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{{#Wiki_filter:PWA00014 Pilgrim LR Proceeding SO-293-LR, 06-848-02-LR Kamiar Jamaili -PRA's Subject to Uncertainties Co n te n t!l-I i'St-g, .av a i I BIble .at Sde.n ce DI ReHabi l ity Enginee,.-ng and System Safety j.o u r n a l h o m.
{{#Wiki_filter:PWA00014 Pilgrim LR Proceeding SO-293-LR, 06-848-02-LR Kamiar Jamaili - PRA's Subject to Uncertainties Co n ten t!l- I i'St -g, .ava i I BIble .at Sde.n ceDI ~
ReHabi l ity Enginee,.-ng and System Safety j.o u r n a l h o m .e p.a g .e : 'W'Ww.e l:S<e vl e r .oo m / l oca t e/ res. s.
Use of r isk measures in design and li censing of fu ure r eactors K amiar Jamali Unit.a:::l Srars nq,aRm rnt        of ~.        Off or ofllucmr .f.nagy,            Jooo J'~                    .~ I

Latest revision as of 10:14, 11 March 2020

Exhibit Pwa 00014, Kamiar Jamali, Use of Risk Measures in Design and Licensing of Future Reactors
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 01/03/2011
From: Jamali K
Elsevier, US Dept of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML110030897 List:
RAS 19369, 50-293-LR, ASLBP 06-848-02-LR, PWA 00014
Download: ML110030901 (7)


PWA00014 Pilgrim LR Proceeding SO-293-LR, 06-848-02-LR Kamiar Jamaili - PRA's Subject to Uncertainties Co n ten t!l- I i'St -g, .ava i I BIble .at Sde.n ceDI ~

ReHabi l ity Enginee,.-ng and System Safety j.o u r n a l h o m .e p.a g .e : 'W'Ww.e l:S<e vl e r .oo m / l oca t e/ res. s.

Use of r isk measures in design and li censing of fu ure r eactors K amiar Jamali Unit.a:::l Srars nq,aRm rnt of ~. Off or ofllucmr .f.nagy, Jooo J'~ .~ I!; W ammg;DD. DC ,jJ _~


....rDd!!- h imlry: lise o 1' I rrt:o. m.ado n aBd j n:sigtn:s fro.m ,p nnah lli:5l:k:: lis..l, ase:5f,rnems. ( PIi:A5. ) 1111 B ...c , f'eacror :§.'l fery

~ 1 " lFcb ~T)' 2() 1 () .i!lp p llcad o n:s. h .as. been by tt.e nlide.a r lOOliS'tfy aDd! '!:he f1!~I ,aU)f's... boI: h do:m.esdc.a Uy aDd!

~iniJ'eV:isedfonn ~n.a _U y. T hi s. ls: .i!I diesJI'.i!lbJ e ueBd . a s. PR ~ flaw demon:s:t r.are d. ca,p.ablli cy t o. I IDp mve s.a1e'ly aOO

5 April 2I[J 1U o ,p era tl OI\aJ t1ex;l b il Jty beYDnd '[ hat p rovi ded 'I:hmt,tgtlt derenninl sa: k: .a , aJ o...e.. Bu t [I.e re c.a n be

~ 6 Apri l 2lJ l ()

Av.tah~ m in.c 110 A p ril :2il l () pt)'tef1i[.La I ,pi rfa lis.. l 111 e I im l tatloilS o t' fi s.k tee n BO~ c .ail be m..t t hi roughl ap,proadhes tha 't A:! ,l y l~v£J y 0.,0 q ua rlltl ta[ Ne PItA ,re:5U lts ( refer red! to as r.ts.k ,m easures ,In [ h is .Il aj)ef'). bec.a1Hoe o.'f t ,Be iN1Ud -t!D.T !fIe.KJtm" S .J.:R!tl' LIIR.i!I nblgllous b tU ,por.e ,lu laJ ty rnis.le.a d ing , 'Clu t caR be diet l w ,red by n s;k;.ba:s.ed rmmbe rs.... T h is Is

,p.ard CliI.i!J Cly u-uefo'r f llrut'e reacro.~ w llle('e 1<RAs..are IiSedI d l1d ngt:t.e deSJg;R.a ,OO I ice RS..lB8 P FO' P '.rdI:abiti stic: risk .z;s~t CPU )

tt.e:se .a,p.P-' =.a'[J OBS" .It I:s. lmpor taB 't 'to ensure t 'tile .aoru.a.l ~ de fa cto.. (If' even peroet\red lISe o:f rt S..K Sa.fcty ga~b J';mCc a.iltcria Il'1le.1sures. l n '[I.e co n'tE~x:t o.'t' etciler reglll a'to~ ord:es.Jg;n .acce p't.anoe crtt en.a Is. .a 'ded.. W h ile '[Be iss-lN!S tNext :gener.artia11 nJdea:r pla:n t d iscussed I~ Ie ca n Il ave a sJgn ilicalu iIl'lillle nee on design ce rt i1icatlo.n o.r combined! li cense .a ca d o.BS.

~1 1 rm oduw ~B f, flft1ir e re.act o ,ts.. 'they ca n al so ,B aW :SeCO.Bd!.a,ry impa ctS 0.,1} cur re n l1y o ,J)ef'.i!lt Ing reactot"S...

!Pire::J ~ CY ...aJ :rI5 equ ~ C1I:n.'II!! l:oubll s;t.edi by Elsevier LId..

1 ~ Intn xl:uct:ion rl.s k- ba.sec::'I regula 'lD ry con.struct. Som e 0 f 't b e d is ti n g _in.g featu res bet:wee:n 'the: 'tv.'O are a d i..scus.s ed in 't bi.s pape;L Proba.b ilis t ic .a.sse.s.s me:n t ( PM ) results .and in.sig h ts have T he: n in dustry aJ.s o has u .seCI PRA techni q u e.s extE:n s ive:l y h e l ped ID imp ro ve nu d e.a.r pla n t s a fe ty a n d o pe:ra ti o naJ "Wi t b b en e:fi,d a l res ul ts.. i ncl ud ing ion 'the desig n o f advanced o r n e:xib iJ ity f o r m o r e t ha.n .3 0 yea.~ . T hi.s s u a:e:s.s has k!d ,to i_n c m.a.sed evol u tio n a ry nud ea r re.actD~ . These ben e fi ts a r e:.. in part.. l1!.I.ated u se o f P RAs by t h e n 'uc:l e.a:r i nd u st:Jy a n d reg ulato ry a u t ho rit ie.s ID t h.e f .ar:t 't h at 'these s .arn.e u .se:rs can a con trol a n d 'the:

1NO rldv.ri d e.. W hj Ie t.h is t:r1!n d is large ly pcsi tive.. t h e re can be: infl u e nce o 'f th e in(D m p l ete sa fet y info rmat io n t h a:t i.s p rovi ded pot e n t ia l n e g.a:t ive con seq uen ces t h a 't ha ve n o t b een \<'Vi d e ly thorou g h th e r esu I ts o f the: P RA a lo n e.. Factors 't h a 't are u s u a lly no't d i.scus.sed in. re lated Ii terat:u re:. "Wi th :so m ,e e::x£I!P 't i o ns (e.. g... ( 1 1)" full y accoun ted for in a PRA m ,o de:1 but are g e to 'the:

I t "Was becau s e o f t hi.s pos iti ve (D J]t ributio n 1D s afe ty that the (D nsid e r a ti o n o f adequacy 0 f s afety fe.a.tu res fo r a s pe cific\E o r U S N:u c Regu la 'ln ty Com m is s io n ( NRC ) g radu a ll y re:fi ned the::i r aa::i.d en t scenario may i n d :u de:: m .agn itu de:s of re evan t .sa..fety o r ig inaJ dete rmin_istic- ba.ser::) J]u d eB,r .sa..fety ~Jat:io[15 b y ma.rgi n.s. i n CDr poa rati o n 0 f d e f e i.n doq::r t h. poten t ia l f o r c o rrec-i n c o r po rat:i n g 't he u se o f in fo rma.'t i o n a n d in.sig h t s "Wi't hi n a tive 0 r com pe;nsa 'l Dry attio n.s. degree o f c o m in a na lysi.s. rrned fr.a.m ev."CJ rk . Ris k- info rmed regulatio n .s for the a nd m .an y o'the r s.. Th e very sam ,e P RA in formatio n.. h owever. w h,e n c urren t f.l.eet of op e-ra ting l ight - "Wa'l Er reacto r s ( LW Rs ) are d e fi ned us ed t o (D mpl y "Wi t h -we.11-in't e:n t i on ed l'1!g ulato ry JX>l i cie:s a n d t hro u g h a com b inatio n 0 f rule- m a king a nd pub Licat i o n o f a pproac hes can to som e un desirab le (D ns eq u e nces.. Som e o 'f 10VW!r-t i e r docu men ts, s u c h as regu la 'l D ry g ui d es o r NRC's the u n desi_rab Ie (D ns equ e n CE.5 in a pp Ucatio n.s i_n volv fu ture e n d o r se::m ,e n t o f certa in n uclear in d u s try docu m ents. Thus. in a re.actD r'S a re a lso d i.scussed 'b el ow ~ n Jo rrned fra m ewor k., info rm.a d o n a n d insig b ts s u p ~ e PRAs prov iCI e bot h q u a li tati ve a n d q u a n 'titative: info rma tio n _

m ,e n t t h e trad i tio na l dete rm in is t ic a p proach e.s a n d f o rm a part o f Recent: 't re n d s in t he: de:v e kJ pm e n t: o f n,eN ris k - rela ted a p pro ach es..

t h e 0 ve:r.a.11 .sa..fe:ty ("Wb.ic h i.s s o m eti m es refe rred ID as the "W he:th .er 't h ey are per fo rm ed b y 'the: regu laID ry staff. nuclear safety ba.s is ) f o r a n 'u d pla nt. The Com mi.ssio n has cal ~ ind ustty~ 0 r o 'the r dom estic o r i_n te:rna tio n a l 'bod i es.. are tl:JWards f o r u se o f PRA tech no logy in a ll regu laID ry m..atte:~ in a heavi e r e in u se o f q u a n t ita:t ive P RA res'ul ts ( in't e n:.h.ange-m a n _n e r t ha.t compl e men ts NRC's p redo mina n t ly dete rministic: a bl y re.f erred 'to as '" r is k m easu res'" i.n t.hi.s paper ).. I t i.s ""'e.U- know n a p p roach,e.s "Wi th.i n the (D nfin.e.s o f a i n_fo rm ed as 0 pposed ID a tha t q ua n 't i tat:ive results o f PRAs, in a re: s u 'bj ect 't o var io us types o f un ce-:rt ain ties.. Examp le.s of 't hese 'u nce:rta..i nd e.s incl ud e pro b a b ilisti c q u a n 't ifi.c .a:ti o n o f s ing l e a lX1 (D mmon-- d "War e o r software fai I u res.. o a:u rre n ce o f ~i I]

£.mail .adclress.: bnxiaT~..un.aJj/J:I}J .q.doe.g CN phy si c.a.1 phe n o m .e:n a.. hu m .a n e r ro rs o f 0 m _issio n a n d c o m _m.issio n "

() l ..8:!20tt .. ~ fro m elT.l.litlE!' P:uh1 iish.ed by iI!I ~ lA:d..

d eli: 1 U.l () 16/j.Jrcss.2lO l (u)4.001

magn itudes 0 f SOU r<l! terms. r.ul ionud ide release and transpert. The Com m i£sion' 5 1005 PRA I'IlIicy Statement 0 n use 0 f PRII atmospheric dispersio n, biological elfucts o f rad ia tion, dose metbads in nudear regu laIDry activ ities [31. w hich was issued in calcu lations. and many others. U nlike d<!l:erministic una.rtain t ies t he aFtP.rmath of the ID mpletio n o f PRIIs for all o""rating nudear related to physical phenomena (e.g.. neu tron ics:, t hermal - hydrau- plan ts in aa:ordan<J! w i t h the Ind ividua l Pla nt Exami nat ions li cs~ PRII una.rtaint ies aR! not R!.ad ily reducib le in most Generic letter l41 states. in (>art:

instances. Uncertai nties associatm w ith physical phenomena The use o fPRII techno uld be increased in aU R!gu latory can 0 FtP.n be redu md by tests:, experi ments:, 0 ""rati ng experience matter. ID the exb!n t sup perl:l!d by t he state-af-the-art in PRII on actual o r p rototype designs. o r imp rovements: in analytical methods and data and in a manner th.a t complements: the models or ID mputat iona l ca pab il ities. Despi te well- known limitatio n. if quant itative PRA resu lts: are u sed in the ID ntext o f N:RC's determi n istic ap proach and su !>p<lrts t he N:RC.

tr.ld i tio nal defense-i n-<lepth p hiJosop by.

risk .aa:eptan<l! criteria ( ce., w hen t h.e y are com pared agai nst a set of threshold val ues estab I ished by either the i ndustry or the The Cam mission's safety goals for nuclear power pla nts and regu laID r). it wou Id be di Ffic ul t to IDunt er the una mbiguous but subsidiary numerical obj ectives are to be used w ith potential ly m.islead i ng or i nID rrocl: message that is de~ vered appropriate consideration o f u ncertain*ties in maki ng by such a number-based pro<l!55 ; i..e.., implying that a design is regu latory judgmen ts: an the nem for proposing and bac k-unaa:eptable o r unsafe because it d id not meet a particu la r risk- fit new generic requj remen ~s 0 n n udear pav.",r pla nt based numeri cal t h reshold (labeled as a risk .aa:eptan<l! cri teri on). lia.nsees.

An i m pertan t issue that is outs ide of the SID pe of th is paper.

b ut is wo rthy o f detailed d iscussions of its own, is t ha t the Th.e Commission a(>p rm"ed th.e staff's W hi te Paper on Risk-introduction and i m(>act 0 f PRIIs: i nthe design and ~ cens:i ng stilges rnfo rmed and Performance-Based Regu Iation in March 1900 [51, fo r a fu ture reactor is by and large different from the way t hat w hjc h provided defi ni t ions of risk- in.formed and risk-based risk- informed regulations have been a(>plim to existing reactor*. regu Latio ns. It R!it erates t hat the Commissio n does not endorse Cu rrently oper.lting R!iLClD rs a demrministically estab ~shed an a(>p roach t hat is r isk-basm, w herein decisio n-ma king is solely lia msing basis (w hic h ind uded t he plant's safety basis) before based an the numerical resul ts o f a r isk assessment.

pla nt-speci fi co r generi c risk information and insights: were made Regulatory Gu ide 1.174 16 1 est;Ib lished the framewor k for avai lable th rough PRIIs. T he PRIIs: generally con firmed t hat the risk-in fo rmed regu lations in applications r<gam ing making pla nt-origi na l determ.i nistic ap proach to design and Iia.nsi ng was speci fic cha nges to t he I i<J!osi ng basis. Its ap proach ensures t hat conservative (e.g.. plants couJd respend ID some accident numerical PRA resul ts would not fo rm the sole basis for maki ng scenari os in ma nners t hat were not cred ited in the determ.ini£tic nudear .afety do::i£ions by Iisti ng five key p ri nc ip les (Le., meeti ng ana lyses) and further identified changes that couJd improve pla nt cu r R!l1t regu lations lw hich are prima ril y deterministiq .

design or oper.ltiona l safely. Meeti ng the deterministic req uire- m.eeting defense-i n"4lepth p ri nci pies, ma in tai ni ng . uffident ments meant t hat implementatio n of their atb!ndant provis ions safely ma rgi n, keepi ng i ncreases in risk. malJ, and per forman<l!

embodied w it hin the IDnceptso f defense in dept h. safety ma rgi ns. m.o nitored) that have ID be met for a risk- i nform ed ap proach_

conservati ve assum ptio ns and ana lyses. qua l i Iy assurance, and Clearl y, c urren t regu lations are by and large based 0 n detenn i-nu merous other factors ( many of w hich are not R!.ad ily measur- njstic req u irements. A key pertion of the section an SID pe (Section able w i t hin a PRII model) created a safety cushion or marg in t hat 1.4 ) states:

proto::ted t hese plants from u ncertainties. i nclud ing those from The N:RC has chosen a mare restri c tive pol icy that wou Id

" un know n unk noWIlS" (fo r w hich a eu phemism can be "emergi ng permj t o nly s mall i ncreases in risk, and then only when it is safety issu es~ as d iscuss:ed in Section 1 ~ On the other hand, PRA reasanab Iy assu red. among other thj ngs, t hatsuffid entdere:nse models h.ave to R!ly on realistic inputs: to ellS ure t hat risk in depth and suffic ient ma rgi ns are mai ntai ned. Thjs is significant insights are not obscu red by arti fic ia Uy biased resul ts:

adopted because 0 f uncertai nties and to acIDun t for the fact derill'ed from the ap p ~ ca ti o n 0 f uneven ID llServatism5. Themfore, t hat safety issues continue ID emerge design, great caR! must be exercised in bringi ng PRAs into t he design construction, and 0 perational matter. notwithstandi ng the p racess to ensu re t hat t he fu ndamental pi Uars of determ.i ni£tic ma turi ly of t he nudear power ind ustry. Th. .... fac1D rs suggest safety as:su rance process ment ioned above are not u nd u Iy t hat nuclear pcwer R!.aclD rs shou Id operate rou ti nely on Iy at a com pro mised. Thus, fo r futu re reactors. 'Use 0 f risk in fo rroation prudent marg i n above adequate protection. The safety goal ca n hav e a far more sign i ficant im (>iLct on the safety basis of the subsidiary objectives are used as an examp le of such a prudent pla nt, ind udi ng the petentia l ID dri ve some key design decisio ns.

ma rgi n.

The int ent of risk- in form ed R!gu lations is to ensu re t hei r influence is pas itive in safety t radeof f do::isions. The clause abou t ID nti nual emergen<l! of safely issues for pLants w ith many years of operating experien<J! is an altern.ative way to state the ID ncern regardi ng u na.rta int ies about the

" unk nown unkn owns~ that are a mare significant con<J!rn for f uture R!.aclD r designs.

N:RC publ ished t he Safely Goals Pol icy Staternen to n Aug ust B, One R!iL5on th.a t RI!gu latory Gu ide 1.174 worked weU in 1986 [l ~ W hile t he tex t o f t his I'll I icy statl!!Tlent does use the app~ catio n is that it was in tended for operati ng plan ts w i t h a p h laSe " Ie risk," the tit le and the rest of the d iscuss io ns primarily determjnistic ~cens i ng basis already in place, w hjch were ca reful to avo id the use of th.e Q,Janti tati, ,,, Health means t hat the pla nts ",,,,re al ready deten:nined to be safe: before Objectives ( Q:HOs) o f pro mpt fatalities ( pr s) and latent cancer app ly ing the resul ts of pla nt- speci fic PRAs.

fata lities { [Lr s) as R!gu la tory risk--.aa::eptan<l! criteria. In o th.e r ri.nally, N'otel o f Chapt er 19 o f the Standam Review Pla n (SRP )

wo ms. the selection of the tl'rm.i no logy of " safely goals- was very 17 1 states that t he Q:H:Qwsu rregates 0 f OJ re Damage FR!Q uency delibe ra1E. An impertant attribu te of t he calcu latio n of pla nt- ( CDf) and large Release Frequency (lRF) are goals and not specific PFs and las for IDm paroon w ith the dua l QHOs: is t hat regu laID ry requ i rements.

both are by ne<l!55 ity " integrar" qua nti t ies t hat are deri,"ed from Th.e key cond usio n from the: above is t hat the N:RC the ID nt ribu tio ns of all aa:ident scenari os t hat are considered in Commissioners have not endorsed a " risk-based- app rnach to the pla nt-specific PRA model. regu la tio n because of the u ncertainties in qua ntitative R!S ul ts: o f

PRAs.. Th.ese u na>rtainties are la rge for cu rrently 0 perati ng nudear [n add ition, t he Commission rejected the use o f lE - 5Jy r of pla nts, pa:rticu larly in the SCI~lI ed l.e!J'eI 2 and level 3 PRlls. The macID r operatio n as a CDP goal for advancul d esigru in. SECY-fact that t he large una>rtaint ies in the estimal25 of p mbab ilities 9O~ 16 1. 12 ~ and its SlUvt T his rej ection sho u Id b e exam i ned for h ardwa~ failu~ and human erro[S. and understanding and m geth.e r w it h a seri es of Co mmiss ion Pc I icy Statemen*ts 0 n p robabi I istic qua nti fic<rtio n o f occu r mnce of some physical ~ ulabon 0 f advan.ced reacID [s. The last in the sedes pub I ished p he:no mena in PRAs o f cu rrently 0 perating reactors seem less so in OcID'ber of 2008 lUI stal25:

because of repeated reuse shou Id no t be O!Ierlooke(L T realment of una>rtaint ies in severe acddent prog~ si on and d elineatio n has T he Commission expttt:s. as a minimum, at least the same always 'been 1i m ited in r is k assessments performed m d<lte, even degree 0 f protection of the I!Ilvi ron ment aoo pub I ic healt h and in t he stoo ies th<1l: went the fu rthest in suc h. a nalyses, such as safety a nd the m mmon defense and secu rity that is requi red N'UREG- 1150 1 8~ . for cu r rent gene ratio n l ig ht-water reactors. l'u rtherm ore, the Another irn portant consideratio n, also related to t he general Commissio n expects that advan.ced reactors w ill pmv idl!

c<rll>gory of u ncertai nties, is t he issue of stab>-O f~th e-art: in PRII en hanced margi ns 0 f safety a nd/ o r use si m p I iEied. inhe rent:,

methods and data. Th is is a n issue for risk model i ng o f all reactor passive. or o therinnO!lative means m acmmplish their safety d esigns as a ll uCled t o above, a nd it is esped aUy so for d esigns and secu ri*ty functions. The in.m rpo ratio n o f en.hanced safety t hat pri mari Iy rely o n pa:ss ive safety fu nctions perform ed by ma rgi IlS may he ll' offset the e ffects 0 f added uncertai nties in safel¥-related Systems. Structur es, and Com po nents (SSCs) and t he PRII mo del a nd/Or in acddent ana lyses aris ing from the d igital systems (e.g.. in i nstru mentatio n and control I&<C). The nOllei ty of advanced reac1Dr designs. l Elsewhere other attri-cu r~nt stab>-Of-the;Lrt does not permit a high qua lity model ing b utes o f advanced designs are d escribed as: rei iable and less for ~I iabil it y evaluatio ns fo r these systems. rn parti c ula r. there is complBt: shutDow n heat remO!lal systems; longer t ime m n-consid erab Ie u nrertai nty w ith respect to t he m ntributio n of stants a nd sufooent instrumentatio n; s impliEied safety sys-software m mmon ~us e f ailures ( CtJ') 1D digital system reU.a- tems; minim ize poten tia l fo r severe acddents 'by inm r porating b i I ity. Fo r the potential ly safer and mo ~ passive advanced reactor redu ndanqr. diversity. safety syst.e m. i nd epende:nce; i nm !'pO-d esigns.. it is poss ib Ie that digital systems and huma n errors of rate defen~in-depth ; e1L ~

commission ( due in partto longer ti m econstan see. e.g.. I.1J1) might have a higher relative risk m nt ribu tio n, a m ntribubon t hat T he important aspects o f th is Po liqr Stall!ment a~ : ( a ) it may be d i fficu It to assess w ith any s ig ni Iicant level 0 f con Eid ence. m ntai ns o nly q ualitati v'e but well~p m ven pri nd ples fo r en hanced T hese issues 0 ffer addi tio nal reaso ns t o ap p Iy q uantit<rtive PRII safety of nuclear rea.ctor d esigns.. a nd (h ) itspecilically lacks any resul ts j u did ously fo r futu re nuclear pla nts.. ds k~based numerical criteria. Because of large uncertaint ies of TheComm issio n also offered another goal of l E-6Jyr w ithin the ds k-based nu merical resu Its. ris k a nalysts typ ically d o not Safl!!y Goals PcUqr S1>II:ement fo r frlX! uenqr o f large m1mses to the m ns iller vari<1l:ions of less than factors 0 f 10. o r 50 in suc h eOYi 10 oment for fu rther staff exam in.a tion.. A CIeEin ition fo r la 'lle nu m'bers as meani ngfu I inc re ments. Ris k Bt: perts may convert the reIe.ase was not offered in that document 12~ fn 19l the staff abO!le pol.iqr statement int o a m r~pond ing nu meri crita:io n consi ~ severa l optio ns aoo Iinally r ommended that a la 'lle 'by prO!lid ing an order o f magnitooe as the sma liend iscdminalD r relea.E 'be deli ned as a ~Iease th<1l: the potential fo r causi ng an fo r decid ing how much safer advanced reactors sho uld 'be fro m offsite early fataUty. ~ral o ther SKY papers (denotes pape-s current reactors. Th is.. however. is a non- sequitur a nd a prob lem sub m ittul t o the Commissioners 'by the NRC staff}. Staff inherent to risk.:tJased calc ulations. An order of magnitud e is a Requi~mts Memoranda (SRMs~ and Advisory Committee on very la 'lle i ncmmen t in th.e real w orill. and cur rmt nucJear Rea<:tor Sai>guarCIs (ACRS) letters to the Commission (e.g . l lOl) we~ ~lD rs are a l ready muc h safer than a ny o t her m mpa:rable deKItul m this subj ect The Com mission directed the stalf m ensu~ i ndustrial fad I it ies a nd hazaroous human acti v ities. Ultra-m n-that the r eva luation o f la'lle mlease m agn itOOe 'be m nsistent v.ith. servatism in d esign has a price, bo th @cono mically and ACRS proposed guidel ines I in kirlg the hieraJt:hical lweI!; of the safety ope rationa lly. As discussed in Sectio n 3. th.e p roposed new goal dbjertives, where the Ia'lle ~I ease gu iIlel.ine was m nsiClerul the surrogate nume ri cal risk- based c ri teria can be fa r mo re restdcti ve t hi rd level objertive (the quaUtative and q uantitati ve health obj ectives than the QHIOs. They are a lso quantitatively unp rm ictable in

~ the level one aoo two dbj ectives ~ Amnrdi ng t o these guideUnes. ~real risk s pace" a nd not com parab Ie w ith QlROs as they are each. subordinate I_ I o f the safl!!y !Jlal dbjocti\eS should: no n-i nmg ral measu res o f risk. They are more restri ctive in the sense t hat a rea.ctor that in a hy po thetical case may fail lD meet some 0 f the new criteda (d escribed in Sectio n 3) can stil l meet the

  • b e m nsistent w ith the level above, QflOs 'by o rders of magn i tude.
  • not 'be SCI conservativ e as t o Cmilte a d e facID new pol.icy.

fn s pite of the abO!le discussio ns and the b road pol iqr gu iClanCl!

  • rep ~ent a simpUEicatio n o f the previous level

'by t h.e NRC Commissio ners, this paper' s observation is t hat

  • prO!lid e a basis fo r assuri ng th<rt the Safety Goal Pc Ucy th roug hout ma ny ptibliation.s of the natio nal and international Obj ectives a~ 'be:ing met,

~ ulatory agend es and commerc ia l e ntities, there is an

  • b e delined m hav e broad generic appUcabil.ity.

i ncreasi ng tre nd mward more prevalent use o f risk.based

  • be st<1I:ed in terms t hat are understandable t o t he publ ic. and

~ ulatory concepts in gene ral, and the 'use of some fo rm of

  • gene ral ly m mply w i t h. cu rrent PRII usage and practia..

nu meri cal risk t h rI!5 ho Ids as il.CD!ptanCl! c ri teria vis-a- v is safety fn 'the end. the staff reached the overall cond usio n t hat goals.. in pa rtic ular. Fo r example. a nurriber of NRC staff d evelop ment of a la rge release d eEi n:itio n and magn itude, 'beyo nd oocu me nts ( e.g.. 1. 14.151). as well as industry aoo internatio a si m pie q ual i tative statan ent related t o the frequency 0 f 1E- 6 Jyr pubUcatio ns {e.g.. I.16-23n have emp loyed variou.s types of risk-is neither p ractical no r required fo r des ign or regu lam ry pu rpos es. acceptance criteria (consistent w ith the termi no logy em played fn aCJ(J ition, basul upon th.e wo rk d one elaluabng la 'lle releases w ith in the oocu ments) w h ich. i oyolve some fo rm o f a frequenqr in N'U REG*- l1 50 181 a nd o ther related activ ities. the s taff notul versus consequenCl! ( FC) c urve, or FC ancho r poi n'ts or regions. It that the ge neral *per fo rma nCl! gu idel i ne of 1 E-6JyT a nd the f iF can 'be shown that these ap proaches generally establ ish muc h stibsid iary dbjective 0 f 1 E-4Jyr are not m ns is tent w it h. the me re restrictive nu mer ical th resholds t ha n th.e QiROs, and a~

o rigin al QROs 1.11 1 ( i.e.. they a~ more conservativ e. a nd the applied as non-integral qua nti ties. W hi le t he intentio ns 'behind degree o f m nservatism de*pends on the specilic pl.ant ). th is trend are ndb Ie and mo tivated in part: flO m a d esi re t o

. E+O 1 E- 1 1E-2



  • 1 E -3 I


£ I"


1E-4 5() rom P'lte y em ~ _", '1llr8!lfb' Bill 1E-5  !!tfocl!l (lftillla r",nllJll_eBrtjllolol1ll

.." ~ ....'po** I>,., -------'JO.I E-6 1E*7 1.......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! I . . -

11001 O.(n 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000 .0 Dose, rom

. ~ 1_ I'requenq> =. C<I11=fU= Gln-e .

  • 62 ) af lJRl!C. 1SO[L analytical models and ma ny other faclDr:s (e.g.. impact of safe:y subj ect: to such depenoondes on the calcu lation mo&l or ma~ ns~ Even then, t he use of representative parametl!rs (such plant design.

as the mean) iI.55iOwb!rl w ith. t he frequencies and m n.sequenms o I'twiU be a chaUenge to estab l ish c ritl!ria to ensu ~ t hat of indiv idual or integra12d aa::ident SlEnarios has I i rnita:ions of i nd iv idua l aa:ident scenari os a~ defin ed o r character-its own, as th.e types and w idths of the underlyi ng distributions i:md at the same level 0 f ~ tion ~ across d i ffurent of the input random variables are generally ass igned by pla nt dlesigns and iI.55iOda12d PRA models for use w it h.

subj ect:ive j udgmmt rt is clear t hat these issues bem rTll! more this type of FC cu rve constTucL The syst'em would be dominant in analyses offutu rqal'lvanCl!!d reactor designs w ith inherent ly unstable and dependent 0 n subj ective i nter-less knowledge about several key aspects of the safety of t he pretatio.ns by all sides in a d ispute.

des ig n. such as the fidel ity of analyses i.n thermal ~f1 uids, 2 Relative UIlcertain*ties decrease w h.en t he assodated ra~

neutro nics, 'fis sion product t ransport m atl!rial properti es at dom. variables are summed, and t hey increase w hen the high 'II';m peratu res, component reliabil ities. and the " unknown random variab les are mult iplied_ Therefore, the effects of u nk nown.s.~ u ncertain*ties are minim ized when integrall';d risk measu res

  • . Th.e QHOs hae a logical relationshi p w it h the risk that the are used as opposed t o w h.e n i.n:II';Tmedia:te and product members of the pub I ic are otherwise ex posed to as articu lab!rl Quantities, such as frequencies and con.sequenms of in the Qual itative hmJt h obj ectives. They establ ish the risks of individual acddent scenarios are used.

nudear power pla nt 0 peratio ns at a sma ll fraction of t he ris ks 3. Com pariso n of any parti al level o.f pla nt risk. such as t h.ose that t he members of th.e pub lic. not t he general publ ic at large, t hat are based on individua l aa:ioont SlEna rios, agai nst but t hose l iv ing in the v id nity of tbe plant are al ready exposed SOrTll! Qua ntitati ve criteri a can misinfo rm. or even. m islead.

to. A reduction in these ris ks for 'fu t u re reactors proposed b y The poten*tia l fo r m is i nfo rmatio.n is large because it wou Id any stakeholder ( w hich would be mnsi.sll';nt w ith th.e stall!!d not be known as to w hat fraction ( is it 0.001% or Hal of the Qualitati ve goal of t he Commissio n), should be within. reason overall integ ral risk ( wen. w ith i n. the same catl!gory, and not so d rastic as to deprive the same po pulation from the i nll';rnal eIIoentsl is being com pared agai nst the c ri'lI';ria benefits that t hey may o therwise real ize f rom operation. of o Thus. the riskof an i nd ividua l scena rio would/should not these reactors, necessaril y be UIlac:ceptable if it fa Us in. th.e "unacxejr

  • . Plant~pI!lCi Fic PEs and l eEs are calc ulated for m mpari.son tab l e~ region of an. FC cu rve. because the QHCE ( as safety against t he QHOs, Both of t hese, as well as the more widely goals) might still be met w it h large margin used surroga'lI'; metrics tD QHOs.. such as OJF and lRF f or lWR o A mnverse corollary is that th.e risk of individual ap pI.ications, are inll';gral Quant ities that are derived fro m the scena rios sh.ou.1Il not necessari Iy be viewed as " ac:r:ejr contrib ut ions of all acdoont scena ri os that are m nsioored in tilb l e~ in. the other region either. as a pruoont approach the plant~specifi c risk moooL rnteglal risk measures inm rpo- 'ID safety rance always seeks tD incorpo rall! reaso ~

rall! at least th ree i m po rtant properti es: able additio nal contro ls w h e~ ever a proper Qua li tative L Defi.n:ition or c haracterization of individual aa:ioontsamar- engi neeri ng j u dgrTll!nt 0 r a Qua ntitati ve analysis so ios is dependent on bo th the specific PRA modI:!! (e.g.. dictates, FaUi ng w ith i n the aa:eptable reg io n cou Id den.y large fa'll It trel!!' small event tree versus sma U fault t rt!l!,l'large t he designers and ot hers from t horough engineering event tree) and the sped Fic plant design (e,g.. complex w ith th.i n ki ng i safety design process.

more active safe;ty sy.sll';ms __sus less c.o mplex w ith. more

  • rf it is assu med t hat a fu t ure design. of an. HTG R o r an. SMR passive safety sy.sll';ms~ IntEgra12d risk m easu ~ are not meets the FC curve. then t he NRC w ill be on rem rtlfor

m ng that t he level of risk -bil!il!ld safe!ty of t hi.s design is acm ptanCl! cri ter ia w ill be variable !br eac h d esign, s pec:i fi.c "aa:eptilble,- and in (JJ ntrast; any design th.a t does not meet PRA model, and mac1D r silil!. The v ariab i~ty can be substantia l th is level of safety. even Fe r a si ngle aa:ident sa mari o w i th all in some GlSe.S..

the attmdant unm rtainty. is unsafe. The same p rob lem is en(JJu nb!red even if t he governing document is from the It is i m lXIrta.nt that t he N:RC staff be mg niz.a.nt of t he above i ndustry. w hether or not it is I!X plic itly mdorsed b y t he N:RC, issues in complyi ng w it h t he Com m issio n d i roct:io n in b!sti ng the such as an ASME or ANiS st mdard as in 118 ~ HOw (JJ uld the concepts embod ied in N:URE& 1860 in an actual lim ng regulator aa:epta des ign with one o r rno re accident scenarios app roval process for a future pla nt The .<ta.ff should ensu re in t h.e *'u.nacm ptab le- region when t he governing ind ustry t heir review w i II not deviab! from t h.e 10 ng- standi ng Com mission standard itself has labeled i t as suc h? premaents in estab ~s hin g t he many elements of a ris k- informul

  • Some cu rrent L....1Rs w ill li kely not meet this FC CUIVe. ap p roach. W hLle th is paper has IDuchul ulXIn on Iy a r..w ID pies.

A misunderstanding o f the intmt of this culVe and t he role fum A! I>aper:s can d the use of PRA. includ ing the introdu c-that N:UREC reporn play at N:RC (JJuld lead some t o incorrect t ion o f a proiJ(lSl>d tech nology-ooutral generic risk measu re t (JJ ocl usions conm rn i ng the adequacy of safe!ty of cu rrent w i II allow !br cross-com IJ'ilriso n 0 f the level of safe!ty !br d i lferen t pla nts, because t he N:RC m d Jo r t he nuclear industry them- pla nt designs ind ependent of sit e-speci fic characb!risties; al>"

selves (as. e.g. in [15,18 1) hav e labeled plants that d o not meet p roach t o defe! th ; selectio n of t he So-GlUed nsing-th is cu.rve as " unacmptab Ie.- basis even ts; and selertion of safe!ty SSC:s in a risk- i n.formed and

  • The FC curve is. in fact. i ntrodu ci ng new and more restrictive per!<p-based f rame:wo 11<.

aa:epta nm c rib!ria than the QHO safety goals as evident by It should be added t hat alternative and complementary risk i ns pectio n and as me nt ioned in 115 ~ in cont rad iction ID the met r ies ID QHOs can be usefu l ID a IXItentia l ap pi icant for a design ACRS guidanm mentio ned above. certi.lica tion o r (JJ mbined license, fo r exam plelD assist in

  • The combi ned effect 0 fusi ng risk met r ics as aa:eptanm c ri b!ria dem min.ation o f h.a ving reached a suffic ient mix o f preven*ti ve and ap p lyi ng them on the level of ind ividua l accident scena rios and mitigati ve featu res in a new design ( i.e.. safety design t rade-can lead to otherun desi rab Ie out(JJ mes. Future mac1D r designs o ff decisionsl arID (JJ mlJ'ilre relative safe!ty of d i fferent designs.

off~ing lower total ( integrab!d ) risk th.a n c urrent operating T he tech nology -neutral generic ris k meas ure mentioned above reactors may be erroneously labeled as ' 'u nsafe- and not be w ill satis fy t he latter need !br futu re reactor d esigns !br w hic h the pu rsued. 0 r be bu rdened w it h costly and un nemssary d esign CDP and lRF metries may not be ful ly applicable. An example o f mod ificatio ns. an alb!m ati ve FC c urve that can be effe!ctively used for safety o An exam p Ie of the above ( i nvo Ivi 'Ill a pob!n tially safer design t rade-off decisions is discussed in Sectio n 6.

fut u re reactor des ign) is a reactor aJO la nt ~n e break !br a high-12m pe ratu re gas-coo led reactor (HTGR). [n a by pothe-tical c.ase, it can be assu med that an ap pi iean t calc:u lab!s the frequency and the conseq uences of the scenario in a way that allow s them t o show t hat it is "acceptahle.- Anyone The im lJ'ilct of the aforementioned issues may not be as great in ind ined to quest:ionth.e va~d i ty 0 f t he ca lcu.latio ns ca n: p ractiCl! w hen t he FC cu rve of N:U RE& 1860 or a si m i lar (JJ nstruct (a) lXIint t o the degree of u nc.ertain ty in the pipe b reak is used o nly by t he designer as op iJ(lSl>d ID the regulator. The frequency because of v ery ~ m ited nu mbe r of years 0 f designer ca n use such constructs 0 r con.CI!pts as (JJ m plementary ope-ati ng experi enm w ith these reactors; ) poi ntln in !brmation in an iterati ve ma nner th rougho ut the d esign promss.

(JJnd itions suc h as high ope rating t em peratures as add i - A prOb lem t hat may be en(JJ un teA!d in that pro mss is t hat a tiona l r&so ns fo r much higher fai lure freq uency lXl'ten tia l p roper interpretation 0 f some risk- bil!il!ld (JJ ncepts may not be as th.a n in t he l W Rex perienm ; and (c ) c hallenge t he assumed int uit ive for the designer. especially for t hose w ho are not PRA rad ionud ide airborn e fractions produced by unm rtaint ies ex perts. as it may appear at lirst. rn addit ion, manuals of p ractice, in so urce t er ms {e.g. long- b!rm di ffusio n o f rad ionud i des stICh as standards 0 r guides t hat aA! d eveloped by the industry through aJilteC fuel IJ'ilrti d es. ~us pension causul by may be mdorsed or refel1>nced by the regu laID rs and be usul in vibratio n effects, higher t em peratu res. lower plab!out, way s that produCl! t he uni.n b!nd ed resu.l ts (e.g. leading to e1L~ These c hallenges can lead ID a m nclusio n t hat the rej ection o f safer d es igns ). For t his reaso n, it is sugges b!d

.smnari o falls in the "u nacceptable" regio ninstead t he use 0 f quant itative PRA results in t he (JJ ntext of des ign or

  • Si mp Ie andJor pas.siv'e reac lm designs wou III have fe!wer regu lalDry risk-accep'tance c ri b!ria be avoided by all. Insb!ild.

numb er:s of acciden t scena rios t han com pi ex and active Sectio n 6 provides an alb!rna tive (JJ nstruct that ffi<IY be used by des igns at the same Iev'el of accident smnario delinit ion t he industry t hat w ill aa:ompl is hthe in tended purpose (design (e.g. sys b!m level ) and w ithin the same PRA model. safe!ty trade-off decisio ns) without the negative (JJ nnotatio ns The diff~ence in the number o f ac:cident scenari os (JJ uld are associated w ith N:U REC- 1860s version 0 f an FC cu eve.

be in multiples of 10 rather than in algeb raic fractions. As a hypoth.e examp le. two reactors may have the same ris k pro Ii Ie. bu t the Ii r:st has 10 sequences w ith JO rem at 1 E- 61y r. S. Inmlpmtati<>n of tho! as :Rem criteri'l>n u....t in and the second has one sequence w ith a consequence o f lU (FR l00,l5U.34 JO rem at l E- 5/Yr. Und er t he FC curve (JJ nstruct, one is deemed and the 0 ther is not; w h ic h does not make The 15 rem c ri b!rion used in 10 CFR 100 and 10 cm 5034 is sense in " real risk space.'* o fb!n used as a de facto dose ac:ceptance cri b!rion !br DBAs by the o Thus. the use of risk- based a<E:eptance crit~ia 0 nthe level 0 f N:RC staff. T his *usage is. boweve:r. contrad ictory to actual ind iv id ual aa:ident .smnarios (as opposed to integral quan- Commissio n IXII icy and gu idance as described exp l.icitly in N:RC tities) m<l1( be viewed as penal iz:i ng s imple and passive regu latio ns. as d iscussed in t his sectio n. SinCl! a nud ear pla nt is designs in favo r of active and (JJm pi ex designs. in vio lation 0 f designed t o adequa b!ly respo nd t o the O<E:U r",nee 0 f Des ig n &a.sis the Co mm ission Pol icy Statement o n Mvanmd Rmctors l UI. Events { DBE incl udes Antici pated Operationa l O<E:u nences and

  • Again. bo::ause integral mllB.S ures o f risk are not Obtained in OIesign Basis A<E:i den ts~ t he ex pecta.tionis t the associamd this model applications of these smnario*- I..... el and risk- based o ffsitecon.seq uences w ill be sma U {e.g. fractions of 15 rem T EDEl.

heav ier em pbasis in use of qua nti tat iv-e PM "",til ts. T hese risk measures are somet i mes compared to r isk t hreshold values t hat hav-e attai ned an actual. o r ev-en a de fac to. regu lalDry stature o f

" risk accep tance c ri teria" i.n CErtain insta nC1!5. Such ap pi ications of Add iti onalcor'ltrols. risk measu "", for a nuclear reactor d esign 0 r a specific pla nt are not always in keepi ng w it h the t e""ts 0 f risk- i n formed r<'gula-may be con*sldered t ions. w h.ic.h ca Li for com pari ng (i.ntegral ) measu res of the calcu lalEd risk (e.g.. PEs and LCFs or t heir suitable surrogates such as t he COP or the LRP) against QHOs ( or their s'urrogab>

targets. e.g.. 1E - 4Jyr fo r CDr ) on 1'1 as ' 'safety go als."

In add itio n, using nu merical PRA resu lts. parti clllarl y those that are not integral quan*ti ties, in a ris k-aa:eptanee m ntext, ev-en by the nuclmr industry (as opposed to the reglIlators) can have Ad dltlonall controls need numerous u ndesirable con.sequm ces. Examples of these among not be con sidered many d i.scussed in the text i nd ude: the t endency to pena~:z.e s imple. passive safety system des igns in favor of comp lex. ac tive l og Consequeooe designs; and futu re rea::tor des igns 0 fferi ng lower i ntegralEd risk t han t hose 0 f the c u mmt and high 1'1 safe 0 perati '1!l reacID rs may is- 2 ~ A Ol ~..a:l .JiCci cEt t ~i1.eI1r.J ~ f;requ_e rq' "eJ'5U!5 amsequ_eTl.a!: Ql:rw! be er roneously labeled as unsafe and not be pursued. or be

.h t GIll used by .o;pplic.o.l1I: durin~ dosign procrs ..

bu rdened w it h m stly bu t unnecessary des ig n mod i licatio ns.

These issues can lead ID serious un i nb>nded m n.sequenees in whether add itional m ntrols sho u Id be m ns idered for the licens ing of fut ure rmc:t:ors o r creating new challenges regardi ng s(ll!Ci Fic s<l!.nario.

t he safety adequacy of ex isting pla nts.

(v ) The two regions are sepalated bya band 0 f pe rhaps an 0 l1ler The paper also 0 ffered an al ternat iv-e use fo r a frequency v-ersus of magnitud e variation w ith d iffused bou ndari es ( such as in con.sequencecu rv-e as adesign or operational safety optimization Regu latory Gu ide 1.174 ) on frequency and con.sequence.

too l for use by the reaclD r des ig ner o r plant operator.

lather t h.a n Firm bound aries. T his is because any single parametl>r o f samario frequency or m nsl'fluence ( the mean is typ ically u..oo fo r all ) is itself subj ect to un<l!.rtainty and Diisdaimo<Y eJ1suing ch.a llenges, as the ranges of variabili ty and the underly ing d istributions are generall y assignol subjectively.

(v i ) The m n.sequ enee scale may be related ID app ropriate pub ~ c The wo rk relalEd t o t he development of this (>aper was heal t h measu res and /or cos t-beJ1eFit for t he i nel usion of the condUCb>d at t he IElq uest 0 f th.e Oi rector of the Advancol Reactor add itional control und er m nsideration.. Programs at t he Office of ~w Reaclllrs (now retired ) in the last

( vii ) Si nce t his cu."'" is u..oo as a desig n aid for t he applicant, qu arter 0 flOOS at the US N:RC. w hi Ie t he au tho r was on loan from

~ Iatory staff would hav-e no position about t he acc:ept-t he US Dl!partment of E ~.

ab i Iity or the lack thereof associated w it h any (>a rt of its Neither the author. no r t he United States Government; any m nstruct. ind udLng the anc bo r poin~s. The regu laID r must agency thereof. 0 r any 0 f thei r em ployees makes any warlanty.

use the total ity of the safety in formatio n del iv-ered by the ex pressed or impliol. or assumes any legal liability o r responsi -

design and t he proposed operatio nal plan t hat ind udes b ility for the accuracy. m mpleteness. o r any thi rd party's use of the trad itiona l deter ministic requi rements alo ng with the t he results of such use o f any in formatio n. p lUduct, or p rocess su pplemental PM in formation in m ncJuding that the pro- d isclosed. 0 r represents t hat its use would not infri nge privately posed pla nt is safe. ow ned rights. Reference herei 0. to any sped lic com mereal product, precess. 0 r service by trade name. tlademark. manu fac-turer. or otherwise. doos not neCl!5sari ly m nsti t ute or imply its Note that the bo unda'Y region 0 f essent ia l ly constant risk is endorsement; remm mendation. 0 r favo ring by the Uoi ted States on 1'1 m ncept ua L The d esigne r may decide that in certai 0. Govem ment, 0 r any agency thereoE sub-Jt>gio ns and bocause o f specific considerations. such as ev-ents The v iews and 0 pi 0. ions of the auth.o r exp res sed herein d o not w i t h particulady high o r low f lElquencies and/ or con.sequenCl!5. necessarily state or reflect t hose of t he UnilEd States g.ov-ernm ent and in t hose areas g .ov-erned b y exis ti ng regu lations. devi.a tions o r any agency t hereo E fro m the boundary region are warranted A.d latow IedgrDl!n1!5

7. Summary and. co nc:I'usimlS The aut hor w ishes to thank Or. Do n Dube ( US N:RC) w ho was Risk- informed regu la tio n is buil t around t he m acept o f t he Ii rst expert to l1!View the eady versio ns of t his paper and usi ng tradi tional d etl> tic techniques of safety assu ranee offered his b road and in-depth kn owledge in su pport of its su p plemen lEd b y PM infor ma tion and insights. Trad itional dev-elopment. Mr. Ala n and Drs. Mo hseJ1 Khat ilr-Rahbar d eb>rminis tic tech niques include concepts such as inm rpolation and Doug True p rovidol many usefu I insig hts.

of red undancy and d iv-ersi ty. incor po ration o f safety ma rgins.

ap pi ication 0 f defense in depth. ap pi ication of q ua~ ty assu lance.

et c PRA resul ts should play a ~mited and supportive role in maki ng decisions about adequaq of safety i.n a risk- tmed regu lalD 'Y framewor k. (1 1 ChojllllOn J, H= RisJc';"_ . l:edm:i~41e1Jtr.i ~ ..oo 1ia=i'18 Hcwever. re<l!.nt trends i nthe dev-elop ment of new risk- relalEd f.,.",.,.".n ilr n .... """""" pi "'tl. In : ANSI'SA~~ ~~

tJll'SA during /he ....duT ~Km ..,ll ~ ffi. ~ '~ ll . ~ .

ap!>rlladles, w hether they are perfo oned by the ind ustry. N:RC 121 US c. ~1 Regis .... ~1 j;Jt l W2fL s..fety goo.tls for /he oporotio", of staff 0 r other domestic or i nb>m ational bod ies, are towards mdur pawer plonts" August 2 1. 19!11l

II I lIS NJC. le:teQl ll.<8ister. ;q. _ an u.. 01 prdJ.mlis;;c ris k I2Il I l-fun~ ~ (Coou!hor). "',..,. D",;;ll1Jte of Nuclo.oT s..fel)'. Ilegu:lor"')'

_=ment metI1oo. in mdo.oT regulrnll)' ""~ .1lin ~1 Micy !ltot~ l'iewpaint <JJl inmvative VH1lt ~qpmen t in """"'-  : 4th August 16. vot 60; US). l!l!1!!i . P. 42622- !L in"'n.>tian~l "'Pial meeting .., ~.igh temperalll"" _ _ ""Iogy.

1<11 lIS N:RC CeJl~ Ister CUIIlO2<i. D n:I:Mdu~1 p1~tt .....min-. i" ~ Septembor 2!I"()""'er 1. 200!i.

..ment vulner;lbili ties,.}lavembor n. 19sa 12 11 ]. 02-02. N..a...T "'&I' In_*'. A risk . :b!:mod. p".i",,,,,,nce.m.ed I~I lIS :RC SOC'MI!l- 144. White popor .., ris!c-in:b!:mod ~d pedm:m~ce""' <d regu'b.tOl)' nmework ilr paw... r&ctors" u.y 2001-regu1oticm. J;>.TI~T)' 22. 1 :Il SQrf ""1uiT<:mO:Ill5 mo:mor.oTldum ~Pl"""ed UoTcl1 1. 199!L 1221 -""'TI Jo"'- (~""',). N.tioml Nu<lJe..r RegW~or. SouJtb Arne.... SouJtb AfriaTl ...rety ~ ..... ment lnmo. work ii, lihe p01tIle bed madulor ~. In:

161 lIS JC. ~'b.1:al)' gu.ide 1.1, 4. An ~Jlllroo<il1 fo, ... in g prdJ.mlistic risk 4th intermtioml "'Pial meet:iJ1g OIl high ~er.o1ltae _ _ mlogy.

_.....,.,nt in risk in:brm<d docisi<Jn. an plo_pocific d h _ lie tile Septe_ 29-0dJollor 1. 200!i.

li EJ1sm:!: msis,. R~:ian 1. moem1Jer 2 - 1231 m m(J<ty) ltd . ~Ia'bilistic risk """""""", t (~ , "1'J-<lrll for the !He 1'71 lIS NIl<: NUR1lC-()fIiliJ. lIS ..a...T liquJ..t<JI)' Cammission . uoom """;ew modu:lor , ~sion 1. J une 12" llOOl1

_T p1 ..n. limsion l. M ~d1 1 lCh.>pter 191*

lSI lIS c. NUJtrC. l UiJ. Severe ..nctent rim: ~TI "",,,,,,,,,,,nt for five lIS

_erP:Io_; 0rt.dJer 19

  • 191 lIS JlC. SEc 4!9. 102.Im1'lemen ta:i.., 0I~ gml p<J!i cy;M.>:r.nlll. 199!L 1241 lIS NJC.

w June lOO7.

~ CI'.tJ1.tJ lll1.

per:brm~ce.m. <d

14. 2

_ r=mmen:l ..~ OIl' ~rding ~

""";sion I!o 10 a;R p ..rt 9ll

  • requirements mo:mor.oTldum ..JlP7""ed rill mk-in:I:Jrmed 3 U6.AH81);

Sept em'bor 10 .

11111 lIS C Ml!S I.<;Jbor I!o iNRCCI""j,:n",n. Ml!S<:<II1llDeI1ts.., ~n ; mpl~ 1251 lIS c. SIlCV- iI!Ul(J!;G. SUfi ~roo<il1 ~Tding .. ri sk.,informod md

<JJl p'b.n i
l1lihe uiot
r gml policy. IiIb)' 11. 199'. perfor:n:an...b&ed ,.".,..., to p.ort ~Il 01 ;;t1o 10 01 the (h de 01 I'<d_l 111 1 lIS JC. SECI' . .tJ19fL Stm!s "'JI<>rt o n ri sk'; nfmmed d h _ lie tile !i.guloti .......TId Il ~ing ~ Policy _ <JJl Def""'e4n 111 for

~~l ""1 ui~ofl ll a;R port 9ll (optian l) w ~ ..ti<Jn.on _:reRad<lrs"Ap ril 7.2Il1l!L ris!c . :b!:mod .n~nges 10 10 a;R port 9a.4<1 (o:nnbustihle g& m_~ I2GI lIS N:RC ACIlS1W2Il'. ",.oopment of ~ tMlno1ogy-"1eutral regu'Llt"')'

tembor 14. 2Il nmeworl<" Septembor 201. 2 (12 1 lIS - C SEC/' . 111 ~ utianol)' light wo1:<r . - (U'IIi) ~n 12'1 Memor.ondum. Eo.... Iml]7o I!o]..l!. .... Foreign Invel trip rep<Dt ilr the iss"", w /h eir r&1iomh:ips I!o ~ reguIot Ol)' Juno 2Il. 19 In t ermtion;,l Atom;c m;~ Agency Cans.,]~.qo meeting lie ~I'm !A!lJ\

1131 lISNJC.Feder .. Rqister. ""t 7:l (99).N 2IlOS-tlZl,. oIicy ....t<men t on ...fety gui de on _sifi~<JJl 01 """'''''''' Sf5"""'- ~Tld corop<l11ellts fnmJ regul ..~ .., 01 ~ v"Tla<I ~ 0rt.dJer 14. 2IlOS. P. 0061 2~. ApriU4 lihrnugh ilpril 2 2006;),by :5" 20011 11 41 lIS NU c. l nfLD ~ pre~p1ic.o.~ <m...rel)' ... ~luo.ti .., "'JI<>rtfor /he 12~ 1 lIS NJC. <='I Regi5'"". 9ll l2 13fL J\ol;q. .werr.ienl on ..vere m>du.IoT hign..~er.o1ltae gos-cooled ~r. Uorcll 19s9. ~, ..nctete ~, ding row"" d"';gns ..n:I exis ~ ng plonts. August 8.

11:51 lIS NJC. NUJtrC.1S61l. ""","" .i1i l)' -d)' for .. risk inbmed w 19f1l1.

I""f<Jrl1l.>TI.....b&ed regul ..~,,)' , lr uctluTe for hi;tu", plott Dicensin '<. * ....,""""'" 12 I (h de 01 ~ llegW- ..m 1 0; J.. ,.,,,,I)' 1. 200!i Io...pter 1iii.

200'. Pili (h de 01 ~ Regul ..~ OIl" _ S 1- 199; J"""'l' 1. 200!i 100001' t... 11l1.

(161 ~ .. Al<lmia. ToJl"l ~regulot"'}'<riteri.m /he ....Tldm -IHTCR"OO I! 11 St.ollin - c. ... from m<d:ic.ol miotion .,,,,,as. H~1tIb ""Ym SoOety.


  • Sept"mlJer 199!L ( 1ttpt Ilwww~j11p'publ_""' I~ ;; desldm...r~ic.o._ ..~ on.

(1'1 1lur0000000TI (hmn:rissiom.. ~7OJI""'TI ...rei)' 'Jlllroo<il1 for mOOuJ ..T Hi' 11tml } ; 1Ipd.>ted u.y 2Il. 2Il1l!L DoaJment na. ~ . .-Sf4.l. ~ lri dlod dism:mution. April 1:5" P 21 ~ Pi!.. Tbe high b rl:grOlJlld mi.>ti<Jn ..,..,. in b=. iraTI: Ceology.

2OO ~ nann" b >o1ogy. 11<<. ..TId possible regulotOl)' fmL In : VIM "W C<JJl~=

11 ~ I AN S-S.1.2tJrot Nud ...., uiot:r <ria .. ~nd ...f <ty do:sign p:roc= for T~",.., . If2.I'ebru;,1)' 24.-l!i. 2 . 2.

madu:lor bolium-<llalod ~ts. ~; Jun.e n. 200fL P31 J.>w<llVWSlci z. Ioni zing .-..di"~ 0Il W .-..diaod:Mt)' in !h.e 20th <= tuI}' . In :

1191 ~eI)' 1Ii!:p

Tlts wi/h Iln t~tio :nal mn~cean ~:n,alld it!iirol e;ind~.m:is.Ji:ll.d~ m>du.IoT high t<:mp<:r.rIlU"" g& C<101ed ~o ... April. .lIOO:Il Teb:r.on. Iran. Ckitl 18 0. 2000.