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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML05257078525 May 2004Hope CreekE-mail from S. Barber of USNRC to S. Pindale of USNRC, Regarding Hope Creek EDG Ssdi Issue
ML0525800773 February 2003Hope CreekE-mail from W. Schmidt of USNRC to S. Barber and S. Pindale of USNRC, Regarding SSW at Hc
ML05258008231 January 2003Hope CreekE-mail from S. Barber of USNRC to S. Pindale and W. Schmidt of USNRC, Regarding Hc Inspection Report (SSW)
ML05258008810 January 2003Hope CreekE-mail from S. Barber of USNRC to Various, Regarding SSW for Hc Ssdi
ML05263020025 May 2004Hope CreekE-Mail from S. Barber of USNRC to S. Pindale of USNRC, Regarding Hc EDG Ssdi Issue
ML06221007815 January 2004Salem
Hope Creek
E-Mail from Lorson to Various, Next Week Interview
ML09113064910 November 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to S. Pindale, J. Kulp and J. Heinly of USNRC, Regarding Oyster Creek Conference Call - Update on San Bed Repairs
ML09113065114 November 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to Various, Regarding NRC Conf Call Info
ML09113066315 November 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to J. Kulp, S. Pindale and J. Heinly of USNRC, Regarding Oyster Creek Startup PORC
ML09119009021 October 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to J. Kulp and S. Pindale of USNRC, Regarding Drawing Attached for Oc Outage Inspection Plan
ML0911905787 November 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to S. Pindale, J. Richmond and J. Heinly, Regarding Oc Reactor Cavity Leakage
ML0911905797 November 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to S. Pindale, J. Kulp and J. Heinly, Regarding Oc Lr Follow-up Items
ML0911905828 November 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to D. Roberts, S. Pindale and J. Heinly, Regarding Oc Reactor Cavity Leakage
ML0914106838 October 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from M. Ferdas of USNRC to Various, Regarding Supervisory Brief: 1R22 License Renewal Inspection and Work
ML09146074717 November 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to Various, Regarding Oyster Creek PNO and Comm Plan
ML09169063920 November 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to Various, Regarding Oc Update Call on Stripple Coating & Sand Bed Drain Commitments
ML09190051917 November 2008Oyster CreekE-mail from J. Richmond of USNRC to Various, Regarding Revised Oyster Creek Report 2008-07