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| number = ML20087F397
| number = ML20087F397
| issue date = 12/31/1991
| issue date = 12/31/1991
| title = Us Geological Survey Triga Reactor Annual Rept 910101-1231.
| title = Us Geological Survey Triga Reactor Annual Rept 910101-1231
| author name = Debay T
| author name = Debay T
| author affiliation = INTERIOR, DEPT. OF, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
| author affiliation = INTERIOR, DEPT. OF, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY

Latest revision as of 12:31, 13 May 2020

Us Geological Survey Triga Reactor Annual Rept 910101-1231
Person / Time
Site: U.S. Geological Survey
Issue date: 12/31/1991
From: Debay T
To: Beach A
NUDOCS 9201230130
Download: ML20087F397 (7)



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United States Department of the Interior L1:===ll

( OEOLOGICAL SURVEY BOX 25046 M.S. 42 4 T "a DENUER FEDERAL CENTER DEF ER, COLORADO S0225 IN SIPLY ttftk 70 January 16, 1992 Mr. A. Bill Beach Director, DRSS, Region IV 0.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011 Dear Mr. Beacht The attached annual report of the U.S. Geological Survey TRIGA reactor facility is submitteri in accordance with license conditions. The f aellity docket nun,or-e Is 50-274.


Timothy . DeBey Reactor Supervisor Enclosure Copy to:

Document Control Desk (2) i' i

I-9201i?30130 920116 gDR- ADOCK 0500 4 ggy'/


. ,? * *

  • ljj


1. 65 d m,Jnictraljve Chanoco None.

II. gperating_ Experience The Ccological Survey TRICA Reactor (CCTR) vac in normal operation for the year 1991. A digital centrol concole vac inctalled in April after rocciving an amendment to thc Technleal Specificatienc.

A total cf 214 irradiaticn rcqucato ucre precccced during tFc ycar, with the average requect representing 83 campico and 8.9 full-psucr hourc of rcactor operation. A cynspcic cf irradiatienc perf ormed during the year in given belou, listed by the crganization submitting the campico to tha rcactcr ctaffi groanization of sampico Ccologic Divicicn - Cecchemistry 15,290 Occiogic Divicien Isotcpc Coology 1,340 Ccologic Divicicn - Cent. !!incral Rec. 657 Ccologic Divicicn Ucct. !!incral Rec. O C:ologic Divicion - Ecdimentary prce. 12 Mcn-UCCC uncrr 3CC Total 17,7C7 A. Thermal power calibrations at about 900 kW ucrc performed in fchruary and Septcmber, with only mincr adjustmento required. A power calibratien was also performed in April, after the neu control ccncole insta11atien.

D, Tuo new Clanc ! cuperiments and tuo neu Clan:: II c::poriment ucr; approved durin*g thic p:ried. The Clacc II cuperiments involved the inctallation of a vertical beam tubo in the reactor tank tc allou the irradiaticn of electrcnic ccmpenents and the installatinn of additional in core irradiatica tubec to study nauticn cmbritticment of metal campics.

C. During the report period, 189 daily checklicts and 12 monthly checklicte ucrc ccmpleted in compliance uith technical specificatienc requircments for curvoillance of the reactor facility.

D. Tcurn ucre previded to individualc and groupc during the year f er a total visitor count of apprc::imat:ly 220.

C. Pive ctandard fuel clements from the itichigan State reactor ucre inctalled in the core during April. All of these Icplaced high-Lurnup clement a in the B-ring. A total reactivity gain of about C.40 uac achieved. In December, the Shim 1 and Regulating rodc ucre rerlaced with new, standard fueled follouer control redc. A total reactivity gain cf about 0.65 uac achieved.

III. hbulation QL.[;ng13y Generntad

!!cgsvatt Timo Reactor Humber of liont h Hourn Han Critk;,d Pqljen January 102.325 105 hourc 46 mir.utec 0 Pebitary 157.020 159 hourc 42 minutcc o

!! arch 91.213 93 heurc 45 minutec 0 April 54.211 C9 hourc 31 minutcc C llay 144.754 147 hourc 27 minutc; O Juno 103.500 105 heurc 2 nJ r.utes o July 105.931 114 heurc 57 minutec 0 Auguct 42.001 45 hours5.208333e-4 days <br />0.0125 hours <br />7.440476e-5 weeks <br />1.71225e-5 months <br /> 27 minutcc 0 September 90.25S 91 hourc 40 minutec 0 October 12!.000 126 hourc 47 minutec 0 November  ??.480 C0 hourc 54 minutec 0 Decerber 101t132 115 hourc L8 minutoc 0 Totalc 1:11.397 12CG hourn 33 minutcc 6 IV. Uncehnduled Shut _dounc Eg. rial No. Date Conce 445 0/21/91 Period ceram due to noise epike on 1sg. channel.

446 3/14/91 llanual ceram dac to 1 cat magnet current to cafety rod 447 3/08/?1 Lincar scram due to bad connection to icn chamber.

448 2/20/91 hincar c: ram due to bad PUC ccr.nector inculation.

449 4/20/91 HPP1000 ceram uhile adjucting roda at high poucr.

450 4/04/91 HP1000 h1 voltage ceram due to trip micadjustment.

451 4/04/91 Sof tuara ceram due to ccmputer lochup.

452 5/1/91 CCC uatchdcy ceram due to ecmputer 10chup.

452 5/1/01 CCC uatchdo; ceram due to computer lochup.

454 5/2/91 "CC watchd:g ceram due to ecmputer lockup.

455 5/7/91 000 watchdog ceram due to computer lechup.

456 EJS/91 CCC uatchdcg scraa due to ccmputer 10chup.

457 5/?/?1 CCC uatchdog ceram due to computtr lockup.

450 5/9/01 CCC uatchdog ceram dac to ecmputcr loc!:up.

459 5/15/91 CCC vatchdog cerem due to computer lockup.

460 5/;0/91 CS* uatchdog ceram due tc Ocmputcr 1cchup.

4C1 C/2/91 CSC uat:hdog ceram duc to Ocmputer lockup.

460 6/5/91 000 uatchdog scram due to ecmputcr lochug 462 6/12/91 CEC uatchd:g ceram duc to ecmputer lockup.

404 6/14/91 CSC vatchdog ceram du: to computer lockup.

465 5/19/91 NPP1000 h1 pcuer ceram due to noice frcm lightning.

466 6/05/9; 2011000 ceram due to data crrcr.

467 7/11/91 CCC uatchdog ceram due to computer lochup.

4G0 7/10/91 CCC ustchdog scram due to computer Icchup.

409 7/15/91 CCC uatchdog ceram due to computer lochup.

470 7/29/91 13!1000 ceram due to data error.

t 471 7/30/91 N!!1000 ceram d ao to data crror, j

47 7/31/91 Ull1000 ceram due to data error.

473 7/31/91 Nil 1000 ceram due to data crror.

474 0/14/91 N!!1000 ceram due to data crror.

475 8/29/91 CSC uatchdog ceram due to cceputer lockup.

476 9/5/91 CSC uatchdog ceram due to computer lochap.

477 9/9/91 CSC uatchdog ceram duc to computer lochup.

478 9/17/91 CSC vatchdog cerma due to computer lockup.

479 9/19/91 CSC untchdog ceram due to computer 1cchup.

4E0 10/7/91 CSC uatchdag ceram due to ecmputer lockup.

131 10/7/S1 CSC uatahdog scram due tc ccmputcr lockup.

480 10/2/91 CSC uatchdog ceram duc to ecmputer lockup.

4S3 10/16/91 11anual scran due to loca of rcem undcrprccouro.

4B4 10/17/91 Scftwatc ceram due to databacc timccut.

485 10/22/)1 CSC uatchdog cetam due to ecmputer lochup.

486 11/7/01 CSC uatchdog ceram due to ecmputer lockup.

407 11/09/91 CSC uatchdeg ceram due to computer lockup.

480 12/9/91 CSC vatchdog cerau due to computer lockup.

409 12/17/91 CSC untchdog ceram due to computer lockup.

490 12/10/91 CSC vatchdog ceram due to computer lochup.

V. litdor !!aintenance Orrret ienc The original analog control cencolc was replaced with a, digital centrol concole in April. This change was alloucd by Technical Specification Amendment Number 6. The new concolo hac analeg rafety channcio and a hard-uired ceram bus. As noted in the lict cf unscheduled ceranc, many shutdeunc have been cauced by the computer portion of the new cer. cole, lloct of thcce prchlems arc due to ccmputer lockups and ccmmunication crroro betucen equipment. Other icos significant maintenance itcmo include the relacation of the argon monitcring cyctcm to c11.ainate cold-ucather frce:ing prcticmc and the painting cf the reactor room ficor. Icn c:: change recin was replaced tuice during the year, in February and July.

VI. Summary of 10 crn 50.59 chanaat There ucre thrce 50.59 changcc at the f acility during thic rcport pr.rf ed.

Tuo neu irradiatien facility types ucre ovaluat:d by the cafety ccamittec and at:preved for ucc, and a new tn:c cf c::pcrincnt invciving the irradiation of ircn Opccimcnc for neutren damagc studice vac cvaluated and apprcved by the safety committee. The two new f acility tysca arc an S" dianct:r :/crtical beam tubc that uac installed in April and tuo 1.5' diameter in-core irradiation tubes, one of uhich was temporarily inctalled for testing in Deccmber. The cafety cammittec cvaluatienc of the changes made under the provicionc of 10CTR50.59 concluded the itemc; (1) do not increacc the probability cf occurrence or the conccquenecc of ar accident er malfuncticn of equipm nt important to cafety previcucly evaluatea in the cafety cnalycic report, (2) do not create the poccibility for an accident or malfunction of a difftrent type than any evaluatcd provicuoly in the cafetf analycia repcrt, and, (3) do not reduce the margin of caf cty ac defined in the basic for any technical cpecification.

l I

l VII. Radionctivity 11 gleanq _qn A. Listed belou are the total amounts of radioactive gaseous offluenta relcaced to the environc beyond the offectivo control of the reactor facility.

Licence (R-113) 10 Crn 20 Argon-41 Allouabic Tritium (HTO) Allouabic ifonth ICurica) (Curion) (ucurica) (Curical i

January 1.17 5.8 174.9 0.25 rebruary 1.33 5.8 220.7 0.25 ,

Itarch 0.81 5.8 178.2 0.25 '

April 0.3G 5.8 145.4 0.25

!!ay 1.08 5.8 340.7 0.25 Junc 0.52 5.8 172.6 0.25 July 0.83 5.8 153.5 0.25  ;

August 0.16 5.8 199.9 0.25  !

September 0.63 5.8 95.4 0.25 Octcbor 0.00 5.8 249.8 0.25 November 0.76 5.8 177.1 0.25 December 0.78 1,fq 172.6 0.25 Total 9.33 70.0 2290.8 uC1 3.00

% of alleuabic 13. 4 *. 0.11.

Noto #1: Tho_ argon activitica reported. arc integrated valuca obtained frcm the facility's gaccous ctach mcnitor. Calculated valuco have been cubatituted for -

moacured valuco-in the feu instanecc when the monitoring system was down for maintenance or repair, i

Hoto #2: The tritium concentrations are cotimatos based on the amount of uater Icst by evaporaticn from the reactor multiplied by the concentratien of tritium as HTO.- Tritium campic analyacc are being performed by Colorado 8 tate .


- B. No contaminated roactor water uso rolcaced into the Federal Ccnter ceuage system during the-year.

C. Tour 55-gal, drums of icu. level colid vasto and cclidified recin ucre_ chipped for burial in Mcvada durin;; the year, The total amount of radioactive waste relcaced from the reactor facility.

-during the year is actimated to be approximat:1y 20 201.

Motos The principal radioactive wasto generated at the reactor facility is the dcmineraliter recin - used recin with small quantitics of rince water is colidified in 55-gallen drums with Portland ccment prior chipment.


.g f - - - - - . - - - . - , - - , , - , - -

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I VIII. Radiation lionitoring A. Our program to ecnitor and control radiation expocurco included tt:r. four ina$cr cicments belou during the cperating year.

1. Tifteen arca monitorc (14 g umac, 1 neutron) Iccated tht: ugh;ut the lluelcar Scicnce Pullding. Tc rrovide a backgrcund signal, a Oc.all clech cource in attached to the ceint111ation detector. liigh alarm cet points rc.nge from ? ta/hr to 50 itR/hr. High 1cyc1 alarms have bcen jnfrequcnt and due ta inctrument n.alfunctionc.
2. One Centinuouc Air !!cnitor (CL!!) campling the oir in the scactor bay. An equilibrium ccncentration of 3.0 x 10-
  • uti/ml precent for tuo minutco will result in an incroacc of 400 cpm above background. Thorc a r a t '. >

alarm cct pointc. A Iculcvel alarm is cct at 3,000 c;'m, and the high icvc1 alarm is bct at 10,000 cpm.

Reactor bay air 1c campled during all reactor operatienc. The fixed particulate air filter to changed ca:h da'/ of reactor operation and counted cn a Camr.a Products C4000 Lct. Lc'. :1 counting cyct em. The charcoal filt:r, fittcd behind the air filter, is changed and ented ucchly. In all inctancco, fir.a1 campic calculaticnc cheu icca than !!Pr 110 Crn Part 20, Appendix D. Tabic 11) concentraticac for all icotopco in qucrtion in the reactor bay.

3. Contamination utre cu...,a and radiaticn curveys with p rtabl*.

curvey inctrumcnto are perfur: 1 at least cna a m nt h. Al'. ps:1:bl instrumento are calibrated tith a F ;uri Oc 137 ccurco traccabic ts !!EO and utpco arc counted on u Camma Product:; C4000 Lou Level counting cystcm.

Six areas of contamination ucre noted during reutine utga curveyc.

Beta activity langing f rom 23 pCf to 101 pC1/100 cm2 was noted en a tatic top and f1cer arca. Thc contaminaticn was removed with coap and unter. The roof hatch over the rcactor Liy ccntinucc to be raped off and pcoted or a radiatien area (averagin! 2.E .2/hr) during routine 1 If.! cptratienc.

4. Percunnol, Z # ' pmr.a, bcta ;nd ne:tren filn badger arc accigncd to all permanent occupanto of the !!ucicar Science Building. CACO.iiDy docimeters have been uccd at f:ur cutdoor environmental ctatienc. Reacter facility vi;itars arc ircued L-49 mit reading do" 5cterc. E n t:r etcff o percennci ar; iccued a1Ledo neutron badgcc.

Perconnel m:nitoring reculto arc rategori:cd beloui 2 Dem-1441 C r ma Pe i 11.:u' n n Beactc r Ctaff Utn1r PerY % ulat hn &c 'cr Calendar Yrar 'thru 11 00 01)

Highcct 0.175 0.175 0.93n 1

Ob ec Ilml) lb yO l '! . i /* I IIc OI b b nf b[ .[

Highect O.000 0.000 C.C00


}. 5La.Y T . . a .. '

,',. Budy_ Cumulative Dose for Calendar Year

_ .nact 0.045 0.045 0.000 '

R;* aive Dog for C=1endar Your g ,. . . . i JO 0.720 0.000

.. 2 ver asir" .' . perimenten


, 2ndin dual reading uac greatcr than 6 mrtm.

Cvi s t' , .; /tatiot.

Per 1991

< Ex e r; Jtact. 0.1303 _

.w s t: 0.0065 Sout.hucut 0.0006 Scutncast O.0000 8 IX. Qnyir_c.,nsig tal tienitorina Purcu1nt tr cactor procedures, ceil and water campics are colicctad every accend yer Environmenta' , oil re.d unter campics ucre not ec11ceted in 1991.

There have been no uncontr<.11cd radioactivity. releanes from the reactor to the precent date. Thus, the data on file from pact years to the present arc acncidered tr be backgrcund informatien.

3 4

fj i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
