Pages that link to "05000285/LER-2003-001"
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The following pages link to 05000285/LER-2003-001:
Displayed 50 items.
- 05000285/LER-2002-004 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-2001-001 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-014, Forwards LER 82-014/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-011, Forwards LER 82-011/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-012, Forwards LER 82-012/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-010, Forwards LER 82-010/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1950-285, Documents Deletion of Licensing Basis Commitment in LER 50-285/77-5 Re Failure of Reactor Protective Sys Trip Unit to Trip Prescribed Setpoint,Due to Improper Pretrip & Trip Indication Bulbs in Trip Unit Circuitry (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-017, Forwards LER 82-017/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-018, Forwards LER 82-018/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-021, Forwards LER 82-021/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-015, Forwards LER 82-015/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-016, Forwards LER 82-016/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1983-001, Forwards LER 83-001/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1983-003, Forwards LER 83-003/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1976-005, Suppl 1 to LER 76-05/03L:on 770210,recirculation Actuation Pressure Switches Found Out of Tolerance.Cause Not Stated. Switch Will Be Calibr Monthly Until New Switches Installed (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1976-030, Summary of 760902 Telcon on LER 76-30/01L Re Steam Generator Blowdown Radiation Monitor Setpoints Out of Spec.Caused by Use of Unofficial & Incorrect Document as Part of 760804 Surveillance Test (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1976-032, Summary of 761004 Telephone Communication on LER 76-32/01L Re Reactor Coolant Observed Spraying from Weld Area on Seal Leakoff Line on Reactor Coolant Pump RC-3C.Leakage Isolated by Manual Isolation Valve (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1976-010, Suppl to LER 76-10/03L:on 760401,high Power Margin to Trip Meter B Drifted from 4.2% to 6% Power.Caused by Drift of Feed Back Limiter Module 19-317-2X.Module Calibr & Operated Satisfactorily (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1976-019, Suppl 1 to LER 76-19/03L:on 761001,five of 10 Valve Setpoints Drifted from Tech Spec Tolerance of Plus or Minus 1%.Caused by Change in Environ Condition.Valves Will Be Inspected During Refueling Outage (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1976-021, Suppl 1 to LER 76-21/03L:on 760802,timer Relays for SI-3A, AC-3B & SI-3B Failed to Time Out at Set Times.Caused by Binding Operating Mechanisms.Timers Tested Twice Weekly to Verify Operability Until Replacements Received (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-046, Forwards LER 78-046/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1991-009, Corrected Ltr Forwarding LER 91-009-00.Memo Stationery Inadvertently Used Instead of Letterhead Stationery for Cover Ltr (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1991-003, Informs of Extension of Completion Date for Changing Abnormal Operating Procedures & Emergency Operating Procedures to Resolve Containment Penetration M-3 Potential Leak Path Issue,Per 910306 LER 91-003 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1991-008, Revises Completion Dates for Corrective Actions to Address LER 91-08 Re Inappropriate Surveillance Requirements for RPS Level I Bistables & LER 91-11 Re Pressurizer Pressure Low Signal Setpoints to 921120 & 1231,respectively (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1992-016, Revises Commitment to AEC Safety Guide 1 (Reg Guide 1.1), Contained in Section 6.2 of Updated Sar.Commitment Covers Method of Calculating Available Net Positive Suction Head for Containment Spray Sys Per LER 92-016 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1984-020, Informs That LER 84-020 Re Containment Hydrogen Monitors VA-81A & VA-81B Requires 7-day Extension to Ensure Complete & Adequate Response.Rept Will Be Submitted by 841022 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1982-007, Forwards LER 82-007/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1979-015, Forwards LER 79-015/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-032, Forwards LER 78-032/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1979-017, Forwards LER 79-017/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1977-009, Advises That Util Modified Testing Frequency for Ac Sequencer Timing Relay,Per Commitment in LER 77-09 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1987-026, Discusses 871015 Enforcement Conference W/Nrc Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-285/87-21.Violation Re Failure to Issue LER for Unlocked Door.Util Prepared & Submitted LER 87-026 Re Violation,Per 871015 Discussion (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1989-002, Forwards Corrected LER 89-002 & LER 89-003 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1987-039, Advises That LER 87-039 Erroneously Designated as 87-038 in Cover Ltr.Subj LER Contained Correct LER Number (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1992-018, Updates Status of Corrective Actions in LER 92-018 Re Replacement of Carbon Steel Fasteners in Boric Acid Sys. Current Carbon Steel Fasteners Will Perform Satisfactorily Until Scheduled Replacement (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1998-007, :on 980522,TS Violation of ISI Reporting Requirements,Was Noted.Caused by Interpretation of Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iv) Which Differs from Nrc.Listing of Exams Given to NRC (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1998-005, :on 980520,161 Kv Transmission Line Circuit Breakers Tripped.Caused by Inappropriate Actuation of Deluge Sys for Transformer T1A-3.Transformer T1A-3 Was Checked to Ensure No Damage to Transformer Occurred (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1989-014, :on 890519,auxiliary Feedwater Panel Instrumentation Outside Design Basis Revealed.Caused by Deficiencies in Instrumentation.Fire Watch Established & Stated Abnormal Operating Procedure Modified (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1998-004, :on 980423,determined That Indication in Fort Calhoun Station SG Tube Had Been Identified During 1996 Exams,But Had Been Inadvertently Left in Svc.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedures Revised (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1989-011, :on 890418,hourly Fire Watch Patrol at Door 1025-2 Not Performed & Penetration Seal Not Restored to Operable Status within 7 Days.Caused by Use of Uncontrolled Working List.Security Bulletin Issued (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1989-018, :on 890803,determined That Required Hourly Fire Watch Patrol at Door 989-14 Not Performed Since 890729.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Controls.Fire Protection Impairments Log Revised (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1989-010, :on 890419,discovered That Polyflow Tubing to Sample Point on Roof Disconnected on Channel B of Two Toxic Gas Monitors.Caused by Deficiencies in Station Mod Program. Sample Tubing Replaced & Flow Rate Retested (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1998-003, :on 980407,violation of TS for Control of High Radiation Area Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Communication of Mgt Expectations.Expectations of Radiation Area Controls Will Be Given to All Radiation Workers (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1989-015, :on 890613,determined That Emergency Lighting Required for Shutdown During Fire to Be Marginal or Deficient in Some Areas.Caused by Inadequate Initial Verification That Requirements of App R Met (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1989-009, :on 890330,dual Alarm Setpoint Switch Connected to Radiation Monitor RM-061 Not Seismically Analyzed & Mounting Box Could Become Missile During Seismic Event. Caused by Design Error.Design Improved (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1989-007, :on 890324,inadequate Analysis for Feedwater Regulating Valves Noted.Temporary Mod TM-89-M-19 Initiated & Analysis in Progress to Convert Temporary Mod to Permanent Mod (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1988-021, :on 880902,determined That Control Room Panels W/O Smoke Detectors.Maint Order 88393 Issued to Install Smoke Detectors in Panels (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1988-020, :on 880903,diesel Oil Storage Tank 7 Day Run Capacity Requirement Exceeded.Review of Design Basis Determined Amount of Diesel Fuel Required.Revised Emergency Planning Procedure to Provide Guidance (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1989-013, :on 890517,control Room Operator Failed to Take Toxic Gas Monitor Readings Per Procedure ST-TGM-1-F.1.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure Data Form Changed to Make More Obvious When Toxic Gas Monitor Reading Missing (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1988-038, :on 881231,ESF Actuation Occurred W/Technician Working on Mod to Pressurizer Level Instrumentation Behind Control Panels CB-1/2/3.Affected Sys Returned to Svc & Containment Purge Restarted (← links)