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l .-        ,
        )                                                                              AGN-201 CU AEROJET GENER AL NUCLEONICS REACTOR ( AGN-201 CU)                                  ,
: 1.                                  GENERAL 1.1                                  Reactor Name (Acronym)                Aeroiet General Nucleonics Reactor (AGN-201 CU) 1.2                                  License Number                        R-31 1.3                                  NRC Docket Number                      50-77
                  ~1 .4                                Reactor Address                        Mechanical Engineering Deoartment The Ca. .hc University of America Washington. D. C. 20064      U.S.A.
1.5                                  Reactor TelephEne                      (202) 635-5170 1.6                                  Reactor Telex                          None 1.7                                  Reactor Owner                          The Catholic University of America
1.8                                  Reactor Operator                      Th'e Catholic University of America 1.9                                Reactor Administrators                Edward Jordan. Reacter Administrator Y. C. Whang, Chairoerson, Mechanical Eneineerine Decartment W. Keene. Radiation Safety Officer D. D. Ebert. Reactor Suoervisor 1.10                              Reactor Facility Staff
: a. Scientific / Technical            2
: b. Operations                        2
: c. Support                          2
: d. Normal Number of Personnel in Reactor Containment /
Confinement                      2 l
8112070077 810826 h                                    PDR FOIA LEVI 81-317          PDR                233                                                    --
T8    e AGN-201 CU l.11  Operatiens Staff Annual Salary Range
: a. Chief Reactor Operator          $10.000 - 15.000
        .        (Operations Supervisor)                                                .
: b. Shif t Supervisor        -
Not acclicable
: c. Senior Reactor Operator        $10,000 - 15.000
: d. Reactor Operator                $10.000 - 15.000 1.12  Reactor Architect / Engineer          Aeroiet General San Ramon. California 1.13  Reactor Constructor                    Aeroiet General San Ramon. California 1.14  Organization / Country Supplying Nuclear Technology                    U.S.A.
1.15  Reactor Setting                      University camcus. Urban.
High occulation density.
1.16  Reactor Operating Status .
: a. Initia! Criticality Date        November 20. 1957
: b. Full Power Date                November 20,1957
: c. Operating Cycle                Intermittent
: d. Full Power Hours / Year        50
: e. Pulses / Year, Average Energy N5t acclicable 1.17  Reactor Facility Cost,
                                                  $95.000 1.13  Annual Operating Eudget              $6.100 1.19  Facility Insurance
: a. Coverage Reactor: $250.000. Universirv: $1.000.000. __
Umbrella: $4.000.000.
v        .                                                                                                  .
    /                                                  AGN-201 CU
: b. Annual Premium                  Reactor: $700. Universirv: $15.363.
Umbrella: $10.363.
!                    2.- REACTOR                                                                      ,    .
2.1 Re' actor Type                      Closed vesse!. colvethylene moderated, solid homogeneous fuel. Research and training reactor.
                  , 2.2 Reactor Vessel                    _
: a. Configuration                  Cylinder
: b. Overall Dimensions              7.0 f t (2.13 m) diameter X 7.0 ft                          c (2.13 m) high
: c. Ataterial                      Steel
: d. Normal Operating Pressure      0.0 osig (0.0 bar)
: e. Normal Operating Temperature                    72 F (22 C) 2.3 Core
: a. Volume              -
0.43 f t (12.37 1)
: b. Overall Dimensions              Cylindrical: 0.35 ft (0.26 m) diameter X 0.78 ft (0.24 m) high I
: c. Lattice Configuration          Right circular cylinder of vertically stacked fuel discs.
: d. Number of Elements
: 1. Standard                9
: 2. Control .                4
: e. Maximum Number of Grid Locations that can be used                                                  -
for Fuel                      Not acolicable 235                                                        - - -
                                          ,      .                                                                                  a
                                      / '                    ,                .
I s
[                                            ,                                                                    e J                                                                                    9
d AGN-201 CU                                                  -
I                  s
: f. Subdivided Core
: 1. ' Number of Subdivisions                            None i                s 2.'        '
Subdivision Differen-tiating Characteristics                Not acclicable
: 3.          . Number of Elements per i    Subdivision                        Not acolicable 2.4  Containment -                                    t
: a. Type                    j                              Room in engineerine building.
,                        b. Volume                                                  Accroximately 1.06 X 10" ft3 (300 m3)
: c. Material                                                Concrete 2.5  Moderator                                                    Polyethylene 2.6  Blanket Gas                      ,                          None 2.7  Reflectors                                                  Grachite and water 2.3 Thermal Shield                          '
None 2.9  Biological Shield                                            Lead and water
: a. External Radiation Levels                              5 mrem /hr at tank surface at full oower.
2.10 Pcwer Level
: a. Normal Steady State                                    0.1 W
!                        b.      Pulsing                                              Not acclicable 2.11 Normal Average Thermal
,                        Power Density
: a. Volumetric                                            0.23 W/ft3 (0.0081 W/1) i (2.10.a/2.3.a)
: b. Linear                                                  Not acclicable (2.10.a/(Number of Plates /
Pins X Plate / Pin Length ))
2.12 Normal Specific Power ~                                      O.066 W/lb (0.15 W/kg) U-235 (2.10.a/5.1.b) 236
        "~                                                                        -                _ _ _ _ _ _- __
1' AGN-201 CU 2.13              Reactor Control                                                                                          -
: a.          Safety Rods
: 1. _    Number                                  2
: 2.      Shape and Dimensions                    Cylindrical.1.85 in (4.7 cm) diameter X 5.91 in (15.0 cm) long.
: 3.      Material and Leading                    Polyethylene and 0.032 lb (14.4 sm) U-235 each.
: 4.      Normal Withdrawal /
Insertion Speed                        11.81 in/ min (30.0 cm/ min)
: 5.    . Scram Insertion Speed                  59.06 in/sec (150.0 cm/sec) t l-                        (                                              . . .            -
: 6.      Total Reactivity                        0.013 Delta K/K i'                                                    f                                                                .
i                        7.      Norma! Average Reac-
                                                                                        - tivity Addition Rate                    0.018 Delta K/K/ min
: 8.      Scram Mechanism                          Safety red magnet current interruot at 0.12 W l
or a 8 second ceriod.
: b.          Pulse Rods
                          ,                                                      1.      Number                                  None
: 2.      Shape and Dimensions                    Not acolicable
                                    -8                                            3.      Material and Leading                    Not acolicable
...                                  /                                            4.      Normal Withdrawal /                                                  .
.] _                                                                                      Insertion Speed                          Not aoplicable 1            i                                            5.      Scram insertion Speed                    Not applicable
^ 3, ,                        .              s                                    6.      Total Reactivity                        Not acolicable
. y'*~
: 7.      Normal Average Reac-
                    ,-                          ')
tivity Addition Rate                    Not aoolicable t
: 8.      Scram Mechanism                          Not acolicable l
1 237
1 AGN-201 CU
: c.      Regulating Rods
: 1. Number                      2
                                  ---                  2. Shape and Dimensions        Cvlindrical. 1.85 in (4.7 cm) diameter X 5.91 in
                                      . - - ~
                                                                                        '(15.0 cm) long and 0.91 (2.3 cm) diameter X 5.91 in l                                                                                        (15.0 cm) long.
              ,                                        3. Material and Loading        Polvethylene and either 0.031 lb (14.2 gm) or .      '
O.0077 lb (3.5 mm) U-235.
                                                .      4. Normal Withdrawal /
Insertion Speed .          11.31 in/ min (30.0 cm/ min)
: 5. Total Reactivity          0.013 Delta K/K. and 0.003 Delta K/K
: 6. Normal Average Reac-1 tivity Addition Rate      0.018 Delta K/K/ min. and 0.0005 Delta K/K/ min' -
: 7. Scram Mechanism            Not orovided                                                s
                      .                        d.      Chemical Shim Control l
: 1. Chemical                    None j                                                                                .
                              .                        2. Loading                    Nct acclicable
: 3. Control Mechanism          Not aoolicable i
: 4. Total Reactivity ._        Not acolicable
: e.      Burnable Poison                      -
: 1. Isotopes Utilized          None t
: 2. Location                    Not acolicable
: 3. Leading'                  Not acolicable 4      Total P;eactivity          Not acolicable 1
T 238                                                        -
  . _ _ ,              L__ . .
AGN-201 CU
        .            3. FUEL 3.1  Standard Fuel Element        ._
: a. Configuration        _ _
Fuel discs
: b. Element Dimensions                10.14 in (25.75 cm) diameter:                  .
4 dises: 1.54 in (3.9 cm) thick
                  .                                              3 discs: 0.91 in (2.3 cm) thick 2 discs: 0.39 in (1.0 cm) thick
: c. Overall Plate / Pin Dimensions Not acolicable        ,
: d. Number of Plates / Pins per Element . .                      Not aoplicable
: e. Distance Between Plate / Pin Centerlines                      Not acolicable
          ,                f. Active Portion of Fuel Plate /
: 1. Dimensions                Not acolicable
                    .          2. Composition    ,
Homogeneous mixture of Uranium and colyethylene.
: 3. U-235 Enrichment          19.9 %
: 4. Fissile Material Density 0.0021 lb/in3 (0.057 em/cc) U-235
;                          g. Reflector Portion of Fuel Plate / Pin
: 1. Composition                None
: 2. Dimensions                Not acclicable                  '
: h. Clad          *
: 1. Composition                None
: 2. Thickness                  Not acolicable 239            .
AGN-201 CU                                              >
: i. Side Plate
: l. Composition                None
: 2. Thickness                  Not applicable                -
: j. Structural Material              Not provided          -
3.2      Control Rod Fuel Element  .  ..
: a. Specify Differences from
                .                      Standard Fuel Elements            None 3.3      Fuel Cycle                                                                          ,
                                  'a. Criteria for Refueling            No refueling anticipated b,    Frequency of Refueling            No refueling anticipated
: c. Normal. Element Lifetime          Life of reactor
: d. Burnup                                                                          .7
: l.      Average U-235 Burnup Ne211gible                                            -
: 2.      Feak U-235 Burnup        Negligible
: 3.      Maximum Allowed U-235 Burnup
* Negligible
: e. Number of Elements Replaced During Typical Refueling          Not aoplicable
: f. Spent Fuel
: 1. Minimum Cooling Time Not acplicable
: 2. Maximum Amount in Storage                  Not aoolicable
: g. Disposition of Spent Fuel        Not apolicable
: h. Spent Fuel Shipping Cask          Not acolicable                    _
.                                  1. Spent Fuel Handling              Not acclicable i
a J. Fuel Failure Detection            None
;                                            \
            .                                                                                                              .                        e . -l 1
N j                                                                    AGN-201 CU 3.4  Fuel Inventory
: a.      Current Fissile Material                                                    _
inventory Status --                      ' -
  !                              1. New Fuel In-Process                          None'                                              '
: 2. New Fuel On Hand                              None
: 3. Fue! In-Core '                                Approximately 1.51 lb (0.69 kg) U-235
* l 1
                  .              4. Spent Fuel in Storage                        None 1
: 5. Spent Fuel Being                                                                                        '          i
                          .              Reprocessed                                  None
: 6. Non-fuel Special                                                                                                  :
t Nuclear Material                              Not provided                                                        '
: b.      Fissile Material Iny'entory Needed to Assure Continuity of Operations
: 1. New Fuel In-Process                          None-
: 2. New Fuel On Hand                              None
: 3. Fuel In-Core    ,
Acoroximatelv 1.51 lb (0.69 kg) U-235 3.5  Fuel Source                ,
: a.      Fuel Fabricator                                      Aeroiet General Nucleonics j
l San Ramon. California t                                        . .-
: b.      Fuel Supplier                                      None                                                        _
l                                                                                                                                                          ,
: c.      Fissile Material Origin                            U' S. A.
: d.      Enrichment Supplier                                U.S.A.                                                              )
: e.      Method of Fabrication                              Unknown
;                        f.      Fuel Element Cost                                  Unknown V                                                                                                                                                  l 1        .                                        .
241                                                            --l l
              --o-    --      -            . . . -  , - . . , , . . , - ,              .      -  - . ~ .          --    -,-  , . - .
1                                                                            -
AGN-201 CU
: 4.            HEAT TRANSFER DATA                                                                                      !
4.1          Fuel Element Heat Transfer Area                        Not aoolicable (Number of Plates / Pins X Active Plate / Pin Surface in Contact with                          .-
            ,                  Coolant)                                  =
4.2            Fuel Element Flow Area                                Not acclicable i
4.3          Fuel Element Wetted Perimeter                          Not acolicable 4.4          Fuel Meat Thermal Resistivity                          Not acolicable 4.5          Clad-Coolant Heat Transfer Coefficient (at Hot Spot)                              Not apolicable 4.6          Heat Flux at Plate Surface  .
: a.            Normal Average Heat Flux                Not acolicable
: b.            Peak Heat Flux
: 1.      Without Hot Channel Factors                          Not acolicable
: 2.      With Hot Channel Factors                          Not acolicable
                        . c.            Axial Peaking Factor in Hot Channel (from Axial Fission Rate Distribution)
                                      ~~                                                                          .
: 1.      Without Hot Channel' Factors                        Not acolicable
: 2.      With Hot Channel __
Factors                        Not acclicable              _
!                              d.            Hot Spot Location                      Not aoolicable 4.7            Peak Operating Fue'l Plate / Pin Temperature
: a.            At Plate / Pin Surface
: 1.      Without Hot Channel
      ,                                              Factors                      Not acclicable 242
              - , ~ , -      --        e              -  -    ,, -        m      e-- y e              g -        su ~
s                                                                                        O.'
4 i                                                    AGN-201 CU
: 2. With Hot Channel                          -
Factors                  Not aoolicable
: b. Inside Fuel Meat
: 1. Without Hot Channel                              .
Not applicable
Factors                                                  .
: 2. With Hot Channel Factors                  Not applicable
                , 4.8  Primary Coolant                    Not applicable                          l 4.9  Coolant Flow                                                                ;
: h. Flow Direction                Not aoplicable                          .
: b. Flow induced By                Not aoolicable
!                        c. Normal Flow Rate              Not aoolicable
: d. Maximum Flow Rate              Not aoolicable                          l
    'T'                                                                        ~
: e. Mean Core Flow Velocity        Not aoolicable
: f. Normal Core Inlet Temperature                    Not acolicable
: g. Normal Core Ten ,erature Rise                            Not aoolicable                          l l                                                                                                    ,
: h. Peak Ccolant Temperature                                                l Rise at Hot Spot                                    '
: 1. Without Hot Channel Factors                  Not acclicable
: 2. With Hot Channel          -
Factors                  Not aoplicable l
: i. Coolant Pressure at Core l                            Outlet                        Not apolicable l
Coolant Pressure at Hot Spot l
i                            1. Without Hot Channel Factors                  Not aoolicable
                                          .              243
                                                                                    .    .        .1 T
AGN-201 CU
: 2.      With Hot Channel                            .
                --      - Factors                    Not acolicable
                                                                    ~ ~
4.10 Hot Channel Factors (Including Only Effecu Other than Nuclear                  "
Peaking; Specify Breakdowns)
: a.      For Coolant Temperature Rise Not acolicable
: b.      For Film Temperatu're Rise        Not acolicable
: c.      Others                            Not acolicable 4.11 Core Heat Dissipation System              Not acclicable 4.12 Shutdown Heat Removal System              Not acclicable
: a.      Worst Case Elapsed Time from Shutdown to Coolant Indepen-dence Without Fuel Distertion Not acolicable 4.13 Emergency Core Cooling System              Not acciicable s
: 5. NUCLEAR DATA 5.1  Fuel Loading
: a. Minimum Critical Ma'ss              1.47 lb (0.67 kg) U-235
: b.      Normal Core Leading                1.51 lb (0.69 kg) d-235 (Beginning of Cycle at Rated Power)
: c.      Maximum K excess        *E  "*"*3
: i. Temperature                -0.00025 Delta K/K- C
: 2. Equilibrium Xenon          Not acolicable r
: 3. Equilibrium Samarium        Not acclicable 4      Xenon Override              Not acolicable
: 5. Burnup (incl.. ding        Not acclicable Burnable Poian)
: 6. Experimental bample        0.0035 Delta K/K 244
          )                                                      AGN-201 CU e
0.0030 Delta K/K
: 7. Others
: 8. Total                      0.0065 Delta K/K
: d. Shutdown Margin              -
0.034 Delta K/K with all rods withdrawn.
0.02 Delta K/K with most reactive rod 'and fine
                                                                    . control rod inserted.
l 5.2  Reactivity Coefficients
: a. Temperature
: 1. Moderator                  -0.00014 Delta K/K/ F (-0.00025 Delta K/K/ C) ~
: 2. Doppler                    Not provided
: 3. Fuel 5xpansion              Not provided 4      Burnable Poison            Not applicable
        }                    b. Void                              Not acolicable 3.3  Neutron Flux Densities 6      2
: a. Steady State Average Therma 12.0 X 10 n/cm 73,c i                            b. Steady State Peak Tliermal        5.0 X 106 n/cm 273,c
: c. Steady State Avefage Fast          Unknown
: d. Steady State Peak Fast            Unknown l                            e. Peak Pulsing Power                Not aoplicable l
l                            f. Pulse Integrated Power            Not acolicable l
5.4  Pulsing Characteristics
: a. Fulse Period                      Not aoolicable
: b. Full Width at Half Maximum        Not acclicable
: c. Maximum Frequency of Pulses Not acolicable 5.5  Fission Density l
: a. Normal Average                    Not orovided l
2q3                ,
O    Qw:
AGN-201 CU t
                .          . b. . Peak                                        Not provided
                              .c.            Axial Peak / Average Ratio for Typical Element                Not provided 5.6    Maximum Fission Product Inventory Not provided
: 6.      OPER ATING EXPERIENCE 6.1    Forced Outages in the Pas:                                                                      -
Five Years
: a.          Equipment Malfunction              None b'.          Personnel Error                    None
: c.          Full power Operating Hours          None (Reactor has been shut down for 5 years)
I b
: 7.      SAFEGUARDS                                                                                                !
                                                                                                                                  .h 7.1      Agency Responsible for Regulatory Jurisdiction                          U.S. Nuclear Regulaterv Commission j
                      . S.1      Past Major Modifications
: a.          Power Increase /Date                None
: b.          Fuel Conversion /Date ._            None
: c.          _ Other/Date _            __ .
Shutdown / February.1974 Renewed coeration/May 9.1979 3.2      Future Major Modifications
: a.          Power increa'se/na te              None planned
: b.          Fuel Conversion /Date              None olanned 4                              c.          Decommissioning /Date              Not planned
: d.          Other/Date                          None planned 4
j        ,
AGN-201 CU 3.3  Future Reactors                                                  -
: a. Type /Date              None olanned 9.- ' REACTOR, LABORATORY.. AND EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES                                .
9.1  Accelerators
: a. Description              Neutron generator
              , 9.2  Beamports
: a. Description              Four b.-  Dimensions              Not orovided
: c. Thermal Neutron Flux    Not orovided
: d. Fast Neutron Flux        Not provided
    ,                e. Gamma Dese Rate          Not orovided 3
9.3  Converter Blocks
: a. Description              None
                . b. Dimensions              Not aoolicable
: c. Thermal Neutron Flux    Not aoolicable
: d. Fast Neutron Flux        Ect aoolicable
: e. Gamma Dose Rate          Not aoolicable 9.4  Critical Assemblies
: a. Description              Natural Uranium (subcritical assembiv)
: b. Dimensions                3.28 f t (1.0 m) X 3.23 f t (1.0 m) X 4.92 ft (1.5 m)
: c. Thermal Neutron Flux      Nat orovided
: d. Fast Neutron Flux        Not provided
: e. Gamma Dose Rate          Not orovided
247                                                            -
AGN-201 CU f
9.5  Gamma Sources
: a.        Description                    More than 200
                    ~ b.      Dimensions                      Various
: c.        Gamma Dose Rate                Various 9.6  Hot Cells                                                                                          .
  ,                a.        Description                    One
: b.        Dimensions                      1.0 ft (0.31 m) X 1.0 f t (0.31 m) X 1.0 f t (0.31 m) 9.7  Irradiation Assembly
: a.        Description                    5,400 Ci Cesium (Cs)-137
: b.        Dimensions                      Not provided c'.      Thermal Neutron Flux            Not provided..
: d.        Fast Neutron Flux              Not orovided                                                ,
: e.        Gamma Dese Rate                Not orovided 9.3  Neutron Activation Analysis
: a.        Description                    None
9.9  Neutron Generator
: a.        Description                    Not currentiv coerable
.:                  b.        Thermal Neutron Flux            Not aoolicable
: c.        Fast Neutton Flux              Not acclicable
,              9.10  Neutron Radiography s
: a.        Description                    None 9.11  Neutron Sources
: a.        Description                    Five                                                                ,
: b.        Dimensions                      Not orovided l'
243                                                                --
          .                                                                                .                  .o AGN-201 CU t
: c. Thermal Neutron Flux          Not provided                  *
  ;                  d. Fast Neutron Flux            Not orovided 9.12 Neutron Spectrometer
: a. Description                  None 9.13 Pneumatic Tubes                                                                    .
: a. Description                  None
: b. Dimensions                    Not apolicable
: c. Thermal Neutron Flux          Not acclicable                                    -
: d. Fast Neutron Flux            Not acolicable
: e. Gamma Dose Rate              Not neolicable 9.14 Radioisotope Laboratories
: a. Description                  1 Germanium-Lithium (Ge-Li) detector.10 Silicon-Lithium (Si-Li) detectors. 5 Sodium-lodine (Na-1) detectors. several orocortional counters
2 multichannel analyzers (1024 and 4096 c nnels).
                                                        ! single channel analyzer 9.15 Reactor Core
: a. Description                  1 tube through center of core
                                                ~  ~
,                    b. Dimensions                    0.63 in (1.59 cm) inner diameter l
: c. Thermal Neutron Flux          Not orovided
: d. Fast Neutron Flux            Not orovided
: e. Gamma Dose Rate              Not orovided 9.16 Reactor Pool
: a. Description                  None e
249                  ,
e    ..c s
AGN-20. CU                                                -
: b. Dimensions                    Not acclicable
: c. Thermal Neutron Flux          Not acolicable
: d. Fast Neutron Flux              Not aoplicable
: e. Gamma Dese Rate                Not acclicable 9.17 Ther mal Column
: a. Description                  On too of reactor
: b. Dimensions                    3.23 f t (1.0 m) diameter X 3.28 ft (1.0 m) high
: c. Thermal Neutron Flux          Not crovided
: d. Fast Neutron Flux            Not provided
: e. Gamma Dose Rate              Not provided 10.
;D 10.1 Research, Technical, and Training Program                            Not orovided 10.2 Principal Isotopes Produced        None
: 11. COMPUTER CODES UTILIZED IN DESIGN 11.1 Neutronics                          Not provided i
11.2 Stractural Design
: a. Reactor Vessel                Not orovided l
l                b. Fuel                          Not orovided
: c. Containment                  Not crovided
11.3 cieat Transfer                      Not provided l
!                                                    Not orovided r
l 250                                                          -

Latest revision as of 00:15, 2 March 2020

Aerojet General Nucleonics Reactor (AGN-201 Cu).
Person / Time
Site: 05000077
Issue date: 08/26/1981
Shared Package
ML20038B249 List:
FOIA-81-317 NUDOCS 8112070077
Download: ML20038B261 (18)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

l .- ,




1. GENERAL 1.1 Reactor Name (Acronym) Aeroiet General Nucleonics Reactor (AGN-201 CU) 1.2 License Number R-31 1.3 NRC Docket Number 50-77

~1 .4 Reactor Address Mechanical Engineering Deoartment The Ca. .hc University of America Washington. D. C. 20064 U.S.A.

1.5 Reactor TelephEne (202) 635-5170 1.6 Reactor Telex None 1.7 Reactor Owner The Catholic University of America


1.8 Reactor Operator Th'e Catholic University of America 1.9 Reactor Administrators Edward Jordan. Reacter Administrator Y. C. Whang, Chairoerson, Mechanical Eneineerine Decartment W. Keene. Radiation Safety Officer D. D. Ebert. Reactor Suoervisor 1.10 Reactor Facility Staff

a. Scientific / Technical 2
b. Operations 2
c. Support 2
d. Normal Number of Personnel in Reactor Containment /

Confinement 2 l

8112070077 810826 h PDR FOIA LEVI 81-317 PDR 233 --

T8 e AGN-201 CU l.11 Operatiens Staff Annual Salary Range

a. Chief Reactor Operator $10.000 - 15.000

. (Operations Supervisor) .

b. Shif t Supervisor -

Not acclicable

c. Senior Reactor Operator $10,000 - 15.000
d. Reactor Operator $10.000 - 15.000 1.12 Reactor Architect / Engineer Aeroiet General San Ramon. California 1.13 Reactor Constructor Aeroiet General San Ramon. California 1.14 Organization / Country Supplying Nuclear Technology U.S.A.

1.15 Reactor Setting University camcus. Urban.

High occulation density.

1.16 Reactor Operating Status .

a. Initia! Criticality Date November 20. 1957
b. Full Power Date November 20,1957
c. Operating Cycle Intermittent
d. Full Power Hours / Year 50
e. Pulses / Year, Average Energy N5t acclicable 1.17 Reactor Facility Cost,

$95.000 1.13 Annual Operating Eudget $6.100 1.19 Facility Insurance

a. Coverage Reactor: $250.000. Universirv: $1.000.000. __

Umbrella: $4.000.000.


v . .

/ AGN-201 CU

b. Annual Premium Reactor: $700. Universirv: $15.363.

Umbrella: $10.363.

! 2.- REACTOR , .

2.1 Re' actor Type Closed vesse!. colvethylene moderated, solid homogeneous fuel. Research and training reactor.

, 2.2 Reactor Vessel _

a. Configuration Cylinder
b. Overall Dimensions 7.0 f t (2.13 m) diameter X 7.0 ft c (2.13 m) high
c. Ataterial Steel
d. Normal Operating Pressure 0.0 osig (0.0 bar)
e. Normal Operating Temperature 72 F (22 C) 2.3 Core
a. Volume -

0.43 f t (12.37 1)

b. Overall Dimensions Cylindrical: 0.35 ft (0.26 m) diameter X 0.78 ft (0.24 m) high I
c. Lattice Configuration Right circular cylinder of vertically stacked fuel discs.
d. Number of Elements
1. Standard 9
2. Control . 4
e. Maximum Number of Grid Locations that can be used -

for Fuel Not acolicable 235 - - -

, . a

/ ' , .

I s

[ , e J 9


d AGN-201 CU -

I s

f. Subdivided Core
1. ' Number of Subdivisions None i s 2.' '

Subdivision Differen-tiating Characteristics Not acclicable

3. . Number of Elements per i Subdivision Not acolicable 2.4 Containment - t
a. Type j Room in engineerine building.


, b. Volume Accroximately 1.06 X 10" ft3 (300 m3)

c. Material Concrete 2.5 Moderator Polyethylene 2.6 Blanket Gas , None 2.7 Reflectors Grachite and water 2.3 Thermal Shield '

None 2.9 Biological Shield Lead and water

a. External Radiation Levels 5 mrem /hr at tank surface at full oower.


2.10 Pcwer Level

a. Normal Steady State 0.1 W

! b. Pulsing Not acclicable 2.11 Normal Average Thermal

, Power Density

a. Volumetric 0.23 W/ft3 (0.0081 W/1) i (2.10.a/2.3.a)
  • e-a
b. Linear Not acclicable (2.10.a/(Number of Plates /

Pins X Plate / Pin Length ))

2.12 Normal Specific Power ~ O.066 W/lb (0.15 W/kg) U-235 (2.10.a/5.1.b) 236

"~ - _ _ _ _ _ _- __

1' AGN-201 CU 2.13 Reactor Control -

a. Safety Rods
1. _ Number 2
2. Shape and Dimensions Cylindrical.1.85 in (4.7 cm) diameter X 5.91 in (15.0 cm) long.
3. Material and Leading Polyethylene and 0.032 lb (14.4 sm) U-235 each.


4. Normal Withdrawal /

Insertion Speed 11.81 in/ min (30.0 cm/ min)

5. . Scram Insertion Speed 59.06 in/sec (150.0 cm/sec) t l- ( . . . -
6. Total Reactivity 0.013 Delta K/K i' f .

i 7. Norma! Average Reac-

- tivity Addition Rate 0.018 Delta K/K/ min


8. Scram Mechanism Safety red magnet current interruot at 0.12 W l

or a 8 second ceriod.


b. Pulse Rods

, 1. Number None

2. Shape and Dimensions Not acolicable

-8 3. Material and Leading Not acolicable

... / 4. Normal Withdrawal / .

.] _ Insertion Speed Not aoplicable 1 i 5. Scram insertion Speed Not applicable

^ 3, , . s 6. Total Reactivity Not acolicable

. y'*~

7. Normal Average Reac-

,- ')


tivity Addition Rate Not aoolicable t

8. Scram Mechanism Not acolicable l

1 237

1 AGN-201 CU

c. Regulating Rods
1. Number 2

--- 2. Shape and Dimensions Cvlindrical. 1.85 in (4.7 cm) diameter X 5.91 in

. - - ~


'(15.0 cm) long and 0.91 (2.3 cm) diameter X 5.91 in l (15.0 cm) long.

, 3. Material and Loading Polvethylene and either 0.031 lb (14.2 gm) or . '

O.0077 lb (3.5 mm) U-235.

. 4. Normal Withdrawal /

Insertion Speed . 11.31 in/ min (30.0 cm/ min)

5. Total Reactivity 0.013 Delta K/K. and 0.003 Delta K/K
6. Normal Average Reac-1 tivity Addition Rate 0.018 Delta K/K/ min. and 0.0005 Delta K/K/ min' -
7. Scram Mechanism Not orovided s

. d. Chemical Shim Control l

1. Chemical None j .

. 2. Loading Nct acclicable

3. Control Mechanism Not aoolicable i
4. Total Reactivity ._ Not acolicable
e. Burnable Poison -
1. Isotopes Utilized None t
2. Location Not acolicable
3. Leading' Not acolicable 4 Total P;eactivity Not acolicable 1

T 238 -

. _ _ , L__ . .


AGN-201 CU

. 3. FUEL 3.1 Standard Fuel Element ._

a. Configuration _ _

Fuel discs

b. Element Dimensions 10.14 in (25.75 cm) diameter: .

4 dises: 1.54 in (3.9 cm) thick

. 3 discs: 0.91 in (2.3 cm) thick 2 discs: 0.39 in (1.0 cm) thick

c. Overall Plate / Pin Dimensions Not acolicable ,
d. Number of Plates / Pins per Element . . Not aoplicable
e. Distance Between Plate / Pin Centerlines Not acolicable

, f. Active Portion of Fuel Plate /


1. Dimensions Not acolicable

. 2. Composition ,

Homogeneous mixture of Uranium and colyethylene.

3. U-235 Enrichment 19.9 %
4. Fissile Material Density 0.0021 lb/in3 (0.057 em/cc) U-235
g. Reflector Portion of Fuel Plate / Pin
1. Composition None
2. Dimensions Not acclicable '
h. Clad *
1. Composition None
2. Thickness Not acolicable 239 .

AGN-201 CU >


i. Side Plate
l. Composition None
2. Thickness Not applicable -
j. Structural Material Not provided -

3.2 Control Rod Fuel Element . ..


a. Specify Differences from

. Standard Fuel Elements None 3.3 Fuel Cycle ,

'a. Criteria for Refueling No refueling anticipated b, Frequency of Refueling No refueling anticipated

c. Normal. Element Lifetime Life of reactor


d. Burnup .7
l. Average U-235 Burnup Ne211gible -
2. Feak U-235 Burnup Negligible
3. Maximum Allowed U-235 Burnup
  • Negligible
e. Number of Elements Replaced During Typical Refueling Not aoplicable
f. Spent Fuel
1. Minimum Cooling Time Not acplicable
2. Maximum Amount in Storage Not aoolicable


g. Disposition of Spent Fuel Not apolicable
h. Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Not acolicable _

. 1. Spent Fuel Handling Not acclicable i

a J. Fuel Failure Detection None



. . e . -l 1



N j AGN-201 CU 3.4 Fuel Inventory

a. Current Fissile Material _

inventory Status -- ' -



! 1. New Fuel In-Process None' '

2. New Fuel On Hand None
3. Fue! In-Core ' Approximately 1.51 lb (0.69 kg) U-235
  • l 1

. 4. Spent Fuel in Storage None 1


5. Spent Fuel Being ' i

. Reprocessed None

6. Non-fuel Special  :

t Nuclear Material Not provided '


b. Fissile Material Iny'entory Needed to Assure Continuity of Operations


1. New Fuel In-Process None-
2. New Fuel On Hand None
3. Fuel In-Core ,

Acoroximatelv 1.51 lb (0.69 kg) U-235 3.5 Fuel Source ,

a. Fuel Fabricator Aeroiet General Nucleonics j

l San Ramon. California t . .-

b. Fuel Supplier None _

l ,

c. Fissile Material Origin U' S. A.
d. Enrichment Supplier U.S.A. )


e. Method of Fabrication Unknown
f. Fuel Element Cost Unknown V l 1 . .

241 --l l


--o- -- - . . . - , - . . , , . . , - , . - - . ~ . -- -,- , . - .

1 -

AGN-201 CU


4.1 Fuel Element Heat Transfer Area Not aoolicable (Number of Plates / Pins X Active Plate / Pin Surface in Contact with .-

, Coolant) =

4.2 Fuel Element Flow Area Not acclicable i

4.3 Fuel Element Wetted Perimeter Not acolicable 4.4 Fuel Meat Thermal Resistivity Not acolicable 4.5 Clad-Coolant Heat Transfer Coefficient (at Hot Spot) Not apolicable 4.6 Heat Flux at Plate Surface .

a. Normal Average Heat Flux Not acolicable
b. Peak Heat Flux
1. Without Hot Channel Factors Not acolicable
2. With Hot Channel Factors Not acolicable


. c. Axial Peaking Factor in Hot Channel (from Axial Fission Rate Distribution)

~~ .

1. Without Hot Channel' Factors Not acolicable


2. With Hot Channel __

Factors Not acclicable _

! d. Hot Spot Location Not aoolicable 4.7 Peak Operating Fue'l Plate / Pin Temperature

a. At Plate / Pin Surface
1. Without Hot Channel

, Factors Not acclicable 242

- , ~ , - -- e - - ,, - m e-- y e g - su ~

s O.'

4 i AGN-201 CU


2. With Hot Channel -

Factors Not aoolicable

b. Inside Fuel Meat
1. Without Hot Channel .

Not applicable


Factors .

2. With Hot Channel Factors Not applicable


, 4.8 Primary Coolant Not applicable l 4.9 Coolant Flow  ;

h. Flow Direction Not aoplicable .


b. Flow induced By Not aoolicable

! c. Normal Flow Rate Not aoolicable

d. Maximum Flow Rate Not aoolicable l

'T' ~

e. Mean Core Flow Velocity Not aoolicable
f. Normal Core Inlet Temperature Not acolicable
g. Normal Core Ten ,erature Rise Not aoolicable l l ,
h. Peak Ccolant Temperature l Rise at Hot Spot '
1. Without Hot Channel Factors Not acclicable
2. With Hot Channel -

Factors Not aoplicable l

i. Coolant Pressure at Core l Outlet Not apolicable l


Coolant Pressure at Hot Spot l

i 1. Without Hot Channel Factors Not aoolicable

. 243

. . .1 T

AGN-201 CU

2. With Hot Channel .

-- - Factors Not acolicable

~ ~

4.10 Hot Channel Factors (Including Only Effecu Other than Nuclear "

Peaking; Specify Breakdowns)

a. For Coolant Temperature Rise Not acolicable
b. For Film Temperatu're Rise Not acolicable
c. Others Not acolicable 4.11 Core Heat Dissipation System Not acclicable 4.12 Shutdown Heat Removal System Not acclicable
a. Worst Case Elapsed Time from Shutdown to Coolant Indepen-dence Without Fuel Distertion Not acolicable 4.13 Emergency Core Cooling System Not acciicable s
5. NUCLEAR DATA 5.1 Fuel Loading
a. Minimum Critical Ma'ss 1.47 lb (0.67 kg) U-235
b. Normal Core Leading 1.51 lb (0.69 kg) d-235 (Beginning of Cycle at Rated Power)
c. Maximum K excess *E "*"*3
i. Temperature -0.00025 Delta K/K- C
2. Equilibrium Xenon Not acolicable r
3. Equilibrium Samarium Not acclicable 4 Xenon Override Not acolicable
5. Burnup (incl.. ding Not acclicable Burnable Poian)
6. Experimental bample 0.0035 Delta K/K 244

) AGN-201 CU e

0.0030 Delta K/K

7. Others
8. Total 0.0065 Delta K/K
d. Shutdown Margin -

0.034 Delta K/K with all rods withdrawn.

0.02 Delta K/K with most reactive rod 'and fine

. control rod inserted.

l 5.2 Reactivity Coefficients

a. Temperature
1. Moderator -0.00014 Delta K/K/ F (-0.00025 Delta K/K/ C) ~
2. Doppler Not provided
3. Fuel 5xpansion Not provided 4 Burnable Poison Not applicable

} b. Void Not acolicable 3.3 Neutron Flux Densities 6 2

a. Steady State Average Therma 12.0 X 10 n/cm 73,c i b. Steady State Peak Tliermal 5.0 X 106 n/cm 273,c
c. Steady State Avefage Fast Unknown
d. Steady State Peak Fast Unknown l e. Peak Pulsing Power Not aoplicable l

l f. Pulse Integrated Power Not acolicable l

5.4 Pulsing Characteristics

a. Fulse Period Not aoolicable
b. Full Width at Half Maximum Not acclicable
c. Maximum Frequency of Pulses Not acolicable 5.5 Fission Density l
a. Normal Average Not orovided l

2q3 ,

O Qw:

AGN-201 CU t


. . b. . Peak Not provided

.c. Axial Peak / Average Ratio for Typical Element Not provided 5.6 Maximum Fission Product Inventory Not provided

6. OPER ATING EXPERIENCE 6.1 Forced Outages in the Pas: -

Five Years

a. Equipment Malfunction None b'. Personnel Error None
c. Full power Operating Hours None (Reactor has been shut down for 5 years)

I b


.h 7.1 Agency Responsible for Regulatory Jurisdiction U.S. Nuclear Regulaterv Commission j


. S.1 Past Major Modifications

a. Power Increase /Date None
b. Fuel Conversion /Date ._ None
c. _ Other/Date _ __ .

Shutdown / February.1974 Renewed coeration/May 9.1979 3.2 Future Major Modifications

a. Power increa'se/na te None planned
b. Fuel Conversion /Date None olanned 4 c. Decommissioning /Date Not planned
d. Other/Date None planned 4





j ,

AGN-201 CU 3.3 Future Reactors -


9.1 Accelerators

a. Description Neutron generator

, 9.2 Beamports

a. Description Four b.- Dimensions Not orovided
c. Thermal Neutron Flux Not orovided
d. Fast Neutron Flux Not provided

, e. Gamma Dese Rate Not orovided 3

9.3 Converter Blocks

a. Description None

. b. Dimensions Not aoolicable

c. Thermal Neutron Flux Not aoolicable
d. Fast Neutron Flux Ect aoolicable
e. Gamma Dose Rate Not aoolicable 9.4 Critical Assemblies
a. Description Natural Uranium (subcritical assembiv)
b. Dimensions 3.28 f t (1.0 m) X 3.23 f t (1.0 m) X 4.92 ft (1.5 m)
c. Thermal Neutron Flux Nat orovided
d. Fast Neutron Flux Not provided
e. Gamma Dose Rate Not orovided


247 -

AGN-201 CU f

9.5 Gamma Sources

a. Description More than 200

~ b. Dimensions Various

c. Gamma Dose Rate Various 9.6 Hot Cells .

, a. Description One

b. Dimensions 1.0 ft (0.31 m) X 1.0 f t (0.31 m) X 1.0 f t (0.31 m) 9.7 Irradiation Assembly
a. Description 5,400 Ci Cesium (Cs)-137
b. Dimensions Not provided c'. Thermal Neutron Flux Not provided..


d. Fast Neutron Flux Not orovided ,


e. Gamma Dese Rate Not orovided 9.3 Neutron Activation Analysis
a. Description None


9.9 Neutron Generator

a. Description Not currentiv coerable

.: b. Thermal Neutron Flux Not aoolicable

c. Fast Neutton Flux Not acclicable


, 9.10 Neutron Radiography s

a. Description None 9.11 Neutron Sources
a. Description Five ,
b. Dimensions Not orovided l'

243 --

. . .o AGN-201 CU t

c. Thermal Neutron Flux Not provided *
d. Fast Neutron Flux Not orovided 9.12 Neutron Spectrometer
a. Description None 9.13 Pneumatic Tubes .
a. Description None
b. Dimensions Not apolicable
c. Thermal Neutron Flux Not acclicable -
d. Fast Neutron Flux Not acolicable
e. Gamma Dose Rate Not neolicable 9.14 Radioisotope Laboratories
a. Description 1 Germanium-Lithium (Ge-Li) detector.10 Silicon-Lithium (Si-Li) detectors. 5 Sodium-lodine (Na-1) detectors. several orocortional counters


2 multichannel analyzers (1024 and 4096 c nnels).

! single channel analyzer 9.15 Reactor Core

a. Description 1 tube through center of core

~ ~

, b. Dimensions 0.63 in (1.59 cm) inner diameter l

c. Thermal Neutron Flux Not orovided
d. Fast Neutron Flux Not orovided
e. Gamma Dose Rate Not orovided 9.16 Reactor Pool
a. Description None e

249 ,


e ..c s

AGN-20. CU -


b. Dimensions Not acclicable
c. Thermal Neutron Flux Not acolicable
d. Fast Neutron Flux Not aoplicable
e. Gamma Dese Rate Not acclicable 9.17 Ther mal Column
a. Description On too of reactor


b. Dimensions 3.23 f t (1.0 m) diameter X 3.28 ft (1.0 m) high
c. Thermal Neutron Flux Not crovided
d. Fast Neutron Flux Not provided
e. Gamma Dose Rate Not provided 10.



D 10.1 Research, Technical, and Training Program Not orovided 10.2 Principal Isotopes Produced None
11. COMPUTER CODES UTILIZED IN DESIGN 11.1 Neutronics Not provided i

11.2 Stractural Design

a. Reactor Vessel Not orovided l

l b. Fuel Not orovided

c. Containment Not crovided


11.3 cieat Transfer Not provided l


! Not orovided r

l 250 -
