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Gd A7ril 29, 1935 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION COCKETED USNRC In the  M'atter of:        )                                 15 My -1 go:,
Docket No. 50-223 OLA UNIVERSITY OF LOWELL                                           0FflCf 0F SEcrEIAE (Research & Training                                           00ChETING & SERvla Reactor)                   )                                       BRANCH PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE OF JOHN F. DOHERTY John F. Doherty, of Apt. #3, 318 Summit Avenue, Bri-ghton, Massachusetts, 02135, now files the instant Petition for Leave to Intervene in the above styled operating license extension matter.1 Asrecupredby10CFR2.714, Petitioner
                ' sets forth below his interest in the proceeding.
15 My -1 go:,
Petitioner has a health and safety interest in the Reactor licensing because he resides within acoroximatelv 25 miles iof the reactor's site. In the event of accidents due to misoneration of the facility the introduction of radioactive substances into the atmosp'here will adversely ~
In the M'atter of:
./                 effect said interests.Misoperation may be augmented by accidents due to fires, or other unfortuna e circumstances.
Docket No. 50-223 OLA UNIVERSITY OF LOWELL 0FflCf 0F SEcrEIAE (Research & Training 00ChETING & SERvla Reactor)
Petitioner has resided at the abov6: add'ress since June 22, 1933, and it is his permanent address. All of Petitioner's personal property which may be affected by such radiation k '
releases in the form of transuranic and other radieactive substances is located at his address.
BRANCH PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE OF JOHN F. DOHERTY John F. Doherty, of Apt. #3, 318 Summit Avenue, Bri-ghton, Massachusetts, 02135, now files the instant Petition for Leave to Intervene in the above styled operating license extension matter.1 Asrecupredby10CFR2.714, Petitioner
Petitioner has a further interest in that the University of Lowell is a State University and Petitioner as a resident of the same state is a taxpayer. Hence, Petitioner has an interest in whether the license amendment before the N. R. C.
' sets forth below his interest in the proceeding.
Petitioner has a health and safety interest in the Reactor licensing because he resides within acoroximatelv 25 miles iof the reactor's site.
In the event of accidents due to misoneration of the facility the introduction of radioactive substances into the atmosp'here will adversely ~
effect said interests.Misoperation may be augmented by accidents due to fires, or other unfortuna e circumstances.
Petitioner has resided at the abov6: add'ress since June 22, 1933, and it is his permanent address. All of Petitioner's k
personal property which may be affected by such radiation releases in the form of transuranic and other radieactive substances is located at his address.
Petitioner has a further interest in that the University of Lowell is a State University and Petitioner as a resident of the same state is a taxpayer.
Hence, Petitioner has an interest in whether the license amendment before the N. R. C.
will not adversely effect his status as a taxcaver.
will not adversely effect his status as a taxcaver.
si        1! A datagram message to Mr. Cecil 0. Thomas of the Commission
! A datagram message to Mr. Cecil 0. Thomas of the Commission si 1
      . ii             was given Western Union this date, per instructions of the i,.              Federal Recister notice.
. ii was given Western Union this date, per instructions of the i,
8505020212 850429' D . fy?
Federal Recister notice.
8505020212 850429' D. fy?
PDR ADOCK 05000223 6()
ADOCK 05000223 PDR 6()

        ...                                                             0 Further, Petitioner frequently travels to visit members of his family who reside in Isaine, and thus is frecuently closer to the said Reactor than his residence distance.
... 0 Further, Petitioner frequently travels to visit members of his family who reside in Isaine, and thus is frecuently closer to the said Reactor than his residence distance.
An order granting a thirty year renewal of the years of operation of the University of Lowell reactor clearly will have an effect on these interests and hence this Petition for Leave to Intervene should be granted by the Commission or a delegated Administrative Judge or Board.
An order granting a thirty year renewal of the years of operation of the University of Lowell reactor clearly will have an effect on these interests and hence this Petition for Leave to Intervene should be granted by the Commission or a delegated Administrative Judge or Board.
Petitioner further notes that on the second oage of the Volume 50, No. 61, Federal Rerister notice of this Consideration of Aon'.ication for Renewal of Facil-ity License it is stated, "Not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the first crehearing conference scheduled in the croceeding, a petitioner shall file . . . a list of the contentions which are sought to be litigated in the matter." Contentions thus shall be forthcoming.
Petitioner further notes that on the second oage of the Volume 50, No. 61, Federal Rerister notice of this Consideration of Aon'.ication for Renewal of Facil-ity License it is stated, "Not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the first crehearing conference scheduled in the croceeding, a petitioner shall file.
. a list of the contentions which are sought to be litigated in the matter."
Contentions thus shall be forthcoming.
Respectfully, I
Respectfully, I
John F. Doherty, oro se xc: Docketing & Service Branch Legal Department, University of Lowell Executive Legal Director, N.R.C.
John F. Doherty, oro se xc: Docketing & Service Branch Legal Department, University of Lowell Executive Legal Director, N.R.C.

Latest revision as of 23:27, 12 December 2024

Petition of Jf Doherty for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing
Person / Time
Site: University of Lowell
Issue date: 04/29/1985
From: Doherty J
CON-#285-790 SP, NUDOCS 8505020212
Download: ML20116H460 (2)


r Q



15 My -1 go:,

In the M'atter of:

Docket No. 50-223 OLA UNIVERSITY OF LOWELL 0FflCf 0F SEcrEIAE (Research & Training 00ChETING & SERvla Reactor)


BRANCH PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE OF JOHN F. DOHERTY John F. Doherty, of Apt. #3, 318 Summit Avenue, Bri-ghton, Massachusetts, 02135, now files the instant Petition for Leave to Intervene in the above styled operating license extension matter.1 Asrecupredby10CFR2.714, Petitioner

' sets forth below his interest in the proceeding.

Petitioner has a health and safety interest in the Reactor licensing because he resides within acoroximatelv 25 miles iof the reactor's site.

In the event of accidents due to misoneration of the facility the introduction of radioactive substances into the atmosp'here will adversely ~


effect said interests.Misoperation may be augmented by accidents due to fires, or other unfortuna e circumstances.

Petitioner has resided at the abov6: add'ress since June 22, 1933, and it is his permanent address. All of Petitioner's k

personal property which may be affected by such radiation releases in the form of transuranic and other radieactive substances is located at his address.

Petitioner has a further interest in that the University of Lowell is a State University and Petitioner as a resident of the same state is a taxpayer.

Hence, Petitioner has an interest in whether the license amendment before the N. R. C.

will not adversely effect his status as a taxcaver.

! A datagram message to Mr. Cecil 0. Thomas of the Commission si 1

. ii was given Western Union this date, per instructions of the i,

Federal Recister notice.

8505020212 850429' D. fy?

PDR ADOCK 05000223 6()




... 0 Further, Petitioner frequently travels to visit members of his family who reside in Isaine, and thus is frecuently closer to the said Reactor than his residence distance.

An order granting a thirty year renewal of the years of operation of the University of Lowell reactor clearly will have an effect on these interests and hence this Petition for Leave to Intervene should be granted by the Commission or a delegated Administrative Judge or Board.

Petitioner further notes that on the second oage of the Volume 50, No. 61, Federal Rerister notice of this Consideration of Aon'.ication for Renewal of Facil-ity License it is stated, "Not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the first crehearing conference scheduled in the croceeding, a petitioner shall file.

. a list of the contentions which are sought to be litigated in the matter."

Contentions thus shall be forthcoming.

Respectfully, I

John F. Doherty, oro se xc: Docketing & Service Branch Legal Department, University of Lowell Executive Legal Director, N.R.C.