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NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Nov 1995 for Bvps.W/ 951220 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 11/30/1995
From: Noonan T, Orndorf D
NPD3VPO:0418, NPD3VPO:418, NUDOCS 9601020315
Download: ML19355C231 (33)



 $N                                                      ver Vaney Power Stat 6on B'                                                Shipp6ngport, PA 15077 0004                                              '

1 l THOMAS P. NOONAN (412) 393-7622 i DMeion Vice Presklord Fax (412; 393-4905 i Nuci r oper.non. December 20,1995 j NPD3VPO: 0418  ; 1


i Document Control Desk  ! ( U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Washington, DC 20555 l l 1


I NPDES Monthly Report. EPA Permit No. PA0025615 l


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. I and No. 2 BV-1 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 BV-2 Docket No. 50-412, License No. NPF-73 , l l

Dear Sir:

Enclosed is a copy of the NPDES Monthly Report as submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Sincerely, f f 6 , ,= = : ) T. P. hoonan Division Vice President Nuclear Operations DNH/bjm ec: D. A. Orndorf J. A. Cool R. K. Brosi Central File i DEllVEllNG l 030001 nuntity i E N- E R G Y , 9601020315 951130 1 PDR ADOCK 05000334 R PDR  :]l

g Beaver Valley Power Stat 6on Shppingport. PA 15077-0904 l i l l l THOMAS P. NOON AN 6412) 393-7622 ! i Dwisson Vice Presiden' Fax (412) 393 4905 i l Nacie.r Oper.t.on. December 20, 1995 NPD3VPO: 0419 j 1 A ttention: "Dh1R Clerk" Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Quality hianagemer.t 400 Waterfrent Drive Pittsburgh PA 15222 NPDES hionthly Reoort. EPA Permit Number PA0025615 l Gentlemen: NPDES hionthly Report for Duquesne Light Company, Beaver Valley Power Station for November 1995 is submitted for your consideration. A 1 agreement has been reached between counsel for Duquesne Light and counsel for the Department of Environmental Protection to stay the limitations for TRC and FAC on outfalls 113, 20.4, 013, and 012 for the pendancy of the NPDES permit appeal iiled in regard to the Beaver Valley Power Station by Ducuesne Light. Please be advised that required techniques, even if performed properly, do not measure actual conditions with 100 percent accuracy 100 percent of the time, and therefore, some reported values in the attached DhiRs may not represent actual conditions with absolute accuracy. . l Sincerely, f W T. P. i conan Division Vice President Nuclear Operations DNHibjm Enclosure ec: D. A. Orndorf , l J. A. Cool IIIIIIIIII R. K. Ilrosi 89ALITT l Central File l

4- g @py p..<gva.y s po.., stuon Ah snwmapori, ea iso 77-ooo. THOMAS P. NOONAN (412) 393 7622 Dmsson Vice Pr. sed.nt Fax (412) 393-4905 Nuci.., op r.non. December 20,1995 NPD3VPO: 0417 United States Environmental Protection Agency Region III, Pennsylvania (3WM53) Water Pe:mits Branch Water Management Division 841 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 NPDES Monthly Report. EPA Permit No. PA0025615

Dear Sir:

This letter forwards a copy of our NPDES Monthly Report as submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management Sincerely, ed T. P. Noonan Division Vice President Nuclear Operations DNH/bjm Attachment cc: D. A. Orndorf J. A. Cool R. K. Brosi Central File BEllVEllNG B U A LJ T Y EEEIGV

[ NCME' Durwsne t ight Coppany ADDRESS One Onford Centre - - ----- -- t FFRMll NtMBE R DISCMAkGl' NO. N A l lON A L S Ot t ttlagt Dist rawn$ l l l es ! % A f f r ee a , 's ee i 301 Grant Street -

                                                                                                                                                             -_------                          - _            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -_                                             (gs t.g s }

eitt sburgh, remsylvania 152N MONi LOR ING l'E R IOD . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . . . FAClltfY Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day DISCM AR(,f MONiiORING pl Pt*I (DMR) 10Callog Shigpingport Boroingh, Beaver County TROM (f y fg gp 10 Graf f/ 3p l NofE: Read instructions tef ore conpteting this f orm.- QUANilfY OR LOADING OUAlliY OR CONCENTR4il0N PARAMETER NO. IRf0tKNCY SAMPl[ AVERAGE MAxlMUM tJNiiS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAltlMUM UNITS EX Of ANALYSIS T Yl't M $. (,()C(e, O.CD1 0 D 1tL W (CAY. flew Permit * * * *

  • DAILY CONilNUUUS Require.

M e. 7,C #[3 C '!7 2dC Susperwin! Solids Permit * *

  • 30 TOO 1/WE E K 2 HOUR Require. COMPOSI1E MI Z e. <E < 5-o W G, Oil and G ease Permit * *
  • l' 20 1/ WEEK GRAS Require.

e *

  • y MG/L Hydratine Permit *
  • M0N1 10R 0NLY 1/WtEK GRAB Require, gg;;, * -
  • 4 -- - . . _

MG/L - - Desnoni a Permit *

  • M0WI i0R 0NLY 1/WE E K GRAB Require.

Mi2!:. . 4.C 75/ ,,,, 5 '/7 G pH Permit *

  • 6.0
  • 9.0 1/WE E K GRAB Dequire.

51 apt e * * * * * * * ' Measure. Permit * * * * * *

  • Require. j a

NCME /illit PRINCIPAL EXECUilVE Of f lCER I certify under penalty of tai. that I have personally examined TELEPHONE DATE and am f amitisr with tne inf ormation stAnnitted hereir*. and based on my inquiry of those individuals insnediately responsible for , David Orndorf obtaining the information. I believe the sutsnitted inf ormation e Chemi st ry Mattager is true accurate arvi c etc I am aware that 'here are sig- ( r.i f icant attiet for s nuitt,ng i false information includi 412393-5113 95 12 20 the possi Mitty of f ine and inprisonment. See 18 U S.C. S 10 1 & - I - - - - - - 33 U.S.C. S 13i9. (Penal t ies under these st atutes may incitmie fin SIGNATURE Of PRINCIPAt i CUYlVE ARfA NUMBER TEAR MONIN DAY tisID re PRINit D up in 51'),C'10 arwi/or maninun terrisorsnent between 6 mo. and 5 yr. OFFICER OR AUTHORill AGE N T Cit'E t

                =t % 1 Amp testa =AttoN of Ano Vlot AllONS (Ref er ern e at t at tachments her e) 4!A         ,d / eg.>Neo64 f oe m P6u BWuM 002 (New 5/88)- - . - . - . - _ _                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PAGE 1 Of 1 MN ~ {


 --                       -      .             -.-       _ _ _ _ _            _          _ _ _ _ . _     - - _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ - . - - -                      ___-w_-      .-e---w---v+i---        ----w                        --.m                   - --        --                                      >--r- -

tw-3%---rtr- - - -

QQME Dwiuesr* Light Cruquny P40025615 201 ADD #ESS Orwa Oxford Center - # PERMlf NUMRER DISCM ARGE NO. N4l lDedat Pot tuf ANT DISf napf,f I n t ** I Na t t e ne i,, s :(as

  • 30 Grant Street -- - - -

(Nreg g 3 Pittstx>rgh, Pennsytvania 15279 MON I TOR ) 4G PE R IOD F4CILITY Beaver Valley Power Station tear Montt Day scar Month Day DISCHARGE MONIIORIN(, REPORT (DMR)

  • t oCAlloss Shigpingport Borwgh, Beaver County FROM yrf- /[ (j p 10 GS // 3(.



Ma"u#. A/h b LCL -_. ,w - . tiou Permit * * * * *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - 2/ MONTH              ESilMATE Require.

Sanpl e * *

  • Measure.

Susperwied Solids MG/L __ Permit-- * *

  • 30 100 2/Mn41n GRAB Require, opt e * * *
                                                            > E ure.
   ')i t arvi Gr ease                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MG/L         -

Permit * *

  • 15 20 2/ MONTH L.R AB Require.

Sanple * *

  • Measure.

Permit *

  • S.U.

gM 6.0

  • 9.0 --. 2/MONTM GRAB Require.

go,p , g . . . . . . 7'- Measure. Permit _ * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

g,,pg , . . . . * * . Measure. Permit * * * * *

  • Require. I NAME/1lTLE PRINCIPAi E WE CUilVE Of f lCE R I certify under penalty of law that I have rsonally examined TELEPHONE DATE and aminquiry familiar and tiased
  • on my of with those*ne information individuals insnediately submit edrespons herein,ible or /

David vindorf obtaining the information. I beteeve the submitted informat on Chemistry Mariager is true nifican, accurate s and cnatties for s ete, I am aware that thereincludi are sig-t 1 412393-5113 95 12 20 the possi itity of fine and itting falsent. inprisormw information,S.C. See 18 U. S 10 1 & - 33 U.S.C. 5 1319 (Penalties uruier these statutes may inctufe fin SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL ENECUilVE AREA NUMBER YE AR MONIM DAY TYPtD OR PRINilD up to 110,000 arw1/or maximum imprisorvnant between 6 mo. and 5 yr. OFFICER OR AUIMORI2ED AGENT CUDE foMMtet AND turtANAt tN OF ANY V10lAfl0NS (Reference att attachments here)

                                        ,        u      / r CL 9 /f f.%.f Form PGH BWUM 002 (Rev 5/B8)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PAGE 1 0F 1 NOf t : Y(ufR PERMIT Wit t t >PIRE ON                                                          . PLE ASE SUBMIT YOUR RENEWAL APPL ICATION BY , ,
                                                                                                                                                                                         N - l                   .


                                                                   , _ . . - _ . - - , .                              . . . . - . -                                    -.                            ,~-                                 --.---                                           ,-         - . -         -      -

C AME Ot;'pjesrw L ight Conpany PA0025615 301 ADD ESS One Oxford Centre < PERMIT NUMBER DISCNARGE No. N4 f l04 A1 ' Uf ANT Dl5(M ARGE f i f Mlq Af lOtt ST 5 fl M ' F1 Grant Street Pi t t sturgh Per.nsyi vania 15279 MONITORING PtR1OD FSCILITY Beaver Va' Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Diy on ,UtARGE MONiiORIF R E I'OR T ( DMR ) 10 CATION Shigpingpor t Borctsgh, Beaver County f20M 70 f

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              $                                        //                                   C,f                fg         ff     30
                                               ~                                                   ~


                                                                                 ,42;.               A!v ft              ovJ' MGD Flow                                                        Permit               *                                                                                                                                                                                                          *                     *
  • 1/WE E K E5flMATE Require.

Sanpl e * *

  • Measure. * ~

MG/L Susgewled Solids Permit * *

  • 30 100 2/P904TH GRAB R eepji r e.

Sanple * *

  • Measure.
  • MG/L ___...

Ost sul Grease Permit * *

  • 15 20 2/ MONTH GRAB Rerpire.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measu: r.
  • Pe,mit .* * * * * *
  • Require.

Sanot e Measure. *

  • Permit * * * * * * *

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measur e.

Permit * * * * * *

  • WerpJire.

Sgt e * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

N.iME/ilf LE F'RINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OF F ICER I ctrtif y u,wjer penalty of law that I have personally examined TELEPh0NE DATE and based 5

                                .                                                  ori my irupsiry of those individua}s innediatelarvi am f amiliar                                                                                                                                          re               with tne inf ormation sutnitted herein,ible f or David Ortidor f                                                                                                    I believe the rsubm tt                                                                                                                                         information obtaining    the information,Lete, Chem t S t t'y Plattar,cr                                 is true accurate ni f icanI and c netties for of fine andnitting            invr I am nwere that there are sig-false information,S.Q.                                                                                                    includin 5 10 1 5

( p / 412393-5113 95 12 20 ies esoranent. urwier theseSee 18 U.may include iti -

                                                              - - - - - -           khepossilU.S.C.5159.         (Penalt                                                                                                                                      statutes                                                    fin    SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXEC filVE ARFA             NUMBER                            YE AR          MONIH            DAY I f tI D 'IR l'R I Nil D                      to to $10,000 e rul/or maniemn inprisorrsnt bettecen 6 mo, arvi 5 yi .                                                                                                                                                                           OFFICER OR AUIMORIZED AqiNT            Ct0E t i s e as t mesD t uPL ANAllies os Aug           Vlot Alia ~. (Ref eretx e at t at tac hi ent s bre) pQ 's         eD e S C Ff *'$ Y b(~

Form PGN BWuM 002 (Rev 5/88) PAGE 1 0F i Nott : V OI 8R 8'E9Pli Will EMPIRE ON PLE ASE %UBMIT YOUR RENEWAL APPLICAllON ny .

e EA88E Otquesne Light Corveny PA0025615 401 ADDIESS One Omford Centre . DISCMARGE No. NAll0NAL P0t t'JT ANT DISCMARLE E L IMINAflON ST Stj M j 301 Grant Street PERMli NUMBERd' Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15279 MONITORING PERIOD Ft.C ll lif Beaver Vettey Power Station Year Month Day Year Month ' DN DISCMARGE Mmilf 0 RING Rt PORT (DwR) , 10CAtl0N Shippingport Borough, Beaver County TROM (fg y of TO 7s // 30 NOTE: Read instructions bef ore cargileting this form. ( l QUANTITY OR LOADING QUAllif OR CONCENTRATION PARAMETER No. fRf00ENCY SAMPit AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS EX OF ANALYSIS TYPE M e. A [~ [L -- MGO * -- Flow Per mi t * * * *

  • T/WE E K ESilMATE R eciui r e.

Sasgite * *

  • Measur e.
  • nc/L -

Suspervied Solids Permit * *

  • 30 100 2/ MONTH GRAB Require.

5 asis)le Mc .sisre.

  • MG/L -. -

Oil enri Grease Permit * *

  • 15 20 2/ MONTH tRAB Require.

Sar * *

  • Meas'pl e ure. *
  • 5.U. - -

pH Permit

  • 6.0 *
  • 2/MONIH GRAB Require.

sa,q3t e * * * * * *

  • Measure.
z. * * ._.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure. , ,

Permit * * * * * *

  • R easi r e.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Me. ure, Permit * * * * * *
  • Require.

NAME/IIILE PRINCIPAL EDECUTIVE OFFICER I certify urder penalty of low that I have personally examined TELEPHONE DATE and am fam} lier with tne ird rmen ton stheitt herein, and based on my inquiry of those indiv dua' s inunediate y responsible or Dav id Ortidor t obtaining is true accurate the information,lete and c I bel eve the sthmitted informat on I am s w e that there are sig-Chemistry Planar,cr nificant nenalties for 7smii ting false information,S.C. includina 4 412393-5113 95 12 20 the possibit 33 0.5.C. S of fine and

9. (Penal ties ur r these statutes may include fin sorsnent . See 18 U. S 1001 1 ' __'h
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPA

XI UtlVE AREA NUMBER TEAR MUNTH DAY T Y PI D OR F'R INit D up to $13,000 arul/or inprisorinent between 6 mo. and ! yr. OFFICER OR AUTHORllED d ENT CODE ( s eqMt N T AND E uPL ANA t lON OF ANY VIOt ATIONS (Ref erence all attachments here) (- Di $r e/,rl C (- 4


9oreI'PGistAA 002 (Rev 5/88) PAGE 1 0F 1 NOf t : YtUR PE RMli Wit t E XPIRE Ota . PLEASE SUBMIT 10:14 RENEWit APPLICAfl0N 8Y . k

e . NAME DwMsre light CoPpany PA0025615 501 i ADDDE 55 One 0= ford Centre , P!RMIT NUMBE R DISCHADL( NO. 4AflONAL PDt i UI AN t DI M W Airt,I ( t lMl4 A f fig % e. f s m 301 Grant Street Pittsbutgh, Pennsy(venia 15279 MONI1ORING PtR100 FACitlTV Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day Dl5(NARGE MONi toitlNG RF s on t t0mu) LOCAflON Shigpingport Borough. Beaver County fROM (j { Ce 10 g,g jg "g o ff N0ft: Read ir structions bef ore e ppteif ng this forin. QUAufliY OR LOADING QUAll1Y OR C04CENTRAfl04 I PAR AME TE R NO. F RE QUE NCY SAMPLE AVERAGE MANIMUM UNiiS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAKIMUM bNilS EX Of ANALYSIS IYPE Sanpl e *

  • Measur e. Aj/( ) k o Flow Permit * * * *
  • Require. 1/ WEEK ES11 Matt Sanpl e * *
  • Measure g/L Total Sustwnded solids Permir * *
  • 30 100 1/ wet t _. GRAB Require.

Sanpl e * * * * * *

  • Measure.
                                                                                                                                                                 *                                                                                                                                                      +

Permit * * * * * * *


Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * . Require. g npg , * * .' . .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .          '~ . - ~ ~

Measure. Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure. , ,

l Permit * * * * * *

  • j Require.
                                                                                                     -Sgt e
                                                                                                     ,tasure, 3rmit Require.

NAME/fif LE PRINCIPAL EWECUllVE OF FICER I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined i TELEPHONE DAIE and amirvluiry famitser with tne information submitted herein,ible and based for Dayiil Or:1do r f on my of thow individuals insnediately respons Chemistry Maimner obtaining' the informtion,tI accurate believe the submitted information for and cNfatte is true r.ificed Iete, am aware that there Pre sig-nalties he Inssisility of f ine andatitting impr isorsnentit.. formation,S.C. See 18 U. includenS 10 1 & -- d / s 412393-5113 95 12 20 tilI b i* 8 810 f f D i u.s.t. 5 1319. (Penalties urvfar these statutes may it.clude fin SIGNATURE OF PRINCirat El ECutivE AprA NUMBER YEAR MON *H DAY op to $10,000 atu:f/ ar mean innen inpr isormumt tetween 6 mo. and 5 yr . Of f lCER OR AdiMORilED AGENT CUDE

                                    *aq .' a m,                64 a g a ' ,,4     4 a se s v:i,4411ts6 (ketagerac att attathownts here) p      D f .S t' U A            f form BbH liWuM 002 (#cv 5/88)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            pAGE 1 op 1 6 .        I worf : 4                    stWMit wit? E pP!Wt UN                                       . PLE ASE SUBMli Y"UR RENEWAL APPLlCAfl04 BY                                                                                               ,

e KAME Dtsvesne Light C m PA0025615 001 ADDRESS One Oxford Centre PERMIT NUMBER DISCHARGE No. NATIONAL Pottui Auf DISCHARGE E(IMlWAllON STSt.lM$ 301 Grant Street Pit tsturgh, Pennsylvania 15279 MONiiORING FERIOD FACilliY Seaver u tley Power Station Year C onth Day Year Month Ta[ DISCHARGE PONiiORlWG RE P981 ttmel 10(All0N Shippingport horough, Beaver County FROM ()g jf c, TO G S~ st  % NOTE: Read instructions bef ore e gleting this form. QUANilTY OR LOADING QUAllTY 03 CONCENTRAll0N P AR AME TE R NO. F RE QUE NCY SAMPLE AVE R AGE MANIMUM UNITS MINIMUM FVERAGE MAxlMUM UNITS Ex 0F ANALYSIS TYPE Flow Ma e. M. 54'S 6 9C 3 ir MGD , Q b3W COMT Permit * * *

  • DAILY CONil -

Require. , M' 2 !;. Tree Available Chlorine Permit *

  • O.ob MG/L o 9/a.w c,tm MAXIMUM INSTANT MAX. CONilNUOUS RECORDED Require. 0.2 0$

Sanple * *

  • Measure. , Q,C; / ('), t 8 MG/L --

() NyV G R A4', Total Residual Chlorine Per mi t * *

  • lNSTANT MAN. 1/ WEEK GRAB Require. 0.5 1.25 ag3e ,

4 ._ _. y MG/L -- Ctcetr01 (CT-1) Pe;mit * *

  • Measure, _ __

j a "r/L e Betr 07-1 Permit * * *

  • 35.0 WHE N 24 Mr1UR Require. DISCHARGING COMPOSlit M E fe. N _ . _ . . _ _ - . .- -

7 L8/DY MG/L .- - Hydrazine Permit NOT DETECTABLE *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .1ING ASTM D 1385                                                                                                                                                                        1/ WEEK                GRAB Require.

Sample *

  • Measure.
  • MG/L _..

Arewmi a Permit

  • MONiiOR ONLY 1/ WEEK GRAB Require.

NIME/ilitE PRINCIPAL EliECUilVE ** CER I certify Under penalty of law that I lieve personally examined g TELEPHONE DATE and t>ased David Orndorf and a ey am nqufamitier wi*hindividua ry of those the information suheitted a insnediately herein,ible respons for obtain ng he information I bel eve the stAnnetted info metton Chemistry Manager is true a: curate and conp, late, I am avere that there are sto-nifican attles for se ting false inforan ton includi %s- - 412393-5113 95 12 20 the possi it ty of fine .mpr e scrinent . See 8 U S. .S 1& _ - 33 U.S.C. S 3 9. (Penalties under these statutes may include fin tyrt D Ost_rRINTED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ up SIG11ATURE OF PRINCIPAL EC IVE AREA NUMBER VEAR MONTH DAY

                                                                                                                                                           ~~ ~

to $10,000 and/or maninun inprisonment between 6 mo. and 5 yr. OfflCER OR AUTHORIZED A I CG)E (f MMf NT AND E upt ANat ton Ur ANy ylOt ATIONS (Ref erence all attachments here)

                                                                                                                                    ,\ll*\          r.4 cyplir 4 le
  • PGH BuuM 002 (Rev $/88) PAGE 1 0F 2 Noit : VOUR PERMli Witt ENPIRi 04 PLE ASE SUBMIT 100R RENEWAL APPLICAil04 BY .

e KAME Du pesne Light Cmpany PA0025615 001 f.DDIF SS One Oxford Centre - PERMli NUMBER DISCHARGE NO. NATIONAL PottU1 ANT Dl% CHARGE f t f MtheilON S Y S 1,[ M , 301 Grant Street - Pt ' tstairgh, Permylvania 15279 MONif0RlNG 5'IRIOD FACILif) Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day DISCHARGE MONITORING pl51mi (DMR) LOCAllON Shigpingport Borough, Beaver County fROM (Jg y g 10 rp) , ff yy NOTE: Read instructions before conpleting this form e QUANiliY OR LOADING OUALITY OR CONCEhiRAil04 PARAMETER NO. F REQUE NCY SAMPLE AVE R AGE MAXlMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM U411S EX OF ANALYSIS T Yl'E N e. , f, f Q f's , ?> 0 5.U. - D ' l he*T ) pH Permit *

  • 6.0
  • 9.0 1/ WEEK GRAS Require.

Sasipt e * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sasipt e * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

S ,,pt , . . . . . e e Measure. Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

sa,,pg , e e e e e e e Measure. Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sassple * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require, se,,pg , . . . e . . .

Measure, Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.
 %AME/fif LE PRINCIPAL EXECUilVE OFFICER                                                  I certify under penait o law that I have rsonal y examined                                                                                                              TELEPHONE                                            DATE and am famjliar with t e                                                       and based David Orndorf on my inquiry of those ird                    nformation submit edrespons here n,ible obtaining the information 'te{s insnediatel.setievethesikmItteoinformaton ,/

or ..') l Chemistry Manny,cr is true accurate and cov tete, I am ewere that there are sig-nificant penet ties for stTai includino e'Y ' / 412 393-5113 95 12 20 he possibili y of fine and sprisorment. ting false informs See ion,S.C. 8 U. S 100 8 . - 3 U.S.C. S 1 19. (Penalties under these Statutes may include in SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXE IIVE ARFA NUMBER VEAR MONIN DAY T YPE D OR l'R I N T ED up to 110,000 and/or maninun inprisorment between 6 mo. and 5 yr. OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AG WI CODE O e#9t N I AND ENK ANAilON OF ANY VIOL AllONS (Ref erence at t at tachments here) P Form PGH BWuM 002 (Rev 5/88) PAGE 2 0F 2 NOT E : Y(UR PERMIT WILL ENPIRE ON . PLEASE SUBMli YOUR RENEWAL APPLICAil0N BY .

o CLMt Dugestw= L ight Company

  • ADDRtM One Onford Centre . .

301 Grant Street (NE'Df 5) i Pit tsturgh, Pervv;ylvania 15279 MONITORING PERIOD l FACilliY Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day DI$ CHARGE MONi f 0 RING RE PORT (DMR) LOCAtl0N Shigpingport Borough, Beaver County fROM ff,f ff or 10 QE f( ,3 {

  • f N0ft: Read instructions betore completing this forC$

QUANfliY OR LOA 0 LNG QUAllIV OR CONCENTR4ll0N  ! 5'ARAME1[R NO. IRIQUENCY SAMPLE i AVERAGE MAWIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVE R AGE MAXIMLN UNIIS LX OF ANalVSl$ ITPE Sanpl e * * * [ Measure. --{},6O1 -g, cc i MGD , C) 3c, {. *i t tiow Permit * * * *

  • 2/MONIH [$flMATE

Require. Na e. *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     <                                  di                                .O.       M.5C)                      Gt< h .

Mc/t - Susgerwird Solids Permit * *

  • 30 100 2/M04fH GRAB Require.

M s .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     <$                               4$                                     O          3CJ                      (Woly MG/L                                        -

Ot t arvi Grease Permit * *

  • 15 20 2/MnNIH GRAB Require, i JIsT!.
  • 1 GM 7, EQ o %c . Grub l
  • s.u. - .

giH Permit

  • 6.0
  • 9.0 2/ MONTH GRaR '

Require. Sanple * * * * * * * [ Measure. - Permit * * * * * *

  • i Require. *

sanp , g . . . . . . .  ! Measure. I Permit * * * * * *

  • Require, i
                                                                                                                      $q3g ,                                         e                                        e                                                    e                         e                                   e                                      e                  - e                   !

Measure. e e i Permit * * * * * *

  • Require. 6 N E /flitt PRINCIPAL DE CUil'.T OFFICER I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined TELEPHONE DATE and based -"

aruj tw. my aminquiry f amit iar of with thosethe inf ormation individuals submittedreherein,ible insnedsetet s f or i I believe the s tt  % formation  ; David Orndorf obtaining is tr.e accurate nifican enalties for s the information. and c i tete, I am aware that there are sig-includin j j~ Cgicmgg ry g gger he gessijili of fine arut miitting false information,S.C. imprisonment. See 18 U. S to ' & f - -- 417393 5113 95 12 20 5 U.S.C. s 1 9 (Penalties urwier these statutes may include fin SIGNAivet or rRINCIPAL f xtt f l VE arf A NUMBER VIAR MON 1H DAY l f il'I D op 8*lNit 0 up to 510,000 aruuor maninsen enpr tsonment between 6 mo. arwJ $ yr. Of f lCER OR AUf MORlitD AG 41 CODE s > em m t awr> t it t awalli,N os an, vloi a t ions (Ref erem e at t at tachments here) i 1 I ne m N,M BuuM 002 (Rev 5/88) l' AGE 1 0F 1 1 g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ m_ _ _ _ m.___--e. -

e NAMI Dugesne Light Crmpany PA0025615 002 # ADDRESS one Oxf ord Centre 301 Grant Street - -- - I ( Ni t:1s) rittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15279 MONI TOR ING PE R IOD fACitITY Reever Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day 015CHAaGE MoNitewlNt, Ri s oR ( tiMR ) toCAf!ON Shigpingport Borough, Geaver County FROM (g g lg og 10 Cjf gg [.~ N0ft: Read instructions bef ore coripteting this form < QUANilIY OR LOADING QUAllTY OR CONCENTRAll0N FARAMETER NO. F RE QUE NCY S AMPt E AVE R AGE MAXIMUM LMliS MINIMUM AVE R AGE MAXIMUM UNITS EN OF ANALYSIS ITPE Sanple * *

  • s Nea mre. _Qp0 l _ Q,00l nGO _
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,                Q              ~{           C3C Flow                                                                                      Permit                *                   *                             *                                 *
  • 1/ WEEK E511 Malt Require, s ,,pg , . . . . . . .

Measure. . . . _ . Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

go,,pg , . . . . . . . Measure. * + _ . _ . Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Measure. .

  • Permit * * * * * * '

ReqJire. l S ,,pt , . . . . . . . f Measure. .

  • I permit * * * * * *
  • I Require.

Sanpl e * * * * * *

  • r Measure. * . _.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require, i saript e * * * * * *
  • Measure.
  • termit * * * * * * * ,

Require.  ! NAME /flflE PRINCIPAL E XECUilVE OF FICER l certify under penait of av that I have rsonal y enamined TELEPMONE DATE L and am tamittar with t e in ormation submit ed here n and based .' on my ircuiry of those individuals insnediately respcns,ible f or -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             )                                                                     L David Orndorf                                                                             obtaining    the information,lete    I believe the sutmatted information cliemi s t ry Manar,cr                                                                     is true accurate        and c              I am aware that there are sig-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        'j n uicant twnalties f or s"tImitt Ing f alse information.S.C.      includi S 1"9                                                                               412393-5113 the pnsmitsilit of f ine and iepr isorsnent. See 18 U.                        001 &            -       -        - ---                                                                                95- - - -- 12--         -

3 5 u.s,C. s 13 9 (Penalties under these statutes may include fin SIGNATUR( OF PRINCirAt FXECll IVE AREA NtMBER TEAR MONTH DAT . I tt ili Uts $ 6 thfit? ip to 110,000 arvf/or maa tmiss inprisonment between 6 mo. and 5 yr. Of f lCE R OF AUT HORilED AGI. df CODE

      ***t s t a no I e s t a u n t t ' .m el ANT b D et Ai tons (Ref ef ent e at t at t at hment s here) f or m Pf,M FtwuM 08)2 (Rev 5/88)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               P AGE 1 07 1 l

Not t : HUR li RMit Wit t I N f1 Rt (W FLE ASE SUBMli YOUR RENEWAL APPLICAfl04 BY . _ _ - _ - . - ~ _ - - - - _ _ . - - _ . _ _ _ _ - . _ . - . .

tEME Durpsesna Light Coq >any P 1 ADDRESS One emford Centre P40025615 -- 8 301 Grant Street 103 t

  • y I PERMlf NUMBER t P6ttsburgh, Perwwylvania 1$2T9 DISCHARGt NO.

I NAll0NAL POL LUt&tt Olt.r H AR(A ( t lM}% At ton ge s t( m FACitity Beaver Valley Power station MO4ff0 RING PERIOD (tKA110N Year Month , Day Sh 6f pt ryior t Borough, Beaver County Year Month Day FROM g )) g 70 pf DISCHARGE MONiiORING REPORT (DMR) t gg yg ' rARAMtita OUA4flTY OR LOADING N0f tt Read instructions before congiteting this form 00ALITY OR CONCENTRAttutt . I AvtRAGC MAXIMUM I UNITS MINIMUM { AVtRAGE r NO IRioVE NCY

                                                                                                                                                                     "*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MAX l MUM                                                                                                                           5 AMP (t i t t.w Permit
                                                                                                                                                                                  '. _Cddh _Q,ICL

Requtre . C e M [0 I Ma7u 2/MUNIN ESilMAIE suyended Solids Permit * ]'{ ,9 Requir e. *

  • 3l.O MG, e O 4% d'* HC-30 100

2/MONip 24 poisR Ma( . 1 pH Permit * , 7., 9 -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '/ Se/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -       .                                COMP 0stiL Require.
  • 6.0
  • 9.0 s.u. o 2/3o G ggg, e o 2/ MONTH Measure, e GRAB e e Permit
  • e e e
                                         - _ . _ _ -                                                                                                              Require,
  • e ,

Measure. , Permit Require. g ,,pg e e

  • M easur e,. e e '

e -- Permit

  • e e e

Require. *

  • _ _ . . e
                                                                                                                                                                  $q3g ,                  e e                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *
  • Measure. e e e Permit
  • e e e

_ _ _ _ _ _ 'tequi r e,

  • _; t *
                                                                                                                                                              ' I certify under 1

David Or ridor f and am f amitier with the informat f or) penalty of law that I have personally examitted ' u on my irwpiry of those indi submittedrespons,ibleherein and based ._._ _ . . chemistry Manager otstaining the inf orrmition, viduals insnadiately or IttEPHONE Daft is fve accurat ni,t,cnnt ynai t i,e,an,or i believe dc l. 3t ete. the su mitted informat on -- I am aware that ther -- t o t t > 98, 1 e, t is t i o the s m sisitit of fine and omgir esorenentit t ing f alse information, includi e r,re sig-

                                         *=.g* sg g e s i a wa t t .n 31toU.S.C.

up S10,nna 5 11 9. (f'cnntties urmter these. See 18 U.S.C. S 10" w1 & 412 393-5113 1 att statutes may Inolta.fe fin 5fC9fAf0kE OF PRINCIPAL (R( -- ~2 - 1 20

                                                                                                                                                                                       ,,t tac hment s here)mu3/or mas van imprisorsnent g am 4 T iones t ie.f f er e#w e ali                                                                                                            Of f ittR OR AUTHURilED                                                               twtween               A ,EN!             UTlVE ARTA CUDE 6 mo.NUMBER and y$              YtAR MONIH DAY i



s ne m l't,H I,WM 002 ( Rev $/c+ ' Nott: voor, F i kMi t wil t inPl#I UN _ __. pat.E I hF 1 PLEAst SUBMIT YOUR RINtwAl APPLICAll0N BY _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . - . _ _ - _ _ - - _ , - . . - . . , _ . ~ . - . - . _ ~ - - - - . . - - - . . - - . . . = - - -

cAME Dtqueerw t ight Conveny 203 PA0025615 , CODFE55 One Omford Centre DISCHARGE NO. NATIONAL Potlui ANT DISrNARGE Et twINAf 10el sv5ft M - PERMlf NUMHER 301 Gront Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15279 KMlf0 RING PERIOD Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day DISCHARGE MON!!OWING Rt t' ORT (t*MR) Facilliv Of 10 Q$ 3(; ( EAtlou Shippingport Borough, Beaver County FROM ef.f p p/ WOTE: Read instructions bef ore ccepteting this f orm.



  • ME ASURED flow Permit 0.023 1/WE E K Require. _

5 M 2l . 19/DY

8. G, //.o MG/L o %c, E4C CB00 5 Day Permit * *
  • 25 50 2/ MONTH 8 MotA Require. COMPOSITE M 2 l:.

LB/DY a e* g *sc,,7 MG/L -- o c/w 8Hc

             $#gered Solids                                                                                                Permit             *                                                      *
  • 30 60 2/H04tM 8 MfAIR Require. COMPOSIit Total Residual Chlorine M .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,                            _{) , 7 d                         f.7 6                  ,3,t O           4%                     6
                                                                                                                                              *                                                      *
  • INSTANI. MAX. GRAB Per mi t issuarwe thru Permit 2/ MONTH 5eptrnier 30, 1997 Require. 1.2 3.0 hC

Fetal Colif orm Men u e. , R/100Mt - Q - 3t"./ h

                                                                                                                                              *                                                      *
  • 200 1000 2/ MONTH GRAB May 1 to sen 30 Peroit
  • Oct 1 to Apr 30 Require. 2000 M52II.

6,,O 6.Y9 ,,,, E- We 6

  • 6.0
  • 9.0 EM Permit 2/ MONTH GRAS Require.

sanple F esure. ~ Permit Require. NCME/IITLE PRINCIPAL ENECUfiVE OFFICER i certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined TELEPHONE DATE and based I andmy on aminquiry familiar of with thosethe information individuals submitted inmediately herein,ible respons for i David Ortidorf obtaining the information,leteI t;et teve the stinittea information / is true accurate and conp I am aware that there are sig-Chemi s t ry Plattar,cr nificank the possi it ityIttesofforfine SutstittIng and taprisorment. f alse informag8See 33 U.S.C. 5 1319. (Penalties under these statutes may include fin sb41"UREOFPRINCIPAl'EXE OTIVE AREA ion, includi U.S.C. S 1g1 % ' o 7 412393-5113 NtmBER 95 YEAR 12 MONTH 20 DAY _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . TYPED OR PRIN!!D up to S10,000 and/or maninun inprisonment between 6 mo. and 5 yr. OFFICER OR AUTHORilED A ENT CODE t<eestNt Amo t wtaNattim 05 aNY vlot all0NS (Ref ererwe at t attachments here) form PGN BWOM 002 (Rev 5/88) pact j op j Not t : Volfe Pt wMit Witt E xPIRE ON . PLE ASE SUBMIT YOUR RENEWAL APPLICAil0N BY .

mMt Dtapesne t ight Comany PA0025615 303 Apest s$ One Onf ord Centre . 301 Grant Street . tNyts, Pi t t stur gh, Penns yl vani a 152/9 MUNiit* LNG PE RIOD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~                    ~

BAtlLIIT Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Mmth Day D I SC H ARbt MON l it* l Nb RE 8'rWII (DMR ) (OCAllON Shippingport Borough, Beaver County q{ Q$ FROM ff of TO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                //        33 NOTE: Read instructions bef ore comleting this f orm QUANilif OR LOADING                                                                                                                    QUAllIV OR CONCENTRAilON PARAMtitR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NO.           FREQUtNCY                $AMPtt AVERAG                                                MAxl                UNITS                                                        MINIMUM               AVERAGE                MAXIMUM              UNiiS          EK     OF ANALYSTS                       TYPt
                                                                                                           -$C/ -- -Oft                                                                                                                                       ,                 ,                         ,
                                                                                            "        r$. jo l?                                                  6,// C/'h                                                                                                                                                 ,          _Q                    Y7             f *>C flow                                                                       Permit
  • Require.

1/WttK EsilMATE M 2 ':. , 4,9 8. MG/L --o '/7 s Suspervied Solids Permit * *

  • 30 10 1/WttK GRAB Require.
                                                                                           ,J2' .                 *                                                     *                                                                                    *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          <5                       <g Oil arvt Grea*.e                                                            Per mi t           *
  • MG/L o '/7 G.-

15 20 1/ WEEK GRAB Require. b,07

                                                                                          ,42':.                  *
  • 9,77 o '/7 e S.U. -

pH Permit *

  • 6.0
  • 9.0 1/WEEE GRAB Require.

g ,g, . . . . * * * , Measure. Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanpl e * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

SWie * * *

  • Measure.
  • _

Permit * * * * *

  • Require.
      , TAME /flilE PRINCIPAL E xtCUTIVE OFFICER                                              I certify under penait of law that I have                                                                      rsonally esamined                                                                                             itLEPHONE                                    DATE andamfamittarwithtkeinformationsubmitfedherein,ible on my irupiry of those individuals itsnediately respons and based                                                     h' or David Ortulor f                                                                                                                                I believe the submitted informat on                                                                         '/

obtaining the information. is true accurate and comn tete, I am aware that there are sig- / .-' Chemist ry flanaget nificani including

  • 412393-5113 95 12 20 he posti i tatties i t y for submitting ine and ivrfalse informa lon,S.C. S 1001 & - -

of f i sors-vit . See 8 U. -... - -- - - -- - - 3 U.S. . S 1319. (Penalties under these statutes may incitale fin SIGNAit OF PRINC 'At E XE C1 IVE ARCA NUMBER YE AR MONTH DAT T YPt D OR l'RINTE D to to S 0,000 aruf/or manimum ingwisonment between 6 mo. ari 5 yr. OFFICER OR AUTHORlltD AGE i Ct0E u mat NT AND i nt AN A t lON Of ANY VIOL ATIONS (Ref eretxe all attachments here) form PGM BWuM 002 (Rev 5/88) PAGE 1 0F b N0f f : VtNR PE RMli Will ( WPlRE 04 . PLEASE SU9MIT YOUR RENtWAL APPLICAll0N BY

o CAME Dispestic Light Company . P;.0025615 403 ADDIESS One Onford Centre PERMli NUMBER DISCHARGE NO. Natl 0NAL POLLUT ANT DISCHARGE EllNINAll0N STsfin 301 Grant Street (NPDE $ ) P i t t stxsr gh, Permy t vania 15279 MONITORING PERIOD FACILifY 9eaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day Ol5 CHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMe) , 10CAtl04 Shigpingport Borough, Beaver County FROM (){ // Q/ _ 10 (76 // M NOTE: Reed instructions before completing this form < [~ QUANiliY OR LOADING QUAllfY OR CONCENTRAll0N PARAME TE R NO. F REQUE NCY SAMPtt AVE R AGE MAXIMUM units MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMtm Units Ex 0F ANALYSIS TYPE M5a"'uI:. O, Dor C, COS p '/7 Er flew Permit 1/ WEEK EstlMATE Rergni re. Sanct e Mensure. ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                        .q .                          6,5 C                          (7 Suspenimi Solids                                    Permit               *                   *
  • 30 100 GRAB 1/ WEEK Revire. . _

M 2 I:.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   <5                            <$                          MG/L          -

o V7 6 Ott nevi Grene.e Permit 15 20 1/WE E K GRAB Require. Mh.

  • MG/L

7 Hydr a r itw Permit *


Sanpl e * *

  • Measure. /

MG/L --- - _ ./-- Armwmia Permit

  • MONif0R AND RE POR T 1/WE E K GRAB R etfli r e.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         '/7 M 2I .                                                                    ,        o,or                                               o, o;;;L                                    o                            6 MG/L total Residual Chlorine                             Permit               *                   *
  • INSTANT MAX. 1/ WEEK GRA8 Require. 0.5 1.25 Sanpl e * *
  • Measure. * '


  • M7/L Clamtrol (CT-1) Permit
  • Noi DETECTABLE WHEN GRA8 Require. DISCHARGING Ui/fif tf PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER' I certify under penalty of law that I have persenally examined TELEPHONE DATE and am f am ilar with the inf ormation sutunitted herein,ible on my inqu ry 9 f those individuals inmediately re= pons and fbased or O Dav i g Ot'Ittjor. 'r f obtaining he inforaintion, I believe the sutmitted information

6g N(U gU"d M is true accurate and c ete I am aware that there are sig- V nifican{ renet tles the (mssibility of finefor arwi s mitting inpr if sorww alse ntinformation,S.C.

                                                                                                                                                         . See 18 U.

includt ry 510v14 ,-' -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       <C 412393-5113                        95     12          20 33 U.S                                                                                              SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXEt !TIVE AREA                               NUMBER                  YEAR  MUNTH        DAY fWID OR rRIwilD                    up to {C.      51319.

10,000 and/or(Penalties ma:timen urwier thesebetween inprisonnient statutes mayand 6 mo. include 5 yr. finOFFICER OR AUTHORlitD AG l41 CODE tremiNT awn instANAt10N Os ANY vlot af10NS tref ererwe at t attachments here) y l kW f Y ?W (C? I (


form N,H BWuM 002 (Revi/88) PAGE 1 0F 2~ Nott : TroR l'E #MIT Wit t E XPIRE ON . PLE ASE SUBMli YOUR RENEWAL APPLICAfl0N SY ,

t;AME e Dwpsenne Light Ccmpeny AD01ESS , One Oaford Centre PA0025615 403 301 Grant street PERMIT NUM8th - II Ol5CNARt,t NO[ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15279 Natl 0Nat Pot tUrsNt Olg(Neem f t istuat tre w,tt u  ! FACillTV Beaver Valley Power Station Mrwl f 0R ING PE R l00 ' t 0 CAT 10se Year Month Day shigringtert serensgh, seaver County Year Month Day FROM j_ // (,p to

                                                                                                                                                                     <Jr$            /f      g, 015CMARC,E MUNITORING RE PORf (DMR)

PARAMEftR QUANTlif OR LOADING le01E t Read instructions before crmpleting this form. QUAtl1Y OR CONCENTRAll0N AVERAGE MAXIMUM (mliS MINIMUM NO .


u pie

                                                                                                                                                       *                                                                        (Mi tS            EX    07 AMALYSIS
  • TVPE Getz Of-1 .

ermit *

  • Aequire. * *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -7 MG/l            -


  • WNf W GRAS pH
  • 7ff 7,97 ,"

W 1 'icqui r e.

  • 6.0
  • 9.0 5.U. c c, Sqle *
  • 1/ WEEK GRA8 '

Measure. * *

  • Permit * *
                                                           # cipi r e.                                                                              *                             *
  • i
  • t Sanple *
  • Measure. * *
  • Permit * *
  . - . _ _ - -                                          Nequire.                                                                                  *                             *
  • _

__ i Saarle * * * , Measure. *

  • a * .

Permit * * *

  • Require. * *
  • saaple * *
  • Neasure.' * * .

Permit * * *

  • Require. * *
  • Saaple * *
  • Measure. * * ~

Permit * *

  • Require. *
  • lC * ~

AMt/flitt PRINCIPAL EktCUilVE Of flCER *

  • I certify under penalty of law that I have Day til Ornilot.i and am familier with tri on my IrwNiry f those ndint rma non submit rsonally enantiped herein and ossed TEttPHONE cgicmgstty ganager obtaining the informattor.,iv due s inmediate y respons,ible or DATE is rue nt,t,can accurate leie end c rs I bet teve the sthmitted informat ete isting false informaI am swere that there are{ s g-r'm ~


                 . . . .. - -.                             he ssi iti o                        ne and tapeisoment                on includ'
                                       . - ~ . ,

3 5 C. 5 1 See 8 U S. . 1 m T Yl'I D tm rR l N il D may ne tale 18/

9. f up to $10.000 and/c.renet ties uruler these. statuten fin U 412193-5113 95 12 20
                                                             . _ - . . . . ~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ meninun inprisoment between 6 me. and 5 yr. 5 CNATURE OF PRINCIPAL (Mt. NilVE ARTA etoeMtNr AND IuPtANAt114 Uf ant                                                                                                                                     OFFICER OR AUTHORil[D A .E N T                                 NUMBER               VEAR             MONfN                      1 DAY VIOtAllONS (Reference ell atte(hmPnt% here)                                                                                                                              (.CoE Form Pr,H BWr.9e 002 (Rev 5/88) t;011 : YOUR PERMIT Witt (RPIRE ose
                                                                                             .                                                                                                                                                              PAGE 2 Of 2 PttASE SUBMIT YOUR RINEWAt APPtlCATION BY                                                         -                                                                                                 t v


                                                                                                                                      -. . . - . - - - - . - -            - _ . . ,       ,-  ,-c-       . - - - - - -                         ---          - - ~ - - - - . - - - - - - -
                - e' e

[ > , NK.ast Dtspuesne Light Corigm p 3 e ADORESS One Onford Centre FERMli NUMBER DISCMaRG( NO. 301 Grant Street NAtlONAL N)t tuf ANT DI$(t(sRGE tt (MIN 4fl(Al %v$(( M* Pittwurgh, Perwu p venia 1527v , wi.g3g g MONI.ts!NG FtRl(O FAtttt1Y Beaver Valley Power Statio'i __ y Year Month Day Year Month Day DisCMaeGE emil(etNG RtrCat (DMR) t(YAiiDN Shtgpingport Borough, Ecaver County I fe0M c)$ // p !J 9i if g NOTE: Read instructions befos e cormteting this fcem< CUANTITY OR LOADING QUAlliY OR CONCENTRAll04 FARAutitR AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNiiS NO. f Rtr4JENCY $AMN E MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNI 15 EX OF ANALYS15 TYFL M . Q ()} 4 ' D ,C'] & MGD , C Y3Cs f t ru Fermit * * * *

  • R erp si r e. 2/ MONTH [511MAf t I i

3, ,pg , . . Nessure.

                                                                                                                                                          .                          .                    .                                                        .~             .      ~- 1 I

Persai t * * * *

  • Require, a

s _,,, e . . . . . , . Mensure.j - *

                                                                 ,,,m,, .               .                            .                                    .                          .    .               .

Require. . .

                                                                 $3,p g ,               .                            .                                    .                         .

Measur e. F'er mi t * * *

  • b * *
  • kequire.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~                 -_-         - - - - . . - .      .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -3 Mea w e.

Permit * * * *

  • Require, gnpp{g . . . . . .

Measure. .

'                                                               Permit                  *                            *                                   *                          *
  • Require.
  • Sartt e * * * * *
  • Measure.

Perspi t

  • l Require.
                                                          . -                                         l Namt /titt; ratNCirAt ExtCUilVE OFFICER I c er t i f y Urwier penal t y of l aw t hat I have personally examined                                                                               s        itttFHONE and    am famitiar with th information stAnnitt                           i.trein,ibleand based                                                                                                         DATE Day g tg Ot.tugor [                              on my irruiry of those adividuals inne diate                               res s             or obtatnirn;     the information,lete.I              believe      the sute        informat tri tt Cher'il s t t y Manager                           is true accurate nifican itinattles end c y of f snefor st arvi mitting I am aware false infr,rma seg.r esoreent.

that See fen,S.C. are sig-8 U. inc itasi51 ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                        'os /         -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           /4) ?!t > 3 - ~ 1. 3                 95 the       sni                                                                                                                                                                                            12             20 t e k l D m o R 14110 1    S.C. 5 1 19 (Penat tles under these statutes may incitsie 14                             fin              _

5 uNATURE OF FRINEIPAL ti flVE fRFA IFJM6t R VIAR MN T H DAY to to $10,000 auffor mau tnen apprisorment between 6 nn. arvi 5 yr. _ . . . . ~ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ OFFICER OR AulHORilFD A( ENT Ct0E 4 . i . ew., w t amt. t et t ama t low Os amt vlot alloNs (Re f er cru e all at tachnents here) . _ _ _ Im* Db4 Bwu UO2 (Rev 5/38) FAGE 10F 1 wo t t : trale 8tDMl f Wit t E XPIRE ON . PltASE SUBMlf YOUR RENEWAL APFLICAI'ON BY . l .. .

e CAM ( Dt:ysesne o jght gegin,,y A(10:( $5 One Onferd Centre PA0025615 I 004

  • 301 Crant street PERMil ettMBER U U ARGE No.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - - - - - - -                                                                                                                 NP)IONAL Pottut'suf DIM warr,t t i talwai tem e,v s tt u P i t t sttre gh, Penns yl vania 15279                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -

MON I T OR ING F E R iots 94titt1Y Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day 10fAllON Year Month Day SMrt engport R~ough, Beaver County FROM DIS C"ARGE MONI TORikG o ?OR T (DM8 ) (g- g g 70 pq ff 3] l OllANilTV % LOADING NOTE: Read instructions bef ore con 4,leting this form. PAnnW itN OUAlliY OR CONCENTRAll0N AVERAGE MAXIMLM AVERAGE MAY1MM UNITS MONTHLY INSi?NTANTOUS NO. DAILT MAXIM M UN i l', f Rt00tNCY < SAMrt t LX Of ANALYSl5 tiew M Permit u e. O Fl oM

  • MGD I Y F't Require. *
  • _

1/Wi t t MEASURED Samle *

  • Measure.

free Ave' table Chlorine Permit *

  • Require.
  • MG/L
                          - . . - . -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0.2                                                                                         0.5 CONilNUUU$                          RE C0kDE D samt e                *
  • Measure.
  • otal Resitbal thlorine Permit *
  • Require. *
  • Mr,/ t. -
  • 25 1/WitK GRAB S nergil e
  • Measure.
  • g . .

t'e r mi t *

  • Require. MINIMtM
  • S.U. ---

6.0 9.0 ' 1/WE E K GFAg sy,t e + e Measure. . .


Permit *

  • Require, *
  • _

sy,t e + + Measur'e * *

  • Permit *
  • R~pire. * * .___

Smil e *

  • Measure. * *

Permit * * *

  • Require. *
  • MmE /Iltt'. voltitrAL tutCUtiVE ct F ittR I certify under penntt of law that I have rsonal y enemined Dav iel Ot tulo r f ad am f ewnit ter with t t inf ormation stdynit ed here n and based p itttPMONE DATE on my inquiry of thme indivithals intnediately respons,ible for ,

C9ierti s t t y ?9atinge r obtaining is trua the informatlon, tete.I betleve the sulweittwf information l nificant occurate Lties end for cUi I m aware that there are sig-he possi ilt of fine end imriscreent.nitting f alse includi 8 U.informa ion,S.C. 5 to 1 &

                                      - ~ -- --

f ir;L C/; rR im it t, -- 3 'J.S.C. See r 412393-5113 95 12 20 m to 110,000 S1 59. (Penalties and/or maximtsnUnder ivrisorcent these statutes between 6 mo. mayand incluie 5 yr. fin SidMitVRE OF PRINCIPALAEXECU et A IV{ NUMBit YEAR MON 1H DAY esse n t a w" t e ss .m a l l r ed of ANY __ OFilCER OR AUTHORIZED AGE I CODE vlot A T Um45 (Ref ereme all attec.hments here) -- g[ bs$( d7 (*k 5 or + s't,M swum 002 *Rev 5/88) PAGE 1 0F 1 ott : mis PE RM t f t.t L L t url er one PLEASE !UEMIT YOUR PE.NEWAL APPLICAil0N BY

O A tksquesne tight toppany ** CAME - r A0'325615 006 OPDRt SS One 04ferd C=1tre d i , PE RMil NUMBE R DISCMARGE NO. N All0N AL l'Ot tut ANT t'l h ' H Ar t.t I t I M f es A f t e ge %, tJ g es. 501 Grant Street i (estri 3 3 Pit t' tus gh, Pennsylv ni. 15279 MONiiORING P(R100 50CllliY Beaver D tley Powr Station Year Month D sy Year Month D ",y DISCHARGE MONiiORING Rt ttei (t mR) . t or Ai!OR Shigginpoor t bo.ough, Beaver County FROM /f (;p 10 p,{ // y, c ,. NOTE: Read instructiens before coppteting this formi (p)ANilIY OR LOACING OU4t tif OR CONCENTRAll0N PARAMETra NO. F RE QUE nCY SAMPtE AVERAGE MAXIMUM 0N115 MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNliS F. N OF ANAlf515 TYPE ca os MMM. O,0o3 MGo -

  • a '/7 Esc ttet Permit * * * *
  • 1/ WEEK E5flMATE Require.

g3t e e * * * . e e Measure. Permit *~ * * * *




Sappl e * * * * * *

  • Measure, e e Permit * * * * * *
  • R etiui r e.

s ,pte * * . . . . . MeasurF. e e _q Permit * * * *

  • l Requite.

Swpl e * * * * *

  • Measure.

e e Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sappt e * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * *

  • Require.
                                                                                                       .sappt e                         *                      *                                       *                         *                             *                                                         .                .

Measur. Permit * * * * * * + Require. NAme[f;lJ([ pg!NCIPAL EXECUilVE OFFICER I certify t,inder penalty of law that I have personally examined IELEPHONE DATE and am famittar with tne information sutnitted herein and based Davo.! Orndorf on my inquiry of those individuals insnediately respons,ible f or obtaining the enformation, i betteve the submitted information d Citemi st ry Plat..agr'r Mgl % *C Q "l ,a c au e p  ; I, g ud 9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           *       /             412393-5113                            95      12            20 thepossi$tityoffineandimnresonment. See18U.S.C.$INIW'                                                         --

il 11.5.0. 5 1319. (Penalties under these statutes may include fih NATURE OF PRINCIPAL E- Clil lVE AREA NUMBER YEAR MONTH DAY Ivs t0 f* retNit0 up to S10,000 and/or manin n tTrisonment between 6 mo. and 5 yr. OFFICER OR AufMORIZED GENT CODE rim 4 Nt AND t arL %Atl(* Of ANY V'OLAtl0NS (Reference all attachments here) t or m Pt.N BWOM 002 t % v 5/88) PAGE 1 oil N0f t : MiUR PE RMil Wit t t PIRE 04 __ . . PLE ASE SUBMIT YOUR RENEh'l APPLICAll0N BY . l t _.______._-_---_-__m._____ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - --___-f _--u-- --- ->-t * - - _ T*mw+4- -ew-c, * - - ~ -+-.---e-- --ee-++- -

NQe*r Dug m ne Light iJ3Oany *s ADtist SS Orw Oa f ord Cent. e FA0025615 007 3 301 Grant Stree' PERMli NUMBER F)lSCHARGE NO. Natl 0NAL POttUtANT DISCNSDG( ((lM[Nafjpg gNj(4 Pitt sturgh, Pennsy!wania 152/9 MONITORIalG PERIOD


FAClll!Y Be ver Va'tey Powc* Ftation Year Month Day Year Month Day DISCHARGE MON!!ORING Rt s'OR t (DMR) - LOCAlltW kilpingport Bon

  • ah, Reave. County FROM

_K ff gr TO C6f g/ g

 ~ ~ ~

NOTE: Read instructions before conpleting this forC QUANitTY OR LOADING QUAllTY OR CONCENTRAil0N PAkAMEIEE AvtRAGE tuxlMim INSTANTAMEOUS NO. FRE00tNCY SAMPtE ' A VE R AGE MAXIMUM UNliS MONTMLT DAILY MAXIMUM (MI T S EX OF ANALYSi$ I Y F'E flow M u . M) h() pg . Permit * * * *

  • Require. 1/WE E K ESTIMATE Marnple t * *
  • measure.

irte Avatiabte [htorine Permit - 0.2 MG/t _ Require. 0.5 1/WtEt GRAS Sanple * *

  • Measure.

total Residual U: orine Permit *

  • 0.5
  • MG/L Require. 1.25 1/Wtta GRAS 5 ..g, . .

Measur e. pH Permit *

  • S.U. -


  • Require. 6.0 1/Wt t K GRAB 9.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -.                         ~ . . -

Measure. permst * * * * * *

  • Require.

SM>ie * * * * *

  • Measure, e e Permit * * * * * * *

g ypt , e . . . . *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

-NPMt/flTLE rRINCIPAL f MECUilVE OF FICER I certify under penait of law that I have personally examined IELEPHONE and aminquiry familiarofwith t eindividus inf orma sf or. sutsnitt and based DATE David Ortidor f on my those insnediate herein,ible respons for --- l obtaining is trua the information,leteI believe I am the sulm aware tied that there information are sig- I cliemist ry Manager nificant accorateandegwittingfaiseinfr,.mation,SC L ities for s the possi stit of f ine and inpr iservent . See 18 U. includi

                                                                                                                                                                                                               . . S to 1 8                                                    //

w - 412393-5113 95 12 20 55 U.S.C. $ 13 9. (l'enalties under these statutes may include fin SIGNATURE C7 PRINClfi tr CutlVi ARI A f t N D (* s p lNit D NUMBER YEAR MONIH up tr $10,000 a,el/or manimtmi inprisorsnent between 6 mo. arvi 5 yr. Of f ICEP OR Auf MORllED 1 6ENT CODE DAY l t . **m mi a%a l is t aga t t t % o, AN v vlOL At lDNS (Ref er cru e at t at t achment s here) (o L rNf s ee m r6N ELWu4 002 (Rev 5/88) l' AGE 1 0F 1 i i c it - vt op risulf WILL [prist ON . Pit ASE SUBMIT YOUR RE4:WAL Af rL ICAfl'N BT i

NCpt Dicesesne L ight toppany

  • ADDOESS Orw Daford Centre a PERMli NUMBEL DISCHARGE NO. Natl 0Nat PottUtaN D i scsearGE (t imlwallois see,n w.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15279 MONI T OR I NG PE R IOD_ . . _ _ . _ . . - --- (48 tif 5 BACitlIV Eleaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day Ol stHa9G( M%IloplNG irt hsil (DMR) L tKAll0;J Shil pingport Borough, Geaver County FROM (f *f g g, 10 r} $ ff 30 NOTEt Read instructions before ctmpleting this form < l' I QUANiliY OR LOADidG QUALITY OR CONCENTRAil04 PARAMEllR AVE R AGE MAXIMUM () Nils No. F RE QUE NCY SAMrtE MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNiiS EX OF ANALYSIS iTPE M12!;. ' ' ' flow Permit D. cat

  • C. ct> r e c> '/7 FSr Requi e, 1/ WEEK ESilMAIE e.

suspended Solids N Permit * *

  • Yr8 $r & ~

O Y36 (y 30 100 2/ MONTH GRAB Rece si r e. e gg , e e Oil aruj Gr ease Measure. Permit * *

                                                                                                                                  ,        }, b                 jf), Q                       /Q, (,,                                                k%                Q Require.                                                               AVG. MONTHLY         DAltY MAX.                  INSTANT MAX.                                              2/F)NIH           GRAB 15                  20                                   36 M:=l:                                                          ,           7,7;                                          Z Sc)                                        o h                          6 get                                                  Permit                *
  • 6.0
  • 9.0 Rety.A t r e. 2/ MONTH GRAB sanple e e e e e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          +             'e D.fasure.          -

e ._ e Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanple * * * *




Permit * * -* * *


Sanple * *' * * * *

  • Metsure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.
                      /ilitt rRINCIPAL EW[CUTIVE OFFICER             I certify under penait of law that I have rsonally emamined                                                                                  '.

and a- familiar with t IELEPHONE DATE David Orndori. on my inquiry of those indivichiats inenediate:; information and based re sutait s ed herein,ible for Chemistry Mar 7,cr obtaining the inf ornntion, I believe the sute tt

                                                                     .s true accurate and e niftcant                               ete, information I am awarc that there are sig-           h r

Y s the possi its atties for s of fine and mitt ing f alse imriserv mt.inf oriution,S.C. See 18 U. includi 5 10 1 & 4 7e ' 412393-5113 95 12 20 170.0 (* istNtf D M u.S.C. 5 1 9 trenalties under it.4se statutes may include fin I M TU TROF PRINCIPAL EMEC1 TIVE ARIA NUMBER TEAR MONTH DAY up to $10,000 arw1/or __ _ _ ____manimte suprisonment between 6 mo. and 5 yr._. OFflCER OR AUTHORilED AGE i Ct0E s et s t ano listsharo N 06 a=y vlot A T IONS (Ref er enc e at t at tachment s here) . tem FGM EM.'m 002 (Rev $/88) PAGE 1 0F 1 Naf f : vtilis ifRNtf WILL EnP!PE ON ,. PLE ASE SUBMIT YOUR RENEWAL APPLICAll0N BY .

l. _ . . . . _ . - . _

CCMt Dtpf ene t ight Conpany *> PA002566, 110 ADDeESS One Osf ord CtNie ~~

  • pet-i # UMBER DISCMARGE NO. N All0NAL PUt tU1 ANT Di st wase., ittutsattvg st -tt e r ( NI t'l s )

Pittsturgh, Pennsylvania 152/V - - - - - -MONITORING PE RIOD- - - - 7001111Y Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day fear Month Day DISCHARGE MONI TURINf3 RtPORI (DMR) . 10L Af i r* Shigringport Borough, Beaver County FROM 14 ff of TO ef.,s ff J.,

  ~ ~ ~ ~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NoiE Kead instructions bef ore coppteting this f orc QUkNilTYDRLOADiNG                                                                                    QUAlllY OR CONCENTRAll0N P AR AME T E R NO.                                            IRt QUE NCY       SAMPtE AVERAGE                            MAX IMtM               UNiiS                      MINIMUM                                 AVERAGE                 MA M lf"JM        04115              EM OF ANALYSIS                                                      fiPE Ma                                   .                                       .                   E) SLL      .


  • tlow Permit * * * *
  • Require. 1/WE E K EstlMATE Saapte * * * * * *
  • Measure.

Persri t * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanple * * * *

  • Measure.

permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -                                                              ~ ~ ~

Sanpl e * * * * * *

  • Measure.

e * ., Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanpg, * * . . . . . Measure. Permit * * * * * *

  • 8'equire.

S ,pg, . . . . . . . Measure. Permit * * * * *

  • Require.

l i NAME/ flite PRINCirAt ErECUilVE OFFICER I certif and amyfamittar ur der penalty with tneofinformation Law that Isubmitted have personati- herein. ;samined h IELEPHONE DATE and based David Orndorf o' *y inquiry of tho*e individuals immediately resoons,ible for Chemistry Manager otit is true a n ning accurate t he infand ormat c ion.,t et e.I betteve I am aware the submitted that,thery imare arasig- tion I ntftcan enatt!es for st siitting f alse inf ormation,S.C. includin 5 10 1& / n 412393-5113 95 12 2@ he possi il s t y o f f ine and inpr i sonment . See 18 U. 1 U.S.C. 5 1519. (Penalties urwier these statutes may incti* fin SIGNATUet OF PRINCIP EH EUTIVE arf A NUMBER YEAR MONTH DAY t il i ts os I W l w il D in to $10,000 aruf,w man tnun inprisorvwnt between A mo, and 5 yr. OFilCE R OR Al'*HORl2ED GE N T gCUDE e =, s

  • a s: testagat! see #1 ant v lot e t t enes t ee t er ern e al l at t ac hment s her e )

U Q / ?>C YkS(k & t r'e m 6 GM Fwuw 002 (sev S/88) PAGE 1 of I hott : v i n 't 8 t RMit Wit t E WPlRE ON PLE ASE SUBMil YOUR RENEWAL APPLICATION BY ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          'b NAME              Dtamne Light Conpany c                                                                                                                                                                                           PA0025615                                                   010
  • ADDRE SS if ord Centre PERM i NUM ER DISCHADGE No. NATIrwAL rottuf 8NT DI5(waect it tutwat ton u sit =

3 . _ _ _ -- .- -- Pittsbutgh, l'erwwylvania 15279 MONIIORING PtRIOD FACILITY beavet Valtey Power Station Year Mo *5 Day fear Month Day DISCHARGE MoultoRINi,sitx*t (Due) LOCAtlON $hintingport Borough, Reaver County FROM 10 gg (j .'{ ff y ft J( . _ _ _ _ NOTEt Read instructions before tonpleting inis form. QUANilTY OR LOADING QUAllif OR CONCENTRAil04 PARAMETER I

                                                                                                                                                                                                  '                                                                 AVE R AGE                 DAILY                 INST ANI ANE DUS                                                   NO.        IREQUEK0Y          5AMrt E AVE R AGE                     MAXIMUM                               UNiiS                MONIHLY                  MAXIMUM                   MAXIMUM                                        UNt15            ER       OF ANALYSIS JM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TYPE
                                                                                                                                                  $0 R'&kwm 3                                                                                                                                                                .                             .                       .

ajajh* ,sD . C U M ttow Permit *

  • l ME ASURED Require. 1/WE E K Sanple * *
  • Measure. Q, CsO Q. C>C) ,ll (.,

t*G/L Q F r ee Available Chlor ine termi t * *

  • 0.2 0.5 1/Wt E K t,RAR WHitt Require.

_ _ _ _ ._ CMLORD. Sanp1 e *

  • Measure. ,
                                                                                                                                             .      _ _ . .
  • C4 CC C, OO MG/t _o. 7 Total Residual Chlorine -Permit *
  • 9.5
  • 1.25 1/ WEEK GRAB white Require.


                                                                                                     ,5=J;.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -

Clamtrol C1-1 Permit * *

  • MG/t -

2 WHE N 24 HOUR Require. Ol5 CHARGING COMr0511E M e. *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -            7 Betr 01 1                                                                                                                                         *
  • MG/L -

Permit ' 35.0

  • WHE N 24 HOUR Require. DISCHARGING compost 1E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,                 7. w                    7. f5                                                                       ,,,,

o '/7 e get Permit

  • 1/ WEEK GRAB Require. 6.0 9.0 Saeepl e * * * * * *
  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • i Require. u MAME/tif tf PRINClrAt E XECUilVE OFFICER I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined TELEPHONC DATE and am f amit ter wt a. the inf ormation stknitted herein and based --

David Orndorf on my inquiry of those individuals ifunediately respons,ible f or obtainir* the information. I bet teve the stinitted inf ormation is true s Chemistry Manager nificant ruurate and forcE=lete, & am aware that there are sig-412393-5113

                                                                                                                                                                 .naIties                                                                                         including                                                 ?                                                                           95       12 the possibitt v of fine and itting                                                                      false information,S.C.

impr esornent. see 18 U. S IOut 8 20: tirtp te e sINif D - - - - - - - - .(p 3 3 U.S.C. 5 1 19. (Penalt ies under these statt tes may incitate fin SIGNAT E OF PRINCIPAL E XE JTIVE AREA NUMBER YEAR MONTH DAY to $10,000 and/or man inen taprise'iment between 6 mo. and 5 yr. OF FICER OR AUTHORilED A Ni CODE eiew i. age I. ia%at10% os a%, Wot AIlpNs (Ref er ene e at I at tachments here)

                                                                                                                                                     ,sfe\                        h,,

s_ , e , , ) 11 Zx > t'~ 4, g, t / 9$ foem PGN BWuM 002 (Rev $/88). - . . _ - - . - PAGE 1 0F 1 tott : vta;R Ff #Mli Will (*PIRE ON _ PLE ASE SUBMli YOUR RENEWAL APPLICAllON BY .

I l i l e-i NLMt Dt23uesne light Comguny S PA0025615 011 { Apept SS One Onford Centre . PERMii NtMBER DISrMARGE NO. N A110N AL Pot t ui.iN T 015t Maect t i luin A t itwo si ,t t w 301 Grant Street - - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvani.1 15279 MON i t 0R IP= *tet0D t

IACitifY Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day M%rHARGE MON!!ORING RE POR T tl'MR ) .

[00A1104 shigpingpor t Borough, Beave. County FROM 96 (.j p 10 96 ff y ff i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .dofE: Reti - ructions tiefore conpleting this fort OUANilfY OR LOADING                                          QUALITY OR CONCENTRAll0N PARAMt1ER l                                                                                     NO.         FREQUENCY                 SAmrLE AVERAGE            MAXIMUM          UNIIS           MINIMUM            AVERAGE                                        MAXIMUM            UN!iS         ER         OF ANALYSIS                 TYPE o '/7 MMM.              O,0c6 Itew                                                                                                                                    Permit
  • o,co 3 e Est.

R etyst re. 1/ WEEK [511 MATE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '    ~

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure.

e e _ Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanpg, e e e e e e e Measure. , Permit * * * * * *

  • i Require.

Saapl e * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.
                                                                                                                                                                            $9g,                e                   e                              e                   e                                             e                                              e                       e Measure.

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure.

Permit * * * * *  ! *

  • Require.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure, e e _

Permit * * * * * *

  • Require.

XAME/11tL E iRINCIPAL E xtCUTIVE OFFICER I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined TELEPHONE DATE andmyam familiarofwith theindividuals information immediatet submitted herein,ibleand based for on inquiry those res s David Orndorf obtaining the I informetion,lete believe the subn tt information 19 true accurate and c i I as aware that there are sig- l Chemistry Manager 412393-5113 95 12 nifican nattles for s includi > 20-the possi iti y of fine andmitting false information,S.C. inprisotiment. See 18 U. 10 1 & ' - I 33 U.S.C. 5 1 19. (Penat tles order snese statutes ray inc ude fin SIGNATURE Of PRINCIPAL EMI CU11VE ARTA NUMBER YEAR MONTH DAYe _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . .i t Pt D (* rWINTED up to $10,000 and/or maninun imprisonment between 6 mo. and 5 yr. Of FICER OR AUTHORilED , GENT C00C - 1 - t r eawt NI AND tartANAllOW OF AkbVIOL AIUk5 tref eretxe all attachments here) f orm rGM BwoM 002 (Rev $/88) PAGE 1 UT i N9f f : 10V# ItRMit Witt EXPIRE ON . PLEASE $UBM!t YOUR RENEWAL APPtiCAll04 BY . _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._____-___________________m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - , - - , , , e- _ _ = w s. _ _i-_._-

e 4 KAME Distuesne t ight Comany p AppRESS One onf ord Centre PERMIT NUMBER DISCMARGE NO. N ATION AL Polluf ANT Dl%CNacGE ti turNat tow Svitt er 301 Grant street Pittstorgh, Pennsyivant a 15279 MONITORING PERIUD BAClll1Y Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Day D!$ CHARGE MUNiiORING REPORT (DMR) torAftoN Shil pingport Borough, Beaver County TROM

                                                                                                       %       /[      @              TO        C.s f        //        y.

NOTE: Read instructions before co mteting this formc I QUANiliY OR LOADING QUAlliY OR CONCENTRATION PARAMETER No. F RE0VE NCY $ AMrt E AVE R AGE MAXIMUM U4115 MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS EX OF ANALYSIS T Y p'E M32'. _C,cic/ Ovo / ,, a o V7 rsc flow Permit * * *

  • 1/ WEEK ESTIMATE Require.

Suspersicd Solids M32!;. Permit *

  • d < 'l MG/L c: 3/7 G 30 100 1/ WEEK GRAB Require.

M5 2 e. ,

                                                                                                                          <6                      < S                                     46                                       o          // 7                   c, MG/L Oil and br ease                                        Permit             *
  • AVE R AGE MAXIMUM IN5 FAN . MAX. 1/ WEEK GRAB Require. 15 20 0 M 2 !:. ,

0,88 '/, CC> cl r/7 G I$N Permit *

  • 6.0
  • 9.0 1/ WEEK GRAB Require.

Samt e Measure. *

  • _.

Permit * * * *

  • 2/ QUARTER GRAB Require. .

samt e Measure, Permit * * * *

  • 1/ WEEK GRAB Require.  !

Samt e Measure. *

  • _

Permit * * * * *

  • Require.

N /flitt l'RINCIPAL EXECullVE OFFICER I certify under penalty c,f law that I have personally examined IELEPHONE DAIE and based j -- en my inquiry of those irdividuals innediatetard am f amit tar with tne inf ormation sutmitted herein,ible for respons I believe the sula tied information / David Orndorf- obtaining the information,lete, is true accurate and c I am aware that there are sig-Cliemi st ry Manager nifican ,[enalties for and s ivivr itting falsent. information's.C.includi 5 1001 V 412393-5113 95 12 20: 3 gss >itit of fine esormw See 18 u - -- - 3 U.S.C. 5 13 9. (Penalties urvier these statutes may include fin SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXEi'Ul l VE ARE A NUMBER TEAR MUNTH DAY lillD OR 88thttD up to $10,000 and/or manimte ivr iserviv nt between 6 mo. and 3 yr. OFFICER OR AUTHORilED ALENI CODE i . em w i s%D t es t awai ttwo os ANT vlot atitws tref eretxe at t at tachme nts here) t er m F GM BWum 002 tRev h88) PAGE 1 OF 1 wost : t t emi t Wit t [ nPIRE ON . PLEASE SUBMli YOUR RENEWAL APPLICATION BY .

e-m;.ME Dtmesne Light Conpany PA0025615 211 ADt*ESS One Onford Centre *

  • PERMi t NUMBE R DISCHARGE NO. NAf lON AL POttOf ANI (il%(Mart,( [t twj u A f inse g e s t t w 301 Grant Street - - - ---

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152/9 MONITORING PERIOD FACllliY Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month l Day Year Month Day DISCNARGE MONiloRING RE PORI (DMR) LOCAll0N Shigpingport Borough, Beaver County FROM  % /g lcf 10 (75 ff y NOTE: Read instructions before conpteting this /orm. QUANitTY OR LOADING QUAlliY OR CONCENTRATION P AR AME.1E R NO. F RE QUE NCY SAMPLE AVERAGE MAXIMtml [N.15 MINil - AVE R AGE MAXIf9Jr UNITS L' OF ANAL.YSIS TYPE v u A 9 W. S4 7 0h. , , , MI S e. d7 7,6/M , 2/g y , C 7 FM flew Permit 1/WE t K ESilMATE Require. 942':. *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            '7, o                  eF,6                                  c,      '/7             s MG/L           --

Suspended Solids Permit * *

  • 30 100 1/WE E K GRAB Require.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   <6                       <E                      


o. coa Ja"7J:. c,0c,a o 'h fsc MGD
  • tiow Permit * * * *
  • 1/ WEEK ESilMAlt Require.

M ' - h (7 Suymied Solids ggf( Periri t * *

  • 30 100 Require. 1/Wttet GRAB Ma e.
                                                                                                                                                  <. 6              <5                         c;        V7          6 Dit arul Grease                                              Permit           *                  *
  • MG/L 15 20 1/ WEEK GRAB Require.

4"$:. , c. m 7,6 ,,,, a W G gm Permit *

  • 6.0
  • 9.0 1/WE E K GRAB Require.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure.

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  • Require.

NAME/illLE PRINCIPAL EXECUilVE OFF'CER I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined TELEPHONE DATE armi em f ami(ier M th the informstion submitted herein and based David Orridorf on my inquiry of those indivi fuels issuediately respons,ible for obtaining I believe the submitted informatitri the information,lete, Chemistry Matiager is true nificant accurate I am awpre that there are sig-3 tries forand includ s coymit ting f alse inf ormation,S Ce ' 95 12 20 he posti 4'it of fine armi tivywisonment. See 18 U. .5 1 &,. -'12

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e NAME Duquc$ne Light Cornguny - ADDIE55 One Omford Centre - 301 Grant Street A (trDf 5) Pittsturgh, Pennsylvania 15279 MUNITORING PERl00 FAClllfV Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Y ec.r Month k DISCMARGE MONtiORl4G ret'o#1 (DMR) 10CAlloN Shigpingport Borough, Beaver County FROM (J { f/ Q TO '96 pp [ NOTE: Read instructions before conpleting this f orm. QUANilTY OR EDADING QUALITY OR CONCENTRAfl0N PARAMETER NO. F RE QUE NCY SAMPLE AVERAGE MAXIMUM LMITS MINIMUM AVER'-l MAXIMUM UNii5 EX OF ANALY5is TYPE Fwvs/ Md @ . A/o MGD * - flow Permit * * * *

  • 1/WE EK ESil MATE Require.

Sanpl e * *

  • Measure.

suspended Solids * *

  • MG/L Per mi t 30 100 1/ WEEK GRA8 Require. I Sanpte * *
  • Measure.

Oil and Grease Permit * *

  • MC/t Require.

15 20 1/WE E K GRAS Sanple * * * - Measure. pH Permit *

  • 5.U.


  • 9.0 1/ WEEK GRAB Require.

Sanple * * * * * *

  • Measure.
  • Permit * * * * * *
  • Require.

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  • Measure.

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  • I Require, j Sanple * * * * * *
  • Measure.

Permit * * * * *

  • Require.

NtME/ilitt PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER.. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally er wened TELEPHONE DN and am familiar with tne information submitted herein med based David Orndorf on my inquiry of those irwfividuals insnediately respons,ible or Chemistry Manay,cr obtaining the information, I believe the submitted informat on is true accurate and c etc, ) O s/ nificant natties for s itting I fam aware alse inf that erinationthe: e trvaeeWirSi,g-P the possi iti of fine and irvrisonment. See 18 U 5. 8 10 1 0 --- - 412393-5113 95 12 20 55 U.S.C. 5 1 9. (Penalties unrier these statutes may nclude fin SIGNATURE Of PRINCIPAL ENEd flVE AREA ivrID on F-slNilD t4> to $10,000 and/or maniemn inprisornent between 6 re. and 5 yr. OFFICEF 'A AUTHORllED A6ENT CODE NUMBER YEAR MONTH DAY e ** twt a%O t et t a=At it w o, am, vlot a t ion 5 (acterenc e all at tachments here) -_

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e CAME Duquesne Light Conpany p A00RESS One Oxford Centre S PERMli IJUMBER DISCNARGE No. NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCH48GE EllMimetiou SYSt,tu , 301 Grant Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15279 MONITORING rERIOD FAtillIY Beaver Valley Power Station Year Month Day Year Month Ay DISLb RGE MONiioRING REPORT (DMR) tcCAll0N Shigpingport Borough, Beaver County FROM gg jf C6 10 gcy /f 3G NOTE: Read instructi ms before conpleting this forts. QUANilIY OR LOADIN" 00AllfY OR CONCEN! Rail 0N PARAMETER No. FRE0VENCY SAMPLE AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVEstAGE MAMIMUM UNITS EX OF ANALYSIS TYPE N2N. O,Cn C) O, c> t C) MGo - _

  • O[ //7 __.

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  • 1/ WEEK I-S {

Require. INSTANbMAX. i . 42':. *

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -G Total Residual Chlorine                        Permit           *                  *                              *                              -

INSTANT MAX. 1/ WEEK GRAB Require., 0.5 1.25 Sanpt e * *

  • 1 Measure.

MG/L Antin my Permit * *

  • MONITOR AND PEPORT 1/WEEE -24 NOUR Require. COM5% ITE Sanple * *
  • Measure.
  • MG/L -

Cysnide, Free Permit * *

  • MONITOR AND EEPORT 1/ WEEK 24 NOUR Require. COMim ITE Sanple * *
  • Measure. *
  • MG/L Cyanide, Totet Permit *
  • MONITOR AND REPORT 1/WE EK 24 NOUR Require. COMPOSifE A3h. * (,,35 7. %~ S.U.

o '/7 c, Permit * *

  • pN 6.0 9.0 1/ WEEK C15 Require.

EAME/ TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I certify under natt o law that I he esonal y eraMined TELEPHONE DATE ard am familiar 4th t nf 9rnia ton sutsu t ed here n and based - on my inquhe f those ndividua ry $nformatlon, I bets eve inanediately respons,ible the stinnitted or informat ori l David Orndorf obtaining / ' is true accurate and c ete, I am aware that there are sig- g ',12 393-5113 95 12 20 ChcPti.stry Manager nificant netties fer s itting false information includi , j the possi 6 ti y of fine ard inprisorment. See 18 U S.C. 5 10 1 & - ' . 33 u,g,c, $ 1 19. (Penalties uruler these statutes may tru.Itale fin SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EN CuitvE AREA NUMBE" YEAR MONTH DAY fTi'tD 08 08 t Wil D to t o $10,000 and/or man ten inprisonment between 6 mo. and 5 yr. OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED IGE N T CUDE t e sses a t Aa0 t nPL Asia 1 lose 08 AU VlotatlossS (set'er3 ue a~lI etta[hmentshere) Form PGN BWuM 002 (Rev 5/88) PAGE 1 0F 1

       =0 t E : Vf0R PERMIT Wltt EkPlRE C1                              . PLEASE SUBMif YOUR RENEWAL APPLICAfl04 BY                                     _.

___ _ - _ --__ -_-__- - __- _ ------_ - ___----__------ - _ - - --- /

y' South Carolina Elactric & Gas Company Gary J. Taylor PO. Box 88 Vic3 President Jenkinsville, SC 29065 Nuclear Operations (803) 345-4744 SCE&G Ascouncavaw December 20, 1995 RC-95-0319 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washingtcn, DC 20555 Gentlemen: 4


VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERAT NG LICENSE NO. NPF-12 RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF VIOLATION NRC INS:'ECTION REPORT 95-17 Attached is the South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G) response to the Notice of Violation delineateci in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-395/95-17. SCE&G is in agreement with the violation, and the enclosed response addresses the reason and corrective actions being taken to prevent recurrence. Should you have any questions, please call at your convenience. Verytrul yours, Gary 4 JWP/GJT/nkk Attachment c: J. L. Skolds NRC Resident inspector O. W. Dixon J. B. Knotts Jr. R. R. Mahan (w/o attachment) K. R. Jackson R. J. White NSRC

5. D. Ebneter Central File System S. Dembek RTS (IE 951701)
5. F. Fipps File (815.01) 9601020275 951220 gDR ADOCK 05000395 PDR h NUCLEAR EXCELLENCE- A SUMMER TRADITION!

i Attachment I to Document Control Desk Letter IE 951701 - RC-95-0319 Page 1 of 2 RESPONSE TO NOTICE O." VIOLATIO.J NUMBER 50-395/95-17-01

1. RESTATEMENT OF NRC VIOLATION 10CFR50 Appendix B Criterion XVI requires,in part, that measures be establisheci to assure that conditions adverse to quality such as nonconformances are properlyidentified and corrected. In the case of significant conc 5tions adverse to quality, the measures shall assure that the cause of the condition is determined and corrective action taken to preclude repetition.

Contrary to the abcve, effective measures wara not taken to assure the cause of a significant condition adverse to qualityin the Fuel Handling Building (FHB) Exhaust System was determined and corrected. On September 24,1995, a problem with adequate FHB differential pressure was identified. The Nensee's corrective actions in response to this problem were inadequate,in that, the cause of the inadequate differential pressure measurements was not promptly identified and corrected prior to moving fuel in the FHB during the period October 9 through 12,1995. II. STATEMENT OF POSITION South Carolina Electric and Gas Company (SCE&G) is in agreement with the violation as stated above. 111. REASON FOR THE VIOLATION The differential pressure alarm for the Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System has no safety function and is not used to verify operability of this system. The annunciator response procedure for this alarm did not make note of the possibi!ity that the operability of the Fuel Handling Building Ventilation S setpoints of.125ystem should inches be questioned. of water vacuum rising The alarm and .25 had inches two different decreasing. The surveillance test procedure defines .125 inches as acceptable. The operability of the Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System is determined every 18 months by the use of .ield stano ard equipment. Operations personnel assumed that the alarm was " locked in due to an instrumentation problem which was being addressed under an existing Maintenance Work Request. Operations personnel had previously com leted actions specified in the annunciator response procedure to veri the integrity of the Fuel Handling Building and to ensure that the vent lation system was properly aligned and in operation. The failure to follow-up on the possibility that this non-safety alarm could be an indication of a problem with safety related portions of the Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System is considered to be the cause of the violation.

j Attachment I to Document Control Desk Lette-IE 951701 RC-95-0319 Page 2 of 2 IV. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN AND RESULTS ACH!EVED Localinstrumentation for detution of the Fuel Handling Building differential pressure was utilized for a subsequent fuel movement along with a local alarm. Mechanical adjustments to dampers within the q ventilation system have been corrected. The ventilation system exhaust capabilities have been enhanced by altering the pitch on the exhaust fans. This has provided for additional margin in maintaining the differential pressure for the Fuel Handling Building. The surveillance task to determine differential pressure was performet satisfactorily after the changes were made. V. CORRECT!VE ACTIONF TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER VIOLATIONS The Annunciator Response Frocedure is being revised to provide additional guidance upon receipt of a differential pressure alarm during m fuel movement. The "high" differential pressure alarm will be eliminated \ to reduce the potential for confusion. Reliable instrumentation for the Fuel Handling Building differential pressure monitoring and alarm will be utilized during future fuel movement to ensure the capability of the ventilation system is maintained. VI. DATE FULL COMPLlANC6 WILL BE ACHIEVED SCE&G will be in full compliance with respect to the corrective actions stated above, by April 14,1996.

i VERMO'NT YANKEE NUdLEAR POWER CORPORATION Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 05301-7002 3

           )                                                                                ENGINEERING OFFICE 580 MAIN STREET BOLTON, MA 01740 (508)775 6711 December 29,1995 BW 95-144                         )

i i United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 ) Referrc nces: a) Liceese No. DPR *iB (Docket No. 50-271) b) Letter, USNRC to WNPC, " Notice of Violation and Vermont Yankee inspection i 95-23 " dated November 29,1995 c) NUREG-1482, " Guidelines for Inservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants" dateo April 1995 d) " Supplement to Minutes of the Public Mcc. tings on Generic Letter 89-04,"

;                                 dated September 26,1991 e)      " Minutes of the Pubtle Meetings on Generic Letter 89-04," dated October 25,    i 1989 f)      Letter, USNRC to WNPC, " Vermont Yankee Inservice Test Program inspection 95-22,* dated October 22,1995 g)      Letter, WNPC to USNRC, " Reply to a Notice of Violation - Inspection Report No. 50-271/95-22" (BW 95-124), dated November 15,1995                          )


Reply to a Notice et Vio!ation - Inspection Report No. 50-271/95-23 This letter is written in response to Reference b) which documents that certain activities within the Vermont Yankee Inservice Testing Program were not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements. The violation was classified as Severity LevelIV and identified as a result of an NRC laspection conducted Octc.,er 3 to November 6,1995. i 1 VIOLATION: j 10 CFR Part 50.55a(f), inservice testing requirements, states that inservice testing of certain ASME Cerje Class 3 valves shall be perfor'ned in accordance with Section Xi of the ASME Boiler and Pres sure Vessel Code (the Code) and applicable addenda. Section XI of the Code (1989 Edition) incorporats3 by reference Part 10 (OM-10) of ASME/ ANSI OMa-1988. OM-10a, Section 4.3.2., " Exercising Tests for Check Valves," requires , in part that stop-check valves I (a specific type of check valve) be full-stroke exercised or examined in a manner which verifies i obturator travel to the position required to fulfill its function. Subsection states that movement shall be demonstrated by observing that the obturator travels to the seat on cessation or reversal of flow. If full-stroke exercising during power operation is not practicable, stop-check valve full-stroke exercis,ng freq sney may be limited to cold shutdowns or reft.eling cutages. Contrary to the above, between September 1,1993 and November 4,1995, stop-check valves in the reactor core isolation cooling system (V13-817) and high pressure coolant injection system (V23-842) were not examined or full-stroked tested to assure obturator travel to the closed position. This is a Severity Level IV violation. 9601020314 951229 I PDR ADOCK 05000271 G PDR *!O


   < Becember 29,1995 Page 2 t

j Response to Violation: Vermont Yankee does not contest this violation. Vermont Yankee concurs that the test method and the acceptance criteria identified in the applicable surveillance procedures for valves (V13-817 and V23-842) does not conclusively verify a full-stroke exercise in the closed direction as identified in subsection i of the Code. The subject stop check valves have a function to close promptly on cessation  ; or reversal of flow. In accordance with the guidance identified in Reference c) (Appendix A: Positions, l Questions, F.esponses and Current Considerations Regarding Generic Letter 89-04, Question Group , 25), "If a 3rompt closure of these valves (stop-check valves) on cessation or reversal of flow is required I to accompish a safety-related :anction, closure must be verified by reverse flow testing or such other i

;    positive means as acoustic monitoring or radiography."

l The test method and acceptance criteria in the applicable survcillance procedures does verify the ability of tha subject stop-check valves to close by utilizing a manually operated handwheel. However, since these valves have a safety-related function to promptly close, the intent of subsection is not met using this test method. Reason for the Violation: The causes of this violation are due to a reliance on r previous code interpretation and not entering 2 Reference d) in our commitment tracking system for . valuation. Prior to the issuance of Reference d), industry guidance issued by the NRC in Reference e) indicated that the verification of closure capability of stop check valves by using the handwheel . at the ASME Code requirements. This l guidance was subsequently modified in Reference d). Short Term Corrective Actions:

1. Vermont Yankee performed radiography of the subject valves on f}ovember 6,1995 which verified their closure capability and compliance with the requirements of subsection of OM.10.
2. A review of similar valves was performed which indicated that there are no other instances where stop check valve closure was verified by utilizing a manually operated handwheel.

Lono Term Corrective Actions:

1. Vermont Yankee will continue to perform radiography of the subject valves on a quarterly basis until such time as other positive means to verify closure are identified.
2. Vermont Yankee will perform :n assessment of the Operating Experience Review Program to ensure that relevant industry information (such as Reference d) is properly entered into the program and reviewed for applicability. This action is expected to be completed by 3/1/96.

l Additional IST and Vermopnt Yankee Prooram Actions: As a result of the violations identified in References b) and f), Vermont Yankee reassessed the organizational structure and management oversight of the IST and other majcr programs. The following are additional corrective actions being taken to prevent oci urrence of similar problems in these programs.

l . l

                     ,                                                                                                        1 U'S' i4ucle:r Rigulatory Commission             VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION
 / December 29,1995 Page 3 l
1. A self assessment of the IST program staffing levels hac been completed. As a result of this assessment, many of the collateral duties of the Plant IST Coordinator have been re assigned to other personnel so more focus can be placed on IST program issues.
2. Additional staffing has been provided to address IST program commitment backlog and to develop a more comprehensive IST program oasis document.
3. Vermont *'ankee has completed a detailed review of the current IST program scope to ensure compliance with the scope requirements of ASME/ ANSI OMa-1988 Parts 1,6 and 10.
4. The Vermont Yankee Engineering Department has been reorganized to improve the focus of the engineering organization. Specific program responsibilities for the Engineering Department have been more clearly defined and clear expectations for Vermont Yankee program owners have been established.
5. A self assessment of the Quality Assurance functions has been completed which identified additional opportunities to impM,ve Vermont Yankee's ability to self identify similar problems.

We will continue to perform additional assessments of program performance during 1996 using the self assessment program and the Quality Assurance organization.

6. Vermont Yankee will perform additional benchmarking of other utilities with strong engineering program performance to develop a model for program implementation at Vermont Yankee. It is exper:ted that this will be completed by 06/01/96.
7. Vermont Yankee has initiated a complete upgrade of the existing IST program basis document.

The intent of this effort is to provide the basis for including componer.ts er excluding components from the IST program. Additionally, the upgraded basis document will define the basis for the testing performed and the acceptance enteria applied, for each component. This . action is expected to be completed by 10/1/96. The Vermont Yankee IST program was in full compliance with NRC regulations for the subject valves when radiography was completed on 11/06/95. As identified in Reference g), Vermont Yankee expects that the IST program will be in full compliance with NRC regulations by 10/01/96. We trust that the enclosed information is satisfactory; however, should you have any questions or desire additional information on this issue, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, , VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION l


y K. Thayer Vice President, Engineering i i cc: USNRC Regional Administrator, Region 1 US'?RC Resident inspector, VYNoS USF9C Project Manager, VYNPS l i

                 .                                                                                                                        I 4            1 WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM P.o. riox %8
  • 3000 Cwrge Washington way
  • Richland, Washington 99352-0968 * (SO91372-Sut%

December 22,1995 GO2-95-285 Docket No. 50-397 Document Control U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:




1) letter GO2-93-125, dated May 25, 1993, WG Counsil (SS) to BH Faulkenberry (NRC), " Response to the 1993 Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance"
2) Letter GO2-94-017, dated January 21, 1994, JV Parrish (SS) to KE Perkins (NRC), " Maintenance Procedure Upgrade Program Status" The purpose of this letter is to inform you of changes to commitments pertaining to the Maintenance Procedure Upgrade Program. In the first reference, it was stated that the upgrade of maintenance procedures would include a verification and validation for each maintenance procedure used in the plant. It was also stated that the upgrade program would be completed in December 1996. A program strus update was provided in the second reference, which included an action to perform verification of conformance of maintenance smveillance procedures to the writers' guide. This action was to be completed by December 31,1995.

As you are aware, the Supply System is committed to improving procedure quality and compliance. It is clearly recognized that our procedures need to be technically accurate, operationally correct, human faaored and useable. Significant progress has been achieved to date pertaining to improving our maintenance procedures. For example, verifications and validations have been performed on most of the maintenance surveillance procedures. In j addition, nearly one-half of the verifications and validations have been completed for the fire protection procedures. The technical issues pertaining to component or system operability I identified as part of the Technical Specification Surveillance Improvement Program review have been addressed. The remaining non-technical issues or other comments are being addressed on an as-needed basis. 9601020269 951222 PDR ADOCK C5000397 1 Ag p P PDR  ;


<   . t Page 2 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE UPGRADE PROGRAM As discussed with the staff on several occasions, the Performance Enhancement Strategy and the Business Plan are the primary tools being used to allocate available resources for activities at WNP-2. Accordingly, current plans are to continue the maintenance procedure upgrade effort, but on a schedule commensurate with resource availability and as part of the normal procedural review and revision process.

This submittalis provided for information only. No staff action is requested. Should you have any questions or desire additionalinformation pertaining to this matter, please contact either me or D. A. Swank at (509) 377-4563. Sincerely, M J, . Parrish (Mail Drop 1023) Vice President, Nuclear Operr. ions l l JDA/Im I cc: IJ Catian, NRC-RIV  ; KE Perkins, NRC-RIV, Walnut Creek Field Office l NS Reynolds, Winston & Strawn JW Clifford, NRC DL Williams, BPA (Mail Drop 399)  ! NRC Sr. Resident Inspector, Mail Drop 927N  ; i l i
