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{{#Wiki_filter:Exhibit # CLER50001 Originally Submitted:
December 22, 2011 Revised:
January 5, 2012 Revised:
February 17, 2012 Revised:
June 28, 2012 Revised:
August 9, 2012 Revised:
November 14, 2012 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Indian Point Units 2 and 3), Docket Nos. 50-247-LR and 50-286-LR, ASLBP No. 07-858-03-LR-BD01 Evidentiary Hearing Hudson River Sloop Clearwater Hearing Exhibits Clearwater Exhibit #
Contentions Addressed by Exhibit Exhibit Name Exhibit Submission Date CLE000001 Clearwater EC-3A 2011.12.22_CLE_ExhibitList 12/22/2011 CLER00001 Clearwater EC-3A Revised Clearwater Exhibit List 01/05/2012 CLER20001 Clearwater EC-3A Revised Clearwater Exhibit List 02/17/2012 CLER30001 Clearwater EC-3A Revised Clearwater Exhibit List 06/28/2012 CLER40001 Clearwater EC-3A Revised Clearwater Exhibit List 08/09/2012 CLE000002 Clearwater EC-3A IP Statement of legal position 12/22/2011 CLER00002 Clearwater EC-3A Revised IP Statement of legal position (errors in numbering of Exhibits corrected) 01/05/2012
CLE000003 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Michael Edelstein 12/22/2011 CLE000004 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Anthony Papa 12/22/2011 CLE000005 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Dr. Erik Larsen 12/22/2011 CLE000006 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of John Simms 12/22/2011 CLE000007 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Aaron Mair 12/22/2011 CLE000008 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Dolores Guardado (In Spanish with English Translation) 12/22/2011 CLE000009 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Stephen Filler 12/22/2011 CLE000010 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Manna Jo Greene 12/22/2011 CLE000011 Clearwater EC-3A Curriculum Vitae of Michael Edelstein 12/21/2011 CLE00012A Clearwater EC-3A Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D., Environmental Justice Impacts from the Proposed Relicensing of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Complex: a Focus on Sing Sing Prison (October 5, 2011) - Part 1 12/22/2011 CLE00012B Clearwater EC-3A Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D., Environmental Justice Impacts from the Proposed Relicensing of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Complex: a Focus on Sing Sing Prison (October 5, 2011) - Part 2 12/22/2011 CLE00012C Clearwater EC-3A Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D., Environmental Justice Impacts from the Proposed Relicensing of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Complex: a Focus on Sing Sing Prison (October 5, 2011) - Part 3 12/22/2011 CLE000013 Clearwater EC-3A Letter from Bates to DelBello (February 4, 1981) 12/22/2011 CLE00014A Clearwater EC-3A Westchester County, Westchester County Emergency Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center (September 2008) - Part 1 12/22/2011 CLE00014B Clearwater EC-3A Westchester County, Westchester County Emergency Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center (September 2008) - Part 2 12/22/2011 CLE00014C Clearwater EC-3A Westchester County, Westchester County Emergency Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center (September 2008) - Part 3 12/22/2011 CLE00015A Clearwater EC-3A New York State, New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants (April 2009) - Part 1 12/22/2011
CLE00015B Clearwater EC-3A New York State, New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants (April 2009) - Part 2 12/22/2011 CLE000016 Clearwater EC-3A FEMA, Final Exercise Report for the Indian Point 2 Full-Participation Plume Exposure Pathway (2003) 12/22/2011 CLE000017 Clearwater EC-3A KLD Associates, Inc., Indian Point Energy Center Evacuation Time Estimate (October 2004) 12/22/2011 CLE000018 Clearwater EC-3A Rockland County, Rockland County Radiological Emergency Response Plan (2008) 12/22/2011 CLE000019 Clearwater EC-3A Tony Papa Artwork 12/21/2011 CLE000020 Clearwater EC-3A Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Erik Larsen 12/21/2011 CLE000021 Clearwater EC-3A Curriculum Vitae of Aaron Mair 12/22/2011 CLE000022 Clearwater EC-3A Alan Berube, Elizabeth Deakin and Steven Raphael, Socioeconomic Differences in Household Automobile Ownership Rates: Implications for Evacuation Policy (June 2006) 12/22/2011 CLE000023 Clearwater EC-3A Patrick McGeehan, Operators of Indian Point Say Changes are Likely (NY Times, March 21, 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000024 Clearwater EC-3A Resume of Manna Jo Greene 12/22/2011 CLE000025 Clearwater EC-3A Drew Claxton Affidavit 12/22/2011 CLE000026 Clearwater EC-3A NJ DEP Strategies For Addressing Cumulative Impacts In Environmental Justice Communities (March 2009) 12/22/2011 CLE000027 Clearwater EC-3A Faber & Kreig, Unequal Exposure to Ecological Hazards: Environmental Injustices in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (April 2002) 12/21/2011 CLE000028 Clearwater EC-3A Ross Gould, Summary of FOIL efforts (Date) 12/22/2011 CLE000029 Clearwater EC-3A Email from Joan Matthews re: Doug Morrison, NYSDEC Office of Environmental Justice, methodology for mapping PEJA communities within 10- and 50-mile radius of Indian Point (April 15, 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000030 Clearwater EC-3A Doug Morrison, NYSDEC Office of Environmental Justice, Maps of PEJA communities within 10 radius of Indian Point (April 15, 2011) 12/22/2011
CLE000031 Clearwater EC-3A Doug Morrison, NYSDEC Office of Environmental Justice, Maps of PEJA communities within 50-mile radius of Indian Point (April 15, 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000032 Clearwater EC-3A MJ Wilson, Partial Inventory of Potential EJ Institutions Within 50 miles of Indian Point (Date) 12/22/2011 CLE000033 Clearwater EC-3A Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Emergency Evacuation Interview Questions, (2011) 12/21/2011 CLE000034 Clearwater EC-3A AJM Consulting, Inc. and Nelson\\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Westchester County Bee-Line System On-Board Survey-2010 (April 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000035 Clearwater EC-3A Abby Luby, Schools say Indian Point Evacuation Plan Unrealistic (North Country News, Nov. 19, 2008) 12/21/2011 CLE000036 Clearwater EC-3A The Village Of Ossining Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8 Rental Assistance Program) (Date Referenced on web page is 2008) 12/22/2011 CLE000037 Clearwater EC-3A The Village Of Ossining Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) Rental Assistance Program (effective 1/1/2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000038 Clearwater EC-3A Date Inquiry re: Incarceration Demographics Sing Sing and Westchester County Jail 12/22/2011 CLE000039 Clearwater EC-3A Westchester County, Westchester County Indian Point Emergency Guide - Pull Out (undated but downloaded with the 2010-2011 Edition of the full Emergency Guide) 12/22/2011 CLE000040 Clearwater EC-3A Pratt Center for Community Development, Public Housing in New York City: Building Communities of Opportunity (2009) 12/22/2011 CLE000041 Clearwater EC-3A Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Equity in Emergencies (May 2007) 12/22/2011 CLE000042 Clearwater EC-3A Entergy Nuclear Northeast, Emergency Plan for Indian Point Units Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (Sept. 14, 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000043 Clearwater EC-3A Clearwaters Original Petition to Intervene in Indian Point LRA, Dec. 10, 2007 12/22/2011 NYS00133E Clearwater EC-3A NRC Staff, Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) for the Indian Point LRA; extracts from p. 4-49 to 4-56, p. 8-8 to 8-18 and Appendix A, A-110 to A-122.
12/16/2011 CLE000044 Clearwater EC-3A ACLU National Prison Project, Abandoned and Abused: Orleans Parish Prisoners in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina (Aug. 2006).
02/17/2012 CLE000045 Clearwater EC-3A Rebuttal Statement Supporting Contention EC-3A Regarding Environmental Justice 06/28/2012 CLE000046 Clearwater EC-3A Rebuttal Testimony of Manna Jo Greene Regarding Clearwaters Environmental Justice Contention EC-3A 06/28/2012
CLE000047 Clearwater EC-3A Rebuttal Testimony of Dr. Michael Edelstein Regarding Clearwaters Environmental Justice Contention EC-3A 06/28/2012 CLE000048 Clearwater EC-3A Rebuttal Testimony of Dr. Adrew Kanter Regarding Clearwaters Environmental Justice Contention EC-3A 06/282012 CLE000049 Clearwater EC-3A Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Andrew Kanter 06/28/2012 CLE000050 Clearwater EC-3A Morris-Suzuki, Boilley, McNeill, and Gundersen, Greenpeace: Lessons from Fukushima (Feb. 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000051 Clearwater EC-3A David B. Matthews, Environmental Justice and the NRC: A Progression to Excellence (Apr. 22, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000052 Clearwater EC-3A Robert Booth and Justin McCurry, The Guardian: Japanese Earthquake Takes Heavy Toll on Ageing Population (March 17, 2011) 06/28/2012 CLE000053 Clearwater EC-3A Yuka Hayashi, The Wall Street Journal: Panel Says Crisis Showed Facilities Terrorism Risks (Feb. 29, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000054 Clearwater EC-3A Staff, Associated Press, CNS News: AP Enterprise: Nuke Evacuation Fatal for Old, Sick (March 10, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000055 Clearwater EC-3A The Daily Yomiuri: 573 Deaths Related to Nuclear Crisis (Feb. 5, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000056 Clearwater EC-3A Mail Online: An accident waiting to happen? Populations around U.S. nuclear plants have grown 450% since 1980 (June 27, 2011) 06/28/2012 CLE000057 Clearwater EC-3A Irwin Redlener, M.D., Presentation Excerpt: Evacuation Planning: The Achilles Heel of Disaster Readiness (March 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000058 Clearwater EC-3A Michael Edelstein, Ph.D. Rebuttal to Respondents to Testimony on the Environmental Justice Contention Report (June 27, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000059 Clearwater EC-3A Michael Edelstein, Ph.D. Appendix to Rebuttal to Respondents to Testimony in the Environmental Justice Contention Report (June 27, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000060 Clearwater EC-3A Helfand, Kanter, The US and Nuclear Terrorism: Still Dangerously Unprepared (August 2006) 08/09/2012 CLE000061 Clearwater EC-3A After Hurricane Sandy, Understanding a Disasters Worst Impacts Q&A (November 11, 2012) 11/14/2012
CLE000062 Clearwater EC-3A Hospital Evacuations for Future Storms (November 6, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000063 Clearwater EC-3A How a Beach Community Became a Death Trap (November 10, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000064 Clearwater EC-3A In Hurricanes Wake, Ethnic Media are a Lifeline to Immigrants (October 31, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000065 Clearwater EC-3A In Hurricanes Wake, Decision Not to Evacuate Hospitals Raise Questions (November 1, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000066 Clearwater EC-3A A Timeline of Hurricane Sandys Path of Destruction (November 2, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000067 Clearwater EC-3A Nursing Home is Faulted Over Care After Storm (November 9, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000068 Clearwater EC-3A Oyster Creek Nuclear Alert: As Floodwaters Fall, More Questions Arise (November 1, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000069 Clearwater EC-3A Why Do Hospital Generators Keep Failing? (October 31, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000070 Clearwater EC3-A As Storm Raged, 15 Fled New Jersey Halfway House (November 11, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000071 Clearwater EC-3A Ruins, Rumors, and Resilience in Rockaway (November 4, 2012) 11/14/2012}}

Latest revision as of 21:00, 11 January 2025

Intervenor Pre-filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit CLER50001, Revised Clearwater Exhibit List
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/2012
Hudson River Sloop Clearwater
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 23753, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01
Download: ML12319A840 (6)


Exhibit # CLER50001 Originally Submitted:

December 22, 2011 Revised:

January 5, 2012 Revised:

February 17, 2012 Revised:

June 28, 2012 Revised:

August 9, 2012 Revised:

November 14, 2012 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Indian Point Units 2 and 3), Docket Nos. 50-247-LR and 50-286-LR, ASLBP No. 07-858-03-LR-BD01 Evidentiary Hearing Hudson River Sloop Clearwater Hearing Exhibits Clearwater Exhibit #

Contentions Addressed by Exhibit Exhibit Name Exhibit Submission Date CLE000001 Clearwater EC-3A 2011.12.22_CLE_ExhibitList 12/22/2011 CLER00001 Clearwater EC-3A Revised Clearwater Exhibit List 01/05/2012 CLER20001 Clearwater EC-3A Revised Clearwater Exhibit List 02/17/2012 CLER30001 Clearwater EC-3A Revised Clearwater Exhibit List 06/28/2012 CLER40001 Clearwater EC-3A Revised Clearwater Exhibit List 08/09/2012 CLE000002 Clearwater EC-3A IP Statement of legal position 12/22/2011 CLER00002 Clearwater EC-3A Revised IP Statement of legal position (errors in numbering of Exhibits corrected) 01/05/2012

CLE000003 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Michael Edelstein 12/22/2011 CLE000004 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Anthony Papa 12/22/2011 CLE000005 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Dr. Erik Larsen 12/22/2011 CLE000006 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of John Simms 12/22/2011 CLE000007 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Aaron Mair 12/22/2011 CLE000008 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Dolores Guardado (In Spanish with English Translation) 12/22/2011 CLE000009 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Stephen Filler 12/22/2011 CLE000010 Clearwater EC-3A Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Manna Jo Greene 12/22/2011 CLE000011 Clearwater EC-3A Curriculum Vitae of Michael Edelstein 12/21/2011 CLE00012A Clearwater EC-3A Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D., Environmental Justice Impacts from the Proposed Relicensing of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Complex: a Focus on Sing Sing Prison (October 5, 2011) - Part 1 12/22/2011 CLE00012B Clearwater EC-3A Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D., Environmental Justice Impacts from the Proposed Relicensing of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Complex: a Focus on Sing Sing Prison (October 5, 2011) - Part 2 12/22/2011 CLE00012C Clearwater EC-3A Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D., Environmental Justice Impacts from the Proposed Relicensing of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Complex: a Focus on Sing Sing Prison (October 5, 2011) - Part 3 12/22/2011 CLE000013 Clearwater EC-3A Letter from Bates to DelBello (February 4, 1981) 12/22/2011 CLE00014A Clearwater EC-3A Westchester County, Westchester County Emergency Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center (September 2008) - Part 1 12/22/2011 CLE00014B Clearwater EC-3A Westchester County, Westchester County Emergency Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center (September 2008) - Part 2 12/22/2011 CLE00014C Clearwater EC-3A Westchester County, Westchester County Emergency Radiological Emergency Plan for the Indian Point Energy Center (September 2008) - Part 3 12/22/2011 CLE00015A Clearwater EC-3A New York State, New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants (April 2009) - Part 1 12/22/2011

CLE00015B Clearwater EC-3A New York State, New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants (April 2009) - Part 2 12/22/2011 CLE000016 Clearwater EC-3A FEMA, Final Exercise Report for the Indian Point 2 Full-Participation Plume Exposure Pathway (2003) 12/22/2011 CLE000017 Clearwater EC-3A KLD Associates, Inc., Indian Point Energy Center Evacuation Time Estimate (October 2004) 12/22/2011 CLE000018 Clearwater EC-3A Rockland County, Rockland County Radiological Emergency Response Plan (2008) 12/22/2011 CLE000019 Clearwater EC-3A Tony Papa Artwork 12/21/2011 CLE000020 Clearwater EC-3A Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Erik Larsen 12/21/2011 CLE000021 Clearwater EC-3A Curriculum Vitae of Aaron Mair 12/22/2011 CLE000022 Clearwater EC-3A Alan Berube, Elizabeth Deakin and Steven Raphael, Socioeconomic Differences in Household Automobile Ownership Rates: Implications for Evacuation Policy (June 2006) 12/22/2011 CLE000023 Clearwater EC-3A Patrick McGeehan, Operators of Indian Point Say Changes are Likely (NY Times, March 21, 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000024 Clearwater EC-3A Resume of Manna Jo Greene 12/22/2011 CLE000025 Clearwater EC-3A Drew Claxton Affidavit 12/22/2011 CLE000026 Clearwater EC-3A NJ DEP Strategies For Addressing Cumulative Impacts In Environmental Justice Communities (March 2009) 12/22/2011 CLE000027 Clearwater EC-3A Faber & Kreig, Unequal Exposure to Ecological Hazards: Environmental Injustices in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (April 2002) 12/21/2011 CLE000028 Clearwater EC-3A Ross Gould, Summary of FOIL efforts (Date) 12/22/2011 CLE000029 Clearwater EC-3A Email from Joan Matthews re: Doug Morrison, NYSDEC Office of Environmental Justice, methodology for mapping PEJA communities within 10- and 50-mile radius of Indian Point (April 15, 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000030 Clearwater EC-3A Doug Morrison, NYSDEC Office of Environmental Justice, Maps of PEJA communities within 10 radius of Indian Point (April 15, 2011) 12/22/2011

CLE000031 Clearwater EC-3A Doug Morrison, NYSDEC Office of Environmental Justice, Maps of PEJA communities within 50-mile radius of Indian Point (April 15, 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000032 Clearwater EC-3A MJ Wilson, Partial Inventory of Potential EJ Institutions Within 50 miles of Indian Point (Date) 12/22/2011 CLE000033 Clearwater EC-3A Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Emergency Evacuation Interview Questions, (2011) 12/21/2011 CLE000034 Clearwater EC-3A AJM Consulting, Inc. and Nelson\\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Westchester County Bee-Line System On-Board Survey-2010 (April 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000035 Clearwater EC-3A Abby Luby, Schools say Indian Point Evacuation Plan Unrealistic (North Country News, Nov. 19, 2008) 12/21/2011 CLE000036 Clearwater EC-3A The Village Of Ossining Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8 Rental Assistance Program) (Date Referenced on web page is 2008) 12/22/2011 CLE000037 Clearwater EC-3A The Village Of Ossining Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) Rental Assistance Program (effective 1/1/2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000038 Clearwater EC-3A Date Inquiry re: Incarceration Demographics Sing Sing and Westchester County Jail 12/22/2011 CLE000039 Clearwater EC-3A Westchester County, Westchester County Indian Point Emergency Guide - Pull Out (undated but downloaded with the 2010-2011 Edition of the full Emergency Guide) 12/22/2011 CLE000040 Clearwater EC-3A Pratt Center for Community Development, Public Housing in New York City: Building Communities of Opportunity (2009) 12/22/2011 CLE000041 Clearwater EC-3A Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Equity in Emergencies (May 2007) 12/22/2011 CLE000042 Clearwater EC-3A Entergy Nuclear Northeast, Emergency Plan for Indian Point Units Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (Sept. 14, 2011) 12/22/2011 CLE000043 Clearwater EC-3A Clearwaters Original Petition to Intervene in Indian Point LRA, Dec. 10, 2007 12/22/2011 NYS00133E Clearwater EC-3A NRC Staff, Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) for the Indian Point LRA; extracts from p. 4-49 to 4-56, p. 8-8 to 8-18 and Appendix A, A-110 to A-122.

12/16/2011 CLE000044 Clearwater EC-3A ACLU National Prison Project, Abandoned and Abused: Orleans Parish Prisoners in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina (Aug. 2006).

02/17/2012 CLE000045 Clearwater EC-3A Rebuttal Statement Supporting Contention EC-3A Regarding Environmental Justice 06/28/2012 CLE000046 Clearwater EC-3A Rebuttal Testimony of Manna Jo Greene Regarding Clearwaters Environmental Justice Contention EC-3A 06/28/2012

CLE000047 Clearwater EC-3A Rebuttal Testimony of Dr. Michael Edelstein Regarding Clearwaters Environmental Justice Contention EC-3A 06/28/2012 CLE000048 Clearwater EC-3A Rebuttal Testimony of Dr. Adrew Kanter Regarding Clearwaters Environmental Justice Contention EC-3A 06/282012 CLE000049 Clearwater EC-3A Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Andrew Kanter 06/28/2012 CLE000050 Clearwater EC-3A Morris-Suzuki, Boilley, McNeill, and Gundersen, Greenpeace: Lessons from Fukushima (Feb. 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000051 Clearwater EC-3A David B. Matthews, Environmental Justice and the NRC: A Progression to Excellence (Apr. 22, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000052 Clearwater EC-3A Robert Booth and Justin McCurry, The Guardian: Japanese Earthquake Takes Heavy Toll on Ageing Population (March 17, 2011) 06/28/2012 CLE000053 Clearwater EC-3A Yuka Hayashi, The Wall Street Journal: Panel Says Crisis Showed Facilities Terrorism Risks (Feb. 29, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000054 Clearwater EC-3A Staff, Associated Press, CNS News: AP Enterprise: Nuke Evacuation Fatal for Old, Sick (March 10, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000055 Clearwater EC-3A The Daily Yomiuri: 573 Deaths Related to Nuclear Crisis (Feb. 5, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000056 Clearwater EC-3A Mail Online: An accident waiting to happen? Populations around U.S. nuclear plants have grown 450% since 1980 (June 27, 2011) 06/28/2012 CLE000057 Clearwater EC-3A Irwin Redlener, M.D., Presentation Excerpt: Evacuation Planning: The Achilles Heel of Disaster Readiness (March 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000058 Clearwater EC-3A Michael Edelstein, Ph.D. Rebuttal to Respondents to Testimony on the Environmental Justice Contention Report (June 27, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000059 Clearwater EC-3A Michael Edelstein, Ph.D. Appendix to Rebuttal to Respondents to Testimony in the Environmental Justice Contention Report (June 27, 2012) 06/28/2012 CLE000060 Clearwater EC-3A Helfand, Kanter, The US and Nuclear Terrorism: Still Dangerously Unprepared (August 2006) 08/09/2012 CLE000061 Clearwater EC-3A After Hurricane Sandy, Understanding a Disasters Worst Impacts Q&A (November 11, 2012) 11/14/2012

CLE000062 Clearwater EC-3A Hospital Evacuations for Future Storms (November 6, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000063 Clearwater EC-3A How a Beach Community Became a Death Trap (November 10, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000064 Clearwater EC-3A In Hurricanes Wake, Ethnic Media are a Lifeline to Immigrants (October 31, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000065 Clearwater EC-3A In Hurricanes Wake, Decision Not to Evacuate Hospitals Raise Questions (November 1, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000066 Clearwater EC-3A A Timeline of Hurricane Sandys Path of Destruction (November 2, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000067 Clearwater EC-3A Nursing Home is Faulted Over Care After Storm (November 9, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000068 Clearwater EC-3A Oyster Creek Nuclear Alert: As Floodwaters Fall, More Questions Arise (November 1, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000069 Clearwater EC-3A Why Do Hospital Generators Keep Failing? (October 31, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000070 Clearwater EC3-A As Storm Raged, 15 Fled New Jersey Halfway House (November 11, 2012) 11/14/2012 CLE000071 Clearwater EC-3A Ruins, Rumors, and Resilience in Rockaway (November 4, 2012) 11/14/2012