MONTHYEARML20198E8081997-07-31031 July 1997 Order Modifying License R-125,converting from High to low- Enriched U Fuel ML20138E6781985-09-27027 September 1985 Order to Show Cause Why Licensee Authority to Possess Highly Enriched U Fuel Should Not Be Suspended ML20129J7581985-07-19019 July 1985 Order Cancelling 850801-02 Prehearing Conference & Terminating Proceeding,Based on Jf Doherty 850711 Withdrawal of 850429 Petition for Leave to Intervene.Served on 850719 ML20132H0831985-07-17017 July 1985 Motion to Terminate Proceeding,Due to Jf Doherty 850711 Withdrawal of 850425 Petition for Leave to Intervene.Univ of Lowell Joins in Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20129F9221985-07-15015 July 1985 Motion to Withdraw 850429 Petition for Leave to Intervene Based on NRC 850620 Ruling to Permit Continuation of Use of High Enriched Fuel in Training & Research Reactors ML20128H0781985-05-23023 May 1985 Response to Petition to Intervene of Jf Doherty.Univ Adopts NRC Response to Petition & Submits That Jf Doherty Failed to Show Requisite Standing to Intervene.Petition Should Be Denied & Proceeding Dismissed.W/Certificate of Svc ML20128H0611985-05-23023 May 1985 Motion to File Late Response to Jf Doherty Petition to Intervene.Univ Unaware of Necessity for Response Until Relevant Time for Filing Expired ML20127M8811985-05-20020 May 1985 Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20127K1171985-05-20020 May 1985 Response Opposing Jf Doherty 850425 Petition for Leave to Intervene.Petitioner Has Not Established Standing to Intervene.Due to Submission of Only One Petition,Proceeding Should Be Dismissed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20116H4601985-04-29029 April 1985 Petition of Jf Doherty for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing ML19256F3441979-11-30030 November 1979 Executed Amend 9 to Indemnity Agreement E-54,modifying Prefatory Language Re Course of Transportation ML19256E3671979-08-27027 August 1979 Transcript of 790827 Proceedings in Glen Ellyn,Il,Re Impact of Safeguards Upgrade Rule on Nonpower Reactor Licensees. Pp 1-153 1997-07-31
[Table view] Category:PLEADINGS
MONTHYEARML20132H0831985-07-17017 July 1985 Motion to Terminate Proceeding,Due to Jf Doherty 850711 Withdrawal of 850425 Petition for Leave to Intervene.Univ of Lowell Joins in Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20129F9221985-07-15015 July 1985 Motion to Withdraw 850429 Petition for Leave to Intervene Based on NRC 850620 Ruling to Permit Continuation of Use of High Enriched Fuel in Training & Research Reactors ML20128H0611985-05-23023 May 1985 Motion to File Late Response to Jf Doherty Petition to Intervene.Univ Unaware of Necessity for Response Until Relevant Time for Filing Expired 1985-07-17
[Table view] |
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Ato nic Safety & I,icens ; c-3:.
t U. S. Nucl3ar b ulator BFCb5 5.Edt;.- Hill. Associates in bin t.n D. C. 20555 ~00CKET!hG & SEMI 210 Hontei o Dr.
8 RANCH Danville," Cal. O W 6 Dr. Richarl Jale A %icis;rative Judce At) ic Safe:v & Lidensine Bd.
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To the na 5ern of the Ho:;orable 30ard:
In c i ?,- of a recent(June 0,4935) ruling by the Conlission with regard to the continuation of the use of 'i"h earichment fuel. in donestic training and researc'. reactars such as that the subject o C the inntant 'racca tiar, this Pe ti.tioner hereb r wit. draws hin Pet, tion for leave to intercane of Apr'.1 93, 1985 ih2 v i U9 i 's -to i rule a nears to tet,i ti.o ter to a a'te une o f 'li
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'fhe li cen i nd-of tha u70 o f bi ~'a curi.chn o".t at U. Lawc11, was at that t i. le the c' Tie f < nce r.1 of
'e titioner sir ce suc'1 naf,orini can be f an'Tioned into a nuc! car c:cplosive device.
Reanectfully suboitb:d, 1
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J3ha F. Do',ferty, J. D.
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