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Matls Licensing Package for Corrected Amend 3 to License SNM-1892 for Manhattan College.Control:125314
Person / Time
Site: 07002951
Issue date: 02/19/1998
From: Joustra J
125314, NUDOCS 9809040053
Download: ML20238F566 (6)




n' l

.) Corrected Copy MATERIALS LICENSE Amendment No. 03

  1. E g Pursuant to the Atomic Enerhy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10. Code of g g Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,39,40, and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made g

~ by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and special nuclear 8

material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material to N persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s).This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions 3 5 specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and orders of the R

$ Nucl car Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specined below. E OFRCERECORD00PY B m 5 E R Licensee E g In accordance with letter dated E 9 1, 3.19ElmWnbl7 e 1997> n y Manhattan College SNM-1892 is amended in E y Mechar.ical Engineering Department its entirety to read as follows: E R

g 2' 3840 Corlear Avenue 6'

4. Expiration Date s y Riverdale, New York 10471 -

r ehrtlary 28, 2003 g l


8 -

5. Docket or g Reference No? 070 02451 5 3 g 6. Byproduct Source, and/or 7. Chemical and/or Physical s 8. Maximum Amount that Licensee g g Special Nuclear Material Form May Possess at Any One Time g Under This License 3 Ej 5 5 g A. Plutonium 239 .A. Mound Laboratories'or A. 80 grams contained in 2,I a Nuclear Materials and five 16 gram sources si Equipment Corporation s lj sealed Pu-Be. neutron sources g

g B. Plutonium 239 B. Mound Laboratories or B. 160 grams contained in  ;

! Nuclear Materials and two 80 gram sources  ;

Equipment Corporation 2 E sealed Pu-Be neutron ;l E sources  ;

9 *

9. Authorized use i D  : i M

A. and B. For storage only. E 5 -



e 8

10. Licensed material may be stored only at the licensee's facilities at The Manhattan l College Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, Leo Engineering Building, 3825 Corlear Avenue, g h Riverdale, New York. E, 5

R 11. A. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision of Catherine C.


Stanton. l:l g

s'ti 5 B. The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is Catherine C. Stanton. I gl a y G 9809040053 980219 r E j PDR ADOCK 07002951 I $j 5 C PDR \

l M

il 5 } I!


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PAGE p OF q PAGES License Number IB SNM-1892 1 MATERIALS LICENSE Docket or Reference Number l SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET I 070-02951 l Corrected Copy I Amendment No. 03 I

i 12. A. Sealed sources and detector cells shall be tested for leakage and/or a

a contamination at intervals not to exceed 6 months or at such other intervals as B

are specified by the certificate of registration referred to in 10 CFR 32.210,

.ot to exceed 3 years.

I 6.

1 Notwithstanding Paragraph A of this Condition, sealed sources designed to emit i alpha particles shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not g to exceed 3 months.

B C.

y In the absence of a certificate frop a-transferor indicating that a test has been g made within six months prior-to)theltrsis"fet,la' sealed source or detector cell y received from another personTshall not be put into"use until tested.

y D.

Q" 'ug ,

y Each sealed source faSricated by the licensee shall beAnspected and tested for y

construction defect's,' leakage, and contamination prior' to}any use or transfer as y a sealed source., N ,  %

g E.

% ~

P I Sealed sourcesw/anil detectoricells need not be leakttested if

% q.f l (i) they conta'i' nonlyhyyr$gsg'enb; oD-) // , O theycon(ajinonlya'

> wl l gas;ichf' ihd.

'> <3 j (ii) t 7  %

, F , yy L f I (iii) the half'llfe of'the isotopefis'30* days orfless;.or 4 U

en ajfs ,v, '  ?

5 (iv) ti ey contain notinoresthanr100fm)icro*c'uries of beta and/or gamma 1 man. ial of.n_ot morel,than!10)inicroedries of

alpha emitting material; or N

.. .t a

N (v) theyarenot(designedtoemit'alphaiarticles,aretinistorage,andarenot t

5 being used. However, when theyjare, removed from-storage for use or transfer 3

to another person,'and have not been tested withinithe required leak test I interval, they shall be tested before use or transfer. No sealed source or I

detector cell shall be stored for a period of more than 10 years without being tested for leakage and/oricontamination.

I ' '

N F. The test shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcurie of I radioactive material on the test sample. Records of leak test results shall be 3

kept in units of microcuries and shall be maintained for inspection by the i

l Commission. If the test reveals the presence of 0.005 microcurie or more of a removable contamination, a report shall be filed with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory l Commission and the source shall be removed from service and decontaminated, a repaired, or disposed of in accordance with Commission regulations. The report I shall be filed within 5 days of the date the leak test result is known with the a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region I, ATTN: Chief, Nuclear Materials I Safety Branch, 475 Allendale Road, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406. The B .eport shall specify the source involved, the test results, and corrective action I taken.



I a__ _ - - . - - -


i g

  • License Rumber mm 3 wt caim kbg d


SNM-1892 MATERIALS LICENSE cakei c2 Reference Number .


070-02951 i B Corrected Cooy i Amendment No. 03 i

b I G. The licensee is authorized to collect leak test samples for analysis by the g

g licensee. Alternatively, tests for leakage and/or contamination may be performed by persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an Agreement State to p perform such services.

I p

13. Sealed sources or detector cells containing licensed material shall not be opened or a sources removed from source holders or detector cells by the licensee.

B g 14. The licensee may transport licensed material in accordance with the provisions of g 10 CFR 71, " Packaging and Transportation g' 15. This license doesc not p i D author,ize,the%nse h C(

rtion of materials into any nuclearofrRadioac reactor.

g Notwithstanding the time intervals in Condition 12, sources inserted into a reactor g under other license authodty shall be tested for leakage when removed from the y reactor in accordance with the requirements of Condition 12 before returning to use or

, y stcrage under this license._

g g xN ,Ag g 16. Except as specifically provided*ot(erwise in this license, the idensee shall conduct y its program in accordance withMh'e statements, representations, and s

y contained in the doctiments, induding;any enclosures, listed below) procedures The Nuclear b Regulatory Commission's regulations'shall/ govern unless the statements, N

representations, and procedures ~inithe 1 more restrictive than the regulat' ions.)7 ic' ensee's application and' 7 correspondence are f

8 qq, '

am A. Application dated Jariuky' 27., 1982( -

! B. Letter dated June 2, 19824 (9 t ' , "

8 C. Application datsd May 2,41987. t )([i/ f 8

D. Appl i cat i on dated" Augus t e 13,9992/

! E. Letter dated December 17, 1997' W . D


3 a


b s

W il u

R 1

b b

l B l

b p

For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission a


gat, FEB l 91998 By JUDITH A. JOUSTRA B Nuclear Materials Safety Branch t Region I y' King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 I


r. l fi 6 i

February 19,1998 Docket No. 070-02951 License No. SNM-1892 Control No. 125314 John D. Patterson, Ph.D.

Dean Manhattan College Mechanical Engineering Department 3840 Corlear Avenue Riverdale, NY 10471

Dear Dr. Patterson:

Enclosed is the Corrected Copy of Amendment No. 03 for License No. SNM-1892. In accordance with letter dated February 19,1998, Condition No. 11 has been changed to identify l'E the correct Radiation Safety Officer and delete the names of individuals who are no longer associated with the College.

We apologize for anylnconvenience this error may have caused.

Sincerely, Original signed by Heather M. Astwood, Acting Chief g Francis M. Costello, Chief Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 3 1 Division of Nuclear Materials Safety


Corrected Copy of Amendment No. 3 i

i I

l l

ML10 e

.s_,. j t- .

e: ' .;.,_,,,

.'N Q' J. Patterson 2 Manhattan College {


i l


' To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the boa: *C" = Copy w/o attach!enci

  • E" = Copy w/ sttach/enci' 'N' = No copy OFFICE DNMS/RI lN DNMS/RI l l l
.. NAME- JJoustra M FCostello @ V L DATE 02/19/9ff "' " 02/ M 8' \- 02/ /98 02/ 198 i


Y]_2__ __ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - - . - _ _ .__ _-___--______.-_-_ _ -_ __-_ _-

g ,F EI G - 1 9 - 9 8 THU .11 : 45 STANTON ASSOC. P.O1 V SNM -/8PL 076- 62 95/

To: Judith Joustra, US NRC Region I, (610) 337-5269 FROM: Catherine C. Stanton, Manhattan College, (914) 962-3756 RE: SNM License # 1892 DATE: 19 February 1998 .



This is to confirm our earlier conversation that I will be performing the duties of Radiation Safety Officer with respect to the sources for which storage is authorized under this license.

Also, Drs. Berlin, Duggan and Malsky who were previously identified

.' as authorized users in Item 11A of the license are no longer affiliated with Manhattan College and will not be using or supervising the use of this material.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

l Very truly yours, Catherine C. Stanton



/953/V(cc) 0FFICIALRECORD00Py ML 10 FEB I 91998

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