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South Texas, Units 1 and 2, Revision 18 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 2, Table of Contents
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Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/2016
South Texas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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SITE CHARACTERISTICS Section Title Page TC 2-1 Revision 15 2.1 GEOGRAPHY AND DEMOGRAPHY 2.1-1 2.1.1 Site Location and Description 2.1-1 2.1.2 Excl usion Area Authority and Control 2.1-2 2.1.3 Population Distribution 2.1-2 2.2 NEARBY INDUSTRIAL, TRANSPORTATION AND MILITARY FACILITIES 2.2-1 2.2.1 Loca tion and Routes 2.2-1 2.2.2 Desc riptions 2.2-3 2.2.3 Evaluation of Potential Accidents 2.2-6 APPENDIX 2.2.A GAS WELL ACCIDENT ANALYSIS 2.2.A-1 2.2.A.1 Nature of Potential Accidents 2.2.A-1 2.2.A.2 Analysis of Consequences 2.2.A-2 2.2.A.3 Discussion 2.2.A-4 2.2.A.4 Toxic Gas Release 2.2.A-5 APPENDIX 2.2.B CELANESE PIPELINES 2.2.B-1 2.3 METEOROLOGY 2.3-1 2.3.1 Regional Climatology 2.3-1 2.3.2 Local Meteorology 2.3-12 2.3.3 Onsite Meteorological Measurement Program 2.3-18 2.3.4 Short-Term (Accident) Diffusion Estimates 2.3-20 2.3.5 Long-Term (Routine)

Diffusion Estimates 2.3-21 2.4 HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING 2.4-1 2.4.1 Hydrologic Description 2.4-2 2.4.2 Floods 2.4-7 2.4.3 Probable Maximum Flood on Streams and Rivers 2.4-10 2.4.4 Potential Dam Failures 2.4-17 2.4.5 Probable Maximum Surge and Seiche Flooding 2.4-35 2.4.6 Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding 2.4-37 2.4.7 Ice Effects 2.4-38 2.4.8 Cooling Water Canals and Reservoirs 2.4-39 2.4.9 Channel Diversions 2.4-43 2.4.10 Flooding Protection Requirements 2.4-46 CHAPTER 2


SITE CHARACTERISTICS Section Title Page TC 2-2 Revision 15 2.4.11 Low Water Considerations 2.4-46 2.4.12 Dispersion, Dilution, and Travel Times of Accidental Releases of Liquid Effluents in Surface Waters 2.4-50 2.4.13 Groundwater 2.4-50 2.4.14 Technical Specification and Emergency Operation Requirements 2.4-69 2.5 GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY 2.5.1-1 2.5.1 Basic Geologic and Seismic Information 2.5.1-1 2.5.2 Vibratory Ground Motion 2.5.2-1 2.5.3 Surface Faulting 2.5.3-1 2.5.4 Stability of Subsurface Materials 2.5.4-1 2.5.5 Stability of Slopes 2.5.5-1 2.5.6 Embankment and Dams 2.5.6-1 APPENDIX 2.5.A FOUNDATION VERIFICATION

2.5.A-1 2.5.A.1 Introduction 2.5.A-1 2.5.A.2 Plant Area Anticipated Subsurface Conditions 2.5.A-2 2.5.A.3 ECP and ECW Structures and Piping, Anticipated Subsurface Conditions 2.5.A-3 2.5.A.4 Foundation Verification Procedure 2.5.A-4 2.5.A.5 Results from the Plant Area 2.5.A-7 2.5.A.6 Results from ECP and ECW Structures and Piping Area 2.5.A-10 2.5.A.7


Plant Area 2.5.A-12 2.5.A.8


ECP & ECW Structures & Piping 2.5.A-14 APPENDIX 2.5.B GEOLOGIC MAPPING INDEX 2.5.B-1 2.5.B.1 Introduction 2.5.B-1 2.5.B.2 Geologic Mapping Procedures 2.5.B-2 2.5.B.3 Soil and Geologic Classification 2.5.B-4 2.5.B.4 Geologic Framework of the South Texas Project 2.5.B-4 2.5.B.5 Geologic Mapping Results 2.5.B-8 2.5.B.6 Geologic Mapping Conclusions 2.5.B-14 APPENDIX 2.5.C GEOTECHNICAL MONITORING 2.5.C-1 2.5.C.1 Introduction 2.5.C-1 2.5.C.2 Elevation and Location Base Line Control 2.5.C-1 2.5.C.3 Data Accumulation, Proc essing, and Storage 2.5.C-2 2.5.C.4 Settlement Monitoring Program 2.5.C-2 2.5.C.5 Regional Subsidence Monitoring Program 2.5.C-9 2.5.C.6 Construction Monitoring Program 2.5.C-15 LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 2

Table Title Page TC 2-3 Revision 15

2.1-1 Population Distributio n - 1985, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030 2.1-7 2.1-2 Schools Within 10 Miles of South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 2.1-13 2.1-3 Population Comparison 2.1-14 2.1-4 Exclusion Area Boundary Distances 2.1-15 2.2-1 Description of Industrial Facilities 2.2-13 2.2-2 Natural Gas Pipelines 2.2-14 2.2-3 Not Used 2.2-4 Configuration and Exploitation of Salt Domes in Matagorda County and Adjacent Gulf Coast Region 2.2-15 2.2-7 Effects of Tank Ruptures/Explosions for 2.2-16 Gases Stored in Bulk On-Site 2.2-8 Effects of Breaks in Natural Gas Pipelines 2.2-17 2.2.A-1 Reflected Air Shock Overpressure 2.2.A-8 2.2.A-2 Maximum Ground Accelerations 2.2.A-9 2.2.A-3 Explosive-Generated Missile Impact Conditions 2.2.A-10 2.2.B-1 Celanese Pipeline Data 2.2.B-2 2.3-1 Meteorological Stations Used to Determine Regional Climatology and Local Meteorology 2.3-30 2.3-2 Extreme Mile-Wind Speeds at the STPEGS Site, Based on Thom 2.3-31 2.3-3 Extreme Mile-Wind Speeds at the STPEGS Site, Based on the Brooks and Carruthers Approach 2.3-32 2.3-4 Site Region Meteorological Extremes 2.3-33 2.3-5 Maximum Recorded Rainfall at Corpus Christi, Galveston and Victoria for Periods of 5 Min-utes to 24 Hours 2.3-34 2.3-6 Monthly Cloud Cover (Computed to the Average Year) for the Extreme Dr y Years at Victoria (1948) 2.3-35 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

CHAPTER 2 Table Title Page TC 2-4 Revision 15 2.3-7 Seasonal and Annual Frequencies of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in the Vicinity of the STPEGS Site, Based on Victoria Data 2.3-36 2.3-8 Median (50%) Precipitation With and Without Tropical Cyclone Effects in the STPEGS Site Region 2.3-37 2.3-9 Annual Average Wind Speeds and Frequencies of Calms for Victoria

, Corpus Christi, Galveston, and STPEGS 2.3-38 2.3-10 Not Used 2.3-11 Seasonal and Annual Frequency of Stability Indices for Victoria, Corpus Christi, and Galveston 2.3-39 2.3-12 Seasonal and Annual Frequency of Stability Indices for Victoria and Corpus Christi (in Percent) Based on the July 1973 Through June 1977 Period 2.3-41 2.3-13 Stability Distributions, T(195'-33') for the STPEGS Site (July 2l, 1973 - July 20, 1977) 2.3-42 2.3-14 Normals, Means, and Extremes, Victoria, Texas 2.3-43 2.3-15 Normals, Means, and Extremes, Corpus Christi, Texas 2.3-44 2.3-16 Normals, Means, and Extremes, Galveston, Texas 2.3-45 2.3-17 Not Used 2.3-18 Normals, Means, and Extremes, Bay City, Texas 2.3-46 2.3-19 Normals, Means, and Extremes, Matagorda, Texas 2.3-47 2.3-20 Normals, Means, and Extremes, Palacios, Texas 2.3-48 2.3-2l Monthly Average Temperature and Dew Point, STPEGS (July 2l, 1973

- July 20, 1977) 2.3-49 2.3-22 Meteorological Data for Evaluation of Maximum Temperature for the Essential Cooling Pond 2.3-50 2.3-22A Meteorological Data for Evaluation of Maximum Evaporation for the Essential Cooling Pond 2.3-73 2.3-23 Meteorological Instrumentation, STPEGS Onsite Meteorological Program (Operation) 2.3-88 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

CHAPTER 2 Table Title Page TC 2-5 Revision 15 2.3-24 Data Collection and Recording Equipment STPEGS Onsite Meteorological Measurement Program (Operation) 2.3-89 2.3-25A Sector /Q Values (sec/m

3) at STPEGS Based on 10-60m Delta-T and 10 Meter Winds - July 21, 1973 - September 30, 1977 2.3-90 2.3-25B Sector /Q Values (sec/m
3) at STPEGS Based on 10-60 m Delta T and 10 Meter Winds January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2004

2.3-91 2.3-26A STPEGS

/Q (sec/m

3) Based on T(60m - 10m)

Stability Data and 10-meter Winds (July 21, 1973 through September 30, 1977 2.3-92 2.3-26B STPEGS

/Q (sec/m

3) Based on T(60m - 10m) Stability Data and 10 Meter Winds January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2004

2.3-93 2.3-27 Annual Average Ground Level /Q Values at the Exclusion Area Boundary (Site Boundary)

Ground Level Release 2.3-94 2.3-28 Average Meteorological Relative Concentration Data Period 7/21/73 to 9/30/77 2.3-95 2.3-29A Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency in Percent of Total Observations 2.3-98 2.3-29B Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency In Number Of Observations 2.3-99 2.3-30A Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency in Percent of Total Observations 2.3-100

2.3-30B Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency In Number Of Observations 2.3-101 2.3-31A Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency in Percent of Total Observations 2.3-102 2.3-31B Wind Freouency Distribution Freouency In Number Of Observations 2.3-103 2.3-32A Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency in Percent of Total Observations 2.3-104

2.3-32B Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency In Number Of Observations 2.3-105 2.3-33A Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency in Percent of Total Observations 2.3-106 2.3-33B Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency In Number Of Observations 2.3-107 2.3-34A Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency in Percent of Total Observations 2.3-108 2.3-34B Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency In Number Of Observations 2.3-109 2.3-35A Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency in Percent of Total Observations 2.3-110 2.3-35B Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency In Number Of Observations 2.3-111 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

CHAPTER 2 Table Title Page TC 2-6 Revision 15 2.3-36A Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency In Percent Of Total Observations 2.3-112 2.3-36B Wind Frequency Distribution Frequency In Number Of Observations 2.3-113 2.3-37 Not Used 2.3-38 Not Used 2.3-39 Extreme Mile-Wind Speeds at the STPEGS Site Based on the Brooks and Carruthers Approach 2.3-114 2.3-40 100-Year Recurrent Fastest Mile Wind Speed Based on Type I and Weibull Distributions 2.3-115 2.3-41 Hurricane Carla (September 9-12, 1961) 2.3-116 2.3-42 Hurricane Celia (July 23-August 5, 1970) 2.3-118 2.4-1 Summary of Flood Analyses Results 2.4-77 2.4.1-1 Colorado River Dam and Lake J.B. Thomas 2.4-79 2.4.1-2 Colorado City Dam and Lake Colorado City 2.4-81 2.4.1-3 Champion Creek Dam and Champion Creek Reservoir 2.4-83 2.4.1-4 Robert Lee Dam and E. V. Spence Reservoir 2.4-85 2.4.1-5 Oak Creek Dam and Oak Creek Reservoir 2.4-87 2.4.1-6 San Angelo Dam and O. C. Fisher Lake 2.4-89 2.4.1-7 Twin Buttes Dam and Twin Buttes Reservoir 2.4-91 2.4.1-8 Nasworthy Dam and Lake Nasworthy 2.4-93 2.4.1-9 Pecan Bayou Dam and Lake Clyde 2.4-95 2.4.1-10 Hords Creek Dam and Hords Creek Reservoir 2.4-97 2.4.1-11 Coleman Dam and Lake Coleman 2.4-99 2.4-1-11a S.W. Freese Dam 2.4-101 2.4.1-12 Brownwood Dam and Brownwood Reservoir 2.4-103 2.4.1-13 Brady Creek Dam and Br ady Creek Reservoir 2.4-105 2.4.1-14 Buchanan Dam and Lake Buchanan 2.4-107 2.4.1-15 Roy Inks Dam and Inks Lake 2.4-109 2.4.1-16 Alvin Wirtz Dam and La ke Lyndon B. Johnson 2.4-110 2.4.1-17 Max Starcke Dam and Marble Falls Lake 2.4-111 2.4.1-18 Mansfield Dam and Lake Travis 2.4-112 2.4.1-19 Tom Miller Dam and Lake Austin 2.4-114 2.4.1-20 Decker Creek Dam and Decker Lake 2.4-115 2.4.1-2l Bastrop Dam and Lake Bastrop 2.4-116 2.4.1-22 Baylor Creek and Cedar Creek Dams and Reservoirs 2.4-117 2.4.1-23 Eagle Lake Dam and Eagle Lake 2.4-120 2.4.1-24 Proposed Columbus Bend Dam and Reservoir 2.4-121 2.4.1-25 USGS Stream Gauge Data for the Lower Colorado River 2.4-122 2.4.1-26 Physical Data for the Lower Colorado River 2.4-123 2.4.1-27 Historic Spillages from the Colorado River


CHAPTER 2 Table Title Page TC 2-7 Revision 15 Basin 2.4-124 2.4.2-1 Effects of Upstream Flood Control on USGS Gauge for Colorado River at Columbus, Texas 2.4-125 2.4.2-2 Seven Maximum Discharges, USGS Gauge at Bay City on the Colorado River 2.4-126 2.4.2-3 Discharge-Frequency Data, Colorado River-Austin to Bay City 2.4-127 2.4.3-1 Critical Location Data for Hearne Storm Over Colorado River Basin Below Mansfield Dam 2.4-128 2.4.3-2 Not Used 2.4.3-3 Reconstitution Data for Colorado River Backwater Runs Computed Stages Compared to Recorded Stages 2.4-129 2.4.4-1 Earth Dams Within 75 Miles of Epicentral Region 2.4-130 2.4.4-2 Computation of Manning's Roughness Coefficient 2.4-133 2.4.4-3 Maximum Results of Postulated Failures 2.4-135 2.4.4-4 Large Reservoirs Upstream from STP Site 2.4-136 2.4.5-1 Determination of Probable Maximum Hurricane Parameters Considered 2.4-137 2.4.5-2 Major Historical Hurricanes in Texas 2.4-138 2.4.5-3 Probable Maximum Hurricane Surge Heights 2.4-139 2.4.7-1 Minimum Monthly River Water Temperature, USGS Gauge No. 08-1620, Colorado River at Wharton, Texas 2.4-140 2.4.11-1 Low-Flow Duration at USGS Gage at Bay City, Period:

1948-1962 2.4-142 2.4.13-1 Tabulation of Water Wells in the Vicinity of the STPEGS Through 1967, Table 7, Hammond, 1969 2.4-143 2.4.13-2 Tabulation of Water Wells Inventoried for South Texas Project, 1973 2.4-157 2.4.13-3 Aquifer Test Summary 2.4-163 2.4.13-4A Not Used 2.4.13-4B Summary of Hypothetical Spill Analysis in Lower Shallow Aquifer 2.4-164 2.4.13-5 Not Used 2.4.13-6 Not Used 2.4.13-7 Summary of Hypothetical Spill in Deep Aquifer 2.4-165 2.5.1-1 Tabulation of Oil and Gas Exploration Wells Drilled Subsequent to 1975 2.5.1-147 2.5.1-2 Summary of 1985 Lineament Evaluation Results 2.5.1-153 2.5.1-3 Fault Summary Chart 2.5.1-154 2.5.2-4 All Tectonic Earthquakes Within 200 Miles


CHAPTER 2 Table Title Page TC 2-8 Revision 15 of the Site 2.5.2-31 2.5.2-5 All Tectonic Earthquakes Within 600 Miles of the Site With Intensity V and Greater Magnitude 3.5 and Greater 2.5.2-32 2.5.4-1 Summary of Laboratory Tests 2.5.4-112 2.5.4-2 Unconfined Compression Test Data 2.5.4-127 2.5.4-2A Sensitivity of Clay Samples 2.5.4-132 2.5.4-3 Average Undrained Shear Strength of Clay Layers from Unconfined Compression Tests 2.5.4-133 2.5.4-4 Average Undrained Shear Strength of Clay Layers Determined from UU Triaxial Compression Tests 2.5.4-134 2.5.4-5 Shear-Strength Parameters of Clay Determined from CIU Triaxial Compression Tests 2.5.4-135 2.5.4-6 Shear-Strength Parameters of Compacted Onsite Clay Soil Determined from CIU Triaxial Compression Tests 2.5.4-136 2.5.4-7 Oedometer Test Data 2.5.4-137 2.5.4-8 Compressibility Index (Unload-Recompression) 2.5.4-144 2.5.4-9 Coefficient of Consolidation 2.5.4-147 2.5.4-10 Prorated Average Oedometer Test Data 2.5.4-160 2.5.4-11 Drained Clay Modulus Values 2.5.4-161 2.5.4-12 Drained Sand Modulus Values 2.5.4-162 2.5.4-13 Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest 2.5.4-163 2.5.4-14 Summary of Vertical and Horizontal Zero Volume Change Stress Tests 2.5.4-164 2.5.4-15 Laboratory Density Test Results 2.5.4-165 2.5.4-16 Strain-Controlled Cyclic Triaxial Test Summary, In Situ Soils 2.5.4-166 2.5.4-17 Strain-Controlled Cyclic Triaxial Test Summary, Gifford Hill Fill Material (Composite) 2.5.4-169 2.5.4-18 Resonant Column Test Summary, Gifford Hill Fill Material (Composite) 2.5.4-170 2.5.4-19 Piezometers Within the Plant Site Area Installed During Exploration Program 2.5.4-174 2.5.4-20 Piezometers Outside the Plant Site Area Installed During Exploration Program 2.5.4-175 2.5.4-21 Shear-Wave Velocity Data Unit No. l 2.5.4-178 2.5.4-22 Shear-Wave Velocity Data Unit No. 2 2.5.4-180 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

CHAPTER 2 Table Title Page TC 2-9 Revision 15 2.5.4-23 Subgrade Preparation - Density Results 2.5.4-182 2.5.4-24 Summary of Data: Modulus Reduction Curves and Damping Curves, In Situ Soils 2.5.4-184 2.5.4-25 Summary of Material Numbers Defining Modulus Reduction Curves and Damping Curves for In Situ Soil Layers 2.5.4-188 2.5.4-26 Summary of Data Used to Define Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio for Gifford Hill Sand 2.5.4-189 2.5.4-27 Material Properties of In Situ Soils, Hori zontal Analysis Cases for Average Properties 2.5.4-192 2.5.4-28 Not Used 2.5.4-29 Not Used 2.5.4-30 Not Used 2.5.4-31 Loading Conditions 2.5.4-193 2.5.4-32 Selected Static Soil Properties 2.5.4-194 2.5.4-33 Aquifer and Backfill Hydraulic Characteristics 2.5.4-195 2.5.4-34 Calibration of Vibratory Table for Maximum Relative Density Determination 2.5.4-196 2.5.4-35 Summary of Simplified Liquefaction Analyses Based on SPT Data 2.5.4-197 2.5.4-36 Computed Equivalent Uniform Shear Stresses 2.5.4-199 2.5.5-1 Strength Parameters for Slope Stability Analyses 2.5.5-8 2.5.5-2 Essential Cooling Po nd - Summary of Slope Stability Analysis 2.5.5-9 2.5.6-1 Main Cooling Reservoir Foundation Models Design and Post-Construction Phase (1975 to March 1983) 2.5.6-29 2.5.6-2 Main Cooling Reservoir Soil Strength Parameters Design and Post-Construction Phase (1975 to March 1983) 2.5.6-30 2.5.6-3 Main Cooling Reservoir Factor of Safety at End of Construction of Embankment Interior Slopes and of Dike Slopes 2.5.6-31 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

CHAPTER 2 Table Title Page TC 2-10 Revision 15 2.5.6-4 Main Cooling Reservoir Factor of Safety for Long-Term Steady Seepage Conditions of Embankment Exterior Slopes 2.5.6-32 2.5.6-5 Main Cooling Reservoir Soil Strength Parameters Further Study Phase (March 1983 -

October 1984) 2.5.6-33

2.5.6-6 Main Cooling Reservoir Factor of Safety of Embankment Slopes Further Study Phase (March 1983 - October 1984) 2.5.6-34

2.5.6-7 Main Cooling Reservoir Yield Accelerations for Deep-Seated Failure Surfaces Further Study Phase (March 1983 - October 1984) 2.5.6-35 2.5.6-8 Main Cooling Reservoir Exploration Further Study Phase (March 1983 -

October 1984) 2.5.6-36 2.5.6-9 Logs of Test Pits Dug at the Essential Cooling Pond Floor 2.5.6-37 2.5.6-10 Factors of Safety Against Liquefaction 2.5.6-43 2.5.A.2-1 Plant and Field Acceptance Criteria 2.5.A-16 2.5.A.3-1 ECP and ECW Structures and Pipeline, Field Acceptance Criteria 2.5.A-17 2.5.A.5-1 Plant Area Summary Data Tabulation 2.5.A-18 2.5.A.6-1 ECP and ECW Piping Areas Summary Data Tabulation 2.5.A-43 2.5.A.7-1 Comparison of Actual and Anticipated Types of Soil 2.5.A-64 2.5.C-1 Frequency of Observation - Site Monitoring Program 2.5.C-19 2.5.C-2 Permanent Shallow Aquifier Piezometer Installation Data 2.5.C-20 2.5.C-2A Permanent Deep Aquifer Piezometer Installation Data 2.5.C-21 2.5.C-3 Regional Horizontal Strain Monitoring Data 2.5.C-22 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

CHAPTER 2 Table Title Page TC 2-11 Revision 15 2.5.C-4 Projected Maximum Anticipated Differential Settlements from Construction Day 3400, Unit 1 2.5.C-39 2.5.C-5 Projected Maximum Anticipated Tilt from Construction Day 3400, Unit 1 2.5.C-40 2.5.C-6 Projected Maximum Anticipated Differential Settlement from Construction Day 3400, Unit 2 2.5.C-41 2.5.C-7 Projected Maximum Anticipated Tilt from Construction Day 3400, Unit 2 2.5.C-42

STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 2 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 2-12 Revision 15 2.1-1 Region Surrounding the South Texas Project 2.1-2 Immediate Environs of the South Texas Project 2.1-3 Aerial Photograph of Si te and Surrounding Area 2.1-4 Site Layout and Surrounding Areas of South Texas Project 2.1-4a Site Boundary 2.1-5 Abutting and Adjacent Properties and Nearby Developments of South Texas Project 2.1-6 Population Distribution, Based on Field Survey Results, South Texas Project, 1985 2.1-7 Population Distribution, 0-10 and 10-50 Miles, South Texas Project, 1990 (Time of Plant Startup - Unit l) 2.1-8 Population Distribution, 0-10 and 10-50 Miles, South Texas Project, 2000 2.1-9 Population Distribution, 0-10 and 10-50 Miles, South Texas Project, 2010 2.1-10 Population Distribution, 0-10 and 10-50 Miles, South Texas Project, 2020 2.1-11 Population Distribution, 0-10 and 10-50 Miles, South Texas Project, 2030 (Time of Plant Retirement) 2.1-12 Site Development Plan 9Y510HO1104 2.1-13 Schools, Parks and Recreation Areas in the Environs of the South Texas Project



Figure Number Title TC 2-13 Revision 15 2.2-1 Industrial Facilities in the Immediate Environs of the South Texas Project 2.2-2 Airfields Within 10 Miles of the South Texas Project 2.2-3 Natural Gas and Commodity Pi pelines and Production Fields Within 5 Miles of the South Texas Project 2.2-4 Location Map - Salt Domes in Matagorda County and Adjacent Region 2.2-5 Schematic Model of Control Room

2.2-6 USACE Diversion Project

2.3-1 STP Regional Site Area

2.3-2 Gross Wind Roses: Galveston, Victoria, and Corpus Christi, Texas 2.3-3 South Texas Project Gross Wind Rose, 10 Meter Level

2.3-4a Corpus Christi Gross Wind Rose

2.3-4b Victoria Gross Wind Rose

2.3-5 Wind Direction Persistence Probability

2.3-6 Maximum Wind Persistence Ep isodes in Hours, Victoria, Galveston, and Corpus Christi, Texas

2.3-7 South Texas Project Maximum Persistence Wind Direction, 10 Meter Level

2.3-8 Annual Fog Occurrence, Vict oria, Corpus Christi, and Galveston

2.3-9 Monthly Percentage Occurrenc es of Fog, Victoria, Corpus Christi, and Galveston

2.3-10 Regional Topographic Map (5-Mile Radius)



Figure Number Title TC 2-14 Revision 15

2.3-11 Regional Topographic Map (50-Mile Radius)

2.3-12 Met. Data Collection Point

2.3-13 Relationship Between Digital and Analog Wind Speed Data for STP (Based on November 5, 1974 to January 6, 1975

Data) 2.3-14 Relationship Between Digital and Analog Wind Direction Data for STP (Based on November 5, 1974 to January 6,

1975 Data)

2.3-15 Relationship Between Digital and Analog Temperature Differential Data for STPEGS (Based on November 5, 1974

to January 6, 1975 Data)

2.3-16 Standard Deviation of Analog Wind Speed Versus Digital Wind Speed for STP (Based on November 5, 1974 to January

6, 1975 Data)

2.3-17 Standard Deviation of Analog Wind Direction Versus Digital Wind Direction for STP (Based on November 5, 1974 to

January 6, 1975 Data)

2.3-18 Standard Deviation of Analog Temperature Difference Versus Digital Temperature Difference for STPEGS (Based on November 5, 1974 to January 6, 1975 Data)

2.4-1 Site Region 2.4-2 Colorado River Basin - Rese rvoirs and Hydrologic Regions

2.4.1-1 Vicinity Map 2.4.1-2 Site Layout 2.4.1-3 Effects of STPEGS on Local Drainage

2.4.1-4 Topography of Colorado River Basin Below Lake Travis STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-15 Revision 15

2.4.1-5 River Basins Adjacent to Lower Colorado River Basin

2.4.2-1 Locations of Dredging and Typical River Cross-Sections

2.4.2-3 Discharge-Frequency Relationships, Colorado River Gages, Austin to Bay City

2.4.3-1 Depth-Area-Duration Curves, Original Hearne Storm, June 27-July l, 1899

2.4.3-2 Isohyetal Map, Original Hearne Storm, Historical Location, June 27-July l, 1899

2.4.3-3 Isohyetal Map, Hearne Storm, Transposed to Lower Colorado River Basin Below Mansfield Dam

2.4.3-4 Probable Maximum Precipitation, 1,000 to 20,000 Square Miles, Durations 6 to 96 Hours, Colorado River Basin

2.4.3-5 Critical Location, Optimizat ion Curve, PMP Below Lake Travis 2.4.3-6 Probable Maximum Precipitati on, 10 to 1,000 Square Miles, Durations 6 to 96 Hours, Colorado River Basin

2.4.3-7 Probable Maximum Precipita tion for U.S. East of 105th Meridian, 200 Square Miles

- 24 Hours, To All Season Envelope

2.4.3-8 6-Hour Unit Hydrograph, 3,520 Square Miles, Mansfield Dam to Bay City

2.4.3-9 Flood Routings, Mansfield Dam & Columbus Bend Dam to STPEGS Site

2.4.3-10 PMF Envelope Curve for STPEGS Hydrologic Region

2.4.3-11 Bay City, SPF-PMF Hydrographs Combined



Figure Number Title TC 2-16 Revision 15 2.4.3-12 Reservoirs and Region for Basis of PMF Envelope Curve

2.4.3-13 Unit Hydrograph, 4.5 Square Miles Remaining, Local to Relocated Little Robbins Slough

2.4.3-15 Historic Basin Spillage (Profiles)

2.4.3-16 Lower Colorado River Basin Plan Columbus to Gulf

2.4.3-17 Coastal Adjacent Basins

2.4.3-18 Colorado River, Typical Cross Sections

2.4.3-19 FM 52l Bridge Cross Section

2.4.3-20 Cross Sections Near Plant Area, Coastal Adjacent Basins -

Sheet l of 3

2.4.3-21 Cross Sections Near Plant Area, Coastal Adjacent Basins -

Sheet 2 of 3

2.4.3-22 Cross Sections Near Plant Area, Coastal Adjacent Basins -

Sheet 3 of 3

2.4.3-23 Tres Palacios Creek Rating Curves

2.4.3-24 Colorado River Rating Curves

2.4.3-25 Peyton Creek Rating Curves

2.4.3-26 Discharge Rating at Site (B ay City Q Vs. STPEGS Stage)

2.4.3-28 Colorado River, Velocity-Discharge Rating Curves

2.4.3-29 Backwater Profiles

2.4.3-30 Determination of Fetch Length for Basin Flooding

2.4.4-4 Extreme Approximation of Embankment Failure by Downstream Translation STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-17 Revision 15

2.4.4-5 Transposed Equivalent Breach Openings from Extreme Approximation

2.4.4-6 Combined Conservative Equivalent Breach from Extreme Approximation

2.4.4-7 Limits of Coarse and Fine Grids Used in Two-Dimensional Analysis

2.4.4-8 Breach Length Vs. Model No. l Analysis Runup on Plant Structures

2.4.4-9 Flow Profiles Between Struct ures - 420 Ft. Breach Vs. l,890 Ft. Breach

2.4.4-10 Plant Layout For Model No. l Analysis

2.4.4-11 Coarse Grid and Plant Layout For Model No. 2 Analysis

2.4.4-12 Fine Grid and Plant Layout For Model No. 2 Analysis

2.4.4-13 Grid Positions on Plant La yout For Fine Grid Analysis

2.4.4-14 Breach Location for Model No. 3 Analysis

2.4.4-16 Wave Runup Confirmation by One-Dimensional Analysis

2.4.5-1 Historical Hurricanes - Landfall Locations

2.4.5-2 Depth Traverse for Hurricane Surge

2.4.6-1 Earthquake Potential for Maximum Tsunami Flooding

2.4.8-1 Spillway Discharge Channel

2.4.8-2 Relocated Little Robbins Slough - Typical Section

2.4.8-3 Cooling Reservoir Embankment and Interior Dikes - Typical Sections STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-18 Revision 15

2.4.8-4 Spillway Plan and Profile

2.4.8-5 Spillway Rating Curve

2.4.8-6 Probable Maximum Flood a nd Standard Project Flood on Cooling Reservoir

2.4.8-7 Area-Capacity Curve - Cooling Reservoir

2.4.8-8 Determination of Effectiv e Fetch - Intake Structure

2.4.8-9 Determination of Effective Fetch - Discharge Structure

2.4.8-10 Determination of Effective Fetch - Makeup Structure

2.4.8-11 Determination of Effective Fetch - Spillway

2.4.8-12 Determination of Effective Fetch - Southeast Embankment

2.4.8-13 Determination of Effective Fetch - South Embankment

2.4.8-14 Determination of Effective Fetch - Southwest Embankment

2.4.8-15 Determination of Effective Fetch - North Embankment

2.4.9-1 Topographic Features of Site Vicinity

2.4.9-2 Growth of Colorado River Delta 2.4.11-1 Colorado River Locks, River Elevation Vs. Percent of Time Greater Than or Equal To 2.4.13-1 Piezometric Levels, Deep Aquifer Zone

2.4.13-2 Grain Size Analysis of Deep Aquifer Zone Sands

2.4.13-3A Generalized Geohydrologic Cross Section A'-A

2.4.13-3B Generalized Geohydrologic Cross Section A'-A



Figure Number Title TC 2-19 Revision 15 2.4.13-3C Generalized Geohydrologic Cross Section B-B' and B-B

2.4.13-4 Borehole Location Map 2.4.13-6 Ground-Water Contour Map, Deep Aquifer Zone (1967)

2.4.13-7 Ground-Water Contour Map, Deep Aquifer Zone (1973)

2.4.13-8 Well Locations

2.4.13-9 Pump Test Layout Plan

2.4.13-10 Typical Pump-Test Well Construction

2.4.13-11 Typical Piezometer Construction

2.4.13-12 Profile Showing Salt Water Wedge in the Deep Aquifer

2.4.13-13 Well Schematic Diagram

2.4.13-14 Water Well Inventory Map

2.4.13-15 Historic Piezometric Leve ls of Deep Aquifer Zone

2.4.13-16 Water Level Observations, Deep Aquifer Zone

2.4.13-17 Ground Water Contour Map, Lower Shallow Aquifer Zone

2.4.13-17A Ground Water Contour Map, Lower Shallow Aquifer Zone

2.4.13-18 Water Level Observations, 1973

2.4.13-19 Ground Water Contour Map, U pper Portion of the Shallow Aquifer Zone

2.4.13-19A Ground Water Contour Map, U pper Portion of the Shallow Aquifer Zone 2.5.1-1 Oil and Gas Fields and Salt Domes

2.5.1-1A Location of Oil and Gas Exploration Wells and Seismic STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-20 Revision 15 Reflection Lines Subsequent to 1975

2.5.1-1B Regional Stratigraphic Section - NS

2.5.1-1C Regional Stratigraphic Section - EW

2.5.1-1D Stratigraphy - Ch ronology Correlation Chart

2.5.1-1E Correlation Chart 2.5.1-2 Power Station Plan Foundation Borings

2.5.1-3 Soil Engineering Sectio n Generalized Profile A-A

2.5.1-4 Soil Engineering Sectio n Generalized Profile B-B

2.5.1-5 Soil Engineering Sectio n Generalized Profile C-C

2.5.1-6 Shotpoint Map Showing Location of Seismic Reflection Lines 2.5.1-6B Seismic Data and Well Locations

2.5.1-7A Shallowest Contours of Fault Planes "A" through "J"

2.5.1-8A Seismic Stratigraphic Cross Sections

2.5.1-9A Seismic Stratigraphic Cross Section

2.5.1-10A Depth of Contours of Fault Plane "A"

2.5.1-11A Depth of Contours of Fault Plane "B"

2.5.1-12A Depth of Contours of Fault Plane "C"

2.5.1-13A Depth of Contours of Fault Planes "D", "E", and "F"

2.5.1-14A Depth of Contours of Fault Planes "G", "H", "I", and "J"

2.5.1-15 1985 Lineament Study STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-21 Revision 15

2.5.1-16 Lineaments with 5-Mile Radius, 1985 Study

2.5.1-17 Projection of Growth Faults A & I on 1975 Lineament Study, 5-Mile Radius

2.5.1-18 Projection of Growth Faults A & I on 1985 Lineament Study, 5-Mile Radius

2.5.1-19 Mapping of Relocated Little Robbins Slough on Projection of Growth Fault I

2.5.1-20 Section View of Mapping of Relocated Little Robbins Slough on Projection of Growth Fault I

2.5.2-3 Epicenters within 200 Miles

2.5.2-4 Epicenters within 600 Miles

2.5.4-1 Physical Properties Gifford Hill Fill Material

2.5.4-2 Unconfined Compression Test s - Shear Strength Vs. Depth

2.5.4-3 Unconsolidated Undrained Tests - Shear Strength Vs. Depth

2.5.4-4 UU Triaxial Tests - Layer A 1 - Compacted

2.5.4-5 CIU Triaxial Test - Layer D

2.5.4-6 CIU Triaxial Test - Layer F

2.5.4-7 CIU Triaxial Test - Layer J

2.5.4-8 CIU Triaxial Test - Layer J

2.5.4-9 CIU Triaxial Tests - Layer A 2

2.5.4-10 CIU Triaxial Test s - Layer B (Clay)

2.5.4-11 CIU Triaxial Test s - Layer B (Silt)



Figure Number Title TC 2-22 Revision 15

2.5.4-12 CIU Triaxial Tests - Layer D

2.5.4-13 CIU Triaxial Tests - Layer F

2.5.4-14 CIU Triaxial Tests - Layer A l - Compacted 2.5.4-15 CIU Triaxial Tests - Layer A 2 - Compacted

2.5.4-16 CIU Triaxial Tests - Layer B - Compacted

2.5.4-17 CIU Triaxial Tests - Layer B - Compacted

2.5.4-18 CID Triaxial Test - Layer D

2.5.4-19 CID Triaxial Test - Layer F l

2.5.4-20 CID Triaxial Test - Layer F 2

2.5.4-2l CID Triaxial Test - Layer J

2.5.4-22 CID Triaxial Test - Layer J

2.5.4-23 CID Triaxial Test - Layer J

2.5.4-24 CID Triaxial Test - Layer L

2.5.4-25 CID Triaxial Test - Layer N

2.5.4-26 Residual Direct Shear Test - Essential Cooling Pond

2.5.4-27 Residual Direct Shear Test - Layer A 2

2.5.4-28 Dutch Cone Penetration Reduction Factor

2.5.4-29 Dutch Cone Penetration

- Shear Strength Vs. Depth

2.5.4-30 CID Triaxial Test - Layer E

2.5.4-31 CID Triaxial Test - Layer E STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-23 Revision 15

2.5.4-32 CID Triaxial Tests - Potential Backfill From Gifford Hill

2.5.4-33 Consolidation Tests - Boring 136

2.5.4-34 Consolidation Tests - Boring 146

2.5.4-35 Consolidation Tests - Boring 226

2.5.4-36 Consolidation Tests - Boring 227

2.5.4-37 Consolidation Tests - Boring 229

2.5.4-38 Consolidation Tests - Boring 230 2.5.4-39 Consolidation Tests - Boring 231

2.5.4-40 Consolidation Test - Boring 232

2.5.4-41 Consolidation Test - Boring 250

2.5.4-42 Young's Modulus vs. Depth St atic Triaxial Test (UU)

2.5.4-43 Undrained Young's Modulus for Clay

2.5.4-44 Young's Modulus vs. Strain

- Cyclic Triaxial Tests 2.5.4-45 Drained Sand - Modulus vs. Depth

2.5.4-46 Relationship Between K o, PI, & OCR

2.5.4-47 Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest (K o) - Triaxial Test

2.5.4-48 Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest (K o) - Triaxial Test

2.5.4-49 Total Overburden Pressure vs. Depth 2.5.4-50 Piezometer Locations in Plant Area

2.5.4.-50 Piezometer Locations in Plant Area



Figure Number Title TC 2-24 Revision 15 2.5.4-51 Location of Piezometers Outside Plant Site Area

2.5.4-52 Plant Area Excavation - Plan

2.5.4-53 Plant Area Excavation - Section A-A

2.5.4-53A Plant Area Excavation and Structural Backfill - Section B-B

2.5.4-54 Plant Area Excavation and Structural Backfill - Section C-C Plant Excavation and Structural Backfill - Section D-D

2.5.4-55 Slope Stability - Unit l

2.5.4-56 Slope Stability - Unit 2

2.5.4-57 Unit 1 - Laboratory Proctor Curves for Subgrade Preparation of Soil Layers B, C and D

2.5.4-58 Unit 2 - Laboratory Proctor Curves for Subgrade Preparation of Soil Layers B, C and D

2.5.4-59 Gradation - Thorstenberg 2.5.4-60 Gradation - Parker Brothers 2.5.4-61 Statistically Estimated Probability Curves of In-Place Structural Backfill Density - Unit l

2.5.4-62 Statistically Estimated Probability Curves of In-Place Structural Backfill Density - Unit 2

2.5.4-63 Not Used 2.5.4-64 Dewatering System Layout 2.5.4-65 Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit l

2.5.4-65A Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit 1

2.5.4-65B Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit 1



Figure Number Title TC 2-25 Revision 15 2.5.4-65C Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit 1 2.5.4-65D Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit 1

2.5.4-66 Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit 2 Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit 2

2.5.4-66B Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit 2

2.5.4-66C Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit 2

2.5.4-66D Piezometric Level Vs. Time - Unit 2

2.5.4-67 Historic Piezometric Leve ls in Shallow Aquifer Zone

2.5.4-68 Historic Piezometric Leve ls in Shallow Aquifer Zone

2.5.4-69 Historic Piezometric Leve ls in Shallow Aquifer Zone

2.5.4-70 Historic Piezometric Leve ls of Deep Aquifer Zone

2.5.4-70A Historic Piezometric Le vels of Deep Aquifer Zone

2.5.4-70B Historic Piezometric Le vels of Deep Aquifer Zone

2.5.4-70C Historic Piezometric Le vels of Deep Aquifer Zone

2.5.4-70D Historic Piezometric Le vels of Deep Aquifer Zone

2.5.4-71 Measured Shear Wave Velociti es and Velocity Values Used in SSI Analyses 2.5.4-72 Layers A, D, and F - G/Gmax vs Shear Strain 2.5.4-73 Layer B - G/Gmax vs Shear Strain 2.5.4-74 Layers C and E - G/Gmax vs Shear Strain

2.5.4-75 Layers J and L - G/Gmax vs Shear Strain

2.5.4-76 Layer A - Damping Ratio vs Shear Strain

2.5.4-77 Layer B - Damping Ratio vs Shear Strain STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-26 Revision 15

2.5.4-78 Layers C and E - Damping Ratio vs Shear Strain

2.5.4-79 Layers D, F, J, and L - Damping Ratio vs Shear Strain

2.5.4-80 Modulus Reduction Curve and Damping Ratio Curve Material -Type 1

2.5.4-81 Modulus Reduction Curve and Damping Ratio Curve Material - Type 2

2.5.4-82 Modulus Reduction Curve and Damping Ratio Curve Material - Type 3

2.5.4-83 Modulus Reduction Curve and Damping Ratio Curve Material - Type 4

2.5.4-84 Modulus Reduction Curve and Damping Ratio Curve Material - Type 5

2.5.4-85 Gifford Hill Fill Material - Shear Modulus at Effective Mean Normal Stress of l,000 psf

2.5.4-86 Gifford Hill Fill Material - Damping Ratio vs Shear Strain STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-27 Revision 15

2.5.4-87 Gifford Hill Fill Material - Modulus Reduction and Damping Curves 2.5.4-88 Plant Site Layout and Arrangement

2.5.4-89 Soil Pressure, Category I Structures

2.5.4-90 Soil Pressure, Non-Category I Structures

2.5.4-91 Not Used 2.5.4-92 Not Used 2.5.4-93 Units l and 2 Ultimate Settlement

2.5.4-94 Not Used 2.5.4-95 Not Used 2.5.4-96 Not Used 2.5.4-97 Not Used 2.5.4-98 Not Used 2.5.4-99 Not Used 2.5.4-100 Not Used

2.5.4-10l Not Used 2.5.4-102 Not Used

2.5.4-103 Not Used

2.5.4-104 Not Used

2.5.4-105 Containment Structure Models, Finite Element Analysis STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-28 Revision 15

2.5.4-106 Foundation Soil Model - Finite Element Analysis

2.5.4-107 Short Term Vertical Loading - Reactor Containment Building

2.5.4-108 Stresses Below Reactor Containment Mat

2.5.4-109 Recommended K s Values for Vertical Loading - Reactor Containment Building

2.5.4-110 Recommended K s Values for Internal Pressure Loading - Reactor Containment Building

2.5.4-11l Allowable Side Wall Tension Stresses - Reactor Containment Building

2.5.4-112 Final Tornado Lateral Loading - Reactor Containment Building

2.5.4-113 Recommended K s Values for Tornado Lateral Loading - Reactor Containment Building

2.5.4-114 Recommended K s Values for Seismic Lateral Loading - Reactor Containment Building 2.5.4-115 Surcharge Lateral Pressures

2.5.4-116 Extent of Concrete Mudseals

2.5.4-117 Extent of Remedial Work Resulting from Foundation Verification

2.5.4-117A Extent of Remedial Work in ECW Trench Areas Resulting From Foundation Verification

2.5.4-117B Extent of Remedial Work in ECP Resulting From Foundation Verification

2.5.4-118 Extent of Vibroflotation

- SPT Boring Locations - Unit l

2.5.4-118A Extent of Concrete Mudslabs in ECW Trench Areas STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-29 Revision 15

2.5.4-119 SPT vs Constant Relative Density - Unit l

2.5.4-120 SPT Boring Locations & SPT vs Constant Relative Density -

Unit 2 2.5.4-12l Relationship Between Maximum Relative Density and Vibratory Table Amplitude

2.5.4-12lA Relationship Between Maximum Relative Density and Vibratory Table Amplitude

2.5.4-122 At Rest Earth Pressure Distribution For Rigid, Non-Yielding Walls 2.5.4-123 Liquefaction Potential in Plant Areas

2.5.4-124 Liquefaction Potential Below Bottom of Essential Cooling Pond 2.5.4-125 Results of Standard Pene tration Tests in Plant Area

2.5.4-126 Liquefaction Potential in Plant Area (In Situ Soil With Top 40 ft Replaced By Compact ed Structural Backfill)

2.5.4-127 Velocity Function

2.5.5-1 Essential Cooling Pond Slope Stability Analyses Static Conditions

2.5.5-1A Essential Cooling Pond Slope Stability Analyses Earthquake Condition A=0.1G

2.5.5-1B Essential Cooling Pond Sl ope Stability Analyses Rapid Drawdown Conditions

2.5.5-2 Essential Cooling Pond Subsurface Explorations

2.5.6-1 Location and Vicinity Map



Figure Number Title TC 2-30 Revision 15 2.5.6-2 Site Map 2.5.6-3 Reservoir Layout (Sheet l of 4)

2.5.6-4 Reservoir Layout (Sheet 2 of 4)

2.5.6-5 Reservoir Layout (Sheet 3 of 4)

2.5.6-6 Reservoir Layout (Sheet 4 of 4)

2.5.6-7 Spillway and Blowdown Facilities Layout

2.5.6-8 Spillway Plan, Profile and Sections

2.5.6-9 Spillway Discharge Channel (Sheet l of 2)

2.5.6-10 Spillway Discharge Channel (Sheet 2 of 2)

2.5.6-11 Reservoir Makeup Pumping Facilities, General Layout

2.5.6-12 Essential Cooling Pond Layout

2.5.6-13 Essential Cooling P ond Sections and Details

2.5.6-13A Essential Cooling Pond Stratigraphy

2.5.6-14 Borrow Sources 2.5.6-15 Reservoir Embankment and Dikes, Sections and Details (Sheet l of 2)

2.5.6-16 Reservoir Embankment and Dikes, Sections and Details (Sheet 2 of 2)

2.5.6-20 Wave Wall at Circulating Water Intake Chute

2.5.6-21 Wave Wall at Circulating Water Discharge Chute

2.5.A.3-1 Soil Profile for ECW Pipeline Along Section A-A'-A"



Figure Number Title TC 2-31 Revision 15 2.5.A.3-2 Soil Profile for ECW Pipeline Along Section B-B'-B"

2.5.A.3-3 Soil Profile for ECW Pipeline Along Section C-C'-C"

2.5.A.4-1 Unit l - Foundation Verification Zones

2.5.A.4-2 Unit 2 - Foundation Verification Zones

2.5.A.4-3 Essential Cooling Pond

- Foundation Verification Zones

2.5.A.4-4 Unit l Essential Cooling Water Pipelines - Foundation Verification Zones

2.5.A.4-6 Verification Event Diagram

2.5.A.7-1 Cumulative Frequency of Occurrence Vs. Normalized Shear Strength Plant Areas

2.5.A.7-1A Cumulative Frequency of Occurrence Vs. Normalized Shear Strength ECP and Piping Areas

2.5.A.7-2 Frequency of Occurrence Vs. Normalized TVA Penetration for All Layers

2.5.A.7-3 Cumulative Frequency of Occurrence Vs. Normalized Dry Density Plant Areas

2.5.A.7-3A Cumulative Frequency of Occurrence Vs. Normalized Dry Density ECP and Piping Areas

2.5.B.2.3-1 Typical Field Map and Typical Drafted Map of a Segment

2.5.B.5.3-1 Geologic Map

2.5.B.5.3-2 Plant Area Excavation Geologic Cross Sections 1 & 2

2.5.B.5.3-3 Plant Area Excavation Geologic Cross Sections 3 & 4

2.5.B.5.3-4 Plant Area Excavation Geologic Cross Sections 5 & 6



Figure Number Title TC 2-32 Revision 15 2.5.B.5.3-5 Columnar Sections

2.5.B.5.3-6 Geologic Maps of the Excavat ions for the Essential Cooling Water Intake and Discharge Structures

2.5.B.5.3-7 Test Pit Locations Essential Cooling Pond

2.5.B.5.3-8 Geologic Map Essential Cooling Pond

2.5.B.5.3-9 Test Pit Logs of Essential Cooling Pond

2.5.B.5.3-10 Contact of Sublayers A 1 & A2 Also Cohesive and Cohesionless Soils in the E ssential Cooling Pond Floor

2.5.B.5.3-11 Essential Cooling Water Pipeline Geologic Mapping

2.5.B.5.3-12 Geologic Mapping of ECW Trench Segments AA through DD 2.5.B.5.3-13 Geologic Mapping of ECW Trench Segments EE through HH

2.5.B.5.3-14 Geologic Mapping of ECW Trench Segments II through LL

2.5.B.5.3-15 Geologic Mapping of ECW Trench Segments MM through OO 2.5.C-1 Location Map, Horizontal a nd Vertical Baseline and Control Monuments

2.5.C-2 Geotechnical Instrumentation Locations - Borehole Heave Point and Sonde Extensometer

2.5.C-3 Permanent Structural Bench Mark Location

2.5.C-4 Geotechnical Instrumentation Design, Sonde Extensometer (Sondex) & Borehole Heave Point (BHP) 2.5.C-9 Geotechnical Instrumentation Heave/Settlement Movement for Unit l (RCB, FHB) (2 sheets) 2.5.C-9A Geotechnical Instrumentation Heave/Settle ment Movement STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-33 Revision 15 for Unit 1 (DGB, MEAB) (2 sheets) 2.5.C-10 Geotechnical Instrumentation Heave/Settlement Movement for Unit 2 (RCB, FHB) (2 sheets)

2.5.C-10A Geotechnical Instrumentation Heave/Settlement Movement for Unit 2 (DGB, MEAB) (2 sheets)

2.5.C-11 Differential Movements Between Buildings - Unit 1 2.5.C-11A Differential Movements Between Buildings - Unit 1 2.5.C-11B Differential Movements Between Buildings - Unit 1

2.5.C-11C Differential Movements Between Buildings - Unit 1

2.5.C-12 Differential Movements Between Buildings - Unit 2 2.5.C-12A Differential Movements Between Buildings - Unit 2 2.5.C-12B Differential Movements Between Buildings - Unit 2

2.5.C-12C Differential Movements Between Buildings - Unit 2

2.5.C-13A Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 1

2.5.C-13B Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit l

2.5.C-13C Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 1

2.5.C-13D Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 1

2.5.C-13E Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 1

2.5.C-13F Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 1

2.5.C-14 Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 2 2.5.C-14A Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 2

2.5.C-14B Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 2

2.5.C-14C Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 2

2.5.C-14D Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 2

2.5.C-14E Differential Movement Profile Within Buildings - Unit 2

2.5.C-15 Locations of Differential Movement Profiles Within Buildings



Figure Number Title TC 2-34 Revision 15 2.5.C-18 Locations of Permanent Piezometer Installations 2.5.C-19 Regional Near-Surface Subsidence Monitoring 2.5.C-19A Regional Near-Surface S ubsidence Monitoring (2 sheets) 2.5.C-19B Regional Near-Surface S ubsidence Monitoring (2 sheets)

2.5.C-20 Regional Upper Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-20A Regional Upper Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-20B Regional Upper Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-20C Regional Upper Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data 2.5.C-20D Regional Upper Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-20E Regional Upper Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-20F Regional Upper Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-21 Regional Lower Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-21A Regional Lower Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-21B Regional Lower Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-21C Regional Lower Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-21D Regional Lower Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data 2.5.C-21E Regional Lower Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-21F Regional Lower Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-22 Regional Deep Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-22A Regional Deep Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-22B Regional Deep Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-22C Regional Deep Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-22D Regional Deep Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-22E Regional Deep Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-22F Regional Deep Aquifer Monitoring Data

2.5.C-23 Cross-Section L-M Horizontal Strain - Regional Subsidence Monitoring Data Combined

2.5.C-23A Cross-Section L-M Horizontal Strain - Regional Subsidence Monitoring Data Combined STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-35 Revision 15 2.5.C-23B Cross-Section L-M Horizontal Strain - Regional Subsidence Monitoring Data Combined

2.5.C-24 Cross-Section H-E Horizontal Strain - Regional Subsidence Monitoring Data Combined

2.5.C-24A Cross-Section H-E Horizontal Strain - Regional Subsidence Monitoring Data

2.5.C-24B Cross-Section H-E Horizontal Strain - Regional Subsidence Monitoring Data Combined 2.5.C-25 Regional Subsidence and Deck Aquifer Piezometric Differential Decline 2.5.C-25A Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometric Differential Decline

2.5.C-25B Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometric Differential Decline

2.5.C-25C Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometric Differential Decline

2.5.C-25D Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometric Differential Decline

2.5.C-25E Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometric Differential Decline

2.5.C-25F Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometric Differential Decline

2.5.C-25G Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometeric Differential Decline

2.5.C-25H Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometeric Differential Decline

2.5.C-25I Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometeric Differential Decline

2.5.C-25J Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometeric STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)


Figure Number Title TC 2-36 Revision 15 Differential Decline

2.5.C-25K Regional Subsidence and Deep Aquifer Piezometeric Differential Decline