of faults mapped in the region of DCPP site washes&en made following the extensive additional studies of on- and offshore geologyandi@reportedinAppendix2.5DofReference27 of Section 2,3. This wes done in terms of observed Holocene activity, to achieve assessment of what seismic activity is reasonably probable, in terms of observed late Pleistocene activity, fault dimensions, and style of deformation. 2, 1991 l-ong'l'orm Seismic Program afthquako PG&[ performecl reevrlualion o* the seismic clesign bases cf DCPP in response 1o License Concliiion No 2,C (7) of the lJnit 1 Operaling Licen:,e Details of tlris teevalUelror" reterrerl lc' ar: llte Lorrg'l'ernt Seisnric Prograrn are prcrviiiecl ir" ['ectt("il 2.5.7 PG&'s civaluat",Jrrs irrch-rciecl the clevelopment of signifrr:ant additional cJatir arplcable to Itre geology, seisrnoiogy rncl tet;lonics of th DCPP regiorr. irrclrtcling characleriz-ahort of the l-losgri. Los Osos, San Luris Bay, Olson, San Sinreorl, ancJ Wjtnlarçvenue faults.'Ihese laults were evaluated as potential seisnriu sources (Referenr3/4 40, Chapter 3).H(rwever, PG&E cletermirred that lhe potential seisrnic soLrrces of significance io the grouncl moliolls at thE site are. the Hosgri and Los Osos fault zones, and the San Luis Bay faull. based on the probabilistic seismic hazarcl analysis, and the Hosgri fault zone, basecl on ilre cletenrinislic anatysis. Delails are provided in Reference

40. Chapters 2 ancl 3, ancl summarized in SSER 34, Section 2 5,1 , "Geology" and 2.5 2, "Selsmology".

Tlre f'JRC's re\,éw of PG&E's erv:rluations is docurnentecl ln Relerences 42 ncl 43.LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology anc! Geology Added for Clarity - New Sub-seolion for Double Deslgn Eadhquake UFSAR Seclion Refer to Appllcablllty Determinallon Matrix ltem # 14 Added for Clrlty - New Sub-section for Hosgri Earthquake UFSAR Secllon 3.7.1.'l SSER 4 Refer lo Applicatlllity Delermnalion Matrlx llem # 15 Acfded for Clarity - Refer lo Appllcabllity Determlnallon Mtrix ltem#16 Added for Clarity - Refer lo Applicabillty DetermnElion Malrix llerfl17 Deleled - Conlenl relerence poinler lo sectlon 3.7 lncluded as pr1 ol Enhanced Section 2.S.3.9, Added for Clarity - Provdes reforence lo exisling UFSAR materl and sections wllh lufher details.Added for Clarity - Refor lo Applicabillty Determlnalion Matrlx ltem#18 Edited for Clarity Added for Clarity - Refor to Applicablllly Deterr"rlnlon Matrlx lterll#19 Moved Texl from Section 2.5 2-9 Added for Clarty - New Sub.section for 1991 Long Term Seismic Prograrn Earlhquake, Added for Clarity - Refer to Applicabllity Determinallon Matrix ltsm#20 2,5-6?68 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDAT2.5,:l.10 Ground Acceleratlons and Response Spectra J'lte seisnic rlesron and cvahalion of DCPP is bssed on lhe earlhqr.lakes described in lhe follovring lœur' e.ut)scclons. Refer fo Section 3.7 for the design criteda asgociaLecl v.4Ur th+ apphc:alicrrr of thy f)E, D!E, and HE to lhe stru'(ures, syslemr". and cotlponent: rcl lh; :ei$r."lic margin assessnrert of the I TSP 2.6.3,'l lJ.'i t-tesiErn nrthquake Ijuring the c,ngin.rl d!'Eign phes. the+F'* maximum ground acceleratlon tht would occur t DCPP site vas"s-beei estimted for each of the postulated earthquakes listed in Section 2.5.:47,9, using the methods set forlh ln References 12 and 24. The planl site acceleralion wrsis primarily dependent on lhe following parameters: Gutenberg-Richter magnitttcle and released energy, dislance from the earthquake focus , to the plant site, shear and compressional velocities of the rock media, and density of I the rock. Rock properties are discussed under Section 2,5.2-1 .2.6, Sile Engineering Properties. I The maximum rock accelerations that would occur at the DCPP site we.rea+ri estimated as: Earthquake A . , . . 0,10 9 Earlhquake C . . , , 0.05 9 Eadhquake B , . . . 0 12 g Earthquake D . . . . 0.20 9 ln addition to the maximum aceleration. the frequency distributlon of earthquake motions is important for comparison of the effects on plant structures and equipment. ln general, the parameters affecting the frequency distrlbution are distance, properties of the tr.snsmitting mdia, length of faulting, focus depth, and total energy release.Earthquakes that ntight reach the site after traveling over greal distances would lend to have their high frequency waves filtered out. Earlhquakes that might be centered close to the site would tend to produce wave forms al the site having minor low frequency characteristics. ln order to evaluate the frequency distribution of earlhquakes, the concept of tho response spectrum is used, For nearby earthquakes, the resulting response spectra accelerations would peak sharply at shorl periods and would decay rapidly at longer periods. Earthquake D woulcl produce such response spectra. The March 1957 San Francisco earthquake as recorded in Golden Gate Park (S80"E component) was the same type. lt procluced a maximum recorded ground acceleration of 0.13 g (on rock) at a distance of about I miles from the epicenter. Since Earthquake D has an assignecl hypocentral distance of 12 mlles, it would be expected to produce response speclra similar in shape to those of the 1957 event.LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edlled for Clarlly - Revised Seclion Number Added for Clarily - New lntroductory par4qrsph to defin# sub.s#clion conlenl.Addd lor Clarity - New Stb"section for Design Earlhquaka UFSAR Secllon 3.7.1,1 Refer to Appllcablllty Delermifiation Malrx ltem # 21 Added for Clarfty - Refer to Applicabllity oelerminstion Matrix lten"fl4 Ediled lor Clarlly Edlled lor Clarly. Revised Seclon Number Edlted for Ctarily Edited for Clarlly - Revised Section Number Edlted for Clarlly 2.5.63 69 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Large earthquakes centered at some distance from the plant site would tend to produce response specira accelerations that peak at longer periods than those for nearby smaller shocks, Such spectra malntain a higher spectral acceleration throughout the period range beyond the peak period. Earthquakes A and C are events that would tend to produce this type of spectra. The intensity of shaking as indicated by the maximum predicted ground accelerat'on shows that Earthquake C would always have lower spectral accelerations than Earthquake A, Since the two shocks would have approximately the same shape spectra, Earthquake C would always have lower spectral accelerations than Earthquake A, and lt is therefore eliminated from further consideralion. The north-south component of the 1940 El Centro earthquake produced response spec'tra that emphasized the long period characteristics descrlbed above. Earthquake A, because of lts distance from the plant site, would be expected to produce response spectra similar in shape to those produced by the El Centro event, Smoothed response spectra for Earthquake A were constructed by normalizing the El Centro spectra to 0.10 g. These spectra, however, show smaller accelerations than the corresponding spectra for Earthquake B (discussed in the next paragraph) for all building periods, and thus Earthquake A is also eliminated from further consideration, Earthquake B would tend to produce response spectra that emphasize the intermediate period range inasmuch as the epicenter ls not close enough to the plant site to produce large high frequency (short-perod) effecls, and it is too close to the slte and too small in magnitude to produce large low frequency (long-perlod) effects, The N69"W component to the 1952 Taft earthquake produced response spectra having such characteristics. That shock was therefore used as a guide in establishing the shape of the response spectra that would be expected for Earthquake B.Following several meetings with the AEC staff and their consultants, the following two modifications were made in order to make the criteria more conservative: (1) The Earthquake D time-hlstory was modified 'n order to obtain better continuity of frequency distribution between Earthquakes D and B.(2) The accelerations of Earthquake B were increased by 25 percent in order to provide the required margin of safety to compensate for possible uncertainties in the basic earthquake data.Accordingly, Earthquake D-modified was derived by modlfying the S80"E component of the 1957 Golden Gale Park, San Francisco earthquake, and then normalizing to a maximum ground acceleration of 0.20 g. Smoothed response spectra for this earthquake are shown in Figure 2.5-21 . Likewise, Earthquake B was derived by normalizing the N69'W component of the 1952 Taft earthquake to a maximum ground acceleration of 0,15 g. Smoothed response spectra for Earthquake B are shown in Figure 2.5-20. The maximum vibratory motion at the plant site would be produced by LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 2.5-64 70 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE elther Earthquake D-modil"ed or Earthquake B, depending on the natural period of the vlbrating body, f.6.3.'f 0,2 !outls Ilo*ign Earthquako The nraxirtunr grr:trrrrl aoceleration atrd response opeclra for llre Double Desgn f:rthquke are lwice those associateei wiltt the design eartltquake, as <iescribed ln Seclion 2.5.3 10 I (Reference 5 '),3 Hosgrl Earthqurke As nrentioned earlier, based on a review of the studies presented in Appendices 2.5D and 2,5E (of Reference 27 in Section 2,3) by the NRC and the Unile<J $tates Geologic gurvey (USGS) (acting as the NRC's geological consultant), tlte l'.lRC r$suecl SSER 4" ur,ple*reei-{-l+.-l<*lRG-Ssfetf ".velustkl+f-{ " e++i$Efi}vua+

  1. e+ted-in May 1976.This supplemenl included the USGS conclusion that a magnitucle 7,5 earthquake coufd occur on the Hosgri fult t a point nearesl to the Diablo Canyon sile. The USGS further conoluded that such an earlhquake should be described in terms of near fault horizontal ground motion using techniques and conditlons presented in Geological Survey Circular 672. The USGS also recomnrended that an effectlve, rather than instrumental, acoeleration be derived for seismic analysis.The NRC adopted the USGS rEcommendation of the seismic potential of the Hosgri fault. ln addition, based on the recommendation of Dr. N, M. Newmark, the NRC prescribed that an effective horizontal ground acceleration of 0.759 be used for the development of response spectra to be employed in a seismic evaluation of the plant.The NRC oullined prooedures considered appropriate for the evaluation including an adjustmenl of the response spectra to account for the filtering effect of the lae building foundations.

An appropriate allowance for torsion and tllting was to be inoluded in the analysis. A guideline for the consideratlon of inelastic behavior, with an associated duotility ratio, was also established, I fne NRC issued SER SSuppffiin September 1976, This supplement "ncluded independently-derived response spectra and the rationale for their development. Parameters to be used in the foundation filtering calculation were delineatecl for each major slructure. The supploment prescribed that either the speclra developed by Blume or Newmark would be acceptable for use ln the evaluation with the following condilions: (1) ln the case of lhe Newmark spectra no reduction for nonlinear effects wotld be taken except in certain specilio ares on an individual case basis.(2) In the case of the Blume spectra a reduction for nonlinear behavior using a ductillty ratio of up to 1.3 may be employed, 2.5-65 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Added for Clarily - New Sub-secllon for Double Dslgn Erlhquake UFSAR Section Refer lo Appllcblllly Delermination Matrlx llem d 22 Added fof Clarty - New Sub-seclian for 1977 Hosgri Eadhquake UFSAR $ecton 3.7.'1.1 Rfer to Applicability !elerminatlon Matrlx llsm # 23 Edlld for Clrlty - Dlnod Abbrevlsted

  • ille Edlted for Clarlty , Edited fo Clarity 71 DCPP UI{ITS .1 .9 2 FSAR UPDATE (3) The Blume spectra would be adjusted so as not to fall below the Newmark spectra at any frequency.

The development of the Blume ground response spectra, including the etfect of foundatlon f lterlng, is briefly discussed below, The rationale and derivation of the Newmark ground response spectra is discussed in Append"x C lo Supplement No, 5 of the SER.The time-histories of strong motion for selected earlhquakes recorded on rock close to the epicenters were normalized to a 0.759 peak accelerslion-Such records provide the best available models for the Diablo Canyon conditions relative to the Hosgri feult zone.The eight earlhquake records rrsed are listed in the table below.Epicentral Peak Depth, Distance, Acceleration M km Recorded at Component q Eerlhouake Helena 1935 Helena 1935 Daly City 1957 Daly City 1957 Parkfield 1966 Parklield 1966 San Femando 1 San Fernando 1 Helena Helena Golden Gate Park Golden Gate Park Temblor 2 Temblor 2 Pacoima Dam Pacoima 6 6 5.3 5,3 5.6 5,6 971 6.6 971 6.6 5 5 I I 7 7 13 13 0.16 0.13 0.1 3 0,11 0.33 0.28 1.17 1.08 3toB 3toB I I 7 7 3 EW NS NS()W NlOE S25W N65W S14W N76W The magnitudes are the greatest recorded thus far (September 1985) olose in on rock stations and range from 5.3 to 6.6. Adjustments were made subsequently in the period range of the response spectrum above 0.40 sec for the greater long period energy expected in a 7.5M shock as compared to the model magnitudes. The procedure followed was to develop 7 percent damped response spectra for each of the eighl records normafized to 0.759 and lhen to treat the results statistically accordirrg to period bands to obtain the mean, the median, and the standard deviations pf spectral response. At lhis stage, no adjustments tor the size of the foundation or for ductil"ly were made The 7 percent damped response speclra were used as the basis for calculatig spectra at olher damping values.Figwes 2.5-29 and 2.5-30 show free-lield horizontal ground response spectra as determined by Blume and Newmark, respectively, at damping levels from two to seven percenl.Figures 2.5-31 and 2,5-32 show vertical ground response spectra as determined !y Blume and Newmarl<, respectively, for two to seven percont clamping. The ordinates of , ve1ical spectra are taken as two-thirds of thecorresponding orclinates of the horizontal I spectra. These responne .*pelra irnulized rn ,l977, are descrii:cd eo the "'15177 lJosgrr 2.5,66 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geotogy 72 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE re$ponse spectra ". I'Jote llrrt tfre Shoreline FatlltZone (rofer to Sectiorl 2 5 7.1) is considsred to le a lesser includecl case under fhe llosgri'valunlion (Reference 5fr)2.5.3,10.4 1991 Long J'crm Scisrnic Program Earlfiquake As discussed in Section 2 Fr.3.9,4, the Long Term Seisrnlc Progrant. in response to Llcense Conclilion No. 2 C.(7) deternrinerf thet the goveming earthquake source for lhe cleterministic seismlc margins evlual"on of DCPP (841h percentile grouncl moton response spectrum) is the l-{osgri fault Ground motions, and the coflespo§dlng free-'field response spectr for a Richter fi4arrttude 7.2 eartlrguake centered along lhe Ho.sgri fault, approximately 4.5 km from DCPP, were developed lry PG&E, s clooumented in Reference

40. Thls evenl is refened to as tlre 'LTSP Earthquake.'

Aslart of their review of Relerence 40, f he NRC conoluded lhat srectre developed by PG&E coLrlcl undereslirnate the ground motion (Reference 42). As e result, the final spctra, applicable to the LTSP evaluation o' DCPP, is an envelope of lhat developed try FG&E and lhat develo;ed by the l.lRC Figures 2,5-33 and 2.5.34 show the 84th percentile groLtnd rnotion respor"se speclrum at 501' damping for the horizontal and vedical direclions, respectively. descibed as the "1991 l-TSP response spectr".l'hese spectra deline (lre current licensing basis for the LTSP FigLrrc 2 l"-35 shows a conrparison of lhe horizcntal 1.991 LTSP response spectntm with the 1977 l.lewmarl..

l-losgii spectrum (ba$ecj on,Reference 40, Figure 7-2) This comparison inclicates lff (tre 1977 Hosgri spedrurn is greer than the 1991 LTSP spectrun" at ll frequencies less than about 15 Hz. but the 1 991 LTSP spectruln exceeds the 1977 llosgri spectrr-rm by approxlmately 10 prcent for frequencies above l5 Flz This exceedarrce wae rccepted by the Nt"C in SSER 34 (Reference 42), Section 3.8. 1 . 1 (Grcrtind-Motion lnpul flace or nlodtfy, the DE. DDE. or 1977 llosqri ies:orise spctra cJescribeci alove I z.s.a+ suRFAcE FAULTtNc LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Added for Clari - Refer to Applioobllity Dolerminalion Matrix llenl#24 Added for Clarily - Refer to Applicablllty Dolermlnalon Malrix ltem#18 Added for Clarity - New Sub-secton. Added for Clarity - Refer to Appllcability Delerminalion Matrx llenl#25 Ediled for Clalty - Revised Seclon Nurnber 2.5-67 73 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE I Z,S.U.1 Geologic Conditions of the Site. The geologio history and lithologic, stratigraphic, and structurl condltions of the slte I and the surrounding area are described in Section 2,5,2.1 and are lllustraled in the various ligures inclucled in Section 2,5.I Z,S.*.2 Evidence for Fault Offset Substantive geologic evidence, described under Section 2.5.2+.2, Sita Geology-+f g!P{r Sile, indicates that the ground at and near the site has not been displaced by faulting for at leasl 80,000 to 120,000 years, lt can be infened, on the basis of regional geologic history, that minor faults in the site bedrock date from the mid-Pliocene or, at the latest, from mid-Pleistocene episodes of tectonic activity.I,l ldent'fication of Active Faults I tnree zones that include faults greater than 1000 feet in length werehve+*n mapped within about 5 miles of the site. Two of these, the Edna and San Miguelito fault zones, were mapped on land in the San Luis Range, The third, consisting of several breaks assooiated wlth the offshore Santa Maria Basin East Boundary zone of folding and I faulting, is described in Seclions 2,5,21 .1.2.3 and,5.5 under Regionai Geologic and Tectonic Setting, The mapped trace 0f tures ls shown fn I f igures 2.5-3 and 2.5-4, Arjclirioral ac.lrve- fa fied throrrglr (he strrdes I as*ocialerl willt the HosEri valuatron ancl L ilr $eclicrns 2 5,3.[l.3 I anrJ 2 5 3.S,4 respectively 2.5.,3.4 Eafthquakes Associated With Act've Faults'ilte eartltquakes tliscussions are hnriled to tl"ose identifred cluring the or"ginal design lrlrase ancl cio noI inclrcle alty eadhquaKes recorded sillce 19"1 The Eclna fault or fault zone has been ctive at some time since the deposition ol the Plio-Pleislocene Paso Robles Formatlon, which it displaces, lt has no morphologic expression suggestive of late Pleistooene aclivity, nor is it known to displace late Pleistocene or younger deposlts. Four eplcenters of small (3.9 to 3M) shooks and 42 other eplcenters lor shocks of "small" or "unknown" intensity have been reported as occurring in lhe approx"mate vicnlty of the Edna fault (Figures 2,5-3 and 2,5-4). Owing to the small size of the earthquakes that they repreeent, however, all of these epicenters are only approximately located. Furlher, they fall in the energy range of shocks that can be generated by fuirly large oonstruotion blasls. At present, no conclusive evidence is available to determlne whether the Edna fault could be classif"ed as seismically active, or as geologically active in the sense of having undergone multiple nlovements within the last 500,000 years.2.5-68 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edlted for Clarlty - Revised Section Number Edlled for Clarty. Revlsed Sec{ion Number Edlted for Clarily - Revised Seclion Numbef Ediled lor Clarlty - Revised Seclion Number Edllod for Clarlty - Sect"on lllle reference revlsed to match seclion lltle, Edited for Clarlty - Revised Seclion Number Edlted for Clarlty Edlled for Clrily. Revlsed Seclion Number Edlled for Clsrly - Revised Sectlon Number Added fer Clarily - Seclion Pointer Ediled for Clarity - Revis§d Seclion Nun"ber Adrled for Clarily - Refer [o Applicflblly Deternrinalon MaUlr llen"#26 74 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The San Miguelito fault has been nrapped as not disptacing the Plio-Pleislocene Paso Robles Formation. No instrumental epcenter has been reliably recorded from lts vicinity, but the Berkeley Seismologlcal Laboratory indicates Avila Bay as the presumed epicentral location for a moderately damaging (lntensity Vll at Avila) eafihquake thal occurred on December 1, 1916, lt seems likely, however, that this shock occurred along the offshore East Boundary zone rather then on the San Miguelto fault zone.The East Boundary zone has an overall length of about 70 miles lndividual breaks within the zone are as much as 30 miles long, though the varying amount of dfsplacement that occurs along specilic lrreaks 'ndicates that movement a[ong them is not uniform, and lt suggests that breakage may have occurred on separate, limited segments of the faults. The reach of the zone that is opposite DCPP site contains four fault breaks. These breaks range from 1 to 15 miies ln tength, and they have minimum distances of 2.1 to 4.5 mlles fronr the site. The Easl Boundary zone is considered to be seismically active. since at least five instrurnentally well locateql epicenters and as many as ten less reliably localed other epicenlers are centered along or near the zone. One of the breaks (located 3-1/2 miles offshore from the site) exhiblts topographic expreesion that nray represent a tectonio offset of the sea floor srrfaoe et a polnt along Its trace 6 m'les norlh of the site. Other faults in the East Boundary zone have associated erosion features, a few of whch could posslbly be partly of faultline origin, The earthquake of December 1 , 191 6, though listed as having an epicentral location at Avila Bay, 's considered more probably to have originated along eilher the East Boundery zone or, possibly, the Santa Lucia Bank fault. Effects of this shock at Avila included tandsliding in Dairy Canyon, 2 miles norlh of town, and "..,disturbance of waters in the Bay of San Luis Obispo." "...plaster in several cottages...was jarred loose...while some of the smokestacks on the (Union Oit Company) relnery were toppled over." ll is apparently on this basis thai the Berkeley listing of earthquakes assígns this shock a "lerge" intensity and places its approximate epicentral location at Port San Luis A small (Magnltude 2.9) shock that arparenlly orlghted near the East Boundary zone a short distance south of DCPP eite was lightly felt at the site on Septembar 24, 1974, This shock, like most of those recordecl along the East Boundary zone, was not damagng.The mlnor fault zone that was mapped in the sea oliff at the mouth of Diablo Creek and in the excavalion for lhe Unit 1 turbine building has an onshore length of about 550 feet, and it probably continues for some distanoe offslrore lt has been definitely determined to be not aclive, I Correlat"on of Epiconters With Active Faults Earthquake epicenters located within 50 nliles of DCPP site. fot earlhr"uakts reccrr,Je,cl tlrrougli i972 havebeenapproximatelytocateclinthevicinityof eachof thefaults. The LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Gelogy Ediled for Clarily. Revised Seclion Nurnber Added for Clarlty - Refer to Applicability Oeteminalion Maldx llem It3 2.5-69 75 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE reported earthquakes are listed in Table 2.5-1 and as follows, and their indicated epicentral locations are shown in Figures 2.5-3 and 2,5-4: 2.5-70 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 76 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Earthouake Eoicenters Reoorted as Beino Located Aooroximatelv ln the Viclnities of San Luis Obispo. Avila, and Arrovo Grande Geographlc Coordlnates Magnl- lnten- Notes and Greenwich N Latitde W Lono'tude tude Cily Mean Time (GMT)Date 7,10.1889 35.17' 120.58'12.1.1916 35.17" 120.75" vil 4.26.1950 35,20" 120,60" 3r5 V 1.26.1971 35.20' 120.70'3 1830 to 7.21,1931 35,25" 120,67" LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Arroyo Grande. Shocks for several days.Vll atAvila, Considerable glass broken and goods in stores thrown from shelves at San Luis Obispo. Water in bay disturbed, plaster ln cottages jarred loose, smoke stacks of Union Oll refinery toppled over at Avila. Severe at Port San Luis. lll at Santa Maria: 22:53:00 V at Santa Marla, Also felt at Orcutt: 7:23:29 Near San Luis Obispo: 21:53:53 42 epicenters 2,5-71 77 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Viclnitv of the Offshore Santa M,aria Basin East Boundarv Zone GeographicCoordinates Magni- lnten- Notes and Greenwich Dte s.27,1 sBS(30-1)N Latttude W LonqitudP tude sitv Mean Time l'GM*l 35,62: 121.94" 3 ilt Felt at Templeton: 16:08:00 9.2.r esg(30'6) ss.6" 121.s0" 3 Ofi San Luis Obispo Counly; felt t Cambria: 2:50:30 1 .27J945 34.75" 120.67" 12.31.1g4s(30'10) 3s,60" 121.23'11,17.1949 34,80" 120.70" z.s 1 9bs(30-23) 3s.86" 121 .1s" 17:50:31 Felt along ooasl fiom Lompoc to Moss Landing. Vl at San Simeon. V at Cayucns, Creston, Moss Land"ng. Piedras Blancas Light Station: 14:35:46 lV at Santa Maria.Near Priest: 5:06:60 46 3.9 2.8 aq West of San Simeon: 7:10:19 6.2f .1ss7(30-254) 3s,2s" 120.95" 3.7 Off Coast. Felt in San Luis Qbispo, Morro Bay.20:46:42 B 10.1958 35,60" 121 .30 3.4 Near San Simeon 5:30'.42 1 0.25 1967 35.73" 121 .45^2.6 Near San $imeon 23:05:39.5 I lnigures in parentheses refer to events relocated by S. W. Smilh, r!fr l,-"s{r! Tble 2,5-2).LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seisrnology ond Geology Erllted lor Clarlty - Refr to Applicabillty Oetrmlnalon Mtrix lterrr il7 2,-72 78 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE I Z.S,3/4,e Description of Acfive Faults Data pertaining to faults with lengths greater than 1000 feet and reaches within 50 miles of the site, as idenlited during the orijinal design phase, are included in Section 2.5.?J.1,5, Structure of the San Luis Range and Vicinity, and in Figures 2.5-3 and 2,5-4.These data indicate the fault lengths, relationship of the fuults to regional tectonlc structures, known history of displacements, outer limits, and whelher the faulls can be considered as active.I Z.s,<U Results of Faulting lnvestlgatlon The site for Units 1 and 2 of DCPP was investigated in delail for faulting and other poss'bly detrimental geologic conditions. From studies made prior to design of the plant, it was determined that there was need to take into account the possibillty ol surface faulting in such design. The data on which this determination was based are presented in Section 2.5.?1.?, S"te Geology.I Stabillty of Subsurface Matrials The possibility of past olpotent"al surface or subsurface ground subsidence, uplifi, or collapse in the vicinity of DCPP was considered during the course of the geologic investigafions for Unlts 1 and 2, I Z,O.e+.t Geologic Fealures The slte is underlain by folded bedrock strata consisting predominantly of sandy nludstone and fine-gra"ned sandstone. The existence ofan unbroken and otherwise undeformed section of upper Pleistocene terrace deposits overlying a wave-cut bedrock bench at the site provides posilive evidence that alf folding and faulting in the bodrook antedated formation of the lerrace. Local depressions and other irregularities on the bedrock surface plainly reflect eroslon in an ancienl surf zone, The rocks that const'tute the !edrock section are not subJect to sign'ficant solutlon effects (i.e., development of cavitles or channels that could affect the engineering or fluid conducting character of the rock) because the bedrock section does not contain thick or continuous bodies of soluble rock types such as lirnestone orgypsurn. Voids encountered during excavation at the site were limlted to thin zones of vuggy breccia and isolated vugs in some beds of caloareous mudstone, Areas where such minor vuggy conditions were presenI were noted at a few locations in the excavation lor the Unit 2 containment and fuel handling structures (at plant grid coordinates N59, N597, E10, E005 and N59, N700, E10, E120).The maximum size of any individual opening was 3 inches or less, and mo" t were less than 'l inch in maximum dimension. Because of lhe limited extent and isotated nature of these small voids, they were not considered slgnif"cant in foundation engineering or slope stability analyses.2.5'73 LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seismology and Geology Edllecl for Clarlty . Revised Seclon Numler Added for Clarity - Refer lo Applicablllty Det" rrnlnatlon Malrlx llen'l*4 Edlted l0r Clarlty - Revlsed Sectlon Numbsr Edlted for Clarily - Revisod Sectton f{umber Edl(ed for Clarity - Revsod Secllon Number Edited for Clarily' Revised Seclon Number Edlled lor Clarlty - Revsecl Secllon lrlurnber 79 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE It has been determined by lield examination that no sea caves exist in the lmmediate vicinlty of the slte, The only cave like natural features in the area are shallow pits and hollows in some of the sea cliff outcrops of resistant tuff, These features generally have dimensions of a few inches to about 10 feet. They are superficial, and have originated through different'al weathering of variably cemented rock, Several exploratory wells have been drilled for petroleum within the San Luis Range, but no production was achieved and the wells were abandoned, The area is not now actlve in terms of either production or exploration; The location of the abandoned wells is shown in Figure 2,5-6, and the geologic relationships in the Range are fllustrated in Section A-A' of Figure 2,5-6 and in Figure 2.5-7, Section D-D'. The nearest o'!producing area is the Arroyo Grande field, about 15 m'les to the southeast, The potential for future problems of ground instability at the site, because of nearby petroleum produclion, can be assessed in terms of the geologic potential for the occurrence of oil within, or offshore from, the San Luis Range. ln addition, assessment can be made in terms of the geologic relationshlps in the slte as contrasted wlth geologic oonditions in places where oil field exploitation has resulted in deformation of the ground surface.As shown in Figures 2.5.6 and 2.5-7, the San Luis Range has the structural form of a broad synclinal fold, which in turn is made up of several tightly compressed anticlines and synclines of lesser order. The configuration is not conducive to entrapment of hydrocarbon fluids, as such fluids tend to migrate upward through bedd'ng and fracture-controlled zones of higher primary and secondary pormeabllity until they reach a local trap or escape into the near surface or surface environment. \/ithin the San Luis Range, the only recognizable structural traps are in local zones where plunge reversals exist along the crests of the second-order anticlines. Such structures evidently were the actual or hoped-for targets for most of the exploratory wells that have been drilled in the San Luis Range, but none of these wells has produced enough oil or gas to record; lhus, the traps have not been effective, or perhaps the strata are essentially lacking in hydrocarbon fluids. Other conditions that indicate poor petroleum prospects forthe Range include the general absence of good reservoir rocks wlthin the section and the relatively shallow basement of non petroliferous Franciscan rocks.ln the offshore, adjacent to the southerly flank of the San Luis Range, subsufface conditions are not well known, but are probably generally similar, Scattered data suggest that a structural high, perhaps defined by a west-northwest plunging anticline, may exist a few miles offshore from DCPP site. Such a feature could conceivably serve as a structural trap, if local closure were present along its axis; however, it seems unlikely that it would contain slgniflcant amounts of petroleum, 2.5-74 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 80 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Available data pertainlng to exploratory oil wells drilled in the region of the site are given here: Exploratorv Oil Wells in the Vicinitv of DCPP Site Data from exploratory wells drilled outside of oil and gas fields in California to December 31, 1963: Division of Oil and Gas, San Francisco, Mount Diablo B.&M, T R Sec Operator 31S1OE 3 Tidewater OilCo, 30S 10E 24 Gretna CorP.31S 11E 15 Tidewater OllCo.Total Elev, Date Depth, ft Started fr Stratigraphy (depth in ft) Age at Bottom of Hola Monterey 0-3800;Obispo Tuff 3800 Franciscan; U. Jurassic Franciscan Jurassic WellNo."Montadoro" 365 1"Maino-Gonzales" 1"Honolulu-Tidewater-U,S.L.-Heller 6,146 275 March 1,575 1937 July 1952 1,749 Jurassic April 1 954 24 Wm. H.Provost"Spoone/'1 325 24 ShellOil Co."Buchon" 34 A. O. Lewis "Pecho" 1 30S 11E 9 Van Stone "Souza" 1 and Dallaston Monterey 0-2612;U, Miocene 1,233 Franciscan; Jurassic 10,788 Monterey0-4363; Pt. Sal 4363;Obispo Tulf 4722;Rincon Shale 5370;2nd Tuff 5546;2nd Rincon Shale 6354; 3rd Tuff 10,174;L, Miocene 177 May 2,745 1937 42 Oot 1 951 1,614 Jan 1 958 Lease "ilq For the purpose of assessing the potential for the occurrence of adverse oll field related ground deformation effects at DCPP slte, in the unlikely event that petroleum should be discovered and produced at a nearby location, it is useful to review the nature and 2.5_75 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology for 81 DCPP UIIITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE causes of such ground detormation, and the lypes of geologic condltions at places where it has been observed.The general subject of surface deformation associated wlth oil and gas field operallons I has been reviewed by Yerkes and Castle (Referelc* 22f=, among others. Such deformation includes tJifferential subs'dence, development ol horizontally compresslve strain effeots within the central parts of subsidence bowls and horizontally extengive strain effects around their margins, and development or activation of oracks and faults.Pullapart cracks and normal faults may develop in the merginal zone of extensive strain, whlle reverse and thrust fuults sometimes occur in the central, compresslve part of subsidence bowls, These effects all can develop when extraction of petroleum, water, and sand, plus lowering of fluid pressures, result in compression within and adjacent to producing zones, and ettendant subsidence of the overlying ground. Other effects, including rebound of the ground surface, fault activation, and oarthquake generat'on, have resulted from injection of fluid inlo the ground for purposes of secondary r!covery, subsidence control, and disposal of fluid waste.ln virtually all instances of ground-surfaoe deformatlon associated wlth petroleum proc{uclion, the producing field has been centered on an anticfinal structure, in general relatively broad and intemally faulted. The strata in the producing and ovellying parts of the section typically are poorly consolidatecl sandetone, slltstone, claystone, and shale of low structural competence. Tlre field generally is one wlth relatlvely large production, wlth significant decline of fluid pressure ln the producing zones.The conditions just ciled can be contrastecl with those obtained in the vicinity of DCPP site, where the rocts lie along the flank of a major ayncline. They consist of tight sandstone, tuffaceous sandstone, mudstone, and shale, together wlth large resistanl msses of tuft and clia" ase. Bedding clips range from near horizontal to verlical and steeply overturned, as shown in Section D-D' of Figure 2.5-7 and Section A-B ot Figure 2.5-10. This structural selling is unl'ke eny reported from areas where oil"fieíd-associated surface deformation has occuned, The foregoing discussion leads to the following conclusions: (a) future development of a producing oil fielcl in the vicinity of DCPP site is hlghly unlikely because of unfavorable geologic conditions, nd (b) geologic conditions in the s'te vicinity are not conducive to the occurrence of srtrface deformation, even if nearby petroleum production could be achievecl. As was noted in Section 2.4, the rocks underlying the site do not constitute a signil"cant groundwater reservoi, so that future development of deep rock water wells ln the vicinity is not a reasonable possibility. The considerations pertaining to surface deformation resulting from water extraction are about the same as for petroleum exlraction, so there is no likelihood that DCPP site could experience artificially incluced and polentially damaging subsidence, uplift, collapse, or changes in subsllrface effective stress related to pore pressLrre phnon"ena, LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl Seisnrology and Geology Ediled for Conslslen(y 2.5-76 82 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Tlrere are no mineral deposits of oconomic significance ln the ground underlying the site.Allhough sonre regional warping and upllfr may well be taklng place 'n the southern Coast Ranges, such deformalion cannot be sutficiently rapid and local to impose signlficant effects on coastel installalions. Appar.enf elevation of the San Luis Range has lncreased !bout 100 feel relat"ve to sea level snce th cuttng of the main terrace bench at least E0,000 years ago.Expresslons of deforrnation preserved ln the bedrock t the site include minor faults, folds. end zones of blocky fracturing ln sandstone and intra-bed sheafing in claystone. Zones of cemented breccia also are present, aa is widespread evidenoe of dlsturbance adjacent to intrusive bodies of tuff, Local weakening of the rocks ln some of these zones led to some problems during construction, but these were handled by conventional techniques such as overexcavation and rock bolting. No observed features of detormation are large or continuous enough to impose signlficant effects on the overall performance of the site foundation. The foundation excavations for Units 1 and 2 were extended below the zone of intense near sudace weathering so that the exposed bedrock was found to be relatively fresh and firm The princ'pal zones of structural weal(ness are associated with small bodies of altered tuff and with internally shearecl beds of claystone, The claystone intra-becl shearwas expressed by the development of numerous slickenslded shear surfaces within parts of the beds, especially in places where the claystone had locally been squeezed lnto pod like masses. The shearing and local squeezing clearly are expressions of the preferential occurrence of differential adjustments in the relatively weaker claystone beds durlng foldlng of the secllon.The claystone beds are locatized [n a part of lhe rock section that underlies the discharge structure and extsncls across the southerly part of the Unit 2 turbine-generator building, thence cont'nuing easlerly, along a strike through the ground south of the Unit 2 containment. The bedding dips 48 to 75" north wlthin this zone. lndividttal clayslone beds range from 112 inch to about 6 inches in thickness, and lhey occur as interbeds in the sandstone-mudslone rock section. The relationship of the claystone layers to the foundation excayation is such that they I crop out in several nerrow bands across the floor ancl walls (refer tqs++ Figures 2,5-i5 and 2,5-16). Thus, the claystone bed remalns confined within the rock section, except ilr a narrow strip at the face of the exoevation. Because of the small amounl of claystone mass and the geometrc relationshlp of the steeply dipping claystone interbeds to the foundation structures, it was delermined that the finished structure would nol be affected by any tendency of the clayslone to undergo further changes in volume.LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seisrnology and Geology Ediled lor Clarily - Refer to Applicablty Dotermlnalion Mtrix trern#7 2,5-77 83 DCPP UiJITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE The only are ln which Žlaystone swelling was monitored was along the nofth wall of lhe lower part ot the large slot cut for the cooling water dlscharge structure. There are several thin (6 inches or less) claystone interbeds in the sandstone-mudstone section, Because the orientation of the bedding and the plane of the cul face dfffer by only aboul 30", and the bedding dips steeply into the face, opening of the cut served both to remove lateral support from the rock behind the face, and also to expose the clay beds to rainfall and runoff. This apparently resulted in both load refief and hydration swelling of the newly exposed claystone, which in turn caused some outward movment of the cut face. The movement then continued as gravity creep of the looally destablllzed mass of rock between the clayslone beds and the free face. The movement was finally controlled by installation of drilled-in laleraftie-backs, prior to placement of the reinforced concrete wall of the discharge structure. No evldence of unrelieved residual stresses in the bedrock was noted during tlre excavation or subsequent conslruction of lhe plant foundation, lsolated'occurrences of temporary slope lnstablllty clefy were related to loclly weathered and fractured rock, hydration swelling of claystone interbeds, end local saturatlon by surface runoff, The Units 1 and 2 power planl facilities are founcled on physioally and chemically stable bedrock, I Z,S,s+.2 Properties of Underlylng , Static and dynamic engineering properties of nraterials in the subsurface al lhe site are I presented in Section 2.5.2+.2,6, Site Engineering Properlies. I z.s.ra,r plot plan Plan views of the site ind"cating exploratory boring and trenching locations are , presented in Figures 2.5-8 and 2,5-11 through 2.5"15. Profiles illuslrating the I subsurace condilions relative to the PG-i Destlln ClagE lserer!st+grel structures , are ftrrnished in Flgures 2.S-12 through 2,5-16. Discussions of engineering prope-ies I of materials and groundwater condltions are included in Section 2.5,21,,2,6, Site Engineering Properties. I z.s,s+.+ Soiland Rock Gharacterlstics lnformatlon on compressional and shear wave velooity surveys performed al the site are incftded in Appendices 2.5A and 2,58 of Reference 27 of Section 2.3. Values of soil modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio calculated from seismic measurements are presented in Table 1 of Appendix 2,5A of Reference 27 of Section 2,3, and in Figure 2.5-1 9. Boring and trench logs are presented in F'gures 2.5-23 through 2.5-28.I Z.O.S+.S Excavatlonsand Backllll 2.5J8 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edlted for Clarlty - Revised Seclion Number Edited for Crtty - Revised Section Number Edlted br Clatlty - Royised Seclon Number Ediled for lar'ty - Refer to Appllcatrllity Detenninalion Malrr ltem f5 Edited for Clarity. Revised Secllon Number Edited for Clarily - Revised Seclion Number Edited for Clarlty. Revlsed Seciion Numbsr 84 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDAE Plan and profile clrawings of excavations and backlTll at the site are presented in. Figures 2,5-17 and 2.5-18, The engineered backfill placement operat"ons are discussed I in Section,6.4, Engineered Backfll I z.s.a+.G Groundwator Condltione Groundwater cond[tions at the site are discussed in Section 2.4,13, The effect on foundalions of frG& Design Class leissie4ategoryJ slructures ls discussed ín Sectlon 2.5,2+,2,6, Slte En glneerlhg Propertles. I Z.S.Sl.l Rosponse of Sof I ancl Rock to Dynamlc Loadlng Detalls of dynamlc testing on slte materials are contained ln Appendlces 2,5A and 2,58 of Reference 27 in Section 2.3.I Z.S.s+.t Liquefaction Potontial I As stated in Section 2.5,24.2,6.5, adverse hydrologic effects on foundations of PG8.E I Design Ctass l$'ei+nir+ !e+eget{ structures can be neglected dr.e to the structures being founded on bedrock and the groundwater level lying well below f"nal grade.There is a small local zone of med"um dense sand located norlheast of the lntake struqture and beneath a portion of buried ASW piping lhat is not attached to the circulating water tunnel, This zone is susceptible to liquefaction during design basis seismlc events (References 45 and 46). The associated liquefactlon-nduced settlements from seismic events are considered in lhe design of the buried ASW piping, (References 48 and 49)I z.S.s+.9 Earthquake Design Basis I sign bases ction I e design re I the earthqr alysis I rponents is acceleration curves for the site resulling from Earthquake B and Earthquake D-modifed , are shown in Figures 2.5-20 and 2,5-21 , respectively. Response spectrum curves for I the+-5[4 Hosgri earthquake are shown in Figures 2,5-29 through 2.5-32.I z,s,3/4.'to staflc Anatysts A discussion of the analyses performed on materials at the site is presented in I Seotion 2.5.'+.2.6, Site ngineering Properties. LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Ediled tor Cfarily- Revised Soclion Number Edited for Clarity - Revlsod Section , Number , Edted far Clarlty - Refer lo. Applicablllty Det!rmlzallon Matrlx ltem:#5 Edited for Clarlly - Revised Seotion Number Edlled for Clarily. Revieed Seclion Number Edlted lor Clarity. Revised Seclion Number Edlted for Clarlly - Revlsed Seclion Numbor Edited fof Clarity - Refer to Applicbillly Oelermlnallon Malrix ltem fl5 Edited for Clarity - Revised Sectlon Number , dled lor Clarlty Adcled for Clarlty Edlled for Clarity - Revised Seclon Number Edted lot Clerlty Added forCtarlly - Secllon Fointers revl6ed lo be more Bccurle.Edited lor Ctarity . Revised Section Nun"ber Edlled for Clarity . Revlsed Seclion Nurnber 2 5.79 85 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDAEl Criteria and Design Methods The criteria and methods used in evaluafing subsurface material stbility are presented I in Section 2,5.2+.2,6, Sile Engineering Properties. I Z,Sj.1Z Techniques to lmprove $ubsrrface Condltions Due to the bearing of in sitri rock being well in excess of lhe foundalion pressure, no trealment of the in situ rock is necessary. Compaclion specifications for backfill are I presented in Section 2,5.i41.2.6.4, Engieered Backf"ll.I sLoPE STABlLTTY I z.S.W,t Sfope Characteristics. The only slope whose failure during a DDE could adversely affect the nuclear power I plnl is the slope east of the buitding complex (rafer tos+e Figures 2"5-17 ,2.F18, and 2.5-22). To evalute the stablllly of this slope, lhe soil and rock conditions were investigated by exploratory borings, test pits, and a thorough geological reconnaissance by the soil consultant, Harding-Lawson Assocites, and was in addition to lhe overall geologic investigation performed by other consultants. The slope conf"guration and representative locations of the subsurface condltions determined from the exploration are shown on Plates 2, 3, and 4 of Appenclix 2.5C Žf Reference 27 of Sec{ion 2.3. Reference 44 provides further lnformation complled in 1997 in response to NRC queslions on landslide polential. Bedrock is exposed along the lower porlions of the cut slope up to aboul the lower bench at elevation 115 feet. lt consists of tuffaceous siltslone and fine-grained sandstone of the Monterey Formalion. Terrce gravel overlies bedrock and extends to an approximate elevation of 145 feet. Stiff clays and silty solls with gravel and rock fragments cnstitute the upper material on lhe slte. The upper few feet of fine-grained sols are d'ark brown and expansive, No free groundwater was obserued in any of the borings wbich were drilled in April 1971, nor was any evidence of groundwater observed in this slope during the previous yoars of investigalion and construction of lhe project.lln response to an NRC request in early 1997, PG&E conducted furlher investigations of slope stability at tlre site iReference 44)"!. The results of the investigations showed lhat eaflhquake loading, as a ru=sr.i of arr earllrquah;e on the Hosgri laull zone. following periods of prolonged precipitation will not produce any significant slope lailure that can impact Design Class I structures and equipment. ln addition, polential slope failures under such conditions will not aclversely impact other important facilities, including the raw water reservoirs, the 230 kV ancl 500 kV swtchyards, and the intake and discharge structures, Potential lanclslides may temporar'ly block the access road at several 2.s"80 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Edited for Clarlly - Revised Section Number Edlted lor Clarlty - Revised Seclion Number Edlted for Clarlly ' Rovised Secllon Number Edited lor Cladty - Revlsed Sectlon Number Edited for Clarily - Revised Soclion Number Ediled for Clarlty - Revlsed Sectlon Numbr Edlted for Clafity - Reler to Applioabillly Delermlnalion Matrix ltem il7 Edited lor Consislency Add" d for Clarity - Refel to Applicabllily Delern"k"ation Malrx llen"il27 86 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE locations. However, there is considerable room adjacent to and norlh of the road to reroute emergency traffic.The Investigation of the cut slope included geologic mapping of the soil arrd rock condilons exposed on the surface of slope and existing benches. Subsurface conditions were investigated by drilling test borings and by axcavating tesl pits in the I natural slope above the plant sile (relér to+e* Fig".rre 2.5-22ir, The tet borings were drilled with a truck mounted, 24 lnch flight auger drill rig, and the test pits were excavatod with a track"mounted backhoe. Boring and Log of Test Pits 1, 2, and 3 were logged by the soll consultanti borings 2 and 3 were logged by PG&E engineering personnel. The logs of all borings were verified by the soil consultant, who examined all samples obtained from each boring. Undisturbed samples were obtained from boring 2 and each of the test pits. Because of lhe stiffness of the soil, hardness of the rock, and type of drilling equlpment used, lhe undisturbed sanrples were obtained by pushing an 18.inch steel lube that measured 2,5 inches in outside diameter, A Sprague &Henwood split-barrel sampler containing brass liners was used to obtain undisturbecl soil samples from the test pits. The brass liners measured 2.5 inches in outside dlanreter and 6 inches in height. Logs of the borings ancl pits are shown in Figures 2.5-23 through 2,5-27. The soils were classied in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System presented in Figure 2.5-28.I Z.S,s+.2 Design Orlterla and Analyses Undisturbed samples of the materials encountered in pits and borings were examined by the soil consultant 'n lhe laboratory and were subsequenlly tested to determine the shear strenglh, moisture oontent and dry density. Slrain controlled, unconsolidated, undrained triaxial tests al field moisture were performed on the clay to evaluate the shear strength of the materials penelrated. (The samples were mantained at fielcl moisture since adverse moislure or seepage conditions were nol encountered during tlris investigation nor previous investigations.) The conflning stess wes variecf in relation to depth el which the undisturbed sample was taken, The test results are presonted on the boring logs and are explained by the Key to Test Dala, Figure 2.5-29.The results of strength tests were correlated with the results devetopecl during earlier investigations of DCPP site Mohr circles of stresses at fallure (6 to 7 percent srain)were drawn for each strength test result, and lailure lines were developed tlrrouglr points representing one-half lhe devialor stresses, An average C-0 strength equal to a cohes'on (C) value of 1000 psf and an angle of internal friction (0) of 29" was selected for the slope slability analysis. The analysis was checked by maintaining the angle of internal friction (0) constant at 190 and varying the cohesion (C) from 950 psf (weakest layer) to 3400 psf(deepest and strongest layer).Because of the presence of large gravel sizes, il was not possible to eccurately determine the stength of the sand and gravel lense. However, basec.l on tests on sand samples from other parls of lhe site, an angle of internal friction of 35' was eeleoted es being the minimum available. An assumed rock strength of 5000 psf was usecl. This LBVP uFsAR change Requesl 2'5'81 Seismology ancl Geology Moved toxl lrorn Section 2.5 5.2 Edlted lor Clarlty - Rel!r te Applicabillty Delern"nalion Malnx llom#7 Edlled for Clrlly - Revsed Se6tioh Numter 87 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE value is consistent with strength tests performed on remold rock samples from other areas of f he site.The stability of the slope was analyzed for the forces of gravity using a slatic method that is, the conventional nrethod of slices. This analysis was checked using Bishop's modified method. The static method of analysis was chosen because, for the soil sonditions al the site, lt was judged to be more conservative than a dynamic analysls, Because the overall strength of the rock would preclude a stability failure except along a plane of weakness which was not encountered in the borings or during the many geologic mappings of the slope, only the stability of the soil over the rock was analyzed.The strength parameters were varied as previously discussed to detennine the minimum factor of safety under the mosl critical strength condition. For the static analysis exctuding horizontal forces, lhe factor of safety was compuled to be 3 When the additional unbalanced horizontal force of 0,4 tmes the welght of the soll within the critical surface combined wlth a vertical force of 0.26 times the weighl was included, lhe minimum computed factor of safety was 1,1.On the basis of the investigation and analysis, lt was concluded that the slope adJacent to DCPP site would not experience instability of sufficient magnitude to damage adjacent safety-related structures. The above conclusion is substantiated by additional fielcl exploration, laboratory tests, I and dynamic analyses using finite element techniques. Refer toSee Appendix !.5C of Reference 27 in Section 2.3, Harding-Lawson Associates'report on this work.. t t-" l te-vJin@reeipiieli.en-+ill-eelrre4see any signifent clepe{ailttp{" l" f#-ili++re.++*rt.inettClrg+he-r@ !e grv eial le e t i ens, H -ttever, thff e i s e¿r sktre.nUt+ee*aelaeen++e-aed+ot{h-alUre-rs+.te {" F"*+i" trt" rgene,f4eff*+ I ex.".3-+-*a+xpte+a+t++ {lreinryeslt ie++appregFeile+ " it" nd+"" l+ee nditr3/4e-+xBesed-en-he*t+#a+etelepe-and+xrs{mg$e+rehes-- "+rb5ufu s@Lb+aril!" e-te"{+"n+++++i-Cepe-etreve-the-plenl-dte-1se+ @ngs+vereAilk'+f+aA !e-{+i.k-srsnleeJ-++nct +l+S-"+++1ri.lli+ +-I racl.- nre r+C" de" khee=-" wing*v1-tog "'g" G++i!+@nesss*efll"-b "g++-sf,d+ +er"+-lsg".edf+C".8"" g+e"+i#g-p"+" ,f,81,-+h " Jsg+4lt lae-t+Ss-u+r-+eii" " d+./-{h+-ell-eer+:r+1t+nf-\l3/4-eia+.r " 4" lt" ef,!l""-blatnC+n "r+2.5-82 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Ediled lor Clarity - Reler lo Applicability Determinalion Matrix ltem#7 Moved lext lo Enhanced Section - Sub-seclioz texl relocated lo Enhanced Section 2.5 6.1.88 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE g!l'$!rJflgi-Hixfi+lt+ " ed+e++le+we+e-e " ieiaed{+e+Sfrqs"2-er"d- !!C+!'f.{".+-{!!f pi l+--Eeearr+e+f l9re+{ff.r+e-eHhe-es+L-egt+iprnec*+te+C-lfr++ndietr

  1. +- h+1Žt-lr+5e{haleo-sursel-3Fi+,rchesrleuiik;3brne+er--A-Sg+aS{}-Heeweed

!pll-barrt- {;erBl+$- !$r"+ri,!++s+n+'re+.$+d+ !,#l @l+sfpt{+-Th+liraas fss-ae-+s,r++el-2-5-i* !he{-+"-sdsidłdlm !{e+-!fl4!-fi!h!--l+ir'g*+J=gt !.!++l"t+r+rg+erxtt !-++.qs'#F-in+isf+s !-23+h+esgW-Tl"+- s+i1++++re-cla*sifie4in reeea#6-r,r{l

  1. 1h!11{!d^Sel4kid+tie'+SysJe+Bres

!{!{!++!rr!+!-:8"I Z.S.e .r¿ Slope Stabllity for Burled Auxlliary Saltwater $ystem Piping A porton of the buried ASW piping for Unit 1 ascends an approxlmate 2:1 (horizontal/vertical) slope to the parking area near the meteorology tower (Plates 1 and 2 of Reference 47). To ensure the stability of this slope in which the ASW piping is buried, a geotechnical evaluetion, considering various design basis seismic events, was performed by Harding Lewson Associales. This evaluation is described in Reference 47. Based on this evaluation, lt was ooncluded that lhis slope will be stable during seismic events and that additional loads resulting from permanent deformation of the slope will not impact the bur"ed ASW piping.2.6.7 Long Term Seismic Program On Novenrber 2, 1s84, the NRC issued the Diablo Canyon Unit 1 Facility Operating License DPR-80. tn DPR-80, License Condition ltem 2.C,(7), the NRC stated, in part: "PG&E shall develop and implement a program to reevaluate the seismic design bases used for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant," PG&E's reevaluation effort in response to the license condition was titled the "Long Term S PG&E prepared and submitted to the NRC lhe "Final I Rep.ort g Term Selsmic Program" in July 1988 (Reterence I 4c,)*. the NRC performed an oxtensive review of the Final , Moved text to Enhanced Seclion , Ediled for Clarlty - Revlsed Seclion Number Added for Clarily - New Sub-seclion for lhe Terfi Selsmic Program.Edited for Consislency Ediled for Consistency Ecliled for Consistency Edited for Conslstency Report, and PG&E prepared and submitted wrilten responses to formal NRC questions. ln February 1991 , PG&E issued the "Addendum to the 1988 Final Report of lhe Diabto Canyon Long Term Seismic Program" (t"eference 41 )4. ln June 1 9gt , the NRC issued Supplem.ent Number 34 lo lhe Diablo Canyon Safety Evaluation Report (SSER)(Reference 42)tr. in which the NRC concluded that PG&E had satisfied License Condition 2.C.(7) of Facilily Operaling License DFR-80. ln the SSER the NRC requested certain confirmalory analyses from PG&E, and PG&E subsequently submitted the requested anlyses. The NRC's final acceptance of lhe LTSP is I documented n a letter to PG&E datecl April 17, 1992 (Reference 43)i!.The LTSP conlains extensive dala bases and analyses that update the basic geologic and seismic information in this section of the FSAR Update. However, the LTSP I material cloes not address or alter the current design iicensing basis for the plant.+n+LBVP UFSAR Change Requesl 2'5'83 Seismology and Geology 89 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE fi-us"s++eii"+d$ !b+i{*}"!+SAR!4{!, lrr SSEB 34 (Refrence 42), the NR(l slatercl."The- Staf notes that lhe seisrnic qualificalion basis for Diablo Canyon will conttnue lo be the original ctesign basis plus the Hosgri Evaluation basis, along with associatecl analytii=l melhods, initial cnditions, etc." As a conclit"ori of lhe I'lRC's 6lose oul ol l-icense Condltion 2.C.(7), PG&E comr-itted to Eeveral ongoirrg activilies in supporl of lhe LTSP. as discussed in a public meeting between PG&E and the NRC on March 15, 1991 (Reference 53), describecl as the"Franlework for fhe Future," in a letler to the NRC, dated April 17, 1991 (Referenc-e 50), and affirmed lry the NRC in SSER 34 (Reference a3). These ongoing acl"vitis itrclttde lhe following lhet are related to geology and seisnrology (Reference 42, Section 2 5.2.4)(1) To cntinue to maintain a slrong geosciences and engineering stafi to keep abreast of nerv gecrlog'cal, seismic, and sesrnc engitreerirrg informat'on anrl ovahate it with respect to its sigrtifiornce to " iahlo Canyon.(2j To continue to operal the strorrg.rnolion acceleronreter array and tle coastal seisnric I relworh A complete listing of bibliographic references to the LTSP reports and other documents may be found in References 40,41 and 42 Slroreline Fault 7-one ln Novélrber 2C108, as r result of the ongoin; activiiies clescitecl in Section 2.5 7 , f,he tJSGg working in collahoratron yith the PG&E Geosciences Department, idenlifred an alignnrerrl of nricrosesnicity errbparallel lt lh castline adjace nt to DCPP indicatinE the possibte presence of a previously ttnidentif"ed feult fooated approximalely 1 l'.rr otlshore ol tlCPP. Tlre oflshore reg'on associtci with this fault was subseqttenlly nanred lhe Shcreline faull zone PG&E cJevelopecl estimatea of lhe 84r' percentile deterrninislic grortnd molion response spectnrnt for earthquakes associalecl wtth the Stroreline faull zone. The results of the strrcfy of lhe Shoreline fattll zone are documented in Reference 52 A map shr:wing tlre loclion of the Shorelirre Faull Zone is provided in Figure 2.5-36. This report inclucles e comparison of lhe updated 84'h percentile deternlinistic response spec'tra with the 1991 LTSF arrcl 1977 l-losgri earthquake response spectra This cornparison inclcates thal the uprlate<l cletermrnistic response spectra ate enveloped by both the 1977 Hosgri earllrcrrake speclnrn" and the 1991 LT$P earthquake sPectrum.The l.,lRC developecl arr independent assessment of lhe seisrnic soule characleristtcs of tlle Sttorhrre farrll arrd pelormed ar, rndepenclent delerminislc sismic hazard assessnlent (f"eferences 54 and 55). The NRC concludecl that their orrservative estnnatés fcr ll'it- poterrlial ground molions fronl the Sltoreline hult are al ctr below the 2.5-84 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology Deleled for Clarlly

  • Refer to Apptlcabllity Delermnalon Matrix llen"#29 Moved Text lrom Sectlon 2.5 Added for Clarity - Refer to Applicabillty Determination Matrix llen"#28 Movecl texl frarn Enhanced Seclion 2.5.90 DCPP UNIS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE nround nrotions for which lhe DCPP has been evaluated previously ancJ dernonstrated to have a reasonable assrrrance o[ safrty (i.e , tlre 1977 Hosgri erlhquake ancl 1991 LTSP eartltquke ground motion response Epeolr).

The I'lR slatecl lhat the: "Shoreline scenario should Lre corsidered as a lesser irrcludecl case rlrlrjer the llcsgri evaluation,": Evahration of Updated Estirnates of Grouncl Motlon As an outcome of lhe Shoreline fault zone evalualion descrlbed in Sedion 2>,7 1 ,lhe Frrocess to be used for the evalualion of new/updated geological/seismological lnformalicrn has heen developed (Relerences 55 and 56), The new/updated eologícal/seismological lnformation, resulting from he activities descdl:ed in Section 2.5.7, will lre evalualed tlsing a process tlraf is corrsisl.enl wtlr tlre evalualion pro!ss clefrned tly the NRC in Reference 57.2,5.8 Safety Evsluation 2,6,8,1 Gnnsral Design Criterion 2, '1967 Peffrrrrnance Stanrlarcls Ther deiernlination ol the appropriale earthquake prameters for design of plant SSCs is adcliessed througlrou( Section ?,5. and lhe rnaxirl-rrrnr earlhqual<es for lhe :tanl site are presentecl in Seclions, 25.39.2., ancl 2.5 3.9.3. Theassociated design basis site tree feld accelerations ancl res:onse spectra are presented in Seclions 2.5.3,10 1, 2 5.3,10 2 and 2.5,3.10.3. The seisrnic design of lhese SSC is addressed in Section 3.7.2..8,2 License Golrdition 2,C(7) of ttcPP Faclf lty Operatfng License DPR{0 Rev 44 (LTSPI, Elernents (1), (2) and (3)PG&E's revaluation effort in respcns! to the license conclition vas trtled the "l,-ong'lerm Seismic Program" (LTSP), PG&E prepared and su" mitted to the NRC the "Final Report of the Dlablo Canyon Long. Ternr Seismic Program" ln July 1988 Betr,veen 1986 ancl 1991 the l.lRC perfonned an exlensive review of the Final Reporl and PG&E#repated arrcl sr,l[rlifted wrilten resporses [o fornral t{RC queslions" ln February f 991.'œ"&E iesued the "Adden<ium lo the 19BB Final Report of tlre Diablo Canyon Long Ternr Seisnric f)rogram". ln Jrrne 1991, the NRC issued Supplenrent Nunber 34 tc the Dlablcr Canyo-r Safety Evaluation Reporl (SSER) in which lhe l.lRC conchcled that PG&E had satislred License Ccndition ?.C.(7) of Fercility Operating License DPR-80 tn the SSER the I'JttC reqtteslecl cedain confirmatory arralyses lrorn PG&E, and PG&E sr.rbsecuently sr,rl-rmittecl lhe requestecl analyses Tl"re lrlRC's frnal acceptance of the LTSF is clocumented jn a letter to PG&E dated April 17, 1992'Ihe colrmitments "ade as a part of the Diablo Canyon Long Term Sisnzc Progranr are rJela'led in Section 2 5 3 ].4 and Sec(ion 2 5 10 CFR Pad 100, March 1966. Reaclor Site Criteria 2.5.85 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and ceology Added for Clarlly

  • New Sub-section lo describo the Shoreline Fault Zono Refer to Appllcabllily Determlnation Matrlx lfem # 30 A<tded for Clarlty - New Sub-sectlon lo describe lh Evalualion of Updated Estimatos of Groun<J Motion Refer lo Applicabllity DetormlnE tion Matrix ltem # 31 Added lor Clarity
  • New Sub-seclion to Jusllfy Dosgn Bases Crlt!ria Discusslon Added lo Juslity Design Basis Requirement UFSAR Seclion 3.2.1 UFSAR Seclion 3,7 UFSAR Section 2,5.3.9 UFSAR Seclion 2,5.3,10 Ref!r to Applicabllity Delerminalion Matrix ltem # 32 Discusson Added lo Jusliry Des"gn Basls Requiremenl ssER 34 Refer lo Appllcabilty Detemina lon M8trlx ll!m # 33 91 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE I Ar. dar*ribr+

in $ectirrs. L5.2 fhrOcgli ?.5.C1 Fb!ve, lhe phys"cal chrirgcrristicE ot rhe I situ incltrr.lirrrr agie161gy and qeology lrave Laen crnuldered. I REFERENcES 1 R. H. Jahns, "Geology of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant Site, San Luis Obispo County, Callfornia," 1967-5uoplementerv Reports land ll, 1968" upplementarv Re#ort lll, Diablo Canyon PSAR, Docket No, 50-275, (Main Report and Supplementary Report l). Diablo Canyon PSAR, Docket No. b0-S23, (All reports, 1966 and 1967),? R. H, Jahns, 'Guide to the Geology of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Site, San Luis Obispo County, Califomla," Geol. Soc. Amer,, Gu"debook for 66th Annuai Meeting, Cordifleran Section, 1970 Deleted in Revision 1 Deleted in Revision 1 Discussion Added lo Jusllfy Deslgn Basls Requlromenl Refer to Applicablily Delerminaton Matrlx ltem# 34 Ediled lor Clar{ly - Revised Seclion Number.J.4 5.H, Benioff and S, W. Smith, "seismic Evaluation of the Diablo Canyon Site," Diablo Canvon Unit '1 PSAR, Docket No 50-275. Also, Diablcj Canyon Unit 2 PSAR Docket No. 50-323, 1967 6 7 I John A. Blume & Associates, Engineers, "Earthquake Design Cr'teria for lhe Nuclear Power Planl - Diablo Canyon Site," Disblo Canvon Unit 1 PSAR, Docket No. 50-275., January 12,1967. Also, Diablo Canyon Unit 2 PSAR Docket No. 50-323.John A. Blume & Associates, Engineers, "Recommended Earthquake Design Criter'a for the Nuclear Power Plant - Unit No. 2, Diablo Canyon Site," Diablo Canvon Unlt2 PSAR, Docket No.50-323, June 24, 1968.Deleted in Revision 1 9. Deleted in Revision 1 10. editor), Bull. '190, 1966. pp 255-276.11. B. M. Page, "Sur-Nacinriento Fault Zone of California: Continental Margin Tectonics," Geol. Soc, Amer.. Bull,, Vol, 91, 1970, pp 667-690, 12, J, G, Vedder and R, D. Brown, "Structural and Stratigraphic Relations Along the Nacimiento Fault in the Santa Lucia Range and San Rafael Mountains, California," W, R, Dlckinson ancf Arthur Grantz (editors), Proceedinqs of 2.5-86 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 92 13.15.DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Conference on Geoloqic Problems of the San Andreas Fault Svstem, Stanford Universig Publs. in the Geol. Sciences, Vol. Xl, 1968, pp 242-25E.C. F. Richter, "Possible Seismicity of the Nacimiento Fault, Califomia," @[SqWI., Bull,, Vol, E0, 1969, pp 1363-1366, E, W. Hart, "Possible Active Fault Movement Along the Nacimiento Fault Zone, Southern Coast Ranges, Califomia," (abs,), Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstracls with Programs for 1969, pt, 3, 1969, pp22-23, R. E. Wallace" "Notes on Stream Channels Offset by the San Andreas Fault, Southerh Coast Ranges, California," W, R. Dckinson and Arthur Grantz (editors), Svstem, Stanford Univers'ty Publs. in the Geol, Sciences, Vol, Xl, 196E, pp242-258. Deleted ln Revlsion 1 Deleted in Revision 1 L, A. Headlee, Geoloqv of the Coastal Portion of the San Luis Ranoe. San Luis Obisgo Countv, California, Unpublished MS thesls, Universlty of Southern California, 1965, C. A. Hall, "Geologic Map of the Morro Bay South and Port San Luis Quadrangles, San Luis County, Callfornla," U.S, Geoloqlcal Survev Miscellaneous Field Studies Mao MF-S11 ,1973.C. A. Hall and R, C, Surdam, "Geology of the San Luis Obispo-Nipomo Area, San Luis Obispo County, Californla," Geol. Soc. Amer., Guidebook for 63rd Ann.Meet'ng, Cordilleran Section, 1967.R, F. Yerkes and R. O. Castle, "Surface Deformation Associated with Oil and Gas Field Operations in the Unlted States in Land Subsidence,".@!!l0gs.91 thg Tokvo Svmposium, Vol, 1,.1ASH/A1HS Unesco,1969, pp 55-65.C, W, Jennings, et al,, Geoloqic Map of Californla,gouth Hall scale 1:750,000, Galifornia Div. Mines and Geology, 1972.2.5-87 16. C. R, Allen, "The Tectonic Environmenls of Seismlcally Active and lnactive Areas Along the San Andreas Fault System," W, R. Dickinson and Arthur Grantz (editors), Fault Syste!, Stanford University Publs, 'n the Geol. Sciences, Volume Xl, 1968, pp 70-82,, 23.LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 93 24.25.26.DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE John H, Wgglns, Jr,, "Effect of Site Conditions on Earthquake lntensity," ASCE.P!qSSd!gg, Vol, 90, ST2, Part 1, 1964, B, M, Page, "Time of Completion of Underthrusting of Franciscan Beneath Great ValleyRocksWestofSalinianBlock,Californi,@,Bull,,Vol.81, 1970, pp 2825-2834. Eli A, Silver, "Basin Development Along Translational Continentdl Margins," W. R. Dickinson (editor), Geolooic lnterpretations from Global Tectonics with Aoplications for Californla Geolooy and Petroleum Exploration, San Joaquin Geological Society, Short Course, 1974, T, W Dibblee, and lts Sionificance, Unpublished abstract of talk given to the AAPG, Pacific Sec{ion, 1972, D, L, Durham, "Geology of the Southern Salinas Valley Area, Californa," U,S, Geol, Survev Prof. Paper E19, 1974, p 111,\t1/illiam Gawthrop, Preliminarv Report on a Short-term Seismic Studv of the San Luis obisoo Reqion, in Mav 1973 (Unpublished researoh paper), 1973.S. W. Smith, Analvsis of Offshore Seismicitv in the Vicinitv of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, report to Pacific Gas and Electrlc Company, 1974.H. C. Wagner, "Marine Geology between Cape Sn Martin and Pt. Sal, South-Central California Offshore; a Preliminary Report, August 1974,".USGS Ooen File Report 74-252, 1974.32. R. E. Wallace, "Earthquake Recurrence lntervals on the San Adreas Fault", Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull,, Vol, 81, 1970, pp 1875-2890, J. C. Savage and R. O. Burford, "Geodetic Determination of Relative Plate Motion ln Central California", Jour. Geoohvs. Reg, Vol. 78, No. 5, 1973, pp 832-845, Deleted in Revision 1 35, Hill, et al., "San Andreas, Garlock, and Big Pine faults, California" - A Study of the character, history, and significance of their displacements, S9I-Sq.@, Bull,, Vol,64, No.4, 1953, pp 443-458, 36. C,A. Hall and C,E, Corbato, "Stratigraphy and Structure of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Rocks, Nipomo Quadrangle, Southern Coast Ranges, California," Gol. Soc. Amer,, Bull,, Vol, 78, No. 5, 1969, pp 559-582. (Table 2,5-3, Sheet 1 of2), 2.5-88 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology, 31.33 34 94 39 40 41 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 37 Bolt, Beranek, and Newrhan, lnc., , 197311974. (Appendix 2.5D, to Diablo Canyon Power Plant Flnal Safety Analysls Report as amended through August 1 9E0), (See also Reference 27 of Section 2.3.)38, R. R, Compton, "Quatenary of the California Coast Ranges;" E. H. Bailey (editor), Geoloqv of Northern Cal'fornia, California Division Mines and Geology, Bull, 190, 1966, pp 277-287.Regulatory Guide 1,70, Revision 1, Standard Format and Contentpf Saflv Analvsls Reports for Nuclear Power Plantq, USNRC, October 1972.Paoific Gas and Electric Company, Final Report of the Diablo Canvon Lono Term Seismic Prooram, July 1988.Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Addendum to the 1988 Flnal Report of the Diablo Canvon Lonq Term Seismic Proqram, February 1991.42, NUREG-0675, Supplement No. 34, Safetv Evaluation Report Related to the Operatlon of Diablo Canvon Nuclear_Power Plant. Units I and 2, USNRC, June 1991.43. NRC letter tb PG&E, Transmittal of Safetv Evaluetion Closlno Out Diablo Canvon Lono-Term Selsmic Prooram, (TAC Nos. M80670 and M80671), April 17, 1992.44.Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Assessment g:l Slope Stabilltv Near the Diablo Canvon Power Plant, April 1997.45. Harding Lawson Associates, Liquefaction Evaluation - Proposed ASW Bvpass -Diablo Canygn Power Plant, August 23, 1996.46. Harding Lawson Associates Letter, *Geotechnical Consultation - Liquefaction Evaluation - Proposed ASW Bypass - Diablo Canyon Power Plant,'October 1, 1996.47, Harding Lawson Associates Report, Geotechnical Slope Stabilitv Evaluation -ASW Svstom Bvpass, Unit 1 - Diablo Canvon Power Plant, July 3, 1996.48. License Amendment Request 97-11, Submitted to the NRC by PG&E Letters DCL-97-150, dated August 26,1997; DCL-97-177, dated October 14, 1997;DCL-97-191, dated November 13, 1997; and DCL-98-013, dated January 29, 1998.49. NRC Letter to PG&E dated March 26, 1999, granting License Amendment No. 131 to Unit 1 and No. 129 to Unit 2.2,5_89 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology 95 5g 51.52.53 54 55.56.DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATPG&E lettet to tlre NRC, "Benefils and lnsights of the Long Teml Seismic Program,' DCL-91-091, April'17, 1901 John A. Blume and Associales lelter to FrG&E. "Ealhquake Design Criteria for lhe Nuclear Power Plant - Diablo Canyon Site," January 12. 1967.Paciltc Gas and Electric Cornpany, Report on the Analvsis of the Shoreline Falt Zolt! . ejtrat Costal Cafifornia, January 201 1.I'IRC L.etter to FG&E, "Sqqrnrarv of March 15. 1991 Pu." Jic Meotinq to Discuss Dieblo Canvon Lono-Term.Sjsmic Proqrem (TAC Nos. 55305 nd 6e049)', Mrch 2?, 1991 NRC Offrce of Nuclear Regulatory Research. "Confrrmatory Analysis of Seismic llazarcl at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant form the Shoreline Faull Zone," Research lnfot'nlation Letler No, 12-01 . September 2012 NRC letler to PG&E, "Diablo Canyon Power Planl, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - NRC l"evlew ol Shoreline Fault (TAC Nos. M85306 and M85307)," October 12,2012.Pacific Gas and Electric Company to the NRC, "Wthdrawal of Ucense Arnendment Requesl '11-05, Evaluation Process lor New Seisrnic lnformalion and Ctarifying the D'ablo Cartyon Power Plent Sate Shutdown Earthquak.: Letler No DCL-l2.103, October 25.2012.NRC leller to All Power Reactor L'censees and llofclers of Permits in Aclive or [f eferred Slalus, "Request of lnlprmation Pursuant to Title 10 of lhe Code of Federal Regulalions 50.54(0 Regarding Recommendations 2.1. 2,3. ancl 9.3 of the ltlear"'lerm Task Force Rev'ew of lnsiglrle from {lre Fukushima Dai-lchi Accident " Mrc 12.2012 2.5-90 57 Added for Clarlty - Refer to Appllcnblllly Dtern"hallon Matrix llem#35 LBVP UFSAR Change Bequest Seismology and Geology 96 !CPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE?0 70'e$t.r0 00 0020 œ10 0œa ort 16 rto?!rl-l rao raŽ t3/4 ?00 Noles I This llgura. i bsed on Rele3/4nce 42 Figte 2 4 Added for Cfar"ty - Refer to Ap!licsblllty Dctermlnation Matrix llem#36 LBVP UFSAR Change Requ3/4t Seismology nd Geology FSAR UPDATE UNS 1 Al'lD 2 CAltYOt' 8lTE, FTGURE 2.e33 FR.I; FILD SPECTRUM HoRtZONTAt 1991 LíSF iB4TH PERCENTILE NON.XCEEDANCE) AS MODIF Ió PER SSER.34 97 20 DCPP.UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE A;I l0 OZ 0! 0t0 0! c" otqj t3/4oillad lE..l tor3/4Noler 1 thrs figtrre is t>esed or Reference

42. Figure 2.5 Adcled for Clarlty - Reler to Appllcablllty oetermlnllon Malrix ltem#37 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology FSAR U#OAIE UITS t AIID 2 ofA8Lo cAt{YOr{ srTE FIGURE 2.-3,{FREE'FILD SPTRUM VERTICAL tggI LTSP 181T11 PERCE l"lTlLE No'!-EXCEOANCE)

AS MOT}IFIF-D PER SSER-34 98 2i 15 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE- - tt?? hrot lw!'rl-rgtr Lf aP 6% 00 ll I*N\I I I 00 rŽ0zr0 r@t0 ozr0q00 FFqu.rcy llkf I'loles'flris frgur is based on Refe" nce 40, Frgure 7-2. bul lhe LTSP tesponse spechurn lras t'een arljrrsted in accordan(: " v/ilil Ref" ronce 42.ligura2.5 2 I lirs lru,,re is for con"pnsoil prirposes onty and shill not be used for desqn:t Lr:g'r rd f f 77 I lrrslll (Nevrtrrark ccrrespor{is lc, llr s'f)ectrrtflr shovrn in Figtle 2 5-3o. 19!Jt t TSP corrspor"ds lo llre sf" clnun shr-"\r.- xt icure 7 5-33 Added for Clarlty - Refer to Applicablllty Determlnatlon Matrlx ltem#38 LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology and Geology FS/"R UPTATE.UNITS .I AND 2 DIABLO CANYON SITE:IGURE 2 S35 FREE FIELD SPECTRA.HOR12ONfAt [.TSP (tlGEE lgflBr GROUtlD MOl IOl.l VS IIOSGliI (Ntsvl/hllll I 97 799 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE ll0oro ot(tanl E"I\i:.'lr'í1, Bt!ro8ry\!'q-'I d.' .\r, Or" o0y LEGEND f-lswayroa- Slso', Ho01. Son td ftsy, ond Wlwf dro l4I, rh stHl $"so opfiodmd!, lr*,d'-n s 0r2 l-t$la.r=-l(lqrE{6! 021 Notes 1 Thls liflurt is biseC on f"elerence

52. t.i(.lurz 1't LBVP UFSAR Change Request Seismology nd Geology FSAR UPfJATI GURL: 2 fi.3tj klAt ' or srtofrEltNE t:AULT STUNY ARgA Added for Clsrly - Refer to Ap" licabllty Delerm"nlion Mtrix llem#39 U{ITS 1 ANO 2 DIABLO CANYON SITE 100 DCPP Form 69-10430 (121051121 Appllcablllty Determlnation TS3.lD2 Attachment I Page I of 2 Proposed Activlty Title/lmplementing Document No: UFSAR Sectlon 2.5 (ceology and Seismology)

Unit: D1 trz 81&2 lmp Doc Rev No: 0 Briefly describe what is being changed and why: UFSAR Section 2,5 (Geology and Seismology) is revised to reflect the results of the Licensing Basis Verification Project for the Geology and Seismology section. The proposed change is belng processed against UFSAR Revision 20. Changes include added text (e.9. to explicitly identify the licensing basis design requirements), revised text (e,9, to provide clarification), deleted teK (e.9, to remove excessive delail), and moved text (e,9. to re-organize existing information to improve reader understanding). The changes and the justification for each are shown in the attached annotated markup or Applicability Determination Matrix, Refer to the attached AD approach description for a discussion of the Applica!ility Determination Matrlx.3. Applicabillty Determination Conclusions (refer to Section 8.18 for instructions): X A 10 CFR 50.59 or 72.48 screen is NOT required because ALL aspects of the activity are controlled by one or more of the processes listed above, or have been approved by the NRC, or are covered in full in another LBIE A 10 CFR 50.59 or 72.48 screen will be completed because some or all the aspects of the activity are not controlled by any of the processes listed above or cannot be exempted from the 10 CFR 50.59172,48 screen.2.Applicabllity Determinations (refer to Section I for lnstructions). Does the proposed activity lnvolve: a. A change to the Facllity License, Environmental Protection Plan, or Technical Speclfications? trY 8rl b. A change to the Quality Assurance Program?trY Xru c. A change to the Security Plan (PSP, SCP, STQP, or CSP)?trY Xtl d, A change to the Emergency Plan?trY Xtl e, A change to the lnservice Testing (lST) Program Plan?trY 8N f. A change to the lnservice lnspection (lSl) Program Plan?trY trN S. A change to the Fire Protection Program?trY Xtl h A noncompliance with the Environmental Protoction Plan or the potential creation of a sltuation adverse to the environment? trY Xl t.A change tp the UFSAR (lncluding document$ lncorporated by reference) excluded from the requirement to peform a 50.59t72.48 review?trv!ru j, Maintenance thal restores SSCs to their original or newly approved designed condition?(Check "N" lf actvity ls related to lSFSl.)trY 8N k. A temporary alteration in support of maintenance (TASM) that will be in effect during non-power operatlons and/or for 90 days or less during at power operations? (Check "N" if activity is related to lSFSl,)Y XI t.Managerial or administrative procedure/process controlled under 10 CFR 50, Appendix B or 10 CFR 72, subpart G?!Y X l.l m. Regulatory commitment not covered by another regulatory based change process?trY Etl n An impact to other plant specific programs (e.9., the ODCM) that are controlled by regulations, the Operating License, or Technical Speclfications? trY X t'l 4. Does the proposed activity involve a change to the plant that requires a safety assessment? (refer to Section 15 for instructions) !Y Xtl TS3.lD2 Form 69-10430 - Applicabllily Determinatlon.docx 0604.1710 101 DOPP Form 69-1 0430 1121051121 Appllcabl I lty Determ i nation TSS.lD2 Attachntent 1 Page 2 of 2 5. Remarks: (Use this section to provlde suff"cient justifiealion(s) per step 5.1.2 lor delerminalions in ttep 2 and conclusion ln slep 3.)The changes do not lnvolve clrangeo lo lhe Faclllly/lsFsl OL, EPP or TS, or lhe ldenlified Plans/Programs (items 2.a through 2.9), non-compliance wllh the Envronmenlal Plan (ltem 2,h), malntenance (ltem 2,j), temporary alterations ((llem 2.K), managerial or admlnlstrative prooedure/process (ltem 2.1), regulalory commltmenl not covered by anolher regulatory proceEs (llem 2.m), or an impact to olher plant-specific programs (llem 2.n). Ihe proposed change does lnvolve changes to lhe UFSAR, some of whlch are excluded from lhe requirements to perlonn a 10 CFR 50.59 review, Item 2.1*he prcpoeed activily involves chenges to lhe UFSAR lhat explicitly idenlifo the licenslng basls design requlremenls and fheir basos eubmltted to, and approved by, the NRC ln dooketed correspondence. Olher changes are made for clarification and lo remove excessive detail or repel'live iformation, The attached annotaled merkup and Applicebllity ttetermination Matrlx ident'rfy the changes and associated Juslificalions. Note lhe Applicabillty Determlnation Matrlx provides furtherJustifcatlon of speclfic proposed UFSAR changes and are ldontlfled ln th altached annolated markups as "Refer lo Applicabllily Determlnatlon Mtrix" (refer lo atlached approach <llscusslon), The changes are excluded from the requirement to perform e 10 CFR 50.591/2.48 review per the guldanoe of NEI 98-03, Appendix A, Section 42. The ohanges are'edltoial changes, clarlficallons to lmprovo reader underslandlng, and lncorporalion of lnformalion approved by the NRC as a result of a license amendmenl or other docketed correspondence' (IS3.lD2 Seclion 8.12, Blook 2,i, Note 2). Refer to ailached License Basis lmpact Evaluafion (LBIE) and Licensing Basis Ver"fication Projecl UFSAR Enhancemenl initiative, LBIE Appllcabillty Determinlion Approach.Item 3 A 10 CFR 50,59 screen s not required because all aspects of the proposed aclivity are controlled by the processes listed in Section 2, An Appticabllity Determlnalion Matrlx has been atlached to provide Juslificallon as to why the identff"ed changes/aclivities do nol require a 10 CFR 60.59,'Itsm 4 A revlew of Secflon 15 of TS3.ID2 has been performed and lt has been determined that a safety assessment ls not required. As staled in Section 15.3 lhe proposed acllvlly has no safety slgnificance. The proposed aclivily also does not include any of lhe activities deflned ln Seclion 15,4,'**F#*!:',#:orrLB'lE) Dale: Prlnl Last Name: Angelucci**'"Tryl1"" TLBIEAD or TLBIE)Date;//i/i3 Prlnt Last Name: Tyman Signature: (Qual: TLBIEAD or TLBIE)revjelecl by'PctE),t ;iJtl;-- - -n run Date: r"l q i: Prlnt Lasl Name;llorstnrarr Refer to Secllon 6, for lnslructions on handllng compleled forms TS3.lD2 Form 69-10430 . Appllcbillty Determinallon.docx 0004.1806 102 Licensi ng Basis. Verification P roject UFSAR Enhancement I nltiatlve LBIE-Applicability Determination Approach Approach Discusslon The primary objective of the Licensing Basis Verification ProJect (LBVP) Updated FinalSafety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Enhancement initiative is to modiff the DCPP UFSAR such that it clearly and succinctly states the licensing basis design requirements to which PG&E has committed for DCPP and which the U,S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm'sion (NRC) has approved.UFSAR changes are made i- accordance with applicable regulations, DCPP procedures, and industry/NRC guidance, including the Nuclear Energy lnstitute's (NEl's) Guidelines for Updating Final Safety Analysis Repods (NEl 98-03, Revision 1), NEI's Guidelines for 10 CFR 50,59 lmplementafibn (NEl 96-07, Revision 1), and NRC's Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reporfs for Nuclear Power Plants (Regulatory Guide [RG] 1 .70, Revision 1). By LBVP definition and scope, the project's UFSAR enhancement Change Requests (CRs) involve documentation-only changes; any physical changes that are identified as a result of LBVP review will be done separate from and outside of the LBVP.LBVP-initiated UFSAR CRs will include up to four types of UFSAR changes, as follows: 1. Added text (e.9., to explicitly identify the licensing basis design requirements)

2. Revised text (e.9., to provide clarification) 3, Deleted text (e,9., to remove excessive detail)4. Moved text (e.9., to reorganize existing information to improve reader understanding)

Because the LBVP is not changing the physical plant, its design, ts design basis, or its licensing basis, it is antic'pated that most, 'f not all, of the UFSAR changes will not be subject to 10 CFR 50.59 (i.e., Title 10 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.59) and the Licensing Basis lmpact Evaluation (LBIE) review process will appropriately terminate at the Applicability Determination (AD) stage, Any individual change(s) for which the AD concludes that 10 CFR 50,59 screening is required will be documented in a separate CR to fac'litate processing, The LBVP will generally submit UFSAR enhancements on a section-by-section basis (or by groups of sections, as appropriate for the subject). The first LBVP enhancement change request, which has been incorporated, addressed Section 3.1 (including subsections, tables, and Appendix 3,14), That section describes DCPP's conformance with AEC/NRC General Design Criteria (GDCs) and the basic design requirements for plant structures, systems, and components important to safe. The Section 3.1 revision was based on a thorough but general licensing basis review for the plant. As the LBVP continues the enhancement process, any conflicts identified between revised Section 3,1 and other sections of the UFSAR will be resolved in accordance with procedure OM7.lD1. The licensing basis review for the UFSAR section(s) that are the subject of th's enhancement CR identified the applicable GDCs and found no conflicts with UFSAR Section 3.1 (an inconsistent / ambiguous text reference to GDC 44,1971was deleted).The specific guidance that is expected to be applicable to disposit'on LBVP-initiated UFSAR CRs at the LBIE AD stage includes: 103 DCPP Procdure TS,3.lD2, Licensrnq Basls /mpacf Evaluafions: Block 2i lnstructions (Sec. 8.12, Note 2) - "UFSAR changes that can be excluded from the requirement to perform a 10 CFR 50,59 ... review include editorial changes, clariflcations to improve reader understanding, ,,. and incorporation of information approved by the NRC as a result of a license amendment request or other docketed correspondence." r Block 3 on Attachment 1 (AD) Form - "A 10 CFR 50.59 ,.. screen is NOT required because ALL aspects of the activity .., are covered in full in another LBIE review.": Attachment 2, Section 9,a, sixth bullet - "Examples of editorial non-technical correct'ons allowed (without a 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation) include ... [c]orrections or clarification of text or table information that do not affect technical content (as agreed to by the UFSAR licensing engineer and the section owner,)" NEI 98-03, Revision 1. Aopendix A ("Modifuinq the Updated FSAR"): Section A3 - "[A] licensee may elect to reformat the UFSAR to more clearly identify the design bases as defined in 10 CFR 50.2." Section A4 - "Licensees may elect to simpl'fy information contained in the UFSAR to improve its focus, clarity and maintainability. ... Detailed text and drawings may be removed from the UFSAR to the extent that the information provided exceeds that necessary to present the plant design bases, safety analyses and appropriate UFSAR description. ... The following types of excessively detailed textual information may be removed from UFSARs, except as indicated by applicable regulatory guidance or NRC Safety Evaluation Reports: [1] Descriptive information that is not important to providing an understanding of the plant's design and operation from either a general or gystem functional perspective, [2] Design information that is not important to the description of the facility or presentation of its safety analysis and design bases, [3] Design information that, if changed during the life of the plant, would have no impact on the ability of plant systems, structures and components described in the UFSAR to perform their design basis function(s), [and] [4] Analytical information, e.9., detailed calculations, that is not important to providing an understanding of the safety analysis methodology, input assumptions and results, and/or compliance with relevant regulatory and industry standards." Section A5 - "Licensees may remove obsolete and redundant information and commitments from UFSARs." NEI 96-07, Revision 1 Section 4.1 .3 - "[M]odifications to the UFSAR that are not the result of activities performed under 10 CFR 50.59 are not subjectto controlunder 10 CFR 50,59, Such modifications include reformatting and simplification of UFSAR information and removal a a a a o 104 of obsolete or redundant information and excessive detail. ... Similarly, 10 CFR 50.59 need not be applied to the following types of activities: [e]ditorial changes to the UFSARI;] [c]larifications to improve reader understanding[;l lc]orrection of inconsistencies within the UFSAR (e,9,, between sections)l;][m]inor corrections to drawings, e.9., correcting mislabeled valves[; and] [s]imllar changes to UFSAR information that do not change the meaning or substance of information presented," NEI 98-03, Revision 1, is endorsed by NRC RG 1.181 , Content of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Repo- in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e), dated September 1999. NEI 96-07, Revision 1, is endorsed by NRC RG 1,187, Guidance for lmplementation of 10 CFR 50.59, Changes,Iesfs, and Experiments, dated November 2000.Applicabllity Determination Matrix ln addition to providing annotations in the UFSAR Change Request Markup, some items may require additional discussion and justificat'on for the change. These changes are ident'fied in the annotated markup as "Refer to Applicability Determination Matrix." The applicability matrix provides further discussion of the proposed changes and identifies associated LBlEs, LARs, LAs, and analyses that provide the justification for the activities not requiring a 10 CFR 50.59 screen. The applicabil'ty determination matrx also identifies act'vities that do require a 10 CFR 50.59 screen.105 UFSAR Section 8 lntroduction Applicability Determination Marix 1 ItaG Artec{Gd LMng UFSAR Scllon'UF5ARS.cltofl Brlct Chetgc Oorrlptlon UFSAR Rcv.Assoclatcd Uccndng DocurrEnhtloo Canrrrnl Rcgddory GuHc 1.70, Rcv 1 lrryrct Rovlrr 605t Applcrb[[y Dlccussbn r0 cFR f05l Scrcln Roqrdmd{YcalNol Socdon(:l Tebh(4 Flgurc(rl SER,SSER LA LAR LAE?.5 HA NTA 15 Addcd d'Slrr tha (,ardoo6.l.4 o( t F Et rnE lrE{r.lo( DCPP ,{o(htG! &G lorirorEo ol 10 cFR Pdt 10o, ADeGadr A 'Sol.rnE ad GGobeic glhg Crisris lo, Nrbaa Porrcr plofilr.' lhq ldoxlnO DCPP codhqudca so dom rpoclb," iilA N'A WA t{r tlll LA\rP Enhorqaal la dclrty do&!tp tt*il1oftltitr bdFon EPP.rd t rOCFRPrnlmADporldhA toguhloty G.Jatb 1.r0. R!t, 1 drbr 'Prof6.d AFort A !o 10 lfR Pan {D.'Sdofibdrdc6oloeac S0ng q{ah lor i.ludo..,arwr PElll' (pr0lrhod ,q cqllridl' .nd lrtdirn gddona. ln th ldqgL&cff, vct t6. t'b. 211, ildrt tlbd ?3. lyr1l" rdd h. Drhchd.cbnlc!1d eoolodooonrBsldotr:ndguEotho rlllatdy 6tt h [r GrdrEoon d tho sccarte1y d rn!. rnd ril3 r.nduunconr!.l lo iprov.l,tt rcrdf ufibtaMlng.r h rpcldlo.o6oil-Iha crrhcrcr'iloltt dlrl ha rolgtUrrnF botuom OCPPI .or0rcsrlGr sru tho.. lt3rcrtbrd fr 10 CFR Pdt 'loo. orondrr A m. 12-llf Rclpdl:rlo Roc['rrnoodlalotl ZtS.bnEU1!

1. rhtod Novoobor?7.2012.

!illioa !incotto ,od*moil o( tho !.rrrE lrDsts tor DCPP F!dd!! fio L..rErEc d 10 CFR t00. ADpsrAr A. -SolomE rrd* Sfrrgqtrllrtot lt *rrPru6rPh3,-llr.ldbilIno DCPP<pocalposrhqJlforlrD do,,rx{-tL 12{1. Eadffiory ArE }lll oa Sc.LrnE }br!6d d rtc DCPP lrorn tho .st rdh. Farlf. dor6d SlplctrDar 1012. .toloi'IlE Atoa*c Enugy trmrrfftaoi o.!lm!y trnEd con rrudbn Dornltl r! ,g!E rrDOPp Ullr 1 rnd 2 h t9dt ulrd ,97q, irtgocl,voly.llt. 6 so.ldruc$on porm{t hdud.d ! Oodlo D.dgn E!flhquolc'{oDEl Xa*d mdm iorplri ErcEutr {li 8 hqucrfrl p!!k OrDl,id locdsr!{m (PGA} ol O.aO lnd a 'tulgl Xo oBE,sSE cQuralrry ltllrft.rL EroEPP rilllt .dqno.t.o DCPp D(g(Eto! IOCFR Ap9c.* A.fno DDE lrqlnd mooon {r(t tno O! florrx, moqon Hro c!{br $ ttro rooirduy Orol.(d mo0on bvds ,l't lho qC q&coqoorfty doml+oo !a ho 5!to S'urd*l! !rfh+nto {SSg' eroorrd mo0on m( olo aopordhc Brih:rdt{r,tda (OB!f erdrd 'noilort.' \icsr fll'td..ttrtaotasn. f,EPP plldrLr IOCrR Fut'too,lppodn

4. $E dor!, OG GlthquskG ,orbn lasll d DCPP ll strtirq.Ir.$

odwano'ltr ttt d.6r.d tun co.rltpondlrEo

  • {h tho ,\nC, NRC frgdoUy aeamntrrbt .rld ifori E t,Fgr\Ri.rc r}rr.lm. a 1O CFR 5O.39 tffin b ml nqfi.'li 25 NA N/A larl io dr!rl!/ &tcdbo llo lrtsio.tdl 0!Errtronzomntb dol&tcordatqycd.b l-?0. R6r t,g.ctbnzS rDcomfirrEt

!bol ,d.r{plE ol 0ro db. $o hrollooot,.to ?orfoo!.4 r6ult! ol ID!l. .,rlilrrsal! if prilrld! r ligr t6t d t fi!ry d th. 'hBtorrol pfoorl!.. ot !l! ol3aXcdnrlcd atld ro{crDholcrl ltrrslilEtlonr loso.ldtd ultll $o OCPP ,ro..." Th. ,e!rn! d rx Orblo.t Cbrlln Ptt6.. H6t'1 Erst [!oo PFoo. ord Ltrl! Te'm soEfilo Psoorosr Eaalloton Pnss! e! pmao,ltod fi mhaDcod UFSAR ucnqro 25.3.9 ad 23.3-rO SSER 01 sldr. Ts .,rdOo BJrpo.6. an !'ral+o ol !to. I utd D ruporu rpcco u.o (rcd lt c orrtthro!..5 lrfilqrll.o (Ots!, rnooporad Eurh$taka B v,lh s trgtorld Eoc.ld!flon d 0.150 oltd Eofilqllfc D^llh aio.Eorrlt lorrloErct do20: Thr t,3. dlrE.Efiqu*o rG$illtgcrrD loa ltlo8c 6 o&!d.{o ilsrdtlqr duq lo.o0qudro locrtlon, (... E.lihqudE O yodd ttrvr rllahflty tt[r6 Eccol.f.t ono il ,r hleh tr.qrrnct pdr C lta opGcfuTrt fba oom{ E dra &!d 0.{, r,u md lo( t E SSE- llt,ilb n6{ dord b s lho t urd ODE tn OBE -td SSE <to,roDod coooopoid lo tp Q2g rxt Cag D! ctld f,ff-RL :corf lmElory Am{yrk <f Schne }la:!rd d th. OCPP lruo ttrc Shootro Fott(", dard Sodsnbo 1ry12, dsE {ho Alomlc E r!to}, to.llrilllblt o{ttuty E&Gr, canlln cudr Domlc lo PGEE lor DCPF lJdt[ 1 ild f h 19e! lrd i8?O. llrooc$r.ry. ffro.r Gsrlruct,n pdfiifi lndudd e'Dortlo Do.ton !sthqEt '{mE)gfol.r{ molbl tupoar.scoUn r*h!tl.rLqlldpsokgrurod o@lorrlm{PCAI ol0.{0 f1., !'N!n Errrqdo' {OE) oltrsrdrrdon r.cDdrr..rcrfixlr lth ! hoflrE {d PGA oa O2O.Ilr. CO! lrqnd molo.r arn hc DE gru,l<f mctlo'r slt dr{E lo [to ro6rbory grurrd modoo Lv!h A[l lio Fqrordqr d6t!.o4 h lha r.&L For.rf.d h [to r.cUq-nvdlgoIofi!. (rd ! ttElqftorl .. lo IlD dld ol. xartL ThL d('*l.rt p.o!r5ar r hrdoffd rolll!fi lo tr!.!o ff.a0oolbia ElrfiqlDlio (OBEI' lro{rld tloiolt.'SS!R Oa strtc. "fr f iff . ilo gEdooadr t.tlh fr Shrl Ol Camosn, pl$IGM pllnqdy pr+;cety drtr Fr(cdrp fro Farr.rc. o( a r0 n&. lono tdrf riout { 1t2 tr{o dt lra. tnrtt tho DbUo Corryoo glutt rrt Olorfkllsrd Grfitfhr lEltL.Ih! U- 6. OtdooEtf $.nrycanddod fhoa. DEOrfirdc 7.5.dflrqrll! carld ocErr oil fio l.l(n!!l tara A dslcd ln ADF.rd& C lo lt{c qrgCc.rFrn. lh. slrn,cyr rcpoil 5 lltllrd.d lo , ryrg Bt.ry -.qrgHrl.wsMrrq iEBIv uE}tr@@u g Exle Itugtr fgr.oFrur rr[rocaaoi.l tcr mduabr olfhrortsnbcepoltlth.Cth.Drblo Crrwr tt Pow gdlool.'SS!f, 3a d.t 'h ariuiuy. lh! dalt lr[ rwlrwd lha PGaE luur*flda r.ldrE b ttn ['tSP ri( arH lo corr,iqratn ty PGst lffi trc corr r.5mlo nolltnr or aocqEto lo armqtodco lrrc tplct{ 'rcd!rcE dh.rr&d rndr d6llor{ { .Dorro. ho {dr rLl(,r thc tx.rB conilhl zc.(a d tPR{lo tlr lccn nrt Iho 6tl ltd.a lhol UE a.irrfc q.rdmcsEr borh td OhHa CmFr yll cantrpt ro b. fno drhol daJgn b.ab Cu. t o lbrgrl stolldon D..L" !loi0 r.l,l fho d.ocldod .ltat icrt rnffi. hillcl condl!6( s!c. Tho LTSP hot ranrcd 8 l rmtd d[d( olt th. adrcttc, o( tlrc orblilc malin lnd h6 gmrdly lhot lhc mrllrE oro ooc.PhH(" Ito{o orito.tccrictlr !il dotrld tD{t Gon[lponarsrco t.or lho ]rRC, NFC Regntdry documoAHioo ot![rottaE I,F3AR ilrt Ttarcfolo. ! 'lO CFR 50.53 rtroofl E nG ,o$rod" rruthlo IIA ,YA frrflFb\ddcd lql d!ily&r! lhol tho ar{onrE.aon cdodrd s lor'Etlhqrra,{s! lltorlltl 13f2' lo clclrly pEnilty tho rppIcoblo ltnr tron. lor lt nloflrro{dr rrofonlod.BuP hhcnccnrn lo CcUl, dfrm homoD.rbdellcflblc bltl.rrdrnslontoang porrr*ed h ttrc)dbr fll. t ar rdltortd durrg: fo hrPrwG lI&r d!dv. fhb dir!,rcqrrqrl aloor rFi rdd oachonolc'tftq ltltl,'E1mlll ot Itc1rlt !{rrh rcqa.rErEr*r. TiraGtd.. di3.ftrr!. abrard lnp.d R.g.rlfqyaJir! 1-rO. FGY l.I n6. atc Col{qEt ffi E rlptwc sF G4f rng6rslmmg g tm aFpiGaDF tlcuont. r ru mtmccoroar daryfi. !or. lnm. @ptcrurro rnd rtrtdrC !oll! prG&rllc(L lho.. rnhicoaurir aE Drtod onorllrEmdrd 1ll$cUFSAR.lhoyarcocbfdtmorrrhd thofltdoriltctr!0 x!.cr{Gd lr h.(, dr lrIilnstbn cdloclld ffi! o. d{ln, 1 971 TLr h rrllrh rvitrd h ltr6 ldbr9m tlsrc.Id Ulllrtrotn ao{ilolr ?,t: rob5all. tn u.t ldlxqrll.51071-flob2lle il. blod.drrr$,ok lo 1000.:tgur fr hert.{trqurlr rc 1971.fuir't ZL]. lho h63t 6!.fiqu*. E 19rz:lom Z5{. ilE bt6d ortauor! l. 1971.hlo f, lra Gdlo.tsl .nIo,rcGlfloail lD rnp.o'ro thc ,ladtr und{nlmdlm o( frto l0Clcauo .ocildl3. Tho rtalornr cladt' lho ffao tBrne lpClcoDlo lo lh. ri{r'rd bcfig prl'onfrd. o rdrs:rcormnta qr bocod m qttfi0 rfidqlol ft tho l.rFSAR Thoy lro ! dn loot on tllot fm ltdaorlol lolrg nrt6d ts t rod ofl frfomdon *dod bdol! or.torE fhe oootrd d6lgr ,aroo!. TtE SER fd Da t,rlt 1 R ruol '-to &haology Divblon ol tto Cac g{ Gco<rolhl s.xvey hro ootr&{ fho Dal!.trbif of lho rq^i{ h. p(opfl.(, 16.10r{0 tr Dlluo Clnylo Soo LlrL Obtao Coor*y, Cdfoant!. lnd h.[ trwl!*cd lh.r rDslri3 rmd. !y ltl. .prlk!il h tr, Prafnnry Scroty lrutyth Rrto.l d thc tfudcrr Phl el Itlo tlobloloe S[q Plc[lc G6 qd Ebctrlc Compary. Th! Eptcuilt ..rqrtslry llFon lr oornplct! ,or Do$ arcly slli rf aa{$qu.t(il {fGtt ,rry rEv! dHad th! Dlopq.d alq Tfr dr{ cf tancor oa lh. pobf,ttd rEfill{lql! danf fi. Asr And.cor F.uil. th. Hoclrnlsnto FuIi. tr s!trt! Ynd Fodt lrE $o gon Andtlaa rhoda ud ol tll5 l&.{ tElr6 not odt , rartawd lfiD htllodod rilrElEkdr b{t ! rticubn ol ttEa 106 UFSAR Section 8.1- lntroduction Applicability Determination Matrix I tr$rt Atfcct.d LMng UFSAR Soctlon r LEYP Erthenctd UFSAR Scctlon BrhtChange Dcsctlpfiott UFSARRcv-Airoclrtod Llccnchlg Doctficnte[or Cormod Roluldoryculd6 tJ0, Rcvl Lnptl Rorlcw E059 Applc&trty Dl*ussho t0 cFR 505t ScrcooRcqulmd tYctlNol SGcrbn(sl TrNo(sf FQuro{rf SER'SSER l-A LAR LgE Htrfhhl{,4 N,A rd&d U. -(lJrng !D orlgttldoabnpho.'!o Couiy qtanily rho aoifcaHt qmo trlm tor tt*o r{anorg66 p16*r6.o,l/P Brltncdmd to dldlyddtl3 rfit p.rtid dlclblolorh. rardlon botE prlrdcrl h lfic ar odrbdd cndroE ro llltrDv. rad!. chitrr. Tltar ilnrn do.arEt odd or dtr!t0. alh.rlrr.lutaro,ral ol r0 DtaL tqutf'ld:n ltctrlo6. trti dott!! do.a rid Rrodrr.ry Glndo t.m. R6.'t.rdo,n Grr rdlod ls tro ccrftqit*. lrlqucflsy .p.ctnm or lsdtld{ih. dcolh ol tocuo. rf6 lrd drabn o, rt ain daLllrol" Iho sER !l tro t tntt 2 PSAR !t0t!o'Tho enoilnab d tt'o oalooy d tho Bsrllo c.tryon l{rdorr Plad slittr rold*d hAE c. Dsctdt{o. J{}z75 lan &tC.t orrts u.o talrEtod lndcompoaod ufi fro !t oa!4o llorgtutD.

  • r<l hcuflootorytaE u attaL raf. dllthod sretE!.d t4-13. t966- Ttrormlyulo lpcotolo bo oaclr{yactnrodardEprsd{orrdoq'nt

!prr.hd.(tto.oaaPodlo(ttEclGologyriichvotldlcpertomtlo in molnaa.tra Girrlud!o ol lra rl6.i ssER ot ltd!l -Ihra ooaaoorErd r!.tm&, ov&lstb.i nfllcrrolrrlrrtorYd xil/atltsplb.ra caiduclcd.rrc! toce. fto. tf,..dr{l'uo.r ct dilqtcd h r$. Flnc lldrfy ric},!rr Rogor (F31t61 167 xt D^blo Cnnrur l{rd!o( Pbnt .lh md rl ! ltpoll bytfllgru (f fl41 Ih g.obly crd t tsmdooY d l,lo Dsds Carydr r[t rracrdty [ro AECrtsf nd rngooaogEd rts rtadoglcd.drboro. lh. U.3. OoobOcal sw., ( hG U.S. Cood lri Ccodila &rrv.I. dd.rg tno conolrdJor poon[ tlttt ThottndLo!ctEtrclrrwwr.DUlilrodontldEtbarlS, lr08.!ortt.lficsERlorUnaiz tiflfirottodlo ..r{r{c drr0o hfl( lh. s!R co.rctldld: (11-Tlror. !r! rD rdqdftllh ndor rcrtr cr dho, !.do!lc til'dun ,n tlo da 0E[ Bid Do c.Dclsd to bcdlo rdt,Tidly h Oro lnrrr<ll& r'lckt&f d hd .rf!. rlr. rE,!d rrtrflrksl, ldkt mair lrlt tr Oro Na'dmlorto lail. a ndrhFdftndbrgtrufrroo.lfittlpproodrrto x5ft *o(4 r'20rrlh.o( itorllo totL llglholrtsld t2l'--!r4 Cort and Goo6cdcSt twy loroor ll$ lhnoDPrclttrt ooloourld O2oo sl th. trlo lIE fi md(lriho prodt{cCn dilmgtofidftDdfltol!ott!ddala.oftrqu.loudtv.cafuvtlF.Oaogo,1r,\ oolo dr*dot(l cotaono.-Ilrro ol*pncqnqtu ltt ddrrt sdottronE b d.alr tbto md rto rn dgdott !t. {otnl do*tlloll wto prrldfid il a Dlrt oa Or. dlOhd d6lon ,filor d Ot! Dbtt Ih. i{. uE rro.olt.l nwodool,oil Htr Pt(qrnad b ddilnho tho Ddoq$s, ol [ro lfl! .. a '! !fld thtrl to d.f.fiho Arc E1r lor lh. ddtlrl drod. d thD trli-rt{r.oh.ncafirnatrJtdldlddrlldmtornp.6rct odtr{flddiEtt'0DorIEl!6{r.R6/r.Sldl(l ,1.1.! and do.n rlol tdd d cficltlt olhaf tfio ftnalrrrC or lcarrng i.t. ,lqtrG'n nB" TtEi. onnorEcns(ta t o ddlrod tqn cqr.ap6t dr r(fr [r hlRC. ilFC Fcluhlory (6rnontrtb.r rtt EFoclllc IS-SAF tdt Th.lclorr. ! 10 CFF 50.59 gc(..n h nc rqulrod-No Uufoh NA t{A\rfiiro , !!aan onco. o('SGllnlcCoiooo.V DotgnClal E *r!.lcdnadfo.suG rdlatu 'rr,oahrrUFS RSodlm.noodeI orE! n.Y 1 doot fit -{ro.r rl. ndt rthlr.i b b. gaa{ 1o( !lsl, ,lhrcd lqraflnari{ s.rd rtrtctuce. fharcloro.,tr actrqyh nd krr9oct DCPIFr cotmlunsr l.g ilth EC.Jhrl f,rd..I D,opotod lctfultt twh- { o0Cra,t6 rl 'scbmlc Cdaueary f ie'PSIE Dur{n Ch f E ffi h t!PP Ol-ESot on ?-23.{ lltd T!& t.r ,oro.rd ldfrw rwro. af, Gr,orloo. d 'Nolr-9ohn{o Gtttlory f lo'PG6E hlo?t Cl!!o f m dallnod ll OCPP olUd 30.{06 2JJ.r e.l(l Trdr l.r proOocod ocilvfy d!'flor El h rt! UF:llR boocd ofl t r brnrholooy filc lt Eorulttod h fio OCPP O&.fi bco.ffi brtE loCFRr0-Sgproc!!!. Tlroroforo.l 10CFR5O5' Scrocn !r ffil FqrJri{.tlo N.t til/A.5_5 lwEhdon hc lo({om to Eor1tiy rbodr t!{LJkdtrctilt 34 ls.lP E,lhrrctlaontto doddY dlnrE lrdlcruo f{,qts tEas tuquallmcdr aD ililrq ror E filrEld sodaila 15.t-l -2144]t{d.mut u! btrod on .pprorrod lctndnf lrlla aou.lo doct,lrod! 6 *hdolrd h lro anldtGd UFS R nar{!9. lffilctlon ol rpdlclt . tJilofrro Boil! lalIrrDoils prtt ldlt !*w oa aG EEPF &omnq!$lrillonh r.d n*{rffiDily d Ut UF9AR Thh lad b tbrr,ld irm ril{Do 6oarnor*, rarddr<! n llr urrnor* hloql ttrd hs"G bom qlvloltt, +ptotld Ey tp NRC. Dy [E]l.E {.llorilrtleal. or orEtrll Srtaty 3rduonoRoacrfp{.fiEc.o!75);ftGn a..rIOCFRs0.50sclunhnotEqdrod.R.tertDb.lrr^OU!m(lu hhsrcadsodoilZLll.'l -2,I.i3 !c rdctyG{dt![on dl.crr.b(L No r&rhh ttlll N/A d curoncrn d iSao Fhuc' to fuot sVP Edaoconror{ lo aoalto 1mflc, 1l!not$h n !o dth{llrrofl n ?5ldoa0$ricrts0rlho tctt trtr rof r!$rlrtt!(rr l@*lo antlocltnl!il F !n .Cbld d8{Gdhn b httprot G t!6dor u{dorthndno Pot NEl C65r, BlY 1. g.Gdon ^(.dodtrdoddqctanoo.ttortlbfttr{oaoldlldtohg0610l.qril .inrIr- Tncr.fd..olocFR5O.5o Nc Sldtotr .1.2.8: N'A I lqtTd!r. HocAEvst Udl .'rar.rroo \{vo rrloctyol3Cm lcotperscond tc r rrE louda0on o8llfc,'Etrmc&ndnro dcodyddYta t .!oGrl'E Hqd EvdqoUoi.D.opocod lc$dry dlElt r!. tho rff, gtr@yll ilqulr!{ by ,U6y &rld. 1-?o, Rd 1. Ifirr.ld!. lhb lctrrtt dod,loa d OcPFr@nri*ild tof*. !dfr*y.I hl. onllGlloofirottl E tr{orndFn 6otlt 0d aaoan uro t&tgn Hopo[ l nx n6om q.IrlGo G Yolr w lfr m trsllo ltraa nw y.locfy dt fio 0lo ilolor, 6rdo!0o.1 r! ltLy EG dltGrtr{ thm tior. u!!{ ior lh. {rloflc dod$tPh6.. Ilr t{oooll E F( h rdqr {11 l,otcrtal Fmpodor. :nAcr -Iho ttstmol C loundluon gEdr lE En strrg!oh.r t5v! illoEil, a{ 3dE tt por !.G. i pobtoft r,.ilo d 0:!. rd ! tptdllc lfldy or 22{.-Ihao r,trsncqrrcfb om dodvcd frqn seccrpmdotm r.rth tho hRC. ilFC Foo(dory Ooertnolrlrtilt! ott , r['252 tl,A MA P E0horrral(I to dllrly.lofirr I Bololt ar! gnltr oo.r6,dod[i,'rdEdlqrar Grl{o1.m.Fw tr(l chatnoo-tunl olE Sr{r[Rodrlosos{ltloltotF&ltdh!fdo$$ctsttdA'rdbtillvdDoc.stBlooo k q{rttrxl, Fod<loo a ltnolrt cf rcy lcotrLrll ,r{.tloll4 flrcfr(lirglho ddc d lhn ild ca .o.tsltuctbi d l,ti ,dy22.190c. Br&fl rnd &Dtrrt 'Sclnh EY![lrioo d th. Oldo Oar,rdt S{r.' pullticd Julrry t. 1067. prouda t p nlail&.! tful r.a urd a rlr tr.,i d tr. d6tlEl .dttqu.k a dd.tlb.d b.b, $ AL ilsnfl l.t! t10- Thh ,cn rd dufil! nr! fttludor ol trt. oru m I vlda aI. arld cmdudod bolo6 ol' $!'l ol ur4 I soni.fircto{t Itu. .d!ilcortrdr tr dofird figm co.ltaporl{.tc. xfi thr ttlc. f'nc Frytfuqy dootmoldgt sttd rpdts LIFS R lst Ttt ?rtor8. ! l0 CFR r(LrD rct .lt 16 tlot lt{..rfiL No 10 5.?Nil N./A tddod6(t '.$t*n lolmrtl!!0.l30ltrro Do.brt EorltCu.f(' P g*ri.rrn r* b do;ly do0m hosE farmoorlhqtr}d stud by E *rill ra{l St{lh srot r lclto DE Jr$ ! s drlEdon rD mrror. Io!fu cBty. rno.lrtillult! lb.irang tar. !t EPP t! unaquo tnt, dor trol codqttr to tr:BEf}gE oootlsrdofi tpcrrlkd rl RocdslqycllIdo 1.r0. Rl, I ar DCPP rncolvod i! hEd llccm.t {oG ilro pttLbtlE d f,grgaeA Thorolro. fi.! rrr.nEBdoa. rd lnp.d Rcsihlory gnrh 1.70. Rrr, '.!.rh.lordllcfircfitt arilomlrbnllc(tYrdrrorncdrrrts uFsAFtdr ll dlriltc.d r.qbr625J-0.1 rrn:5J.10,1

l. rsl 6 dr0o0 UFSAR Srcrbn 3.7.11 t h Dottp oddod to rrh lt ro #ry th! puoo.. d tr m.dtn t rr&qt*idorh.dD, Bfil!il lrn sn[r.ill'rad TJFSAR Socib 25-i.8,1 n.l!. 'lB!'tlcn drrd qnIil tl rwloslnO ft rotstttory cf rtu tolqr !.E rE pP !f!. doloflnh.d ho a.lfnn rortftulot thol cqjc naomaHf !. .tDodod to dttct tl. dL.'ilto r.d LrsAR so.{bo ?J311r,1 stdfi'AcCoar'holy, ElrtEd(o t}fiod{bd s @rl!,0( ry '- tnalntm/lirltoryttrodofl!fth.ffidt tEidboPtgdlE.dDl.ltrr ErtrquarcD{lot$r(qElrltqsok E t.9onfie ,llfi. 'trEnl gsird d tho vlhallrg DEdy.JFSIR s.dolt !.7.'1.1 ura'fo( .brbn p( po$a, thc llapomo .rosft ,o, .[dl dlrnplq valro ltom Itr{l.tcf!

B md Eld]qud(o D(trodrhlao (omunod to trodlco m orn .lopo tP.cElrtt. th. .coc{ctloon ,crr lo. rr, ,.dod dl nrl .nvdA. .pookudt b .qd b t, &t0d d rho trc y:lllcr ts'l tho Ednqu]o B rDocrur .flo fi! EDttxu.lo Dmorfrod lPostl,rlL Vrrltsd ttoo lt E 0tol'ld E!lo's$rrn. !n0ltb eorlE{ ItDc[sld![ou! motofl tooponr. lPa<tedo aoqntrod btx luo,rradsdlh.c'rrrorFo*rl noatd{llorGlte. ftE DE r fi! Droot Egcll6d1qu*a rhd ydrld xoolEo $Gro tprtrmld lrrl ,orocd ylflrol., E.hrfront -tttoa dtlEicororii om dctlv*l ltorn conugonrtoel xfti thc l{lc. NFC Ra{E rory dGtil.ria[on ed iDodtlc LrSAR tdt thdt ofr. r 10 CFR 5(L58 tcrootr h rld rc+r.c.l-flo 107 UFSAR Section 8 lntrodustion Applicability Determination Matrix 1 hm Artadld LMng UFSAR Stcll,on I.BVPE fitrrrcrd UFSAR Sosllon Erlot Clrlnglc Dorcrlpilon UFSAR Rcv.A$ocht6d LlcdEfng DoarrrrGoffi ott Cornmcnt Rcgn&tory GuHc 1.70, Rov 1 ltrplcl Rot llw So.!t Appterbdty lllrcucdon 10 GFR to.!t Scrccn Requlrcd (Yo3/No)Sodloft(.1 Trblc{sl r.lEurt(r) SER'SSER u I-AR LBIE NA N'A loc0arl lEm'llodmn t ErfisfE:rdd Llrroolo l@nldotyCrirh 1.70. Rw l roqdrs!.,lEcr!6loo !r, lto tro*,tl m (dflquok8. iholrt.rhdrlor*l d(l,lqlElc.od tho rgddri brlt cstthduoks h rlct ru 2.5-ZA 2.5.2-10. rd dtlilcrnbo b lrrE oyc nd.r l'd.fibndlr0 t ltr DCPP corlrqpla llCr.rE bEr. Trx (rtLd(,lr. ddrb rl. DCPP Erttqucrr lb,lEro booaofi ocbra'6d conaxo. nailror.No EAf,EqATO It' t-Eugndlo LrqDmc srfiq('t(! tconotno D!!a d ocPP 15211. ...D.clh,tly.lrOS !ei SSEdon (lpCy'to OCPP ltt iaarr htl DGar 6ol6d rrduGtcoflrE trlDa.clBltcrorl6(, ro ,6rtyp6or{lhr OCPp tc.lrline pdtlh. totE lafi.nG$s ol ltlo lodon ol Florrhlory Gdd. L7O. F!? t.rrftarcorrrotl'!fl.{o.d drrftcriqr!&rrcv. rlloot uiltot?Er*te p.t NEl90{7. Frdy t. Soctlon {-'l 06 DOt ldat d ctE tgo olfrrof Do tsrEtqEl or DorJt rqurorDcnGs ThuEloli. ! 10 cFR $.!O r6n t3 not ra$d?r4 25:3 N'A l,r/A I qlb-!.c!orr lodlcu.o !}o Do3lln n.ko oq f porf!e!. fo EorlO and ttcondu Eonhqnlor-SlrP Enhmcomoil b dodry dolho hofuEnH\rd(oooqE dtll.EPP rl!al0n dld Scdlarno tlala Raorfiay Gard. 1.70. R6, I tnr..r Rft,owtot!6Lllv Ettlroihdba lllotrn lom 6 lhhh!chrltcdbrblnprEvsrEdE rrld.ilrsrfngolthcDcPPc&thq5n!lcailLlgb.r[Thr]nfcclbil ndultad d!tuic fna DCPP .dth$rsfa hralng boilllt a d!a( lnd ooclr mrryrot f ho OE tlrltlqrilt n dEdt ,.thod n LrSAR aactm 3.r-1.1. fd ddlo! 9u.Fdoa. tho ,srpo.!a! ap.ct'! td d.rl d{rnpattg vrte lon!txlq!h! B am EotrfiCoo,il D,modflld !r! 6ol'lDlrlod lo D.odlrcr oi s.do9o !!.dtt ttt TrD eolorritor 4dLE fot !ry porra( qr trrc r6.doFo rpodurr lo oqld b lho lqgor .l ih! lyo td{m ltom tlt Elrtr$efo B No iold gdird odtdr ncDonar aDo!ta tla atrrm.d i6 b. li.o{frdr ot fha corl6Doidog no&ut croclta fha DE f $G htpolitGJcd odrqudra t\d mrld prodtrG ot r. tutrultrl md vcrlta{ vlblltory acdadhnc.' fIIr rrri&tcorn d n !n odEo.til rbrlk ilo.r ro rrp,ufi rrodor urddiEtldho EiNEI SE {}?. R.v l. Sodhn 4.r 3 md dooo ltot tdd q t,lmgr.[i.r tl. ll,l(dord or lanltlo DaGl6 tqutiifioab-llro{stdo. o 10 CFR An59 Scrxt ! nd loqiloc.25f.9 N'A ilA.5.1'7,f-BVP ffloncloront la cococl ypogflDlracd !flo( kto+rccrl\madncrr 2O hh ra sn c'dltoabl c,lErt!l. lo lmFo.r! r.!du dsflr. Tra nlEncdncil doil nol add o(dEngE Gfh6f tnc tunctlqd c, clrrrloo hri! r!$Jelrmdr. Tllllrorc. tltt dtonllo doai nor np6 R.Srldcry Gr.idc 1.t0. F.1, 1.ll O ClqtEden D lorr.c a lypolraDhDDl alrol l\uuru@c h ,tmnotro,ll -ru lo Do LrEnCl ru/5 ttj^x n oilo torrr ilRCiD$roalord(,lrdlcldo.rEllxt 0rA[. d!a!d J6r{^Eyzl. 197.. I]rb RAldo.! nolarlrocl, t lh! rrctltn ln cpcttoo. Tt a clEloo r r(,FdLd by llto orl0{ttd do3lgt EF,L 'S.rmac EYsldhn o( lh.{o CErrst s[r.'tyBmlo r [l{l srnn, srd by SSEF Ol.8!.*oltorraAmnnrtPo{d!(a'Ttp oqwrlql mcarrhlouotldbo ?-14.'ln S9EROI. J!ilrty rr5, touEhr B E dEclraod a t$oor{udo 7-v1 !brl9 ollohor!-- t\b s2.9 N'A N'A 5.f,.0.2 ,{6d clr{oclloo b atto(*rtltlcrlobroDoo{n Egfiquafa o0 t porfdns to Oo3le(t md Ucatotnt Bfl.EuthqLlfo!. 31/P Elfuncaosd lD dolrfr drlkto ho Ddrblo Iholo[l Ectlquol(a as orln ,tl rcPP doelon ttrdlco0olE 116 srdtoid(ca-Llar to R.!uF&y Grtd. 1.70. R6v t SnFd Rryk$rror lFb0ty D.amiltdon LJEro( ldn 16 h.l lt a cloaroc.iln b mDam lubauno.f3r[trE d lr l:gr oanttqrp m{E 9.E rr @ffi ncfrrdod doffiE llpD@P oortlqualsbdr8ltoDsrt}ll ofurgldtono.! ttrrlor. Tno DEontqrnlo E tmrt dotklld tr UFSARxioS.?.l.r.-tlp DO!lutE lt'"dh.'tc!roatlhqlala td!uld rroth k{d.rdioratn c{ lhrao E tro EE'lTlsdsrncaffilrlrrn lddld r,hnlicdgr torr!ffi! tlldcrfidorcE {llif Ft.lElF6-(fr.Fd 1- ScclJon{1 r*t doil nc rdd q dlllrC. Glh.r ,r tul(rltnC o,lcddllo Dr{r rdirlrrlrnn. ThorElm. { 10 cFR $5o iaa t5 25.2.C r{/A N,A 19J\d& rub*ac{oi bdlad.ra !E Hoa0A:sfrr$Etr Dr f Don*ra lo Do{Cn lid tlsotrlh!to.hErttlqrrdor o{.8lrP Bfuoconont io doorl, dolbrc ho ffoiprt ffir{.al(' oa o?tc ot [ro PP (bd![t.ndli&lh{ tarlo irr,rqdalrL I ilt lt a !lcrtclllhil b fipro!/c tlcoof unoofl4llExlo q rtta Lr.l.r clnnqtrE rc11I9 DEE I m &rctcE ndr&d {tottE trro EPP t! oo.olqud(! Loanstrro Drob h o chlt md coidor rmrn t Tlto tG b doulvdolnrt n tF3ARr.<!oo3-7.'!.1. ?GtE tlor r!$&dod bytfto tfiClo ci.dtdooto ConfraDdblnylovatalcrda ,ootr&o REils. rrogil!ft 75 olnt4,ote codu*l elorp cn dlsnoo rilo r( godoolc turm0, goootlry lrofirdlolrffrHqilFout-Thl!trtttaldr'rrrhcuoodhfhovEfq,.ctl'parltrfionnlrtPocltalttDtmEd o I tha t{6$l G/*rEilto.i ff Hotod Girs{ udlFoo[kcofd!0oo r!!pdr. .podr qr.vla lor ho{Eoard md v.rtral tt!. tlc5 Otarrnd moilon !t 6a pbil rno t oar lh.! ar lh. Ncm!{* lnd gfnrr rp.ct fucttod ,r Scclh.l 2.5'fhrr rr m dtro{td durlc!0o.t to fr?lorfl tEd.rutdJtiBndh! F }Et 9!{}7, Rcv l. sldEn itt: nd {roE ool ldd oI ctsrl!. .lttro. tf]o lrdrqd d llcooolrT b!!E ,!$Juota!na!- Irrotototo. 8 10 cfR 3159 lilo 16 2-3J.t tgrA N/^lod lld 'h 19?0. utcorLErl to ttE L.trrlEo iomit'Eiqr Dosq al t tnll l.'fo r.rb4cffrt. &*noooncnttoddlno $l EdiE lcltttlto.dorarbod Itdo ts rtl a'olorEl .lsIo to lmFot t raador dlrtf. ThE cntrlrcorFaa doi not odal q t,lorrllo o$rt ltcfihctb'tEl B loonrfig OBt tlcdsnrtr Thorslorpr i*a drarro d6 ,rot fntoa RocnadDrycrrfrlo I.7I). Rw 1.Ilt ra ! drlllcen E fiptoro rEda ultdlrrtrrdh0 o( tllt DCPP G!ilfit5fc [onertu bottr. At 3urn,il{lrDd tr DCl"-7C618.l{o!th! Sulm..yd &,XLTGRE So!fi{c Oo.ErFUrot!Ird!o(1. trG t{IrG r.qrcdod. otld FGEE!!r.od ro ! a.lrnb rlct drfilfi c tfE du{r nrllly 5 r^fidryd ! no0rr!r& I5 .son{or! ofl $a }ioa0d FsrdtThh r3lnr aprrorhdclyt yldt !r!.r &. -.lx!E d cottgrlrc0oil Poflril CPRJC on ,rc.I 2!. lgBt. .a drflnod f,r DCL I@7O0, Co{trtu*im Prfil ErtoDrlo.r ffi- Tctitt dlroC \rJo ltioo!.d Ulo !E@ rd io h.d not td t@lvod s flnsl U. S. GrdtDE t Slt o, rUSGSI ,!porl, !o tl! mogdtulo ol rno o!.dl$l*o lo bo Dodulrt d on lto t{oo$ btfi uss nd !o'l lEo4 NurofiCo!.. DBd ofi tr. IJSGSI *tll r6port!. H h.d bron'tllffdng E rotsnlillo u,ic ProcodlrG lnd eilth Eodd b! li s.d ,or Girsldltg ,h drrf. c.DoDdry rd rrtheEn rhs ! mtIln*h t.5 oufiqJolo s! ttto t{onorl drt fha ctlrrll a.rd pEadtnatu Ebdbvdt 6utd baJ{rdlod hn{ baql d.t .loDcd tD ot dLr.bmcra) tsrr lirr hrd rEqrcgld tho rrGdng ra prt,rldoffat! OIH! ofld grcccdtlEt b rrolEand torc{lrd fidfrytOfi ar,l fi.vrlrdo.r pbAf .p**on oo rohd m( Etnorrlh $o?dd lrol !EFo. $C ttrt aor0tqulao mo(trlSJ.h lllot b !o 75. oEy r^odd proco{ raut thc onaly*o 8r qdcldy ro pocatk,'nrlsoc'rhdr.sncrtttrtE6crlv.d htln cdrl(Dooalottco t{ltl lho ttJRq lnc rtoddo.ydoclri6a{lrbn. Ird lpc$c t FS^R tdl: trcdqr. t l0 cfR 5O.5e ScDon r trol Eqft(l{o 11 5.7 i{ra llff 3_! 3 td'BorElnsldy mdr.oll{rm.,P Entnmla fo dslrly rrcIrD Dulnrydtu l{0!,orl For.N tolha PP 3llo.h m oAdH dlurgr forrnprorr. rr.&r drdty. Thrr rBul aoa tEl t(ld q chalgf, dtrr rnr luElD(E, 6 ,n0blstsrrqllrdn r1t!. aI nol,utd hdt rtt h lr{sch{EE rto.dy lcrnohg ! Thatdo., tca .fio.Er doc. rrl dFLouEoryGr(lo L70, Ro{ 1.i roorE DCPP tlL r Hflofl 6io?ort 5.(,r1 32' Itea Thos rnxrcr. aa Ellil oDwe. s(?P(,l ft. Coilpotvr n"? nol: (1) lh.rgrn tor.l rom puo tfiin a6od 3 rn0.r d 0r. tll!, P) fill it ovrd lcn{th ro lpcrqlttaLq f0 ,nlh. snd r,b 32.N/N'A 3.8., ttll 'iblo lhdlho Shstlm Fcd Zom!o ScdEl 23,7-l I 6 sruldarod lo bc I ,P fuuc.mont E d.ori, dmrr.Slsolrn FsriZcn E! ! l@rr Ih.l l!. doilIdudrlo tng.*s toodd dofiy. ThG olrrllqEf! konafiw boob drcPPlasrlquclod doorrrcl c.rt'o.m lolht cBEI}Se oo.mgt rilqt.poctlod h Roc'Itroty Grrado 1,7o. R$, I!r DCPF racrtrrd ab lr$C tcoaoo lctorE SE ol$thltrg d RI- 12{1 Hlnrdory ardfr6 ol Scftflrc ttaru{ rt llr DIeUo Clnrart Poi.{ Pt!t, ltoft tlo Slro(olno Fel na'tho ritRc st!t6-TtE.oadtr turcoto fdlno Eant+orcodh dotorrilnldt ssmbJordkfg l*ob podtdcd I sl lhc SIF(dna t&it !-tna.El(r scffidlo doydogad !d ltnof bytE NEc ao ( o( t lovtmoo lfroh r rho HE lrurrd nolkl rl.l $o LTSP C,our( morql Tho tE oru,td ficiloa rid tto LTSP gloud loodo.l !t0 ND lP9frdu r Itfir{o.a. llrL drr{6 6o!a nol inDEl l{ror.tdory G.rd. t-?0. Rrir 1.Dhtr P.Urbrroly WGIY.ularmca{tlr[3 or. d-t .d t?o.n cDlrltpondmc! uaot th. I*lC, NRC n.e U.lory 6oafi.nhnon ma c UqSARlcit Thaabr. o 10 CFR fo.5e sron I nol t qrrlEd.108 UFSAR Section 8.1- lntroduction Applicability Determination Matrix r.lffi Afhetart Ut'lng UFSTR Soctlon'LEVP Enhryrcod T FSAR Soctlon Eilof ChmgcD*ctlp(hn UFSIR Rcv.Acsocbtod LkGotltlg Docurrtrtrllo n Gormarf Rcgdltory And! 1J0. Rcvl lnFdRGrrlcit, 3053 Applctblfry Dltcucalon 10 cFR i0,5'Scrccn Raquhed (Ycrllol secilor{s} Trbh$flgrc{il SER'SSER l-A LER I.HE r9?.52 NA N'A n.d tGfr'.- dt.r,.f. lddtErd.ludhr d oFld orBlo(! ooolooy o( $! hlllrwylDl! fiit.r.pon.d ,n AtlPndn ?.5D ot Rrtocrn zf ol EIql ZJ.'10 rood-sxlot[Ar! ldducrol dudltt an- sd anshorD oroboy ard t6 ,aDo.hd h porG Z$ C FllLrorE.2T ril 3octofl.u.' B$atcqn.ilb{E Ebtho ol aalslnpr{ E rwoE dil tha to!d!r-bat dldlltchorpoto rooroya rc!&rlortv. rhh ,rlcom.ilt dofi nci rdd rdrmgo o&hot ih! tlrrctodd o.Eft brab nquEnotlta' A! tr!il.ttl nclrltod tl tll cirqlgs lkEody lcdts{r0 b!!E T,tolrttc. s!16 dErgt doao nd Ei Flddolsy Addo 1.?0. Rr t.It& orllgllcllnlI{ b nloridod b d.rfy tn l,tirE lcd n tur. s{ fh. oadfbml dldo Ucl g! P.dqrEd. At cE"FSAR ! n rc{Ny rfron 'lo .rodorh t.d lo bo{olrotlilth! 3tu('o! iavc baot! F.r{onod lnlhorld rtryFaro.rD9.&rdL 15D r . Rcaon 'lt,m ocloo!. d 1sfa ay Eonh sctrrE/ar Ai.oc!L. u[o( 'G@y d ltr! sollnrofli b6dRldoc..rdtpAdlolfrr!Onrfiarecdadn nadlr.f.nolca$omlo,WfhSo.drlRclffilorcOrdCU n h. tylchr, ot Th! Sro Luh R.,!96 rnd gulo Eol.'\ppsldr 25E gtrotar addoDod G@c rrl6 ffiloto!ts Slrrhr ' 1975 ond anguon ilRc tprdlotr'fppcoilt 2-iF grcreifo 'efrilond GdoCc eid Somloldob St (loo - tg,f arl rmcnors lnolc ilAC ouooatana Jtts 6rion6nrtt Ehrtba fio hlirodcal rl.qt! d f5'arlJt3r-lodlllmd 'tr{ba.- THa Grr.lamihitlt dlrxrd korn oo.r..DondD{ca

  • n UE }nC, NRC Rle{fd!.Y Doomoilstlo(l

!t{ locilc UFSIAR rort Thcroloo, o 10 cFR 50-iO .ftrrl1. rd EqUr.d.!e 20 2-52 fl^ltl 5-3.3.a rwrlJorodbn f si &actlbtE LTBP o Condton ZC.[I) .[ f po(latr b fdrn sdd Bsd! Ealtlqrarc. ta g$orlcGrr.ol to Foufil3 don6o(,tth. LnlPlc.rro loft rYaludo.\ !d n bnc.!yf[ NRc TTSSER }l.p*fory Oddo 1.7t, Rov 1 lmclcl Fhtlcrrlot ooLnnhlaDn lrtm(tlnlc LlgP ffir naould !o r fittxil aa ltc.tlr Ooilr5on zc.O lodornor{od u r parf c{ !t! t{tlll oprtr0n0 pr.PGEE,.ooh<tOravdu&.r.lldboalEfvsttt@{t co.6ltoih$c1t80LISPF'ldR.rottAn nroum fo$6 rtPofl to r,tEs,cr on f,Al ,roitl $o llRC rse ta{od n 19gt- Tha t{RCa lE^rlctttt u,oflu'E, d o .mlyDro cr fu'lt dc., n ssER'3{ lnd tEL 940417. TfdrlmtH ol scr, Evdtrton cblno olr lo cln fiLorgtTorm soHrcPre!ilil R 34 rnrb.-A. ! Er*oal. r64cur. cqrdud.d ratrfi.arhlrrca Cl r nrrnbot o( qo<t8nrilltat. tF;ddt tu.stddcdthd. rltladaord.toddr.Blrtcdradal$.lolt ollh! .3'ltkm.Lryaomdlramod w FGlfE hor not d.rprdt c, Llcettr Condldo,t 2c.C4 d Hty Qolttho tlclttl DPF{tt.'.E8l17Id6-EyhltodrtodDcc(ttDof 26.t8l.rldAril3, lgE PGEE'lDnlt dErroq{odod kre.f .rdt sr- BaodootlrooomlylolPcEEendurodtltdtrorltud{ra!Eo(o$IFrGt{i,dm fid Dy lho ItE sood 0[ound fiofcl't ltlt o rdo{r!f! solltllc m!t$14 ltrd ffi tlo orotd 9Er ,n llh L n a*arg atnarC Ihr ao{r tne trvrrtd dEa, slbltild. md Go.tcrtr xllh PglEt t.rEl,jffl.. O,! rn'3. tlg dal, ttrda M ttr. dfimqory t .lr llgn GSER 3.1 hcr brm E0aa!d!tt, 6oli..d. Th. rt,l a!ld, rdoor$v-rhErdoatn1. conrplcl..rtrHf .{fctdrill!DlouoCsrt Glrtlg-Tms!lstlcffiilltit.lolr,ACNa. lf.{tr,'O rfiDrl1.-Er mhtncdnoota a.o oamd t'oro conotpondcrrco 1#l ltl iHC. NRC tagrrery aloolmfir'I,m. end.rrlc UFSAR ldt; thsds!. .10 CFF 5(L50 :lctsll h not ir$*.d r,}o ,7 s.zlo tiIA NA 10-1 rd lut-o.don lo doatcalic Dtllgl h{rrokG n 9liotrlo io&u.IrdAcshtsilar! no'pqr' spoara-SlrP E bdcqly ddlm ,Eh0.rElrlh{qoh.

r. dr.a, trr.)CPP d!.lonondfcodd D@r.,drcrrrr.3.

l! RrOttdory Otfdo 1-m. RoY 1 lmprd Ro{ktro.lH[Y&acnrfirftri ta&!( rml rt E . dulorllor t(t lm9ct . ,!.(g tfir6(6rrh, d ltE DCPP ottnaE&o EoillE Docla Th' 3tlo.rcoorE EcdddholnoDcPP ldtxrr*sfc!iltqtcrlr h adaa ud cprrlranuncr'rhc DEodriq'to ' cl"til rcd h UFAAR rodorr r,7.1-t. 'Fof dttlglqlfPo.a $. tG.Domorpocf'!,or rodt darCngtdtr lromll! I and EaltrCxftO D<Aodillod rro cqnOhod to F.lduco dr cnvo5FtpGdum. Ih. lccob'llbfl olof atd porlodonlhocrteloporf<rfnm n Gqd btE bryord $ofis'1.llsoatrDr?l ltto Eottltqlrll(, B firrr .{rd !r! Eotonlrho D{trEdr.d lg.Arl,ll vorlcd tE t*t oomd lccdoratFm-lnd tk Y.(lEl rre groutto itdoil rrotott ! tpocie r! oaNltlod ts tc tuoritrlro d rlD Elrot9oardtto hollrooEl !po6rr'OEl!nro }r}poolldalcrthqrrbrndsdd Fduoo0rr.! ttorEfibl E EvodclldldcrylceaStlloaa' mltmocna.{ rt rn G(ilofll d.rilcltlm to lm!.or,! ttadoa urdGltEldl,tg 9ct NEI 9O{7. Rov 1. Scctbo .1.1-3 do.i nol qdd 6 cftdllp dlhor tho hrt(ilo.tal oa llocltlng laaL ll$rbc.nott , fharlo.!. r 10 CFR 3O-5e tcnt3nollcqflcd. tlo z2 5.2-rO il/A tyA 1O.'\(dod librccrron to($earrr tra Dut*Oo$n ilrquorE ar x Ptrlsfi to Orsnrl accdddbn ntdRoloot.roSmcln i/? Errtatcfironf t ddt/ d.llt!r Dottbb Dcrlon !aflhqu.r! so ort.tTGEPP d6hn.rldlcddltg rnadft$ b R!!dob.y G*ro 1.70. tuv 1 tmPraRardntfor rHlyDotlrrnh.tbn lffi. lmr aa ort Corc!rdudDd d.fhcur. DCPP ol{'r$El(.trcorcm lado h tdol'rad oottc,oonumr.ThoDDE c!t!qu& tc ttrly rldlnod n UFSAR $doo 3.7-1.1. 'Th. DOE E lh. nyPdhollcd !.ntqEll fiat sld pmOoco ,cdolltlorliilcr trto.! o{ $a OE'nt lrlst$rlE { 3 an !iloalol dlrrtlcr{El ro hProrrt taot ., unffitr[!.xrE p6( NEt t&t 7. Rd 1 . S!filt 'nd tb.! rd ddd,chrtoc r{i6rtt! lrmcfiotral d lbdr{ro boBl. r!(prunuttr. fh.{tfoc. ! 1OCFR 50-59 No a 52.10 N/A N'A.53iO.!\drbd ljb*etlan to dlrahr fie 1937 Horyl Esah$Jrlc or n F6!rr b Grqrxl lco.doflllo?rr r,EfulEatSodrr. lirP E*stcrna b darlr ddftto trs Hgton E.rurqld.!8t cmollhc)CP!P rlutn adllooohO toia tdslrFr.k!.. lr!lol ull qol.iduocd .blhotho DCPP HE ruoq1Fl(3 lcefldng !6h h ! dG rnd stclu nanrrrr- Tho tlE lld!{{t rdf,ld h UFSAR mcrEr ?GaE io ]Gql,3rLd Dy rr[ ilRc lo ry*d. tro illri(. ErpollltYto nfiatnd r?o.niohd REnararcOntio 7-5on{hqjal(.c.rf!ildrblE oi dt trd! Alr.{ $!loolcfdrrlrto. gdidslf dd.Ed ro a fto t{oo[l Fo(il. Ihi !t tlll0m la ([.qrl!d h lh! Yrbl[ cfleFFE rarcn ( a apccficsly tdqrld o attE t{oaon ca*rltbn o.HdorldrurlGvllullolt tcEdoiddrtlloatoo !po(t! cnllr brtDits[ltdcllrvlr&ltftolbldcroqdrnorlool0!thntdac toil lE{! rc uro tlovrnsl< rid Bfm! doorrtrcl h Sadbo 2.f fil3 dr.l.lrc.rEil tr tn odtrbl dorltcoCon to lnF{or. tEdor urdorriu&t0 D.r ilEl e0{r7. Rd 1. Stctbo {.U md dcr nol d.t s Efiillp orh., lh3 lrn<ilond ol loonrrrg b.]a f.ortrmodE ThaclotG-o 10 cFR 3O-5e hb 2.51.10 f{rA ilrA 10.3 I {rn -TrEoo toeoo.. .Pdfr, fistltid h a6 Ooocdffi a lio'fgrl ffi tEponso Enhancormlt ra drrdy dotlno l Ilt !'l odlottolc.langoro ffi/o r6dq dqlty. Tne ortrlmoor.rt t'oon nd odl oa drltrgo oillrlt lh. fuatb.El of Eu]ring hats tt{rurornoilc Thofll!.o. lhir ctrtlo! dG nol mp.d Rootr*iloryc(5s 1.70, Rw 1-, c l drrk:alon b mFE[ Eadar urdrttlsldtT oa ttlo II/P .oniquaE lE(lalll0 D!fl4 I m smrEolllq ,ldil a cilr i!ilng Grrrlro tor tBr r!9(rro. !Psr! fi qtlototl Tht! i b evoao Gonlucs ttnidilrEloly r lrt LISP nfildr ldt phcr al r htor tHe,.r$Elclrilrt trtnc&dlllaktflrdottio hr,luro t6ds utdctd!.r(tlgpor ]!l0o{I?. Rcv 1. s.tttn{1-3 docr not rdd s Cr..rg. .[hcr Or. tunailond or ltcryrrng lodr ].gutam.rr,a. Ihdc{6rq. a 10 CFR SO.50 ,tlo lilr oYtt rttoar 109 UFSAR Section 8-L lntroduction Applicability Determination Matrix I ft6 Attoctcd Llvhg UFSAR Scctlon I LB\IP Entunccd UFSAR SG<tlon Brlol Chfirgc Dcrcrlptba UFS,ARRGv. A.r:oclrtod Llccnrlng Docurtmtat on Gamcd Rrguhtory Guldo 1.70. Rav t trpra Rovlcw 60.59 Applcrbllty Dlrcusrlon l0 cFR 505, Scrcon Rcquhcd (Yo.lNo)S.cfon{d Tatsa{r}Flgurc(s]SER/SSER l-A LER LBIE:5 5:.10 t{,A N'A r&a nm r,b{ocnolt H tll6lDlrE LTSP I Ccodlthn LGO) u lpsi.Irr b Grqrd rlootls r! Rolpofr3o Spodfr.f,,i Erh!llcdttotltta Bovtdo!0on !!otl Iho LfSP kara.m..adqlEl. illdlt llno D., ltro irRC rn SSER I 10 REgutdsy Gddo 1.r0. Ro, 1 lnpacr ncrdorvtq!El[t Dolonnfrrolon t/hru rt tho tlSp 5o fl.,Uc< s. r r..Ul ol LEdr.. Condarbn 2-C(r) lnrCtrtmlrd !! ! ptl d th! haool OorliL{i:Bra. PBIE prclcnlrd ttri GvDl$dloarr lr..d to ldlfy &b colldflbn h'1fi. 19A! LTSP Hnd Rlpdt An tddcrntrn fo 0*r ro,on b dlar.r er RAI lrom rrlc tSC uor alsurd ln 19fn. Thr NRC! ,lrrLrv8d occ!'drfio af ,rr.$fiohr{d erE docunfiLd hSSER 3{ o.d DcL!@117. filrilldd Sdllry ErdsuonclBrrg Od}!tlo Culroa Loao.Icrm SoE ilc Pro0rart BSEF ].a dcel'Aar rEqrlol lErGrlor. qr,ldfitt$ht!lsrtdlE o( ! rrrmDerd sPfrt oorlJ*!,ttr. $r fiC affi ,l!3 cdEtJdod 1'lsl irrqad !o rrlrra.rcy 6ndrlEd rtbdtr0dbn d &s calirmob.y latr d66tr!ad ,olo*. POaE iu rmt dl uroc. d LlEoa.o Coftdftlto ?.C.fll ol F!ij]0]'opDElr!, Llc6nra DPF{O.'lCLgZOllT edn'Eytcloo rrarcd Dcorrtot26, 1ffi. sa6 ^prtl3. 19Oe PcAE.ulmisad ,ts Eq$rrod;qftltl6{', srdtl6. Sssd o.r ll.!! eldyo.r PG6E coccharoal t tat lrla ttlrctt Ga tno oqrynoil ilal du rdcctcd by flr frmmod lEmd tlo0ln troe ldlqsro ldttlac tlt tdnE. lttd ttd tE d.tD! plorf m!O{n 6 not ,orrurolru, dtod.d, TtD adt trus FrLtcd t}o.o aamfido ur{ mlr! sttt PGg,E ! @trdualn!. On tn!rrb tlo otdt littds trd t n q{tnrlory lqn ,tottl SSER 34 hr, Dodl o{u6dlv ,atdv(d. Th! d!fi .dci, lvalrodln ra Orrn ln Encloorr t.tEa comrloL.01a

  • rrr ardt on $a EIoUo C!.rf!n Lfi!tsT!f,n Soalrlc Ptoorttr Erd rl6GG TAC fld" ll6fifro lrd l/8O371.-nrrs rntarumrda lrt (b,na!d trorn cof,r6Dotatlc.uih th! IrRC. ilFE Egl,ldla.ynoarffitl6!ffi.

rrd ,,s LF3laR lcrt lflr.lar, c 1O CFR !0!O 9cr!n l! nel Epred ,\,o?0:J.3..t{rA N/A l!{'Iho o..t{Et!.fEtnrtoltl iro ro uld! ldcndllod dl'h{ lh! oiCnd d..!rl utd (b nol hdt 60 atyogthqukoo Dd drm 1071. -,P ffitod.atrdctlrE tln5ldrro dho dl(,Irohn ftcuhtory GrId. l-?0. f,d I rlqura! Uo pr!{orfiixr ol al radilcdy raco{rcd ilntqualo1 ftrs !,irrE rrr{do6 ,tol I t** mty provldac cltnr Oqiorp u to lho t{nr rlrm dlco!.ad, ,r*$nc.mna I Eaod on Iaolr z5-'1. urang 6t tollrqJtrlil w ,9 ffia s m wm wle ru Str! Solocl.d Errrriqlllor. TnE tlt t !.oYrdd a udory ct laritqralrrr lE oi. r?lFm ol OCPP up or{a mb!r30, 197'r. Thlr b ftil.daltr6tsr urrd lorgc colocoondrd5dulttg th. cardnd dealgn !fto., oilialaoil.niorr! dofirod*Olfno iRC. NRC toOpbtoryoarnslotla[ afid t{o 2l?.15.ll,A N'A llfrl.d laat -, ti !{o.9dhfl !dr!.naxhy.roul. d 'r o!ilfituoh o0 lho'tolhGOGr.raon o{ d{Do.BVP E rrrrmod lo dor'l, ddlrc tr.{ $o rlolo d!!{tystd,rL {rrol{h. ti!doF forilto tC.Rootddory Gnk o 1.m. Rw 1 rceutot tlid( llqroor! Fot l&:rq,tl&n'*co(utrng tp r$alty of d dopti. tofi mhrnl a rloidrrda-." ltt[ grtroccror( hcotpoolc !tt! rlquhE rdln Rrigr*d!., G.tts 1.70. Rov 1 6.rd llErtfor. {roi nd hrD.ct tlCPPr {ofirtamdrtlod$r Rcqldry&.dr. nr6 b r chattc.Oon lo InFGr! rrodlr ${tqgllng d frra.bP.3lbalty tpll,kcrcrr d 6o DCFP ti4 Th.rrlrancryaoot tr ocd g1 ldootloLoo pcr.nrrd h hc ttPo( 'Aas.gflt!flt ol sep. ClDittry i'rsortf, Doulo!ryDn Pot,5 Pl!nf. $rI 199. rfitsh 6 !n ondocna to El.rl{rg. Frporra to Rrqtod to.lddilbael dooruuoo R.Ocrdrrg ift! l-fnlfdo PoLnttol.r Dld 6rye'r PoxorPhnt lhrFe..f doE& nr. t-uk orDcth POIE ua f'Ftc mtJruffid Gle.d!b&t?'EmeE.PEk lnier*!, E{,lqllln ocoo&fillon d o75 g trlc lt0orl lt,tr(L'EL 9I{r' dao. 'Th! hrEtd!4brrr ifldrdoo lctEl std Eld loodrdraeso. daflsdr0oat 6rllurl- &toll{ ,erpDatlot dld rlopo rlrMty analyroQ' nr tG.rna oa dF ftlahlllorl.rl'toir.dtMrdthqLatE loofiO lolo*.gnorldo d Ddalgcd prochlto0orl xllnotpodt 6an, rydkltf doE tdn! t1!( crt h6pod lhrtn Chr. I ttrucrur{ rnd oqrbmorr ot dro $!. ln !dd!o.t. Doaoilhl ilSc hllroe tln{crllJcilcor{5o{rr vI nol odr! !.lylmDod o{r!t [npodld tacll0ol, tttcfud&tg lhol'v$oh, uxrn tro. rfio 2lr{il .d.rd 5$lil fl'dclt}flfo, ,td Ep lntake dtd <locloroo arEur... Potltdtd brrdl'lth6 mty omOootlytrbctttrorco.aarde!ffirdtocr$olr!. +lffiiror,gnouuUDGloloocqr.fiotrl!condd.llDls oaflr ldFconl lo lri ndtid flo rdd E tltqrlu crErEE tll rranf n DCL TT.tgTs. SAFETY EI,ALIJATION OF THE TASESSTGTTT OF g,PE STABIITY I!AR UAAII)C NYOIJPOTYERPI-AIIIT.ihoNRClLbrTb6MICll. r"YrilcdPrcncG$undElslcC.nrgmyr PGtqhf.rrts.d^p{2!. 1897,llrr,clrofldodro&cndt.ttqr! l1dntdmabnoDot tt ,!fltil(b tot 'ltbl tl Dt8blo GrtEo PorH Plrnt pcPP!. TIlr rnd{r8to3l roqrld ud rtrldr sff PGaE #oird al Jruand Ercnt dtI ro c mrd dldo rrr lho csJdyroad btdloo to t lo deor ctlkrt. tl DGPp.bood m !sdcirltodtriodgqiooilddcd b:nohrddto! pdcttldA EtdoCrn or PomrPbt( POAE l,t!illc&rdr<l and ltrr .t8tt .gt.t . ttlqt cltthqu.l. loadr1! dov't { potode d gtolorpcd ,affi u., nol produc Ily rryrfkrnl rlc?6 ,olh?o lH lrn !.nr.raly dr..l tho crFgory I alrcrut 'tdJ.ltE tttn lttd.o md dh6!90 Itndtllor Lt tho rtl!. - TlHt ora, ttt. rtolf oo,rara {rfh POeEa c.rtdudm dc.lrtod dnt- Ou ovalud6n oa rccEa arlailrEnt d lho .lqo {lbatty prot*oo u DCPP rlo r rndsed.'lhcoe oohrromroatolrcder{t cd,to.n!adrc.rdo(r t{httEl.lFE fvRcroguhoryaffioildrorl f,ld DoGrfrc ITFSAR lort. ltrrotEo. s lo CFR IIt Sctofit b trot lqdrod.No 2E t{r^'tA tl/A 5.7 34 F6hffi6.{ Ir dlltlY ddlm.nfiffiEil prlddC dulllcanqr rboul ltc LTSP. iffil.: lo lhc IEPP ooilrqdo lco,tdn! hrr" arld lErdo.e , not dtoc{ rb coiwt*mor{ lo F.nddqy Gul(lo 1.rO. Ro{ t Thh lc ! dorft*Fa fo ftFoYo ,or(c lndor{ndlttg d rho DCPP olrtltlJll.a lhoilalne D.tlo" Thogo onberronlr la tstod !n ffiitncrri mtdo ty pOSE d a Drruo tb.r&rC on llttrrr ti 1e9, ond trktErcd hDCL8ir$f.'ThoCariialC{itSdaanlctlotnstr,flco.rrrrrololnoatDrnrlErooorlh{urt rcrMly5rfEro0b.t. [rd r{! r*n ur h .cqrlll.ry hcdtno atd c,rudn2ltE rl{ csih{udklr. Tho aiElrf ttElton !rt!Y nitr conabiroto.P.d.toholE or!.alaarlo tcDoaaoraerorJnd !lord!a-!nd'rno Lcllc Lrm6.hnac fttgatn *ll dFwPGeE bltidchorn and lo.Pond n autrotrmrrna(tono$ !EGdtofi!!otrystre. Fotcstpb, Urouti Srr orpoooc lvaililh h lho toiro Torm Scf,tdc p?DCtem. rp eo(o .bls b l,od lad 1! r, thq ,larit ol hc fto0r8tl!0ro.mCmotloa lvEluooofl br lt.tqOo tpwdalr lrorlllhoociolcl 17, 1ff19. Lofi. PId.ailfiqd(.. ! ralrscsdGdotr.l* Ttil !6llly9{qrldod ncrt!..dqr5storh na*ldflnuslD 8t ndllldy bptEdqacluspillllC6oornblt1gdaE Tnol,ltgTorrtrSobtiloProgrrmrd !orttpctopEvrdo!locrrtloi 0ddr!.3li0 tltmlctcilr!6 ,!l!lcd toDl!tsb c.rtror\'?GtE 'nod. th. tdbd{E tr rralhrrtts c urc Fr*c rnclong oo Uorcn $. lif l- .nd [r 5 lcid fitir FGSE to trl. t{FC (Eilb(. 1g91rr: (1) ft cdtailo to trlhtsn.tfott o.oracnc.. ard .r$n!cdaE atofilD h!G?.!,BrC d m {noloCitc{ rdrric. -d lol!'lts !n!*tcrt,E Horfilfbn an l or"iuolo { r6h f! p.ct b lo tt{lrlflclfb to qarrb ctryoq ar! E lo coDllruD to oPorlb I tlpogffoton ecololD'llslor rrsy .n t tho colrid aolttfiE hot\6(t droson frdy rilh lrnr e$ooa rt n ol! arr!.{ty od-JlrE. 'Ilromc**loacotrrrrlrorHydrrfitcottltpdtddrcoYatlfhoNRC.t*Crcodrtorydmrrmrrtdon std spcE$c UFSAF rctt lhcrctao. o f 0 CFR 50.59 ScrE t h td tu+tlro(9APN 50552r!7 dloq,rots ttp ncod ls $o dn doDrncd ot en rmd.mentl:g D(Ecdurc tc ttolim tho LTIP CqlralrDoftt! lnd Ptffi. fhooo orharrftontr Fsv(b !n a/,Ivlr\rol liE colilfifitlltrJ E, t p.ocodxo n noclro!ryto ddnr thr acor.. rudrorroliln t arn hllrrsr rb tottt. t\Rg..6gtarEc tr LTSP r991.commlmonaf 6qt5'! rud!.a!fion d rE t{RC! lppro'rrot 2'N,A lrrA N'A ldt'- ordrhr nd Erdrdod OE-BvP EntrrEmdi lo rffi6r.nocc*tty rotmloFSAFl Jp(fra ilr i m adtorlol rf6!E ro krEtrrr r6dor #V. lttl flhmrEr( docr nol dd or dunOo otthor t ! ,(.rr6ood or trgralrlc Dalb rqdrtmarrE Th.'!loE. &E cha.lo. d@r tlal nport Rrguhlwol*b 1.7o. Ro/ 1.Iho LISF d!.i 'ld lAod ltb dcG4n td.rr lortu !ht( llm,d, d E llcot!3srg DtolG ill{ ol!usdon ol L IsP *ot h*J#h{!.F6 RhR.vsiilr11. It*aErn.rrttotdlttraooptotwrot!an.rrrtEtoClrdom!illrmtrc ITFSARPrrNEl80{7.Rcvtslon1.Srctb?la.l3.'-mod.ltstlltmblt!ttsARtffisrE?uth.r!trt lcd oailirllafdaEadmdoa10CFR5450 aa nol uqrd loco{t olffi 1OCFR JO.58.srrcn tDodaet6tr rtcltJd!l.lomaqrg !.rd atr$Ut !0on d UFSAR htilndElr rtd t9ootd d obsdilto o. rfifinldDrf Hr(lllllroo !tr.l rrcrqar t rla.l.' ltla tm I Ddrt nrd. olaol'lr DVfi. llE mUon d Dd6limd LTIIP mrtdi4 fhmfor. 6 flo 110 UFSAR Section 8.1- lntroduction Applicability Determination Matrix r ianr Aficcrod Uvtnf UFSAR Soctlon LBVP Erh.nctd UFSAR So<,IoN Brlct Chm gc OcrcdPllon UFSAR Rcnr.Atrochtcd Llcctn{ng Docurrnldon Conntct{Rcgufltory GuHc 'tj70. Rcv I lrprct Rctdcw 5059 Applcebllty Orcurdon 10 cFR [0.53 ScrccoRoquH (Yc.n&{Soctlon({Trblo(9 F$urc(s)sER'SSER IT l-rR L8E 30 t{A ,\I'A N'A llcv qrbrocion to ocGarlbG lha.X@ortty urd rrdFl. o{ tho Stortllrr Frri Zonc..gvP &*roncsrd. b dc8dy dltkl!ho ffcororyild rmlrl.d rhr lffi0g t4ji:onc D, PoEE md db:natrlrrdin rE(.Dg, d !.ld tiCf,rn bI$G lRC.t r,lnorrmrfi PHito. dd{bdbr dd.t rrEtollsl ti{t luo 10 tl6 trcPs drtrllrch tcrnrhc bBi lrd t rl6l0 dtoct ll coormttrrut b Roopldoq' Gdd. 1.70. Rdr t Itdo .' a chdtcdolt b nnpoo ,.-o, un rfirlrrdlr{ C {a OCPP aqrhql!*o tlc.rtr,lrlt !!E!. TIE irldtrxtst lcrrE rlad rilulld trEi tls qEoafi! lrwults{irt poarqlrld

  • pon d ilro snrr*norrr modo lot tho L19.rGfE darobood up SoDdt dl ttro Ar:olflr ol $o Shddlm Feil 206, c.ntd C66cl!l ClllarrE.

!! F.odrt ho rotrir o{ !r aElon lrE edF6l. nra rrpon lr ttro bo.t3 fs itrcso or*ldtoorfloalr, lt dc!.rlDc! rE oao(flPtry , fro rq, .ar ilorromb0, 2t[f,. Plcltc car lad Eccttc 1p66'9 ldqnrod ho tlS !&door nooUaorr toorE{dforl (tGc) otcpr}*l.ryEd.rron lfu DFbloGrtqlrr PosPlrlt(EPF, LonO Tlm aol3roE Ptoonm ILTSPI thddar,roFdrttdtho'! a$rmoil6(ms16ohm{dly slDpordlql&rhoao! ndcrtho 8to Dodleto grroorn d r pnrdornly mklorltlh lilJt locof od looltt kn oaftfiato d OCPP. Ttr!xarrbuoly urdotntbd bul rE tEri.d lho Sfiolr'IeD lqa aulo.- .Iho ti!trC porlorEl!( !n *!d.p.ndmt !..Ga.lnss h RL tl{rl .rd cddrr.a d6r lh! Sho.diio ac.rutu chdrld b.cel.,d.r.d !a E l!.llrhcird.d c...u.rstho tlo.aflc.*rdb.'trr lrt rGt irwo{ thE hst!fi, ndnffio shorcIm tad. thc lfrC comrma tho llGring 6cl6ltnr{arrc rolsilc lroud Eroxma io lodne hvolr ls u,!'dr[r ptrr her ueo prrourlyrltrbtm4 .pocIc.lrlh. t{otofl EfffqslLD tr{El ltqmd mollollrqtrtis oPoEnu 0r do..rrb.d h NURECST5 'Srt.l, Er/lfr!tun Fcpo.t Fr&lid to $. Op.nt oil G, Orblo cfivon pol,ar Pl8tl.t nlts 1 snd z' &plomrnt No. ? (NFc, 1978), Drrr lnc LrsP grerd mollofl ,ouF(Eo GFodNm o. odalod n tltllfiEc$?s. Suodrnont llo.3a ttf,C. 19et). Itrc l\ocfir lr*bt! tlotlhc G.a$forcocil! alo(milrBtG 3o,!cll orang p.o([cld lo( r! lho Slordru hdl mn c.orfoo At# .fl, rnsh'ro{ R rio iaFC a!il d lolax ttto.d bYo: lq l,r! i! $ound ngbn rtu olr LTSP golr*t ndqr. th! ]tE ,ro{!ld rttoaEn lrd llE-TsP gtol,n(l rElbn.rotho.tlotr*{dllt Cmtuo.ct'drdGn prcvlordgt{ t iltornEorl lo hovo ruro.Elf ffirrrc. stadcly.'ftcro onarqrcomcaasaoffi ftffi crrorPort{talr$thtr ftfltc. ilRC rogrSqyderr't)mtroo{1 ,rd spdtlc LrFSAR tGrij lh.rrld!' . t0 CFR 5&50 gso.n E nd lqtrod No 31 N'A ila lilA tM.'oddt ro (t.ocrlDo llo Focotolq'lbn oa t Dd!'od EslBdGd o.ount ant'SCpldam-ffE4coranl todc*rea'r{rrtnonttouaa anNRC d p(r.rsro, rh. {r6tddl ., lPdltilo I}ll n*ilconrlrd pflrrHr. dsdrtsslbn aloul 'lua{ttl fi.t I u!'tqua to h. DCPP.!ttrqu*6 tc.nalrrg btl3 rdirr,[tct tu grr.d t cstrlrlBm.rl fo R{uldEry Goldo 1.?0. Rt, t rlr 6 dc{tcrtbo to lmF[ovs llodor unfudrt 0Qc ot rrl. DCPP Gdt{t5fofcalrE bGdc' Thce D.Eqmodr ]! bor.d t,o.l commatnrlnb rllst o Dy PGaE h DCL-12-16. ftcro tunr{tnfil! r4E ! mldo ffr Dil. b DCt-1Zf Of2 htradr rrd,o. -Thc.ds6. lol pt;Prors o{ rh. t tpqr.t to lho Usrtfi 't?. 2ot?. ruqDcd tq I'rlqioai,rrrotrlcttlttdD6cl! PGIElo l..!lh. DEtorEmPolldlshtlt. raardlffiaollstE h!anl tas: ilet'ltco(l Mrcfi lZ Zol2hnrrbEL 13@12 RFl-Rocommrddonszl.23, urdg,tr Tllo btE trb!, Htdolr fio0l{*sry Cqtrnttobo lhd llqulrc n crol E ra{l,dt,.la Ur 6ldr{c. tq'nu,ol. tto(dttg, drccdcrndheftbd oldlLalopilclrfa.! orccablo coarmtsblrtlqrltEmd{Elrld ouidaru tor t lc!rl!aa .. dpcdElourly or porluq md th.r0drir $flon 4pmPrfb. !. d.tcrmhd hC fia Colrl.aLrh.\ No'oqtfrcmfilr d ill' 8caflto, Crr.nt lop{catlo Col'ittttsilcr roqor6fi6rrl3 arrd !l,6otr tt ilrdl llcaft..^qoo ,lr araluotonrcsduclorl Brrtlqrtlo ttt. rstlcn ard ollrc iloJtodrco r.lwaf( tho Cutr, rtral roqro llcq:soortg updds lho doo{nDlolq oocli rcaor. I nocoooory.' ttors.nhEl.utiltt! u, ddrvod hqnlo{tloPoodonce I,tn $o ilRc. l.lRcr!0rbet, do(Ir'ttofltroql t,ld rpcdtc tFS R ldl; thil.{c., . t0 cFR SOS0 ScI..,r lc ml r!e,rod, 3?,gA NA}ll,A H Sdcfy EYdwJo.lSodmsnd U6axtbn 1Gar6d OarFr Crlu6n2 19O7 Pd{snorl.c.gVP Er*ranccno{ lt ru*fy Im.RoguIrtory Oddc 1.70. Rw'l raQ&oi thdttcsrcr?tt, ldc cld UFBAR Sodsr! 2.f:.f l,td :.5,a10 FDirld! ohcslrbfl. ot tto rtarrrrn oglttqtJclo o{d rno ctod ttoo6n lodr do f rac f,d<l mlordbil and tlrooil. rpoctr4 t6oGcri'oly. lq rfi. dodon d ltE Siu.fiJ6. SFlcnil\ lnd Co,rroofit!(ssl d*EraatroiltrpdodtrodtrDln cdrdpo.tddlc! vadt fh! NRC, NtlC rtO[5orY doctmltoo.!, q(c tf,SAR tal; lhadsr. r l0 CFR !O59 A6(!on b rfr rlqJrod.tL trtrlt - f r*r (l't..rc.npr{ hcdDotilla ltE r!(lftm.dr d Roguldory Andt '.7O. Ril/ 1 md Urorc(oco do{o nol rtpst)cPPs conraltrqrt to ltllr Roorldoo G{rdo.33$A NN tl,A urdod Sdofy Bdl[ttdl Socdofltnd D6r!8loit or.ljcdo@ndlba 2-C,(A d fEPP Fldy Drqrt!! DPR4oRw 4{ (LTSP}, ibrnonr 0i. (a, on<, O)." v At Ercamcril toEiitf ltstotr ql!tb.Elouhlry Oud! 1.7Q Rw 1 da.ll n f idd.oi. dr 'lquritlcot3 d Lrcon o Co.dtldracffl of mP FlCfy'l! ttr(E.DPR.!OR6, {4 lLTSPl. EldFr{. (t}. Ol. i.l(l BL ilftlr'cod t#S R Sffin 2-53.!..{ dualoo tho cttttnlrnort nado dsl pa.l d oE Lholtr! Conditb[ EPP ,olrdopod .nrr fndomo.rh{ a p(q[ffi b ,F.rrokd. tltc.olnaa daclon b{roa 1I2!d lor lro Dslo Qntglr urdrs Po{of fi!r'! thl! g.oc.dn nddod o) 0to ltbil[k $o.\ rrrmnl&,\ ar! cldldm ol d rolrlail ,arro(lc rtra, r.rmE dsts, ilolIrdtofl. l.dHttro!frqra lh.t hTrt looaa lratd. olncsrtlG 19lg ASL8 iGtdng h 0(d3r ta qpdd! lho lEdoed. roirmolo!l' rod fdd(. rr ,E lGdon d C. DoOb Cqt on t*daor Poil(Pbnt Ol! ll{vilrrdho oltrc ttlaFtfirco(Orcotrdrqst(.r rradto dGtcan nGlll..tl3mlc bdh diro DatrbCuryorPaorPbntudrurhol.rlsalck rltstrdomdrll.grdOr!r!-vlascroool$.lruftdmoldtol h.rltc !or.( m ..h. l.3rb ol deo.rt2 r ath tli colrlld.f!0on oa rfl! orld oftl' rlkrtoatl .fi.clr.NRC SSER 34 4tclrlr.s lr5 eFwo! tro DCPP Lolt0 Toru goElrtlc Profira SSm 3{ ntllo 'Ar ! tlodl C t rrrl.r. Enad.d u{h lh. llslrtEncr oa : riltnblt d .rfi coatoiliilf!, lht NnC dal, han dldrd.d tllL Ehlocrra ordE6rsdyatsd E!fifird t: Btlktrcory fm.I3alsod tot*, POaE hx nE( dl lrD.dr ol Ucrnr. oond0oa 2.Gf0 o( Eocoty OpordrE tlar6 tlPR{o,'ELg2O{l?rdn'Bybtlrr6olodDc@iltor2o.1t91.66ap63.

99:L PGaE tulrnnod ln. rgar0dod'onttrrtry orrdfra. E!.!d ol1 t El! !nol}r.a POfE conct*fo<t tM, tno tllrct E otrd lQlp.trotl.lhal oE dlostod b, 1,l tEtooc.d c{oond molbrr ,rovo dcoroo ruac aaullq md ltat tlo ryorsl Cglt tnugft E ttd rbrslEo?tlttrd.( thr ddl luorwstr<lttom qDmnsh lod conaru *ttr PGffEl {fidtilolls.

o,l tI'D@lo ho 6tl hdsltri Uocorf&ilalorylloEtrfii SSER 3{ b!! togl celht .rorll [c olved. Ihod, sdoly lvrf.abr t0 $roi h Erlosrm 1.fh.a cc,tlrlctr lh. tltl Gtlorl on th. UrUo csnloo Lglo.fdttl Solrttlr p,lotrrn Ild clc.a TAC Not' llioSTo rn }GoEI1.-IhcH alrarcurrcrtr lro dorirad ttufi Gdtla0oortclr gifi tE t{Rq NRC rqtt&ry demmLlolt m.l rpdE t FttAE tlrl lMir. . 10 CFR 5O!0 Scrrn h rd nq,fr<t u, lt N'A ilIA t{IA 1.5.t 3 ,ad Sorgty EtdrJo0on S{dldr otts Dlqroolon'10cFR Prd too. tlorEfi'18 !9- N/A E *r!6c.mant to rtdfy fc.ttlo cfnclr!.RqddE ycrJ'do, Rgl/1 rqukarndi lcllr .!'Ft!vld!kdrme,l riril*E trrr.bmlcE d !r&!{c ctutldltlt{cat fio ots md tha ro$on rlll?qrldrr lho rl!!.' Ihbaorllmlmoil Ecarpodoc lho roqutunooh ol FogUeisryc.iCo t.71, R.Y 1 lard ltsdft dorr rc( fm Dodt D@Pt EDnlrlrtnorf ro rhb nr Foloi.dir{W lrcorpotltil tE Glrdsouoo ol 0lo y'irylk l cttdoctgEfn d hf ot!. ,EtdrE th. godooy Urd oolradogy. ttt, !!(tor r! ddod uuco upcr lro t*otntr6 Bog! noquF.fiarf ol l0 CFR 100. rrolc[ 1969 .?!orl0rgtoOitdla locFR rm. lrErt,r lSc9-Retssr.O{odohtrcbtrLbrf&h UFaARliodon2sdo.Ehadio. R L r Pttt ol tlo Coda ., Fodortl Frlrlottqtr rfil!i aro '-.btr*q or d gcronr urd oluttalcr dto slcDlYG ! llcofiro ttom h{ r{RC to ur. flrda$rrddobor opor{. ilrclorltcllhr' rho aER 3!h.'Strraur!o. rldam! rnd corlFfleils ,flporErr l,o astoty lhd or roqslod to Do doslgnod 1o ,{rhalrrr., $o otlodr d n gdo .lrrdoEi oa.t}qr*. !S!) utd totnaln luEtlod tuhrt b.Gn gropoily do.dftod E!9crilt cdoeo.y I Fppf6nf. Dldg[I Ct!. 0 fnnn TlEl. pEri $GJ,!! m $so nooooorylo tEtrrrrB (11 &o rrognty d Uto rodor toobnl D.fiara bofidtry GCPBI E') ta aCUty ta silrldolio tr! tu.lo. llld moml*: f ir r iatt atrtdst .r condtloi\ o, {3, lrt GrFo!frty fo Prcvd o. m[td. $o cdlaquorGEo r{ eeCOontr rtlci cdrd r.ufi h pdxrbl otl.[6 @o{rr!r cttrpailtlo to th! !i.M.Il'.:Ftur!r ot l0 CfR Pdl 1m.'srtaoo232-z5avdld.tottl!lof.drrltr!lc.rEnufid!tTrrdr9rhor.iltdoorlrdlmhrydttt tlo.thar oolroocormnb o.t rr.rnrcd tsn Go(l!'pond..ra v{n rn ffiC. NBC trEutdory deJoitlrtolt ord ipoclt IJFS R t.rt trrr(o... I 10 Cfq !O5t 9ct .n b ,!ot nqdaod.No 111 UFSAR Section 8.1- lntroduction Applicability Determination Matrix 1 nogddory Guldo 1Jo. Rov 1 tnprct Rovtar 5O rt6 oddort h rupro.r ol Enh.mld UttiAH ffiErl 2.5.r. (dcl b AD uobr trom,.26 51 rsr.drrod h ouppo(l ltEnh.nctd T FSAF Sccuoll 253re fiftrto AO urlrn lllrn 11{32 tsi 0dlcd h olpod d Blhtnc.d UFgAfi Scfioa Elor to AD Udrk ltor,l !3{, 53 ro! oddod h alppoil 6f Blh.nctd UFBAF Socton 2a7, ,!rc, to AD lrstff llcttt ,2t ,l E Eddcd h clJDpct of Enh$t!d UFSAR Sodbn L5.7.1. roto, b AD filttt llor' l3o 55En rdffi h rlpgotl of Elh.rud t FE R Stdon 15.7.1- rlorto AD Udtn [olt1 t30 58 Er lddGd h Brpeoil td Enhnc.d t FS F So.rh 25.7.2 AE) rrd't i.r, l3l 57 lot ortd.d tl auPpoi rl E,ltunc*t T FSAF srdor 2-5.7-2 tt tcr rt aO rrlrir llcnt tsl rrfiohorml!{'r lrp otivcd tt!.n qonilpondonct

  • tt tl. NRC. NRC tGguhory doannotrrD0fi.

drd.ilsochicdlltu1thboFsARctrrruercqu..Lchongotaeodotcdv'ilhd!rttbaUonlndloromovocrcc$}y.6ttE8orlGp,c morkup. Cho ngol lhd roqldrr 112}}