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Interview of Individual Regarding Fitness-for-Duty Concerning Kewaunee During Refuel Outage in 2001
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/2002
Download: ML062790436 (9)


For the record, this is an interview o., -* .former Inservice Inspection General Foreman for Day and Zimmerman Nuclear Power Systems.

Today's date is Wednesday, June 5, 2002. The time is approximately 2: VLofAA-This interview is being conducted at the Sleep Inn, 1600 Lawrence Avenue, DePere, Wisconsin.

My name is Mary Kay Fahey. I am a Special Agent with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Office of Investigations in Region Iil.

This interview is being transcribed by Court Reporter eafie-er. The subject of this interview is a Fitness for Duty concern at the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant, during a refuel outage in 2001, which was brought to the NRC's attention by the licensee, Nuclear Management Company.

please raise your right hand. Do you swear that the information you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god?

Attorney questions, if necessary. U-.o."\_




Home a ress Home telephone no:

Currently employed? u " , -'l ,

Zimmerman? 07" I 1 ,

2A.2 Last employed by Day Position held?

'Generally describe duties?

Chain of command? Who did he report to? Who reported to him?

Dates employed at Kewaunee?

Other prior nuclear experience? - -d )

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Did you atteh4 General Employee Training or GET training when you arrived on site? * ,

Who provided the tra~king? 6 When? How long did it Iast? 4-- ..-. . . 3 Was Fitness for Duty discussed?. */-*e - "-

Was training provide or the expectations related to actions taken when an individual detects' the odor of alcohol on thibreath of a plant worker?

Ifnot, how was FFD discussed?

Was a stand' -GET test given? qL. .

Were there questions coneming FFD?. W 41 Did you answer them corr6ýJy? t (e Did you successfully pass the examcý tile 7r-AAA.,~

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