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Exhibit N - Statement of Professional Qualifications of Nathan E. Bixler
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/13/2009
From: Bixler N
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML092870100 List:
50-247-LR, 50-286-LR
Download: ML092870677 (7)


Indian Point Nuclear Generatina Units 2 and 3 Docket Nos. 50-247/ 50-286-LR NRC Staff's Response in Opposition to State of New York's Motion for Partial Summary Disposition of NYS Contention 16116A Exhibit N

Nathan E. Bixler Principal Member of Technical Staff Sandia National Laboratories Education:

Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering 1982 University of Minnesota BS in Chemical Engineering 1976 University of Toledo Work Experience:

1998 - 2009 Principal investigator for code development and analysis of nuclear accident consequences, including RADTRAD, MACCS2, WinMACCS, SECPOP2000, and MELMACCS, for the NRC. Development focused on improved fidelity of atmospheric transport, dosimetry, and health effects modeling. Analyses were to evaluate the security of nuclear power plants, the security of research and test reactors, and to oversee the consequence analyses for the State of the Art Reactor Consequence Analysis (SOARCA) Project.


2003 2009 Principal instructor for the weeklong NRC class titled "P-301 -

Accident Consequence Analysis." Training emphasizes level-3 probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and the use of the WinMACCSlMACCS2 code system for estimating health and economic consequences.

2006 - 2009 Member of the ANS writing group to develop a standard for level-3 PRAs.

2006 - 2008 Performed consequence for the Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) study using the WinMACCSlMACCS2 code system. The project was to reevaluate and potentially revise NRC guidance on protective actions at nuclear power plants.

2005 - 2009 Lead investigator for consequence analyses of a 201 1 NASA mission to Mars (Mars Science Laboratory). Responsible for the content of Vol.

Ill of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), which is a major element of the launch approval process.

1990 - 1998 Principal investigator for VICTORIA development and analyses.

VICTORIA is a fission product release and transport code developed by Sandia National Laboratories for the NRC. Work focused on chemistry and aerosol physics within the reactor coolant system during a severe accident. VICTORIA analyses emphasized validation against fission product release tests (ORNL

HIIVI, SNL ST, VERCORS), aerosol deposition (HEVA, STORM), and integral data (PHEBUS).

1982 - 1990 Code development and analysis in the areas of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and two-phase flow in porous media. Emphasis on waste repository analyses of Yucca Mountain and WIPP.


Bixler, N. E. and Martinez, M. J.

Radionuclide Transport Code Development in Support of Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations, SAND83-0660, 1983 Bixler, N. E., Mondy, L. A., and Wilson, R. K.

Comparison of Waste Emplacement Configurations for a Nuclear Waste Repository in Tuff, IV. Thermo-Hydrological Analysis SAND83-0757, 1983 Bixler, N. E. and Eaton, R. R.

Sensitivity of Calculated Hydrological Flows Through Multilayered Hard Rock to Computational Solution Procedures Proc. Symposium on Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling for Performance Assessment of Deep Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste: A Critical Evaluation of the State of the Art, 1985 Bixler, N. E. and Benner, R. E.

Finite Element Analysis of Axisymmetric Oscillations of Sessile Liquid Drops Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Part 11, 1985 Eaton, R. R., Bixler, N. E., and Reda, D.

Coupled Hydrothermal Flows of Liquid and Vapor in Welded Tuff: Numerical Modeling of Proposed Experiment Coupled Processes Associated with Nuclear Waste Repositories, 1985 Bixler, N. E.

NORIA--A Finite Element Computer Program for Analyzing Water, Vapor, and Energy Transport in Porous Media. SAND84-2057, 1985 Eaton, R. R. and Bixler, N. E.

Analysis of a Multiphase, Porous-Flow Imbibition Experiment in Fractured Volcanic Tuff Proc. Symposium on Flow and Transport through Unsaturated Fractured Rock, Geophysical Monograph 42, 1986 Bixler, N. E. and Carrigan, C. R.

Enhanced Heat Transfer in Partially Saturated Hydrothermal Systems Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 13, 1986 Bixler, N. E. and Scriven, L. E.

Downstream Development of Three-Dimensional Viscocapillary Film Flow Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 26, 1987 Bixler, N. E., Eaton, R. R., and Russo, A. J.

Drying Analysis of a Multiphase, Porous-Flow Experiment in Fractured Volcanic Tuff Fundamentals of Heat Transfer in Drying, 1987 Bixler, N. E. and Kraynik, A. M.

The Onset of Taylor Vortices in Flows with a Circumferential Pressure Gradient:

Application to the Helical Screw Rheometer Canadian Congress on Applied Mechanics, 1987 Bixler, N. E. and Carrigan, C. R.

Finite Element Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Hydrothermal Zone Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, vol. 5, 1987 N. E. Bixler An Improved Time Integrator for Finite Element Analysis Communications in Applied Numerical Methods, 1989 Eaton, R. R., Bixler, N. E., and Gartling, D. K.

Effect of Pressure Basis Functions on Predicted Water Velocities for Flow in Fractured Rock Journal of Contaminant Transport, 1989 Bixler, N. E. and Carrigan, C. R.

Finite Element Analysis of a Darcy Velocimeter in a Variably Saturated Soil Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems. 1989 T. J. Heames, Williams, D. A., Bixler, N. E., et al.

VICTORIA: A Mechanistic Model of Radionuclide Behavior in the Reactor Coolant System under Severe Accident Conditions. NUREGICR-5545, SAND90-0756, 1990 Bixler, N. E. and Heames, T. J.

Status of VICTORIA Development and Assessment Proceedings of the 18th Water Reactor Safety lnformation Meeting, 1990 Bixler, N. E. and Heames, T. J.

VICTORIA: A Code for Analyzing Severe Nuclear Accidents Proceedings of the 6th Miami International Symposium on Heat & Mass Transfer, 1990 Bixler, N. E., Heames, T. J., and Powers, D. A.

VICTORIA-92 and Its Application to the Phebus-FPTO Test, Proceedings of the Twentieth Water Reactor Safety lnformation Meeting, 1992 T. J. Heames, Williams, D. A., Bixler, N. E., et al.

VICTORIA: A Mechanistic Model of Radionuclide Behavior in the Reactor Coolant System Under Severe Accident Conditions. NUREGICR-5545, SAND90-0756 Rev. 1, 1992.

Bixler, N. E.

Model for Heat-Up of Structures in VICTORIA. SAND92-1506, 1993 Bixler, N. E. and Erickson, C. E.

VICTORIA-92 Pretest Analysis of PHEBUS-FPTO. SAND93-2275, 1994

Bixler, N. E. and Erickson, C. E.

Investigation of a Steam Generator Tube Rupture Sequence Using VICTORIA Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Water Reactor Safety lnformation Meeting,1996 Bixler, N. E. and Schaperow, J. H.

The Effect of the Number of Condensed Phases Modeled on Aerosol Behavior During an Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture Sequence Proceedings of the Third OECD Specialists Meeting on Nuclear Aerosols in Reactor Safety, 1998 Bixler, N. E., Cole, R. K., Young, M. F., Gauntt, R. O., and Schaperow, J. H.

Recent MELCOR and VICTORIA Fission Product Research at the NRC Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Water Reactor Safety Information Meeting, 1998 Bixler, N. E.

VICTORIA 2.0: A Mechanistic Model for Radionuclide Behavior in a Nuclear Reactor Coolant System Under Sever Accident Conditions. NUREGICR-6131, SAND93-2301, 1998 Bixler, N. E. and Erickson, C. M.

RADTRAD: A Simplified Model for Radionuclide Transport and Removal and Dose Estimation. NUREGICR-6604, Supp. 1, SAND98-027211, 1999 N. E. Bixler and R. D. Gasser Recent Plant Studies Using VICTORIA 2.0 Proceeding of ICOhlE8, 2000 N. E. Bixler, D. I. Chanin, K. L. McFadden, and D. W. Whitehead Current Activities to Enhance the MACCS2 Code at Sandia National Labs Proceedings of the ANS Annual Meeting, 2001 N. E. Bixler, A. B. Baker, W. E. Beyeler, S. H. Conrad, D. L. Harris, L. A. Malczynski, and P. E.

RexrothGlobal Energy Futures Model Proceedings of ICONEIO, 2002 N. E. Bixler, K. L. McFadden, and J. E. Cash Future Plans for MACCS2 Proceedings of the Fourth International MACCS Users Group Meeting, 2002 N. E. Bixler, D. W. Whitehead, J. J. Gregory, C. A. Ottinger, T. D. Brown, and J. A.

Mitchell Methodology for a Level 3 PRA Analysis of a Nuclear Reactor Accident Using MACCS2 Proceedings of PSAM6, 2002 N. E. Bixler, R. D. Waters, and D. W. Whitehead Uncertainty Analysis with MACCS2 Using Data Based on Expert Elicitation American Metrological Society Annual Meeting, 2002

N. E. Bixler, S. A. Shannon, C. W. Morrow, B. E. Meloche, and J. N. Ridgely SECPOP2000: Sector Population, Land Fraction, and Economic Estimation Program NUREGICR-6525 Rev. 1, SAND2003-1684P, 2003 J. A. Mitchell, C. Molenkamp, N. E. Bixler, C. Morrow, and J. V. Ramsdell Comparison of Average Transport and Dispersion among a Gaussian Model, a Two-Dimensional Model and a Three-Dimensional Model Proceedings of PSAM7, 2004 N. E. Bixler, C. W. Morrow, J. M. Phillips, M. Fatenejad, and J. Mitchell Assessment of Uncertain Input Data, Methodology, and Results for a Level 3 PRA Analysis of a Nuclear Reactor Accident Using MACCS2 Proceedings of PSAM7, 2004 N. E. Bixler, J. W. Braithwaite, and D. G. Robinson A Perspective on RisklReliability Estimation in the Presence of Aging Incorporating PSA into Ageing Management, 2004 N. E. Bixler and R. 0 . Gauntt A Methodology for Performing Consequence Analyses in Support of Level -3 PRAs Proceedings of ANS Probabilistic Safety Analysis Meeting, 2005 S. Ashbaugh, N. E. Bixler, and M. Leonard Accident Progression and Source Term Analysis for Short-Term Station Blackout Scenarios in a BWR with a Mark Ill Containment. SAND2005-6116. 2005 N. E. Bixler, K. L. McFadden, and C. W. Morrow Current Status of the MACCS2 and WinMACCS Codes EFCOGISAWG Workshop, 2005 N. E. Bixler, V. D. Cleary, and J. Joonyub MACCS2 Consequence Calculations for a Postulated Short-Term Station Blackout at a Pressurized Water Reactor with an Ice Condenser Containment and a Boiling Water Reactor with a Mark Ill Containment. SAND2006-0632, 2005 N. E. Bixler et al.,

Sandia Support of the NRC's Nuclear Power Plant Vulnerability to Aircraft Attack Program. SAND2006-1284P T. J. Bartel, G. C. Bessette, N. E. Bixler, B. P. Danowsky, C. A. Glissman, R. J. Lipinski, D. L. Potter, D. A. Powers, and D. G. Robinson Preliminary Safety Analysis Report for the Mars Science Laboratory MMRTG Launch Approval. SAND2006-7312 T. J. Bartel, ..., N. E. Bixler, et al.

Draft Safety Analysis Report for the Mars Science Laboratory MMRTG Launch Approval SAND2007-7759, 2008.

N. E. Bixler, J. E. Cash, L. L. Eubanks, R. F. Haaker, and K. L. McFadden Consequence Analysis with WinMACCS 3.4 Proceedings of the 9th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM9) Conference, 2008.

T. J. Bartel, ..., N. E. Bixler, et al.

Final Safety Analysis Report for the Mars Science Laboratory MMRTG Launch Approval SAND2008-3522, 2008.

A. L. Brown and N. E. Bixler Plume Rise Calculations Using a Control Volume Approach and the Damped Spring Oscillator Analogy.

Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, SAND2008-4326C, 2008.