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Redline/Strikeout for Revision 4 of Standard Review Plan 2.3.3
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Issue date: 09/25/2018
From: Mark Notich
Notich M
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Download: ML18267A076 (26)


Revision 3

- March 2007 Draft Revision 4

- September 2018 USNRC STANDARD REVIEW PLAN This Standard Review Plan, NUREG

-0800, has been prepared to establish criteria that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff responsible for the review of applications to construct and operate nuclear power plants intends to use in evaluating whether an applicant/licensee meets the NRC's regulations. The Standard Review Plan is not a substitute for the NRC's regulations, an d compliance with it is not required. However, an applicant is required to identify differences between the design features, analytical techniques, and procedural measures proposed for its facility and the SRP acceptance criteria and evaluate how the proposed alternatives to the SRP acceptance criteria provide an acceptable method of complying with the NRC regulations.

The standard review plan sections are numbered in accordance with corresponding sections in Regulatory Guide 1.70, "Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants (LWR Edition)." Not all sections of Regulatory Guide 1.70 have a corresponding review plan section. The SRP sections applicable to a combined license application for a new light

-water reactor (LWR) are based on Regulatory Guide 1.206, "Combined License Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (LWR Edition)." These documents are made available to the public as part of the NRC's policy to inform the nuclear industry and the general public of regulatory procedures and policies. Individual sections of NURE G-0800 will be revised periodically, as appropriate, to accommodate comments and to reflect new information and experience. Comments may be submitted electronically by email to

Requests for single copies of SRP sections (which may be reproduced) should be made to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Attention: Reproduction and Distribution Services Section, or by fax to (301) 415-2289; or by email to Electronic copies of this section are available through the NRC's public Web site at

-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/staff/sr0800/, or in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), at

-rm/adams.html, under Accession No. ML18183A446 ML063600394

. NURE G-0800 U.S. NUCLE A R RE G UL A T O R Y COMMISS IO N STANDAR D REVIE W PLAN 2.3.3 O NS I T E M E T E O R O LOGI C A L M E ASURE M EN T S PR OG R A M REV I E W RESP O NS I B I L I T I E S P r i m a ry - Or g ani z a t i on responsible f or t he r e v i ew of m e t eo rolo g y Secondary - None I. I. AREAS O F REV IEW Chap t er 2 of t he SRP discusses the si t e cha r ac t e r i s tics and postulated site parameters t hat could affect t he sa f e desi g n and si t i ng of t he plan t. T he s t a f f r e v i e w s in f o rm a tion p resen t ed by the an applicant f or a cons truc t i on pe rm i t (CP), ope r a t in g licens e (O L), desi g n ce rt i fica t io n (DC), ea r l y si t e pe rm i t (ESP), or co mbined license (C O L) conce rning t he onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical moni t o r i ng p r o g r am andalong with the resul ting da t a. This SRP sec tion applies t o r e v i e w s pe r f o rm ed f or each of these t y pes of applica tions. T he r e v i ew co v e r s t he follo w i ng speci f ic a reas:

Revision 3

-March 2007 2-3.3 - 3 Draft Revision 4

- September 2018

1. M e t eo rolo gical ins tr u m en t a tion, including the si t i ng of meteorological towers and senso r s, sensor t y pe and pe r f o rmance speci fica tions, m e thods and e quip ment for 1. reco rding sensor ou t pu t , t he quali t y assu rance p r o g r am f or senso r s and reco r de r s, da t a ac quisi tion and r educ t ion p rocedu res, and special conside r a tions f or co mplex t e rrain si t es and site s located in remote harsh environmental regions. 2. 2. T he resul ting onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical da tabase, including conside r a tion of t he pe riod of reco r d (POR), data recovery, and the a menabili t y and representativeness of t he da t a f or use in cha r ac t e r i z i ng a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion condi t i ons. within the general site area (typically to include the exclusion area boundary (EAB), outer boundary of the low population zone (LPZ), the hypothetically maximum exposed member of the public, and the plume exposure emergency planning zone

). 3. 3. Additional Information for 10 CFR Part 52 Applications

Additional information will be p resen t e d dependent on t he t y pe of applica tion. For a COL application, the additional information is dependent on whether the application references an ESP, a DC, both , or neither.

I n f o rm a t i on r e q ui r e m en t s a r e p resc ribed w i thin t he "C on t en t s of Applica tion" sec tions of t he applicable Subpa rt s t o 10 CFR Part 52.Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Pa r t 52 , "Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants

." 4. 4. Desi g n Ce rt i fica tion Applica tion s: Fo r DC applications, t h e de tail s o f t h e m e t eo rolo gical moni t o r in g p r o g r am a r e si t e-speci f i c an d w il l b e add resse d b y t h e C O L applican t. 5. COL Action Items and Certification Requirements and Restrictions

For a DC application, the review will also address COL action items and requirements and restrictions (such as interface requirements and site parameters).

For a COL application referencing a DC or ESP, a COL applicant must address COL action items (referred to as COL license information in certain DCs) included in the referenced DC or ESP. Additionally, a COL applicant must address requirements and restrictions (such as interface requirements and site parameters) included in the referenced DC.

Re v i ew I n t e r faces Ot her SRP sec tions in t e r face w i t h this sec tion as follo w s: 1. Summaries of the hourly

1. Data s u mm a r ie s from the pre-operational onsi t e m e t eo rolo gica l data thatmonitoring program are reviewed in this SRP Section may be p resen t ed in Standard Review Plan (SRP) Sec tion 2.3.2, "Local Meteorology" for comparison to data summaries from any earlier onsite monitoring and/or offsite monitoring locations to help establish long

-term representativeness of the onsite data


Revision 3

-March 2007 2-3.3 - 4 Draft Revision 4

- September 2018

2. T he data collected from the pre

-operational onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical data reviewed in this SRP sectionmonitoring program a r e used t o g ene r a t e the sho rt-t e r m (accident release) andatmospheric dispe rsion f ac t o r s r e v i e w ed in SRP Sec tion 2.3.4, "Short term Dispersion Estimates for Accident Releases,"

for use in the design basis radiological consequences analyses performed in SRP Chapter 15" and for use in the postulated leakage or failure analysis of a waste gas tank release or charcoal delay tank performed in SRP Section 11.3, "Gaseous Waste Management System."

2. 3. The data collected from the pre

-operational onsite meteorological monitoring program are used to generate the lon g-t e r m (r ou tine release) a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion and deposition f ac t o r s r e v i e w ed in SRP Sections 2.3.4 and Sec tion 2.3.5, respectively."Long-Term Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates for Routine Releases

," for use in calculating the estimated gaseous effluent concentrations and annual doses to members of the public from gaseous effluents during normal routine operations and anticipated operational occurrences performed in SRP Section 11.3, "Gaseous Waste Management System."

3. 4. A r e v i ew of t he ade quacy of ins tr u m en t a tion, including t he con tr ol r oom displa y s, to assess conditions at the plant and its en v i r ons conditions du ring and follo w i ng an accident is pe r f o rm ed in SR P Sec t io n 7.5., "Information Systems Important to Safety

." 4. 5. A r e v i ew e valua ting t he capabili t y of t he operational m e t eo rolo gical m oni t o r i ng systemprogram t o p r o vide t he r e q u i r e d nea r r eal-t i m e m e t eo rolo gica l in f o rm a t io n i n t h e app r op r ia t e e m e r gency response facili ties f or use in dose p r o j e ction s du r in g radiolo gica l e m e r gencie s is pe r f o rm e d i n SR P Sec t io n 13.3., "Emergency Planning

." 5. For DC applications and COL applications referencing a DC rule or DC application, review of the site parameters in the Design Control Document (DCD) Tier 1 and Chapter 2 of the DCD Tier 2 1 submitted by the applicant is performed under SRP Section 2.0, "Site Characteristics / Site Parameters." Review of site characteristics and site

-related design parameters in ESP applications or in COL applications referencing an ESP is also performed under Section 2.0.

T he speci f ic accep tance c r i t e r ia and r e v i ew p rocedu r es a r e con tained in t he r e f e renced SRP sections. II. II. ACCEP TANCE CR I T ER I A Re q u i r e m en t s Accep tance c r i t e r ia a r e based on m ee ting t he rele v ant r e q ui r e m en t s of t he follo w i ng Co mm ission r e gula t ions: 1Additional supporting information of prior DC rules may be found in DCD Tier 2 Section 14.3.

Revision 3

-March 2007 2-3.3 - 5 Draft Revision 4

- September 2018

1. For CP, OL, and COL applications, 10 CFR Pa r t 20 , "Standards for Protection Against Radiation,"

(Reference 1), Subpa r t D w i t h respect t o t he meteorological da t a used t o de m ons tr a t e co m plianc e w i t h dos e li m i t s f or indi vidua l m e m be r s o f t h e public. 2. For CP applications, 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities" (Reference 2), Paragraph 50.34(a)(1)(ii)(D) with respect to a safety assessment of the site, including consideration of major structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of the facility and site meteorology, to evaluate the offsite radiological consequences at the EAB and outer boundary of the LPZ. 3. For OL applications, 10 CFR 50.34(b)(1) with respect to providing current information in the O L Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) on the results of the pre-operational meteorological monitoring program since issuance of the CP relat ed to the site evaluation factors identified in 10 CFR Part 100 (Reference 3). 4. For CP, OL, and COL applications and for ESP applications that contain proposed complete and integrated emergency response plans, 10 CFR 50.47 (b)(4), 10 CFR 50.47 (b)(8), and 10 CFR 50.47 (b)(9), as well as Sec t io n I V.E.2 o f Appendi x E to Part 50 w i t h r espec t t o t h e onsi t e m e t eo rolo gica l in f o rm a tion a vailable f or de t e rm ining t he m a g ni t ude and con tinuously assessing t he i mpact of t he releases of radioac t i v e m a t e r ials t o t he en v i r on m ent du ring a radiolo gical e m e r g enc y. 5. For CP, OL, and COL applications, 1 0 CF R Pa r t 50 , Appendi x A , "General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants,"

General Design Criterion (GDC) 19 , "Con tr ol Roo m," w i t h respect t o t he m e t eo rolo gical conside r a tions used t o e valua t e t he pe rsonnel e xposu res inside t he con tr ol r oom du ring radiolo gical and ai r bo r ne ha z a rdous m a t e r i al accident condi tions. 6. For CP, OL, ESP, and COL applications, 10 CFR Pa r t 50, Appendix I w i t h respect t o m e t eo rolo gical da t a used in de t e rm ining co mpliance w i t h the nu m e rical guides f or design ob j ec t i v es and li m i ting condi t i ons for ope r a tion t o m eet t he r e q ui r e m ent that radioac t i v e m a t e r i al in eff l uen t s released t o un r es tr ic t ed a r eas be kept as low as is reasonably achie vable (ALARA). 7. For ESP applications, 10 CFR 52.17(a)(1)(ix) with respect to a safety assessment of the site, including consideration of major SSCs of the facility and site meteorology, to evaluate the offsite radiological consequences at the EAB and outer boundary of the LPZ. 8. For COL applications, 10 CFR 52.79(a)(1)(vi) with respect to a safety assessment of the site, including consideration of major SSCs of the facility and site meteorology, to evaluate the offsite radiological consequences at the EAB and outer boundary of the LPZ. 1. 9. For s t a tiona r y po w er r eac t or si t e applica tions be f o r e Janua r y 10, 1997 (Ref. 1)::

2.3.3-6 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 a. a. 10 CFR 100CFR 1 00.10 (c)(2)), "Factors to be considered when evaluating sites", w i t h respect t o t he m e t eo rolo gical condi t ions at t he si t e and in t he su rrounding a r ea which should be conside r ed in de t e rm ining the accep tabili t y of a si t e f or a po w er r eac t o r. b. b. 10 CFR Part 100.11 (a) w i t h respect t o using t he m e t eo rolo gical condi t i ons pe rt inent t o t he si t e, along w i t h an assu m ed f i ssi on p roduct release f r om t he co r e and t he e x pec t ed con tain m ent leak r a t e du ring pos tula t ed acciden t s, t o ensu r e that p resc ribed dose li m i t s f or t he EAB and outer boundary of the LPZ a r e m e t. 2. 1 0. For s t a tiona r y po w er r eac t or si t e applica tions on or a f t er Janua r y 10, 1997 (Ref. 2):: a. a. 10 CFR Part 100.20 (c)(2) w i t h respect t o t he m e t eo rolo gical cha r ac t e r i s tics of t he si t e t hat a r e necessa r y f or sa f e t y anal ysis or that m ay ha v e an i mpact upon plant desi g n in de t e rm ining t he accep tabili t y of a si t e f or a nuclear po w er plan t. b. b. 10 CFR Part 100.21 (c) w i t h respect t o t he m e t eo rolo gical da t a used t o e valua t e si t e a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion characteristics and es tablish dispe rsion pa r a m e t e r s such t ha t (1) radiolo gica l effluen t r eleas e li m i t s associa t e d w i t h no rm al o pe r a t io n can be m et f or any indi v i dual loca t ed o f f si t e, and (2) radiolo gical dose conse quences of pos tula t ed acciden t s m eet p resc ribed dose li m i t s at t he Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) an d Low Population Zone (outer boundary of the LPZ).. 3. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, General Design Criteria (GDC) 19, "Control Room," with respect to the meteorological considerations used to evaluate the personnel exposures inside the control room during radiological and airborne hazardous material accident conditions. GDC are not applicable for ESP applications.

4. 10 CFR Part 50, Paragraphs 50.47(b)(4), 50.47(b)(8), and 50.47(b)(9), as well asSection IV.E.2 of Appendix E with respect to the onsite meteorological information available for determining the magnitude and continuously assessing the impact of the releases of radioactive materials to the environment during a radiological emergency.
5. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I with respect to meteorological data used in determining the compliance with numerical guides for design objectives and limiting conditions for operation to meet the requirement that radioactive material in effluents released to unrestricted areas be kept as low as is reasonable achievable (ALARA). 6.5. 10 CFR Part 20, Subpart D with respect to the meteorological data used to demonstrate compliance with dose limits for individual members of the public. 10 CFR Part 20 is not applicable for ESP applications.

2.3.3-7 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 SRP Accep tance C r i t e r ia Speci f i c SR P accep tanc e c r i t e r i a accep t abl e t o m ee t t h e r e le v an t r e q u i r e m en t s o f t h e NRC'sU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) r e gula t i ons iden t i fied abo v e a r e as follo w s f or t he r e v i ew desc ribed in this SRP sec tion. The SR P i s no t a subs t i t u t e f or t h e NRC's r e g u la tions , an d co m plianc e w i t h i t i s no t r e q u i red. Ho w e v e r , an applicant is r e q ui r ed t o iden t i f y diff e rences be t w een t he desi g n f ea t u res, anal y tical techni ques, and p rocedu r al measu r es p roposed f or i t s facili t y and t he SRP accep tance c r i t e ria and e valua t e how t he p roposed al t e r na t i v es t o t he SRP accep tance c r i t e r ia p r o vide accep table m e t hod s o f co m plianc e w i t h t h e NR C r e g u la tions. The staff should review the following information in each application:

1. 1. T he p r e-ope r a tional m oni t o r i ng p r o g r am should be desc ribed f or CP and ESP applica tions and f or C O L applica tions t ha t do not r e f e rence an ESP. T he ope r a tional m oni t o r i ng p r o g r am should be desc ribed f or O L and C O L applica tions and in those ESP applica tions t hat containinclude p roposed co mple t e and in t e g r a t ed e m e r gency response plans. The operational monitoring program may be described for ESP applications that include major portions of the emergency response plans.

T he m oni t o r i ng p r o g r am desc r ip t i on should include m e t eo rolo gical measu r e m en t s made at t he si t e (primary and , if applicable, backup towers) an d an y off s i t e satellite facilities. Theequipment and instrumentation used by the applicant in their atmospheric dispersion analyses. As a minimum, t h e desc r ip t io n shoul d include: a. Instrument Siting a. a si t e m ap (d r a w n t o scale) that sho w s plant and True North, the t o w er's grade elevation, and the tower loca t i on and true north w i t h respect t o man-made structures, topographic features, and otheror natural features that may influence siteaffect onsite meteorological measurements (such as buildings; paved and improved surfaces; cooling towers and ponds; hills; trees; bodies of water) b. distances to nearby obstructions ofto air flow in each downwind sector c. measurements made exposure and orientation of instruments lightning protection system

b. Meteorological Sensors
d. parameters measured and elevations of measurements

2.3.3-8 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 e. exposure or instruments

f. instrument descriptions types of instrument s (such as cup, propeller, vane, or sonic anemometer s; resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) or thermistor

-type temperature sensors; chilled mirror or lithium chloride dew point sensors); however, details regarding makes and model numbers are not necessary

g. instrument performance specifications (such as sensor and system accuracies
wind sensor starting thresholds
channel measurement resolutions and ranges)
c. Recording of Meteorological Sensor Output data output and recording systems, including (for OL and COL applications) locations of data displays
d. Instrument Surveillance
h. summaries of calibration and maintenance procedures and frequencies
e. Data Acquisition and Reduction I. data output and recording systems
j. data processing, archiving, and analysis procedures data acquisition and processing procedures, such as data sampling rates , averaging times, and methods for developing data averages (for example, wind speed and direction scalar versus vector averaging) consistent with regulatory and industry guidance and how the data will be used data validation procedures, including summary of data validation checks (automated and manual) and data correction or substitution G uidanc e o n a sui t abl e onsi t e m e t eo rolo gica l m oni t o r in g p r o g r am t o p r o v id e t he r e q u i r e d m e t eo rolo gica l da t a i s p resen t e d i n Re g u la t o r y G u id e 1.23.(RG) 1.23 , "Meteorological Monitoring Programs for Nuclear Power Plants" (Reference 5). 2.1. Meteorological data
2. Data should be presented in the form of joint frequency distributions of wind speed and wind direction by atmospheric stability class in the format described in Regulatory Guide 1.23. Ainclude a n hou r-b y-hou r listing o f t h e hou r l y-a v e r a g e d pa r a m e t e r s in t he f o rm at desc ribed in Appendix A to R G 1.23 ,

2.3.3-9 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 "Meteorological Monitoring Programs for Nuclear Power Plants

." Data recovery should be provided in the format described in Regulatory Guide 1.23. If possible, evidence of how well these data represent long

-term conditions at the site should also be presented, 3. possibly through comparison with offsite data. For CP applications, at least 90 percent on an annual cycle basis for individual variables, as well as for the joint recovery (at each wind measurement level) of concurrent wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability.

When an application submittal includes more than one annual cycle of onsite meteorological data should be provided with the application. For, the data recovery objective applies to each annual cycle as well as the composite POR. a. a. CP applica tions should include at least one annual c ycle (that is, a consecutive 12

-month period) of onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical da ta. O L applica tions , should include at least t wo consecu t i v e c ycles (and p r e f e rably 3 or m o r e whole y ea r s, if available

), including t he most recent one-y ear pe riod, should be provided at t he t i m e of applica tion sub m i ttal. b. For C O L applica tion s t ha t d o no t r e f e renc e a n ES P and foras well as ES P applications,applica tion submittals should include at least t w o consecu t i v e annual c ycles (that is, a consecutive 24

-month period)

(and p r e f e rably 3 or m o r e whole y ea r s), including, if available

), that are no older than 10 years from the most recent 1-year period, should be provided withdate of the application. b. I f t w o y ea r s of onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical da t a a r e not a vailable at t he t i m e t he applica t io n i s filed , the staff expects that the a C O L o r ES P applicant will provide application should include at least one annual c ycle of m e t eo rolo gical da t a collec t ed onsi t e with the. The application. These data should be used by the applicant to calculatealso include calculations of (1) t he sho rt-t e r m a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion es t i m a t es f or accident releases discussed in SRP Sec tion 2.3.4 , and (2) t he lon g-t e r m a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion and deposition es t i m a t es for r ou tine releases discussed in SRP Sec tion 2.3.5. based on the one

-year data set. T he applicantstaff should continue to monitor the datanot make findings until it receives and submit theevaluates a co mple t e 2-y ear da t a set when it has collected all the data. This supplemental submittal should also include a reanalysis of the Section 2.3.4 and 2.3.5 atmospheric dispersion estimatesan updated safety analysis report based on t he co mple t e 2-y ear da t a set. The letter informing the applicant that the application has been accepted for docketing should provide instructions to the applicant for completing the meteorological data set. Th is letter should also instruct the applicant to submit the second year data set, along with:

(1) the onsite meteorological monitoring program data summaries reviewed in SRP Section 2.3.2, (2) the short

-term atmospheric dispersion estimates reviewed in SRP Section 2.3.4, and (3) the long

-term atmospheric dispersion and deposition estimates reviewed in SRP Section 2.3.5 based on the composite 2

-year POR.

2.3.3-10 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 4. 3. T he applicant should iden t i f y and j us t i f y any de v ia t i ons f r om t he guidance p r o vided in Regulatory Guide 1.23. R G 1.23. T echnical Ra tionale T he technical r a t ionale f or applica tion of these accep tance c r i t e r ia t o t he a r eas of r e v iew add ressed by this SRP sec tion is discussed in t he follo w i ng pa r a g raphs: 1. For power reactor site applications submitted before January 10, 1997, 10 CFR 100.10(c)(2) states that meteorological conditions at the site and in the surrounding area should be considered in determining the acceptability of a site for a power reactor. Likewise, for power reactor site applications submitted on or after January 10, 1997, 10 CFR 100.20(c)(2) requires consideration of the meteorological characteristics of the site that are necessary for safety analysis or that may have an impact upon plant design in determining the acceptability of a site for a nuclear power plant. These With respect to the review under this SRP section, the regulatory requirements to consider meteorological conditions at or near the site of a proposed nuclear power plant are imposed (a) to ensure that these conditions will not compromise the plant's safety, 1. (b), in part, to provide descriptions o fsufficient meteorological characteristics at or near the site to facilitatedata needed for making atmospheric dispersion estimates for both postulated accidental and expected routine airborne releases of radioactive effluents, and (c) to compare offsite data sources for determining the appropriateness of climatological data considered during the plant phase.. Meeting these requirements provides assurancehelps to ensure that severe weatherthese conditions will not compromise the plant's design and operation or the public's safety of the proposed nuclear power plant and that sufficient meteorological data are available to make representative estimates of atmospheric dispersion

. 2. 2. For po w er r eac t or si t e applica tions submitted be f o r e Janua r y 10, 1997, 10 CFR 100.11 (a) speci fies t he m anner in which t he EAB, LPZ, and popula tion cen t er distancedis tance s a re de t e rm i ned g i v en a f ission p roduct release f r om t he r eac t or co r e, an e x pec t ed leak r a t e f r om con tain m en t , and pe rt i nent m e t eo rolo gical condi t ions. I den t i f ic a tion of an EAB, LPZ, and popula tion cen t er dis tance is an in t e g r al aspect of t he si t i ng c r i t e r ia f or a nuclea r po w e r plan t. Speci f ie d radia t io n dose guidelines a r e associa t ed w i t h t he EAB and outer boundary of t he LPZ. Ve r i f i ca t i on t hat t he p roposed nuclear plant m ee t s these radia tion dose guidelines is acco mplished by calcula ting e x pec t ed off si t e radia tion doses using an assu m ed in v en t o r y of f ission p roduc t s a vailable f or release f r om t he con tain ment buildin g , t he e x pec t ed con tain m ent leak r a t e, and si t e a tmosphe r ic diffusiondispersion cha r ac t e r i s tics. Diffusion Dispersi on cha r ac t e r i s tics a r e typically de t e rm i ned f r om m e t eo rolo gical measu r e m en t s t a k en at t he p roposed plant si t e and, if necessary, other offsite locations

. 3. 3. For po w er r eac t or si t e applica tions submitted on or a f t er Janua r y 10, 1997, 10 CFR 100.21 (c) r e q ui r es t he e valua tion of si t e a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion cha r ac t e r i s tics and t he es tablish m ent of dispe rsion pa r a m e t e r s such t hat (1) radiolo gical eff luent release 2.3.3-11 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 li m i ts associa t ed w i t h n o rm al ope r a tion f r om t he t y pe of facili t y p roposed t o be loca t ed at the si t e can be m et f or any indi v i dual loc a t ed o f f si t e, and (2) radiolo gical dose conse quences of pos tula t ed acciden t s m eet t he p resc ribed dose li m i t s at t he EAB and LPZ dis tances set f o r t h in 10 CFR 50.34 (a)(1). T he m a x i m um annual a v e r a g e a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion f ac t or (/Q value) at or be y ond t he si t e bounda r y and t he annual a v e r a g e a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion and deposi tion f ac t o r s (/Q an d D/Q v alues) a t speci f ic loca t i ons of po t en tial rece p t o r s of in t e rest a r e a si g ni ficant input t o t he assess ment pe r f o rm ed t o de m ons tr a t e t hat radiolo gical eff luent release li m i t s associa t ed w i t h no rmal ope r a tion f r om t he t y pe of facili t y p roposed t o be loca t ed at t he si t e can be m et f or any indi vidua l loca t e d o f f si te. Li k e wise , si t e a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion cha r ac t e r i s tics a r e a necessa r y input t o t he assess m ent de m ons tr a ting t hat t he sa f e t y f ea t u r es t hat a r e t o be engineeringengineered in t o t h e f acili t y , includin g t h e plan t desi g n f ea t u r e s in tende d t o m i t i g a t e the radiolo gical conse quences of acciden t s, a r e ade q ua t e t o ensu r e t hat t he off si t e radiolo gical conse quences of acciden t s meet speci f ie d radia t io n dos e g uideline s f or t he EA B an d outer boundary of the LPZ. 4. 4. T h e G D C se t f o rt h i n Appendi x A t o 1 0 CF R Pa r t 5 0 es tablis h mini m um r e q u i r e m en t s for t h e p rincipa l desi g n c r i t e r i a f or w a t e r-coole d nuclea r po w e r plan t s. Speci ficall y , G D C 19 , "Control Room,"

r e q ui r es that a con tr ol room be p r o vided f r om which ac t i ons can be t a k en t o ope r a t e t he nuclea r po w e r uni t sa f e l y unde r normal condi tion s an d t o m a in t a i n i t i n a sa f e condi tion under accident condi t ions. Ade q ua t e radia tion p r o t ec t i on must be p r o vided t o pe rm it access t o and occupancy of t he con tr ol r oom f or t he du r a tion of accident condi t ions. A tmosphe r ic dispe rsion es t i m a t es a r e si g ni ficant inpu t s in assess m en t s pe r f o rm ed to de m ons tr a t e co mpliance w i t h this r e q ui r e m en t. 5.1. 5. 1 0 CF R 50.4 7 , "Emergency plans,"

an d Appendi x E , "Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities,"

t o 1 0 CF R Pa r t 5 0 speci f y r e q u i r e m en t s f or e m e r gency p r epa redness plannin g. So m e e m e r gency p r epa redness planning r e q ui r e m en t s focus on de t e rm ining t he m a g ni t ude, and assessing t he i m pac t , of radioac t i v e releases t o t he en v i r on m en t. Hence, m e thods, s y s t e m s, and e quip m ent a r e r e q ui r ed f or assessing and m oni t o r i ng off si t e conse quences. M e t eo rolo gical pa r a m e t e r s p r o vide an in t e g r al pa r t of t he da t a needed t o es tablish a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion f ac t o r s f or assessing off si t e doses f r om ai r bo r ne releases of radioac t i v e m a t e r ial. M ee ting t he r e q ui r e m en t s for measu r e m ent of m e t eo rolo gical pa r a m e t e r s du ring an accident or an ticipa t ed ope r a tional occu rrence p r o vides assu rance t hat those pe rsonnel responsible for mana g in g t h e e v en t w il l b e f u ll y in f o rm e d abou t t h e po t en t i a l conse quence s o f ai r bo r ne radiolo gica l r eleases. 6. 6. Applican t s an d licensee s gene rall y sho w co m plianc e w i t h 1 0 CF R Part 20 , Subpa r t D , "Radiation Dose Limits for Individual Members of the Public,"

by de m ons tr a ting t hat t he annual a v e r a g e concen tr a t i ons of radioac t i v e m a t e r i al released in gaseous (and liquid) effluents a t t he bounda r y of t he restricted un r es tr i c t ed a r ea and at specific defined receptor locations of interest beyond the unrestricted area boundary do not e xceed t he v alue s speci f ie d i n T abl e 2 , "Effluent Concentrations" o f Appendix B t o 1 0 CF R Part 20. 1 0 CF R Pa r t 50 , Appendi x I , p r o vide s nu m e rica l g uideline s f or t h e 2.3.3-12 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 ALAR A c r i t e r io n conce rnin g radioac t i v e m a t e r ia l in li g h t-w a t e r-cooled nuclear po w er r eac t or eff l uen ts. Sec tions 50.34a and 50.36a con tain p r o visions desi g ned t o ensu r e t hat releases of radioac t i v e m a t e r i al f r om nuclear po wer r eac t o r s t o un r es tr ic t ed a r eas du ring no rm al ope r a tion, including an ticipa t ed ope r a tional occu rrences, a r e kept as low as reasonably achievabl

e. Appendix I p r o vides nu m e rical guidance f or this r e q ui r e m en t. M ee ting t he r e q ui r e m en t s of these r e gula t i ons p r o vides assu rance t hat radia tion doses f r om no rm al ope r a tion and f r om an ticipa t ed ope r a tional occu rrences w ill not result in e xposu r es t hat could cause measu rable da m a ge. Atmospheric Data from the pre-operational onsite meteorological measurements program are used to generate a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion and deposition es t i m a t es which a r e si g ni ficant inpu t s into the assess m en t s pe r f o rm ed t o de m ons tr a te co mpliance w i t h these r e q ui r e m en t s. III. III. REVIEW PROCEDURES T he r e v i e w er will select m a t e r i al f r om t he p rocedu r es desc ribed belo w , as m ay be app r op r ia t e f or a particular case. T h e p rocedu r e s ou tline d belo w a r e use d t o r e v ie w C P applica tions , ES P applica tion s , an d C O L applica tions that do not r e f e rence an ESP t o de t e rm i ne w he t her datathe scope of the pre

-operational and analysesoperational phases of the onsite meteorological measurements program f or t he p roposed si t e m eet t he accep tance c r i t e r ia g i v en in Subs ec t i on I I of this SRP sec tion. For r e v i e w s of O L applica tions, these p rocedu r es a r e used t o v e r i f y that t he data and analyses remainscope of the operational phase of the meteorological measurements program remains valid and that the facility's facility's design specifications are consistent with these data. this scope. As applicable, r e v i e w s of OLs O L, DC, and COLs C O L applications include a de t e rm i na tion on w he t her t he con tent of any t echnica l speci fica tion s r e la t e d t o t h e onsite met eo rolo gical m oni t o r i ng p r o g r am operational phase is accep table and w he t her t he technical speci fica tions r e f lect conside r a tion of any iden t i fied uni que condi t ions. Note that Generic Technical Specifications typically have an Administrative Controls Section that requires establishing, implementing, and maintaining written procedures covering such programs as the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) which includes the conduct of the radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP). NEI 07-09A, "Generic FSAR Template Guidance for Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) Program Description" (Reference 6

) provides a complete generic program description for use in developing construction and operating license applications. The operational meteorological monitoring program, including the preparation of an annual meteorological summary, is generally considered part o f the REMP as outlined in RG 1.21 , "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactive Material in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents and Solid Waste

." Therefore, Generic Technical Specifications require written procedures for the operational meteorological monitoring program.

These r e v i ew p rocedu r es a r e based on t he iden t i fied SRP accep tance c r i t e ria. For de v ia t ions f r om these accep tance c r i t e ria, t h e s t a f f should r e v i ew the an applican t's e valua tion of how t he p roposed al t e r na t i v es p r o vide an accep table m e t hod of co m pl ying w i t h t he rele v ant NRC r e q u i r e m en t s iden t i f ie d i n Subsec t io n II. 1. 1. M e t eo rolo gical I ns tr u m en t a tion 2.3.3-13 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 T he basic m e t eo rolo gical pa r a m e t e r s measu r ed by ins tr u m en t a tion should include w i nd di r ec tion and w i nd speed at t w o le vels, a mbient air t e m pe r a t u r e diff e rence be t w een t w o le vels, ambient air t e m pe r a t u r e, p recipi t a tion , (rainfall and liquid equivalent of frozen precipitation), and any other parameters used by the applicant to determine atmospheric moisture (at sites where water vapor is emitted, as from cooling towers stability (or spray ponds).turbulence) for the purposes of atmospheric dispersion and deposition modeling. a. Instrument Siting For those sites that rely on water evaporation as part of their normal heat sink (such as cooling towers, cooling lakes and ponds, or spray ponds), the pre

-operational monitoring program should include a tmosphe r ic mois t u r e measurements.

Except for passive plants utilizing a passive containment cooling system, sites that rely on water evaporation as part of their ultimate heat sink (such as a mechanical draft cooling tower, a cooling lake with a submerged pond, or spray ponds), both the pre-operational monitoring program and the operational monitoring program should include a tmosphe r ic mois t u r e measurements.

A site visit by staff to review the applicant's onsite meteorological measurements program is encouraged. This may be done in coordination with the environmental

-related review. The scope of the site visit should include reviewing the siting of the meteorological tower(s), local exposure of instruments, identification of the types of sensors and data recorders installed and their corresponding performance specifications; inspection, calibration, maintenance, corrective action, and data handling procedures; and associated records.

a. I ns tr u m ent Si t i ng I ns tr u m ent t ypes, hei g h t s, and loca t i ons a r e co m pa r ed g ene rally t o t he positionposi tion s s t a t e d i n Regulatory Guide R G 1.23. Additional information is provided in American National Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society (ANSI/ANS)-3.11-2015 (Reference 7

). De t aile d r e v ie w p rocedu r e s f o llo w. (1) (1) Local E xposu r e of I ns tr u m en t s T he local e xposu r e of t he w i nd and t e m pe r a t u r e senso r s is r e v i e w ed t o ensu r e t hat t he measu r e m en t s will r ep resent t he g ene r al si t e a r ea. A de t e rm i na tion is m ade as to w he t her t he t o w er whichthat suppo rt s t he senso r s w ill in f luence t he w i nd or t e m pe r a t u r e measu r e m en t s. P r o fessional e x pe rience and s tudies ha v e sho w n t hat w i nd senso r s should be m oun t ed on boo m s such that t he senso r s a r e at least t w o t o w er w i d ths a w ay f r om an open-la tt iced t o w e r. For t e m pe r a t u r e senso r s, m oun ting boo m s nee d not be as long as those f or w i nd senso r s but must be unaff e c t e d b y t he rm al radia t io n f r o m t h e t o w er i tsel f. N o wind or t e m pe r a t u re senso r s m ay be m oun t ed di r ec t ly on s t ac k s or closed 2.3.3-14 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 t o w e rs. Mounting booms for all sensors should be oriented normal to the on the upwind side of the mounting object in areas with a dominant prevailing wind at the sitedirection. In areas with two distinct prominent wind directions (such as mountain valleys), the sensors should be mounted in a direction perpendicular to the primary two directions to minimize tower interference

. A determination is madeThe staff should de t e rmine to w he t her t he t e rrain at or near t he base of the t o w er w ill unna t u rally affect t he w i nd or t e m pe r a t u r e measu r e m en ts. Heat r e f l ec t i on cha r ac t e r i s tics of t he su r face unde r l ying t he m e t eo rolo gical t o w er (g rass, soil, g r a vel, pa v in g , e t c.) a r e estimatedconsidered to ensu r e t hat locali z ed in f luences on measu r e m en t s a r e m i ni mal. The posi tion, si z e, and m a t e r ials used in t he cons tr uc t i on of t he recorder shackinstrument shelter and nea r by tr ees and vegetation a r e also e x a mined f or po t en tial locali zed in f luence on t he measu r e m en t s. (2) (2) G ene r al E xposu r e of I ns tr u m en t s Since t he ob j ec t i v e of t he ins tr u m en t a tion is t o p r o vide measu r e m en t s whichthat r ep resent t he o v e rall si t e meteorology w i t hout plant structure interference from plant s tr uc t u r es and other features, including plant operations

, t he tower position(s)positions of the primary and, if applicable, backup meteorological towers should ha v e been selec t ed w i t h this g ene r al ob j ec t i v e in m i nd. E x a mina tion of t opo g raphical maps, whichthat ha v e been m odi f i ed t o show t he li kely f inished plant g r ade, a si t e v i si t , and p r o f essional j ud g ment on ai r flow pa tt e r ns a r e used t o de t e rm i ne and e valua t e t he r ep resen t a t i veness of t he pre-operational and, if different, operational phase tower loca t i on (s). T he p roposed la y ou t of plant structure layoutstructures

, including s tr uc t u r e hei g h t s, is e x a mined f or po t en tial in f luence on m e t eo rolo gical measu r e m en ts. SensorsWind senso r s should be loca t ed at least 10 obs tr uc t i on hei g h t s a w ay f r om t he obs tr uc t i on to airflow in order t o m i ni m i z e this in f luence. In those situations where one or more natural draft cooling tower s are being utilized as the normal plant heat sink, wind sensors can be located closer, but should be at least five times the maximum width of the cooling tower structure from the cooling tower, to preclude the meteorological tower from being located a significant distance from the reactor. The distance is normally acceptable because the rounded and sloping characteristics of a hyperbolic cooling tower are more aerodynamically smooth and streamlined as compared to block

-shaped structures and are therefore expected to have shorter building wake effects downwind.

Precipitation gauges should be equipped with a wind deflector shield to improve gauge collection efficiency and may be equipped, where necessary, with heater devices to melt frozen precipitation.

2.3.3-15 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 b. b. Meteorological Sensors T he t y pe and pe r f o rmance speci fica tions of t he senso r s a r e e valua ted. M anu f ac t u r e r s' speci fica tions and analysis, andthe applicant's ope r a ting e x pe rience forwith these senso r s a r e conside r ed in evaluation ofevaluating their ade quacy w i t h respect t o channel accu racy and the po t en tial f or accep table da t a reco v e r y. the potential for acceptable data recovery. Standardized evaluations such as Reference 9 and operational experience reports contained in research papers are utilized.

T he sui tabili t y of t he speci f ic t y pe of sensor f or use in t he en v i r on m en tal condi t i ons at t he si t e is e valua ted. T o this end, t he r an g e of w i nd, temperature, and moisture condi t i ons and t he abili t y of t he senso r s t o w i t hs t and harsh environments (such as extreme cold/hot, high winds, co rrosion, blo wing sand or dust , sal t , air pollu t an t s, bi r ds or other wildlife

, and insec t s) a r e conside r ed. If the sensors are new and unique, a meteorological instrumentation expert may need to be consulted.

c.a. Recording of Meteorological Sensor Output TheIf the instrumentation is new or differs from what is typically used in a meteorological monitoring program (such as SOnic Detection and Ranging (SODAR) measurements), then the application should justify doing so including, but not limited to, how the measurement technology is appropriate and how the resulting data will be used (e.g., input to dispersion models and its compatibility with the model algorithms based on how a particular model was developed). In such cases, meteorological instrumentation and dispersion modeling expert s may need to be consulted.

. c. Reco rding of M e t eo rolo gical Sensor O u tput Information regarding t he m e t hods of reco rding (e.g.,such as di g i t al or analo g ,; ins t an t aneous or a v e r a g e ,; en ginee r in g units o r r aw v o l t a g es) an d t h e r e co r d in g e quip m en t , including pe r f o rmance speci fica tions and loca t i on of this e quip m en t , are is e valua t ed. M anu f ac t u r e r s' speci fica tions and the applicant's ope r a ting e x pe rience forwith t he reco r de r s a re conside r ed in evaluation ofevaluating their ade quacy w i t h respect t o system accu racy and t he po t en tial f or accep table da t a reco v e r y. T he con trolled en v i r on m en t al condi t i ons in which t he sensor processors and reco r de r s a r e kept (such as the instrument shackshelter or con tr ol r oo m) a r e r e v i e w ed f or ade quacy in acco rdance w i t h t he manu f ac t u r e r s' speci fica tions. T he abili t y t o ob tain a di rect readout f rom t he reco r de r s in si t u du ring r ou tine 2.3.3-16 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 inspec t i on of s y s t e m s is chec k ed t o ensu r e that t he inspec t or w ill be able t o rela t e t he reco r der ou tput di r ec t ly t o t he sensor measu r e m en t. So m e speci f ic c r i t e r ia a r e con tained in Regulatory Guide R G 1.23. d. d. Instrumentation Surveillance The inspection, maintenance, and calibration procedures and their frequency are evaluated. TheseInformation regarding t he inspec t i on, main tenance, and calib r a t i on p rocedu r es and their f r e q uencies is e valua ted. RGs 1.21, "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactive Material in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents and Solid Waste,"

(Reference 8

), 1.33, "Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation),"

(Reference 9), 1.97, "Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Plants,"

(Reference 10), and 4.15, "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Inception through Normal Operations to License Termination)

-- Effluent Streams and the Environment" (Reference 11) discuss the need for procedures and quality assurance requirements for meteorological monitoring programs.

T he su r veillance p rocedu r es and t he f r e quency of a tt en tion that t he ins tr u m en t a tion s y s t e m s recei v e a r e co m pa r ed t o ope r a ting e x pe rience at thisthe proposed si t e and o t her si t es w i t h si milar ins tr u m en t a tion with t he ob j ec t i v e of de t e rm ining t hat accep table da t a reco v e r y , w i t h accep table accu r ac y , willmight be reasonably expected to be ob tained t h r ou ghout t he du r a tion of t he operational phase of the onsite m e t eo rolo gical monitoring p r o g r a m. T he abili t y of ins tr u m en t a tion s y s t e m s t o f unc t i on t h r ou ghout t he cou r se of acciden t s is also e valua ted. Criteria for acceptable accuracy and acceptable data recovery are specified in Regulatory Guide 1.23. Addi tiona l in f o rm a t io n i s p r o vide d i n Refs.ANSI/ANS-3.11-2015, 10, 11, and 12.

e.a. Data Acquisition and Reduction The procedures, including both hardware EP A-454/R-99-005 (Reference 12

) and EPA-454/B-08-002 (Reference 13

). C r i t e r ia f or accep table system accu racy and accep table da t a reco v e r y a r e speci f ie d i n R G 1.23 e. Da t a Acquisition and softwareReduc tion T he methods used f or da t a ac quisi tion, processing, and reduction,validation (automated and manual) a r e evaluated. Since t he r e a r e m any m e t hods of ac q ui ring da t a f rom m e t eo rolo gical measu r e ment s y s t e m s whichthat a r e accep table t o t he s t aff , t he r e v i ew p rocedu r e v a r ies. The Information regarding the basic components of the 2.3.3-17 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 monitoring program which are is reviewed to ascertain the acceptability of data acquisition and reduction areincludes: (1) Accuracy (1) accuracy of di rect measu r e m en t s and their p recision, (2) Accuracy (2) accuracy in con v e rsion of di rect measurement uni t s t o m e t eo rolo gical uni t s, (3) Adequacy (3) adequacy of f r e quency and mode (i ns t an t aneous or a v e r a g e) of sa m p lin g , (4) Averaging time (4) averaging times, reporting intervals of system outputs for final disposition and accuracy of these data

, and averaging methods for consistency with how the data are to be used, and (5) Identification (5) i den t i fica tion and handling of suspect da t a. Since t he instrument accu racy c r i t e r ia in Regulatory Guide R G 1.23 r e f er t o o v e rall s y s t em accu racy f or t i m e-a v e r a g ed values, t he o v e rall s y s t em accu racy (senso r , reco r de r , and data r educ t ion) is e valua t ed in addi t i on t o checking t he co m ponent (sensor, recorder, and reduction) accuracies

. T he e valua tion consis t s p r i m a rily of using s t a t is t ical p rocedu r es for co m pound e rr o r s, based on sensor accu r ac y , reco r der accu r ac y , con v e rsion of uni t s accu r ac y , and f r e quency and m ode of sa mpling (Ref. 12Reference 7

). f. f. Special Considerations f or Co m plex T e rrain and Remote Si t es At so m e si tes, because of co mplex f l ow pa tt e r ns in nonuniform non-uni f o r m t e rrain, addi t ional w i nd and t e m pe r a t u r e ins tr u m en t a tion and m o r e co m p rehensi v e monitoring p r o g r a m s may be necessa r y. For e x a mple, t he r ep resen t a tion of ci rcula tion f or a hill-valley co mplex or a si t e near a la r g e body of w a t er m ay n eed addi t i onal measu ring pointslocations t o de t e rm i ne ai r flow pa tt e r ns and spa tial v a r i a tions of a tmosphe r ic s tabili t y. Occasionally t he uni q ue diffusiondispersion cha r ac t e r i s tics of a pa rt icular si t e may also w a rr ant t he use of special m e t eo rolo gical ins tr u m en t a tion and/or s tudies. At sites located in remote or harsh environments (such as extreme cold/hot, or wet/dry regions), equipment and operating considerations should be taken into account (such as equipment specifications; frequency of maintenance and calibration activities; protective measures to ensure functionality of equipment; approaches for data transmission, recording, and surveillance frequency; methods for atmospheric stability determination) to ensure the capture of valid and useful data

. In extreme cold environments, consideration should also be given in determining appropriate measurement heights that take into account the range of meteorological conditions, including the variation and persistence of surface-based temperature inversions over the course of the year.

2.3.3-18 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 2. 2. Meteorological Da t a Annual (i.e., The annual (r ep resen ting the annual cycleone or more continuous 12

-month cycles) joint f r e quency dis tr i bu tions of w i nd di r ec tion and w i nd speed by a tmosphe r ic s tabili t y classthat are reviewed in SRP Section 2.3.2 are also e valua t ed forin this SRP section to ensure they contain suff icient de tail t o pe rm i t t he s t a f f t o m a k e an independent de t e rm i na tion of t he a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion and deposition condi t ions. . T he format f o rm at s of t he data (joint frequency distributiondistributions and hourly average) is da t a are r e v i e w ed to ensu r e t hat itthey w ill be usable by t he s t a f f. to review the atmospheric dispersion and deposition analyses performed in SRP sections 2.3.4 and 2.3.5. T he f o rm a t s in Regulatory Guide R G 1.23 a r e used f or co m pa rison. I f a si t e has a hi g h occu rrence of low w i nd speeds , (for example, the wind speed is less than 2 meters per second the majority of the time)

, a f iner wind speed ca t e g o r y b r ea k do w n should be used f or t he lo w er speeds so da t a a r e not clus t e r ed in a few c a t e g o r ies. " C al m" w i nd condi t i ons (which should be de fined as w i nd speeds less t han t he s t a rt ing speed of t he ane m o m e t er or v ane, whiche v er is hi g he r) are chec k ed f or reasonableness.

T hey should be in t he joint frequency dis tr i bu tions as a sepa r a t e w i nd speed class, w i t hout di r ec tional assi g n ment f or each a tmosphe r ic s tabili t y class. Da t a quali t y mayshould be chec k e d usin g the methodology in NURE G-091 7 (Reference

14) o r si mila r methodology using a computer spreadsheetapproaches

. COL applicants referencing a standard design should choose meteorological measurement heights appropriate for the probable atmospheric release heights. As an example, a third measurement height above 60 meters may be implemented in situations where the stack releases exceed 85 meters or higher. Annual joint f r e quency dis tr i bu tions f or each e x pec t ed m ode of release (i.e., g r ound le v el and ele v a t ed) are chec k ed f or app r op r ia teness of the measu r e m ent hei g h t s f or w i nd di r ec t ion, w i nd speed, and a tmosphe r ic s tabili t y. W i nds at t he 10-m e t er le v el and t he t e m pe r a t u r e diff e rence (T) be t w een t he v ent hei g ht and t he 10-m e t er le v el a r e used for v ent and containment pene tr a t i on or leakage releases. W i nds f r om near release hei g ht and T be t w een release hei g ht and t he 10-m e t er le v el a r e used f or s tack releases. If practical, the climatic representativeness of the joint frequency distribution is checked by comparison with nearby stations which have collected reliable meteorological data over a long period of time (10

-20 years). The distributions are compared with sites in similar geographical and topographical locations to ensure that the data are reasonable.

References 9 through 12 are information sources that are used during the review. ANSI/ANS-3.11-2015, EPA-454/R-99-005, and EPA-454/B-08-002 are sources of in f o rm a tion that can be used du ring t he r e v i e w.

2.3.3-19 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 3. 3. Re view P rocedu r es Speci f ic t o 10 CFR Pa r t 52 Applica tion T y pe a. a. Ea r l y Si t e Pe rm i t Re v ie w s Subpa r t A t o 10 CFR Pa r t 52 speci fies t he r e q ui r e m en t s and p rocedu res applicabl e t o t h e Co mmission's r e v ie w o f a n ES P applica t io n f or app r o v a l o f a p roposed si te. I n f o rm a t i on r e q ui r ed in an ESP applica tion includes a desc r ip t i on of t he si t e cha r ac t e r i s tics and desi g n pa r a m e t e r s of t he p roposed si te. The scop e an d le v el o f de t ai l offor the review of data parallelthis information parallels t ha t use d f or a C P r e v ie w. I n t he absence of ce rtain ci r cu m s tances, such as a co mpliance or ade q ua t e p r o t ec t i on issue, 10 CFR 52.39 , "Finality of early site permit determinations,"

p recludes t he s t a f f f r om i mposing new si te cha r ac t e r i s tics, desi g n pa r a m e t e r s, or t e rm s and condi t i ons on t he ea r ly si t e pe rm i t at t he C O L s t a ge. Acco rdin g l y , t he r e v i e w er should ensu r e t hat all ph ysical a ttribu t es of t he si t e t hat could affect t he desi g n basis of SSCs i m po rt ant t o sa f e t y a r e r e f l ec t ed in t he si t e cha r ac t e r i s tics, desi g n pa r a m e t e r s, or t e rm s and condi t i ons of t he ea r ly si t e pe rm i t. b. b. S tanda r d Desi g n Ce rt i fica t io n Re v ie w s DC applica tions do not con tain g ene r al desc r ip t ions of si t e cha r ac t e r i s tics because this in f o rm a t i on is si t e-speci f ic and w ill be add ressed by theESP and C O L applicant.applican t s. Ho w e v e r , pu rsuan t t o 1 0 CF R 52.47 (a)(1), a D C applican t m u st p r o vide si t e pa r a m e t e r s pos tula t ed f or t he desi g n. T he r e a r e no pos tula t ed si t e pa r a m e t e r s related to the onsite meteorological measurements program f or a DC rela t ed t o this SRP section. The DC application review under this SRP section should confirm the inclusion of a COL action item relating to the need to establish an onsite meteorological monitoring program.

c. c. Combined License Re v i e w s For a COL application referencing a certified standard design, NRCthe staff reviews that th e application to ensure that sufficient information is presented to demonstrate that the characteristics of the site fall within the site parameters specified in the DC rule.

Since there are no site parameters related to the onsite meteorological measurements program included in the DC, this demonstration is not applicable for this SRP section.

For a COL application referencing an ESP, NRCthe staff reviews the application to ensure that the applicant provides sufficient information to demonstrate that the design of the facility falls within the site characteristics and design parameters specified in the early site permit as applicable to this SRP section. In accordance with 10 CFR 52.79(b)(2), should the design of the facility not fall within the 2.3.3-20 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 site characteristics and design parameters, the application shall include a request for a variance from the ESP that complies with the requirements of 10 CFR 52.39 and 10 CFR 52.93. I n addi t i on, lon g-t e r m en v i r on m en t al chan g es and chan g es t o t he r e g i on resul ting f r om hu m an or na t u r al causes m ay ha v e in troduced chan g es t o t he si t e characteristics t hat could be rele v ant t o t he desi g n basis. I n t he absence of ce rtain ci r cu m s tances, such as a co mpliance or ade q ua t e p r o t ec t i on issue, 10 CFR 52.39 p recludes t he s t a f f f r om i mposing new si t e cha r ac t e r i s tics, desi gn pa r a m e t e r s, or t e rm s and condi t i ons on t he ea r ly si t e pe rm i t at t he C O L s t a g e. Conse quen t l y , a C O L applica t io n r e f e rencin g a n ES P nee d no t includ e a r e-i n v es t i g a t i on of t he si t e cha r ac t e r i s tics that ha v e p r e viously been accep t ed in t he r e f e renced ESP. Ho w e v e r , in acco rdance w i t h 10 CFR 52.6, "C o mple teness and Accu racy of I n f o rm a t i on ," t he applicant or licensee is responsible for iden t i f y i ng chan g es of which it is a w a r e, that wouldwhich could sa t i s f y t he c r i t e r ia speci fied in 10 CFR 52.39. I n f o rm a tion p r o vided by t he applicant in acco rdance w i t h 10 CFR 52.6 (b) w ill be add ressed by t he s t a f f du ring t he r e v i ew of a C O L applica t io n r e f e rencin g a n ES P o r a DC. Fo r a C O L applica t io n r e f e rencin g ei t he r a n ES P o r D C o r bo t h , t h e s t a f f should r e v i ew t he corresponding sec tions of t he ESP and DC FSER t o ensu r e t hat any ea r l y si t e pe rm i t condi tions , r e s tr ic tion s t o t h e DC , o r C O L ac t io n i t e m s iden t i fied i n t h e respective FSER s a r e app r op r ia t e l y handle d i n t h e C O L applica tion. IV. I V. EVALUA T IO N F I ND I N G S T he r e v i ew should docu m ent t he s t aff's e valua tion of t he pre-operational and/or operational phases of the onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical m oni t o r ing p r o g r am and t he resul ting da tabase from the pre-operational phase a gainst t he rele v ant r e gula t o r y c r i t e ria. T he e valua tion should suppo r t t he s t aff's conclusions as t o w he t her t he r e gula t ions a r e m e t. T he r e v i e wer should s t a t e w hat w as done t o e valua t e t he applican t's sa f e t y anal ysis r epo rt. T he s t aff's e valua t io n m ay includ e v e r i fica t io n t ha t t h e applican t f ollo w e d applicabl e r e g u la t o r y g uidance, pe r f o rmance of independent calcula tions, and/or valida tion of app r op r ia t e assu m p t ions. T he r e v i e w er m ay s t a t e t hat ce rtain in f o rm a t i on p r o vided by t he applicant w as not conside r ed essen tial t o t he s t aff's r e v i ew and w as not r e v i e w ed by t he s t a f f. While t he r e v i e w er may su mm a r i z e or q uo t e t he in f o rm a t i on off e r ed by t he applicant in suppo r t of i t s applica tion, t he r e v i e w er should clea r ly a rt icula t e t he bases f or t he s t aff's conclusions

. T he r e v i e w er v e r i f i es that t he applicant has p r o vided suff icient in f o rm a tion and t hat t he r e v iew and calcula tions (i f applicable

) suppo r t conclusions of t he follo w i ng t y pe t o be included in t he s t aff's sa f e t y e valua tion r epo rt. T he r e v i e w er also s t a t es t he bases f or those conclusions.

1. 1. Cons tr uc t i on Pe rm i t , O pe r a ting License, and Co mbined License Re v i e w s T he following are example s t a t e m en t s that should be p receded by a su mm a r y of t he 2.3.3-21 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 pre-operational and/or operational phases of the onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical moni t o r i ng p r o g r am used f or t he proposed plant si t e: As set f o rt h abo v e, t he applicant has p resen t ed and subs t an t ia t ed in f o rm a tion pe rt ainin g t o t he pre-operational and/or operational phases of the onsi t e m e t eo rolo gica l m oni t o r in g p r o g r am an d t h e r e s ul ting da tabase. T he s t a f f has r e v i e w ed t he in f o rm a t i on p r o vided and, f or t he reasons g i v en abo v e, concludes t hat t he applicant has established consideration of the onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical m oni t o r i ng p r o g r am and t he resul ting da tabase a re accep table and meet t he r e q ui r e m en t s of 10 CFR 100.10 [or 10 CFR 100.20 and 10 CFR 100.21 f or s t a tiona r y po w er r eac t or si t e applica tions a f t er Janua r y 10, 1997] w i t h respect t o de t e rm ining t he accep tabili t y of t he si t e. T he s t a f f f i nds t hat t he onsi t e meteorological da t a al so p r o vide an accep table basis f or m a k i ng es t i m a t es of a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion f or desi g n basis accident andaccident s and atmosphe r ic dispe rsion and deposition f or r ou tine releases f r om t he plant t o m eet t he r e q ui r e m en t s of 10 CFR 100.11 [or 10 CFR 100.11 [or 10 CFR 100.20 and 10 CFR 100.21 f or s t a tiona r y po w er r eac t or si t e applica tions a f t er Janua r y 10 , 1997], G D C 19 , 1 0 CF R Pa r t 20 , an d Appendi x I t o 1 0 CF R Pa r t 50. Finall y , t h e equipmentinstrumentation p r o vide d f or measu r e m en t of m e t eo rolo gical pa r a m e t e r s du ring t he cou r se of acciden t s is suff icient t o p r o vide reasonable p redic tion of a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion and deposition of ai r bo r ne radioac t i v e m a t e r ials i n acco rdanc e w i t h Appendi x E t o 1 0 CF R Pa r t 50. 2. 2. Ea r l y Si t e Pe rm i t Re v ie w s T he follo w i ng are example statements that should be p receded by a su mm a r y of t he site characteristics and design parameters to be included in any ESP that might be issuedpre-operational phase of the onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical moni t o r i ng p r o g r am used f or t he ESPproposed plant si t e: As set f o rt h abo v e, t he applicant has p resen t ed and subs t an t ia t ed in f o rm a tion to establishpertaining t o t h e pre-operational phase of the onsi t e m e t eo rolo gica l moni t o r in g p r o g r am an d t h e r esul ting da tabase. T he s t a f f has r e v i e w ed t he in f o rm a t i on p r o vided and, f or t he reasons g i v en abo v e, concludes t hat t he pre-operational onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical m oni t o r i ng systemprogram p r o vides ade q ua t e da t a t o r ep resent onsi t e m e t eo rolo gical condi t ions as r e q ui r ed by 10 CFR 100.20 and 10 CFR 100.21. T he onsi t e meteorological da t a also p r o vide an accep table basis f or (1) m a k i ng es t i m a t es of a tmosphe r ic dispe rsion f or desi gn basis accident andaccident s and atmospheric dispersion and deposition for r ou tine releases f r om a nuclear po w er plant or plan t s that m i g ht be 2.3.3-22 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 cons tr uc t ed on t he p roposed si t e and (2) m ee ting t he r e q ui r e m en t s of 1 0 CRP C F R Pa r t 20 , 1 0 CF R Pa r t 10 0 , an d Appendi x I t o 1 0 CF R Pa r t 50. I f t he ESP applica tion con tains p roposed co mple t e and in t e g r a t ed e m e r gency response plans, ad d t h e f o llo w in g: Finall y , for the equipment providedoperational phase, t he instrumentation proposed f or measu r e m ent of m e t eo rolo gical pa r a m e t e r s du ring t he cou r se of accidents is suff icient t o p r o vide reasonable p redic tion of a tmosphe ric dispe rsion and depositi o n of ai r bo r ne radioac t i v e m a t e r ials in acco rdance w i t h Appendix E t o 1 0 CF R Pa r t 50. 3. 3. Desi g n Ce rt i fica t io n Re v ie w s T he r e a r e no pos tula t ed si t e pa r a m e t e r s or design characteristics f or a DC rela t ed t o this SRP sec tion. T he onsi t e m e t eo rolo gica l m oni t o r in g p r o g r am i s si t e-speci f i c an d w il l b e add resse d b y t h e C O L applican t. V. V. IMPLEMENTATION T h e s t a f f w il l us e t h i s SR P sec t io n i n pe r f o rm in g sa f e t y e valua tion s o f D C applica tion s and license applica tions sub m i tt ed by applican t s pu rsuant t o 10 CFR Pa r t 50 or 10 CFR P a r t 52. E xcept w hen t he applicant p roposes an accep table al t e r na t i v e m e t hod f or co m pl ying w i t h speci fied po rt i ons of t he Co mm ission's r e gula t ions, t he s t a f f will use t he m e t hod desc ribed he rein t o e valua t e con f o rmance w i t h Co mmission r e gula t ions. T he p r o visions of this SRP sec tion apply t o r e v i e w s of applica tions sub m i tt ed six m on t hs or m o r e a f t er t he da t e of issuance of this SRP sec tion, unless supe rseded by a la t er r e v ision. VI. V I. REFERENCES
1. 10 CFR Part 100, Subpart A, "Evaluation Factors for Stationary Power Reactor Site Applications Before January 10, 1997 and for Testing Reactors."
2. 10 CFR Part 100, Subpart B, "Evaluation Factors for Stationary Power Reactor Site Applications on or after January 10, 1997." 1. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, "General Design CriteriaU.S. Code of Federal Regulations , "Standards for Protection Against Radiation,"

Part 20, Title 10, "Energy."

2. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," Part 50, Title 10, "Energy."
3. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, "Reactor Site Criteria," Part 100, Title 10, "Energy."

2.3.3-23 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 3. 4. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, "Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants." 4. 10 CFR 50.47, "Emergency Plans." 5. 10 CFR ," Part 50, Appendix E, "Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities."52. Title 10, "Energy."

6. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, "Numerical Guides for Design Objectives and Limiting Conditions for Operation to Meet the Criterion As Low As is Reasonab ly Achievable."
7. 10 CFR Part 20, Subpart D, "Radiation Dose Limits for Individual Members of the Public." 8. 5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.23, "Onsite Meteorological Programs." 9. Commission, "Darryl Randerson (ed.), "Atmospheric Science and Power Production," DOE/TIC-27601, U.S. Department of Energy (1984).
10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Meteorological Monitoring GuidancePrograms for Nuclear Power Plants

," Revision 1. Regulatory Modeling Applications, EPA

-454/R-99-005, February 2000Guide 1.23, March 2007

. 11. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume IV: Meteorological Measurements, EPA/600/R

-94/038d, March 1995. 6. Nuclear Energy Institute, NEI 07

-09A, "Generic FSAR Template Guidance for Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) Program Description," Revision 0, March 2009.

ADAMS Accession No. ML091050234).

12. 7. American National Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society, "Determining Meteorological Information at Nuclear Facilities,"

ANSI/ANS-3.11-2005, December 2005 2015, 2015. NUREG-0917, "NRC

8. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

, "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactive Material in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents and Solid Waste," Revision 2. Regulatory Guide 1.21, June 2009.

9. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , "Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)

," Revision 3, Regulatory Guide 1.33, June 2013.

2.3.3-24 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 10. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. "Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 4

, Regulatory Guide 1.97, June 2006.

11. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Inception through Normal Operations to License Termination)

- Effluent Streams and the Environment," Revision 2

, Regulatory Guide 4.15, July 2007.

12. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

, "Meteorological Monitoring Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications

," EPA-454/R-99-005, February 2000.

1 3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

, "Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems," Vol. IV: Meteorological Measurements

, EPA-454/B-08-002 , March 2008

. 13. 1 4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Computer Programs for Use with Meteorological Data

," NUREG-0917 , July 1982.

14. 10 CFR Part 52, "Early Site Permits; Standard Design Certifications; and Combined Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants." ______________________________________________________________________

PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT TheThis Standard Review Plan contains voluntary information collections contained in the Standard Review Plan are covered by the requirements of 10 CFR PartParts 50 and 10 CFR Part 52, and, 52, and Part 100 that are subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).

These information collections were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, approval number (OMB), under control numbers 3150-0011 and , 3150-0151, and 3150

-0093, respectively.

Send comments regarding this information collection to the Information Services Branch, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555

-0001, or by e

-mail to, and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150

-0011, 3150

-0151, and 3150

-0093) Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. PUBLIC PROTECTION NOTIFICATION Public Protection Notification The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request forcollection of information or an information collection requirement unless the document requesting document or requiring the collection displays a currently valid OMB control number


2.3.3-25 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 SRP Section 2.3.3 Description of Changes Section 2.3.3 "Onsite Meteorological Measurements Program" This SRP revision affirms the technical accuracy and adequacy of the guidance previously provided in Revision 3, March 2007 of this SRP (ADAMS Accession No. ML063600394). This revision captures lessons learned from the staff's review of DC, ESP, and COL applications received during the previous decade.

Changes were made to update the text with editorial and clarifying statements, including utilizing consistent terminology within this SRP section and planned updates within the other SRP 2.3 sections. For example, the term "atmospheric diffusion" was replaced with "atmospheric dispersion" because atmospheric dispersion is generally recognized as having two components: transport and diffusion. The term "atmospheric stability class" was also replaced with "atmospheric stability" due to the recognition that newer atmospheric dispersion models may be using direct measurements of atmospheric turbulence instead of classifying atmospheric stability into seven dist i nct classes as is currently discussed in RG 1.23, Revision 1 and associated atmospheric dispersion models. Previous SRP standard boiler

-plate statements that are not applicable to this SRP section were also eliminated.

Other changes incorporated in this revision include the following:


a. Clarified the description of the instrumentation review to include the siting of meteorological towers and special considerations for sites located in remote harsh environmental regions.
b. Clarified the description of the resulting onsite meteorological database to include consideration of data recovery and the representativeness of the data for use in characterizing atmospheric dispersion conditions.
c. Added the review of COL action items and requirements and restrictions for DC applications. Also added that COL applicants referencing a DC should address action items and requirements and restrictions included in the reference DC.


a. Reordered and clarified the links to applicable regulations and their subparts as a function of application type. b. Reorganized the description of the pre

-operational monitoring program under subheadings of instrument siting, meteorological sensors, recording of meteorological sensor output, instrument surveillance, and data acquisition and reduction. Also clarified the information to be provided.

c. Added a data recovery rate goal of 90 percent consistent with RG 1.23, Revision 1, and clarified its applicability


2.3.3-26 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 d. Eliminated the need to review evidence of how well the onsite meteorological data represent long

-term conditions (this will be moved to SRP Section 2.3.2). e. Clarified the amount of meteorological data to be provided as a function of the type of application (to be consistent with RG 1.23).

f. Clarified the SAR sections which should be updated resulting from a submittal of additional onsite meteorological data.


a. Added that the Generic Technical Specifications typically require written procedures for the operational meteorological monitoring program.
b. Expanded the basic meteorological parameters to include any parameters used by the applicant to determine atmospheric stability (turbulence) for the purposes of atmospheric dispersion and deposition modeling.
c. Specified when atmospheric moisture measurements should be taken.
d. Recommended a site visit to review the applicant's onsite meteorological measurements program.
e. Clarified the criteria for siting wind sensors in the vicinity of natural draft cooling towers. f. Added the use of wind deflector shields and heater devices for precipitation gauges. g. Discussed the need for sensors to withstand harsh environments, as applicable.
h. Added that procedural and quality assurance requirements for meteorological monitoring programs are discussed in RGs 1.21, 1.33, 1.97, and 4.15.
i. Added a discussion about choosing appropriate measurement heights.
j. Eliminated the need to check the climatic representativeness of the joint frequency distributions.
k. Added that a COL action item establishing an onsite meteorological monitoring program should be included in DC applications.


a. Updated with editorial changes.


a. No changes.


2.3.3-27 Revision 3 _ March 2007 Draft Revision 4 - September 2018 a. Listed regulations by overall title of the regulation instead of separate listings for each pertinent subpart.

b. Removed the following reference:

Darryl Randerson (ed.), "Atmospheric Science and Power Production,"

DOE/TIC-27601, i. U.S. Department of Energy (1984).

c. Added the following references:
i. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

, "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactive Material in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents and Solid Waste ," Revision 2

, Regulatory Guide 1.21, June 2009.

ii. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

, "Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)

," Revision 3

, Regulatory Guide 1.33 , June 2013. iii. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , "Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 4

, Regulatory Guide 1.97, June 2006.

iv. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Inception through Normal Operations to License Termination)

- Effluent streams and the Environment," Revision 2 , Regulatory Guide 4.15, July 2007

. d. Updated the following references:

i. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , "Meteorological Monitoring Programs for Nuclear Power Plants

," Revision 1. Regulatory Guide 1.23.

ii. American National Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society, "Determining Meteorological Information at Nuclear Facilities

," ANSI/ANS-3.11-2015, 2015. iii. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

, "Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems," Vol. IV: Meteorological Measurements EPA-454/B-08-002, March 2008.