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Byron/Braidwood Nuclear Stations, Revision 16 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 13, Conduct of Operations
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Site: Byron, Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/2016
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16357A264 List: ... further results
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13.1.1 Management and Technical Sup port Organization The Exelon Generation Company corporate orga nization and its functions and responsi bilities are described in Section 1.0 of the Quality Assurance Program, on file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Responsibilities and qualifications for the management and techn ical support organiz ation are contained in the corporate-specific summary posi tion descr iptions (SPDs).

13.1.2 Operating Organization

This subsection desc ribes the structur e, functions, and responsibilities of the onsite organizat ion established to operate and main tain the plant. Plant Organization

A description of the plant org anization is pro vided in Topical Report NO-AA-10. Plant Personnel Respon sibility and Authorities

The basic job functions of plant positions are described in the summary position descrip tions (SPDs). The SPDs are controlled and maintained by the Hu man Resources Department. Operating Shift Crews

Positions and applicable operator licensing requirements are identified in Technical Specification 5.2.

The minimum number of personnel required for each shift is provided in Table 13.1-1.

A minimum of one Radiation-Pro tection Technician per shift is available to provide a round-the-clock coverage for implementation of the Radiation Protection P rogram. Additional personnel are scheduled to cover special jobs or work loads as necessary.

13.1.3 Qualifications of Nuclear Plant Personnel Qualification Requirements

The Byron/Braidwood Management f ollows the gui delines of ANSI N18.1, 1971, for personn el selection and tra ining, except as specified in the following:

The education and ex perience eligibili ty requirements for operator license applicants is described in Technical Specification 5.3.1, and changes thereto, shall be approved by the NRC and described in an applicable station training procedure.

B/B-UFSAR 13.1-2 REVISION 9 - DECEMBER 2002 Radiation Protection Tec hnicians at B/B will be qualified for this position as required by ANSI N18.1, 1971, except that individual s in training will perform work for which quali fication has been demonstrated in order to obtain the experien ce required by the ANSI standard.

The shift crew shall i nclude an individual q ualified in radiation protection procedure

s. An individual shall be considered qualified in radiation protection procedures upon certification by the licensee that he is capable of su ccessfully accomplishing the following activities:
a. Conduct special and rout ine radiation, c ontamination and airborne radioactivity surveys and evaluate the results.
b. Establish protective barriers and po st appropriate radiological signs.
c. Establish means of lim iting exposure rates and accumulated radiatio n doses, includi ng the use of protective clothing and respiratory protection equipment.
d. Perform operability chec ks of radiation monitors and survey meters.
e. Recommend appropriate immediate acti ons in the event of a radiological problem and perform necessary activities unt il the arrival of health physics personnel.
f. Conduct other ro utine radiological duties (e.g., Technical Specification surv eillance items) as may be required on backshi fts or weekends.

Individuals assigned to a shift crew w ho do not meet the experience requireme nts of ANSI N18.1, 1971, may perform Radiation Protection activities for which qualification has been demonstrated provided th at the results of analyses performed by the individual a re reviewed by:

a. A technician who meets the requireme nts of ANSI N18.1, 1971, Sec tion 4.5.2, or
b. A supervisor not requiri ng an NRC license who meets the requirements of ANSI N18

.1, 1971, Se ction 4.5.2, or c. An individual who me ets the requirements of ANSI N18.1, 1971, Sec tion 4.4.3, "R adiochemistry" (chemistry man agement only).

B/B-UFSAR 13.1-3 REVISION 10 - DECEMBER 2004 Station Administrative procedures list plant staff positions and provide ANSI N18.1 equivalent titles.

13.1.4 Organization For the Fire Protection Program Responsibiliti es and Authorities

The Quality Assurance Pr ogram for Byron/Braidwood Stations is covered in the Q uality Assurance Program for Nuclear Generating Stations, which establis hes requirements for d esign, procurement, installation, testin g, and administrative co ntrols for the fire protection program.

Several departments with in the existing Exelon Generation Company organization have been assigned the re sponsibility of implementing and maintaining the fire protection program for the Byron/Braidwood Stations. A s pecific identifi cation of the administrative and f unctional responsibi lities within each department of the organi zation is provided in each station's fire protection program administrative pr ocedures and the Byron/Braidwood Stations Fire Protection Report.

13.1.5 References

1. Quality Assurance Program Topical Report NO-AA-10.

B/B-UFSAR 13.1-4 REVISION 9 - DECEMBER 2002 TABLE 13.1-1 MINIMUM SHIFT CR EW COMPOSITION(a)(f) POSITION (b) MINIMUM CREW NUMBER EACH UNIT IN MODE 1, 2, 3, OR 4 ONE UNIT IN MODE 1, 2, 3, OR 4, AND ONE UNIT IN MODE 5, 6 OR DEFULED EACH UNIT IN MODE 5, 6 OR DEFUELED SM SRO RO(d) AO(d) STA(c) 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 None (e) 2 3 None (a) The shift crew compo sition may be one less than the minimum requirements for not more than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> to acco mmodate unexpected absence of on-duty shift crew members, provi ded immediate action is taken to restore the shift crew compositi on to within the minimum requirements.

This provision does n ot permit any shift crew position to be un manned upon shift change due to an oncoming shift crew member being late or absent.

(b) Table Notation:

SM - Shift Manager with a S enior Reactor Op erator license SRO - Individual w ith a Senior Reactor Operator license RO - Individual with a Reactor Operator license or a Senior Reactor Operator license AO - Auxiliary Operator STA - Shift Technical Advisor (c) The STA position may be filled by any indivi dual who meets the Commission Policy St atement on Engineering Expertise on Shift.

(d) At least one of the required individuals must be assigned to the designated position for each unit.

(e) At least one license d Senior Reactor Ope rator or licensed Senior Reactor Operator Limited to Fuel Han dling who has no other concurrent responsib ilities must be pres ent during CORE ALTERATIONS on either unit.

(f) With either Unit in MODE 1, 2, 3, or 4, an i ndividual with a Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) license shall be designated to assume the control room command function.

With both units in MODE 5, 6, or defuel ed, an individual wi th a SRO license or Reactor Operator license shall be designated to assume the control room com mand function.

B/B-UFSAR 13.3 EMERGENCY PLANNING The Exelon Nuclear Standardized Radiological Emergency Plan (E-Plan) is a written emergency plan that establishes the concepts, evaluation and assessment criteria, and recommended protective actions necessary to limit and mitigate the consequences of potential or actual nuclear power plant emergencies.

The E-Plan provides the necessary prearrangements, directions, and organization to ensure nuclear emergencies can be effectively and efficiently resolved in order to safeguard station personnel, property, and the general public. The E-Plan has been developed based on the emergency planning and preparedness requirements specified in Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50 and Regulatory Guide 1.101. The E-Plan has been submitted to and approved by the NRC. It is reviewed annually; any changes or revisions that pertain to regulatory requirements are submitted to the NRC for approval.

The E-Plan includes site-specific annexes that contain additional information and guidance that are unique to each nuclear generating facility.

The site-specific annexes are not independent of the E-Plan. Each site has emergency plan implementing procedures that implement the E-Plan appropriately.

The E-Plan identifies onsite and offsite facilities and equipment available for emergency assessment, communications, first aid and medical care, and damage control. The emergency response facilities consist of the control room, technical support center, operational support center, emergency operations facility, and joint information center. The E-Plan provides for classification of emergencies into five categories (listed in order of increasing severity):

unusual event, alert, site area emergency, general emergency, and recovery.

A description of the five categories is provided below: a. Unusual Event Events are in progress or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant or indicate a security threat to facility protection has been initiated.

No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs. b. Alert Events are in progress or have occurred which indicate an actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant or a security event that involves probable life threatening risk to site personnel or damage to site equipment because of hostile action. Any releases are expected to be limited to small fractions of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Protective Action Guideline exposure levels. 13.3-1 REVISION 13 -DECEMBER 2010 B/B-UFSAR

c. Site Area Emergency Events are in progress or have occurred which involve actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed for protection of the public or hostile action that results in intentional damage or malicious acts; 1) toward site personnel or equipment that could lead to the likely failure of or; 2) that prevent effective access to equipment needed for the protection of the public. Any releases are not expected to result in exposure levels which exceed EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels beyond the site boundary.
d. General Emergency Events are in progress or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with potential for loss of containment integrity or hostile action that results in an actual loss of physical control of the facility.

Releases can be reasonably expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels offsite for more than the immediate site area. e. Recovery That period when the emergency phase is over and actions are being taken to return the situation to a normal state (acceptable condition).

The plant is under control and no potential for further degradation to the plant or the environment is believed to exist. The E-Plan includes notification requirements for classified events, including prompt and accurate notifications to federal, state, and local governments.

Training is conducted for all emergency response personnel to ensure their proficiency.

The training programs for emergency response personnel are based on the requirements of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. Evaluated exercises are conducted biennially at each nuclear station to test the adequacy of timing and content of implementing procedures and methods; to test emergency equipment and communication networks; and to ensure that emergency response personnel are familiar with their duties. Each exercise involves participation by federal, state, and/or local personnel as prescribed by regulatory requirements.

The E-Plan and station-specific annexes are distributed on a controlled basis to all stations and emergency facilities requiring them, including appropriate federal, state, and local agencies.

13.3-2 REVISION 13 -DECEMBER 2010 B/B-UFSAR 13.4-1 REVISION 10 - DECEMBER 2004 13.4 REVIEW AND AUDIT The review and audit program for the Byr on/Braidwood Stations is conducted in accordance with the Quality Ass urance Program for Nuclear Generating Stati ons. This program was submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commi ssion in January 1976 as Reference 1. It was accepted by the NRC as a part of the approved Commonwealth Edison Company Quality A ssurance Program.

The current Quality Assurance Program for the Byron/

Braidwood Stations is described in Quality Assurance T opical Report NO-AA-10.

13.4.1 References

1. Quality Assurance Progra m Topical Report NO-AA-10.

B/B-UFSAR 13.5-1 REVISION 5 - DECEMBER 1994 13.5 PLANT PROCEDURES Day-to-day operations of the B yron/Braidwood Stations are governed by procedure manuals within ass igned areas of responsibility. The se manuals govern em ployee actions and establish standards for plant operation.

A formalized sys tem of written procedu res containing administrative and operating instructions in conformance with Regulatory Guide 1.33 and AN SI N18.7-1976/AN S-3.2, which acknowledges the safety provisions of the facility license and Technical Specifications, is e mployed to ensure that all normal and reasonably foreseeab le abnormal or emerg ency activities are conducted in a safe manner.

Detailed station procedures (i.e., p lant procedures) are prepared by members of the station st aff or by persons under their direction.

13.5.1 Administ rative Procedures Quality Assurance Re quirements for Operation

The Byron/Braidwood plant proced ures are written to conform to applicable quality assurance requireme nts for operation. Preparation of Initial Procedures

The Byron/Braidwood admi nistrative procedures are prepared by members of the stati on organization or p ersons under their direction. The responsibility for writing and preparing plant procedures is assigned to the appropriate depa rtment heads of the station organization.

Procedures and n ecessary changes are rev iewed and approved in accordance with station procedures. Procedures

The Byron/Braidwood Administrati ve Procedures identify station organization and responsibilitie s, control r oom procedures, operating criteria, requiremen ts for records , a summary of required tests, analyses, and calibrations to be performed, their frequency of performance, and the group respon sible for this work. Standing Operating Orders

Special Operating Orders are i ssued to provide a mechanism for dissemination of instructions and information of continuing importance to shift oper ations. Special Opera ting Orders may be long term, if desired, and are not to be sub stituted for either permanent or tem porary procedures.

B/B-UFSAR 13.5-2 REVISION 8 - DECEMBER 2000 Daily Operating Orders Daily Operating Orders a re issued to pro vide a mechanism for dissemination of management inst ructions which h ave short-term applicability. Dail y Operating Orders are not to be a substitute for either permanent or temporary procedures. Equipment Control Procedures

Equipment control procedures a re established to provide for the necessary control of equipment to maintain plant equipment and personnel safety and to avoid unauthorized o peration of equipment. These inst ructions utilize the control measure of tagging to secure an d identify equipment in a controlled status.

The use of equipment l ocks is employed in ce rtain circumstances in conjunction with the tagging procedure or in the absence of the tagging procedure to ensure that the safety of plant equipment and personnel is not jeopardized.

Verification and control procedures a re utilized when e quipment locking is

necessary. Control of Mai ntenance and Modification Control of maintenance and modification is provided for in Reference 1. Master Surveil lance Testing Schedule A master surveillance testing schedule is prepared which prescribes the s urveillance to be perfor med and the frequency as outlined in the Technical Spec ifications and the Technical Requirements Manual. Procedures for Logbook Procedures for l ogbook usage and control are provided to ensure adequate documentation of various unit operations and conditions.

Logbooks are maintained in the control area, radwaste control room, and Shift Manager's office.

Entry items in these books include unit plant equipment status, mal function, reactor trips (including the r easons), changes in oper ating conditions, test and measurements performed, and other significant information

noted by the operating crew or the Shift Man ager. The Shift Manager normally signs t he Shift Manager's l og to acknowledge understanding of its contents re specting plant s tatus. Prior to shift changeovers, the oncoming Shift Manager must r ead the log of the off-going Shift Manager to ensure com plete understanding of the plant conditi ons before assuming shift responsibilities. Temporary Procedures

Temporary procedures may be issu ed to direct s pecific operator actions during operations testing and mainte nance, to provide

B/B-UFSAR 13.5-3 guidance in unusual situations n ot within th e scope of the station operating proc edures, and to ens ure orderly and uniform operations for s hort periods when the plant, a system, or a component of a system is performing in a manner such that portions of existing pro cedures do n ot apply.

Temporary procedures require r eview and approval according to the station review pro cess and must be a uthorized by the appropriate management representatives prior to implementation.

13.5.2 Operating and Maintenance Procedures General Operating Procedures

The procedures described in th is subsection are performed primarily by license d operators or refle ct licensed operator actions in the performan ce of the procedure.

Operating procedures are arranged categorically and include a descriptive title for each procedure i dentified within the classification. Systems Operating Procedures The procedures identif ied in this classification provide step-by-step instructions fo r energizing buses, filling, venting, draining, startup, shut downs, and chang ing modes of operation.

A typical list of th ese procedures follows:

a. reactor coolant system;
b. control rod drive system;
c. residual heat removal system;
d. safety injection system;
e. component cooling water;
f. containment integrity;
g. containment spray system;
h. fuel storage pool puri fication and coo ling system;
i. main steam system;
j. pressurizer pressure and level c ontrol systems;
k. feedwater system (feedwater pumps to steam generator);

B/B-UFSAR 13.5-4 l. auxiliary feedwater system;

m. service water system;
n. chemical and volume co ntrol system (including letdown/purifica tion system);
o. auxiliary and containment heating and ventilation;
p. control room hea ting and ventilation;
q. radwaste building heating and ventilation;
r. instrument air system;
s. electrical system:
1. offsite;
2. onsite; a) emergency power sour ces (diesel generator, batteries);

b) a-c auxiliary system; c) d-c auxiliary system;

t. nuclear instru ment system:
1. source range channels;
2. intermediate range channels;
3. power range channels;
4. incore system;
u. reactor control and protection system; and
v. hydrogen recombiner. General Operating Procedures The general operating procedures provide instruction for the integrated operation of the plant. They are written in the degree of detail necessary to perform the evolution. Where appropriate, reference is made to detailed system procedures.

Typical procedures i ncluded in this cate gory are as follows:

a. heatup;
b. startup;

B/B-UFSAR 13.5-5 c. power operations;

d. normal unit shutdown; and
e. normal unit cooldown. Abnormal Ope rating Procedures

The Abnormal Operating Procedures provide guidance to the operators when important paramet ers of systems are in jeopardy, but a reactor trip or safety injection has not been actuated.

The typical procedures included in the gener al abnormal procedures category are as follows:

a. loss of cool ant (small leaks),
b. loss of instrument air,
c. loss of offsite electrical power,
d. loss of condenser vacuum, e. loss of cont ainment integrity, f. loss of service water,
g. loss of component cooling system and cooling to individual components,
h. loss of feedwater or feedwater s ystem failure,
i. loss of protecti ve system channel, j. mispositioned control rod or rods (and rod drops), k. inability to d rive control rods,
l. conditions requiring use of emergency boration,
m. high activity in reactor coolant, n. evacuation of control room,
o. malfunction of automatic reactivity control system,
p. malfunction of pressure control system, q. acts of nature (e.g., tornad o, flood, dam failure, earthquakes), and
r. irradiated fuel damage while refueling.

B/B-UFSAR 13.5-6 REVISION 7 - DECEMBER 1998 For annunciator response procedu res, refer to Subsection Emergency Operating Procedures Emergency Operating Procedures initiate operat or action based upon either a reactor tr ip or safety injection.

They provide for the diagnosis and miti gation of desi gn basis events such as a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), steam generator tube rupture (SGTR), or loss of secondary c oolant (LOSC). Annunciator Response Procedures

Due to the large number of annunciator respo nse procedures, the descriptive titles are n ot listed. Annuncia tors in control areas are identified by an alphanumeric designation on the control panel which coincides wi th the alphanumeric designation of the annunciator response p rocedure in the ap propriate procedure manual. Those conditions which require immediate operator action are identified in th e emergency operat ing procedures. Temporary Procedures

Temporary procedures are descr ibed in Subsection Other Procedures

This subsection descri bes how other operatin g and maintenance procedures are c lassified and what gro up within the operating organization has the responsibil ity for following each class of procedures and o utlining the general o bjectives and character of each class. Plant Radiation Protection Procedures

These procedures are des cribed in Chapter 12.0. Emergency Pr eparedness Procedures

These procedures are des cribed in Section 13.3. Instrument Calib ration and Test Procedures The instrumentation procedures section governs operation at checkout and calibration of inst rumentation.

These procedures apply to nuclear, proces s, area radiation moni toring, and reactor protection instrumenta tion. Checkoff li sts are provided and completed for the mo re complex operation

s. The instrument maintenance department prepa res these procedures.

B/B-UFSAR 13.5-7 REVISION 9 - DECEMBER 2002 Chemical/Radioch emical Control Procedures The chemical control procedures section stat es the operating limits of ranges for chemical and radi ochemical control and prescribes the perso nnel to be notified if these limits are approached.

The chemistry technici ans are provided w ith a schedule which describes the types of analysis to be performed and the frequency at which samples a re taken. Step-by-step procedures are provided. In ad dition, a copy of th ese procedures is kept in the radiochem ical laboratory for ready reference. Other copies are avail able in the chemistry supervisor's office.

The chemistry department prepares the procedures described in this section. Radioactive Waste Management Procedures

The radioactive waste management procedu res prescribe the methods and modes of operation employed to collect, treat, store, and dispose of liquid and solid radioactive waste materials resulting from plant operations.

The operations department prepares the procedures described in this section. Maintenance Procedures

The maintenance procedur es prescribe the tec hnique, tools, and equipment used to perform insp ection, repair, and overhaul of unit equipment. The maintenance depar tment prepares the procedures in this category. Materials Control Procedures

Materials control requ irements and pro cedures are identified in Section 8.0 of the Exe lon Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual. Plant Security Procedures

The plant security p rocedures are acknow ledged in Section 13.6. A separate set of station security procedures has been written to implement the Byron/Braidwood Master Security Plan. Surveillance Procedures

The surveillance procedures pres cribe the freq uency at which major components and systems a re inspected and tested. This includes unit equipment which is not included in the Technical Specifications.

It is the responsibility of the appropriate department requiring surveillance items to prepare surv eillance procedures.

B/B-UFSAR 13.5-8 REVISION 10 - DECEMBER 2004 13.5.3 References

1. Quality Assurance Progra m Topical Report NO-AA-10.

B/B-UFSAR 13.6-1 REVISION 12 - DECEMBER 2008 13.6 PHYSICAL SECURITY Byron and Braidwood Stat ions implement and m aintain in effect all provisions of the NR C-approved physical secu rity, guard training and qualification, and safeguards contingenc y plans for Byron and Braidwood Stations in accordance with the operat ing licenses.

The plans are specified in the following documents, as revised and filed with the NRC:

A. Byron Station Security Plan B. Braidwood Station Security Plan C. Byron Security P ersonnel Training an d Qualification Plan D. Braidwood Station Security Personnel Training and Qualification Plan E. Byron Safeguards Contingency Plan F. Braidwood Station Safe guards Contingency Plan These plans meet the req uirements of 10 CFR 73

.55, NRC Regulatory Guide 1.17, Appendices B and C to 10 CFR 73 and ANSI N18.17,-

1973. Procedures to implement the Byron and Braidw ood Stations Security Plans are developed to establish administrative requirements and responsibilities for the plant security program and to supplement features and physical ba rriers designed to contr ol access to the plant and, as appropriate, to vi tal areas within the plant.

These procedures are Security Ma nager written and remain under the cognizance of th e Manager, Nuclear Security and the procedures that contain Safeguards Infor mation shall be a withheld from public disclosure.

The security plan documents Sa feguards Informati on protected under 10 CFR 73.21 a nd are, therefore, w ithheld from public disclosure.