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2006/05/24 - Phone Conversation Record by Mr. Marc Ferdas, NRC, Oyster Creek, Speaking to a Public Stakeholder, Mr. Donald Warren in Regards to Questions Asked at Annual Assessment Public Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 05/24/2006
From: Ferdas M S
NRC Region 1
To: Warren D
AmerGen Energy Co
Download: ML061500071 (2)


- CONVERSATIO-N REC0R.D - -,e* .n M".,. -.L't. -.- BACKGROUND During the Oyster Creek 2005 Annual AEsessmenC public meedng on April 24 2006 a public stakeholder (Donald Warren) provided the NRC U questions concerning i wriety ofissncs including, the reactor vessel (core shroud), harden vent, spent fuel pool, tliemolog 330, drywell IInerPsind bed region", tritium, and cooling towers. The Senior Residcht Inspector (Marc S, Ferdas) committed to provide Mr. Wanen a response to his question, On May 23,2006 Mr. Warreb sent an emnil to Mr. Ferdas inqulrtng about the an8wers to h& questiond, additionally Mr. Warren pr ovided some clarifjtng informntion to hL original questions.

The questions provided by Mr. Warren on April 24 and Msy 23 2006 are summerized on page 2- COHVERSATION RECOlRD 1 contncted bfr. Wprreh at his borne on May 24,2006, hoyyer, ht yqep~,l&b~pe when I called. C. left P message OA his answering machiue informing him that I was sell p$,@ng prepared to speak to him In 2 to 3 wec~&ram.$&g..

being conducting by the NRC concerning Oyster Cre headquartus to diocuridwvell shell time-llmited aging analysis and the Jury 13,2006 meeting New Jersey to discuss Liceas, Renewal Environmental Scapiag results. Mt- Ryan Treadaay, Rgsident Inspector - Oyster Creek, wag also present when I _.-*_ --_. ~ Ita order to rcspond to his queadons and would be sagc was an update of upcomiagpublic meetings including the June !, 2006 meeting at NRC made the phone c& ! . -. . ...~....I.

.. . -. .r , ...,.. Confinue on P~ge 2 PJo additlorn1 adoas required, Will provide a response to Mr, Warrens questions by June 9,2006 via tclecon, If rddidoaal information io required it will be providad via emnil h ACf70N REQUIRED .I_.-- No rdditioaal actioni, gee above for details. ' -' .' \ .I_.-- No rdditioaal actioni, gee above for details. I -.,- --)--#- _.__.-.I --_I_.- P'SOWINO PION -*E- 1 .. .- , ._ .. ..- ...--.. .

QUESTTONS PROWRED BY MR WA- ON APU 24 AND MAY 23,2006. 1) Have you tested the mnny fracture cracks in Ule concreft drywell containment shfeld for increPseJ in size and number? Why didn't rhe Fitzpouick Plant with &e same design i~sfalI a vent pipe? veht pipe, Is this bccau6e 30 PSI is what 8) light of rhc high vulnerability of an clevvrted Spent fuel pool iillcd with 35 yrs of highly radioactive wasts in tightly packed fuel ussemblies to Tornados, Humicpneo and Terrorist AircrafttArtacks, what provlslons haye been nde to enclae the this structure in a reinforced conmelt containment lwilding and If chis is hot baing done why not? 9) Since Themolag 330 flte barrier wag determiaed hot to adquateiy protect essential wiring from fire and Oyster Creek uever complled w-th replacement, bow ue operators expected to be able to "manually operate" critical &ety cemponmts when fire nnd smoke precludes entrance into criticnl arcas. 10) Since thb drywell wos designed prior to 19 how is raw Ultrasonic tar data "state of the a repre~entetive Pete Resler and why Ss Excdoal information wlfh the NRC's compliance in nof domain? +n i ailable to the wtire industry for over 35 yrs, competing companks" as claimed by Amergel e test data from 1996 ij proprietary n all ultrasonic rest data prior to 1996 ww public 11)In light of tbc teceal discloxure that EXcellon dectavtd about the tritium leaks at other plants they own and opernte, *re grouhd welh at Oyster Creek bdng teegted lor radioactive particulate contlmlna tion by multiple radionudldrs (eg. alpha, berm and gamma emmiter$)?

If not, why? 12Doeo the NRC plan to rcguire OC to install a cooling tower as recommended by the NJDEP to prevent furthcr "grassing" hrnrds t~hile deerwing degradation

?nd fish Id119 of B#rQegat bay and if not, why since this would seem io be the most prudent solbdon to prevent unsafe coolink watcr 10\5 from "grasTing", TOTRL P. 89