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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19261C6292 March 1979Supports Proposed Alternate Sites Hearing,In Case Cooling Towers Are Required at Seabrook,But Feels Phillips Cove Is non-viable Alternative.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19351A7038 December 1989Applicant Response to Intervenors Immediate Effectiveness Review Comments,Stay Requests & Suppl to Intervenors Motion to Vacate Portions of LBP-89-32 Authorizing Issuance of Seabrook Ol.* Requests for Stays Should Be Denied
ML19351A73719 December 1989Intervenors Brief on Appeal of LBP-89-28.* Ruling Considered Irrational & Should Be Reversed on Basis That Board Arbitrarily Ignored Substantive Evidence of Programmatic Failure & Personnel Mismanagement.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20006A22922 January 1990Brief of Intervenors in Support of Appeal of LBP-89-38.* Aslab Should Dispense W/Oral Argument & Reverse ASLB 891109 Denial of Intervenor Right to Hearing on Sept Onsite Exercise Contentions.Related Info & Certificate of Svc EnclExemption Request
ML20006B16724 January 1990Brief of appellants-intervenors Towns of Salisbury & Amesbury on Appeal of Partial Initial Decision on Spmc LBP-89-32.* Matter Should Be Remanded to Board & Further Hearings Held.W/Statement of Issues & Certificate of Svc
ML20006B17024 January 1990Town of West Newbury Brief on Appeal of Partial Initial Decision on Spmc LBP-89-32.* Decision Should Be Reversed Due to Board Error in Not Admitting Certain Contentions.W/ Statement of Issues & Certificate of SvcHigh winds
ML20006B17524 January 1990City of Newburyport Brief on Appeal of Partial Initial Decision of Spmc LBP-89-32.* ASLB Decision Should Be Reversed Due to Board Error in Finding Evacuation Plan Adequate.W/Statement of Issues & Certificate of SvcIncorporated by reference
ML20006B17924 January 1990Town of Hampton & Necnp Brief on Appeal of LBP-89-32.* Requests ASLB to Vacate LBP-89-32 & to Order Applicant to Conduct Remedial Exercise to Address Deficiencies in Toh/Necnp EX-1.W/statement of Issues & Certificate of Svc
ML20006B18824 January 1990Town of Newbury Brief on Appeal of Partial Initial Decision of Spmc LBP-89-32.* Decision Should Be Reversed Due to ASLB Error in Rejecting Contentions.W/Statement of Issues & Certificate of Svc
ML20006B19319 January 1990on Appeal from Decision of ASLB LBP-89-28 (891012).* Decision Should Be Affirmed on Basis That Successful Completion of Low Power Testing Not Prerequisite to Issuance of Full Power License.W/Certificate of SvcAffidavit
ML20006B21624 January 1990Brief of Commonwealth of Ma Atty General in Support of Appeal of LBP-89-32.* LBP-89-08,LBP-89-17 & LBP-89-32 Should Be Reversed & 891109 License Authorization Revoked & Vacated.W/Statement of Issues & Certificate of Svc
ML20006B24424 January 1990Seacoast Anti-Pollution League Brief on Appeal of Partial Initial Decision on Spmc & 1988 FEMA-graded Exercise (LBP-89-32).* Board Erred in Various Rulings & Decision.W/ Supporting Documentation & Svc List
ML20006F47316 February 1990Intervenors Brief in Support of Appeal of LPB-90-01.* Decision Should Be Reversed & Emergency Broadcast Sys Contention & Addl Basis Admitted.W/Supporting Info & Certificate of Svc
ML20011F07422 February 1990on Appeal from Decision of Board LBP-89-38 (891211).* Board Decision Should Be Affirmed Due to Contentions Not Passing late-filed Criteria & Argument from Regulatory Interpretation & History Flawed.W/Certificate of SvcIncorporated by reference
ML20012D68020 March 1990on Appeal from Decision of Board LBP-90-01 (900108).* Decision Should Be Affirmed on Basis That Board Did Not Err in Rulings on Commonwealth of Ma Motions or Holding That Motions Deemed Untimely.W/Related Info & Certificate of Svc
ML20043H16215 June 1990Brief of Seacoast Anti-Pollution League on Appeal of LBP-90-12.* Seacoast Anti-Pollution League Should Not Be Forced to Face Hopson Choice or Participate in Meaningless Proceeding & Have Remanded Issues Dismissed.W/Svc List
ML20055G72113 July 1990NRC Staff Response to Aslab 900622 Memorandum & Order.* Advises of Sufficient Personnel at Facility to Properly Care for Children,Regardless of Availability of EPZ Teachers at School Host FacilityEarthquake
ML20070U4449 January 1991Brief of City of Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept Opposing Exceptions
ML20070U47324 January 1991Brief of City of Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept Opposing Exceptions
ML20077J0728 August 1983Answer Opposing State of Ma Atty General & New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution 830715 & 22 Petitions for Directed Certification Re Evacuation Time Estimates. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20082D45011 July 1991Brief of Intervenors on Their Appeal of LBP-91-24.* Commission Should Reverse Findings of Licensing Board in LBP-91-24 & Remand Beach Sheltering Issue Per Directives of ALAB-939.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20082D92823 July 1991Brief Supporting Intervenor Notice of Appeal of LBP-91-28.* Seacoast Anti-Pollution League Appeals Decision of Commission Rendered 910618 Denying Standing to Intervene in Transfer of Ownership Interest in FacilitySystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20082G8386 August 1991Brief of Licensee on Appeal from Decision of ASLB LBP-91-28 (910618).* Appeal Should Be Dismissed for Failure to File Brief as Required by Rules of Practice.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20082H67712 August 1991Brief of Licensee Re Appeal from Decision of ASLB LBP-91-24 of 910530 Concerning Seabrook Proceeding.* W/Certificate of Svc
ML20083B46816 December 1983Brief Supporting ASLB Denial of Je Doherty Petition for Leave to Intervene.No Litigable Contention Presented. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20148S9609 April 1988Applicant Response in Opposition to Commonwealth of Ma Atty General Petition Under 10CFR2.758 for Waiver of or Exemption from Public Util Exemption from Requirement of Demonstration of Financial Qualification.* W/Certificate of Svc
ML20148U52525 January 1988Applicant Answer to Contention of Atty General Jm Shannon on Notification Sys for Commonwealth of Ma & Motion to Admit late-filed Contention & Reopen Record.Certificate of Svc EnclBiofouling
ML20150D4491 July 1988New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution (Necnp) Brief in Support of Appeal of Board Dismissal of Necnp Contention Iv.* Board 880217,0318 & 0401 Decisions Should Be Reversed. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20151P0507 April 1988New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Brief in Support of Appeal of Memorandum & Order Renewing Authorization to Operate at Low Power.* Errata to Brief,Consisting of Table of Contents & Table of Authorities
ML20151P1207 April 1988New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Brief in Su of Appeal of Memorandum & Order Renewing Authorization to Operate at Low Power.* Brief Consisting of Tables Inadvertently Omitted.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20154H78517 May 1988NRC Staff Response to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Brief in Support of Appeal of Memorandum & Order Renewing Authorization to Operate at Low Power.* Aslab Should Deny Appeal & Affirm Order.W/Certificate of SvcBiofouling
Flow Induced Vibration
ML20154P72426 September 1988NRC Staff Response to Joint Intervenors Application for Stay of Order Authorizing Issuance of Low Power License.* Request Should Be Dismissed or Referred to Aslab.Stay of Low Power Operations Unwarranted.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20195E7042 June 1986Statement of Error in 860530 Brief Re Atty General Findings of Fact.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20195F03730 May 1986Brief Supporting Dismissal Per 10CFR2.714a,of State of Ma Appeal from ASLB 860429 Memorandum & Order Re Offsite Emergency Planning Issues.If Aslab Reaches Merits,Aslb Decision Should Be Affirmed.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20198T1166 June 1986Brief in Opposition to Commonwealth of Ma Atty General Bellotti Appeal of ASLB 860429 Order Rejecting Emergency Planning Contention.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20205R4852 November 1988NRC Staff Response to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Brief in Support of Appeal of Memorandum & Order .* Appeal Should Be Denied & 880808 Order Should Be Affirmed.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20206T22516 April 1987NRC Staff Response to Joint Intervenor Appeal by Motion for Directed Certification.* Petition for Directed Certification Should Be Denied Since Deprivation of Procedural Due Process Not Demonstrated.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20207A28617 April 1987Applicant Response to Applications for Stay of Board Order Authorizing Grant of Authority to Engage in Operation Up to 5% of Rated Power.* Movants Made No Substantial Showing of Any of Listed Four Factors.W/Certificate of SvcSiren
ML20207E36012 August 1988NRC Staff Response to New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution (Necnp) Brief in Support of Appeal of Board Dismissal of Necnp Contention Iv.* Requests That Necnp Appeal Be Dismissed.Certificate of Svc EnclBiofouling
ML20214N14121 May 1987Applicants Response to Applications Filed by Atty General of Commonwealth of Ma,New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution & Seacoast Anti-Pollution League for Stay of Low Power Operations at Seabrook....* Certificate of Svc EnclSiren
ML20214T3153 June 1987on Appeal from Partial Initial Decision of ASLB Issued 870325.* Decision Should Be Affirmed.Certificate of Svc EnclUltimate heat sink
ML20214W4808 June 1987NRC Staff Response to Stay Applications Filed by Seacoast Anti-Pollution League,New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution,Town of Hampton & Commonwealth of Ma Atty General.* Requests Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of SvcProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20215K9644 May 1987Seacost Anti-Pollution League Brief in Support of Appeal of Partial Initial Decision Authorizing Issuance of License to Operate Seabrook Station Unit 1 Up to 5% of Rated Power.* Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20215M0288 May 1987New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Brief in Support of Appeal of Partial Initial Decision Authorizing Issuance of License to Operate at Low Power.* Certificate of Svc EnclAffidavit
ML20235F24524 September 1987Intervenors Brief in Support of Appeal of Memorandum & Order Denying Petition to Waive Regulations 50.33(f) & 50.57(a)(4) to Extent Necessary to Require Applicants to Demonstrate Financial Qualification....* Certificate of Svc EnclSafe Shutdown
ML20235K96825 September 1987Intervenor Correction of Errata & Substitution of Corrected Page 14 to Intervenors Brief in Support of Appeal of Memorandum & Order Denying Petition to Waive Regulations 50.33(f) & 50.57(a)(4)......* Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20235N33824 February 1989Brief of Seacoast Anti-Pollution League in Support of Reversal of LBP-88-32 in Light of ALAB-905.* Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20235V35128 February 1989Applicant Trial Brief as to First Filing Phase of Litigation as to Seabrook Plan for Commonwealth of Ma Communities & Exercise Contentions.* Certificate of Svc EnclEarthquake
ML20236A4337 March 1989Applicant Response to Notice of Appeal from Decision of ASLB in Memorandum & Order & Restated & Served on 890216 & Further Restated & Served on 890222 as Provided by 10CFR2.714(a).* Certificate of Svc EnclSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20236C3389 March 1989Applicant Response to Commonwealth of Ma Atty General Motion for Directed Certification of LBP-89-8.* Motion for Directed Certification Should Be Denied.Certificate of Svc Encl