IR 05000232/1989001: Difference between revisions

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(Created page by program invented by StriderTol)
(Created page by program invented by StriderTol)
Line 1: Line 1:
| number = ML18100A261
| number = ML18270A401
| issue date = 03/18/2018
| issue date = 03/23/2018
| title = Teck Alaska Incorporated Dba Red Dog Mine; Amendment Request; License 50-23289-01; Docket 030-30900; Control 602790
| title = Teck Alaska Incorporated Dba Red Dog Mine; Amendment Request; License 50-23289-01; Docket 030-30900; Control 609985
| author name = Strzelewicz F C
| author name = Decker S
| author affiliation = Red Dog Mine, Teck Alaska, Inc
| author affiliation = Red Dog Mine, Teck Alaska, Inc
| addressee name = Torres R J
| addressee name = Torres R J
Line 10: Line 10:
| license number = 50-23289-01
| license number = 50-23289-01
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| case reference number = 602790
| case reference number = 609985
| document type = Letter, License-Application for (Amend/Renewal/New) for DKT 30, 40, 70, License-Fee Sheet
| document type = Letter, License-Application for (Amend/Renewal/New) for DKT 30, 40, 70
| page count = 4
| page count = 8

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{{#Wiki_filter:r ij \Et MAR 2 7 1018 DNMS Roberto J. Torres M.S., Senior Health Physicist US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 East Lamar Boulevard Arlington, Texas 76011-4511 March 18, 2018 Teck Alaska Incorporated Red Dog Operations 3105 Lakeshore Drive Building A , Suite IOI Anchorage, AK USA 99517 Attn: Red Dog Mine E&I Shop Shannon Decker RSO 3105 Lakeshore Drive, Bldg. A Suite 101 Anchorage, Ak. 99517 +I 907754-5116 Tel +I 888-900-1179 Fax Teck Mr. Torres I would like to amend our license appendix 12 please change the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) to Shannon Decker and remove me Felix C. Strzelewicz As I am retiring from the company, I would also like to amend our license by removing Don Veigel and again myself Felix C. Strzelewicz on Appendix A on section # 17. Your prompt attention to this request would be greatly appreciate Mr. Felix Casey Strzelewicz Senior RSO (907) 7 54-5208 Docket: 030-30900 License: 50-23289-01 Control: 468399 PUBUC C Immediate RelHH yt. Normal Releast NON.PUBLIC
{{#Wiki_filter:RECEIVED 1! SEP 2 4 2018 DNIIS Roberto J. Torres M.S., Senior Health Physicist US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 East Lamar Boulevard Arlington, Texas 76011-45 11 arch 23, 2018 Teck Alaska Incorporated Red Dog Operations 3 I 05 Lakeshorc Drive Building A , Suite IOI Anchorage, AK USA 99517 Attn: Red Dog Mine E&I Shop Shannon Decker RSO 3105 Lakeshore Drive, Bldg. A Suite IO I Anchorage, AK. 99517 +I 907 754-5116 Tel t I 888-900-1179 Fax Teck Mr. Torres, I would like to amend our license section 17 A by addin g two (2) new technicians , Jason Anvil and Jason Baucum. Enclosed are their certificate Y our quick response is greatly apprecia ted. Shannon Decker Senior RSO (90 7) 754-5208 Docket: 030-30900 License: 50-23289-01 Control: 468399 PUBLIC a Immediate Release Normal Release NON-PUBLIC a A.3 Sensitive-Security Related a A.7 Sensitive Internal a Other: n L j , Reviewer.~ Date:~ ... 609985 QCertificate of m:ratntng This Certifies That Jason Anvil has been trained. tested and successfully comp l eted specialized i nstruc t ion in DOT, NRC, & IAT A Requirements for Shipping Radioactive Materials May 15, 2018 Presented By: Steve Merwin, CHP. Instructor Dade J l1oeller Training A cademy-an NV5 Company -+38 N. Fn.:dc:rick
__ .. -. Relatad C A.S 5tn1ltlve-S-umJ C A.7 9en11t1ve Internal 0 ~___.....--.-:.3
.-\venue , Suite 22 0. Gaithersbur '\10 20877 www.d a --301-99 0-6006 Pre s ented For: Teck Alaska Presented At: Anchorage, AK This certifies that the employee named on this certificate ha s been train e d and t es ted in accordance with the training '°"""""""" , f '" CFR f n. S"b~ This certificate is valid for 2-+ months for [CAO lA TA a nd for three yea rs for l L S. Dc pa11mcnt ofTransponation and U.S. rsuclcar Regul,ttory Commi ss ion o r Ag r eement Sta te : '\g encic Q.Certiftcate of {[raining Awarded To Jason Anvil Recognizing completion of 5 days of speciali z ed instruction in Radiation Safety Officer with DOT Certification May 1 5, 2018 Presented By Dade Moeller Training Acade,ny-an NV5 Conipany 41 00 \Vest Flamin go R oad. Suire 2200 Las Vegas. l',;cvada 89103 w,
__, 3i<>-f Fl fh602790
--301-990-6006 ABIH Diploma tes can claim this course fo r 40 hours in the II I CM Arca. AAHP has awarded ,bis course 40 C o ntinuing Fducation Cred i ts. 20 l 5-00-036 (1 ;""\ (\(\{\ -. -A+~~-----Steve Me rw ir'i, CHP QCerttficate of 'filraining T hi s Ce rti fi~s T h a t Jason Baucum has bee n t ra in e d , t este d a nd s u ccess fu lly com pl ete d s p ec i a l ize d in s tru ctio n in DOT, NRC, & IAT A Requirements for Shipping Radioactive Materials May 15, 2018 Presen t ed By: Steve iVlcrwin , CHP. In st ru c tor Dade Mo e ll e r Tra i nin g Academy-an JVV 5 Company -138 1'. Freder i ck J\\"enue. Suite 220, Gaithersbur i'v!D 20877 w,v,
' i:i \ *~ \) \) ,-"\ l '* *J ,...... l:"-l i~ .... .:( C) ,, . :.-.,.., > iT.i (,..:, L~ (X .. -*--*-* *--.-...* !Ji {\! r*** m JJl i:t I *t*-4 lb,6027 90 NRC FORM532 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (05-2016)
--301-990-6006 P r ese nt ed For: Teck Ala s ka P r esen t e d At: An c horag e , AK 2h;J td_\1 -S teve M e rwin , CHP This certifies that the employee named on this ~cnificate h as been trained and tested i n accordance with the training requ ir eme nt s of 49 CFR l 72. Subpart f l. ~;.;ur&#xb5;~ This certificate is valid for 2 4 m ont h s for l CAO I A TA and for tlm:c years for U.S. Depat1ment of Transpot1ation
.,... ........ .~ !~t ACKNOWLEDGEMENT  
~md L.S. ~udear Rcgulatllry Commi ssio n 01 .-\grcernent State Agencie QCertiftcate of \!Craining Awarded To Jason Baucum Recognizing completion of 5 days of specialized instruction in Radiation Safety Officer with DOT Certification May 15, 2018 Presented By Dade Moeller Training Academy -an NV5 Company --1100 West Flamingo R<lad. Suite 2200 Las Vegas , Nevada 89103
-RECEIPT OF CORRESPONDENCE . . : \;~ "/ ....... Name and Address of Applicant and/or Licensee Date I 04/04/2018 I Felix C. Strzelewicz, Radiation Safety Officer License Number{s)
--30 l-990-6006 AB[!! Diplomates can claim this course for 40 hours in the III CM Arca. AA I IP h::is award e d thi s , , rnr ,e 40 C r m t inuing Edu c ation Cr e dits. 2015 ,.()0-0 3 6 ~h '1 J'flifi,.;
I 50-23289-01 I Teck Alaska Incorporated dba Red Dog Mine MaU Control Number~s)
'Steve Merwi ,HP 0) 0 co co a:, CJ'\ I *,_ --*---Teck Alaska Incorporated Red Dog Operations 31 OS Lakeshore Drive Bu i ld i ng A, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Teck _,,,. .. Teck Alaska Incorporated 3105 Lakesho r e Drive Bldg. A , Suite 101 * Anchorage , Alaska 99517 Roberto J. Torres Pi J".I c:*l*'I O P'..i\C i'L .:i~1t t 1c1,c;r,1:~, :!l '}' SIE F' ::;;;nIB H?ii li L M.S., Senior Health Phys i cist US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 East Lamar Boulevard Arlington, Texas 76011-4511 Teck RE CE\\f E O St? 11+ i~\t oNMS HECE IV ED SE P 2 4 201 8 .. ?E:::: i i -:::}E:8?:25
3105 Lakeshore Drive, Building A, Suite 101 l Anchorage, Alaska 99517 I so2190 Licensing and/or Technical Reviewer or Branch CHill This is to acknowledge receipt of your: 0 Letter and/or D Application Dated: 03/18/2018 The initial processing, which included an administrative review, has been performe Amendment D Termination D New License D Renewal D There were no administrative omissions identified during our initial review. D This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for renewal of the material(s)
.. ... . . : : : **: : : *::;: i 'i : : :: *: i :: .. : ii. . ;11 ;/ ijjl i ;iii ji; ji JiJil i ji l j j: J il d JI* Iii}, jJi ,! J/Jl 1 /; 11,,1 I'/'
license Identified above. Your application Is deemed timely filed, and accordingly, the license will not expire until final action has been taken by this office. D Your application for a new NRC license did not include your taxpayer identification number. Please complete and submit NRC Form 531, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number, located at the following link: httR:llwww.nrc,gov/reading-rmldoc-collections/forms/nrc531.Rdf Follow the instructions on the form for submissio D The following administrative omissions have been identified:
Your application has been assigned the above listed MAIL CONTROL NUMBER. When calling to inquire about this action, please refer to this control number. Your application has been forwarded to a technical reviewe Please note that the technical review, which is normally completed within 180 days for a renewal application (90 days for all other requests), may identify additional omissions or require additional informatio If you have any questions concerning the processing of your application, our contact information is listed below: Region IV U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission DNMS/NMSB  
-RECEIPT OF CORRESPONDENCE Name and Address of App l icant and/or Licensee Date Mr. Shannon Decke r , Radiation Safety Officer T eck Alaska Incorporated dba Red Dog Mine 3105 Lakeshore Drive, Building A, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 I 09/24/201 s 1 License Number(s)
-B 1600 E. Lamar Boulevard Arlington, TX 76011-4511 (817) 200-1209 or (817) 200-1140 NRC FORM 532 (05-2016)
I 50-23289-01 1 Mail Contro l Number(s)
BETWEEN: Accounts Receivable/Payable and [ FOR ARPB USE J INFORMATION FROM WBL **********--------*-----******** Program Code: 03120 Regional Licensing Branches Status Code: Pending Amendment Fee Category:1C 3P Exp. Date: 03/31/2024 Fee Comments: Decom Fin Assur Reqd: N License Fee Worksheet  
I 609985 1 Licensing and/or Technica l Reviewer or Branch C. Hill This is to acknow l edge receipt of your: [Z] Letter and/or D Application Dated: 03/23/2018 The initial processing, which included an administrative review, has been performe [Z] D D D Amendment D Term~nation D New License D Renewal There were no administrative omissions identified during our initia l review. This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for renewal of the material(s)
-License Fee Transmittal A. REGION 1. APPLICATION ATTACHED Applicant/Licensee:
license identified above. Your application is deemed timely filed, and accordingly, the license will not expire unti l final action has been taken by this office. Your application for a new NRC l icense did not inc l ude your taxpayer identification number. Please complete and subm i t NRC Form 531, Request for Taxpayer I dentification Number, located at the following link: h ttp:// ng-rm/doc-collections/fo rms/nrc53 1.pdf Follow the instructions on the form for submissio D The following administrative omissions have been identified:
Teck Alaska Incorporated dba Red Dog Mine Received Date: 03/27/2018 Docket Number: 3030900 Mail Control Number: 602790 License Number: 50-23289-01 Action Type: Amendment 2. FEE ATTACHED Amount: Check No.: 3. COMMENTS Signed: Date: B. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (Check when milestone 03 is entered 1. Fee Category and Amount: -----------------
Your application has been assigned the above listed MAIL CONTROL NUMBER. When calling to inquire about this action, please refer to this control number. Your application has been forwarded to a technical reviewe Please note that the technical review, which is normally completed within 180 days for a renewal application (90 days for all other requests), may identify additional omissions or require additional informatio If you have any questions concerning the processing of your application, our contact information is listed below: NRG FORM 532 (05-2016) Region IV U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission DNMS/NMSB  
2. Correct Fee Paid. Application may be processed for: Amendment:
-B 1600 E. Lamar Boulevard Arlington, TX 76011-4511 (817) 200-1103 or (817) 200-1140 BETWEEN: Accounts Receivable/Payable and Regional Licensing Branches [ FOR ARPS USE] INFORMATION FROM WBL Program Code: 03120 Status Code: Pending Amendment Fee Category: 1C 3P Exp. Date: 03/31/2024 Fee Comments: Decom Fin Assur Reqd: N License Fee Worksheet  
Renewal: License: 3.0THER-------------~
-License Fee Transmittal A. REGION 1. APPLICATION ATIACHED ApplicanULicensee:
Signed: Date: 1 I I
Teck Alaska Incorporated dba Red Dog Mine Received Date: 09/24/2018 Docket Number: 3030900 Mail Control Number: 609985 License Number: 50-23289-01 Action Type: Amendment 2. FEE ATIACHED Amount: Check No.: -f-3. COMMENTS Signed: Date: B. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (Check when milestone 03 is entered 1. Fee Category and Amount: ----------------
--2. Correct Fee Paid. Application may be processed for: Amendment:
Renewal: License: Signed: Date: 1

Revision as of 04:54, 31 October 2018

Teck Alaska Incorporated Dba Red Dog Mine; Amendment Request; License 50-23289-01; Docket 030-30900; Control 609985
Person / Time
Site: 03030900, 05000232
Issue date: 03/23/2018
From: Decker S
Red Dog Mine, Teck Alaska
To: Torres R J
NRC Region 4
Download: ML18270A401 (8)


RECEIVED 1! SEP 2 4 2018 DNIIS Roberto J. Torres M.S., Senior Health Physicist US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 East Lamar Boulevard Arlington, Texas 76011-45 11 arch 23, 2018 Teck Alaska Incorporated Red Dog Operations 3 I 05 Lakeshorc Drive Building A , Suite IOI Anchorage, AK USA 99517 Attn: Red Dog Mine E&I Shop Shannon Decker RSO 3105 Lakeshore Drive, Bldg. A Suite IO I Anchorage, AK. 99517 +I 907 754-5116 Tel t I 888-900-1179 Fax Teck Mr. Torres, I would like to amend our license section 17 A by addin g two (2) new technicians , Jason Anvil and Jason Baucum. Enclosed are their certificate Y our quick response is greatly apprecia ted. Shannon Decker Senior RSO (90 7) 754-5208 Docket: 030-30900 License: 50-23289-01 Control: 468399 PUBLIC a Immediate Release Normal Release NON-PUBLIC a A.3 Sensitive-Security Related a A.7 Sensitive Internal a Other: n L j , Reviewer.~ Date:~ ... 609985 QCertificate of m:ratntng This Certifies That Jason Anvil has been trained. tested and successfully comp l eted specialized i nstruc t ion in DOT, NRC, & IAT A Requirements for Shipping Radioactive Materials May 15, 2018 Presented By: Steve Merwin, CHP. Instructor Dade J l1oeller Training A cademy-an NV5 Company -+38 N. Fn.:dc:rick

.-\venue , Suite 22 0. Gaithersbur '\10 20877 www.d a --301-99 0-6006 Pre s ented For: Teck Alaska Presented At: Anchorage, AK This certifies that the employee named on this certificate ha s been train e d and t es ted in accordance with the training '°"""""""" , f '" CFR f n. S"b~ This certificate is valid for 2-+ months for [CAO lA TA a nd for three yea rs for l L S. Dc pa11mcnt ofTransponation and U.S. rsuclcar Regul,ttory Commi ss ion o r Ag r eement Sta te : '\g encic Q.Certiftcate of {[raining Awarded To Jason Anvil Recognizing completion of 5 days of speciali z ed instruction in Radiation Safety Officer with DOT Certification May 1 5, 2018 Presented By Dade Moeller Training Acade,ny-an NV5 Conipany 41 00 \Vest Flamin go R oad. Suire 2200 Las Vegas. l',;cvada 89103 w,

--301-990-6006 ABIH Diploma tes can claim this course fo r 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> in the II I CM Arca. AAHP has awarded ,bis course 40 C o ntinuing Fducation Cred i ts. 20 l 5-00-036 (1 ;""\ (\(\{\ -. -A+~~-----Steve Me rw ir'i, CHP QCerttficate of 'filraining T hi s Ce rti fi~s T h a t Jason Baucum has bee n t ra in e d , t este d a nd s u ccess fu lly com pl ete d s p ec i a l ize d in s tru ctio n in DOT, NRC, & IAT A Requirements for Shipping Radioactive Materials May 15, 2018 Presen t ed By: Steve iVlcrwin , CHP. In st ru c tor Dade Mo e ll e r Tra i nin g Academy-an JVV 5 Company -138 1'. Freder i ck J\\"enue. Suite 220, Gaithersbur i'v!D 20877 w,v,

--301-990-6006 P r ese nt ed For: Teck Ala s ka P r esen t e d At: An c horag e , AK 2h;J td_\1 -S teve M e rwin , CHP This certifies that the employee named on this ~cnificate h as been trained and tested i n accordance with the training requ ir eme nt s of 49 CFR l 72. Subpart f l. ~;.;urµ~ This certificate is valid for 2 4 m ont h s for l CAO I A TA and for tlm:c years for U.S. Depat1ment of Transpot1ation

~md L.S. ~udear Rcgulatllry Commi ssio n 01 .-\grcernent State Agencie QCertiftcate of \!Craining Awarded To Jason Baucum Recognizing completion of 5 days of specialized instruction in Radiation Safety Officer with DOT Certification May 15, 2018 Presented By Dade Moeller Training Academy -an NV5 Company --1100 West Flamingo R<lad. Suite 2200 Las Vegas , Nevada 89103

--30 l-990-6006 AB[!! Diplomates can claim this course for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> in the III CM Arca. AA I IP h::is award e d thi s , , rnr ,e 40 C r m t inuing Edu c ation Cr e dits. 2015 ,.()0-0 3 6 ~h '1 J'flifi,.;

'Steve Merwi ,HP 0) 0 co co a:, CJ'\ I *,_ --*---Teck Alaska Incorporated Red Dog Operations 31 OS Lakeshore Drive Bu i ld i ng A, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Teck _,,,. .. Teck Alaska Incorporated 3105 Lakesho r e Drive Bldg. A , Suite 101 * Anchorage , Alaska 99517 Roberto J. Torres Pi J".I c:*l*'I O P'..i\C i'L .:i~1t t 1c1,c;r,1:~, :!l '}' SIE F' ::;;;nIB H?ii li L M.S., Senior Health Phys i cist US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 East Lamar Boulevard Arlington, Texas 76011-4511 Teck RE CE\\f E O St? 11+ i~\t oNMS HECE IV ED SE P 2 4 201 8 .. ?E:::: i i -:::}E:8?:25

.. ... . . : : : **: : : *::;: i 'i : : :: *: i :: .. : ii. . ;11 ;/ ijjl i ;iii ji; ji JiJil i ji l j j: J il d JI* Iii}, jJi ,! J/Jl 1 /; 11,,1 I'/'


-RECEIPT OF CORRESPONDENCE Name and Address of App l icant and/or Licensee Date Mr. Shannon Decke r , Radiation Safety Officer T eck Alaska Incorporated dba Red Dog Mine 3105 Lakeshore Drive, Building A, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 I 09/24/201 s 1 License Number(s)

I 50-23289-01 1 Mail Contro l Number(s)

I 609985 1 Licensing and/or Technica l Reviewer or Branch C. Hill This is to acknow l edge receipt of your: [Z] Letter and/or D Application Dated: 03/23/2018 The initial processing, which included an administrative review, has been performe [Z] D D D Amendment D Term~nation D New License D Renewal There were no administrative omissions identified during our initia l review. This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for renewal of the material(s)

license identified above. Your application is deemed timely filed, and accordingly, the license will not expire unti l final action has been taken by this office. Your application for a new NRC l icense did not inc l ude your taxpayer identification number. Please complete and subm i t NRC Form 531, Request for Taxpayer I dentification Number, located at the following link: h ttp:// ng-rm/doc-collections/fo rms/nrc53 1.pdf Follow the instructions on the form for submissio D The following administrative omissions have been identified:

Your application has been assigned the above listed MAIL CONTROL NUMBER. When calling to inquire about this action, please refer to this control number. Your application has been forwarded to a technical reviewe Please note that the technical review, which is normally completed within 180 days for a renewal application (90 days for all other requests), may identify additional omissions or require additional informatio If you have any questions concerning the processing of your application, our contact information is listed below: NRG FORM 532 (05-2016) Region IV U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission DNMS/NMSB

-B 1600 E. Lamar Boulevard Arlington, TX 76011-4511 (817) 200-1103 or (817) 200-1140 BETWEEN: Accounts Receivable/Payable and Regional Licensing Branches [ FOR ARPS USE] INFORMATION FROM WBL Program Code: 03120 Status Code: Pending Amendment Fee Category: 1C 3P Exp. Date: 03/31/2024 Fee Comments: Decom Fin Assur Reqd: N License Fee Worksheet

-License Fee Transmittal A. REGION 1. APPLICATION ATIACHED ApplicanULicensee:

Teck Alaska Incorporated dba Red Dog Mine Received Date: 09/24/2018 Docket Number: 3030900 Mail Control Number: 609985 License Number: 50-23289-01 Action Type: Amendment 2. FEE ATIACHED Amount: Check No.: -f-3. COMMENTS Signed: Date: B. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (Check when milestone 03 is entered 1. Fee Category and Amount: ----------------

--2. Correct Fee Paid. Application may be processed for: Amendment:

Renewal: License: Signed: Date: 1