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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML1010603318 October 2009Crystal RiverEmail from A. Sheikh, NRR to B. Lehman, NRR Et Al., CR3 Containment Crack
ML10208009623 November 2009Crystal RiverE-mail from Kuntz, Robert to Lee, Samson; Wrona, David; Holian, Brian; Sheikh, Abdul; Auluck, Rajender; Lehman, Bryce; Subject: FW: Revised Final CR Presentation
ML11263A0689 February 2011Salem
Hope Creek
E-mail with Attachment from D. Doyle, NRR to B. Lehman, NRR Et Al, on Salem/Hope Creek Dseis Comments
ML11263A12110 February 2011Salem
Hope Creek
E-mail from D. Doyle, NRR, to R. Dennig, NRR Et Al, on Basemat and Containment Question
ML12054A7196 December 2011SeabrookE-mail from Stacie Sakai, NRR to Bryce Lehman; Subject: I Spoke with Conte
ML12102A2293 June 2011SeabrookE-mail from R. Conte, Region I to S. Chaudhary, Region I, Et Al; Subject: NRR Assessment of AR 1644074 Eval
ML12102A23630 November 2011SeabrookE-mail from A. Sheikh, NRR to G. Thomas, Region I, Et Al; Subject: Items Identified in Today'S Meeting Relevant to Seabrook
ML12200A18618 October 2011Davis BesseEmail from S. Cuardadodejesus, NRR to R. Auluck, NRR Et Al. on Davis-Besse Shield Building Issue Summary
ML12200A1968 November 2011Davis BesseE-mail from P. Hernandez, NRR to R. Auluck, NRR on Davis Besse Questions for Licensee
ML12200A2252 December 2011Davis BesseEmail from D. Morey, NRR to B. Lehman, NRR Et Al Davis-Besse Shield Building
ML12200A24313 December 2011Davis BesseEmail from M. Galloway, NRR to A. Sheikh, NRR Et Al., Davis-Besse Shield Building
ML12200A24413 December 2011Davis BesseEmail from A. Sheikh, NRR to B. Lehman, NRR Et Al Davis-Besse Shield Building RAI
ML12213A34111 October 2011Davis BesseE-mail from S. Cuadrado Dejesus to A. Sheikh, Et Al, FW: Davis-Besse Shield Building Crack
ML12213A3592 December 2011Davis BesseE-mail from V. Mitlyng to T. Briley, Et Al, Subject: Press Release Has Been Issued
ML12213A3624 January 2012Davis BesseE-mail from J. Neurauter to M. Murphy, Et Al, Subject: Davis Besse Shield Building Issue Documents
ML22203A11619 July 2022NRC E-mail to Niowave Providing Structural and Geotechnical Requirements and Guidance Writeups 7-17-22