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R16 Inservice Inspection Report Summary
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/02/2013
From: Pierce C R
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13184A269 (74)


{{#Wiki_filter:Charles R. Pierce Southern Nuclear Regu l at o ry A ff a i rs Di rector Operating Company, Inc. 4 0 I n v e rness Cen te r Par kwa y Po s t Of f ic e Box 1295 B i r min gham, A l a b a m a 352 0 1 Te l 2 0 5.992.7872 F ax 205.992.7601 SOUIHERN ' \ July 2, 2013 COMPANY Docket Nos.: 50-425 NL-13-1436 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission AnN: Document Control Desk Washington , D. C. 20555-0001 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant -Unit 2 2R16 Inservice Inspection Report Summary Ladies and Gentlemen: Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) submits herewith the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 2, Interval 3, Period 2, Outage 2 Inservice Inspection Summary Report (Enclosure). This report describes and summarizes the inservice inspection activities performed during the spring 2013 maintenance I refueling outage. Paragraph IWA-6240 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI , 2001 Edition with addenda through 2003 requires submittal of the enclosed report. The supporting inservice inspection documentation, e.g., examination plans and schedules, examination results and reports, examination methods and procedures, evaluation results, and corrective action and repairs, is available for review upon request at Vogtle Electric Generating Plant. Please note that on Tab F of the Enclosure, Sheet 2 of 3 and Sheet 3 of 3 for Traveler #11110 are the best copies available to SNC. This letter contains no NRC commitments. If you have any questions, please contact Ken McElroy at (205) 992-7369. Respectfully submitted, C. R. Pierce Regulatory Affairs Director CRP/RMJ/lac U. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL-1 436 2 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant -Unit 2 Inservice Inspection Report Refueling Outage (2R16), Interval 3, Period 2, Outage 2, A -F cc: Mr. Kuczynski, Chairman, President & Mr. D. G. Executive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer Mr. T. Tynan, President -Vogtle Mr. B. L. Ivey, President -Regulatory Affairs Mr. J. Adams, Vice President -Fleet Operations RType: CVC7000 Mr. V. M. Regional Mr. R. E. Martin, NRR Senior Project Manager -Mr. L. M. Cain, Senior Resident Inspector - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 2R16 Report Vogtle Electric Generating Plant -Unit Inservice Inspection Refueling Outage (2R16), Interval Period Outage 2, A SO U THER N_ SOUTHERN C OMPANY COMPANY INSERVICE INSPECTION REFUELING INTERVAL PERIOD OUTAGE Vogtle Electric Generating Unit (7821 River Road, P. O. Box 1600, Waynesboro, Georgia 30830) Southern Nuclear Operating 40 Inverness Birmingham, Alabama COMMERCIAL OPERATION DATE: May 20,1989 DOCUMENT COMPLETION DATE: June 2013 VOGTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING (VEGP) PLANT 2R16 FINAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 (OWNER'S REPORT)











REPORT TO THE NRC FOLLOWING EACH REFUELING OUTAGE. VOLU 2 AND CONTAIN THE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION FOR THE EXAMINATIONS ON SITE VOLU CONTAINS DOCUMENTATION OF THE FLOW ACCELERATED CORROSION (FAC) PERFORMED ON SITE BY SOUTHERN_ COMPANY COMPANY SOUTHERN OPERA TING ENGINEERING INSERVICE PLANT VOGTLE UNIT REFUELING OUTAGE SPRING Volume Owner's TAB INTRODUCTION AND This report documents the examinations and tests performed at Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 2 (VEGP-2) between October 12, 2011 &end of the fifteenth (15 th) maintenance/refueling outage, 2R15} and April 3, 2013 of the sixteenth (16 1 ) outage, 2R16} to meet the requirements of Article IWA-6000 of the American Society of Mechanical Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section XI, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addenda This and/or which were documented since the last at VEGP-2 through the completion of the sixteenth maintenance/refueling outage on April 3, 2013 done per the 2001 Edition with 2003 Addenda. The Owner's Reports for Repairs and Replacements (Form are included herein. This report includes a summary of the steam generator tube inspections which are required per VEGP Technical 5.6.10. The detailed information will be provided in a one hundred (180) after the initial entry into MODE 4 following com of an inspection performed in accordance with Technical Specification 5.5.9. A summary these inspections is included behind Tab B in the Abstract. 1-1 LIST OF ACC AD AFW AI AN II ASME ASNT ASTM BC CCW CH CR CS CVCS FAC FB FNF FW GPC HHSI HL HX IND INF lSI 10 IR LB LD LMT LU LU-I LU-O M MS MT NCI NDE Acceptable AnchorlDarling Auxiliary Feedwater System SNC Action Item (followed by unique no. denoting Action Item number) Authorized Nuclear Inspector American Society Mechanical Engineers American Society for Nondestructive Testing American Society for Testing and Materials Branch Connection Centrifugally Cast Stainless Steel Component Cooling Water Combustion Engineering Head Condition Report Containment Spray Chemical Volume Control System Downstream Eddy rrent Examination Evaluation Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (may also be referred to as "erosion/corrosion") Flange Bolting FAC Notification Report Feedwater System Final Safety Analysis Report (includes thereto) Indications Georgia Power Company High Head Injection Hanger Heat Exchanger Hydraulic Snubber NRC Information Notice (may shown as "IN" followed by unique no. denoting number) Indication Indication Notification Inservice Inspection Inservice Testing Improved Technical Specification I nside Diameter Inside Large Longitudinal Seam Weld Extending Downstream Longitudinal Seam Weld Downstream Inside Radius of Longitudinal Seam Weld Downstream Outside of Elbow Lambert, MacGiII Thomas Longitudinal Weld Extending Upstream Longitudinal Weld Upstream Inside Longitudinal Seam Weld Upstream Mechanical Snubber Main Steam System Magnetic Particle Examination Nonconformance Item Nondestructive Examination LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS -(continued) NI NRC NRC-B NRI NSCW OR PL PM PR PROF PS PSA PSI PT RCS RCP RHR RI RLW RL RPV RR RWST SAT SCS SI SNC SUP T&C TDAFW UNSAT US UT VEGP VT W No Indication United States Nuclear Regulatory NRC Bulletin (followed by unique no. No Recordable Indication Nuclear Service Cooling Water Outside Radius Pipe Lug Paul-Munroe EN ERTECH Pipe Restraint Profile Pipe Support Pacific Scientific Preservice Inspection Liquid Penetrant Reactor Coolant System Reactor Coolant Pump Residual Heat Removal Recordable Indication Refracted Longitudinal Wave Restraint Lug Reactor iJr""""', Relief Request (followed by unique no. Refueling Water Tank Satisfactory Small Southern Company Services Safety Injection System Southern Nuclear Operating Company Supplemental Data Thickness and Contour Turbine Driven Auxiliary Technical Evaluation (fol number) Unsatisfactory Examination Upstream Ultrasonic Examination Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (common u to designate a specific plant unit) Visual Examination Westinghouse Bulletin number) evaluation followed by "-1" or" ASME FORM NIS-1 AND

  • Form
  • Abstract FORM NIS*1 OWNER'S REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS Owner: Southern Nuclear for 40 Inverness Center Birmingham, AL 2. Vogtle Electric Plant, 7821 River Road P. O. Box 1600, Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 3. Plant Unit: Two 4. Owner Certification of Authorization:

N/A 5. Commercial Service Date: 05/20/89 6. National Board Number for Unit: N/A 7. Components Component or Manufacturer or Manufacturer or Installer State or National Board Appurtenance Installer and Serial Number Province Number Address Number Reactor 7372 N/A 22004 Pressure Vessel Reactor Coolant 5*9744D35G01 N/A 37 Pump4 Steam GBGT 1981, GBGT 1 N/A 33,34. 36 Generators 1 Pensacola, FL GBGT 1983, GBGT 1 thru 4 Injection 52230 N/A 447 Pump Train "B" CA Residual Heat Joseph Oat 2322-2D N/A 1051 Removal Heat NJ Exchanger, Train "B" Centrifugal Huntington Pumps 52236 N/A

  • 413 Charging Pump, Huntington CA Train HB" Pullman Power System Numbers 1201, 1 N/A N/A Products, 1204, 1205, 1 1 Williamsport, PA 1301,1302, & 1501 2-1 FORM NIS-1 (Back) 8. Examination Dates: October 12, 2011 to April 3 , 2013 9. Inspection Period Identification:

Second Period Inspection Interval Identification: Third Inspection Interval Applicable Edition of Section XI 2001 Addenda 2003 12. Date/Revision of Inspection Plan: Volume 1 -12/12/12, Version 7.0; Volume 3 -12/8/11, Version 2.0; Volume 4 -1/25/13, Version 6.0; Volume 5 -2/22/13, Version 4.0; Volume 6 -12/15/11, Version 4.0 Abstract of Examinations and Tests. Include a list of examinations and tests and a statement concerning status of work required for the Inspection Plan. (See Abstract and Examination Summary Listings) Abstract of Results of Examinations and Tests. (See Abstract) Abstract of Corrective Measures. (See Abstract) We certify that a) the statements made in this report are correct, b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code, Section XI, and c . easures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) N/A Date: t,- 2013 Signed: o Geor CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State of Georgia and employed by The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Connecticut of Hartford, CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period October 12, 2011 to April 3, 2013, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and tests and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the Inspection Plan and as required of the ASME Code , Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations, tests, and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commission: c'1J 93 '8 'YlnSpector's National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date: '2 :JtJl\e... 20& 2-2 ABSTRACT -ASME CLASS 1 AND 2 Introduction/Status The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 2001 Edition (Code), with the 2003 Addenda, is the code for conducting in service inspection activities during the third inspection interval at VEGP-2. Examinations and tests required by the Code are scheduled in accordance with "Inspection Program B n as defined in Code paragraphs IWB-2412 and IWC-2412. This "Owner's for Inservice is for those second examinations and tests which were performed between (end of the 2R15 and April 3, 2013 (end of the 2R16 outage). VEGP has implemented ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, "Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems," as required by 10CFR 50.55a, amended by the Federal Register Notices 64 FR 51370 dated September 22, 1999, as later modified by 69 dated October 1, 2004. The initial Rule specified the 1995 Edition with Addenda 1996 as the edition of ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII. The 2004 Rule the Edition with caveats. VEGP except where requests for technical alternatives or exemptions have been approved, complied with the ,,,,rr,,,,nrc for implementation of the Appendix VIII the EPRI Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI). In addition to the summary of inservice inspection activities, this report addresses Code-applicable repairs and documented at VEGP-2 since 2R15 through the end of 2R16. Class 1 and Class 2 Owner's Reports for Repairs or Replacements NIS-2) are provided herein. It should be noted that Authorized Nuclear Inservice (ANII) services were provided for those examinations and tests the Code. ASME Section XI examinations and tests are itemized in the applicable sections by reference to Examination Category. Examinations which do not meet the Code-required coverage either reference request(s) for relief or indicate that additional relief is Class 1 Examinations Selected Class 1 components were examined by Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) personnel utilizing ultrasonic testing (UT) and visual testing (VT) methods, as applicable. Specific components and examination areas are itemized in the applicable portions of this document. During the scope of VEGP-2 examinations conducted, no Class 1 components were observed to have indications. SNC defines "reportable as those indications exceeding standard of ASME XI. Since there were no observed Class 1 reportable n/'1I.... there will not be any entries in Tab E for of Class 1 components. It should also be noted that no indications were "identified" which dispositions to acceptance standards. Three Class 1 and/or equipment welds had limited coverage during examinations because of physical limitations due to the geometric configuration of the welded areas. More than ninety percent (90%) of the required volume must be examined as addressed in ASME Section XI Code Case N-460 for adequate ASME Section XI examination coverage to be attained. As noted the subject code case has been by the NRC for use as documented in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147. It is impractical to achieve the ASME Section XI Code-required coverage due to the geometriC configuration of the welded areas. These limited examinations will be submitted to the NRC through the relief process as allowed by 10 CFR 50.55a. Southern Nuclear Company contracted WesDyne to support Reactor Vessel Head Inspections during the 2R 16 outage. The requirement for tooling was unique to VogUe compared to the normal operation due to distance required from the floor to the head equipment was built to operate to these requirements. were the Electric Power in 2009. In addition to the personnel were also demonstrated and These demonstrations did require some from the previous in 2006 which enhanced the "cr,ot'l',,,,, One of the requirements was to utilize both the circumferential and axial shooting TOF techniques for the required volume utilizing Code Case N-729-1. This requirement lead to development and deployment of 2 blade which has both TOF directions with a zero degree for leak path assessment which was also demonstrated and qualified at PDI with the open probes. No in-service was reported with the RPV CRDM examinations. Some examination limitations occurred which Southern Nuclear had previously addressed with Alternative VEGP-ISI-ALT-07, 7/19/2012 (ML121 ",,,,n,s:..vv Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-P of the 2001 Edition with Addenda through 2003 of ASME Section XI the performance of a test (IWB-5221) each outage. This system leakage test (14910-201) was performed prior to plant startup the refueling outage. These visual examinations revealed minor and boron residue at mechanical connections. These leakage conditions were either corrected or evaluated and determined <:lr-r'o,...'r!> for continued operation. Of particular interest to the system leakage test is the seal cap enclosures on four Class 1 check valves. The VT -2 examination was performed with these seal cap enclosures in which could prevent pressure boundary from being detected. Southern Nuclear submitted an alternative to the NRC requesting approval to the VT-2 examination with the seal caps installed. NRC approval forthe alternative examination is documented in NRC Accession No. ML 13123A 1 "Vogtle Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2 -Safety Evaluation of Relief Request Version 2.0, Regarding Tests for Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary (TAC NOS. MF0673 AND MF0674)" dated May 7,2013. No evidence of leakage was observed during the VT-2 examination performed during the leakage test with the seal cap enclosures installed. Selected Class 2 were examined Southern Nuclear Company (SNC) personnel utilizing ultrasonic testing (UT). liquid penetrant (PT). and visual testing (VT) methods, as applicable. Specific components and examination areas are itemized in the applicable portions of this document. .. During the scope of VEGP-2 examinations conducted, no Class 2 components were observed to have indications. SNC defines "reportable as those indications exceeding ",n."*If'.., standard of ASME XI. Since there were no observed Class 2 reportable there will not be any entries in Tab E for of Class 2 It should also be noted that no indications were "identified" which standards. No class 2 piping and/or equipment welds had limited coverage during examinations because of physical limitations due to the geometric configuration of the welded areas. 2-4 Class 2 System Pressure Tests Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-H of the 2001 Edition with Addenda through 2003 of ASME Section XI requires system leakage tests. The specific system leakage tests performed are itemized in the "System Pressure Tests" portion of this report document. The visual examinations performed during these system leakage tests found only minor leakage or residue at mechanical joints such as valve stem packing and at flanged connections. These leakage conditions were either corrected or evaluated and determined acceptable for continued system operation. Steam Generator Tube Inspections The scope of the Vogtle 2R16 steam generator examinations, as scheduled, is listed below. The inspection plan met or exceeded the requirements of the ERPI PWR Steam Generator Examination Guidelines, revision 7, and was aligned with the SNC SG Program Strategic Plan, NMP-ES-004-GL01, version 11. The SG inspection program addressed the known degradation mechanisms observed in VogUe Unit 2 in prior inspections as well as potential degradation mechanisms. The program also addressed inspection requirements related to the implementation of the permanent H* alternate repair criteria (PARC).

  • 100% Bobbin examination of tubes in SGs 2 and 3 full length except for Rows 1 and 2, which are inspected from tube end to tube support plate (TSP) #7 from both hot leg (HL) and cold leg (CL).
  • 100% +Point examination of Row 1 and Row 2 U-bends from the top TSP on the HL to the top TSP on the CL in SGs 2 and 3. * +Point examination of Special Interest, HL and CL, of bobbin possible flaw locations including bends.
  • 100% +Point examination at HL tubes in SGs 2 and 3 from the top of tubesheet (TTS) to the licensed Permanent Alternative Repair Criteria (ARC) depth for H* (tubesheet region on HL side (TSH) +3/-15.2 inches). This inspection captured the TTS BLGI OXP populations, as defined below, along with the required periodic sample specified in the regulatory approval of ARC. BLG = differential mix diameter discontinuity signal within the tubesheet of 18 volts or greater as measured by bobbin coil probe; OXP = a tube diameter deviation within the tubesheet of 1.5 mils or greater as measured by bobbin coil profile analysis.
  • 100% +Point examination of total dents and dings 2 volts in SGs 2 and 3 HL straight lengths and U-bends.
  • 100% Visual inspection of tube plugs in SGs 2 and 3.
  • Visual inspection in SGs 2 and 3 of channel head primary side HL and CL in accordance with Westinghouse Letter NSAL 12-1, "Steam Generator Channel Head Degradation".

Steam Generator Inspection Expansion Based on the confirmation of ODSCC at the hot leg tubesheet expansion transitions in SG2, expansion of the eddy current program was conducted in SGs 1 and 4 with a minimum scope of 20% +Point of tubesheet +3/-15.2 inches along with a 100% inspection of tube plugs in SGs 1 and 4. This expansion was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the EPRI SG Examination Guidelines. Additionally, visual inspection of the channel head primary side HL and CL of SGs 1 and 4 has been performed as part of the expansion in accordance with Westinghouse Letter NSAL 12-1, "Steam Generator Channel Head Degradation". 2-5 Steam Generator Damage Mechanisms Found and NDE Techniques Utilized Based on SG eddy current and visual inspection results, a new degradation mechanism to Unit 2 was identified. The existing degradation mechanisms in the VogUe Unit 2 are: (New) Outer Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking (ODSCC) at the hot leg tubesheet expansion transitions (A single circumferential ODSCC was identified). -+Point probe and Ghent probe techniques were used to analyze the indication. Mechanical Wear due to Foreign Objects -+Point and bobbin techniques were used to evaluate the wear. Mechanical Wear at AVB Supports. -Bobbin techniques were used to evaluate wear. Mechanical Wear and Wall loss from Secondary Side Cleaning Activities. -Bobbin techniques were used to evaluate wear. The table below presents a summary list of all SG tubes plugged in 2R16 and the related degradation mechanism. Degradation Plugging Basis Stabilizer SG Row Col Indication Mechanism Installed 2 15 60 SCI 1 ODSCC 3 33% Plug on Detection Yes 3 56 82 PCT 2 AVB 4 Wear 41% Tech Spec Plugging Limit No Notes: 1 -Single Circumferential Indication 2 -Bobbin Volumetric Sizing 3 -Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking 4 -Anti-Vibration Bar 5 -Percent Through-Wall Class 1 and 2 Component Supports Selected Class 1 and 2 component supports were examined by Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) personnel utilizing the visual testing (VT) method. Specific components and examination areas are itemized in the applicable portions of this document. During the scope of VEGP-2 examinations conducted, one component support (21302-107 -H004) was observed to have a loose locking nut, which constituted unsatisfactory visual results. In accordance with IWF-3122.3(a) the condition was determined to be acceptable by evaluation. Although evaluated to be acceptable the condition identified was corrected under Southern Nuclear MWO SNC475383 with a re-examination occurring after corrective actions were taken. The examination results and corrective action is listed with the Indication Notification section of this report (Reference INF 113V2001). Class MC Containment Examinations (lWE) During the VEGP-2 Spring 2013 maintenance/refueling outage, General Visual, VT-3 and VT-1 examinations were performed on Class MC Pressure retaining components with their integral attachments. These examinations were performed in accordance with ASME Section XI, Subsection IWE of the 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda and were performed using NMP-ES-024-207 "General Visual Examination (IWE)". Per procedure NMP-ES-024-207, the pressure retaining bolting and the containment pressure boundary was examined for defects that could violate its leak-tightness or structural integrity. 2-6 Personnel performing the examinations were qualified in accordance with VEGP procedure 100 "Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Examination and Personnel". Optical aids such as flashlights, mirrors and binoculars were used when the examinations that included both direct and remote visual examination methods. A General of 100% of the interior accessible surface areas of the containment pressure was and documented under Surveillance 84303-201 Exterior ....",t..."1 were not examined this refueling outage, bul will be examined laler in the Period. the examination a section of the liner plate was found to be bulging. CR 610528 was written to document the indication and INF 113V2002 was to document the condition as well. The area of the liner plale was found to be "as-is" using a previous evaluation. More information can be obtained referencing the INF listed under Tab E. All remaining anomalies found consisted of surface rust, discolorations, arc etc. and were evaluated as not affecting the structural integrity or leak of the containment pressure boundary. of the moisture barrier was and documented under Surveillance 84303-201 SNC350383 during refueling outage 2R16. No anomalies on the moisture barrier were noted. The following containment pressure boundary bolted connections were examined during 2R 16 while the connections were disassembled for work activities. VT-1 or VT-3 examinations were performed to fulfill the requirements. No anomalies of the examined were identified. Examinations were under work orders SNC362740, SNC363211, and SNC376511. Results of examinations are documented under Surveillance 84303-201-SNC350383. Personnel Air Lock 22101R2014 Air Lock 22101R2015 Dedicated Outage PAnAI:rl'llinn 5-M & 55-M None performed in 2R16. This 2R16 Outage was the Outage, in the Period ofthe 3(d Interval. The results from this outage, combined with the "completed" examinations from previous refueling (2R 15, Fall 2011) and a couple of examinations scheduled for 2R 17, the 1 in the 3 rd Period of the 3 rd Interval until then in accordance with IWA-2430{d)(3) will 100% of the total Class 1 and 2 scope for the current period and interval. VEGP Unit 2 is within ASME Code compliance, pending NRC approval of the volumetric and/or surface examination limitations. Requests for relief will be submitted within the time frame specified by 10 CFR 50.55a. Applicable Code Cases The applicable Code Cases for the 2R16 are identified in Volume 1 of the VEGP Units 1 and 2 Inservice Inspection Plan for the Third Inspection Interval under Enclosure

4. The Code Cases and limitations of use are derived from Revisions 14, 15, and 16 of NRC Guide 1.147. 2-7 INSERVICE INSPECTION (OWNER'S REPORT)
  • CLASS 1 AND 2 SUPPORT EXAMINATIONS 6-Summary 21201-031-3-RB 2" ELBOW TO PIPE 21201-042-3-RB R1.11H 2" ELBOW TO PIPE R-A(2) 21201-046-3-RB R1.11H 2" ELBOW TO PIPE R-A(2) 21201-051-3-RB R1.11H 2" ELBOW TO PIPE R-A(2) 21201-051-4-RB R1.20 2" PIPE TO TEE R-A(2) 21201-051-5-RB R1.20 2" TEE TO PIPE R-A(2) 21204-021-17 -RB R1.20 6" VALVE TO PIPE (AI 87-0131) 21204-021-18-RB 6" PI PE TO ELBOW 21204-021-19-RB 6" ELBOW TO PIPE (AI 87-0131) 21204-021-20-RB 6" PIPE TO ELBOW 21204-021-22-RB 6" PIPE TO ELBOW 21204-021-23-RB 6" ELBOW TO PIPE 21204*243*30-RB R1.11 1 B' VALVE TO PIPE R-A(2) 21204-243-31-RB R1.11H 1.5" PIPE TO ELBOW R-A(2) 21204*244-28*RB R1.11 1.5" VALVE TO PIPE R-A(2) 21204*244*29*RB R1.11H 1.5" PIPE TO ELBOW R-A(2) 21204-245-30-RB R1.11H 1.5" VALVE TO PIPE I NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-50 1 NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-50 1 I NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 I NMP-ES-024-501 I S13V2U015 I S13V2U016 I S13V2U017 I S13V2U018 I S13V2U019 S13V2U020 S13V2U030 S13V2U011 I

I I S13V2U014 I S13V2U021 I S13V2U022 I S13V2U025 I S13V2U026 I S13V2U023 I Limited exam >90% coverage. CC Limited exam >90% coverage. CC UT RI Geo. 50% Code Coverage. UT RI Geo. I UTRI Geo. INA I UTRI Geo. I Examined per MRP-146 I Examined per MRP-146 3-1 --Vogtle 6 -Exami Summary (Total Piping) ASME Section Cat R1.11 R1.20 ..R-A(2) 21204-245-31-RB 1.5" PIPE TO ELBOW 21204-246-32-RB 1.5" VALVE TO PIPE 21204-246-33-RB 1.5" PIPE TO ELBOW 21205-007 -72 SUPPORT H022 21205-008-35 SUPPORT HOO2 21205-027 -6 SUPPORT HOO8 21206-002-29 SUPPORT HOO8 21208-007 RB 3" VALVE TO PIPE 21208-007-2-RB 3" PIPE TO VALVE 21208-007 -G-RB 3" PIPE TO BRANCH CONNECTION 21302-107-13-RB PENETRATION TO 6" PIPE 21302-107-14-RB 6" PIPE TO VALVE 21302-107-15-RB 6" VALVE TO PIPE 21302-107-1G-RB 6" PIPE TO ELBOW 21302-109-15-RB PENETRATION TO 6' PIPE 21302-109-19-RB 6" VALVE TO PIPE 21302-109-20-RB 6" PIPE TO ELBOW n r-I v",... NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-301 NMP-ES-024-301 NMP-ES-024-301 NMP-ES-024-301 NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-501 NMP-ES-024-502 NMP-ES-024-502 NMP-ES-024-502 NMP-ES-024-502 NMP-ES-024-502 NMP-ES-024-502 NMP-ES-024-502 3-2 EXamfl,ai Sheet No(s) Results NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI NRI Examined per MRP-146 requi ltS. Limited exam ->90% coverage. CC N-460. Examined per MRP-146 lined per MRP-146 requi lents. Limited exam >90% coverage. CC N-460. NA Limited exam >90% coverage. CC N-460. Limited exam ->90% coverage. CC N-460. 50% Code Cov.erage Relief Request 50% Code NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Vogtle 2R16 -nation Summary Pipi Examination Results Remarks No(s 21302-109-21-RB NMP-ES-024-502 I S13V2U004 NRI NA 6" ELBOW TO PIPE '--_-'--_____L. 3-3 6 -Examination Summary (Total Equipmert<l. ASME Section mathn Procedure{s) Cat litem No(s) N-122 21201-BS-001-110-VT NMP-ES-024-202 S13V2V108 Sat NA 20 CHANNEL HEAD DRAIN TUBE B-D 21201-BS-001-IR-01 NMP-ES-024-513 S13V2U033 NRI NA B3.140 INLET NOZZLE INNER RADIUS B-D 21201-B6-001*IR-02 NMP-ES-024-513 S13V2U034 NRI NA B3.140 OUTLET NOZZLE INNER RADIUS N-122 21201-B6-002-110-VT NMP-ES-024-202 S13V2V109 Sat NA B15.120 CHANNEL HEAD DRAIN TUBE N-122 21201-BS-003-110-VT NMP-ES-024-202 S13V2V110 Sat NACHANNEL HEAD DRAIN TUBE -21201-BS-004-110-VT NMP-ES-024-202 S13V2V111 Sat NA B15.120 CHANNEL HEAD DRAIN TUBE I-P6-002-B33 B48Performed QC PtJl::iOIIIi per 2" DIAMETER SEAL WATER HOUSING NMP-ES-024-201 NA SatWork Order SNC456322. BOLTS -21201-V6-001-BMI-BMV N-722 RPV BOTTOM HEAD INSTRUMENTATION NMP-ES-024-208 S13V2V052 Sat NA B15.80 BMV - NMP-ES-024-208 S13V2V163 Sat NA B4.10 VESSEL CLOSURE HEAD EXTERIOR -Reference Jhouse Report 21 ,v*CRDM VENDOR VENDOR Sat . Limitations allCRDM NOZZLE qreater than 98% coveraQe. B-N-1 21201-VS-001-101 NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V186 Sat NAVESSEL INTERIOR 21201-VS-001-102 B-N-1 VESSEL CLOSURE HEAD INTERIOR (FSAR NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V088 Sat NA B13.CH N-122 21201*VS*001*W33*BMV NMP-ES-024-202 S13V2V145 Sat NA B15.90 OUTLET NOZZLE N1 SAFE END BMV N*722 21201-VS-001-W3S-BMV NMP-ES-024-202 S13V2V146 Sat NA B15.90 OUTLET NOZZLE N4 SAFE END BMV N-722 21201-V6-001-W37 -BMV NMP-ES-024-202 S13V2V147 Sat NA B15.90 OUTLET NOZZLE N5 SAFE END BMV N-122 21201-V6-001-W40-BMV NMP-ES-024-202 S13V2V148 Sat NAOUTLET NOZZLE N8 SAFE END BMV 3-4 Vogtle 2R16 -Examination Summary (Total Supports) ASME Section XI Examination/Area Cat /Item F-A 21201-012-H604 F1.10H(2) VAR SPRING F-A 21201-030-H602 F1.10G(2) STRUT F-A 21201-030-H606 F1.10G(2) STRUT F-A 21201-030-H630 F1.10F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21201-049-H024 F1.10G(2) STRUT F-A 21201-P6-004-SP01 F1.40(2) PUMP SUPPORT F-A 21201-P6-004-SP02 F1.40(2) PUMP SUPPORT F-A 21201-P6-004-SP03 F1.40(2) PUMP SUPPORT F-A 21201-P6-004-T01 F1.40(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21201-P6-004-T02 F1 .40(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21201-P6-004-T03 F1.40(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21201-V6-001-RS1 F1.40(2) VESSEL SUPPORT F-A 21201-V6-001-RS2 F1.40(2) VESSEL SUPPORT F-A 21201-V6-001-RS3 F1.40(2) VESSEL SUPPORT F-A 21201-V6-001-RS4 F1.40(2) VESSEL SUPPORT NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 N MP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 3-5 Exam/Cal Sheet No(s). S13V2V171 S13V2V183 S13V2V187 S13V2V112 S13V2V161 S13V2V114 S13V2V115 S13V2V116 S13V2V117 S13V2V113 S13V2V188 S13V2V141 S13V2V142 S13V2V143 S13V2V144 Results Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Remarks NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Limitations. Approximately 25% coverage. Per IWF-1230, examined accessible portions. Relief not req'd . Limitations. Approximately 25% coverage. Per IWF-1230, examined accessible portions. Relief not req 'd. Limitations. Approximately 25% coverage. Per IWF-1230, examined accessible portions. Relief not req 'd. Limitations. Approximately 25% coverage. Per IWF-1230, examined accessible portions. Relief not req'd. Vogtle 2R16 -Examination Summary (Total Supports) ASME eo> .4-: ,n... litem F-A F1.20G(2) F1.20F(2) F-A F1.20G(2) F-A F1.20F(2) F-A F1.20F(2) F-A F1.20F(2) F-A F1.20F(2) F-A F1.20F(2) F-A F1.20G(2) F-A F1.20G(2) F-A F1.20F(2) F*A F1.20F(2) F-A F1.20F(2) F-A F1.20F(2) F1.20F(2) F*A F1.20G(2) F-A F1.20G(2) Examinationl Area 21202-001-H018 STRUT 21202-140-HOO3 RESTRAINT 21202-141-H011 STRUT 21202-216-H014 RESTRAINT 21202-216-H019 RESTRAINT 21202-216-H020 RESTRAINT 21202*216-H021 RESTRAINT 21202-220-HOO3 RESTRAINT 21202-220-HOO5 STRUT 21202-220-HOO6 STRUT 21202-220*H011 RESTRAINT 21202-220-H015 RESTRAINT 21202*220*H017 RESTRAINT 21202-220-H023 RESTRAINT 21202-220-H025 RESTRAINT/LUGS 21202-220-H028 STRUT 21202-220-H029 STRUT I ___=UI NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 N MP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 N MP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 NMP-ES-024-203 II ........No(s). S13V2V101 S13V2V032 S13V2V033 S13V2V055 S13V2V095 S13V2V096 S13V2V056 S13V2V079 S13V2V068 S13V2V069 S13V2V070 S13V2V071 S13V2V072 S13V2V073 S13V2V074 S13V2V103 S13V2V102 Results Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Remarks Vogtle 2R16 -Examination Summary (Total Supports) ASME Section XI Exam i nation/Area Cat litem 21202-229-H012 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21202-229-H021 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT 21204-011-HOO5 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21204-012-HOO1 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT 21204-021-HOO2 F1.10G(2) STRUT F-A 21204-021-HOO4 F1.10F(2) RESTRAINT 21204-021-HOO8 F1.10G(2) STRUT F-A 21204-021-H 009 F1.10F(2) RESTRAINT 21204-021-H011 F1.10G(2) STRUT F-A 21204-021-H012 F1.10G(2) STRUT 21204-021-H014 F1.10G(2) STRUT F-A 21204-021-H015 F1.10G(2) STRUT 21204-021-H016 F1.10F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21204-039-HOO1 F1.20A(2) ANCHOR 21204-063-HOO1 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21204-076-H010 F1.JOC;(2) STRUT NMP-ES-024-203 3-7 Exam/Cal Sheet No(s). S13V2V097 S13V2V107 S13V2V022 S13V2VOO3 S13V2V162 S13V2V129 S13V2V130 S13V2V131 S13V2V164 S13V2V132 S13V2V133 S13V2V134 S13V2V135 S13V2V177 S13V2V034 S13V2V122 S13V2V123 Results Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Remarks NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Vogtle 2R16 -Examination Summary (Total Supports) ASME Section XI Examination/Area Cat litem F-A 21204-076-H014 F1.10F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21204-076-H015 F1.10F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21204-076-H017 F1.10F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21204-076-H019 F1.10F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21204-076-H021 F1.10F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21204-076-H023 F1.10G(2) STRUT F-A 21204-121-HOO1 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21204-P6-004-S01 F1.40(2J PUMP SUPPORT F-A 21205-003-H010 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT/LUGS F-A 2120S-004-H019 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 2120S-006-HOO9 F1.20G(2) STRUT F-A 21205-007 -H022 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21205-007-H02S F1.20G(2) STRUT F-A 21205-008-H023 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21205-008-H039 F1.20H(2) VARSPRING F-A 21205-027 -H008 F1.20F(2) RESTRAINT F-A 21205-E6-002-S01 F1.40(2) SUPPORT SKIRT NMP-ES-024-203 3-8 Exam/Cal Sheet No(s}. S13V2V124 S13V2V125 S13V2V126 S13V2V127 S13V2V128 S13V2V175 S13V2V084 S13V2VOO4 S13V2V160 S13V2V011 S13V2V012 S13V2V013 S13V2V014 S13V2V017 S13V2V015 S13V2V050 S13V2V016 Results Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Remarks NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Vogtle 2R16 -Examination Summary (Total Supports) Section Cat IF(2)""""" If1:20G(2) F1"20A121 f-CCC""" LeL """"""""" F1.20A(2) ._.._... Examination 21206-001-H007 VAR SPRING NMP-ES-024-203 21206-002-H022 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 21206-004*H006 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 21206*008*H096 STRUT NMP-ES-024-203 21208-007 -H001 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 21208-099-H603 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 21208*137*HOO1 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 21208*139-HOO4 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 21208*139*HOO9 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 2120S-145-HOO6 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 21208-411-H010 UNDERSUPPORT NMP-ES-024-203 21208-411*H016 UNDERSUPPORT NMP-ES-024-203 21208*P6*003*S01 SUPPORT BASE NMP-ES-024-203 21301*016-HOO3 STRUT NMP-ES-024*203 21302*033-HOO2 ANCHORW/ATI NMP-ES-024-203 21302-086-HOO5 ANCHOR NMP-ES-024-203 Exam/Cel! Sheet No(s). S13V2V157 S13V2V049 S13V2V053 S13V2V078 S13V2V165 S13V2V051 S13V2V028 S13V2V026 S13V2V027 S13V2V023 S13V2V024 S13V2V025 S13V2VOO7 S13V2V151 S13V2V174 S13V2V140 ..Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Remarks NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3-9 Vogtle 2R16-Summary pports) ASME .40: .... XI Cat litem Examination/Area Examination Procedure(s) Exam/Cal Sheet No(s). Results Rema. Loose "jam nut". 't" lhlp "as-is" F-A F1 21302-107-H004 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V176 Unsat I Sat per Ref INF 113V2001. Corrected per MWO SNC475383 and re-examined. -F-A F1.20F(2J 21302-107 -H009 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V170 Sat NA F*A F1.20F(2) 21302*109*H004 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V149 Sat NA F1.20F(2) 21501*027*HOO3 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V185 Sat NA F*A F1.20U(2) 21501*028*H001 UNDERSUPPORT NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V180 Sat NA F-A F1.20F(2) 21501-028-H005 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V166 Sat NA F*A F1.20F(2) 21501-038*HOO2 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V100 Sat NA F*A F1.20F(2) 21501-038*H003 RESTRAINT NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V099 Sat NA F-A c£L.. 1(2) 21501-038-H004 UNDERSUPPORT NMP-ES-024-203 S13V2V098 Sat NA 3*10 INSERVICE INSPECTION (OWNER'S REPORT)

  • SYSTEM PRESSURE TESTS The following system pressure tests on Class 1 and Class 2 after the last refueling outage (2R 15) through the completion of the sixteenth The system pressure tests indicated below include system tests for: .. Class 1 components (IWB-2500-1, Examination B-P), .. Class 2 components (IWC-2500-1, Examination C-H) not during normal plant operation which are identified as 84003-203 84003-221, .. Class 2 components (IWC-2500-1, Examination category to normal operation which are Identified as 84003-2AR through 84003-2CS.

Boundaries for the system pressure tests are described in the Pressure Test Plan Plan-Volume 3). Examination results are discussed in the sections of document. The examination data for these system pressure tests is available at the site for review upon Test Description 14910-201 B-P I 84003-203 C-H/C7.10 to 84003-206 C-H I C7.10 Penetration 33 (Safety Injection to 84003-207 C-H I C7.10 Penetration 31 (Safety Injection to 84003-209 C-H/C7.10 Penetration 56 (Residual Heat Removal Hot Leaka e 84003-210 C-H/C7.10 e 84003-211 C-H/C7.10 Residual Heat Removal System to Chemical and Volume S stem Suction S stem Leaka e 84003-214 C-H/C7.10 Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Leakage 84003-218 C-H/C7.10 Residual Heat Removal Train "An Suction Piping Tank System Leakage 84003-219 C-H/C7.10 Residual Heat Removal Train "B" Suction Piping Tank S stem Leaka e 84003-220 C-H I C7.i0 84003-221 C-H/C7.10 Tank 84003-2AR C-H I C7.10 84003-2AS C-H I 84003-2CI C-H I 84003-2CJ C-H I C7.10 1302-P4-003 84003-2CS C-H I C7.i0 4-1 IN RVIC INSPECTION (OWNER'S REPORT)





The following Indication Notifications Forms and/or Condition were issued due to -..<>,,,,,,.-tQ indications or conditions being observed during the examination of either Class 1 or 2 components during 6 th the sixteenth ) maintenance/refueling at VEGP-2 (referenced attachments are available at the VEGP for review upon request. as volumetric, surface or visual examinations with indications/conditions exceeding standard of ASME XI, thus "analytical evaluation". Volumetric and surface examinations meeting the applicable ",,..r*<>,..,lt!:l are not considered "reportable", and will not be indicated on the table below. Visual indications will be included in the table, even if dispositioned as "acceptable". Generation of an "Indication Notification Report" and lor "Condition Report" as specified in the below table does not indicate a Code "Reportable" condition. INF NO. and/or Affected Component/Area INF Condition R 113V2001 Support 21302-107 -H004 Condition CR 611390 (IWF) Not per disposition. Condition corrected per MWO SNC475383. 113V2002 Containment Liner Plale / CR 610528 Level 1 of CNMT near An area of the liner plate was found to have some Personnel sections on the 220' elevation (Level 1). The area in question is about 7 ft in width and 1 ft in The area is about 7 fI above the floor and butts up the thickened penetration for the Personnel Hatch. The area in question was broken up into eight (8) one foot square grids and the lowest thickness was found in each grid. The lowest ultrasonic thickness measurement found was 0.213 in and nominal liner thickness in the area of is 0.25 in. This delta a 14.8% loss in nominal liner plate thickness, which is than the 10% loss of material permitted by IWE-3122.3. From the measurements taken it was found that the area in question cn.A;t::lJlClUIt:: "as-is" using from a engineering evaluation, REA 99-V AA713. In this the minimal wall thickness for this area is 0.125 in. The cause for the bulging is unknown. This area will be added to the Vogtle Containment Inspection Plan as an Augmented Examination and will be examined in the 3'd Inspection Period of the Third Interval. The Indication Notification Form(s) constitute only those reportable indications or conditions observed during the SNC Engineering Programs Department scope of work. With the exception of Steam Generator Tube Inspections any reportable indications or conditions observed by VEGP Site or outside contractors during their scope of work should be identified bylto the VEGP Site in document(s) which are referenced herein. Additional information related to Steam Generator Tube are to be provided in a one hundred eighty (180) days after the initial entry into MODE 4 as required VEGP 5.6.10. OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR (ASME FORM OWN REPORTS REPAIRS REPLACEMENTS (FORM NIS-2) The following Owner's Reports for Repairs or Replacements (Form NIS-2) are provided for work activities documented at VEGP-2 since the last maintenance/refueling outage (2R15) through the completion of the sixteenth (2R16). are identified by their traveler number which is denoted on each of the NIS-2 reports. The originals of the NIS-2 are filed with their traveler at the plant site. Only those NIS-2 reports to VEGP-2 are included in this report document. Any attachments, e.g., code data etc., referenced in the NIS-2 reports will be made available for review upon at the plant site. It should be noted that even though Site procedures may require the use of an NIS-2 form, Code Case N-508-3 "Rotation of Service Snubbers and Pressure Relief Valves for the of does not the use of an NIS-2 form provided certain conditions are met. Therefore Repair/Replacement not NIS-2 forms per Code Case N-508-3 are excluded from this Owner's Report. 11105 13011 13023 13074 11110 13013 13029 13075 11111 13014 13030 13076 11112 13015 13032 13080 13000 13016 13037 13081 13002 13018 13038 6 13003 13019 13040 13067 13004 13021 13043 13068 6-1

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ----'.1-'.1-'-.10 .:....5=---- ____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 14, 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, Sheet of Address Plant VogtJe Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC342588 RepairlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Deeartment Type Code Symbol Stamp NlA Name Authorization No. NlA Plant VogtJe Expiration Date NlA Address 4. Identification of 1208/CVCS

5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. /II Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _-,2""O",OC!.1-"e""dc:..'

",20""O",3"",a",d""d"". ___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE PULLMAN POWER 14107 NlA V2-1208-047-H604 1989 INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PRODUCTS PIPE PULLMAN POWER 14117 NlA V2-1208-047-H604 1989 REMOVED YES SUPPORT PRODUCTS 7. Description of Work PSA 112 snubber serial nO.14117 was reelaced PSA 1/2 serial number 14107. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD Exempt[Rj Other D Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ oF Remarks _______ _________________________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERnFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. \,0, Type Code Symbol NlA o.s\\<\ Certificate of Authorization No. NlA Expiration Date NlA ,\. Signed or Owner's Designee, CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period II I to CO /1 ') / i ';' , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. Commissions National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date IS'-;S VIV.: 1.c I 3 ORIGINAL FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEMENT ACllVITY All Required By The Provlalons Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler 1# __,'-_'_'.:...0 ____ Owner Southem Nuclear Opsratlng Company Date January 24". 40 Invemess Center Parkway. Blrmln{!!Jam, AL Sheet of Addrese Plant VOgt/a Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC338727 AepalrlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Type Code Symbol Stamp NlA Name Authorization No. N/A ExpIration Date __________ Nlr.;,..:4 ______ Work Performed by Plant Vogt/a Address Identification of SY8tem 12081 CHEMICAL & VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. /1/ Edition, 1972 Addenda, Winter 1972 Code ease (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepalrJReplacement ActlvHy 2001 Eel. thru 2003 Add. (e) Applicable Section XI Code Caae(a) NlA Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Hameof Manufactu,.,. Board Other Year Removed, Of' Stamped Manufacturer Serial No. No. IdWltlflcatlon Built Inatalled (yesOf' No) VALVE VELAN, INC 750 /IVA 2HV8109 1989 REMOVED YES VALVE VELAN,INC 888405 NlA 2HV81 09 1987 INSTALLED YES Deacriptlon of Work Installfld replacement Viilv9. The install9d valva (SIN 888405) was orIginal/Ypurchased as a spare under PO PAV-27380. --8. Teet Hydroetatlc 0 PneumatleD Nominal Operating P .....ure[!] Exempt 0 Other 0 Preaaure pat Teat Temp. _____ "F ____________Applicable Manufacturers Data Reports to be attached CERl1FICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that thl, confonn. to the requl.-.ments 0' the ASM! Code, SectIon XI. Type Code Symbol /IVA Certificate of Authorization No. NlA expiration NlA ..Q f"t AJVo..J-.. W 0.. Do Date ( Owner or OWner's DeeIUh... TItle V I ,... 2.") -t CERllRCATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding 8 valid commlaalon laeued by the National Board of Boller and Pruaure Veuellnapectons and the atate or Province of !:i§mlSl and employed by HartflJ!11. lnsoect/2l1 fI!Ut lailllacg Q2. Q/. of Hartford. Conn9cticut have lnapected the components described In thla Owner's Report during the period-II to ,.,10-and state that to the beat of my knowledge and belief, the awner haa performed examinations and taken corrective measunMI described In thl, OWner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASM! Code, SectIon XI. By signing this certificate nelttler the Inspector nor his emplo)'9r makaa any wamutty, expren8d or Implied, concerning the examlnatlone and corrective meaaunMI described In thla Owner's Report. Furthermore. nelther the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any peflOl1al Injury Of' property damage or a 1088 of any kind arising from Of' connected with this Com......... In pector'. Nat onal Board, State, Province and Endonsements Date JQ J"

... ... __.._,, __ ORIGINA FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ......;1...;1...;1...:.1...;1 _____ -:;0.-. 1. Owner Southem Nuclear Operating Company Date May 2,2013 Name 40 Inverness Center Parkway , Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Voglle Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC470929 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. N IPlant Explralion Date N I A Address 4. Identification of 1208/CVCS

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1974 Addenda, Summer 1974 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _ -.!2..,O<::O'-'1...:e"'d:,:.

...2""OO=3-"a"'d"'d ....___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) CHECK VALVE WESTINGHOUSE 0300 1 CS880000 NIA 2-1208-U6-037 NIA CORRECTED YES 0000S74-0034

7. Description of Work Weld encapsulation cap on check valve Test Conducted:

HydrostatiC 0 PneumattcD Nominal Operating Pressure[!j Exempt Other 0 Pressure _____psi Test Temp. ______ 9. Remarks _______ ___ ______________ _ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section XIType Code Symbol N I A Certificate of A oh No Expiration N/A Signed Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid comm isslon Issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connectfcut of Hartford. Connecticut have Inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period O'S-IZ--(-S to '3 . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the reqUirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By Signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arlslng from or connected with this inspection. Commissions f'2A 13 Z _____ .. Inspector's National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date '3DMCI.,;) 201'3

  • " .....'\'........ '.'" ....,...........-ORIGINAL FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRlREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provlalon8 Of Tl'Ie ASME COde Sec:tlon XI Traveler # _--:...11:..,:1..:;12=--

___ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date January 24, 40 Center Parkway. Blnningham, AL Sheet of Addl'88ll Plant VogtJe Electric Generating Plarrt Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC338727 AddRepalrlReplac:ement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3. Work Performacl by _--:.:M:.:::8::;.In:.;;tenanc:.:.:::;;==e..=D;.;epa=1tm=en;:.;.:..t _ Type Code Symbol NlA Authorization No. NlA __________________ __________Plant Vogtle AddI'8ll8

4. Idantlflcatlon of 1208 / Chemical and Volume Control System 6. (a, Applicable Conetructlon Code ASME See. III 1974 edition. Summer 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable

!dltlon of Section XI Used for RepalrlReplacement ActIvity 2001 ED. 2003 ADD. (e) Applicable Section XI Code C'&e{s) 6. identification Of Component. NatIonal Corrected, Hameof Name of Manufacturw Board Other Year Removed, or Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identlflc8tlon Built Inatalled ev..or PIPE SYSTEM ENERGY & 442305 /IVA 2K3*1208-003*01 1999 INSTALLED PROCESS 7. Description of Woft( Replaced piping around valve 2HV81 09 to install valve 2HV8109, which was installed under Traveler 11110. Teat Conductacl: Hydroatatlc 0 PneumatlcD Nominal OpenItlng Pr...ureD Other D Pressure pal Teat Temp. _____ ____________ __ __________________Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the Btatements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, section Type Code Symbol /IVA -.__---:>..,.--- __Nl._:4________ExpIratlon /IVA Date /-2J CERTIACATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undenalgned. holding a valid comml..lon laeued by the National Board of Boller and Preaaure V ....llnspec:ton and the lItate or Provlnc:a 01 GeorgIa and employed by Hartford Steam Boller InsDgcUon W losul8/7C6 of Hattford, Connecllcyt have Inspected the componente deacrlbec:lln thla Own...** Report during the perIod II to 1-.llJ and state that 10 the beat of my knowledge and bell.f, the OWner flu performed examination. and taken corrective m"lUrea deac:rlbec:l In thl. OWner'., Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By .'gnlng thla certificate neither the Inspector nor hi. employer rnak .. any warranty. expreued or Implied, concerning examInation. and corrective described In thl. Own..... Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor hi' employer be liable In any manner for any personal InJury or property damage or a loa. of any kind ar1.'ng from or connected with Ins __ Commlsalon. 6-& ZS't. National Board. State, Province and Endorsements FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # --:..1.::;30::.,:0:.=0_,,- ___ 1Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date June 01, 40 Inverness Center Parkway, B i rmingham, AL Sheet 1 of Address Plant Vogtl6 EleeJn"c Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro , GA 30830 SNC376393 Address Repa l r l Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3Work Perfonned by Maintenance Deeartment Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorizatlon No. Plant Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1208/eVCS

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity

. __ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected , ASM.E Code Name of Nama of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Ident i ficat i on Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE L1SEGA 305002351029 NlA V2-120B-068-H021 NlA INSTALLED PIPE PULLMAN POWER 14114 NlA V2-1208-068-H021 1989 REMOVED SUPPORT 7Description of Work PSA-112 snubber serial nO.14114 was replaced w i th Usega 301856RF2 serial number 305002351029 to support 2R16's initial test scope Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 pneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ 9. Remarks __________ _________ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol NIA -,-_____..;..N1..:..A:...;... ______Expiration NlA rintendent Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insuronce Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have I nspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period 3/'?1 13 to G I I 7/1::;. ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ariSing from or connected with this inspection. '--' /;;::..::::.." ; L-,o"'.::""'---------Commissions 7 Inspector's Signature National Board, State , Province and Endorsements

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # _1..:..3-'-00'-2 _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 29, 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro , GA 30830 SNC376395 Address RepairlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. WorK Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 12051 Residual Heat Removal 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. 111 Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairlReplacement Activity _-=2:.:0:..:0..:.1..::ed,-=-.


..a",d:.:d::.:.. ___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE L1SEGA 31105271004 NlA V2-1205-004-H01O NlA INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PIPE PULLMAN POWER 1594f1 NlA V2-1205-004-H010 1989 REMOVED YES SUPPORT PRODUCTS Description of Work PSA-10 snubbar serial no.15946 was replaced with Lisega 306256RF3 snubber serial number 31105271004 to support2R16 's initial test scope Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD Other D Pressure ____psi Test Temp. ______ Remarks _______ __ ____________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NlA NlA-I7-++---.._--Nl.-':4-'-------- Expiration Date Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford. ConnecUcut have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period n 21 J 4/1-s. to DCe! ! I ! i"3 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions __ _________ National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date ! ( :s V!\e 2.0 13

f.,,4 ,,0 ,'\' o FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI __________ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date June 01, 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogl/e Electric Generating Plant GA 30830 SNC376505 Address RepairlReplacement Organlution P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant VQ9.l/e Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 12011 Reactor Coolant System 6. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. III Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepalrlReplacement Activity __ ____ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE PULLMAN POWER 26755 NlA V2-1201-03CJ..H605 1989 INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PRODUCTS PIPE PULLMAN POWER 20212 NlA V2-1201-030-H605 1989 REMOVED YES SUPPORT PRODUCTS 7. Description of Work PSA-3 snubber serial no.20212 was replaced with PSA-3 serial number 26755 to support 2R16's initial test scope Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumatlcD Nominal Operating PressureD Other D Pressure psi Test ______ oF 9. Remarks _______ ___________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xi. Type Code Symbol NlA +---,:---___ _______Explration NlA rintendent Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler InsDection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford. Connecticut have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period 'Z.. /1 Lj / I '?, to (0/i 7 /{ 3 ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owners Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. ,"':::;..--/ ._'_____ Commissions Signature National Board. State, Province and Endorsements 17 '-, '0')Date --.j U (\ eLi ..;;, ORIGINAL FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # .....,:1;.3,::.00=..4.:..- ____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 14, 2013 Name 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant VogUe Electric Generating Plant Unit 2 Name Waynesboro, GA SNC376508 Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp NlA Name Authorization No. N/A Plant Expiration Date N/A Address 4. Identification of 1301 I Main Steam 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. /1/ Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairlReplacement Activity _...:2:.:0:..:0;..:.1-=e:..:d:.:... ___(c) Applicable Section XI Code Case{s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serlal.No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE LfSEGA 03615185'27 NlA V2-1301-015-H007 1989 INSTALLED PIPE PULLMAN POWER 26940 NlA V2-1301-015-H007 1989 REMOVED SUPPORT Description of Work PSA 3 snubber serial number 26940 'was raplaced Usega 305253RF3 serial number 03615185'27 to support 2R16 initial test scope. 8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD ExemptlR] Other D Pressure ____psi Test Temp. ______ QF Remarks _________ __________________________________ _ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASCode, Section Type Code Symbol Stamp NlA *_-::-____..:.NJ..=.:A:.:.- ___________ Expiration Date NIA Superintendent Date -;Tltle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler InsDeclion and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford Connecticut have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period Z./H/{,3 to (2(') /1 ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ___ -v--.=....--_. _____ Commissions _:-:-:.,.:\:.../ __,---____/.,.,.,..p(.:;,./-:--:-:--,.-_ __ / InspeCtor's Signature National Board, State, Province and Endorsements


_____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date April 24 , 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogl/e Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC421904 Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Slamp Name Authorization No. Plant VogUe Expiration Date N I A Address 4. Identification of 1301 -Main Steam System 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. III Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _ .... ___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE LlSEGA 308001251021 N I A V2-1301*139*H004 1989 INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 485 N I A V2-130 1-139*H004 1989 REMOVED YES SUPPORT Description of Work AD-15fL snubber serial no.485 was replaced with Lis e ga 303956RF2 serial number 30800/251021 to support 2RI6's inifial test scope. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumatlcD Nominal Operating PressureD ExemptOther D Pressure _____psi Test Temp. ______ Remarks ________ ___________ _ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NIA tl NIA Expiration N I A Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Bolier and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boil e r Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford. Connecticut have Inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period Q I/ 1 5/ (3 to . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ariSing from or connected with this inspection. __---::,.,.----,- _______ Commissions "7 Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province and Endorsements I Date 08 Mt\.j 2..0 ORIGIN AL FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # :.:....... 1.::.3.:...01


____ 1Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 17 , 40 Inverness Center Par1<.way , Birmingham , AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electnc Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro , GA 30830 SNC376532 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant VO!l.tle Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1302 I AFW I CST Degas 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME S6C. 1/1 Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity .__ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE USEGA 305003281100 NlA V2-1302-109-H013 1989 INSTALLED PIPE ANCHOR DARUNG 362 NIA V2-1302-109-H013 1989 REMOVED Description of Work AD-503 snubber serial nO.362 was replaced Usega 305253RC7 serial number 305003281100 to support 2R16's initial test scope . 8Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D PneumatlcD Nominal Operating PressureD Other D Pressure ____psi Test Temp. ______ Remarks ________ __ __ ____ __________ Applicable Manufacturer 's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NlA ---,!>i--H_.,..-_.:...N!..:...:4:.:....... ______Expiration Signed u rintendent Date {;-9-cc>1CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford. Connecticut have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period [ / i<p les to Gp/I 5?/ / '3 ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requiremants of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty , expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any pensonal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. .. . _____ Commissions "7'7<-=-.,...'"-=-------,::-_:_ Signature National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date I)? :::r V!\f 2C )7)


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ---'-1."-30.;;..1_4 _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address 2Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro , GA 30830 SNC376538 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Dee,artmant Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1204 I Safety Injection

6. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _-=2""O""01.:....:::;ed"'.""2""O"'03""""'ad""d"'.'--

__ (c) Applicable Section Xl Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed , or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE LlSEGA 307005611060 NlA V2-1204-14441607 NlA INSTALLED PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 196 NlA V2-1204-144-H607 1989 REMOVED YES SUPPORT Description of Work AD-71 snubber serial no. 196 was replaced with Usaga 301856RF3 snubber serial number 307005611060 to support 2R16's initial test scce,e. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D Other D Pressure ____psi Test Temp. Remarks _______Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certJfy that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NlA NIA+-H4+l-+-----"---'------- Expiration Date erintendent Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georoia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler InsDection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of HartfolJi Con,necticut have Inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 01//(0//3. to ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ..Commissions _C,-+,=-I-S:-'----', __ National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date 1J:O::SvI\Q,20(i:,

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # --..:1..::3.::.0..:.c15=-- ____ 1Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 17 , 40 Inverness Center Parkway , Binningham , AL Sheet of Address Plant VogtJe Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro , GA 30830 SNC376542 Address RepalrlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Perfonned by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant VOfl!.le Expiration Date NlA Address 4. Identification of 1301 1 Main Steam System 6. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec , 11/ Edition, 1977 Addenda. Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity __ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (yes or No) PIPE LlSEGA 307005611052 NlA V2-1301-110-HOO2 1989 INSTALLED PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 1211 NlA V2-1301-110-H002 1989 REMOVED 7 , Description of AO-73 snubber serial no , 1211 was replaced Usega 301856RC7 serial number 307005611052 to support 2R16's in i tial test scope , Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumatlcD Nominal Operating pressureD Other 0 Pressure ____psi Test Temp. 9. Remarks __________ _ ______________________________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code. Section XI. Type Code Symbol NlA N/A-&--/-t'-------.,--"-"------------ Expi ration Date Date D'9-0<0/3 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hart10rd Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co , of Connecticut of H8rt1ord, Connecticut have Inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period I 1 I (iC'113 to (P/I'-) 1 13 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief , the Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance w i th the requirements of the ASME Code, Se<;tion XI. By Signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthennore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ___CommissionsInspector's National Board, State , Province and Endorsements 7 Date I'J "3 V n<£':-7.t)

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Travel e r # _1-"3-'-0_16-'- _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date April 26 , 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant VogtJe El e ctric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC376544 Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3Work Performed by Maintenance Dee.artment Type Code Symbol Stamp N IName Authorization No. Plant Vog.tle Expiration Dale N I A Address 4. Identification of 1301-Main Steam System 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 19 77 Addenda , Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepalrlReplacement Activity __ _ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE L1SEGA 312008131027 N I A V2*1301-127*H071 1989 INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 1190 N I A V2-1301*127*H071 1989 REMOVED YES SUPPORT Description of Work AD-71 snubber serial no. 1190 was replaced with Lisega 30 1856RF3 serial number 312008131027 to support 2R16's initial test scoe.e. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D PneumatlcD Nominal Operating pressureD Other D Pressure _____psi Test Temp. ______ 9. Remarks _______ ___________________________ _ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section XIType Code Symbol NIA -i'.Lfi--.... ___N.c..::..:.VA .:......______ Expiration NIA Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georg i a and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Insoection and Insuran c e Co. of Connecticut of Hartford. Connecticut have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period 02,//'$//"3 to DS/OI // 3 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. Commissions GIl 933 7* Nationai Board, State, Province and Endorsements '-"',

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # --'1..:;3..:;0.;..18"-- _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date April 26, 40 Inverness Center Parkway. Birmingham, AL Sheet 2, Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC376548 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N IName Authorization No. Plant Vog.tle Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1301 -Main Steam System 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. /1/ Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _ ...2.,O",O"'1..."e"'d:..:. ...::2""O""O"'3"'a"'d""d.:.-. __ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N*249*1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE LlSEGA 30700491 I 116 NIA V2-1301-126*H031 1989 INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 504 NlA V2*1301-126-H031 1989 REMOVED YES SUPPORT Description of Work AD-153 snubber serial nO.504 was replaced with Lisega 303856RC7 serial number 307004911116 to support 2R16's initial test scope. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D PneumaticD Nominal Operating pressureD Other D Pressure _____psl Test ______ DF Remarks _______ ________________________ _ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NIA t---:-_____N_JlA_______Expiration NIA Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hart10rd Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period 01//(0/13 to 05"/0 i/l]l , and state that to the best of my knowledge and bellel, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss 01 any kind ariSing from or connected with this inspection. Commissions / National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date 01 MA.J WI3

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # _'_30--"9_____ OWner Southem Nuclear Operating Company Date May 40 Invemess Center ParKway, Birmingham, Sheet of Address Plant VogUe Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC376549 Address RepairlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Perfonned by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Name AuthOrization No. NIA Plant Vog.t'e Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1301-Main Steam System 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. III EdItIon, 1977 AddQnda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairlReplacement Activity _-=2.... .-=2:=O""03::....::;ad,.,d"". ___0:..Q1.:...e"'d=:;(c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE LlSEGA 30500263136 NlA V2-1301-136-H004 1989 INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 490 NlA V2-1301-136-H004 1989 REMOVED YES SUPPORT 7. DeSCription of Work AD-153L snubber serial nO.490 was replaced with Lisega 303956RC7 serial number 30500263136 to support initiel test scopeTest Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD Exempt[Rj Other D Pressure ____psi Test Temp. ______ oF 9. Remarks See Item 7 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol NlA -DoL1h1ll---..,...- __Nl._:4_______Expiration NlA Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the NatIonal Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hart10rd Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hart1ord, Connecticut have Inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the perIod 01/i (o/{ '3 to 0(£/(0113 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any pel"9onal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions _---->....:::C=-:..L

  • , Ii-,--'*-,-S-=-3--=..<<S--,-----_--=---:----

___ ...s NIB oa rd S tate, P' d E n datlona , rovlnce an orsements Date /0 " 1 u !\.(.lD I ,,0, olJ..."" FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ---'.1..:.3-'-02;;..1'-- ____ Owner Southern Nuclear OperaUng Company Date May 30 , 40 Inverness Center Parkway , Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address 2Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro , GA 30830 SNC376560 Address Repair/Rep/acement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3Work Perfonned by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. N IPlant VOQtle Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identificat i on of 1301 I Main Steam System 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. fII Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _....::2"'O"'-01.:..=ed"".....2""OO:z.3"-'""d".,. ___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 224 NlA V2-1301-104-H002 1989 INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 245 NlA V2-1301-104-HOO2 1989 REMOVED 7. Description of Work AD-5503 snubber serial no.245 was raplaced with AD-5503 serial number 224 to support 2R16's initial test scope. 8Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ 9. Remarks ________________________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached . CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NlA Certificate of .\________ ________ Expiration NlA Signed v\* b Superintendent Date ___ Owner's Designee, 'tItle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Geomia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler InliPection aiJSJ Insurance Co. of Connect i cut of Hartford. Connecficvt have Inspected the components described I n this Owner's Report during the period (') ' //{/ / / "< to e(e /2 ;:./i " , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty , expressed or implied , concerning the Bxaminations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore , neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a IOS5 of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ________ .,--:-<<,'---=----:-_---:--=-:--_--:- ____Commissions -:;: 3'_ Signature. National Board , State, Province and Endorsements Date 2 5 :J l.'l\f LC 13

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # .--:.1..::.3.:.;02::.,:3'-- ____ Owner Southem Nuclear Operating Company Date June 01, 40 Invemess Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electn"c Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro , GA 30830 SNC376567 Address RepalrlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance De£!.artment Type Code Symbol Stamp Name AuthOrization No. Plant Explrallon Date N/A Address 4. Identification of 13021 AFWand CST Degas 6. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. 1/1 Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _""2..,O",,O:.:.1...::ed==-. ___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE USEGA 306006571124 NlA V2-1302-109-H025 NlA INSTALLED PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 672 NlA V2-1302-109-H025 1989 REMOVED Description of Work AD-1603 snubber seriel no 672 was replaced with Usege 306256RC7 serial number 306006571124 to support 2R16's initial test scope Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating pressureD Other D Pressure ____psi Test ______ oF 9 ________ _________________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol NlA h4t-h'--___-'-Nl..::..:....::4 ______Expiration NlA rintendent Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hertford Steam Boiler Inspection end Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hertford, Connecticut have Inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period r)/ /1 ft* 1/'3 to 0(",/11 /13 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. __ Commissions ---:-.-G,:,:,"---,,,,,, ____ -7 '" Insf5eCtOf'SSignature National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date II :IIWe.. 20) :3

FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRJREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # _1..;,.3.:...02 .;..9'--____ OWner Southern Nuclear 0pereting Company Date May 10, 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Binningham , AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30B30 SNC3765B2 Address RepalrlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Ma i ntenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 120B/CVCS

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. /JI Edition , 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _...:2"'O...01 ed""...:2"'O"'O,.,3..,a""dd""........ . (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected , ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed , or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 752 NlA V2-1208-002

-H004 1989 INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 750 NlA V2-1208-002-H004 1989 REMOVED YES SUPPORT 7. Description of Work AD-41 snubber serial no. 750 was replaced AD-41 serial number 752 to support 2R16's augmented test scope. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD Other D Pressure psi Test Temp______ oF 9 _ _______ ___Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol NlA NlA rintendant Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspect i on and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have Inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period I /i (oi l "] to (1/1! /1 :3 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief , the Owner has performed exam i nations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance w i th the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore , neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspect i on. C I' p""e""c..,.to-r'..,.S-=S:-lg-n::.a-:-tu-r-e-------- omm sSlons National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date 1\ -:}uf\e ZCt 3


____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 28 , 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham , AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogl/e Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC376584 RepalrlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Dee.artment Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant ExplraUon Date NlA Address 4. Identification of 1301/Main Steam System 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. 1/1 Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Sect/on XI Used for RepalrlReplacement Activity _""2""O""Oc.:.1,."e",,d,,- ...20""O",,3<.,:a,.,d,.,d ...___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE LlSEGA 312008131024 NlA V2-1301-109-H002 NlA INSTALLED PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 697 NlA V2-1301-109-H002 1989 REMOVED Description of Work AD-73 snubber serial nO.697 was replaced by Usega serial number 312008131024 to support 2R16's augmented test scope. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD Other D Pressure psi Test Temp. Remarks ____________ ____ _______________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp NlA _______.;..N1.::..;I4..:- _______ Expiration NlA /Date -5/a:r/ /3 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford Connecticut have Inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 01/1(,,/13 to 0(', 1 10/ 13 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. Commissions A gona oar, e, rovmce an n orsemen Date IC::s" v/le-ZO 13

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler #I ____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 10, 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham. AL Sheet of Address . 2Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC376585 Address RepairlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Dee!:!.rtment Type Code Symbol Stamp Name AuthOrization No. Plant VOfl.tle expiration Date NlA Address 4. Identification of 13011 Main Steam 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. III Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _-"2""O,!<01.:..=ed""....., 2""O"'Q""3.,.a".dd "".'--__ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components Nat i onal Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE LlSEGA 312008131029 NJA V2-1301-"'-H002 1989 INSTALLED YES SUPPORT PIPE ANCHOR DARLING 695 NJA V2-'301-'1'-H002 1989 REMOVED Description of Work AD-73 snubber serial no.695 was replaced Lisega 301856CR7 serial number 312008131029 to support 2R16's aUfl.mented test scope. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumatlcD Nominal Operating PressureD Other D Pressure ____psi Test Temp. ______ Remarks _______Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NJA Certificate of NJA Expiration Date NJA Signed Superintendent Date nee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Stlism Boillir Inspection and Insurenr;e Co. of Connecticut of Hartford: Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period I liC" /I]? to 213 ' and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By Signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or B loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. __:::: Commissions _,.,.-G- ___ National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date Ilj Jf\.P ZQ \3 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date June 11, 40 Invemess Center Parkway. Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC446714 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Perfonned by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1301 I Main Steam 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1977 Addenda, No (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _-" 2'-"O.:.01..:....::.ed "'.'-'2...(c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) VALVE ROCKWELL 00-63 NlA 2HV3016A NlA CORRECTED YES /NTERNA TIONAL 7. Description of Work Replace Gate on 2HV3016A Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumatlcD Nominal Operating Pressure[R] Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ 9. Remarks __________ __ ______________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer'S Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NlA NIA-hlf-llf----..:..N!,:.:}:\-'-------- Expiration Date Signe uperintendent Date 6'/dO IoV13 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECllON I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Geomle and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Ins!)8ction and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford. Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period .3/1'\ / J to c;. /'2-$'11 J. . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthennore, neither the Inspector nor his employer Shill' be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. Commissions /" Inspector's National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date z..s -:J\/.'\*.. 2 D I ----------_..--- ORIGINAL--FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler it ---'1-=3..:.0-=.38 .:......_____ Owner Southern Nuclear Opera ling Company Date May I , 40 Inverness Center Parkway , Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC446715 RepalrlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3Work Performed by Maintenance Dee.artment Type Code Symbol Stamp N IName Authorization No. N IPlant Expiralion Dale NlA Address 4. Identification of 1301 I Main Steam 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1977 Addenda, No (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity __(c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) VALVE ROCKWELL OE-78 N I A 2HV3026A NIA CORRECTED YES INTERNA TJONAL 7. Description of Work Rep/ace Gate on 2HV3026A Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating Pressure[R] Other D Pressure _____psl Test Temp. ______ Remarks _______ _____________ _ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol N I A H+-_---:;o..-- __N_Y A _______Expiration NIA Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam BOiler Insoection and tnsurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have Inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 0 3 I 3 to CXr ,-0'-1 -\:, , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. Commissions ii1;pector's National Board, State, Province and Endorsements .-Date OL(JUf\¢., -; 0 /,3, I

FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ..........; 1..:;3.,:.04 .;..0'--____ 1Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 1 , 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham , Sheet 1 of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC446717 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Dee.artment Type Code Symbol Stamp Name AuthorlzaUon No. Plant Vogfle Expiration Date N/A Address 4. Identification of 1301 I Main Steam 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1977 Addenda, No (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _-=2",O",-01.!...!Ced",.(c) Applicable Section Xl Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) VALVE ROCKWELL OC-11 NIA 2HV3006B NlA CORRECTED YES INTERNA T10NAL 7. Description of Work Replace Gate on 2HV3006B Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D PneumaticD Nominal Operating pressure[!] Other 0 Pressure psi Test ______ *F 9. _______Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. N/A NlA+/--hH-....c;,;:c--.;...:;.;-'------- Expiration Date Signed Date$/df/13 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION i, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford. Conneciicut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Q 3/ 1"1 / I;' to OG (/0/1 3 . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken cOl'Tective meaSures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspectlon. ___ _______ Inspector's National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date i (' "0 i wi? 20 13 _____ ORIGINAL FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY Ae Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI ________ Owner Southern Nuclear Operuting Company Date June 11 , 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet 1 of 1 Address 2Plant VogtJe Electric Generating Plant Un i t Waynesboro , GA 30830 SNC446720 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Perfonned by Ma i ntenanoo Department Type CO<kJ Symbol Stamp N IName AuthorIzation No. Plant ExpIration Oats NIA Address 4. Identification of 1301 I Main Steam 6. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. til Edition, 1977 Addenda, ____'-"N..:;..O ___ (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _ .... ....... 20=03=-=add.....,.'-- __2"'0c::.01 ed,.,..... (e) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name 0' Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Se r ial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) VALVE ROCKWELL OG-06 NIA 2HV3036B NlA CORRECTED YES INTERNA TlONAL 7. Description of Work Replaoo Gate on 2HV30368 8Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 pneumaticO Nom i nal Operating Pressure[Rj ExemptOther 0 Pressure ____psi Test Temp. 9. Remarks ___________Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE Of COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this confonns to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI . Type Code Symbol NlA Expiration NlA /IVA Signed 4>e..; Superintendent Date lr/1' 2{) j"$ Owner or Owner's Designee, Tltie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission i&sued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the atste or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Swam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period '2./ i"l / l -S to Q/I')/13 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief , thit Owner has performed examinations and taken correct i ve measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the AS.ME Code, Sectlon XI. By Signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthennore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. ___7 ____ Commissions --::---::--_-:-=-:- -:--_____7tOSPe6tor'a National Board, State, Province and Endorsements La/h ! i:3 Date

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI T ra v eler # --'1..;.3..;.0.;,.53-=---- _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Op e rating Company Date May 2. 40 In v erness Center Parkw a y. Birmingham. AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electri c Generating Plant Unit Wayne s boro. GA SNC470969 Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3Work Performed by M a inten a n c e Deeartm e nt Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. N/Plant Expiration Date Nl A Address 4. Identification of 120B / C VCS 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1974 Addenda , Summer 1974 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity __ _ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) CHECK VALVE WESTINGHOUSE 0 3001 CSBBOOOO N I A 2* 120B*U6*03B N I A CORRECTED 0 07. Description of Work Weld en c apsulation cap on c heck valve Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumatlcD Nominal Operating Pressurn[Rj Other 0 Pressure _____psi Test Temp. ______ 9Remarks ______ ___ __________________________ _ Applicable Manufacturer'S Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol N I A /"J-_..".- ___-:N..;;, V,.:..;I'I:..... ______Expiration N I A Date 5 *.,j'j"-{.3 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission i ssued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Ge or gia and employed by Hartford Steam B o il e r Ins p ection and Insur a n ce Co. of Connecti c ut of Hartford, Conne c ti C (jf have Inspected the components described I n this Owner's Report during the period Q 3 /1 "S /1 ;:, to 0(,,/0</ / [ ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief , the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the reqUirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty , expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be l i able in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions 7 Inspector's Signa tNational Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date 0 '1 ::f U M LC I 3

FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Section XI Traveler # -.:.1;::.30:.,:5:..;.7 _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date June 11, 40 Inverness Center Pa.rkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet 1 . of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC456322 Address RepairlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by MaintenanC8 Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant Explnrtlon Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1201/ Reactor Coolant System 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. 1/1 Edition, 1971 Acldiinda, W 1972 add. (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepalrlReplacement Activity __ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Correeted, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PUMP WESTINGHOUSE 4-9744D35G01 NlA 21201P6002 NlA CORRECTED YES 7. Description of Work Replace the Rep S1381 par;kaga. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticO Nominal Operating Exempt Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp. _____ Remali!s -'S::,:OO=.,:/.:.:te::..:m.:....:....7 _______ Applicable Manufacturers-Data Reports to be CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NlA Certlflcata of Authorization No. NlA Expiration NlA Signed \r. t Superintendent Date ) \ \ Owner ori>Wner's Designee, T tie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler /nsDection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components de$crlbed In this Owner's Report during the period -z../C:G::'/;

3 to (£/I'l/i "> , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measul'&s described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Sectlon XI. By signing this certlflcate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.

... Commissions ORIGINFORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ---'1.=,3,:..060::..::... _____ Owner Southem Nuclear Operating Company Date June OS, 40 Invemess Center Parkway, Binningham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogl/e Electric Generating Plant GA 30830 SNC376568 Address RepairfReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3 , Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name AuthOrization No. N/A Plant Vogtle Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1201 -Reactor Coo/ant System 6. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. III Edition, 1977 Addenda, Winter 1977 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepalrfReplacement Activity _....:2"'O""01.:....:,ed"".""2""O""O""3 .::.a;::;dd"".'-- __ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) N-249-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) PIPE PAUL MONROE 913 NlA V2-1201-86-002-S006 1989 CORRECTED YES SUPPORT 7. Description of Work Replace control valves on snubber Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumatlcD Nominal Operating PressureD Exempt[!J Other D Pressure ____psi Test Temp. ______ oF 9. Remarks ___________ _________________________________ _ Applicable Manufacwrer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. (l."-& Type Code Symbol NlA O N/,'A E . ION." A 1'1 xplrat on ate /1'1 rintendenl Date 6 -9 \"." CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boifer Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hf!l!;0rd Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 03./Q7/1 to _/11713 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ariSing from or connected with this Inspection . . Commissions Signature National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date II 10{\".2013 .. -..... ..,.......... FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # --clc..::3c.::0..:.6.::.3 _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 2 , 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro , GA SNC470B63 Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Dee.artment Type Code Symbol Stamp N IName Authorization No. Plant Expiration Date NlA Address 4. Identification of 120B/CVCS

5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. Iff Edition , 1974 Addenda, Summer 1974 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _...,2",OO.::<..!..1-"e""d,-,.

2..,O",O",3,->a""d""d",. __ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) CHECK VALVE WESTINGHOUSE 03001 CS880000 N I A 2* 120B*U6-036 N I A CORRECTED OOOOS-" 7. Description of Work Weld encae.sulation cae. on check valve Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureOO ______ Other D Pressure _____psi Test Temp. 9Remarks ________ _____________ __ Applicabie Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol N/A Certificate (\' N/A AI----,,_----.:..N.;;; y A;.;....------ Expiration Date Date ! 5/1/13 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have Inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 0 3./,-;,,1 13 to i 3 ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. Commissions __ __,--__________ 7 ' Inspector's National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date 0 4:S L HI{?, zC 13 Ie"" \ 1,\" FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # .--'1.c:3.c:0,;:.64 .;...._____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 40 Invemess Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant VogtJe Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC470599 RepalrlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/Name Authorizalion No. Plant Vog,tJe Expiration Dale NIA Address 4. Identification of 120B/CVCS

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. III Edition, 1974 Addenda, Summer 1974 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairlReplacement Activity _""2""OO=."1....:e""d""...:2""OO=3,.,,a"'d"'d"'-.

_ _ _ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or NO) CHECK VALVE WESTINGHOUSE 03001 CSBBOOOO NIA 2-1208 -U6-035 NIA CORRECTED

7. Descrlptlon of Work Weld encapsulation cap on check valve Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 PneumatlcD Nominal Operating PressureOO ExemptOther 0 Pressure _____psi Test Temp. ______ 9. Remarks __________ _____________________ _ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the reqUirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NlA /-zIl-_____-'-Nl..:..:...;A ______Expiration NlA Date 5f9/B CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of GeorQia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut *3 have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period ....._-,-1.::::3'---:---:-_1 to <0-1'8 -1:S , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ariSing from or connected with this Inspection. r Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province and Date cell/2t?i 3

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # _'_3_0.;;,.66'- _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date June 17, 40 Inverness Center Parkway , Birmingham , AL Sheet of Address Plant Vag tie Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC343656 Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant VogUe Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 120B/CVCS

5. (a) APplicable Construction ASME Sec. III Edition, 1974 Addenda, Summer 1974 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity

. __ _ (c) APplicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Com ponents National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) CHECK VALVE WESTINGHOUSE 03001 CS8BOOOO NlA 2-1208-U6-037 NlA CORRECTED YES 0000574-0034

7. Description of Work Replace components on check valve. 8Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic D PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureOO ______ oOther D psi Test Temp. 9Remarks _________ _______________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol N/A H'+ift---,r-_--'-N:;..;VA..:.... _________ Expi ration NlA , Superintendent Date 6'/020 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned , holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hart10rd Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions ____-:-__Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province and Endorsements

FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ____ Owner Sou/hem Nuclear Operating Company Date May 7, 40 Invemess Center Parkway, Birmingham , AL Sheet of 1 Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro , GA SNC472922 Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant VogUe Explratlon Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1305 / Condensate and Feedwater Syst9m 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1974 Addenda, Summer 1975 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _-,2",O",OC!.1.."e",dc:...' ... ___(c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) CHECK VALVE ANCHOR DARLING E9001-97-8 NlA 2-1305-U4-077 NlA CORRECTED YES 7. Description of Work Replac9 hinge pin stud cover and nut Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD Other D Pressure psi Test ______ oF Remarks _______ _ __________ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol NlA Certificate 0

  • I

____Expiration Signe 1-/ rintendent . Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Confl6Cticut of Hartford, Connecticut have Inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period Q 3./H I ( -:) to Q::,-/;"o/;

3. , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

_______ Commissions-Inspector's National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date 30Mo-j 2013 ORIGINAFORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ---o1,.:c3.:..06;:.;8:..- ____ --... 1. Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 9,2013 Name 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogt/e Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro, GA SNC469288 RepalrlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3, Work Performed by __;.;,M;.::a;.;,in;;.;te:.;,n:..::a""n=.;ce::..::;Da""pc8:.:.rt.::,m:;.;e:.;,n;.;,t __ Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name Authorization No. N/A Plant VogUe Expiration Date ___________ N._VA_______ Address 4. Identification of 120B/CVCS 5, (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1971 Addenda, Summer 1972 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairlReplacement Activity _..:2"'O""01..:....>:.ed"'.""2""O""O=.3""a""dd"'.'-- __ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6, Identification A Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) VALVE FISHER 9318722 NlA 2FV0121 1985 CORRECTED YES CONTROLS 7. Description of Work Replace valve stem / plug assembly Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD ExemptOther D Pressure ____psi Test ______ oF Remarks _______ __Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol N1A ,W*_-,-__ ______Expiration NlA Date c'i Idc:L/d) 0 1.3 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam BoNer Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 03 '-19 -1:S to 0<9 **0 2-* 13 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the OWner has performed examinations and taken cOrl'9Ctive measures described in this OWner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspe*ctor nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concemlng the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this InspecUon. ..Commissions __-:--=-:-__-:-___ 7/ National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date n 7 ::s \lAc::. 70 (-S


As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # _1..:.3.:..0_74 _____ Owner . Sauthern Nuclear Operating Company Date Ma y 28. 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Waynesboro , GA 30830 SNC135383 Address RepairlReplacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Perfonned by Ma i ntenance Depertment Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant VogtJe expiration Date NlA Address 4. Identification of 12011 React o r Coolant System 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. /JI Ed i tion, 1971 Addenda, Summer 1972 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repalr/Replacement Activity _-=2",O",-01.:..=,ed""...,2:.::0",O""3..::a",d",,d:... __ (c) Section XI Code Case(s): 1484-3, 1528*3. and N-474-1 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) S T EAM WESTINGHOUSE GBGT*1982 NlA 2*1201*86-003 1982 CORRECTED

7. Description of Work Install mechan i cal tube plugs in tube location R56*C82 (Hot and Cold Leg Side) Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD Other D Pressure psi Test Temp. 9Remarks ______________ _________________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICA TE OF I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section XIType Code Symbol NlA NIA rY----,_----Nl.-;I\---------- Expiration Date rintendent Date 5/;2Rf CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTiON I, the undersigned , holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by HfJrtfSl1'SL s.mam Boiler InsDection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford , Connecticut have inspected the components desCribed in this Owner's Report during the period 0':)/1<\ / I :> to rxRl wl 1';' , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xi. By Signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correctIve measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthennore, neither the Inspector nor hIs employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ;...,-. . ...._______ 7" Signature National Board, State , Province and Date (C:S';/if Z/) 13 i ORIGINAL FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ........;1..:.3.;;.0'-'75=-- ___Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 28 , 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham. Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC135383 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3Work Performed by Maintenance Dee.artment Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. N IPlant Vog,tle Expiration Date NlA Address 4. Identification 01 1201/Reactor Coolant System 5. (a) Applicable Construction ASME Sec. 1/1 Edition, 1971 Addenda, Summer 1972 (b) Applicable Edition 01 Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity ___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s): 1484-3. 1528-3. and N-474-1 6. Identi1ication Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Menufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manu1acturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) STEAM WESTlNGHOUSE GBGT-1983 NIA 2-1201-B6-002 1983 CORRECTED YES GENERATOR

7. Description of Work lnstaJ/ mechanical tube e.lugs in tube location R15-C60 (Hot and Cold Leg Side) Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressureD ______ oF Other D Pressure _____psi Test Temp. Remarks ____________ ______ __ __________________ _ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol NIA +Ai-_-=-_____ _________ Expiration Date NIA Signed Superintendent Date 6'" -dO -&0CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler InSD8ction and insurance CD. of Connecticut . of Ha/ford. Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3/B/} :5 ., to Jz /1-5 /,'> ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions GA 93[ National Board, State, Province and EndorsementsDate Z. S 'J ,) , :)

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ----'1.,:;3.:;.0,;..76=- _____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date June 40 Invemess Center Parkway , Birmingham. AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC474685 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance D(}Rartment Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant Vog,tle Expiration Date NlA Address 4. Identification of 1205 I Residual Heat Removal 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. 1/1 Edition, 1971 Addenda, Winter 1972 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairlReplacement Activity __-'2..,OO:.l<...!.1,.,e",d:..:,.""2"'O""O"'3,."a""d""d,:.... ___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) RELIEF VALVE CROSBY VALVE & N56904-00-0036 NIA 2PSV8708B 1977 INSTALLED YES GAGE CO. RELIEF VALVE CROSBY VAL VE & N56904-00-0017 NIA 2PSV8708B 1975 REMOVED YES GAGE Co. Description of Work Reliel valve serial nO.N56904-00 -0017 was replaced by relief valve serial no N56904-00-0036 as part 01 a mandatory scope expansion. The replacement relief valve is a rotating spare 8Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating PressurelKJ Exempt Other 0 Pressure NOP psi Test Temp. NOT 9. Remarks ______________________________________________________________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code NIA -...,t--=- __________________ Expiration N IA Superintendent Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of HartfXnnecticut have inspected the components described in this ?wner's Report during the period I?3(Zl//3 to c4LZr3> ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and behef. the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied , concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. /" /l '? r/Commissions ___..loL_<:<l-f'-1T' __ __ ,..-_______--:-____________ _Inspector's National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date 00/2&/2.0/3.

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ---'1.=.3.:,;08;.,:0'-- ____ 1Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date June 40 Invemess Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant Vogt/e Electric Generating Plant Unit GA 30830 SNC475946 Address Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Work Performed by Maintenance Department Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. N IPlant VogUe Expiration Date NIA Address 4. Identification of 1301 I Main Steam System 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. 1/1 Edition, 1974 Addenda, Winter 1975 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _ .....2..,OO'-'<-!1,..,e.,d"'.-=2"'O""O"'3"'a""d""d.:.-. ___ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASME Code Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) VALVE FISHER CONTROL 9390783 NIA 2HV13005C NlA CORRECTED YES Co. 7. Description of Work Replace components on valve. Test Conducted; Hydrostatic 0 PneumaticD Nominal Operating pressureD Other D Pressure ____psi Test ______ *F 9. Remarks _________________________________________________________ __ Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be aHached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol NIA Certifi ____________ ----'-__________ Expiration NIA Superintendent Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boller Inspection and Insvrance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3/'Z.7/j;' to W 14 / . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed exami nations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions ___-'"h,..:4t'-1-l-

  • __National Board, State, Province and Endorsements

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required By The Provisions Of The ASME Code Section XI Traveler # ..--'1.,;.3,;..08

..1'--____ Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Company Date May 40 Inverness Center Parkway. 8irmingham, AL Sheet of Address Plant VogUe Electric Generating Plant Unit Waynesboro.

GA SNC377580 Repair/Replacement Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. 3Work Performed by Maintenance Deeartment Type Code Symbol Stamp Name Authorization No. Plant VogtJe Exp[ratlon Date NlA Address 4. Identification of 1201/Reactor Coolant System 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sec. 11/ Edition, 1971 Addenda, Summer 1972 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity _ ... __ (c) Applicable Section XI Code Case(s) 6. Identification Of Components National Corrected, ASMECode Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed (Yes or No) STEAM WESTINGHOUSE 120-G8G T*1984 NlA 2-1201-86*001 1984 CORRECTED YES GENERATOR

7. Description of Work Rep/ece hot leg (HL) primary manway studs #7 & #8 on Steam Generator
  1. 1 Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic D Pneumatic D Nominal Operating PressureD Other 0 Pressure ___--psi Test Temp. ______ 9. CERTIFICATE OF I certify that the statements made In the report are correct and that this conforms to the requirements of the Code, Section Type Code Symbol Stamp NlA --I,;::..- ____.;.;NI.:..;:A-'- ______Expiration Date NlA Date 3-9i2 /;(0/,,3 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the state or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford $learn Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. of Connecticut of Hartford. Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 03/" Zz!r "to 05/30/{ "2 " , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions Inspector's National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date 30?-1.hIj7-Di3}}