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Examination Report No. 50-265/OL-12-01, Dow Chemical Triga Reactor
Person / Time
Site: Dow Chemical Company
Issue date: 04/24/2012
From: Johnny H. Eads
Division of Policy and Rulemaking
To: O'Connor P J
Dow Chemical Co
Shared Package
ML12034A088 List:
Download: ML12115A133 (31)


April 24, 2012

Dr. Paul J. O'Connor, Facility Director DOW Chemical Company 1602 Building Midland, MI 48674



Dear Dr. O'Connor:

During the week of March 26, 2012, the NRC administered an operator licensing examination at your Dow Chemical TRIGA Reactor. The examination was conducted according to NUREG-1478, "Operator Licensing Examiner Standards for Research and Test Reactors," Revision 2.

Examination questions and preliminary findings were discussed with those members of your staff identified in the enclosed report at the conclusion of the examination.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 2.390, a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at The NRC is forwarding the individual grades to you in a separate letter which will not be released publicly. Should you have any questions concerning this examination, please contact Mr. Patrick J. Isaac at (301) 415-1019 or via internet e-mail



Johnny H. Eads, Jr., Chief Research and Test Reactors Oversight Branch Division of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Docket No. 50-264


1. Examination Report No. 50-264/OL-12-01
2. Written examination

cc w/o enclosures: See next page

Dr. Paul J. O'Connor, Facility Director April 24, 2012 DOW Chemical Company 1602 Building Midland, MI 48674



Dear Dr. O'Connor:

During the week of March 26, 2012, the NRC administered an operator licensing examination at your Dow Chemical TRIGA Reactor. The examination was conducted according to NUREG-1478, "Operator Licensing Examiner Standards for Research and Test Reactors," Revision 2.

Examination questions and preliminary findings were discussed with those members of your staff identified in the enclosed report at the conclusion of the examination.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 2.390, a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at The NRC is forwarding the individual grades to you in a separate letter which will not be released publicly. Should you have any questions concerning this examination, please contact Mr. Patrick J. Isaac at (301) 415-1019 or via internet e-mail



Johnny H. Eads, Jr., Chief Research and Test Reactors Oversight Branch Division of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Docket No. 50-264


1. Examination Report No. 50-264/OL-12-01
2. Written examination

cc w/o enclosures: See next page

DISTRIBUTION w/ encls.: PUBLIC PROB r/f Facility File CRevelle (O12-D19) ADAMS ACCESSION #: ML12115A133 TEMPLATE #:NRR-074 OFFICE PROB:CE IOLB:LA PROB:BC NAME PIsaac CRevelle JEads DATE 04/24 /2012 04/24 /2012 04/24 /2012 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

Dow Chemical Company Docket No. 50-264

cc: Office of the Mayor 333 West Ellsworth Midland, MI 48640

Office of the Governor Room 1 - Capitol Building Lansing, MI 48913

Mr. Dan Rader Environmental Health and Safety Responsible Care Leader Chair, Radiation Safety Committee 2030/410 Dow Center Midland, MI 48674 Dr. Wayde Konze Global Research and Development Director for Analytical Sciences Chair, Reactor Operations Committee The Dow Chemical Company 1897 Building Midland, MI 48667

Test, Research, and Training Reactor Newsletter University of Florida 202 Nuclear Sciences Center Gainesville, FL 32611


REPORT NO.: 50-264/OL-12-01



FACILITY: Dow Chemical Company TRIGA Reactor

EXAMINATION DATES: October 21, 2008

SUBMITTED BY: ___________/RA/_____________ 04/23/12 Patrick J. Isaac Jr., Chief Examiner Date


On March 29, 2012, the NRC administered an operator licensing examination to one Senior Reactor Operator candidate. The candidate passed all portions of the administered examination.


1. Examiners: Patrick J. Isaac Jr., Chief Examiner, NRC
2. Results:

RO PASS/FAIL SRO PASS/FAIL TOTAL PASS/FAIL Written 0/0 1/0 1/0 Operating Tests 0/0 1/0 1/0 Overall 0/0 1/0 1/0

3. Exit Meeting:

Patrick J. Isaac Jr., NRC, Examiner Siaka Yussuf, Reactor Supervisor, Dow Chemical The NRC Examiner thanked the facility for their support in the administration of the examinations



Answers are to be written on the answer sheets provided. Points for each question are indicated in brackets for each question. You must score 70% in each section to pass.

Examinations will be picked up three (3) hours after the examination starts.

% of Category % of Candidates Category Value Total Score Value Category

20.00 35.7 A. Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics and Facility Operating Characteristics

18.00 32.1 B. Normal and Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls

18.00 32.1 C. Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems FINAL GRADE  % TOTALS

All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid. ______________________________________ Candidate's Signature ENCLOSURE 2 NRC RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS During the administration of this examination the following rules apply:

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
2. After the examination has been completed, you must sign the statement on the cover sheet indicating that the work is your own and you have neither received nor given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after you complete the examination.
3. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating.
4. Use black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions.
5. Print your name in the blank provided in the upper right-hand corner of the examination cover sheet and each answer sheet.
6. The point value for each question is indicated in [brackets] after the question.
7. If the intent of a question is unclear, ask questions of the examiner only.
8. To pass the examination you must achieve a grade of 70 percent or greater in each category.
9. There is a time limit of three (3) hours for completion of the examination.
10. When you have completed and turned in you examination, leave the examination area EQUATION SHEET

1 Curie = 3.7 x 10 10 dis/sec 1 kg = 2.21 lbm 1 Horsepower = 2.54 x 10 3 BTU/hr 1 Mw = 3.41 x 10 6 BTU/hr 1 BTU = 778 ft-lbf F = 9/5 C + 32 1 gal (H 2O) 8 lbm C = 5/9 (F - 32)

T UA = H m = T c m = Q p (k)2)-( = P 2max seconds 10 x 1 = -4* sec-1 eff 0.1 = )K-(1 CR = )K-(1 CR eff 2 eff 1 2 1 K-1 S = SCR eff -26.06 = SUR eff K-1 K-1 = M eff eff 1 0 CR CR = K-1 1 = M 2 1 eff 10 P = P SUR(t)0 e P = P t 0 P -)-(1 = P 0 - =

  • eff*- + = K)K-(1 = SDM eff eff K x k K - K = eff eff eff eff 2 1 1 2 0.693 = T K 1)-K ( = eff eff e DR= DR t-0 R 6CiE(n) = DR 2 d DR = d DR 2 2 2 1 2 1 Peak)-( = Peak)-(1 1 2 2 2 2 Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics A N S W E R S H E E T Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice) If you change your answer, write your selection in the blank.

001 a b c d __

002 a b c d __

003 a b c d __

004 a b c d __

005 a b c d __

006 a b c d __

007 a b c d __

008 a b c d __

009 a b c d __

010 a b c d __

011 a __ b __ c __ d ____

012 a b c d __

013 a b c d __

014 a b c d __

015 a b c d __

016 a b c d __

017 a b c d __

018 a b c d __

019 a b c d __

Section B Normal/Emerg. Procedures & Rad Con A N S W E R S H E E T Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice) If you change your answer, write your selection in the blank.

001 a b c d __

002 a __ b __ c __ d ____

003 a b c d __

004 a b c d __

005 a __ b __ c __ d ____

006 a b c d __

007 a b c d __

008 a b c d __

009 a b c d __

010 a b c d __

011 a b c d __

012 a b c d __

013 a b c d __

014 a b c d __

015 a b c d __

016 a b c d __

Section C Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems A N S W E R S H E E T Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice) If you change your answer, write your selection in the blank.

001 a b c d __

002 a b c d __

003 a b c d __

004 a __ b __ c __ d ____

005 a b c d __

006 a b c d __

007 a b c d __

008 a b c d __

009 a b c d __

010 a b c d __

011 a __ b __ c __ d ____

012 a b c d __

013 a b c d __

014 a __ b __ c __ d ____

015 a __ b __ c __ d ____

          • END OF EXAMINATION *****

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Question A.1 [1.0 point]

What is approximately 85% of the fission's energy release coming from?

a. Delayed neutrons.
b. The heat liberated from neutrons slowing down in media.
c. The kinetic energy of the fission fragments.
d. The gamma radiation.

Question A.2 [1.0 point]

Control Rod withdrawal predominantly changes K eff by changing the Y

a. fast fission factor (). b. thermal utilization factor (f).
c. neutron reproduction factor (). d. resonance escape probability (p).

Question A.3 [1.0 point]

If the mean generation time for neutrons in a reactor is 0.1 sec and k = 1.001, the time for the power to double is:

a. 10 seconds
b. 69 seconds
c. 2 min
d. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />

Question A.4 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is an example of alpha decay?

a. 35 Br87 33 As 83 b. 35 Br87 35 Br 87 c. 35 Br87 34 Se 86 d. 35 Br 87 36 Kr 87 Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Question A.5 [1.0 point]

When compared to , eff is Y

a. smaller, because delayed neutrons are born at lower energies than prompt neutrons.
b. larger, because delayed neutrons are born at lower energies than prompt neutrons.
c. smaller, because delayed neutrons are born at higher energies than prompt neutrons.
d. larger, because delayed neutrons are born at higher energies than prompt neutrons.

Question A.6 [1.0 point]

Given a source strength of 100 neutrons per second (N/sec) and a multiplication factor of 0.8, the expected stable neutron count rate would be?

a. 125 N/sec
b. 250 N/sec
c. 400 N/sec
d. 500 N/sec

Question A.7 [1.0 point]

The reactor is on a CONSTANT positive period. Which ONE of the following power changes will take the longest time to complete?

a. 5%, from 95% to 100%
b. 10%, from 80% to 90%
c. 15%, from 15% to 30%
d. 20%, from 60% to 80%

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Question A.8 [1.0 point]

The reactor supervisor tells you the reactor is shutdown with a shutdown margin of 12%. An experimenter inserts an experiment in the core and nuclear instrumentation increases from 100 counts per minute to 200 counts per minute. What is the new K eff of the reactor?

a. 0.920 b. 0.946 c. 0.973
d. 1.000 Question A.9 [1.0 point]

The term PROMPT JUMP refers to Y a. the instantaneous change in power due to raising a control rod

b. a reactor which has attained criticality on prompt neutrons alone.
c. a reactor which is critical due to both prompt and delayed neutrons.
d. a negative reactivity insertion which is greater than eff Question A.10 [1.0 point]

INELASTIC SCATTERING is the process by which a neutron collides with a nucleus and Y a. recoils with the same kinetic energy it had prior to the collision.

b. recoils with a lower kinetic energy than it had prior to the collision with the nucleus emitting a gamma ray.
c. is absorbed, with the nucleus emitting a gamma ray.
d. recoils with a higher kinetic energy than it had prior to the collision with the nucleus emitting a gamma ray.

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Question A.11 [2.0 points, 0.5 each]

Match each of the terms in column A with the correct definition from column B.

Column A Column B

a. Fast neutrons 1. Neutrons released directly from fission.
b. Prompt neutrons 2. High energy neutrons.
c. Slow neutrons 3. Neutrons released from decay of fission products.
d. Delayed neutrons 4. Low energy neutrons.

Question A.12 [1.0 point]

WHICH ONE of the following nuclei will cause a neutron to lose the MOST energy per collision while slowing down (assume elastic scattering)?

a. H 1 b. H 2 c. C 12 d. U238

Question A.13 [1.0 point]

A $1.50 insertion has been made into the cold-critical core. What is the k-effective?

a. 1.0070
b. 1.0098
c. 1.0105
d. 1.1500

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Question A.14 [1.0 point]

WHICH ONE of the following describes the MAJOR contributions to the production and depletion of xenon in the reactor?

a. Produced from radioactive decay of iodine and depletes by neutron absorption only.
b. Produced from radioactive decay of iodine and depletes by radioactive decay and neutron absorption.
c. Produced directly from fission and depletes by neutron absorption only.
d. Produced directly from fission and depletes by radioactive decay and neutron absorption.

Question A.15 [1.0 point]

An experimenter makes an error loading a rabbit sample. Injection of the sample results in a 100 millisecond period. If the scram setpoint is 1.25 MW and the scram delay time is 0.1 seconds, WHICH ONE of the following is the peak power of the reactor at shutdown?

a. 1.25 MW
b. 2.5 MW
c. 3.4 MW
d. 12.5 MW

Question A.16 [1.0 point]

The PRIMARY reason that a neutron source is installed in the reactor is to Y a. allow for testing and irradiation of experiments when the core is shutdown.

b. supply the neutrons required to start the chain reaction for reactor startups.
c. provide a neutron level high enough to be monitored for a controlled reactor startup.
d. increase the excess reactivity of the reactor which reduces the frequency for refueling.

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Question A.17 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following conditions will INCREASE the shutdown margin of a reactor.

a. Insertion of a positive reactivity worth experiment
b. Lowering moderator temperature (Assume negative temperature coefficient).
c. Burnout of a burnable poison.
d. Fuel depletion.

Question A.18 [1.0 point]

You enter the control room and note that all nuclear instrumentation show a steady neutron level, and no rods are in motion. Which ONE of the following conditions CANNOT be true?

a. The reactor is critical.
b. The reactor is subcritical.
c. The reactor is supercritical.
d. The neutron source has been removed from the core.

Question A.19 [1.0 point]

Which of the following physical characteristics of the TRIGA fuel accounts for the majority of the negative temperature feedback?

a. Thermal expansion of the fuel matrix
b. Geometric buckling
c. Doppler broadening
d. Hardening of the neutron spectrum caused by heating the U-ZrH fuel Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures Question B.1 [1.0 point]

An accessible area within the facility has general radiation levels of 125 mrem/hour at 30 centimeters. What would be the EXPECTED posting for this area?

a. "Caution, Very High Radiation Area"
b. "Danger, Airborne Radioactivity Area" c. "Danger, High Radiation Area"
d. "Caution, Radiation Area" Question B.2 [2.0 points, 0.5 each]

Match the 10CFR55 requirements for maintaining an active operator license in column A with the corresponding time period from column B.

Column A Column B

a. Renew License 1 year
b. Medical Exam 2 years
c. Pass Requalification Written Examination 4 years
d. Pass Requalification Operating Test 6 years Question B.3 [1.0 point]

A verification of acceptable performance by observation of channel behavior is:

a. Channel Check
b. Channel Verification
c. Channel Calibration
d. Channel Test

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures Question B.4 [1.0 point]

While working on an experiment, you receive the following radiation doses: 100 mrem (), 25 mrem (), and 5 mrem (thermal neutrons). Which ONE of the following is your total dose?

a. 175 mrem
b. 155 mrem
c. 145 mrem
d. 130 mrem

Question B.5 [2.0 point, 0.5 each]

Match type of radiation (a thru d) with the proper penetrating power (1 thru 4)

a. Gamma 1. Stopped by thin sheet of paper
b. Beta 2. Stopped by thin sheet of metal
c. Alpha 3. Best shielded by light material
d. Neutron 4. Best shielded by dense material

Question B.6 [1.0 point]

10CFR50.54(x) states:

AA licensee may take reasonable action that departs from a license condition or a technical specification (contained in a license issued under this part) in an emergency when this action is immediately needed to protect the public health and safety and no action consistent with license conditions and technical specifications that can provide adequate or equivalent protection is immediately apparent.

@ Per 10CFR50.54(y), which one of the following is the minimum level of authorization for this action?

a. Reactor Operator licensed at the facility.
b. Senior Reactor Operator licensed at the facility.
c. Facility Manager (or equivalent at facility).
d. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Project Manager

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures Question B.7 [1.0 point]

In order to maintain an active reactor or senior reactor operator license, the license-holder must perform the functions of his/her position for at least:

a. four hours per calendar quarter.
b. six hours per calendar quarter.
c. one hour per month.
d. sixteen hours per year

Question B.8 [1.0 point]

Which one of the following does NOT require NRC approval prior to being implemented?

1. Changes to an operating procedure that will change the intent of the procedure.
2. Changes to Section 6, Administrative Controls, of the Technical Specifications.
3. Changing the number of required Scram Channels.
4. Changing the passing grade of the written examination for the requalification program from 70% to 60%.

Question B.9 [1.0 point]

Fuel damage caused a release or airborne radioactive materials in excess of 10 times the effluent concentration, averaged over 24 hrs, at the DOW site boundary. Which one of the following Emergency Classifications would apply?

a. Unclassified
b. Site Area emergency
c. Alert
d. Notification of Unusual Event

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures Question B.10 [1.0 point]

As permitted by 10 CFR 50.59, the DOW reactor facility may:

a. Modify the reactor safety systems if reported to the NRC in the Annual Report.
b. Conduct experiments with greater than $1 worth if approved by the Reactor Operations Committee.
c. Determine the affects of modifications and their impact on TS.
d. Redefine the boundaries of accidents previously analyzed in the Safety Analysis Report (SAR). Question B.11 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following conditions is a Reportable Occurrence per the Technical Specification definition?

a. Operation of the reactor with a minimum shutdown margin (Xenon free and with the most reactive rod fully withdrawn) of $3.25.
b. Operation of the reactor with a minimally detectable fuel leak.
c. Fuel movement during fuel inspection with the external door (Door 10) opened.
d. Any unanticipated or uncontrolled positive change in reactivity greater than $0.75.

Question B.12 [1.0 point]

The Emergency Plan defines "Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ)" as -

a. the area within a one mile radius of the DOW Chemical Research reactor.
b. the DOW Chemical campus.
c. the reactor room (Lab 51-A of 1602 Building)
e. the area within a 100 meter radius of the reactor core.

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures Question B.13 [1.0 point]

An experiment, not previously performed at the reactor but similar to another experiment performed last week, with similar hazards, is scheduled while you are operating the reactor. Which one of the following meets the minimum required approval for the experiment?

a. permissible at the discretion of the Experimenter.
b. must be approved by the Reactor Operations Committee and scheduled by the Reactor Supervisor.
c. permissible at the discretion of the Reactor Supervisor. No further review is necessary.
d. permissible at the discretion of the Reactor Supervisor following review and documentation of no significant difference in hazards from the previously performed experiment.

Question B.14 [1.0 point]

Which one of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between the Safety Limit (SL) and the Limiting Safety System Setting (LSSS)?

a. The SL is a maximum setpoint for instrumentation response. The LSSS is the minimum number of channels required to be operable.
b. The SL is a parameter that assures the integrity of the fuel cladding. The LSSS initiates protective actions to preclude reaching the SL.
c. The LSSS is a parameter that assures the integrity of the fuel cladding. The SL is the setpoint for protective actions to preclude reaching the LSSS.
d. The LSSS is the limiting condition for operation. The SL protects against fuel failure.

Question B.15 [1.0 point] Which one of the following reactor operations does NOT require the presence of the Reactor Supervisor or a designated alternate?

a. Manipulation of fuel elements in the core.
b. Movement of an in-core experiment worth $0.50.
c. Recovery from an unexplained scram.
d. Maintenance performed on a control rod.

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures Question B.16 [1.0 point]

For the reactor to be considered "Secured", which one of the following evolutions/conditions is NOT allowed?

a. Reactor console key removed from the switch and in the control of a licensed operator.
b. Removal of a control rod while the reactor is subcritical by a margin greater than $1.00 cold
c. An experiment with a reactivity worth of $0.50 is being removed from the pool.
d. The rod drive is disconnected from the shim rod prior to maintenance on the motor.

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems Question C.1 [1.0 point]

Which one of the following is the reason for the discharge line of the cooling water system having a 45 degree elbow pipe at its end?

a. To minimize metal erosion of the core
b. To provide turbulent flow within the pool to prevent algae formation
c. To prevent siphoning of the reactor pool should a leak occur in the system
d. To provide a longer decay time for N-16

QUESTION C.02 [1.0 point]

The reflector surrounding the reactor uses which one of the following materials to reflect neutrons?

a. Zirconium
b. Graphite
c. Polyethylene
d. Beryllium QUESTION C.03 [1.0 point]

WHICH ONE of the following detectors is used primarily to measure N 16 release to the environment?

a. NONE, N 16 has too short a half-life to require environmental monitoring.
b. Continuous Air Monitor
c. Area Radiation Monitor
d. Water Radiation Monitor

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.04 [2.0 points, 1/2 each]

Match the control rod drive mechanism part from Column "A" with the correct function in Column "B'. Column A Column B a. Dash pot 1. Provide rod bottom indication

b. Potentiometer 2. Provide rod full withdrawn indication
c. Push Rod 3. Slows down rod near bottom of its travel
c. Pull rod 4. Provide rod position indication when electromagnet is engaged.

QUESTION C.05 [1.0 point]

Which one of the following neutron flux monitoring channels provides a signal indicating the period of the reactor?

a. Linear channel
b. Log Channel
c. Count Rate Channel
d. Percent Power Channel

QUESTION C.06 [1.0 point]

To minimize the effects of irradiated air from the pneumatic tube (rabbit) system, the -

a. piping is a recirculating loop with a CO 2 purge b. piping is a recirculating loop with a N 2 purge c. exhaust of the system is located in a fume hood
d. exhaust of the system is located in the facility exhaust stack

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.07 [1.0 point]

The pool bulk water is limited to less than 60 degrees C to -

a. prevent excessive pool evaporation at higher temperatures
b. to limit temperature cycling stresses to the fuel element clad
c. maintain pump seal leakage at a minimum
d. prevent breakdown of the resin in the demineralizer

QUESTION C.08 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the neutron source utilized in the reactor?

a. 241Am - 9 Be
b. 239Pu - 9Be c. 210Po - 9Be d. 124Sb - 9 Be QUESTION C.09 [1.0 point]

The "Campbelling" circuit of the fission chamber allows the channel to detect over 10 decades of reactor power by -

a. using a discriminator voltage which removes the smaller gamma pulses from the signal
b. using two chambers in the detector. The "Campbelling" circuit adds the signal output of the two chambers algebraically
c. combining the output of the single as both a proportional counter and as an ionization chamber d. The "Campbelling" circuit is associated with the uncompensated ion chamber. The fission chamber does not have a "Campbelling" circuit.

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.10 [1.0 point]

Which one of the following is a safety concern when using a lazy suzan sample container made of polyethylene for long-time activation?

a. Chlorine contamination of the sample
b. Embrittlement of the sample container
c. High dose rate due to polymerization of the container
d. Excessive buildup of pressure due to hydrogen gas

QUESTION C.11 [2.0 points; 1/2 each]

Match the purification system conditions listed in Column "A" with their respective causes listed in Column "B". [Some choices is Column B may be used more than once or not at all.]

Column A Column B

a. High Radiation level at the demineralizer 1. Clogged demineralizer
b. High pressure upstream of the demineralizer 2. Channeling in demineralizer
c. Higher than normal pool water conductivity 3. Fuel Element failure
d. High flow rate through the demineralizer QUESTION C.12 [1.0 point]

During a survey of the demineralizer 1/2 hour after shutdown, you note that the dose rate has increased by a factor of 10 over the previous day's reading. Is this normal or abnormal, and why?

a. Normal, due to N 16 in the coolant.
b. Abnormal, due to the concentration of H 3 in the demineralizer.
c. Abnormal, due to fission products in the demineralizer.
d. Normal, due to Ar 41 entrained in the coolant system.

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.13 [1.0 point]

The purpose of the graphite slugs located at the top and bottom of each fuel rod is to -

a. absorb neutrons, thereby reducing neutron embrittlement of the upper and lower guide plates. b. absorb neutrons, thereby reducing neutron leakage from the core.
c. reflect neutrons, thereby reducing neutron leakage from the core.
d. couple neutrons from the core to the nuclear instrumentation, decreasing shadowing effects.

QUESTION C.14 [2.0 points; 1/2 each]

For each of the items listed below, identify whether it is applicable to a fuel element only (FE), a dummy element only (DRE) or could be either (BOTH).

a. Contains graphite
b. Contains zirconium hydride
c. Aluminum clad
d. Stainless steel clad QUESTION C.15 [1.0 point]

Rank the following experimental facilities from highest (1) to lowest (4) neutron flux

a. Pneumatic transfer system
b. Central Thimble
c. Dummy Fuel Element
d. Lazy Suzan Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Answer Key

A.1 c REF: "Nuclear Reactor Engineering" Army Manual, pg. 15

A.2 b REF: Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Engineering (FONRE), ' 66.a, p. 54 A.3 b REF: T = L/k-1 T = .1/(1.001-1) = 100 N = N o et/T 2 = e t/100 .693 = t/100 t = 69.3 seconds A.4 a REF: AFRRI Triga Reactor Health Physics, Terms and Definitions, p. 3.

A.5 b REF: FONRE, ' 29.d, p. 29 A.6 d REF: CR = S/(1-K) CR = 100/(1 - .8) = 500 A.7 c REF: Time is related to ratio of final power to initial power. 2:1 is the largest ratio. Also, FONRE, p. 78, Equation 3-14.

A.8 b REF: Standard NRC Question A.9 a REF: FONRE, ' 79.h(3), p. 68 A.10 b REF: FONRE, ' 18.e.3.a(1), p. 10 A.11 a, 2; b, 1; c, 4; d, 3 REF: FONRE, 24 & 25, pp. 27 & 28 A.12 a REF: FONRE, ' 45, p. 40.

A.13 c REF: Nuclear Reactor Engineering Army Manual, eqn. 3-17

A.14 d REF: FONE


Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics A.15 c REF: P = P 0 e t/, P = 1.25 MW e0.1/0.1 = 1.25 e = 3.3979, Also, FONRE, p. 78, Equation 3-14. A.16 c REF: FONRE, ' 149.f, p. 137

A.17 d REF: U. S. Army Engineers Academic Training Phase, Nuclear Power Plant Operations Course, p. 88 A.18 c REF: FONE


A.19 d REF: SAR, Ch 4.16 Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures B.1 c REF: 10CFR20 B.2 a, 6; b, 2; c, 2; d, 1 REF: 10CFR55.

B.3 a REF: T.S. Section 1.3

B.4 d REF: Reactor Training Manual - Ionizing Radiation B.5 a, 4 b, 2 c, 1 d, 3 REF: Reactor Training Manual -

Health Physics B.6 b REF: 10CFR50.54(y).

B.7 a REF: Requalification Program.

B.8 a REF: DOW Administrative Procedures B.9 d REF: DOW Emergency Plan

B.10 c REF: 10 CFR 50.59 B.11 c REF: T.S. 1.8 & 3.5 B.12 c REF: DOW Reactor Emergency Plan - Definitions

B.13 d REF: DOE Administrative Procedures 3.3.1 B.14 b REF: DOW T.S. Safety Limits and Limiting Safety System Settings B.15 b REF: Technical Specifications, Section 6.1.3 B.16 b REF: T.S. 1.23 Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems C.1 d Ref: General Description of Dow TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 1-16 C.2 b REF: General Description of Dow TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 1-3 C.3 a REF: Standard NRC question

C.4 a - 3; b - 4; c - 1; d - 2 REF: General Description of Dow TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 1-13 C.5 b REF: General Description of Dow TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 2-15 C.6 c REF: General Description of Dow TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 1-21 C.7 d REF: General Description of Dow TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 1-16

C.8 a REF: General Description of Dow TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 1-9 C.9 c REF: General Description of DOW TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 2-14

C.10 d REF: General Description of DOW TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 1-19 C.11 a - 3; c - 1; c - 1; d - 2 REF: General Description of DOW TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 1-16 C.12 c REF: The demineralizer removes ionic impurities. N 16, has much too short a half-life, H 3 emits much too weak a beta to be detected, and Ar 41 , a noble gas, will NOT concentrate in the demineralizer.

C.13 c REF: SAR § 4.2.1, Reactor Fuel, Figure 4.3.

C.14 a. BOTH; b. FE; c. FE; d. BOTH REF: General Description of DOW TRIGA Research Reactor and Facilities, pg. 1-7

C.15 a. - 3; b. - 1; c. - 2; d. - 4 REF: Standard NRC Question