ML13220B123 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon |
Issue date: | 07/25/2013 |
From: | - No Known Affiliation |
To: | NRC/SECY |
References | |
Download: ML13220B123 (6) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 August 6, 2013 MEMORANDUM TO: Rebecca Giitter, Administrative and Litigation Analyst FROM:
Dear Ms. Giitter,
Twana Ellis, Program Analyst PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY (DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2) DOCKET NOS. 50-275-LR and 50-323-LR ASLBP NO. 10-890-01 -LR-BD01 WRITTEN LIMITED APPEARANCE STATEMENT The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board handling the above-captioned adjudication recently received the enclosed communication. While it does not constitute
- evidence, we deem it to be a limited appearance statement filed pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.315(c).
On behalf of the Diablo Canyon Board, I request that you place the enclosed document in the electronic hearing docket for this proceeding. Thank you. Twana Ellis Encl.: 7/25/13 Letter from J.A. Tony Fallin CC: Judge Alex Karlin Sally Jewell, Sec., US-DOl, et al., Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) inCA has announced that it will submit its final report on a 3-D seismic smvey of the active Shoreline Fault that bounds DiaQ.lo Caey uclear (DCNPP to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in Aug. 2013 and to the general public in November 2013. The controversial nuclear facility has long been considered by many to be a clear and present danger not only to communities immediately downwind from it (e.g., Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo, Atascadero) but to US-DOl administered lands like Los Padres National Forest, Santa Lucia WildernessiMachesna Mountain Wilderness. Since PG&E has a 50-year history of down-playing and misrepresenting flmlt and earthquake dangers around its nuclear facilities, while also convincing pro-nuclear NRC Review Boards to overlook their own rules precluding plant construction over or beside active faults, I recommend strongly that their self-serving report NOT be taken as the final word on anything. A review of PG&E status reports on the Shoreline Fault survey already suggests that a number of things are not mentioned, including:
- 1) DCNPP is located on the splintering margin of a rising microplate in a stressed, dog-leg section of an active fault system that stretches more than 1500 miles from the southern tip of Baja through California on both sides of the Sierra Nevada to southern Oregon and that is being driven by Pacific Plate drag to the northwest;
- 2) that a sole fault runs under DCNPP at 1 O+km depths similar to other sole faults that have generated large quakes in other parts of the San Andreas System (e.g., Loma Prieta, San Fernando Valley),
collapsing and twisting re-enforced freeways like spaghetti;
- 3) tsunami-producing, rift basins produced by transtensional (rather than transpressional)
Pacific Plate drag lie just offshore from DCNPP; 4) the mega-tsunami generating potential of the active, Hilina slump block on Hawaii; and 5) salt air corrosion , plus structural fatigue from repeated seismic jolts and irradiation over Justice FOHEVEH I... PIR..t FT w N 1 PL.4.Sfl l' .. time that have already caused problems at DCNPP, Humboldt Bay and elsewhere. That short often become long hmlts dming quakes is also unmentioned or considered. To: :14L.L.'( ..Jflh . .JSLl.. 1 ..S&:<.P.Sr4 A.'i" U* S. OE!P-4ATM.Ei,._, T tNrSAl E:> R I 8 "1 ".::;" .!S T"AS£ T t-..J', u.l. w4..H(IN P. c::. 2. 0 2. 4 0 -1
- A. .
>' F l_j J.A. Tony Fallin 7/2013 Fossil sw 1.0 Ul :::.t Trunsle!IHional Husins Slrorelillt' Miuroplnle HOS);ll'i Fuult After Hoskins, 1"\.l i. und Uri llltlrs, .I. R., Shw\1 Oil, ll)') I, AAI'U IY\ernoir 1.\ I Jail, ( '. 1973, IJSUS IYI\1*511; 11allin, .I.A., 11LJ(JI{t l, 1'!74, J\dde11da, Lliublo l'<IIIYllll \','-:AH; P!I!Jil, He11, Sianhml, 1'!77, Cieulogy" IY\ngazine
- C'ruuulr, .I.K., t'lal.,. I SI*J'IYI-l'auili< .. <>tion, Vnlur11e
- IX; l '\mk, D.U, at at., I '!'!4, US/\ Spuuinl 1-'l!per 2'12; Sorlien.l'.l ', '"' ,t\. 1 *nrHlHI Studies** I I.('. Str.lll.a llarhara, I'J'JX .. IlJ'!<J, I IS( iS llullel i 11 I 'N.'i; llt!l*ddl<JI'k, 2010.
oi'Sois. Soc. 1\rner.; Fallin, J.i\, 2010, Nucl1om Dllv<:lopnrt:llts llllll ( h-lolt.t.d:nnies or Nurlh i\rncrh .. :t\. I linhlo C'uuyun 1\Juelear Nf£ J.A. Tony Fallin 7/2013 4 l'acitk 6 r km NIICLI\/\l{ l'UW\*:1< l'l.t\N'i' l '( lNS'l t I< 'TION IS l'I(H'I tlll\'1) WITIIIN 11\YI*('i) IVIILI*:S 011 1\NY !\('II VI* I* AtiLT NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENTS AND GEOTECTONICS ACROSS WESTERN NORTH AMERICA Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant sits on a rising, wave-cut terrace along the splintering edge of the Irish Hills Microplate in a by J. A. Tony Fallin stressed, d.og-leg section of the Greater Sail. Andreas Fault System. Co"" *<\C Less ¢an five miles offshore is the active San Simeon-Hosgri Fault System destructive 7+ M earthquake corridor.
- P.O. Box 1624 Boulder, CO 80306
$15"..,SE 4LOHe' Slt'>{S. i'J..s.::L.I1'4A.
- > rre-w.f\S ye:T A,r-.lOT/{SA.
GSoLo<3 1<.4L SuL. 14."->.T IR...t* .S To 1-'\L.. K SE"N $* INT'o THE MINDS OF OC:4TNWl.SI-{ "S<...!IIS, _ Et-.1[)4"--<:.e!<-tl=- N<::>T -ktL.L --Au.. AT P. 6 . .t *, <:.oJ<Pe>R.4Tt: S P,h.l I:"A..I\NC..l !.<:C) 1 lA: f 7 3 ' Completing course work for a Masters Degree in geological sciences, I took a year off to decompress in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where some members of my family who had discovered oil on the Permian Shelf of southeast New Mexico had helped build the Opera Compound and Governor's Mansion beside their own. Then I headed west, where a job with FUGRO, International , Consulting Engineers and Geologists, put aside a plan to finish a PhD at Stanford. Working with some of the world's leading geotectonic experts, and with million-dollar budgets provided by Big Utilities , I spent the next three flying all over western North America, assessing the geology otproposed nuclear power plant sites, supervising core drilling operations, mapping hundreds of square miles, writing reports, giving client presentations and making more discoveries than many geologists do during their entire, professional careers. Unforiuna tely, neither FUGRO's clients nor pro-nuclear Federal Review Boards listened to our warnings about active faults and volcanoes , let alone tsunami-prone coastlines, and a lot of nuclear facilities that should have never been built got built. In essence, the western margin of the continent is being sheared off atop an uplifting and thermal mantle plume. A * ,. Alfred Wegener 1912 Envirocare Tooele Army Depot Beatty Yucca Mountain Test Sire Los Alamos c Sandia White Sands '* Canyon r Santa Susana Abstract A number of major nuclear facilities have been constructed across Western North America since the early 1900s. Some of the facilities have been used to develop atomic weapons and to supply other U.S. Military needs. National Labordtor ies and other aiomic research sites as well as nuclear power plants and radioactive waste repositories have also been developed across the West. Earthquakes o M=S 0 M=6 QM=7 ... aval Base Palo Verde L. *-----r-*-I <J> San Diego Pacific Northwest General Atomics j Great Bilsin Extensional Corridor ] Naval Base -San Diego Naval Station Everett NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENTS AND GEOTECTOI'IlCS ACROSS WESTERN NORTil AMERICA Point Buchon Q><l);,. %c. "" Q><C> NUCLEAR POWER PLANT CONSTUCTION IS PRECLUDED WITHIN FIVE (5) MILES OF ANY ACTIVE FAULT Nuclear Regulatory Commission / Cooling Pools Diablo Canyon (', NPP \. .._, ' 7 /t;ils At;* '\ ' \ 0 Icro/JL ilte 2 Miles Geotectonic Map of the Diablo Canyon NPP Area i After Crouch, James K., Bachman, Steven B. and Shay, John T. N 0 1 t Block Diagram Showing the Geotectonic Setting Around Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant TRUE SCALE ' ... ..}}