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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20236C3389 March 1989Applicant Response to Commonwealth of Ma Atty General Motion for Directed Certification of LBP-89-8.* Motion for Directed Certification Should Be Denied.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20236C35610 March 1989on Appeal from Decision of ASLB LBP-89-04 Issued on 890130: Brief of Applicant.* Decision of ASLB Should Be Affirmed. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20236D46115 March 1989NRC Staff Response in Opposition to Joint Intervenors Appeal of LBP-89-04.* Appeal Should Be Denied & LBP-89-04 Affirmed on Basis That Required to Meet Stds of 10CFR2.714 Before Admittance.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20236D76817 March 1989NRC Staff Response in Opposition to ED Weinhold Appeal of LBP-89-03.* Appeal Board Should Deny ED Weinhold Appeal & Affirm LBP-89-03.Certificate of Svc EnclSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20244C11413 April 1989Brief on Behalf of Seacoast Anti-Pollution League on Appeal to Board Memorandum & Order Denying Financial Qualification Review for Seabrook Joint Owners.* Matter Urged to Be Dealt W/In Responsible & Rationale Manner.Svc List EnclBackfit
ML20244D64818 April 1989Applicant Final Trial Brief.* on Basis of Stated Evidence, Applicant Will Ask Board to Issue Initial Decision & Order Authorizing Issuance of Full Power OL for Plant.Certificate of Svc EnclEarthquake
ML20245J20824 April 1989on Appeal from Partial Initial Decision of Board Issues 881230 (LBP-88-32).* Decision Should Be Affirmed.Supporting Documentation & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20247A5347 September 1989NRC Staff Opposition to Waiver of Financial Qualifications Regulation Applicable to Full Power Operation of Seabrook.* Urges That ALAB-920,by Which Appeal Board Reversed Licensing Board Determination in LBP-89-10,be Reversed
ML20247A55921 March 1989Seacoast Anti-Pollution League Brief on Appeal of Partial Initial Decision on State of Nh Radiological Emergency Response Plan LBP-88-32.* Svc List & Supporting Documentation EnclEarthquake
ML20247A82924 March 1989Commonwealth of Ma Atty General Brief on Appeal of Partial Initial Decision on State of Nh Radiological Emergency Response Plan LBP-88-32.* Decision Should Be Reversed. Exhibits & Certificate of Svc EnclProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Potassium iodide
ML20247A85424 March 1989New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution Brief in Support of Intervenors Appeal of LBP-88-32.* Partial Initial Decision Should Be Reversed & Remanded to Licensing Board for Further Hearings.Svc List Encl
ML20247F43119 May 1989on Appeal from Decision of Board (LBP-89-19),dtd 890308.* Decision Should Be Affirmed on Basis That Uncertainty of Future Ownership of Applicant Share Does Nothing to Establish Necessary Prima Facie Case.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20247K83330 May 1989NRC Staff Brief in Support of LBP-89-10.* LBP-89-10 Should Be Affirmed on Basis That Commonwealth of Ma Failed to Carry Burden of Making Prima Facie Case.W/Certificate of SvcFitness for Duty
ML20248B6645 June 1989NRC Staff Brief in Response to Intervenors Appeals from ASLB Partial Initial Decision on State of Nh Radiological Emergency Response Plan (LBP-88-32).* Board Decision Should Be Reaffirmed.W/Certificate of Svc