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l n erars rs rarsu rI STRUCTURAL              swwvnu CALCULAYIDN                        FIL E N o.:      RBS-o30-301 INTEGRITY Associates. Inc.            PACKAGE                        PROJECT No.: RBS-03Q PROJECT NAME: Revised P-T Curves for River Bend CLIENT:                Entergy Operations, Inc. - River Bend Station CALCULATION TITLE: Pressure-Temperature Curve Calculation for 12 EFPY PROBLEM STATEMENT OR OBJECTIVE OF THE CALCULATION:                                            ,
1 l
l        The purpose of this calculation is to develop' revised pressure-temperature (P-T) curves for River Bend Station for 12 effective full power years (ErPY) of operation.
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Project Mgr. Preparer (s) &
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The purpose of this calculation is to develop revised pressure-temperature (P-T) curves for River Bend Station (RBS) valid for up to 12 effective full power years (EFPY) of operation. The current P-T cmves [1] are valid for up to 8 EFPY of operation. The development of the current P-T curves, in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 (RG 1.99) [2], is documented in Reference 3.
The Reference 3 report includes the effects of the beltline, bottom head (CRD penetrations), and j        feedwater nozzle locations. The detailed specifics of precisely how the P-T curves were < Jculated are not included: however, all of the necessary inputs are included. Tabulated values for the current P-T curves are provided in Reference 4.
There are three objectives to this calculation, as identified in the scope of work for this contract:
        'I. RTsor Determination: The Reference 3 report provides RTsor estimates for all of the various RBS beltline materials. Since RTsor is an important and significant input parameter to the i              development of P-T curves, an EXCEL spreadsheet specific to RBS will be generated to validate i              the RTsor estimates contained in Reference 3. The spreadsheet will then be used to provide RTsor estimates for use in developing the P-T curves for RBS for 12 EFPY.
: 2. Model Development: A valid calculational model (EXCEL spreadsheet) will be established for computing P-T curves for RBS. The spreadsheet tool is convenient in that it possesses both computational and plotting capabilities, both of which are necessary for this effort. This tool l            provides further convenience in that it can be passed on to Entergy for future use in developing their own P-T curves, as well as to fulfill their requirement of providing the tabulated P-T points for the developed P-T ctuves. He tool will be " benchmarked" by first matching it to the current 8 EFPY curves. This step will ensure consistency with past work done for RBS in the l
Reference 3 report. Of particular interest are the thermal stress intensity factors previously l            calculated in Reference 3; since there can be significant variation in these factors depending upon the method of calculation used, benchmarking the model will eliminate any inconsistencies.
Benchmarking against Reference 3 is considered reasonable, since it is apparent that significant effort has been placed on the RBS P-T curves in the past (i.e., Reference 2 has been revised).
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: 3. P-T Curve Development: Once the spreadsheet model has been developed and benchmarked, P-T curves will be developed for 12 EFPY using the RTsor estimates established for RBS. The curves will be generated in the format shown in Reference I so that they are suitable for placement into the RBS Technical Specifications.
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t 2.0    RTsor DETERMINATION                                                                              l 1
;      Appendix A of Reference 3 provides RTsor estimates for the RBS beltline materials in accordance l      with RG 1.99 for various EFPY levels. An EXCEL spreadsheet was set up to perform the RTwor calculations. and is shown in Table 1. The inputs used for the calculations were obtained from Appendix A of Reference 3 unless otherwise noted. All details of the calculations are identified in the notes to the table. The results in Table 1 are seen to be identical to those of Appendix A of            ,
Reference 3 for 12 EFPY, thus confirming the previous RTuor estimates, as well as providing a            I
      " check" of the current results.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,      s  .
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                                    . Table 1: RBS RPV Beltline Adiusted Reference Temperature Estimates                                                                                                                                                                                            t (Data Source: Appendix A of SASR 89-20, Rev.1, ~lmplementation of Regulatory Guide 1.99 Revisum 2 for River Bend Station Unit 1 ~ March 1990)
RPV ttuckness =                          5.41                                                              inches                                                                                                                                          i 2
Reference Fluence =          6 600E+18                                                                          n/cm at                                                    32    EFPY (nominal peak value at RPVID)
Desired EFPY for RTer Prediction =                              12.0                                                            EFPY Eshmated Fluence '" =          2.475E+18                                                                          n/cm'(nominal peak value at RPV 10)                                                                                                              '
Attenuated Fluence at 1/4T * =          1.789E+18                                                                          n/cm'                                                                                                                                            !
Fluence Factor * =                    0.5431 Estimated                                                          Chemistry              A7-. : _.f_ For 114 T Part Name &                                      Host .
* t.ot .                                                              W RT,,,,                                        ''.      Chemistry        FactorM      ART,.,M        Reoriin          _
ARTm          j RAstorial                D                      No.                          No.                                                                                  -(Y)                          Cie (wt %) NI(wt %)        (Y)          (*F)    o (T) m ,, gy)              gy)
Vessel Plate              22-1-3                C3138-2                            -                                                                                                9                    0.08      0.63        51          27.7      13.8      0.0          64.4 Vessel Plate              22-1-1                C3054-1                            -
                                                                                                                                                                                  -20                        0.09      0.70        58          31.5      15 7      0.0          43 0          '
Vessel Plate              22-1-2                C3054-2                            -
2                      0.09      0.70        58          31.5    _ 15.7        00            65.0 VesselWeld              BE, BF, BG          492L4871        A421B27AE                                                                                                          -60                        0.04      0.95        54          29.3        14.7      0.0            -1.3 VesselWeld              BE,BF,BG            492L4871        A421827/J                                                                                                          -50                        0.03      0.98 _      41          22.3        11.1      0.0            -5.5 VesselWold              BE,BF,BG                SP6756  0342 (Tandem)                                                                                                        -50                        0.09      0.92      122          66.3        28 0      00            72.3          !
VesselWeld              BE, BF, BG              SP6756  0342 (Single)                                                                                                        -60                        0.09      0.93      122          66.3        28.0      0.0          62.3 Limiting Beltline ART =          72.3        .
t Notes:            1. Estinated Fluence = (Reference Fluence) * (Desired EFPY)/(Reference EFPY).
: 2. Attenuated Fluence = (Estimated Fluence) e * ** where x = 1/4T distance per Section 1.1 of RG 1.99.                                                                                                                                                            .
: 3. Fluence factor = f ***
* where f = (Attenuated Fluence at 1/4T)/(1x10'') per Sectum 1.1 of RG 1.99.
: 4. Obtained from RG 1.99, Table 1 (Weids) and Table 2 (Base Metal).
: 5. ARTer = (Chemistry Factor)*(Fluence Factor) per Section 1.1 of RG 1.99.
: 6. o, = 17*F for base metal and 28'F for welds, except that oaneed not exceed 0.50*ARTer per Section 1.1 of RG 1.99.
: 7. Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) = Initial RTer + ARTer + 2*(ca' + s,')''' per Section 1.1 of RG 1.99.                                                                                                                                                    i
Prepared by: M                                                                                                                #/#/fL.__          f Cleecked by:                                                                                      b                        '*bb                                                                                          ,
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3.0    P-T CURVE METHODOLOGY In this section. the methodology for calculating P-T curves is detailed. This methodology will document the equations to be used by the EXCEL spreadsheet developed for this work. The methodology is based on the requirements of References 5 and 6.
l The approach used for calculating the ? T curves is summarized below. Note that the following is based on developing a model that calculates P-T curves which match those previously developed by              l GE in Reference 3:
: a. Assume a coolant temperature, cT .i. .
: b. For the T c.i., assumed in step (a), compute the temperature at the assumed Saw tip.
T i u, (i.e.,1/4t into the vessel wall). This is accomplished by adding a through-wall temperature drop term, AT,a, to Te iai. The value of AT,,a will be varied such that the resulting P-T Curve A matches that previously determined by GE - this eliminates any i:sconsistencies that may arise if AT,,,a were determined by independent heat transfer analysis.
: c. Calculate the allowable stress intensity factor, K ia, based on Tu4: using the relationship    i from Reference 5:
Ki a = 1.223 e* ****** + 26.78 where: T          =  Tv4,(*F)
ART = adjusted reference temperature for limiting beltline material (*F)
                                        =  allowable stress intensity factor (ksiVinch)
Note that a maximum value of200 ksiVinch is allowed.
: d. Calculate the allowable pressure stress intensity factor, Ki p, using the appropriate relationship for the P-T curve under consideration:
K i p = Krall.5        for Curve A (i.e., pressure-test curve)
K ip = (Kra-Krr)/2.0    for Curves B and C (i.e., core not critical and core critical curves) where:            Krr    =        thermal stress intensity factor (ksiVinch)
The value ofKiw r ill be varied such that the resulting P-T Curve B matches that previously determined by GE - this eliminates any inconsistencies that may arise of K ri were determined by independent thermal stress analysis.
                                                =        allowable pressure stress intensity factor (ksiVinch)
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l i
: e.      Compute the pressure. P. The relationship for the pressure. P, to the allowable pressure stress intensity factor. Ki p is as follows:
Ki p = M o, + M. e, where:          M.          =
membrane stress correction factor from Figure G-2214-1 i                                                        of Reference 5.      The upper line for    M,,,  in Figure
,                                                        G-221.I-I (corresponding to e/en =            1.0) will be l                                                        conservatively used - note that this conservatism will be l
compensated for in the adjustments of AT,,,a and Kr      i l                                                        mentioned above.                                ~
e,          =    membrane stress due to pressure (ksi)
                                                    =    PR/t for a thin-walled vessel P          =    pressure (ksi)
R          =
vessel radius (inches) t          =
vessel minimum wall thickness (inches)
M3          =    bending stress correction factor = (2/3)M.
o,          =    bending stress due to pressure (ksi)
                                                    =    0 for a thin-walled vessel
;                      Thus,                            P = Ki pt/(RM )
: f.      Repeat steps (a) through (e) for other temperatures to generate a series of P-T points.
: g.      Subtract any applicable instrument errors for temperature and pressure from Teooi ,and P, respectively. The resulting pressure and temperature series constitutes the P-T curve.
Instrument errors were assumed to be zero for RBS. The P-T curve relates the minimum required reactor fluid temperature in the beltline region to the reactor pressure in the beltline region.
The following additional requirements were used by GE in the Reference 3 report to define the lower l      portion of the P-T curves. These limits are established by the discontinuity regions of the vessel (i.e.,
l      flanges. nozzles, etc.), and are retained throughout the cunent analysis (i.e., they are assumed correct i
and will not change since the discontinuity regions are not affected significantly by fluence):
For Curve k
              .      Thermal stresses were assumed to be negligible during the pressure test condition and were therefore not considered.
l e      if P is greater than 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure, the temperature must be
!                      greater than RTsar of the limiting flange material + 90*F [6]. The pre-service hydro j                      test pressure was assumed to be 1562.5 psig (=312.5/0.20)' based on the fact that the current P-T curves establish this limit at 312.5 psig (4].
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* If P is less than 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure. the temperature must be greater than RTuorof the limiting flange material + 60'F. The additional 60*F margin above that recommended in Reference 6 has been a standard recommendation by GE for the BWR industry (3). For the RBS flange material, this minimum temperature is 70 F [4).
For Curve B:
          .      If P is greater than 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure, the temperature must be greater than RTsorof the limiting flange material + 120'F [6].
e      if P is less than 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure, the temperature must be greater than RTuoro f the limiting flange material
* 60'F. The additional 60 F margin above that recommended in Reference 6 has been a standard recommendation by GE for the BWR industry [3). For the RBS flange material. this minimum tenverature is 70*F [4).
For Curve C:
* Per the requirements of Paragraph IV.A.2 of Reference 6, the core critical (Curve C)
P-T limits must be 40*F above any Curve A or B limits. Curve B is more limiting than Curve A, so Curve C is Curve B plus 40*F.
* Another requirement of Paragraph IV.A.2 of Reference 6 (or actually an allowance for the BWR), concerns nurumum temperature for initial criticality in a startup. Given that water level is normal, BWRs are allowed initial criticality at the closure flange region '
temperature (RTuor + 60*F) if the pressure is below 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure. This corresponds to 70'F for RBS.
* Also per Paragraph IV.A.2 of Reference 6, at pressure above 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure, the Curve C temperature must be at least that required for the pressure test (Curve A at 1,100 psig). As a result of this requirement, Curve C must have a step at a pressure equal to 20% of the pre'-service hydro pressure to the temperature required by Curve A at 1,100 psig, or 40*F, whichever is greater. (For the curves covered in this analysis through 12 EFPY, the .IO*F step is limiting)
The vessel dimensions for the RBS plate material are documented in Reference 3. The limiting ART value used comes from Table I for 12 EFPY, and is 60.5'F for 8 EFPY per Appendix A of the Reference 3 report.
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4.0    P-T CURVE MODEL                                                                                    !
An EXCEL spreadsheet was developed to perform the necessary calculations described in Section 3.0 and generate the P-T curves. A " benchmark" case was run in the spreadsheet for 8 EFPY, and the results are shown in Table 2 and Figure 1. Also contained within this table and figure are the current j      8 EFPY Tech. Spec. curves [1,4]. Comparison of the two sets of curves demonstrates that the spreadsheet results are consistent and accurate.
1                                                                                                  s l
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Figure 2: RBS P-T Curves for 12 EFPY l
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AN ASSUMED 122.3*F j                          ''
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e8          .e                                                WELD Ric OF 50*F.
                                                                      *l U    600                          ," l          *i                                    A=      SYSTEM HYDROTEST LIMIT WITH E
e                                8/          f/                                              FUEL IN VESSEL
                                                      /            /                                      B=    NON-NUCLEAR HEATING LIMIT.
400 VESSEL OtSCONTINUITY LIMITS 312.5 PSIG CORE BELTLINE LIMITS ki                                                                                WITH 122.3*F SHIFT B
200              7 BOLTUP                                                                    CURWS A', B'. AND C ARE WD FOR C                                                          12 EFPY OF OPERATION.
0 l                            0              100                        200                      300                  400            500              600 i
Reactor Coolant Temperature in Beltline Region (*F)
!                                                                        Prepared by: U 18/N/9dl.
l                                                                        Ohecked by: b '*/'N                                          !
P4 CURVE.XLS [P-T Curve]                                  File No M-WM-M/ Rev:- 0                                      I              10/14/96 Page              19      of          11                  i
lq    -
o 1 -d ,
p9 6.0 
AND CONCLUSIONS                                                                          I The analysis documented in this calculation develops RTwor estimates and P T curves for the RBS l
reactor pressure vessel. EXCEL spreadsheets were developed for each of these items.                      l Table i provides the results of the RTsor estimations. Those results are identical to estimates          i previously developec', in Appendix A of the Reference 3 report. thus confirming the past results and the spreadsheet used for the current analysis.
l Table 2 and Figure ' provide the results of the P-T curve spreadsheet developed for RBS.
Comparison of the calculated results for 8 EFPY to those contained in the current Tech. Spec. P-T        ;
curves for 8 EFPY demonstrate tne validity of the spreadsheet, as the two sets of results are.seen to be l identical.
Finally, Table 3 and Figure 2 provide the results of the P-T curve spreadsheet for 12 EFPY. The results are seen to be reasonable based on the " shift" in results from those at 8 EFPY. This, coupled with the results of the " benchmark" test case. conclude the Figure 2 P-T limits to be appropriate for RBS for 12 EFPY of operation.
NOTE:        Although the spreadsheet toolfor generating P-T curves has been validated. eachfuture use of this spreadsheet should be validated on a case-by-case basis. All possible temperature limitation requirements were notplaced into the spreadsheetfor " automatic" implementation. For example, the minimum temperature described above for Curve C that requires the minimum Curve C temperature to be equal to the temperature ofCurve A at 1.100 psig was not necessaryfor this analysis (i.e.. Curve A @ 1.100 psig u 168*F        1 1
whereas Curve A + .10*Fatpressuresjust above 312.5psig = 170*F = more limiting). At some point in the nearfuture (i.e., beyond 12 EFPY), this requirement will be necessary (it was implemented in the 32 EFPY curves in Reference 3). Therefore, modifications of the spreadsheet to accountfor this and other requirements may have to be made as a part of fiaure use of the spreadsheet. Therefore, each use of the spreadsheet should be " sanity checked"for reasonableness.
l l
1 l                                Revision:          0 Prepared By:    M A0//p/5 Checked By:    h f,[r/@
File No. RBS-03Q-301                                                Page 20 of        21
C .'  ,
I  *M f8
: 1. RBS Technical Specifications. Amendment No. 81. Figure 3.4.11-1. " Minimum Temperature      l Required vs. RCS Pressure." SI File No. RBS-03Q-202.                                        '
: 2. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99. Revision 2. " Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Staterials." U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research.
(Task ME 305-4). May 1988.                                                                  I
: 3. GE Report No. SASR 89-20. Revision 1. " Implementation of Regulatory Guide 1.99              ,
Revision 2 for River Bend Station Unit 1." March 1990. SI File No. RBS-03Q-203.            l
: 4. Letter No. G-LD-2-085 from W. D. Arndt (GE) to Mr. J. C. Deddens (GSU), " Tabulated Values from 8 EFPY Curves River Bend Station," May 26.1992. (EOI File #3221.110-000-004A), Si File No. RBS-03Q-201.
: 5. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Section XI. Rules for Inservice intnection of Nuclear  i Power Plant Comoonents, Nonmandatory Appendix G, " Fracture Toughness Criteria for          !
Protection Against Failure," 1989 Edition.
: 6. U. S. Code. of Federal Regulations. Chapter 10. Part 50, Appendix G, " Fracture Toughness Requirements." l-1-96 Edition.                                                              i 1
      /GLS l
l Revision:        0 Prepared By:    M    /8/ N M Checked By:          p[rf/94 File No. RBS-03Q-301                                            Page 21 of      21}}

Latest revision as of 00:39, 23 July 2020

Pressure-Temperature Curve Calculation for 12 Efpy
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/16/1996
From: Gustin H, Stevens G
Shared Package
ML20133M037 List:
RBS-03Q-301, RBS-3Q-301, RBS093Q-301-R00, RBS93Q-301-R, NUDOCS 9701220246
Download: ML20133M065 (21)


{{#Wiki_filter:- _ _ . . - .- - . . - . . l n erars rs rarsu rI STRUCTURAL swwvnu CALCULAYIDN FIL E N o.: RBS-o30-301 INTEGRITY Associates. Inc. PACKAGE PROJECT No.: RBS-03Q PROJECT NAME: Revised P-T Curves for River Bend CLIENT: Entergy Operations, Inc. - River Bend Station CALCULATION TITLE: Pressure-Temperature Curve Calculation for 12 EFPY PROBLEM STATEMENT OR OBJECTIVE OF THE CALCULATION: , 1 l l The purpose of this calculation is to develop' revised pressure-temperature (P-T) curves for River Bend Station for 12 effective full power years (ErPY) of operation. l l Project Mgr. Preparer (s) & Document Affected Reviston Description Approval Checker (s) Revision Pages Signature & Date Signatures & Dates 0 1 - 21, I disk Ongtnal Issue Gary L t l k b.Y Nues$ oe/49s l H. L ustin N 1 khs h l l 9701220246 970110 Page 1 of 21 PDR ADOCK 05000458 P PDR

i e i


The purpose of this calculation is to develop revised pressure-temperature (P-T) curves for River Bend Station (RBS) valid for up to 12 effective full power years (EFPY) of operation. The current P-T cmves [1] are valid for up to 8 EFPY of operation. The development of the current P-T curves, in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 (RG 1.99) [2], is documented in Reference 3. The Reference 3 report includes the effects of the beltline, bottom head (CRD penetrations), and j feedwater nozzle locations. The detailed specifics of precisely how the P-T curves were < Jculated are not included: however, all of the necessary inputs are included. Tabulated values for the current P-T curves are provided in Reference 4. There are three objectives to this calculation, as identified in the scope of work for this contract:

        'I. RTsor Determination: The Reference 3 report provides RTsor estimates for all of the various RBS beltline materials. Since RTsor is an important and significant input parameter to the i              development of P-T curves, an EXCEL spreadsheet specific to RBS will be generated to validate i              the RTsor estimates contained in Reference 3. The spreadsheet will then be used to provide RTsor estimates for use in developing the P-T curves for RBS for 12 EFPY.
2. Model Development: A valid calculational model (EXCEL spreadsheet) will be established for computing P-T curves for RBS. The spreadsheet tool is convenient in that it possesses both computational and plotting capabilities, both of which are necessary for this effort. This tool l provides further convenience in that it can be passed on to Entergy for future use in developing their own P-T curves, as well as to fulfill their requirement of providing the tabulated P-T points for the developed P-T ctuves. He tool will be " benchmarked" by first matching it to the current 8 EFPY curves. This step will ensure consistency with past work done for RBS in the l

Reference 3 report. Of particular interest are the thermal stress intensity factors previously l calculated in Reference 3; since there can be significant variation in these factors depending upon the method of calculation used, benchmarking the model will eliminate any inconsistencies. Benchmarking against Reference 3 is considered reasonable, since it is apparent that significant effort has been placed on the RBS P-T curves in the past (i.e., Reference 2 has been revised). 1 i

3. P-T Curve Development: Once the spreadsheet model has been developed and benchmarked, P-T curves will be developed for 12 EFPY using the RTsor estimates established for RBS. The curves will be generated in the format shown in Reference I so that they are suitable for placement into the RBS Technical Specifications.

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    .                                                                                                          1 o


Appendix A of Reference 3 provides RTsor estimates for the RBS beltline materials in accordance l with RG 1.99 for various EFPY levels. An EXCEL spreadsheet was set up to perform the RTwor calculations. and is shown in Table 1. The inputs used for the calculations were obtained from Appendix A of Reference 3 unless otherwise noted. All details of the calculations are identified in the notes to the table. The results in Table 1 are seen to be identical to those of Appendix A of ,

Reference 3 for 12 EFPY, thus confirming the previous RTuor estimates, as well as providing a I

      " check" of the current results.

l t l l l l l l l l 1 l l l l l l l


l l l l i l I Revision: 0  ! Prepared By: M tafy/96 Checked By: yg[g File No. RBS-03Q-301 Page._3_of 21 l l


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,      s   .

t t

                                    . Table 1: RBS RPV Beltline Adiusted Reference Temperature Estimates                                                                                                                                                                                            t (Data Source: Appendix A of SASR 89-20, Rev.1, ~lmplementation of Regulatory Guide 1.99 Revisum 2 for River Bend Station Unit 1 ~ March 1990)

RPV ttuckness = 5.41 inches i 2 Reference Fluence = 6 600E+18 n/cm at 32 EFPY (nominal peak value at RPVID) Desired EFPY for RTer Prediction = 12.0 EFPY Eshmated Fluence '" = 2.475E+18 n/cm'(nominal peak value at RPV 10) ' Attenuated Fluence at 1/4T * = 1.789E+18 n/cm'  ! Fluence Factor * = 0.5431 Estimated Chemistry A7-. : _.f_ For 114 T Part Name & Host .

  • t.ot . W RT,,,, . Chemistry FactorM ART,.,M Reoriin _

ARTm j RAstorial D No. No. -(Y) Cie (wt %) NI(wt %) (Y) (*F) o (T) m ,, gy) gy) Vessel Plate 22-1-3 C3138-2 - 9 0.08 0.63 51 27.7 13.8 0.0 64.4 Vessel Plate 22-1-1 C3054-1 -

                                                                                                                                                                                  -20                         0.09       0.70        58           31.5       15 7       0.0           43 0          '

Vessel Plate 22-1-2 C3054-2 - 2 0.09 0.70 58 31.5 _ 15.7 00 65.0 VesselWeld BE, BF, BG 492L4871 A421B27AE -60 0.04 0.95 54 29.3 14.7 0.0 -1.3 VesselWeld BE,BF,BG 492L4871 A421827/J -50 0.03 0.98 _ 41 22.3 11.1 0.0 -5.5 VesselWold BE,BF,BG SP6756 0342 (Tandem) -50 0.09 0.92 122 66.3 28 0 00 72.3  ! VesselWeld BE, BF, BG SP6756 0342 (Single) -60 0.09 0.93 122 66.3 28.0 0.0 62.3 Limiting Beltline ART = 72.3 . t Notes: 1. Estinated Fluence = (Reference Fluence) * (Desired EFPY)/(Reference EFPY).

2. Attenuated Fluence = (Estimated Fluence) e * ** where x = 1/4T distance per Section 1.1 of RG 1.99. .
3. Fluence factor = f ***
  • where f = (Attenuated Fluence at 1/4T)/(1x10) per Sectum 1.1 of RG 1.99.
4. Obtained from RG 1.99, Table 1 (Weids) and Table 2 (Base Metal).
5. ARTer = (Chemistry Factor)*(Fluence Factor) per Section 1.1 of RG 1.99.
6. o, = 17*F for base metal and 28'F for welds, except that oaneed not exceed 0.50*ARTer per Section 1.1 of RG 1.99.
7. Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) = Initial RTer + ARTer + 2*(ca' + s,') per Section 1.1 of RG 1.99. i

[ Prepared by: M #/#/fL.__ f Cleecked by: b '*bb , RTNDT XLS

  • 10/14196 Page 4 of M

3.0 P-T CURVE METHODOLOGY In this section. the methodology for calculating P-T curves is detailed. This methodology will document the equations to be used by the EXCEL spreadsheet developed for this work. The methodology is based on the requirements of References 5 and 6. l The approach used for calculating the ? T curves is summarized below. Note that the following is based on developing a model that calculates P-T curves which match those previously developed by l GE in Reference 3:

a. Assume a coolant temperature, cT .i. .
b. For the T c.i., assumed in step (a), compute the temperature at the assumed Saw tip.

T i u, (i.e.,1/4t into the vessel wall). This is accomplished by adding a through-wall temperature drop term, AT,a, to Te iai. The value of AT,,a will be varied such that the resulting P-T Curve A matches that previously determined by GE - this eliminates any i:sconsistencies that may arise if AT,,,a were determined by independent heat transfer analysis.

c. Calculate the allowable stress intensity factor, K ia, based on Tu4: using the relationship i from Reference 5:

Ki a = 1.223 e* ****** + 26.78 where: T = Tv4,(*F) ART = adjusted reference temperature for limiting beltline material (*F) Kai

                                       =   allowable stress intensity factor (ksiVinch)

Note that a maximum value of200 ksiVinch is allowed.

d. Calculate the allowable pressure stress intensity factor, Ki p, using the appropriate relationship for the P-T curve under consideration:

K i p = Krall.5 for Curve A (i.e., pressure-test curve) K ip = (Kra-Krr)/2.0 for Curves B and C (i.e., core not critical and core critical curves) where: Krr = thermal stress intensity factor (ksiVinch) The value ofKiw r ill be varied such that the resulting P-T Curve B matches that previously determined by GE - this eliminates any inconsistencies that may arise of K ri were determined by independent thermal stress analysis. Kpi

                                               =        allowable pressure stress intensity factor (ksiVinch)

Revision: 0 Prepared By: M /D/N/% Checked By: hfoh File No. RBS-03Q-301 Page _5_ of 21

 .-                                                                                                                l 5

l i

e. Compute the pressure. P. The relationship for the pressure. P, to the allowable pressure stress intensity factor. Ki p is as follows:

Ki p = M o, + M. e, where: M. = membrane stress correction factor from Figure G-2214-1 i of Reference 5. The upper line for M,,, in Figure , G-221.I-I (corresponding to e/en = 1.0) will be l conservatively used - note that this conservatism will be l compensated for in the adjustments of AT,,,a and Kr i l mentioned above. ~ e, = membrane stress due to pressure (ksi)

                                                   =    PR/t for a thin-walled vessel P           =    pressure (ksi)

R = vessel radius (inches) t = vessel minimum wall thickness (inches) M3 = bending stress correction factor = (2/3)M. o, = bending stress due to pressure (ksi)

                                                   =    0 for a thin-walled vessel
Thus, P = Ki pt/(RM )
f. Repeat steps (a) through (e) for other temperatures to generate a series of P-T points.
g. Subtract any applicable instrument errors for temperature and pressure from Teooi ,and P, respectively. The resulting pressure and temperature series constitutes the P-T curve.

Instrument errors were assumed to be zero for RBS. The P-T curve relates the minimum required reactor fluid temperature in the beltline region to the reactor pressure in the beltline region. The following additional requirements were used by GE in the Reference 3 report to define the lower l portion of the P-T curves. These limits are established by the discontinuity regions of the vessel (i.e., l flanges. nozzles, etc.), and are retained throughout the cunent analysis (i.e., they are assumed correct i and will not change since the discontinuity regions are not affected significantly by fluence): For Curve k

              .       Thermal stresses were assumed to be negligible during the pressure test condition and were therefore not considered.

l e if P is greater than 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure, the temperature must be ! greater than RTsar of the limiting flange material + 90*F [6]. The pre-service hydro j test pressure was assumed to be 1562.5 psig (=312.5/0.20)' based on the fact that the current P-T curves establish this limit at 312.5 psig (4]. Revision: 0 Prepared By: M #dV/S Checked By: fo[tJ[g File No. RBS-03Q-301 Page 6 of 21

l 1

  • If P is less than 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure. the temperature must be greater than RTuorof the limiting flange material + 60'F. The additional 60*F margin above that recommended in Reference 6 has been a standard recommendation by GE for the BWR industry (3). For the RBS flange material, this minimum temperature is 70 F [4).

For Curve B:

          .      If P is greater than 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure, the temperature must be greater than RTsorof the limiting flange material + 120'F [6].

e if P is less than 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure, the temperature must be greater than RTuoro f the limiting flange material

  • 60'F. The additional 60 F margin above that recommended in Reference 6 has been a standard recommendation by GE for the BWR industry [3). For the RBS flange material. this minimum tenverature is 70*F [4).

For Curve C:

  • Per the requirements of Paragraph IV.A.2 of Reference 6, the core critical (Curve C)

P-T limits must be 40*F above any Curve A or B limits. Curve B is more limiting than Curve A, so Curve C is Curve B plus 40*F.

  • Another requirement of Paragraph IV.A.2 of Reference 6 (or actually an allowance for the BWR), concerns nurumum temperature for initial criticality in a startup. Given that water level is normal, BWRs are allowed initial criticality at the closure flange region '

temperature (RTuor + 60*F) if the pressure is below 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure. This corresponds to 70'F for RBS.

  • Also per Paragraph IV.A.2 of Reference 6, at pressure above 20% of the pre-service hydro test pressure, the Curve C temperature must be at least that required for the pressure test (Curve A at 1,100 psig). As a result of this requirement, Curve C must have a step at a pressure equal to 20% of the pre'-service hydro pressure to the temperature required by Curve A at 1,100 psig, or 40*F, whichever is greater. (For the curves covered in this analysis through 12 EFPY, the .IO*F step is limiting)

The vessel dimensions for the RBS plate material are documented in Reference 3. The limiting ART value used comes from Table I for 12 EFPY, and is 60.5'F for 8 EFPY per Appendix A of the Reference 3 report. Revision: 0 Prepared By: M #/8//$ Checked By: ghy File No. RBS-03Q-301 Page 7 of 21

i l 4.0 P-T CURVE MODEL  ! An EXCEL spreadsheet was developed to perform the necessary calculations described in Section 3.0 and generate the P-T curves. A " benchmark" case was run in the spreadsheet for 8 EFPY, and the results are shown in Table 2 and Figure 1. Also contained within this table and figure are the current j 8 EFPY Tech. Spec. curves [1,4]. Comparison of the two sets of curves demonstrates that the spreadsheet results are consistent and accurate. 1 s l l l l I l . l l l i Revision: 0 Prepared By: M /a/g Checked By: h toff [qg File No. RBS-03Q-301 Page _fL_ of 21

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Table 2: 885EtesswtTemperature CurveSalculationResultslet E EEEY ~Bensluneth". Test Case

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P ICURVE RLS gre.*W Peseeaf4 teri4798


t Figure 1: RBS P-T Curves for 8 EFPY " Benchmark" Test Case 1,600 ,  ;  ; e . .

                                                                                      +             e              e 8             .              e

! 8 e e 1 AlA'g B' g C' 1,400 - l I I

,I e,I .
                     . 1,200 l           e J

l c a I 3 o e 8 s e 8 e e n i e e

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f # I l I l 800  : e' 3 , i g

                                                                          .'              e                                            N, 8', C' = CORE BELTUNE AFTER
                                                       /                 e

g ,e , WELD RT.c OF 50 F. Ue 600 A= SYSTEM HYDROTEST UMITWITH e [ FUEL IN VESSEL l E B= 1 NON-NUCLEAR HEATING UMIT. I C= NUCLEAR (CORE CRITICAL) UMIT. 400 VESSEL DISCONTINUITY 312.5 PSIG g, CORE BELTUNE UMITS WITH 122.3*F SHIFT B 200 7 BMTUP CURVES N,8', AND C' ARE VAUD FOR 70*F C 12 EFPY OF OPERATION. CURVES A,8, AND C ARE VAUD FOR 8 EFPY OF OPERATION. 0 0 100 200 300 , 400 500 600 Reactor Coolant Temperature in Beltline Region ('F) i l Prepared try: MO i i C.4ecked by: J M MM6 , P-TCURVE.XLS [P-T Curvel File No, 485-458-581 Rey: 0 10/14/96 Page Ib of 2I l _s

i 5.0 P-T CURVES FOR 12 EFPY l The limiting ART value of 72.3'F for 12 EFPY from Table I was entered into the spreadsheet l developed in Section 4.0 to generate the 12 EFPY P-T curves. The results are shown in Table 3 and l Figure 2. Also contained within this table and figure are the current 8 EFPY Tech. Spec. curves (1.4] for comparative purposes. l Revision: 0 Prepared By: 8 #fg/$ Checked By:

                                             //MI#[ fit 6 File No. RBS-03Q-301                                              Page 14 of           21
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Figure 2: RBS P-T Curves for 12 EFPY l 1,600 i 1 i l C' I A A'B B' C l 1.400

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E ,/ . [l [l +, A', B', C' = CORE BELTLINE AFTER j AN ASSUMED 122.3*F j j ,*l ll SHIFT FROM AN INITIAL u o a e8 .e WELD Ric OF 50*F.

                                                                     *l U    600                           ," l          *i                                    A=      SYSTEM HYDROTEST LIMIT WITH E


                                                      /            /                                       B=     NON-NUCLEAR HEATING LIMIT.

C= NUCLEAR (CORE CRITICAL) LIMIT. 400 VESSEL OtSCONTINUITY LIMITS 312.5 PSIG CORE BELTLINE LIMITS ki WITH 122.3*F SHIFT B 200 7 BOLTUP CURWS A', B'. AND C ARE WD FOR C 12 EFPY OF OPERATION. 70*F CURVES A. B. AND C ARE VALID FOR 8 EFPY OF OPERATION. 0 l 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 i Reactor Coolant Temperature in Beltline Region (*F) ! Prepared by: U 18/N/9dl. l Ohecked by: b '*/'N  ! P4 CURVE.XLS [P-T Curve] File No M-WM-M/ Rev:- 0 I 10/14/96 Page 19 of 11 i

lq - o 1 -d , p9 6.0


AND CONCLUSIONS I The analysis documented in this calculation develops RTwor estimates and P T curves for the RBS l reactor pressure vessel. EXCEL spreadsheets were developed for each of these items. l Table i provides the results of the RTsor estimations. Those results are identical to estimates i previously developec', in Appendix A of the Reference 3 report. thus confirming the past results and the spreadsheet used for the current analysis. l Table 2 and Figure ' provide the results of the P-T curve spreadsheet developed for RBS. Comparison of the calculated results for 8 EFPY to those contained in the current Tech. Spec. P-T  ; curves for 8 EFPY demonstrate tne validity of the spreadsheet, as the two sets of results are.seen to be l identical. Finally, Table 3 and Figure 2 provide the results of the P-T curve spreadsheet for 12 EFPY. The results are seen to be reasonable based on the " shift" in results from those at 8 EFPY. This, coupled with the results of the " benchmark" test case. conclude the Figure 2 P-T limits to be appropriate for RBS for 12 EFPY of operation. NOTE: Although the spreadsheet toolfor generating P-T curves has been validated. eachfuture use of this spreadsheet should be validated on a case-by-case basis. All possible temperature limitation requirements were notplaced into the spreadsheetfor " automatic" implementation. For example, the minimum temperature described above for Curve C that requires the minimum Curve C temperature to be equal to the temperature ofCurve A at 1.100 psig was not necessaryfor this analysis (i.e.. Curve A @ 1.100 psig u 168*F 1 1 whereas Curve A + .10*Fatpressuresjust above 312.5psig = 170*F = more limiting). At some point in the nearfuture (i.e., beyond 12 EFPY), this requirement will be necessary (it was implemented in the 32 EFPY curves in Reference 3). Therefore, modifications of the spreadsheet to accountfor this and other requirements may have to be made as a part of fiaure use of the spreadsheet. Therefore, each use of the spreadsheet should be " sanity checked"for reasonableness. l l 1 l Revision: 0 Prepared By: M A0//p/5 Checked By: h f,[r/@ File No. RBS-03Q-301 Page 20 of 21

C .' , I *M f8


1. RBS Technical Specifications. Amendment No. 81. Figure 3.4.11-1. " Minimum Temperature l Required vs. RCS Pressure." SI File No. RBS-03Q-202. '


2. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.99. Revision 2. " Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Staterials." U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research.

(Task ME 305-4). May 1988. I

3. GE Report No. SASR 89-20. Revision 1. " Implementation of Regulatory Guide 1.99 ,

Revision 2 for River Bend Station Unit 1." March 1990. SI File No. RBS-03Q-203. l

4. Letter No. G-LD-2-085 from W. D. Arndt (GE) to Mr. J. C. Deddens (GSU), " Tabulated Values from 8 EFPY Curves River Bend Station," May 26.1992. (EOI File #3221.110-000-004A), Si File No. RBS-03Q-201.
5. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Section XI. Rules for Inservice intnection of Nuclear i Power Plant Comoonents, Nonmandatory Appendix G, " Fracture Toughness Criteria for  !

Protection Against Failure," 1989 Edition.

6. U. S. Code. of Federal Regulations. Chapter 10. Part 50, Appendix G, " Fracture Toughness Requirements." l-1-96 Edition. i 1
     /GLS l

l Revision: 0 Prepared By: M /8/ N M Checked By: p[rf/94 File No. RBS-03Q-301 Page 21 of 21}}