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ML20029D53328 April 1994Georgia Power Co Second Set of Interrogatories & Third Request for Production of Documents to NRC Staff.* W/ Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20029D5472 May 1994Intervenor Suggested Scheduling Order.* Suggests That Listed Scheduling Order Govern Remaining Proceedings.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20029D54929 April 1994Intervenor Response to Licensing Board Scheduling Memorandum Dtd 940427.* Requests That Listed Matters Be Included in Agenda for 940503 Conference.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20029D9286 May 1994Georgia Power Co Third Set of Interrogatories & Request for Documents to AL Mosbaugh.* Requests That AL Mosbaugh Answer Interrogatories in Writing & Under Oath within 14 Days of Svc.W/Certificate of Svc & Svc List.Related Correspondence
ML20029D9336 May 1994Intervenor Statement of Good Cause to File Interrogatory Questions Concerning Illegal Transfer of Control & to Convene Depositions Concerning Illegal Transfer of Control.*
ML20029D9356 May 1994Intervenor Witness List Concerning Alienation of Control.* Submits Preliminary List of Witness Re Improper Transfer of Control.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20029D9376 May 1994Intervenor Motion to Compel Licensee to Produce Aw Dahlberg; Reconvene Deposition of G Hairston & Schedule Deposition of T Beckham.*
ML20029D9426 May 1994Affidavit of Mj Wilmoth.* Affidavit Re 940412 Conversation W/M Kohn Re Close Call When Red Sports Car at Corner of Ofc Building of Troutman Sanders,Nearly Missed Running Him Down
ML20039G7417 December 1981Affidavit Supporting NRC Motion to Dismiss Ucs & Ny Pirg Petitions for Review of NRC Decision Re Status of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plan.Emergency Planning Evaluation Process Incomplete.Related Correspondence
ML20040B76814 January 1982Forwards Addl Matls Subsequent to 820106-08 Prehearing Conference,Including Minutes of 641021 Meeting W/Bnl,Acrs 710810 Summary of 136th Meeting on 710805-07 & Wa Lochstet Statement of Position
ML20040B83418 January 1982Statement of Position That There Is No Confidence That Safe Disposal of Radwaste from Facilities Will Be Available by 2007-09.Expresses Doubt That Safe Disposal Will Ever Exist. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20041F66710 March 1982Withdrawal of 780828 Request That Commission Institute Section 105a Proceeding Against Util.Fl Cities Has Settled All Differences W/Util.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20041F8753 December 1981Motion for Independent Audit of Plant ConstEarthquake
ML20043G91115 June 1990Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR30,40,50,60,61,70,72, 110 & 150 Re Willful Misconduct by Unlicensed Persons
ML20044D40614 May 1993a Mosbaugh Response to Board 930421 Scheduling Order & Request for Protective Order.* Six Tape Recordings Currently in Possession of Mosbaugh Counsel & Not Required to Release Any.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20044D41914 May 1993Request for Extension of Time.* Requests Until 930625 to File Responses to Interrogatory Questions & Document Requests Received on 930503 from Gap.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20044E2063 May 1993Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-58 Re VEPCO Petition to Change Frequency of Emergency Planning Exercises from Annual to Biennial
ML20045A6532 June 1993Util Response to Intervenor First Request for Production of Documents.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20045A6852 June 1993Georgia Power Co Response to AL Mosbaugh First Set of Interrogatories.* W/Certificate of Svc,Supporting Affidavits & Svc List.Related Correspondence
ML20045A7064 June 1993Intervenor Response to First Request for Documents by Util.* List of General Objections Applying to Each & Every Document Provided.Related Correspondence
ML20045A7184 June 1993Intervenors Response to First Set of Interrogatories of Util.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20045D23110 June 1993Intervenor Info & Brief Re Motion for Protective Order.* AL Mosbaugh 930514 Request for Protective Order Should Be Granted.W/Affidavits of MD Kohn & AL Mosbaugh
ML20045D2359 June 1993Affidavit of MD Kohn in Support of AL Mosbaugh
ML20045D24017 June 1993Georgia Power Co Motion to Compel Intervenor Production of Documents & Responses to Certain Interrogatories.* Util Moves Board to Compel Intervenor to Produce All Documents Requested by Util First Request.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20045D2418 June 1993Affidavit of AL Mosbaugh.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20045D83818 June 1993Gap Response to Intervenor Info & Brief Concerning Motion for Protective Order.* Intervenor Has Not Established That Six Tapes Protected by Work Product Doctrine.W/Certificate of Svc & Svc List
ML20045G9211 July 1993Intervenor Supplemental List of Documents Available to Parties.* Intervenor Releasing Six Tapes on 930701 to Tape Duplication Facility Known as Avcom. W/Certificate of SvcSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
ML20045G92930 June 1993Intervenor Supplemental Response to Georgia Power Co First Request for Production of Documents & Response to Interrogatory Questions.* Related Correspondence
ML20045G93430 June 1993Affidavit.* Affidavit of AL Mosbaugh Re Statements & Opinions Set Out in Intervernor Supplemental Responses to Util First Set of Interrogatories.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20045G94013 July 1993Georgia Power Co First Supplementary Response to AL Mosbaugh First Set of Interrogatories. W/Certificate of Svc & Svc List.Supporting Affidavits Also Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20045G94127 June 1993Intervenor Second Set of Interrogatories & Request for Documents to Ga Power Co.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20045G94724 June 1993Intervenor First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Documents to Staff of Usnrc.* W/Cerificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20045G95312 July 1993Intervenors Motion to Compel Answers to Interrogatories & Document Requests by NRC Staff.* Requests Board to Compel NRC to Answer All Interrogatories & Produce All Requested Documents.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20045G9666 July 1993Errata Sheet to Intervenor Response to Georgia Power Co First Set of Interrogatory Questions.* Related Correspondence
ML20045G9721 July 1993Affidavit.* Affidavit of AL Mosbaugh Re Statements & Opinions Set Out in Intervenor Response to Licensee First Set of Interrogatories.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20045H87616 July 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR55 Re Exam Procedures for Operator Licensing.Supports NUMARC Comments
ML20046A86616 July 1993Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR170 & 171, FY91 & 92 Proposed Rule Implementing Us Court of Appeals Decision & Rev of Fee Schedules;100% Fee Recovery,FY93. Opposes Rule
ML20046B91423 July 1993Intervenor Motion to Compel Production of Affidavits in Possession of Util.* Requests Board to Compel Util to Produce Signed Affidavits of J Aufdenkampe,T Webb, J Stringfellow & H Hairston.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20046B94526 July 1993Gpc Second Set of Interrogatories & Request for Documents to AL Mosbaugh.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20046C4912 August 1993Georgia Power Co Response to Intervenor Motion to Compel Production of Affidavits.* Licensee Respectfully Requests That Board Deny Intervenor Motion to Compel Production of Affidavits.W/Certificate of Svc & Svc List
ML20046D1149 August 1993Intervenor Rept on Status of Discovery.* Requests That Board Issue Order Requiring Release of Transcripts Reviewed &/Or Signed by Interviewees.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20046D1169 August 1993Gpc Response to NRC Staff First Set of Interrogatories.* W/Certificate of Svc.Related CorrespondenceAffidavit
ML20050C3935 April 1982Statement of Issues to Be Resolved & Recommendations. Settlement License Conditions Are in Public Interest,Do Not Prejudice Public Utils Board of Brownsville,Tx & Should Be Made Immediately Effective.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20050E2406 April 1982Responds to ASLB 820322 Request to File Statement Re History & Status of Proceeding,Issues to Be Resolved & Recommendations on Resolution of Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20050E2839 April 1982Motion for Extension of Time to File Statement of Position & for Prehearing Conference Date.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20050E2846 April 1982Statement in Response to ASLB 820322 Request for Statement of History & Status of Proceeding,List of Remaining Issues & Recommendations to Resolve Issues.Certificate of Svc EnclIncorporated by reference
ML20050E2886 April 1982Statement in Response to ASLB 820322 Request for Statement of History & Status of Proceeding,Remaining Issues & Recommendations to Resolve Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20052A4862 April 1982Amended Judgment Remanding Case to Commission to Decide If Significant New Circumstances of Potential Psychological Effects Have Arisen Since Original EIS Prepared.Injunction of 820107 Vacated
ML20052D0394 May 1982Joint Reply to City Public Svc Board of Brownsville,Tx Response to Administrative Law Judge 820413 Questions.Judge Should Order Settlement License Conditions Be Attached to Ol.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20052D1084 May 1982Response to City of Brownsville,Tx Filing Per Administrative Law Judge 820415 Order.Settlement License Conditions Should Be Approved & Made Effective Immediately.Certificate of Svc Encl