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| number = ML20067A057
| number = ML20067A057
| issue date = 11/30/1990
| issue date = 11/30/1990
| title = Steam Generator Eddy Current Rept,Cycle 2 Refueling,Sept-Nov 1990.
| title = Steam Generator Eddy Current Rept,Cycle 2 Refueling,Sept-Nov 1990
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.
| author affiliation = COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO.
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                                            ~ STEAM ~. GENERATOR: EDDY CURRENT-REPORT-I CYCLE 2' REFUELING-                                                                  '
i Commonwe'alth--Edison          -
                                                                                                                                            -i Byron Nuclear-Power-. Station ~
4450-North German Church ~ Road-
                                                        . Byron IL,_ 61010-e i
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TABLE.OF CONTENTS Section    Descriotion                          Page 1.0      Introduction                            3-2.0    . Summary                                  3 3.0-    . Certifications-                      .4 4.0l    Examination-Technique                  .5 5.0-    Examination Scope:                      6.
: 6. 0'  !ExaminationiResults.                      6 7.0      Documentation-                          8 8.0      Figures / Tables / Attachments          8, 1
7 2
L-_:-__._-_. . - - . _ . - .
Unit 2 at Byron Station operates with four Westinghouse Model D-5 recirculating steam generators in the four            ;
loop pressurized water reactor system. The steam generators contain thermally treated mill annealed Inconel 600 U-tubes that have a-nominal outside diameter:
of 0.750 inches and a nominal thickness of'0.043 inches.
In compliance with: Byron Station _ Technical Specification 3/4.4.5 and-ASME Section-XI,:IWB 2500,:1983_ Edition through Summer 1983cAddenda,- Steam Generator eddy curront examinations were conducted by Babcock & Wilcox during the Unit 2 cycle-21 refuel-ing. outage ~1n September    ,
The scope of examinations of each steam
of 1990.
generator consisted of.100%-inspection of;all' hot leg tubes through the U-bend.and approximately 50%-of the-cold leg _ tubes.
As a result of the' eddy current inspections-a total of        ;
twenty one tubes were-removed from service (plugged) in all four steam generators combined. Refer to Table 2 for a listing,of tubes plugged during this outage.
Twenty of these tubes contained indications lof ;40%
through wall or greater and one tube that-contained an          ,
indication less than 40%~through_ wall was preventatively      '
plugged due to an- unfavorab: s trend. .
The following is an-examination summary of eachLsteam' generator:
2.1  2A Steam Generator - 2RC01BA'
                        - 4564 hot leg tubes inspected (100%)-through U-bend
                        - 2270 cold leg tubes inspected (49.7%)
                        -1 tube contained an indication of-40% or. greater
                        - 38 tubes contained indi' cations of~20-39%-
                        - 1 tube removed from service 2.2  2B Steam Generhtor - 2RC01BB
                        - 4562 hot leg tubes inspected (100%) through U-bend
                        - 2268 cold leg tubes inspected (49.7%)
        .--                                                                      l l
                        - 16 tubes contained indicatienstof'40% or greater
                        - 45 tubes contained indications of 20-39%
                        - 17 tubes removed from service-2.3  2C Steam: Generator - 2RC01BC-
                        - 4563 hot-leg-tubes inspected-(100%).through U-bend-
                        - 2272 cold leg tubes inspected:-(49.8%)
                        --1  tube-contained an indication of 40% or greater
                        - 19 tubes containedLindications of 20-39%
                        - 1 tube was removed from service-2.4  2D Steam Generator - 2RC01BD
                        - 4569 hot leg tubes #aspected (100%) through U-bend
                        - 2273 cold leg tubes inspected (49.7%)
                        - 2 tubes contained indications of--40%-Lor l greater
                        - 18 tubes contained indications of-20-39%-
                        - 2 tubes removed from service 3.0  CERTIFICATIONS
                - 3 .1 The examination and evaluation procedures used during the eddy current inspections were approved-by personnel qualified to Level III-in accordance with the 1980 Edition-of SNT-TC-1A. -The procedures were.
approved in accordance with Babcock & Wilcox and-Commonwealth Edison procedures.
3.2  The personnel who performed the eddy current inspections were qualified to Level I and Level II
                        -in accordance with the 1980 Edition of SNT-TC-1A Babcock & Wilcox Procedures,'and Commonwealth Ed1 son procedures. The Level I personnel-performed the inspections under the direct supervision of Level II personnel.
3.3  The personnel who performed the data analysis were qualified to'a minimum of Level II,-with special analysis training 1(IIA)-in accordance with the 1980; Edition of SNT-TC-1A, Babcock'& Wilcox procedures, and Commonwealth Edison procedures.
O          .
3.4-    The examinations, equipment, and-personnel-were in compliance with the requirements of the Babcock &
Wilcox SPIS QA manual for Inservice-Inspection,-Byron Station Technical-Specification-4.4.5, the 1983-Edition through Summer 1983 Addenda.of'Section XI ;of the-ASME-Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and industry standards.
3.5    Certification packages for examiners, data evaluators, and equipment are available at Byron Station.- Table 3 providos a listing of the certified.
personnel who performed, supervised,:or evaluated the-examinations. .
4.0 EXAMINATION TECHNIQUE 4.1    The eddy current examinations were performed with:a
: 0. 610 -inch diameter ULC bobbin coil- probe - or a 0. 590 '
inch diameter spring flex bobbin coil probe-for partially obstructed tubes.- The examination frequencies consisted of=10, 130, 300,-and 550 KHz generated by a Zetec-18A remote! digital acquisition unit in the absolute and differential modes. A 550/130 KHz tube support differential mix was used to enhance detection at tube support plates by suppressing the support signal.      A 300/130-KHz antivibration bar absolute mix was used to enhance detection at antivibration barsuby suppressing the antivibration bar signal. 'A 550/300/130.KHz differential mix was used to enhance detection at-the tubesheet roll transistion regions.
4 ~. 2  The primary analysis of the eddy current data utilized Zetec's 200/300 series software' Edition.18.6 Revision 5.2.-    The secondary analysis was performed using the Babcock & Wilcox Automated Data Screening-
                              ' UNIX / ADS system. Any discrepancies between the primary and secondary analysis were resolved-by the on-site Level III Analyst.
4.3    The results of the data analysis were recorded on-Zetec's MIZ-18 DDA-4 data disks.      The data was loaded into the Babcock & Wilcox Data Management 1 System to review'for invalid analysis entries, to sort data, to L                              ensure all tubes were properly examined and analyzed, l                              and to print out final data sheets and tubesheet maps . -
l 4.4    The eddy current inspections were witnessed and/or i                              verified by the Authorized Nuclear-Inservice Inspector, Mr. J. Hendricks, of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Hartford Connecticut, Chicago Branch,-300 South Riverside j                            -Plaza, Suite 700 North, Chicago Illinois 60606.
5 l
l l
1 6  ..
5.0 EXAMINATION SCOPE 5 .- l Eddy current inspections were conducted on 100% of hot leg tubes from :the hot leg tube end through the U-bend to the top support plate on the cold leg side in all steam generators.
5.2    Eddy current inspections were conducted on cold leg tubes from the top support plate on-the cold leg to-
the cold leg tube end on the following tubes in each steam generator:
All~ tubes with previous indications-(%TW and signal-to-noise) - that were lef t inservice.-
                              -    All tubes in rows 1, 2, and-44'through 49.
All tubes three deep along the T-slot and the curved portion of-the periphery.
                              - A sample of interior tubes, approximately 25%
of the tubes.
Figures 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D indicate the inspection scope for each steam generator .
6.1    2A Steam Generator - 2RC01BA Hot leg inspections were. performed on 4564 tubes (100%) and cold leg inspections were performed on 2270 tubes (49.7%). As-a result ofLthese-inspections one (1) tube, 38-17, was removed from service due to
                        'antivibration bar wear of 43%-through wall.        This tube was the only tube in this steam generator to-have been removed from service during this' outage.      ,
A total of 38 tubes contained indications of 20-39%
through wall. Thirty six (36 of these tubes-contained indications of antiv)ibration bar wear.- -The remaining two tubes 42-83 and 15-20 contained general OD degradation that showed no growth since
, -                      the previous refueling inspection.
l l                        Table 1A, ASME Form NIS-BB, indicates inspection results of tubes that contained indications.of 20%
through wall or greater. Figure 3A,2A: Steam Generator. Indication Map, shows the location in the steam generator of the indications found.
6                                ,
          . .  -~ .-      .                    -.              -.-          .    - .
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6.2  2E Steam Generator - 2RC01BB
: Hot. leg inspections were performed on-4562 tubes-(100%) and cold leg inspections were performed on 2268 tubes-(47.7%). As a-result of these inspectionr.
17 tubes were removed from service.- Table 2,1 Tubes-Removed From Service,-lists those-tubes; removed from service. Sixteen-        of these tubes contained-            4 indications of-40%(16) through wall or gtsater.due to antivibration bar wear. Tube:39-97 was-preventatively jlugged due to antivibrationTbar wear-of 36%, 19%, andl16%<that showed an: excessive growth            ,
Forty five (45) tubes' contained indications:of 20-39%
through wall. Antivibration bar. wear;was indicated-in 43 of these tubes.      The remaining ltwo1 tubes, 11-54    ,
                        -and 48-43, contained manufacturing burnish marks.
Table 1B, ASME Form NIS-BB, indicaten' inspection                4 results of tubes that' contained indications of 20%
through wall or greater. ~ Figure 3B~,i2B Steam Generator Indication Map, shows the : location of the indications in the steam generator.
6.3  2C Steam Generator - 2RC01BC Hot leg inspections were performed on 4563 tubes (100%) and cold leg inspections were performed on 2272 tubes (49.8%). As a result.of these inspections, one tube 33-66.wasiremoved from service due to a 53% through wall: indication that' appears to-be caused by secondary side-pitting near'the eighth              ;
support plate on the hot leg side.
Nineteen (19) tuber contained indications-of 20-39%
through wall. .Antivibration bar wear was found in'18 l                        of these tubes. Tube 25-15 contained a: manufacturing
: l.                      burnish mark.
Table 1C, ASME Form NIS-BB, indicates inspection results of tubes that contained indications of 20%
;                        through wall or greater. Figure 3C, 2C Steam l                        Generator' Indication-Map,..shows the' location-of the indications in the steam generator.
6.4  2D Steam Generator - 2RC01BD Hot leg inspections were performed on-4569 tubes
                        -(100%) and cold leg inspections were performed on 2273 tubes (49.7%). As a result of-these inspections, two tubes, 44-74 and 46-59, were removed from service due to degradation exceeding 40%-through wall.
o-        .
Eighteen    (18)htubes 20-39% throug      wall. tubes  contained =-indications of
                                                          -Antivibration"bar wear was          >
found in 10 of these tubes. Eight of these tubes contained manufacturing burnish marks.
Table 1D, ASME Form NIS-BB-,.indicatesLinspection results > of tubes that: contained indications of 20%
through wall or greater.          Figure 3D, 2D Steam              ,
Generator Indication Map,_shows the location of-the-indicationsLin the steam-generator.
All original-data tapes and-data' disks have been provided to1the Commonwealth Edison Company and are maintained at-Byron-Station. The final data sheets and pertinent tube
                      -sheet plots are containedLin the Babcock & Wilcox Byron Unit 2 Final Outage Report, September 1990 and are also
                      , maintained at Byron Station.-
8.0  FIGURES / TABLES / ATTACHMENTS-8.1  Figure =1A:    2A SG Inspection Scope Figure 1B:. 2B SG Inspection Scope Figure 1C:      2C SG Inspection Scope Figure 1D:      2D SGLInspection. Scope-8.2  Figure 2:    Model D-5-Support Configuration                    ,
8.3 ' Table 1A:    2A SGLASME Form NIS-BB-Table 1B:      2B SG ASME Form NIS-BB Table IC:      2C SG ASME Form NIS-BB                              '
Table 1D:      2D SG ASME Form NIS-BB 8.4  Figure 3A:      2A SG Indication Tubesheet.Mapf                  .
Figure 3B:      2B SG Indication Tubesheet Map Figure'3C:      2C SG Indication Tubesheet Map Figure 3D:      2D1SG' Indication Tubesheet Map
: t.                                                                    .
(                      8.5  Table 2:      Tubes Removed From Service During the i
Byron Unit 2 Cycle 2 Refueling Outage 8.6  Table 3:      Personril Certification- List 8.7  Attachment 1A:      2A SG ASME Form NIS-2                        '
Attachment 1B:      2B SG ASME Form NIS-2                        '
Attachment 1C: ~2C SG-ASME Form-NIS-2 Attachment 1D: 2D SG'ASME Form NIS-2 8.8  Attachment 2:      ASME Form NIS-1 8
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                            '                        21          '
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'l TABLE 3: PERSONNEL CERTIFICATIONS Tht- following personnel acquired and analyzed the eddy current data during the Byron Unit 2 Cycle 2 refueling outage. Thoso personnel identifled with an astorik (*), analyzed the data.
NAME                      ET CERT. LEVEL              ID NUMBER
* B. E. Akerlind              IIA                      A6567 D. A. Anderson                  I                        A3502 R. C. Baker.                    I                        B5484 M. B. Blankinship            IT                      B6768 W. E. Brooks                II                      B2860 S. R. Bowler                    II                      B7702 M. T. Brack                    I                        B8090 M. D. Cauvan                    I                        C1950 L. E. Colado                    II                      C9318 L. R. Cooper                    II                      C9313 P. J. Digorgio                  II                      D9866 R. D. Goldman                  I                        G9926
* D. R. Groene                    IIA                      G1931
* M. S. Groene                    IIA                      G6698
* o. L. Hicks                  IIA                      !!6561
              *J. W. 11111                      IIA                      H6267
* R. J. Himmelspach                IIA                      H8259 C. A. Ilufford                  I                        119833 M. A. Jones                    I                        J1220 J. L. Kollar                    II                      K9208 K. S. Lareau                    I                        L2157
* G. R. Livesay                    IIA                      L4332 A. C. Martin                    II                      M2421
* R. W. Matney                    IIA                      M6858 N. X. Mayor                    IT                      M8082 T. L. Mitchell                  II                      M5765 J. C. Oliver                    I                        01057 J. M. Parrish                  II                      P5436 R. Pavkovich                    II                      P4559 R. A. Pendorgrass              IT                      P2201
* S. C. Pendergrass                IIA                      P2204 M. F. Pierco                    I                        P4104 C. J. Roberts                  I                        R3232
              *J.      S. Schwenn                IIA                      S1848-T. J. Shidolor              I                        S1333
* H. S. Smith                  III                      S2680
              *J.      L. Spencer                IIA                      S7675
* K. D. Stewart                IIA                      S8538
* D. M. Stokke                IIA                      S9594 J. A. Weiber                I                        W2155 D. W. Williams              II                      W6563
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(12/521 This Perm (8000303 may be setened from the Orest Dest., ASMS,348 E. 47th St.. New hh                            h(      h
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o ATTACHMENT 1B FORM Nil 2 OWNER *8 REPORT POR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS At Regu6real by the Provmons of the A&ME Code Section XI
            ,. o ,,,,OMN/MBLfA EDMU (o#NM                                                    o,,,            io19Mo avr KdsrA/AnsMi 44pk                          C#/64M        At 4dMd ,,,ee,
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: 5. (a) Applicetpe Construction Cooe[MI MI 19 E/ Edition.8 YMM                                          Aseenee./f'It . /IJ I Code Case ibn Appincesse Edition of Sect 6Sn Al Utiltred for Mopeirs or Metacement:                j    19 TI /5'll  yd Mf f',)
J ' O N ^l "                WOSMO
: 6. loontif 6cet6en of Components Mope 6ted or Rep 6esed eted Melesoment Components i
ASME Code Retired,      Stempec Nettonel                                      i Rootened.          (Yes Name of          Menutetturer        Board                  Other          Year N&ne of                                                                                                  or Molecoment of Nol Component            Manufacturer        Ser6e4 No.          No.              16entif6cedon      Sullt 28S w rev. wwwf                                20 %                  lh            2Ptd/813 I/9W &M/269 MS i
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: 8. Testjconducted: Hydroetette O Pae-ie O Nomia.4 Coerotine Proteure O nom            Other O Proe=><o                    Pai To's Tomo.                      'P, NOTE: Supplememel sheets in Pim of liets, sketehes, or drew 4ngi mov iis used, pror6ded (1) sise is 8% in, a 11 in., (2) Informe.
tion in items 1 through 4 on this report ts inc6uded on seen sheet, and (3) eseh thest is numbered and the er.tmeier of sheets is recorood at the tori of this form.
(12/821                    This Form (E00030) may to coteinee from the Ortier Det., A8ME,348 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 E M99' g          feR A/B-23 5t(D), k'8 2 55 2 (A)(Z ), NG +3' 3 2., +'JJK +33y, / , 4'.92. L,
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* Owner's Report in actoreanos with the of the ASME Code, Section XI, 8v egning this certificate neithof the inspector nor his employer makes any tuerrenty, espressed or 6mplied, concerning the enominations and correcthe measures descr6 bed 6n this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inesector not his ernpiover shell tie liebte in any menner for yty pereenei inivry or property Osmage er a loss of any kind arteing from or connected with this            ,
M d/                                            Commausons W        f snepeeters $6eneture                                      Netienel Seere, State, Previtae, one g neersements Date                                .
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              .9 e ATTACHMENT 1C FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR Rf PAIRS OR REPL.ACEMENTS As Roewired by the Provisions of the ASME Code section XI
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: 4. loent''6Cetion of System              [M          82 i357, /s'93
: 9. (e) Appletable Cometruction Code        WW                %9 ! Edition,872!MY# Addende,/f#87 . /NJ F Coot ca        #
(bl Apol6Cenle Edition of Section Xl Utillied for Repetre of Reelecon4nts 19 .'f.1 //'TJ                      g6 M4y 7
N3f 4'6 VZ.
: 6. loentif 6cetson of Componente Roosired or Respeced and Relecoment Components A$ME Coos-R8Desrod,      Stemoed Netional Year      Replaced,      1Yes Name of                Name of        Menufacturer        Soerd                  Other No,                                    gulig  or ResHecorrent    or hol Component              W9ecturer          serel No.                            loontification
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: 7. Oeecrsotson of work ?l DOG Eh U TIS 4 [O /E6 EN D 3 f3 5 UY I?E S [ bhr -
C 8, Tests Conducted: Hydrostetic O Paeumatie O Nam'ae<                ooerotiaeero        eure O poi Test Torre.                      'F Mqg                Other C Proesure NOTE: Supplememet sheets in form of Ilott, sketches, or drowings evey be used, erw6ded til sise le 8% in x 11 in., (21 Info me.
tion in ltome 1 through 6 on this report is leiefuesd on each sheet, end (3) each sheet is numbered and the numoer of sheets es              j recorded et the top of this form.
(12/02)                      This Form (E000301 may be octoired from the Order Dept., ASME,346 E 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 E gl'yY foR Att3-23 5t(0), A/S 2 55 2 (A)(& h AiG +'33 5, +'JJK 4's]y, / v 'i'D2, ;,
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  '{/                                                As requked by the Protisions of the ASME Code Rules
: 1. Owner Commonwealth Edison Company, One First Plaza, Chicago, IL 60690 (Name and Address of Owner)
: 2. Plant    Byron Nuclear Power Station, 4450 N. German Church Rd., Byron, IL 61010 (Name and Addreas of Plant)
: 3. Plant Unit        Two (2)            4 OwnerCertificate of Authorisation(if required) N t applicable                l
: 3. Commercial Service Date      08/21/87 . 6National Board Number for Unit              See Below                    l 7, Components inspected j
l Manufacturer Component or                    Manufacturer                    or installer          State or            N .. lonal Appurtenance                    or installer -                Serial No,          Province No.          Boasd No.
2RC01BA                Westinghouse                              2095            U 201435                  15 2RC01BB                Westinghouse                              2096            U-201436                  16 2RC01BC                Westinghouse                              2097            U-201437                  17 2 RC01BD                Westinghouse                              2098            U-201438                -18 Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings tasy be used, provided (1) site is 8% in. x 11 in.,
(2) information in items I throash 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this fonn.
(12/s21              - This Form (E00o29) may be ootelned from the Ortier Dept., ASME,346 E.47tn St., Nsw York,'N.Y.10017 l
\.  ,  _ _ , _ _                  __
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4 ap,    ] ,
: 8. Examination Dates        9/18/90      to ,,,10 / 9 / 90    9. Inspeccion interval from 8/21/87 to 8/21/97 3
(        10. Abstract of Examinations. Include a list of examinations and a stsNment concerning status of work required 1
p            for current interval.      See attached Eddy Current Report
: 11. Abstract of Conditions Noted      See attached Eddy Current Report
: 12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and TakenSee                      attached Eddy Current Report t
We certify that the statements made in this report are conect and the examinations and corr $ctive maa-!                    ?
sures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.
Certificate of Authorisation No.(if applicable) not appHeaMe Expiration D.te                        not appliGbit''
Date Dd                          19 N Signed Commonwealth Edison %[ rf%_
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                                                              , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner i
has  performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance wittr requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makas any warranty, expressedj or implia concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furtherrnore, neither                              I  the Inspector    nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personallnjury or property damage or a lo kind ansing from or connected with this inspection.
M#m        M .M/#
W ' Inspector's Signature 4            Commissions          EI
* M I National Board, State, Provtnce, and Endorsements Date      wjA44          +%      19 9/
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Latest revision as of 07:26, 18 November 2020

Steam Generator Eddy Current Rept,Cycle 2 Refueling,Sept-Nov 1990
Person / Time
Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/1990
Shared Package
ML20066F879 List:
NUDOCS 9101240232
Download: ML20067A057 (36)


, . . . . . . _ . , _ _ . . . _ . _ _ , . _ _ . _ _ . . . . . .

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i Commonwe'alth--Edison -

-i Byron Nuclear-Power-. Station ~

4450-North German Church ~ Road-

. Byron IL,_ 61010-e i

1 1

~' '

9101240232 901226 PDR P ADOCK 05000455 PDR i

4: .* L;.



TABLE.OF CONTENTS Section Descriotion Page 1.0 Introduction 3-2.0 . Summary 3 3.0- . Certifications- .4 4.0l Examination-Technique .5 5.0- Examination Scope: 6.


6. 0' !ExaminationiResults. 6 7.0 Documentation- 8 8.0 Figures / Tables / Attachments 8, 1


7 2

L-_:-__._-_. . - - . _ . - .




Unit 2 at Byron Station operates with four Westinghouse Model D-5 recirculating steam generators in the four  ;

loop pressurized water reactor system. The steam generators contain thermally treated mill annealed Inconel 600 U-tubes that have a-nominal outside diameter:

of 0.750 inches and a nominal thickness of'0.043 inches.

In compliance with: Byron Station _ Technical Specification 3/4.4.5 and-ASME Section-XI,:IWB 2500,:1983_ Edition through Summer 1983cAddenda,- Steam Generator eddy curront examinations were conducted by Babcock & Wilcox during the Unit 2 cycle-21 refuel-ing. outage ~1n September ,

The scope of examinations of each steam


of 1990.

generator consisted of.100%-inspection of;all' hot leg tubes through the U-bend.and approximately 50%-of the-cold leg _ tubes.



As a result of the' eddy current inspections-a total of  ;

twenty one tubes were-removed from service (plugged) in all four steam generators combined. Refer to Table 2 for a listing,of tubes plugged during this outage.

Twenty of these tubes contained indications lof ;40%

through wall or greater and one tube that-contained an ,

indication less than 40%~through_ wall was preventatively '

plugged due to an- unfavorab: s trend. .

The following is an-examination summary of eachLsteam' generator:

2.1 2A Steam Generator - 2RC01BA'

- 4564 hot leg tubes inspected (100%)-through U-bend

- 2270 cold leg tubes inspected (49.7%)

-1 tube contained an indication of-40% or. greater

- 38 tubes contained indi' cations of~20-39%-

- 1 tube removed from service 2.2 2B Steam Generhtor - 2RC01BB

- 4562 hot leg tubes inspected (100%) through U-bend

- 2268 cold leg tubes inspected (49.7%)





.-- l l

- 16 tubes contained indicatienstof'40% or greater

- 45 tubes contained indications of 20-39%

- 17 tubes removed from service-2.3 2C Steam: Generator - 2RC01BC-

- 4563 hot-leg-tubes inspected-(100%).through U-bend-

- 2272 cold leg tubes inspected:-(49.8%)

--1 tube-contained an indication of 40% or greater

- 19 tubes containedLindications of 20-39%

- 1 tube was removed from service-2.4 2D Steam Generator - 2RC01BD

- 4569 hot leg tubes #aspected (100%) through U-bend

- 2273 cold leg tubes inspected (49.7%)

- 2 tubes contained indications of--40%-Lor l greater

- 18 tubes contained indications of-20-39%-

- 2 tubes removed from service 3.0 CERTIFICATIONS

- 3 .1 The examination and evaluation procedures used during the eddy current inspections were approved-by personnel qualified to Level III-in accordance with the 1980 Edition-of SNT-TC-1A. -The procedures were.

approved in accordance with Babcock & Wilcox and-Commonwealth Edison procedures.

3.2 The personnel who performed the eddy current inspections were qualified to Level I and Level II

-in accordance with the 1980 Edition of SNT-TC-1A Babcock & Wilcox Procedures,'and Commonwealth Ed1 son procedures. The Level I personnel-performed the inspections under the direct supervision of Level II personnel.

3.3 The personnel who performed the data analysis were qualified to'a minimum of Level II,-with special analysis training 1(IIA)-in accordance with the 1980; Edition of SNT-TC-1A, Babcock'& Wilcox procedures, and Commonwealth Edison procedures.


O .

3.4- The examinations, equipment, and-personnel-were in compliance with the requirements of the Babcock &

Wilcox SPIS QA manual for Inservice-Inspection,-Byron Station Technical-Specification-4.4.5, the 1983-Edition through Summer 1983 Addenda.of'Section XI ;of the-ASME-Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and industry standards.

3.5 Certification packages for examiners, data evaluators, and equipment are available at Byron Station.- Table 3 providos a listing of the certified.

personnel who performed, supervised,:or evaluated the-examinations. .

4.0 EXAMINATION TECHNIQUE 4.1 The eddy current examinations were performed with:a

0. 610 -inch diameter ULC bobbin coil- probe - or a 0. 590 '

inch diameter spring flex bobbin coil probe-for partially obstructed tubes.- The examination frequencies consisted of=10, 130, 300,-and 550 KHz generated by a Zetec-18A remote! digital acquisition unit in the absolute and differential modes. A 550/130 KHz tube support differential mix was used to enhance detection at tube support plates by suppressing the support signal. A 300/130-KHz antivibration bar absolute mix was used to enhance detection at antivibration barsuby suppressing the antivibration bar signal. 'A 550/300/130.KHz differential mix was used to enhance detection at-the tubesheet roll transistion regions.

4 ~. 2 The primary analysis of the eddy current data utilized Zetec's 200/300 series software' Edition.18.6 Revision 5.2.- The secondary analysis was performed using the Babcock & Wilcox Automated Data Screening-

' UNIX / ADS system. Any discrepancies between the primary and secondary analysis were resolved-by the on-site Level III Analyst.

4.3 The results of the data analysis were recorded on-Zetec's MIZ-18 DDA-4 data disks. The data was loaded into the Babcock & Wilcox Data Management 1 System to review'for invalid analysis entries, to sort data, to L ensure all tubes were properly examined and analyzed, l and to print out final data sheets and tubesheet maps . -

l 4.4 The eddy current inspections were witnessed and/or i verified by the Authorized Nuclear-Inservice Inspector, Mr. J. Hendricks, of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Hartford Connecticut, Chicago Branch,-300 South Riverside j -Plaza, Suite 700 North, Chicago Illinois 60606.

5 l

l l

1 6 ..


5.0 EXAMINATION SCOPE 5 .- l Eddy current inspections were conducted on 100% of hot leg tubes from :the hot leg tube end through the U-bend to the top support plate on the cold leg side in all steam generators.

5.2 Eddy current inspections were conducted on cold leg tubes from the top support plate on-the cold leg to-


the cold leg tube end on the following tubes in each steam generator:

All~ tubes with previous indications-(%TW and signal-to-noise) - that were lef t inservice.-

- All tubes in rows 1, 2, and-44'through 49.

All tubes three deep along the T-slot and the curved portion of-the periphery.

- A sample of interior tubes, approximately 25%

of the tubes.

Figures 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D indicate the inspection scope for each steam generator .


6.1 2A Steam Generator - 2RC01BA Hot leg inspections were. performed on 4564 tubes (100%) and cold leg inspections were performed on 2270 tubes (49.7%). As-a result ofLthese-inspections one (1) tube, 38-17, was removed from service due to

'antivibration bar wear of 43%-through wall. This tube was the only tube in this steam generator to-have been removed from service during this' outage. ,

A total of 38 tubes contained indications of 20-39%

through wall. Thirty six (36 of these tubes-contained indications of antiv)ibration bar wear.- -The remaining two tubes 42-83 and 15-20 contained general OD degradation that showed no growth since

, - the previous refueling inspection.

l l Table 1A, ASME Form NIS-BB, indicates inspection results of tubes that contained indications.of 20%

through wall or greater. Figure 3A,2A: Steam Generator. Indication Map, shows the location in the steam generator of the indications found.

6 ,

. . -~ .- . -. -.- . - .

.1 Q' .

6.2 2E Steam Generator - 2RC01BB

Hot. leg inspections were performed on-4562 tubes-(100%) and cold leg inspections were performed on 2268 tubes-(47.7%). As a-result of these inspectionr.

17 tubes were removed from service.- Table 2,1 Tubes-Removed From Service,-lists those-tubes; removed from service. Sixteen- of these tubes contained- 4 indications of-40%(16) through wall or gtsater.due to antivibration bar wear. Tube:39-97 was-preventatively jlugged due to antivibrationTbar wear-of 36%, 19%, andl16%<that showed an: excessive growth ,


Forty five (45) tubes' contained indications:of 20-39%

through wall. Antivibration bar. wear;was indicated-in 43 of these tubes. The remaining ltwo1 tubes, 11-54 ,

-and 48-43, contained manufacturing burnish marks.

Table 1B, ASME Form NIS-BB, indicaten' inspection 4 results of tubes that' contained indications of 20%

through wall or greater. ~ Figure 3B~,i2B Steam Generator Indication Map, shows the : location of the indications in the steam generator.

6.3 2C Steam Generator - 2RC01BC Hot leg inspections were performed on 4563 tubes (100%) and cold leg inspections were performed on 2272 tubes (49.8%). As a result.of these inspections, one tube 33-66.wasiremoved from service due to a 53% through wall: indication that' appears to-be caused by secondary side-pitting near'the eighth  ;

support plate on the hot leg side.

Nineteen (19) tuber contained indications-of 20-39%

through wall. .Antivibration bar wear was found in'18 l of these tubes. Tube 25-15 contained a: manufacturing

l. burnish mark.

Table 1C, ASME Form NIS-BB, indicates inspection results of tubes that contained indications of 20%

through wall or greater. Figure 3C, 2C Steam l Generator' Indication-Map,..shows the' location-of the indications in the steam generator.

6.4 2D Steam Generator - 2RC01BD Hot leg inspections were performed on-4569 tubes

-(100%) and cold leg inspections were performed on 2273 tubes (49.7%). As a result of-these inspections, two tubes, 44-74 and 46-59, were removed from service due to degradation exceeding 40%-through wall.


o- .

Eighteen (18)htubes 20-39% throug wall. tubes contained =-indications of

-Antivibration"bar wear was >

found in 10 of these tubes. Eight of these tubes contained manufacturing burnish marks.

Table 1D, ASME Form NIS-BB-,.indicatesLinspection results > of tubes that: contained indications of 20%

through wall or greater. Figure 3D, 2D Steam ,

Generator Indication Map,_shows the location of-the-indicationsLin the steam-generator.


All original-data tapes and-data' disks have been provided to1the Commonwealth Edison Company and are maintained at-Byron-Station. The final data sheets and pertinent tube

-sheet plots are containedLin the Babcock & Wilcox Byron Unit 2 Final Outage Report, September 1990 and are also

, maintained at Byron Station.-

8.0 FIGURES / TABLES / ATTACHMENTS-8.1 Figure =1A: 2A SG Inspection Scope Figure 1B:. 2B SG Inspection Scope Figure 1C: 2C SG Inspection Scope Figure 1D: 2D SGLInspection. Scope-8.2 Figure 2: Model D-5-Support Configuration ,

8.3 ' Table 1A: 2A SGLASME Form NIS-BB-Table 1B: 2B SG ASME Form NIS-BB Table IC: 2C SG ASME Form NIS-BB '

Table 1D: 2D SG ASME Form NIS-BB 8.4 Figure 3A: 2A SG Indication Tubesheet.Mapf .

Figure 3B: 2B SG Indication Tubesheet Map Figure'3C: 2C SG Indication Tubesheet Map Figure 3D: 2D1SG' Indication Tubesheet Map

t. .

( 8.5 Table 2: Tubes Removed From Service During the i

Byron Unit 2 Cycle 2 Refueling Outage 8.6 Table 3: Personril Certification- List 8.7 Attachment 1A: 2A SG ASME Form NIS-2 '

Attachment 1B: 2B SG ASME Form NIS-2 '

Attachment 1C: ~2C SG-ASME Form-NIS-2 Attachment 1D: 2D SG'ASME Form NIS-2 8.8 Attachment 2: ASME Form NIS-1 8

v e

O 4

4 o- SQ m 5 I I i E. R. C. R. S. S.


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l TABLE 1A PORM NIH8 Tutt EXAMINATION REPORT. 1M2 WOY CURRENT EXAMNATION RESULT 5 h Byron Unit 2 Steem Generseer. 2RC01BA Tm Fw 10, 130, 300, 550 KHz ones. 10-5-90

% Tube Weel l Ortgin Looseen Row Column Penerseen i 38 i 17 43 nn 6 AV2 + 0.0 I 20 00 AVI + 0.0

! 33 12 i 30 OD '

AV3 + 0.0 i i

  • 28 '- OD I AV4 + 0.0 I 33 1 13 4 35 l OD l AV3 + 0.0 I I 22 I OD l AV1-+ 0.0 36 I 99 I 31 I OD AV2 + 0.0-l 23 i OD AV4 + 0.0


38 i 99 i 31 i OD AV1 + 0.0 l 27 1 OD AV4 + 0.0 l 32 i OD AV2 + 0.0 t-t l 35 i OD AV3 + 0.0 40 1 18 35" i OD l AV2 + 0.0 1 29 -l OD i AVI + 0.0 i i 21 i OD l AV3 + 0.0

' 35 OD I AV4 + 0.0 l i 40 20 31 OD AV2 + 0.0 40 30 ' OD AV4 + 0.0 l

l 95 i +

j l i I 22 i OD AV3 + 0.0  ;

40 I 97 39 OD AV4 + 0.0 i l 24 OD l AV3 + 0.0 41 I 90 33 OD AV2 + 0.0 l j 20 i OD AV3 + 0.0 41 l 93 30 l- OD AV2 + 0.0 41 94 30 i OD AV3 + 0.0 42 g3 34 i OD 5H + 16.20 .

j 44  ! 94 J4 6 OD AV2 + 0.0

' l 27  ! OD AV3 + 0.0 1 20 i OD AV4 + 0.0 i 15 6 20 25 i OD 10H + 2 5.80 1 27 i 106 20 i OD AV2 + 0.0 27 i 107 1 21 ,' OD 1 AV3

  • 0.0 I i 21 OD i AV2 + 0.0 l 31 1 13 1 29 i OD 1 AV3 + 0.0 i 33 i 14 Q 27 i OD AV3 + 0.0 ,

t l

. . . , . . . ..- .- . . . . ~ . - . . . - . - . - - . - . - . . . . - . . - - . ~ . - . - - - . . .. -

a i 1

Farm t4MB SECTION XI- OlVl510N 1- 'l i




  • I Steam Generessr; 2RCO1BA r Sleee Bvron Unit-2 '

Test Presuensy:,10. 13o4 200. 440 KHz gene: 10-5-90

% Time Well Row Column Penseremon Ovtgin Lasseen

' i 24 OD AV1 + 0.'O 34 - l '1 -

l ' 20 OD-AV3 + 0.0  ;

' ' d 4 i- 26 OD AV4 + 0.0-

' 29 i OD AV2 + 0,0 i 35 i 14 1 l I i 20 i OD AV3 + 0,0 1 36 1 17 'l 28 I OD AV2 + 0,0 3 37 l 17 l- 20 OD- AV3 + 0,0 37 98 1 27- OD AV2 + 0.0 1- 6 23 I -OD ,

AV3 + 0.0 37 99 20 OD - AV3 + 0.0 i 38 18 22 OD AV1 + 0.0 i-38 23 25 i OD- AV3 +-0.0 i

-38 98- 27 I -OD AV2 + 0.0 1

39 l 19 26 i OD aV2 + 0.0 -- i 'i 39 i 20 -23 i OD AV1 + 0.0 i ' 29 i OD -l AV2 + 0.0-i 39 >

21 ' 20- OD AV3 + 0.0 94 .I 22 ' OD AV3 + 0.0 I 39 1 1 40 1 21 1 25 t OD AV2 + 0.0 i 42 l 25 -22 l OD AV3 + 0.0 44 1 26 23 i OD AV3 + 0.0 44 4 29 25 i OD AV3 + 0.0 45 1 27 26 -i OD AVJ + 0.0 45 91 26 j -0D AV4 + 0.0 t

I t-I 6

.j t i i i i I i i l i i i i l , I l l 'I l l

- 1 Fors N1588 SECTION XI- OlVISION i

,i +


h. Byr n Unit 2 Steam Generseer; 2RCO1BB ym pm 10, 130, 300, 550 KHz gege._ 10-9-90

% Tuw Well Row Caiumn Pensremen Orig 6n Laseson 33 i 12 42 OD t AV2 + 0.0 '

22 nn AV1 + 0.0 1 + i 26

  • On ' AV3 + 0.0 i i i 26 ' OD AV4 + 0.0 34 i 13 i 45 i OD AV2 + 0.0 i i I 43 I OD _

AV3 + 0.0 i 36 98 I 44 I OD AVI + 0.0 36 99 I 40 i OD AVI + 0.0 i 42 i OD AV3 + 0.0 30 { OD _ AV2 + 0.0 37 97 43 i OD Av3 + 0.0 l' 32 i OD AV2 + 0.0 27 i OD AV1 + 0.0 37 I 99 43 i OD AV3 + 0.0 '

{ 28 i OD AV1 + 0.0 i ' 52 38 i 97 i OD i AV2 + 0.0 1 39 >

17 55 OD  : AV3 + 0.0 i , i 37 i OD  ! AV2 + 0.0 j i i 20 i OD AV4 + 0.0 4 l 39 l 98 b3 OD AV3 + 0.0 i 39 OD AV2 + 0.0 41 75 4J OD AV3 + 0.0 22 OD AV2 + 0.0 44 i OD AV4 + 0.0 41 92 40 1 OD AV1 + 0.0 J/ l OD AV2 + 0.0 -

i 4V 6 OD AV3 + 0.0 41 I 94 4J l OD Av; + 0.0 42 i 94 4/ I OD AV2 + 0.0 I cu i OD , AV3 + 0.0

) 43 i 22 4J l OD i AV2 + 0.0 l t i Ju .

OD I AV4 + 0,0 l 45 i 90 i O OD 6 AV3 + 0.0 i l 37 I OD AV2 + 0.0 t

! l 21 1 OD AV4 + 0.0 i

Fene NIS 88 SECTION XI- DIVISION I TABl.E IB FORM NIS48 TUst EXAMINATION REPORT Page 2 of 3 BOY CURRENT EXAMINATION RESULTS W: Byron Unit 2 Steem Genersoor: 2RC01BB T m Freousney: 10. 130. 300. 550 KHz pai : 10-9-90

% Tube West 3

- Pensersoon l Origin Loescon  !

Row . Coeumn 45 91 '


-41 OD 8 AV1 + 0.0 58 OD AV2 + 0.0 i t i 4R OD AV4 + 0.0 1 32 1 13  ! 14 i OD i AV4 + 0.0 1 36 i 96 i 35 i OD I AVI + 0.0 33 i 102 I 35 OD AV4 + 0.0 36 1 100 1 36 OD AV3 + 0.0 i i I 30 1 OD AV4 + 0.0i I I 23 i OD AV1 + 0.0 1 37 98 30 l OD AV3 + 0.0 '

38 98 30 i OD AV4 + 0.0 i-I 28 i OD AV2 + 0.0 -

38 i 99 31 i OD- AV2 + 0.0 '

I 24 t OD AV4 + 0.0 39 i 97 36 i OD AV2 + 0.0 41 '

80 ' OD 37 - I AV2 + 0.0 I 25 OD '

-AV3 + 0.0 i 42 21 i 31 i OD I AV3 + 0.0 l i i 28 i OD i AV1 + 0.0 1 I I I 23 OD AV4 + 0.0  !

42 1 28 1 31 OD '

AV3 + 0.0 1 22 OD AV4 + 0.0 42 1 s,3 32 i OD AV3 + 0.0 i 25 i OD AV2 + 0.0 l 22 i OD AV4 + 0.0 1 42 72 33 I OD AV3 r 0.0 l-

! 29 i OD AV2 +-0.0 i 42 1 93 37  ! OD AV3 + 0.0 I 45 1 24 39 i OD AV3 + 0.0 '

I 29 i OD AV4 + 0.0 48 I 43 37 i OD I AV2 + 32.40

' 21 '

11 54 1 OD I 6C + 2.80 27 i 105 i 22 OD I AV2 + 0.0 28 i 11 i 23 6 OD I AV3 + 0.0 34 i 101 l 27  ! OD i AV3 + 0.0 i f


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g. Steam Qenerator:

Q ,, m . 10, 130, 300, 550 KHz om. 10-9-90

% Tube Weel I Caiumn Poneysoon  ! Orig 6n Loaroon Row i 30 10 24 OD AV4 + 0.0 23 OD AV2 + 0.0 1 35 98 4 21 '

OD '

AV4 + 0.0 _

i 35 i 101 -

23 i OD I AV3 + 0.0 1 36 i 97 i 23 i OD I AV2 + 0.0 39 t 18 I 27 '

OD I AV2 + 0.0 l l 25 OD i AV3 + 0.0 i

39 i 19 1 22 i OD i AV2 + 0.0 39 i 26 i 20 i OD l- AV2 + 0.0 1 41 i 91 28 i OD j AV2 + 0.0 i

} 20  : OD i AV4 + 0.0 i-41 1 93 21 i OD i AV4 + 0.0 _ _ '

42 1 22 25 i OD 1 AV2 + 0.0 i 29 i OD- t AV4 + 0.0 t 42 i 30 23 i OD I AV3 + 0.0

' OD l 42 '

92 28 i AV4 + 0.0 43 29- 21 OD AV2 + 0.0 i 45 26 I 22 ' OD AV3 + 0.0 i 45 i 84 ' 29 I OD l' AV2 + 0.0 i t i i 7


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Forus N15 33 SECTION XI - DIVISION l r


$3 Q,, 10, 130, 300, 550 Kilz o ,,: 10-6  ;


% Tube Welt l Looooon

< Row C49umn , Peneersoon Ortein 33 66 53 OD 8 11 + 0.0 l 38 _A 30 OD ' AV2 + 0.0 40 18 ' 30 OD m AV3 + 0.0 21 OD J AVI + 0.0 i

L i 1 40 97 i 32 i OD AV1 + 0.0

[- 1 I 35 OD AV2 + 0.0-1 I 28 :I OD  ! AV3 + 0.0 41 1 81 1 36  ! OD ._

l AV2 + 0.0 42 i 92 6 30 i OD' I AV4 +-0.0 8 i i 27 i _OD AV2 + 0.0 t i 21 i OD J.V3 + 0.0 -

__15 1 24 27

  • OD l AV4 + 0.0 23 i 9 23
  • OD l AV3 + 0.0 25 t- 15 29 i OD 1 10C + 34.10 1 27 l 8 26_ OD '- AV2 + 0.0 i 35 15 '

27 OD i AV3 + 0.0 l' 36 24 20 OD AV3 + 0.0 i 4 39 84 1 25 '

00 -

AV3 + 0.0 i 40 87 l- 25  ! OD l AV2 + 0.0 I i i 23 4 OD AV3 + 0.0 i 40 i 95 l 25 OD AV3 + 0.0 41 1 38 1 22- OD AV2 + 0.0 e i I 22 i OD AV3 + 0.0 i 41 1 63 1 24 i OD AV2 + 0.0 1 42 i 75 20 i OD 1 AV3 + 0.0 i 42 1 81 20 i OD i AV2 + 0.0 r-i 24 i OD i AV4 + 0.0 45 7 91 21 1 OD I . ,AV2 + 0.0 .

I 20 i OD l AV3 + 0.0 i 2b i OD. i - AV4 + 0.0


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Fare NIS 88 ' $ECTION XI - OLVI$10N I TAB 12 LD -


BOY N SXAMNATION RWULTS - i ge,. Byron Unit ? Steem Generseer: 2RC01BD M Pm lo, 130, 300, 550 KHz Dese: 10-6-90  ;

% Tulee Well Row Column Penessman Ostein m 44 i 74 i 44 OD- 9H + 38.70 i i- 46 -OD- -

9H- + 20.30-i i i - 47 i OD -

5H -+ 3.20 l 46 i 59 t 41 i OD AV3 + 0.0 -k l l 6 39 OD- -AV2 + 0.0 1 4 -( - 9 7_. -l 36 OD 1011 -t 4.60 7 l 9 l Ji -OD 10H + 14.60 -

9 1 106 ) 30 OD 10H + 36.90 22 38- ' J/ OD -10H + 0.0 23- 6 =JU OD 100 + 18.00-29 OD 100 + 24.90 t-36 16 37- OD AV3 + 0.0 i  ;


39 17 39 t- OD AV3 +- 0.0 i 40 1 97 34 i OD- AV4-+ 0.0 i-i 35 1 OD AV3 + 0.0 i ' 39 , OD i AV2 + 0.0 i ' -0D i 31  : -AV1 +' O.0 1 5 . 5 1 29 i CD t 10H + 8.10 l 23- l 21 i 22 I OD 100 + .'7.60=

1 25 OD 10C + 27.70 33 l 12 27 OD AV2 + 0.0 35 95 20 OD- Av2-+ 0.0 35 '

100 28 OD AV3 + -0.0-39 90 25 -OD AV4 + 0.0 43 34 20 OD AV3 + 0.0

~43 79 28 OD- AV3 + 0.0 -

t 40 59- 22 '

OD AV4-+ 0.0 j m


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TUDES REMOVED FROh SERVICE DURING THE BYRON UNIT 2 CYCLE 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 2A 2B 2C 2D Steam Steam Steam Steam Generator Generator Generator Generator (Row-CqlJ, ,(.Rgw-coli (Row-Col) (Row-Col) 38-17 33-12 33-66 44-74 34-13 46-59 36-98 36-99 37-97 37-99 38-97 39 39-98 41-75 41-92 41-94 42-94 43-22 45-90 45-91 39-97 P


,- , - - , . - - - . - . - , - - ,,-g7

e e '.

'l TABLE 3: PERSONNEL CERTIFICATIONS Tht- following personnel acquired and analyzed the eddy current data during the Byron Unit 2 Cycle 2 refueling outage. Thoso personnel identifled with an astorik (*), analyzed the data.


  • B. E. Akerlind IIA A6567 D. A. Anderson I A3502 R. C. Baker. I B5484 M. B. Blankinship IT B6768 W. E. Brooks II B2860 S. R. Bowler II B7702 M. T. Brack I B8090 M. D. Cauvan I C1950 L. E. Colado II C9318 L. R. Cooper II C9313 P. J. Digorgio II D9866 R. D. Goldman I G9926
  • D. R. Groene IIA G1931
  • M. S. Groene IIA G6698
  • o. L. Hicks IIA  !!6561
  • J. W. 11111 IIA H6267
  • R. J. Himmelspach IIA H8259 C. A. Ilufford I 119833 M. A. Jones I J1220 J. L. Kollar II K9208 K. S. Lareau I L2157
  • G. R. Livesay IIA L4332 A. C. Martin II M2421
  • R. W. Matney IIA M6858 N. X. Mayor IT M8082 T. L. Mitchell II M5765 J. C. Oliver I 01057 J. M. Parrish II P5436 R. Pavkovich II P4559 R. A. Pendorgrass IT P2201
  • S. C. Pendergrass IIA P2204 M. F. Pierco I P4104 C. J. Roberts I R3232
  • J. S. Schwenn IIA S1848-T. J. Shidolor I S1333
  • H. S. Smith III S2680
  • J. L. Spencer IIA S7675
  • K. D. Stewart IIA S8538
  • D. M. Stokke IIA S9594 J. A. Weiber I W2155 D. W. Williams II W6563

. _ . - . - . . ~ . - - .- .- .- . -- . - - . . . - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - . - -

l .

, .e p ATTACHMENT 1A FORM NIS4 OWNER'S REPORT POR REPAlR$ OR REPLACEMENTS As Roseweel by the Provinsens of the ASME Code Seemen XI

, t, w c-awealth Edison Company , osoe /C S 90 ~

No.ste *

l One first National Plass, Chicago, IL Aseen ghee /,,,, ef . /
2. P e avren Minelaar Power Station Nesne une, A ,,

4450 W. German Church Road. Byron. IL

          • 10erk Reesest No. 8 7[97*/

4eoew oessnessmen P.o. svo., see me., een,

3. Vuose Portonnes by 3b etk I N fMX Type Cass sceneet Basse Wet Applicable Aacheressmen 1.e. Met Analicable 311D ObbM>>% N LumLbm L/A 2.#G1 gampssen case uat immileable Asses .4
4. tesnettaenen of speemn $ds t." D o$M h (RC.)

/3ff /493

5. W Aeosessoas conse, women ceae. *-* 4 aa f f fit '7 I _ Seiten,MMLd7 Aasense./W I /f M case came (W Anselsemes Edneen of Sessen XI Deutses for Mosess er Restenenene 19M3 .

t is es. ee - - nes . ne eis ne.eems.o t o ene Amed Case Neesenes Resenes, Saenses None of Namie et Menneseewer sense Other Year Restesse, cet us es ee (Yee le.,, t

  • nemasan.s,. = ei IA 36 6en hLL z.o9r /f 2.RcoisA /950 br< I

. /c5.


7. ca.nsi.e. of e .2"m LNJ ::-(9o pL ,, %/a R si c. , .; /f u o c ,tj g h
8. Teets coneusessi Hyessenes Q pneumene Q Nom one,e,,,,, p,e's-e O OW Omer Q presa m

_pe . Test Tenes. ,,,' F NOTti Suestamental sheses in form of lis% shesehen, or ses. tags mov tie vesse, prov6sse til sine is tu tien m items 1 through 8 en the ,eport ts ineluese en seen sheet, one (3) eesh thest is nwneems one the n reseress et the les of $4s form.

(12/521 This Perm (8000303 may be setened from the Orest Dest., ASMS,348 E. 47th St.. New hh h( h

  • LUl { b), N h
  • 5 3 ) N b N , a0 h
  • 4 M
  • 0 .N
  • M 'l.l, il M <2* o NB-WT, Nn mr ,, a.,3 1

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FORM 6 8acki 1

e. . ...ce , Pt h InrG-IA k AR Er.o,. LM i.= 41 L L BILs 8774??

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8+w rig . Mt) Ifcibl W Oct cl,<t ) 1% c) .th, ry, Ned M 7cs V 13 %5: 19su rel y r l

CERTIFICATE OF CoasPLIAleCE W. rtify m.t the .t.t.m.nt. m m the , rt .,e .ne mi. bo^ E conf.,m. to th. rui .f m.

ASME Co 8.nion x1. i it ber i w l

Ty w C evm si aild A nml,e. M ii C.rt1fl C 31l/ / > L' A b

.$ Authors.ts.n No. _ Ea.6rmen D

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CERTIFICATE OP INSERVICE INEPECTION iineon n.,,. ..asomm i 4 e p. ,e v. in

,, e,.,ime ., r//>hh .m w m. 5N

,.,,. w e W*,dIr Pr Im . rIn @ n. ,

.no m. Sim.

WQf/b/W G x a fr//?W / h e sa tne com.onent. ee ri e in tne. Owner R rt unne the to tn. b st of my knows e. .no rs.e it.f. the Own., n

[M # to

/[ ane et tn.t Own.,'. R rt m .a.o,.wi rform.e es.msn. tion. .ne it ten corr. sten en ur o..eries.e m thi.

wem the f uu.m.nts of the ASME Co S te.n XI.

sv iseniae mi. anwi== namn the in r n. n. v. m... . , e.., ., . . n in, m.

.=mina n. .n m n in ini. Own . a n. punh . n.nn, m. in nu nu ni. .v.r inmi i n in m m.nnn f , = we.n. inio,v ., ., nv n ., . ., n ma . ,,.m or conn.n ... mi.

in etion, k wuse F r.dMM Comm, n. M1-/MJ

/ in sm,. ~n . .si .., in... a.. -

o. $Ad'tk( .J(s; ,e 9 0 i


l t .-- -- .

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o ATTACHMENT 1B FORM Nil 2 OWNER *8 REPORT POR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS At Regu6real by the Provmons of the A&ME Code Section XI

,. o ,,,,OMN/MBLfA EDMU (o#NM o,,, io19Mo avr KdsrA/AnsMi 44pk C#/64M At 4dMd ,,,ee,

/ o, Zl p ,. t,%

  • e = = "
2. men,th'am/2d' 'UAA k&Me 2747?tW un,, 1.

(3 W7%.... ~e..


+va A/ Gswwwn&amWit .e .-

- wo n seeir o.,e i.mi. se ~e.. e,..

3. worm par,0,medi,y BNAM a dam - tv,e Co.e sy,nooi si= */ 4N/.ed46

" A M /N AL8' Sito spoint. star te im"'eoM IW 2+'so.' -


,,,e,,on oe,e a sor a n No. w a A/#Ite Aseeen

e. seent,f ast,an ol erstem JMMe* foolM1*

/351 Nf3#

5. (a) Applicetpe Construction Cooe[MI MI 19 E/ Edition.8 YMM Aseenee./f'It . /IJ I Code Case ibn Appincesse Edition of Sect 6Sn Al Utiltred for Mopeirs or Metacement: j 19 TI /5'll yd Mf f',)

J ' O N ^l " WOSMO

6. loontif 6cet6en of Components Mope 6ted or Rep 6esed eted Melesoment Components i

ASME Code Retired, Stempec Nettonel i Rootened. (Yes Name of Menutetturer Board Other Year N&ne of or Molecoment of Nol Component Manufacturer Ser6e4 No. No. 16entif6cedon Sullt 28S w rev. wwwf 20 % lh 2Ptd/813 I/9W &M/269 MS i

1. Deecrlotion of work ild(.6fb MCT if6'r CtLh LE$ al A&$ & 190& 5 3 5*It , 34=i3 36* TT Els**f4 E '+ e 3?.y 3 3
  • T3, 19 * /h 31 ')1, '//. 9 5; 4/.it[ '// 14, 'e t.9Y, ai').tt, yF. fo, .yg.T'/, , 39 9 9,
8. Testjconducted: Hydroetette O Pae-ie O Nomia.4 Coerotine Proteure O nom Other O Proe=><o Pai To's Tomo. 'P, NOTE: Supplememel sheets in Pim of liets, sketehes, or drew 4ngi mov iis used, pror6ded (1) sise is 8% in, a 11 in., (2) Informe.

tion in items 1 through 4 on this report ts inc6uded on seen sheet, and (3) eseh thest is numbered and the er.tmeier of sheets is recorood at the tori of this form.

(12/821 This Form (E00030) may to coteinee from the Ortier Det., A8ME,348 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 E M99' g feR A/B-23 5t(D), k'8 2 55 2 (A)(Z ), NG +3' 3 2., +'JJK +33y, / , 4'.92. L,

  1. 8 -+'535,, +'33 S. t, .2. s 3.

4 r - e j h 1

  • 4 FORM NIS 2 (BecM
g. nemern Pc.Tb dl'X Reir k'3 EL 30 0 R:C3V w Bd. ,b7f47b
  • eemesse oe~.setu, ore oote ae.,en. te o e,see e /

wew a bu) Mr: S t ILL %smi (Ao s 7s:0 *LIW PLu -

WA A 1ert~n IMLEd AA'A

/ clest I

-%) 's te n,, Inno I*s nn tes L o IAct in st. 14 7 %. IM os/ Jt91. 14el, l9 M I A tt t l 'I S 1, l'1 to ' l's!So l*r% '9919, I4 13 IM.rt,I9Uf1911r'I910,IM11 a

ee sat l'f44 _l'119 l911 leir M 7. l . /9fl /997 /4ro 19 G7. M98/

I W V i E W CERTIFICATE OF COe8PLIANCE We certify that the statements r9eos m the report are correct and ttus bOi f conforms to the tv6es of the ASME Coos,Section XI, '*e'r 6e remiesement i

tvoe Coos symooi sierno 4 4 A p p), u k Ceni,iceis Avihom i No, MA Aml,edic in,,,e,,on De,e AhlAr,nU,dl, s.,gned

[ ww bdugab nef De,e /o - M _ ,, e mn., ecowner.y.1 ice f A

w CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INEPECTICN of anin et and the State or ero,ines of Z//4rw s1, ine unoerpowd, holding do 6 veind commission dJr.issuedDr/try the NatioNnal

  1. aded do,rre,/o m emo,o ed 3%er and Proenare Veeent leiTDs. (b. of ue / nm i t tne com.onent, es.rined in this Owner e Rooort during the period #y N O to b and 91890 that to tne ti.. of my kno dge end m. net, me owner h .orvormed enemmeuen. end i.en.orrocove er:wro.onorised in we
  • Owner's Report in actoreanos with the of the ASME Code,Section XI, 8v egning this certificate neithof the inspector nor his employer makes any tuerrenty, espressed or 6mplied, concerning the enominations and correcthe measures descr6 bed 6n this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inesector not his ernpiover shell tie liebte in any menner for yty pereenei inivry or property Osmage er a loss of any kind arteing from or connected with this ,


M d/ Commausons W f snepeeters $6eneture Netienel Seere, State, Previtae, one g neersements Date .

is O nmn I


O '

.9 e ATTACHMENT 1C FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR Rf PAIRS OR REPL.ACEMENTS As Roewired by the Provisions of the ASME Code section XI

,, o,ne,CdMMMWAW EDIsdA/ OMP4H)' o ,,, th/6ho

~-e cWf fdSr##wA' l RA?A. CV/ddCd 246490 shoe, I of Wl

s. . . - -


9 im

2. men,hDm/AWAA kul2 $7Af/0A! un,t

~e.oo B 4WW

%#ro A/' (fbtwt%.iMN *e e & BVAW /4 lb/o

- n.oei, or, mo. ~e., m ~e., m.

Type Coot $ymool StemoW #d/[  !

3, $Jrk Performed Dy N O e' b /d h'** A Sito sbosnt.sur see 26: LueHGUM,,,,,,on E

iM 2V50/ oe,e neruthorisstlen sanwcxte No. A

4. loent6Cetion of System [M 82 i357, /s'93
9. (e) Appletable Cometruction Code WW %9 ! Edition,872!MY# Addende,/f#87 . /NJ F Coot ca #

(bl Apol6Cenle Edition of Section Xl Utillied for Repetre of Reelecon4nts 19 .'f.1 //'TJ g6 M4y 7

N3f 4'6 VZ.

6. loentif 6cetson of Componente Roosired or Respeced and Relecoment Components A$ME Coos-R8Desrod, Stemoed Netional Year Replaced, 1Yes Name of Name of Menufacturer Soerd Other No, gulig or ResHecorrent or hol Component W9ecturer serel No. loontification

$$ W / W AfA' N/$1/A6%'i'W $hk i j $ 'Citb l /& $ *Y / & Yc &

l .

1 l


7. Oeecrsotson of work ?l DOG Eh U TIS 4 [O /E6 EN D 3 f3 5 UY I?E S [ bhr -

C 8, Tests Conducted: Hydrostetic O Paeumatie O Nam'ae< ooerotiaeero eure O poi Test Torre. 'F Mqg Other C Proesure NOTE: Supplememet sheets in form of Ilott, sketches, or drowings evey be used, erw6ded til sise le 8% in x 11 in., (21 Info me.

tion in ltome 1 through 6 on this report is leiefuesd on each sheet, end (3) each sheet is numbered and the numoer of sheets es j recorded et the top of this form.

(12/02) This Form (E000301 may be octoired from the Order Dept., ASME,346 E 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 E gl'yY foR Att3-23 5t(0), A/S 2 55 2 (A)(& h AiG +'33 5, +'JJK 4's]y, / v 'i'D2, ;,


  1. 8 +' J35, +'33 S t, 2.s 3.

> e

  • - o 4

0 '

ss FORM Nil 2 (Beck)

e. n ,,ne,,, Tk16 M\3T 3 k AM tc. Mc cz t t k%.In Rik -

$754?T is gesie uenoise orer. osie aeoerine no enconee /

t%D P Iv. 914re aI : SB I L L .rwre I l90 A</nt L. I 2:r inn ct D> ~ A'J A %b Llle-] PL, R&{ p >c.a .13 MVs

  • ncs IM2.


We certW thet the statements mooe en the report are correct and this N,W1 conforms # rules of the to the

'# *" '6 'w' e****nt ASME Cooe. Sectton XI.

Type Coce Symoot $temo h i ra 3 - Empiretton Date O di Certifieste otAvtherleetio No.

/ iWM b*bWi# N $4/ Oete /d*Z$ 1g YO Signed.

owner er'ownere T 6 tie (

CERTIFICATE OP INS 8RVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned. holding a valid commission leeued by the Net not Sotier en re vesest in rs and he State or Province of _ [llU US end emps en ny N N' ' 5"'A I' '

of AM/d/# b #h' r/'# N have 6nspect the components oescribed in this Owner e Report during the period o to Nf N' and stew that to the best of my know6 edge and belief, the Owner has performed eneminatione end temen corrective measures oeecritied in this

  • Owner's Report ln accorconce with the roov6tements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By Sqning thIt certificate neither the inspector nor hts employer makes any worrenty, empreened of tm.uisd. concerning t'.e 9 Aeminetton8 end corrective meesyret Osectlbed in thet Qwnei's Report. Furthermore, neither the intpector not his employer shell be lleele in any manner lot any personed insury or property defups or a 40es of any kired ertsing from of connected with this I inspection, Adi / Commissions MA*M inesester's $6enetwre Nations Seere. State. Provinee, one Enceroements

(# /

oeie MM ,

is 90 1

l ($2/82) 1 l


F. .

ATTACHMENT 1D FORM N!8 3 OWestR'8 REPORT POR REPAIR 8 OR REPLACEMENTS 1 A. Re.e.e. w = P,.eu .e g 4.= c m i

.c -

i , o,,,,w ca--aawealth Edison C ~ ny

,.e,no _, o e,- /0/f;!'7 0 ene rirst Nationalaseen Plass. Chicato IL shee, --- / of /

2. piese avran uusimar Power Statica seene une, E 4450 W. German Charek Road, Byroa. IL Amese teark Reenest N:. 87[N7/[

Asser Gegemesmen P.O. see. den see see.

3, nue pues, seed by E *~k1 OY Tvee com tymum 8mme Not Applicable Acmo,qassen peo. Met inaliemble Jllo CBbm>o lfu D., /sm1k /l/A 2Vfb/ se ,seenon ,name in-11enhia Ad S W / .

4. leenoflesmen of Sm dA/ *M!
s. tel Ace 6eesses conserussen coes saattan itIto 7I gemeen,57

~ # /3JE Sts W 74 Aessnes, /Y f 4 /f2 5' como c.,

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4. lennensenten of cessensen Reposee er Restesse end Repeseenant e w I

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'{/ As requked by the Protisions of the ASME Code Rules

1. Owner Commonwealth Edison Company, One First Plaza, Chicago, IL 60690 (Name and Address of Owner)
2. Plant Byron Nuclear Power Station, 4450 N. German Church Rd., Byron, IL 61010 (Name and Addreas of Plant)
3. Plant Unit Two (2) 4 OwnerCertificate of Authorisation(if required) N t applicable l
3. Commercial Service Date 08/21/87 . 6National Board Number for Unit See Below l 7, Components inspected j

l Manufacturer Component or Manufacturer or installer State or N .. lonal Appurtenance or installer - Serial No, Province No. Boasd No.

2RC01BA Westinghouse 2095 U 201435 15 2RC01BB Westinghouse 2096 U-201436 16 2RC01BC Westinghouse 2097 U-201437 17 2 RC01BD Westinghouse 2098 U-201438 -18 Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings tasy be used, provided (1) site is 8% in. x 11 in.,

(2) information in items I throash 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this fonn.

(12/s21 - This Form (E00o29) may be ootelned from the Ortier Dept., ASME,346 E.47tn St., Nsw York,'N.Y.10017 l

\. , _ _ , _ _ __

y j- 1 -q

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t FORW NIS.! (Back) **

4 ap, ] ,


8. Examination Dates 9/18/90 to ,,,10 / 9 / 90 9. Inspeccion interval from 8/21/87 to 8/21/97 3

( 10. Abstract of Examinations. Include a list of examinations and a stsNment concerning status of work required 1

p for current interval. See attached Eddy Current Report

11. Abstract of Conditions Noted See attached Eddy Current Report
12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and TakenSee attached Eddy Current Report t

We certify that the statements made in this report are conect and the examinations and corr $ctive maa-!  ?

sures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Certificate of Authorisation No.(if applicable) not appHeaMe Expiration D.te not appliGbit

Date Dd 19 N Signed Commonwealth Edison %[ rf%_


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, nce a de"$,*,y'e'd diy ' "*$?87W4 W.MM' cYr (cerret'!N%d

%ff*' to ". spected the components described in this Owner's Report during thFpelisd

, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner i

has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance wittr requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makas any warranty, expressedj or implia concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furtherrnore, neither I the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personallnjury or property damage or a lo kind ansing from or connected with this inspection.

M#m M .M/#

W ' Inspector's Signature 4 Commissions EI

  • M I National Board, State, Provtnce, and Endorsements Date wjA44 +% 19 9/


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