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E-mail from Eric Thomas, NRR to Russell Haskell, NRR Et Al. on Ioeb Clearinghouse Screening Summary for Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/25/2009
From: Thomas E M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Haskell R S, Hull A L, Wilson A A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML100780509 (4)


C1 Cartwright, William From: Thomas, Eric Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 1:30 PM To: Haskell, Russell; Wilson, Adam; Hull, Amy; Wang, Alan; Malliakos, Asimios; Patel, Amar;Garmoe, Alex; Palmer, Anthony; Howe, Allen; Blarney, Alan; Lising, Jason; Burritt, Arthur;Pate, Tony; Zoulis, Antonios; Barker, Allan; Boland, Anne; Billoch, Araceli; Gody, Tony;Howell, Art; Sabisch, Andrew; Ziedonis, Adam; Lewin, Aron; Rezai, All; Sengupta, Abhijit;Turilin, Andrey; True, Andrea; Boger, Bruce; Bickett, Brice; Rini, Brett; Watson, Bruce;Haagensen, Brian; Lehman, Bryce; Welling, Blake; Holian, Brian; Beasley, Benjamin; White, Bernard; Fuller, Brian; Singal, Balwant; Vaidya, Bhalchandra; Bartlett, Bruce; Mozafari, Brenda; Yip, Brian; Smith, Brian; Jose, Benny; Casto, Chuck; Hott, Christopher; Julian, Caudle; Lipa, Christine; Sanchez, Chanel; Cauffman, Christopher; Khan, Cheryl; Pederson,-Cynthia; Moulton, Charles; Lyon, Fred; Cahill, Christopher; Miller, Chris; Ng, Ching; Young, Cale; Paulk, Chuck; Rosselle, Chuck; Sanders, Carleen; Roquecruz, Carla; Kontz, Craig;Goodwin, Cameron; Gratton, Christopher; Crisden, Cherie; Lochbaum, David; Powers, Dale;Everhart, Dave; Tifft, Doug; Graves, Chris; Johnson, Dante; Lew, David; Payne, Charlie; Hills, David; Jackson, Donald; White, Duane; Strickland, Duane; NRRDIRS _OEB Resource;Spindler, David; Roberts, Darrell; Allsopp, David; Egan, Dennis; Mas, Delza; Werkheiser, David; Kern, David; Dority, Dayna; Reinert, Dustin; Hoang, Dan; Pickett, Douglas; Andrukat, Dennis; Chyu, Doris; Frumkin; Daniel; Garmon-Candelaria, David; Merzke, Daniel; Patel, Dimple; Wright, Donna; Brown, Eva; Kleeh, Edmund; Ruesch, Eric; Goldfeiz, Eliezer; Burket, Elise; Knutson, Ed; Michel, Eric; Morris, Eddie; Miller, Eric; Bowman, Eric; Collins, Elmo;Huang, Eugene; Roach, Edward; Benner, Eric; Cunningham, Liza; Leeds, Eric; Sullivan, Ted;Stamm, Eric; DiPaolo, Eugene; Keighley, Elizabeth; Coffman, Ellery; Cobey, Eugene;Robinson, Edward; Brown, Frederick; Saba, Farideh; Arner, Frank; Ehrhardt, Frank; Bower, Fred; Bonnett, Paul; Jaxheimer, Frederick; Newman, Garrett; Pick, Greg; Kelly, Glenn; Miller, Geoffrey; Replogle, George; Larkin, Grant; McCoy, Gerald; Hunegs, Gordon; Ottenberg, Geoffrey; Shear, Gary; Tracy, Glenn; Tutak, Greg; Bowman, Gregory; Dentel, Glenn;MacDonald, George; Callaway, Gary; Kulesa, Gloria; Miller, Ed; Chernoff, Harold; Jones, Heather; Christensen, Harold; Balian, Harry; Barrett, Harold; Crouch, Howard; Prokofiev, louri;Cutler, Iris; Jung, Ian; Tifft, Jennifer; Clark, Jeff; Grobe, Jack; Hickey, James; Isom, James;Kulp, Jeffrey; Lennartz, Jay; McHugh, James; Lane, John; Paige, Jason; Poole, Justin; Tsao, John; Hughey, John; Orr, Dan; Beall, James; Gaslevic, James; Rivera-Ortiz, Joel; Rutkowski, John; Thorp, John; Lara, Julio; Rogge, John; Stang, John; Glitter, Joseph; Ibarra, Jose;Kramer, John; Lamb, John; Schoppy, Joseph; Nadel, Jared; Thompson, Jon; Blake, Jerome;Commiskey, John; Corujo-Sandin, Jorge; McHale, John; Ashcraft, Joseph; Brand, Javier;Giantelli, Joseph; Lilliendahl, Jon; Trapp, James; Donohew, Jack; Adams, James; Boska, John; DeBoer, Joseph; Reynoso, John; Segala, John; Bream, Jeffrey; Hall, Randy; Hawkins, Justin; Jennings, Jason; White, John; Walsh, J; Kim, James; Kaizer, Joshua; Robbins, John;Wiebe, Joel; Heinly, Justin; Johnson, Jonathan; Mitman, Jeffrey; Wiggins, Jim; Kauffman, John; Andersen, James; Clifford, James; Lubinski, John; Shea, Joseph; Ayala, Juan; Cushing, Jack; Dozier, Jerry; Gall, Jennifer; Heisserer, Jamie; Kellum, Jim; Rady, Jeff; Robles, Jesse;Bucholtz, Kristy; Gray, Kathy; Young, Keith; Feintuch, Karl; Stoedter, Karla; Hoffman, Keith;Kennedy, Kriss; Cotton, Karen; Mattern, Kevin; West, Steven; Fields, Leslie; Wilkins, Lynnea;Scholl; Larry; James, Lois; Casey, Lauren; Criscione, Lawrence; Doerflein, Lawrence;Raghavan, Rags; Trocine, Leigh; Wert, Leonard; Boggi, Michael; Cunningham, Mark;Galloway, Melanie; Satorius, Mark; Cheok, Michael; Hay, Michael; Thadani, Mohan; Sykes, Marvin; Tschiltz, Michael; Hamm, Matthew; Speck, Mark; Balazik, Michael; Farnan, Michael;Evans, Michele; Vaaler, Marlayna; Case, Michael; David, Marshall; Marshfield, Mark; Ross-Lee, MaryJane; Halter, Mandy; Webb, Michael; Brown, Michael; Chawla, Mahesh; Dapas, Marc; Scott, Michael; Panicker, Mathew; Thorpe-Kavanaugh, Meghan; Phillips, Monte; Patel, Manan; Catts, Michelle; Reisifard, Mehdi: Sheikh, Mina; Young, Matt; Ferdas, Marc; King, Mark; Wegner, Mary; Markley, Michael; Abid, Mohammed; Banerjee, Maitri; Davis, Marlone;Fernandez, Mario; Gray, Mel; Junge, Michael; Jardaneh, Mahmoud; Kowal, Mark; Mahoney, Michael; Orr, Michael; Taylor, Nick; DiFrancesco, Nicholas; Salgado, Nancy; Lafferty, Nathan;Morgan, Nadiyah; Perry, Neil; Sieller, Nicole; Coleman, Nicole; Kalyanam, Kaly; Ayegbusi, Odunayo; Tabatabai, Omid; Yee, On; Pederson, Perry; Kaufman, Paul; Milano, Patrick;Prescott, Paul; Boyle, Patrick; Alter, Peter; Bamford, Peter; McKenna, Philip; Niebaum, Phillip;Hiland, Patrick; Louden, Patrick; Wilson, Peter; Lee, Pete; Finney, Patrick; Harris, Paul; Wen, Peter; Jervey, Richard; Montgomery, Richard; Nelson, Robert; Rasmussen, Richard; Cohen, Ronald; Elliott, Robert; Branch, Richard; Telson, Ross; Cureton, Ronald; Hickok, Roy; Martin, 1 4fc To:



Robert; Krsek, Robert; Rolph, Ronald; Beall, Robert; Perkins, Richard; Bernardo, Robert;Conte, Richard; Caniano, Roy; Craffey, Ryan; Kumana, Rayomand; Orlikowski, Robert;Powell, Raymond; Stattel, Richard; Wolfgang, Robert; Lorson, Raymond; Franovich, Rani;Nimitz, Ronald; Lerch, Robert; Hardies, Robert; Grover, Ravinder; Moore, Ross; McKinley, Raymond; Clement, Richard; Guzman, Richard; Vogt-Lowell, Rene; Deese, Rick; LaVera, Ronald; Musser, Randy; Sigmon, Rebecca; Richards, Stuart; Walker, Shakur; Meighan, Sean;Rich, Sarah; Ibarrola, Sherlyn; lyer, Shri; Collins, Sam; Pannier; Stephen; Vaughn, Stephen;Hansell, Samuel; Garry, Steven; Pindale, Stephen; Rutledge, Steven; Schneider, Max; Smith, Stacy; Bailey, Stewart; Lingam, Siva; Sanchez, Steven; Sands, Stephen; Hackworth, Sandra;Jones, Steve; Kennedy, Silas; Lee, Samuel; Lai, Sandra; Peng, Shie-Jeng; Beltz, Terry;Moslak, Thomas; Hartman, Thomas; Kolb, Timothy; Setzer, Thomas; Bloomer, Tamara;Burton, Thomas; Hedigan, Tom; Walker, Tracy; Boyce, Tom (NRR); Kobetz, Timothy;McGinty, Tim; Orf, Tracy; Wengert, Thomas; Harriman, Thomas; Fredette, Thomas;Hipschman, Thomas; Pruett, Troy; Mossman, Timothy; Perin, Vanice; Gaddy, Vincent; Ordaz, Vonna; McCree, Victor; Rodriguez, Veronica; Sreenivas, V; Cook, William; Chalk, Wayne;Cartwright, William; Jones, William; Walker, Wayne; Ruland, William; Raymond, William;Borden, William; Deschaine, Wesley; Orders, William IOEB Clearinghouse Screening Summary for Wednesday, November 25, 2009 PNO-II-09-006 doc; PNO-1-09-006



None Follow-.uo/lOther..Tasks:.

IOutside of Scope It .. ..... ...2.) (Update) TMI -RADIATION RELEASE IN REMOVAL CONTAINMENT ASSOCIATED WITH STEAM GENERATOR A-OTSG has been transported to mausoleum; B-OTSG removal is in progress.

Activities are in progress to move it to the shipping platform for removal from containment 2

TMI experienced 4 additional alarms associated with AMS-4s (airborne radiation monitors).

Local work areas were evacuated until the condition was understood and resolved.

The containment building was maintained under negative pressure.

Details of the 4 additional alarms are as follows: 1) 2219 /11/24 -One occurred on top of the B "D" ring 365 ft in Containment.

Confirmatory sampling showed no airborne.

Low flow alarm.2) 2325/11/24

-Outside personnel hatch in auxiliary building area. Cause was radon inversion.

3/4) 0445/0550/11/25-AMS alarmed (same machine) at B "D" ring 281 ft elevation.

Sampling showed no airborne.

Cause attributed to lifting of B steam generator resulting in elevated dose rates. No airborne identified.

Workers were briefed about local evacuation situation from last night and the morning. The NRC has confirmed no airborne radiation issues existed; in addition, the NRC is reviewing containment evacuation procedures and policy today.The licensee has established new protocol to notify NRC and State within 60 minutes of any alarm.The State was notified of the conditions last night. None of these conditions was the result of airborne radioactivity. (Send update to TRGs for Containment; Jerome Bettle, Emerqency Prepardness:

Jeffrey Temple. Health Physics; Steven Garry, Human Performance; Michael Boqqi, Dose Assessment; Mark Blumberg and PW-._ffAjairs:Scott Burnell).

Assigqned to Mike Brown. __ .___Outside of Scope/3 uI 4) PNO -I .006 -THREE MILE ISLAND I -CONTAMINATION EVENT (UPDATE) (Note: Attached -e odtQublic~w~ebDacleL

___-----Outside of Scope*(i.e., Screened/reviewed against LIC-401 criteria for initiating an "Issue for Resolution" (IFR), which is !OEB's process for conducting further evaluation of an issue to determine what, if any, additional actions should be taken to communicate and organizationally learn from OpE.)***NOTE: THIS SVM WI0FR¶S CIAtfiLQXY



Mike Brown fob Bernardo Russ Haskell Rebecca Sigmon Eric Thomas John Thorp Derek Scully (NRO) -Phone U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR/DIRS/IOEB OWFN-7H23

.301-415-6772 onff*p 4